Aylesworth Official Roster, North Dakota 134
Aylesworth Official Roster, North Dakota 134 AYLESWORTH, HAROLD DAN. Navy number 1,013,703; not a reg- istrant, under age; born, West Salem, Wis., June 7, 1897, of American parents; occupation, street car conductor; enlisted in the Navy at Min- neapolis, Minn., on May 27, 1918; served on Receiving Ship, Puget Sound, Wash., to No'v. 11, 1918. Grade: Seaman 2nd Class, 168 days. Released from active duty at Puget Sound, Wash., on March 8, 1919, as a Sea- man 2nd Class. Discharged, Sept. 30, 1921. AYLESWORTH, LEONARD SHELDON. Army number 3,653,809; reg- istrant, Grand Forks county; born, West Salem, Wis., Sept. 20, 1892, of American parents; occupation, circus showman; inducted at Portland, Ore., on July 27, 1918; sent to Camp Lewis, Wash.; served in 26th Company, 166th Depot Brigade, to discharge. Grade: Corporal, Nov. 15, 1918. Dis- charged at Camp Lewis, Wash., on March 22, 1919, as a Corporal. AYLMER, ADOLPH WILLIAM. Army number 3,833,751; registrant, Stutsman county; born, Fargo, D. T., Dec. 28, 1880, of Canadian-Ameri- can parents; occupation, lawyer; inducted at Jamestown on Oct. 17. 1918; sent to Camp Pike, Ark.; served in 7th Company, 4th Battalion, Infantry Replacement and Training Troops, Camp Pike, Ark., to discharge. Dis- charged at Camp Pike, Ark., on Dec. 6, 1918, as a Private. Previous mili- tary record: Company H, North Dakota National Guard, about 1903; Company B, Minnesota National Guard, about 1906. AYMOND, CLAUDE W. Army number 85,757; registrant, Pembina county; born, Neche, N. Dak., Aug. 19, 1891, of American-Canadian par- ents; occupation, electrician; enlisted in Company C, 1st Infantry, North, Dakota National Guard, at Grafton, on June 24, 1916; called into federal service on June 24, 1916, for Mexican border duty and served there until discharge; discharged from federal service at Fort Snelling, Minn., on Feb.
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