An Account of the Mining Districts of Alston Moor, Weardale And
'"''s^^- , M^ CORNELL UNIVERSITY LIBRARY THE WORDSWORTH COLLECTION FOUNDED BY CYNTHIA MORGAN ST. JOHN THE GIFT OF VICTOR EMANUEL OF THE CLASS OF I919 &7D y\\ Cornell University Library The original of tiiis book is in tine Cornell University Library. There are no known copyright restrictions in the United States on the use of the text. or THE I'mxcirAi aoads &•<• MINING DISTRICTS^ of . and the ailjoiiiing<lales NORTH MID I ir a OT TO n K S H 1 H K 20JEle — # AN ACCOUNT OF THE MINING DISTRICTS OF ALSTON MOOR, WEARDALE, AND TEESDALE, IN COMPRISIIfG DESCRIPTIVE SKETCHES OF THE SCENERY, ANTIQUITIES, GEOLOGY, AND MINING OPERATIONS, IN THE UPPER DALES OF THE RIVERS TYNE, WEAR, AND TEES. BY T. SOPWITH, LAND AND MINE SURVEYOR, ALNWICK: PRINTED BY AND FOR W. DAVISON. SOLD ALSO BY THE BOOKSELLERS IN NORTHUMBKK LAND, DURHAM, CUMBERLAND, &c. MDCCCXXXIII. 1-. % u%A/ PREFACE. The Lead-Mining Districts of the north of England comprise an extensive range of highly picturesque scenery, which is rendered still more interesting by numerous objects which claim the attention of the antiquary, the geologist, and the mineralogist, and, in short, of all who delight in the combined attractions of nature, science, and art. Of these districts no detailed account has been given to the public; and a famihar description of the northern lead-mines, in which so many persons in this part of the kingdom are concerned, has long been a desideratum in local literature. The present volume aspires not to the merit of supplying this want; but, by descriptive notices of the principal objects of attraction, is intended to convey some general ideas of the nature of the lead-mining districts, and to afford some information which may serve as a guide to those who visit them.
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