RENAISSANCE COLLEGE OF COMMERCE AND MANAGEMENT Bachelors of Business Administration -I Semester Subject – Information Technology


1. Write down the differences between Computer Languages according to generation. 2. What is ? List out the various functions normally performed by an operating system. 3. Define Computer. Draw the block diagram of computer system. Explain the function of each unit with example. 4. the following:

(i) (6747)10=( )2=( )8=( )16

(ii) (72.5)8=( )2=( )10=( )16

(iii) (1A5E)16=( )2=( )8=( )10

(iv) (11010110)2=( )8=( )10=( )16 5. Explain the need of number conversions in computer system with the of examples. 6. Write the features of HTML. 7. Explain Image tags, Link tag and Table tags in a HTML document. 8. Explain the following commands with syntax and example. Also mention if the command is internal or external: , deltree, , path, , , append, , rd, . 9. Discuss the utilities and features of WINDOWS 7. 10. Why has UNIX become a popular operating system? Explain its features. 11. Explain the following Unix Commands with example: Cat, ls, who, banner, , chmod, rm, pwd, date, mv. 12. Differentiate between the following: (a) Primary and Secondary Memory (b) System Software and Application Software (c) Compilers and Interpreters (d) External and Internal Commands (e) .COM, .BAT, .EXE files in DOS. 13. How can Header, Footer, Page Number and Foot Notes be added in a MS-Word document? 14. Explain process of Mail Merge in MS-Word. 15. Explain the types of functions available in MS-Excel. 16. Explain different presentation styles in MS-Power Point. 17. Write steps to create a database table in MS-Access. 18. Write the Features and basic functions of TALLY. 19. Explain any five from the following: (i) Virtual Reality (ii) Artificial Intelligence (iii) 4 GL (iv) Decision Support System (v) Video Conferencing (vi) Image Processing (vii) Information Super Highway.