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Tell Me Your Dreams

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Tell Me Your Dreams

Sidney Sheldon

Tell Me Your Dreams Sidney Sheldon New

Tell Me Your Dreams Details

Date : Published August 1999 by Vision (first published 1998) ISBN : 9780446607209 Author : Sidney Sheldon Format : Paperback 384 pages Genre : Fiction, Thriller, Mystery, Suspense

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From Reader Review Tell Me Your Dreams for online ebook

Zahra Rhm says

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Ann Jenelle Rotol says

I have to confess that I'm really not a fan of Sidney Sheldon's works. The thing he writes isn't just my cup of tea. But I can honestly say that I really like Tell Me Your Dreams. That's because there's a touch of psychology in here.

Psychology's holy grail plus murder equals a masterpiece! I can say that Sidney Sheldon is a good writer because of this book.

I remember being amazed of how Sidney Sheldon narrated this novel. Where everything at first is confusing and gradually it all becomes clear until the very end. (Oh, it's also a book about healing...) Unlike what has happened in Doomsday Conspiracy, where everything in the end is just - bleh (sorry for the lack of a better term).

Anyway, as an end note, I just want to you to imagine me whistling the tune of Pop goes the weasel! :))

Mary says

Ashley Patterson is a brainy and gorgeous "computer whiz" with a cushy job at a fast-growing start-up computer graphics company in Silicon Valley. She is lonely, shy, and lives a life that is unfulfilling to her. She is also absolutely convinced that someone is stalking her. Toni Prescott and Alette Peters are both co- workers of Ashley's, however the similarities end there.

Toni is a saucy, British vixen with a penchant for Internet dating and dancing at discotheques. 'La bella Italiana' Alette is an aspiring artist who prefers quiet, dreamy weekends spent in the arms of handsome painters. Reminiscent of high school, Toni and Alette do their best to keep Ashley out of their cool clique, but find it extremely difficult after a string of murders irrevocably binds their lives together. Toni, Alette and Ashley know virtually nothing about each other until all three women are inexplicably linked into a murder investigation that will lead to one of the most bizarre trials of the century.

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This book is a work of fiction, but is based on several actual cases. I really enjoyed this book and found it to be an interesting read. I was definitely hooked by the plot and wanted to discover what happened next. The book was laden with such realistic details that I learned plenty of information about certain subjects that I never knew. I give this book an A+! and am eager to read more books by Sidney Sheldon in the future.

Noni Wardani says

I'd say that this is sheldon's best book. Among all of his books, this was the one that could drop my jaw down..haaa. I remembered reading this book during my grammar class, since i could not put it down even for a single second.In the end i was kicked out of the class because unconsciously i was gasping very loudly. Sheldon really put the story in a stunning and excellent way. The plot, starting from the beginning,the climax, till the end was really well written. You would never have guessed that it would end that way...

silvia says

I was quite familiar with Sidney Sheldon's novels since I was in the junior high school. By familiar, I mean I've been knowing his famous name with dozens of bestseller book yet didn't have any interest to even try to read some of his books. Not until my husband eagerly introduced it to me and showed me how he'd been impressed by the Sheldon's novels.

So at first, I tried to please him by reading one of the Sheldon's novel he had recommended me, "Tell Me Your Dream". This eventually marks the first novel of Sidney Sheldon I've read. And my impression was beyond what I'd thought before. I thought I was going to get bored reading it. When I went to the first several pages, I felt the plot was too predictable while I undoubtedly admitted that it's very well-written. Though quite predictable in the first chapters, I so much enjoyed the novel until I was addicted and couldn't stop reading it. The story was cleverly maintained, the characters were strongly built, and the end part was quite realistic.

In brief, the story is about a woman who suffers from the Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD), a mental disorder results in two or more split identities which then controls the individual's behavior. Because of this syndrome, she has to face a trial for the murders she doesn't commit. The story mentions in detail the trial process, how the defender argues for her, how they struggle for win by assuring the judge, the prosecutor, and more importantly the jury that she is not guilty because of insanity. The novel also narrates how people with MPD is being cured with several therapies and how she has to face her alters, the conflicts inside herself, and how she and her alter egos have to cope with her dark past.

In sum, Sidney Sheldon had brought the novel into something brilliant. And I guess he had done some research before, thus from the novel I could get some valuable information about MPD syndrome and the criminal trial process in the State, though the later perhaps wasn't descripted deeply. So I could say that I was as much impressed as my husband, and feel so much confident to read other novels by Sidney Sheldon. :)

Dyuti says

Even though i have not read much of Sidney Sheldon's books, this has got to be worst of the lot!

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For starters, the novella primarily centers around a simplistic workaholic called Ashley Patterson who suffers from multiple personality disorder. Gradually, we learn about other twists to character, which moves the story forward. (if you could be kind and forgiving enough to categorize them as twists that is).

However, the reason why I hated the book was because really how dumb does the author expect us to be? The writing is simplistic, enough so to be actually demeaningly termed as a mediocre chick-lit. Not expected from a world famous author. Second, the different characters are so shallow and so poorly fleshed out that you actually feel like whether you're reading a last moment class assignment, or an actual published work. Maybe if you have not read works like Stieg Larsson's The Millennium Trilogy, then you might empathize with the protagonist, or gush about how great it is.

I guess it was a feat in itself for me to complete the book.

Andrei B?dic? says

"Iar ea î?i aminti durerea a?tept?rii disperate a lui Jim din gar?, cum crezuse în cuvintele lui, având încredere în el. Se r?zgândise ?i nu fusese suficient de b?rbat s? vin? ?i s?-i spun? asta. În schimb, o l?sase s? a?tepte într-o gar?, singur?." "-Ai avut mare noroc. Dar, asta e, unii au noroc, unii nu. De multe ori, Dumnezeu se joac? cu destinele noastre, nu?"

Archit Ojha says

With Sidney Sheldon books, most of the time you can't find right words to write in your review. Because you are so thrilled to speak or write anything.

This book was adorable.

Ajla says

I'm out of words! This book blew my mind. It just became one of my all-time favorites.

Mwanamali says

It was perfect the first time. It was perfect the second time. What more do I need to add? Review to come if I find the right words.

Tea Jovanovi? says

Svakom prevodiocu je zadovoljstvo i ?ast da dobije priliku da prevodi autora koga voli i ?ije je sve knjige pro?itao... :) Prošlo je 15 godina od prvog objavljivanja ovog prevoda... I knjiga je doživela da je objavi i

PDF File: Tell Me Your Dreams... 5 Read and Download Ebook Tell Me Your Dreams... tre?i izdava?... Prvo izdanje bilo je Narodne knjige, drugo Alnarija, a najnovije, ovogodišnje Vulkana... a verovatno ?e ove godine osvanuti i prvo crnogorsko izdanje... :) ali u pitanju je u svim slu?ajevima isti prevod... :)

Supratim says

This was my second Sidney Sheldon novel. I was in high school back then. A friend had an edition which included two novels - Nothing Lasts Forever and this one. I had heard a lot about Sheldon's novel and borrowed the book.

Nothing Lasts Forever did not make much of an impression but Tell Me Your Dreams was the real deal. I was hooked on from the very beginning and became a fan of the author. I agree that this book is not a great piece of piece of literature. But, it is a very entertaining potboiler indeed.

Now let's come to the story. There is serial killer out there! Men are just not being murdered but their bodies are horribly mutilated. The killer operates across countries.

Then there are three very attractive young women with different natures and nationalities. They are somehow in the middle of all these.

The book is chilling - I loved the atmosphere of suspense and tension. All the trademark ingredients of Sidney Sheldon novels such as sex, deception, betrayal, dark secrets, ulterior motives, greed, opportunism have been skilfully used. I enjoyed how the author portrayed the dark psyche of human beings. If there are perverts hiding behind a facade of respectability then there are some very decent people as well.

The mystery, the suspense, the tension - all these make the novel a very engrossing read. The author has thrown about a few clues here and there.

It is a psychological thriller. Nowadays readers can very easily connect the dots - the theme has been used a thousand times in novels, TV serials and movies. But, back then - when the story was published, I am sure quite a few readers were stumped.

The added bonus for me was the trial. I enjoyed the way the defense counsel fought to win against a deluge of negative public opinion, ignorance and even a hostile judge.

The ending makes the book even more chilling and terrifying.

The book had introduced me to not only the psychological thriller genre but made me aware of a condition as well. I had come across the said condition somewhere prior to reading this book the first time but couldn't place it in the story. Years later I purchased the book as I wanted it in my collection.

For me re-reading the book for a buddy read was a great pleasure.

Even if you can see through the mystery - I would still say that the story can keep you turning the pages. If you like thrillers and do not mind sex & gore -then you might enjoy the book.

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Rachita Gupta says

I picked up this book cuz I am a BIG HUGE SUPER fan of Sidney Sheldon. If you want a book you can't put down, his is the best shelf in the library. So, obviously, I was expecting nothing less than perfect from the book. And, this novel matched, no, went beyond all the pre-set standards! The story is about a girl with a multiple personality disorder..And she's completely unaware of it. The book goes through three stages: One, the girl, and her multiple conflicting personas, get involved in a horrible serial murder case. The second stage takes you to the journey of the following lawsuit and court proceedings. The third phase focuses on her efforts to overcome her disorder. The best thing about Sheldon's novels is their ability to completely immerse the reader in the ocean of the plot. You smile when the protagonist begins a love story, cry when she has a heartbreak, and laugh the most evil laugh when she takes her revenge. And, it's not just the few main characters, but you feel attached to each sidekick that comes along too, the way you are related to all people in actual life. Do read the book! Crime and mystery lovers, this is one book you'll never regret reading.. even after you read it twice.. or thrice. :)

Stefanie says

Review originally published at

The novel opens introducing us to the heroine, Ashley Patterson. Although she cannot prove it, she feels and believes that she is being stalked by someone with murderous intentions. She comes home from work (in Silicon Valley) one day to find that all the lights in her apartment have been turned on. Another day she sees that her lingerie drawer has been ransacked.

In the next two chapters, we are introduced to Toni Prescott and Alette Peters who work at the same company with Ashley. Toni is six years younger than Ashley, born in England, she is a bit of a wild child with serious maternal issues. She is a wonderful singer, but her inner thoughts keep flashing back to her mother telling her she was no good and would never amount to anything. Toni likes to dress provocatively and go club hopping on the weekends. She despises Ashley because Ashley is everything she herself isn't. Alette is eight years younger than Ashley. Born in Rome, she is a soft spoken, sweet artist who also has maternal issues. Though people around her keep telling her that she is an extraordinarily talented painter, she keeps hearing her mother tell her the contrary.

Though she currently has a very close relationship with her father, Ashley is haunted by the memory of her father forcing her to leave her High School sweetheart, Jim. She had planned to run away and be married to Jim, but he never showed up at the train station. When Ashley attends her ten year reunion, she learns that Jim was viciously murdered and castrated the morning they were supposed to meet. She is stunned and immediately suspects her father. When a man at work who has been bothering her meets the same fate after she complains to her father about him, Ashley is convinced that her father is behind these murders.

On a business trip to Canada, Toni meets her Internet boyfriend for the first time. He presents her with a beautiful emerald ring and is then murdered and castrated. Alette’s artist boyfriend back home in California is also killed in this same fashion. Upon returning home, Ashley finds on her bathroom mirror the message You will die. The deputy assigned to protect her is found the next morning in the alley, dead and castrated. When the emerald ring given to Toni is found in Ashley's jewelry box and her fingerprints and DNA at each murder scene, she is arrested.

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At this point, we are a little less than half way through the book. If you haven't guessed from the review (I had already guessed from the novel), Ashley suffers from MPD (Multiple Personality Disorder). Toni and Alette are both alters which had been created by a traumatic experience (when Ashley was six and eight years old).

From this point backward, the novel had been gripping and enticing. I couldn't put it down. After this, I was thoroughly disappointed. Ashley's father persuades a criminal lawyer turned corporate lawyer, David Singer to return a favor and represent Ashley. The second half of the novel deals with the trial, the fighting psychiatrists: (Multiple Personality Disorder is a real disorder, Multiple Personality Disorder isn't a real disorder), and Ashley's treatment and introduction to her two alters in a state asylum. The most interesting part of this section was learning the horrific event that caused her fragile psyche to shatter as it did.

This novel was written in the third person, with insight into the minds of Ashley, Toni and Alette. The focus on MPD was interesting, but slow paced. It was frightening how someone can commit brutal murders, be released to an asylum for treatment and then released upon being deemed "cured".

I could tell that I was reading a Sidney Sheldon novel, but I missed the adventure, the world travels, the intrigue and thrilling plot twists to which I've become accustomed.

Salymar says

First off, I really don't know how to start, I didn't write a review right away 'cause I was speechless. This is another book you simply cannot put down (even for just a little bit). Anyway, I'll start with the usual. :> Tell Me Your Dreams is a 1998 psychological thriller by the well-known American author, Sidney Sheldon.

The mystery in this novel lies within a woman named Ashley Patterson and her past. It’s better to say less about the story. I might spoil it too much and you wouldn't like it. teehee:p

Moreover, the whole story comprises of attention-grabbing characters with different professions/jobs like painters, jewelry shop owners, introverts, computer technicians, psychos, cops, detectives, lawyers, and doctors, but it does not dwell on police procedures very well. It is set in California and touches in Quebec, London and Rome. Despite all the differences of the characters mentioned above; this is still a simple, easy, and an unforgettable read. I would suggest that you better hang on to your seat guys!

In the end, I wanted to spoil a little excerpt… “There could have been a terrible ending for her (Ashley Patterson), but this was the happy ending she had prayed for.I'm on my way at last. And as the train headed toward the Hamptons, she began to sing softly.”

READ IT NOW PEOPLE. Enough said. :)

Oh, btw, this song now creeps the hell out of me after I have read this book. Sing with me people! -_-

"Half a pound of tuppenny rice, Half a pound of treacle. That’s the way the money goes,

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Pop goes the weasel.

Up and down the City road, In and out the Eagle, That’s the way the money goes, Pop goes the weasel.

Every night when I go out the monkey’s on the table. Take a stick and knock it off Pop goes the weasel.

A penny for a ball of thread Another for a needle, That’s the way the money goes, pop goes the weasel.

All around the cobblers bench the monkey chased the people; The donkey thought ’twas all in fun, pop goes the weasel.


Voldemort says

This is what happens when you have a brilliant idea but you’re simply a shitty writer. There was no suspense, no plot twist and I really wanted the story to end quickly so I could read my other “precious” books. Second part felt like an alter of John’s Grisham A time to kill… or The firm…..or his other not so cool law-based books. Lately I’ve seen this Korean drama based on lawyers and prosecutors; I hear your voice. And the way their attorneys defended the supposed victims was goose-bumpy (?) and heart-wrenching manipulative. David sucked…no he super-sucked. If I ever kill my professors or steal books I’d better sit on the electric chair than have him as my advocate. But obviously the main subject of the book was the MPD Sidney so charmingly wrote about. Yup, sarcasm there. The third part somehow made me give this book another star. But if Prof Nardi hears this kind of fucked up therapy used for curing alter egos, I surely won’t pass my pharmacology exam. And somebody should teach the translator how number is spelled. Numer – Numur. Thank you!

Erin says

This story is about the women, Ashley Patterson, who suffer the multiple personalities disorder. She have a two seperated different personalities, Toni Prescott who is a very aggrasive girl and Alette Peters who is a shy and kind girl. Both of them was created when Ashley was raped by her father, Dr. Steven Patterson, who is famous doctor in the world.

This story is divided in three part. First part is related to the story of murder by Toni and then, in the second part, author narrated that how David win the court about murder by Toni. Last part is the story about how

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Ashley overcome her problem. However, last page give me the hint that Ashley will look for her father to revenge and protect her new half sister.

People normally have their problem which nobody know about. The concerns is that how to overcome their problem and create a new life and build a positive mind. Sometimes, people eager to find a doctor to explain their concerns and to have a solution. Unfortunately, In Korea, it is the shame action to have a mental theraphy in the hospital. I think that this circumstance should be changed for people to feel free to find a counseller. Especially, current modern society make people frustrated in a various condition. For example, teenagers are received big pressure from high competitive relationship in shcool. Many people are hardly to listen to the positive message form media and journal.

This is the important time for people to make a better life. Committing a suitcide, people lost their dream and hopeness from people. Always listen to the negative message from relationship and think of the awful image from the violent movie. We need to take a consideration of our mental health and of our weak strain from the society.

Dulfino says i've read this book when i was a freshman in highschool. all my peers talk about this like it's the best book ever. and back then, i though it was too. but after a few years, i can't help but frown all throughout re-reading this book.

**SPOILER ALERT** the circumstances that was chosen by the author to set and deliver the "twists" of the story were HORRIBLE. really? a character who only meets sexual abusers??? are you serious? THE PLOT WAS SO FORCED. it almost sounds juvenile. and the development of the characters were so inconsistent. like the police officer that she killed. he was so in love with his wife. that was the initial establishment of the character, then all of a sudden he ends up forcing ashley to have sex??? another one is the judge. she was so mean to David all throughout the trial she made it sure not to give him even the tiniest bit of sympathy. Then after the verdict came down, she gave him ten minutes to present a new evidence?? WTH???

Ana Jupek says

Well,to be honest i gave it a 3 * just because it is S.Sheldon. And i loved him....when i was around 15... I felt nostalgic when my colleague gave me some old books her mother owned. Six of them are from S.Sheldon. I read 3 of his book (not that many i admit )but i was surprised abouth his writing style. . . Very easy going... like a screenplay in a way. I guess i should read Bloodline again. I was 14 when i tought that was a perfect book. . . I will read all of the books i got of course. .I just tought his writing skills were This kind of books are very easy to read. I hope i am not going to insult his fans by saying that this is *I will read on the beach style of book*(which i did) . *spoiler alert I assumed she had personality disorder way before it was revealed. . There was no surprise element which i believe author wanted to achieve . It was very easy to see during a trial that she is just not going to be executed so trial felt pointless...

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And it was not difficult to see that ending happening... All in all.. i do recommend. Maybe it is just me. Maybe i expected too much. *sorry for my spelling. English is not my first language

Bee Lubis says

This is another masterpiece of Sheldon. This book is full of psychological brain game. Sheldon described the alters with very good tricky ideas. I should use my imagination as good as my logic mind to find out what the issues really were. I still couldn't find another fiction book which tells Multiple Personality Disorder as clear as Sheldon's "Tell Me Your Dreams". It even helped to understand MPD when I took psychology in university! ;p

I own this book for myself, Indonesian version, and had read it for maybe 20 times. I read the English version once and it was even better for me.

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