Past Vegetation Changes in Amazon Savannas Determined Using Carbon Isotopes of Soil Organic Matter Author(s): T. M. Sanaiotti, L. A. Martinelli, R. L. Victoria, S. E. Trumbore, and P. B. Camargo Source: BIOTROPICA, 34(1):2-16. Published By: The Association for Tropical Biology & Conservation DOI:[0002:PVCIAS]2.0.CO;2 URL: %5D2.0.CO%3B2

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Past Vegetation Changes in Amazon Savannas Determined Using Carbon Isotopes of Soil Organic Matter1

T. M. Sanaiotti Departamento de Ecologia, Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da AmazoÃnia, Manaus 69000-000, AM, L. A. Martinelli 2, R. L. Victoria Centro de Energia Nuclear na Agricultura, Av. CentenaÂrio 303, Piracicaba, 13416-000, SP, Brazil S. E. Trumbore Department of Earth System Science, University of California, Irvine, California 92697-3100, U.S.A. and P. B. Camargo Centro de Energia Nuclear na Agricultura, Av. CentenaÂrio 303, Piracicaba, 13416-000, SP, Brazil

ABSTRACT We investigated the variation of stable (␦13C) soil carbon isotopes in relation to depth in seven of the most important savanna areas to adjacent contiguous forests in the Amazon region. The ␦13C of bulk organic matter in all profiles from forested sites increased with soil depth. In forest profiles from Amapa´, Alter do Cha˜o, and Roraima, the enrich- ment was less than 3.5‰ between deeper soil and surface layers, suggesting that C3 have remained the dominant vegetation cover. On the other hand, in forest soil profiles from Humaita´ and Carolina sites, the ␦13C enrichment was greater than 3.5‰, indicating the influence of past C4 vegetation or a mixture of C3/C4 vegetation (woody savanna). The surface ␦13C values in the savanna profiles were 5–13‰ greater than the comparable forest profiles, indicating the influence of C4 vegetation. Two kinds of isotopic distribution were observed in deeper layers. The savanna profiles at Alter do Cha˜o, Chapada dos Parecis, and Redenc¸a˜o had relatively constant ␦13C values throughout the profile, suggesting minor past changes in the vegetation composition. In profiles at Amapa´, Roraima, Humaita´, and Carolina, ␦13C values decreased with depth from the surface and converged with comparable forest values, suggesting more woody savanna in the past than exists currently.

RESUMO No´s investigamos neste estudo a variac¸a˜o em profundidade dos iso´topos esta´veis de carbono (␦13C) da mate´ria orgaˆnica do solo (SOM) em sete a´reas de savanas e florestas da regia˜o Amazoˆnica. Os valores de ␦13C da SOM aumentaram com a profundidade do solo. Nos perfis em floresta do Amapa´, Alter do Cha˜o e Roraima o enriquecimento isoto´pico com a profundidade foi menor que 3,5‰, sugerindo que plantas do tipo C3 foram sempre o tipo de vegetac¸a˜o dominante. Por outro lado, nos perfis em floresta de Humaita´ e Carolina, o enriquecimento isoto´pico foi maior que 3,5‰, indicando a influeˆncia no passado de uma vegetac¸a˜o do tipo C4, ou uma mistura de vegetac¸a˜o C3/C4 (savana lenhosa). Os valores de ␦13C na superfı´cie do solo em savanas foram cerca de 5 a 13‰ maiores que os perfis em floresta, evidenciando a influeˆncia da vegetac¸a˜o C4. Dois tipos de distribuic¸a˜o isoto´pica foram observados em camadas mais profundas. Nas savanas de Alter do Cha˜o, Chapada dos Parecis e Redenc¸a˜o os valores ␦13C foram constantes ao longo do perfil do solo, sugerindo que na˜o houveram mudanc¸as significativas na vegetac¸a˜o. Nos perfis do Amapa´, Roraima, Humaita´ e Carolina, os valores de ␦13C diminuiram com a profundidade do solo, aproximando-se aos valores encontrados na floresta, sugerindo a existeˆncia no passado de uma savana mais lenhosa que a actual.

Key words: Amazon; Brazil; carbon isotope; radiocarbon; savanna; tropical forest; vegetation change.

THE AMAZON REGION IS OFTEN VIEWED AS A CONTIN- savannas are those located at the forest periphery. UOUS STAND of rain forest, but it contains patches Non-isolated savannas include the northern border of savanna vegetation. According to their geograph- of the central Brazilian savannas, the Cerrado, ical location, Amazonian savannas may be classified which is the most extensive example of this vege- as either isolated or non-isolated. Isolated savannas tation type (Sarmiento 1984). Because of its im- are surrounded by rain forest, while non-isolated portance as the second most extensive vegetation type in Amazonia, the origin of savannas has been 1 Received 5 June 2000; revision accepted 17 July 2001. debated for many years (Ducke & Black 1953, 2 Corresponding author; e-mail: [email protected] Egler 1960, Andrade-Lima 1966, Eiten 1972,

2 Past Vegetation Changes in Amazon Savannas 3

Brown & Ab’Saber 1979, Rizzini 1979, Irion 1982, Prance 1982, Kubitzki 1983, Sarmiento 1984, Bigarella and Ferreira 1985, Cole 1986, Sa- naiotti 1996). Several lines of evidence, including paleolim- nological (van der Hammen 1972, Absy & van der Hammen 1976, van der Hammen 1983, Absy et al. 1991), paleofaunal (Rancy 1993), and the car- bon isotopic composition of soil organic matter (Desjardins et al. 1996, Pessenda et al. 1996, Gou- veia et al. 1997), suggest that the dynamics of ex- pansion and contraction of savanna regions result from climatic fluctuations during the Quaternary period (Prance 1982, Sarmiento & Monasterio 1975). Several authors have pointed out that there FIGURE 1. Brazilian Amazon basin showing the sat- were drier periods during the Pleistocene and the ellite image location of all study sites. Isolated savannas: (1) Amapa´; (2) Alter do Cha˜o; (3) Roraima; and (4) Hu- Holocene periods, when tropical forests were re- maita´. Non-isolated savannas: (5) Chapada dos Parecis; placed by savanna-like vegetation having a predom- (6) Redenc¸a˜o; and (7) Carolina. inance of grasses (van der Hammen 1974, Absy & van der Hammen 1976, Ab’Saber 1977, Absy 1980, Bigarella & Andrade-Lima 1982, Leyden dominant plants in the savannas) are isotopically 1985, Markgraf 1989, Bush and Colinvaux 1990, distinct, it is possible to detect shifts in tropical Bush et al. 1990, Absy et al. 1991, Markgraf 1991). forest zones to grassland (or vice versa) from the The middle Holocene, from ca 6000 to 4000 years ␦13C signature of organic matter in soils (Desjar- B.P., was identified as one of such drier periods in dins et al. 1996, Martinelli et al. 1996, Neill et al. several places of , including the Am- 1996, Bird & Pousai 1997). azon region (Absy 1980; Markgraf 1989; Servant et al. 1989; Absy et al. 1991; Ledru 1992, 1993; MATERIAL AND METHODS Servant et al. 1993). The presence of charcoal dat- ed from ca 3900 to 1800 years B.P. found in the SOIL SAMPLING. Sampling locations for forest–sa- northern Amazon (Desjardins et al. 1996) suggests vanna comparisons are identified in Figure 1. Four the occurrence of more recent climatic changes in of these sites (Amapa´, Alter do Cha˜o, Humaita´, that region as well as in other regions of Amazonia and Roraima) are ‘‘isolated’’ savanna pockets that (Servant et al. 1993). are completely surrounded by forest, and three There are seven major savanna areas in the Am- (Chapada dos Parecis, Redenc¸a˜o, and Carolina) are azon region; in two of them (Roraima and Ron- classified as non-isolated savannas. Soils in the sites doˆnia), the past vegetation dynamics were investi- generally showed a dystrophic character and with gated by using the carbon stable isotopic compo- 1:1 clay type (Table 1). Climatic conditions were sition of soil organic matter (Desjardins et al. 1996, similar at all sites, most of them classified as equa- Gouveia et al. 1997, Pessenda, Gomes et al. 1998, torial hot humid (Nimer 1989). Rainfall varied Pessenda et al. 1998a). In both places, major veg- from 1500 to 1750 mm in Roraima and Carolina etation changes occurred in the past; these studies up to 2750 mm in Amapa´ and Humaita´ (Table 1). inferred that savanna areas replaced forested areas The regional vegetation type was very uniform for of the early Holocene period during the middle forest sites, tropical dense forest, following the clas- Holocene. sification of RADAMBRASIL (1974), or terra fir- In this study, we investigated whether or not me forest according to Pires and Prance (1985). similar vegetation changes occurred in other major The regional vegetation types of savanna sites were savanna areas of the Amazon. We compared soil more diverse, varying from savanna park to open carbon isotopic composition and its variation with woody savannas (Table 2). The major difference depth in seven of the most important savanna areas between savanna park and open woody savannas is with nearby contiguous forests in the Amazon re- that in the latter type there is a higher number of gion. Since the main control of the ␦13C in soil trees (RADAMBRASIL 1974). The relative pro- organic matter is litter inputs, and C3 plants portion of grasses (C4) and trees (C3) is important, (the dominant plants in forests) and C4 plants (the since this proportion will directly affect the soil sur- 4 Sanaiotti, Martinelli, Victoria, Trumbore, and Camargo

TABLE 1. Soil types according to the Brazilian and USDA classification systems, climate, and annual rainfall in the study sites.

Soil type Soil type Rainfall Site Brazilian classification USDA soil Climate (mm) Alter Dystrophic yellow latosols Ustox/Quartzipsamments Equatorial hot humid 1750–2000 and dystrophic quartz sands Amapa´ Dystrophic yellow latosols Ustox/Udox Equatorial hot humid 2750 Carolina Dystrophic quartz sands and Quartzipsamments Equatorial hot humid 1500–1750 litholic soils Humaita´ Hydromorphic quartz sands Tropaquods Equatorial hot humid 2750 and hydromorphic alic lat- erites Parecis Red-yellow latosols Oxisols Equatorial hot humid 1750–2000 Redenc¸a˜o Litholic red-yellow podzols Ultisols Equatorial hot humid 1750–2000 Roraima Dystrophic yellow latosols Ustox/Udox Tropical hot subhumid 1500–1750 and lateritic concretionary soils

13 face ␦ C values. In order to better characterize PLANT SAMPLING. Leaves of most common grass, such proportions, Table 2 shows the number of shrub, and tree species were collected in savanna trees per hectare with diameter at breast height areas. Several leaves of each species were collected (DBH) greater than 5 cm (N) and also the basal and pooled together to form one single sample. area (BA/ha) in the savanna sampling sites (Sa- Leaves were air-dried and sieved for further isotopic naiotti 1996). N varied from 62 (Amapa´) to 312 determination. individuals per hectare (Redenc¸a˜o). The lowest BA was observed in Redenc¸a˜o and the highest in Alter SOIL ANALYSIS. Soil texture was determined only do Cha˜o (Table 2). in the deepest soil profiles by the pipette method Soil cores were taken using a 4 m auger. In (EMBRAPA 1997), and exchangeable Ca, Mg, and each study site, we sampled five depth intervals (0– K were extracted by ion exchange resin (van Raij 0.05, 0.1–0.2, 0.5–0.6, 1.0–1.2, and 1.4–1.6 m) et al. 1986). in two soil cores in the savanna and two in the 13 14 surrounding or closest forest. We sampled just one LABORATORY ␦ C AND C ISOTOPE MEASURE- of the two cores in the savanna from the soil depth MENTS. A 10 g subsample of the sieved soil was interval 1.4–1.6 m to the bottom of the soil pit. combusted with CuO in sealed evacuated Pyrex In contrast, in the forest we continued depth sam- tubes for 12 hours at 900ЊC. The resulting CO2 pling at the following intervals: 1.8–2.0, 2.2–2.4, was purified cryogenically and stable isotope mea- 2.6–2.8, 3.0–3.2, 3.4–3.6, and 3.8–4.0 m. The ex- surements were made with a Micros 602E mass ception was Parecis, where we sampled only in the spectrometer (Finnegan Mat, Bremen, Germany) savanna. The samples were air-dried and sieved fitted with dual inlet and double collector systems. (Ͻ2 mm) to remove roots. The forest and savanna The results are expressed in ␦13C relative to the core sites were chosen on flat ground in undis- PDB standard in the conventional ␦ per mil no- turbed vegetation well away from the present eco- tation as: tone (savanna/forest boundary). The distance from RsampleϪ R std the savanna/forest boundary to the area of the for- ␦13C ϭ ·1000, est sampled varied from 0.2 to 23 km. In the case Rstd of the isolated savanna sites, we sampled close to where R denotes the 13C:12C ratio of the sample the center of the savanna vegetation. As isolated and of the standard (std). All results represent the savannas varied in size from several hectares to tens mean of at least two replicate analyses that differed of square km, the distance from the ecotone by less than 0.3‰. boundary to the sampling location for savanna var- Radiocarbon analysis was performed on bulk ied from 200 m to 40 km. Only the Chapada dos soil organic matter samples collected in Amapa´, Al- Parecis (Fig. 1) had no forest nearby. ter do Cha˜o, Carolina, and Roraima profiles. 14C Past Vegetation Changes in Amazon Savannas 5 /kg) c — — — 0.51 0.48 3.90 3.44 SB-forest (mmol is the number of vannas and forests N vegetation Forest regional Tropical dense forest Tropical dense forest Tropical dense forest Tropical dense forest Tropical dense forest Tropical dense forest Tropical dense forest /kg) c 0.22 0.26 0.33 0.23 0.18 0.24 0.64 SB-savanna (mmol FIGURE 2. Variation in (a) sand content with depth in savanna and (b) forest soil profiles. /ha) 2 BA 4.16 1.47 3.14 1.45 2.37 0.52 2.74 (m activity was measured in an accelerator mass spec- trometer at the Lawrence Livermore Laboratory, Livermore, California (Trumbore 1993). The con- 62 N 250 190 153 195 312 282 ventional radiocarbon age, expressed as years before

(ind./ha) 14 present (B.P.) was estimated assuming a C half- life of 5568 years.


SOIL CHARACTERIZATION. The sand content of all

Isolated Isolated Non-isolated Isolated Non-isolated Non-isolated Isolated savanna soils averaged higher than 50 percent, with all but the Redenc¸a˜o savanna profile having sand contents averaging more than 80 percent (Fig. 2). Forest soil profiles were generally lower in sand than in the savanna areas (Fig. 2), but still had average sand contents higher than 60 percent. The exception was the forest profile of Alter do Cha˜o, which had an average sand content of only 10 per- cent. Therefore, with few exceptions, soils were predominantly sandy soils (Fig. 2). Textural chang-

vegetation Type es with depth were observed mostly in forest soil

Savanna regional profiles, which showed generally decreasing sand content with depth (Fig. 2B). The exception to this pattern was Redenc¸a˜o, where the opposite trend

Savanna park Savanna park and openSavanna woody park Savanna park Open woody savanna Savanna park and openSavanna woody park was observed (Fig. 2B). At all sites, the soil chemical analyses indicated Regional vegetation type of savanna and forest according RADAMBRASIL project (1974). Phytosociological informations for savannas studies areas; soils. individuos per hectare and BA is the basal area; data from Sanaiotti (1996). Soil chemical composition (SB is the sum of bases in the surface soil) for sa low pH and very low nutrient contents, as indi- cated by the low sum of exchangeable bases (Table ´ ˜o ¸a

´ 2). The pH varied from 4.4 to 5.1 (not shown)

Site and sum of exchangeable bases (SB) from 0.18 to Roraima TABLE 2. Alter Amapa Carolina Humaita Parecis Redenc 0.64 mmolc/kg in savannas soils, and from 0.48 to 6 Sanaiotti, Martinelli, Victoria, Trumbore, and Camargo

3.90 mmolc/kg in forest soils (Table 2). These val- ues were below the average SB value of 184 profiles for Ultisols with different textures sampled in the Amazon basin (9.7 mmolc/kg) by the RADAM- BRASIL project (Tognon 1997).

13 ␦ C VALUES OF LEAVES IN SAVANNAS AND FORESTS. 13 The average ␦ C value of C4 grass species found in the savannas was Ϫ13.2 Ϯ 0.4‰ (N ϭ 12; Appendix 1). Leaves of C3 tree species from the savannas had ␦13C values varying from Ϫ21.5 to Ϫ33.4‰ (Appendix 1) and the average value was Ϫ29.0 Ϯ 1.7‰ (N ϭ 195). Variation among sites was small. The only statistically significant differ- ence was the more negative average of foliar ␦13C found in Alter do Cha˜o (Ϫ30.3 Ϯ 1.5‰; N ϭ 24) in comparison with Carolina (Ϫ28.2 Ϯ 1.4‰; N ϭ 34), Humaita´(Ϫ28.9 Ϯ 1.5‰; N ϭ 35), and Parecis (Ϫ28.5 Ϯ 1.7‰; N ϭ 34). The single largest difference between foliar ␦13C averages was 2.1‰, which was observed between Alter do Cha˜o and Carolina. Some variability was found among leaves of individuals of the same species collected at the same site (Appendix 1). Most of this vari- ability was smaller than 2‰. Leaves from individ- uals of the same species differed by less than 3‰, FIGURE 3. Histogram of ␦13C values for surface soil except in five cases. The largest single difference samples from the literature. Data from Volkoff et al. (5.3‰) was found between two individuals of Sal- (1982), Mondenesi et al. (1986), Schwartz et al. (1986, vertia convallariodora that were collected at Caro- 1996), Volkoff and Cerri (1987), Martin et al. (1990), Desjardins et al. (1991, 1996), Bird et al. (1992), Bales- lina savanna. dent et al. (1993), McPherson et al. (1993), Valencia (1993), Mariotti and Petershcimitt (1994), Trouve et al. 13 ␦ C VALUES OF SURFACE SOIL ORGANIC MATTER. (1994), McClaran and McPherson (1995), Trumbore et The ␦13C values for surface forest soils (0–0.2 m) al. (1995), Pessenda et al. (1996), Victoria et al. (1996) were similar among different sites and within sites. and Boutton et al. (1998). The minimum and the maximum values were Ϫ30.0 (Redenc¸a˜o) and Ϫ27.0‰ (Roraima), re- spectively. These values are within the range of (0.1–0.2 m) in relation to most surface samples Ϫ31.0 to Ϫ25.0‰ reported for similar forest sur- (Table 3). There was a significant correlation be- 13 face soils (Fig. 3). Spatial variation in ␦ C values tween the density of C3 individuals in savanna (both among different sites or within the same site) sampling sites (number of individuals per hectare) was greater for surface savanna soils than for surface and the ␦13C values for surface (0–0.05 m) and forest soil samples. These larger variations observed subsurface (0.10–0.20 m) soil samples (Fig. 4). The in savannas appear to be common to other savanna density of C3 individuals explained ca 50 percent areas of the world (Fig. 3) and probably are due to of the variance in the ␦13C of surface soil samples site-specific recent variations in the proportions from savanna sites. Excluding the Roraima sample, and spatial distribution of C3 and C4 plants (Bout- 85 percent of the variance in the 0.1–0.2 m layer 13 ton et al. 1998). Among savannas, ␦ C values in can be explained by the density of C3 individuals organic matter ranged from a minimum of Ϫ26.5 (Fig. 4). (Redenc¸a˜o) to a maximum of Ϫ15.8‰ (Roraima; 13 13 Table 3). Within savannas, the largest ␦ C differ- DEPTH VARIABILITY IN ␦ C VALUES OF SOIL ORGANIC ences between two soil profiles (5‰) were ob- MATTER. As several other studies have shown served at Carolina, Humaita´, and Redenc¸a˜o (Table (Desjardins 1991, Balesdent et al. 1993, Desjardins 3). The ␦13C difference between profiles within a et al. 1996, Martinelli et al. 1996, Gouveia et al. savanna was smaller in the second depth interval 1997, Pessenda, Gomes et al. 1998), the ␦13Cof Past Vegetation Changes in Amazon Savannas 7

TABLE 3. ␦13C values of surface soils (0–0.05 and 0.1– 0.2 m) in Amazon savanna areas and differ- ence (⌬) between the ␦13C value of the first and second profiles collected in the same savan- na.

Savanna Savanna Site 0–0.05 m 0.1–0.2 m Amapa´ Ϫ16.0 Ϫ14.3 Ϫ16.9 Ϫ14.6 ⌬ 0.9 0.3 Alter Ϫ23.2 Ϫ21.6 Ϫ23.6 Ϫ21.9 ⌬ 0.4 0.3 Carolina Ϫ19.6 Ϫ18.4 Ϫ24.9 Ϫ19.7 ⌬ 5.3 1.3 Humaita´ Ϫ18.1 Ϫ16.6 Ϫ23.6 Ϫ21.2 ⌬ 5.4 4.6 Redenc¸a˜o Ϫ22.0 Ϫ24.0 Ϫ26.5 Ϫ24.2 ⌬ 4.5 0.2 FIGURE 4. Correlations between number of C3 indi- Roraima Ϫ15.8 Ϫ13.6 viduals per hectare (N) and ␦13C of surface soil samples Ϫ19.5 Ϫ14.6 in savanna sites. ⌬ 3.7 1.0

becoming similar to values found at the soil sur- soil organic matter increases with depth in forests face. The ␦13C of savanna profile values at Reden- profiles. In this study, the changes in ␦13C values c¸a˜o increased ca 5‰ from the surface to the 140– with soil depth can be divided into two groups: 150 cm soil layer. Below this layer the ␦13C values Alter do Cha˜o, Amapa´, and Roraima, where deeper decreased, reaching isotopic values similar to the portions of the soil organic matter (Ͼ1.5 m) ones found in shallower layers (Fig. 5). Other pro- showed little enrichment (Ͻ3.5‰) compared to files (Amapa´, Roraima, Humaita´, and Carolina) surface layers in forests; and (2) a group represent- showed a maximum in ␦13C at depths of 50 to 60 ed by Humaita´, Carolina, and Redenc¸a˜o sites, cm, with ␦13C values below decreasing to converge where soil enrichment greater than 3.5‰ was ob- with comparable forest values. Although each soil served with soil depth (Fig. 5). profile had particular changes in ␦13C with depth, As already discussed, organic matter ␦13C val- a common feature observed in Roraima, Humaita´, ues in the upper 5 cm of savanna profiles were 4– and Carolina profiles was that the ␦13C values of 12‰ heavier than in comparable forest profiles, soil organic matter of forest and savanna became indicating the influence of C4 plant material (Mc- similar with increasing depth, suggesting a domi- Pherson et al. 1993; Victoria et al. 1995; Boutton nance of C3 plants in the deepest layers of these et al. 1998; Pessenda et al. 1998a, b). Less variation profiles. The ␦13C impoverishment with depth in with depth was observed in Alter do Cha˜o and the savanna profile of Amapa´ was not as high as Chapada dos Parecis. The isotopic shift from sur- observed in Roraima, Humaita´, and Carolina pro- face to deep layers at Chapada dos Parecis (Ϫ17.6 files. The ␦13C values of deep soil organic matter to Ϫ21.3‰) was relatively heavier (indicating in Amapa´ decreased to only Ϫ23‰ (compared to greater influence of C4 material) than at Alter do a forest value of Ϫ25‰), suggesting the presence Cha˜o (Ϫ21.1 to Ϫ23.4‰). The savanna profiles of C4 organic matter even at depths of4m(Fig. at Alter do Cha˜o had relatively constant ␦13C val- 5). ues throughout the profile (Fig. 5). In the Chapada 13 14 dos Parecis savanna profile, the ␦ C values de- C DATING OF SOIL ORGANIC MATTER. The radio- creased ca 3.5‰ from the surface to ca 2 m depth. carbon ages of bulk soil organic matter represent a Below 2 m, the ␦13C values increased by 3.4‰, mixture of younger and older carbon atoms and 8 Sanaiotti, Martinelli, Victoria, Trumbore, and Camargo

FIGURE 5. Depth variability of ␦13C (‰) values in savanna and contiguous forest soil profiles (average of two profiles). Full circles represent forest profiles and open circles represent savanna profiles. Bars represent standard errors. Numbers indicate radiocarbon age B.P. Past Vegetation Changes in Amazon Savannas 9 consequently do not constitute an absolute age of in Roraima (Ϫ29.6‰) and Rondoˆnia (Ϫ29.0 Ϯ soil organic matter. For example, radiocarbon dat- 1.8‰) savannas, respectively. As in the Brazilian ing of bulk soil organic matter was always younger Pantanal region (Victoria et al. 1995), the ␦13C than humin extracted from the same samples col- values for tree leaves collected in savannas are en- lected in soil profiles at Humaita´ (Gouveia et al. riched in ␦13C compared with leaves collected from 1997). The same trend was observed between bulk trees in closed forests. For example, the average val- soil organic matter and charcoal (Pessenda, Gomes ue of tree leaves collected in closed forest in Ron- et al. 1998). Therefore, the interpretation of radio- doˆnia was equal to Ϫ32.1‰, ca 2‰ more negative carbon ages in terms of the mean age of organic than tree leaves from savannas (Martinelli et al. matter in soil profiles must be undertaken with 1998). The most probable cause for these differ- caution (Trumbore et al. 1995). ences are increased incorporation of isotopically de- High values of radiocarbon (ϾModern) reflect pleted CO2 in forest tree leaves compared to sa- the incorporation of carbon fixed from the atmo- vanna tree leaves (Sternberg et al. 1989, Kapos et sphere since atomic weapons testing in the early al. 1993, Grace et al. 1995, Buchmann et al. 1996, 1960s, which nearly doubled the amount of 14C Lloyd et al. 1996). in the atmosphere. This ‘‘bomb’’ 14C signature is Intraspecies variation in leaf ␦13C was greater observed in the upper part of each soil profile (Fig. than overall variation among different sites. Large 5), indicating that the organic material in this layer intraspecies variation in ␦13C is common (Walcroft is predominantly made up of constituents that cy- et al. 1996, Berry et al. 1997, Martinelli et al. cle rapidly (decadal or shorter timescales; Trumbore 1998), but its causes are difficult to identify. Char- et al. 1995). The 14C content of bulk organic mat- acteristics such as leaf height, age, and position in ter declines rapidly with depth in the soil, indicat- the branch expose leaves to different light intensi- ing that organic matter on average resides long ties, which can influence the photosynthetic rate, enough for significant radioactive decay of radio- and consequently, leaf stable carbon isotopic com- carbon (half-life ϭ 5730 yr). The oldest organic position (Farquhar et al. 1989). matter was found at the bottom of the Amapa´ for- 13 est soil profile (ca 10,300 yr B.P.). The radiocarbon SOURCES OF VARIABILITY IN ␦ C VALUES OF THE SOIL ages in the other profiles were generally less than ORGANIC MATTER. Generally, forest soil profiles in the Amapa´ profiles, and varied from ca 2300 to showed an enrichment of ␦13C with depth ca 6400 years B.P. in the deepest depths (Fig. 5). throughout the profile (Fig. 5). Savanna soil pro- In Amapa´ and Alter do Cha˜o, the radiocarbon ages files showed similar isotopic enrichment only to were higher in the forest than in the savanna pro- depths of 0.5 to 1 m, below which ␦13C values files. The opposite trend, however, was observed in decreased in most of the profiles (Fig. 5). The mag- Roraima, and practically no difference between for- nitude of such isotopic changes varied, both in for- est and savanna was observed in Carolina. est soil profiles and among savanna soil profiles. Several factors have been identified that cause iso- DISCUSSION topic changes with soil depth, including soil chem- ical composition and texture, organic matter de- 13 ␦ C VALUES OF LEAVES IN SAVANNAS AND FORESTS. composition processes, and past vegetation chang- 13 The average ␦ C value of C4 grass found in the es. savannas (Ϫ13.2‰) was higher (heavier) than the The sampled soils had similar chemical char- average value for C4 plants found by Desjardins et acteristics as expressed in terms of fertility, espe- al. (1996) at Roraima savannas (Ϫ14.2‰) but cially among savannas, where the sum of bases was lower (lighter) than the average value found by Pes- very low. Therefore, chemical composition does senda, Gomes et al. (1998) at savannas in Ron- not seem to be the major cause of isotopic changes 13 doˆnia (Ϫ11.7‰). The ␦ C values of ca 100 C4 found in soil profiles. plants analyzed from the herbarium of the Instituto In forest stands, it has been observed that clay Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazoˆnia (INPA) ranged fractions are slightly enriched in ␦13C, compared from Ϫ9.5 to Ϫ13.6‰ (Medina et al. 1999), with to coarser fractions of surface soil layers (Balesdent an average value of Ϫ11.7 Ϯ 0.9‰ (N ϭ 102). et al. 1993). For example, a difference of ca 4‰ 13 On the other hand, the average ␦ C value for C3 was found between clay and sand fractions of a plants of the savannas (Ϫ29.0‰) was similar to surface soil under tropical forest in southeast Brazil values found by Desjardins et al. (1996) and Pes- (Vitorello et al. 1989). Smaller enrichments were senda, Gomes et al. (1998) in tree leaves collected observed in surface soils of other regions in Brazil 10 Sanaiotti, Martinelli, Victoria, Trumbore, and Camargo

(Desjardins et al. 1991), the Congo (Martin et al. in ␦13C with soil depth in savanna areas do not 1990), and France (Balesdent et al. 1993). Even take into account the possible rooting effect on ob- pure stands of native C4 savannas showed a small served changes. One exception is the study con- enrichments (1–2‰) in fine compared to coarser ducted by Boutton et al. (1998) in a savanna area fractions at the soil surface (Martin et al. 1990). of south Texas. In that study, they found that ␦13C 13 On the other hand, in situations where C3 stands of roots were not in equilibrium with ␦ C values 13 were artificially replaced by C4 vegetation (Vitore- of coexisting soil organic matter. The ␦ C of roots llo et al. 1989, Desjardins et al. 1991) or vice versa in woodlands were ca Ϫ25‰, while ␦13C values (Balesdent et al. 1988, Martin et al. 1990), larger of the soil organic matter varied from Ϫ24 to differences between fine and coarse soil factions Ϫ17‰. The ␦13C of roots in grasslands varied have been observed (up to 10‰; Boutton et al. from Ϫ24 to Ϫ21‰ and ␦13C values of soil or- 1998). Among soil profiles that had changes in tex- ganic matter varied from Ϫ16 to Ϫ20‰. Obvi- ture with depth, no significant change in the ␦13C ously, the results found by Boutton et al. (1998) of the bulk soil organic matter was observed in cannot be extrapolated directly to our study areas. studies reported by Desjardins and collaborators If the contribution of roots in our study is impor- (Desjardins et al. 1991, 1996). In our study, the tant, past climate changes may be overestimated or same was true. In the few forest profiles that had underestimated depending on the proportion of C3 depth changes of textural fractions, such as Rorai- and C4 roots. ma (Fig. 3), we could not detect any major change The ␦13C values observed in the forest soil pro- in ␦13C with depth (Fig. 5). Therefore, it seems files of Alter do Cha˜o, Amapa´, and Roraima are in that soil texture was not the main factor controlling the range of the expected values for soils where C3 the isotopic composition of soil organic matter. plants have remained the dominant vegetation cov- Another possible cause of ␦13C variation with er. In these profiles, the maximum ␦13C enrich- soil depth is the organic matter decomposition pro- ment was ca 3‰ (Fig. 5). This trend was also cess, which favors the loss of 12C (Boutton 1996). shown for nine soil profiles collected at six forested Generally, it is accepted that up to a 3.5–4.0‰ sites not bordered by savannas in the central and isotopic enrichment in organic matter ␦13C with southeast Amazon region (Desjardins et al. 1991, depth in soils is due to decomposition processes Valencia 1993, Trumbore et al. 1995, Martinelli et (Mariotti & Peterschmitt 1994, Desjardins et al. al. 1996). Enrichment in ␦13C values for forested 1996, Martinelli et al. 1996). Increases in the av- sites greater than those that may reasonably be ex- erage radiocarbon age of organic matter with depth pected from decomposition processes, such as those demonstrate that organic matter in deeper soils has found in Humaita´ and Carolina profiles, have been been exposed longer to decomposition processes. interpreted as indicating the influence of past C4 Vegetation changes in the past may be another vegetation, or a mixture of C3 and C4 vegetation. important factor in explaining isotopic changes Desjardins et al. (1996) found soil enrichment with soil depth (Schwartz et al. 1986; Volkoff & higher than 3.5‰ in forested sites at depths vary- Cerri 1987; Martin et al. 1990; McPherson et al. ing from 0.5 to 2.0 m in areas near the forest– 1993; Mariotti & Petershimitt 1994; Trouve et al. savanna boundary in Roraima. Below 2 m depth, 1994; Desjardins et al. 1996; Martinelli et al. 1996; the enrichment predominantly observed was less Schwartz et al. 1996; Victoria et al. 1996; Gouveia than 3.5‰ different than surface values. In anoth- et al. 1997; Boutton et al. 1998; Pessenda, Gomes er forest profile in the same area but far from the et al. 1998; Pessenda et al. 1998a, b; Roscoe et al. forest–savanna boundary, the isotopic enrichment 2000). In forest soils, isotopic enrichment larger was greater than 3.5‰ only between 0.5 and 1.0 than 3.5–4.0‰ has been explained by the presence m depth. The latter site was similar to the study of remaining old C4 vegetation. On the other at Roraima, where an enrichment higher than hand, in savanna soils, an impoverishment of ␦13C 3.5‰ was observed only for the 0.1 to 0.2 m with depth may suggest the presence of relict or- depth interval. Pessenda et al. (1998a) observed 13 ganic matter derived from C3 vegetation. similar ␦ C distribution with depth in the Hu- It is important to note that different rooting maita´ area. A transect of ␦13C values from savanna depths for trees and C4 grasses may partly account to forest area indicated decreased contributions of for changes with soil depth in woody savanna, es- C4 plant inputs toward the forest. pecially in Redenc¸a˜o, Roraima, and Alter do Cha˜o, If we assume that past vegetation changes re- where the number of C3 trees per hectare was high main recorded in soil organic matter, it may be (Table 2). Most of the studies dealing with changes concluded that in the Alter do Cha˜o and Chapada Past Vegetation Changes in Amazon Savannas 11 dos Parecis profiles appear not to have undergone tribution that were uniformly recorded in soil pro- major past changes in their vegetation cover, while files. Probably other factors, such as microclimate, major past vegetation changes are recorded in the soil characteristics, root distribution, fire regime, Amapa´, Roraima, Humaita´, Redenc¸a˜o, and Caro- and human actions, may have contributed to the lina profiles. Interestingly, among the sites where composition of the vegetation cover in the forest– carbon isotopes indicate past vegetation changes, savanna ecotones of the Amazon. For example, the degree and manner of change was different for based on charcoal dated from 3230 to 1790 years each area (Fig. 5). The most common pattern is B.P., Desjardins et al. (1996) suggested that fires that the ␦13C signatures of organic matter in the which occurred in the late Holocene period were a deepest soil layers of savanna profiles appear to re- key process to define the forest–savanna dynamics cord more woody (C3) vegetation than is present in Roraima. In fact, in the majority of the savannas today. The same trend was found by earlier studies areas studied in the Amazon, maximum ␦13C val- conducted in Roraima and Humaita´, especially in ues (higher proportion of C4 plants) were found those profiles that were collected from the forest– near the surface, and where radiocarbon dating was savanna boundaries (Desjardins et al. 1996, Gou- available, they have always indicated that this max- veia et al. 1997). imum occurred in the late Holocene (Desjardins et Radiocarbon dating of bulk soil organic matter al. 1996, Gouveia et al. 1997, Pessenda, Gomes et does not allow us to infer with precision the chro- al. 1998). In addition, Roscoe et al. (2000), work- nology of past vegetation changes because it rep- ing in a savanna area of central Brazil, showed that resents a mixture of younger and older material in a period of only ca 20 years, the C4 grass pop- (Trumbore et al. 1995). For example, the bulk ra- ulation increased in areas with higher fire inci- diocarbon age may be influenced by factors such dence, and the ␦13C of the soil became higher, sug- as soil texture, since clays tend to stabilize organic gesting the increasing influence of C4 vegetation in carbon in soils for a longer time than sands. De- the soil organic matter. spite these complications, radiocarbon data can be It is risky, based in only two soil profiles, to used to roughly relate the timing of vegetation extrapolate our results to the entire savanna areas, change with climatic events that occurred in the since it has already been shown that major spatial past. Paleoecological studies have suggested that a variability can occur inside each savanna (Desjar- maximum in the proportion of grass pollen was dins et al. 1996, Gouveia et al. 1997). Therefore, found in the middle Holocene (6000–4000 yr B.P.; at least in the sites where soil samples were col- Absy et al. 1991, Ledru 1993, Servant et al. 1993). lected, we have concluded that five savannas (Ama- Desjardins et al. (1996) found charcoal with radio- pa´, Roraima, Humaita´, Redenc¸a˜o, and Carolina) of carbon ages ca 6000–7000 years B.P. in Roraima the Amazon region have experienced past vegeta- savanna profiles, and according to them, those tion changes during the Holocene period. Other would be indirect evidence that present savannas studies have reached the same conclusion for the were formed during that period. The radiocarbon Roraima and Humaita´ savannas (Desjardins et al. ages in the deepest savanna profiles of our study 1996, Gouveia et al. 1997, Pessenda, Gomes et al. are not old enough to support or reject this hy- 1998). On the other hand, in two other savanna pothesis (Fig. 5); however, at 3.4 to 3.6 m depth areas (Alter do Cha˜o and Parecis) it is likely that intervals, the ␦13C savanna profile in Roraima past vegetation changes were less pronounced. Sev- clearly indicates a strong presence of C3 vegetation, eral authors have suggested major climatic fluctu- and the radiocarbon age of the bulk soil organic ations during the Holocene period in South Amer- matter was ca 6400 years B.P. Gouveia et al. (1997) ica, and the results showed above suggest that even found at 90 cm depth in Humaita´, humin dating widespread events did not produce uniform chang- 13 6000 years B.P. with a corresponding ␦ C of soil es in vegetation distribution in the Amazon region. organic matter of ca Ϫ21.0‰, which indicates a mixture of C3 and C4 vegetation. Therefore, it ACKNOWLEDGMENTS could be that even a widespread event like the sug- T. Desjardins, C. Feller, L. C. R. Pessenda, and M. Ber- gested climatic fluctuations during the Holocene noux made helpful comments on an earlier version of this period did not produce changes in vegetation dis- manuscript. 12 Sanaiotti, Martinelli, Victoria, Trumbore, and Camargo


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13 APPENDIX 1. ␦ C (‰) values of C3 and C4 plant species collected in savanna areas.

13 13 Site C3 plant species ␦ C Site C3 plant species ␦ C Alter do Bowdichia virgilioides Ϫ29.2 H. speciosa Ϫ26.9 Cha˜o Byrsonima coccolobifolia Ϫ27.9 Kielmeyera coriacea Ϫ26.6 B. crassifolia Ϫ28.5 K. coriacea Ϫ26.2 Casearia javitensis Ϫ30.2 Plathymenia reticulata Ϫ27.8 Chamaecrista parviflora Ϫ30.6 P. reticulata Ϫ28.5 Chomelia parviflora Ϫ32.1 Pouteria ramiflora Ϫ29.0 Declieuxia fruticosa Ϫ31.2 P. ramiflora Ϫ27.9 Erythroxylum suberosum Ϫ29.5 Pterodon pubescens Ϫ28.1 Eugenia biflora Ϫ31.8 P. pubescens Ϫ28.1 Galactia jussianea Ϫ28.8 Qualea grandiflora Ϫ27.4 Hirtella racemosa Ϫ32.2 Q. grandiflora Ϫ28.4 Lafoensia pacari Ϫ28.6 Q. parviflora Ϫ28.2 Miconia albicans Ϫ30.1 Salvertia convallariodora Ϫ31.6 M. fallax Ϫ31.0 S. convallariodora Ϫ26.3 Myrcia cf. obtusa Ϫ31.4 Tabebuia aurea Ϫ24.7 M. slvatica Ϫ30.1 T. aurea Ϫ27.8 Neea ovalifolia Ϫ31.5 T. ochracea Ϫ29.9 Pouteria ramiflora Ϫ31.8 T. ochracea Ϫ29.1 Psychotria barbiflora Ϫ31.4 Xylopia aromatica Ϫ29.2 Qualea grandiflora Ϫ28.7 X. aromatica Ϫ30.4 Salvertia convallariodora Ϫ29.2 Humaita´ Anacardium cf. humile Ϫ26.9 Sclerobium paniculatum Ϫ31.3 Andira cf. vermifuga Ϫ28.0 Tocoyena formosa Ϫ28.9 A. cf. vermifuga Ϫ29.2 Xylopia aromatica Ϫ30.9 A. cf. vermifuga Ϫ27.1 Paspalum carinatum Ϫ13.7 A. surinamensis Ϫ27.9 Trachypogon plumosus Ϫ13.3 Antonia ovata Ϫ29.6 Amapa´ Aegiphila lhotzyana Ϫ29.6 Bonyunia antoniifolia Ϫ31.4 Bowdichia virgilioides Ϫ26.7 Brosimum gaudichaudii Ϫ29.2 B. virgilioides Ϫ30.4 Buchenavia capitata Ϫ30.1 Byrsonima crassifolia Ϫ30.2 Caraipa savannarrum Ϫ29.2 B. crassifolia Ϫ30.2 Casearia sylvestris Ϫ29.0 Curatella americana Ϫ28.7 Catthedra acuminata Ϫ31.0 C. americana Ϫ30.2 Guatteria cf. foliosa Ϫ30.4 Hancornia speciosa Ϫ29.6 Hancornia speciosa Ϫ29.2 H. speciosa Ϫ29.5 Heisteria ovata Ϫ32.3 Hypolytrum cf. pulchrum Ϫ30.3 Kielmeyera coriacea Ϫ29.0 Hypolytrum sp. Ϫ28.2 Lafoensia pacari Ϫ28.9 Mezilaurus lindaviana Ϫ31.4 L. pacari Ϫ28.5 Pouteria ramiflora Ϫ30.7 Laxoplumeria teesmanii Ϫ27.0 P. ramiflora Ϫ30.5 Norantea guianensis Ϫ27.3 Rauvolfia pentaphylla Ϫ28.4 Parkia ulei Ϫ31.2 Roupala montana Ϫ28.8 Physocalaymma scaberrimum Ϫ28.9 R. montana Ϫ31.0 Qualea parviflora Ϫ28.2 Salvertia convallariodora Ϫ27.8 Q. parviflora Ϫ27.5 S. convallariodora Ϫ28.5 Roupala montana Ϫ29.6 Scleria cyperina Ϫ25.7 Salvertia convallariodora Ϫ26.9 Trachypogon plumosus Ϫ13.0 Simarouba amara Ϫ29.8 Carolina Agonandra brasiliensis Ϫ30.1 Tabebuia aurea Ϫ31.2 A. brasiliensis Ϫ28.5 T. aurea Ϫ28.6 Andira chordata Ϫ26.7 T. aurea Ϫ27.9 A. chordata Ϫ27.8 Virola subsessilis Ϫ27.0 Bowdichia virgilioides Ϫ26.7 Vochysia ferruginea Ϫ28.0 B. virgilioides Ϫ28.1 V. grandis Ϫ29.6 Byrsonima crassifolia Ϫ30.3 V. sessilifolia Ϫ29.1 B. crassifolia Ϫ29.8 Xyridaceae sp. Ϫ26.6 Couepia paraensis Ϫ29.0 Leptocoryphrium lanatum Ϫ12.9 Curatella americana Ϫ28.2 Trachypogon spicatus Ϫ13.4 C. americana Ϫ29.1 Parecis Anacardium cf. humile Ϫ30.0 Cybistax antisiphyllitica Ϫ28.2 Andira cf. vermifuga Ϫ29.7 C. antisiphyllitica Ϫ26.3 A. cf. vermifuga Ϫ28.2 Hancornia speciosa Ϫ29.3 Annona grandiflora Ϫ29.5 16 Sanaiotti, Martinelli, Victoria, Trumbore, and Camargo

APPENDIX 1. Continued.

13 13 Site C3 plant species ␦ C Site C3 plant species ␦ C Bonyunia antoniifolia Ϫ30.3 Rudgea erioloba Ϫ28.8 Buchenavia tomentosa Ϫ29.9 Salvertia convallariodora Ϫ30.1 B. tomentosa Ϫ26.7 S. convallariodora Ϫ30.5 Byrsonima verbascifolia Ϫ28.5 Roraima Acosmium steyermarkii Ϫ28.1 Caryocar brasiliense Ϫ27.5 Aegiphila lhotzyana Ϫ31.0 Davilla elliptica Ϫ29.8 Agonandra brasiliensis Ϫ30.8 Diospyros hispida Ϫ30.0 Anadenanthera peregrina Ϫ29.3 D. hispida Ϫ30.4 Annona jahnii Ϫ33.4 Emmotum nitens Ϫ28.0 A. ovata Ϫ28.4 Eriotheca gracileps Ϫ27.7 Aspidosperma multiflorum Ϫ30.8 Eschweilera nana Ϫ26.9 A. multiflorum Ϫ28.9 Himatanthus obovatus Ϫ23.5 Bowdichia virgilioides Ϫ29.4 Kielmeyera coriacea Ϫ26.2 B. virgilioides Ϫ29.5 K. rubriflora Ϫ27.2 Byrsonima crassifolia Ϫ29.0 Mouriri pusa Ϫ29.2 B. crassifolia Ϫ30.7 Myrcia cf. obtusa Ϫ33.2 Casearia ulmifolia Ϫ30.0 Plathymenia reticulata Ϫ27.5 Chamaecrista desvauxii Ϫ31.3 Qualea grandiflora Ϫ26.5 Cissampelos ovalifolia Ϫ29.4 Q. grandiflora Ϫ28.7 C. ovalifolia Ϫ28.9 Q. multiflora Ϫ29.3 Curatella americana Ϫ28.9 Salvertia convallariodora Ϫ28.9 C. americana Ϫ27.1 S. convallariodora Ϫ28.0 Erythroxylum cf. vernicosum Ϫ31.2 Strychnos pseudoquina Ϫ29.4 Mouriri apiranga Ϫ21.5 Styrax ferruginea Ϫ27.1 Palicourea rigida Ϫ25.7 Syagrus petrae Ϫ27.4 Paspalum lanciflorum Ϫ26.8 Tabebuia aurea Ϫ26.1 Qualea parviflora Ϫ29.2 Virola subsessilis Ϫ28.5 Q. parviflora Ϫ31.0 Vochysia cinnanomea Ϫ29.7 Roupala montana Ϫ29.4 V. rufa Ϫ28.9 R. montana Ϫ28.2 Streptostachys ramosa Ϫ13.0 Thrasya petrosa Ϫ30.1 Redenc¸a˜o Bowdichia virgilioides Ϫ29.6 Trattinickia rhoifolia Ϫ27.7 B. virgilioides Ϫ29.9 T. rhoifolia Ϫ31.3 Byrsonima crassifolia Ϫ28.5 Xylopia aromatica Ϫ29.7 B. crassifolia Ϫ29.9 X. aromatica Ϫ31.3 Calisthene fasciculata Ϫ29.3 Andropogon fasciatus Ϫ12.8 Curatella americana Ϫ28.3 Andropogon sp. Ϫ13.1 C. americana Ϫ26.9 Andropogon sp. Ϫ13.4 Kielmeyera latrophyton Ϫ26.4 Trachypogon spicatus Ϫ13.8 Pouteria ramiflora Ϫ31.7 T. spicatus Ϫ12.6 P. ramiflora Ϫ30.6