Ken Adam: Designing Bond and Beyond

Saturday 9 September, 10.30-17.15 The Hochhauser Auditorium, Sackler Centre

This Study Day will celebrate and explore one of the most significant production designers of the twentieth century. Adam was the creator of the ‘War Room’ in Dr.Strangelove, which Ronald Reagan wanted to visit on his appointment as President of the United States. His illustrious filmography includes: Dr Strangelove (1964) You Only Live Twice (1967), (1975) Moonraker (1979) and The Madness of King George (1994).

Draft Programme

10.00 Registration and Coffee

10.30 Welcome Matty Pye, Learning Academy, V&A and

Keith Lodwick, Curator Theatre and Screen Arts, V&A

10.40 Setting the Scene and Introduction

Christopher Frayling

11.00 British Production Design in context:

Ian Christie, Film Historian, Curator and Broadcaster

11.30 The Production Designer’s Visual Signature

Jane Barnwell, writer and lecturer, University of Westminster

12.00 Bond and British Film

Matthew Sweet, Writer and Actor

12.30 The War Room & Dr Strangelove

Christopher Frayling

13.00 Lunch Break

14.00 Archiving Ken Adam and

Kristina Jaspers, Deutsche Kinemathek,

Richard Daniels Stanley Kubrick Archivist, University of the Arts

15.00 Inspired by Ken Adam Chair: Keith Lodwick Curator Theatre and Screen Arts, V&A , Production Designer (Atonement, Anna Karenina) Followed by discussion with:

Christopher Frayling

Kristina Jaspers, Deutsche Kinemathek, Berlin

Richard Daniels Stanley Kubrick Archivist, University of the Arts

16.00 Refreshments

16.20 Creating the Court of King George

Nicholas Hytner, Theatre Director

17.00 Final Reflections

Christopher Frayling

17.15 Close

The programme is subject to change without warning.