ACTA ICHTHYOLOGICA ET PISCATORIA (2015) 45 (4): 407–410 DOI: 10.3750/AIP2015.45.4.09


Ronald FRICKE1, 2*, Christophe CADET3, and Thierry MULOCHAU4

1Im Ramstal 76, 97922 Lauda-Königshofen, Germany 2Staatliches Museum für Naturkunde, S tuttgart, Germany [temporarily out of offi ce] 3131 impasse des Grives, Lot. Les Echanaux, 01390 Saint André de Corcy, France 4Biorecif, 3 ter rue de l’albatros, 97434 La Saline les Bains, La Réunion, France

Fricke R., Cadet C., Mulochau T. 2015. First record of the sawspine dragonet, Diplogrammus infulatus Smith, 1963 (Actinopterygii: Perciformes: Callionymidae), from La Réunion, south-western Indian Ocean. Acta Ichthyol. Piscat. 45 (4): 407–410. Abstract. The sawspine dragonet, Diplogrammus infulatus Smith, 1963, is recorded for the fi rst time from La Réunion, south-western Indian Ocean; based on a specimen photographed at L’Ermitage les Bains, Saint Gilles les Bains on 12 February 2008. The specimen is described and compared with its congeners reported from the western Indian Ocean. Keywords: marine fi sh, new record, distribution, range extension, morphology, systematics

Dragonets (family Callionymidae) are a group of ben- tal of 984 from the island, but did not include thic living fi shes occurring in the upper 900 metres of all Diplogrammus infulatus. Subsequently, new records of temperate, subtropical, and tropical oceans of the world, several species from La Réunion were published, includ- and a few species are found in estuarine and freshwater ing pitondelafournaisei Quéro, Spitz et habitats (Fricke 1983a). They are characterised by a de- Vayne, 2009 (family Symphysanodontidae; see Quéro pressed body, a triangular head when seen from above, the et al. 2009b), Argyripnus hulleyi Quéro, Spitz et Vayne, large eyes, situated dorsally on the head, the presence of 2009 (family Sternoptychidae; see Quéro et al. 2009a), a preopercular spine which is bearing additional spinules Chromis durvillei Quéro, Spitz et Vayne, 2010 (family and/or serrae, the gill opening reduced to a small pore, Pomacentridae; see Quéro et al. 2009), Neocentropogon absent swim bladder, two dorsal fi ns (the fi rst with thin, profundus (Smith, 1958) (family Tetrarogidae; see Quéro fl exible spines, the second with soft rays), and jugular et al. 2011), Kuhlia sauvagii Regan, 1913 (family Kuhli- pelvic fi ns which are separated from each other, but each idae; see Feutry et al. 2012), Epigonus exodon Okamoto connected with the pectoral-fi n base by a membrane. The et Motomura, 2012 (family Epigonidae; see Okamoto Indo-Pacifi c species of the family were revised by Fricke and Motomura 2012), Aulotrachichthys sajademalensis (1983a), who distinguished 126 valid species from the (Kotlyar, 1979) (family Trachichthyidae; see Quéro and area, including twelve species from the Red Sea. Fricke Spitz 2012), and Scorpaenopsis rubrimarginata Fricke, (2002), in a checklist of the callionymid fi shes of the Durville et Mulochau, 2013 (family ; see world, listed a total of 182 valid species in 10 genera. Sub- Fricke et al. 2013b). sequently, several additional species were described, in- During a survey of fi shes of the coral-reef lagoon at La cluding Diplogrammus paucispinis Fricke et Bogorodsky, Réunion, south-western Indian Ocean, the second author 2014 from the eastern Red Sea by Fricke et al. (2014), observed two callionymid fi sh specimens at L’Étang-Salé- who also reviewed the distribution of the sawspine drag- les-Bains (ca. 21°16′16′′S, 55°19′58′′E) on the southwest onet, Diplogrammus infulatus Smith, 1963, but have not coast of the island, in shallow water on sand bottom, in reported it from La Réunion. 2008; later found a specimen of the same species in a net Checklists of the fi shes of La Réunion were pub- of a fi sherman at L’Ermitage-les-Bains on the west coast, lished by Fricke (1999), Letourneur et al. (2004) and that represented the fi rst record of Diplogrammus infulatus Fricke et al. (2009); the latter checklist reported a to- Smith, 1963 from the island. The specimen was photo-

* Correspondence: Dr Ronald Fricke, Im Ramstal 76, 97922 Lauda-Königshofen, Germany, phone: +49 9343 600801, e-mail: (RF) [email protected], (CC) [email protected], (TM) [email protected]. 408 Fricke et al. graphed after collection; it is described in the present paper, For the Mascarene Islands, Fricke (1983b: 510) record- compared with allied species, and its distribution discussed. ed Diplogrammus infulatus from Mauritius (but not from On 12 February 2008 a large specimen of La Réunion), and Fricke (1999: 493) from Rodrigues; the Diplogrammus infulatus Smith, 1963 with ca. 12 cm to- Rodrigues record was subsequently verifi ed by Heemstra et tal length was found in the net of a fi sherman at L’Ermit- al. (2004: 328). In their checklist of the fi shes of La Réunion, age-les-Bains, Saint-Gilles-les-Bains, La Réunion (ca. Fricke et al. (2009) reported a total of 984 species from the 21°04′48′′S, 5°13′18′′E); the net had been previously set in island, but failed to fi nd D. infulatus. The species was neither the lagoon near the shore, at a depth of less than 1 m depth. reported in an earlier checklist by Letourneur et al. (2004). The specimen was photographed immediately after col- The specimen agrees with the generic characters of the lection, but was not preserved. Counts and measurements Diplogrammus as defi ned by Fricke et al. (2014: followed Hubbs and Lagler (1947), fi n-ray counts follow 2423), including an elongate and depressed body shape, Fricke (1983a); the classifi cation follows Eschmeyer and the absence of a supraorbital tentacle, the presence of free Fricke (2015), references according to Fricke (2015), col- fl ap of skin posteriorly on the opercle, and the presence of lection acronyms follow Fricke and Eschmeyer (2015). a continuous ventrolateral fold of skin along the sides of Comparative materials of D. infulatus and other species of the body. The characters of the specimen of D. infulatus the genus were listed by Fricke et al. (2014). from La Réunion well agree with those defi ned by Fricke No specimens of Diplogrammus infulatus from La et al. (2014: 2430), including the dorsal fi n with IV spines Réunion are preserved in collections. Comparative ma- and 8 soft rays, the free opercular fl ap and branches of the terials of D. infulatus examined from Mauritius and Ro- lateral line present, the fi rst dorsal fi n with a very long drigues are deposited in BMNH, NHMI, and SMNS; they fi lament in males, and bluish lines on the head in males. are listed in Fricke (1999: 493–494). The colouration agrees with that of specimens from other regions including the Red Sea (see Fricke et al. 2014: Fig. Family CALLIONYMIDAE 5). For comparison, a lateral view of a male and a female Diplogrammus Gill, 1865 specimen from the southern Red Sea demonstrates the co- Diplogrammus infulatus Smith, 1963 lour pattern and proportions including the anal fi n (Fig. 2). Diplogrammus infulatus is distinguished from other Description. (Based on Fig. 1) Dorsal-fi n spines IV, rays species of the genus in the Western Indian Ocean/Red Sea vii,1; anal-fi n rays vi,1. Head slightly depressed, 4.4 in SL. region by the presence of a free fl ap of skin on the oper- Eye 3.3 in head length. Branchial opening pore-like, dorsal cle (absent in D. gruveli), more than 5 curved spinules on in position. Free opercular fl ap of skin and branches of lat- the dorsal margin of the preopercular spine additional to eral line present; preopercular spine with a small, upcurved the main tip (3–4 spinules in D. pygmaeus), and the fi rst main tip, formula 1 7 1. First dorsal fi n with a long fi lament, spine of the fi rst dorsal fi n with a relatively long fi lament fi rst spine signifi cantly longer than fi rst ray of second dorsal in males (barely bearing a fi lament or not fi lamentous in fi n; caudal fi n rounded, caudal-fi n length 3.5 in SL. the other species), the main point of the preopercular spine Colour of fresh, male specimen (Fig. 1): body above upcurved (straight in D. randalli), and the male’s head and lateral line golden brown, with silvery mottlings and body with numerous blue spots and streaks; for species dark-edged greyish spots (some of these double). From accounts and illustrations see Fricke et al. (2014). lateral fold to lateral line scattered light blue spots along Diplogrammus infulatus inhabits shallow waters, in- fl ank. Ventrolateral fold of skin alternatingly marked with cluding coral gravel bottom near coral reefs, and tidal groups of two white spots and one dark brown streak. pools. The shallow coral-reef lagoon near Saint Gilles les Cheek yellowish, olive spots and blue lines on cheeks, Bains is a typical habitat for the species. During former opercles, and snout. Dorsal fi ns pale to golden green, the survey of this area in 1995 and 1998, the fi rst author failed soft fi n orange in front, with dark edged blue lines and to fi nd this species in spite of an extensive search (Fricke spots. Pectoral fi ns pink with red-brown spots. Pelvic 1999: 493). However, the suitable habitat at La Réunion fi ns green gold with green blotches and lines, especially is small; the area is only 9 km long and has a maximum basally, apex pink. Caudal fi n pale golden brown, with width of 270 m at La Saline les Bains, and 140 m at L’Er- many dark edged light blue spots and four vertical olive mitage les Bains. Species of Diplogrammus live in small bars fading above; also with blue streaks and a submar- harem groups in a home range of a few square metres, ginal blue line. with vast uninhabited stretches of sand bottom in between Remarks. This species was fi rst described by Smith (1963: two harem groups. Diplogrammus infulatus is therefore 550, pl. 83 E–I) from Inhaca Island, Mozambique. It was considered to be very rare, native species at La Réunion. treated as a valid species in a revision of Fricke (1983b: The fi nding of this species provides additional insight in 509), and distinguished from other species of the genus. the biodiversity of La Réunion; it suggests that the usu- Fricke (1999: 493) recorded the species from the Seychelles, ally co-occurring lagoon species Callionymus delicatulus Fricke et al. (2013a: 269) from Europa Island, southern Mo- Smith, 1963 and Synchiropus postulus Smith, 1963 may zambique Channel. Previously available information of the be expected to occur at La Réunion as well, though they distribution of the species was summarised in a checklist of were not yet recorded from the Mascarenes. callionymid fi shes by Fricke (2002: 47). First record of Diplogrammus infulatus from La Réunion 409

Fig. 1. Diplogrammus infulatus, L’Ermitage-les-Bains, Saint-Gilles-les-Bains, La Réunion; Photograph by C. Cadet

Oijen (RMNH, Leiden, the Netherlands), R. Rosenblatt (SIO, La Jolla, USA), T. Alpermann (SMF, Frankfurt am Main, Germany), S. Smith, J.T. Williams (USNM, Wash- ington DC, USA), G.R. Allen, J.B. Hutchins, S. Morrison (WAM, Perth, Australia), H. Wilkens (ZIM, Hamburg, Germany), H.-J. Paepke (ZMB, Berlin, Germany), T. Abe, Y. Tominaga (ZUMT, Tokyo, Japan).

REFERENCES Eschmeyer W.N., Fricke R. (eds.) 2015. Catalog of fi sh- es. California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco. [Electronic version; Accessed on 11 December 2015.] log-of-fi shes Feutry P., Castelin M., Grondin H., Cruaud C., Couloux A., Keith P. 2012. First record of Kuhlia sauvagii Regan, 1913 (Perciformes) in Mayotte and Réunion islands, western Indian Ocean. Cybium 36 (3): 493–494. Fricke R. 1983a. A method of counting caudal fi n rays of Fig. 2. Diplogrammus infulatus, HUJ 10459, Eritrea, actinopterygian fi shes. Braunschweiger Naturkundli- Dahlak Archipelago, Nocra (from Fricke 1983a: Fig. che Schriften 1 (4): 729–733. 152); Male, 53.3 mm SL: (A) lateral view; (B) left pre- Fricke R. 1983b. Revision of the Indo-Pacifi c genera and opercular spine; Female, 39.2 mm SL: (C) lateral view; species of the dragonet family Callionymidae (Tele- (D) left preopercular spine ostei). Theses Zoologicæ. Vol. 3. Verlag von J. Cramer, Braunschweig, Germany. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Fricke R. 1999. Fishes of the Mascarene Islands (Réunion, We would like to thank the following persons for in- Mauritius, Rodriguez). An annotated checklist with formation, loan of specimens, or permission to examine descriptions of new species. Koeltz Scientifi c Books, specimens under their care (comparative materials): C.J. Koenigstein, Germany. Ferraris Jr. (AMNH, New York, USA), D.F. Hoese, J. Leis, Fricke R. 2002. Annotated checklist of the dragonet fam- M. McGrouther, J. Paxton (AMS, Sydney, Australia), D.A. ilies Callionymidae and Draconettidae (Teleostei: Cal- Didier, W.F. Smith-Vaniz (ANSP, Philadelphia, USA), O. lionymoidei), with comments on callionymid fi sh clas- Crimmen (BMNH, London, UK), J.E. Randall, A.Y. Suzu- sifi cation. Stuttgarter Beiträge zur Naturkunde, Serie A moto (BPBM, Honolulu, USA), W.N. Eschmeyer, T. Iwa- (Biologie) 645: 1–103. moto (CAS including SU, San Francisco, USA), P. Last Fricke R. (ed.) 2015. References. Catalog of fi shes. Cali- (CSIRO, Hobart, Australia), R.K. Johnson, D.J. Stewart fornia Academy of Sciences, San Francisco. [Electron- (FMNH, Chicago, USA), D. Golani (HUJ, Jerusalem, ic version; Accessed on 11 December 2015.] http://re- Israel), P. Pruvost (MNHN, Paris, France), R. Gajeelee (NHMI, Port Louis, Mauritius), M. Gomon (NMV, Mel- fi shcatmain.asp bourne, Australia), H.K. Larson (NTM, Darwin, Austra- Fricke R., Bogorodsky S.V., Mal A.O. 2014. Review of lia), R.J. McKay (QM, Brisbane, Australia), M.J.P. van the genus Diplogrammus (Teleostei: Callionymidae) 410 Fricke et al.

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