Pastor Fr. Ramón R. Marrufo 760.689.6205 MONDAY - TUESDAY - FRIDAY LUNES - MARTES -VIERNES Deacon Rosas 760.689.6200 8:00 AM—12:00 PM School Principal Linda McCotter 760.689.6250 1:00 PM—5:00 PM Pastoral Associate Kristine Almada 760.689.6208 WEDNESDAY - THURSDAY MIÉRCOLES - JUEVES Children Faith Formation Denell Robles 760.689.6212 8:00 AM—12:00 PM 1:00 PM—6:00 PM Formación de Fe para Niños Petra Díaz 760.689.6211 Youth Minister Daniel Andrus 760.689.6213 PETER THE APOSTLE Liturgy Coordinator Valerie Kahle 760.689.6207 CATHOLIC SCHOOL Coordinador de Música Juan Domingo 949.614.6205 TELEPHONE: 760.689.6250 Bulletin Editor Kristine Almada [email protected] FAX: 760.689.6240 [email protected]



UNDAY AM OMINGO PM S 9:00 D 11:00 FRIDAYS 9:00 AM—9:00 PM

450 S. STAGE COACH LANE  FALLBROOK, CALIFORNIA 92028-2457  TELEPHONE: 760.689.6200  FAX:760.689.6230

9 –10 December 2017 Page/Página 2

PASTOR'S NOTES -December 12 This coming Tuesday the Church celebrates the SECOND SUNDAY OF ADVENT feast day in honor of our Blessed Mother under the title of Our Lady of Guadalupe, patroness of “Prepare the way of the all the Americas. This feast recalls the appari- Lord, tions of Our Lady on the hill of Tepayac from December 9-12, 1531 to a native convert Saint

make straight his paths.” Juan Diego. She was known to the Aztecs as

Tecoatlaxope—Guadalupe in Spanish which means “she crushed the serpent of stone”. It was Pius XII who

declared her to be the patroness of all the Americas and, to Last Sunday we were all given a “wake-up call” to be watch- show the importance of this day, the congregation of Divine ful and alert. We were reminded that to be able to perceive Worship raised this memorial to the rank of feast for all the the presence of God we must be on the lookout for it. To- countries of the Americas. We have planned many wonder- day's readings reminds us “to clean up our act." If we are ful festivities for this day beginning with the traditional Ma- not able to sense the presence of God in our lives, it may not ñanitas at 4:30am followed by a community at 5am. be because we are half asleep but because our hearts are in The list of the other celebrations is in Bulletin. need of some extensive purification.

Feast of Saint Lucy- The prophet warns us that the coming of the Lord Saint Lucy was a young woman from a wealthy must be accompanied, on our part, by preparing the way. Sicilian family who lived during the early fourth Make straight the crooked paths; don't put zigzags or obsta- century. It is believed that her ill mother arranged cles in God's way. Fill in the valleys and level the mountains; for her to be married, but Lucy refused as she don't put obstacles on God's path. Smooth out the rough wanted to devote her life to serving Christ. She edges and "the glory of the Lord will be revealed for all flesh offered prayers at the tomb of St Agatha and her to see." mother’s illness was miraculously cured. She was eventual-

ly martyred during the persecution of Emperor Diocletian, continues this theme, urging that we be zealous but even in the face of death she showed great courage and repentant as we await the coming of the day of God. If and faith in God. The name Lucy means ‘light’ and St Lucy we want God to be close to our hearts, we must make our is called upon as the of the blind. © Creative hearts a fit dwelling place "without spot or blemish." St. Mark Ministry Resources 2005 echoes this theme in 's prophetic call for repentance; "God is holy and requires a holy dwelling place." Advent Penance Services Sun Dec 10 4:00 pm St. Oceanside The call to repentance throughout the history of humankind Wed Dec 13 7:00 pm St. Elizabeth Seton Carlsbad has not moved most people. We just don’t want to change. Thu Dec 14 7:00 pm Nativity Rancho Santa Fe Fri Dec 15 1:00 pm Mission San Luis Rey Oceanside We might even argue that the strong appeals in today's read- ings really don't apply to us because, after all, we are not Fri Dec 15 6:30 pm Mission San Luis Rey Oceanside bad people. We all try to live a decent life; we do our jobs, try Sat Dec 16 8:00 am St. Mary Star of the Sea Oceanside Mon Dec 18 6:30 pm St. Mark San Marcos to make ends meet, and deal with people fairly. We might Tue Dec 19 6:30 pm St. Francis Vista even say, “O, I have my faults and I am in no way perfect, Wed Dec 20 6:30 pm St. Mark San Marcos but my paths are pretty much straight”. Thu Dec 21 10:30 am St. Peter Fallbrook Thu Dec 21 6:00 pm St. Peter Fallbrook But are our paths really straight? We try to lead decent lives and don’t have any major moral failings. But like a house that Have a great week and I pray that our Lord continue to is neat, but a long time abandoned, we may not notice that a bless you with his abundant love and for the protection of fine layer of dust has settled in every nook and cranny of our our patron, Peter the Apostle. lives. The sins of "good people" are dusty kinds of sins, rare- ly noticed without a closer look: complacency, smugness, procrastination, taking people for granted, self- preoccupation, chronic complaining, envy, pettiness, rude- ness, ingratitude, laziness, seldom putting out a hand to help someone else. Dust! Soft, fine dust--but it's on everything! This is a sinful condition that is in need of repentance. It may not be listed in the Ten Commandments, but it is real, and keeps the presence of God distant in our lives.

Please remember to return your Cove- nant of Time and Talent and Covenant The preaching of the gospel and its acceptance of Treasure either by dropping them off imply a social revolution whereby the hungry are fed in the weekend collection, by mail or dropping them off at the Parish Office. and justice becomes the right of all. --Cardinal Suenens

Parroquia San Pedro Apóstol Page/Página 3

NOTAS DEL PASTOR Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe- 12 de Diciembre Este próximo lunes, la Iglesia celebra la fiesta en honor a nues- S EGUNDO DOMINGO DE ADVIENTO tra Santísima Madre bajo el título de Nuestra Señora de Gua- dalupe, patrona de todas las Américas. Esta fiesta recuerda las “Preparen el camino del Se- apariciones de nuestra Señora de Guadalupe ocurridas del 9 al 12 de diciembre de 1531 en la colina de Tepeyac a un Beato ñor, nativo el Santo Juan Diego. Ella es conocida por los aztecas Enderecen sus senderos.” como Tecoatlaxope—Guadalupe en español, que significa "aplastó a la serpiente de piedra". Fue el Papa Pío XII quien la declaró patrona de todas las Américas y para mostrar la impor- El domingo pasado a todos nos llamaron la atención y nos tancia de este día la congregación del Culto Divino elevó este incitaron de ser alertas. Nos recordaron que para percibir la monumento al rango de fiesta para todos los países de Améri- presencia de Dios necesitamos estar atentos. En las lecturas ca. Hemos planeado muchas festividades maravillosas para de hoy, se nos recuerda que debemos "ponernos al tanto." Si este día comenzando con las Mañanitas tradicionales a las no podemos sentir la presencia de Dios en nuestras vidas, 4:30 AM seguidas por la misa a las 5 AM. La lista de las otras puede que no sea que estemos medio dormidos, sino porque celebraciones están en este Boletín. nuestros corazones están necesitados de una gran limpieza. Fiesta de Santa Lucia- 13 Diciembre El profeta Isaías nos advierte que debemos poner de nuestra Santa Lucía era una joven de una rica familia siciliana que vivió parte para preparar el camino para la venida del Señor. Ende- a principios del siglo IV. Se cree que su madre hizo los arreglos rezar los caminos chuecos, no debemos poner obstáculos en para que se casara, pero Lucy se negó porque quería dedicar su camino. Debemos llenar los valles y anivelar las montañas. su vida a servir a Cristo. Ofreció oraciones en la tumba de San- Suavizar las orillas y "Entonces se revelará la gloria del Señor ta Águeda y la enfermedad de su madre se curó milagrosa- y todos los hombres la verán." mente. Finalmente fue martirizada durante la persecución del emperador Diocleciano, pero incluso frente a la muerte demos- San Pedro continuo con éste tema, urgiéndonos que debemos tró un gran coraje y fe en Dios. El nombre Lucy significa "luz" y ser celosos y estar arrepentidos en nuestra espera de la llega- se llama a Santa Lucía como la santa patrona de los ciegos. © da de Dios. Si queremos que Dios este cerca de nuestros co- Creative Ministry Resources 2005 razones, debemos hacer nuestros corazones un lugar de es- tancia apropiado "sin mancha y sin defecto." San Marcos imita Servicio Penitencial de Adviento este mensaje en el llamado profético de arrepentimiento de Do Dic 10 4:00 pm St. Thomas More Oceanside Juan el Bautista; Dios es bendito y requiere una morada santa. Mi Dic 13 7:00 pm St. Elizabeth Seton Carlsbad Ju Dic 14 7:00 pm Nativity Rancho Santa Fe El llamado de arrepentimiento en la historia del ser humano no Vi Dic 15 1:00 pm Mission San Luis Rey Oceanside Vi Dic 15 6:30 pm Mission San Luis Rey Oceanside ha conmovido a mucha gente. Realmente no queremos cam- Sa Dic 16 8:00 am St. Mary Star of the Sea Oceanside biar. Se puede decir que lo más significante de las lecturas de Lu Dic 18 6:30 pm St. Mark San Marcos hoy no nos aplican, porque, después de todo, no somos mala Ma Dic 19 6:30 pm St. Francis Vista gente. Todos tratamos de vivir una vida decente, hacemos Mi Dic 20 6:30 pm St. Mark San Marcos nuestro trabajo, ponemos nuestro mejor esfuerzo, y tratamos a Ju Dic 21 10:30 am St. Peter Fallbrook la gente justamente. Se podría decir que, "O, tengo mis fallas y Ju Dic 21 6:00 pm St. Peter Fallbrook no soy perfecto, pero mis intenciones son buenas en lo que cabe." Que tengas una gran semana y ruego que nuestro Señor le siga bendiciendo con su amor abundante y con la protección Pero realmente son derechos nuestros caminos? Tratamos de de nuestro patrón. vivir vidas decentes y no tenemos grandes fallas morales. Pe- ro al igual que una casa limpia, pero abandonada por mucho tiempo, tal vez no nos demos cuenta que se ha acumulado polvo en cada esquina y rincón de nuestras vidas. Los peca- dos de "la gente buena" son pecados empolvados, casi no se ven sin darles un vistazo de cerca: flojera, ser presumido, dila- ción, no ser agradecidos, preocupación solo de sí mismos, quejarse frecuentemente, envidia, egoísmo, ser grosero, ser perezoso, no ser servicial. ¡Polvo! Fino y suave-- pero ¡no está sobre todo! Esta es una condición de pecados que está en necesidad de arrepentimiento. Tal vez no esté en los Diez Mandamiento, pero es real, y mantiene la presencia de Dios alejada de nuestras vidas.

Administrador Tiempo X Talento X Tesoro

Por favor no se olvide de regresar su Alianza de Tiempo y La predicación del evangelio y su aceptación Talento y Alianza de Tesoro ya sea depositándolos en la co- Implica una revolución social por lo cual los hambrientos son ali- lecta de fin de semana, por correo o llevando en la Oficina de la Parroquia.. mentados y la justicia se convierte en el derecho de todos. --Cardinal Suenens

St. Peter the Apostle Catholic Parish Page/Página 4


First Reading — The rugged land shall be made a Primera lectura — Prepara el camino del Señor; plain; the rough country, a broad valley (Isaiah 40:1 proclama la buena nueva (Isaías 40:1-5, 9-11). -5, 9-11). Salmo — Muéstranos, Señor, tu misericordia y da- Psalm — Lord, let us see your kindness, and grant nos tu salvación (Salmo 85 [84]). us your salvation (Psalm 85). Segunda lectura — El Señor no tarda en guardar Second Reading — Conduct yourselves in holi- su promesa donde está la justicia de Dios (2 Pedro ness, hastening the coming of the day of God (2 3:8-14). Peter 3:8-14). Evangelio — Juan Bautista apareció proclamando Gospel — I have baptized you with water; he will un bautismo de arrepentimiento (Marcos 1:1-8). baptize you with the Holy Spirit (Mark 1:1-8).


Monday: Is 35:1-10; Ps 85:9ab, 10-14; Lk 5:17- Lunes: Is 35:1-10; Sal 85 (84):9ab, 10-14; Lc 26 5:17-26

Tuesday: Zec 2:14-17 or Rv 11:19a; 12:1-6a, Martes: Zac 2:14-17 o Ap 11:19a; 12:1-6a, 10ab; 10ab; Jdt 13:18bcde, 19; Lk 1:26-38 or Jdt 13:18bcde, 19; Lc 1:26-38 o Lc 1:39- Lk 1:39-47, or any readings from the 47, o cualquier lectura del Común de la Common of The Blessed Mary, Santísima María Virgen, nos. 707-712 nos. 707-712 Miércoles: Is 40:25-31; Sal 103 (102):1-4, 8, 10; Wednesday: Is 40:25-31; Ps 103:1-4, 8, 10; Mt 11:28- Mt 11:28-30 30 Jueves: Is 41:13-20; Sal 145 (144):1, 9-13ab; Mt Thursday: Is 41:13-20; Ps 145:1, 9-13ab; Mt 11:11-15 11:11-15

Friday: Is 48:17-19; Ps 1:1-4, 6; Mt 11:16-19 Viernes: Is 48:17-19; Sal 1:1-4, 6; Mt 11:16-19

Saturday: Sir 48:1-4, 9-11; Ps 80:2ac, 3b, 15-16, 18- Sábado: Eclo 48:1-4, 9-11; Sal 80 (79):2ac, 3b, 19; Mt 17:9a, 10-13 15-16, 18-19; Mt 17:9a, 10-13

Sunday: Is 61:1-2a, 10-11; Lk 1:46-50, 53-54; Domingo: Is 61:1-2a, 10-11; Lc 1:46-50, 53-54; 1 Thes 5:16-24; Jn 1:6-8, 19-28 1 Tes 5:16-24; Jn 1:6-8, 19-28


Sunday: Second Sunday of Advent; Domingo: Segundo Domingo de Adviento; International Human Rights Day Día Internacional de los Derechos Humanos Monday: St. Damasus I Lunes: San Dámaso I

Tuesday: Our Lady of Guadalupe; Martes: Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe; Hanukkah begins at sunset Januká comienza al atardecer

Wednesday: St. Lucy Miércoles: Santa Lucía

Thursday: St. Jueves: San Juan de la Cruz

Saturday: begins Sábado: Primer día de las Posadas; Primer Aguinaldo

Page/Página 5

Thank you for your faithful MASS INTENTIONS stewardship of treasure INTENCIONES PARA LAS MISAS

December 2– 3rd Offering: Saturday, December 9

4:00pm † Jean Rousseau General Fund: $14,965.00 Debt Reduction: $3,581.00 6:00pm † Francisco Andres Gonzalez

Sunday, December 10

9:00am † John Thattan Gracias por su más fiel tesoro † Bob Rysewyk de Administrador 11:00am † Flora & Ignacio Ayala Rogecio Zamudio (Happy Birthday!) PLEASE REMEMBER IN YOUR PRAYERS POR FAVOR RECORDAR EN SUS ORACIÓNS Monday, December 11 8:30am † Jean Rousseau The Sick / los enfermos… Tuesday, December 12 Erlinda Manzano, Herminio Gastelum, Jorge Gastelum, Suzanne 6:30pm Maria Elena Pedroza Zimmerle, Bertha Barbot, Lee Swenson, Alfonso Barajas, Arturo Lafalle, Amada Ramos, Lisa Hodel, Bryan Bernig, Ralph Suarez, Wednesday, December 13 Ortega, Ghavi Haddad, Mario Cervantes, Bevans, Rosada Sarmiento, Bob Flaxbeard, Isabel Gonzalez, David Ortega, 8:30am † Ana Reyes, Lila Reyes Dax Cowart, Balthasar Ruiz, Diane Dooley

Thursday, December 14 The Deceased / los difuntos … 8:30am † Doctor Faustino Escalera, Jr. Regina Grevatt, Anselmo Andres Ortiz, Jose Guadalupe Escobedo, James Ralph Koupal, Jonathan Forrester, Lazaro Jimenez, Adela Friday, December 15 Valenzuela, Judy Demers, Gilberto Mares, Celia Mares, Edith Gieseke, Danny Rosas Torres, Lazaro Jimenez, Donald Hall, Maria 8:30am † Eileen Corrigan Griselda Alcala, Mariquita Villasin, Jonathan Forrester, Kurian Xavi- er, Sotera Carreno, Rose Mary Sawyer, Francisco Andrés Gonzá- lez, Patrick Sovacool, Scott Rysewyk, Silvestre Puga, Ventura Puga, Eugene Rose, Cinda Burke, Michael Petro


Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday December 11 December 12 December 13 December 14 December 15 December 16 December 17

• Guatemalan • Matrimonios • Women of the • Community Bible • Eucharistic Community 6:00pm—9:00pm; Bible: 9:30am— Study: 9:30am— Adoration: Meeting: St. Peter Hall 10:45am; Confer- 11:30am or 9:00am— 7:00pm—9:00pm; • RCIA: 6:30pm— ence Room 6:00pm—8:00pm; 9:00pm; Church Upper Room 8:00pm; St. • FUEL (Youth): St. Andrew’s • Grupo de • Guys and Girls Andrew’s Center 7:00pm—9:00pm; Center Jovenes: 6:00pm Bible Study Bosco Center • Grupo de Ora- - 9:00pm; Bosco (Youth): • Knights of Colum- cion: 6:30pm— Center 7:00pm—9:00pm; bus General 8:00pm; St. Peter Bosco Center Meeting: Hall 7:00pm—9:00pm; • Open Gym: St. Peter Hall 7:00pm—9:00pm; Bosco Center

Parroquia San Pedro Apóstol Page/Página 6

YEAR-END GIVING ST. VINCENT DE PAUL THRIFT SHOP 520 S. MAIN STREET, FALLBROOK It’s time to plan year-end giving TELEPHONE: 760-728-7012 FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE PROGRAM/ Please remember St. Peter the Apostle Catholic Parish PROGRAMA DE ASSISTENCIA FINANCIAL: when you plan your charitable gifts. TELEPHONE: 760-468-5718

Be sure to complete all gifts by December 31 to qualify for tax savings on this year’s tax return. Remember, the St. Vincent De Paul resale store is open 6 days a week. parish office will be closed between Dec. 24-Jan. 1, so Monday—Friday: 10:00 am - 3:00pm and early planning is essential. If you need to make special Saturday: 10:00 am—2:00pm arrangements, contact the parish office before . Any donations received in the parish office or postmarked URGENT: by December 31 will be counted as 2016 charitable con- SVDP is in dire need of a few men volunteers. They are tributions. needed to assist with picking up furniture that has been donated. Your help with pickups can be any day. We pro- vide the truck, so we just need the muscle. Here are some ideas to support the needs of our commu- nity: Just stop by the store and speak to the acting Manager of the day. We appreciate any hours that you • General Fund—the parish supports many ministries, are willing to give. The time you provide is very gratifying. and upkeep on our large campus is costly, so your gifts will be put to good use in direct service of minis- SVDP continues to give back to the community. Come try and property maintenance. and be part of our unique Stewardship. • Debt Reduction Initiative—last year, several gener- ous parishioners gave large year-end gifts. These gifts enabled us to continue to make our mortgage MIGRANT WORKER EPIPHANY SERVICE payments during the months when collections were SERVICIO DE EPIFANÍA low. Please consider giving a substantial gift to our PARA LOS TRABAJAD ORES EMIGRANTES debt reduction fund, if you have sold, or are thinking of selling, stocks, bonds, property, or other assets as part of your financial plan. 100% of your contribu- Saturday, January 6, 2018 tions will go toward reducing the debt on our new 7am St. Peter Hall parish sanctuary. • Parish School—gifts will directly go to provide quality Please bring in unwrapped gift items* for the migrant Catholic education to the students of St. Peter the workers and place them in the Box in the sanctuary, drop Apostle Catholic School. off at the Parish office or bring your gifts to the Parish hall on the day of the event and share in the celebration. Also, remember to make your Annual Catholic Appeal Soup and Pan Dulce will be served. donations before year-end to qualify for 2016 tax savings. (*Sweatshirts size S/M, jackets size S/M, jeans size Thank you for your generous support of our parish. 30x30, t-shirts, work gloves, beanies, socks, toiletries, Any and all gifts are greatly appreciated! blankets and Scrip are appropriate.)

Sábado 6 de enero del 2018 QUESTIONS OF THE WEEK 7:00 am - Salón Parr oquial de San Pedro PREGUNTAS DE LA SEMANA

Por favor traiga regalos y empaque los en papel de rega- Adult: Name concrete ways in which you witness lo para los trabajadores emigrantes y póngalos en la caja and prepare the way of the Lord. que esta en el vestíbulo de la iglesia o debajo de los Youth: With whom can you be more patient? árboles de Navidad que están en la iglesia o tráigalos a

la oficina o también traerlos al salón el día del evento y Adultos: ¿En que manera concreta has sido testigo de comparta la celebración. Tendremos sopa y pan dulce. Jesus y has preparado el camino para Dios? Jovenes: ¿Con quien puedes tener mas paciensia? Por favor escriba en una etiqueta la talla y el articulo. Suéteres tallas de la S/M, chaquetas S/M, jeans tallas SM 30/30, T shirts, guantes para trabajar, Gorros, medi- as, artículos de aseo, cobijas o tarjetas de regalo apropi- adas (Scrip)

St. Peter the Apostle Catholic Parish Page/Página 7



8:00am --- 6:00pm Food, games, raffle etc. All are invited. Want to help? Call 760-689-6211

December 12 "Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe"

Mañanitas- 4:30am Community Mass- 5:00am Reception- 6:00am Parish Hall Mass in Spanish 6:00pm 4pm English All are invited to celebrate our Lady 6pm Spanish

Christmas Day GRAN FIESTA 10 DE DICIEMBRE 9am English 11am Spanish 8:00am --- 6:00pm Comidas, juegos,rifas etc. Todos invitados. Gusta ayudar? llame 760-689-6211

Noche Buena 12 DE DICIEMBRE "DIA DE LA VIRGEN 4pm Inglés DE GUADALUPE" 6pm Español (esta hora es diferente que los calendarios de Mañanitas- 4:30am Misa Comunitaria- 5:00am Adviento) Convivencia- 6:00am Salón Misa en español 6:00pm Navidad Todos están invitados a celebrar a la Guadalupana 9am Inglés 11am Español

EUCHARISTIC ADORATION ADORACIÓN DEL SANTÍSIMO SEE’S CANDY We are privileged to have Eucharistic Adoration every Friday from 9am to 9pm.Review your Friday sched- ule and plan times to spend with the Lord. Bring your Proceeds benefit Vacation Bible School, we greatly family or come alone but definitely make the effort to appreciate everyone's support. come.

One pound boxes, novelty items and gift certificates are We are in need of people willing to commit to an hour to available for purchase. ensure the Blessed Sacrament is never left alone.

For information call Mary at 760-723-5420. Please contact Denell Robles 760-689-6212 to place an order Tenemos el privilegio de tener la Adoración del Santísimo cada viernes de 9am a 9pm. Revise su calendario del viernes y planee un tiempo para estar con el Señor. Traiga a su familia o también puede BEREAVMENT MINISTRY venir solo, pero sin duda haga el esfuerzo de venir.

Estamos necesitando personas dispuestas a comprome- Coping with the loss of a loved one becomes a struggle. terse por una hora para cuidar el Santísimo Sacramento Please consider joining our group to share and lift each los viernes, para que no se quede solo. other in our grief. Para más información llamar a Luz al For more information, call Georgia at 760-451-6461 760-728-5971

CHURCH NAME AND ADDRESS St. Peter the Apostle 450 S. Stage Coach Lane Fallbrook, CA 92028-2457

PHONE 760-689-6200

CONTACT PERSON Kristine Almada Office: 760-689-6208

EMAIL ADDRESS: [email protected]

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