The University of Texas at El Paso .. ,. ,, '., ',. The University of Texas at El Paso Graduate Studies Catalog 1993-1 995 General Information 3-31 Programs of Study 33-96 The Graduate Faculty 97-107 Index 108-109 Campus Map 11 0-111 November, 1992 1 Published by the unlverslty of Texas at €1 Paso. mce of the Graduate school and Oflice of the Reglstrnr, El Paso, Texas 799660599 ognizes its obligation to serve as a vital source of academic, social University History and financial support to the community. Through grant-assisted aca- demic outreach programs. UTEP provides technical expertise to I The University of Texas at El Paso, known as UTEP. is the second reg~onalindustry, social assistance to the region's poor and cultural oldest academic component of the University of Texas System. It was enlightenment to the community at large. founded by the Texas Legislature in 1913 as the State School of As a majority-Hispanic university in the world's largest binational Mines and Metallurgy, a name that gives testament to the scope of metropolitan center. UTEP is extraordinarily well-positioned to I education offered at the early West Texas school. The first campus, provide statewide higher education leadership as Texas' increasingly located on land that is now part of the Fort Bliss Army post, was diverse population moves toward the 21st century. UTEP has destroyed by fire a few years after the college's inception, and the learned to capitalize on the strengths of the bicultural region it serves school moved in 1916 to the present campus on the western foothills by offering unique binational and bilingual educational opportunities of the Franklin Mountains, just a stone's throw from the Rio Grande.
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