Geschichte : Geschichte Asiens

Itoh, M. The Hatoyama Dynasty Japanese Political Leadership Through the Generations

This is a multi-generational of the Hatoyamas, a family that has participated at the highest levels of 's parliamentary from its inception in the late 1800s. The Hatoyama family is one of the most prominent political families in modern Japanese government. It has produced six members of the Diet, Japan's parliament, many of whom have served as cabinet members and party leaders. Due to the family's political legacy, they have often been likened to the Kennedy family in American (though they have been spared the tragedy and scandal visited upon the Kennedys). Despite the significance of the Hatoyamas to modern Japanese politics, this is the first comprehensive study available in English. In tracing the rising political fortunes of this family, it is also possible to study the role of hereditary in Japan, the growth and evolution of Japanese political parties, and, perhaps most importantly, the way political leadership functions in Japan, a society known more for consensus-building than strong leaders. Palgrave Macmillan 2003, XXIII, 286 p. 1. Bestellen Sie online unter Auflage Springer Nature Customer Service Center GmbH Customer Service Tiergartenstrasse 15-17 69121 Heidelberg Gedrucktes Buch Germany Hardcover T: +49 (0)6221 345-4301 Gedrucktes Buch [email protected] Hardcover ISBN 978-1-4039-6331-4 £ 74,00 | CHF 100,50 | 84,99 € | 93,49 € (A) | 90,94 € (D) lieferbar Rabattgruppe Palgrave Monograph (P6) Produktkategorie Monographie Other renditions Softcover ISBN 978-1-349-52741-0 Softcover ISBN 978-1-349-52740-3

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