The Condor 97:263-266 0 The Cooper Ornithological Society 1995


JOANNA BURGER Department of BiologicalSciences, Rutgers University,Piscataway, NJ 08855

IAN C. T. NISBET I.C.T. Nisbet & Company, I50 Alder Lane, North Falmouth, MA 02556 JluvrnsM. Zmcio ConnecticutAudubon Society, 2325 Burr Street, Fairfield, CT 06430 and Department of Natural ResourcesManagement and Engineering, Universityof ,Storrs, CT 06269

JEFFREYA. SPENDELOW U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service,Patuxent Wildlife ResearchCenter, Branch of Migratory Bird Research,Laurel, MD 20708

CARL&WINA National AudubonSociety, Scully ScienceCenter, Islip. NY 1I751

MICHAEL GOCHFELD Department of Environmental and Community Medicine, UMDNJ-Robert Wood JohnsonMedical School,Piscataway NJ 08854

Key words: Roseate Tern; Sterna dougallii; trap- Our study follows directly from earlier work at Cedar ping; colony;parental care; incubation;hatching; hu- Beach on trapping vulnerability of Common Terns man disturbance. (Sterna hirundo)and RoseateTerns (Burgerand Gocb- feld 199 1b). Nisbet (198 la) reported that Roseate Terns Both members of seabird pairs are normally required at Bird Island required about three hours to return to to fledge young. Seabirds that nest in sites accessible the nest after trapping. to predators usually have one parent in attendance duringthe e&chick phase(Burger and Gochfeld 199la). STUDY AREAS AND METHODS Time devoted to foragingcan vary with individual skill In 1989-l 990 we trapped, color-banded,and observed and age, prey availability and abundance(Seamy 1978), adult Roseate Terns at Cedar Beach, New York and distance to foraging grounds (Safina 1990). Al- (40”37’N, 73”2 1‘W); Falkner Island, Connecticut though averageskill of similar-agedindividuals should (41”13’N, 72”39’W); and Bird Island, Massachusetts not vary from colony to colony (Ryder 1980), prey (41”40’N, 70”43’W). Cedar Beach,the most western of availability and abundance,and spatial distribution of the six major colony sites in the northeastern United foraging groundsmay vary. Thus, the percent of time States,is located 250 km west southwestof Bird Island. both members of a pair are presentat the nest site may Falkner Island is about halfway between them. vary in different colonies. The Cedar Beach colony (13 ha), contains 100-l 20 In this paper, we examine parental behavior in re- pairs of RoseateTerns, about 5,000 pairs of Common sponseto trapping in Roseate Terns (Sterna dougallii) Terns, and 200 pairs of Black Skimmers (Rynchops nesting in three of the six major colonies in the north- niger,Burger and Gochfeld 1991 a). RoseateTerns nest eastern :Cedar Beach, New York, Falk- under dense vegetation or in tires, in subgroupsof 5- ner Island, Connecticut; and Bird Island, Massachu- 30 pairs, interspersed among Common Terns which setts. Roseate Terns were listed on the United States’ usually nest in the open (Gochfeld and Burger 1987, EndangeredSpecies List in 1987. We were interested Burger and Gochfeld, 199la). The Falkner Island (2 in differencesamong colonies in how often both parents ha) colony is on an island in about were present, how soon a mate returned to the nest if 5 km south of Guilford, Connecticut. Most terns nest one parent was temporarily removed, how soon a on the low gravelly and rocky beach areasjust above trapped bird returned to the nest after release,and the high tide. The colony contains 165-170 nairs of Ro- time during which the nest was left unguarded.We feel seate Terns and about 3,000-3,500 pairs of Common it is important to recognize and make management Terns. RoseateTerns at Falkner Island nestunder rocks, decisionsbased on colony differenceswhere they exist. in man-made boxes, or in half-buried tires (Spendelow 1982). Bird Island (0.6 ha), comprising about half of the Northeast regional population, is situatedon a low I Received 10 May 1994. Accepted 5 October 1994. island with substratesof cobble, clay soil, coarsesand,


TABLE 1. Comparison of Roseate Tern behavior at Cedar Beach, Falkner Island and Bird Island. Given are means +- 1 SE in min.

Cedar Beach Falkner Island Bird Island Kruskal-Wallis x2 (P)

Number of nests observed 106 186 58 Time for Bird A to return after trap set (min) 2 + 1.4 2 f 0.2 No data NS Percentageof nests where both mates were present initiallyb 54 51 53 NS ’ Mean time for Bird A to enter trap (min) 9+2 5 + 0.4 No data NS Mean time for Bird A to return after release (min)b 41 + 6 115 -I- 5.5 174 * 3.3 125 (0.0001) (34) (134) (178) Percentageof Bird A’s returning within 3 hr following release< 95 63 5 167 (0.0001) Time for Bird B to return to nest when ini- tially present (min) 2.2 + 0.3 19 f 4.7 No data 36.2 (0.001) Time for Bird B to begin incubating or brooding when initially present (min) 5.0 + 1.2 45.1 k 8 No data NS Percentageof nests where Bird A did not re- turn within observation period 2 15 11.9 (0.01) Vulnerability time (min) 13 + 4 30 i53.6 40 + 9 45.2 (0.0001)

= Chi-square contingency test. D Times longer than 180 min recorded as 180 min c Given in parentheses is median time. and salt marsh. About 1,600 pairs of Roseate Terns a few captured terns. However, most terns at all three nest with 2,000 pairs of Common Terns (Nisbet 1980). sites were removed from the traps, handled, and re- Roseate Terns at Bird Island nest in the higher, more leased within 15 min. Birds were weighed and mea- densely vegetatedsections, while Common Terns nest sured (bill, wing). The handling time for each bird was in the lower, more open parts (Nisbet 198lb). about 5 min. Observations were conducted in JuneAugust at Functionally, the important variable is whether the Falkner Island and in June at Cedar Beachin 1989 and nest was unattended and thus vulnerable. We defined 1990, and in June of 1990 at Bird Island. We timed vulnerability time as the time when the nest was un- trapping to coincide with the last 3-l days of incu- attended becauseneither the trapped bird (A) nor its bation or the first day of hatching to minimize risk of mate (B) had returned to the nest. If the trapped bird abandonment(after Nisbet 1981 a). Before settingtraps, had not returned at the end of three hours we assigned we observed nests to determine if one or both parents a value of 180 min; thus our averagetimes were min- were present. We then placed treadle traps over the ima. nests,and moved to a location where our presencedid We used regressionmodels to determine the factors not disturb the terns. Using binoculars or a telescope that contributed to variations in the time to return to we watched from the dunes or high rocks at Cedar the nest following releaseand in the vulnerability time Beach (30-40 m away, no blind), Falkner Island (1 O- (PROC GLM, SAS 1985). We used Kruskal-Wallis x2 30 m away, from a blind), and Bird Island (10-30 m tests to compare among colonies (SAS 1985). away, from the lighthouse balcony). Bird A refers to the first mate trapped, which was RESULTS usuallythe first bird to return after we set the trap; and Before trapping, both members of pairs were present Bird B refers to its mate. For each nest we recorded: at just over half of the Roseate Tern nests at all three time when the person settingthe trap left the nest, time colony sites, and the times for the first bird to return the first and second bird returned, time for Bird A to to the nest after the traps were set were similar at Cedar enter the trap, time for Bird B to return and commence Beachand Falkner Island (Table 1). These times could incubation after Bird A was removed from the trap, not be recorded at Bird Island becauseof dense veg- and time for Bird A to return to the nest following etation, but were usually similar to those at the other release.Prior to release,all birds were banded with one sites (O-5 min). The mean times for birds to enter the incoloy and three Darvic colorbands(Spendelow et al. traps did not differ significantlyamong the colony sites. 1994) and color marked with a Magic Marker (which Thus the behavior of Roseate Terns with respect to lasted about 2-3 days). Trapping, handling and release returning to the nest after traps were set, or entering methodology was discussedin several meetings prior the traps, did not vary significantlyamong the colonies. to each field season,and all procedureshad been per- However, the time for the second birds (Bird B) to formed for at leastten yearsat each study site. We used return (if they were initially present) after their mates the same traps at all sites. At Cedar Beach and Bird and the traps were removed differed significantly be- Island all birds were removed from the traps, pro- tween Cedar Beach and Falkner Island (Table 1). At cessed,and releasedwithin 20 min of capture,whereas Bird Island, mates generallyreturned within O-l 0 min. this time may have been slightly longer at Falkner for The time Bird A remained in a trap before being SHORT COMMUNICATIONS 265

TABLE 2. Effect of time of day on Roseate Tern behavior (all measures in mitt, mean + SE, sample size in parentheses below mean).

Time of release Km&l-Wallis 06:0049:00 09:0&12:00 12:00-1900 15:00-18:oo x’ (0

Bird Island Time for A to retumb 180 f 3 (180) 173 f 10(178) 180 + l(l80) ND NS (9) (37) (12) Vulnerability time 40 + 10 50 f 9 15 + 10 79.2 (0.0001) (9) (37) (12) Cedar Beach Time for A to retumb 32 + 6 (28) 40* 11(36) 67 + 12 (65) 147 f 12 (142) 15.4 (0.001) (38) (44) (15) (9) Vulnerability time 12 f 4 23 ? 13 16 + 10 12 + 8 ’ NS (38) (44) (15) (9) Falkner Island Time for A to retumb 141 + 16 (180) 112 f 7(136) 112 + lO(l20) ND 17.7 (0.0001) (13) (88) (43) Vulnerability time 30 + 7 36 f 5 16 + 4 5.4 (0.06) (12) (88) (31)

il Sample sizes below 10 individuals. h Given in parentheses median. ND = no available data. removed did not vary significantly among colonies turned to the nests in less time (4 1 min) than at Falkner (median = 1.3 min at Falkner Island, median = 2.0 Island (120 min) or Bird Island (174 + min). Cedar min at Cedar Beach, unknown for Bird Island), but the Beach colony is adjacent to a heavily-used bathing time Bird A was held for processing did (median = beach, and the birds do not rest on the shore because 14.5 min at Falkner Island, median = 7.1 min at Cedar of human activities (Burger and Gochfeld 199la); a Beach; median = 15 min at Bird Island). Most trapped Roseate Tern that returns to the colony returns directly birds returned within 3 hr at both Cedar Beach and to its territory. However, both ofthe other colonies are Falkner Island, but only 5% of the trapped birds re- on islands with only researcher-induced human dis- turned within this period at Bird Island (Table 1). The turbance, and both have suitable nearby rocky or sandy average time for Bird A to return following release was shores for resting outside the nesting area. Thus, a bird 41 min at Cedar Beach, 120 min at Falkner Island, that returns to Falkner or Bird Island may loaf nearby and 174 min at Bird Island. Vulnerability time was or out of sight of its nest. Many of the birds that came much less at Cedar Beach than at the other colonies back to Falkner after trapping were first observed on (Table 1). the beach at least 5 m from their nest. Many of the Thirty-six percent of the variance in time for Bird birds trapped at Bird Island rested on the rocks A to return to the nest after release following trapping throughout the day of trapping. The presence of suit- (F = 30.7, P < 0.0001) was a function of colony (F = able loafing sites on Falkner and Bird Islands (and their 58.4 P < O.OOOl), time of day (F = 4.8, P < 0.03), absence at Cedar Beach), does not explain why birds and presence of the mate at time of trapping (F = 4.4, choose to use them rather than to return to their nests. P < 0.03). Nests were most vulnerable from 09:0& Other potential reasons for the differences in re- 12:OO compared to other times of day (Table 2). sponses of trapped birds may have involved previous trapping history. Birds at Cedar Beach and Falkner DISCUSSION Island were much more likely to have been trapped We found differences among colonies in the behavior previously, and therefore might have habituated to of Roseate Terns: trapped birds took less time to return trapping. However, at Cedar Beach, previous trapping at Cedar Beach, intermediate time at Falkner Island, experience did not affect subsequent behavior (Burger and longer time at Bird Island. Whereas most trapped and Gochfeld 199 1b). birds returned to their nests within 3 hr of release at When Roseate Terns at Cedar Beach were released Falkner and Cedar Beach, this was not true at Bird following trapping they flew out over the ocean, bathed Island. These differences are remarkable in a meta- briefly, and returned to land near the nest. Usually they population breeding in a small geographical area. That did not land on the beach, nor leave to forage. Once the behavior of the terns prior to trapping and handling on the territory, the sight ofan unincubated clutch may was similar among the colonies indicates similarities have stimulated immediate incubation. At Bird (Nis- in normal attentiveness at the nest. The differences in bet 198 la) and Falkner Islands, adults returned from return time following release may relate to differences bathing, settled on the shore and preened before they in colony configuration or nest density, predator pres- flew to the nest. Roseate Terns at Falkner also were ence, human disturbance, and distance to foraging confronted with more trapping disturbances (5 per hr). grounds. Roseate Terns released at Cedar Beach re- At Cedar Beach and Bird Island fewer intrusions were 266 SHORT COMMUNICATIONS

made into each area to trap; although the greatest be- tional funding was provided at Cedar Beach by Na- havioral differences were between these two sites. tional Audubon Society; at Falkner Island by several Roseate Terns resting on the beach on the day of conservation organizations cited in Spendelow et al. trapping at Bird Island did not spend much time preen- (1994) and Stewart B. McKinney National Wildlife ing, and some spent long periods hunched up, which Refuge; and at Bird Island by the Massachusetts Au- suggestsa prolonged behavioral response to the trauma dubon Society and private donors. We thank our re- of trapping. The reasons for the colony differences are search assistants, and D. Caldwell Hahn, J. S. Hatfield unclear. The possibility exists that differences in han- and M. H. Wilson for comments on the manuscript. dling methods may have contributed to these differ- ences, although we minimized handling_ time (similar. among colonies) and trauma. LITERATURE CITED At Cedar Beach, trapped birds usually returned with- in an hour (80%) and resumed incubation. At Falkner and Bird Islands the released birds returned an average BURGER,J., AND M. GOCHFELD. 199 1a. The Common of over two hours later, leaving the absent mate to Tern: its breeding biology and social behavior. Co- resume incubation when it returned. Thus at Falkner lumbia Univ., New York. and Bird Islands the B birds, if not present initially, BURGER,J., AND M. GOCHFELD. 199 1b. Reproductive took longer to return to the nests (probably from their vulnerability: parental attendance around hatch- normal foraging activities) than did the B birds at Cedar ing in Roseate (Sterna dougulfii)and Common (S. Beach. Distance to foraging ground may be a factor in hirundo) Terns. Condor 93:125-129. determining both return times for B birds and vulner- GCKXFELD, M., AND J. BURGER. 1987. Nest site se- ability times (Richards and Schew 1989). Safina (1990) lection: comparison ofRoseate and Common Terns showed that terns at Cedar Beach had a greater variety (Sterna dougalliiand S. hirundo)in a Long Island, of foraging habitats surrounding the colony than are New York, colony. Bird Behav. 7:58-66. available at Falkner Island. Terns at Bird Island usually NISBET, I.C.T. 1980. Status and trends of the Roseate travel longer distances (S-25 km) to forage (Nisbet Tern Sterna dougaIlii in North America and the 1981a). Terns at Cedar Beach can forage closer to the Caribbean. Report to U.S. Fish and Wildlife Ser- colony than do those at the other colonies, possibly vice. Newton Comer, MA. accounting for a more rapid return of mates. NISBET, I.C.T. 1981a. Behavior of Common and Ro- In comparing the behavior of Roseate Terns at Cedar seate Terns after trapping. Colon. Waterbirds 4:44- Beach in this study (1989,199O) with 1988 data (Burger 46. and Gochfeld 199 1b), we found differences in time for NISB~, I.C.T. 198 1b. Biological characteristics of the Bird A to return (12.9 vs. 4 1 min), but not in vulner- Roseate Tern Sterna dougallii.Report to U.S. Fish ability time (10.5 vs. 13 min). In the 1970s the median and Wildlife Service. Newton Comer, MA. time for return at Bird Island was 3 hr (range = 20 NISBET, I. C. T., J. BURGER, C. SAF~NA, AND M. min to 18 hr, Nisbet 198 1b); it was longer than 3 hr c;ocHFELD. 1990. Estimating fledging successand in 1990. productivity in Roseate Terns (Sterna dougallil]. This study found significant colony differences in the Colon. Waterbirds 13:85-9 1. time for a trapped bird to return to the nest, and in RICHARDS, S. W., AND W. A. SCHEW. 1989. Species the time a nest was vulnerable when neither parent was composition of food brought to Roseate Tern chicks present. The terns returned earliest at Cedar Beach, on Falkner Island, Connecticut in summer 1984. and latest at Bird Island. Cedar Beach has mammalian Connecticut Warbler 9: l-5. predators, while the other two do not. The short vul- RYDER, J. P. 1980. The influence of age on the breed- nerability times at Cedar Beach may be a reflection of ing biology of colonially nesting seabirds, p. 153- increased mammalian predation pressures. The longer 168. In J. Burger, B. L. Olla and H. E. Winn [eds], vulnerability times at Falkner and Bird Islands suggest Behavior of marine animals. Vol. 4: Marine birds. that researchers should carefully monitor their trapping Plenum Press, New York. methods to reduce adverse effects on the nesting terns, SAFINA, C. 1990. Foraging habitat partitioning in Ro- and that trapping should be limited to early morning seate and Common Terns. Auk 107:351-358. or late afternoon hours when eggs or chicks are less SAS. 1985. Statistical Analysis. SAS Institute, Cary, vulnerable to heat or cold stress. Reproductive success NC. is consistently higher at Bird Island than at Cedar Beach SEARCY, W. A. 1978. Foraging success in three age (Nisbet et al. 1990) suggesting that trapping is not ad- classes of Glaucous-winged Gulls. Auk 95:587- versely affecting productivity there as reported by Nis- 588. bet (198 la). Our data are being used to limit and refine SPENDELOW,J. A. 1982. An analysis oftemporal vari- trapping procedures at these colonies. The data indi- ation in, and the effects of habitat modification cate that colony differences in responses to trapping on, the reproductive successof Roseate Terns. Co- should be considered in planning trapping at other col- lon. Waterbirds 5: 19-3 1. onies. SPENDEJBW, J. A., J. BURGER, I.C.T. NISBET, J. D. NICHOLS, J. E. HINES, H. HAYS, G. D. CORMONS, We thank the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service for AND M. GOCHFELD. 1994. Sources of variation funding (14-16-0009-88-926, 927, 930 and 931) and in loss rates of color bands applied to adult Roseate for permits, and New York, Connecticut, and Massa- Terns (Sterna dougullii) in the western North At- chusetts and the town of Marion for permits. Addi- lantic. Auk 111:879-885.