

Abingdon lormc.:ri) Bnks .• 3, II, 17. 280, '~13, A!)hmolC'JIl ~Iu~(·um. 1ft . univ('I'\lty 322 \'hrid~(' Coli<'~(' 8UCk.Il.1, 242.254.26+ "blx", 163, 165 \'''hall. 212 ('a;tulan. I til manor. 2·1I "2 olM'dit'ntiaN, 16) ~t. ~i(hol.l church, 2~1 67 \,h, ilk. I. 13, I.>., 17.85.311.316 17 rhapd' Barton Court hmll. 3, 8, 16 17 Com\\.tJl ('hantry. 2-11 67 Bath Sm'C't, 176 St. \IM'Y and St Katherin('.24-1 :2 CW\.. T1 publi( hClU'oC' 163. 178 rb.10ralion, 2-t2n Oal'" B.lIlk3, R "'hall L.c:n. architect. 28; 9;.300 I, Inrupp. 313 303. 'IOa romkin" alm .. hou'it.... , 163 l>.lking, Itt trad(" .. \,inc.. yard, 16.j. 171. 176 7 Ball.lnt, ,\dolphu ... 322 Wyndyk(, Furlong, 9111 B"mplOn, 270. 28 I, 285 Abingdon. rarls ur, Iff Bertie . 1)111, 276, 281, 281. 323 Addabury. 24-8. 259. 276. 279. 281 Britannia Buildings. 323 atriaJ photograph\" 2. 1 S. 83 P.u'llon\ Slr('('t. 323 .\"h,lr. R.llpho Bamf'tt. T.G., 311 m"p 1578), 137. 112. 151 Barnoldbv-it'-B(,t'k Lines." 25b" .\.11"<. ~ I akolm. 27.> Barrow II ills. IU Radley .\kh('sl('r. G8 9, Sq B.r,kv.. \If<

Budd.!'c' Will ..•\ol1quary. 319 21 , 228 Brarkk~ Ca~d{' '\orthant .. , 219 Catl'sb) ,Jane, 325 Brand'Mup Iknmark. 139 Catholic EmanCipation, 297 B, .ln~w,:-n. Sir h.m\.;. 30.1 Cavenham, 281 BntT '\onon, 2ft>, 281 Ca\\ kC"t, \1111, s« Brock BnK'k, .\nn fWI' Ca\,kel. 273 Ceitj(, Coin Index. 3 IO Dorothy, d. 1)1' Wm .. 273 dli.H1dler:;, ur trades J-krnlt's. s. of Wm ., 273 chapml'n, let trades John. 27'-\ Charlbu", 276, 280 John ..... of Will 17~ Charlton: Tho .. bp. of Htrrford. 2.17 \1.11). d. of \\"m., 273 Charhon-on-Ounoor, 281 Roger. s. of Wm., 273 ChaSlktol1, 107,322 \\'m" ml'r(t'r, 269 75,278 80,281 6 Ch«kky (Slaffs.), 25,1, 256. \\"111., s. or Wm., 273 Ch",,,II, river, 24, 135, 138 'l Bronzt' Au;e (('mains.t, 8-12. 2'L l7, 53, h7 H. , 2B I. 309 7+ 80, B3. 87 100, 225, 228 Chippin~ :\o([on, 276, 27B, lBI, 2B5, .l1l9 f~lrmin~, 9 JO church fourt rrcords. 325 h li'nlands, :ll8 Churchill, 281 and Itt hillfon\ Cisttrciam, 242 Broughton, 259n Clanfidd, 281 BU(, khUld. John. 271 Clayd()n Pik(' Clo,., 3,7,12,14 I; huildil11?; mat('rial ... 2(13. 303 . 281 hrick, 131, 148,275 doth industry. S" lJ"ades flim, 293 Cnul, 140, 142 .. IiHcS. stOIlt". 293 Cobham Kent!: ""no, 147, 167, 169. 1768,219,293, 30l Owlrlt:.. 290, 295 308 Yeoman's House. 295 rubbk, 293, 303, :l08 COggl". 262, 281 Clipshalll. 293 Coif'S, Ric, 325 Headington ashlar, 293 Coin, riv(,r, 3 tilt" 313; and Iff f1nd~ COlneSior. P(,trus, 25+-6 limhor, II, 177 8,219,275 Compton (eIlSUS 1676), 27 ... , 245, 2;(1, 276, 280 I, 28., consumer sodety, 269. 285 6 St John lhe E\"an~elist. prior i.U1d hOl;pitaJ uC Coomhr,281 212 COnl\\all, Edm., 2nd f'arl. 241 2, 251, 2h t BlIr~Il('r.;. ~1I(. ('ngraver, 321 Edm.,2·IQ BlIIllt·:JOnt·s, Sir Edw" 29.) fam., 211 2 Burnt-II, Rob,. hp. of Bath and \\ dh.. 25 In Grofl:, 219 BllrnmJ\ \·illlt·~ ron. 3 lad\" Joan. \\ of Sir Ric. :l·t 1 67 Bu b). Edith, 325 \Ian(. 2·1 I huuh('I'. 1ft lIack ... Ric. ht rarl. 2+ I. 257 BUllrriit"ld, \\'m .• architect. 305 Sir Ric, 241 2, 245, 249, 262 3 B) IlUIn, Carolint· Walker, 263 Cothil1 Ikrks.!. Fen, 8 ("()Urtship and marriag<' CU,loms. 326 (..u''iar. Juhu'i, 22) Ii Co\\I(",. If( Oxford, cit\" C.lmbridgt." 112 Cr.lnbonl(" Cha..~ DOI"(,I . rollard Ro\

Ocddinl{tun, 9-tn. 2i2. 27h, :ns-.9. 281. 285 find. ,If("hac'ologlca1: D.-nmark, 139 -II bunt', 15, 56, 8S, 13i Dt'rham, \\ , 0.0 , \1'1. 321 animal. fH. 81 2,81.92.97. 102, 1\3. dC""-'rwd mroi('\llI villal!;t"'I· 15. 138. 118, 151. 169 70. 17'i h, CUlh !c.)\\('". 25 '16.212 Ib, 221, 310. 3\3 I~ GI)mplOn, 101, 101 mammoth tll k. I i9, 184-- 6, 217 Dnil\ Quoits. iN human. 16.80 I. 135. 138. 156. Ibl, 170, DidcOl iC)mu"r1) Ikrb .. q 1715.210 12 DOInt·sda) Book. 101. :.n5 ti ,,,,,kcd. 179, 1<18,211 12,221 2 Dordlt' (t'r DOf";("t , 279. :U:1 d,,, pip<, I 18, 151. 1%. 208 Donht, 1("r~JI1·Thamc. 3. q. 89, 110.269 Rb. ("0111 . HI 12 Cdtic,310 II ahlx') 248. 2.16 Roman, 89, 312 •\ llt·" ... Pil. 107 wppa 7, 2SI), 2hl puUt'n, 8, 40 3,17 8 [lIi ~. Frrd .. l"!,dc' ,l~rnt and ("in("mat~.lph('"r. 131 pout""~, q. l>Url:w(k m.ublt' mortar, 113, 120, 12M

gardcll". I.l.~. I.lt). I bl) I 1!,j. I i'h Ilam\cll. 259 (;ap;ingtllll. :lH I Harroun, Rob .. 110 (il"org(', Lm('>;!. architcn. 289, 191. 2~n II.trding, Dennis. 2. j. 15 Gibsoll, J,S. \\' . :i23 Hanhvick, 2SGn Gjenllulldbu :\or\\o.\. 1:iq I Iarc!\I.. ick·\\ith· V{'lford: GJuun'stn. I i I. :!7j '\IIIl~it'S Ditch. 3, II \.5 GJ~nl(", nH'1. 101 Smith'!, Fidel, .J (;hmpuHl' lIarp,drn. 110 emo-:'\'oNC" raicil'f'!. III WIn. ....of Wm .. 319 hillforts.2, 10 12. Ij, 18 Grey. lad~ ~Iarg., 262 J-i CXJk :"\ orton. 2i6. 180 I lord J ohn. 2h2 J loopf'"T\ hypotht' .. i .. fur lH'dgl' daLing, 225. 22H. GrigK, Ed\\" Z88 23 f. 236 II Grim'.; Dilc h. :~ hops, 179 .grot.·('"I"i. I(t' trad('s Hnnlt'r. lady Frann's, :l~18, 305 Grontt'SrhuUl Cape 1" 0\\11, S. \fm'~ I f ute hins, j ohn. :t2O Ilail('\ Glos .. abbe,. 212. 261 11 .• '2:;7 (md w hilllons; pnw~f"'I 1.illirllll1. Sir nlO .... 119 20 Iltl" 2MI, 2M\ Ch,I"., (iran of E..'U'u·r .... of Sir 'nlO ., :no l..l\t·rpool. Roman Catholic nthc.·dral. 11K) .1a( "'-'on, I he)\. vrah.lm, 193. 303 Um d (.('(}n~"(·. Da\id. 2aS ](1(1.111"\ 0Vord ]flllmn/. 'l:.?O !.Ogg.IIl, D,I\ id. rn~i\\I:'r. 311 J ..t1l1l''i II. :U15 1ll.lp Ilh75 .. I·n, 1:'1 Jdlin~ Iknmark, I J9 til I ..ondon, III, 1Q8. 203 .1(.'1"0('\. ('ar! of, mJ H.mk (If , lSI} Jt· uit . ttl ~x iel\ 01 Jt' .. u ... Ch""", \\,llk. Ch, I~·a. I(); .11'''111 Orl..tndo, t·m.... ra\t·r. 32b 7 m.wlO.1.')1" .John, kll1~ t 10 '-,t. C11'llwnt D.uu.: Il2 Johnson fam. of \\"()(Ki tock. '27l St. LlllI'ldrr-d.,·" Hr)lhonl. 231 Juk,· • I ., 121 SL P.IlII'., f.llht'dral. :i21 South \fri( a J-I OU'l", 289 ~(·t n. \\"01. n I tradl' \\Ilh. 110. 126, .?IS. 285 Kc·n("oll . "27'2. Ttl Gild SN \\"t"unin 1t""1 "c·nrwl. Ti\t'r. II Lothian. (·.Ir! ClL W "('rr "nT. Phil.. C'.lrl of LOlhi.IIl, ""(f<"'la~ to Rho(j,­ l.uIlin, \'m., mt"fCI'r. :.?8hn I i"u>;tre ... 2RH. 1<13. 297 LUl\(·n ... Sir Edwin, .trc. hittTt. 287. 2SC! Kt'Hin~ Dcnmark, I :~h. 1 :J~l, 1 Wn . l'17 :lOR Kidlingwn, 156. 1.3971. 17h, 181 Lcxk (:rc' .. n·111. c·X('.l\.llions nt'aT, 21 III ~kl\.c·lldrifk, :\eil. 285 Soulh \\ (·nul".21 \I.uhn.INon Camp, "t S\\ aldiffr Sl.ttlll·leI lalc'r Slr,nflc·hl. 19 ~l.\hollC'\. eha' .. 30511 kiln,: .\I ;.\i(klll~c'

\Ieno". ,." ,,,aLio,,' ,n, )J 86 Oxftlrd, cit~: \Ie nlithi( [('main .. , 11 19.31 Jb LJ, ill}, R:l, Ikaumom field'!, 182 III Blac:kbird I...c~ s. 3, 99 ~ li ddklOn Park. 30:1: 1»1'.1 . 237 ~li lnc'r, \ lIn·d. " j<;«()UIH ~l iJnn. 288 e1. 182,110 :\i\t1onal I rU!>.L 29.) St. \-t al) the \ 'in{in, 259n. 320 :\t'uiilhl( rt'mains. 21. 3Q, 47. til. h4, 74 80. \\'hildriars. 118 82. 127.225 tlnd If'( Campion Hall '\'(·tdd)(·d. :l81 nLl "all. 153 5.218. 3()() I lU,l :'\('\'" Odhi India. 289. ::iOO. 303 (:0\,,1<'), 309 Parli.lIllf'llt Building, 289 RmC'r Plant. t'Xfavalions ae H7 ~)q \ 'in'ru\ \ H OllSt', :'?St}, 300. 30] Lbor !-louse, ('xca\,ations at, 115 51 :\("\\ark 'OllS .. 25bn G ildhall. 319 '\{'wbury Berks., 10:1 G, W R. station, :322 ~(,\\'t()Jr 11 .. lI's Bre\,,,cl), 300 Pt'tfr, 219, 251 1-1 inxt'y Hall . 177 R",d, Ja". 275 H ()I~'\,dl mill. 2qR :\'orris. E. HowlT. ardUH'ct. 298 :iOl :\orth, Lord. 321 inns. ClC., l'onh I,·igh. 312. 322 :3 Cl;lr('ndon IlOld, 321 !... "Jorth 1\1 orNon Ikrks." 256n amb and Fl.lg. 297 jt'wl,h quarter. I V'> ~orth Oxli)rd.. hirf' ,\ rc:harologicd ~)( I('t\. I(( \ I a~dal("n brid~(". Oxford.. hirt \ rchaeolo¢citl Sc.Ki(,l~ 135----43 :\'orthampton, 293 ~ I i(kkm Hall. '300 I. 306 :\'orthmoor. 3 ~ " ddlrLon Hall, 297n and I" Walkins Farm ~orth Gatt', IRI. 21R :\oma~, 139 II :\orth Oxford Golf Course:' 229 :\oT\\lC"h, 112. 220 :\'urthhf'ld Farm. 8Y :\ull('h'lm COUnella), '275. 322 pari~h boundaries. 233, 32b '\uNtC'acl Court Krill I. 295 pari"hl's: \II SainL<;. 276 OakJt'} Bucks,. 226 Sc .\ldaL..... 31KJ O"k. riHT, ,l. 17. Ib'l, 176 Sc Ebbes. "hool. 153. LIb OddinwolI, 53. 281 Sc Giks. 221J. 233 Odin . full or, 139 -10 St. ~t arlin. 276 Oint') Bu,k!;, '. 280 St. 1\ 1.11)' i\ lal{dalen, 276 organ, rillt'ma, IU I lrnln-on:rhanlt's, Rt1f<\J SI. ~ t ichaeJ, 276 Cint'ma St. Peter in the East, 276 U\'tll'i, Iff Ill('dinal n:m<1I1lS SI. pf'ltr·lc·Bailn. 276. :l26 O\"t'!l !'('ar IIT(, roundabout. 234 Sir john. 236 polin' (alion. 14) Ric- • 225 Port .\kado"", t 85, 225 6. 2,n. 235 IXDLX 337

,11"('('[:, etl: Corpu Christl CoU~. 320 Banbu,) Road. 233 E. .'\('tC'r COUC-gt'. 182.219 lkaumont Stret"t, I i9- 223 Keblc ColI«(t·, 29 I, 303 Bladon Clu ,233 ~lrrton COUCl«, 288, 293. 298 BlandJord ,\\t', 24- chapel. 2+3. 248 62 Blut: Boar SLr~~t fonnf'rly Trf'Sham\ Oriel CoUe~e, 288. 30 I n Lant:, H5 51 Pembroke College, 300 1.303 Bn·\.. er Sll"('("t, 300- I ~I."ttr', Lodging. 303 Broad Street. 181 Qu«n\ C:olkge. 319- 20 Church SLrect, 15U I. John", College, 227. 23~. 297 8. 327 8 Commark<:t. 181 Ba~lie rhapel. 328 Ha~ward Road, 2-+ SI. ~Ia., Hall, 30 I n Holyw1. \Ida"',, I I; 7. 160, 181. 222 Slade' I('('(ures, 289 135. +I Sl. Clerm'nt's, I Ta~ lorian Im.litution. 181. 222 SI. Frid('s\\ide\ Lane. H7 L'nin'T"iuy Gall<·ri<:s. 181. 222 SI. Gilt·, 181 2. 18~. 188.218,221 2, Uni\f'T'5it) ~Iu!'t'um . 191 288. 1~7 8. 300 . 22. 2+. 213 6 ~t. John Str("et, 182 Oxford Pre r\'alicm·' nI,t. 30' St. r'homa~\ ~Lrcct, Iii Oxfordshin." .\r("hal"olo~l'al SO(l('t)'. 322 3 South ParJu. Road. 107. 288. 29 I Oxforn hirt' .\rChitl'uural and Hbtorical \\ oodSlock Road. 23+ So(i<:t)'. 322 '\uburban development, 14-1 2, 153 6. 161. 181 2.218,220,222 pagan burial ritual, I·~ 1 3 l'owll 11.111 , Vi(lorian. 145 painting: rrill ~lill slrc:am. 153-4. 160 glass. Sit stain('d glass Wo" Cat<. 153 + manuscripL<;, 254 6. 2b5 Oxford, univ(,rsity. Parker. John lien .. 326 a1manacJu.,lI 9 2 I Parkin, SIT Goo .• 288 ..~hmol("an ~lu5("um, 322 Pa~m. am., \\·ol\'('r('o((', !iurvey:,; f'xc.3\"atioO'i at, 179-223 I" John. abp. of i Bodki.ln Libra,), 288. 322 3 P("cham, Canterbun-, 256 p<"d1~. \111' tradr Gou~h coll('ction. 3 I 9 John Johnson coU("cuon, 326 PoUt'n, Daphnt". painter. 305 • Tew, c;it(' of. 222 Pon LympnC" Kent '. 291 Radcliffe Camera LibC3f)!, 320 pouery.15. 18.51. 56. 59. 61 2,6+-73, Rhod., House Library. 288, 29 I 295 7 11227. 1\851.156,159-60,166, Clart"ndon PreCis, 320 169, 169 74, 181, 190 I. 196,200 8, coll('ges and haUs: 218. 312 Balliol Collrge, 182. 305 Beaker. 6+ 5, 67 8. 82 Batayl Hall. 179, 182,219 20 Bronze Age, 35, 6+ 8, 70,82,91,92.94- 5 Black lIall, 288. 298 ceramic. 15 Bra-.enOS<' ColJcoge, 288 Iron .\ge, 31. 33. 356, +6, 61. 68-73, 91, Campion Hall, q.l:. 91 6. 102- 7 Chri,t Church. 145 7, 254n, 257, 259n, medieval. 35,96 7,99. 102. 120, 122 5, 300.305,313 148 51, 156. 159-60. 169-7+,201 3 Cathedral School. 30 I, 303 :\eolithi,', 35. 16.61, 6+-8 IVol"} Alm. houses. 303 post-modieval. 35. 97. 99. 120, 125 7, CI",kc's latcr Pope's! Hall, 297 1~8 51, 173 4, 196. 203 ~. 2078 ROIll.IIl ..n fl. it III, 9.> 6. II:t 121 1. Ram-.~I, I i I, lUi. 183, 200 I R,lwlimon. Ric .. 24-9, 26:\ 1,327 8 S.I'ClII, 109. 122, 12.1. 1:)0. 159. InC) Ra). ri\·c·r. 53 -1-. 85 Ir.ulilinn'..: R"adin~ Bt-rks .. 9. I J, 71. 2112. 280 \hinl{don t~I)C' \\,m OX.\G, LjO. n(1 Rel'eI. John. chapman. 2i9 hn. Iii. Ii! I li6.201 2.2111 21lR Ror('('lain. 1(}() R()~t·Non. Rc·ni. C .. 310 I rlljifottr warC' tijn RolJn~hl Ston(·~. 67, 83. 8:1, Jll.) i Kinl.(Ston typt· .... ar(· KJ~(;, 123 I Roman C.uholi<':bln. 29i R ]OS Lundon tvlX' \\arC' LCO.\R. 1..0:":1) I:H Roman n·main,. 17 18. 36. 62. Hi 99, 11)«1 \11. \lilltt~ \\'ill'. \\ar<' OXBS. 1:)1) 17!i. 225 •. 236. :l10 12.116.. 122 Oxrl)rd, lalt· Sa,on-m('di("\-al wan' OXB, win ... , 89, :\ 12 OXY,. 150. 159 60. 171 ·1. 171>. tt·"~ilf;U'. :\ 12 IS5~. 201 1.208.312 and 1(1 pOIle"ry; roads O:o!"oup;h w;ln .B. :15. 6+ (). hR. 70. Rm C'r Plant, It'( Oxford. ("U~, eO\\ In n 82 RO\\ll("\, 1'110\ .• 319. 321 Rt'd t·.utht'll\\ art' Ox..\ Y\ 97. 150, JliO, RunnYllwdt· bridg(', 11 171.202 :\ Ruskin, John. 289 Sa. '\('Oh tYI)(' \\

, ilchr.<.tf"f. 110 Thirik. Joan. 185 Sit( ,md .\1'lOUm(·nl'l Record, 2 lboood.; l.Jo( 242 Smith, eha"", rhapman. 280 Inomhill rann. J« Fairford StM'it,ty for the Pre !'Yalioo of \nne-m 'Inrupp, J« • \bm~doJl Buildin'tS. 30 I TonbridS!;(' Kt'nt 289 StK·i(·t) of. \nliquarie.... 319, 321 . 27'3 t Socie'l) ofjt·sus. 297, 300. 303. 305; OIld 1ft ·IO\... ('r Hill III Wa~lanOIlS, 25 ~n St('piwtl. '2 mrf(('rs, 269 80, 2R l- 6: and ~tt Bi~nall; 'ilf.t\\- hal mak;DEX

\ ','Id" \'iberg Denmark. 140-1 Churchcroft furlong. 226 Y('flue. Ceo., engra\'("T, 320 1 common. 225n. 233, 235 \'ignaux. Fr. Ernest, ~lasler of Campion HaU, Cowhill field, 226, 233-4 298 Duke', Cut, 234. 236 \ 'iking Trmain'\; : buriah. 135 ..1-3 Chancery decree 11698), 236 fortresses, 1+0 early. 22t; 7. 233, 235

WOnhUl~()n. Huh"rt, architect. 287, 293. ',mum. 3. 8.12. H. 16, 18.2+-5.35, -10. f5. ~13 17, 6f, 65 •. 66 •. 67. n8. 236 Worton RC"('IOf'\. I ann, J« Wunun RrC'tor. Fann 94-11. 105 , III YorL.. min'lC'r, 254-11 \\)hc I J., 2!l8

Xil\ il"r, St. h.t " ~03