NEWS A newsletter from Studsvik AB about the Studsvik Group Nov 2006

Japan orders a system for eleven reactors Full throttle Studsvik has won an order for a core monitoring system for eleven Japanese nuclear reactors. The customer is Nuclear in the UK! Engineering Limited (NEL), in Osaka, Japan. The Japanese market in the area is highly

UK competitive and the order is strategically

TUDSVIK important. The GARDEL software is : S establishing Studsvik’s core monitoring PHOTO technology in Japan. NEL is already a customer and user of Studsvik’s software for fuel and core optimization. ■

Unique exercise attracted many participants A specially constructed house was recently the focus of an extensive radiation pro- tection exercise carried out for the first time in . The exercise brought to- gether all of Sweden’s health physics experts and also attracted over a hundred foreign participants. The Swedish Radia- tion Protection Institute, SSI, led the exer- cise and a large number of agencies and organisations took part. Studsvik, leading chemical cleaning experts in Sweden, was given the task of cleaning out a specially constructed house from the radioactive substance technetium-99m. The exercise, called Demoex, was carried out in a closed off firing range in southern Sweden. ■

Studsvik extending waste treatment facility Very strong demand for waste treatment of low-level radioactive components from Europe has led to investment in an exten- sion of the waste treatment facility at Studsvik UK is collaborating with Newcastle University, from where several people have recently been recruited. Studsvik sponsors the engineering students with a car Studsvik. PAGE 6 for their racing competitions – where the racecourse is looking similar to the British nuclear market in many respects. SIDAN 2, 6-7 PAGES 4-5

Studsvik NEWS Nov 2006 ...and are now counted as a leading and innovative player...

The and large components feature unique in the eyes of the customer. Some of the prominently in this edition of Studsvik News. Both are answers I got were that we are cost-effective, important areas of focus for Studsvik. What makes the innovative, reliable, have long experience, well- United Kingdom special are the major efforts being developed environmental and safety standards and made to decommission the country’s nuclear legacy. We understand our customers´ needs. The second question have therefore established a considerable presence in was why employees choose to work for us. Some of the this growth market and are now counted as a leading answers were that the company is enjoying a positive and innovative player. We offer a complete range of development with improved profitability and growth services both in waste management and decommis- and that there are good prospects of exciting and sioning. diversified responsibilities.

For several years, in cooperation with Ringhals, we It is always a pleasure to write about new business. In have been developing a unique concept for volume the autumn, order books have been very well reduction of large and complex components such as augmented through important agreements with the steam generators. The concept has met with Stade and Ringhals plants. In Europe we considerable interest among our customers and as a now have 12 steam generators on their way in the next consequence we are making major investments in our few years. The framework agreement with is a facility in Sweden to cope with this interest. success in the decommissioning area with several projects now running. Another breakthrough concerns A lot of things are happening in other parts of the Studsvik Scandpower´s Core Monitoring System Group as well. Studsvik Scandpower has during the GARDEL, which will be implemented at eleven reactors autumn accomplished a ”User Group Meeting” in in Japan. Hamburg. These annual conferences are highly appreciated and this year more than 60 customers from Finally I want to wish you pleasant reading of this issue all over the world came to Hamburg for three days to of Studsvik News. exchange experiences of various products and to discuss future needs with 20 Studsvik Scandpower employees. The many and detailed presentations made by both customers and our experts were highly appreciated, though I must admit that I only understood a fraction of what was presented! Magnus Groth, CEO

At the end of September I had the opportunity of participating in Studsvik Nuclear’s autumn start-up gathering for all employees. This includes staff from the two business areas Waste treatment and Operating Efficiency and Safety. I asked the participants two

ÖGLUND questions. The first was why customers should choose H


Studsvik, that is to say, what makes us attractive and : J


Studsvik NEWS Nov 2006 page 2 ÖGLUND



Russian : J

HOTO customer P project stimulates creativity

One of Studsvik’s largest and most instructive electrode projects is now in full swing. For a year Studsvik has been working on behalf of SKI-ICP, the Swedish Nuclear Power Inspectorate International Co-operation Programme, to manufacture a system for establishing the corrosion potential of the primary circuit of the The project leader Joakim Lundström (to the right) has learned a lot about Russian nuclear power plants and the regulations that apply to them. Here together with the welder Leningrad Nuclear Power Plant in Russia. Vladimir Girenko and the project contact person Svyatoslav Doronin. number four to be exact. All electrodes are corrosion potential to reduce the risk of “This is an incredibly interesting project. The tested in accordance with an individual control stoppages and destruction of material. Final Russian regulations have put us to the test, but plan. Certificates and test results are compiled delivery will be at the end of 2006. Next year to date everything has been resolved and we and delivered to the customer together with the Studsvik will asssist in the installation of the have learned a lot,” says project leader Joakim electrode. The system also covers measuring system in the reactor as well as the measure- Lundström. equipment to determine conductivity, hydrogen ments. The results will be compiled by Studsvik Studsvik’s designs first required approval by and oxygen content in the primary water. This into a final report in 2007. The contract is a the Russian authorities, after which the parts measuring apparatus has also been chosen on part of the Swedish Nuclear Power Inspectorate were manufactured in Russia in pieces and sent the basis of Russian requirements. The entire International Co-operation Programme. to Sweden. They are welded together at Studsvik measuring system is linked to measurement and by a Russian-licensed welder who travels back control software developed by Studsvik as part Studsvik and RACE at and forth between Studsvik and S:t Petersburg. of the project. “We have come a long way in mutual under- joint US conference For the first time since the American company standing of different requirements” says Joakim Installation next Lundström. “Just getting the parts of the system to interact RACE was incorporated into the Studsvik The electrodes are manufactured in titanium- has been an interesting development process, Group, Studsvik has participated in the annual stabilized steel. Basically they consist of a since we have never put these parts together EPRI conference for professionals in industries Swedish design whose materials and welding into a whole before” says Joakim Lundström. that handle low-level waste. Studsvik’s acqui- technique have been adapted to Russian condi- ”Our contacts have been very rewarding and it´s sition of RACE aroused great interest among tions. An elecrode normally requires several good to be close to installation”. the visitors meeting in Albuquerque in New months for manufacturing, and that is the case Corrosion is an important cause of destruc- Mexico. The conference addressed various here too. They will be put in one of four RBMK tion of material. The electrode and measuring aspects of handling low-level nuclear waste, reactors in the Leningrad Nuclear Power Plant, system Studsvik is supplying to the Leningrad waste management, transport, safety, cost- Sosnovy Bor outside S:t Petersburg. In reactor Nuclear Power Plant is intended to measure the efficiency and reduction of final waste.

Studsvik NEWS Nov 2006 page 3 Due to its focus on decommissioning of nuclear power plants, the United Kingdom is one of Studsvik’s most interesting growth areas. Dounreay The Nuclear Decommissioning Authority is the newly formed F agency that has been instructed by the British Government to accelerate decommissioning of the United Kingdom’s early nuclear program. The clean-up program is being called the greatest chal- lenge of the century.

Studsvik’s presence in the market has resulted in several Hunterston A important contracts in a short time. According to a British report from 2002 more than 30 000 nuclear experts will be required in the Chapelcross next 15 years to meet future needs. Sella Sellafield Calder Hall Windscale LLR at Drigg

Spr NDA’s clean-up Wylfa W Trawsfynydd

Capenhurst program makes the UK A Berkeley Oldbury a red-hot market Hinkley Point A Ha Winfrith Techonology Centre This summer an agreement that was growing British decommissioning market. In the important to Studsvik was signed; the first coming period the British Nuclear Group will be general agreement for possible major inviting tenders for a number of contracts with- The Nuclear Decommissioning Authority has been ins decommission twenty nuclear facilities in the UK. Stu decommissioning contracts in the United in the general agreement, which will create the worth ten million pounds, which may be followed by Kingdom. The agreement applies to possibility of further work for Studsvik. The first decommissioning at the Sellafield facility project within the general agreement is for fuel from other nuclear power plants is handled and is expected to generate about ten dismantling the instrument and testing facility at Sellafield, but fuel is also manufactured there million pounds per year in the next two B204, which is part of the original reprocessing (MOX) and nuclear material and radioactive years. The first agreement may be followed facility at Sellafield. The British Nuclear Group waste is stored there. The decommissioning by more. has developed a cost-effective work organisa- work was started as early as in the 1980s but is tion that is to rigorously evaluate and analyse being speeded up through the new Nuclear A general agreement has been signed with the the suppliers’ work and innovative capacity, but Decommissioning Authority. The Authority’s principal contractor, the British Nuclear Group, also check that they stay within the time and remit includes safe, secure, cost-effective and for a two-year period, with the opportunity of cost frames. environmentally responsible decommissioning. two years’ extension. Four contractors qualified The program covers all parts of decom- for the first contract and the choice fell on Annual budget is 2 billion pounds missioning, dismantling, waste management Studsvik. Sellafield is one of twenty nuclear facilities for and transport. At present there are 23 reactors “We have worked hard to win the contract,” which the British Nuclear Decommissioning in operation in the United Kingdom and 22 have says Geoff Carver, head of Decommisioning at Authority is responsible and has been instruct- been shut down. The country is investing large Studsvik UK. All the suppliers had to demon- ed to run and in most cases decommission. The amounts in “cleaning up” after it´s early nuclear strate their ability to solve complex tasks and other nineteen facilities in the NDA’s program legacy. Altogether the NDA has a budget for the we are very proud of winning. Now we are are at various stages of operation and decom- work of about 68 billion pounds and an annual hoping to win more contracts when the tender- missioning. Sellafield came into operation budget of about 2 billion pounds. ing process starts. already in the 1940s, and has seen its best days. It is Studsvik’s first major contract on the Parts of the facility are still in operation. Today

Studsvik NEWS Nov 2006 page 4 eay Forss – Region 4 Office



Sellafield – Region 3 Office

Springfields Warrington – Region 2 Office

PHOTO: STUDSVIK UK One of the tasks at Winfrith is health physics. rkeley Abingdon – Sizewell A Region 1 Office BradwellA Culham Science Centre Harwell Dungeness A e Strong UK development Grafik: Svenska grafikbyrån been instructed by the British Government to UK. Studsvik has signed a first general agreement owed by more. expected in the future

“The market is full of potential” says Mark year. Recruitment will continue at pace to match Some of Studsvik UK’s activities: Lyons, President of Studsvik UK. The increasing project volume and customer • decommissioning projects at Sellafield strategically important order we have won expectations. • volume reducing waste treatment and melting for the British Nuclear Group, in participating in the decommissioning of Sellafield facilities at Sellafield may open doors to • Waste management project for Winfrith further important projects in the UK. This (Dragon project), Dungeness power station, means that we are expecting to grow Magnox Electric Ltd and Rolls-Royce Marine • demonstrations of the waste technology considerably in the next few years. The head office in Gateshead has highly THOR Drum Pyrolysis System at Sellafield functional office and industrial spaces. Studsvik’s organisation in the UK has growing rapidly during 2006 and during the year the company moved to a new head office in Gateshead, near Newcastle. Adjacent to the

PHOTO: STUDSVIK UK office there are also industrial space to allow trials and active work to be undertaken. Studsvik UK has been offering waste treatment, decommissioning, environmental remediation, health physics and consultancy for more than a

Studsvik NEWS Nov 2006 page 5 Strong inflow of orders requires major new construction

The Strategic Business Area Waste Treatment is now undergoing strong expansion, since Studsvik has received

PHOTO: STUDSVIK more major orders for treatment of large components. In April next year, when the facility is to be ready, the Swedish waste treatment plant expects to be able to bring a further thousand square meters into operation. Building is already under way, as well as roadwork and site development in the area.

There is a clear mood of entrepreneurial satis- faction in the waste management area. Several years’ development of a new technique for large components and long-term marketing has now shown results. A well-filled orderbook is the primary reason for the present extension of the waste and melting plant, but the treat- ment hall also means a better logistics flow. “Building the extension will eliminate our Extension of the waste facility by about a thousand square meters will enable faster bottleneck sectors and better enable us to treatment of all the large components now waiting. create flexible technical solutions with modules that can be adapted to each separate con- tract,” says Björn Amcoff, Sales and Marketing Manager, Waste Treatment, Sweden.

Found new market segments Waste treatment of large components, such as steam generators and reactor pressure vessel heads, has established Studsvik in a new market segment of waste management. Studsvik has developed the techniques for

handling these complex components in the last PHOTO: STUDSVIK SINA few years. After reception, they are radio- Jochen Kruse, Studsvik, Mr Maisch, Safetec, Mr Gilch, Dekonta, Mr Becker, E.ON NPP Stade, Dr Wink, E.ON NPP Brokdorf, Mr Kannengiesser, Studsvik, Mr Lampe, E.ON NPP logically decontaminated and thereafter cut Brokdorf, Mr Desler, Dekonta, Mr Fleischhacker, Safetec, are pleased about the new into smaller parts for melting and recycling. agreement between Studsvik and E.ON. “Up to now we have been most active in the Swedish and German markets, but we are now German joy about important agreement seeing a lot of interest from other countries E.ON Kernkraft GmbH, with seven power plants protection and has round-the-clock access to too” says Björn Amcoff. “One of these is the in , has signed a long-term agreement Studsvik’s health physics services. The agree- United Kingdom, with many visits from with Studsvik. Since the agreement is for five ment covers the German E.ON owned com- companies and government agencies”. years, E.ON is securing its long-term radiation panies Dekonta GmbH and Safetec GmbH.

Studsvik NEWS Nov 2006 page 6 Major contract from Ringhals for steam generators PHOTO: STUDSVIK

Eight worn-out steam generators, each weigh- ing 300 tonnes, and two 50-tonne reactor pressure vessel heads from the Ringhals nuclear power plant are to be waste treated and recycled at Studsvik’s waste treatment facility. The contract between Vattenfall Ringhals and Studsvik involves long-term cooperation.

Preparations have already started and the first Joakim Söderberg and Jenny Nilsson from Studsvik’s Waste Treatment, were the originators delivery will be made in 2007. The treatment of the new center for non-nuclear , ”IKA waste”. will take several years. The technique for treating such large components as steam Born: a new center for non- generators has previously been implemented as a joint development project. ”Studsvik’s technique for treatment of steam nuclear radioactive waste generators has proved to work well. The waste The last stroke of paint has hardly had time The center is also capable of receiving treatment provides a good long-term solution in to dry in Studsvik’s new center for radioactive sources containing high activity. It terms of both the environment and cost,” says Radiation Source Services and Other is handled in a hot cell weighing 22 tonnes, Christer Gunnarsson, head of research and Radioactive Waste. The old FR-0 building , taken from the earlier isotope production. A hot development at Ringhals. popularly called ”the bunker”, has given cell is a cabinet encased by 7 inch thick lead First delivery made Sweden a modern and functional center for walls and is manoeuvred by remotely handling radiation sources and low-level controlled arms. Investments in the new from Switzerland waste from non-nuclear activities, called premises are considerable. A loading dock, new This summer the Mühleberg nuclear power plant IKA waste in Swedish. A large number of ventilation, lighting, new flooring and roofing, in Switzerland delivered two worn-out heat projects are now waiting to be dealt with. soundproofing and overhead travelling crane, exchangers for waste treatment at Studsvik. This floor lift and thick lead partition walls make it is the first delivery from a nuclear power plant The new facility allows Studsvik to present an possible to broaden the market. in Switzerland, a new geographical market for integrated center for handling and treating Studsvik’s waste treatment. The heat exchangers radiation sources and reloading radiation ser- The waste volume is reduced are to be decontaminated, segmented and vices. Combustible waste used to go directly to Studsvik also takes care of the transportation melted at Studsvik. Mühleberg is a 355 MW Studsvik’s incineration facility, but now all of radioactive material, including transport BWR reactor that produces about 3 TWh of radiation source and ”IKA” contracts go via the documents, administration of permits and con- electricity annually. new center. The idea of developing a new center tainers etc. The material arrives at Studsvik in came from Studsvik employees Joakim Söder- lead containers which can be recycled and in Dutch contract berg and Jenny Nilsson. some cases re-used. If necessary the material is “Most customers with “IKA” waste are in examined by external inspectors on arrival at breaking new ground hospitals, steelworks, paper-mills and the oil Studsvik. The goal of all handling is to separate the waste at source and reduce its volume be- The company Urenco has submitted an order for industry. Many are now trying to “clean away” fore final disposal. Studsvik takes over the waste treatment of a large number of UF6 old material and get rid of low-level waste. They ownership of the material from the customer containers that have held uranium hexaflouride, can also get help on site. Level meters in ind- and solves the problem of disposal. Incine- a raw material for nuclear fuel. The order is ustry that require a high degree of operational ration reduces the volume of the material strategically important, since it is a new reliability often contain radioactive isotopes that considerably, transforming it into ash. All radio- customer operating in several countries and a need to be replaced. Some radiation sources are active material is packaged and put into inter- break into a new geographical market. The disposed of and need to be replaced, and we mediate storage before final disposal. contract will be carried out in 2007-2008. help with that”, says Joakim Söderberg.

Studsvik NEWS Nov 2006 page 7 Newcastle. This would seem to be a good Fast paced background if, like Johan, you want to work for a Swedish company in the UK. He lived study year in London as a small child but the family then moved to Sweden. He left Sweden as a led Johan to 19 year-old and got a place at Newcastle University to study engineering. the right place ”I expect I’ll stay here for a while. It’s a fun town to live in, with lots of student life Things have moved fast for Johan and clubs’’. Langham in Newcastle. Regardless of Johan sometimes misses Swedish whether he is running the triathlon or sausage and Swedish coffee breaks at work, watching a football match from the which they don’t have at British workplaces. stands, things move quickly. As a newly He tries to visit his mother and brothers in graduated engineer from the University Sweden two or three times a year. of Newcastle he soon came in contact Otherwise friends and football – which can with Studsvik UK and since then he is involve travelling in England when his firmly settled. favourite team Tottenham Hotspurs is playing – and an interest in films take up a “I was doing my trainee programme as an Johan Langham at lot of his spare time. Studsvik UK thinks he “We play football at work too, but we employee of a consulting company with has found the right job close university associations when I came in the right place. can’t get more than five a side teams into contact with Studsvik. I had no idea together. Then we sometimes go to the pub then of what Studsvik did, but now I am Name: Johan Langham or a restaurant. It’s fun”. Work: engineer at Studsvik UK, Newcastle He is clearly feeling the positive winds working here in an exciting and fast Age: 27 years growing market with a bright future’’. Background: Swedish mother, English father that are blowing over the UK since the NDA, He was recruited at the beginning of the Interests: football, sport, films, clubbing etc. Nuclear Decommissioning Authority, initi- Motto: ’’Work hard, play hard’’ year, when other people with experience of ated an extensive program for twenty UK the nuclear area were employed at the nuclear power stations (See pages 4-5). company. Apart from Studsvik, he came into do with the nuclear industry before, but “We’re working intensively on the contact with companies operating in the now it’s a very exciting niche. I’ve entered contract that Studsvik UK won as part of automotive industry during his trainee the right phase in terms of what is going on the Sellafield decommissioning project and period. at the moment with deregulation here in hope that we’ll win even more contracts. “It was interesting to learn about diffe- the UK”. You can feel in the air that something big is rent industries. I had never had anything to Half Swedish, half British, and living in happening”.

Studsvik is organized in four Strategic Business Areas: Production: PRIMA VERA KOMMUNIKATION NEWS Operating Efficiency and Safety, Service and Marianne Rynefeldt-Skog Maintenance, Waste Treatment and Decom- Translation: Protrans, Erica Stempa missioning. The Studsvik share is listed on the Nordic Printing: Österbergs & Sörmlandstryck AB Stock Exchange, , MidCap. Address: Studsvik AB, P.O. Box 556 Studsvik NEWS is published by Studsvik SE-611 10 Nyköping Responsible under Swedish law: Magnus Groth Phone: +46 155-22 10 00 AB to keep you up to date with what´s Editor: Eva-Lena Lindgren Fax: +46 155-26 30 00 happening within the Studsvik Group. Internet: e-mail: [email protected] Studsvik NEWS Nov 2006