County Listing of Lakes and Streams
County listing of lakes and streams Below is a listing of the inland lakes and streams that are managed for trout and salmon, along with their respective type of regulation. For inland lakes, the lake name will appear under the appropriate county and will be followed by a letter (A-F). The letter designates the Type of regulations that apply to that lake. For streams, the stream name will be followed by a number (2-7) and any upstream/downstream boundaries that apply to that section of stream. Type 1 streams are not listed in the text, but they do appear in green on the maps. For a complete listing of all trout streams, refer to FO-210 (available at all DNR Fisheries Offices). Please see pages 15-16 for a description of each Type of regulation. An SC indicates a fishing closure for the area and period mentioned. This guide can also be found online at Alcona minimum size limit, daily harvest/possession is (1) fish. From August 1-Friday before the last Saturday in April Type 4 Lakes Type regulations apply EXCEPT no harvest of brook trout is O’ Brien Lake, A allowed during this period. Reid Lake, (Designated Trout Lake) B Indian River, 2 S. Hoist Lake, B from “Wide Waters” (T44N, R19W, Sec. 13) downstream to Indian Lake. Streams Laughing Whitefish River, 4 AuSable River Mainstream, 2 from Forks (T47N, R22W, Sec. 22) from McKinley Bridge downstream to 4001 Bridge downstream to Lake Superior. AuSable River Mainstream 4 Miner’s River, 4 from Alcona Dam to S.
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