138 CS13 Abstracts IP1 the most striking examples of a successful integrative multi- Control and Optimization of Subsurface Flow scale modeling approach applied to a living system directly relevant to human disease. This presentation showcases Controlling the flow of fluids (e.g. water, oil, natural gas specific examples of the state-of-the-art in cardiac integra- or CO2) in subsurface porous media is a technical pro- tive modeling, including 1) improving ventricular ablation cess with many mathematical challenges. The underlying procedure by using MRI reconstructed heart geometry and physics can be described with coupled nearly-elliptic and structure to investigate the reentrant circuits formed in the nearly-hyperbolic nonlinear partial differential equations, presence of an infarct scar; 2) developing a new out-of- which require the aid of large-scale numerical simulation. the box high-frequency defibrillation methodology; 3) un- The strongly heterogeneous nature of subsurface rock leads derstanding the contributions of non-myocytes to cardiac to strong spatial variations in the coefficients. Moreover, function and dysfunction, and others. the limited accessibility of the underground leads to very large uncertainties in those coefficients and severely lim- Natalia A. Trayanova its the amount of control over the dynamic variables. In John Hopkins University this talk I will address related system-theoretical aspects, Institute for Computational Medicine reduced-order modeling techniques, and adjoint-based op-
[email protected] timization methods. Jan Dirk Jansen IP5 TU Delft, The Netherlands Quantum Mechanics Without Wavefunctions ’
[email protected]’ In principle, predictions of the electronic structure of atoms, molecules, and materials requires solving the many- IP2 body Schrdinger wave equation (SWE), whose eigenvalues Analyzing and Generating BIG Networks and eigenfunctions delineate the distribution of electrons in energy and space, respectively.