NUSANTARA BUFFET MENU I NUSANTARA BUFFET MENU II NUSANTARA BUFFET MENU III (minimum 30 persons) (minimum 30 persons) (minimum 30 persons)

COLD BUFFET & COLD BUFFET & SALAD COLD BUFFET & SALAD * Palembang * Otak Otak Tenggiri Sriwijaya * Rujak Ala Bali Fried fish cake with and spicy sauce Baked fish cake Balinese diced fresh in spicy * Magelang * Gado Gado Siram Jakarta * Bean curd cooked served with sauce Cooked of selected cuts served with Deep fried and bean curd with peanut sauce * Uraban Pakis Daun Combrang * Pelecing Mataram * Jagung Manis Cooked assorted vegetables sprinkle with shredded spicy coconut Cooked water spinach with bean sprouts Fried croquet sweet corn balls * Keripik Tempe * Buah Bogor * Kacang Tasik Malaya Soya bean crackers Marinated assorted fruit in spicy sweet and sour sauce Peanut crackers * Lalaban Komplit * Rempeyek Teri Cianjur * Lalaban Segar Assorted fresh vegetable Spicy crackers with baby fish Assorted Fresh vegetables * Uleg * Sambal Goreng Minyak Klenthik Mortared chili SOUP Chili dip with traditional oil * Sop Kimlo Strong chicken broth with mushroom and SOUP SOUP * Ayam Madura MAIN DISHES * Soto Bandung Clear madura style Clear beef, soup with white & fried soya been * Empal Daging Kedu Fried dry spice beef MAIN DISHES * Kemiri MAIN DISHES * Bistik Jawa Spice * Padang Braised beef in Soya sauce * Pesmol Ikan Mas Pasundan Dry slices of beef * Taliwang Braised gold fish in sour Tourmeric sauce * Ayam Bakar Bali Grilled marinated local chicken with pasta chili sauce * Tumis Rebung Udang Laut Grilled chicken Balinese style * Tenggiri Goreng Sautéed shoot with * Ikan Kakap Bakar Rica-rica Fried mackerel in hot & sour sauce *Perkedel Kentang Grilled snapper with tomato and chili sauce * Orak Arik Sayuran Spicy fried potato ball with chopped meat * Cumi Panggang Rancamaya Vegetables stir fried * Nasi Putih Steamed rice Rancamaya special squid * Tempe & Tahu Bacem * Tumis Jagung Muda dengan Cumi Braised bean cake and bean curd DESSERT Sauted baby corn and squid * Nasi Putih * Tahu Telor Bumbu petis * Aneka Puding Steamed rice Fried egg and with petis sauce Assorted pudding

* Jajanan Pasar DESSERT DESSERT Assorted Indonesian pastry * Jajanan Pasar Indonesian * Es Mutiara * Es Sarang Burung Kolang Kaling traditional pastry Fresh cold dumpling in sweet Sweet jelly ice * Es Dawet Ayu * Jajanan Pasar * Buah Buahan Segar Rice dumpling served with coconut milk brown sugar and crushed ice Assorted Indonesian pastry Assorted fresh fruit cuts * Buah Buahan Segar * Buah-Buahan Segar Coffee or Tea Assorted fresh fruit cuts Assorted fresh fruit Coffee or Tea * Keju STALL Fried banana served with cheese on top * Betawi Coffee or Tea STALL * * Martabak Telor STALL *Gado-Gado * Sate campur * Nasi Goreng

Price Rp 155.000,-++ Price Rp 185.000.,-++ Price Rp 195.000,-++ Price subject to 21% tax and service charge Price subject to 21% tax and service charge Price subject to 21% tax and service charge SUNDANESE BUFFET MENU I SUNDANESE BUFFET MENU II SUNDANESE BUFFET MENU III (minimum 30 persons) (minimum 30 persons) (minimum 30 persons)

COLD BUFFET AND SALAD COLD BUFFET & SALAD COLD BUFFET & SALAD * Bogor * Asinan Bogor * Uraban Randa Midang Sliced fresh vegetable in herb peanut Marinated fresh vegetables and fruit in sweet and sour juice Cooked assorted vegetable served in spicy young coconut * * Karedok Bandung * Asinan Buah Bogor Fried bean cake served with soya sauce Fresh cut vegetables salad with special peanut sauce Assorted fresh fruit sliced in hot sour sauce * Tahu * Lele * Tempe & Tepung Fried catfish covered with mortared chili Fried buttered bean cake and bean curd Sumedang steamed bean curd in * Lalaban Komplit * Ikan Asin goreng * Keripik Tempe Fried bean cake crackers Assorted fresh vegetables Fried salty sea catfish * Lalaban Komplit, Kerupuk, dan Sambal Terasi * Ikan Asin Sepat Goreng * Lalaban Komplit Fresh assorted vegetable, Indonesian pickle, shrimp crackers, chili dip Fried fish Fresh assorted vegetables * Sambal Uleg, Sambal Bajak * Sambal Uleg, Sambal Bajak SOUP Fresh chili dip Fresh chili dip * Sop kacang merah Clear red bean soup SOUP SOUP * Parahiyangan * Parahiyangan MAIN DISHES Parahiyangan vegetables in sour soup Vegetables soup with coconut milk

* Empal Daging MAIN DISHES MAIN DISHES Fried dry spice beef * Ayam Goreng Majalaya * Daging Sukabumi * Ayam Bakar Kecap Traditional fried spice chicken Deep fried marinated of beef Grilled chicken in soya sauce * Empal Pedas Rancamaya * Ikan Gurame Bumbu Rujak * Orak Arik Teri Nasi Daun Jeruk Hot spicy beef Braised fresh water fish in hot and sour sauce Sautéed julian vegetable with dry fish * Pesmol Ikan Mas * Cap Cay Cirebon * Pepes Ikan Mas Majalaya Gold fish in sour sauce Sauted mix vegetables Majalaya steamed spicy gold fish * Sambal Goreng Ati Kentang & Pete * Ayam Goreng Lengkoas * Sambal Goreng Buncis Dan Daging Printil Beef liver & potato in spicy cococnut sauce Deep fried marinated chicken Stir fried string bean and meat balls in spicy coconut sauce * Oseng Tahu Tempe * Sambal Goreng Udang, Kentang dan Pete * Nasi Putih Sautéed bean cake and bean curd Braised shrimp, potatoes and pete in spicy coconut sauce Steamed rice * Nasi Putih * Nasi Putih Steamed rice Steamed rice DESSERT * Bakmie Goreng * Fried noodles DESSERT Slices assorted fresh fruit served with brown sugar sauce, coconut * Selasih milk and crushed ice DESSERT Young coconut cold drink with selasih * Ekspres Saus Gula Santan * Es Kelapa Muda, , Selasih * Singkong Manis Jack fruit pancake balls served with coconut sauce Young coconut nata de coco and selasih ice Cassava cooked in coconut sauce * Buah Buahan Segar * Kue * Jajanan Pasar Assorted fresh fruit cuts Indonesian sweets Assorted Indonesian pastry Coffee Or Tea * Petis Buah Campur * Buah Segar Assorted young fresh fruit in hot palm sugar sauce Assorted fresh fruit STALL * Buah Buahan Segar Coffee Or Tea * Batagor Assorted fresh fruit cuts * Nasi goreng Coffee Or Tea STALL

STALL * Nasi Goreng Rancamaya

* Laksa Ayam Bogor *Sop Kambing

* Nasi goreng

Price Rp 155.000,-++ Price Rp. 165.000,-++ Price Rp 205.000,-++ Price subject to 21% tax and service charge Price subject to 21% tax and service charge Price subject to 21% tax and service charge RANCAMAYA REGULAR I RANCAMAYA REGULAR BREAKFAST II RANCAMAYA REGULAR BREAKFAST III (minimum 30 persons) (minimum 30 persons) (minimum 30 persons)

I N D O N E S I A N * Cirebon I N D O N E S I A N I N D O N E S I A N Bubur ayam * Bubur Ayam Jakarta * Bubur Ayam Jakarta Ayam suwir Bubur ayam Bubur ayam Cakwe Ayam suwir Ayam suwir Kedelei goreng Cakwe Cakwe Tongcai Tongcai Kaldu Ayam () Daun bawang seledri Daun bawang seledri Sambal Bawang goreng Bawang goreng Kerupuk merah Kecap asin Kecap asin Sambal Sambal Kuning telor Kuning telor * Nasi Goreng Ayam Scramble egg * Sayur Rancamaya Ayam Goreng Lontong * Rancamaya Bawang Goreng Sayur labu siam dengan udang Lontong Potongan tomat dan Ketimun Tahu goreng Sayur labu siam dengan udang Kerupuk Bawang Ayam goreng Cirebon Tahu goreng Telor pindang Ayam goreng Cirebon Bawang goreng Telor pindang Kerupuk Bawang goreng Kerupuk emping *Assorted *Assorted Dim Sum * Nasi Goreng Ayam Scramble egg A M E R I C A N Ayam Goreng *Guava, Orange Fresh Fruit Juice Bawang Goreng A M E R I C A N * Assortment of bakery items Potongan tomat dan Ketimun * Guava, Orange Fresh Fruit Juice Served with jam, honey and marmalade Kerupuk Bawang * Assortment of Bakery Items * Eggs Any Style Served With Jam, Honey And Marmalade Half , fried egg, or omelet * Aneka gorengan * Eggs Any Style *Coffee or Tea ( Pisang goreng, Tahu isi, sayur ) Half Boiled Egg, Fried Egg, or Omelet * Coffee or Tea * Bubur kacang ijo / ketan hitam

Price Rp 120.000,-++ Price Rp 120.000-++ Price Rp 99.000,-++ Price subject to 21% tax and service charge Price subject to 21% tax and service charge Price subject to 21% tax and service charge

ORIENTAL BUFFET MENU I ORIENTAL BUFFET MENU II ORIENTAL BUFFET MENU III (minimum 30 persons) (minimum 30 persons) (minimum 30 persons)

COLD BUFFET AND SALAD COLD BUFFET AND SALAD BUFFET AND SALAD * Selada Ayam * Selada Telur * Udang Chicken Salad Egg salad served with special sauce Fried shrimp served with seafood sauce * Udang Rambutan Saus Kacang * Udang Saus Cocktail * Mixed Garden Salad Fried Shrimp ball in dice white bread Shrimp salad served with cocktail sauce Assorted fresh garden salad * Selada Buah Segar * Goreng Isi Udang * Roti Goreng Isi Cumi Fresh fruit salad Fried white bread with blended Fried squid ball in dice white bread * Selada dengan pilihan sauce *Hawian Chicken Salad * Glas Noodles Salad with Shirmp Green Salad With Choice Of Dressing SOUP SOUP SOUP * Soup Asam Pedas Ala Szechuan * Soup Asparagus and Kepiting * Soup Jagung dengan Irisan Ayam Szechuan hot and sour soup Asparagus and crub meat soup Chicken and sweet corn soup MAIN DISHES MAIN DISHES MAIN DISHES * Ayam Cah dengan Cabe Kering * Ayam Cah Kacang Mede * Ayam Panggang Jakarta Stir fried chicken with dried chili Stir fried chicken and cashew nut Baked chicken served with hot chilli sauce * Ikan Kakap Asam Manis * Daging Sapi dengan Sauce Hunan * Ikan Gurame Tahu Tausi Pan fried red snapper served with sweet and sour sauce Stir fried tenderloin of beef Hunan style Deep fried gurame fish served with fermented black bean sauce * Daging Sapi Merica Hitam * Seafood & Tahu Masak Tausi * Kaelan Masak Saus Tiram Sautéed tenderloin of beef with sauce Stir fried seafood and bean curd with black bean Sautéed kaelan with * Goreng Seafood * Gurame Goreng Bumbu Kecap * Daging Sapi Cah Paprika Stir fried noodles with vegetables and seafood Fried fish served with Tenderloin of beef with green peppers * Pak Coy Cah Bawang Putih * Cap Cay Baso * Dengan Sayuran Sauteed pak coy with Stir fried vegetables with meat ball Stir fried and vegetables * Nasi Putih * Nasi Putih * Nasi Putih Steamed rice Steamed rice Steamed rice DESSERT DESSERT * Buah Buahan DESSERT * Buah Campur Assorted fresh fruits * Buah Campur Assorted fresh fruit cuts * Biji Delima Santan Assorted fresh fruit cuts * Puding Leci Ice delima with coconut sauce * Es Biji Mutiara Lychee pudding * Chinese Cookies Cool drink of pearl seed * Melon Santan & Biji Mutiara Assorted Chinese Cake * Assorted Puding Parisian of honey dew melon served with coconut milk *Coffee or Tea Longan pudding *Coffee or Tea *Coffee or Tea STALL STALL * Steam Boat * Nasi Goreng Ikan Asin * Yung Chow STALL Hainan Chicken * Soun Goreng Seafood *Mongolian Barbeque

Price Rp.185.000- ++ Price Rp.205.000- ++ Price Rp.225.000.- ++ Price subject to 21% tax and service charge Price subject to 21% tax and service charge Price subject to 21% tax and service charge


COLD BUFFET AND SALAD COLD BUFFET AND SALAD COLD BUFFET AND SALAD * Roast Beef salad With Julienne Vegetable * Prawn and Orange Salad * Prawn & Avocado Salad * Assorted Seafood Salad * Russian Egg Salad * Assorted Cold Cuts *Assorted Cold Cuts * Spicy Seafood salad Thai Style * Seafood Salad On Papaya Boat * * Assorted Cold Cuts * Roast Chicken * Lettuce, Cucumber, Tomatoes, , * Macaroni Chicken salad Served with hawaiian sauce Kidney Bean, Watercress, , Kernel Corn * Lettuce, cucumber, Tomatoes, , Mushroom, Bean * Roast Beef Salad With Julian Vegetable Sprouts, Kernel corn, Kidney Bean, Ring , Mix * Lettuce, Cucumber, Tomatoes, DRESSING Pickle Kernel Corn, Kidney Bean, Ring Onion * Thousand Island * Oil and DRESSING DRESSING * Onion Sauce * Thousand Island * Thousand Island * Vinaigrettes * Italian SOUP * Italian * Vinaigrettes * Asparagus Soup SOUP SOUP MAIN DISHES Cream Tomato Soup * French Onion Soup With Crouton *BBQ Chicken Griled Boneless Chicken Breast Served With MAIN DISHES MAIN DISHES BBQ Sauce * Lamb Brochette * Beef Madagaskar * Medallion of Beef Forest Mushroom Sauce Grill lamb with BBQ sauted marinated Sautéed tenderloin of beef with Black peppers * Darne of Kakap Grenobloise * Roasted chicken verde * Chicken Garlic Pan fried kakap fillet served with brown butter, caper, lemon, and Roasted marinate chicken served with Mushrom sauce Grilled Chicken Breast served with Garlic sauce parslley * Pepper Steak * Fish Tar Tar * Pasta Napolitan Grilled tenderloin of beef with black pepper sauce Deep Fried Snapper fillet served with tar tar sauce Sautéed italian pasta served with napolitan sauce * Red Snaper Served With Meunier Butter Sauce * Pasta Marinara * Rice or Steamed Rice * Buttered Rice Sauteed Italian pasta and seafood in tomato sauce * Assorted Vegetables * Assorted glazed Vegetables * Assorted Glazed Vegetable * Sautéed Potatoes Lioness * WedgesPotatoes * Butter Rice With Mushroom * Sauté Potatoes DESSERT DESSERT * Assorted French Pastry * Tropical fresh fruit Arrangement DESSERT * Longan, Coconut Gel, Lychee In Syrup * Fresh fruit Cocktail * Cheese Cake * Tropical Fresh Fruit Cuts * Assorted French Pastries * Assorted Fresh fruit Cuts * Mix Thai Dessert * Cream Caramel Pudding * Mix Thai Dessert * Coffee & Tea * Bangkok Delight Refreshment * Fruit cocktail * Coffee & Tea * Coffee & Tea STALL * Bakmie Goreng / Nasi Goreng STALL STALL * Hainan Chicken * Pasta Station * Barbeque Ribs * Nasi Goreng *Nasi Goreng

Price Rp 205.000,-++ Rp 220.000-++ Price Rp 245.000,-++ Price subject to 21% tax and service charge Price subject to 21% tax and service charge Price subject to 21% tax and service charge