Spring 2019 Study Guide Subject Worship and Character Level 7

Directions: There will be at least one question on the exam for every topic listed in this study guide. You are expected to use your textbook and notes to review all the units and chapters listed below, concentrating on knowing well the topics listed in this guide. The exam will consist of a mixture of multiple choice, true and false, and short answer questions. Ask Allah, the Most High, to help you do well on the exam and follow it up by studying.

Unit D: Muslim Life Style Chapter 1: Hayaa': Modesty, Shyness and Honor Together (3 Exam Questions) Appreciate and understand the place of hayaa' in . Learn the relationship between Iman and Hayaa'. Recognize the levels of Hayaa'. Chapter 2: Males and Females (3 Exam Questions) Learn and understand the verses on lowering the gaze, the blessing of marriage and the evil of in this chapter. Learn the ahadeeth on forbidding khulwah and touching between the two genders. Learn the following vocabulary terms: Ghadd-ul-Basar, Awrah, Khulwah, Zawaj, Zina, Chapter 3: The Islamic Etiquette of Clothing (4 Exam Questions) Learn 'awrah for males and females. List an individual's mahram. Understand the standards of Islamic dress. Chapter 4: Hijab, An Act of Modesty (4 Exam Questions) Explore the roots of hijab in ancient nations. Understand why Islam requires hijab as a dress code for Muslim women. Know that it was Omar Ibn-ul-Khattab who stated that Allah agreed with me on three things, one of them was the veiling of women, I said to the Messenger, "I wish you ordered your wives to cover themselves from the men because good and bad ones talk to them" So the verse of veiling of the woman was revealed by Allah. List some of the benefits of wearing hijab. Unit E: Zakah and Chapter 1: Zakah: The Third Pillar of Islam (3 Exam Questions) Know the definition of Zakah. Understand the definition of Nisaab and rate. Know the following vocabulary terms: , Zakat-ul-mal, Zakat-ul-Fitr, Nisaab Chapter 2: Some Rules and Ethics of Giving out Zakah and Sadaqah (4 Exam Questions) Recognize the importance of sincere intention. Know that being sincere is the most important rule in giving Zakah Compare the merits of secret sadaqah vs. public sadaqah. Recognize the importance of a gracious spirit in giving sadaqah. Learn how to give sadaqah on behalf of the dead and the importance of doing this. Chapter 3: Sadaqah: The Proof Of Goodness (4 Exam Questions) Learn the differences between Sadaqah and Zakah. Learn the meaning of Sadaqah Jariyah. The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him said, that when the son of Adam dies, his deeds will stop except for three types: running Sadaqah, beneficial knowledge, and a good son praying for him. Learn and understand the hadeeth of the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, when he states that the wealth of a servant does not decrease because of sadaqah.