
The Minutes of the Meeting of the Council held at the Sir John Herbert Memorial Hall, Llanover on Monday 6 Febru ary 2Ol7 at 7 .30 p.m.

Present:- Mr G Thomas (in the Chair), Mrs A Letton, Mrs L BalI, Mrs M Shooter and Messrs R Evans, I Tweddle, J Tod, J Vater, R Adam, C Brown OBE KSG and H Candler (Clerk)

Apologies:- Apologies for absence were received from County Councillor Sara Jones and Mr A Nevill.

Neighbourhood Policing:- CSOs 83 Stephen Cowles and Chris Watkins were welcomed to the meeting by the Chairman. CSO Watkins gave a verbal Crime Report for January. He said that there had been 54 calls to the Police, 16 af which were in connection with Llanarth Court Hospital, but only one crime. This was a telephone scam which the Fraud Office is investigating.

Cllr. Tod referred to the theft of a quad from Lanes Garage in Llanvetherine. He reported that he saw it coming fast down the road on which he lives. CSO Cowles encouraged owners of all vehicles to use trackers which last 24 hours though thieves have been known to hide a stolen vehicle near the location of a &eft and then return to pick it up later after the tracker has stopped operating.

Cllr. Adam mentioned an incident of poaching of a Canada goose near the fuver in Llanvihangel Gobion.

CSO Cowles admitted that the 101 seryice was not working satisfactorily because it was hard to "get through".

CSOs Cowles and Watkins were thanked for attending the meeting.

Declarations of Interest:- It was agreed that these be raised as and when appropriate.

Minutes:- The minutes of the previous meeting held at Llanddewi Rhydderch Yillage Hall on Monday 9 January 201.7 were approved by the meeting and signed by the Chairman.

Matters Arising:- (i) General The Clerk reported that County CAB had vrritten to thank fcrr the donation.of 1,250.

77 xw In the absence of CIlr, Nevill the Clerk read out his report on Village Halls' Digital Inclusion. Cllr. Nevill had had a meeting with Mike Powell (Mon. CC's Rural Programmes Manager). He reported that with regard to the Leader application, the fuIl application is being submitted to a newly formed Digital themed group (an advisory body which will score the application) on 10 February. Having scored the application they will return it to Mike Powell on 17 February. The application needs a score of over 507o. The scored application will then be submitted to the LAG for a decision on 10 March. With regard to the RCDF application, Mike Powell's team had submitted it from Mon. CC to the WG and WG have responded with several questions concerning governance and procurement which have been answered. A decision is anticipated within the next few weeks. Both Mike Powell and Cllr. Nevill will be contacting Nigel Pearson of WG for an update.

(ii) Llanover The Clerk also read out Cllr. Nevill's report on the proposed resurfacing of the A+O+2 through Llanover. Work is expected to start by mid-February. At Cllr. Nevill's request the Clerk will send an immediate email to Richard Morgan, the Trunk Road Network's Head of Planning, requesting feedback on items mentioned in Cllr. Nevill's email to him sent last week. Cllr. Shooter reported that she had recently sent a chasing email to Ken Skates concerning the request for a 40mph VAS (flashing speed camera) at each end of the village.

The Clerk reported that he had written to County Councillor Sara Jones concerning the proposed street light and was awaiting a reply.

The C1erk reported that he had spoken to Jan Aitken with regard to the proposed railings at St. Bartholomew's Chur"hy*d and he had been in touch with Rev. John Collier. It is likely that the work will be carried out later in the spring.

Cllr. Shooter reported that she was still in touch with NRW with regard to the forestry work in Upper Llanover which has caused the roads there to be covered in mud. A contact there, Joanna Anstey, is checking whether more forestry work is to be done in the area in the foreseeable future.

(iii) LlanddewiRhydderch Cllr. Tod reported that work on pollarding and reducing the size of trees on the Village Green had started. Certain residents had already expressed gratitude for the improved access of light.

(i") Llangattock-nigh-Usk With regard to The Bryn Play Area it was agreed that when the Lrspector next visits the area in June Cllr., Adam will ask him how to get the moss removed. In spite of Cllr. Adam's request no other memL,er of the Council had visited the Play Area since the last meeting. . Hopefully will do so before the next meeting. There was also &scussion about needed for that work.

Community items:- (i) Llanover Cllr. Evans reported that the road drain at Tre Elidyr was still blocked with stones resulting in surface water from adjacent fields not being able to drain away.

(ii) Llanddewi Rhydderch Cllr. Ball reported that Welsh Water had reluctantly swept Banol Lane (C24.9) having caused the road to be covered in mud while they were carrying out works at the junction of the C2+.9 and C24.5.

Cllr. Tod reported that a barrier had been erected by the hole which had appeared on the edge of the R40. In due course remedial work will be carried out in the form of the installation of gabions to prevent slip and posts will be erected in place of t}e existing falling hedge.

Cllr. Vater reported deep potholes on the C24,2 near Poole House.

Cllr. Vater also complained that a ditch needs cleaning out on the R40 near Coed Vir Farm.

Cllr. Tod reported that a culvert needs cleaning out near the iunction with the C25.3. He also reminded the Clerk that the sign to Llanddewi Rhydderch at the western end of tlre village has still not been replaced after having been knocked down by a vehicle.

CIlr. Ball reported t}at her house is one of 10 taking part in a White Space Trial.

(iii) Llanfair Kilgeddin Cllr. Letton reported that Lady Hodson of Kilgeddin House, Pantygoitre had requested that the Clerk passes on her thanks for the remedial work carried out to the road drainage near the entrance to Pantygoitre House some time ago. The work appears to have been successful. She specifically mentioned Andrew Welsh as being the engineer responsible.

(i") Llangattock nigh Usk Cllr. Adam requested that a lockable rubbish bin be located at the foot of the steps leading up to The Bryn Village Hall. Dog walkers need a bin in that area in which to deposit bags of dog poo.

Cllr. Adam reported that St. Michael's Church, Llanvihangel Gobion, was in a poor state. There is woodworm in the lathe causing plaster to collapse. The fact that the church is not currently being used is causing deterioration. However, the

79 Churchyard is still in operation.

Cllr. Adam again complained about leaves on t}re road under the chesffrut tree opposite the Steel Horse Caf6 on the B4598.

Correspondence:- (i) General The Clerk(") reported that he had previously circulated the following correspondence;- ffim"i.t"3ilLTllg"rorr,;

from the Federation of Young Farmers Clubs, lol a request for a donation which was refused by the meeting;

(") from Monmouthshire County Council, an email inviting consultation on the draft Well-Being Assessment for the county produced by the Monmouthshire Public Service Board. The draft assessment and access to an online questionnaire can be found at www.monmouthshire, gov. uk/ our-monmouthshire)

Financesr- Payment of the following accounts was approved:-

Mon. CC (reimbursement of Clerk's salary October-December 2016) $507.50

Mon. CC (grounds maintenmce 2A16 / 17) L25+.21

One Voice (subscription for 2017 / 1,8) {,179.00

Wales Audit Oifice (audit fee) {.195.60

The Clerk referred to a quotation received from Graham's Gardening Services in the total sum of g1,500 (8 grass cuts @ dZaO per cut) for grass cutting at St. Bartholomew's Churchyard during 2017. Before the Clerk replies, Councillors will speak to other local people providing similar services to ascertain what they would quote.

Review of Risk Assessmenf- The Clerk had previously circulated the Risk Assessment 2Ol5 / 15 which had been approved as amended last July. The same Risk Assessment was approved for 2A17 / 18 save that under The Bryn Play Area the reference to "Cllr. R Adam" be replaced by the words "a local Councillor". See approved Risk Assessment 7017 1 1,8.

The following .applications to Mon CC for planning permission considered and approved:-

80 Application No. Applicant Description DC/ 2016/ 01,+1,0 Mr and Mrs Doughton Retention of conversion of outhouse into living accommodation and erection of timber/glazed link and erection of timLrer shed/store. (The Clerk and Cllr. Tod reported that the original plans submitted by the applicant had been amended at Cllr. Tod's request. However, the Clerk is investigating the position of the footpath which appears to have been diverted since his copy of the Definitive Map was prepared.)

DC/2017100008 Mr Jonathan Mahoney Extension to existing single storey outbuilding together with the replacement of the existing open porch with an enclosed entrance porch at 3 St David's Crescent, Llanddewi Rhydderch, NP7 9TR.

There was no news with regard to planning application no. DC/2016/Afi1,0 (Glamping site on land at Llanfair Kiigeddin).

Reports:- (i) Yelothon 2Ol7 Community Engagement Session at County Hall, Usk on 6 January Cllr. Shooter reported that she had attended this meeting. She had complained at the meeting about litter left behind after last year's event and also about possible closure of the 44042 at Llanover. This year there will be a rolling programme to alleviate disturbance. The organisers will contact local people before the event. There is likely to be a further meeting in 2/ 3 months' time following consultation with local people. Hopefully the organisers will also arrange times when local people can cross the road,

(ii) Cluster meeting at Town Hall, on 25 January The Clerk reported that he had attended this meeting. He had not attended the iirst cluster meeting because he had not receiyed notice of it. The meeting was attended by representatives of North Monmouthshire Town and Community Councils, Claire Marchant (Chief Oificer Social Care and Health) and Tom James (Whole Place Officer MCC). The meeting had been chaired by Doug Edwards who is also currently Chairman of the Btyt y Cwm Area Committee. Cluster meetings are intended as a 'hew approach to work more strategically *ith Town and Community Councils". The

81 a flov*, ^J \J''tl O/1 '[ 't meeting considered the following topics:-

a Our Monmouthshire and Wellbeing of Future Generations Act a Support for the Community Leadership Role/Community Governance . Implications of emerging legislation . Communications between Mon. CC and Town and Community Councils.

One point which arose was that there is no longer an intention to merger tJrre 22 Unitary Authorities into 8/9. However, there may still be a move to change Town and Community Council boundaries, but not during 2017. A further announcement on this topic is likely to come at the end of September.

The Clerk made the point which is felt by a number of representatives who attended the cluster meeting that there is overlap with tle Brytt y Cwm Area Committee, though this may become clearer once the Community Governance Review is published which is likely to be within the next month or two.

(iii) B"y, y Cwm Area Committee Meeting on 26 January Both the Chairman and the Clerk had attended this meeting. They reported that there had been presentations on both the proposed new hospital at Llanfrechfa and the Abergavenny Town Council/Team Abergavenny Five Year Plan. The Chairman reported that the proposed hospital was given the financial go ahead last October. It will have 500 beds. The result will be that 100 beds will be cut at Nevill Hall Hospital which will become a District Hospital without an A&E department. The maternity unit will be increased but will not necessarily have a resident Doctor. Also, part of the existing hospital will be taken over by Mental Health services in the light of reduction in use and even eventual closure of Maindiff Court Hospital.

AOB:- (i) The Clerk referred to arrangements for the May Town and Communiry Council elections. He distributed nomination papers for those intending to seek election.

The next meeting of this Council will take place on 5 March 2017 at The Bryn Yillage Hall at 7.30 pm o )'lp'* A'rl'l ''