Hello, Scouts! I’m excited to teach the Game Design Merit Badge, and I hope you are all excited to be taking it as well. The biggest part of this merit badge is the independent project (requirements 5, 6, and 7). It’s a good idea to already start thinking about what kind of games you like to play and what kind of game you want to make. Remember, this is the “Game Design” Merit Badge, not just “Video Game Design” or “Board Game Design.” That means any game - video game, board game, card game, sport, tabletop game, visual novel, wargame, ARG, escape room, etc. - is on the table for this, so long as you can put in the work to prototype it. I made a sample game design notebook and appended it to this letter. Read over it so you can know what will be required in the project. You don’t need to do anything just yet; we will discuss more at our first meeting. See you on Monday! Jackson
[email protected] Game Design Notebook Scout Name: Game Name: Overview: Medium: Player Format: Objective: Theme: Setting: Story: Characters: (b) Play Value: (c) Rules: (c) Resources/Materials: Drawings and Diagrams: Prototype Playtest 1: Date: Players: Notes: Prototype Playtest 2: Date: Players: Rule Changes (with reasons): Notes: Were the rule changes successful? Prototype Playtest 3: Date: Players: Rule Changes (with reasons): Notes: Were the rule changes successful? (7) Blind Test: Date: Players: Write an instruction sheet for your players. Clearly describe how to set up, play, and end the game.