The Daily Chronicle, Tuesday, July 13, 1954 Plywooders Are Humbled Babe Ruth Leagues' All Stars to Play on By Fort Lewis Warriors Thursday in Chehalis and Gladd; Bowman, Main (8) Army Squad and Bragan. Teams had been selected Tues. Tony Freitas Los Anseles 000 101 000—2 7 3 day for the Thursday evening Babe Sari Diego 302 100 OOX—6 8 0 Runs Wild in luth leagues' all-star game in Che- TV.I11.-. Church, Lown i3), Gumpert (4) halis, starting at 8:15 o'clock on Ullllg Simpson i?i and Pramesa; Thorn- Millett field. j Has Good Bow In the nine- benefit game,1 A f ason. Chambers (7), Lyons (9) and r :Sandlock. ji Shakespeare had a title for Mon- ippnsored by the Exchange clubs of *-*' San Francisco— 'day night's Twin City Plywood-Fort he Twin Cities, the Babe Ruth stars VANCOUVER, B.C. 1/m- Laurie 000 000 000 0—0 4 0 Lewis grime when he rom Chehalis will be meetlngHhose Niemi, a sturdy 250-pound tackle Sacs rom Centralia. Tickets for the game By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS j Sacramento 0000000001-1 5 j wrote a little play called a "Come- who formerly played with the dy of Errors," except the contest re on sale at Saunder's cigar stand Washington Redskins, put in a sur- • The Sacramento Solons have was not funny for the Plywooders, .nd the St. Helens hotel in Chehilis, prise appearance Monday night as made a winning start undor their more on the tragic side as the ,nd at the Burger Bar in Centralia. the B.C. Lions opened pre-season new manager, Tony Freitas, who HERE'S HOW—Harvey Haddix gives you a closer view of the way he throws a baseball than he Take army nine pounded out a 24-5 vic- does hitters. Left, Haddix illustrates his fast ball grip and on the right the one Playing on the Cnenalis team, football training. was elevated from hi? job as a 1 tory on Millett field in Chehnlis. for the knuckle ball. Center is the little Cardinal left-hander's position after; . (NEA) with Floyd Gish and Bob Lambert Niemi was one of 52 candidates when Gene Desauicls I Demoralized was just about the as the head coaches, will be: signed Monday. on hand to try and gain a berth "Larger Lead Iterm for the Plywood team after] Elks — Bobby Lambert, Kenny w'th the Lions who make their The Sacs whipped San Franciscisco O I for straight errors In the first In- Hotsko, Rfcd Stewart, Bill Arnett debut in the tough Western Inter- Monday night, 1-0. The game went I".- f l-,^]-,a l|c T T 'ning. And then after those errors, and Eugene Fear. Cascade Saw„, FProvincia ' ' l Football Union this fall. 10 and the big blow was JL11 VJlIC/llCll.19 IjiJ which allowed one man to score, Reach Finals nd Tool — Lowell Wood, Doug a home by Lcn Attyd. It was rurmnc i ITTI r II-A^TT iCharlie Lau slammed a to Major Players Form A graduate of Washington State 1 Snelgrove, Larry Wilbur, and Rog- his first four-baser of the season LHtHALIS LI1 ILL HAGLE ^ |deep right that brought in another College in 1948, Niemi was draft- ; r Elder. Lewis County Hardware— ed by the Redskins and played and got Freitas, one of the best W and not longer after scored hlnv In President's joule Noel, Dale Fountain and Le- southpaws the Pacific Coast Pemorl-Uhlmann 6 1 self on a passed ball. with the Washington club until last League ever had, off to a flying Darigold 5 3 Group, Hire Lawyer Roy Armstrong. Eagles — Bob year. He said he planned to work Those three runs were all for Byars, Perry Johnson and Tom'in Vancouver, start. After a fine first half show- Drug Stores 4 3 Fort Lewis in the first. But they CLEVELAND (.41 — The major Itives also will be elected for two ttaway. ing, Sacramento has been slump- Etheridge TV 5 Golf Tourney * were only a portent of things to league baseball players have or-'years in 1955. Youth was served at the Oliver- ing of late and is now 17 games Owen and Son 3 g come. ,'ganized formally into an association I' There will be fou Alternates are Gerald Johnston, behind pace setting Hollywood. .Midway Motors 0 6 side course near Chehalis Sunday,JE l.k s; Jay Ensrud, Hardware;' Fort Lewis, loaded with young.with by-laws and a constitution but'ings of the player •epresentatives, but not until after they had had a Hollywood whipped Portland. 9-2,j Pemerl - Uhlmann lengthened its professional players, went around;__o _ dues. J. Norman Lewis, their,'the first week in Vince Panesko, Hardware; Alvin Dinoso Tops n April'—" , All-Sta"" "'"r hard battle for their dish of golf. Lundgren, Eagles, and Snaza. pounding three for 11 hits lead in the Chehalis Little League the bases like merry-go-round fig-|lawyer, goes out of his way to in-!week," week and the Two Chehalis teen-agers Chuck in the first of a five-game series. Monday night by defeating the,ures in the second inning and be-jsist'this is no union. jflrgt wee kin December. The players for the Centralia Downie Jr. and Bill Turner both team will be: PCL Hurlers Rog- Bowman, Hollywood lefty, Drug Si-ores, 4-3. jfore the base running stopped! Lewis will receive a reported; The player representatives have members of this spring's high) Teamsters — Charles Knapp, scored his 13th win, and it was the! The winning run came in the last eight more runs had scored. These $30,000 fee for sen-ices rendered injbeen functioning, without by-laws or SAN FRANCISCO M— Boasting school golf team, won their waysjDennis David, Fred Hilpert, Ken- .812 average from 13 win seventh win in the last nine starts of the seventh when Dave Dowling came as the Warriors soundly rap- helping the players negotiate a new,a positive legal setup, since 1946 Into the final match of the Presi- for the -leagu e 'leaders ' . .was safe on an in the extra ped starter Harold Hum for five pension contract with the owners.'after the Mexican League threat neth Dean and Earl Conzatti. Elks against 3 losses, Lino Dinoso o dent's Cup tourney. — Phillip Palmer, Don Riccardo, Hollywood is the current leade Bowman wasn't around to re-frame, stole second and was driven Singles and a , besides:kis fee covers work through when several players "Jumped" to Downie had the toughest battle, ^ ceive credit for his victory, for in on Craig Gunther's . jbeing aided with a 'Octeber 1954. .Mexico and Robert Murphy, Boston Larry Rohr, Ron Rinear and Ray among Pacific Coast League pitch not reaching the championshipjsiemers. Kiwanis—Stephen Marks', •s. manager Bobby Brasran yanked! In the second game of the event and two more errors. | "There is no definite arrange-llawyer, tried unsuccessfully to or- round until defeating Dick Uhlmann John Daniels, Blair Earner, Ted him in the eighth when he sud-Owen and Son blanked Midway Mo-j Cleve Ramsey, playing-manager'men. for the future after October,"'ganize a players' union, Seattle's Tommy Byrne is strike one up on the 19th hole in anjHanke and Sam Tomes, out king with 117. denly lost control although he had tors, 7-0. Walt Fechtner had a no-,of the Plywood team who is adeptUaid Lewis. "We didn't discuss it.| To assist in handling the pension extremely tight match. | limited the Ports to four hits in , no-run game going until the at almost any position, took off theiThat is something that probably will fund, Ailie Reynolds of the New Official statistics covering gamei ..:-_' —.-i ,-. ,..-, , ... Yankees and Ralph Kiner of But Turner had almost as tough eight innings. Forrest Main quiet-first man up in the last inning catching gear he had been wear-!be decided later." a struggle, edging Harold Gustaf- through Sunday: ed the Portland bats at once. idoubled, and then died on base, jing the first two frames, and took; Lewis' fee will come out of the!the were"elYc'ted to son 1 up after 18 holes. Turner, Marshall and Name and Club g w 1 Pet Hollywood had a five-run fourth! Short scores: R H E;over the mound duties in the third.!central fund into which All-staritwo-year terms. They will serve on T. Smith, SD 8..1 inning, highlighted by doubles by:Drug Stores the defending champ, and Downie .0 1.000 3 3 4) Ramsey fared somewhat, better|G?.me gate receipts and All-starja four-man committee with John will meet in the 18-hjle finale Sun- Donoso, Hwd 28 13 3 .812 Dick Smith and Jack Phillips. Port-iPemerl-Uhlmann 4 8 3 than Hum, the biggest innin.....g offiand. World Series radio-television;Galbreath, Pittsburgh owner, and day. Elliot Lead Munger, Hwd 23 12 3 .800 land's Fletcher Robbe socked his' Allie and Topping; Dowling and him coming in the third when'four|cash is placed. According to Lewis,|Hank Greenberg,~cieveland general : ; Downie had reached the semi-fi- S-AN FRANCISCO I/PI— Harry fflght, SD 23 7 2.778 13th homer in the sixth inning. Leonard, C. Gunther 14). i runs scored on two doubles, a the owners' committee already has manager. nals by defeating Ed Dec, 8 and 7; Elliott, San Diego left-fielder, and Schallock. Oak 15 10 .760 The other Portland run came iniOwen and Son 7 6 0 home run, single, fielder's chdice|agreed to the payment and the I A new player pension agreement, Queen, Hwd 20 12 the eighth as Bowman loaded theiMidway Motors 0 1 Turner by winning over Dewey Jim Marshall, Oakland first sack- .750 2 and a hit batter. ,[player. _ s followed suit yesterday, (by which the pension fund will get Truett, 4 and 3; Gustafson by down- er, share honors as the two top Fannin, SD 15 6 .750 bases on two walks and an error.I Fechtner and Hokanson; Canton' Ramsey scattered seven hits the | Pension payments also are paid out 60 percent and the owners 40 per- Pieretti, Sao. 28 7 -,i., ...... ,.,,_. ^^^ ^ ^ All-star game and ing Dick Burnett, 1 up, and Uhl- men among. Pacific Coast League .706 Rocco Krsnich bounced into a;wine and G. James. rest of the way, and although the i of the same central fund, batters this week. Bowman, Hwd 23 12 play off Main, and one run mann by besting Dr. Elmer Phil- .667 visiting team managed to score in) The 16 current player representa-jWorld Series TV will be drawn UD lips, 6 and 6. Elliott heads the list percentage- scored. every inning but the ninth, the , one from each big league club.iby Lewis and the layers of the two In the weekend sweepstakes on wise, with a resounding .346 aver- (Read The Chronicle Classifieds) San Diego kept pace. 2 >'z games runs no longer came in gobs. will continue in office until July 1955 majors, Ben Fiery of the American behind Hollywood, by downing Los the Riverside course, Ted Miller age. He leads the league in hits BALL GAMES On" e not'e- o-•f consolatio••--n- fo- r th••e whe... n a „genera .l .electio ... n will be held, i and Lou Carroll of the National. with 130. Angeles, 6-2. The Padres called led the first division by shooting home team and fans came afterjThe term of office will be two years, The present pension agreement ex- 72-4r-68 and Jim Brooks. , placed Marshall, with 20 home runs upon newly acquired Al Lyons as the basebali game when Fort Lewis i In the past there has been no formal pires with the end of the radio-TV as a ninth inning relief pitch- TUESDAY second with 76-7—69. Second divi- heads the league In that depart^ players said the Monday, night term. Two league player representa-icontracts in 1955 merit, and in runs-batted-ln with 77 er. Picked up as a San Francisco Lewis County Babe Ruth League sion honors went to Russ Eddy crowd at Millett field was the larg. with 77-14—«3, and Jack Knaggs The averages, Including games castoff last week, Lyons switched Green Hill vs. Kiwanis at Cen- est they have played before this from his role of andjtralia, and Bill Lee had net 68s apiece to of July 11, as compiled by William 6 p.m. Winlock at Mossy- season. And they added they would ;ie for second. J. Weiss, league came on the hill to strike out Los rock.' like to switch their next contest Snider, Noren statistician: Angeles flyhawk Bob Usher and BASEBALL A. A. Hul and Bill Fuller tied G AB H Pet Chehalis Babe Ruth League with the Plywood: nine, scheduled n the third division, Hull going Melton, SF 15 61 52 .361 Charcoal force the next batter to fly out for Fort Lewis, to Millett field. That and end the game with two men Cascade Tool vs. Elks 6:30 p.m., PACIFIC COAST LEAGUE Lead Batters around in 89-18—71 and Fuller 91~- H. Elliott, SD 88 376 130 .346 would be on Aug. 5. Rapp, SD on base. Recreational field By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS 2.0—71. In the fourth division, Frank 87 328 110 .335 In spite of the large score, and NEW YORK Wl— hog. - Aust was low with 95-26—70., and Phillips, Hwd 86 362 121 .334 Seattle and Oakland Were idle. Lewis County Hardware vs. seven errors by the Twin City nine, W. L. Pet. GB the spotlight in the jEagles. 8 p.m. Recreation field. major i (3orcion Egbert was just behind Cuitti, Oak 66 208 68 .327 the Plywood players also made Oakland 46 . 8 3eta league races today rfthlwith 96-25—71. Sisler, SD 89 388 125 .322 Portland 000 001 010—2 5 Oj Centralia Little League some spectacular plays. Such as'San Diego 59 41 .590 2V2.Duke Snider of Brooklyn and CHARCOAL 1 Irvj Beard, Hwd-SF 83 320 103 .322 Hollywood 200 502 OOX—9 11 l| Eagles vs. Giants 7 p.m., Fort the one in the third inning when Oakland 53 46 .535 8 Noren of the ! Adams, Flores (4), Anthony (7) Borst park. A. Wilson, Sea 85 392 125 .319 Mickey Naish at third dashed way [San Francisco 51 50 .50,, 11 showing the way and several' Rose, Oak 99 374 117 .313 to his left to scoop up a grass-clip-i Seattle 43 53 .448 16 "2 others in contention. SPORTS IN BRIEF 1 Bernier, Hwd 86 298 83 .312 BRIQUETS per and fire It to first without Sacramento 45 56 .446 17 Snider slumped seven points to M. Smith, SD 69 187 58 .310 •hesitation. (Portland 42 55 .433 18 .367 last week with 11 hits in 35 By THE ASSOCIATED PBESS Byrne, Sea Ofi 84 2« .319 And then there was the display Los Angeles 42 57 .424 19 at bats. Meanwhile outfielders Don GOLF feal, Oak 55 165 51 .309 —and— put on by Jim Robinson, center Monday's Results Mueller of the Giants and Gus Bell DALLAS, Tex. — Hal McCom-Federoff, SD 98 373 115 .308 BILL VUKOVICH fielder, in the sixth when he made Hollywood 9, Portland 2 of Cincinnati closed in, Mueller mas. from Southern Methodistichapman, Oak 89 344 106 .308 all the putouts. Two of the catches Sacramento 1, San Francisco With a three-point increase to . 356 i University fired a 3-under-par in All Types a 6 3 Long, Hwd 83 279 86 .308 drew big cheers from the crowd, San Diego 6, Los Angeles 2 and Bell with a four-point gain to! ' victory over F. M. Wiggins of Westlake, SF 79 237 73 .308 1954 Winner the first when he dashed far in to (Only games scheduled) .344. Louisville, Ky. in the first round V. Jones, Sac 100 376 115 .306 of catch one on his shoe tops about Wally Moon. St Loui= outfielder of the 29th Tournament. Robbe, Port 65 187 57 .305 10 or 15 yards behind second base,, Western International League Indianapolis „„ is fourth at .333 fowed b tea": w WHITE SULPHUR SPRINGS Pramesa, La 47 128 39 .305 OUTDOOR and the second when he scamper-' Pet. GB 11 Va Pat anssen of - mates Red Schoendienst and Stan ^/ - ~ .™*7, ' J ed far to his right to gather in a Victoria 1.000 Musial with .331 jCharlottesvillej , Va., shot even par BARBECUE SETS 500 Mile Rac