Tuesday, September 4, 2001 Daily Digest

HIGHLIGHTS See Re´sume´ of Congressional Activity. Senate ports, taking action on the following amendment Chamber Action proposed thereto: Pages S9018–65 Routine Proceedings, pages S9011–S9089 Rejected: Measures Introduced: Eight bills were introduced, Thompson Amendment No. 1481, to modify the as follows: S. 1394–1401. exceptions from required time periods. (By 74 yeas Measures Reported: to 19 nays (Vote No. 274), Senate tabled the amend- Reported on Tuesday, August 28, during the ad- ment.) Pages S9049–65 journment: Denver Water Reuse Project—Title Amendment Report to accompany S. 1099, to increase the Modified: By unanimous consent, Senate modified criminal penalties for assaulting or threatening Fed- the committee reported title amendment to S. 491, eral judges, their family members, and other public to authorize the Secretary of the Interior, pursuant to servants. (S. Rept. No. 107–53) the provisions of the Reclamation Wastewater and S. 856, to reauthorize the Small Business Tech- Groundwater to participate in the design, planning, nology Transfer Program. (S. Rept. No. 107–54) and construction of the Denver Water Reuse project S. 1196, to amend the Small Business Investment (passed on August 3, 2001). Page S9084 Act of 1958. (S. Rept. No. 107–55) Nominations Received: Senate received the fol- S. 87, to amend the Native Hawaiian Health Care lowing nominations. Improvement Act to revise and extend such Act, Roy L. Austin, of Pennsylvania, to be Ambassador with amendments. (S. Rept. No. 107–56) Page S9074 to Trinidad and Tobago. Reported today: Phillip Bond, of Virginia, to be Under Secretary S. 1398, making appropriations for the Treasury of Commerce for Technology. Department, the United States Postal Service, the Raymond F. Burghardt, of Florida, to be Ambas- Executive Office of the President, and certain Inde- sador to the Socialist Republic of Vietnam. pendent Agencies, for the fiscal year ending Sep- Franklin Pierce Huddle, Jr., of , to be tember 30, 2002. (S. Rept. No. 107–57) Ambassador to the Republic of Tajikistan. H.R. 2506, making appropriations for foreign op- Laura E. Kennedy, of New York, to be Ambas- erations, export financing, and related programs for sador to Turkmenistan. the fiscal year ending September 30, 2002, with an Harold Craig Manson, of California, to be Assist- amendment in the nature of a substitute. (S. Rept. ant Secretary for Fish and Wildlife. No. 107–58) Kevin Joseph McGuire, of Maryland, to be Am- S. 643, to implement the agreement establishing bassador to the Republic of Namibia. a United States-Jordan free trade area, with an Pamela Hyde Smith, of Washington, to be Am- amendment in the nature of a substitute. (S. Rept. bassador to the Republic of Moldova. No. 107–59) Ronald Weiser, of Michigan, to be Ambassador to S. 1401, to authorize appropriations for the De- the Slovak Republic. partment of State and for United States international Eduardo Aguirre, Jr., of Texas, to be First Vice broadcasting activities for fiscal years 2002 and President of the Export-Import Bank of the United 2003. (S. Rept. No. 107–60) Page S9074 States. Export Administration Act: Senate began consider- George L. Argyros, Sr., of California, to be Am- ation of S. 149, to provide authority to control ex- bassador to Spain, and to serve concurrently and D853

VerDate 11-MAY-2000 03:04 Sep 05, 2001 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0627 Sfmt 0627 E:\CR\FM\D04SE1.REC pfrm01 PsN: D04SE1 D854 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — DAILY DIGEST September 4, 2001 without additional compensation as Ambassador to Brian E. Carlson, of Virginia, to be Ambassador Andorra. to the Republic of Latvia. M. Christina Armijo, of New Mexico, to be Paul G. Cassell, of , to be United States Dis- United States District Judge for the District of New trict Judge for the District of Utah. Mexico. Paul K. Charlton, of Arizona, to be United States Brig. Gen. Edwin J. Arnold, Jr., United States Attorney for the . Army, to be a Member and President of the Mis- Margaret M. Chiara, of Michigan, to be United sissippi River Commission. States Attorney for the Western District of Michi- Jo Anne Barnhart, of Delaware, to be Commis- gan. sioner of Social Security. Joseph M. Clapp, of North Carolina, to be Ad- John D. Bates, of Maryland, to be United States ministrator of the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Ad- District Judge for the District of Columbia. ministration. Charlotte L. Beers, of Texas, to be Under Secretary Edith Brown Clement, of Louisiana, to be United of State for Public Diplomacy. States Circuit Judge for the Fifth Circuit. Susan Schmidt Bies, of Tennessee, to be a Member Richard R. Clifton, of Hawaii, to be United States of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve Circuit Judge for the Ninth Circuit. System. Bruce Cole, of Indiana, to be Chairperson of the Marion Blakey, of Mississippi, to be a Member of National Endowment for the Humanities. the National Transportation Safety Board. Colm F. Connolly, of Delaware, to be United Marion Blakey, of Mississippi, to be Chairman of States Attorney for the District of Delaware. the National Transportation Safety Board. Robert J. Conrad, Jr., of North Carolina, to be J. Richard Blankenship, of Florida, to be Ambas- United States Attorney for the Western District of sador to the Commonwealth of The Bahamas. North Carolina. Lawrence J. Block, of Virginia, to be a Judge of Deborah L. Cook, of Ohio, to be United States the United States Court of Federal Claims. Circuit Judge for the Sixth Circuit. Robert C. Bonner, of California, to be Commis- Fred L. Dailey, of Ohio, to be a Member of the sioner of Customs. Board of Directors of the Federal Agricultural Mort- Karon O. Bowdre, of Alabama, to be United gage Corporation. States District Judge for the Northern District of Grace Trujillo Daniel, of California, to be a Mem- Alabama. ber of the Board of Directors of the Federal Agricul- Terrence W. Boyle, of North Carolina, to be tural Mortgage Corporation. United States Circuit Judge for the Fourth Circuit. Deborah J. Daniels, of Indiana, to be an Assistant Linton F. Brooks, of Virginia, to be Deputy Ad- Attorney General. ministrator for Defense Nuclear Nonproliferation, John J. Danilovich, of California, to be Ambas- National Nuclear Security Administration. sador to the Republic of Costa Rica. Susan W. Brooks, of Indiana, to be United States Joseph M. DeThomas, of Pennsylvania, to be Am- Attorney for the Southern District of Indiana. bassador to the Republic of Estonia. John L. Brownlee, of Virginia, to be United States Nils J. Diaz, of Florida, to be a Member of the Attorney for the Western District of Virginia. Nuclear Regulatory Commission. David L. Bunning, of Kentucky, to be United Kenneth M. Donohue, Sr., of Virginia, to be In- States District Judge for the Eastern District of Ken- spector General, Department of Housing and Urban tucky. Development. Timothy Mark Burgess, of Alaska, to be United Thomas C. Dorr, of Iowa, to be Under Secretary States Attorney for the District of Alaska. of Agriculture for Rural Development. Scott M. Burns, of Utah, to be Deputy Director Thomas C. Dorr, of Iowa, to be a Member of the for State and Local Affairs, Office of National Drug Board of Directors of the Commodity Credit Cor- Control Policy. poration. Jay S. Bybee, of , to be an Assistant Attor- Claire V. Eagan, of Oklahoma, to be United States ney General. District Judge for the Northern District of Okla- Karen K. Caldwell, of Kentucky, to be United homa. States District Judge for the Eastern District of Ken- Kurt D. Engelhardt, of Louisiana, to be United tucky. States District Judge for the Eastern District of Lou- Laurie Smith Camp, of Nebraska, to be United isiana. States District Judge for the District of Nebraska. Ellen G. Engleman, of Indiana., to be Adminis- Leura Garrett Canary, of Alabama, to be United trator of the Research and Special Programs Admin- States Attorney for the Middle District of Alabama. istration, Department of Transportation.

VerDate 11-MAY-2000 03:04 Sep 05, 2001 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 0627 Sfmt 0627 E:\CR\FM\D04SE1.REC pfrm01 PsN: D04SE1 September 4, 2001 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — DAILY DIGEST D855 Miguel A. Estrada, of Virginia, to be United Marian Blank Horn, of Maryland, to be a Judge States Circuit Judge for the District of Columbia of the United States Court of Federal Claims. Circuit. Jeffrey R. Howard, of New Hampshire, to be J. Robert Flores, of Virginia, to be Administrator United States Circuit Judge for the First Circuit. of the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency John L. Howard, of Illinois, to be Chairman of the Prevention. Special Panel on Appeals. Sharee M. Freeman, of Virginia, to be Director, Roscoe Conklin Howard, Jr., of the District of Community Relations Service. Columbia, to be United States attorney for the Dis- Stephen P. Friot, of Oklahoma, to be United trict of Columbia. States District Judge for the Western District of David Claudio Iglesias, of New Mexico, to be Oklahoma. United States Attorney for the District of New Mex- Thomas C. Gean, of Arkansas, to be United States ico. Attorney for the Western District of Arkansas. Jeffrey D. Jarrett, of Pennsylvania, to be Director James Gilleran, of California, to be Director of the of the Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and En- Office of Thrift Supervision. forcement. John W. Gillis, of California, to be Director of P.H. Johnson, of Mississippi, to be Federal Co- the Office for Victims of Crime. chairperson, Delta Regional Authority. Callie V. Granade, of Alabama, to be United William P. Johnson, of New Mexico, to be States District Judge for the Southern District of United States District Judge for the District of New Alabama. Mexico. Todd Peterson Graves, of Missouri, to be United Brian Jones, of California, to be General Counsel, States Attorney for the Western District of Missouri. Department of Education. James Ming Greenlee, of Mississippi, to be United Frederico Juarbe, Jr., of Virginia, to be Assistant States Attorney for the Northern District of Mis- Secretary of Labor for Veterans’ Employment and sissippi. Training. James E. Gritzner, of Iowa, to be United States Patrick Francis Kennedy, of Illinois, to be Rep- District Judge for the Southern District of Iowa. resentative of the United States of America to the Raymond W. Gruender, of Missouri, to be United United Nations for U.N. Management and Reform, States Attorney for the Eastern District of Missouri. with the rank of Ambassador. Janet Hale, of Virginia, to be an Assistant Sec- retary of Health and Human Services. Carolyn B. Kuhl, of California, to be United Terrell Lee Harris, of Tennessee, to be United States Circuit Judge for the Ninth Circuit. States Attorney for the Western District of Ten- Charles W. Larson, Sr., of Iowa, to be United nessee. States Attorney for the Northern District of Iowa. Patricia de Stacy Harrison, of Virginia, to be As- Hilda Gay Legg, of Kentucky, to be Adminis- sistant Secretary of State for Educational and Cul- trator, Rural Utilities Service, Department of Agri- tural Affairs. culture. Harris L. Hartz, of New Mexico, to be United Leslie Lenkowksy, of Indiana, to be Chief Execu- States Circuit Judge for the Tenth Circuit. tive Officer of the Corporation for National and Joe L. Heaton, of Oklahoma, to be United States Community Service. District Judge for the Western District of Okla- Charles F. Lettow, of Virginia, to be a Judge of homa. the United States Court of Federal Claims. Michael G. Heavican, of Nebraska, to be United Michael E. Malinowski, of the District of Colum- States Attorney for the District of Nebraska. bia, to be Ambassador to the Kingdom of Nepal. Thomas B. Heffelfinger, of Minnesota, to be Harry Sandlin Mattice, Jr., of Tennessee, to be United States Attorney for the District of Minnesota. United States Attorney for the Eastern District of Hans H. Hertell, of Puerto Rico, to be Ambas- Tennessee. sador to the Dominican Republic. Robert Garner McCampbell, of Oklahoma, to be Larry R. Hicks, of Nevada, to be United States United States Attorney for the Western District of District Judge for the District of Nevada. Oklahoma. Kent R. Hill, of Massachusetts, to be an Assistant Michael W. McConnell, of Utah, to be United Administrator of the United States Agency for Inter- States Circuit Judge for the Tenth Circuit. national Development. Jackson McDonald, of Florida, to be Ambassador Marianne Lamont Horinko, of Virginia, to be As- to the Republic of The Gambia. sistant Administrator, Office of Solid Waste, Envi- Bonnie McElveen-Hunter, of North Carolina, to ronmental Protection Agency. be Ambassador to the Republic of Finland.

VerDate 11-MAY-2000 03:50 Sep 05, 2001 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 0627 Sfmt 0627 E:\CR\FM\D04SE1.REC pfrm01 PsN: D04SE1 D856 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — DAILY DIGEST September 4, 2001

Paul J. McNulty, of Virginia, to be United States James H. Payne, of Oklahoma, to be United Attorney for the Eastern District of Virginia. States District Judge for the Northern, Eastern and Matthew Hansen Mead, of Wyoming, to be Western Districts of Oklahoma. United States Attorney for the District of Wyoming. Stephen Beville Pence, of Kentucky, to be United Patrick Leo Meehan, of Pennsylvania, to be States Attorney for the Western District of Ken- United States Attorney for the Eastern District of tucky. Pennsylvania. Mary E. Peters, of Arizona, to be Administrator of Michael J. Melloy, of Iowa, to be United States the Federal Highway Administration. Circuit Judge for the Eighth Circuit. Charles W. Pickering, Sr., of Mississippi, to be William Walter Mercer, of Montana, to be United United States Circuit Judge for the Fifth Circuit. States Attorney for the District of Montana. Sharon Prost, of the District of Columbia, to be Michael P. Mills, of Mississippi, to be United United States Circuit Judge for the Federal Circuit. States District Judge for the Northern District of Danny C. Reeves, of Kentucky, to be United Mississippi. States District Judge for the Eastern District of Ken- Michael W. Mosman, of Oregon, to be United tucky. States Attorney for the District of Oregon. Otto J. Reich, of Virginia, to be an Assistant Sec- Thomas E. Moss, of , to be United States retary of State for Western Hemisphere Affairs. Attorney for the District of Idaho. Arlene Render, of Virginia, to be Ambassador to Elsa A. Murano, of Texas, to be Under Secretary the Republic of Cote d’Ivoire. of Agriculture for Food Safety. Mark Edward Rey, of the District of Columbia, to Richard R. Nedelkoff, of Texas, to be Director of be Under Secretary of Agriculture for Natural Re- the Bureau of Justice Assistance. sources and Environment. Mark Edward Rey, of the District of Columbia, to John D. Negroponte, of the District of Columbia, be a Member of the Board of Directors of the Com- to be the Representative of the United States of modity Credit Corporation. America to the United Nations, with the rank and John G. Roberts, Jr., of Maryland, to be United status of Ambassador, and the Representative of the States Circuit Judge for the District of Columbia United States of America in the Security Council of Circuit. the United Nations. James Edward Rogan, of California, to be Under John D. Negroponte, of the District of Columbia, Secretary of Commerce for Intellectual Property and to be Representative of the United States of America Director of the United States Patent and Trademark to the Sessions of the General Assembly of the Office. United Nations during his tenure of service as Rep- Marvin R. Sambur, of Indiana, to be an Assistant resentative of the United States of America to the Secretary of the Air Force. United Nations. Thomas L. Sansonetti, of Wyoming, to be an As- Ronald E. Neumann, of Virginia, to be Ambas- sistant Attorney General. sador to the State of Bahrain. Eugene Scalia, of Virginia, to be Solicitor for the Terrence L. O’Brian, of Wyoming, to be United Department of Labor. States Circuit Judge for the Tenth Circuit. Joseph E. Schmitz, of Maryland, to be Inspector Joan E. Ohl, of West Virginia, to be Commis- General, Department of Defense. sioner on Children, Youth, and Families, Depart- Dennis L. Schornack, of Michigan, to be Commis- ment of Health and Human Services. sioner on the part of the United States on the Inter- Mark W. Olson, of Minnesota, to be a Member national Joint Commission, United States and Can- of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve ada. System. Donald R. Schregardus, of Ohio, to be an Assist- John Malcolm Ordway, of California, to be Am- ant Administrator of the Environmental Protection bassador to the Republic of Armenia. Agency. Priscilla Richman Owen, of Texas, to be United Mattie R. Sharpless, of North Carolina, to be Am- States Circuit Judge for the Fifth Circuit. bassador to the Central African Republic. John N. Palmer, of Mississippi, to be Ambassador Dennis W. Shedd, of South Carolina, to be United to the Republic of Portugal. States Circuit Judge for the Fourth Circuit. Barrington D. Parker, of Connecticut, to be Lavenski R. Smith, of Arkansas, to be United United States Circuit Judge for the Second Circuit. States Circuit Judge for the Eighth Circuit. Michael Parker, of Mississippi, to be an Assistant Brig. Gen. Carl A. Strock, United States Army, to Secretary of the Army. be a Member of the Mississippi River Commission.

VerDate 11-MAY-2000 03:04 Sep 05, 2001 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 0627 Sfmt 0627 E:\CR\FM\D04SE1.REC pfrm01 PsN: D04SE1 September 4, 2001 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — DAILY DIGEST D857

Michael J. Sullivan, of Massachusetts, to be Messages From the House: Page S9067 United States Attorney for the District of Massachu- Measures Placed on Calendar: Page S9067 setts. John W. Suthers, of Colorado, to be United States Statements on Introduced Bills: Pages S9078–79 Attorney for the District of Colorado. Additional Cosponsors: Pages S9076–78 Jeffrey S. Sutton, of Ohio, to be United States Amendments Submitted: Pages S9079–84 Circuit Judge for the Sixth Circuit. Mauricio J. Tamargo, of Florida, to be Chairman Additional Statements: Pages S9066–67 of the Foreign Claims Settlement Commission of the Authority for Committees: Page S9084 United States. Privilege of the Floor: Page S9084 J. Strom Thurmond, Jr., of South Carolina, to be Record Votes: One record vote was taken today. United States Attorney for the District of South (Total—274) Page S9065 Carolina. John F. Turner, of Wyoming, to be Assistant Sec- Adjournment: Senate met at 10 a.m. and adjourned retary of State for Oceans and International Environ- at 6:07 p.m., until 10 a.m., on Wednesday, Sep- mental and Scientific Affairs. tember 5, 2001. (For Senate’s program, see the re- Timothy M. Tymkovich, of Colorado, to be marks of the Acting Majority Leader in today’s United States Circuit Judge for the Tenth Circuit. Record on page S9084.) Joseph S. Van Bokkelen, of Indiana, to be United States Attorney for the Northern District of Indiana. Committee Meetings Gregory F. Van Tatenhove, of Kentucky, to be United States Attorney for the Eastern District of (Committees not listed did not meet) Kentucky. U.S. ECONOMY Kirk Van Tine, of Virginia, to be General Counsel Committee on the Budget: Committee concluded hear- of the Department of Transportation. ings to examine the current economic and budget Odessa F. Vincent, of the District of Columbia, to situation facing the United States, focusing on the be an Associate Judge of the Superior Court of the recent Congressional Budget Office report, ‘‘The District of Columbia. Budget and Economic Outlook: An Update’’, after Anna Mills S. Wagoner, of North Carolina, to be receiving testimony from Dan L. Crippen, Director, United States Attorney for the Middle District of Congressional Budget Office. North Carolina. Marcelle M. Wahba, of California, to be Ambas- NOMINATION AND CONFIRMATION sador to the United Arab Emirates. PROCESS R. Barrie Walkley, of California, to be Ambas- Committee on the Judiciary: Subcommittee on Admin- sador to the Republic of Guinea. istrative Oversight and the Courts resumed hearings John P. Walters, of Michigan, to be Director of to examine the Senate’s role in and the criteria that National Drug Control Policy. should be applied with regard to the judicial nomi- Reggie B. Walton, of the District of Columbia, to nation and confirmation process, receiving testimony be United States District Judge for the District of from Senator Thompson; former Senator Paul Simon; Columbia. Sanford Levinson, University of Texas Law School, B. John Williams, Jr., of Virginia, to be Chief Austin; Ronald D. Rotunda, University of Illinois Counsel for the Internal Revenue Service and an As- College of Law, Champaign; Judith Resnik, Yale sistant General Counsel in the Department of the University Law School, New Haven, Connecticut; Treasury. and Douglas W. Kmiec, Catholic University of Mary Ellen Coster Williams, of Maryland, to be America Columbus School of Law, and Mark a Judge of the United States Court of Federal Tushnet, Georgetown University Law Center, both Claims. of Washington, D.C. Terry L. Wooten, of South Carolina, to be United Hearings recessed subject to call. States District Judge for the District of South Caro- NOMINATIONS lina. Committee on the Judiciary: On Wednesday, August 1 Air Force nomination in the rank of general. 22, committee concluded hearings on the nomina- 6 Army nominations in the rank of general. tions of Reggie B. Walton, to be United States Dis- Routine lists in the Navy, Marine Corps, and trict Judge for the District of Columbia, and Rich- Army. Pages S9085–89 ard R. Nedelkoff, of Texas, to be Director of the Bu- Executive Communications: Pages S9067–74 reau of Justice Assistance, Department of Justice,

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