World ORT

Educating for Life

ORT International Cooperation is one of the most important programmes in the ORT global network. Created in 1960 to assist newly emerging and developing nations, International 2011 edition Cooperation has implemented more than 350 projects in over 98 countries at the request of Photo front: Children at an ORT school , international agencies, local communities, host Mother and Childcare program in governments and private firms and foundations. Senegal, 2008.

Photo back: Opening ceremony for the inauguration of an ORT-JDC computer laboratory at a school in Port Blair — Tsunami support in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands, February 2009.


World ORT

World ORT

Educating for Life

Educating for Life WORLD ORT


3 Foreword

4 International Cooperation Capability Statement

4 Worldwide offices

6 Africa

47 Asia

54 Europe

66 Latin America and the Caribbean

79 Abbreviations



I am privileged to present this Golden Anniversary edition of the World ORT International Cooperation Capability Statement. Cast your eye over the community development and training projects implemented by World ORT and national ORT organizations since 1960 and you will see a shining example of how a centuries-old tradition has inspired an approach which has benefited millions of people in dozens of countries and from a wide range of ethno-religious backgrounds.

The passion with which World ORT believes that the human resource is the most precious of all resources, worthy of intense investment and nurturing, is matched by the professionalism and efficiency with which we have realized our aspiration to give people the skills to fulfill their potential and to preserve or regain their self-worth and self-reliance.

The agencies that choose ORT to implement their projects – including the World Bank, UNDP, UNESCO, the Coca-Cola Foundation, USAID and many others – do so not only out of a sense of shared values but also with confidence in our abilities and effectiveness. They know that ORT’s international framework enables us to think globally and act locally, to match expertise from around the world with grass roots knowledge in order to build capacity within communities.

Rapidly changing job markets in this era of globalization, combined with the challenges of geo-political shifts and post-emergency reconstruction, mean that the need for what ORT provides has never been greater: after 50 years of operations, our commitment to upholding the dignity of the human spirit has never been stronger and our capability to put that commitment into action is better than ever.

Robert Singer Director General and CEO, World ORT

May 2011

INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION WORLD ORT International Cooperation Capability Statement

INTRODUCTION The Organization for Educational Resources and Technological Training (ORT) was founded in Tsarist Russia in 1880; it is one of the oldest and largest non-profit, educational and training organizations in the world. ORT manages a network of secondary and industrial schools, technical institutes, junior colleges, teacher training institutions, adult education and business programs with more than 300,000 beneficiaries a year.

ORT’s raison d’être is “to help people help themselves“. This is applied throughout the world by each of the capacity building projects implemented by the International Cooperation (IC) Department. Whereas most charities and non-profit organizations in the field of international development primarily target humanitarian and disaster relief efforts, ORT is well-known as a major provider of long-term technical assistance that meets local needs and builds a self-sustainable local management capacity.

ORT International Cooperation is one of the most important programs in the ORT global network. Created in 1960 to assist newly emerging and developing nations, ORT International Cooperation has implemented more than 350 projects in 98 countries at the request of international agencies, local communities, host governments, and private enterprises. Approximately 3 million people have benefited from these projects. ORT training programs are designed to meet local needs and are particularly successful in overcoming economic, cultural, and linguistic barriers. ORT works with local, national, regional and international partners.

Providing for sustainable economic, social, and cultural growth is the motivating force behind every ORT undertaking. ORT’s international operations are concentrated in sectors where it has earned a reputation INTERNATIONAL for excellence: vocational and technical education; workforce development, institution building/human COOPERATION resources development; NGO institutional building; democracy and governance; agriculture; rural WORLDWIDE OFFICES and urban development; health care; transportation; and the establishment of training programs for NGOs, government ministries, public utilities, and industrial and commercial enterprises. ORT’s basic philosophy of helping others to help themselves is translated into its training objectives, designed to provide individuals with self-reliance through proficiency and income-generating skills. World ORT, United Kingdom Vladimir Dribinskiy A key objective of ORT technical assistance programs is the establishment of a self-sustaining, Chief Program Officer locally based training capacity. ORT National Organizations actively participate in IC projects and 126 Albert Street, Camden Town London NW1 7NE, England in many cases are instrumental in a lot of very important initiatives within this area. Worldwide, ORT Tel: +44 20 7446 8500 professionals are prepared to share their expertise and experience in supporting and developing Fax: +44 20 7446 8701 communities and countries. Email: [email protected]

ORT International Cooperation To achieve this goal, ORT defines project objectives with local participants and beneficiaries or United States Office host governments and other appropriate institutions, e.g., donors; provides a team of specialists Celeste S. Angus, Head of the who develop, in conjunction with local counterparts, customized technical assistance and training Representative Office 5527 Lee Highway Arlington programs; designs and implements a comprehensive strategy; provides rapid mobilization and VA 22207 USA subsequent work plans with detailed benchmarks, and conducts careful monitoring, measuring and Tel: +1 703 536 5520 evaluating of program goals and objectives to ensure a high level of performance and proper allocation Fax: +1 703 536 5530 Email: [email protected] of project resources.

ORT International Cooperation ORT has worked to strengthen and build local capacity through development assistance. ORT has a Office Daniel Kahn, Head of the long history acting as a development and management resource for strengthening NGOs to play a Representative Office significant role in developing a vibrant civil society. ORT has participated in the design, implementation 1 rue de Varembe 1211 20, and evaluation of numerous USAID-funded civil society programs. Switzerland Tel: +41 22 919 4234 Fax: +41 22 919 4239 ORT IC is comprised of two regional offices which are located in Geneva and Washington. In addition, Email: [email protected] World ORT’s administrative office in London provides an oversight control function.

INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION 4 WORLD ORT strategic approach Over the years, ORT International Cooperation (IC) developed its capabilities based on ORT’s training expertise, and in response to the constantly changing donor environment and sector priorities it subsequently developed projects which included a local capacity building component in order to ensure sustainability. Current IC projects are funded by the following major donors: African Development Bank, World Bank, American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee (JDC), Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation, Canton and City of Geneva, and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) as well as corporations and foundations such as Hewlett Packard, Exxon Mobil and Open Society Foundations.

A significant geographical expansion in the last two decades — following the donors’ focus – was ORT IC’s move into countries of the Former and Eastern Europe, whilst continuing its programs in Africa, Latin America and Asia. The USAID-funded Russia Civic Initiatives Project resulted in a partnership between the traditional ORT school program in Moscow and St. Petersburg, and the Washington IC office to provide training to Russian NGOs. Similar synergy resulted from the Hewlett Packard Digital Village projects in conjunction with ORT South Africa, ORT Russia and ORT Ukraine.

The 1990s have also seen a strong move into civil society and community development programs, while maintaining traditional IC projects in the fields of human resource development, poverty alleviation, women in development, public sector support, agriculture/forestry, and income generation. ORT has historically focused its efforts on the reintegration of refugees in post-conflict societies, and currently plays an active role in revitalizing civil society through the development and promotion of non-governmental organizations (NGOs), public policy advocacy and citizen participation.

sectors and sub-sectors Since 1960, ORT International Cooperation has been working with people, developing human capacity on the local and national levels. As previously mentioned, much of ORT’s involvement is providing assistance to build up local resources to enable people to help themselves. ORT staff and expert consultants have experience in the following areas:

Human Resources Development Sector policy and planning (includes manpower planning), secondary schooling, tertiary education, technical and managerial education and training, non-formal education (includes literacy and adult basic education), vocational training and Digital villages for economic development.

Democracy and Governance Organizational development and strengthening institutional capacity for implementing service delivery programs, formulating, advocating and implementing public policy and promoting the NGO sector through increased use of media and public awareness campaigns.

Agriculture, Forestry Sector policy and planning, research and development, improving Agriculture (including credit, extension, input supply, crop protection, agro meteorology), food crops, livestock, forestry.

Area Development Integrated rural development, village/community development (including rural and urban cooperatives), settlements.

Transportion Sector policy and planning, road transport and public works.


Africa is the birthplace of International Cooperation programs. ORT IC programs began in 1960 and over 50 years, training and technical assistance programs expanded in response to the rapidly changing African environment. Services were expanded to include agricultural training centers, agroforestry, rural and urban development, transportation, mother and childcare heath and nutrition, ICT and management and technical training for government ministries, public utilities, and commercial enterprises.

Photo: Farming Sustainability program in Ghana.



angola Transportation EU 1988 Three ORT specialists conducted a rehabilitation needs survey of the automotive equipment repair facilities, and personnel training in the public works sectors of Huila and Namibe.

Transportation project. Training mechanics – Public Works workshop, Angola 1988

BOTSWANA Education Govt. Botswana 1991 With ORT’s assistance an autonomous computer industry department at the Botswana Polytechnic was established by supplying electronic, automation, and robotics equipment.

Urban Development

World Bank 1986–1996 Following successful completion of the pilot project, ORT’s contract was extended for two years, with the addition of a social welfare component. Under Phase II of the project, training was provided to 14 councils in Botswana, including those in remote areas beyond the Kalahari Desert. Phase II has been extended four times, with an emphasis on the training of senior managers including chief executives and a team of local training specialists. As well as training professional staff, the project has also addressed a number of consultancy assignments in the mechanical workshop, finance and legal fields.

An ORT training specialist designed a one year pilot project to be implemented in conjunction with the Cooperative Housing Foundation (CHF) and the Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accounting (CIPFA). Four training officers developed on-the-job training programs for the administration, finance, communications development, and technical departments of the Gaborone and Francistown technical faculties. ORT successfully completed the project, and World Bank extended the contract.

World Bank 1983–1984 ORT led a preliminary study team for a pilot project to train local government authorities in road maintenance, water supply, sewage, and housing.



Kampsax 1977 ORT prepared a road maintenance pilot project that recommended organizational, operational procedures and equipment upgrades. The labor-intensive project employed and trained many unskilled workers and the resulting roads improved the access to rural areas.

BURKINA Technical Training FASO SDC 1974–1995 For over 20 years, the ORT Central Institute in Geneva provided training courses of 18 to 22 months to technical and vocational schools as well as to trainers in public and private firms.


World Bank 1980–1982 Within the framework of a World Bank education project, ORT provided an architect for two years who coordinated the construction of various regional training centers.

Transportation project – Training session at the Public Work Training Center at Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso 2001

Urban Development

World Bank 1979–1982 The organization, operation and maintenance of all municipal services, including tax administration, were thoroughly examined in a 1977 survey of two major cities. The survey recommendations were subsequently implemented by an ORT training team, thereby enhancing the local capacity to provide effective municipal services.

Vocational Training

ORT and Government of Burkina Faso 1998 ORT was assigned to assist with the implementation of training modules in Hairdressing, Air Conditioning, Beauty Care, at the Training Center: “Center de Formation pour Artisans de Ouagadougou“.

Austrian Development Cooperation (BMaA)2000 The Austrian Cooperation (BMaA) assigned an ORT vocational training specialist to supervise their vocational training programs. An ORT specialist was assigned as special advisor to the National Professional and Technical Training Department, in order to monitor and evaluate their programs, as well as to review all requests for funding submitted to the BMaA.


8 WORLD ORT AFRICA Transportation

African Development Bank 2001 ORT provided a series of seminars, as follows: A Seminar on Contract Management. Its objectives were to train project managers and engineers/ technicians responsible for public road works, to master the regulations of the bidding process, public markets, improvement of management contracts and to understand the policy procedures undertaken by the various funding agencies.

A Seminar on Legal Aspects of Public Contracts. Its objectives were to train engineers in order to master the rules of procurement contracts, legal aspects of financial agreements, procedures of the financing agencies, notions of public domain, civil liability in public road works, and how to determine and prevent potentially conflicting situations.


World Bank 1980 ORT identified the construction industry training needs and recommended an appropriate training program.

BURUNDI Transportation

World Bank 1974–1990 This project provided training and re-training for students in the Public Works Section of Bujumbura Technical School, and at the new Gitega Center for Road Maintenance Training. Counterparts participated in courses in technical subjects and teaching methods to prepare them for staffing the Public Works Section upon project completion. ORT responsibilities included the procurement of equipment and the selection of trainees. From 1987 to 1988 ORT implemented training seminars for newly recruited civil engineers.

World Bank 1982 ORT assessed the material, equipment, and labor needs of the Ministry of Public Works and provided guidelines for effective management of the various Ministry training centers.

An ex-combatant who has successfully reintegrated into civil society as a small businessman, in his shop with his wife and child, Burundi 2006

Program Evaluation

World Bank 2007 ORT was responsible for the Annual Independent Evaluation of the National Demobilization, Reinsertion and Reintegration of Ex-Combatants Program for 2005 and 2006. AFRICA 9 AFRICA WORLD ORT BURUNDI A team of three people evaluated effectiveness of the structure of the PNDRR program, its execution and implementation details. During the mission, the experts met a large number of the program beneficiaries as well as the PNDRR’s personnel.

Cameroon Education World Bank 1986–1989 After assisting with the World Bank’s Third Education project, ORT signed a new contract under the Fourth Education Project in 1986. Eight ORT specialists provided expertise to the Ministry of Education in project management, educational planning, statistics, architecture, and equipment.

USAID/IOCS 1987 ORT studied training equipment, software, and human resource needs, then jointly established a computer training center with USAID and IOCS (the Cameroonian subsidiary of American computer specialists).

World Bank 1982–1986 Two ORT specialists assisted the Ministry of Education in the financial and equipment management of various education projects.

CIDA 1981 An ORT survey delineated the manpower, equipment, and budgetary guidelines to expand the College des Travailleurs.

World Bank 1973 ORT surveyed technical and vocational resources and requirements in the Northern provinces for the Ministry of Education.


World Bank 1982–1986 ORT played an integral role in a reorganization of the Cameroon Railways. Firstly, ORT drafted an organizational diagram and detailed job descriptions. ORT then recommended and implemented a training department reorganization and proposed five-year training programs.

World Bank 1984–1985 ORT trained 33 officials of the Ministry of Equipment’s Highway Directorate at ORT and other European institutions. The participants represented various sectors of the Highway Directorate and included management, workshop maintenance, and other personnel.

World Bank 1977–1982 ORT evaluated existing training programs for the Cameroon Railways employees and recommended modifications to improve management and operational practices.

cape Agriculture verde AfDB 1992 Three ORT specialists assessed the problems encountered by Cape Verdian authorities in implementing the agricultural rehabilitation project. The specialists carefully evaluated the three main components (agricultural credit, institutional strengthening, and a farm produce observation unit) and compiled a report outlining their recommendations.


10 WORLD ORT AFRICA central Agriculture african USAID 1968–1971 ORT conducted a study and designed a special operations training program for Ministry of Agriculture republic employees in farm machinery and equipment maintenance.


EU 1982 ORT surveyed the equipment needs of the Lycee Technique de Bangui and compiled a comprehensive list of material necessities based on local industry skill requirements.

Transportation project - IT Training in N’Djamena for junior Public Work Civil Servants, Chad 2001

Technical Assistance

UNDP 1990 An ORT specialist evaluated a program for United Nations’ Volunteers in the Central African Republic. The mission lasted three weeks and involved specialists in education, statistics, and mining.


World Bank 1990–1993 An ORT specialist worked with the Direction du Materiel des Travaux Publics (DMTP) in Bangui to create an analytical computerized accounts system. The new system ensured commercial management of AFRICA the DMTP and was run by a local team after the contract termination.

chad Infrastructure World Bank September 2003–September 2006 This is a World Bank funded project in which ORT provided assistance to the Ministry of Infrastructure/ the Human Resource Management Board. The ORT team was in charge of the development of a framework of quality highway maintenance personnel. This is achieved through the regular evaluation of staff, the establishment of a management team to research future employment requirements, the improvement of management procedures, staff training in human resources and the implementation of a professional training program for the years 2003–2006.

AFRICA 11 AFRICA WORLD ORT chad Agriculture

Exxon Mobil 2002–2008 Through the Miandoum Improved Agriculture Program, ORT provided technical assistance to improve agricultural techniques and animal breeding for a group of farmers under the ESSO Exploration and Production resettlement plan. The major project components include: farmer training, agricultural credit and marketing, and organizational development for credit and savings associations for farmers.

ORT IC representative (far right) with farmers in Chad displaying produce grown as part of an ORT Sustainable Farming program, 1991 –1994

USAID 1991–1994 Upon successful completion of the agricultural development and farmer training project below, ORT disseminated the irrigation and sustainable agriculture technologies to more farmers and developed profitable marketing, post-harvest, and small-scale food processing techniques in the Lake Chad area.

USAID 1987–1991 ORT developed and implemented an agricultural development and farmer training project in the Lake Chad area. The program increased agricultural production by improving traditional irrigation and agronomic techniques and by developing replicable models for sustainable wadi produce. ORT also developed sub- projects implementing small motor pumps and a new credit system.


SDC (Swiss Aid) 1999–2005 ORT managed scholarship students and was responsible for the administration, financial control and accounting management of the funds as well as the educational follow-up of Chadian students in Senegal. Twenty-five students attended long-term training courses in areas such as rural engineering, rural economics and agriculture.

AfDB 1994–1995 ORT devised an administration, accounting, and finance computer program to aid the management of educational project management in N’Djamena.

World Bank 1987–1993 ORT provided an Administrator/Manager and several education and training experts to assist the Government as part of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development’s Third Education Project.

USAID 1982 ORT designed and constructed the Industrial Training Institute for the Ministry of Education and provided detailed specifications regarding course syllabi, equipment, and materials needed to support the curricula.




USAID 1979–1980 ORT continued and expanded the project below until adverse political conditions necessitated a suspension of operations.

World Bank 1975–1979 The Chad government wanted improved road transport networks to facilitate rapid food distribution. . In response, ORT trained road construction and equipment maintenance personnel, and established a training center and a road maintenance pilot brigade.


AfDB 1994 An ORT survey addressed training requirements to computerize the Bureau d’Execution de Projets for the Ministry of Education.

Exxon Mobil project – women at work in the field under the supervision of an ORT trainer, 2005

CFD 1994 ORT conducted a socio-economic study in the Lake Chad area covering training in sodium carbonate marketing applications.

World Bank 1994–1999 ORT developed a cadre of quality highway maintenance personnel by regularly evaluating staff, establishing a management team to research future employment requirements, improving management procedures, and training staff in human resources.

ORT also worked with the Ministry of Transport and Public Works to form a Human Resource Management Board.

Urban Development

World Bank 1993–1994 ORT trained local small business staff in enterprise management, specifically focusing on the ability to prepare tender documents for the execution of public works. Managers and staff received training in technical, administrative, and financial management.


ort chad ORT Chad was created and locally registered as an NGO at the end of 2004. 15 voluntary members are active and the following projects have been implemented:

Repair of tricycles for the disabled – 2005 This project is funded by the PNUD (Chad). The objective of this project is to train people in repairing tricycles for the disabled community and to upgrade the technical and human capacities of these people.

Stove manufacturing – a sample being used by a Chadian family, 2005

Study on AIDS orphans’ training needs A study funded by a private donor has been undertaken by two local consultants. It concerns the training needs of AIDS orphans at N’Djamena.

Petroleum gas stoves manufacture – 2005 The objective of this project is to put on the market low-priced petroleum gas stoves in order to make their application familiar families of modest means and to provide a cooking method that does not contribute towards deforestation. The contract value is $10,000.


REPUBLIC OF World Bank 2005 CONGO ORT was selected to develop a training plan designed to strengthen the capacities of the executive staff and agents of the COPIREP (Comité de Pilotage de la Réforme des Entreprises). (formerly This unit was created within the framework of a vast program of reform and restructuring of State ZAIRE)

ORT graduates on a Financial Literacy course, Congo INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION

14 WORLD ORT AFRICA enterprises, which the government of the Democratic Republic of Congo has committed itself to carrying out in order to enhance competitiveness and thereby contributing to national economic growth.

World Bank 1980–1982 ORT trained 26 Zairians in agricultural and technical skills at the Central ORT Institute in Geneva and other European centers.

Swiss Government 1962/1978–1982 ORT selected and trained 40 future instructors at the Zairian School Network. In 1978, ORT provided technical, vocational, and educational upgrading for the 38 instructors who continued to work in the same field.

African Development Bank 2006–2007 ORT sent 12 experts to undertake three studies for the Ministry of Education: 1. A feasibility study for implementing new structures within the modernization of secondary and university level education. 2. A study on the problems faced by children and youth in difficult circumstances. 3. A study on adapting vocational training for the needs of the country’s labor market.

Health, Education and Nutrition

CIDA/BMZ 1985– 1991 This three-year project aimed to establish educational services for 4-6 year old children living in marginal areas who were not under the care of the town’s social services. ORT set up a central unit and 9 satellite units in Katuba (Lubumbashi) where parents were trained as pre-school educators. This project was completed in December 1987 and handed over to the local authorities.

CIDA/BMZ 1988–1993 The aims of this project were to provide educational services for children aged 3-6 years who live in poor areas of Kinshasa, which are not served by the city’s social services. This is similar to the project in Lubumbashi. ORT set up a central unit where parents receive training as pre-school educators.

EU/Govt. of Luxembourg/FAC: 1994–1999 The EC and Government of Luxembourg financed a one year extension of a previous Mother and Child Care project which was carried out in two deprived zones in Kinshasa, i.e. Ngaliema and Selembao. Three kindergartens and one health clinic were built and equipped.

Youngsters and adults received vocational training and further education in French and Maths. Approximately 10,000 people benefited directly from this project, which is now managed by the Ministry for Social Affairs and local staff trained by the project.


USAID 1985–1990 ORT alleviated malnutrition among 50,000 children under the age of five in the poorest areas of Kinshasa by importing corn milled by a local PVO and distributing it through a network of PVO health centers. ORT also funded an extrusion plant to produce a low-cost weaning food, 90 percent of which is produced from local products.

USAID1984–1985 ORT studied the causes and effects of malnutrition in Kinshasa. ORT then recommended a project to feed malnourished children in hospitals and to improve the sale and distribution of low-priced foods to those suffering most from malnutrition.

AFRICA 15 AFRICA WORLD ORT DEMOCRATIC PVO Institutional Development REPUBLIC OF CONGO USAID 1983–1987 ORT improved rural access to basic health services by managing and allocating a central umbrella fund, strengthening local Private Voluntary Organizations (PVOs) as viable development agencies, and implementing PVO sub-projects in three selected priority areas: (a) rural outreach clinic: maintenance and operation; (b) farm- to-market, road and bridge rehabilitation and maintenance; and (c) introduction of mini-hydro electrification for schools, hospitals, and villages.


World Bank 1996–1999 ORT organized overseas electrical and naval engineering and port training for senior staff of the Regie des Voies Fluviales (RVM).

Equipment Maintenance workshop in Matadi, 1995

World Bank 1975–1993 ORT created a Public Works Equipment Maintenance Service (SGMTP), managing Zaire’s principal road maintenance equipment (bulldozers, graders, trucks, etc.) and supervising a road maintenance training brigade. The project established 14 regional maintenance centers, a spare parts depot, and ancillary facilities.

CIDA 1989–1991 ORT designed and implemented a project using labor intensive methods to help rural communities rehabilitate and maintain their own access and feeder roads. ORT provided two engineers and trained local community residents in labor intensive road maintenance techniques.

World Bank 1984–1990 ORT strengthened training management, trained instructors, prepared lists of equipment needs, trained harbor security and railway telecommunications, and improved training materials for National Office of Transport (ONATRA) employees.

USAID 1986–1990 An ORT road construction and equipment maintenance specialist team created a unit to rehabilitate 3,200 km of roads and bridges in Shaba.

World Bank 1987–1990 ORT prepared the RVM training program and sent two specialists to conduct project implementation, training and management.


16 WORLD ORT AFRICA USAID 1987–1990 Two ORT specialists assisted the Office des Routes acting as a regional technical director and a civil engineering trainer based at the Lubumbashi training center. Two ORT specialists worked together with the Office des Routes in the Bandundu Region. A regional technical director was based in Bandundu and the other consultant directed the SGMTP center in Kikwit.

CIDA 1988–1989 An ORT specialist implemented the preparatory phase of a feeder road rehabilitation project in Kivu. The specialist trained local teams in high-intensity road maintenance methods and provided two training specialists with DESSAU.

World Bank 1988–1989 An ORT computer systems specialist set up a computerized inventory of ONATRA personnel for the Human Resources Directorate.

USAID 1983–1988 ORT managed the Lubumbashi Regional Training Center and provided training to Zairian counterparts.

USAID 1986–1988 ORT helped upgrade the road between Kikwit and Idiofa and managed an Office des Routes brigade.

World Bank 1986–1987 An ORT training specialist designed the ONATRA training plan for the 1986-1990 period.

World Bank 1987 An ORT specialist assisted the Office des Routes with a survey on SGMTP workshop standardization.

KfW 1983–1985 Six ORT highway construction specialists managed a road construction unit that built road sections between Bukavu and Goma in the Kivu region.

World Bank 1985 ORT prepared a training plan to ensure efficient personnel management of the Régie des Voies Maritimes (RVF), a public Zairian organization. ORT recommendations proposed new employee training methods and a job classification methodology. ORT also recommended the creation of a Research facility, to be used by RVM and other major organizations in Zaire.

USAID 1981–1984 ORT supervised road equipment and spare part procurement for the Bandundu Region. The roads are used to transport farm produce to the main population centers.

CIDA 1977–1982 ORT procured equipment and spare parts for the SGMTP and provided training in spare parts allocation and management. In 1978, ORT expanded the program to add five specialists and to provide on-the-job training in equipment repair and maintenance and spare parts inventory control.

World Bank 1979–1982 ORT created three new training centers and a programming unit following the reorganization of all Office des Routes training facilities. The new training curricula included road, factory, and equipment maintenance and repair.

World Bank 1975–1980 An ORT program trained 2,000 ONATRA employees in computer programming, diesel mechanics, river barge operations, electricity, administration, and port operation and maintenance.

AFRICA 17 AFRICA WORLD ORT DEMOCRATIC World Bank 1975–1980 REPUBLIC ORT conducted a preliminary study, then organized and implemented a ferry operation and maintenance OF CONGO training system for Zaire’s network of approximately 400 ferries. ORT established a central spare parts depot and initiated a continuous on-the-job training program.

USAID/Government of Zaire 1971–1975 ORT surveyed road construction, rehabilitation, and maintenance personnel training requirements and subsequently designed and operated five regional training centers and mobile road maintenance brigades. ORT trained over 1,000 employees and rebuilt and maintained 2,000 km of roads.

Water Supply

World Bank 1975 ORT surveyed training programs and skill requirements, then designed a staff training program for the Zaire National Water Distribution System.

ETHIOPIA Integrated Livelihood Project EU 1999– 2000 The Integrated Livelihood Project was designed to sustain the results and achievements of the Early Childhood Development project through the establishment of small scale income generating activities.

Integrated Livelihood project Small scale income generating activities for youngsters training by ORT, 2000


World Bank 1984–1999 ORT studied labor development for the Peasant Agricultural Development Project, in six regions of western Ethiopia. ORT analyzed career ladders, job descriptions, and service conditions for all of the Ministry of Agriculture staff, the Peasant Association, and service and producer cooperatives, with particular emphasis placed on introducing training.

Early Childhood Development

NORAD 1994 ORT provided primary health care, health, nutrition, and pre-school education to local communities. ORT sponsored additional community and small business development programs to ensure a permanent income to cover operational expenses. ORT established eight centers.


18 WORLD ORT AFRICA Rural Development

USAID/SDC/BMZ/CIDA/SIDA/ 1977–1982 Under an integrated rural development program in the Gondar Province of Ethiopia, ORT implemented construction and training activities in agriculture, primary education, health DDA handicrafts and cottage industries. ORT founded several schools, established micro enterprise credit funds for farming and cottage industries, and provided practical training for agricultural extension agents and artisans. gabon Vocational Training African Development Bank 2006–2008 ORT implemented a 2-year technical assistance project aimed at reinforcing the system of vocational training in Gabon. The ORT team is working within the Ministry of Technical Education and Vocational Training, which is responsible for the reinsertion of youth into the education system. The principal objectives of ORT specialists are:

• Help reinforce educational administration; • Reinforce institutional capacity and links between universities; • Training of trainers and introduction of new technologies; • Strengthen project management; • Formulate a plan of action for human resources development in conformity with the national strategic plan for the reduction of poverty.


Government of Gabon 1973 ORT surveyed various training needs and developed a curriculum for an industrial/technical training center, subsequently established in Franceville.

Vocational training school equipped by project funds, Libreville, Gabon 2006

USAID 1966–1969 An ORT team designed, constructed, and subsequently managed a training center in Libreville. ORT trained and upgraded personnel for electro-mechanics and refrigeration. Counterpart instructors and administrators received specialized training in teaching techniques at the Central ORT Institute in Geneva.


Shell–Elf 1969–1975 ORT designed, established, and operated a series of specialized training programs for the employees of Shell-Elf Gabon, a public-private joint enterprise and one of Gabon’s largest skilled labor employers. These included on-the-job and formal training in electro-mechanics, instrument repair, and pneumatics. AFRICA 19 AFRICA WORLD ORT the Skills Development gambia AfDB 2003– 2005 The African Development Bank has assigned an ORT Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist for 18 months to the Community Skills Improvement Project (CSIP) of the Department of State for Local Government. The CSIP targets women and out of school youths and provides functional literacy and income generation skills training and micro-credit facilities to at least 40,000 target beneficiaries.

The benefits of the CSIP include: gender equity, improved access to health and education services, enhanced income-generating potential, political and economic empowerment of women, leadership and management development.

The Project Director and ORT trainer on the Skills Development project

AfDB 1995– 1998 ORT was selected to implement the skills development component of the Women in Development Project. An ORT specialist arrived in the Gambia in August 1995 and prepared a 30-month work plan.

World Bank 1992 ORT adapted its financial management computer system, Financial Management of World Bank Projects for use in the Gambia Women in Development Project.

GHANA Farmer Advancement/Integrated Livelihood

Citigroup and Western Union 2007–2010 ORT trained farmers in the Ningo region of Ghana to grow crops organically and produce dried fruits and vegetables for the local and export market. Through training and technical assistance, ORT enabled local farmers to design and maintain an internal control system, which includes record keeping, internal inspections, and a customized manual of regulations and procedures in keeping with certification standards. ORT also provided extension services to farmers for assistance with non-chemical pest and weed management, and linked farmers with a food drying collective.

ORT built on the above farmer advancement activities with additional funds from Western Union to provide a solar dryer and training to the farmers to dry their produce for the local and export markets. In addition, the solar dryer is being used by a women’s collective set up in the former ORT community center building to produce dried fruit for local and export markets. The women in the collective participated in marketing workshops.

Integrated Livelihood/Early Childhood Development

Citigroup project 2007–2008 The Ningo Alternative and Sustainable Technology Project established a production workshop for a variety of alternative and sustainable food products; produce products using methods which promote good health


20 WORLD ORT AFRICA and a reduced negative environmental impact; open new markets for the sale of the products; and improve the quality of life for the impoverished women and families through income generation and economic advancement.

ORT and Tzedek 2004–2008 The Elmina Women’s Textile Project creates unique products manufactured by low income and impoverished women in the Elmina area. This provides micro-credit by establishing a revolving business loan program, which strengthens the existing women’s credit and savings infrastructure in the area, and trains business-skills teachers to work directly with production teams, loan recipients, and women in the community at large. The textile goods manufactured in the project are: Yoga mat bags, lap-top computer cases, belts and custom batik fabric.

EU/Govt. of Luxembourg/SIDA 1997–2000 Following the below-mentioned project, Phase II, Integrated Livelihood Project, was set up in December 1996 for a 3-year duration. This consisted of the establishment of 12 community businesses which provided a permanent income to the communities, thus ensuring the sustainability of the whole MCC project.

NORAD 1991–1996 ORT designed and established an Early Childhood Development and child care center near Accra. ORT provided training in hygiene, nutrition, health care, birth control, and preschool education, in partnership with the Ghana National Commission on Children and the Ministries of Health and Education. ORT helped local residents establish small businesses to provide a permanent income to the communities and thus ensure project sustainability.


World Bank 1987–1990 An ORT training advisor worked with the Ghana Highway Authority to reform highway systems. In addition, three ORT specialists, a Civil Engineer, a Roads Instructor, and an Equipment Operator Instructor, staffed a Roads Training Production Unit which rehabilitated over 100 km of bitumen-surface roads.


USAID 1975 ORT staff made a series of visits and drafted training survey proposals in the fields of hospital equipment maintenance, agro mechanics training, community development, and highway maintenance. guinea Agriculture SDC 1985–1986 An ORT study examined the feasibility of creating a training school for forestry technicians. ORT determined that it would be beneficial, began project preparations, and established a provisional budget for the school.

SDC (Swiss Aid) and The Government of Guinea: 2001–2007 A National Forestry School (ENATEF) was established in Mamou with the support of Swiss Aid. The purpose of ENATEF is to train Forestry Technicians Agents in the field of rural development with widely varied roles. More than 250 technicians have graduated and started to work in the private sector on internationally funded projects, the timber business in the forests of Guinea or in the private forestry business. 15,000 farmers have also been trained in forestry and market gardening.

SDC 1987–1995 ORT provided forestry training courses to a group of Ministry of Agriculture staff.

AFRICA 21 AFRICA WORLD ORT GUINEA SOCFINCO 1990 –1991 An ORT specialist studied labor skills at SOGUIPAH (a hevea, palm tree, and rice cultivating public AfDB company) and provided staff training recommendations.

National Forestry School: 2001-2007 Practical training lead by an ORT Switzerland graduate

DNEF – SDC 2001– 2002 ORT assessed “staff mobility” until 2010, by taking into account retirement and the other predictablilities of the engagement and departure of staff. Thus, staffing requirements can be forecasted for the 2001– 2010 period, and a management plan was established.


World Bank 1994 An ORT senior accountant restructured road project organization and trained staff members in finance and accounting.

World Bank 1983–1990 An ORT architect worked with the Directorate of the World Bank’s Second Education Project, and supervised and executed construction contracts for schools, institutes, and other buildings.

Training session in forestry management for Mamou farmers, 2002

EU 1986–1987 An ORT architect and mechanical engineer/trainer supervised rehabilitation of the Ecole Nationale des Arts et Métiers (ENAM) buildings and equipment. These experts prepared the pertinent tender documents and participated in personnel selection.


22 WORLD ORT AFRICA EU 1983 ORT evaluated several education projects in the framework of the Fifth Plan (DFE).

CBG/HALCO 1983–1995 ORT trained Guinean counterparts in hydrographic studies, training of trainers, language studies, and mining equipment maintenance.

USAID 1962–1970 ORT established and operated an industrial/technical training school in Conakry, offering high level technical training in 17 vocational skill areas. ORT also implemented training programs for various Government departments. Counterpart training at ORT’s Central Institute in Geneva prepared Guinean nationals to replace the ORT specialists upon their departure.


CBG/HALCO 1988 ORT consultants have advised the CBG Director of Training.

CBG/HALCO 1983–1995 ORT trained Guinean counterparts in hydrographic studies, training of trainers, language studies, and mining equipment maintenance.

CBG/HALCO 1975–1983 ORT designed and supervised construction of a CBG Training Center in Kamsar. The center trains most CBG personnel, where local instructors have replaced the expatriate staff.

CBG/HALCO 1968 –1975 ORT initiated a comprehensive technical training program (both on-the-job and formal training) for the Bauxite Mining Company of Guinea (CBG). ORT training focused on the organization and maintenance of mine site installations, port facilities and 150 km of railway line essential to the flow of minerals and base supplies. The Central ORT Institute in Geneva provided counterpart training in related skill.

ORT ORT Guinea, a local NGO, has been in place since 2004, as follows: GUINEA Literacy project

Alphabetization course in a rural area around Mamou in Moyenne Guinée

August 2004 – January 2006 – IIZDVV This is an eighteen-month project which ORT Guinea is implementing at Dabola in middle Guinea. The primary objective is to deliver basic education to local government officers, rural community leaders and farmers, in order to reinforce their capacities within community development activities. AFRICA 23 AFRICA WORLD ORT ORT GUINEA Environment Project

January 2006–December 2008 – IIZDVV and ORT This is a three-year project. ORT Guinea has been selected to train producers in 5 villages around Mamou (300 kms from Conakry) in Environmental Studies in order to preserve natural resources in middle Guinea.

CARREFOUR Project July 2005–2008 – FOGUIRED This project financed by Italian Aid compensation funds, will last 2 years. It aims at strengthening the population’s capacities through the acquisition of new vocational knowledge and skills and the adoption of new technologies through the development of a vast network of exchange and partnership between people living in urban and rural areas. This project will increase in incomes among the project beneficiaries, and create a strong mobilization of the populations around development activities.

ivory Education coast AGEFOP 1999–2000 The ADB adopted ORT’s recommendations in their Education V project, which was dedicated to integration of young unskilled people into the urban and rural world. ORT sent an expert to assist AGEFOP to carry out an evaluation of their two part project.

ORT helped AGEFOP to prepare and synthesize the available information relevant to the training and professional integration of the unskilled youth in order to bring it to the attention of the experts from the ADB. ORT organized the visit of UNESCO consultants in May of 1999 and guided the participants around the regions and towns of the Ivory Coast.

Minister of Vocational Training with ORT IC representative visiting a training workshop in Abidjan, 2004

AGEFOP 1998 ORT was requested to carry out a feasibility study by the National Agency for Professional Training – AGEFOP for a development project of alternate training in Bouaké. This project provided training for unskilled young people in the field of electronics, air-conditioning and Information Technology.

AfDB 1994–1998 ORT conducted a four-year technical assistance training project for the Ministry of Education.

AfDB 1993 An ORT computer specialist computerized the Education IV Project finance and accounting records.

Govt. Ivory Coast 1973 ORT extended advisory services to the National Office of Vocational Training in automotive and general


24 WORLD ORT AFRICA equipment maintenance. The government adopted ORT recommendations and adapted them to meet similar needs in other departments.

Govt. Ivory Coast 1969–1972 ORT established and operated an Audio-Visual Training Center (CEPAV) in Abidjan to improve secretarial and administrative personnel skills. Local personnel successfully assumed full control of CEPAV operations upon project completion.

Govt. Ivory Coast 1965–1968 ORT conducted technical education and vocational training study, then initiated a national program to upgrade the quality and increase the quantity of skilled labor.

Govt. Ivory Coast 1965–1968 ORT operated five rural, vocational training centers and prepared counterpart trainers. Instruction focused on motor mechanics, machine tools, metalwork, woodwork, and electricity.


CIDA/Govt. 1972–1976 An ORT survey assessing agricultural equipment repair and maintenance teaching capabilities led to the establishment of a new agro mechanics training center in San Pedro. The project allowed workers to practically apply training skills and to improve the performance of maintenance and construction work for local industries.

Govt. Ivory Coast 1971–1972 ORT advisory services to the National Office of Vocational Training (ONFP) led to the development of new agricultural and heavy equipment maintenance and repair courses. The Ivory Coast subsequently adopted the courses on a national level.

Caretaking /Security

Centre Ivoirien d’Electronique et d’Information Appliqué (CELIA) 2003 Following CELIA’s request regarding a potential training project for security guards, an ORT expert carried out a two-week mission in Abidjan, financed by CELIA, in order to analyze the nature of the security problems in their context and to propose an appropriate training plan.


Vocational Training specialist along with ORT IC representative visiting Plastro–Israeli irrigation equipment near Haifa, 2004

AfDB 2001– 2004 ORT conducted a feasibility study with the aim of providing for the AfDB a document, detailing the consolidation of the African Financial Development Institutions. A team of 3 ORT specialists were responsible for determining the impact of the performance of these Financial Institutions on the institutional, economic, technical, social, political and financial plans. They identified the constraints, AFRICA 25 AFRICA WORLD ORT IVORY COAST strengths and weaknesses of these Financial Institutions, and analyzed the impact of the performances of the Financial Institutions.

They defined strategies, which could be used to integrate these Financial Institutions at a regional level in order to economically strengthen African countries.

AfDB 1999–2001 ORT conducted a feasibility study to review the privatization policies of the AfDB.


CIDA 1984 ORT initiated a proposal to establish a Regional Research Center in Abidjan to apply information technology and renewable energy sources in four West African states. ORT sponsored a four-week mission to establish the Terms of Reference for a future project design mission.

Management training

African Development Bank 2005 Within the framework of the Ministry of Technical Education and Vocational Training, the Headmistress of Technical Education attended seminars at ORT and ORT Geneva, during which she developed skills in project management.


World Bank 1990 An ORT specialist examined personnel training needs within the Ministry of Public Works and designed a crash training program for the maintenance and repair of heavy equipment.

World Bank 1979 An ORT expert participated in a highway sector post-appraisal mission and examined Ministry of Public Works personnel training needs.

Urban Development

USAID/RTI 1986–1988 ORT, in association with the Research Triangle Institute (RTI), implemented the technical services management and training aspects of an urban development project.

USAID 1986 An ORT specialist prepared a plan to reorganize technical services in five secondary towns and drafted a list of equipment needed to collect household refuse.

USAID 1985 An ORT specialist surveyed technical personnel training needs in the communities of Abidjan and Gagnoa.

kenya Education

USAID1966–1971 Following an ORT advisor’s recommendations, the vocational training center of the National Youth Service established nationwide courses in heavy equipment and agricultural machinery maintenance and repair.

The ORT center offered training in electricity, welding, automobile mechanics, machine tools, and building trades and also trained 25 Kenyan instructors.


26 WORLD ORT AFRICA Transportation

SIDA 1975 ORT evaluated the national road maintenance training program and provided recommendations to improve curricula, training methods and aids, and future programming activities.

Agricultural machinery maintenance training, 1970

Urban Development

World Bank 1984 ORT assessed the training needs of the Nakuru Municipal Council as part of an overall training needs assessment for eastern Africa.

World Bank 1980 An ORT training specialist visited Mombasa to identify road and equipment maintenance training needs and submitted a set of recommendations concerning training materials and curricula. lesotho Transportation SIDA 1984–1986 An ORT senior administrator and trainer implemented a labor-based road project that operated in various regions of Lesotho.

Urban Development

World Bank 1986–1987 An ORT preliminary survey of a Maseru community rehabilitation project resulted in World Bank funding for a low-cost housing and local government restructuring program.

World Bank 1984 An ORT expert prepared an initial employment and manpower training program for the first local government in Maseru.

liberia Transportation


Open Society Foundations 2010–2012 Large numbers of Liberian youth missed out on educational opportunities as a result of the 20-year civil conflict in Liberia. Thanks to a generous grant of $1 million from George Soros Open Society Foundations, AFRICA 27 AFRICA WORLD ORT LIBERIA ORT is providing training to help up to 1,000 people in six rural districts gain vital practical skills through an apprenticeship program. The ORT program is providing apprenticeship training at local businesses and workshops for up to 12 months with the possibility of trainees remaining on the job as salaried employees after the apprenticeship period is completed. The project stands to benefit countless more people by helping to improve training and employability throughout the country. ORT is working in partnership with the US Agency for International Development as well as the Ministry of Youth and Sports and the Ministry of Education.


USAID 1986–1990 ORT road construction and training specialists supervised road maintenance by local firms, and trained the Ministry of Public Works (MPW) staff in supervising the contracts. In addition, an ORT training expert conducted seminars for MPW staff and local contractors.


USAID 1978 An ORT project design mission recommended upgrading reforms, for the Booker T. Washington Institute, a technical training school. Recommendations were made for a comprehensive curriculum reform and upgrading of the organization, management, and staff training. ORT formulated the recommendations in accordance with national objectives and existing labor demand.

madagascar Agriculture

SDC 1988–1990 ORT organized two fortnight seminars in forestry and environmental protection for expatriate and local trainers from the Department of Agronomy at the University of Madagascar in Antananarivo.


World Bank 1977–1982 ORT created a national center to produce physics and chemistry laboratory equipment. ORT evaluated the country’s needs and current resources, helped to set up the center and begin production, and trained locals to run the center and use the materials.

World Bank 1982 An ORT mission assessed the viability of establishing a printing facility for the Ministry of Education.

mali Agriculture AfDB 2003– 2005 An ORT Administration and Finance specialist was assigned to an African Development Bank (AfDB) funded agricultural project in Ansongo, North Eastern Mali (2002-2006). The specialist managed the administration and financial aspects of the project.

SDC 1986 ORT completed a study of an agricultural machinery training project and provided recommendations for Swiss Government involvement.

USAID 1973 –1979 ORT provided on-the-job training for laboratory equipment maintenance personnel in the central veterinary laboratory of Bamako. This laboratory produces all the vaccine for the livestock industry and serves as the country’s major economic base.



ORT IC representative meeting with ORT Anières (World ORT Swiss training center) graduate students from Bamalo, 2001

Luxembourg Development Agency/ID-Sahel 2011– 2012 A one year project funded by the Luxembourg Development Agency and ID-Sahel to provide support to the Professional Training National Directorate in apprenticeship training. The project will train 300 craftsmen to become apprenticeship masters. The objective is to choose 50 different skills and/or professions, define the content and train 300 craftsmen in the region of Ségou and other rural areas of Mali.

SDC 1974–1995 ORT worked in collaboration with the SDC for more than 20 years to provide training and refresher courses from 18 – 22 months duration in Switzerland. The courses were designed for trainers from Technical Colleges and professionals, as well as Training Managers from public and private companies. The aim of the program was to train effective trainers to benefit the local workforce in skills which produce and use electrical energy.

Early Childhood Development – ORT Specialist Mrs Hortense Palm training local community members, 2001

USAID 1962–1968 ORT organized and managed a national science laboratory and a technical center to train mechanics and laboratory technicians.

USAID 1963–1968 ORT established retraining facilities and programs for various government departments. The Central ORT Institute in Geneva prepared Malian teachers to assume full program and administrative responsibilities upon conclusion of ORT’s assignment. AFRICA 29 AFRICA WORLD ORT MALI Early Childhood Development

ORT Switzerland 2001–2003 ORT implemented an Early Childhood Development project in February 2001, funded by ORT Switzerland. The project consisted of providing an Information, Education, Communication (IEC) specialist to provide assistance to communities in 50 villages, in five regions: Sikasso, Koulikoro, Mopti, Gao and Kayes.

The activities were aimed at women and children living in poor socio-economic and sanitary conditions and living below the poverty line. The IEC specialist helped to strengthen the role of women in their communities by providing assistance in areas of reproductive health and family planning.

Promotion of Women

ORT Switzerland 2001–2003 An Information-Education-Communication (I.E.C.) expert was seconded to support of Women and Alleviation and Poverty Program. For two years the expert provided technical assistance to 50 villages.

African Development Bank 1998–2000 ORT implemented a project at the Commissariat à la Promotion des Femmes in Bamako. A specialist in IEC worked as an Expert in Women in Development within the “Projet d’Appui à la Promotion des Femmes et au Développement de la Pauvreté.”

African Development Bank 1997 The management of the “Support to the Promotion of Women and Alleviation of Poverty” project which was financed by the African Development Bank asked ORT to help with the computerization of the financial management of the project.

Education project – students in a secondary school studying maintenance problems, Nouakchott 2005-2006

Rural Development

USAID 1978–1980 ORT’s pilot project involved local villages in all stages of planning, selecting, financing, and executing approximately 200 rural works and community enterprises. A five-person ORT advisory team planned and conducted seminars and trained Malian community development leaders as they worked with the villagers.


World Bank 1980–1982 ORT trained trainers from the Bamako Center for Professional Training and Public Works at both the Central ORT Institute in Geneva and the Public Works School in Paris.


30 WORLD ORT AFRICA Urban Development

World Bank 1978 ORT identified municipal services training needs in Bamako and assessed the organization, operation, maintenance, and coordination of services. mauritania Education AfDB 2005–2006 This project was implemented, in partnership with AFACOR, Mauritanian Consultancy Office under the supervision of the Department of Administrative Affairs and Material of the MEN (Ministry for National Education). ORT carried out a vast campaign of data collection on the assets of the Ministry for National Education, structures and institutions depending on the Ministry. ORT assessed the current situation in order to provide the MEN with a maintenance system.


World Bank 2002 ORT conducted a feasibility study and reviewed training needs in preparation for a training plan for the staff of the Ministry of Health and Social Affairs.

EU 1975–1976 ORT analyzed hospital maintenance personnel training needs and designed and executed an on-the-job training program. The Mauritanian staff successfully assumed hospital administration responsibilities upon completing training.

Education ICAP 1974–1975 ORT conducted short-term teacher training programs for European instructors volunteering in the Moroccan vocational training/educational programs.


World Bank 1989 Two ORT experts surveyed the marketing methods for the existing wood and related products. The ORT specialists recommended improvements to stimulate production increases and to open new cork and Moroccan timber product markets.

World Bank 1984–1987 An ORT forestry training specialist trained Gharb-Mamora forestry staff in sylvicultural practices, charcoal production, forestry industries, and the use of satellite imagery to study soil erosion control and forest management. The specialist also initiated the creation of a regional forestry training center.


Govt. 1977 ORT surveyed Moroccan hotel management and maintenance personnel training requirements. Specialists from ORT and Sema Metra estimated personnel and equipment needs and evaluated existing vocational courses.

AFRICA 31 AFRICA WORLD ORT namibia Vocational Training UN-AMICAALL NAMIBIA, OPEC, USAID 2003–2009 Following several consecutive missions in 2003, and 2004 to Namibia by the ORT IC representative in South Africa, the ORT – UN/AMICAALL (Alliance of Mayors and Municipal Leaders Initiative for Community Action on HIV/AIDS at Local Level) partnership was established.

The partnership addresses ways that orphaned children, almost 50,000, can be empowered as active participants rather than victims.

The project focuses on vocational training, linked with on the job skills training via partnerships with small and medium sized enterprises in a number of cities and towns. The applications for funding were sent to OPEC, which has granted ORT US$ 250,000. The project began September 2004 and ORT South Africa has been granted further funds for a four-year extension, from September 2005–August 2009.

niger Health USAID 1984 An ORT specialist analyzed the potential benefit of computerizing Ministry of Health files for rural areas.

USAID 1972–1975 ORT analyzed rural maternal and child health service requirements and established a pilot program to train and upgrade nurses, midwives, and other paramedical personnel, and to disseminate family planning information.

nigeria Agriculture World Bank 1982 An ORT specialist assessed agricultural progress in Borno State as part of a planned agricultural development project.

World Bank 1981 An ORT team evaluated agricultural development training needs in Sokoto and recommended the establishment of a permanent development program to provide on-the-job technical and management training for 19 local governments.


Mercantile Bank 1982–1987 ORT studied Bank staff training and development needs, then set up a fully-equipped training center Bank in Calabar and organized training programs. After four years, ORT transferred the training center administration to Nigerian staff.

Bank of the North 1979–1984 ORT conducted a Bank study and provided corporate planning, organizational, and management technical assistance. In addition, ORT helped establishment a training center in Kano. ORT specialist administered the center and developed the Bank’s recruitment and training capabilities.

Bank of the North 1979 ORT analyzed organizational and management procedures, expanded corporate planning, and enlarged the recruitment and training structure. This involved designing an elaborate curriculum, and conducting training courses for existing and newly-recruited personnel.

United Bank for Africa 1975–1976 ORT trained and upgraded the skills of 2,800 employees of the United Bank for Africa, while creating a


32 WORLD ORT AFRICA permanent indigenous training capacity within the Bank. ORT opened two regional training centers and initiated a major recruitment effort in order to help the bank speed Nigerianization of its middle and senior management.

National Bank of Nigeria 1976 ORT conducted a study of personnel training needs and recommended the creation of a permanent savings and loans portfolio management, and banking procedures training structure.


UTC 1977–1982 ORT identified management personnel training needs at the Technical and Motor departments of the United Trading Company, Ltd. of Nigeria (UTC) and recommended the creation of a training center and program, the acquisition of equipment, and the recruitment of personnel.

UTC 1982 ORT prepared a UTC Operations Manual that codified and compiled rules and procedures. This new version of the manual is now used by company managers and supervisors and serves as a basis for designing training courses.


Peugeot 1990–1994 ORT provided European training for selected Peugeot Automobile Nigeria (PAN) managers/trainees and conducts annual training seminars at the ORT established Kaduna Training Center.

Peugeot 1977–1989 ORT conducted a feasibility study and established a training center for the Kaduna Peugeot assembly plant. ORT retrained and upgraded employees and new personnel to meet the future requirements of an expanded labor force. ORT also initiated a major effort to recruit both expatriates and Nigerians and provided training to some Nigerians at ORT centers in Europe. In addition, an ORT training, recruitment, and promotion specialist served as an advisor to the Director General of PAN.

IBBI 1983 ORT surveyed the skills training needs for local maintenance and operations staff and submitted a detailed project proposal at the conclusion of the study.


World Bank 1984–1988 An ORT specialist determined the labor and training requirements of Nigeria Railways 30,000 employees.

World Bank 1987–1988 Eight ORT training, civil, and mechanical engineering specialists created direct labor road maintenance units in 18 states.

World Bank 1974–1986 ORT, in collaboration with Kampsax (a Danish engineering firm), surveyed highway maintenance personnel training needs for the Federal Ministry of Public Works and Housing. ORT then implemented a comprehensive training program for both the Federal Ministry and the States. ORT established four training centers, concentrating initially on road foremen, plant maintenance mechanics, plant operators, and local instructors. ORT then expanded the centers to train highway and bridge inspectors, to execute on-the-job training, and to produce a wide range of course material and training aids.

SCAN 1982–1983 ORT recruited expatriate construction experts for SCAN Construction Nigeria Ltd. AFRICA 33 AFRICA WORLD ORT NIGERIA Water Supply

ORT IC representative with trainees from the Cross River State Water Board.

AfDB 1995–1999 ORT provided financial management training to the Cross River State Water Board (CRSWB), in Calabar, southeast Nigeria. ORT in association with Consultancy for Africa Services Ltd signed a contract with the State Water Board for a Management Consultancy Project, part of a multi-state water resource management program, aimed at improving the efficiency and profitability of the Water Board.

rwanda Education EU 1993–1995 ORT trained six Ministry of Planning secretaries and prepared them to take the Bureautique et Secretariat (BTS) examination.


World Bank/UNDP 1986–1991 ORT trained Public Works staff in heavy vehicle operation, civil engineering, and administration (accountancy, secretarial work, warehouse), and computerized the Directorate’s management services.

World Bank 1978–1986 Three ORT specialists, in conjunction with RRIG, implemented the recommendations of the 1973 study and trained and retrained over 500 Department of Public Works personnel in heavy equipment maintenance and operation, construction, road repair and maintenance. ORT designed the training programs, selected trainees, and produced didactic materials.

World Bank 1973 An ORT survey of national road maintenance training requirements inspired a new training program, to be used in collaboration with the Rhein-Ruhr Ingenieur-Gesellschaft m.b.H. (RRIG) roads improvement program.

Vocational Training

SDC 1963–1993 ORT, together with the Grant Division of the SDC, gave training/development to technical and vocational school teachers as well as to public and private companies, which took place at the Central Institute in Geneva. The objectives of this training/development were: to introduce into Rwanda the knowledge and understanding of maintenance, in particular in two sectors: Maintenance of: electricity, electronics, refrigeration, air-conditioning in the domestic and industrial areas; Maintenance of systems such as: electrics, electronic,s transport systems (light and heavy vehicles, etc).


34 WORLD ORT AFRICA senegal Agriculture SDC 1999–2005 ORT was responsible for training producers and grassroots workers, creating rural; ‘training and information’ networks and organizing advanced training for trainers and managers in agricultural and rural development. Support was given to forming a network of different institutions to produce multi-skilled technicians.

AfDB 2006. ORT undertook a feasibility study for the Gambian River Basin Development Organization, based in Dakar, Senegal. The study was completed by two specialists in microfinance and covered four countries: Senegal, Guinea, The Gambia and Guinea Bissau. Included in the study was an assessment and initiation of a Cooperative Credit Unions System in the four countries.

SDC 1977–1999 An ORT team trained technicians in agriculture, animal husbandry, and forestry. In 1983, ORT extended the project to include engineers in the same fields. ORT managed five schools and two permanent training centers in various regions of the country, and filled the management positions with Senegalese trained by ORT in Senegal and Europe. In 1994, ORT received three-year project extension for the Agricultural Training Center in Bambey and the Forestry Training Center in Zinguinchor.

Agriculture – Training and Technical Assistance. Meeting with farming producers in a village at Naikhar (Fatick region), 1999–2005

World Bank 1992 An ORT agricultural specialist assessed the Extension Service Agent’s training needs and analyzed the National Agricultural Extension Program (PNVA).

SDC 1986–1988 ORT surveyed rural development human resources, assessed human resource requirement for the year 2000, and recommended training programs.


USAID 1980–1984 Following-up the program below, ORT created a permanent training structure to upgrade SAED staff and to train new staff in agricultural equipment operation, maintenance, and repair.

USAID 1977 ORT conducted a preliminary survey and designed a training program to improve agricultural mechanic’s technical expertise at the Société d’Amènagement et d’Exploitation des Terres du Delta (SAED). ORT recommended material requirements and supply sources, technician and employee training methods, and government departmental reorganization. AFRICA 35 AFRICA WORLD ORT SENEGAL Community Development

AfDB 1993–1999 ORT technical assistance improved female and child socio-economics in five regions of Senegal. An ORT finance and administration specialist advised the Ministry for Women, Children, and Family.

Community Development project. Pre-school education for youngsters aged 3-6 years old at Hann (Dakar), 1996–2000

EU/Government of Luxembourg 1996–2000 ORT implemented a Mother and Child Care project in the Hann, Yoff and Ngor zones of Dakar. A Central Unit was built, comprising a primary health center, two vocational training workshops, one for cutting and dress-making, the other for metal works, a nutrition center, a training center for preschool educators and health workers, and 9 shops for graduates who became entrepreneurs. Eight preschools were built for a total capacity of 1,152 students. The project now successfully functions under local control.

AfDB 1994 ORT computerized the financial administration of the CEP and studied Ministry of Women, Children, and Family communications, personnel organization, and purchasing methods.

Vocational Education

City of Geneva/Government of Senegal 2007–2008 With financial support from the City of Geneva, IC has launched a new program in Senegal which will provide skills training to handicapped youth. The opening of the project took place in November 2007 and in January 2008, ORT sent a specialist for two weeks to provide appropriate training to Senegalese staff and beneficiaries


Ville de Genève–2009 This project taught computers to disabled people, focusing on training for entry into the job market. In cooperation with a local NGO, four months training in computer skills was provided for war victims in Casamance. The project addressed 34 people and helped them to find jobs.

World Bank/AfDB 1986–1994 An ORT general finance and administration specialist supervised Ministry of Education management of World Bank funds and prepared the Fourth Education Project budget.

USAID / Ford Foundation 1979–1985 ORT, in conjunction with YMCA and the Ministry of Social Services, developed an integrated UNDP training system in Dakar. ORT directed training for unemployed youth, provided them with marketable skills, and followed up with job counseling and placement services.


36 WORLD ORT AFRICA Ford Foundation 1983 ORT conducted a market survey and investigated the feasibility of integrating women into the construction trades. ORT then assessed the possibility of establishing a draftsperson workshop employing an equal number of women and men.

Ford Foundation 1983 ORT evaluated the effectiveness of the Maritime Fisheries School in Dakar, recommended curriculum updates, building and equipment improvements and assessed technical assistance requirements.

USAID 1980–1981 ORT improved performance and expanded local national staff roles of USAID in Dakar by modifying the work environment and facilitating expanded career opportunities.


World Bank 1981–1987 Nine ORT specialists constructed a new training center and organized Training Production Units.

World Bank/Louis Berger 1981 ORT surveyed and assessed Ministry of Public Works employment and training requirements and as a result designed a training program for the employees.

ORT also determined trainee availability within the Ministry, facility and equipment requirements, and technical assistance guidelines as well as projected costs.


USAID 1975 ORT conducted a series of training programs in rural development, vocational education, health, and industry for Government personnel.

sierra UNDP 1987 An ORT consultant prepared technical cooperation analysis in Sierra Leone. This preliminary study was leone followed by a national technical cooperation assessment that served as the primary document for the Sierra Leone donor Round Table in 1998.

World Bank 1980 ORT prepared a report on highway maintenance training needs and available facilities and recommended a comprehensive training program. somalia Transportation USAID 1987 ORT surveyed the rural road rehabilitation and maintenance elements of a major Somali project designed to improve local private voluntary organization (PVO) performance.

World Bank 1987 An ORT consultant worked with a World Bank team to identify infrastructure projects in Mogadishu, Kismayo, and other towns.


Participants from Dikhatole on a skills training course

Hewlett Packard 2007–2008 Implemented by ORT South Africa The Capability Building project proposed to build two ICT skills training organizations in Mokopane; Mogalakwena Sustainable Technologies (MST) and Advance Through Learning (ATL). Both MST and ATL are emerging non-profit organizations, which have technically skilled leaders and staff. The project addressed the dire need in the community for more ICT skills training organizations, such as MST and ATL. Their aim is to provide various kinds of ICT skills training courses and support to the community in and around Mokopane. A needs assessment was carried out for the organizations to prioritize the areas for capacity building.

ICT project 2002–2008 Copy of a poster mounted to show youngsters from the poverty- striken area of Dikhatole one of the computer classrooms equipped by Hewlett-Packard. Two young graduates show their diplomas and another student holds a board displaying the partners who supported this project – MacSteel, Hewlett-Packard, Geneva Local Government and ORT

A workshop was created to discuss accreditation to the relevant Skills Education Training Authorities (SETAs) and assist the organizations in the processes required. Both organizations indicated that they are interested in registering with the Services SETA (Skills Education and Training Authority). The process of registration


38 WORLD ORT AFRICA is a long one, and Community Based Organizations have agreed to prioritize this in their work. Staff in both organizations have undergone assessor and moderator training as part of the accreditation process.

HEWLETT PACKARD 2002–2008 HP is financing the ‘Digital Village’ program in the Dikhatole Community near Johannesburg. The program is helping underserved communities participate in the digital age. Members of the community are learning computer, internet, accounting and business skills and more than 4,000 will be trained in the community by the time of the projects’ completion.


Bidvest,GDE (Gauteng Department of Education) – D9, 2010–2015 Implemented by ORT South Africa Following the success of the initial Alexandra Bidvest Foundation Phase Project, Bidvest committed itself to a second phase of the project. Intermediate Phase educators will be enrolled on a one year UNISA (University of South Africa) Mathematics course. Support and mentoring will be provided by ORT SA. The course will enhance their subject, content and methodology knowledge in Mathematics.

The project also includes mentoring and peer-coaching. Mentors are selected by schools and will be part of a mentoring group, facilitated by ORT SA. Whole School Development (WSD) will also assist with the schools’ management teams.

The “Bill of Responsibilities” (initiated by the DOE (Department of education) and the National Religious Forum) will also be introduced. From 2011 onwards intervention will be based on the needs and findings of 2010.

Services SETA, Gauteng Department of Education (GDE) and schools in all the areas listed below 2010–2011 Implemented by ORT South Africa The Geared for Life project was extended in 2010 to include a further 370 learners in the following areas: Alexandra, Diepsloot, Cosmo City, Soweto, Springs and some North Eastern Suburb schools. Subjects include Paralegal, Project Management, Marketing or nail technology. The project will strengthen students’ chances of obtaining employment or gaining entrance into a Higher Education Institution.

Services SETA, GDE, schools in Diepsloot and Alexander 2010 Implemented by ORT South Africa Services SETA together with ORT SA and in partnership with the GDE District 9 and 10, are offering an Educator Assistant Training Program. 100 newly matriculated learners have been selected and placed on a 1-year project management course at no cost to the learner. Practicals are conducted at schools where learners assist educators in classes for children with special needs. This opportunity is designed for individuals interested in teaching and who want to give back to the community. It requires commitment and dedication and the individuals selected have to illustrate this in their application. It gives learners an opportunity to work and study in the classroom in order to become educators and in turn creates experienced and educated candidates for employment. The greatest element of this incredible project is the assistance and support that ORT is able to offer the schools and community.

Service SETA, GDE, D-9 and selected schools in the Gauteng 2009–2011 Implemented by ORT South Africa Services SETA and ORT SA are offering learners the opportunity to complete a one year qualification over the course of three years which will provide them with an additional qualification on completion of Grade 12. The number of learners is 200.The outcome is an occupational qualification as well as the knowledge that the chosen candidates will have a better chance of gaining a higher position in a top company and/or enrolling in further studies.

It is a project that gives the youth of today the experience that all companies are looking for, as well as understanding of hard work and basic knowledge of the industry that excites them. The pilot project was implemented in 10 schools from Alexandra Township and the Northern Suburbs of Gauteng. These one year certificate courses will be completed over three years as extra-curricular (the last 3 years of their High AFRICA 39 AFRICA WORLD ORT SOUTH AFRICA School career or the FET Phase).ORT sees this project as an opportunity to impart crucial knowledge and skills to a receptive audience and have an impact on future generations of South Africa. The Geared for life program boasts an incredible partnership between the schools, learners, GDE and ORT SA. These trainers are dedicated and are determined to leave a legacy in their communities.

Peregrine, Amalgamated Banks of South Africa, (ABSA) Capital 2010 – current Implemented by ORT South Africa ORT South Africa was approached by the Chief Rabbi of South Africa regarding the implementation of the “Bill of Responsibilities” which is linked to Whole School Development. It involves integrating responsibility into the life of the school community as well as the teaching of values and ethics and how to handle school discipline responsibly. The “Bill” has been incorporated into the Life Orientation Learning Area in primary and high schools. The number of schools involved so far is 14. The project proposes to enrol this initiative with ORT South Africa’s current projects and examine a strategic roll out of a Professional Development implementation program (workshops, tutoring, mentoring).

ABSA, GDE – D9 and UNISA 2009–2011 Implemented by ORT South Africa ORT SA joined forces with ABSA to improve science achievements in Ivory Park primary schools. The programs had relevant GDE representative involvement with 30 Intermediate Phase (Grades 4 – 6) educators receiving support, mentoring and workshops in UNISA’s ACE (Advanced Certificate in Education) Science program. 130 Foundation Phase (Grades 1 – 3) took part in ORT South Africa’s SETA Accredited course in Science and Technology. The number of educators trained was 53. In 2009, 28 Foundation Phase teachers were enrolled with a SETA course in Life Skills (with Science and Technology being a focus).ORT SA will continue to give science students with ACE valued support, mentoring and guidance.

The New Settlers, Toyota, UNISA (University of South Africa) and GDE – D9 2008–2010 Implemented by ORT South Africa 12 schools in Johannesburg Ivory Park received support and training from ORT SA, their sponsors and partners. 26 Intersen Phase educators were enrolled on the ACE Mathematics program, offered by UNISA.

Citadel and Peregrine, GDE – D9 2008–2010 Implemented by ORT South Africa The project implements ORT’s SEED (Sustainable Educator Empowerment and Development) model and deals with management leadership, training and support in Math, Science and Technology. Makhoarane Primary School is the anchor school in Soweto and is in the process of Whole School Evaluation, where 10 areas of the school’s operation are being targeted. This was initiated by the Department of Education.

The project also has an outreach to 17 other primary schools in the area. Support and training in Technology and Mathematics is given to Intermediate Phase educators (Grade 4 – 6). Support and training in Life Skills (Science and Technology) is given to Foundation Phase educators (Grade 1 – 3). The number of educators trained was 86. In 2008–2009, Whole School Development to Makhoarane Primary School completed team building, Science, Mathematics and Technology and Finance subjects. The school’s Science, Mathematics and Technology (SMT) will also be introduced to the “Bill of Responsibilities”, initiated by the DOE and the National Religious Forum.

Graham Beck Foundation April 2007– present Implemented by ORT South Africa Educator empowerment in Mathematics, Science and Technology. The School Management team at ORT SEED Huguenoot Primary acquired Management and Leadership skills.

Bidvest, GDE – D9 2007–2010 Implemented by ORT South Africa In Alexandra Township, 12 primary schools have been the focus of this foundation phase project.160 educators were trained, with Foundation Phase educators receiving training in numeracy. During 2010 Grade 3 educators received support. During this time Grade 1 and 2 educators still have available support,


40 WORLD ORT AFRICA but on a much smaller scale. JET (Joint Education Trust) is conducting an external evaluation on the project. Studies show a positive impact on the performance of both educators and learners.

Wendy Ackerman Educational Trust March 2007–2008 Implemented by ORT South Africa Educators from Stellenbosch were trained as coaches/mentors in Robotics. The number of learners was 48 and they participated in 2008 and 2009 National Competitions of which one team in 2009 won the research component.

WCED (Western Cape Education Department) tender 2007–1 year: 6 similar courses offered in 2008 Implemented by ORT South Africa Teaching was provided for intermediate and senior phase courses. Educators came from Cape Province and the course lasted two weeks for each course. Educator empowerment in Technology for both Intermediate and Senior Phases at Primary School levels.

Gauteng Department of Education 2003–2006 ORT is working with the Gauteng Department of Education’s Early (GDE) Childhood Development unit to bring science, technology and life skills teaching to young school children in Alexandra. This partnership will allow the training of 255 teachers in Alexandra in science and technology, as well as the training of 20 trainers and 8 evaluation specialists from Alexandra’s GDE in science, technology and evaluation.

ORT South Africa. Drugs closure project for advocates, 2005

DFID / EU 2001–2004 This project was a joint venture between ORT SA, World ORT Trust and the South African National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence (SANCA). The project addressed the underlying causes of substance abuse in Soweto. It targeted individuals, families and the community; developed a curriculum for pre-primary school children that emphasized self-esteem, trained and supported teachers in the implementation of the new curriculum, provided employable skills training to family members of children in participating schools, and it provided community members and leaders with the opportunity to attend substance abuse and empowerment workshops at the SANCA clinic.

ORT 1994–2004 ORT established two Science Technology and Education Project (STEP) institutes in Cape Town and Johannesburg to retrain teachers from disadvantaged black communities to improve their teaching qualifications in technology, science, and mathematics.

USAID 1998–1999 This project was designed to train NGOs in the use of computer skills in Botswana, Namibia, South Africa, Zambia and Zimbabwe under the USAID Internet and Southern Africa Regional Democracy Fund.

AFRICA 41 AFRICA WORLD ORT SOUTH AFRICA EU/DFID 2001–2004 The core of the project was to develop and implement an anti-substance abuse component for a pre- primary school curriculum in South Africa that would initially be implemented in Soweto. The curriculum’s main objective was to raise the children’s self esteem and expectations and allow them ways of avoiding peer pressure. During the curriculum’s development and implementation, there was a teacher training program on the curriculum’s implementation and training other teachers, from approximately 40 schools in Soweto. Volunteers were trained to hold informal workshops in their localities that would disseminate the information further into the heart of the community.

SIDA 1997–1999 ORT trained groups in technology in the Western Cape starting in early 1997. Farm buildings in a rural area just outside Cape Town were converted into a training center with the help of a local supporter.

Workforce Development

City of Johannebsurg (COJ), MaAfrika Tikkun and Johannesburg Chamber of Commerce and Industry (JCCI) September 2008 Implemented by ORT South Africa This pilot project which was run to test the effectiveness of the Cities new Job Pathways Program. Through many contact points established throughout the City, the COJ engaged unemployed individuals living in poverty. Their resumes were forwarded to ORT SA who then matched potential candidates to placements in companies. The concept behind the initiative was to work with the needs of the companies and then find the right candidates by providing skills training where necessary. The project exceeded its target of 150 candidates and trained and placed approximately 700 individuals in the workplace.

Participants gaining new skills and qualifications to equip them for the workplace.

Fasset (Financial Services SETA – Skills Education and Training Authority), Association of Certified Chartered Accountants (ACCA) 2008 Implemented by ORT South Africa Certified Accounting Technician (CAT) is a bookkeeping qualification offered by ACCA. ORT selected unemployed learners with these qualifications or part qualifications in CAT and offered them as a Work Readiness training course. The program used practical interventions to assist the graduates’ transition into the corporate world. The course closed the gap between students and employees, by providing extra training such as creation of CV’s and accounting packages such as Pastel.

The 5 week course prepared 100 candidates “for success” and created individuals who are better equipped for the world of work. The program successfully placed over 70% of its graduates in employment.


42 WORLD ORT AFRICA Fasset 2005–2007 Implemented by ORT South Africa The Siyaphambili project meaning “we are moving forward” trained disadvantaged individuals and enabled them to gain a tertiary qualification in workplace skills. Students who already had a financial tertiary qualification were given assistance in finding employment. The number of learners was 100. The program trained students in vital soft skills (especially for the financial sector) and life skills (such as goal setting). New entrants were given assistance in finding employment.

Fasset 2003–2005 Implemented by ORT South Africa ORT together with Fasset developed a call center course which covered IT skills, legal aspects, debt recovery strategies and terminology, work ethics, customer care and call center skills. Learners were trained and placed in jobs immediately after the course. Jobs were provided for at least 75% of the students.

Childhood Development

USAID PEPFAR (U.S. President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief), AMICAALL (Alliance of Mayors’ Initiative for Community Action on AIDS at the Local Level) and UNOPS (United Nations Operations) 2005–2009 Implemented by ORT South Africa The overall goal of the Skills, Opportunities and Self-Reliance (SOS) project was to enhance the lives and development of orphans and vulnerable children in Namibia. The number of beneficiaries was 2023. The International Youth Award (IYA) provides numerous opportunities for young people to be involved in self- awareness and interpersonal activities.

The IYA managed to produce its own DVD which captures the immense potential of the program. This DVD will be used as an introductory tool during the orientation and recruitment of new participants. The service component of the program gives young people an opportunity to prepare and give assistance to others.

With the help of community volunteers, places are identified for the participants to take up a voluntary service in old age or children’s homes or any other place where they can give something back to their community. Their involvement has given tremendous satisfaction to them and gives them a sense of belonging. The NTA (Namibia Training Authority) conducted an Audit of the KAYEC (Katutura Youth Enterprise Center) Windhoek’s vocational training premises, systems and workshops. The assessors were impressed with the well- organized nature of the programs, the quality of training, the high student output and the application of skills to the needs of the industry. sudan Agriculture

ODA 1984 ORT advised the Northern Agricultural Production Corporation (NAPC) to install 14 pump systems along the Nile River north of Khartoum. ORT designed the project to rehabilitate engineering works and to assist in developing the management, financial accounting systems, and infrastructural development of the NAPC.

ODA 1984 ORT conducted an irrigation labor and training needs study in northern Sudan.

World Bank 1983 ORT developed the extension capabilities of Agricultural Production Corporations of New Halfa, Rahad, Blue Nile, and White Nile by introducing an agricultural extension training and visit system. The Agricultural Research Corporations became more involved with adaptive research, and the University of Gariza developed an information dissemination unit for sifting and packaging research results. Following ORT recommendations, the University also introduced a post-graduate diploma and Master of Science degree in Extension Methodology. AFRICA 43 AFRICA WORLD ORT SUDAN Transportation

USAID/World Bank 1983 ORT assessed road maintenance personnel training needs in southern Sudan.

swaziland Education World Bank 1977 ORT conducted a survey on vocational training requirements in order to create agricultural training centers based on specific labor needs and the employment potential of a particular district. ORT recommended locations and skills training programs for the centers.


World Bank 1982 ORT examined Ministry of Works’ personnel training needs.

World Bank 1977 Following a 1976 study, ORT investigated the capabilities and organization of the Ministry of Public Works Roads Branch. ORT presented proposals to reorganize and staff this department and assessed specific training needs for a five-year period.

Urban Development

World Bank 1987 An ORT specialist identified urban development projects in Mbabane and Manzini.

tanzania Education IUEF 1971 ORT conducted a survey in conjunction with the Tanzania National YMCA and the International University Exchange Fund and prepared recommendations on the planning, construction, equipping, and operation of a vocational and farm training school.


World Bank 1976–1979 A 21-person ORT team developed road maintenance capabilities for the Ministry of Works. ORT trained personnel and established a permanent training structure. The training center was equipped and staffed at Morogoro and its directorate covered the southern half of the country. ORT completed numerous studies, prepared a series of comprehensive training manuals, and in 1978, extended the program to include northern Tanzania.

togo Agriculture

EU 1993–1994 Four ORT specialists conducted a final evaluation of the Rural Development Program in the Savanes region and made recommendations.

Education and Agriculture

USAID 1977 Two ORT specialists assisted the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training and the Ministry of Rural


44 WORLD ORT AFRICA Development to improve the level and scope of technical and rural training in Togo. The specialists reviewed existing training institutions and potential recruitment sources, identified specific needs, and presented proposals for enlarging and improving existing training programs.

Urban Development

World Bank 1990–1992 ORT financial and institutional strengthening specialists were advisors to the Public Works Department.

World Bank 1981 An ORT training specialist pre-identified an urban development project in Lomé, and assessed various technical services, such as market organizations, fire services, refuse collection, and road maintenance.

Vocational Education

SDC 1989 ORT organized a visit for a delegation from Togo to Switzerland in September 1989. The objective was to familiarize participants with Swiss technical and vocational institutions. The delegation learned of the training systems via dual methods of teaching and met the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale in order to develop skills in rural engineering, electric engineering, and civil engineering.

uganda Transportation

World Bank 1990 An ORT specialist updated the traffic information in a 1986 ORT transport sector report.

World Bank 1989 ORT evaluated the status of the World Bank’s Third Highway Project and outlined future technical assistance needs in road maintenance operations and personnel training.

World Bank 1985–1986 Ten ORT specialists studied transport human resources and personnel training and analyzed management of ferry, road, and rail transportation systems.

zambia Industry

World Bank 1983 ORT examined construction industry skill and training requirements and submitted a set of specific recommendations.

Rural Development

GTZ 1982 ORT training specialists assessed skill and training requirements for an Integrated Rural Development Project in Kabompo, designed courses, and determined needs for road maintenance supervisors, mechanics, drivers, and equipment operators. zimbabwe Agriculture

USAID 1985–1988 ORT procured and shipped educational equipment to the Belvedere Teachers Training College in Harare.

AFRICA 45 AFRICA WORLD ORT ZIMBABWE ORT 1984 A report by ORT outlined the options for establishing an internal staff development and training capability at the Agricultural and Rural Development Authority (ARDA). ARDA, one of the largest employers in Zimbabwe, manages over 25 large agricultural estates nationwide.

ORT 1982 An ORT-sponsored study mission identified local agriculture training needs with particular emphasis on the cotton industry.

Urban Development

World Bank 1987–1988 ORT conducted the survey below in 17 secondary towns throughout Zimbabwe and recommended similar training proposals.

World Bank 1982–1985 An ORT specialist surveyed training requirements in road maintenance, water supply, sewage, and housing for the major cities of Zimbabwe and designed training programs for staff at all levels in these sub-sectors. africa region Education

West African Economic and Monetary Union (UEMOA) – 2010 Upon the request of the West African Monetary and Economy Union, three ORT experts made a study in eight of the Union’s countries: Benin, Burkina Faso, Ivory Cost, Guinea Bissau, Mali, Niger, Senegal, Togo identifying the needs in Higher Education. The study focused on the partnership between the Universities and governments.

EU 1984–1985 ORT surveyed eight of the 16 ECOWAS states to identify telecommunications training needs. ORT evaluated technological progress in equipment and telecommunications methods, telecommunication systems staffing and requirements, and the level of foreign staffing. ORT also examined existing and future training needs in each country.

Conseil de l’Entente 1973 ORT developed an administration and management technical training program to assist small and medium- sized enterprise operations in Benin, Burkina Faso, Ivory Coast, Niger, and Togo. The assistance centered around seminars and upgraded courses organized in existing institutions.

USAID 1969 ORT examined available resources and training needs in four countries (Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, and Gabon).

USAID 1960–1961 ORT evaluated vocational training needs in ten African countries and presented a series of detailed recommendations of how to best meet the identified needs.

Urban Development

World Bank/USAID/Habitat 1983–1984 ORT developed a training needs assessment methodology for local government authorities in East Africa and prepared a manual adopted by Kenyan authorities.



ORT expanded its IC activities into Asia during the 1970s and remains active today. Multi-sectoral projects were mounted throughout the region. Community development programs were expanded to include training centers. Traditional programs in the fields of vocational education and skills training were developed to local specifications. In response to the 2004 tsunami, ORT designed and delivered educational, training and livelihood programs throughout the region. Community development programs were expanded to include training centers and traditional programs in the fields of vocational education and skills training were developed to local specifications.

Photo: Computer laboratory supplied by ORT-JDC in the Andaman and Nicrobar Islands, . ASIA AND THE PACIFIC INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION


World Bank 1975 ORT conducted a nationwide survey of road maintenance personnel training needs for the Ministry of Public Works.

UNDP/World Bank 1973–1974 ORT designed and implemented, in collaboration with Kampsax (a Danish engineering firm), a comprehensive training program for road maintenance personnel.

bangladesh Education

USAID 1987 An ORT consultant prepared a technical needs assessment of Foreign Service Nationals working for AID. The analysis proposed establishing an in-house training unit and made a series of recommendations to meet the training needs of locally-recruited staff.

ADB 1977 An ORT survey examined rural vocational education and the feasibility of local educational material production. ORT specialists identified relevant trades for existing training centers, determined specifications for establishing new centers and upgrading existing sites, and submitted a set of recommendations.

BHUTAN Education

UNDP 1989 As part of a human resources development project, ORT provided a training specialist to assess the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and Government of Bhutan training efforts in order to increase the number of skilled nationals in education, health, and agriculture.

Burma Transportation

World Bank 1980 ORT trained Burma Ports Corporation employees in the use of mechanical equipment. ORT designed and implemented courses in motor-truck mechanics, stationary engine mechanics, sheet metal construction, welding, and general maintenance mechanics.

china Education

World Bank 1991–1996 Through the SPARK project, ORT provided curricula design, production of advanced technology material packages, in-country and participant training, and modern equipment for four provincial State Science and Technology Commission training establishments.


World Bank 1993 Two ORT specialists studied labor needs and training resources for the Xinjiang Highway Project. ORT also analyzed two training schools in the regional capital of Urumqi and designed comprehensive training programs for engineers, supervisors, equipment operators, mechanics, and drivers.



A Chinese student practicing at a workshop in Tianjing, 2007 india Education American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee (JDC), Jewish Coalition for Asia, Tsunami Relief, Jewish Federation of Great Washington 2005–2011 Following the Tsunami disaster in July 2005, ORT and Bharatiya Jain Sanghatana (BJS) a local NGO, signed a Memorandum of Understanding to launch and support the Andaman and Nicobar Educational Quality Improvement Project (BJS-EDUQIP) in the tsunami-affected areas of the Andaman and Nicobar islands. In addition, ORT has installed and inaugurated computer/IT laboratories in a number of schools on the island in locations with proper infrastructure and motivation to implement an IT program in their facilities. ORT provided the computer equipment, installation and multimedia educational CDs. As a direct result of this part of the program, three of the five schools have now added computer science as a subject for the 12th grade. ORT’s installation of these computer labs is creating a technologically educated school population and is enabling students to enter the workforce with greater skills.

ORT IC representative with school directors and students at the inauguration of Chouldari school supported by ORT

The BJS-EDUQIP basket of programs include the following: computer education, school administration software, accreditation program, management of training programs, aptitude assessment and evaluation, teachers training program, moral and value education program, child youth and development program, disaster management, extra curricular activities, social service awareness program, teaching with multimedia, environment education, creative thinking for teachers and creative teaching for students. Activities will be implemented over a three-year timeframe.

ILO 1990–1991 ORT conducted seminars in London for Vocational Training Center Directors. Topics included Project Management, Computing for Managers, Desk-top Publishing, Hypermedia and Interactive Video.


World Bank 1982 ORT organized five postgraduate courses in the UK with appropriate industrial attachments for 48 Highway Department (Bina Marga) engineers and senior staff. ORT offered courses in management training, transportation planning, project management information systems, finance, and contract administration.

Iran Transportation

World Bank 1974–1975 An ORT survey of training requirements led to the formulation and implementation of a training program for the 5,000 Iranian Ports and Shipping Organization personnel. ORT trained and retrained specialists in diesel mechanics, electricity, maintenance, general mechanics, fire and safety procedures, storekeeping, warehousing, and maritime specialties.

Government of 1974 ORT identified the training and retraining needs of road construction and maintenance supervisory and technical personnel.

korea Education

World Council of Churches 1970 ORT conducted a survey to establish the groundwork for a model vocational high school in Suwon.

nepal Rural Development

CIDA 1981–1982 ORT assisted in an integrated rural development project to develop local industries and communications and to assess damage caused by soil erosion. Education

ADB 1976 ORT participated in a study to identify immediately employable skills in eastern Nepal, evaluated existing training programs and industry skill requirements, and designed a detailed program for the appropriate skill areas. ORT also assessed training center sites, curriculum design, equipment, and staff needs.


UNDP 1976 An ORT survey reported the technical and market considerations of establishing a workshop for the assembly, repair, and sale of motorcycles and bicycles.


UNDP 1975–1978 ORT organized and supervised a motor pool system for heavy duty food transportation trucks in the Sahel.

pakistan Water Supply

EU 1989–1991 An ORT specialist reviewed Water and Power Department Authority (WAPDA) senior staff training needs. INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION

50 WORLD ORT ASIA AND THE PACIFIC ORT designed a management and micro-computers training program for engineers, and then expanded the program to cover all technical staff. phillipines Community Development Training Center

EU 1997–2000 This project established a Community Development Training Center to provide training services and training materials in the principles and practice of general and specific areas of community development. The beneficiaries of the project included local government units, non-governmental organizations, co- operatives and community leaders from all parts of the Philippines.


USAID 1992–1996 ORT provided electronics training to the Dualtech Training Center by increasing and improving the quality and quantity of electronics laboratories training equipment and by training teachers in advanced technologies.

Coca-Cola/USAID 1994–1997 ORT established a Vocational/Technical Education project to provide educational opportunities for underprivileged youths and to secure jobs for over 3,000 youths in the rapidly expanding Sta. Rosa Laguna industrial belt.

Pre-school education. ORT Center at La Union, Philippines 1991–1994

Health, Education and Nutrition

EU/Government of Luxembourg 1994–1997 The second phase of this project commenced in 1994 to strengthen eight micro-enterprises in order to achieve economic development in the project area through an increase in productivity, higher income and generation of employment; to ensure the sustainability of the Mother and Child Care Center and to improve the quality of life of beneficiaries and their families.

Government of Luxembourg 1991–1994 ORT implemented a Mother and Child Care project in eight municipalities affected by the 1990 earthquake. In each community, ORT provided a center with 17 satellite units for primary health care, nutrition, pre-school education, and community development. Approximately 100,000 people benefited from this project. In 1994, the government of Luxembourg extended the project by three years in order to foster rural economic development by increasing the productivity of eight small businesses established by the project.

ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 51 WORLD ORT ASIA AND THE PACIFIC PHILLIPINES Provincial Government 1989 ORT surveyed mother and child care needs in the La Union province and made recommendations to the Provincial Government.

Urban Development

World Bank 1983 An ORT municipal development training advisor conducted detailed training needs analyses for the senior staff (urban planners, civil engineers, accountants, procurement officers, etc.) of 15 secondary cities. Based on the identified needs, the trainer prepared specific courses in construction methods and supervision, site health and safety, cost estimation, budget planning and preparation, project monitoring, and post-implementation evaluation. ORT then initiated further training course design in community development, municipal enterprise management and financial management.

SRI LANKA Skills Training

American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee, Jewish Coalition for Asia Tsunami Relief, Jewish Federation of Greater Washington 2005–2008 As part of the Tsunami recovery assistance program, ORT is working with a local Sri Lankan organization, Shilpa, to provide vocational training and income generation skills to women in Sri Lanka’s hard-hit south east region. As part of the sewing program, 20 women have been trained in hand embroidery in a residential workshop at Shilpa.

An art program for school children as part of the Tsunami relief program, 2008

Eight social workers have been recruited to monitor progress of the 208 children sponsored by Shilpa. Two experienced counsellors completed a two-day workshop in September 2005 and plan to conduct a monthly program and make field visits.

JDC 2007–2010 As a follow-on to a tsunami relief project that was implemented, ORT and Shilpa are improving the living conditions of families in four communities severely affected by the tsunami in the Gonnoruwa District, and improving their access to water and markets. The activities of the Improved Agriculture and Roads Project focuses on road repair and increasing access to potable water for drinking and irrigation. This project, in cooperation with our ORT local partner, Shilpa, is providing continued technical assistance to families in Hambanthota, one of Sri Lanka’s hardest hit tsunami regions. To ensure sustained and improved livelihood of those affected by the 2004 disaster, ORT developed a strategy to improve living conditions and access to markets, through road repair and improved access to potable water for drinking and irrigation. ORT is working to assist affected families and children to continue to improve their standards of living through the creation and installation of irrigation and sprinkler systems which will improve production of cash crops (the primary source of income).


52 WORLD ORT ASIA AND THE PACIFIC tonga & Improved Agriculture and Roads Project western JDC 2007–2008 samoa As a follow-on to a tsunami relief project that was implemented, ORT and Shilpa are improving the living conditions of families in four communities severely affected by the tsunami in the Gonnoruwa District, and improving their access to water and markets. Project activities focus on road repair and increasing access to potable water for drinking and irrigation.

turkey Education

USAID 1978–1979 ORT, in cooperation with the Foundation for the People of the South Pacific, identified areas to benefit from vocational training. Two ORT training specialists participated in the program implementation.

NORAD 1991–1994 ORT, in conjunction with the Norwegian Refugee Council taught basic skills and home economics to Kurdish refugees in Eastern Turkey. ORT also provided health and family planning guidance to local communities.

OECD 1974–1979 An ORT training needs assessment led to the creation of a micro-technic center in Ankara. ORT provided maintenance, medical and navigation instrument repair, micro-electronics, data processing, and computer training to the center.

vietnam Pre-school Education/Family Development

EU 1998–2000 This project provided basic pre-school education and health care for children aged 3 to 5 years living in disadvantaged areas of Yen Bai Province, Vietnam. Parents, especially mothers, were involved through training in early childhood stimulation, health, hygiene, nutrition, and family planning. The direct beneficiaries were 1440 pre-school children aged between 3-6 years, 550 women trained as child minders or health workers, 3,000 parents, 200 people received vocational skills training and 200 people who were trained as community leaders.


ORT has played an active role in the reintegration of refugees in post-conflict societies, and has revitalized civil society through the development and promotion of non-governmental organizations (NGOs). ORT’s workforce development and vocational training programs meet the needs of labor markets in various countries. Our particular expertise is in the delivery of Information, communication and technology programs catering to the needs of different segments of society. ORT was founded in St.Petersburg in 1880 and returned to Russia in 1991 to develop traditional ORT educational programs throughout the region as well as economic and social development projects under International Cooperation.

Photo: Disabled Persons Initiative in Montenegro.



albania Democracy Governance

USAID 2000–2001 The Social Sector Rehabilitation project provided grants and technical assistance to improve health and education infrastructure and enhance the quality of services. ORT worked with 20 local NGOs to conduct community assessments to identify priority needs, and improve areas of social rehabilitation and services.

USAID 1995–2000 ORT developed and strengthened local non-governmental organizations through an incremental program of technical assistance, training, and financial grants under the Democracy Network Program. ORT provided customized training to implement an internal governance structure that promoted democratic practices, transparency, accountability; and fundamental management and advocacy skills to become an effective agent of policy change and reform. The funding was strategically directed toward public policy-oriented NGOs active in democratic, environmental, economic, and social issues. The project promoted democratic governance in Albania by increasing the role and recognition of civil society.

Workforce Development

Albania Democracy Network program - Needs Assessment of local groups, 2000

USAID 1991–1997 ORT created the first adult job skills training program in Albania during a one-year USAID funded pilot project. Due to overwhelming student demand and the practical success of ORT courses, USAID extended the project to five years. ORT established a total of six training centers throughout Albania and trained over 26,000 unemployed and underemployed Albanians in computers, English as a second language (ESL), management and business, automotive repair, tourism, electrical repair, cosmetology, secretarial skills, and fashion design. ORT also provided technical assistance for the Ministry of Labor to create a Department of Vocational Training to manage the network of schools.

belarus Education Private and Public Sources 1994–1997 ORT established a high-technology resource center in Minsk to train teachers and other professionals.

bosnia Democracy Governance

HerzeGOVINA USAID 1999 – 2001 ORT developed a core group of 28 local NGO partners through an intensive NGO development and sustainability program. Program support was designed to strengthen their organizational capacity to achieve financial and institutional sustainability, and to address citizens’ needs through education, advocacy and the provision of services. The Democracy Network program also delivered technical EUROPE 55 EUROPE WORLD ORT BOSNIA assistance and training to a wider target group of NGOs on coalition-building, public relations and policy HERZEGOVINA advocacy activities.

CROATIA Refugee Assistance

Mobile training units sponsored by ORT

Govt. of Luxembourg and the Orion Trust 1994-1998 Three ORT mobile units trained Kosovo refugees in English, tailoring, computing, and construction.

FRANCE ORT France has participated and continues to participate in the following programs funded by the European Commission:

European Commission 2010–2012 The GALA project aims to shape the scientific community and build a European Virtual Research Center (VRC) aimed at gathering, integrating, harmonizing and coordinating research on Serious Games (SGs) and disseminating knowledge and tools as a reference point at an international level. The objective is to foster innovation and knowledge transfer through research-business dialogue.

European Commission 2009–2011 The PANDORA project is an Advanced Training Environment for Crisis Management Scenarios which emulate a crisis room with realistic 3D visuals and audio to create a truly immersive, chaotic and stressfu environment. It bridges the gap between table top exercises and real world simulations exercises, providing a near-real training environment at an affordable cost.

European Commission 2008–2011 The METABO project focuses on the improvement of diabetes management by providing patients and health professionals with a technological platform to help them handle and analyze all information related to diabetes treatment as well as integrating it with patients’ lifestyle data.

European Commission 2007–2009 The ALIS Automated Legal Intelligent System project aimed to dramatically reduce the distance between citizens or private companies on the one hand, and the system of laws and regulations on the other. This was done via the use of legal systems and other regulatory systems and easing access to them. The purpose was to facilitate compliance with laws and regulations as well as the evolution of legal and regulatory systems. ALIS provided handy access to relevant information and a system of reasoning adapted to both the user and the case in question.

European Commission 2006–2008 The MOSAICA project (Semantically Enhanced Multifaceted Collaborative Access to Cultural Heritage) was aimed at research design and the development of a toolbox of generic technologies for intelligent


56 WORLD ORT EUROPE presentations, knowledge-based discovery, and interactive and creative educational experiences, covering a range of diversified cultural heritages requirements. The specific interests of the Jewish heritage have been selected as an environment to test and demonstrate the effectiveness of the approach. It provided tools and utilities for online communities to become actively engaged in the publishing process, whilst contributing their knowledge and experience in order to create new approaches for enhancing the presentation and accessibility of cultural resources.

European Commission2006–2008 The Enhanced Learning Unlimited (ELU) project aimed to increase learning opportunities everywhere through iDTV; promoting a large vision of t-learning services, with new pedagogical approaches and immersive learning environments to be able to provide enriched experiences for learners, with an emphasis on societal challenges.

European Commission 2006–2008 The Enhanced Learning Experience and Knowledge Transfer project (ELEKTRA) aimed to improve learning experiences and knowledge transfer through games in order to make learning as exciting as cutting-edge computer games.

European Commission 2004–2007 The iClass IP project developed an intelligent cognitive-based, open learning system for schools, adapted to individual learner needs which ensured their take-up in the education sector at a European level. iClass provided an attractive and stimulating e-learning environment for children, offering ubiquitous access to learning content and services as well as addressing the needs of the main school stakeholders. These include traditional groups such as students, teachers, school administrators, educational authorities, parents and other important partners such as educational content developers, publishers and providers of educational services.

The Research and Development Unit at ORT France has developed and continues to develop the following projects:

Leonardo da Vinci and Socrates Programs: Minerva and Grundtvig Actions 2010–2012 A project for nursing staff across Europe, to enable them to develop professional skills as managers

Leonardo da Vinci and Socrates Programs: Minerva and Grundtvig Actions 2006–2008 Using IT, the HCNV (HealthCareNetVarsity) project aimed to create and test an expert collaborative platform that can inform people about Alzheimer’s disease.

Leonardo da Vinci and Socrates Programs: Minerva and Grundtvig Actions 2005–2007 The overall aim of the eHospital project is to give informal e-learning activities for adult patients in hospitals. This has been done by designing and piloting local e-learning projects for different groups of patients in hospitals. In doing so, the project has been able to evaluate the effects of these learning activities on the patients’ personal and social development ,create and test an e-learning system with educational resources for learners and educators together with collaborative tools for interaction and group learning; produce guidance material for adult educators to enable them to work with hospital patients, and to implement awareness-raising activities on e-learning in hospitals among adult education institutions, hospital managers, medical, nursing and administrative staff, sponsors, authorities and other health care agents.

Leonardo da Vinci and Socrates Programs: Minerva and Grundtvig Actions 2004–2006 The eDraw Project – Virtual Collaborative Environment for Art Teaching promoted the use of ICT in the teaching of Art, increased the motivation and interest of art teachers and students as well as developing an Art Teaching Learning Portal and community.

Leonardo da Vinci and Socrates Programs: Minerva and Grundtvig Actions 2004–2006 The VOWEL Project answered the needs and objectives of people using foreign languages in their daily professional lives whilst combining technical, pedagogical, linguistic and virtual areas in a gaming mode. EUROPE 57 EUROPE WORLD ORT FRANCE European Social Funds 2003–2007 The LEAP project implemented training sessions for women who wanted to embark on jobs such as building, decorating, air conditioning, plumbing etc.

European Social Funds 2003–2006 The FORMAVISION project was aimed at improving the skills and performances of SMEs (Small and Medium Enterprises) by proposing ICT training in specific domains of core activities. This was done by providing a global portal approach, based on hybrid learning using e-learning systems and tutoring to support the educational process and to integrate the business transformation model of the SME to become a digital enterprise.

European Social Funds 2003–2005 The SMITA project was developed to include mobile and wireless technologies, in a territorial information system involving local stakeholders in the use of new technologies. The project sought to use these applications in order to promote culture and tourism. The following actions were taken: setting up a management committee to manage the project; designing and developing communication tools based on mobile and wireless technologies; creating a technology platform for the information system; developing a network of partners for the sustainable implementation of the SMITA at a local level so as to be able to disseminate the tool effectively at a later date. Each partner used existing networks to create synergies with SMITA, disseminating it through online teaching techniques (e-learning).

hungary Education

ORT 1991–1992 ORT supplied science and technology laboratory equipment to three technical schools in Budapest and trained teachers at ORT London.

kosovo Vocational

Computer training course for both young and mature students, Kosovo 1999

JDC / AJC 1999–2002 In response to the refugee crisis, ORT organized and delivered training courses to the Kosovans in Tirana in conjunction with the Albanian Ministries of Education and Labor. Once the peace plan was signed and the refugees returned home,

ORT designed a computer training program, and established a vocational training center. ORT equipped 6 computer Labs in several cities in Kosovo, 5 labs in primary and secondary schools and 1 in a training center. All these teachers were trained on the use of the computer as a teaching tool, and all students attending those schools were taught computer use on a regular basis. English language was also taught.


58 WORLD ORT EUROPE latvia Education

Private and Public Sources 1993 ORT established a high technology resource center to train teachers and other professionals.

Private and Public Sources 1990 ORT supported the establishment of a local technical high school in Riga and supplied hardware and software for computer related courses. montenegro Democracy Governance


USAID 2010–2012 Expanding upon its eight-year experience in Montenegro in the civil society capacity building sector, ORT was contracted by USAID to foster greater inclusion of persons with disabilities (PWDs) in the economic and social life of Montenegro. ORT is working to increase employment and economic opportunities of PWDs, promote greater social inclusion and strengthen the organizational and advocacy capacity of Disabled Persons Organizations (DPOs).

Program activities include the design and implementation of a thorough assessment of the rights, responsibilities, and vocational needs of both employers and PWDs. In addition, ORT is overseeing the establishment of an electronic database to be shared by employer and PWD users of the Labor Exchange. ORT provides training, mentoring and one-on-one technical assistance to strengthen the organizational and advocacy capacity of ORT’s two local NGO partners. ORT and its partner, NGO ’Koraci’, have also completed the construction of a 25-bed capacity lodge that is specially adapted to the needs of PWDs, in the grounds of a center for therapeutic riding for the disabled.

Montenegro Democracy Governance – ORT Grantee Roundtable, 2003

USAID 2002–2010 ORT is providing training, technical assistance and grants to Montenegrin NGOs under the Montenegro Advocacy Program (MAP). MAP empowers Montenegrin NGOs to identify public policy concerns that resonate with a broad cross section of stakeholders, and provides them with the capacity to mobilize expertise and resources to tackle these issues effectively. The project is increasing citizen participation, improving citizen representation, and promoting government accountability. MAP assists NGOs in designing and implementing targeted advocacy initiatives consistent with community needs.

Training emphasizes skills required to communicate advocacy objectives to constituents and the broader public; mobilizes support for their objectives across sectors; and supports and sustains meaningful dialogue with policy-makers.


USAID 2003–2005 Akcija Reforms for a Healthy Society. ORT managed grant programs to identify and fund initiatives in support of the reform process in Montenegro. ORT staff worked with the Akcija NGO network,a core group of leading local NGOS, academics, experts and independent media organizations to engage a significant number of citizens in ongoing reform process. More than $700,000 was provided in grants.

PR training for NGO coalition coordinators

United Nations 2005 On 7 September 2005, ORT International Cooperation gave a presentation to the United Nations (UN) in New York City as part of a workshop at the Annual UN NGO Conference on The Rule of Law. The UN invited ORT to participate in the workshop on the basis of its successful watchdog grants program implemented under the USAID-funded Montenegro Advocacy Program (MAP). The workshop, delivered by the ORT MAP Chief of Party and four other organizations’ representatives was aimed at informing the UN of progress made towards the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) by civil society around the world, and had a specific focus on the field of the rule of law as pertains to enforcement and protection.

slovak Education republic Government of Norway 1991–1994 In Bratislava ORT installed a resource center providing support, training, and higher technological facilities for technology education teachers.

EU 1991 ORT managed a computer usage training program for local government officers.

russia NGO Support USAID 1994–1997 Implemented by ORT Russia The goal of the Civic Initiatives Program (CIP) was to build the civic forums essential to a democratic society. ORT, Save the Children, John’s Hopkins University, and other NGOs jointly undertook this three-year activity starting in October 1994. ORT provided specialized computer training programs as well as technical assistance, communication and training resources for Russian NGOs to develop local capacity. ORT also designed and managed a Help Desk program to improve the range and quality of accessible communication mechanisms and services for NGOs throughout Russia. NGOs utilized the ORT system extensively to establish partnerships, create websites, initiate joint projects, exchange information and advertise their services.

C.S. Mott Foundation 1999 Implemented by ORT Russia Research in the domain of cross-sector partnership in Russian regions for community development. The needs analysis of sectors in training programs was carried out. Additionally, the experience of foreign analogues was used and recommendations for these regions were developed.



National Training Foundation/World Bank 2006–2008 Implemented by ORT Russia This project upgraded the level of ICT usage in educational institutions in ELSP (E-Learning Support Project) regions. The main outcomes of the project were that methodological support was provided for regional project participants; data processing and interpretation of information about level of ICT use in education was collected from regional partners; preparation of yearly reports on a number of schools which upgraded their level of ICT use in education and reporting to the ELSP management team; communication with regional partners in order to help them to design programs to upgrade level of ICT use in schools; analysis and improvement of the informatization process in educational institutions.

Moscow Region Ministry of Education 2006 Implemented by ORT Russia A project to develop a control tool for evaluation and assessment of ICT usage in secondary schools in the Moscow region.

Local business and regional budget 2003–2004 Implemented by ORT Russia A project was created to upgrade the regional level of ICT usage in technology education and vocational training. ORT established the Model Training Center for ICT Usage in Technology Education and Vocational Training at a vocational training school in Saransk. It was equipped with ICT equipment and taught about 600 students per year. Opportunities for the continuing professional development of teachers on the basis of e-learning was provided.

Teachers using Infoteka ICT facilities in St Petersburg

Open Society Foundations 2001 Implemented by ORT Russia An Internet-Center of Didactical Educational Resources for Secondary Schools named Infoteka was created by ORT St. Petersburg, Russia. This is a structured system with a scaled search system whereby a teacher can find useful materials. When preparing lessons, the teacher can select educational materials using not just a keyword but some formal characteristics of an educational process provided in the Infoteka structure such as form, subject, topic, section, lesson, and type of resource. Illustrative materials, reference data, computer models, texts, audio and video sources, libraries with tasks and examples, tests and trainings are used as resources for the Infoteka.

EU 1996–1998 Implemented by ORT Russia ORT expanded a Management Skills Training program at the ORT St. Petersburg and ORT Yekaterinburg High Technology Resource Centers. EUROPE 61 EUROPE WORLD ORT russia Private and Public Sources 1990 ORT established a high-technology resource center in Moscow to provide training to professionals, NGO staff, school children, teachers, unemployed or under-trained adults, and underprivileged children. ORT designed several staff re-training programs for the Russian Federal Executive Service (RFES) and established additional training centers in St. Petersburg, Samara, Kazan and Yekaterinburg.

Workforce Development

National Training Foundation/World Bank 2007–2008 Implemented by ORT Russia The aim was to prepare instructional materials for vocational training in ICT which included the development and testing of digital resources. Programs for the approbation of instructional materials were developed.

The Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation/World Bank 1996–1998 ORT assisted in local and regional economic development through the modernization of the Russian vocational training system by providing technical assistance to 29 Federal Employment Service (FES) training centers. ORT assistance improved the center’s training efficiency and relevance to demands in the changing labor market and updated the training curriculum.

ICT Skills

Hewlett-Packard 2010–2012 Implemented by ORT Russia HP Learning Initiative For Entrepreneurs (HP LIFE) is a global program that trains students, potential entrepreneurs and small business owners to harness the power of IT to establish and grow their businesses. The one on one trainings and online tools address the educational needs of people whilst improving and strengthening their skills. Two HP-ORT GET-IT Centers in Russia (ORT-KesherNet, Tambov and ORT-Career, Yekaterinburg) won grants to carry out their programs and help different people from all backgrounds, establish and develop small businesses.

Digital Village program – Community Development project in the youth employment zone, Slavutych 2008

Microsoft 2009–2011 Implemented by ORT Russia Microsoft’s worldwide Innovative Schools program works with governments, educators and partners around the world to build schools that meet the challenges of 21st-century learning. More than just a technology solution, Microsoft is providing guidance and expertise in the process of holistic school reform and a roadmap for technology integration that can help accomplish local education objectives. Microsoft supplied software (Microsoft Exchange server and related software) to two ORT schools in Moscow and St. Petersburg. These two schools became experimental sites for Microsoft where the models of school IT environment are tested. In September 2009 ORT St. Petersburg School was selected to be a Pathfinder School as part of the Microsoft Partners in Learning Innovative Schools Program. With the school’s selection, ORT St. Petersburg joins an elite community of innovative schools from around the globe. INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION

62 WORLD ORT EUROPE Hewlett-Packard 2009 Implemented by ORT Russia The HP “Innovation in Education“ program gave grants to secondary schools with the intention of boosting students’ achievements by using technology to redesign the learning experience. For universities the aim is to specifically enhance the engineering, computer science and IT degree programs. All institutions are invited to join a network of educators around the world who are working towards designing the future of high tech education. Three ORT schools in Moscow, St. Petersburg and Samara won grants including HP Computers, cash and participation in the ‘2010 HP Innovation in Education Summit’.

Computer skills programs in Russia supported by HP

Hewlett-Packard 2007–2008 Implemented by ORT Russia GET-IT (Graduate Entrepreneurship Training through IT) Phase 2, is part of HP’s global Microenterprise Development Program and is a training initiative for young people, the unemployed or graduates between the age of 16 and 25 in underserved communities with good economic growth potential. Participating organizations received a grant that comprises a guidance course for the trainers of the organization, the curriculum materials to be able to deliver the courses, as well as the technological devices needed to carry out this business-related training. The objective of the new program is to advance the use of technology, to increase its access, to build the capacity for the use of information and communication technologies in the communities and to promote the development of entrepreneurship and microenterprise skills within communities. Seven new HP-ORT GET-IT Centers were established in Russia and three in Ukraine.

Participants at the HP-ORT-GET-IT center in Tula

Hewlett-Packard 2008 Implemented by ORT Russia The mobile class was established in Kazan ORT Technology School, Russia. The HP Technology for Teaching Grant Initiative is designed to support the innovative use of mobile technology in K-12 education.

Hewlett-Packard 2007 Implemented by ORT Russia The Mobile Multimedia Classroom was established in Samara ORT Technology School, under “HP EUROPE 63 EUROPE WORLD ORT russia Technology for Teaching Grant Initiative” The HP Technology for Teaching Grant Initiative is designed to support the innovative use of mobile technology in K-12 education.

Hewlett Packard 2003–2007 Implemented by ORT Russia ORT launched a Digital Community Center in Tula, Russia to develop community technology skills creating a trained labor force for the emerging service and knowledge industries.

Benefiting from ORT-NIS’s 12 years of experience in ICT training in Russia, the ORT Digital Village, funded by the Hewlett Packard Corporation, worked with local education authorities to adapt new pedagogical techniques in order to produce better trained graduates; create opportunities to limit migration to Moscow; and assist in the professional adaptation of the community and retraining of the unemployed as Tula diversifies its economy from the current manufacturing and mining base. The DCC developed an extra- curricular program for the youth.

Hewlett Packard 2005–2006 Hewlett-Packard and World ORT teamed up again to open two additional computer centers in Russia and Israel. The opening of the HP-ORT MAP center, located at the Samara State Aerospace University, in the Russian town of Samara took place November 2005. Individuals on low income were trained in order to improve their small businesses.

Russian Delegation to Israel, 2005 A high ranking Russian delegation has toured ORT educational establishments and other schools in Israel to see how ICT education works in the Jewish State and how it has helped to reform the country’s education system. Andrey Svinarenko, the Russian First Deputy Minister of Education and Science, was joined by senior representatives of the World Bank, the National Training Foundation and the President of ORT Russia, Professor Alexander Asmolov, on the fact-finding mission.

Trauma Counseling

World ORT/, 2005 The Beslan school massacre in September 2004 claimed the lives of 331 people, among them 172 schoolchildren. Lacking specialized practical experience required to counsel and treat terror-related post- trauma cases, psychologists and welfare professionals in Beslan struggled to cope with the scope and magnitude of the event, and its consequences for the psychological well-being of the community, In order to address this need, World ORT invited psychologists from Beslan to Israel for a week of intensive training in March 2005. A group of seven psychologists from Beslan successfully completed the training provided by Israel psychologists.

THE Education

FORMER EU 1993–1994 SOVIET ORT established a network of 13 computer and distance education centers in Russia, Belarus, Latvia, Ukraine, Estonia, and (CALMAP project). ORT supplied multimedia software and hardware and UNION trained teachers to construct individual training packages. ORT also trained 104 managers and teachers at Western European training centers, and involved them in planning the workshop programs, selecting books and documentation, and drafting procurement specifications and procedures.

ukraine ICT Skills German Remembrance and Future Foundation 2004–2005 The “School-based Multimedia Resources Project: Ukrainians in Slave Labor in Germany during World War II” has encouraged teams of tenth and eleventh grade students in Ukraine to conduct research and prepare documentary projects on the history of Nazi crimes, focusing on the personal side of human rights abuses


64 WORLD ORT EUROPE by exploring the experiences of survivors of slave labor during World War II. Senior students from Kiev, Odessa and Dnepropetrovsk participated in a final competition. The winning team was awarded a trip to Germany to conduct further research. Participating students were able to see places directly connected to their projects – slave labor camps, concentration camps, museums, War Memorials, etc.

Hewlett Packard 2003–2008 HP Digital Village Program, Slavutych, Ukraine ORT implemented a five -year, community development project in the “youth empowerment zone“ of Slavutych located within 50 kilometers of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. The Digital Village project is building Slavutych’s human resources, using modern computer and Information and Communication Technologies (ICT).

Hands-on Technology training in Slavutych

Digital Village program – Community Development project in the youth employment zone, Slavutych 2003–2008 The Slavutych DCC targets community multipliers – school students, school teachers, and students at the Kiev Polytechnic Institute – as well as designing unique training programs for community needs groups in partnership with local partners, including the children’s home for orphans and disabled children, the young journalists club, the municipal employment center, and the business development center.

united Community Development kingdom Manpower Services 1984 ORT trained approximately 80 unemployed youth as carpenters, decorators, typists, hairdressers, child- nurses, and caterers.


Silver Jubilee Fund 1977–1979 ORT conducted an in-depth survey, then designed a training and advising program for disadvantaged youth in Lambeth, London. ORT recommended the creation of a resource and vocational center to alleviate the problem of numerous unskilled and unemployable youth. ORT continues to advise local authorities on implementation methods.

Microcomputer Training

Manpower Services 1982–1994 ORT, in cooperation with TEC, designed and equipped an information technology centre that now trains 30 adolescents a year in electronics and in microcomputer usage and repair. ORT then extended the program to offer part-time National Curriculum computer courses for secondary school children.

EUROPE 65 latin america WORLD ORT AND the caribbean

Venezuela was the first of numerous community development/early childhood programs implemented in Latin America to develop a self-help social action plan to improve living conditions and to meet the basic needs of deprived communities. Eventually, IC expanded the programs worldwide to include pioneering programs for the disabled community and educational projects that provide critical skills development for different sectors. ORT Chile continues its 15 year successful relationship with Coca-Cola by embarking on entrepreneurial skills project, bringing investment and progress to the retail sector. In response to the 2010 earthquake in Haiti, ORT is designing and delivering anti-seismic training for builders.

Photo: Support for people after the Haiti Earthquake disaster.




Ministry of Education, Government of the City of Buenos Aires 2010–2011 Implemented by ORT Argentina A project was set up to train teachers for the development and implementation of Educational Robotic activities based on LEGO educational material in public primary schools. The trainers are teachers, coordinators and authorities of ORT Technical Schools, while the trainees are teachers, authorities, supervisors, and technical advisors of the Ministry of Education of the Government of Buenos Aires. Distance learning activities are combined with on-site activities in the city, with ORT and online through virtual tutorials. In 2010, introductory training was addressed to 50 teachers, supervisors and technical advisors. The initiative is being applied in 10 schools and it is expected to reach all the public primary schools in the city.

Government of the Province of Santa Fe, Argentina 2009–2011 Implemented by ORT Argentina Implementation of pedagogical laboratories in high schools and vocational training schools in the Province of Santa Fe.The objective is to train teachers for the development and implementation of virtual teaching materials (virtual campus). These are classes with a mixed modality: distance learning combined with on- site activities in the province, in ORT and online through virtual tutorials. In 2010, the project was applied in 140 schools for 765 teachers. In 2011 it is expected that the program will reach all the high schools, vocational schools, and Teacher Training Colleges of the Province, by means of a training plan for trainers.

Universidad de La Punta, San Luis, Argentina 2010 Implemented by ORT Argentina Teacher Training in Innovative Experiences for the Teaching of Physics workshops.

Federal Ministry of Education, Argentina 2010 Implemented by ORT Argentina Through the Digital Inclusion Plan teachers are trained to incorporate the use of netbooks given to all students by the Federal Ministry of Education. The trainers are teachers, coordinators and authorities of the ORT Technical Schools and the trainees are public school teachers, authorities, supervisors and technical advisors. Training includes distance learning activities combined with on-site activities in the provinces, and classes in ORT and online through virtual tutorials

Municipality of Goya 2010 Implemented by ORT Argentina Implementation of Teaching and Learning Resource Centers (CREA) in 10 public high schools in the Municipality of Goya and advice regarding the Digital Inclusion Plan (a computer for each student).The goals are to train teachers in the development and implementation of virtual teaching materials including the use of the netbooks given by the Federal Ministry of Education.

Independent Jewish School, Ministry of Education of the Province of Tucumán 2008 Implemented by ORT Argentina Pedagogical and Technical Assistance was given on Institution Management at the Independent Jewish School with on-site activities in the region of Tucumán regarding the implementation of reforms in the scientific-technological areas and aspects of school management.

Ramat Shalom Jewish School 2008 Implemented by ORT Argentina Pedagogical and Technical Assistance was given for the Implementation of Educational Informatics at primary level at the Ramat Shalom Jewish School in Buenos Aires.

LATIN AMERICA AND THE CARIBBEAN 67 LATIN AMERICA WORLD ORT THE CARIBBEAN ARGENTINA Embassy of the State of Israel in Argentina 1997 Implemented by ORT Argentina Fourth International Seminar on the Modern Marketing of Fruits and Vegetables.

Government of the Netherlands, Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Cattle Breeding and Fishing of Argentina 1996 Implemented by ORT Argentina Third International Seminar on the Modern Marketing of Fruits and Vegetables.

Paraguay International School 1996 Implemented by ORT Argentina Operations of the International School in Paraguay were evaluated by ORT Argentina experts, and science courses with teaching materials were offered to the school teachers and coordinators.

Federal Ministry of Education, Argentina 1995–1998 Implemented by ORT Argentina Design and start-up of operations of the Federal Center of Technological Education. This resulted in the creation of 24 Regional Centers of Technological Education, and 115 Units of Technological Culture.

Department of US Agriculture 1995 Implemented by ORT Argentina Second International Seminar on Modern Marketing of Fruits and Vegetables.

French Embassy in Argentina, Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Cattle Breeding and Fishing of Argentina 1994 Implemented by ORT Argentina First International Seminar on Modern Marketing of Fruits and Vegetables.

UNICEF 1993 Implemented by ORT Argentina Program of seminars to train “Street Operators“ in the city of Resistencia. The purpose was to bring children and youngsters who live on the streets back into the social system.

Andes Foundation and Antorchas Foundation 1993 Implemented by ORT Argentina Identifying the feasibility of a project for an educational complex in Antofagasta, Chile, for the Corporation for the productive Development of the Second Region, in collaboration with ORT Chile.

Ministry of Education of Chile, Municipality of Concepción, Andes Foundation, Antorchas Foundation and local entrepreneurs 1988–1998 Implemented by ORT Argentina The project involved identifying the feasibility, design, and collaboration for the opening and follow-up of the CEAT (Centro de Alta Technologia) center in the city of Concepción, in Chile.

Israeli Philanthropic Association 1987–1991 Implemented by ORT Argentina In a school for orphans or for children of all ages whose parents are either physically or mentally incapable of caring for them, assistance was given to improve their situation.

The government of the Province of Chaco, the government of Federal Germany 1985–1992 Implemented by ORT Argentina ORT Argentina designed the CORA project for Villa Ángela (a city in the north of Chaco) which was based on the MEVAL project. This Center of Pre-Professional Training was addressed to the same age and socio- economic groups and the skills offered were carpentry and cabinet-making, mechanics, construction and masonry.


68 WORLD ORT LATIN AMERICA THE CARIBBEAN The Chaco government, the Bernard Van Leer Foundation 1981–1992 Implemented by ORT Argentina The General Council of Education for Resistencia asked ORT Argentina to prepare teaching materials in order to organize a pre-professional training center for dropouts from the school system (both primary and secondary levels). These youngsters from poor socio-economic backgrounds, were taught mechanics, motoring, electrical installations as well as some local geography, history, basic mathematics and grammar. Teachers were trained to upgrade education in six poor schools on the periphery of Resistencia. The MEVAL project was so successful that these schools became popular amongst parents and the curriculum was applied in all the schools in the city.

Student fees and anonymous donations 1951–1961 Implemented by ORT Argentina ORT Argentina taught mechanics, motoring and torch welding to young people.

Student fees and anonymous donations 1953–1960 Implemented by ORT Argentina Similar to the project in Clara, ORT Argentina established a school in the same province for women.

Student fees and anonymous donations of materials and equipment, funds from the Baron Hirsch project 1952– 1960 Implemented by ORT Argentina The Jewish community of Clara approached ORT Argentina to set up a vocational school for women. The skills taught in its very small premises were dressmaking, design, embroidery and typing.

Student fees and anonymous donations 1955–1961 Implemented by ORT Argentina Training in agro mechanics was provided for students and helped them develop skills linked to their agrarian needs.

CIDA 1984–1987 Based on the results of a comprehensive study undertaken by ORT Latin America in 1983, a computer education project was implemented, designed to introduce computer literacy, creative education, and computer programming fundamentals in primary and secondary schools in Buenos Aires and several provincial cities.

Early Childhood Development

EU 1989–1992 At the request of the Municipality of Buenos Aires, ORT Latin America designed and established a network of mother/child health care and education centers in Villa 21, on the outskirts of Buenos Aires. bolivia Transportation

World Bank 1981–1982 ORT participated in a project to improve road maintenance and train road maintenance staff.

World Bank 1979 ORT collaborated with a U.S. civil engineering consultant to study road maintenance personnel training requriements. ORT proposed a training program and budget, and recommended appropriate training methods, the number and types of staff to be trained, and specific equipment necessary.

LATIN AMERICA AND THE CARIBBEAN 69 LATIN AMERICA WORLD ORT THE CARIBBEAN brazil Early Childhood Development EU 1998–2002 An Early Childhood Development Community Based Integrated Project started in October 1998 in the deprived areas of Wenceslau Fontoura, Cavalhada and Timbauva in Porto Alegre. This project developed a self-help social action plan to improve the living conditions and meet the basic needs of the residents of these communities.

The direct beneficiaries of the project were 600 malnourished children under the age of 6,500 mothers showing high levels of malnutrition and pregnant and breast-feeding women all of whom received complimentary nutrition. 1,152 children benefited from the pre-school education program each year, 400 women were trained as child minders or health workers, parents in the community received lectures on health, education, nutrition and family planning related issues and 80 community leaders were trained.


CIDA 1981–1992 ORT Latin America conducted a 1979 study and subsequently initiated a distance education training program. ORT designed four courses covering office procedures and electrical/domestic maintenance. The project originally targeted 300 students in three provinces, but by 1991 had trained over 18,000 students in 12 provinces.

CIDA 1989–1991 ORT inaugurated a Graduate Tool Lending program for the graduates of the distance education courses. ORT lent students tool sets for up to six months to facilitate immediate employment, and offered a purchase option at the end of the lending period.

Workforce Development

Port authorities of Brazil (Portobras and Docas Company) 1984–1988 Implemented by ORT Brazil Special courses were developed and implemented to give training to the port workers of Brazil. The program was designed to give on-the-job training in the operation and maintenance of port equipment in the Soy and Bean Terminal of Rio Grande, in the Containers Terminal of Rio de Janeiro, and in the Coal Terminal of Sepetiba.

chile Education

Charles Darwin Foundation of Galapagos, Ecuador government agency, World ORT– 2009 Implemented by ORT Chile A needs assessment in 2009 for setting up a vocational training institute on the Islands was successfully undertaken and approved. The growing demand for human resources, currently being imported from the continent, is putting pressure on the demographical growth of the island and jeopardizes the uniquely preserved, biodiverse environment. The main objective of the institute would be to improve the employability of local manpower in the ever increasing touristic climate and related services industry growth in the Galapagos.

National Ministry of Education 2004–2009 Implemented by ORT Chile Eleven vulnerable Schools were selected by the Ministry of Education for ORT to support technically, with the aim of improving performance in national exams at public schools in deprived areas. An on-site support methodology was conducted in order to help the schools improve procedures and educational results.


70 WORLD ORT LATIN AMERICA THE CARIBBEAN Ministry of Education 1996–1999 Implemented by ORT Chile A new national, vocational curriculum was designed and presented to the 1800 schools of the country. 44 new trends were designed with a team composed by teachers and experts from the professional field. The trainers were made up of ORT Chile and CEAT coordinators.

Ministry of Education 1993–1995 Implemented by ORT Chile The Enlace project trained teachers, authorities and supervisors in the use of computers as educational tools, using on-site training courses. The government of Chile provided funds and hired institutions to go to the schools to start up the labs and engage teachers in the use of IT as an educational tool in maths, science, languages and art.

EU 1992–1996 ORT, in cooperation with the Andes Foundation and the Chilean Ministry of Education, provided the technical support for the design, installation, study plans preparation and direction of an Educational Technological Center in the city of Concepción. The Center had an annual registration capacity of 180 students, with a total of approximately 1.400 students in two shifts. The project lasted four years.

San Pedro de la Paz 1990–1996 Implemented by ORT Chile A new vocational school CEAT (Centro Educacional de Alta Technologia) was created which designed, built and equipped a vocational school where mechanical and electrical specialties were implemented, with an investment which covered equipment, building, teacher training and support over the course of five years.

SDC 1969–1977 ORT, in cooperation with the National Training Institute (INACAP), pioneered an eight-year training effort. Full-time and part-time students received instruction in air conditioning, industrial refrigeration, and food preservation through cold storage. ORT established the principal training center in Santiago, and opened two satellite centers in Arica and Concepción. Advanced Chilean students received additional training in Europe.

During 2002, ORT Chile expanded many of its programs to operate on a national scale.

TELEFONICA FOUNDATION Implemented by ORT Chile ORT Chile signed an agreement that established a strategic alliance with the biggest national networking telecommunications company, CTC Telefónica, in which both parties agree to organize computer training courses for the benefit of disabled persons all over the country, as well as reinsertion training courses for inmates in different prisons around the country.

As an example, in 2006 there were: Two types of courses for the disabled: One for visual impaired and the other for physically and sensorially (deaf) and mentally disabled. Courses given for the disabled took place in different cities: Arica, Iquique, Copiapo, Valparaiso, Talca, Puerto Varas, Puerto Montt.

Courses in Prisons: A 100 hour course for 25 women and man who were in jail about to leave for freedom. The purpose of this course was to give them technical and concrete working tools, so they can have a better way in the working environment when they leave prison. In a highly emotional ceremony inside the prison, and with the attendance of dignitaries, diplomas were granted to 40 inmates. Telefonica usually renews its commitment to do the same in following years, together with ORT.


ICT course for the visually impaired at ORT Chile’s premises

S.I.C.L.A. This course is oriented to train people with brain paralysis, deaf, and children with minor mental problems, and problems in language, in an iconic system of communication. For that purpose, a software created by Telefónica Foundation is used called SICLA, that means Communication System of Alternative Language. The course is focused to tutors or people that work with students with brain paralysis, deaf and mentally disabled. Courses were given to a total of 200 people annually from September to December in Santiago and in Arica, Iquique, Copiapo, Valparaiso, Talca, Puerto Varas, Puerto Montt.

Coca-Cola Foundation: TAVEC PROJECT Implemented by ORT Chile Since 1994, ORT Chile has a signed general alliance agreement with the Coca-Cola Foundation of Chile (composed by Coca-Cola international and local bottlers).

By this agreement, ORT designed, organized and executed the TAVEC project.TAVEC stands for Science education based on advanced technologies. Ever since the agreement was reached, Coca-Cola funded and ORT executed 56 projects, from the northern most city of Arica near the border with Peru, to near the Antarctic, in the southern most city of Punta Arenas, going through every major town in the country. Each project consists of US$100.000 worth of an education science lab, fully equipped to hold a whole classroom of 45 students, and composed of computers, analogue to digital interfaces, sensor probes for more than 16 different physical, biological and chemical variables and complemented by equipment to design and perform science experiments covering the whole high school science curriculum, together with two on site training courses for science teachers, and specially designed classroom activities for implementation with the students, on completion of the training course.

This project has been subject of very positive external evaluation, and has been recognized by the Ministry of Education as important to Chilean development, as it fosters the development of new methodological approaches in science, and opens new roads for the access to science to the most deprived students of the country.

Coca-Cola Foundation in Chile 2010 – ongoing Implemented by ORT Chile ORT Chile will be devoted to managing and executing a very ambitious entrepreneur skills training project, aimed at boosting innovation, investment and progress for more than 10.000 owners of small retail shops (the traditional channel of commercialization of massive consume products) all over the country. Coca- Cola Foundation, taking into consideration its long and fruitful working relationship with ORT Chile for more than 15 years, allowed for the implementation of more than 150 science labs in High schools all over Chile, including eastern Island, and through its Corporate Sustainability Project turned to ORT to design and manage its most ambitious initiative ever. ORT Chile will create a special unit made up of engineers, instructional designers and teachers that will deal with this massive and very demanding responsibility.



SDC 1986 ORT evaluated the Buga Agricultural Training Center and recommended improvements in curricula, teaching techniques, and administration. This survey was followed by an assessment of human resource needs for 2000 and included recommendations for suggested training programs.


SDC 1975 ORT designed a precision mechanics training sequence for the Government Apprenticeship Training Program (SENA). The project was implemented in Medellin under Government supervision.

costa rica Agriculture

SDC 1975 ORT evaluated the past and present operations of an agromechanics training program. The study included specific recommendations concerning program content, training aids, and graduate employment.

dominican Education

republic USAID 1988 An ORT team completed a one-month survey of the capabilities and needs of the vocational technical education system. The final report included recommendations concerning curriculum development, faculty training priorities, and equipment needs.


USAID1981–1984 ORT trained employees of a highway maintenance project in accounting, administration, and plant maintenance. Although the main project terminated in 1982, an ORT mechanical training specialist continued developing workshop manpower capability until 1984.

ecuador Agriculture SDC 1975 ORT determined the applicability of the Costa Rica training experience to the needs and circumstances of Ecuador and made recommendations to the Government of Ecuador. guatemala Mother and Child Care Community Based Integrated Project

Government of Luxembourg and EU 1997-2000 ORT designed and established a mother and childcare center in the Cuilco district, department of Huehuetenango. The project improved the lives of infants, preschoolers, mothers and residents of the local community. A health network was established consisting of doctors, nurses, midwives and health agents to provide primary health care.


Building and construction skills theory course, Haiti 2010

JDC & Mexican Alliance 2011– 2013 Funded by the Mexican Alliance for Haiti and the JDC, this vocational school will open in September 2011 in Port-au-Prince. Together with a local missionary group, NPH (Nuestros Pequeños Hermanos) the objective is to offer to the poor, professional training including apprenticeships. It will be the first type of training combined with an apprenticeship to be offered in Haiti. Courses will include plumbing, telecommunications, assistant nursing and more.

Building and construction skills practical skills course, Haiti 2010

JDC 2010–2011 Following the 2010 earthquake, World ORT and the local partner Ateliers-Ecole de Camp Perrin established a program to improve local builder’s skills, training them in the techniques for constructing earthquake resistant buildings. All the trainees are experienced builders, involved in the reconstruction of housing for the poorer sector of the population. More than 1,000 builders have been trained to date.

Ministry of Education 1990 An ORT consultant worked with the Ministry of National Education’s “Education and Training Project Unit” to assess outside funding for its Education IV project and departmental activities. In addition, the consultant recommended reorganization measures and prepared a computerized study of the Unit.

mexico Education

Sponsorships from private companies and banks 2007–2009 Implemented by ORT Mexico The Congress of Innovational Education project was aimed at training K-12 teachers of public schools in


74 WORLD ORT LATIN AMERICA THE CARIBBEAN the latest tendencies of K-12 education. During the three years of the project over 10,000 teachers from all over Mexico were trained in very intensive workshops and conferences during the month of February of each year.

Local Government (Mexico City) 2001–2004 Implemented by ORT Mexico A training center for children and adults sponsored by local government authorities in Mexico City and operated by ORT Mexico. In 2004 the project was handed over to the local municipality. More than 1,000 children were trained in Computers and Robotics. Also over 400 adults benefited from IT courses. A public library at the center was used by over 12,000 people.

ORT/DIF 1995–2000 ORT, in partnership with DIF, (a governmental social development institution) established a Center to train tractor mechanics and operators in Hidalgo. The project trained 192 participants annually.

EU 1992–1995 ORT established and managed a new Vocational Training Center in rural Iztapalapa, Mexico. The Center offered youth from underprivileged families technical training in general mechanics, electricity, automotive mechanics, tourism, and marketing. The Center enrolled 320 students in the first year, 640 in the second year, and 960 in the third year.

CIDA 1989–1992 ORT Latin America designed and implemented a distance education project that provided electricity, plumbing, and computer training to over 2,000 students.

Workforce Development

EU 1998–2001 This project provided training to isolated communities with limited access to job training living in poor conditions and who could not travel to other villages or cities to attend training courses. A regional training center and 8 satellite units were established. Training workshops in three different areas were provided: welding and plumbing, electrical engineering and pattern cutting and sewing. The direct beneficiaries were men and women aged 15 to 55 living in these communities.

Mexican Government 1994–1998 Implemented by ORT Mexico An industrial training center was established in Mexico City which trained people from low income sectors in industrial vocational areas such as mechanics, blacksmith, carpentry and computers. In 1998 it was handed over to the DIF (Family integral Development Organization) a Federal governmental organization. More than 5,000 people received vocational training.

ICT Skills

Nacional Monte de Piedad and private sources 2003–2008 Implemented by ORT Mexico This project was aimed at people who needed to learn IT and computer skills in order to gain access to better jobs and salaries. More than 8,000 people were trained during the five year duration of the project in ORT Mexico’s facilities. Main areas of training: Microsoft Office, Internet Browsing, Email usage, Graphic Design and Accounting Software.

Early Childhood Development

E.U/DIF Oaxaca 1997–1999 ORT opened an Early Childhood Development project, which contributed to the improvement of the lives of infants and pre-school children, mothers and residents of the poorest areas of the district of Tuxtepec,

LATIN AMERICA AND THE CARIBBEAN 75 LATIN AMERICA WORLD ORT THE CARIBBEAN State of Oaxaca. The project provided education, health and nutritional care. One Central Unit (training center) and 10 satellite units (preschools) were built and equipped to accommodate over 500 children aged 3-6 each year. Health related topics, sessions, and preventative measures were provided to thousands of parents, and one thousand malnourished children and pregnant and breastfeeding mothers benefited from complementary alimentation. The project was handed over to DIF/Oaxaca in December 1999 and now functions within the educational network of DIF/Oaxaca.

Early childhood development project - Oaxaca 1997-1999

peru Health, Education and Nutrition

SIDA 1994–1997 ORT extended the mother and child care project to San Martin de Porras and built two more satellite units and trained additional childcare, health, and community leaders.

EU 1991–1995 ORT designed and established a mother and child care center in San Fernando and outlying areas where ORT provided training in hygiene, nutrition, health care, and birth control. In 1994, the Swedish International Development Authority (SIDA) extended the project for two additional years.

Community training course, Peru

CIDA 1988–1992 Following the two projects below, ORT established a fourth network in the Cañete/Chaclacayo district of Lima province.

EU 1984–1988 Extending the project below, ORT established similar networks in the Comas and Independencia districts of Lima.


76 WORLD ORT LATIN AMERICA THE CARIBBEAN CIDA 1983–1986 ORT Latin America designed and established a network of mother and child care and education centers in the San Juan de Lurigancho district of Lima.


CIDA 1988–1994 Following the successful implementation in Brazil of a seven year Distance Education project, ORT designed a similar project in Peru and provided skills training to 3,000 students.


World Bank 1981–1982 An ORT mission assessed the Ministry of Transport’s Road Maintenance and Equipment Department personnel training needs.

uruguay Education

CIDA 1988–1992 ORT designed a distance education training project for Montevideo education authorities and then provided skills training to approximately 2,200 students.

EU 1988–1992 ORT expanded the above project to the surrounding areas of Montevideo and trained an additional 3,000 students.

Health, Education and Nutrition

CIDA 1988–1992 ORT Latin America designed and established a network of mother and child artisan training centers in seven low-income districts of Montevideo.

Mother and Childcare

EU 1990–1993 ORT built five day care centers for two month to five year old children and trained community members in childcare and development. venezuela Education

EU/Government of Luxembourg 1997–1999 The project provided non-formal vocational training to expand the growth in employment opportunities to underprivileged people from low economy areas. This project offered training to 2,100 youth over the three years through the development of 84 courses, taking12 weeks, containing 300 hours of course work, plus 120 hours of self-learning.

CIDA 1990–1993 ORT designed a distance education training project for education authorities and provided skills training to approximately 1,000 students.


VENEZUELA Health, Education and Nutrition

CIDA 1974–1978 ORT established a mother and child care project in Caracas to provide a comprehensive program of primary health care and family planning.




ABSA Amalgamated Banks of South Africa AfDB African Development Bank ADB Asian Development Bank ANTTARC Albanian National Training and Technical Assistance Resource Center ARDA Agricultural and Rural Development Authority BJS Bharatiya Jain Sanghatana BMZ Ministry of Economic Cooperation, Germany BTS Bureautique et Secretariat CBG Compagnie des Bauxites de Guinée CEAT Centro Educacional de Alta Technologia CHF Cooperative Housing Foundation CIDA Canadian International Development Agency CIPFA Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accounting DCC Digital Community Center DIF Integral Development of the Family, Mexico DMTP Direction du Materiel des Travaux Publics ECOWAS Economic Community of West African States ELSP E-Learning Support Project ESL English as a Second Language EU European Union GDE Gauteng Department of Education, South Africa GTZ Society for Technical Cooperation, Germany HP Hewlett Packard World Bank International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (World Bank) IBBI International Beer and Beverage Industries Ltd ICAP International Christian Association for Peace ILO International Labor Organization INACAP National Training Institute JCCI Johannesburg Chamber of Commerce and Industry JET Joint Education Trust JDC American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee KAYEC Katutura Youth Enterprise Center, South Africa KfW Kreditanstalt für Wiedraufbau, Germany MAP Montenegro Advocacy Program MAP Micro-enterprise Acceleration Program, Russia MPW Ministry of Public Works, Liberia NAPC Northern Agricultural Production Corporation, Sudan NGO Non-Governmental Organization NIS Newly Independent States of the Soviet Union NORAD Norwegian Agency for Development NPH Nuestros Pequeños Hermanos NTA Namibia Training Authority, South Africa ODA Overseas Development Administration, United Kingdom OECD Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development ONATRA National Office of Transport, Zaire ONFP National Office of Vocational Training PNVA National Agricultural Extension Program PVO Private Voluntary Organization REGIDESO Zaire National Water Distribution System RFES Russian Federal Executive Service RRIG Rhein-Ruhr Ingenieur Gesellschaft m.b.H RTI Research Triangle Institute


RVF Régie des Voies Fluviales RVM Régie des Voies Maritimes SAED Societe d’Amenagement et d’Exploitation des Terres du Delta SDC Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation SENA Government Apprenticeship Training Program SSETA Services SETA (Skills Education and Training Authority) SGMTP Public Works Equipment Maintenance Service SIDA Swedish International Development Authority STEP Science Technology and Education Project, South Africa UN/AMICAALL Alliance of Mayors and Municipal Leaders Initiative for Community Action on HIV/AIDS at Local Level UEMOA Union Economique et Monétaire Ouest Africaine UNDP United Nations Development Program UNICEF United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund USAID United States Agency for International Development USAID PEPFAR U.S. President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief WCED Western Cape Education Department, South Africa


Educating for Life

ORT International Cooperation is one of the most important programmes in the ORT global network. Created in 1960 to assist newly emerging and developing nations, International 2011 edition Cooperation has implemented more than 350 projects in over 98 countries at the request of Photo front: Children at an ORT school , international agencies, local communities, host Mother and Childcare program in governments and private firms and foundations. Senegal, 2008.

Photo back: Opening ceremony for the inauguration of an ORT-JDC computer laboratory at a school in Port Blair — Tsunami support in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands, February 2009.


World ORT

World ORT

Educating for Life

Educating for Life