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8-8-1914 Las Vegas Optic, 08-08-1914 The Optic Publishing Co.

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SET'S. CSI'173 WITH Andrew Car- - CLOUDY and ur.settled negle the avowed n OX of th war, tonittht and Sunday Li champion, Hii UiU-d- or W what hope for peace? EXCLUSIVE ASSOCIATE p PRE96 1 EASED WIF3E TELEGRAPH SERVICE '' i r CITY EDITION VEGAS DAILY OPTIC, SATURDAY. AUGUST 8, 1914. VOL. XXXV. NO. 232. LAS

WAR BULLETINS WHERE SERBS WERE ATTACKED BY CROATIANS Paris, Aug. 8. A dispatch pub- AMERICANS MAY lished by the pettit Parisen say GREAT BRITAIN AND FRANCE ARE that the German cruiser Auga-bur- which bambarded the Rus- DISEMBARK sian port of Lifcau; has been sunk boat. FORCES by a Russian Jorpedo REPARING TO COMBINE Antwerp, Belgium, Aug. 8. The ENG AND Belgian government today siezed 34 German steamers and two sail- ing ships In th$ new port here. THE UNITED STATES WITH BELGIUMAGAINST A ER CLEARS UP DIFFICULTY OP Aug. 8. To-day- 's Glasgow, Scotland, ALIEN ACT sailings fof the steamships of the Anchor," Allan and Donald- son lines were cancelled and GERMANS IN BRITAIN BADLY about one thousand Canadians X. of the pression to British appreciation and American who booked are FRENCH REENTER ALSACEARER assistance rendered the diplomatic by left stranded here. MANY ARE PENNILESS AND ALL United States. Speaking in the TO RETURN TO house of commons he said the various UNABLE London, Aug-- 8. The board of AND NATIVES American embassies hnd been most FATHERLAND THIRTY ODD YEARS trade returnsj for the month of Kind and courteous in all matters show that he imports Into, connected with the of British July position the British Isles decreased $12,-000,0- abroad. He that be- MINFRS IFAVFS FfiR!AMFRlfA FRONTIER MONUMENTS subjects hoped while the exports decreas- TEAR UP fore very It would be possible j long ed $13,372,000. the United States to arrange through STEAMERS EN ROUTE LOADED for the exchange of British subjects i' Washington, Aug. 1 China GUNWALE WITH RE- in for German In ' as a re- TO Germany subjects her here has ap- Two hundred persons were killed at Mostar in Hersegoviua Britain. through legation The TURNING TOURISTS Great President Wilson's act in sult of the assassination of Archduke Francis Ferdinand at Setrajevo. Noble Defense of Fatherland by Belgians proved banners Inscribed offices to Moslem Croatians attacked the Serb quarters, bearing extending good compose - of German Press "Death to the Murderous Serbs." . Praised. Complaints the European war through media- London, England, August 8 The German Invasion Berlin, Aug. 8. (via Amsterdam and Against tion or arbitration. United States embassy this1 af- London) The German newspapers maneu- ternoon cleared up the difficulty of about the g of of 12 complain diplomatic "The plan of attack developed dur-l- Chronology Events Days vers carried out to make the Americans in Great Britain Germany the day of August 5. Each German landing TO SEIZE FOOD STUFF disturber of to which BILL PASSES PARLIAMENT principal peace. They column had a different, objective, fort9 Leading European Armageddon under the British alien act haa maintain that It was Russia that push-- l consti- British officials so Fleoron, Barchon and Eveone July 23 Austria delivers ultimatum to Servla demanding prompt punish been causing the ed Into the war. . Germany tuting the northeastern section, be- ment of assassins of Archduke Ferdinand. much embarrassment, and Americana It Is reported here that the Ger while most of th tween the first point, the second 24 Czar with Austria to extend time of Servla's answer. Ger now are able to enter to the Assistance of King- mans in France who were unable to July pleads from From Many Quarters Allies Rush Forces eclumn attacked the southeastern sec- to Austria if Russia or other nation ports. A number of Americans leave within the time limit are being many threatens support of Albert American Embassy in London Takes Over tion comprising of forts Boncelles, and ' the Hamburg-America- n, liners, Kroa dom sent to western France and ' compelled Embourg." ". Piinzessin, Cecilie and Prinj Albert the Affairs of and Helps Feed and Shelter Teu- to with harvest. add July 25 Servian capital, Belgrade, abandoned. Diplomatic relations be Germany, help the They French' Troops In Alsace were landed today at Falmouth. The that German women In Russia are tween Austria and Servla brqken. Troops assemble on Servian tons in British Capital. Paris, Aug. troops today embassy staff has been reinforced by while the men have frontier. being expelled, entered Alsace atid captured the vil the arrival of Lieutenant Commander been thrown into 26 Servla all points of Austria's ultimatum, but later, backed prison. lage of AltWrch ttpar the Swiss fron July grants Frank R. McCracy, Lieutenant Com- Matthias leader of the by Germany, declares reply "unsatisfactory" and too late. London, to- Erzberger, tier, 17 miles 'wesf of Baselud. mander W. F. Bricker and Lieutenant 8. is announced here Paris and with Vienna for peace. First be-:- i Paris. Aug. It officially clerical party in the Imperial parlia- The official ukd French St Petersburg plead These officers have com- 4 h9 shots on Danube near Sogbaum. under $he direction of French ment, and chairman of the arms invasion says the exchanged Belgrade. In the German embay day that English.troop ofi'Jnjflay; - - given quarters states that the German navy 27 Austrian Invade- Servian- ,to irrfere. ' mittee, French troops crossed into Alsace July Emperor WUIio,.declr.e ',' tJlT officers are disembarking on French soil. international confer- .affiw t. and army are both splendidly equipped and delivered a fierce attack on the British War Minister Grey proposes peace tention to "looking after the welliV British and French are to the German rifles and cannon but holds off. Indications that both troops hurrying wliile the German forces at Altkirch. ence, France and Italy agreeing, Germany of Germans now In London. are In French official today. are to those of their adver starts assistance of the Belgians given dispatches superior The French troops took the village, July 28 Austria formally declares war o,n Servla. Russia moving On representations made by the Am- secret as well as the route taken by The extent of .the support is kept saries. a place of nearly 4,000 Inhabitants. troops, while all nations await Emperor' William's action. erican minister at The Hague, Henry reinforcements. He declared can absolutely force the Germany The German retreated, pursued July 29 Russia mobilizes 1,200,000 men. Belgrade occupied by Austria. Van Dyke, through embassador Page, Ger- on her defensive forces. In the direction fleet French cavalry is said to have arrived at Liege, where masses of rely by. the French troops France masses her troops on German frontier. First English the British government has consented advance Prince Buelo, former German impe of the fortress of Muelhansen. William summons his war man troops are reported moving forward to support the strong great sails with sealed orders. Emperor tn allow t the steamer New Amster rial chancellor in a appeal to The Alsatian natives were so de fluard which was checked by the Belgians, and, according to reports from patriotic chiefs. dam to touch at an English port on wounded the German nation made in the col at the arrival of the French Rotterdam. Belgian sources, lost 25,000 men In killed, and prisoners. lighted 30 Emperor William bids Russia cease mobilization within 24 hours her way to America from umns of the Nachrisch-ste- n frontier July Hamburg soldiers that they tore up the will and France ready for war, An unknown number of Germanns The German war office declares the German check was not a defeat, or Germany follow suit England today, concludes with the phrase posts. In London are in bad plight. Many of of a heroic by a small German to advance in but urge peace. but the result attempt fyce "Even if the world be filled with devils Transactions pn the Paris bourso unable to return 31 renewed between Czar, Emperor them are penniless, face of difficulties. th German will defend and over a July Hope of peace by negotiations power toc'ay extended slightly larger declares martial law, and all to Germany and viewed with suspic In in Luxem- and King George, while Germany are said to have come contact maintain under the sun." , rentes were French and German troops its place rarfge. Three per cent ion by the autnoruies, nouen r. are to have concentrated. Europe begins arming. burg, where several German army corps supposed quoted 72 franc 2' centimes. Skinner, the American consul general Aug. 1 Germany declares war on Russia and withdraws her ambassador in on of Americans Suffer the meal tickets he receiv Numbers of Germans have been arrested England suspicion Indignities St. German and French exchange shots. has given 8. Anxious to Get Home from Petersburg. patrols Aug. Archer M. Hunting- Tourists mobili-zatio- ed German consul to the Paris, Czar for peace. Formal n from the spying. 8.--- (via King George telegraphs appealing ten, of the American Geo Madrid, Spain,' Aug. Paris) clerks who are enroll- decided to act as an ally to Great Britain under the terms president orders issued in France and Germany. European reserv-- I German busy Portugal his wife were ar- The American embassy, as well as books must 10,000 men. graphical society and return in haste to their and ing and stamping the military of an old treaty by which it supply in various st8 In the United States regiments cruis- rested at Nueremberg, Bavaria, by the American eonsulates of the nonscripts. A reports the sinking of the German parade the city singing war songs. French newspaper dispatch German police, and are now held In cities of spam nave receivea inquiries The German relief society has only a Russian boat 2- invades Switzerland er Augsburg in the Baltic sea by torpedo as numerous Americans concerning Aug. - Russia invades Germany. Germany France, of funds and prison spies. from to a very small amount steamer struck a mine on the Dutch coast and was of and Luxemburg. Belgium menaced by German troops appeals A, big Norwegian Mr. Huntington's chauffeur who es- the possibility obtaining accommo- practically all the relief that has beea England for protection. Cecilie en route for Ger- beached. caped to Switzerland, telegraphed to dations of steaners, which, the Span given to the German refugees has with $10,000,000 In gold, turns back to America. Trans-Atlanti- c lines running from Glasgow suspended sailings today, the American embassy here yesterday ish newspapers report, the United many come from the Salvation army. 3- sea Russians in Baltic causing the stranding of many Americans and Canadians. saying Mr. and Mrs. Huntington had States is sending to take Americans Aug. - German fleet wins first fight, dispersing The hosts of Germans who botight to of sea. announces she will protect France from naval at- con- The Bank of England reduced its discount rate to 5 per cent owing bfen maltreated. Mr. Huntington, he back to the United States. Many England tickets for home from German war declaration. Split in British cabinet over the in the monetary situation. said, was stripped naked while the po- the American travelers had prepaid tack, but delays suls at various towns In Great Britain improvement out of New York in war lice were searching him and his wife their passages ly foreign lines which 7. war policy. German line slips paint are unable to return to Germany and 8 All were turn-- i British government power to sieze all ' British cruisers off Hook. London, Aug. eyes v,as subjected to insults and indigni- have now suspended service. German, French and reported Sandy are beseiging the American consulate toward where the food stuffs. The bin passed tnrougu ed today Belgium, ties. Aug. 4 England declares war against Germany and will protect France In futile efforts to get their tiCKtt stand made the Bel- all Its stages. unexpected by Ambassador Herrick telegraphed to New Instructions to Ports and Belgium from the German forces, sending an expeditionary money refunded. a German advance According to .he later dispatches gian army against Washington last night and it is assum- Washington, Aug. 8. New instruc force Into Belgium. German liner Cecelie arrives in Bar Harbor, The Germans engaged In relief has earned from all this morning quite an Important en- guard praise ed here the state is tions to collectors of customs, design- Me., In flight from British cruisers. Czar calls his people toj arms. work that an attempt be made between French and Ger- that department suggest quarters". gagement tnl inir commerce from all Sixteen nations under arms, in over to In Lux- action. ed to free possible representing population ship their unemployed compatriots The authorities here have the man forces occurred Belgian Austro-Germa-n taken The French authorities are restrictions and still observe neutral of whom but 116,000,000 are on the side of the to America as they say they are afraid to the miliary greatest precautions preevnt emburg. out of anti-Germa-n offering every facility for American ity, were promulgated today. forces, and 40,000.000 of these are Slavs and sym- there may be attacks la of information as to The Etoile of Brussels learns leakage military Beige citizens in France. Under the nev regulations European pathy with Germanism. case the British military forces sus and naval movements, but indications from an official source that no de- Gaston Doumerge, former French reservists will be allowed to sail for tain reverses. on the ques- were seen in the commandeering of cision has been reached anti-Germa- n premier last evening thanked Ambas- their countries if are not In uni- So far the feeling has liners and the stoppage of the tion of an armistice a.t Liege, an en- they brave Belgian army. He also, in rec Railroad to Help large sador Herrick for the relief afforded form and do not carry arms, as do in appeared in the east end where cross channel passenger traffic that gagement having begun elsewhere. ognition of its gallant defense, con- Philadelphia, Aug. 8. It was an to the French authorities by the dividuals. the windows of a few German baker- a British expeditionary force probably Francis Dye Acland, parliamentary ferred the cross of the legion of honor nounced by the Pennsylvania railroad American embassy and consulate gen These instructions supersede Instruc ies and butcher shops were broken'by vould soon depart. The possible des- under secretary of foreign affairs, to- on of all eral in after American citizens tions riven without the know the city Liege. today that in order to give pr6per youths. It is estimated that there tination of this expedition could not day in the house of commons promis- looking reecntly in Paris. He also thanked him for the the the depart Le Peuple says that Prince George, aid and support to Americans in still are 40,000 Germans in England. ascertained and the Teport from ed to consider a suggestion proposing ledge of treasury, by be re- to William Great Britain who are unable to re- The banks are of in formation of an American ambulance ment of commerce, which affected who is related Emperor experiencing delay Paris announcing that the landing the exchange of Germans England ' ' corps. and who was in command of a Ger turn home on account' of lack of cash in cabling remittances. As the re- had evoked enthusiasm for British subjects in Germany servists and ships. British troops The a is the the company lias authorized its spec- quests are in code messages, which, of their T. took the French war office today placed President Wilson today issued man cavalry regiment, among but carefully hid the place P. Conner then, up cud; : three omnibuses at the of of apply to prisoners captured by the Belgians. ial European agent, Ralph H. Baker, are prohibited, several confirmatory disembarkationt, gel on' behalf of American newspa- temporarily proclamation neutrality service of the American for war between Austria-Hu- n at Liverpool to furnish funds when messages are required. President Polncare also gave the pers by asking Reginald McKenna, embassy the state of the- - in Austrian In Russia needed to Americans properly identi The sailing of the steamer Viking, to Albert the home secretary, adequately to In transportation of homeless Ger rrv nnd Russia. It is similar Troops news, In his message King fied or let--T was mans from the embassy offices to the terms to those already Issued. St. Petersburg (via London), Aug. on their travelers checks which chartered by a syndlcata of French troop were crease the staff of censorship, who I Belgium, that 8v crossed Rus ters of or, if without funds, on of Americans to take stranded tour Bel- school building where are now Austrian troops the credit, "ehedding their blood with the are now overworked, and to give they lodged. Calls on France sian frontier near the Roumanian bor ists to their homes, has been delayed. gians on the battlefield today." them the assistance of trained news- Belgium - I burned some also directed to assure passengers as she is American - men so- would Plan' of Attack Brussels (via London), Aug. der today and villages. awaiting registra- The fighting around Liege, although paper that dispatches sea will who An official account of the Albert appealed to France for The German fleet In the Baltic that the Pennsylvania railroad tion. Among the passengers had regarded In military circles as import, not be unduly delayed. fighting King at issued the accord consist of at least 12 battleships of undertake to forward them to their been booked to sail on the ship was ant, Is considered merely as an Mr. McKenna promised to see what Liege, Belgium, today, says aid in repulsing Germans, com an old type, several cruisers and 25 destination upon their arrival at New Isadora Duncan, the dancer, w,(tt movement In the campaign, the could be done in the matter. He The German columns crossed the ing to the Exchange' Telegraph lng in a to Pres torpedo boats and has its base at York, or any other more convenient eight American children and 19 chil of which has been well agreed that journalists in common- - Belgian frontier during the night be pany. The king message plan kept to the of the Atlantic seaboard. of other nations under hc--t tween 3 and 4. ; ident Polncare thanked him for his Koenlgsbern and Danzig. Up port dren bidden by both. German and French sense would be a help in the work of August in Bel present none of the vessels has come charge; Twelve of the children under commanders In chief. the censorship bureau and that news German cavalry came into contact promptness responding to the with northward to LIbau. Wireless Bespeaks Germany 10 years will now be left at Falg'on, Walter Runclman, secretary of ag- matter should not be delayed for lack the Belgian advanced posts to the gian appeal. French An Imperial ukase issued today ex New York, Aug. 8. Theodore R. Devonshire. Most of the party 1 riculture; introduced a bill Into the of east of the forts at 2 o'clock in the President Polncare said the to second the tends the moratorium to two months Continued on Page Five) (Cont.lnned on Four) house of commons today giving the Dye Acyand today gave ex afternoon of August 4. l. troops were proud i AUGUST 8, 1914. TWO LAS VEGAS DAILY OPTIC, SATURDAY,

biles prepared for a good-tim- e party. need a Savior, and to whosoever will, Popcorn and other similar refresh- it opens wide Its doors and bids you SUPREME COURT ments were taken to help the evening welcome to the house of our common Sweater-Coat- s for Outing Wear along. , Everyone had a good time Father. and the Millers were greatly sur- The ushers will seat you, the music prised. w ill please you, the Gospel will satisfy REVERSES you, and the people are friendly. Bright Idea Club Meets with Mrs. Raynolds FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH FINDING f 3 C-- f 4 The Bright Idea club met this week Rev. Norman Skrnner, pastor, Doug with Mrs. Ed Raynolds. The after- las avenue and Tenth street 11 t S,. noon was spent pleasantly by tbe Morning worship and sermon at PRO FORMA OPINION IN TAX EX itf ladies and cards were enjoyed by all. o'clock. CASE SET ASIDE ';; EMPTION ses- Bible and Sunday school BY HIGH TRIBUNAL Cluxton-Roo- t study Marriage Mrs. Baker Entertain sion at 9:45 a. m. Brilliant Social Achievement in Honor of Eastern Friends Society of Christian Endeavor at Santa 8. Tbe state su The social climax of the week was Fe, Aug. Yesterday evening Mrs, J. R. Baker 6:30 p. m. court decided the tax reached on Wednesday morning when preme today entertained at a luncheon In honor of The church extends a moat hearty case In favor of the state, fililllil - Kiss Cluxton and Mr. Co- exemption .x- Marguerite Mrs. J. C. Broadis and of welcome to all people. Visitors and of Celso ) mm n In man-ii- daughter or rather, in favor Lopez, lbert C. Root were Joined wel- New York City. Twenty-tw- o ladles sojourners In the city especially of Santa Fe county, thus re at the Church of the Immaculate Con- treasurer tv ere present and enjoyed the evening comed. District Judge E. C. Abbott ception. The greater part of the Las versing Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Russell, Mr. and very much. After the luncheon they who had handed down a pro forma Vegas social set were present and Mrs. F. M. Mr. and Mrs. Hi A. played cards until time for the picture CHRISTIAN TABERNACLE, Cor. that the contention were deeply impressed with the serv- Lyons, opinion holding was Miller, Mr. and Mrs. George Morrison, show and then had a line party. The Eighth and Main. of plaintiff Jose Maria Samoza, that ice. Miss Marguerite Cluxton m. Mrs. H. P. Mn, and tables at the house were decor- Sunday. School, 9:45 a. allowed heads of born in Las Vegas and spent the Mr. and Browne, prettily the $200 exemption Mar- ated in smilax sweet Mrs.' Communion and church service 11 the assess of her life in this city. Mrs. C. H. Kailey, Mr. and Mrs. and peas. families by statute from greater part i H. Broadis and her left , m. be deducted from the fche attended school at Denver, where shall Turner and P. Myerst daughter today for ment, should the east. Christian Endeavor, 1 p. m. assessment .he receivod instruction in taxable and not the gross special save her return from Denver Miss Henrique was correct The decision will music. After BAPTIST CHURCH, and she Entertains Fellow Brides-to-Q- s THE SHILOH the state a considerable amount of Its her talents were recognized avenue. brides-to-b- e was Columbia and National same time was made head of the department of One of the parties income but at the compels James E. Richard, pastor. taxes Instrumental music at the New Mex accidentally omitted from this column thousands of citizens to pay Hours of She has a last week. On Friday afternoon Miss service:: wTio had never paid taxes, escaping ico Normal University. 7:45 m. Rebecca Henrinuez entertained In PULPIT Preaching 10:45 a. m., p. under the $200 larce circle of friends and all are AND exemption. " ' I "1 Sabbath Schoo). 9:30 a. m. of I wedded to bo honor of Miss Marguerite Cluxton, The court decided also the case plad to see her highly m. J now Mrs. Root, and Miss May Ross. :: J B. Y. P. TJ.. 6:30 p. Abef Martinez, appellant, vs. Juan esteemed a young man. Loft borne r?,H Choir a church If vou are without of Mr. Root, son or Mr. and Mrs. W. large number of Las Vegas' young Vigil, administrator of the estate er set was present and the afternoon I come! We can help you. Donaciauo Vigil, appellee from Union C. Root or Wlnfield, Kas., was born ut wort In d tiinnmiumtimi If you are looking for church and reared In the Sunflower state. He was spent playing CHURCH OF THE IMMACULATE county, reversing the lower court, come! You can help ns. broke Into the newspaper game under euchre. When the time for refresh CONCEPTION Adrian The action was one for damages for to HaDeyrolle, William Allen White at Emporia, ments arrived the gnnsts were led pastor. the conversion of sheep. room where a CORPORATION COMMISSIONERS where he worked on the Gazette. He the dining surprise First mass 6:30 a. m.; second mass awaited them. The decorations were Santa Fe, Aug. 8. Chairman M. S. worked on the Albuquerque Morning tt 10 a. m. Sunday school in English Lfver Active the in the bride's colors, pink and white, Groves and O. L. Owen of the state Keep your During Journal before coming to Las Vegas and Spanish at I p m, in Spanish at Months the center of the table was decorated commission returned last Summer Foley Cathartic four years ago. He started in as a re- 8:30 p. m. Rosary and benediction corporation ' novel and manner. from an official trip to Aztec, Tablets for Sluggish Liver and porter and was made city editor three in a appropriate if the blessed sacrament at 7:90 p. evening A of dolls San Juan' .where they heard Constipation years ago. bridal party composed county dressed in the proper costume was complaints of citizens about telephone It does beat all how quickly Foley most fashionable their wearer a chill. The church presented a lovely Sunday school lor speak the garment fortify against in the center of the table and at one Etgllsn rates, and other points in the north Cathartio Tablets liven your liver and JTJ8T mountain and seaside resorts. The cool air, dropping down from scene when the bridal party passed ing and Spanish peaking children end of the table the minister was to west of the state., overcome constipation. Ney Oldham where mornings and evenings bring frosty mountain tops, and breezes that down the aisle to the accompaniment at 1:30 part Ice- very Sunday p. n. Wimberley, Texas, says. "Foley Ca- breezes with a snappy bave traveled from the land of marchi, The bride, be seem Tbe guests applauded these exhilarating of the wedding chill In la the silk sweater-coa- t bergs to that of seaside hotels, are attired decorations and gave them quite an thartic Tablets are the best laxative them, yelled and very becomingly CHURCH OF OUR LADY OF SOR "Stay-at-Home- " of Fever smart are the reasons for the existence of sweat ovation. Miss is to be one Sufferers Hay I ever used. They take the place of These garments selling In de chine, carried a bouquet Henriquez ROWS Rev. Fo- rather take ers. stand use, and manu- crepe Very Paul Gilberton, and Asthma Get Bottle of calomel." an freely at figures which They daily of the brides and Is hav Wholesome, stirring e of bride's roses and sweet peas. Pre- September Pastor. one's breath away. Twenty-fiv- to facturers are endeavoring to make ley's Honey and Tar Compound No A to Rebecca ing her farewell good times as a cleansing. griping. comfort dollars each seems a high them attractive, and have, in fact, suc- ceded by the bridesmaid, First mass at 6 a. m. Third Sunday Restful sleep, relief and comfort thirty price was conducted bachelor maid. stout persons. O. G. Schaerer and Red for a sweater of any sort. But there ceeded in doing some very beautiful Henrinuez. the bride excepted. from asthma and tor v choking, gasping Cross Drug Co. Adv. is no difficulty in finding people who knitting. It would not do to get too to the altar by her grandfather, H. J. Second mass 8 am. Sermon in those who take The Misses Clements menting hay fever for are quite willing to pay it. Once let far away from simplicity, and it is in, Ryan. There the bride was received English. This Is Children's mass but new the best ot Brldes-to-B- e and Tar. It spreads and their ways of knitting that attended Hostesses of Foley's Honey fashionables, imitators, get Try her future life partner, everybody is welcome, especially the as glides OUTLOOK FOR HUNTING SEASON to unusual and there is new attractions lie. Last Saturday afternoon the Misses healing soothing coating it used prices by Ms best man, Leo Tipton. The English speaking people. Hymns ren 8. The least brilliant to which The sweater for a little girl, showni Clements entertained at home down a raw tickling throat and stops London, Aug. not telling the length they couple received many beautiful pres their dered the children under the direc hern, could hardly be plainer. A close by coughs and colds, O. of all the annual regattas held at will go. ents were in the remeni' in honor of Miss May Rosa and Miss irritating a sweaters and sweater ly knitted border and a pocket at each and happy tion of the Sisters of Loretto. and Red Cross Co. Ccwes in years,is over and the comin Besides the Marguerite Cluxton. The house was Schaefer Drug are others. Those side are not purely decorative figures, brancee of their friends. They left Third mass at 10 a. m. Sermon in week will see the annual exodus to th coats of silk there on prettily decorated in red hearts, and Adv. of wood which looks like silk, but they afford all the details ot orna- Wednesday noon for the south Spanish. Scottish Moors. The fiber, with 75 guests in their charming sum grouse shooting and is as strong or stronger, are much mentation except the border of fancy their honeymoon. After spending From 3 to 4 Sunday school. season will next The the bottom. mer gowns the scene was a gay one. FARMERS' ANNUAL DIP open Wednesday. lower in price, about half as high. knitting about few days there they will go to Santa At 4 p. m. May devotion and bene On sweater coats for Mrs. SImison furnished music Manasquan, N. J., Aug. 8. This was most of the principal grouse moors Then there are splendid wool sweat- grownups Fe and then return to Vei?as, where during diction of the blessed sacrament of there are collars in several styles the and the con sea day," the annual salt water and deer forests had found tenants be ers in many colors and varieties they will make their home. afternoon all enjoyed At the New Mexico Hospital for the "big which add much to their finish. But cert. The refreshments were for th rural population fore the war scare had seized Eng design. dainty mass fourth bathing day sweater-coa- t aside from this are about the Insane every Sunday by land and whether situation will A and cap to match, they and the hostesses are to be congratu of a big section of New Jersey. The the same as the model shown in the pic- Elks Dance the reverend pastor. , like those shown in the picture, what- lated on the success of celebration is ancient origin dampen the enthusiasm of the sport ture. ' JULIA BOTTOMLEY. Pleases Many Guests their partyv Wfft ever the fabric they are made of, will n(1 men to any great extent remains to be The informal dance given by the CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SOCIETY Farmers of ll'V"11 adjoining counties have been on the sea seen. Socially, the season promises to Elks on Thnrtday night was a success Society Folk Tell Regular services every Sunday morn meeting Secret Stories of Lives beach the second of August ba a very tame one, since many of In very way. The guests gathered ing at 11 o'clock and Wednesday Saturday On last folk of before the civil war. At the notable hosts and hostesses of the about 9 o'clock and the dancing began Monday the society evening at 8 o'clock In U. R. C. haiL since long Las were to one of a few to hunt in former years have decided to shortly after. The music was excel- Vegas treated the first only neighbors gathered most a on do little or no this autumn lent and with a glass of refreshing unique parties held for long FIRST M. E. CHURCH Cor. enjoy themselves the day, but the entertaining time. Miss Helen was hostess crowd each punch to help keep the dancers cool Kelly Eighth and National avenue. Rev. K. idea spread and the grew in honor of Miss Miss W. T. Greene, N. between whirls a most enjoyable time Cluxton and C. Anderson, pastor. year, until now the "Jersey Wash Hopkinton, H., Ross. About 25 were For v rites the following which wiil was spent by all. Those present at girls present Sunday school, 9:45. Morning wor- Day" is a tremendous affair. many letter, and the was tell one the hop were I C Wltten, Miss Edith afternoon spent in with sermon at 11 o'clock. Ep-- years Sea Girt waB the scene of the interest every who has kidney Your ship Wheeler of Mrs. Hell, Miss ing humorous incidents from the lives m. largest of these gatherings. But when trouble. "For over a year, Mrs. Greene Bring Denver, worth League, 6:45 p. Evening of each one After each had hold bfd been afflicted with a stub-ter- n Mary Harris, Miss Dona Hogan of St. present. worship with sermon at 8 o'clock. Sea Girt began to her head high very was Louis, Miss Margaret Gross of St. told her little story the party A cordial invitation is extended to and put on airs, the farmers decide! kidney trouble. Foley Kidney served with refreshments. Louis, Donald Hart, Thomas Tipton, The party all who have no other place of wor that they were no longer welcome. So Pills done more to complete her re Hen-rlque- z, was known as a "I remember" than medicine ta- Mr. McWilllams, Miss Rebecca party ship to attend divine services at this they abandoned Sea Girt to the fasb covery any she has and one remem- Miss Canfield of St Louis, is that will leng be church. ionables and came themselves to Man ken and I feel It my duty to recom- bered. Work G. Job William H. Springer, Mr. and Mrs. asouan, where the gatherings have now mend them." O. Schaefer and Red TX X McWenie, Miss Helen Kelly, 4 ST. PAUL'S MEMORIAL CHURCH, been held for seevral j years. Cross Drug Co. Adv. Tea at lierbert Gehring .Mrs. A. P. Bush, Mr. Missionary Rev. J. S. Moore Rector, 716 National It Is estimated that the attendance Home of Mrs. M. M. Sundt and Mrs. A. C. Ilfeld, Mr. and Mrs. avenue, East Las Vegas. today numbered nearlj 5,000 persons TENNIS AT WINNIPEG C. W. The Missionary of the First 8. Q. Ward, Miss Chella Van society Ninth Sunday after Trinity, August from the farming districts, some hav- Winnipeg, Manitoba, Aug. Expert Methodist church held a tea yester- Petten, Mrs. H. S. Van Petten, P. D. 9, 1914. ing come as far as 30 miles. They tennis players from all points in the McBlroy, Mrs. Mrs. day afternoon at the home of Mrs. came western were on hand here to Aker, Joseph in wagons and provinces the Communion, 7:30., trains, horseback, M. M. Sundt on street Mrs. Holy Taichert, Miss Lohenberg, Chafes Eighth School, 9:45. but. the oldfashioned Country wagon, today for the opening of the Canadian M. M. Sundt, Mrs. B. J. Read and Sunday Danziger, Mr. and Mrs. R Winternitz, and sermon 11. vith room for a dozen, seemed to have Northwestern championship tournar Mrs. Lester Sands were the hostesses Morning prayer Order of service at 11 o'clock: the call. There were! hundreds of ment The contests: are being played and a pleasant afternoon was given on the courts 24, O Day of Rest and Glad such vehicles, and the foads were un- of the Winnipeg Lawn all who were present. the Hymn 'During ness. broken lines of laughing shouting and Tennis club and will continue an entire meeting a number of tests of flour week. The winners the Venite Exultemus Domino, Chant. singing country folk, j of tournament were made and Interest- OPTIC OFFICE proved very Gloria Chant For weeks past every member of are expected to become candidates for ing. Refreshments were served at Patri, Te Deum Laudemus. the party had been a bathing Canada's Davis Cup team in 1915. the close of the session. planning Benedictus, Chant. suit that would surpass that of his Don't endure the Hymn 345, My Faith Looks up to neighbor and the result was grotesque needless pain and Theater Managers Thee. in many Instances. Of course some ap- torment of rheumatism, aggravated as Entertain Everybody Sermon. peared attired in regulation it i3 by the hot weather. W. T. Hut- - On Thursday and Friday nights bathing but the were there chens, Nicholson, Ga., says: "I suf Managers Hoffman and Browne of Hymn 395, Those Eternal Bowers. suits, great majority with the home Most fered the aches and pains of rheuma- the Browne theater were the hosts to Presentation of Alms (Anon.) grown product It will be O of the tism, swollen feet, Irregular the people of Las Vegas when the Recessional Hymn 418, God Our women's suits ran to fancy painful af- bladder action, but PilU first reels in the series of Lucille Help. checked ginghams and calicoes and Foley Kidney Is ter the first ocean for a fixed me up quickly. Foley's are the Love were shown free of charge. All This church open daily for pri- dip the half looked O. G. Schaefer and Red Cross of the patrons of the silent drama vate prayer and meditation. mile as if a rainbow had drop- best The choir will meet for rehearsal ped into it and faded. Most of the Drug Co. Adv. were pleased with the entertainment, of the two movie men and liked the tonight in church at 7:15 o'clock. A dresses were fashioned on the wrap- SANTA of full and attendance is per worn with red or white FE SUMMER SCHOOL Taken Care pictures Qf Lucille Love greatly. prompt urged. pattern, o'- ef- Santa Fe, Aug. 8. Lectures I The Altar Guild will meet at 4 stockings and Bunbonnet and the by the IVTrs, clock on with Mrs. J. S. fect when this combination of colors wohld's greatest woman ethnologist Isaac Appel ( Thursday will to be a sum- Receives for Brides-Elec- t Moore, 716 National Avenue. left the briny was always startling. begin feature of the mer school next Mon- On Tuesday afternoon Mrs. Isaac Overalls and bloomer straw hats, week, when on it Appel was hostess In honor of some THE FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH the latter buckled under their chins, day eevnlng. Miss Alice C. Fletcher of D. not brides-to-b- e. served Washington, C.will on "The with of J. of the men and Y1,fumua the Several young Rev. Milton Harris, pastor. many boys for speak ror Science of of ladies were present and a most de- Bible BchooL 9:45 a. m. bathing suits, when every one Man," taking a survey Every Woman Who Wishes lightful afternoon was Cards Morning worship, 11 a. m. was outfitted they formed In lines of the entire field of ethnology from the Well-Dresse- spent to Be d and musio served to make the minutes Sunday morning a sermon by the 50 or more, held hands, took a run days of the cave man to the time that of Humboldt needs the Autumn issue that won- pass fleetly and added to the enjoy- pastor. and all hit the water at the same time. brought Europe the story of derful quarterly ment of the guests. Refreshments Sunday eevnlng "Three in One," After that the fun was fast and fu- man on the western continent and in- Neatness and were the culmin- served after which the happy stereoptlcon lecture on "Cigarette rious until the revellers were toot tired augurated movement that "Butterick Fashions" young people left for their homes. Smoking;" a talk Dr. H. G. Smith, to splash one another. ated In the formation of the American-ista- . " by Think of hi 600 distinct designs! and a song by Mr. Charles Baron. A reecption will be given Mrs. 2,000 illustrations. With each copy you Mrs. H. A. Miller Young People' meeting, 7 p. m. TUCUMCARI BANK CHARTERED Fletcher after the lecture by the Wom- get any Butterick Pattern you like Free.' Surprised by Friends Evening service, 8 p. m. Santa Fe, Aug. 8. The treasury de- an's Auxiliary of the New Mexico Mu- 35 Ctntt Copy Pattern Department A number of young people surprised Prayer meeting, Wednesday even partment has issued a charter to the seum and Archaeological school. Mrs. Dr. H. A. Miller 8 m. American Charles J. Andrews wil make a fea- Accuracy at the San'a Fe ing, p. National bank of Tucumcarl hospital last night. It was Mrs., Mi- This church welcomes any who are whose capital stock is $25,00. J. R. ture that eevning of the rendition of ller's &.$oseiuvti&l6 Son birthday and the folks from town ead, grieved or lonely, friendless or Washon is president; and W. A. Foyd a number of Omaha and other Indian went out to the hospital in automo-- hopeless; all who love the Gospel, or is cashier. sotgs. LAS VEGAS DAILY OPTIC, SATURDAY, AUGUST 8, 1914. THRt

thi;re, getting ready to withdraw from FEDERAL LEAGUE THIS WOMAN'S oiganized baseball unless the organiza- STOMACH TROUBLES SIR EDWARD GRAY tion takes some effective steps to pro- tect the interests of the minors. Coo! Food SICKNESS Nowadays the minor leagues derive GETTING GOOD a share of their Income ENGLAND'S MAN large through Writes to Or. Ragland Interotjnf Yielded To E. the sale of promising players for Hot Days Quickly Lydia leagues in a higher classification. If Letter on This Subject PLAYERS ( Pinkham'i Vegetable the little fellows should lose this In- OF THE HOUR Compound. come, organized baseball would be on Better health comes with less meat and greasy food during the the rocks in sort order. And then the warm Md. more weather. Baltimore, "I am than minor leagues probably would lose no Madison Heights, Va. Mr. Chas. A. PICK RIPE ONES FROM THE BUSH to tell what E. Pinkham'a MINISTER OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS glad Lydia time in doing business with the Fed- Ragland, of this place, writes: "1 have Com- POSSESSES GREAT PER- - ES HARVEST CROP Black-Draug- food ,AND Vegetable in same manner been Thedford's ht By proper and pleasant one can feel cooler than his over- did for me. eral league, the in taking FROM MAJORS pound for and SONALITY I suffered dreadful wl.lch they have traded with the majors indigestion, other stomach (mnh. fed neighbor. also and find pains and was very in the past. les, colds, it to be the very oest medicine i nave ever used. Ixmdon, Aug. 8. The efforts of Sir New York, Aug. 8. When in V )1 "regular. utxanie early Black-Draug- ht F.dward to the of C y alarmed and sent for GENERAL MILES IS 75 After taking for a tew Grey preserve peace the season the Federal league moguls 1 VI F Lvdia E. Pinkham'a days, I always feel like a new Kurope have made the English foreign declared were not to ij Iloston, Aug. 8. General Nelson A. man." they going stop Vegetable Com- Nervousness, nausea, heartburn, nain minister the great outstanding figuro Btars MileB, who has been spending the s but took o at picking up major league pound. I it reg- in pit of stomach, and a of full- of the day. There are other remark-r.M- Grape-Nut- summer in this vicinity, attained his feeling intended also to enter the minor league ularly until I was ness after are sure in offices of h eating, ol the foreign without a or seventy-fift- birthday anniversary to- symptoms figures field and carry off any promising tal- cramp stomach tiouble, and should be the but none of pain and felt like day and was the recipient of a flood given h'urope, greater ability ent found there, Organized Baseball proper treatment, as your and he who over the British another person, and of congratulations from friends and strength than presides and was inclined to pull a snicker up Its health depend very largely Cream it has now been six months since I took admirers in many of the coun- upon your foreign office. cuff. O. B. wanted to know how the medicine at all. I little parts food and its digestion. any hope my General Miles has been The name of Sir Edward Grey has could when the note will in wo- try. taking To net quick and rarmanent relief some Feds swipe any talent assist yon helping other been on every tongue during the past fruit and a soft boiled egg, or two, is sufficient men. I now feel well and in a keen interest in the European war from these league would be in the discard by perfectly ailments, vou should takn ten and no man In all Britain has the best of Mrs. situation. no man in Amer- a days for the hot weather breakfast. July 4. They would have no need for health." August Probably medicine of known curative merit. W. 1(532 Hollins Bal- ica has a closer been more in the limelight. And yet, said O. who couldn't Kondner, Street, personal knowledge Its 75 years of splendid success, in tha talent then, B., to theer is no man in pub- An of Grape-Nut- s and cream contains nourish-men- t timore, Md. of European military affairs. While treatment of lust such troubles. nrove strange say, ordinary portion 8ee the Feds with a Yerkes telescope. lic life who Is so little known Lydia E. Pinkham'a Com- holding the highest rank In the Unit- the real merit of Black- - today to sustain one until and But the Feds have right on Vegetable Thedford's the noonday 'meal; being partially kept from and S-'- e, A a pound, made native roots ed States army he was privileged on Draught. pleasant, gentle in personally. potent, mysterious the and have been good action, predigested food, it does not over-ta- x stomach and job "making contains no narcotic or after-effec- to the heat the herbs, harmful several occasions to attend wit- lnd wi,l'oi!t bad ts, Is and uncertain figure, known few, when-ove- r and it sura their threat by grabbing players drugs, and y holds the record of 'r-- ness the great annual maneuvers in '"n.ciit both younsj and old. For sale understood by fewer. Cool, system as do heavy, greasy foods. and wherever the of- being the most successful for opportunity remedy l Price and no trace whatever female ills we know and thousands Germany, France and other continei'.'-a- ;wrywhere. 25c N. showing fered. of, Cia which be has These suggestions, if followed should show that one can have of testimonials on file in the countries. After his ret' men t of the crisis through, The signing of Larue KIrby of Mo- voluntary Pinkham at from active service General Mi :. paid been passing. a cool body, active brain and even In hot bile the St Louis Federals affords laboratory Lynn, Mass., APPEAL FILED energy weather. by seem to prove this fact several visits to Europe U .;: tinue The grandson of Sir George Grey, a illustration of how the Federal Snnta Fe, Aug. 8 Attorney General good For thirty years it has been the stand- his Investigations of military affairs, who was seevral times home secretary league can hamper organized baseball. re- Clancy will tomorrow file the tran- ard remedy for female ills, ami has the results of which were repo:tod to and the grandnephew of Earl Grey was the in the stored the health of thousands of women script in the state's appeal of the "There's a Reason" for Kirby leading pitcher tTTe war department at Washington. of reform bill fame, Sir Edward, whose Grape Nuts Michigan State last season anl who have been troubled with such ail- good roads bond test case from the league X year ago he made a long stay in the father was equerry to King Edward towards the close was sol.l to ments as displacements, inflammation, adverse decision of District Judge B. along Balkans and closely studied the mili- when the latter was Prince of Wales, the New York Giants for a few hun- ulceration, tumors, irregularities, etc. C. Abbott. Assistant Attorney Gen- tary operations In the late war there. inherited political instincts and tal dollars. a If you want advice eral Tra L. Grimsliaw filed the tions. He was accompanied by Pro- dred After giving KIrby -- special He today ent. He had attained his ma MUSEUM VISITORS rite to E. Med-iu- o entertains a high opinion of the scarcely fessor Alexander trial McGraw that the Lydia Pinkham bond of the state in the case against 8. Mr. Jano'wskl, professor Manager figured Co., Servian military establishment and of jority when he became private secre Santa Fe, Aug. and Mrs. wasn't for the (confidential) Lynn, Jose P. Lucero, who had been con- of geography at the University of youngster quite ripe !:;.ss. Your letter will opened,' the fighting qualities of the Servian tary of Sir Evelyn Baring (Lord Cro- J. A. Blosser of Snohomish, Wash., show and sent him to the Mobile le victed of soliciting a bribe. This is Warsaw, Poland, who Is attending thei big ;vd and answered by soldiers, but sees little hope for their mer), and he acted In the same capa- registered at the Museum of New Mex club in the Southern ?d in one of the legiRlaiive bribery cases summer school. league. held strkt confidence. success against the Austrian armies, city to Mr. Chiblers at the time the ico today as did Mr,- and Mrs. R, L. wasn-- t and the other day K. P. Davies, attor- It very long after Kirby join- which are not only far superior in latter was chancellor of the exchequer. Bradley of Roswell; Mrs. E. Ellisoi Mobile ney for Lucero, filed his brief in the ed the team that he began to number but better and bet- at the of 2.". of Sherman, Texas; Mrs.. J. D. L. $100 Reward, $100 to bid for his services. equipped court Entering parliament age show the genuine article. He not only supreme appeal. McKinney, Van Luis The It looked pretty soft for the Mobile ter trained,. year, Sir Edward made some stir at Alstun, Texas; readers of this paper will he took his regular turn In the pitcher's in- P. Tlrre, A. Bassets, club, owing to a star performer whom a.aearly period of his carer by his H, Albuquerque; pleased to learn that there is at least Ijox but played In the outfield when Miss Elsie V. the were NO REASON FOR IT Woman's Ducy to Herself dependence on the question of Irish Baxter, Holdenvllle, one slab In it was In big yarders bidding dreaded disease that, science baa hot doing duty. fact, woman owes It to herself to l?ud He was only 30 when Okla.; Miss Hazel Kinney, Temper- their heads off to land. The Chicago Every purchase. been able to cure in all the outfield that he particularly glis- In ance, Mich. its stages, and Cubs bid $8,000 for but Mobile Veep In good health. No one can Mr. Gladstone appointed him, 1892, tened. He soon Into a Kirby, You Are Shown a Way Out that is Catarrh. Hall s Catarrh Cure developed fancy refused the She reasonably be expected to maintain under secretary for foreign affairs. As as well offer. figured that There can be no reason why any gardener as one of the leading was of is the only j ositive cure now known the. Boston Braves were ready to raise a cheerful disposition when half sick. his chief In the house lords, W. M. heavy hitters of the league. His fine reader of this who suffers the tortures Halfacre, Dexter, Mo., bought tho ante to at least in real Indigestion and constipation are two his position was important, and It b to the medical fraternity. Catarrh be work the of a score of $10,000 of an aching back, the annoyance of Foley Kidney Pills for Mrs. Halfacre, caught eyes - common wom- came delicate when Lord money. dan- of the most ills to which particularly who was down on kid- ing a constitutional require big league scouts and it wasn't long urinary disorders, the pains and her back with disease, While the Mobile club was en are subject and fortunately are Rcseberry succeeded to the premier a constitutional treatment Hall' clubs started in doins gers of kidney ills will fall to heed the neys so sore he had to help her move. before major league In- Sir Edward had to ex- the "Hesitation," a Fed scout, who word of a resident this who easily cured. Mrs. H. C. Getty, ship. Grey He "She would with Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally, act of locality ' says, cry pain "Last summer I pound a policy with which it was sus- was doing no bidding, managed some has found relief. The following is diana, Pa., writes, across her kidneys, but after she took ing directly upon the blood and m how meet Mr. was advised a friend to Cham- pected Lord Roseberry's principal col cous surfaces of to Kirby. The' Fed convincing proof: by try the second bottle of Foley Kidney P1113, the system, thereby Greatest Event berlain's Tablets for and league did not always sympathize. He ivory hunter said as how It was a fine Manuel Delgado, 140 Canon St., indigestion she was as well and strong as ever." destroying the foundation of the dis Th!s medicine not did the work which then fell to his and the day, that Mr. Kirby was looking fine Santa Fe, N. Max., says: "I was a constipation. only O. G. Schaefer and Red Cross Drug ease, giving patient strength, fa Woman's Ufa me hand with as well as with and that Federal league money was sufferer from backache and got so bad cured of these disorders but toned courage Co Adv. by building up the constitution and fine, etc. As a result of the friendly that I couldn't work. I often bad to up my whole system so that my health propriety. assisting nature in doing its work; bette"'-.tha- four-minut- e Even those who have had no special chat between the two lay off for a week at a time. I tried bas been for years since The proprietors have bo much faith, - 'M "or of Sir Edward HUNT ARTESIAN Larue Kirby ditched the Mobile club different remedies, but got no benefit. taking them."- salaa by all deal opportunity, testing SUPPLY, in its curative powers that they offer ers. are the Santa Fe, Aug. 8 A well Is One and became a member of the St. Louis Finally, I used Doan's Kidney Pills Adv. Grey's capacity Impressed by being Hundred Dollars for any caso appearance which he of reserve bored by the Indian service at the to Feedrals. For this accommodating and they were what I needed and gives that it fails cure. Send for list of just Behind thin of nine mites hurdle the St. Louis club presented soon cured me. I recommended Doan's TAX RECEIPTS power. that long, face, pueblo village Tesuque, testimonials. 8. with the cheek bones think north of Santa Fe and Is expres Adress. Larue with $4,000 cash and a contract Kidney Pills when helped me so Santa Fe, Aug. State Treasurer high they hope F. J. .CHENEY and CO.. To they " sed that will Mobile is much I am O. N. Marron today received $795.29 there must be deep forces. Instead artesian, water be found ledo, O. All human looks back calling for a fancy salary. and now pleased to confirm experience t TTom Ana $S45i91 from of himself he has as the well is to be deep. Su- Sold Jnotherhood as the wonder of wonders. out $8,000 and Kirby Is fondling a that ' endorsement. I haven't needed Dona county; thrusting forward, quite by Druggists, 75c H. The patience, the fortitude, the sublime roll.. tn Socorro of taxes collected last month. had to be pushed. Competent observ perintendent F. Coggeshall went to Take Hall's Family pills for consti faith the of are $4,000 bank any kidney medicine three or four during period expectancy He also received $23.25 ers discerned that he posses- - Tesuque yesterday to look after opera Adv.. second only to the mother love bestowed The Kirby case has caused South- years, as the cure has lasted." from Game long ago pation. upon the most helpless but moat marvel- Warden T. C De Baca for the game sad the qualities of a leader. Fifteen ous creation a ern league managers, and the managers Price 50o, at all dealers. Don't sim baby. fund and $325 from Dona and more ago there were many t Women are quici to learn from each in other minor leagues as well, to lie ply ask for a kidney remedy get protection years Other those helpful agencies that aid to awake to out a Doan's the same Ana county for district attorney's sal- who predicted that some day, if his comfort, that conserve their nervous nights trying figure Kidney Pills that Foster-Mllbur- Grant to the ambition burned Sir energy and yet are perfectly safe to use scheme that will enable them to save Mr. Delgado had. n Co., ary. county reported brightly enough, GOAL MUD WO& on and among these they recommend of Y. traveling auditor's office collecting Edward would take the chief place '"Mother's Friend." their players from the clutches the Props.., Buffalo, N. Adv. $2,024.72 of 1913 taxes; $278 of 1912 the green benches. It Is entirely an external application dreaded Feds, For Kirby's flop Is MOST HEAT FOR YOUR MOEY designed to lubricate the broad, flat to be but a forerunner of num- ROAD CAMPS CONSOLIDATE taxes; $216.4C of 1911, $107.73 of 1910 Sir Edward Grey has two very" pecu- muscles and skin that protect the and taxes. liar one the abdomen. It has been In favorable use erous other Instances of the same kind Santa Fe, Aug. 8. The good roads prior mannerisms, of gesture, half Is known other of The Is to SWASTIKA COAL lor nearly a century and that are likely to happen this fall camp near Las Vegas under Foreman speech. gesture put to mothers In almost every settled com- Quick Cure for Diarrhoea his hand behind bis neck munity In the United States who highly when the Federals go after the minor New was today ordered to consoli- right recommend it. Xou will And It on sale WL R. The most prompt and effectual cure end to Bcartch his head The manner- In stores. Friend" league players. date with the camp of Engineer AND drug "Mother's is for diarrhoea Is Chamberlain's Colic, ism of is that he fre- WHOLESALE RETAIL utterly harmless, contains no deadening Ignoring the minor league clubs en- Smythe in Nogal canyon, Socorro speech repeats drugs and yet its Influence In the skin Twelve convicts for the Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. When quently the same words when he muscles beneath as also the tirely and dealing direct with the county. left and upon as soon as the first unnatural comes to the end of a sentence. Al- network of nerves beneath the skin la players seems to. be the trump card of southern camp today. The Pino camp given very beneficial, very soothing and a time. which has been working toward Santa looseness of the bowels appear one though his style is restrained, his wonderful help. The muscles expand the Federals at the present It o dose is sufficient to ef- are and naturally and are not subjected to unnec- not only places the minor league clubs Fe from Glorleta, graveling El nearly always speeches usually Impressive essary surface strain and pain. to- fect effective. Once he was announced to to-a- was turned back a cure. It should be at Get a bottle of "Mother's Friend" ay in a mighty bad place but It deals a Deal, today kept us hand for Instant use. For sale address a of northern miners at any drug store and write to vital blow at the very foundation of ward the Pecos to place the road ready meeting WUKfmm 7 lor our instructive little book to mothers. in by all dealers. Adv. who were keen radicals. Instead of Address Bradfleld ItciruIatoE C 413 organized baseball. Already there are from Glorieta to the river better .Lamar Bids,, Atlanta, Cla. them a Sir rumor of minor leagues, here and condition. , giving slashing harangue EDUCATORS RETURN Edward spoke sedately on foreign af- Santa Fe, Aug. 8. The officials of fairs, yet his manner was such that the department of education returned the the audience listened with deep 1 this evening from Mountainalr, Super interest CAPITAL PAID IN S SURPLUS intendent of Public, Instruction Alvan N. White being summoned home by Danger of Cholera Morbus the serious ijlness of bis niece, Mrs. In almost every neighborhood some Murray, who was only recently 'mar- one has died from an attack of cholera "Nix ried In Assistant Su- M Albuquerque. morbus before medicine could be pro perintendent Filadelfo Baca and Miss cured or a physician summoned. Ev f around Myers, supervisor of vocational train- ery family should be prepared for 'Nothing doing ing in New Mexico, as well as Chief such an emergency. Mrs. E. M. Sny I here electric D. T, Hoeklns, Cashier. .Mrs-- . are I. M. Cunningham, Preside it tlerk and Rupert F. Asplund, der, Herkimer, N. Y., says "About four lights Vice-Preside- Frank Springer, also returned. years ago my husband had an attack worse than and of cholera morbus. I gave him Cham pistols LVS VEGAS CITROLAX! berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea bull dogs. PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS CITROLAX! Remedy and it relieved the pain Im INTEREST CITROLAX! mediately, and two or three doses of It's a laxative of course and the it effected a cure." For sale by all "Let's quit while the I nicest hot weather drink you ever dealers. Adv. is tasted. Flushes thoroughly and pleas- quitting good.,, LAS VEGAS SAVINGS BANK antly, too. F. C. Crysler, Syracuse, N. LAS VEGAS IN MAGAZINE 1; V., says: "Have used laxatives for Santa Fe, Aug. 8. Motor Field for The annals of crime bear no record 1 v. 5 years but this Citrolax has pot August has another finely Illustrated of a wired house ever having been else beat a mile." It. write New Mexico and its roads. everything Try up pf burglarized Let us wire your O. G. Schaefer and Red Cross Drug Las Vegas, Deming and El Camino house for Edison Mazda Lamps. , CAPITAL STOCK 030,000.00 Co. Adv. Real are given additional articles. The pictures are superb and besides por Office with the San Miguel National Bank SETTLED OUT OF COURT traits of Governor McDonald, State Santa Fe, Aug. 8. The suit of J. E. Engineer French and Attorney Gen- The Las Veas Dona Ana stock- eral Frank W. show . . Garrett, the county Clancy landscapes m Q. HATDOH-- H President, Wit man, against Hipolito Villa, a brother in different portions of the state. -- President W. EELLT ,Tk of General Francisco Vila, has been Light and Power D. V. HOSJOXS . rrro settled out of court. The suit was A Hint to the Wise Is Sufficient for $19,532 damages, Garrett alleging When constipated take Chamber-lam'- s Interest On Deposits that he had bought a herd of cattle Tablets. They are easy to take from Villa which the latter was unable and most agreeable In effect For Company to deliver. sale by all dealers. Adv. . c four LAS VEGAS DAILY OPTIC, SATURDAY, AUGUST 8, 1914.

will J to do, but it Is that all In making war, the first thins gates, expected i. a ct st-- - is to a.!l be on hand the early part of next MAY t THE DAILY OPTIC according to the kaiser, put ENGLAND DELAYS by AMERICANS tin blame on the Almighty. week. o There is every indication that the 1879 n ESTABLISHED If the report is true that Jack John- ATLANTIC LINERS cougresswlll be the most importantl INI son has enlisted In the French army the whole history of the socialist (DISEMBARK of an inter-nartnw- al Published by we may be relieved of the worry and movement The ordering THE OPTIC PUBLISHING CO. anxiety of looking for the only original SEA TRAFFIC 'TURNED TOPSY- general strike of the mining all over (Incorporated) v Lite hope. . TURVY BY WAR IN and transportation industries ENGLAND o EUROPE Europe as a protest against war, may lis Editor. one results of the congress. M. PADGETT ....-..- -. be of the (Continued from Page One) GOR HAM results of such a New York, Aug. 8 The White Star The far reaching from Paris without except L AND have cleared from move realized from the state- BR TONS liner Olympic, to may be those they had on their backs. The this port today with British reserves ment that the socialist organization Allan line steamer the Red Sterling Silver, members. Mongolian, was held up indefinitely upon receipt in Europe numbers 12,500,000 Star line steamer Finland and the Hawkes Cut Glass The conviction of the leaders that n Entered at the postofflce at Eat THE COAST OF of orders from British admirality. It is the Holland-America- liner New Amster trana-BlMl- Vader-Icr--d on the mon- AND Ulm Vegaa, New Mexico for sailing of the Red Star liner a general war, brought by dam will sail tomorrow from Liver on reservists heads of can be pre- through the United Bute which 1,000 Belgian archal Europe, pool, Dover and Plymouth respective I was or the masses if ana aa aecond claaa matter. were booked for a British port vented stopped by ly, loaded with Americans. Pickard China or FRANCE also deyaled. they refuse to mine coal, transport The American embassy here today a- or food for n TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION As in the case of the Olympic, the arms, ammunition, troops telegraphic communlca-catlo- QUALITY IS FIRST V'aderland's was called off by the armies engaged. at IB Dally, by Carrier sailing with the American legation .1 CONSIDERATION .06 fContinued from Page One orders from the No other The to call an international had been rar Copy admirality. proposal Berne, Switzerland, after it 3 ' manager of wireless station was . Notwithstand- strike will be the first and Dae Week .16 explanation given. probably discontinued for several days. at N. announced i to be acted .66 Tuckerton, J., today ing her name, the Vaderland is a most important resolution Enough German reservists to form Due Month established direct 3t : that the station has British The to hold the on he Other resolutions One Tear 7.60 boat. order by congress. a large regiment were tanen m cus- communication wfith the station at was Bhe had with ac- TAUPERTS Dally, by Mall Olympic received after dealing militarism, political tody today by the police In provin 31 Hanover, Germany. Mr. Lempke said clearance the imperial- One Tear (In advance) 16.00 been given papers by tion, suffrage, emigration, cial towns of the British Isles. he had telegraphed Secretary Bryan to customs fix Months (In advance) 800 officials and all preparations ism and arbitration, unemployment, 7 thla effect and had offered to place aro One Tear (In arrears) . 00 had been made for sailing. Approxi the cost of living, and the Tuckerton at the state de- of Cx Months (in arrears) 8.7i plant mately five hundred persons had en on the gaenda . One entire session ITALY MOVABLE IN partment's service. gaged passage upon her. the congress will be given over to me- WEEKLY OPTIC AND STOCK Cable communication with Germany The Vaderland has a steerage capac morial exercises in honor of Jean NEUTRALITY STAND GROWER ; has been severed for several days. ity of more than two thousand, about Juures, the great socialist leader et M.00 com-pun- y ne Yerx The Great Northern Telegraph hnlf of which was occupied by Belgian France, who last week met death by ' tlx Months 0 suspended today Its deferred reservists. assassination. FIRM IN DENUNCIA- cablegram service. This action affects Neither of the vessels were detain EMMANUEL VANDALS DESECRATE GENTLEMAN BURGLAR TION OF ATTEMPT AT In Mall Denmark, Norway, Sweden and the far ed customs officials and the post (Cash Advance for by OKLAHOMA WHEAT HARVEST COERCION ponement of their sailing was due, it EL PASO BUSY IN DENVER Subscriptions.) Enid, Okla., Aug. 8 The problem CHURCHJN draft or money is said to change in plans by the Brit- Remit by check, of man to the was 8 A statement attribut- we wlU not German Cruisers In Far East ish Cuctoms officials an getting the job Rome, Aug. rder. II sent otherwise government. re- re- solved with extraordinary success by ed to King Victor Emmanuel, In WRECKED AND for loss. Peking, August 8 According to nounced today that no attempt would PASTOR'S STUDY DISPLAYS TASTE IN SELECTION te responsible the State Labor Bureau of Oklahoma, to the Insistence of the represent- DAMAGE DONE IN free on application. ports of refugees here from Tsing Tau be made to detain vessels carrying ply MUCH OF WEARING APPAREL Specimen eopies in in tlio of and Austria-Hungar- the German cruisers are all away reservists. which has succeeded getting atives Germany AUDITORIUM AND JEWELRY wheat in the of who augmented their scouting, and this, is supposed to ac- nln addition to the Olympic, and Vad- biggest crop history continually DISCONTINUED AT aid of 15,000 offers in order to obtain the active ALL PAPERS trans-Atlanti- c the state., with the nearly count for the almost entire cessation erland, five other liners El Paso, Aug. 8. Unknown vandals Denver, Au?. 8. Raffles is carrying EXPIRATION OF TIME . harvest hands brought in from the out- of Italy in the politics of of British commerce above announced sailings for today, three of caused irreparable damage some time out more of his characteristic experi- PAID FOR side. the two Teutonic empires has caused th ni crowded with reservists. These Wednesday afternoon, between the ments in the gentle art of polite thiev- The total expense to the state was much discussion in political circles The various residents Including the were the Faber liner Saint Anna, sail hours of 5 and 6 o'clock, when they ery, in his Denver laboratory, with, ivartianm are guaranteed the not over $700 most of which went for here. British, French and Japanese have for Marseilles with 1,100 French Into the church of St. Clement, success. circulation ing of is said to have broke great surest daily and weekly which the teleuhone bills. The officials went at The king Italy and New agreed to the moratorium reservists referred to by the line as Episcopal, corner of Montana last of the rfined am.v f any newspaper In northern it in a business like way, beginning burst out with the exclamation: The exploit Chinese government has declared for "1.100 destitute Frenchmen" the Col Campbell streets.. tcur cracksman was ladt Mexico. early in May with a thorough survey "Neither friendship for my allies performed an indefinite period. It is reported umbia, of the Anchor line, bo Aid for The study of Rev. Henry Easter, rec to of the field. The matter was all nor offers made by them, no matter night, when lie proceeded replenish, that this cessation of foreign payments Glasgow with her overflow given in tne main TELEPHONES steerage how would tor, was wrecked, wtnie hi-- wardrobe with articles of value in should Chinese for with possible publicity and every effort was advantageous, persuade 2 enable the government ing; Euorpia, sailing Naples auditorium much damage also wa3 of W. H. 2324 . riff ira Main made to fescertain just how many men me to sell my honor and that of my the home Jones, Ivy 2 to pay the troops regularly from the 1,000 Italians and Montenegrins in her done. The church authorities have Ntws ...... Main wculd be needed to harvest the crop country. street. Department proceeds of various revenues pledg- and the first of reward of $50 for the arrest steerage consignment Queen Helena with her children re- offered a showed nice to to sent to in in each comity. With the aid of the The gentleman burglar ed foreign debts and thereby mail Austria and Germany as and conviction of the miscreants. federal departmnt of labor the state turned to the Quarinal today her discrimination in his selection of cloth SATURDAY, AUGUST 8, 1911. climinte the danger of mutinies. several days, White Star liner Adriatic The who left the church needed majesty desired to be near the king janitor, and took his time in o the Atlantic trans-per- t department arranged for the en- ing, apparently for Liverpool, and the situation! about 5 o'clock, found It had been I N help from other pars of the country. during present grave doing so. GREAT UATT LU C B RT A liner Minnehaha for London. She said: tered, when he returned shortly after Enid was made the great distributing the Carefully setting aside the stuff that British sol TO MURK in of be- 6 o'clock. In the rector's study The announcement SIMPLICITY cetter for the harvest with sub- "My place case danger is valued at $250, from hands, choir vestments were in a pl'.o which he rejected, landed on French territory, side my husband." heaped tilers have ordinate offices In other cities an1 was thrown a large assortment of clothing, after UNITED STATES TRYS The queen was accompanied by her and smeared with ink, ink imd that French troops are approaches BURIAL SERVICES towns. Workmen were moved, north- taking a gold watch worth $200. A sister-in-la- Mon-tengr- on the the communion bread one Princess Natalie of ceiling, ? With the refusal of ward from belt to another as the full evening dress coat and vest, a lege, together and her three children. and the communion wine were mixed an TO AVERT CLASH harvest advanced-'- ' About half of tha dinner coat, neckscarfts,1. two dozen : commanders to allow WIL-SO- in a box, books and papers pigian MORTAL REMAINS OF MRS. men were together four of 13,000 employed experienc- were strewn about the floor and other fine linen handkerchiefs, pairs all indicate the preliminary TO THE in- HARVEY'S IS OPEN TO BE CARRIED ed harvest hands.'The remainder the silk hose chosen from a large assort- will shake the SILLIMAN INSTRUCTED TO EN- 34th season of this famous moun damage done. The only article in steps of a battle that GRAVE BY. FAMILY ONLY cluded many college students and men ment, half a dozen pairs of black, lisle tain resort. Carriage out every Sat rector's study not ruined were the vest- vcrld with Us thunder. DEAVOR TO BRING FACTIONS from various commercial or industrial hese, seevral fancy vests taken from urday morning, returning following ments of the rector, which the vandals It is that either Servia or Aug, 8 Final arrange- TOGETHER IN MEXICO occupations, but nearly all were men wail. a number, striped trousers which evi- unlikely Wasington, Friday; charges $10.00, transporta were careful to hang on a side on ments were made today for the fun- who actually wanted to work. They appealed to his tates, and sev- Austria Hungary will be represented tion, $1.00. Special rates for long In the main auditorium the most dently eral of Mrs. Woodrow Wilson, wife of Washington, Aug. 8. The United have practically no trouble to the au- eral suits of silk underwear. and it seems equally certain er time. Address East Las Vegas, serious damage was done to a historic the field, made States made efforts to thorities. also took a lot of President Wilson, it certain that further today B. of stained de- Mr. Raffles fishing tJiat Russia will be unable to get a Box Leave orders at Mnrphey'B memorial window glass, the services both at the White House avert the clash of constitutionaliss and win-dew- w automatic reels and innumer- of or Plaza hotel. Adr. the Good Shepherd?" This tackle, force into the neighborhood Liege Mexico picting friend Monday and in Rome, Ga., Tuesday the Carbajal government at Old Mesa ave-r.u-e able flies, so that his Bunny in time for the engagement. So that Automobile stage line to Mora tri a s taken from the will be ofthe simplest. Every effort City. might indulge his passion for anglin-- one of the strange twists that oc- weekly, Tuesday, Thursday and Sat- MINT TO BUY SILVER Episcopal church and occupied a by will be made to conduct the funeral Telegrams to American Consul Silli-ma- n cur sometimes in the trend of great urday, leaving Las Vegas postofflce Washington, Aug. 8. The treasury place back of the pulpit, 15 or 16 feet as if the were a private citi- urged him to persuade Carranza to the police and an investlga of president a. Mora 9:45 m. to from the floor. The vandals punctured ported events only the allies and none the zen. m., arriving a, department today gave orders the was to enter into direct communication with - tion is made. Entrance will Leave 4 p. m. arrive Las San Francisco mint va- this window, the head of being principals to the war fight the Mora Vegas buy 200,000 destroying win-de- Secretary Tumulty said in addition Carbajal. effected by entering a basement first and the one deci- 5:45 p. m. Fare for round trip, $5; ounces of silver at 51V4 cents an the Shepherd and completely ruining great, perhaps to the committees of the senate and Jose Casteliot, personal representa- of the church, from where tho battle. one way, $3. Round trip tickets good ounce. Officials hone this action mav the window. In addition electric light sive, house, and members of the cabinet, tive of conferred with Secre- vandals made their way to the rec will be Carbajal, for one week. H. B. relieve to some extent conditions in fixtures were torn from the walls and Furthermore, the tragedy and few of the closest Car- Hubbard, Prop. only relatives a tary Bryan and then telegraphed the silver tor's study and thence into the main staged on ground not involved In the 419 Railroad avenue. Phone Main 397- market, which has been hymn books were scattered about personal friends would attend the bajal urging him to offer to surrender - auditorium. has Adv. much affected by the European war. The vandalism at the church was re- original controversy. Germany services. the government if amnesty and guar- drawn down upon itself a net, spun at Only the family and a few intimate antees were given. Should the latter first with a mesh as fine as a spider friends will gowith the body to Rome condition not be accepted by Carranza, Deeds has now no stran l Warranty veb, which single for the burial. , Mr. Casteliot said armed resistance Interwoven with a red TJ. A. to Antonio that is not Members of the congressional com was inevitable. S. Juan TrujiUo, threa d of In the battle that June 12, 1911, 160 acres in sec. 25, twp. and calamity. mittee will not go to Georgia because Carranza'8 reply to the urgent; re Saturday Night Honday Bargains Is too Ger- IS R. 22. approaching only surely of the desire of the president that quest of the state department that AT handed will face England, 1 many single the work be continued without inter he confer with the represenatlvee of U. S. A. to John W. Mathews, June v. France and 2G Belgium. J ruption. President Carbajal respecting the 12, 1914, 160 acres in sec. 27 and There will be half a mil- probably Both the senate and house, how terms of the occupation of the City twp. 17 R. 21. lion and with the pos- will from 1 mi to 4 troops engaged, ever,,, adjourn p. of Mexico was embodied in the follow E. R. Zalesky et ux to Clyde Wilcox BACIiXRACH' sible and Its consequent ef- m. serv slaughter p. Monday while the funeral ing statement transmitted today March 11, 1914, 160 acres in section fect on the universal mind the of on. ! we offer as lust, ices, are going through Consul Silliman: 9 twp. 16 R. 17. Consideration $32. You'll find it to see the good values blood will have to be controlled. A3 will be no surely profitable There honorary pall "Excess will not be permitted and Clyde Wilcox et ux to G. S. Parker, Come in and make we have the ends' px bearers White House for Night and Monday. early suggested before, at the services. the conduct of the new government Aoril 4. 1914. 160 acres in section 9 Saturday now peace may be better served Just Attendants at the White House will, - selections. will be dtermined by what It deems for twp. 16 R. 17. - y war in other way. the from the east room to than any carry body the best interest of all those con- 3. A. Anderson to Jj M Lyon, June - o the hearse and then It will be taken cerned; and Ibis conduct will be in 2, 1914, 830 acres in sections 6 and 7 LOOK AT THESE OFFERINGS Should German war ships tnvads directly to a special train. etrict harmony wtih the laws of war twp. 15 R 19 and 3 and 10 twp. 14 R. 19 1- Canada thia country under the require- The Rev. Sylvester Beach of Prince 40c 35o -3 OFF and the usages of civilized nations un Qutrina R. de Perea to Alejandro ments of the Monroe doctrine would be ton, N. J., the pastor of the Wilson MERCERIZED TOWELS LISLE HOSE der similar circumstances." Perea, February 2, 1914, $25, property ALL to take a hand. So the family, and the Rev. J. H. Taylor of compelled in Precinct 15. Splendid Values, for women chance that the United States may the Central Presbyterian church of WASH SOCIALIST CONGRESS Mrs. NY L. Norton to H. W. Gehrtng, each per SUMMER tecome involved in the war Is not to Washington will conduct the services pair Paris, Aug. 8.- - Representatives from May 22, 1914, S 25 ft.' lot 1 'blk. B. remote as it seemed at first at the. White .House. The pastor of DRESSES sight almost every country in as Rosenwald Addition.' Consideration $1 o the Presbyterian church at Rome, of Europe 23c 26c well aa from the United States, South Isabel to James Saxton, July The stand that has taken to which 'Mrs. Wilson'a father was for- Henry '' Italy Africa and the east,' in Paris 30, 1914, lots 21 22 27 $1.25fand $1.50. master- merly in charge, will conduct the gathered and blk, San 60c Children's. Muslin Drawers reasserting her neutrality is a to in Inter- services Hill today take part the tenth Miguel Town Co. Addition. RIBBED UNION SUITS FOR MEN p!eec of diplomacy. This puts the at Myrtle cemetery Worth 33o a' pair SHIRTS will national Socialist congress. The ad Sanford North to A. H. Reingruber whole burden of responsibility on Ger- The funeral train leave Wash for women, each 4 m. and arrive vancement of the date and the change et ux, July 28, 1914, 17 and 2 ft. off many, and allies the Italians, in the ington at p. Monday each Special at 2 in the place of the meeting from Vien west side of lot 18 blk. 2 Rosenwald event that the kaiser makes his threat at Rome at about p. m. Tuesday. will conducted na to this city, together with the Inter and Co. addition. Consideration $1.. R'iod of breaking the Triple Alliance, The last services be and soon afterward the ference of the war situation with the A. H. Harris et ux to J. M. Acker-- 26 c on the side of England, which holds immediately funeral will return to methods of travel, have served to de man, July 28, 1914. lot 1 and 2 blk. 3, the balance of power.. party Washing ton, here late lay the arrival of many of the dele- - Martinez addition. Consideration $1 $3.00, $3.50 and $4.00 --o arriving Wednesday ID1 yards 10 yards afternoon. PUMPS AND OXFORDS In casting the horoscope of the Ger- BEST LONSDALE MUSLIN GOOD CALICO is broken sizes man Aries the sooth "i emperor sayer Huge Crops Forseen in Estimates for Year for for reported to have said, "If. there is war per pair Santa 'Aug. 8- In Potatoes 1,130,000 644,000 In 1914 between France and Germany TODAY IN CONGRESS Fe, Bumper crops New Mexico are Indicated esti- QQc fie former will be victorious." Eton -- I by Hay (tame).. 519,000 387,000 49c $1.79 . mates published today the ITnited the stars are made to fight against .J ) by The condition of plher crops on Au- Senate: Met at 11 a, m. -- States bureau of crop estimates. Fol- the Teutons. gust 1 Is expressed as follows: THE QUALITY" o Debate resumed on shipping bllL lowing is the forecast In bushels on Your Visit VTA STOBE'OF Opposite the noon. Pasture, 102; 10 year average, 85. ' TVhile bull of sea are House: Met at August J: the dogs the 94. will be Cas.aneda to all tinder Crop : Forecast Average Cabbage, year average, H . prowling at each other In European Motion put postmasters 93; eight f I; civil service was defeated during dc Corn 2.600.000 1,838,000 Onions, 93; eight year average, 96. - lV.Jf In: Is to note that the Pleasant r )tknUumMi Dolel waters, it pleasant 66. fetfli iiu tii biite on mail pay. "winter wheat 1.000,000 630,000 Apples, 87; ten year average, mm & vatch dogs of the United Sates navy railway wheat 760,000- 477,000 t year aver- - N.Mf ere on the alert against the invasion Spring .Cantaloupes,, E.LasVegas- Oats. 2,000,000 1,415,000 age, 80. f the neutrality of this country. Subscribe tor VU f&Cgi ,7 LAS VEGAS DAILY OPTIC SATURDAY, AUGUST 8, 1314.

7gfrafr!.Ti.t.j;XW Afternoon at Amusement Park 3 0ne oi ihe Fasl8st Games of the Season rOMORR1ow Albuquerque vs. L. V. Maroons Admission 25c Grand Stand 10c

R. Cobley of Albuquerque came In Indianapolis ...... 50 45 ."526 Batteries: C Clark and Murphy; this noon and will spend a fev days Buffalo 47 .505 Sterzer, Thomas, Vance and Grifritb. PERSONALS visiting friends In this city. , Pittsburgh 42 53 .442 .4.10 R. Information E. R. Noyes, a prominent cattleman Kansas City 43 67 At Topeka H. E. From week to week thle apace will nolo lomi Interesting of the state, left this morning for his St. Louis 43 57 .430 Topeka . 20 21 1 pertaining to banking business. Wichita 2 7 3 This week we evidence of growth. Miss Bees Rorex la a visitor from home at Sanchez. present for a Western Batteries: Reisigl and Rapps; dem- Panhandle, Tex. II. Gonzales left this morning League the southern part of the W. L Pet ons and Jones. R. R. Larkin returned last night trip through slate. .66 43 ;60 from Mountalnalr where he has been F. E. Lyons and S. Vincent, of Win-slo- Denver .63 47 .572 for several days. Total Resources January 1, 1913 $188,390.76 Ariz., passed through here yes- .61 47 .565 MYSTERIOUS DEATH Frank Strass leaves tor Mrs. tonight terday on their way east .55 54 .505 Total Resources : i, 1913 $252, 270.47 St. Louis on a business trip. James A. Whitmore of Gallinas .53 64 .49 July OF A DENVER GIRL John Lillich left last night for To- Springs is a business visitor in the Omaha .50 ,, 67 .467 - ' Total Resources 1914 i friends .43 66 .334 $320,653.83 peka. He has been visiting city today. , J January i, In several .44 67 .396 and relatives this city for W. (J. Hay don left this afternoon for POLICE TRY TO DISCOVER IF weeks. . ; on a short business ; - Shoemaker trip. POISON MEANT FOUL PLAY Total Resources 1, 1914 A. July $406,587.28 O. E. Burch returned last night from Lilly, Jr., of Baltimore is spending OR SUICIDE Jcffrson City, Mo., where he was a few days in the city. father. M. V. is the called by the sickness of his Benson among visitors TODAY'S BASEBALL Denver, Aug. 8 "olice authorities wood aro in La Mr. and Mrs. J. E. South from Denver that are Vegas. and Dpputy Corcin-- Bostwick are visitors in Las Vegas from Panhandle, 4 baffled by their inability to discover Bank & Trust Texas. be-t- Peoples Company the it'cr.tiiy of a girl, apparently f COMMENCED BUSINESS OCTOBER 14, 1912. K. Parker is in today from his home mi 16 18 who died " National League and years rid, at Watrous. STANDING OF THE CLUBS Chicago at Brooklyn. at the county hospital last night from Sol Rosenthal E. J. McWenle and Pittsburgh at Philadelphia. the effects of poison either administer- left this morning for a week's stay at 4 Cincinnati at Boston. ed to her or taken with suicidal Intent. Harvey's. St. Louis at New York. The sirl was seen staggering down National SEND CONSOLENCES CHICHESTER S PILLS OFFICERS UF CURRY Frank H. H. Roberts returned last League Aarapahoe street between Nineteenth l.ault-fl- Artk your I'lucglat far v Bight from Mountalnair where he has i i W. L. Pet. American and Twentieth streets last ht.cheiMer. IHttmondTtrmnd League night I'llla in 11. d and Void n.ftalUcW been for the past week lecturing be- New York 56 38 .505 at Chicago. after 10 o'clock. TO THE PRESIDENT bnxM, ealfd wiU Ulna Ritiboa. COUNTY TO BE ELECTED Washington shortly George Brain, Take no other. Riiy of your V fore the chautauqua. Chicago 53 46 .533 was on of his llruicirlat. A,kfr III. llVu.TFnn Philadelphia at Cleveland. who sitting the porch DIAMOND 11KANU i'll.l.K. for Hi H. D. Winsio of the Valley ranch St. Louis 53 48 .525 Boston at Detroit. heme at 1912 Arapahoe street, noticed years known as Best. Safest. Always Relialilo THE NEW MEXICO INSTITUTE OF SOLD BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE SUIT FILED FOR THEIR REMOVAL came in last night and spent today Boston 49 46 .blti New York at St. IiOuis. the girl as she passed. He believed - SCIENCE AND EDUCATION FROM OFFICE FOLLOWING attending to business matters. He ex- Philadelphia. ...46 50 .479 her intoxicated and went to the front ranta 1 on t Vi n rnnnh .475 DRAFTS MESSAGE EXPOSURES tc t,r inmnrmoj Cincinnati ,...47 52 Federal League gate to watch her. He saw two men The people of the southwest knew morning. Brooklyn ..41 53 .43C Boston at Chicago. he and believed In Mrs. Wilson the highest type of following her, says, 8. 41 53 .43 . Santa Fe, Aug. 8. The New Mexico womanhood. Your bereave Santa Fe, Aug. District Attorney Miss Lucy Clement left yesterday Pittsburgh Pittsburgh at St. Louis. they were responsible for her coudl-'- American Institute of Science and Education sorrow ours. Kenneth K. Scott of Roswell who i3 for Santa Fe where she will visit with Buffalo at Kansas City. tion. She staggered a few steps from ment and is also entered the fifth of its work in Santa Fe today la consultation with friends for a few weeks. American League Baltimore at Indianapolis. Brian's gate and fell to the sidewalk. upon day "J. WRIGHT GIDDINGS, this at 9 o'clock. Professor -- Governor McDonald, the traveling au- V. C. Nelson and wife passed through W. L. Pet. The men following her hastened on morning Director." Lawrence M. Larson of the ditor's of flee and other this city today from their home In Philadelphia . 64 34 .C53 Western League University In the third of his lectures on officials, fllei and disappeared. on . .554 of Urbana, I1L, continued his discus- Dr. L. suit at Clovls August 5, under Panhandle, Tex; Eonton .56 45 Sioux City at St. Joseph. Brian carried the unconscious girl to American archaeology Edgar is i'A 54 45 .545 sion of contemporary English prob- ilewett of the methods to be Chapter 3G, laws of 1909, for the re- Fred Mitchell a visitor from Washington Wichita at Topeka. the porch of his home where other oc- spoke lems. interest attached tft his moval of County Treasurer and Col- Taso. Detroit ...53 49 .520 Lincoln at Denver. of the house to re- Special used in the study of this interesting cupants attempted address because of its on the lector John F. and Fred Kruse of Optimo is in town on St. Louis . 8 61 .433 Des Moines at Omaha. her. The odor of a was bearing science, laying special stress on the Taylor County vive poison T 52 .48.- - positio nthat England holds in the of in maWnc: ob Clerk A. Anewalt of Curry county, a business visit. Chicago .....49 strong on her breath. Police Surgeon necessity accuracy 1.45 present critical situation in Europe. servations and notes. Than Hie tjiiit bei-'-- f bad d on the of E. E. Brewster and wife of San Diego New York 56 .445 James was summoned, and ordered her taking reports 33 .320 Professor Larson traced the develop- he continued his of the the traveling auditor's office which, passed through this city today en route Cleveland , 70 removal to the county hospital in the explanation ment of the political parties of presen- corn created such a sensation when pub- to New york and Boston. ambulance. She died without green dance at Santo Domingo. YESTERDAY'S RESULTS police t-day D. Davidson was England and outlined their He gave a very account lished. R. of Los Angeles Federal League regaining consciousness shortly after Interesting handling of the more important po- of Ko-sh-a or "shades of Judge John T. McClure has set Aug- a visitor in Las Vegas yesterday. Mr. W. L. Pet. her arrival no clew to her the people, there, and Issues 14 was 53 .561 litical of the hour. the ancients," who play an important ust 13 and as the days on which the Davidson formerly agent at the Baltimore 41 identity has been discovered. At the conclusion of the lecture part in this harvest festival, and defendants shall show cause why local Wells Fargo office and has a Chicago 66 44 American League Her body was removed to the they 4 9 1 Federal Judge William H. Pope made the nature of the two factions should not he suspended from office large number of friends in this city. Brooklyn 50 41 .549 New York morgue, wnere it will be held pending a motion, which was unanimously who in dance. These while the trial will take the St Louis 3 12 0 a identification friends or participate the place at possible by adopted, that the organization send a he described as the winter September term. relatives.. people, regular Traveling ... telegram of condolence to President with articles of dress of Auditor Howell Earnest and his assist- At Cleveland R. H. E. Police authorities believe the two suggestive Wilson on account his recent L. few-day- s -- 6 1 of be and the mimmer with ant Walter will leave in a - -- 4 be-fc- re winter, people, Kegel See Philadelphia r young men seen following her Just 0 6 2 reavement. Accordingly the following evergreen garlands and squash blos to be witnesses at the prelimin- Cleveland she fell to the sidewalk may have Mit- message was sent: som ornamental, ary hearing. Batteries: Bender and Schang; been for her condition, or responsible Hon. Woodrow Wilson, From 11 till 12 o'clock Dr. Calvin S. The accounts 6f the two officials chell and O'Neilt. at know about her. The least, something "Washington, IX C. Brown delighted his hearers with his were to be In confusion are an effort to locate reported aad At Chicago R.H.E. They making "I am directed by tre New Mexico fourth lecture on comparative litera- the state had made demand on them to their is as mys- 3 these men, but identity sub-topi- o Washington , 0 8 Institute of Science and Tducation in ture. He chose the "Lyric pay back into the county cer- terious as is that of the girl. treasury RENGO Chicago - 2 8 1 session here to convey to you our Poetry" and treated It in a masterly tain sums, which It was alleged were The was with Hstt Batteries: Ayres, Bentley and Hen- girl slender, heartfel sympathy In this sad hour. way. due the county. brown and She weigh- ry; Williams, Benz and Schalk, hair gray eyes. b Elastic Belt Corset ed about 110 pounds and was 5 feet 2 hands feet At R. H. E. iDches in height Her and An Excellent Corset was sal Boston - - 1 6 1 were small, her complexion For Stout Figures, Detroit 3 9 1 low. There are two gold teeth, in the in Batteries: Gregg, Bedient and Car-riga- n upper jaw front a blue dress with a $g.9Q and Cad y; Covaleskie and Ban She wore light ner square white linen collar and white DouDie vame New Topless Corset linen cuffs. A white twisted cord Is Keeps and L49 National League tacked to the edges of her sleeves Quality In ' At Boston R. H. E. cellar, where they are swede to the 5 2 dress. The dress isi in one piece, with Pittsburgh ,-- 5 Brocaded Silk Topless Boston - . - - 1 6 1 a rough finish, or surface. At the Up, Corsets Batteries: Cooper and Gibson; Cot-trel- l, waist she wore a broad patent leather Crutcher, Hess and Gowdyt belt with a large bow behind. Her underskirt .was of white muslin, $g.49 At Philadelphia R.H.E. edged with four inches of lace. Her Cincinnati 0 6 2 storltin ?s nra Mack and her shoes are 5 Various Other Styles X , "T i T Philadelphia 2 6 1 pi'ieni learner iuw vuu, wim.tvvltuiaun vuui;u 49c and ap.y Batteries: Ames and Clark; Alexan bows on the toes and no strap over der and Killifer. the instep. They are size 3, D last oiume Las Busiest Store. Vegas' She carried a small plain white At Brooklyn R.H.E. handkerchief and a small black leather big difference in quality between GOLDEN RULE THE St Louis, 0 5 2 square purse containing a dime and a THE and ordinary tires would Brooklyn - .3 12 1 nickel. On her right middle finger she Firestones cost much more Batteries: Griner and Snyder; Ra-ga-n wore a ruby ring, set in gold, circled and Miller. with what are apparently diamonds. under ordinary conditions. She wortt a breast pin, , apparently of But Firestone conditions are not ordinary. At New York R.H.E. platinum, Bet with diamonds. The 4 10 1 The of the tire You Chicago breats pin is three Inches long, la the picked experts making industry Will Find 8 New York 11 0 shape of a key. build Firestone tires. v ' SiebeL trada-mark- s Batteries: Pierce, Hagerman There are no laundry marks, exclusive and Fromme, Tesreau and The largest tire factory, in America Archer; or labels of any kind on her Firestone tires. McLean, Meyera clothing.,, "" produces ';,,, T, There, aw no marks or scars on her The most efficient distributing system in Amer- Federal League body. The backs of her hands are markets Firestone tires. R. H. E. ica At Pittsburgh brown and slightly freckued. Her face St. Louis 2 8 1 these en- is freckled aad sallow, and her Hps ara That's why tires have the quality and Pittsburgh 6 1 of CRYSTAL BUTTER 1; swollen and burned. . durance to beat all the tires the world and still Batteries: and, Keupper Simon; The hat she wore Is of plain white come to you at only average price. Dickson and Berry. a circle and straw, with of small red record of races has 3 blue flowers around the crown close The won on Firestone Tires No other games scheduled. road-wo- rk to the brim. There were no hatpins. been spectacular. Their in daily grind has clinched the Firestone slogan Western League BURNED BY ,. At Denver R. H. E. GIRL LIGHTNING Most Miles Dollar Lincoln 5 11 3 Pueblo, Colo., Aug. S.With her fore per Denver 4 8 1 arms, face, and neck badly scarred by Therefore choose Firestones for the common-sens- e Batteries: Smith and Rehor; Bl flames, Mr3. Myrtle Spltzer Is in a lo reason of Firestone qnality put out in enormous quantity in - the best all Schreiber and Block. cal hospital today in a precarious con- by specialists who make nothing else. a result a fire di?on, as of lighting and See the Firestone Dealer NOW. in the kitchen stove with a can of At Omaha R.H.E. You only and 10 10 2 kerosene. The woman owes her life to pay ordinary price Omaha - get the Extraordinary in Service. Des Moines 1 6 10 2 Mrs. Mary Hackett, a neighbor, who Price Batteries: Krabb and Kreuger; Tur- rushed to her assistance upon hearing Firestone Tire and Rubber Company of Texas ner and Haley.. her cries of terror and found her en 1 52 1 Commerce Street, Dallas. Texas .Down Diatribators for veloped in flames. Mrs. Hackett hur- Firestone Tire & Rubber Co., 0. "ranches and Dealers e E A At St Joseph - R.H. E. ried the woman to a mud hole in a Akron, EferywEef S NS "America Lmttnt xciM Ttrm mnd Kim Makm" S0 Sioux City 4 8 1 nearby alely and extinguished the St Joseph . 2 10 S flames by rolling her In the mud. 1914. LAS VEGAS DAILY OPTIC, SATURDAY, AUGUST 8,

K3HI bv wide, ctiMiTSd tnplewioolc at Pedro's; it. orly to b confront, d I::: tantly hi again In tilted chairs, their boots upon a mass of red-gol- hair! At first LOBBY RESTAURANT AND CAFE could believe his eyes; bul the rim of Leigh's stove. scarcely 75?e HORT was a man who made few It was true there was no mlstaUin; OPTIC mje ORDERS AND REGULAR DINNERS Leigh HJI BKST Mends; thus it came about that Pedro those gleaming braids-s- he was there GOOD! OBTAINABU ALWAYS HANDLES met hardly any other people. But be the Madonna Lady, standing withii IMPOSSIBLE was well content that such should be the warm room, ber shoulder turner BOY a sudden im toward him. Acting on pulse, Pedro ran to the door, ana knocked. WANT r SOCIETY DIRECTORY Almost at once it was opened by ""' little man with a etnooth, boyish fact II CHAPMAN LODGE NO. 2, A. P. e FRATERNAL and hair. Although far from BROTHERHOOD NO. ILLUSTRATIONS CD.RHODES sandy A. M. handsome, the magnetism of his per Regular com- 102 Meets every Monday night to fOftfi3-MERPt- CO CQpyPIGHT sonality struck Pedro Immediately, COLUMN munication first a4 O. R. C. hall, on Douglas avenue at chord in the J third 8 o'clock. cor- SYNOPSIS. the sentiment of th awakening an answering Thursday in Visiting members are fact except moment the little man I I each In it Is a to latter. For a month. Visiting dially welcome. J. C. Wertz, president; people. short, highway looked the over, and then hit CHAPTER I The open rond. Pedro us blocked boy bithers cordially in J. T. Buhler, C. H. nt power for both, by the Secretary; Bally, Mr. pra-a- face broke into a ad th rtHOcing bear, Jonaa. of half a million half-breeds- weird, expressive RATE8 rOR CLASSIFIED ADVER- vited. Guy M. Cary, W. M H. 8. Van Treasurer. a tramp from ateallns a young apathy ragged smile. .Am'm nil ran PMlrn'i amhltlon to become TISEMENTS Petten. Secretary. him to Old Nlta and "Were for Milllgan?" he painter apura quit my esteemed and admired you looking Dear aancera. "Yznaga, aBked. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS, COUN trailing Rowe, never his friend," began losing a said Five cent per Una each Insertion. LAS VEGAS COMMANDERY, NO. 2, CIL NO. 804. Meets and CHAPTKR dro. Old NMta and the "I was looking for party," j second amused smile, "you are such a charm- alx - r for New rearo , Estimate ordinary words to a Una. KNIGHTS TEMPLAR Reg- ourth trainer start lora. well-bre- ream, in reium. Thursday in O. R. C. haJL for a lunch-wago- n man ing, representative person emuiug alnta a portrait several inside," eal No ad to Its than two u,ar conclave second Tues-de- y nA mn urm a meal for the company. pseudo-cabine- t "Well, there's occupy space Pioneer member - that 70U fit the role of building. Visiting rhe lady of the purse adventure aeea Pa- the little man, waving a hand toward llnta All advertisement Jt,J In each month at Ma- - are aa ana minister to perfection; and you are charged cordially Invited. Richard Devlne, palntlng passea. the room behind him. will such a fool that you are the ideal dimly lighted be booked at epace actually aet sonio Temple at 7:30 p. m. Dr. H. M. G. K.; Frank Angel. F. 8. "Some friend of yours here?" CHAPTKR Ill-N- ew York. Miea Iris minister of state. I don't wonder that without regard to number of word. Smith, E. C; Chas. Tamme, Recorder. with her artmt lov-la- r. "I Just wanted "began Pedro, when rVanderpool quarrels our respected patron actually believes Cash In advlnco preferred. LAS VEGAS CHAPTER NO. 3, ROY- - Sam Hill, and they Prt She a girl's voice broke in: In ber father's a portrait you are what you represent yourself saic LOCAL TIME fwhl.h ahe aa that of Pedro, "He is a friend of mine, Don," CABDI recognlaes r. to be!" rescued nor from the puise-anatche- red-haire- emerging from tli AL ARCH MASONS Regular convo prho The man e to his feet the girl, opposite prang crowded studio. Slie had noted cation first in each CHAPTKR IV-H- UI. the despondent with an oath. Monday and Mr. Jones In and immediately made her lover, meets Pedro "A fool!" he call me a 2$g month at Masonic Temple East Bound Washington sqimre. They dine together. cried; "you toward him. "Aren't you goint'. Hill discovers talent In Pedro a drawings fool?" way at 7:30 p. m. P. A. Brinegar, Arrive' D in a nmd desire to lose himself, gives to let him in?" she concluded. and "Sit and my H. F. O. Blood, Secre- No, m a. his studio and all in It to Pedro in down, stop confirming One would have sworn that she' had P.; I.... 7:20 p. 7:46 ft for Mr. June. so Rowe, "or He Came to a Standstill Beside the opinions nicely," grinned been him, thought Pedro. tary. No. 4. ...11:54 p m 11:51 t- - you may the house down about Open Gateway. expecting ! V occupies Hill's bring she had not the No. 2:25 a. m t:34 a. rwAPTRR Pedro our ears with Evidently forgotten' I.... ft latu.llo ami calls on Leigh, the sculptor. that yelling." In No. m U-it- the case, as he did roadside encounter. I. O. O. F. LAS 1:35 1:0 p. letter from Hill. lelKh, calling In Yznaga complied, but sat frowning. delighting VEGAS LODGE NO. II.... 'p. In the Into two men. and satisfied "Pedro is the humble servant of you OPTICS NUMII Mi's West Bound return. alley bumps "Very well," said he, "say what you Leigh's society, utterly 4. Meeta every Monday evening at one of whom is Reginald Vanderpool, with the adventures upon which both," said he, with that sweeping Iris" father. In disguise. like. But calling me a fool will not gentle their hall on Sixth stieet All visiting Arrive Depart the latter led him. bow of his. prove you a wise man." For Rent brethren cordially invited to attend. No. 1.... 1:10 p. m l:3t p. If. ruiDTirn VTVnnrterrool'9 compan Strange little cafes served them, "And this la Mr. Jlilligan, our host," ion goes Into the tusement of Hill's studio "Admitted," said Rowe. "But I am Friedenstlne, N. O.: A. T. No. 4:35 a. m 4:41 a. u and sometimes more pretentious said she. Rogers. I.... and talks wltn uicaruo, wiseacre enough to be forehanded PIANO for rent 417 Eighth street. V. No. ?...--. 4:20 m 4:31 a. K, basement tenant, of a conspiracy against places. The two shook hands, and even O.; T. M. Elwood, Secretary; Karl p. forelan smvernment. ' about a matter like this of public sen- No. m 7:44 is the Fall while Milligan muttered something by Wertz, Treasurer; C. V. Hedgcock, I.... 1:35 p. p. ft over whom Rowe has a secret hold, timent in our beloved country. Let Through Academy they RENT Senora Daussa and her ctiuu, too, and smaller exhibitions way of acknowledging the Introduc- FOR Furnished housekeeping Trustee. Implicated. Rowe me ask you a question. What would wandered, Cemetery supposedly dead in an uprising, in the backs of and in the les tion,, he was carried off by a phalanx rooms. Mrs. M. Howell, 721 Fourth knows to be alive. the people rise for? Think well. You shops, And one of these of men who came up, for street. Phone Main 348. know answer!" ser galleries. from clamoring B. P. CHAPTER VII Pedro gains entrance the more With a swift the o. ELKS Meets second and . latter visits came about Pedro's choice beer. gesture Ho an artist s meeting at winigan iik Yznaga wae silent for a moment, fourth menus ami - of the De Bush as his future ad girl beckoned to Pedro, and he fol- Tuesday evening of each Iris auain. makes many news rubbing the palms of his hands to great FOR RENT Two room furnished ironies unconsciously a subject lor viser. Ah! there was a painter for lowed up a narrow, winding staircase, month Elks" home on NinQ street paper copy. gether as he thought hard. At last house. Phone Main 351. For YOU! which brought them out upon a little and Douglas avenue. Visiting brothers he spoke, but it was as one who men you! " rose-colore- d existence The Madonna Lady seated are invited. Wm. H. "No more than is absolutely neces-eary!- " a desirable but unobtainable cir That this balcony. cordially Spring- tions a divan and motioned Pe Thi$ cumstance. should continue forever was taken for herself upon Far Sale er, Exalted Ruler; D. W. Condon, elegant Rogers' whose sole lack dro to follow suit "Ah! yourexcluslveness! Sometimes 'There is Signora Daussa and her granted by Pedro, Secretary. was II r. Jones. But one I saw you through the X think that it Ib a mistako that it child," said he slowly. "But of course day Leigh "Madonna, TYPEWRITER FOR SALE No. 10 Silver sent word he had been called window, and I could not reslBt coming Spoon "will attract attention! But of that, that Is out of the question. No one that Remington typewriter for sale cheap from town a and even I was a stranger to KNIGHTS AND LADIES OF SECUR- later. Tell me, is this landlord of knows where are, and in all prob- by commission, might In, though 803 Jackson avenue. -i- use they or more. the house." ITY, COUNCIL No. 2390 Meets in f you a tall, homely fellow?" were killed the be gone a week yours ability they during big him. W. O. W. on said Rowo, do you ask?" During the span of six days Fedro She smiled at hall. Sixth street, the "No," "why uprising." "You me in he con FOR SALE Modern nine room house, EMPRESS "Because when That was never known as a cer managed very well alone, simply get saved just time," first and third Mondays of each earlier than ever, and work "else I might have failed of good condition, tine location; bar- 8 and I were parting JuHt now. tainty," said Rowe with meaning. ting up tlnued, month at p. m. Visiting Knights and V 7 for had come to sat entrance." X, FLOUR euch a person Interrupted us, whether Yznaga looked up sharply. ing harder; Leigh gain. Inquire Optic. Ladies always welcome. O. L. Free- him so that he fan- "And you really came because you intentionally or not, I cannot tell. But "You mean to say " he began. isfy completely man, President; Miss Cora cied no one else could take the sculp- saw me?" Montague, he recognized Vander recognized Rowe raised a hand, warning hlra to FOR SALE Ford touring car, over Financier; Mrs. A. V. Morrow, Local It ' I And tor's place. On the seventh day, "For what other reason?" said he. giving you him, of that much am certain. silence. hauled and repainted; looks like 908 Z. W. not as he "Madonna, what is your name?" Deputy, Jackson avenue; do- what Is more, he followed me to this "Listen!" he said, "1 have for years Leigh having yet returned, new car. N. O. a present for ate a meal, and feeling lonely, "Iris," said she. lifting her great Herman, Carriage Montague Assistant Deputy, 1011 house and Is upstairs at this moment! known the whereabouts of our ex solitary and Auto went to the of a theater. eyes, that were like those selfsame Painter. Sixth street Bast Las Vegas, N. M. ing something For a moment Rowe glared at the wife, and am in daily-ho- urly gallery president's The was a melodramatic affair, blossoms. father's name is Van other with an expression of Intent communication with her. In play "My ivv you "d do any and on either hand sat who re- derpool. What other name have you, nlarra. Then his features relaxed: deed, she is lees than a mile from this people L. O. O. MOOSE Meets second and fused to to hlB critical besides Pedro?" Wanted way when you "A great, tall fellow, did you say?" very She has practically no respond analy fourth Thursday evening each spot! sis of the dramatist's so, after "I have no he after lie mueed. Then a light broke upon and therefore it Is safe work; other," replied VI. learn how Much English, he much an almost WANTED month at W. O. halL Visiting I'm. "A giant, with a long face and to take her about with me a the second act, left, bored, Imperceptible pause. By first class dressmaker, enough filled for her as it In disbe- brothers cordially invited. Howard Better EMPRESS i.".;;ainly carriage; that would be little sometimes. As for and with a longing dancing She raised head, sewing. 718 Lincoln street explanations; for and in lief. Ah! that wonderful line from Davis, Dictator; P. A. Liin Secretary. 1 gh, the sculptor, a great friend of that Is She has no ex and companions, laughter FLOUR is. easy. money a most natural to some he really, t ", landlord. And he would know him, consequential talk: chin breastl Surely day cept what Bhe could get for her few WANTED Made GER- - and wholesome desire for the amuse must contrive to paint it. A for housework. Ap MODERN WOODMEN OF AMERICA by t o! No need to worry about that. jewels, and she has deigned to accept girl .Ai-- ments common to his "I am as I must," he told 322 Grand avenue. for his following you, that was my assistance. She Is accepting it for years. speaking ply Meet In the Forest of Brotherly MAN PROCESS "I wish," said Pedro aloud, "that her. "Will you n&t believe me when l isre coincidence. He comes here to a purely personal service, also, which Love at O. R. O. hall, on the wae to a I say that the only name I can give visit Hill almost daily." is confidential, and which consequently going party." SIDELINE SALESMAN ATTENTION, second aad fourth Tuesdays of ONE COUPON FROM 'You re Then a thought struck blm. If a you is that which you have heard?" EMPRESS relieve my mind. Howe," I cannot tell you. But all this Is irrele- This year's proposition the best month at 8 m. C. H. FLOUR AND a party was what he wanted to go to This had a perfume of mystery, but yet each p. Stewart, plied Yznaga, lighting cigarette. vant. The main thing that I wish you Get in us Z. FIVE STAMPS why not to one? There were the while it added to her keen in- touch with at once for our Consul; G. Laemmle, Clerk; W. And now for our project. to understand is the fact that I have go already BRINGS YOU THE to cafes but no! He wanted a real terest in him, she maintained her pose live premium propostion. We guar- Montague, Local Deputy. Tisltlni f refuses absolutely commit in her the one thing which will create SPOON IT 'S on He will party, with invited guests, and laugh of offense. antee our goods to sell or take back members are especially weleone an himself paper. spend, yes! a popular feeling. In other words, her CCNUINEWM. It is for a great purpose, In a noble restitution!" ter, and refreshments, hospitality of "If it was only to be unkind, why did all unsold gods. Write today for full cordially Invited. ' ' fered rescue me now?" he asked. ROGERS & cause! But he will sign nothing! If the others the doubting onos you just particulars. Canfield Mfg. Co., 208 to hold him he felt like a She a little. SONS' A A What have we by?" could but see her once, we would have Suddenly prisoner, laughed Sigel street, Chicago, 111. GIRL JUMPS FROM TRAIN "The money he spends!' replied with jailed In a prison that is limitless, yet "You once saved me from real dan- STANDARD them us heart and soul!" said Santa Fe, Aug. 8. May Carroll, a Rowe grimly. cramped because it is, in fact a prlBn ger," she replied; "the least I could do SILVER Yznaga. RANCH FOREMAN, stockman, repair- old who had run away "Will that suffice? This business is Rowe for a moment To shake off this morbid fancy be was to spare you, In turn." girl, " thought to and the Pedro leaned toward her. In man and other ranch help; call this from home In El against the law, you know, and "Yes," said he, "I had intended that began run, sped through Swiftly her Paso, yesterday as the his shone a thdt have afternoon on M. W. Rus- R- "I have something that will hold they should, of course, sooner or later. silent, frosty streets though eyes light might Saturday Mills, jumped from a moving train near FRENCH-1REY(STE- Rowe. sardonlo of civiliza meant mischief, but this she did at Rawlins him," replied "I still have the In a few weeks' time they shall see gruesome, spirit pure House, or address Mills' sia, Otero county, but was recaptured means of I tion was after him with not for she had turned away her thing by which first inter- her. In the meantime your work will speeding see, Ranch company, Springer, N. M. by Deputy Sheriff S. H. Nimmo as she IINGI FINISH handcuffs. head His voice was sibi- ' ested him!" be to prepare their minds for that again. very clambered the mountain side. She V is?" Breathless at and a Bubtlety of up I Y "Which said the other sugges- last, indignantly lant, carrying meaning ' event. You must take bogus messages WANAED Maid, Hotel La Pension. was ' he came to a standstill be- which was delicate in the extreme. sent home today-- 1 , EMPRESS tively. from her to them; give them every helpless, Rowe side the of a little im- "Madonna Iris!" he eald, "when you laughed, an unpleasant laugh confidence that she is in sympathy open gateway can be was of that had once or twice attracted turn head so, It is lovely beyond that characteristic him, and with the movement. But one thing passe your DR. F. B. HUXMANN reached for the wine. his attention. From wall to words! Do you know that the line of Subscribe The tained in this from must be strictly observed. passing Dentist for OptI. city I wall it wae with uneven flag- chin and throat is like the silver-whit- e "That, my simple friend. am not must be told of her paved your Work to nothing and down the center ran an of the moon? Ah! Dental of any description t GROCERS going reveal," said he politely. "But extstence until I give the word. Re- ging, open edge young ALL The were two-stor- y Now you are angry. me; but moderate Its efficacy you need not doubt. Hae member that. To be frank with you, gutter. buildings squat Forgive prices of old I have dreamed of that line since first Room 1, Center Block. lit not sufficed so far? Why should I do not believe that she will be in affairs brick, and had Office Phone fu- once been but aa he looked I saw Main 381. you doubt that it will work In the sympathy with us. She cares little stables, you!" Residence Phone Main 411 RETAIL PRICES we more the of scat- There was a tense between ture, until have sucked this simple for pomp or power. When the time closely, light the pause tered bracket-lamp-s revealed the fact them. 2,000 or Mors, Each Del vary ...... par 1tt Sfc American gentleman dry? Paugh! comes for her to see the others, they lb., I hold him In that had been converted into "No, I am not she said at GEO. H. HUNKER Each 1N Ita. the hollow of my hand!" must be warned to say very little to they angry," 1,000 lb, to 2,000 lbs., Dstlvary v.. par studios. All the other but last in a low Attorney-at-La- w . 1M 'So you possess knowledge of some her. and I shall see to it that she, buildings voice, looking Intently 200 lbs to 1,06 lbs, Eaeh Mlvsry .M.r,...Mo pw Iks. secret he fears the of! one were dark, and like a bit of the at the sticks of her fan as she spoke. East Las New Mexico. s IMk that exposure on her part, does not the lgno-ran- o Vegas, 50 lbs, to 20t Each Delivery t.3..:..-4- par 1st I betray old world, the miniature street nestled "You see, I.had not either." lb, Ah, suspected as much." in which I think it. will be best forgot you, Lsa' than 69 lbs. Each Dsllvsry 1H Is "I not almost In the shadow of its "I shall not give you chance to. for- Pr have said so," replied Rowe, to keep her." timidly i the At he 'exclaimed to his companion. DR. ADELAIDE B. LEWIS ,...'U smiling confidently at the end of his "Aa will!" giant neighbors, get!" you replied Ysnaga. 1 its Pedro felt better But before she could a ktgarette. "Be content, Yznaga, that am too much dazed by this revelation hospitable aspect reply, youth Osteopathic Physician AGUA PURA COMPANY From the who had been her,. rushed my knowledge serves Hs purpose." to dispute with you. I chall go now, directly. lighted building, watching up Office Crockett Building And half-wa- y down its limited a and claimed her for the dance. With Harvesters, (Btorers, aad Distributors if Kattral las, Us raiW 133 serves to keep you leader of and during the next few weeks I shall stretch, Office Hours 9 to 12 a m. 1 to 5 m. this soft radiance shone out, uncurtained a smile she was gone; and in a lew p. t Whieh Have Made Las Teiaa raaews. enterprise!" snapped the visitor. procure those estimates. And now Residence Phono Main 384 Lastiis Qualities J and and the sounds of moments he saw her and her "Very well. Have It as you will good-night!- " cheery, revelry partaw OFFICE 711 DOUQLA AVENUE came muffled to his ear. shame- emerge upon the floor below. Thank the blessed saints you have no "Va usted con Diost" said Rowe as Quite hold over me! I should dislike to to a lessly he walked to where Its window While he stood watching her, a man beggar, closing the door after JONES-BOWER- nicotine-staine- d met flat- Joined him, and after a nod and the MONUMENT CO find myBelf In those him. i level with his shoulder, and bis nose proffer of a which was ac- N. M. fingers of yours, amigo mio!" As long as the sound of tening against the pane, cigarette, Albuquerque, Yznaga's looked in. cepted, stood bim at the bal- 'Perhaps you are In them," re footsteps could be heard, Rowe sat beside, 215 E. Central A lit room full of cony rail. . marked Rowe, a mueed. in the direction of nod- dimly animated 13 Years Practical Experience. staring them, met A a This new was a thick- "I! What nonsense!" ding his head people his gaze. youth, with acquaintance B. A. JONES W. W. BOWERS ANT Ads meditatively. of set young man, blond and of "How about your connection with too, loves he cigarette dangling from the corner rugged "He, her," said aloud, feature. He was not in this affair? Does it not you "and will not move his mouth, was playing softly on the evening clothes place alone, or in the two POULTRY ASSOCIATION MEETS somewhat A - piano, while, beyond, two couples Indeed, only or three of the Are Best at my mercy? respect- dark, for fear of her." just 8. hurting were in front men were and he did not look s. Chicago, Aug. Prominent, poltry Jable member of the International com Then he turned and the dancing. Immediately " gathered up of the watcher was a row of heads, But he fairly radiated bleeders from the four corners of tho merce committee unsigned documents that Yznaga had Hush!" said the a their owners being seated upon a energy and enthusiasm, and his face country will be in Chicago the coming I Market Finders other, paling thrown upon the table, his face cloud- was 1 bench which ran beneath the strong and arresting. For several thirty-nint- h trifle. "You are right. adirilt the ing at the of them. directly week) in attendance on the again sight window. moments they stood looking down Into precariousness of my But. annual of American Poul- vhem-Me- S position. "He is right; we are too conspicu- the crowd. meeting the aaasinetf ftd. Deue sal the N aj CI granting that you can control him and ous, Suddenly the street door was flung The is living so closely," he muttered; "You're new to crowd?" asked try association. association the myself, what have you to offer the "we must wide to emit a little knot of men who this those who MIGH7 EFT the artlmij tllsa ff verta cet, go about, and seem like the man at elbow. largest organization of its kind in the rnob? The people, or body of carried between them the limp form Pedro's any other folk." "A more than 6,000 mem- KBIT vS them, must have an idol, or an Ideal of a woman. Pedro drew back into "Yes." Then brazenly friend world, having Tkat yroeertr T vail sell is f9332 tor the of Miss Vanderpoole." bers. The coming meeting promises .e&a PS which to fight. Nothing !se will CHAPTER VII. shadows and watched. w&e reads Ue da. U BU levapapertif w"i strail really arouse them, nor hold them. It The exact nature of the trouble he "Ah!" said the man. "She's a good to be unusually well attended owing to four property it vers Mrsrtise . must be politics or emotion. In thl could not determine, and neither could dancer!" the fact that much, business ulu lT A Party In the Alley. "Yes." important case, as you are well the po- he eee the woman very but mevs-Mie- ? aware, For the five weeks that led Into the distinctly, like1 is to be trnsacted. Among other Others, wfee read aad aas. U veal fl&j) litical side of the Is not suffi- the air seemed to revive her, and pres- "Not the other, though; eh, uirr question heart of the winter Pedro worked al- things the meeting will revise the axe anxiou I sey each for) aoofcs, aateaeVUee,ij Jrij ciently strong. Can you Invent an a cab appeared, into which she what?" perils most incessantly. ently standard . ! Ideal will one of "What other?" asked Pedro. of perfection, by which all and funltsxe, arttelM el mtaJmess sal erd Of that appeal strongly enough From daylight till dark he was put, and driven off with ulJ to start a revolution? Here we ecarcely the men. The rest then the "Why, Ruth St Johns, of course! poultry is judged. The standard is re- siruaeate. have left the studio, and at J only night Didn't see - vised the the In other were house, closing the door with a bang. you it?" by association every five (when they not too tired) would "I came in Aj tae slaslfl4 U. pre res J testtWf frf&flb fwords, strong financial backing; a he forth with The little episode affected Pedro late," Pedro explained. years. si go Leigh upon what they I did Tell me who f UM7 fee VtUBt H fkt whom we (or rather you) can to call strangely. "Sorry not see it elhle eertt ttlm UHt ft toll Ke began "perception prowls." At some of these are," he added. Absolutely control; a complete know- other times they would sit Again' be stepped to the inviting people WANTED Clean cotton kafte. together window "Who is the little man, the ost?" ledge of o'T country; everything, in and read or talk; sometimes in the and pressed his face against Opfto office. r( (To be Continued Monday) LAS VEGAS DAILY OPTIC, SATURDAY, AUGUST 8, 1914. SEVEN 11

WE car X?J3 wJBBdtf piraodH M

f Have you gviest from out of town? Did yoi entertain your friends? Have yoi en item of interest? Do you want dvooice information on the happenings of the day? Telephone the editorial room" uuuSinud

uffiKSSiEd to not St

Qcve you property for sale? Do you WQnt work or help? Hove you lost something?


REMAINS OF WILLIAM LOCAL NEWS SATURDAY'S PEACHES FOR PRESERVING i i STRONG TAKEN EAST T A TIRE CASE Light automobile lamps at 7:30 o'clock this MARKET SANTA PER WE HAVE evening. FORMER PRESIDENT OF H WILL PRESERVE BOX mm MRS Masons FE AN OLD RESIDENT OF $1.00 Economy Old Taylor SvTiisKey and Sherwood LAS VEGAS tsal. t-- 2 Calm E YOUR EXTRA 1.9 Rye at the Opera Bar. Adv. i w Quart (war nKwrrnin-rii'rrrtgfa- GET YOUR ORDER IN EARLY Pint Pint The body of William Barstow Club breakfast every day. Hotel We have all the Strong, president of the Santa Fe rail- TIRE. r.omalue. Adv. road from 1880 to 1889, passed L JELLY GLASSES fresh fruits and through Las Vegas on Santa Fe train WE HAVE THEM. CR.OX Finch's Golden Wesdlng Rye, aged No. 4 last en route from. Los MM STONE JARS AND night to on A in wood. Direct from the distillery vegetables Angeles to Beloit Wis., the family STEARNS' STORE, you. At the Lobby, of course. Adv, home. Mr. Strong's death occurred in the market. Los Angeles several days ago, after S Regular Christian Science service a. an Illness of long standing, he having O. R. C. hall Sunday morning at 11 been an Invalid for the last seven o'clock. Subject of the Bible lesson years. The body was accompanied V is Spirit east by MP. Gurley, a long time friend WE ARE SELLING TODAY of the deceased. Mr. Strong was a SPECIAL ORDERS Photoplay theater, Sunday only, af pioneer railroad builder and accom E ternoon and night the famous Hearst-Seli- g JOHN H. YORK plished his greatest work while with FOR Pictorial news pictures of cur the Santa Fe. Under his direction the G rent events and happenings all over main line from the Colorado boundary SPECIAL COLORS Extra Fancy flic Per the world. Adv. i GROCER to Albuquerque was built. Mr. Strong A I (J Pound was born in Orleans county, Vermont, Tomatoes Jose Cruz Roibal was arrested yes- May 16, 1837, and began his railroad MOTOR CAR CO. - drunkenness. He career as statio and S terday afternoon for nagent telegraph a was brought before Judge Murray this BAKER operator In a .small station in Wis- (Agent tor tto Eulck) morning and fined $5 and the coBts consin, later going with the Marquette, IKE DA VIS which he paid. E3E Burlington, Northwestern and other roads. THE CASH GROCER One of the beet comedies we have Mr. Strong lived In this city for a S had in ages, "This is Delight," taken "PLAY BALL" SUNDAY number of years and was well known IS from the late song' hit of that name. by all of the old time railroad and

And surely it Is a scream. Photoplay Y townspeople. theater tonight only. Adv. SPELLSJIC-TOR-- NOW IS OPPORTUNITY -- Y01 Not Heavier Than Air" The meeting tonight at' Lincoln MAROONS PROMISE TO GO AFTER COUNTY FAIR PROGRAM will three features: A n are out our park have ALBUQUERQUE TO WIN ALL Ye closing the bread, lecture on the and stock of tents of this seaso but lighter are parables WAY redeem- THE SHOWING PRICES OUT cakes, biscuits, etc, baked miracles of Jesus; a talk by a ed runkard, and a talk by a Christian from Pure Quill flour. Try So as can be seea at this time Jew. far I a sack of it ad see bow it is all over but the shout after the INTERESTING SCHEDULE OF THE All at For ball tomorrow at Amusement COMING EVENT WELCOMED your reputation as a baker The remains of Mrs. R. P. Hesser game The Maroons have been BY ALL mm will soar. Pur Quill flour were disinterred at the State Hos- park. putting la licks all week and to look at Cash for the Insane yester- good cost f0, costs more than other pital cemetery ;v do the Is like a sail day and were buried iu Mb, Calvary aggregation seeing The program for the San Maguel high class flours but Is worth at sea when there is left to cemetery by 'the Las Vegas Undertak- nothing saunty agricultural fair is Been in more as no other Is fully eat but the ( ing company. dog. town today for the first time, and giv to Order sack equal It The diamond has been put In excel- ing as it does a foretaste of the com NOTE THESE PRICES Photoplay theater tonight only An- lent shape and tomorrow morning the ing event, which will be held in the $12.50 10x12 Tents $8.30 $10.00 8x10 Tents $7.00 other famous Sonny Jim picture, drag will be run over it again, and by early part of October, is partijularly "Fraid Cat." This wonderful little ac- special request the weather man has welcome. The schedule of events Is And So On. 15he Mills tor old and and promised to be good. and the prizes Las Vegas Roller pleases young alike, immensely Interesting, J. & SON. in this picture he is at his best Adv. This bunch from Albuquerque is no are worth going after by everybody C JOHNSEN easy pickings, at that They bring who is eligible. "Complete Furnishers of the Home." The Ladies league of the First Pres- a string of wins with them that will Te book, merely as a publication byterian church will hold its regular make it some hard for the boys from is a decidedly creditable affair and Jefferson Reynolds, President meeting on Monday afternoon at 2:30 home to cop the prize, but that only reflects credit on its business getter

E. D. Vice President. S. B. Davis, Vice President M. vic-tcr- Reynolds, o'clock at the home of Mrs. W. lends zest to the encounter, and y and promoter, Leslie Swallw, whose Cashier. Hallet Reynolds, Cashier. H. Erie Hoke, Assistant Jackson, 922 Douglas avenue, instead Is never in doubt. indefatigable efforts to make it a sup-- of on afternoon. cess are crowned with hl3 Tuesday Following is the probable lineup of worthily the Maroons: achievement. Pickford in "All on Account Mary Larrazolo, c; Clark p; Ettinger lb; TIRES AI10 TUBES of the Milk." This is a bright, spark- Angel 2b; Davy 3b; Montano ss; Ma- and all who love this ling comedy, son cf; Hite lf; Seelinger rf; Nieto, REINCARNATION OF dear little actress should not fail to Salazar and White. sec her. This is an old Biograph pro- FIRST NATIONAL BANfi duction, but a brilliant film. Photo- RAILROAD PROJECT ' theater tonight only. Adv, . For the best on the market today see us. OF LAS VEGAS, N. M. play' WHITE PLAGUE DEATHS ALTUS, ROSWELL AND EL PASO Miller Non-Ski- n or Michelin At a of the E. Romero Hose plain thread. tubes meeting MAY UNDERGO Capital, $100,000; Surplus and Undivided Profits, $25,000. and Fire company last night a com- GREAT AMONG MINERS and tires and Fiske tires and need- mittee was authorized to go out Into everything the and a fire team. country purchase Santa Fe, Aug. 8. Indications that ed for the auto. of we 7 also donated their STATISTICS SHOW AS HIGH AS 79 J In every department Banking ho department the Altus, Roswell and El Paso, rail- c'.ub rooms for use of the Greater PER CENT OF ANNUAL a. re prepared to give the best ot service the road project has been 'revived are to Las will set aside one Vegas band and MORTALITY be found in the fact that the principal ALL WORK DONE AT OUR SHOP each week for the of night meeting Incorporator today wrote the Btate cor- this 8. GUARANTEED FOR ITS PERFECTNESS organization. Butte, Mont., Aug. Of the total poration commission asking how to re- deaths from tuberculosis occurring in vive ,the charter which had been Miss Lulu E. Stollman of the Iowa interest Paid on Time Deposits this country in the last seven years, at In 1909 but suspended In 1911. State Teachers' has been elect- college least from 42 to 79 per cent annually The Incorporation was for 90 miles Las Automobile ed head of the domestic science de have been among miners, the federal of road in New Mexico with Roswell The Vegas of New Mexico Normal partment the industrial relations commission was as the terminus for the present, while to take the of Miss University place told today by Max McKusker, a special Altus, Oklahoma, was to be the starting and Machine Shop Miss to Anne George. Kate Penn was board 0 investigator for the McKusker point The capitalization was $1,500,-00- At Hie Home of the Best of Eatable have taken the but she re- Everything position declared that he believed statistics of which $10,589.95 had ben paid ceived a offer in Oklahoma. better would prove the prevalence of tuber- into the hands of Treasurer Robert Miss Stollman Is a of the graduate culosis among miners was greater than Kellahin. The incorporators and direc Kansas and has agricultural college a his esttimate figures showed. Phys!-c'an- s tors were: Edward and William V, as a teacher. CHASE & SANBORN'S good reputation friendly to afflicted miners who Kennedy of Houston, Texas, 42,950 carry insurance prohibiting payment shares each; Albert Kellahin, G. A. MEN'S MASS MEETING on death from tuberculosis frequently Richardson, Edgar L. Bedell and Geo TEAS and COFFEES There will be a men's mass meeting cases - I diagnose tuberculosis as pneu- T. Veal of Roswell, 1,000 shares each M. C. A. at the Y. SunJay afternoon iiiuuia ne Mr. A. 100 aeciarea. aicKusser and James Graham of Roswell, ; ii. We are Sole 3 o'clock,-addresse- Agents. at by Dr. E. G. ascribed the prevalence of tuberculosis shares. .jr. . who Smith, is by profession a physi- among miners to the minute particles a cian, by practice drunkard, and by of ore lodging in their lungs, poor air HOLLANDERS RECALLED Saved Using Grace a He by GRAM & HAYWARD CO. STORE missionary. will be as in the mines, unsanitary housing con G. H. Ten Brock, consul for the THE sisted Mr. Charles by Baron. The ditions, and intemperance. Netherlands, with offices at 717 Lo is for men meetoing only. Tubercular death statistics compiled cust street, St. Louis, has received in dv ur. i nomas Tuttie, wno nas charge structions to notify all Hollanders In HOTEL ROMAINE of the local state his who are members of KANSAS CITY LIVE STOCK Oats climbed on account of Cana tuberculosis sanita jurisdiction ium re-- oats, Sunday Table D'Hote dinner were lower than those submit Tne Duth army and navy, to report to mil Kansas' City, Aug. 8. Hogs, dian prohibition of the export of nwi SOUP ted by Mr. McKusker. He said he had him at once. Consul Ten Brock has SELF RISING FLOUR ceipts EOO. Market higher. Offerings were very light and prices up discarded all cases , where there was been authorized to promise full par Cattle, receipts 400. Market steady. more than 1V& cents. Vegetable the least doubt of tuberculosis hav don - to all deserters from the army no receipts Market steady. Active buying characterized provi RELISH Sheep, been cause of or His covers Mis sions. Higher prices for hogs was ing the direct death. navy. jurisdiction Rlpes Olives souri, Arkansas, Colorado, Iowa, aKn- - CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE the immediate reason. The closing Fresh Tomato Salad WANTED Cseao cotton rags sas, Kentucky, New Mexico, Oklaho Endorsed America's Finest Cooks 8. unsettled quotations were as follows: by Chicago, Aug. After an ntr1e office ma, Tennessee and Utah. Wheat Sept. Dec. $1. Mayonnaise Dressing start the wheat market today made a 94; Corn, Sept 78 Dec. 71. MEATS ASK FOR IT decided advance, Influenced by Winni- ' SUICIDES FROM ANXIETY SOLD BY YOUR GROCER - Oats, Sept. Dec 41. Roast Prime Ribs of Beef, Au Jus - peg dispatches that beyond question 41; London, Aug.- 9. Mrs. James T. Pork, Sept. $22.31. th British government had wheat Fried Spring Chicken, Cream Gravy Macey of Denver, committed suicide Lard, Sept $9.98; Oct. $10.10. there. Opening prices which ranged VEGETABLES today as a result of a nervous break- . Ribs. Sept. $12.70; Oct $12.62. LET US from lower to 1 cent higher were Mashed Potatoes Fresh Green Peas down caused by the privations she an all around. Summer Squash a la Spanish had since she was ordered followed by upturn AUTO BARGAIN undergone N In some cases 1 cent above DESSERT out of her sick bed at Antwerp on reaching For sale, 1913 model six cylinder Rumors that as a war Hot Apple Pie a la Mode Monday. She arrived In London seri- WiU Get last night Chalmers. Practically new; bargain Clean An Want Ad Canada would remove the im Ice Cream and Cake ously ill. she left her mother and Optic measure for quick sale. Inquire Wm. Whalen, to a e. DRINKS or child In Germanyi, port duty on wheat lea rartner Las Auto and Machine Co. Dye was at a Vegas Coffee Tea Milk Ice Tea The close strong Adr. 12:30 to 2.00 m. 50 GOVERNOR What You Want caln of 2 to 2 cents net p. Cents yourold NAMED 8. Charles S. Corn bulged from the outset The Garments. Washington, Aug. A Hint to Wise Is Hamlin of Boston been market opened cent off to lYa cents TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY the Sufficient has selected When CAN PLEASE YOU for of the federal reserve and then Jumped quickly, gain- constipated take Chamber M governor When You Want It higher Chi- 2 before reac FOR SALE One black saddle mare, lain's Tablets. They are easy to take board, and Frederic A. Delano of ing as much as any nerv- Willie Goke, and most In effect For Las cago has been selected as vice t!on took place. The close was also good for driving. agreeable Vegas Steam Laundry 905 avenue. sale all dealers. Adv. . ous 2 to 27 net higher. National by 1