AND TALYBONT PONY CLUB SUMMER CAMP Wednesday 2nd August to Sunday 6th August 2017


Dear all We welcome you all to join us again at our summer camp where we have a varied programme of instruction, demonstrations and competitions including this year a visit and talk by the police on rural safety! There will also be time to relax and catch up with friends. Our camp is not residential except for the ponies where a field will be available to turn them out at night as long as they do not have hind shoes on.

All members wishing to attend camp must send the camp booking form and health form correctly completed and signed by a parent or guardian, together with a cheque for the full amount of £155.00 per Brecon &Talybont member or £180.00 for visiting members. For larger families, the third & subsequent members of the same family will be charged at half price. We will take bookings on a first come, first served basis until camp is full. If you are not attending camp with your child, please ensure you designate a responsible adult who will be looking after them between instruction/activities.

Please reserve your children’s place as soon as possible to Joanne Nixon by Email: [email protected] or text: 07891064831 Your completed forms and full payment must reach Joanne NO LATER than Monday 17th July, 2017.

Our daily programme starts at 9.00am. and finishes at 5.00pm. Members must be ready to ride at 10am but please do not arrive before 9.00am. to catch ponies. All ponies should be:  in good condition  wormed at least two weeks before camp,  no pony under 4 years old or unsound will be allowed to take part  Ponies should be newly shod or trimmed  those staying at night must not have hind shoes (there will be no blacksmith at camp)

We will be having end of camp BBQ on Sunday 6th August at 12:30pm to which all parents, members and friends are very welcome. There will be a quality burger or hot dog with salad, soft drinks and an ice cream for £5.00 per head. Payment for this will be taken on the day. Please indicate how many will be attending on the booking form in order for preparation to be accurate.

The BBQ will be followed by the usual competitions and camp prizegiving.

BOOKING FORM BRECON & TALYBONT HUNT SUMMER CAMP 2017 (Please return to arrive with FULL PAYMENT no later than Monday 17th July 2017) *** PLEASE TAKE TIME TO COMPLETE ALL AREAS OF THIS FORM ***

I/We wish to attend Pony Club Camp and agree to abide by the regulations.


1.……………………………………...... Age ......

2…………………………………...... Age ......

3……………………………………...... Age ......


1………………………………………...... Age...... Height......

2 ………………………………………...... Age...... Height......

3………………………………………...... Age...... Height......


Name of Parent/ Guardian …………………………………………………………………………….....

Address: ……………………………………………………………………………......

Email: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

Tel: Mobile:……………………………………………………………………………………………………….

Name of responsible adult (where applicable) ......

Contact no. for responsible adult ......

Signature of Parent / Guardian: ......

WE WILL/WE WILL NOT be leaving our ponies at camp overnight @ £5 per pony for the week

VISITING MEMBERS ONLY - Please complete details of your branch DC

Name: …………………………………………………………………………………………………….

Address: ………………………………………………………………………………………………..

Email:……………………………………………………………… Tel: …………………………………………………

PHOTOGRAPHY CONSENT I DO/I DO NOT wish to allow my child to be photographed during pony club camp.

PARENTS - REALLY IMPORTANT! As always we really appreciate your help during camp week as equipment needs setting up/moving, jumps, pony lines etc. and for support with refreshments and supervision all of which makes our camp so enjoyable for the children. PLEASE CIRCLE BELOW WHEN YOU ARE ABLE TO HELP

1. CAMP SET UP on Tuesday 1st August at Trefeinon YES / NO (time will to be confirmed) If you are unable to help we request a contribution of £20 as payment in lieu of help.

2. Help with drinks and other duties Wednesday AM LUNCH PM Thursday AM LUNCH PM Friday AM LUNCH PM Saturday AM LUNCH PM Sunday AM BBQ All hands on deck!

3. BBQ - WE WILL/WILL NOT be attending the barbecue on the Sunday @ £5.00 each (pay on the day). Please indicate how many will be coming to the barbecue? HOW MANY ………………


No. of Members @ £155 / £180 (visitors) TOTAL (3rd or more family members at reduced rate of £78 pp)

No. of Ponies turnout @ £5 per week TOTAL

I can help set up on 1st August / If unable to help, I have added an additional £20 to my camp payment. TOTAL


Payment method: CHEQUE ON-LINE

Cheques - payable to Brecon and Talybont Pony Club Online/ BACS payment - SORT CODE 51-81-27 ACCOUNT NO 02117886 Account name - Brecon & Talybont Hunt Branch Pony Club When paying online please reference your payment 'PC Camp' along with the members name


Joanne Nixon, Gellynen, Cwmbach Llechrhyd,, Powys, LD2 3RP

To arrive no later than Monday 17th July 2017.

Important Notice From Pony Club HQ – please ensure a complete health form is sent in as your child will NOT be allowed to participate if the form is not on site and complete. Also a REMINDER that your hat has been re tagged and that your hat and body protector conform to current regulations. BRECON & TALYBONT HUNT SUMMER CAMP 2017 INFORMATION


1. From (roundabout next to the Rugby Club) take the Llangorse Road B4560 through Trefecca and after approximately two miles Trefeinon is signposted on your left.

2. From A40 follow the B4560 towards Llangorse. Continue on the B4560 through Llangorse and after approx. 1 . miles Trefeinon is signposted to your right.

3. From Brecon take the A40 signposted to Abergavenny. Take the first turning on the left onto the B4558 signposted to Llanfihangel Talyllyn and . At the end of the slip road turn right onto the B4558. Take the first turning right to Llanfihangel Talyllyn and Llangorse. Continue through Llanfihangel Talyllyn to Llangorse. At Llangorse turn left onto the B4560 towards Talgarth. After approx. 1 . miles Trefeinon is signposted on your right.

DAILY TIMETABLE 09.00-09.45 Arrive, catch and groom ponies - tack up 09.30 First day only, everyone to meet, unmounted, for camp welcome with DC's (Ceri and Antonia) 10.00 Mount up in rides for tack and turnout inspection with instructors 10.00-12.30 Instruction (mounted and/or unmounted)* 12.30 – 14:00 Lunch time and tuck shop 14:00- 16:00 Instruction (mounted and/or unmounted)* 16.15 Untack, water and turn out ponies. 16:30 - 17:00 Tack cleaning before going home.

*Your instructor will let you know which sessions are mounted or unmounted.

EQUIPMENT FOR PONY Bridle and Saddle complete with a clean girth, stirrups and leathers all in sound condition, Neckstrap if needed Strong leather or nylon headcollar and lead rope (not rope halter). Complete grooming kit and tail bandage. Buckets, Haynet, Hay and Feed (see parents notes) Water / water container Set of tack cleaning equipment in a marked box. Waterproof rug (to put over saddled pony if it rains between rides). EQUIPMENT FOR MEMBER Hard hat tagged with the new tags (please ensure you have your hats re-tagged and the Pony Club hat regulations can be found on the Pony Club website) Riding jacket (optional) & PC badge, jodphurs, collared white shirt and Pony Club Tie for tack and turnout inspections and then children can change into navy pony club shirts / jumpers for riding. Pony Club navy sweatshirt or tetrathlon sweatshirt, jodphurs, jodphur boots and matching chaps (optional),Gloves, hairnet (girls), whip, body protector (please see current regulations on the pony club website) NO JEWELLERY TO BE WORN AT CAMP

A change of clothes – just in case it does rain and to keep clean whilst grooming Wet weather clothing including wellington boots, coat and waterproof trousers Packed lunch


1. All children under 8 years of age must have an adult responsible for them on site at all times. All children need to have a designated responsible adult if parents/guardian are not able to attend camp - please complete on booking form.

2. For Safety Purposes it is important that you inform the Organiser or Duty Committee Member if for any reason your child will be absent from camp. Please also speak to them if you have any queries or concerns about camp.

3. Hay is NOT provided. Members whose ponies need hay or hard feed must bring their own, and a feed bucket. Your trailer will be used as a base for your pony and kit. Please make sure you have adequate string to tie up your pony to. Ponies should be tied so that they cannot eat grass. Please 'poop scoop' from around your trailer to ensure the ground is left clean.

4. Your child will need a packed lunch each day (except on the day of the barbecue). This can be eaten in one of the large tents on the field.

5. Every family should take a turn at supervising lunch and with morning and afternoon refreshments each day so please look at Rota on caravan window to find your duty time. Please complete your availability on the booking form.

6. Ponies and riders will be inspected daily for cleanliness and turnout. Before camp ponies manes and tails should be washed and ponies cleaned to help your children gain turnout points.

7. Body protectors are obligatory for all Pony Club cross-country including rallies and camp. They are not compulsory for show jumping but advisable. We will have cross-country schooling at camp this year. If you have any queries about this please speak with one of the instructors who will be happy to advise.

8. Horses/ ponies with no hind shoes can be booked for overnight turnout - any horse/pony at camp with hind shoes on will have to go home at night.

9. Please go to the caravan window on the first day of camp to check your child’s rides and instructor and also your refreshment duty.