John A. Andrew
SENATE. No. 1 ADDRESS OF HIS EXCELLENCY JOHN A. ANDREW, TO The TWO BRANCHES OF THE legislature of massachusetts, JANUARY 6, 1865. BOSTON: WEIGHT & POTTER, STATE PRINTERS, No. 4 Spring Lank. 1 8 6 5. ADDRESS. Gentlemen of the Senate and of the House of Representatives : By the blessing of Almighty God, the People of Massachusetts witness to-day the inauguration of a new political year under circumstances in which the victories of the past, blended with bright and well- grounded hope for the future, assure the early return of National Peace, the firm establishment of Liberty, and auspicate the lasting glory of the Republic. Let us mark the beginning of our official service by contemplating our field of obligation, our sphere of duty, and the means and opportunities of the Commonwealth. To estimate correctly its financial condition, a careful survey of the Annual Reports of the Treasurer and of the Auditor will be needed. But for the purposes of this occasion I ask your observation of a summary of their results. The Liabilities and Resources of the Commonwealth are these : GOVERNOR’S ADDRESS. [Jan. Liabilities* Scrip loaned Railroad Corporations, $6,574,435 56 Scrip issued in ’6l, ’62, ’63, and ’64, on account of war expenses, . 6,188.500 00 Scrip issued for all other purposes, 1,610,000 00 Unfunded debt, including monthly pay due volunteers, . 8,521,037 00 522,893,972 56 Resources.* Productive property, consisting of sinking funds, &c., (and exclusive of School and otherTrust Funds, $2,131,326,) . .$14,669,293 97 Unproductive property, .
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