St. Nicholas Orthodox Church Monthly Parish Bulletin Orthodox Church in America 2143 S. Center Road – Burton, Michigan 48519 Served by: Fr. Matthew-Peter Butrie – Rector Fr. Esteban Vázquez Deacon Kerry Luke Gonser Email: [email protected] Website:

Church Office: 810-744-0070

Services: Wednesday- 9 am Adult Education-11 am – 5 pm followed by Confessions Sunday - 9:30 a.m. Third Hour 10:00 a.m. Divine Liturgy Holydays, Vigil and Vespers as announced

“But you, beloved, build yourselves up on your most holy faith; pray in the Holy Spirit; keep yourselves in the love of God; wait for the mercy of our Lord Christ unto eternal life.” St. Jude 1:20

April 1 - 30, 2017

FROM FATHER’S DESK Dear faithful and friends of St. Nicholas, On Friday, April 7 we will end the forty days of . The two days after that our is relaxed as we celebrate the twin feasts of Lazarus Saturday and . On Lazarus Saturday we will join with the crowd in as Jesus performs a miracle unlike any other we find in the Holy Scriptures. He raises a man, His friend Lazarus, who had been four days in the tomb. The prophet Elisha raised a child from the dead but that child had just died. No one had ever raised from the dead a body that had already begun to stink with decomposition. No one, except Jesus. It is because Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead that many people came to believe in Jesus as the Messiah. It is because of this miracle that Jesus is greeted in triumph on Palm Sunday when He enters the Holy City, Jerusalem. He comes now to Jerusalem to fulfill His own prophecy that we will hear on the last Sunday of Lent “Behold, we are going up to Jerusalem, and the Son of Man will be betrayed to the chief priests and to the scribes; and they will condemn Him to death and deliver Him to the Gentiles; and they will mock Him, and scourge Him, and spit on Him, and kill Him. And the third day He will rise again.” (Mark 10:33-34) Jesus enters into Jerusalem acclaimed by the people throwing down their clothes upon the ground, waving palm branches crying out, “Hosanna! Blessed is He Who comes in the name of the Lord! The King of Israel!” (John 12:13) The Lord’s triumph of Lazarus Saturday and his entry into Jerusalem will be magnified in His own death and Resurrection. Before we ever see the brilliance of the sun in the morning, the sky gradually gets brighter. The darkness begins to recede.. Before we even catch a glimpse of the orb of the sun, the dawn is filled with its light. Even if we did not have a watch or a phone to check the time, we would know the sun is about to break the horizon by its light brightening the sky. The light that precedes sunrise is an apt image for our celebrations of Lazarus Saturday and Palm Sunday. Both of these days have significance as wondrous events in the life of our Lord Jesus. They also point to even greater works on the horizon. Jesus’ raising of Lazarus from the dead and his entry in triumph is an image of what will happen in Great & : how Jesus will die and be laid in a tomb and rise from the dead in the glory of His Resurrection. We will sing on Lazarus Saturday and Palm Sunday, “By raising Lazarus from the dead before Thy passion, Thou didst confirm the , O Christ God.” Lazarus’ rising from the dead points to the Lord’s Resurrection and our own Resurrection on the last day, in the same way the light of the dawn points to the rising of the sun that will follow. We must remember, Lazarus was brought back to the same life he had before. He eventually died again and was buried and he awaits the Resurrection on the last day when Jesus will come again. Our Lord Jesus Christ, however, when He dies and is buried, He returns in the glory of the Resurrection. His human body is transformed in glory. He no longer suffers hunger or thirst, pain nor sickness. The Lord’s triumph of Lazarus Saturday and Palm Sunday point to the radiant victory in the Resurrection that is to come in a week’s time. These two days of celebration are but the light of the dawn which heralds the splendor of the sun itself, the beauty of the Resurrection of Christ. We will join the crowd that welcomed Jesus to Jerusalem with our palms and branches, carrying them in as the people carried them while Jesus rode upon the foal into the city. We will keep these blessed symbols of victory in our homes as a reminder of the triumph Jesus Christ wins through His death and resurrection. They are a reminder that we have been united to Christ Jesus through our and so united to His death and resurrection as we sing, “When we were buried with Thee in baptism, O Christ God, we were made worthy of eternal life by thy Resurrection.” At home I have a large photo that was hand-painted, ninety-six years ago, of my maternal great- grandfather in his casket. And in his hands he holds palm branches, the branches - a real reminder that we who are baptized into Christ and live in Christ will join Him in the triumph of the Resurrection. “The Hebrew children greeted Thee with palms and branches, heralding Thy victorious Resurrection.” As we will enter Holy Week, the week of our Lord’s Passion, His suffering and death for us, here are words from Saint on how, besides holding our palms and willows, we may in the best way join ourselves to our Lord Jesus Christ: “Let us spread before (Jesus’) feet, not garments or soulless [olive] branches, which delight the eye for a few hours and then wither, but (let us spread before His feet) ourselves, clothed in His grace, or rather, clothed completely in Him. We who have been baptized into Christ must ourselves be the garments that we spread before Him. Now that the crimson stains of our sins have been washed away in the saving waters of baptism and we have become white as pure wool, let us present the Conqueror of Death, not with mere branches of palms but with the real rewards of His victory. Let our souls take the place of the welcoming branches as we join today in the children’s holy song: Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord. Blessed is the king of Israel.” (Oratio 9, in ramos palmarum) Let us present ourselves to the Lord Jesus, our lives, all we are, by joining Him especially in the services of this Great and Holy Week of our salvation. Let us turn away from our sins and turn to face the Sun of Righteousness, Christ our God, Who is the Light of the World, and now comes to defeat death so that the glory of the Resurrection may be opened to us who serve Him. To Him, our Messiah and Lord be glory together with the Father and the Spirit, now and always. With love in Christ,

Schedule for Holy Week, Pascha & LAZARUS SATURDAY, APRIL 8 9:30 AM Divine Liturgy at our church with preparation of the Gifts beforehand followed by lenten breakfast 5:00 PM Great Vespers w/Litiya

PALM SUNDAY, APRIL 9 8:00 AM Matins 10:00 AM Divine Liturgy w/procession 7:00 PM Bridegroom Matins Last day for Confessions before Pascha

GREAT & , APRIL 10 9:00 AM Presanctified at St. George 7:00 PM Bridegroom Matins

GREAT & , APRIL 11 9:00 AM Presanctified at St. George 7:00 PM Bridegroom Matins

GREAT & , APRIL 12 9:00 AM Presanctified at St. George 7:00 PM Holy Unction / Matins of Holy Thursday

GREAT & HOLY THURSDAY, APRIL 13 9:00 AM Vesperal Liturgy 7:00 PM Passion Matins

GREAT & HOLY FRIDAY, APRIL 14 9:00 AM Royal Hours 3:00 PM Vespers 7:00 PM Jerusalem Matins

GREAT & , APRIL 15 10:00 AM Vesperal Liturgy 12:00 PM Simple Blessing of Paschal Foods 10:30 PM Nocturnes 11:00 PM ’ Rush Procession Matins of the Resurrection 12:00 AM Divine Liturgy followed by the blessing of Paschal eggs, food and fellowship

HOLY PASCHA, APRIL16 10:30 AM Paschal Hours 11:00 AM Paschal Vespers

BRIGHT MONDAY, APRIL 17 9:00 AM Divine Liturgy with procession and Gospels Paschal brunch by Fr. Matthew & Matushka Lisa

BRIGHT TUESDAY, APRIL 18 9:00 AM Divine Liturgy

BRIGHT WEDNESDAY, APRIL 19 6:00 PM Divine Liturgy @ St. Mary Magdalene

BRIGHT FRIDAY, APRIL 20 10:30 AM Divine Liturgy @ Assumption


THOMAS SUNDAY, APRIL 22 9:30 AM Third Hour 10:00 AM Divine Liturgy 2:00 PM Paschal Commemoration of the Departed at St. Nicholas Cemetery


Matins on Great Friday

Processional Cross Subdeacon Processional Fan 2 Altar Servers Torches Altar Servers Instruments of the Passion Church School Students Wooden Clappers Subdeacon Girls with flower petals Church School Students Incense Altar Servers Censer Deacon Holy Tomb of our Lord 8 men- Tom Batzos, Eugene Akkerman, Amir Abu-Aita, Nicholas Nicoloff, Paul Brayan, Jordan Abu-Aita, Abu-Aita, Bill Economou Gospel Priest Procession Wardens Bob Russell, Dave Houser, Bob Steiner

Resurrection Procession on Pascha

Processional Cross Subdeacon Processional Fans 2 Altar Servers Torches Altar Servers Holy Theotokos Kathy Gonser Myrrhbearers Icon Shari Nicoloff St. Catherine Icon Christine Panoff St. Juliana Icon Popadia Amanda Vázquez Resurrection Icon Taras Evanenko Gospel Sharon Jernigan Assistants to Priest Subdeacon Censer Deacon Resurrection Candle Priest Choir and People follow Procession Wardens Bob Russell, Bob Steiner, Tim Seeley Church Set-Up Dave Houser, Dennis Jernigan & Dennis Goodman

PLEASE inform the office if you are unable to participate in the .

Third Hour Schedule Reader Schedule April May June April May June 2 Angelo 7 Reggie 4 Angelo 2 Johnny 7 Johnny 4 Johnny 9 Lucy 14 Angelo 11 Lucy 9 Kathy 14 Kathy 11 Angelo 16 Reggie 21 Lucy 18 Reggie 16 Taras 21 Taras 18 Kathy 23 Angelo 28 Reggie 25 Angelo 23 Amir 28 Amir 25 Taras 30 Lucy 30 Angelo If you are unable to make your assigned If you are unable to make your assigned reading date, you must find a replacement. reading date, you must find a replacement.

COFFEE HOUR volunteers are needed. There is a sign-up list outside of the kitchen. Please commit to helping out so that we can continue having this social time together

VIGIL AT THE TOMB OF THE LORD It is traditional to keep a vigil at the Tomb of our Lord from Great Friday evening until the Great Saturday’s Liturgy and then until the midnight service. The Vigil is from Friday, April 29 at 10:00 pm until Saturday, April 30 at 10:00 am and then from 1:00 pm until 10:30 pm. If you are interested, please email [email protected], call the office at 744-0070 or sign your name to the sign- up sheet in the hall.

PALM SUNDAY BAKE SALE The following items will be available for purchase on the day of the Bake Sale: Sweet Breads (price to be determined) and Triangles (leek, spinach and cheese) at $12 for a ½ dozen. Other items may also be available that day. No pre-orders will be taken this year. Sales will begin AFTER the Divine Liturgy on Palm Sunday, April 9.

HOLY WEEK & BRIGHT WEEK There is a schedule of all of the services for Holy Week and Bright Week included in this month’s newsletter. Please plan to attend as many services as possible during this time.

ALL PARISHIONERS Your help will be needed as we get closer to Pascha. Your help will also be needed twice on Great and Holy Friday. First, after the morning Royal Hours your help will be needed to set up and decorate the Tomb of our Lord for Vespers. Second, after the Lamentations that evening your help will be needed to change over all the candles from purple to white. The red eggs for Pascha will also be prepared this day. Please stay and lend a hand!

GOOD FRIDAY We look to the children and young adults to assist Father during the Vespers Service (3 pm) and at the Lamentations Service (7 pm). As Father removes the image of the body of Christ from the Crucifix at Vespers, they help by holding the winding sheet and covering the icon for Father. And, at the evening service, the young ladies of the parish (as well as family and friends), are invited to join in by sprinkling the Tomb with Rose water during the Lamentations. After, the girls help lead the Procession by scattering flower petals before the Tomb and our other young people are invited to join in by bearing various instruments of the Passion.

PASCHAL VESPERS It is customary at this service to read the Gospel in various languages. If anyone would like to read the Gospel in a language other than English at this service, please contact the office as soon as possible.

PASCHAL GREETING When we greet on another we usually say “Hello” or “How are you”. For the celebration of the Lord’s Resurrection we have a special greeting t offer on another: “Christ is Risen!” and we respond with “Indeed, He is Risen!” When we come to venerate the Cross after the Divine Services Father Matthew will offer this greeting and we respond: “Indeed, He is Risen!”

LENTEN PRAY PARTNERS Please continue to pray for your prayer partner and, on Pascha, please let them know that you had been praying for them by exchanging a card.

KIOSK Please visit our kiosk areas and consider a new book for your continued Lenten Spiritual Reading or for during the Paschal Season. “Keeping The Light Burning”, by Fr. Aristotle Damaskos is a wonderful resource, which offers the scripture readings and a brief reflection for each day of the Paschal season: from Pascha to .. There are also a number of greeting cards available for Pascha and for every day (birthdays, weddings, thank you, sympathy, etc.), as well as new devotional and gift items.

April 5: Combined Presanctified at St Mary Magdalene April 6: North End Soup Kitchen April 8: Combined Liturgy at St Nicholas April 9: Palm Sunday Bake Sale April 16: Pascha April 23: Paschal (Thomas Sunday) April 25: Orthodox Book Club reconvenes

COIN BOXES Each Lent, we collect coins to help support the OCA Missions here in the US and around the world. Boxes are found on the tables in the church hall. Please be generous. HOPE IN A BOX

PASCHA EGG HUNT Monetary donations are being accepted this year to help defray the expenses involved for this event. We are also in need April Deodorant of someone to coordinate the event, which takes place on Thomas Sunday (April 23rd). Please see Matushka Lisa for details. May Bar & Hand Soap June Laundry Soap DIOCESAN ASSESSMENT You will find in your box of offering envelopes one marked “Diocesan Assessment.” Each parish in the Diocese is assessed $35 per pledging adult. We have been paying this directly out of our Sunday offerings, presently $5,320 per year. If every adult will make the $35 assessment above and beyond their regular pledge, our parish will save $5,320 per year.

MEMORY ETERNAL +Pauline D. Nenoff fell asleep in the Lord in Colorado on February 18, 2017. Pauline was born and raised in Bitola, Macedonia and was brought to the USA with her parents when they settled in Flint, MI. She leaves behind 6 children, 7 grandchildren, and 2 great grandchildren. Funeral services were held at St. Herman Orthodox Church (OCA), Littleton, CO. Bog da prosti!

+Samuel “Rick” Naumoff fell asleep in the Lord on Saturday evening, February 25, 2017. Visitation was held at church on Tuesday, February 28, with the funeral on Wednesday, March 1. +Rick is the brother of Laurie Brock and Bob Naumoff. God grant him blessed repose among the saints! Bog da go prosti!

NORTH END SOUP KITCHEN Our next scheduled date of service is Thursday, April 6th. PLEASE make an effort to be there or to invite a friend to help out with us.

SCHEDULE OF PAN-ORTHODOX SERVICES FOR LENT is found in this month’s newsletter. Please post it in your home and make an effort to attend as many services as possible.

SPECIAL PARISH MEETING – MARCH 26, 2017 The sole agenda for the meeting was whether the parish property in Elba Township should be sold. Richard Nelson made an offer on the property. The result of the meeting was not known at the time of the publication of this month’s newsletter. Results will be made know in the April newsletter. Thank you to all who attended the meeting.

PARISH COUNCIL meets on Tuesday, April 18 at 6:30 pm.

PARISH OFFICE We are in the process of hiring a permanent parish secretary, who will be a non-parishioner. Because the secretary will not be at the church on Sundays, please try to conduct as much business as possible during regular church office hours. Thank you for your understanding.

CONTACT INFORMATION Please contact the church office with any updates to your mailing address, email address or telephone number(s) whenever you have a change. Thank you!

ORTHODOX BOOK CLUB Meetings will resume on Tuesday, April 25th at 6pm at St. George. The Book Club meets every Tuesday evening and all are welcome! The next book is yet to be determined.

BIRTHDAYS, NAMESDAYS & ANNIVERSARIES: BIRTHDAYS 7 Danni Burns 29 Tammy Sapardanis Fred (George) Paul Kristal George 30 Vickie Borkovich George Brown David Houser Les Ford Richard George Elieff Nancy Krigner Fred Paul George Jonascu Aretoula Nedanis George Popoff Nancy Tasevski NAMESDAYS Georgiana Adkisson 9 Athena Adkisson 10 Alex Karayanis Roseanne (Alexandra) Bagale Julius Chevalier Alex Karayanis Sandra Ahejew 11 Jennifer Borkovich Alex Nedanis Sandra Grossi Katherine Economou Alexander Ahejew Sandy Spankie 12 Helen Popoff Alexander Gonser 24 Brian (Branko) Mitevski 13 Popadia Amanda Alexander Grossi 25 Marc Ethington Vázquez 14 Tammy Adkisson Mark Houser 14 Irina Sivergina Tammy Sapardanis 30 Jacob Abu-Aita 16 Mia Jonascu 16 Shari Marie Nicoloff James Allen Jimmy Nedanis 21 (BRIGHT FRIDAY) James Binelli Anastasia Pirkovic Zoe Grace Batzos James Grossi Bob Steiner Zoe Karayanis James Hart 22 Jenna Paul Zoe Stavridis 24 Sharon George Zoe Conover ANNIVERSARIES 26 George Jonascu Zoe Harrington 21 Germanos & Lena 28 George Brown 22 Nathan Nicevski Bakousidis Tim Seeley 23 Alexa Isabelle Stevens Carli Alexa Nicoloff

THOMAS SUNDAY Father Matthew will be blessing graves at St. Nicholas Cemetery on Sunday, April 23rd. The Service will be served at the Cross, starting at 2:00 pm. Individual grave blessings will follow.

100TH ANNIVERSARY BOOKS are now available through the church office. If you are a regular parishioner and have not picked up your copy, please call the office at 810-744-0070 to make arrangements to do so.

EXTRA COPIES are available for purchase. The cost is $25.00 each. Shipping (if needed) is $5/book at Media Rate.

THANK YOU to all who contributed in any way, small or big, to the compilation of this wonderful piece of St. Nicholas History!

PASCHA OFFERING envelopes are included in this month’s newsletter for any household who does not receive regular envelopes for contributions.

1. Flowers for the Cross-Third Sunday of Lent -$110.00 2. Palms-Palm Strips-$70.00 3. Palms-Fan Palms-$60.00 4. Flowers for the Cross--$100.00 DONATED 5. Flowers for the Priest’s Cross-Pascha-$30.00 DONATED 6. Priest Ornamented -$90.00 7. 2 large ornamented Paschal Candles for the Altar-$90.00 each 8. 10 large candles for the Holy Grave-$30.00 each 9. Flowers for the Holy Tomb ()-Market Value 10. Incense- ½ lb $30 ½ lb $30 11. Rose Water-$25.00 12. Eggs for Pasch (14 dozen)-Market Value 13. Red Dye for Eggs-30 packets-$50.00

Please contact the parish office at 744-0070 as soon as possible if you would like to donate one of the items listed above for Holy week and Pascha

VISITATION TO THE SICK Fr. Matthew brings Holy Communion to the shut-ins on Mondays. If you would like to be added to this list, please contact the office. Presently, those receiving weekly visits are: Aspasia Stathopoulos, Helen Ashmun, Faouzi Ghantous, Fred Oginsky, Gloria Zelenko. Monthly Fr. Matthew visits Larry Bladecki (Bay City) and Peter and Olga Samaras (Caro).

DAILY INTERCESSION FOR OUR SICK AND HOMEBOUND The following are our brothers and sisters of St. Nicholas who are currently homebound, suffering from chronic illness, in recovery or in need of special prayers. Please remember them in your prayers and reach out to them with a card, a phone call or a visit! Please call the office to schedule a visit for Holy Communion.

Larry Bladecki Goldie Johnson John Bocek Mary Karayanis Anna Branoff Nick Karayanis Linda Branoff Macy Lemen Gladys Edwards Fred Oginsky Paul Ellis Ron Salhany Susan Goodman Olga Samaras JoAnn Havens Peter Samaras Bill Haw Aspasia Stathopoulos Gloria Zelenko Helen Iwanoff Ron Waskerwitz

To aid in your outreach, here is a listing of the addresses and phone numbers of our Homebound:

Larry Bladecki 409 15th Street Bay City, MI 48708 Gladys Edwards 2 Harbor Dr. St. Clair, MO 63077 Paul Ellis 5931 Western Rd Flint, MI 48506-1305 Goldie Johnson 310 E. Willard Ave Lansing, MI 48910 Pete & Olga Samaras 1285 Cleaver Rd Caro, MI 48723-9241 989-673-0821 Aspasia Stathopoulos 4064 Sheraton Dr. Flint, MI 48532 Gloria Zelenko 5370 E. Baldwin Rd. #520 Grand Blanc, MI 48439 Flowers for Great Friday & Pascha

Hyacinths will be available this year (3 bulbs per pot). The offering for the Hyacinths will be $20.00. Extra Large green ferns will also be available for an offering of $30.00. Lilies (3 plants per pot) will be available for $30.00 and Daffodils (4 bulbs per pot) for $15.00.

Please fill out the form below as soon as possible. There are a limited number of plants available. We will be ordering 12 Lilies, 4 Daffodils, 4 Hyacinths and 4 ferns. Donations will be taken on a first come, first served basis. Please return the form to the office or put it in the collection basket on Sunday.

The names of those honored or memorialized will be published on a later date.

Dear Father Matthew,

I wish to donate:

Triple Lilies ($30.00) 9 available (How many)

Large Hyacinth arrangement ($20.00) 1 available (How many)

Large Daffodils ($15.00) 1 available (How many)

Extra large green ferns ($30.00) 3 available (How many)

In honor of (for the living)

Or, in memory of (departed)

Your Name:

$ Amount:

$36.00 Single Space

for 6 months

$50.00 Double Space ? for 6 months

$65.00 Triple Space for 6 months

St. Nicholas Orthodox Church 2143 S. Center Rd. Burton, MI 48519 810-744-0070 April 2017 Email: [email protected] Website:

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

Fast 1 Akathistos Saturday

Dairy Permitted (no meat) 10 am Divine Liturgy Wine & Oil Permitted (no meat) & Akathist

Fish Permitted (no other meat) 5 pm Vespers

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ST. MARY OF EGYPT 9 am Lenten Hours LAZARUS SATURDAY 9:30 Third Hour 6:30 pm 11 am Adult Ed 9:30 am Divine 10 am Divine Liturgy @ St. George 6 pm Combined Liturgy followed by 40 day Parastas Presanctified @ Pancake Breakfast St. Mary Magdalene +Samuel Naumoff Office Closed 5 pm Vespers w/Litiya 9 10 11 12 13 14 Strict Fast 15 Wine Only PALM SUNDAY HOLY MONDAY HOLY TUESDAY HOLY WEDNESDAY HOLY THURSDAY GREAT & HOLY FRIDAY HOLY SATURDAY 9:30 Third Hour 9 am Presanctified 9 am Presanctified 9 am Presanctified 9 am Vesperal Liturgy 9 am Royal Hours 10 am Vesperal Liturgy @ St. George @ St. George @ St. George 3 pm Vespers 12 pm Simple Blessing 10 am Divine Liturgy 7 pm Passion Matins 7 pm Bridegroom Communion Calls Bay City 7 pm Holy Unction 10:30 pm Nocturnes Bake Sale & Caro 7 pm Jerusalem Matins Matins 11 pm Procession/ Last Confessions 7 pm Bridegroom Matins Office Closed Office Closed Matins/Divine Liturgy before Pascha 16 Fast Free 17 Fast Free 18 Fast Free 19 Fast Free 20 Fast Free 21 Fast Free 22 Fast Free PASCHA BRIGHT MONDAY BRIGHT TUESDAY BRIGHT WEDNESDAY BRIGHT THURSDAY BRIGHT FRIDAY BRIGHT SATURDAY 10:30 am Paschal Hours 9 am Divine Liturgy 9 am Divine Liturgy 6 pm Vesperal Liturgy at 10:30 am Liturgy at Paschal Brunch 11 am Paschal Vespers 6:30 pm Parish St. Mary Magdalene Office Closed Assumption 5 pm Vespers Council Meeting Father in Toledo

23 ST. THOMAS SUNDAY 24 25 26 27 28 29 9:30 Third Hour 10 am Divine Liturgy Father in Toledo 9 am Divine Liturgy 5 pm Vespers 2 pm St. Nicholas 6 pm Book Club 11 am Adult Ed Cemetery at St. George 30 MYRRHBEARING WOMEN 9:30 Third Hour 10 am Divine Liturgy St. Nicholas Orthodox Church 2143 S. Center Rd. Burton, MI 48519 810-744-0070 May 2017 Email: [email protected] Website:

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 2 3 4 5 6 Father in Toledo 9 am Divine Liturgy 11 am Adult Ed. 6 pm Book Club 5 pm Vespers at St. George Office Closed

7 8 9 10 11 12 13 SUNDAY OF THE 6 pm Book Club Father in Toledo Father out of office PARALYTIC at St. George 9 am Divine Liturgy 5 pm Vespers 9:30 Third Hour 11 am Adult Ed. 10 am Divine Liturgy Church School 6:30 pm Parish Council Office Closed

14 SAMARITAN WOMAN 15 16 17 18 19 20 3 pm Wedding of 9:30 Third Hour 6 pm Book Club 9 am Divine Liturgy Michael Chevalier & 10 am Divine Liturgy at St. George 11 am Adult Ed. Jessica Colbert Church School Office Closed No Vespers

21 MAN BORN BLIND 22 23 24 25 Holy Ascension 26 27 9 am Evergreen 9:30 Third Hour Leave-taking of (inside the chapel) 10 am Divine Liturgy 6 pm Book Club Pascha Trisagion then to graves Church School at St. George 9 am Divine Liturgy 12:30 pm Crestwood 1:30 pm Sunset Hills 2 pm Baptism of 11 am Adult Ed. Office Closed Summer Susan Popoff 6 pm Combined 2:30 pm New Calvary Liturgy @ TBD 5 pm Vespers

28 FATHERS 1ST COUNCIL 29 30 31 Fast

9:30 Third Hour Dairy Permitted (no meat) 10 am Divine Liturgy 6 pm Book Club

Church School at St. George Wine & Oil Permitted (no meat)

2 pm St. Nicholas Office Closed Cemetery Fish Permitted (no other meat)