The VILLAGE of INDIAN HILL, OHIO All Village Bulletins Available on Our Website
INDIAN HILL VILLAGE BULLETIN OFFICIAL PUBLICATION of the VILLAGE OF INDIAN HILL, OHIO All Village Bulletins available on our website May 1, 2019 Number #4 COUNCIL ACTIONS PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING REGULAR MEETING April 22, 2019 ACTIONS April 16, 2019 Second Reading – Ordinance approving the Plat of Shawnee Brook Farm Subdivision recorded in Plat Conditionally Approved - A Concept Plan Book 281, Page 67 of the Hamilton County, Ohio submitted by Graeme Daley, for the reconfiguration Recorder’s Office, and accepting the dedication of of Part Lot 2, Stevens Estate Subdivision located at Given Road, Parcel ID Number 529-0030-0047 5940 Towhee Lane, was Conditionally Approved. The proposal will reconfigure three existing parcels, Passed Emergency Ordinance – Authorizing the City which total 4.61 acres, into two single family Manager to enter into an agreement between the City of building lots. The proposal includes a 1.62-acre the Village of Indian Hill and the Board of Hamilton Green Area parcel. County Commissioners, in substantial format, for the replacement of Keller Road bridge PLANNING COMMISSION PUBLIC NOTICE Second Reading – Ordinance changing the rates to be charged for water supplied to customers by amending The Village of Indian Hill Planning Commission will Section 51.55 (Rates) of the Code of Ordinances: consider an application for variance from Lynda and Provides for a 15% increase on July 1, 2019 Tony Shipley, 7755 Surreyhill Lane, to permit Third Reading – May 20, 2019 Council construction of a small covered front portico addition meeting attached to the front of the home and a roof extension to the rear of the home.
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