[email protected] . Halfway Station presents… Stargate SG-13 . A GURPS Lite Campaign Set In The World of the TV Show Stargate SG-1 Season 6 Edition . Stargate SG-13 A GURPS Lite Campaign Set In The World of the TV Show Stargate SG-1 Season 6 Edition Chevron four encoded... Deep under a mountain in Colorado, the US Air Force has a big secret: A portal for travelling to other worlds, left here by a vanished alien race - the Stargate. Chevron five encoded... The player characters are present-day soldiers, explorers and scientists, members of the teams who travel through the Stargate in search of knowledge and resources. Chevron six encoded... Along the way, they will meet primitive humans transplanted by aliens centuries ago, enigmas left behind by vanished races - and the Goa’uld, parasitic aliens who want to take over their bodies and destroy the Earth. Chevron seven locked... You’re clear to go, SG-13. Good luck. Original material © Andy Slack 2001-2003. Playtesters/additional material by: Abby and Ruth Goodlaxson, Jenny Pearce, Anna and Giulia Slack, Esther Miller, Mark Bruckard, Shawn Carnes. GURPS is a registered trademark of Steve Jackson Games Incorporated, and is used by permission under their online policy. All rights reserved. Stargate, Stargate SG-1, and all associated characters and devices are TM & © 2000 Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Inc. All Rights Reserved. Their use in this document should not be construed as a challenge to MGM’s copyrights, nor does it imply any endorsement by MGM. Think of the document as another kind of fanfiction.