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The Ledger and Times, December 10, 1963

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j United Press 124 OUR 842h YEAR International Murray, Ky., Tuesday Afternoon, December 1 0, 1 963 MURRAY POPULATION 10, 100 Vol. LXXXIV No. 291 'FISCAL COURT REFUSES FB RESOLUTION _ Oratorio To Be Senior Recitals Presented Sunday Countians Are Planned Thursday Resolution From Farm Bureau On College Campus "Full Potential" Is Miss Janet Rhea Ashby, pianist Honored By and Alex Harvey, Baritonist, will Urges Hiring Of Road Engineer The Music Deportment of Murray present their senior recital on State College will present Handel's Thursday. December 12. at 6:15 famous oratorio, 'Messiah," on Sun- The Calloway p. m. in County Fiscal viously stung by the refusal of the day, December 15, at Farm Bureau the Recital Hall of the 3:00 p. m in Court today, P.Ice Doyle in regular session, re- court to even accept their reaolu- Aim Of Breathitt the college auditorium. Fine Arts building. In fused to accept a resolution sub- tion, thanked the court Janet Ashby, daughter o Mr. and and left This Yuletide presentation will mitted to them by the Calloway The delegation was composed Mrs. Elvis Ashby, Livermore, Ken- of be given by a one hundred and forty County Farm Bureau. Leon Chambers. president. Max B Danny tucky. is a piano student of Profes- voice mixed chorus, four vocal solo- Kemp and Billy Smith of Hurt, sor John C. The resolution urged that the Herman Darnall, and James ists, a twenty piece string Calloway County have received Winter Janet is sched- orchestra county hire a County Road Engi- Potts, honors at the 45th uled to receive the Bachelor of Year and an organ. The program will be annual meeting Mx Chambers had told the court His netr. Four Term Leon Music Education Chamber. president of conducted by Professor of the American Far Bureau degree from Mur- Richard W. the Calloway County Farm that the Mum Bureau directors Federation being ray in June, 1964. Bu- By CAROI.E MARTIN Capitol where the American and He asked every group in the state- Farrell. Head. Department of Fine held in Chicago, represented 1056 Farm Bureau mem- Miss Ashby, a 1960 graduate of reau told the Fiscal Court that the United Pre= International Kentucky flags still fly at half- management, labor, agriculture, and Arts, Murray State College. bers. Livermore Ky. High School, is a Beard of Directors of the Bureau FRANKFORT, Ky Ff1 — Gov. staff in mourning for the martyred government—to make a total com- The history of the oratorio may After the Farm Bureau delega- Kemp. eighteen year old son of former pupil of Mrs. Anita.] Ather- had ur• mously adopted a resolu- Edward Thompson Breathitt Jr.. President. mitment to work for the economic be traced to mid-16th century Rome tion left. Squire Young made the Mr and Mrs. J. C Kemp of Mur- .on. Live:more. and Mr Darnell tion mid requested their permission the 47th man to become chief exe- goals which his administration is when Saint Filippi Nen inaugurat- motion that the resolution be ac- Moving Tribute Paid ray Route One won the runnerup Cannedy. Director of Music. Liver- to hove i read cutive of Kentucky. today dedicated "The truest pledged to strive for-75.000 new ed a special order called soratoria- cepted and filed away with a second homage that could be award in the Farm Bureau's Talk more High School. Jud— R-`ert Miller expressed his his administration to the spirit of Jobs and a billion-dollar annual ni" and founded a building called by Squire Warren. On a vote. Young. paid the late President's historic Meet national finals. Kemp is a Miss Ashby is a member of Sigma appreesiti, 'or the the late President John F. Kennedy farm income. "oratorio" for hording regular ser- presence of the example is to be reborn of his spirit freshman at Murray State Warren and Brandon voted to ac- and to providing better College Alpha Iota. the Vivace Club, and Fai-m :s!r, members at the meet-, "a oppor- of deep concern, compassionate "Government alone, and certainly vices consisting of scripture read- cept the expression from the Farm and is the third Calloway Countian the Student National Education As- ing and Max B. Hurt read the short tunity for every Kentuckian to real- a governor alone, cannot CIO the ings arid the singing of spiritual Bureau concerning a road engineer concern, practical concern for the to reach the national finals for the sociation She is also ize his full potential." job." he said. concert music. on the editor- resolution which urged that the dignity, the selfhood. the person- hird straight year. There were not sufficient votes to In his inauguration speech. pre- Since ial staff of Campus Lights Fiscal Court hire a regular road ality of individual people," Breathitt "I cannot promise you everything then. oompoeers of all ages carry the motion and it failed. pared for delivery Mr Harvey, a senior trombone engineer to be in charge of the about 1 p. declared. you want for the next four years, have employed the oratorio as a Snlith of Murray Route Two was The court is composed of Squires (}TI. the 39-year-old Hopkins- but medium for major. is a student of Professor construction and maintenance of "For John F Kennedy there were this I can promise you- that some of their most out- named by Farm Bureau President Holland. Hale, Warren, Brandon, vile attorney. first Christian Count- the standing Richard W Farrell. Head. Depart- the county roads. Under the present no races, no geographical sections, taxpayers of Kentucky will get creations. Charles Shulman to the 14-member Young. Porches and Taylor. Ian ever to the ment of Fine Arts, Murray State system, each magistrate is in charge sit In governor's no a dollar's worth of service for every German-born George F. Handel national young peoples committee. The resolution which was pre- interior classes For mind or - College. of road building and maintenance chair, said that "In a very real dollar spent out of the public treas- composed the Messiah in England, Smith was one of seven new mern- sented to the Calloway Fiscal Court spirit eo long as the accidents of The public is invited to attend this in his magisterial district senae, our liberty, our opportunity, ury, or heads will roll" The new where he resided from 1716 until tiers named to a two year term. is as follow's. color. geographical 'Aviation, of ec- He roue recital on December has been bought with the blood of governor his death in 12. After Mr. Hurt read the resolu- onomic heritage served to isolate or continued: 1750 Besides the fa- becomes the second West Ken- John F Kennedy.'' mous non. Judge Miller anted for a mo- to alienate individual Americans Four Years Not Enough Messiah .17421. Handel com- tuckian ever to be appointed to Breaehitt announced he would ex- "I cannot posed thirty-one tion to merely aceept the resolution RESOLUTION xtension from the fullness, the richness, the promise you that in other oratorios in- that committee Hillary Deweese of tend, on behalf of all Kentuckians, four cluding Gerald Parker On from the Farm Bureau with no ac- vast opportunities of American life." short years Kentucky can be Israel in Egypt. Judas Mac- Hickman served as first vice chair- Lopping's a "warm and urgent invitation" to first in all cabeus. and tion to be taken on the resolution WHEREAS. The Calloway Coon- There can be little doubt said things," Breathitt warn- Jephta man. Visit To Home President Johnson to mate the visit ed, but itself, ty Farm Bureau believes in and Breathitt, that educational disad- added: to eastern Kentucky which Presi- "At least in one The committee member is married When no motion Was made to works for better roads for Callowai vantage Is the creates single factor thing Kentuck- Pvt. Gerald T Parker is spending familiar dent Kennedy was prevented from ians can be first and lives with his wife. Shirley, accept the resolution. Judge Miller County and. whech restricts the opportunities of in all this land— his leave with his parents, Mr and lalaking when he was cut down by an first in nobility and their two children. Billy Dale, made a motion himself and asked WHEREAS it is the considered ill phone Individual Kentuckians for a full- of spirit, first in Murra% lievhstal Mrs. Lynn Parker of near Penny. 6118111111/dn's bullets in Dallas, Tex., their determination 5, and Bobbie Ann. 4, on their farm. for a second. There was no second judgment of /he Farm Bureau and er and more productive life. to cast away Parker will leave Friday for Ger- is gift. Nov V. hate and bigotry Smith is also sales manager of the to the motion, and Judge Miller its directors that the road needs ol "There will be few . . to deny and prejudice; many where he will be stationed for 'I he speech was delivered from a Censu.s — Adult 49 Hutsqn Chemical Company. directed that the minutes of the Calloway County would be better first in their willingness to forswear eighteen or minimize the primary Importance Census — Nursery 1 months He has been sta- court to show that the resolution if the or ask platform set up in front of the state the ugly weapons of smear; suspi- Other Calloway Countians in the served County employed a of education in any major effort Patients Admitted tioned at Fort Polk, La. from cion and slander in — 4 finals of the past talk meets were the Farm Bureau was not ac- licensed registered engineer Wile to keep Kentucky moving forward," discussion of The former countian was grad- Patients Dismissed - 0 Harnp Brooks. Jr. 1961, and Charles cepted by the court, would, under the policies establish' he public issues; first in their aspira- uated added. New Citizens 1 Eidridge, from Calloway County High A short discussion was held fon ed by the Court, carry on and plar tion for a conurionwealth rooted in 1962 These two and Kemp "Kentucky cannot afford to halt School in the class of 1963. He lowing the action and Bookkeeper roads rot Heavy Snows brotherhood, free from diserunina- are all graduates of College High a regular system of rural or stow gown onward march of PaUents Admitted From Friday 9116 entered the U S. Army August 1. II Lbe SktiooS and Leroy Eldridge was their Grover Wood James said that tile, Calloway County. educational non based upon asy factor except a, in. to Monday 9:00 a. progrks" at. court could not afford en- individual character and capacity" teacher in vocational agriculture. a 'mead NOW, 1141/111EPdfiE,"RE IT R,t:. Education contributes greatly to Mrs Johnny Gus Walston, He Dex- Kemp will pursue a career in ag- gineer under the present financial SOLVED that the Calloway County 'Cover the economic advancement of Ken- said a single phrase could aim- Mrs. Harvey Will Prairies ter: Mrs. Jim Stephens, Rt. 2. manse May- riculture as Brooks a:hd Eldridge burdens. Judge Miller pointed out Farm Bureau urge the Calloway tucky, he said, 'and only the ex- the objectives of Kentucky's field, Miss Nancy Jo Weeks. Rt. 3: are doing. The current winner and Undergo Surgery that the county is charged with over County Fiscal Court to employ a pansion of Kentucky's economy can government during the next four Robert Smith. Box 1068 College Sta- his father operate a Grade A All $10,000 a year with engineering fees qualified, competent engineer to make possible years—"A better opportunity for Of The West the continued im- tion; Mrs. Ada RCM. Walnut; L. D. Mrs. Bernard C. Harvey. Director by the gate with this money corn- the road program in Cal- every Jersey Dairy Farm at their home provement of our schools, colleges Kentuckian to realize his full Cook, Sr, 20'7 So 16th; Mrs. Clar- on the Colawater Road, of Nursing Education at the Mur- ing from the RS highway funds loway County, Kentucky. and university. potential, whether he lives in the ence Spann. 502 So. 2nd: Mrs. Cora ray' Hospital entered the Baptist This would pay the salary President, Chambers city or on the farm, whether he be of a Leon "Our economy is a seamless web, Lee Hospital in by United Press Niter. Rt 4, Benton: Jesse Memphis, Tennessee to- competent man he said. ATTEST: International and no one white or black, whether he be rich sector can be separated Wayne Trego, Apt. 402 College day. The Farm Bureau delegation. ob- Secretary. Ray T. Broach Heavy snow spread across the or poor. whether his lot be test in Miss Carolyn Jean from the other sectors without rip- Court: John Wesley Myers, Ill East She will undergo surgery to cor weetern prairies today and the the north, south, east or west." ping the fabric of the whole struct- 20th. Benton: Mrs. Fred V. Suiten Wilson Named rect a ruptured one of the lower weather bureau said the storm At this time, he said, "grateful Queen ure," the young governor asserted. 111 So. 12th; Robert H. Smith, Rt. spine. It is expected that she will would increase to blizzard intensity for the honor be you have done me and in the during the day. 1: Lee McCullin.s, 207 East Walnut; hospital about eight days. Recovery, Groups for the kindnesses you have bestow- Inc. Meet HOOTENANNY Walter Maecicher, Richmond Hall; Miss Carolyn Jean Wilson, daugh- This type of major surgery is not Three inches of fresh snow fell ed upon me and my family. I ask ter of Mr and Mrs. Wayne Wilson performed In the pre Thomas Landy Stubblefield. '207 No. here in Murray. -dawn hours at Salt Lake — — of Murray Route Five, has been City. Utah. and (('ontinued on Page 4) Cherry: Mrs. J. R. Mahan, Box 42: Lander. Wyo. The Cumberland Folk aggregation chosen basketball queen at Murray Last Week At Kentucky Dam Heavy snow Robert Carter, Rt. I. Puryear: Mrs • warnings were issued will appear along with other folk College High School. The selection for Kansas. Nebraska Gene Pendleton. Apt. 26 Orchard and South groups at the A Capella Choir was made on Friday. Miss Wilson Dakota. Hazardous Heights. John Walter Brinkley, Jr., Representatives of Recovery Inc.. L's and neurology at the University driving warnings "Hootenanny" which' will be held Is a senior. were pasted for Rt 2, Hazel: Mrs. Alton Swift and groups from Murray. Mayne/el, Ben- of Illinois Medical School. parts of Wyoming. at the College Auditorium at 8:00 The attendants are Miss Norma Colorado, New baby girl Story Ave.; Coleman ton. and Paducah held a dinner local units have been established Mexico and Arizona. p m. on tomorrow night. Admis- Jean Limb, sophomore, dasghter Ranchers in Buahanan. Rt. 6: Mr. and Mrs. Lcyd meeting at Kentucky Dam Village In nearly 40 states and several pro- western Karesa.e were sion will be $1.00 and all lovers of of Mr and Mn, George R Lamb. urced to protect Walters, Rt. 4, Milan. Tenn.: Mrs. Inn last seek in observance of the vinces in Canada_ These groups their livestock a- folk music are urged to attend and , 1700 Dodson Avenlie, and Miss gainst the storm. Doris Turner and beer Ooy. Rt. 2, eighth anniversary of the national meet on a regular weekly basis, her these fine groups of folksters Carol, anNeely. it nior, daughter More than Calvert City: Miss Ji liennt Evans. movement in Western Kentucky. providing members with a systemat- two inches of new snow Proceeds from the event will be swokiza9riav of M: and Howard McNeely. blanketed most 1702 Farmer. Mrs. Gerald Slurdeck, All of the West Kentucky groups ic method of self-help. of the area by day- used by the choir to make appear- 1605 Ryan Aveue.n break. reelekaaritad are part of the national organiza- ances in other areas. (Continued on Pa c 41 'Ilw tra,i.etagni tereen and at- Self-help is an integral part of Elsewhere, snow flurries continu- tion which is devoted to the pre- tendee'. are chasen by the ball the organization. Patients and form- ed from the Great Lakes vention of relapses in former ment- states p.•ser nominate tr patients, trained in the method. eastward into the North Atlantic. al patients and chronicity in ner- toe g./1 of awn choice and then fill all positions and make the self- The weather bureau said up vous patients. to 15 . vote. i The girl receiving the high- help training available to all, who Inches of heavy, wet snow The Murray group meets each were est vote is queen and the next high- ish to take advantage of it. expected by Thursday at 7:15 p. m. in the Cal- nightfall in snowbelt est are the attendants. areas south of Buffalo, N.Y loway County Health Center in Recovery is non-sectarian Mem- Up to 10 inches of snow fell in Murray. The other city groups also bership is from all walks of life western Pennsylvania Monday. Funeral For Walter meet each week. The mee,ings last There is simply a free-wiT1 offering Roads were ice-covered and slippery approximately two hours. but those who attend regularly us- and many minor traffic accidents Steely Held Today Recovery Inc. was founded in ually become paid members of the were reported. 1937 by the late Dr Abraham A. National organization at $3 per year. Racing at Waterford Park at Low, associate professor of psychia- This is requested but not required. Funeral Frank Sinatra Jr. Chester. W.Va., was cancelled Mon- services for Welter Steely, Basically the recovery methog is age day because the snowstorm created 91. were held this morning at composed of three parts: o'clock hazardous driving conditions on 10:30 at the Green Plain roads leading to the track. Church of Christ with Bro. Jay Police Turn To Snow Covered 1 Study of Dr. Low's book, "Ment- Lockhart al Health At least four persons died when officiating. Through Will Training." In the book a car skidded off U.S. 99 north of Steely died Sunday afternoon at and othsr Recovery Los Angeles Monday night in a his home on Hazel Route Two. Sierra In Sinatra Search literature and recordings by Dr. A ct pallbearers Low, are found explanations rainstorm. The car, carrying nine v e were Gene of ner- Steely. vous reactions their persons, tumbled down a 150-foot Walter Lee Steely. Howard effect on the embankment Steely, Dan Steely, Wayne Darnell, individual,. .and self-help techni- and Herbert Alton. ques the individual can use in the STATELINE, Nev. see — Police surrounds the disappearance of the Honorary pallbearers were John practice of self-leadership. officials in two states today turned 19-year-old singer. Tom Taylor. Rudy Dunn, Joe Ad- their attention from six heavily Young Sinatra was forced from 2 Attendance at panel meetings. Weather ams, Huron Poyner, Fred Hughes, armed bank robbery suspects to the his roonthy two men bearing arms In these meetings, panel members -and Hiiman Coles. snow-covered Sierra in their search Sunday Mktg about an hour before help each other to more effectively Report Burial was in the Green Plain for Frank Sinatra Jr., who was kid- his 10 p. in. performance at a plush apply the basic principles of self- international Cemetery with the Miller Funeral naped at gunpoint from his motel United Press gambling casino with the Totnmy help as explained by Dr. Low. Home of Hazel in charge of the room at this Lake Tahee gambling Dorsey band. His roommate. Joe 3 Application by each individual arrangements. center High Yesterday Foss. was bound and gagged and in his or her daily life, of the self- Low Yesterday 20' warned, "don't move for 10 minutes The suspected bank robbers were help techniques carefully develop- '7:15 Today 21' if you want to see the kid seized with a small arsenal 20 miles again." ed by Dr. Low, Dance Is Planned Police and FBI agents so far have Porn the kidnap scene in California Recovery is a self-help method of Kentucky Lake: 7 a.m. 353.7'; be- refused to reveal if they have turned For December 28 Monday. Authorities at first indi- after-care It in no way supplants low dam 303.2'. up any possible motives for the kid- cated the six might be connected the physician. No diagncisis or treat- Barkley Dam: 302.7'. naping with the kidnaping. or if any members of the ment or advice or counseling are Sunset 4:40: sunrise '7:00. A dance will be held at the Cal- young entertainer's family have offered. The patient is 'expected to loway Country Club on December But late Monday night the FBI been contacted by the kidnapers. follow the, advice of his physician. Western Kentucky — P artly 28 for the high school and college said the only eyewitness to the Young Sinatara's famed singer- However, it is not necessary to cloudy and warmer today The high age group. Each member of the abduction. Sinatra's roommate, was actor father remained secluded at have been hospitalized or under near 40. Increasing cloudiness and RELIEVE LIGHTNING CAUSED AIR DISASTER — Firemen stand b helpless1y as fla mes elub may invite one non-member unable to make "a positive identifi- a Reno hotel with a telephone be- 'are of a phyChiatrist to take part warmer with snow occasionally mix- cation of any ing kept He devour the wreckage of a Pan American World Airwayk•jet that fell in flames near Elkton, guest' of the six men." open. was described ii Recovery meetiegs. •ed with sleet tonight. Low 28 to 32. "The Shifters" will furnish the The development apparently left as "nervous and concerned" The Md., killing all 81 persons aboard. Eyewitnesses said the plane was hit by lightning shortly More information can be obtained Snow, rain or elect Wednesday music for the dance which will be police without a major clue to the victim's mother. Nancy. former wife oy writing Paducah Recovery Inc after taking off from Baltimore Friendship Airport for Philadelphia after a flight from San changing to snow late Wednesday. held from 8:00 to 12.00 The dance kidnapping Officials repeatedly re- of the elder Sinatra. was keeping a in .care of the Paducah-McCracken Seventy-one Little temperature change Wednes- Juan, Puerto Rico. other persons flying from San Juan had been discharged will be semi-formal and will be fused to answer newsmen's ques- phone at the Beverly Hills, Calif. Mental Health Center, Guthrie day. in Baltimore. , $200 per couple. tions, deepening the mystery that home. Building, Paducah.


_L; TUESDAY — DECEMBER 10, 1963 PAGE TWO THE LEDGER & TIMES — MURRAY, KENTUCKY • THE LEDGER & TIMES Murray State Will Tackle fight TB PUBLISHED by LEDGER & TIMES PUBLISHING COMPANY. Inc-. Christmas Seals Conaoliciauoo of the Murray Ledger, The Calloway Tunes, and The Times-Herald, October 20, 1111111, and the West Kentuckian, January Arkansas State Here Tonight 7 1, 1942. WILLIAMS, PUBLISHER KAMM welt JAMES C. Murray State College, which drop- boouting reports 1169110~ We reserve the eight to reject any Advertising, Letters to the Editor, ped its first tmakelball game of The major factor in this improve- or Public Voice items which, in our opinion, are not for the best In- the season Saturday neght to pow- ment is the additton of 6-9 center Sere tat our readers. erful Bradlee by an 85-78 margin John Maxon, a prep THE PERFECT • will tackle Arkansas State in the Who is seaming said doing a great REPRESENTATIVES: WALLACE WITMER CO-, 1509 NATIONAL Murray Arena Tuesday night. Job Jerry Rook, 8-5, who holds Ave., Mempine, Tecins Time & Life Bldg., New York, N.Y..' Madison The Bradley loss made the Racer about all the Arkansas State sowing Stephenson Bldg., Detroit, Mich record 2-1. They previously ha d records, starts at one forward, and Entered at the Post Office, Murray, Kentucky, for transmission m beaten McKendree 8346 and Ogle- 6-4 Jerry Hudgins starts at the Second Class Matter thorpe 83-57. other, giving the Indians a big, high Coach OM Luther said his terun scoring front Ault Starting at 6LTBscRIPTION RAT: By Carrier in Murray, per week 20e, per GIFT against guards are Mike Dungan, 5-11, and mouth 85e. In Calloway and adjoining count:es, per year, $4.50; 3iI90- performed well Bradley tin c(ery facet the game shoot- Dave Markovich, 5-10. +Mem $8.00. of but ing. "We got 13 more shots than In their only game of the season, -Mathes Civic Asset of a Community is the Curtis "The Outstanding they did, and most of them were the Indians lost in the lam two Integrity of ha Newspaper' good ones, and we controlled the nenutes to Southeast Missouri at • backboard .53-40 but while we were Cape Girardeau. 75-80. Dickson led TUESDAY — DECEMBER 10, 1963 hitting only 40 per cent of our shots, the Indians ui both scoring (24 they were hitting 53 per cent." he points) and rebounding (141. Dun- said. "To beat an outatanduig team gan had 23 points. Rook 14, and like Bradley. You, have to get 'Ire" Markovick 12 Hudgins had a bad iQuotes From The News shooting, and we just couldn't shooting night and only got one in on our opportunities. We also basket but he pulled in 10 rebounds. Its PRess lNrI.RN.tTIONAL made mune costly floor errors in Luther mid he would probably crucial situations" MINNEAPOLIS — Ex-fighter Jack Dempsey, admitting he start Jun Jennings .19.3), Stewart lost The Racers can expect another Johnaon (15.0), Gene Pendleton might have been drugged before the first title fight he tought night against Arkansas State. (10.3). John Naniciu (11.3). and 37 years Iwo: to Gene TunneN NA % V NIPS ARMY 21-15 — Ball hangs suspended in the The Indians who gee with Murray Scott Schlosser 18.30. Johnson has to do with it. As a matter "I'm sure Tunney had nothing air after being fumbled by Army Back Ken Waldrop (42) last year look to be even stronger averaged 17.7 rebounds for three he of fact. if Gene had been given a Mickey before the fight. on the 11-yard line during the first period of play of the this season, according to Murray games, Jetuungs 15.0. probably could have beaten me that night anyway." Army-Navy game. Army recovered the ball which eluded Navy's Freeman (79) and Gary Kellner (83). The Middies squeaked out a 21-15 victory as time refused to wait for SOUTH BEND -- A bartender at the Archnr Inn. near the Two Free Throws In Greensboro Army and the game ended with the gallant West Point Final 40 The -to-be abandoned Studebaker auto plant, describing the soon men perched just 2 yards from the goal line. The narrow reaction as he saw ft • CIITIS NAM workers victory earned Navy the right to meet Texas, the No. 1 "This old guy — 35 years seniority — wouldn't believe it. Seconds Wins For Tennessee team in the nation in the Cotton Bowl in Dallas, Texas, with AM/FM Radio and Stereo Phono Saying. 'It's only a rumor.' " * 32 Chassis He kept New Year's Day. * 23 Rimcode TV Picture Tube JOHNSON CITY. Tenn. gle — the season record at 2-2. * 23,000 Volt A. W. Davis, a tall Tennessee mows- East Tennessee led 25-18 at half- NEW YORK — Mary Hemingway, telling a news confer- * Hand-Wired Chassis taineer w ho never panics under time. but Davis' pressure in the fuel ence some seerets about her late husband. including the fact * Beautiful Walnut Cabinet pressure, looped two perfect free half was too much Davis put the unpublished manuscripts that he left more than 50 pounds of League Is throws through • the net with 40 Vols ahead 40-39 with six nunutes OUR PRICE (with trade) in a safe deposit box: seconds left Monday night for a left and added two inure field goals "He really didn't care a great deal to see his writing in 48-47 Tennessee basketball victory to make It 44-39 print." Now Of Age With Close Races over East Tennessee State. Gary Scheuerman put East Ten- $289" The 6-7 junior wingman from nessee State hick in the game, and By GARY KALE ed to a near-breaking point am the Rutledge. Thin, scored all Tennes- then senior guard HOLLYWOOD — Frank Sinatra, Jr.. now a kidnaper's Houston Frazier the UPI Sports Writer Oakland Raiders surprised San see's final 14 points against prev- dropped two more through to put victim. commesting a year ago th4t his mother didn't like Evenings For Your Convenience • The Diego. 41-27, and moved to within iously unbeaten East Tennessee. He State in front 47-46 with 40 seconds Open following in his father's footsteps: idea of his nas finally come of age with the a game of the leading Chargers, had been guarded so closely in the left. and she doesn't wait "You know, she's seen the business oest-bitiareed two-division race in Buffalo went into a second place first half that he managed only her little boy to get hurt " :he brief huitory of the circuit. tie with Houston by Walloping New two points, but he ended up with Mac Sheller, scrambling to keep In pivotal genies among the lead- York. 45-14. and Kansas City tram- 19 and scoring honors for the night. Davis from the basket, fouled the ers, the Boston Patriots capitalized pled Denver. 52-21. in other Sunday Tennessee ace. Davis ignorod the It was the first toes of the season on Oder miscues to win 46-28. Sun- encounters. standing - room - only crowd 14 SERVICE for East Tennessee, an Ohio Valley and day and go a game up on Houston Boston may have ended Houston's dropped his two shots through Conference power with height and for in the Eastern Division. three-year domination of the East- the victory. ability. For Tennessee, it evened once thought of wide open ern Division as it turned two fumb- MEET THE iiI114 The Tennessee hit a cool 54.8 per cent scramble tighten- les and and an intercepted pass into Western Division of its shots from the floor. touchdowns. The Pats now need a CENTER • victory over Kansas City next Sat- The FOOTBALL BOWL LINEUP Tennessee freshmen beat the 312 No, 4th Street Phone 753-5865 to "ALMOST HUMAN" -- — urday sew up their first confers East Tennessee froth 74-63, but the nice championship. seer by United Press International of the game was nimmy Woods, Full Year Guarantee On All Parts GENERAL ELECTRIC MOBILE MAID" Dec. 14 Pile UP Lend a 6-7 Negro player from Alcoa — Fumbles by Oiler rookie Bill To- first of Cement Bowl. Larisd)ale. Pa.: East his race to play for East Watch Our Ad Each Day! bin in the half enabled the peter Carolina .7-1-00 vs. Northeastern first Tennessee._ fie _scored 20 ...and boys from Beantsra:n pile up- Plhirray Merc hears League grabbed 21 rebounds. ION Pasadena, enough margin to salt away the Junior Rose Bowl, Boone Ldry. 39 17 Calif.: Northeastern Oklahoma game. Nick Buoniconti ran seven for College Barter 38.- 17,2 DISHWASHER AecM 9-0-0. vs. Orange Coast Cal- yards a score on Tobin's first and Boston Collegiate ewe 9-0-01 Television, NBC, 4 p.m. bobble went 63 yards on two plays after his second fum- Superior Cl. 20 27 EST. Taylor Motors 28 28 Bow 1, Miami, ble. Babe Farah and • Orange Blossom Rocket Popcorn 27 29 17-21 vs. Morgan Tom Yewcic took turns in towing Fla.: Florida A&M Murray Hrn az Auto 24 32 State. 8-11. touchdown passes fur Boston in the second period. Johnson's Gro. 23 33 Missile Bowl, Orlando, Pia.: Quan- 21 35 IT DOES set pass- Ledger az Times PRE Diego George Blends -a league - tlet, dee Marines ,9-1-0' vs. flan Murray Wholesale _ 20 36 -.1 ing record when he completed 12 EVERYTHING Marines t 11-0-0.. Top Ten 21 consecutive passes during the first Dec. Jerry Jones 178 •including scraping Bowl, Houston. Tex.: half His second half replacement. Bluebonnet Bobby Wade 177 and teeing! 17-3-0) vs. Baylor Jack Lee, tossed for one Houston lesnaana State Jimmy Boone 176 Television. CBS. 4 pm. EST. Tr), but had another pass inter- •incise ng rre •7-3-0. Jun Ellis 176 Liberty Bowl. Philadelphia: No. cepted by Bob Suci, who ran the crystar arid Wel T. C. Hargrove 175 • Carolina SC .11-2-0i vs. atisstssippi theft back 5,2 yards for a score. Hub 'Dunn 175 State .6-2-2b. Television. NBC, 1 Oakland. tired of playing patsy George 172 Esr. to San Diego. cracked a 10-game Hodge p.m. Vernon Riley 172 Fla, losing streak to the Chargers as Art North-South. Miami. 171 SIIISTMAS Stephen Curry Dec. 28 Powell and Cotton Davidson led a Bill Wyatt 170 Gator Bo w 1 Jack_sonvele. Fla.: 31 point fourth quarter raidor rally. High Team Three Giunes Carolina .8-2-0. vs. Air Force Powell scored his second and third North Boone's _ 2569 351-Ai20 .7-3-0.. Television, CBS. 1:30 p.m. touchdowns of the game during the Taylor Motors 2534 330-2854 torrid final period as he latched on r. Collegiate asel't 351-2808 Bowl. Orlando. Fla.: to Davidson touchdown 'passes of Tangerine High Team Game Coast Guard Academy (8-0) vs. 10 and 40 yards. Davidson tallied Boone's 888 117-1006 Western Kentucky .9-0-1). from the nine on a fake pass play. Superior 856 130- 960 Blue-Gess G a m e. Montgomery, Tobin Rote :lambed Oakland with Taylor Motors 814 110- 964 Ala. three touchdown passes as the Char- High Ind. Three Games gers ger.erated a 27-10 lead going LE Shrine East-West. San Francisco: McClain, R. 659 69-628 Television, NBC. 4:30 p.rn. EST. into the last 15 mintites and ap- Broadbent. B. 535 84-618 BEGINNING WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 11 All Amerman. Meson. Ariz. peared to have their third Western Scott, R. 523 96-619 Dec. 31 title in the last four years. 1161••• High Ind, Game Wan Bowl. El Paso. Tex.: RICH — -Stage Desperate Comeback Broadbent, B. 221 26-249 .4-6-0.1 vs Oregon .7-3-01. But they failed to reckon with a Checutt, C 210 30-240 Jan. 1 des-perate back-to-the-wall Raider Washer, J. _ 213 M -23a Rose Bowl. Pa.sadena. Calif.: Illi- effort that emerged out of the 20% DISCOUNT nois .7-1-1. vs_ Washington .6-4-00. bloom and rain that fell during the Magic Tri League Television. NBC, 4:45 p.m. EST. fourth iwnod • MODEL SP-503 Caldwell's ____ 41 11 Sugar Bowl, New Orleans: Ala- Buffalo retained its title chances Murray Beauty Salon 311, 141 :.: bama .7-2-0. vs. Mississippi 7-0-2 •. as fullback Cookie Gilchrist set a Martin Oilettes 16,1 on SUITS - SPORT COATS - Television. NBC, 1:45 p.m. ENT. league game rushing record of 243 leingstillingieresPeetallevrilteitieleggerelitlesteineeilieggirelleleginneletelliellellie Triangle Inn 33 18' Cotton Bowes", Dallas, Texas: .10- yards and soored five touchdowns Tidwell's 30 V acts-. tea- 0-0 • vs. Navy 19-1-01. Television, against New York tii tie a- record • 'eway washing Mary Lou's 28 24 ...:s CBS 1:46 pm. EST. that is held jointly by _• ng Power Rowland's .. 21 31 Orange Bowl, Miami, Fla.. Ne- of Kansas City • and DRESS SLACKS v.,. washes up, washes all Glendel Reaves 20 32 braska .9-1-0. vs. Auburn .9-1-01. of Houston. around! People's Bank 19 Television. ABC. 1:30 pm. EST. DarVle Lamomca. the rookie Bank of Murray 16 36 Dram-liquees Jan, 4 from Notre Dame mak- • Flushaway Boone's 16 36 and flushes Serilor Bowl, Mobile. Ala Televi- ing his first pro start. tossed a - 23 Good Selection . . seft food particles Blue Ridge __ 14 38 sion. NBC, 2 p.m. EST. yard pale, to flanker Elbert Duben- down the drain. No them ion for the Bills' sixth TD of the Tim Ten 'pre-rinsing! GREAT scraping, no nime. Murrelle Walker 156 Wanda Nance 151 fits a?- 1 The loss left New York with only SWEATERS - DRESS SHIRTS - SPORT SHIRTS •Unicouple adaptor- Vandy Signs a slim chance to tie for the division Katherine lax 150 mostany faucet. Needs no in- GIFT title. Betty Raley 150 stallaton! FOR , Frank Jackson scored three TD's Judy Parker 149 Shirley Wade 148 dishwashing capacity Tour In State l ee Renew; City in the Chief's rout •Giant 146 ALL-WEATHER GOATS - TIES - BELTS i of Denver. It was the first K. C. Joye Rowland - washes a complete NEMA victory since Oct. 6 and was feat- Anna Buie 145 service for 15.• MOM NASHVILLE. Tenn. .rri) — Van- ured by three block Denver punts Burlene Brewer 144 officials •N ar.,not Ele,trkcal .4410.,a,horre derbilt University athletic, and two pass . Doris Garland 144 Open Nights 'Til 7:00 p.m. .0s',' .tandards • have announced the signing of lour High Team Game Scratch Kentucky athletes to football grant Caldu ell's 758 itiCeitetkeit ter.'eVeYeettsreiltintriltinegillagir scholarships. High Team Game with Hr. Signed by the Commodores were FIGHT RESULTS Bootie's 687 244-931 Allan Powers, owenoboro halfback: High Team Three Games Scrateh Dan Cundiff, Louisville Eastern Caldeell'. X212 tackle; Lindsey Cower. Louisville by United Press International High Team Three Games with He. College - Shoppe Southern tackle, and Buster Mat PARIS ,1 PI - Boger Ray Robin- Caldwell's .; 2212 501-2119 BURETS !$t. Elizabethtown halfback. son. 160S. New York. outprented High ittd, Game fierateh poor Kentuckians were mernbri Armand Vanuces, 157' ,. France (10). Judy Parker 187 210 Main of the NEI Vanderbilt grid varsity High Ind, Gaine With He. Across From Murray State College Library 'Thev acre: Dave Malone. junior IllasSINKI. Finland ,efe Riste Estee oaidweil . , 183 38-221 753-5617 from Mayfieke. Steve Smith. sopho-ALuukkonen, 118', Finland. (ee- High Ind. Three Games Scratch more from Hendersqn. Joe Graham, 1 posited Mimun Ben All, 117S. Spain Dale Cif ilrlU I'll 500 junior from Cadiz and Wilford Fu- .15, 'won European bantamweight Sigh Ind. Three Game,. with He. Iff4SIANAP"!°. .12fr:P.r.P. P.APNiA194114-!WAIII qua, junior from Hopkinsville. title). ' Essie Calde ell 500 114-614

I. 10. 1963 TUESDAY DECEMBER 10, 1963 ERE La:DGEE a T/MES - RUERAI, KENTUCKY PAGE TERSE • • NOW YOU KNOW Yesterday's Puzzle By United Press International CROSSWORD PUZZLE Answer to Absolute zero. the point at which Ott IS all molecular motion theoretically ACROSS 11-Is mOlakesi 0140 MOM 01100 ••I stops, is about 469.7 degrees below I-SInk in .8-Noted OMB OMMO 0000 sem fahrenheit and 273.16 degrees middle 3-Toward the 00S OMMOPUBIBM 4-Fish sauce sheltered 12002P OMMM below zero centigrade, accosting to 4-Cultivated side OE 1101 0000 !VA the World Almanac. land 10-1.: 13-ftolf mound Arthur's U00 MON ODOM 13-Courageous lance OF 071N MOO IMO • person 11-Ximouutered 2ZOMN 000 OM 14- Cent or/ It-Chairs plant 18-Dey PAW SG110 OM Hog Market Is-Sea eagles 30-Cravat WOM MUM Protecti vs 33-iVititer 17- precipitation WOUGUOJMW MOM FOR THE BEST IN WELL PUMP reduced price $1000 for quick sale. News Serv- ,overing Federal Stare Market 19-Sacred song 26-114Indu U000 MOMP moo -AUCTION SALE itL.P NOTICE and water heater repair call Frank Roberts Realty, phone 753-1661. ice, Dec. 10, Kentucky Purchase without princess 0230 DOOM IMMO WANTED musical 14-Part of lock Taylor and Elroy Sykes at Taylor AL dl2c Market Report including I -1 Area Hog pant- 27-Frolic Sykes Plumbing and Repair Service, Estimated re- mtnt 10 buying stations. ZS-Unusual 35-Burden 46-K ea,• at SAT DEC. 14th, 1 P.M. Household HERE IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY. USED ELECTRIC WESTINGhouse 21-Frollo 36-Rodent cdrds Phone 753 4609. All work strictly ceipts 495, barrows and gilts 25 to 22- Iturina S9-Man's '41.1m o, med - and kitchen furnishings. 5 horse Good Rawleigh business now avail- cooking oinge $35 00 See at 809 nickname Ilh-Puff up 48- guaranteed. dl3c 40c lower. U.S. 1, 2 marl 3 180 to 230 t ribesmen 4.4-Cour4ge • oam• Wizzard garden tractor with plow, able in N. Calloway Co. Write for Would Vine or phone 753-2345. dl2c 24W''Over SO-A cleaving 41-Plumlike 47-N1 /1st, lbs. $14.00 to $14.10. Few US. 1 180 25-S} 211hol for together as s,rIIt.n disc, mover. cultivators. Horse- information. See or write G. P. Hu- CANDID MOVIE NEWS AWARD fruit to 220 lbs. $1410 to $14.50. US. 2 and rhodium ss s ntrial 43-Ripped 61- ett drawn fanning tools 3 miles mat of ghes, R.R. 1, Murray or write Raw- Friday tate at the Murray Drive-In 17-Shammed ruin, und 44 ok slowly FOR RENT or LEASE I 3 236 to 270 lbs. 812.75 to $13.75. U.S. Su-Civil Hazel, first house north of Perry's leigh Dept. KYL 1090-339, Freeport, YOU Theatre It's worth 4335.00 to to Aeronautics %,.1i 9 10 11 1, 2 arid 3 150 to 175 lbs. $1125 Administra- I 2 3 •:,$. 4 5 6 7 Store. d13e it someone!!!! dlOc FOUR BEDROOM HOUSE AT 1008 $13.75. US. 2 and 3 sows 400 to 600 tion (abbr.) • 11-Young girl :tea" Like To Earn Sharpe Street. Roberts Realty, dial lbs. $9.50 to $10.50. U.S. 1 and 2 250 n-Clralo 12 Saes FOR SALE I 753-1661 d 1:Jc to 400 lbs. $11.00 to $11.50. 1:1- Vast , V 7 I 54-S1,111 15 -lit 35- Lawful claim Ten Years Ago Today -Old pronoun BEDROOM MODERN 37 $12 to $14 NICE 3 WM WM MN JONI 33 - hst ract •".• Ledger & !Times File house, with 31s acres of land, locat- JoiKU being 24 ., ..::, 1 26 Johnson's Grocery will hold an open house on Friday and 39-Satiate >..,.• ed 50, miles North of Murray on - Sot-C..1[s Saturday of this week, according to Jesse Johnson, owner of Per Week? paved road, $8,750. Also nice build- 42-Trials •N'- Mirror For Christmas 45-So rt shatle• 27 11 ,,,,,45,.,...d;A the grocery. The firm has moved directly across the street ing lot near Stella. Phone 753-2515. 49-1"nroty d 12c calls for buying more presents than any other cro,r1 from the old location of the Hazel Highway at the City Limits. Apply In Person Christmas Season 49- Landed A check for $1,000 has been received from the National time. Did you ever think of giving a lovely mirror, a mirror made -11 i tinn 35 h:c CUSHMAN EAGLE Motorscooter, 10 52- Native metal 31 • Foundation for Infantile Paralysis to meet the most urgent .at the weeks old, has guarantee. Make nice of genuine plate glass. Perhaps a mirror' to put on a closet door 63-Small U mount h7 a-..hfc :'9 hospital, nursing, and medical bills which the Calloway Coun- Ohristmas present. Call after 6:00 -toe view. The best buys in door mirrors are at to give a head-to 64- A verag• LEDGER & TIMES dlOc aass•• . 41 • 42 43.44 ty Chapter of the Foundation has assumed for polio patients. p.m. 762-3346, Bob Bucy's Building Supply. Door mirrors are made of Parallel-O-Plate 55-Recent 'PA:* :•:. Airman Third Class Hobert C. Phillips, son of Mr. and Mrs. • perfect 1954 i,,-TON DELUXE PICK-UP,, which has no superior. It's twin-ground for more DOWN 43 .443 4 P. D. Phillips, has entered the USAF Technical School for Air- and become radio, heater, excellent, condition. reflections. Bucy's Building Supply offers these full-length mirrors t- Si elk craft Mechanics at Sheppard Air Force Base, Texas. William Sims, call 753-4466. dlOp in sizes to fit any door. You can put them on yourself in just a few 2-! 041.1,h Iris IA 4boro Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Grant announce the engagement and 53 .54 •••••;••!33 - A ROUTE SOW AND PIGS. SOWS WILL far- minutes. Stop in at Bucy's Building Supply, 623 S. 4th Street, and 3-Slost docile r dr... approaching marriage of their Mary Ann, -Exclamation ' daughter, to Max row in about 10 days. Sows with see them. They are specially priced for Christmas, 4 6-Meadow Distr, by United 9ealura Horace Churchill, Jr son of Mr. ant', :.irs Max H. Churchill. pigs lust weaned. Also nice pigs. Call or see Kynois McClure. Phone ,ereo Phono BOY 753-4770, call after 6 p.m. Mop kti is/Ai WA kfAi

TWO QUARTERS OF BE'. Call WREN WILL MS BE CURED? 753-2518. dlOnc BRANDON BROS. USED CARS I. ALTON GARLAND. WILL NOT YOURSELF FOR A Thrill Say when... with your dollars! be responsible for any debts made BRACE Lustre other than by myself as of Decem- the first time you use Blue SUMP FIGHT MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS sham- ber 10, 1963, dl2p to clean rugs. Rent electric pooer $1. Crass Furniture. d 14c CHEVROLET ROOM SUITE, ELECTRIC BUYS IMPALA LIVING BEST stove. Both in good condition. Phone 753-6349. dile "COMPACT CAR HEADQUARTERS IN MURRAY" venience ONE 1963 DODGE OAR. 330, black, power steering, white sldewall tires, '56 FORD 2-Dr. HT red interior, actual mileage between '63V2 FORD '64 CHEVY 2-Dr. '56 CHEVY Good Mechanically 4 and 5 thousand. Bought and oper- 427 hp, 4-in-the-Floor H'top, Double Poser 4-Door Sedan ated by Grover Cunningham. This '62 CHEVY '63 CHEVY SS '53 CHEVY 4-Dr. '59 PONTIAC 4-Dr. oar is just like new. It can be seen 409, 4-in-the-Floor Air Cond., Dbl. Power Sedan. Good. ' Double Power DE Eurie Garland Our Lot. d12d- '59 VOLK'WAGEN • 1, ••• q ri • '62 CHEVY '62 CHEVY Be! Air '60 RAMBLER !....1].0.9 and not let anything happen to Katharine. "I hope 260 BALES NICE CLEAN WHEAT . pU yeti it ill it Impala Convertible 4-Dr. Sedan, 6-Cyl. ' 6-Cyl., St. Sh., Fac. Air Radio, Gas Gauge •,•Ju Hinm?" there s anything there to De straw. Call 753-4733, Clovis Byerly, i.• .• •,. 0!..1 tn!tt. "Yeah," muttered 6, Pottertown Road. ,•1 Gordon got Sne stoad do -Paid I hope Murray Route '61 CHEVY '60 CHEVY '62 FORD 4-Dr. JEEP ;1.1.0111.. • ". • 1:r Be "ii'?, all i "Sure" He stared at the carpe' you'll dl2p 4nd ..o•ii.r• wet ottee think about the remeoial Impala Convertible 4-Door Sedan 6-Cyl., St. Sh., R. Wag- with 4-Wheel Drive 1 0 dzoppectI5 elnywo• uswetted -to "0 K Now, Miss Mason's go: sourse tor rum, • It •eemeti duo• ley for IN ONE BLOCK OF COLLEGE, two rum to mote explored the bottom of a funny little idea you maybe really -very expensive, and ir 1-5865 bedroom brick home, large shady * Wide Selection of Older Cars • ,reel ex• a, xi 'in His notti.' was know a little something about lie Li cooperate, be could go a Come See Our navy there ',Mrs the, ma souther lot 125'x.200'. Gas heat, fireplace, Sad ...ported nix c this pal 01 yours Who got killed ' long way toward catching up to I Parts hardwood floors. Extra large living Detective VW Va re 110 who knew That was a pretty damn awful his age level 83k Mr Har- Pu4.1. s prying 051,1. from 1.14, roam and kitchen. Nice 81W dining experience, waked thing_ wasn't it?" well:our principal, and give you lobo ate,,.topf Ellis Realtors, tomations himself aroued t•ze neigh- "Yeah " some names and addresses.' room. Patton and borhood Fie had estsoletned that "You look phone 753-1738. ltc the Due was last wee store around at me Gordon. Do "We'd sure aptireciate pm with • •ittcn in me urine you know something about said Bicknell. -It's nice of you, wtom an autopsy .onftrno.ri BOY'S DRICSS AND SPORT clo- then ea Mat? 1 don't see how you could take all this trouble, over tne wins Killed t t, • W O the 753-4620. BROS. 16. Phone BRANDON thes. sizes 14 and The es, avail',,,•t -seem to remember ir.dod a clue a you came boy." di2p ,f reign uin possi ly • talisman!home kind HIGHWAY - ACROSS FROM A &P of HAZEL luso by the mord, ci early that day- "No trouble," said Katharine, Further invest igat ion centered at- but if you do, well, you knew, smiling at tum 'We try to do DUPLEX AT 502 SOUTH 6th. Priv- tention on nee dwell,, in SEE HOWARD BRANDON or VERBLE TAYLOR - Plaza 3-4383 the kid, we all got to help the our best for them, you know. ate entrance for both sides, furnace neighborhood tlx Gordon Bick- nell. who had 'Feet. befriended by cops-" And you will Keep- the other heat, two car garage. Owners have Paul Their Icaelier Katharine Ma- "1 tole the damn fuzzes all I thing-in mind 7" son. wonderecl how Gordon ever Bashinther reached the fifth 'trade m•-ause of knew!" the boy burst out des- "1 sure will. Thing like that NANCY by Ernie hi• in•hint' to read. She decided perately, frantically. -hell of a thing to visit his parents . . Katharine to happen ... saw the man's hands tighten on Been very nice meeting you, the thin shoulders. "1 Sole her Miss Mason." DON'T ASK FOR OKAY--- CHAPTER 25 -she's just nuts, that's all! I "Yes, it's real nice, your tak- VATHARINE MASON leaned TOO MANY ITEMS- I WON'T don't know nothing, I can't tell ing an interest in Gordon " said 1.16 forward. "Mr. Bicknell," she SANTA DOESN'T ASK FOR nobody nothing more'n I (Mi- Mrs. Bicknell. sounding a little said, "you know about this asv- lt LIKE GREEDY peopled leave me alms"- I more forth COM ing morder-a litUe boy Gordon don't- She's just nuts-' He "Not at all," said Katharine CHILDREN ANYTHING Knew. Paul Brandon." broke away and ran out of the /WWI. Bicknell's expression tautened TOOT. • • • suddenly. "Yeah, I know. The "Of course be couldn't know ECHNICALLY speaking. Vic devil of a thing, that was. The anything about that," said Mrs T Varallo wasn't having sa.u.n- papers said-Just a kid. Tough Bicknell. "How could he? He'd day duty MIS month. Out at on the parents." have said- You know he'd course police officers didn't "And in such a nice neigh- have told ini, Bert-" take regular days oft when borhood!" broke in Mrs. Bick- "Sure," said Bicknell. "I think they were working a case. Not nell in a high nervous voice. so too." He looked at Katharine. the ranking officers, anyway "It doesn't seem possible -" "I tell you, Miss Mason, some- He got downtown about ten to "Well, as just a wild hunch. thing occurs to Inc about this, nine and had a look at what had Mr. Bicknell," said Katharine. see? It could be he's kind of come in overnight "but I think Gordon knows upset right now because this "Here's one you can go out something about it and is afraid kid, this Paul, was about the on," said Poor, shoving a work to tell I've asked him, tried to only new pal he'd made here. sheet over to him. "I'm on desk talk by Esteban, Van bares to him, but he won't say And so he's, you know, missing duty, Wayne is out with an at- ANNIE AN' SLATS anything I thoulght if you tried. him. Because I just don't see tack of neuritis-he says it was maybe-he seems to be very how he could-" all that digging in your hole A LIKELY STORY. I POP 'GASP)- WHAT VER. ABOUT T'GET fond of "Well. I suppose that started It up--and Katz WASN'T BORN NESTER RAY. HAPPENED YERSELF A (GROAN) could is on BUT ALL I WAS DON' VVAS "Something about that?" be," agreed Katharine this new burglary." NOW T' GET A JUSTICE MOTHER, SUE, slowly. TRYIN' T. HELP YER DAUGHTER Bicknell sounded astonished and "We do earn our •- 0' THE PEACE HONEY .1 "Maybe it was wrong to pick money," said WHO PASSES OUT upset. 'Why. I don't see how he Varallo, and up and move," he went on rue- looked 'at the re- - could-and it he did, I think BACK THERE fully "I never thought of the port. fled ye come out with it to one effect on the kid. I don't know Last night the Vandals had of us, don't you think. non?" -take him away from his old visited two schools, an elemen- "Of Course he would have! friends and so on. But, well. tary school and the junior high He's really a good boy -we've after all. I was making more across the street from Hoover raised him right, tried to-" money, better Job. we wanted High. "I think you're way off the S nicer home arid all, better Since the wave of vandalism track there. Miss Mason. but, neighborhood. There were a had started, Saturday night be- sink.. I'll ask him It you really I" couple of kids he used to go ing an obvious one for kids think-Gordon' Come in here!" around with we didn't think raising hell, one of the main- 0.4.6••Fx- A long moment later the boy much of, see-we thought, get tenance men at all public schools appeared Katharine thought he into a classier district was detailed to make a routine looked even thinner, that he'd "I used to be with Bob Weg- Check on Sunday mornings. lost weight; he Was certainly ge, auto These two very white. agency and garage had called in with over on San Fernando, but the usual incoherent He stopped on the threshold, of rage and course the money's better astonishment, you never and settig Katharine suddenly at saw Lockheed, and you got to think such a Mess, send - looked ra bjectly frightened. somebody of the future-pension plan and quick. by Li 021). "What's she said about me?" he LIL' MINER .4311=1121111W all like that Only 1 guests, now cried in terror. "She's &la time "Hell," said Varallo. He went I stop to think, it's been rough down picking on me -a It's not so, the nail to Prints, bur- on the kid, changing D-DON*T GO ON WIF TH" "/Ci LISTENED T'GEORGE JESSEL YO'SAT THROUGH whatever she said-" neighbor- rowed a man, and they drove hoods-" to SING "WAGON WI-IEE106"fr )/0" AHSTILL "Hey.r said Bicknell good- the elementary school first INHOOMIKI WEDDIN:"SAM !! A VIOLIN/ RECITAL SOOPREME The GOTTA DO humoredly, "you stop saying "He'll get over It, Bert It'll janitor was waiting for NO HOOMIN BEAN KIN TAKE IT!! WATCHED A TV INTERVIEW HENN`i AGONY be TI-4' bad things about Miss Mason. 0 K., he'll make new friends them on the steps of the main WIF MACAME NHU YOUNGMANI?F KIN THET Conic here-come here, son." and all-" building, a bald, spare, elderly GRAND man. '10'GOTTA BE? Slowly, unwillingly, the boy "Well, if you ask me, Miss "You sure took your time FINALE!! getting ( QUIT!! crossed the room to stand be- Mason, that's all it is-he just here," he said resent- fully. fore 'him. His father put his hasn't settled down like, yet. IA; hands on Gordon's shoulders. But I'll sure keep it in mind- "Sorry, we've got other busi- "Now. Miss Milson'it Just trying he was upset just now, but I'll ness as well-Toll Junior High 1-11..„ to help you, kid. That's all. She's have a serious talk with him got it too." a good teacher, likes to help the and try to find out if he does "You don't say. These kids- kids in her class. know a little something. I guess people just don't teach them any "And she's got a couple ideas at bottom he thinks enough of morals any more, I swear, and about you, boy, that's all she's his dad to trust him when the then too they don't get enough been talking about. Now you chips are down." He smiled at work, at school or at home- answer, me straight, see? You her. and like we all know Satan knew I'm your dad, I'm on your "I thought you'd have a bet- finds work for idle hands." side, right here to back you uo ter chance of getting it," said (To Be Continued Tomorrow) ••• a. 12? c.e.,tte iv 161.. Pomo* 11,•••••r. cQ Cearatz--• PAOE FOLIt CIA L110011111 I it'll* — MUSKAT , 111111ILICILI TUESDAY — DECEMBER 10, 1963 Social Calendar /////111//////////41////// /11/////, /1/ //// /II”//////// ////////,///,,,,,, Cora Graves Circle Mrs. J. B. Burkeen - 753-1916 Dear Abby . . . Meets At Home Of Mrs. Simons or 753-4*47 Tuesday, December Illth Woman's Club will have a practice The Flint Baptist Church WMS at the club house at 1:30 p.m. Members at Com Graves Circle of will meet at the church at 7 p.m. • • • College Presbyterian Church wonen weda4 • • • The Flint Baptist Church WISIS enjoyed their annual Christ-ma/par- fV The Murray Manufacturing Wives will meet at the home of Mrs. Willie Silent Middleman! ty at the home of the charmers Club will have a dinner meeting at Johnson at 10:30a.m. Mrs. Charles Simons, sunset the Triangle Inn at 6 p.m. Gifts will • • • yard, Wednesday evening. be exchanged. The Ruth Wilson and Wesleyan Abigail Van Buren • • • circles of the First Methodist Chur- Mrs. Simons opened the meeting n'orkshop Meet Held Mrs. James Fee Is Kirksey WSCS Has The Phebian Sunday School Class ch WSCS will have a potluck supper with prayer and a brief business of the First Baptist Church will in the social hall at 630 pm. Mrs. `1=11MX/M/W/MMI/0 SeNNIU11 followed The hew yearbooks By Gairden Club Hostess For Grace Christmas Program for 1964 were distributed. have a dinner meeting at the home Cecil Farris and Mrs. Max Carman DEAR ABBY: I am 15 and love buck to him thcy'd never forget it. of Mrs. Loyd Boyd, 1004 Sharpe will have the program and Mrs. J. B. The Natures Palette Garden Club Wyatt Circle Meet The Woman's Society of Christian both my parents very much, but I'm I think it is a mother's job, not the The program was oneof the Con- Street, at 6:30 p.m. Wilson will give the devotion. held a meeting at the workshop of Service of the Kirksey Methodist afraid they will end up in divorce father's, to disciple the daughters cern Topics from the amend series Mrs. James Fee. Keenland Ave.. • • • The New Concord Homemakers Mrs 011ie Brov.n on Wednesday Church met at the church Thurs- court if my mother doesn't change How can I make my daughter mind "Who Cures?" and dear. with Epil- was hostes.s Friday morning to The Ruth Sunday School Class Club will meet at the home of Mrs. afternoon at one o'clock. - day afternoon with the president, her ways. Dad is a lawyer, around without telling her father') epsy. The presentatioi was made members of Grace Wyatt Circle of the First Baptist Church will Charlie Stubblefield at 10 a.m. for Mrs Hs Douglass and Mrs L. E. of Mrs Max wax., .ding. 50. and he has a good practice. But, A MOTHER'S JOB by Mrs Edward Briuner who de- College Presbyterian Church worn- . have a potluck supper at the home a potluck lunch. Flak were the hostesses for the "If We Had Been in Bethlehem" Abby, if most people knew how hard DEAR al 0 T II E R: Disciplining tailed the known catues and cures• en. She served coffee and rakes to of Mrs. Phillip Mitchell at 6:30 pm. • • • meeting The ladies made Christmas was the theme of the very lovely a lawyer works on briefs, court children (boys or girls) should be and the problems su-rounding its the guests from a beautifully dec- • • • trees and choir gals fur each of the Christmas program presented by arguments, witnesses, testimon y, a team effurt. Personally, I think victims. °roped Christmas table. The Kirksey School PTA will meet members' homes. Mrs. Paul D Jones, Mrs Johnson PERSONALS etc., they would break right down you've lost control. And once it is In the abeence of the at the school at 7 pm Dr. and Mrs After the program, the group en- chairman. Easley. Mrs. Clay South, Mrs. Max and cry. Tonight Dad came home lust It is farces regained. Unless you Those Mrs. Henry McKenzie presided, Castle Parker will Mn, and Mrs. Ralph Morris of joyed Christm is genes and an ex- present a ere Mesdames op- Hurt. and Mrs Boyd Norsworthy. present the pro- at 7:15. Right away Mom said, want even more serious problems John Ryan, ening the meeting with prayer. Mrs. gram. Ferndale. Mich., were the recent change of snuill gate Henry Hargis, I. E. Ten persons were present includ- "Have you eaten yet?" No "hello," with your daughter, let her father guests of Mrs. Morris' Fist Humphrey Key. E F. Settle, A. W. Simmons Jr served as secre- mother. Mrs. eaten yet?" He said, handle her. ing two visitors, Mrs. Rex Beach just. "Have you The hostess serval delicious re- Ralph Tesseneer, tary pro-teen. Murray. Star Chapter No. 433 Or- Tom Gordon. and sisters, Mrs Clint • • • Charlie Stubble- and Mrs. Miles Beech. "No, I just got out of court" Then field. Mrs James Williams was der of the Eastern Petty, Mrs Ralph Byrd. and Mrs. freshments from a gaily doonited Paul Lynn. Ila Douglass. B C. aelcom- • • • Star will meet Mom said. "What do you think IM Sally Fergerson. and brother, Her- What's on your mind? For a per- tea table. Harris, E. S. Ferguson, and 011ie ed SS a new member by transfer. at the Masonic Hall at 7:30 p.m. running here, a restaurant?" This • • • bert Gordon of sorial reply, send a self-addressed, Bros n. The group made plans for house- Fellowship Supper Alton, Ill. sort of thing goes on all the time. stamped envelope to Abby, Box 3365 cleaning and renovation of the Nur- The Murray Branch of the AAUW I know Mom loves him, but how can P Held By Cordelia Mrs. Lois Schlosser and Mr. and Beverly Hills, Calif. sery Room at the church during the will meet at the home of Miss Ro- I got her to treat him nicer? I was Christmas holiday period berta Whitnah at 7:30 p.m. Mrs Dick Pressler and daughters, Erwin Circle taught that children should be seen • • • For The closing three . • • Barbara and Sharon. of Dayton, Rent chapters of the and not heard. The Cordelia Erwin Circle of the Ohio, spent EQUIPMENT FOR Bible Study text -One People of The Kings Daughters Class of the the weekend with Mr. IN THE MIDDLE For Abby's booklet, "How To Have Gods' were capably presented by South Plea.sant Grove Methodist Scotts Grove Baptist Church will and Mrs. Arlo Sprunger They at- SICK ROOM DEAR IN: I don't believe that A Lovely Wedding," send 50 cents to Mrs Thomas Schlaak. Church Wonsan's Society of Chris- have a dinner at the Triangle Inn. tended the Murray-Bradley basket- children should be seen and not Abby. Box 3365, Beverly Hills. • Wheel Chairs • • • tian Service Met at the church Husbands of the members will be ball game on Saturday evening, heard. Wait for the opportune mo- • Bed Pans Wednesday. December 4. for the guests. Their son and brother, Scott Schlos- •••=•••••••• nient, and when your mother is • Portable Commode regular meeting and a fellowship • • • ser, plays on the Murray team. FOR CORRECT • • • alone, has plenty of time and is in • PERSONALS supper with the families of each The West Hazel Homemakers Club Crutches good mood, tell her she should GRAVY BOAT member. will meet with Mrs Kaska Jones. Mr and Mrs Talmadge Erwin of a TIME and Chrome Mr and Mrs. gentle with Teddy Morris and After a bountiful supper and the • • • Southfield. Mich, were the recent he more patient and children, Sherry. Ten. and Ken, of Dad. Sometimes, from the mouths TEMPERATURE and TRAY 497 WALLIS DRUG CO. exchanging of gifts to prayer The Harvest Sunday School mass guests of her mother. Mrs. Mary Ferndale, Mich.. were the guests last friends, an interesting program on Butterworth, his aunts. Mrs. Maudie ' of babes... DAY OR NIGH -, Phone 753-1272 of the First Baptist Church will • • • Reg. 7.00 week of Mrs Morns' parents. Mr, pre- ''The Power to Become" was have a potluck supper at the home Hale and Mrs. Gertie Farris Evans, Gifts and Mrs Boone Deeke of Benton sented with Mrs. Lurene Cooper and Many Other Rich Chrome of Mrs. Bethel Richardson, 1007 and other relatives DEAR ABBY: When you said a DIAL 75,376W • • • Mrs. Ruth Hill as leaders. Poplar, at 6:30 p.m. 76-year old man was only running -Way • Use Our Lay-A The program began with Mrs. Oli- • • Mr. and Mrs. Bob Lassiter of Ral- for the exercise, you forgot the say- vene Erwin at the organ playing The Memorise saaptist Church eigh. North Carolina, were the rec- ing, "There are n lot of good tunes PEOPLES BANK "Silent Night." Many passages of WNIS will meet at the church at ent guests of his aunt. Mrs. Laura played on an old fiddle." STARKS HARDWARE scripture were read by Mrs. Ruth of Telephone 2 pm for the week of prayer pro- Jennings. a n d grandparents, Mr. OLD FIDDLER 12th & Poplar Hill. Mrs. Franco Erwin, Mrs. Dor- gram. and Mrs. Gardie Lassiter. DEAR FIDDLER. But who list- Murray, Ky. Bran- • • • othy Cooper, Mrs Ola May • • • ens! don, Mrs Treas. Mrs. Myrtle Cooper, Talk Wednesday. December 11th Mr and Mrs. Gaston Neale and • • • • Mrs. Owen. Mrs. Lurene Cooper, The Kenlake Homemakers Club daughter, Cindy, of Dearborn. Mich., by and Mrs Ester Goals will meet at the home of Mrs. Frank and Mr and Mrs. Hardy OulliegaSer DEAR ABBY: I am the mother Special MUSIC was presented dur- Parrish at 10 am. for a potluck of Berkles', Mich, were the recent of five children, but my 14-year Murray Lumber Co. Inc. TOM BREWER ing the program by, Mrs. Lurene dinner and exchange of gifts. guests of the ladies' mother, Mrs. old daughter is my problem. When 01,Upt and her three daughters, • • • Hallett Dunn. and other relatives. I tell her to clean up her room or OLDEST AND LARGEST LUMBER CO. IN MURRAY Your Telephone Manager • • • Jan, Sarah, and Christi. The Memorial Baptist Church to turn off the TV and do her home- business was conducted by work, she 104 East Maple St Tel 763-3161 The WeES will meet at the church at Mr. and Mrs. Bill McKeel of Nor- tells me to shut up! I told the president. Mrs. Mavis McCam- 7.30 p.m. thvalle. Mich. are the guests of his her she was getting out of'hand and ish. The group voted to have the • • • sister. Mrs. Goldia Curd. They are if she didn't watch her step I'd tell EVERY FOOT A SQUARE DEAL next reguler meeting on January 8 her father. He is very strict The Music Chorus of the Murra5 enroute home after a vacation in with the as the first Wednesday is New Florida. children and if they ever talked Year's day. A HUMAN VOICE FIRST SPANNED THE ATLAN- Twenty-five members and nine TIC by radio telephone in 1915. The first satellite-trans- visitors were present Hostesses were TULLPOTENTIT... mitted telephone call crossed the Atlantic in 1962. Less Mrs Estelle Gooch. Mrs Ruby Har- V 1963 Box Score: than half a century separates these two "firsts" yet they rell, and Mrs. Ester Gooch iContinued From Page Ii • • • for your represent greater progress in communications than in all help. your prayers and your understanding during the the rest of human history. And .we're still going stspng. Mrs. J. B. Wilson four FORD'S TOTAL PERFORMANCE TOUGHNESS Every year brings years ahead." new communia. was miracles to home Waterfield and office! Presides At Paris Speaks • • • Lt Gov Harry Lee Waterfield. District Meeting orZy he second man in Kentucky DOMINATES THE COMPETITION WORLD! THE BIG history to be elected to a second DAY IS ALMOST HERE. Plans are well The Executive Committee of the term as lieutenant governor, said under way for parties, dinners, presents, surprises of all Woman's Society of Christian Serv- Ford has chosen the most rugged testing program cars have ever faced .. . full-scale open competi- his -desire to contribute to the kinds. And most of them mean lots of work for the lady ice of the Paris District met with tion on the rally and racing circuits of the world. This is the dramatic way to show that Fords have health, wealth. welfare and happi- of the house. May we suggest a very personal way to Mrs W. T. Barnes, Fulton, Kentuc- changed ... and the sure way to be certain they keep on changin,7. Changed? Just look at the record: cele- ness of the people of Kentucky was brate Christmas. No work ... ky, December 4, 930 am Eighteen not much time required ... never greater." very little cost. Telephone calls members were served delicious re- to friends and relatives The lieutenant governor contin- PAC* CAR RACING, SPORTS CAR REMO IACONO RALLY COMPETITION' ININANAPOUS: PERFORNIANCE A ECONOMY- near and freshments by the hostess as they far! Send your good wishes over the miles by ued. "At this inauguration where 2-0,1 margin for Ford 1..,,r1 V-ri pi.i.,.r Monuicartrarer", V.,,I ends an era New laurels Parr! arrived. i. the P., Csig C'hampionshap for telephone. The sound of voices we love is the very nicest past and present meet to attack the Fad is begot NaSCali coin Advanced Ford engineering The Mobil EcOnomy Run The meditation. "The Unspeak- Here Ihe Cohra with its spe- ProdLcts of- ford Motor land of gift to gse or to receive. problevne of the future, on this petition and Ford Motor Corn smashed precedent in lbs underscored Falcon's years able Gift," was given by Mrs. J. L. pany has the NASCAR C.31 Fantasy enging emerged Company and its world-wide classtc Indianapolis -500," long reputation tor thrill—a historic occasion where pride is a, :he overwr• m,,z, le -,der affiliates won the 19(t3 Menu- The hrst tirne out a light alloy Leggett, secretary of Spiritual Life. Ach•evement Award to prove Falcon scored first in class B • • • mingled with humility, at this mo- it In the '63 season, special ir one short year '....:Lra .00 lecturer's World Rally Chem version of the I aillane V 8 (madiuntemined compacts) She brought out that we today are l^rd entries won every single the chvi led Mahoracturer r s pronship. Ford's rally year de'.ign in a lot ,-, 013,SIS And the Pure Oil PerlormanCe ALEXANDER GRAHAM ment in history where emotions are Thurvi in finished socnrol And BELL would be interested in often like the Innkeeper, we have r ,:e 31 500 miles or longer SIOCA '7'3:s A Pro began when two specially the neil Trnrs 't onitit laurel to 5, • mixed as on no other occasion, I ,,,,ri equipped Falcon V • 8's startled time in th, WO/44U K.` 2 XI I wilh,f ,rr the things going on at Abilities, Inc., a manufacturing no room in our hearts and homes scored nearly twice as many crimpec:lion Di SO big I rdn w'nch where men solemnly pledge to meet points as any other mu. 1110`.11` a m irgoi no other cars— the automotive world m the it ended the hogn nt the 1r3 OrItIl nio ran WOW, Ir` I 11` C', 1 company near New York City. Every one of over 400 for Christ She said that Christmas SOO mile races are the Litt! LI S or foreign- MP', even .h brutal 2500•mile Monte Carlo dlleanal Indy ran ly car by unit II I g t,13' nnrb the demands of our times with good ', 3' e employees is handicapped in some way. The is not gifts. tinsel and amusements, mate test of inherent dura wilt And In the two 11,1I0! Rallye Other special falcon leading every hil r t the way iin In )1Tly ell.. .eration id company courage and high hope. I pledge tihty and dependability In two ter,ls this lull the Lagh:na ',, A's triumphed in Holland's Irons start to 11,,I1 braiimg) originally started ten years but Christmas is Christ. ago with four employees with set my hand, my mind and a- .t other maior stOCI, GU racing Seca and Racist.. rai.ei the tamed Tulip Rally, and ran just one good leg and Mrs J. B. Wilson. president, pre- 3,sta:rations IMC A and MARC new fling Cobrv duster' nff away with the Manufacturer's five arms among them! A big part to the task that lies aheed. to make i of the sided over the meeting and gave 1-,r) drivers hare wrapped the nip unlimited' cars tram .ir' Pr ,,, 1^ !he 4000-mile work they do is for Western Electric, supplier of a maximum contribie on io the peo- up the 1963 championships al' aver the world. Tranr, '. inaila Fi',3.1y a report of the Conference Extru- Bell System communications equipment. Mr. plc of my state nc and in the long Bell's inter- tive meeting she had attended rec- est in helping the handicapped grew future. out of his work with ently. Tentative plans were made deaf people. And "I rededicate myself to the ser- out of this grew his interest in the whole. for the District Annual meeting vice of the people of Kentucky." field of communications. which will be at the First Methodist • Waterfield said that experience Church in Dresden, Tennessee. Mac-' • • • is not an unmixed blessing ch 3. 1964. Miss Margaret Elizabeth shackle one to the past, MYSTERY. A woman in New Or- Boss. Lahore. Pakistan will be the "It may the scapegoat for our er- leans couldn't understand why her speaker. She is a missionary now on it may be it may provide the bridge friends complained that she often, furlough. rors, or past and the future, picked up her phone when it Mrs. Wilson cave dates for future between the rang which spans the river of and then didn't meetings of the district and con- the bridge answer. So she kept present with all of its currents ference. Reports were given by all the an eye on the phone. Seems that a cross currents of pressures and District Officers present. The next and cat whose naps were being disturbed problems, needs and demands" he had learned to knock the receiver meeting will be with Mrs. J. L. Leg- off:the hook with his gett, Paris, Tennessee, February 21. mad. paw, then which take up his nap where he'd left off. The problem 1964. -I shall use the experience acramiulate 'as was solved when the bell chime was installed. Now the • • • so permitted me to cat purrs when the chime chimes. Both lady and cat are a bridge," he continued. 'I shall enjoying the new sound of their telephone. not ignore the past. nor shall I let i\. SMOK ..:, SAYS it obscure or encumber the needs • • • and demands of the present and the future." Your friends at Southern ruSr ai Bell hope yo—u C 1 1 II and your family have the Merriest Chris-units k SMOKCS Murray Hospital (Continued From Page l) and the Happiest New Year ever! Lynnville. Mrs Helen Minnie Clark, 1 dead'' .di...--;,.,W _ Patients Dismissed From Friday 9:e0 6 to.PAWANAWARAMI(FKIa. to 9.00 . aL Monday a m qP00k1APS/PliCAtt'AWFINNICLCISASCP.XCP.P 1141 James Wilson. New Concord; Mrs. iz Jerry Norsworthy and baby boy, Rt. V 1964 Result: to: 6, Mrs. Virgil Newton. 1610a Miller; ..„.„-, Whayne Henderson, 808 West Main; Tel:' Mrs. Joe B. Phillips and baby boy. TOTAL PERFORMANCE INSPIRES THE Cy Greenville Drive, Benton; Mrs. Hal TOUGHEST, POINSETTIAS I, Gil- .01 Kennedy and baby girl, Rt. • bertsville; Mrs. James Jackson. Rt. SMARTEST CARS FORD Hundreds In Bloom Now In Our Greenhouse .•-,.16 1. FLardin ; Mrs. Jerry Barretroftt. 1; EVER BUILT! Rt. 3; Mrs. John IMrs. Roy Bogard. Fords have changed—and that's the real torious racing car—road-holding, braking, •Clark, Rt. 5, Benton; Mrs. Melvin reason behind Ford's racing SUCCEhi4808. We're durability, precision control, resistance to TRYTOTAILIERFORIAANe4 Henson, and baby boy, Rt. 2, Farm- now limiting the longest lasting, best han- vibration—also make a car safer, FORA CHANCE! Kirribro, stronger, s1.50 up :: ington; Mrs Roland Rt. 6; dling cars in our history. The things we;ve and smoother for highway use. Walhn 1606 Sunset Drive; IC Bernice learned from the specially equipped cars we But prove it to yourself. Take the wheel Ricky Kyle Fergerson. New Con- 0.. enter in open competition have helped make of any new Ford. Five minutes on the road )s ' cord: Master Steven Brent Lama- FORD them that way. will show you the kind of total performance •- ter, 1300 Olive Blvd.; Euclid Brown, The inherent qualities that make the vic- no one else can match. — Pao Fairlary . I •C Tkomixotwil .• Kt, I. Hardin; Ervie CI Willoughby, Rt. 3; Robert Smith. Box 1068 Col- ..tIl lege Station; George Bell. Rt. 2, SHIRLEY FLORIST oo: Kirksey; Mrs. Nellie Herndon. Rt. 2, * Puryear, Tenn.; Oryis Rudolpn, at PARKER MOTORS INC. • 1303 3. Benton; James Arterburn, MURRAY, KENTUCKY 500 No. 4th Street (Closed Suridays) Chestnut; Mrs Willie Wells, 1006 Morten Rodney Duncan, 1611 Olive; Ford presents -Arrest and Toil" -ABC-TV Net cork -Check your local listinga for time and rhannel iikliCIACO;111' WACO.* WNW hi kiitliki;ti id;,41.IOVION WICIO•Aae•iti WV RYans