1. Unemployment in RSA

2. Causes of unemployment

3. The future of the unemployed

4. Solutions for the unemployed

5. Conclusions

6. Acknowledgements UNEMPLOYMENT

▪ Labour force: Viable individuals aged between 15 -64

▪ Structural unemployment: Long term unemployment as a result of a country being unable to absorb all those eligible into the labour force

▪ Cyclical unemployment: Demand-deficient unemployment. Occurs during a recession phase of the business cycle

▪ Frictional unemployment: Temporary unemployment which exists due to people being in the process of moving from one job to another.

▪ Household Work: Caring of children, elders, managing a household UNEMPLOYMENT STATISTICS

Unemployment rates (RSA) according to gender from 2008 – 2017 (StatsSA) Unemployment rates in RSA according to labour force participation 2008 to 2017 Individuals not in , or training (NEET) for aged 15-24 in RSA according to race and gender from 2008 to 2017 (StatsSA) Unemployment rates in RSA according to level of education from 2008 to 2017 (StatsSA)


▪ Bi-directional causality - Poverty trap and apartheid legacy ▪ Lack of skills and education – Poor basic education and training ▪ Ineffective looking ▪ Poses a threat to the dignity of people ( lack of education, lack of sanitation, high affinity to crime) ▪ Lack of purpose: “Work is an essential part of God’s original purpose for human life at creation.” Cloete, 2015 SKILLS AND TRAINING ▪ Learners are illiterate in English and Maths when they leave Grade 12 ▪ Teacher effectiveness ▪ Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET)

▪ South Africans have been studying, why is the UR increasing? ▪ Qualifications obtained are of little use in the workplace

▪ SA can no longer create jobs for the skilled workforce we wish we had instead must create the jobs for low- skilled and low wage jobs (CDE)

▪ Expand the pool of skills available to the South African economy ▪ a solid foundation of knowledge and skills ▪ recruiting skilled people from abroad -Australia 4TH INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION

▪ Artificial intelligence, advanced robotics, autonomous and near autonomous vehicles and 3-D printing

▪ Sustainable development Increase in Economic Profitable business models – higher efficiency & quality Decrease environmental impact (Virtual communication, less GHG emission and less waste production )

▪ Technical unemployment ▪ Slowly making skilled workers absolete ▪ Creative destruction ▪ Old jobs will be lost and new jobs will be created ▪ Disruption ▪ Automation of certain industries


▪ Viable individuals that aren’t in training, education or employed (NEET) ▪ No access to the economy ▪ Unstable income and employment ▪ Vulnurability ▪ Scams, debt and undignified work ▪ Mental illness (Anxiety) ▪ Suicide & nihilism

▪ Who is in this class? Artistic people and the “free spirited” Not permanently employed Migrants Fresh graduates Convicts THE PRECARIAT- IN SOUTH AFRICA? ▪ Lack of access to the seven forms of labour related security ▪ Labour Market ▪ Employment security ▪ Job security ▪ Work security ▪ Representative security ▪ Skill production security ▪ Income security

▪ Demonstrations 946 323 working days lost as a result of 122 strikes in 2016 - Industrial Action report WAITHOOD

▪ Prolonged period of suspension between childhood and adulthood ▪ Recent protest movements, led by young people, stem directly from the economic and social pressures they suffer, and from their pervasive political marginalisation ▪ These social movements have been able to overthrow regimes, systemic transformation takes time and requires more than a mere change in leadership Introduction of a Basic Income Grant Advancement of SMMEs Public and civil service BASIC INCOME GRANT ▪ Basic income stipend without a condition or a means test as opposed to the current system ▪ Positive Impacts: ▪ Children: Education ( increase in attendance and in affordability and the child will not have to work to boost household income) -Brazilian bolsa escola schemes

▪ Women: Afford to go look for work, Community work and voluntary work and informal petty farming -Brazilian bolsa escola schemes

▪ Economy: Increase as more people are participating in it

▪ Social Impacts: Increase in dignity, nutrition and encouragement Increase in morale and innovation BASIC INCOME in South Africa?

▪ Cost Impacts and affordability

▪ Inflamattory – means test (not everyone)

▪ Induce unproductivity

▪ Lowering of wages

COSATU: BIG should be included in the country’s comprehensive social security plan, which is currently been drawn up by government. –Nov ‘17

Public Service: Individuals entering public and civil service for a stipend SMALL, MEDIUM AND MICRO ENTERPRISES ▪ Needed for the economy: - 66% of the gross domestic product (Global entrepreneurship monitor 2016/2017)

▪ Job creation & alleviate poverty - Innovation and creativity

▪ Independence: “Informal business owners created work with benefits beyond income” Roncolato1 and Willoughby, 2017 WHY DO SMMES FAIL?

▪ 75% of SMMEs fail in the first 42 months

▪ SMMEs have support from National Empowerment Fund (NEP) Small Enterprise Development Agency (SEDA) National Small Business Advisory Council

▪ Failure because of economic unsustainability ▪ Finances ▪ Location & Network ▪ Management


▪ SMMEs are feted to be the future of business, representing 40 percent of all business in SA; it has been forecast by the National Development Plan that by 2030, 90 percent of all new jobs will be in SMMEs. ▪ Projected unemployment rate will be 28.6% by 2022 ▪ Industry 4.0 will cause a change in unemployment – many jobs will be made redundant but the human is required ▪ A BIG with condition would assist the unemployed and curb further protests


▪ Thank you to the center for development and enterprise and the Institute of Futures Research for their contributions towards this research topic