March Figures Indicate Business Improvement On

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March Figures Indicate Business Improvement On ♦ WEATHER FORECAST WHERE TO GO TO-NIGHT Royal—g|r "' John Martin Harvey Sr A f'lgaretie Maker'* Romance, For 56 hours ending 5 pu., Saturday: Vantage.* Vaudeville . Capitol—The Great White Way. Victoria and vicinity—Light to mod­ lx>mlnlon-r Triumph. *■ erate winds, fine and milder. May house— (Caster pantomime. Columbia—The Eleventh Hour. VOL. 64 NO. 98 VICTORIA, KC:, FRIDAY, APRIL 25, 1924 PRICE FIVE CENTS Plague Spreads i Duke of York PRESIDES AT PREMIER ASKED TO Britain Extends BARROW WOULD Rapidly in Russian | Aids the Fight SPEAK IN REGINA BRITISH-SOVIET Recognition to MARCH FIGURES INDICATE Premier Oliver wae invited to­ Turkestan Area ' Against Cancer CONFERENCE day to address a meeting el the Saskatchewan Bar Aeeociatien in Greek Republic Moscow. April 25.—Further reports Regina en June 28 or 26 en the BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT ON Protests to Ottawa Against from the Amu-|>arya region. Russian London. April 25 (Canadian Press western freight rate question. The Turkestan, where the plague has Cable)—The Duke of York 'has ac­ Bpr Association's invitation will Ixmdon. April 25^-Dlapatchee from Athene snye Great Britain's Shipment From California broken out, state the epidemic is cepted the presidency of the British be wired to the Premier in Ottawa spreading at »n alarming rate. More immediately. formal recognition of the republic And Tia Juana than 100 cases were registered In the Empire Cancer Campaign, In which was handed to the Greek Govern­ PACIFIC COAST IS STEADY Members ef the Cabinet who are Hhoumashinsky district. he Intends actively to participate. in the city now 6aid this afternoon ment yesterday and received with Minister Points to Danger of that they expected the Premier to touch satisfaction. accept the invitation, even Bank Débita to Individual Accounts Were 5.2 Per Cent. Foot and Mouth Disease though an election campaign wore Spread in full swing by the end ef June. Above Those of February; Maritime Provinces FRENCH AVIATOR AND HELPER If the Premier epeake in Regina his address will be broadeeet all Showed (Tain of 3.8 Per Cent. ; Decreases Reported in Chilliwack, April 25—ÎTon. E. ever Canada by radie. D. Harrow, Provincial Minister REVERTED LANDS Remainder fo Canada of Agriculture. - to-day wired ARE ATTEMPTING FLIGHT FROM Hon. W. R. Motherwell, Federal Minister of Agriculture, asking An indication of tho stoady naturo of flip business improvement PARIS TO CAPITAL OF JAPAN in Itritish Columbia is given by figures issued to-day by the that immediate steps be taken to Ml IS MISSING Long Expected Statement is prevent a consignment of race Dominion Bureau uf Ktutisties. The total recorded bank "débita horses from Tia Juana ami Cali­ Paris, April 25.—Lient. Pelletier Daisy made an excellent. Mart Ready For Presentation to individual account* in this Province in March showed an in- fornia from coming into British on his adventurous trip to the .Far East, covering tin- hOO miles ON WEST COAST crease of 5.2 per cent, over the February figure. This gratifying Columbia. Decision upon the plan under development was paralleled only in the Maritime Province*, the from Paris to Budapest yesterday at an average speed of 120 miles which a local syndicate desires to “We vigorously protest/1 an hour. Norman E. Lyche, of Ucluelet, remainder of Canada showing a decrease, as reported to-day in the stated the -telegram, “at the Believed to Have Been take an option on the rtverte 1 following Ottawk dispatch : He flew over Budapest, however, without stopping, and landed lands of the city will be taken menace this will be to our dairy and at Bucharest, covering the distantly of nearly 1.230 miles in less Drowned -------------------—------------------------------------------! Ottawa. Avril 2.1 (Canadian Free.» beef «took Indpstries." by the City Council on Monday. • —The total recorded bank debits to It was “pointed out that th»* coming than eleven hours in a non-stop flight. ARTHUR PONSONBY individual accounts at the twenty- Special to Th, Times After several weeks of eonsid. of these horses would also result 1st As the Vnder-Seeretary for Air has no funds to provide stocks British L* nder - Secretary for Fnreyga nine clearing house centres of large numbers of persons visiting Affairs, is chairman of th* confer­ Ucluelet, B.C., -April 25—Nor eration the reverted lands com- Canada and at the branches of the the Province from the areas affected of spare parts along the routo, Doisy and his mechanic. Sergeant ence now in progress In London. mittee of the council decided las. weyburn Security Bank—In other by the foot and mouth disease to at­ men K. Lyche, a resilient of words, the aggregate amounts of Vezin, are entirely dependent upon themselves for any repairs that evening to make a report to the tend the races. Ucluelet, is believed drowned to- cheques charged against deposit ac­ are necessary. If they cannot fix * council on the subject. No an­ counts In these places—were $1.865.• CONFERENCE URGED their machine they will have to day, his lx>at with iu engine nouncement will be made as to the **2.072 in Mprch. 1924, n substan­ Vancouver, April 85.—The Vancou­ corné buck Before Htartlng the avia­ still running having been found, nature of that report, owing to the tially lower figure than the Febru­ ver Board of Trade, it was stated tor Raid pe would continue hi* flight Shorter Route strong public agitation which oc­ ary bank debits of $2.178,687.756 or to-day. intends to call a conference to the Far East "if circumstance* but with no trace of the man. curred when the syndicate’s proposal Sir Thomas White Cross- the January bank debits of 32,171.^ of medical men. livestock men. Gov­ permit." The machine carries 200 For British Plane The boat was located on the In­ was outlined In the pres*, before the examined at Home Bank 6.»3,3^7, says the Dominion Bureau of ernment officials and veterinarians, gallon* of gasoline, enough for 1.200 council can receive the report. Statistics. Bunk clearings for March to consider methods for the protec­ mi lea of flying. RECORDED INSEATTLE dian Reservation shore. The committee members of the Inquiry showed a similar tendency, aggre­ tion of British Columbia cattle from The Itinerary, if ail goe* well, le: Across Canada The boat was found about i a.m. council have been subjected to some gating Si.174,278,616 as against the foot and mouth disease, now Aleppo. Bagdad. Bander Abbaa, to-day. and from that time on ward. ; criticism by non-members for not $1,274,132.416 in February and ravaging herds in various sections of Karachi. Allahabad. Rangoon. 8ai- Just After Midnight; Seismo­ searching parties have been syste­ reporting before, but the committee Declared Independent Audit $1.387.398,716 in January. California and other states. gon. Hanoi, Hongkong. Shanghai, matically searching every portion »f Vancouver. April 25.—Orders to graph Showed Tremors has rather preferred to await devel­ FIVE AREAS Peking. Korea and Tvkio. report upon an alternative north­ the coast and bcaçhe*. Boats also opment. Would Have Caused the 2429 AMERICANS DELAYED ern route for the British globe Slight But Sharp are dragging the bay and surround­ Meanwhile it has been Impossible Bank to Collapse The decline In bank debits, though Dutch Harbor. Alaska. - April filer* have been received at head­ ing waters. to check public discussion both In­ marked, was by no means universal. whs Of the five economic areaa Into quarters of the Air Force here. It suggested that Mr. Lyche side 9WÏ outside the council chnin­ 25.—Although the weather con­ which Canada is naturally divided, tinued fitful here early to-day. Next Monday Might Lieut. Earl Not Recorded in Victoria; may have become entangled In the ner on so • important a question as Ottawa, April 25 (Canadian halibut gear, as he was a good swim the reveried lands matter, and three the Maritime Province^ and the the thre army aviators in readi­ McLeod will fly to Prince Rupert. Hawaiian Disturbances Have Press)—Introduction of an in­ Pacific province showed increases a* ness to continue. the circuit of B.C, to cover tha proposed route main development* have ^een run­ the earth remained hopeful that Norman Ë. Lyche is a son of Mr. ning simultaneously with the offer dependent audit into the Home compared with February of 4.8 per by way of Haaclton. Fort Fraser Died Away and Mrs. A. II. Lyche. of Ucluelet. of the syndicate to take an option cent, and 5.2 per cent., respectively, their commander. Major Fred­ and other northern pointa to a Bank as suggested by the XX'est- due In the latter case to an Increase erick L. Martin. In the fourth for not less than twelve months to luk»1 north of Bdmontoau Seattle. April 25.—An earthquake allow the syndicate time to organi w ern directors would uiuiuestion- of nearly $7.000.000 In the bank Annual Convention Will be machine, woudl he able to make It i* stated (tie northern route lasting fifty-nine seconds to-day debits at Vancouver. his way to Dutch Harbor from a holding and development company i* 300 mile* Shorter than that via Just after midnight was recorded on First there was the plan of Aide.- abty have resulted iu the failure Kanatak. f.50 miles eastward, CENTRAL CANADA Held in Victoria in Vancouver anil that there are the seismograph, at the Fniverslty of man Ker to move the land office from of the batik. This was the opin­ before night. more, lakes ou which to land.
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