Vol 9. No 1. January 2021 Uterine Fibroid in Breast 59

Case Report

Uterine Fibroid in Breast Cancer Patients receiving Tamoxifen Therapy

Mioma Uteri pada Penderita Kanker Payudara dengan Terapi Tamoksifen

Rismawati, Fahriatni, Hasanuddin

Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology Faculty of Medicine Universitas Syiah Kuala Dr. Zainoel Abidin General Hospital Banda Aceh

Abstract Abstrak Objective: Selective receptor modulators (SERMs) Tujuan: Selektif estrogen reseptor modulator (SERMs) such as tamoxifen play a role in increasing the risk of seperti tamoksifen berperan dalam meningkatkan risiko developing uterine Fibroid. mengembangkan mioma uteri. Methods: Case report. Metode: Laporan Kasus. Case: Mrs. 47 years old, Para 6, presented with chief Kasus: Ny 47 tahun Para 6, datang dengan keluhan complaints of since a year ago. The patient perdarahan dari jalan lahir yang dirasakan ibu selama 1 was diagnosed with breast carcinoma 4 years ago and has tahun ini, pasien telah menderita kanker payudara 4 tahun had a right mastectomy followed by 6 cycles of chemotherapy yang lalu dan telah dilakukan mastektomi mammae dextra which is then continued with tamoxifen treatment for 4 dilanjutkan kemoterapi 6 siklus kemudian dilanjutkan dengan years, USG examination revealed uterine to which we pengobatan tamoksifen selama 4 tahun ini, dari pemeriksaan performed bilateral salphingoophorectomy , USG didapatkan adanya mioma uteri kemudian dilanjutkan with anatomic pathology results of a uterine Fibroid and dengan tindakan histerektomi salphingooforektomi chronic endometritis. bilateral, dengan hasil patologi anatomi suatu mioma uteri dan endometritis kronis. Conclusions: Selective estrogen receptor modulators (SERMs) such as tamoxifen exhibit antagonistic reactions Kesimpulan: Selektif estrogen reseptor modulator (SERMs) in breast tissue which makes it appropriate to be used in seperti tamoksifen merupakan reaksi antagonis reseptor es- the treatment of breast cancer. However, they can also be trogen pada jaringan payudara yang digunakan dalam pen- potentially agonistic on estrogen receptors in the , gobatan kanker payudara, tetapi dapat berpotensi agonis which can cause the growth of uterine Fibroid. Nevertheless, pada reseptor estrogen pada uterus sehingga dapat me- the benefi ts of adjuvant tamoxifen for breast cancer nyebabkan pertumbuhan mioma uteri. Tetapi penggunaan outweighs its potential for developing uterine Fibroid and tamoksifen ajuvan untuk kanker payudara lebih bermanfaat endometrial carcinoma, because metastatic breast cancer dibandingkan dengan potensinya untuk mengembangkan will always be fatal, whereas uterine myoma and endometrial mioma uteri dan karsinoma endometrium, karena kanker cancer caused by the effects of tamoxifen can be prevented payudara metastatik akan selalu berakibat fatal, sedangkan by regular evaluation and total hysterectomy. mioma uteri dan kanker endometrium yang ditimbulkan oleh efek tamoksifen dapat dicegah dengan evaluasi teratur Keywords: breast cancer,tamoxifen, uterine fi broid. dan dilakukan tindakan total histerektom. Kata kunci: kanker payudara, mioma uteri, tamoksifen.

Correspondence author. Rismawati. [email protected]

Received: December 31,2019. Accepted: October 26, 2020. Published: January,2021 Indones J 60 Rismawati, Fahriatni and Hasanuddin Obstet Gynecol INTRODUCTION Upon further investigation, it was discovered that tamoxifen is associated with the development of Uterine fi broid occurs in 20-25% of women . Tamoxifen has a complex of reproductive age.1 According to a study mechanism of action including anti-estrogenic conducted in the , the incidence of activity in the breast and estrogenic effect on uterine Fibroid cases occurring in Caucasians is other tissues, including endometrium.9 8.9 / 1000 wheras the incidence of people of color Tamoxifen is a fi rst generation breast is 30.9 / 1000. The prevalence of uterine Fibroid cancer drug, developed in the 1970s, and is increases with age, peaking in women in their currently designed for the treatment of breast 40s. A study found that 77% of cases requiring cancer. Tamoxifen acts as an estrogen receptor hysterectomy revealed uterine Fibroids.2 antagonist in breast tissue, but in bone and Breast cancer accounts for 30% of all uterine tissue Tamoxifen acts as an estrogen in women and causes about 20% of all cancer receptor agonist, so as to maintain bone mineral deaths, second only to lung cancer. Since the density in postmenopausal women. Therefore beginning of its incident in the 1980s, cases of tamoxifen is also considered for the treatment of breast cancer has increased 3% per year in the .10 Tamoxifen can act as an agonist western world, and it is estimated that cancer will for uterine endometrial hyperplasia and polyp overtake cardiovascular as the leading production, thus possibly increasing the risk of cause of death in the early twenty-fi rst century. endometrial cancer.3 Tamoxifen is the endocrine treatment of choice Tamoxifen has a complex mechanism of action for selected patients with all stages of breast including anti-estrogenic activity in the breast and cancer.3 Tamoxifen has been known to reduce estrogenic effects on other tissues, including the the incidence of contralateral cancer by 40%.4 endometrium.9 Women taking tamoxifen must be It is estimated that 2 out of 1000 women informed of the risk of endometrial proliferation, / year develop endometrial carcinoma while endometrial hyperplasia, endometrial cancer, and receiving tamoxifen therapy, compared with 1 , and any effects caused during in 1000 women reported by SEER in the general tamoxifen therapy such as abnormal vaginal population. For breast cancer patients who bleeding, vaginal discharge. An encounter with already have a high risk for endometrial cancer, any of the mentioned symptoms warrant an the added risk of long-term tamoxifen therapy is immediate full examination. Postmenopausal miniscule compared to its known benefi ts.5 women taking tamoxifen should be monitored for The factors causing uterine Fibroid are symptoms of endometrial hyperplasia or cancer, unknown, but there are 2 theories. Stimulation premenopausal women treated with tamoxifen theory argues that estrogen is an etiological who are not at risk for do not factor, this is further supported by the following need additional monitoring outside of routine facts : Uterine Fibroid grows faster during gynecological care, unless the patient has been ,this has never ovured before identifi ed as having a high risk of endometrial menarche, uterine Fibroid usually atrophies after cancer. Routine endometrial surveillance has , endometrial hyperplasia is found not been proven effective in increasing early with uterine myoma. Cellnest Theory states that detection of endometrial cancer in women using the occurrence of uterine Fibroids depends on tamoxifen and is not recommended. If atypical immature muscle cells contained in the Nest cell endometrial hyperplasia develops, appropriate which can then be stimulated continuously by gynecological management must be performed, estrogen.6,7 and the use of tamoxifen must be reassessed.11 Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulators Before conducting tamoxifen therapy, (SERMs) such as tamoxifen are nonsteroidal initial gynecologic screening should be done, that act as antiestrogens in breast these include transvaginal ultrasonography, tissue.8 They were fi rst approved by the US Food sonohysterography and to assess and Drug Administration for the treatment of endometrial conditions. The level of endometrial breast cancer in 1978 and until now, tamoxifen is cancer risk in women treated with tamoxifen used among women of all ages for the treatment depends on dose and time. Studies show that at of all stages of breast cancer. Tamoxifen reduces an early stage, the degree of histology and biology the risk of subsequent contralateral breast cancer of tumors that develop in individuals treated and also its recurrence and risk of mortality. with tamoxifen 20 mg / day are no different from Vol 9. No 1. January 2021 Uterine Fibroid in Breast Cancer 61 those that appear in the general population. bleeding was found in the form of spotting and Some reports have indicated that women who the patient has been menopausal since 4 years are treated with tamoxifen doses higher than 40 ago. The patient was diagnosed with breast mg / day are more likely to develop tumors that carcinoma 4 years ago and right mastectomy are more biologically aggressive. has been performed, followed by 6 cycles of Women who take tamoxifen must be chemotherapy which is then continued with informed of the potential for endometrial tamoxifen treatment for 4 years. Results of a proliferation, endometrial hyperplasia, dometrial physical examination revealed a BMI of 31.25 cancer, and uterine sarcoma, they must be (class 1 ). Our patient also suffered educated to immediately report abnormal from since undergoing tamoxifen symptoms such as vaginal bleeding, spotting, therapy with a dose of 20 mg twice a day and or leukorrhea. The ability of tamoxifen to routinely consumes 10 mg of amlodipin to treat induce endometrial and other this hypertension. Gynecological examination histopathological conditions seems to differ found normal inspection of urethra and vulva, In between premenopausal and postmenopausal examinations with speculum, portio was slippery, women. external uterine ostium was closed, fl uor albus Women with endometrial lesions such as was negative, fl uxus was positive. Upon bimanual polyps diagnosed before tamoxifen treatment examination, we found a slippery portio, closed have a higher risk of developing atypical uterine externum, uterine cavities enlarged as big endometrial lesions. Therefore, these patients as a swan’s egg, closed uterine ostium, negative require annual gynecological examinations such fl uor albus and positive fl ux. tranvaginal and even hysteroscopy. There was no mass felt in both adnexas and These examinations must be carried out even parametrium was limp. Laboratory examination when patients present without symptoms. results reveal Hb: 13.4 gr / d, Ca 125: 16.28 U / mL, Hysterectomy can be considered in women with CEA: 1.64 U / mL, GDS: 148 gr / dl. From ultrasound atypical endometrial hyperplasia. Tamoxifen can examination, we found an enlarged uterus with be used again after hysterectomy in endometrial size 13x12x11 cm, and a hyperechoic mass 5x4x3 carcinoma, this requires a consult with a doctor cm in size was seen in the with a who has experience treating breast cancer. clear boundary. In the Doppler picture was an appearance of feeding arteries which is suggestive CASE of uterine myoma. We then proceeded with bilateral salphingoophorectomy hysterectomy A 47-year-old female, Para 6, presented with then the results of PA revealed a uterine Fibroid chief complaints of vaginal since a year ago, and chronic endometritis.

Figure 1. Uterine Fibroid in a patient receiving Tamoxifen Indones J 62 Rismawati, Fahriatni and Hasanuddin Obstet Gynecol DISCUSSION REFERENCES

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Uterine fi broid can occur due to estrogen stimulation caused by the use of tamoxifen which is an estrogen receptor agonist in uterine and endometrial tissue. Nevertheless, Tamoxifen treatment is urgently needed in these patients to prevent contralateral metastases. For this patient, it was decided to perform HTSOB to remove uterine myomas and to prevent endometrial cancer and to also increase the effectiveness of tamoxifen therapy.