The Sedimentary Record Tempest in a tree ring: and the record of past hurricanes

Claudia I. Mora and Dana L. Miller Henri D. Grissino-Mayer Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences Department of Geography University of Tennessee University of Tennessee Knoxville, TN 37996 Knoxville TN, 37996 [email protected] [email protected]

of activity or quiescence. -derived data are essen- ABSTRACT tial to develop a more complete understanding of natural, low-frequen- Tropical cyclones can have devastating economic impact on U.S. cy trends and fluctuations in tropical cyclone activity, to deduce cli- coastal communities, yet the full range of their natural variability is mate-tropical cyclone relationships operating over multidecadal or not yet known.A more definitive understanding of tropical longer periods, and can be used to improve predictive modeling of cyclone (i.e., hurricane) frequency, intensity and response to global tropical cyclone vulnerability and risk. Here we summarize the basis change requires an understanding of their behavior over and application of paleotempestology proxies, with special attention to several millennia. The developing field of paleotempestology a newly-developed proxy based on stable compositions promises to add the perspective of time to current debate on the in tree rings. recent increase in tropical cyclone activity and intensity. PALEOTEMPESTOLOGY

INTRODUCTION Historical proxies North Atlantic tropical cyclone frequency and intensity have The extreme nature of tropical cyclones has led to their documenta- increased significantly since 1995 (e.g., Goldenberg et al., 2001; tion in a wide range of outlets, including newspapers, plantation Elsner et al., 2000; Landsea et al., 1998), but the causes of these diaries, government records and ship logs. These documents range changes are fiercely debated. The increase in tropical cyclone frequen- from terse and qualitative reports to sometimes detailed accountings of cy is thought to reflect natural, multidecadal scale variation governed storm phenomena or damage. Historical records are limited in time by low frequency climate modes, such as the Atlantic Multidecadal and geography by the requisite human observations. The reliability of Oscillation (AMO, low frequency changes in sea surface ; the data is variable, and qualitative descriptions of events must be e.g., Elsner and Kara, 1999; Goldenberg et al., 2001; see Mann and scaled and interpreted. Recent studies, such as those described below, Emanuel, 2006, for counterpoint). However, increased frequency seek to validate their methodology and results against instrumental may also be related to an increase in (SST) records, with excellent results. Thus, with judicious and systematic over the past 35 years (Trenberth, 2005). Studies implicate global interpretation, historical (written) documents can be exploited to warming in the increased intensity of tropical cyclone events reconstruct detailed records of past tropical cyclone activity (e.g., (Knutson and Tuleya 2004; Emanuel 2005; Webster et al. 2005), but Mock, 2004). definitive linkages between tropical cyclone frequency, changes in The earliest known written reference and description of typhoons SST and rising concentration are elusive (Pielke et al., (Pacific tropical cyclones; called jufeng, or “wind that comes from four 2005). directions”), is found in an ancient Chinese text (A.D. 470; Louie and As they work towards resolution of these important questions, Liu, 2003). Voluminous archives of imperial government documents researchers are hampered by very short instrumental records of tropi- and semi-official local gazettes may yield very high-resolution records cal cyclone activity. The highest quality instrumental records exist of western Pacific tropical cyclone occurrence, extending back many only since ~1940, and few extend past ~1850. In the absence of an centuries. Liu et al. (2001) reconstructed a 935 year time series of instrumental record, the long-term physical, spatial and temporal typhoon landfalls for Guangdong province which suggests two periods patterns of tropical cyclone activity must be established by proxy. of marked tropical cyclone activity in southern which may have This is the essential challenge of the emerging field of paleotem- resulted from large, regional scale climate effects which steered western pestology. Using geological, biological and written documentary (i.e., Pacific tropical cyclones towards more southerly landfalls. historical) evidence, scientists in this new field seek to develop Written records of North Atlantic hurricanes include Spanish colo- records of past tropical cyclone activity over a large range of scales, nial records (by end 15th century) and British naval logs (by end 16th from the day-by-day reconstruction of a single storm using historical century). Those archives are of particular importance to developing documents to millennial-scale sediment records that define long periods tropical cyclone histories in the and U.S. Gulf Coast.

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Figure 1. Geological and stable isotope proxies used in paleotempestology (after Liu, 2006). Geological proxies include storm deposits in coastal environments, oceanic event layers, and storm-induced landslides and erosional events. Stable isotope effects of tropical cyclones may be detected in tree rings, , and .

Although previous investigations have been towards the barrier and thinning towards the Atlantic coasts (references below) have demon- fruitful, there is still much unexploited materi- center of the pond or lagoon, that are embed- strated the particular association of these al (García Herrera et al., 2004). Additional ded in fine-grained, organic-rich sediments deposits with major tropical cyclones records such as plantation logs and newspapers typical of backbarrier lagoons and coastal (~Category 3-5, Saffir-Simpson scale). were added with settlement and economic ponds. Each sandy layer is interpreted to A suite of studies (Liu and Fearn, 1993, development of the U.S. southern and eastern record a single hurricane event. Radiocarbon 2000; Donnelly et al., 2001a, 2001b, 2004; coasts, and Mock (2004) reports the most dating of the enclosing mud layers permit Scott et al., 2003) utilizing the coastal sedi- complete historical tropical cyclone recon- time resolution of the events. Applications of ment proxy has yielded a millennial-scale struction for the U.S.: a 222 year record coastal sediment proxies are reported by Liu record of North Atlantic tropical cyclone (1778-2000), for the Charleston, South and Fearn (1993, 2000), Donnelly et al. activity along the U.S. Gulf and Atlantic Carolina, area. (2001a, 2001b, 2004), Scott et al. (2003), and coasts. Coastal pond records from sites along others (additional references in Liu, 2004). the Gulf Coast from to Geological proxies Challenges inherent to coastal sediment record few catastrophic (major hurricanes; see Geological proxies for tropical cyclone activ- proxies are the unique identification of the above) hurricane strikes from 0 to 1000 B.P., ity provide an independent tool to assess trop- sand layer as the result of a tropical cyclone, but three to five times greater landfall frequen- ical cyclone frequency and to constrain the the variability of the overwash deposits as a cy of catastrophic storms between 1000 and relationship between tropical cyclones and cli- function of storm energy and trajectory, and 3500 yr B.P. A very different record is noted at mate on a much longer time scale than histori- the superimposed effects of long term changes Atlantic seaboard sites, which indicate major cal proxies. Geological proxies predominantly in sea level. Storm deposits are most confi- hurricane activity in the period 0 to 1000 B.P. derive from coastal sedimentary records (Fig. dently interpreted in combination with studies and relative quiescence from 1000 to 3500 yr. 1). Other proxies include storm-triggered of microfossils (, , etc.; B.P. This complementary record has been landslides and erosional events, and hurricane Collins et al., 1999; Hippensteel and Martin, interpreted to reflect control of low frequency event layers in marine sediments and 1999; Scott et al., 2001) to establish the climate modes, in particular the North lagoons (e.g., Bentley et al., 2002). The storm provenance of the sand, employing local sea Atlantic Oscillation (NAO, a large scale fluc- surge and high wave energy associated with level curves (Scott et al., 2003), and by com- tuation in atmospheric pressure between the landfalling tropical cyclones may leave distinct parison to the documentary record, where polar low and subtropical high) on the fre- storm deposits in coastal ponds, backbarrier storm events fall within the timeframe of his- quency, intensity and track of North Atlantic lagoons and marshes. These deposits are typi- torical records (Scott et al., 2003). Using these hurricanes (Elsner et al., 2000; Scott et al, cally sandy overwash deposits, thickest approaches, studies along the Gulf and 2003). The “ High” hypothesis sug-

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The Sedimentary Record gests that a southerly position of the Bermuda High (i.e., negative phase of NAO) favors tropical cyclone tracks resulting in landfall along the Gulf Coast, whereas northerly posi- tions of the Bermuda High (i.e., positive phase of the NAO) results in greater recurvature of the storm tracks, with landfall along the Atlantic seaboard (Liu and Fearn, 2000; Elsner et al., 2000). Fluctuation of the NAO occurs on a much shorter time frame than millennial, thus the geological proxy is inferred to record the dominant position of the high over cen- turies to millennia. These studies demonstrate the promise of geological proxies to better document low frequency variation in hurri- cane frequency and to define hurricane-cli- mate relations preceding significant anthro- pogenic impacts on the atmosphere.

Stable Isotope Proxies Stable isotopic records of biological and geo- logical materials which grow incrementally through time, such as tree rings (Miller et al., in press), speleothems (Frappier, 2002), and skeletons (Cohen, 2001), potentially provide much higher resolution (annual or better) than other geological proxies (Fig. 1). Tropical cyclones are well organized, long- lived mesoscale convective systems whose remarkably high efficiency, large Figure 2. (a) The study site near Valdosta, , and radius of tropical storm size, high and thick clouds, and longevity lead impact examined in tree ring (~400 km; outer circle). (b) Oxygen isotope 18 18 to extreme O depletions and δ O values of depletions related to tropical cyclones are noted almost exclusively in latewood por- 18 precipitation that may approach the δ O of tions of tree rings (dark ring portions) from longleaf pines. Scale bar 1 cm. the source water vapor (Lawrence and (c) A record of tropical cyclone events preserved in tree rings in study site for 1770- 18 Gedzelman, 1996). Thus, the δ O value of 1990. The record shows multidecadal periods of relative activity or quiescence of tropical cyclone rain is markedly lower (by as tropical cyclones affecting the study area. much as 10‰) than rain generated by a typi- cal thunderstorm in the tropics (Lawrence et al., 2002) and isotope depletions may be sig- the biophysiological effects is large (~30‰), 2001). The ephemeral nature of tropical nificant even several hundreds of km from the but tends to be similar for a given species cyclone-related soil water suggests it is cap- storm center. The basis of these isotope prox- grown in the same environment (Anderson et tured only in produced in the weeks ies is the incorporation, during growth of car- al., 2002). Thus, inter- and intra-annual vari- following a storm event. This typically is only bonate or cellulose, of oxygen from water ability on the order of a few permil in the oxy- a small proportion of annual cellulose produc- bearing the characteristically 18O depleted iso- gen isotope value of cellulose from an individ- tion, and the isotopic anomaly is not readily tope values of precipitation generated by trop- ual tree, or like species from a given field area, detected in cellulose from averaged annual ical cyclones (Lawrence 1998). most likely reflects changes in source water rings. Tree rings preserve distinct earlywood (precipitation) compositions. The magnitude (EW; growth in the early portion of the grow- A TREE RING ISOTOPE of tropical cyclone-related isotopic depletions ing season) and latewood (LW; growth in the PROXY FOR TROPICAL observed into cellulose will depend on many later portion of the growing season) compo- CYCLONES factors, including the size and proximity of the nents that can be separately analyzed (Fig. 2). Oxygen isotopes in tree-ring cellulose main- storm, soil type, and preexisting soil moisture Because more than 90% of tropical cyclones ly reflect the isotopic composition of biophysi- conditions, and is therefore useful only as an impact the southeastern U.S. during LW ological effects, including biosynthesis, xylem indicator of tropical cyclone occurrence, but growth months of July through October (espe- water–sucrose exchange, and leaf water evapo- cannot be used as a measure of tropical cially, August and September; Landsea 1993), rative enrichment (Saurer et al., 1997; cyclone intensity. isotopic evidence of tropical cyclone activity is Anderson et al., 2002; Weiguo et al., 2004), Low 18O precipitation derived from tropical expected to be prevalent only in LW cellulose. but a significant proportion of oxygen is also cyclones may persist in soil water for several A tree-ring oxygen isotope proxy record of derived from source water (precipitation), weeks after a large event, until the isotopic sig- tropical cyclone events impacting an area taken up through the roots, without isotopic nal is ameliorated as the result of soil water within ~400 km of Valdosta, Georgia (Fig. 2) fractionation, as soil water. The magnitude of evaporation (Lawrence, 1998; Tang and Feng, was determined by Miller et al. (in press) and

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The Sedimentary Record the record of tropical cyclones is shown in compared to AMO indices showed a negative on southeastern climate during 1965 to 1990, Figure 2. The reliability of the proxy-derived correlation from 1876 to 1950 (r = -0.35, and other climate modes, such as the Pacific data for 1940-1990 was tested by comparison p<0.001), but no significant correlation post- Decadal Oscillation or the El Niño Southern with (1) “best track” data for all tropical 1950. Oscillation, had greater influence on the cyclones tracking within the defined study The abrupt change in the relationship southeastern U.S. climate and tropical cyclone area (HURDAT; between the AMO and isotopic compositions formation.; coincides with a change in the predominant Jarvinen et al. 1984; Landsea et al., 2004), type of tropical cyclones, i.e., tropical or baro- CONCLUSIONS and; (2) local precipitation records on days the clinically-enhanced tropical cyclones of extra- Many questions remain about the frequency storm made closest approach. Only one “false tropical origin. These types of tropical and of tropical cyclones and positive” (i.e., a storm detected by proxy for cyclones form by fundamentally different whether global portends criti- which there is no instrumental evidence) was mechanisms. (Elsner and Kara, 1999). The cal changes in their frequency or intensity. noted and only three storms known to have 1965-1990 period, in which baroclinically- Geological, historical and stable isotope prox- tracked and near the study site were “missed” enhanced tropical cyclones were dominant, ies extend the instrumental record of tropical over the period 1855 to 1990. was one of relative quiescence for major tropi- cyclone activity and may yield a rich archive of Additional climate relations can be deter- cal cyclones impacting the US coast. Since the information on their long term, natural vari- mined by comparison of tree ring isotope mid 1990s, tropical cyclones have returned to ability on a variety of time scales, from annual compositions (earlywood and latewood) and dominance (Elsner and Kara, 1999), with a to millennial. Proxy-derived data may better various climate indices. An example is shown greater number and greater intensity than in inform our understanding of tropical cyclone in Figure 3. Earlywood oxygen isotope com- the previous 30 years. Our isotope time series climatology, our possible complicity in forcing positions correspond to climate factors affect- unfortunately does not extend to present day, significant and potentially dangerous changes ing precipitation, without the complication of however, we note an apparent divergence in in their behavior, and also inform predictions a superimposed tropical cyclone record. the isotopic data between 1990 and 1997 of vulnerability and risk along the U.S. Gulf Earlywood δ18O values correlate well with a (data from a different tree species and not and Atlantic coasts. smoothed (10 yr running average), January to shown here). Thus, on the basis of the isotope May, AMO index (Enfield et al. 2001). From record, we hypothesize a return to the inverse ACKNOWLEDGMENTS 1876 to 1950, the relationship is inverse relationship between tree-ring isotope compo- This research was supported by NSF BCS- (r=-0.66, p<0.001). From 1965 to 1990, the sitions and AMO indices, similar to the rela- 0327280 to Mora and Grissino-Mayer. We correlation is weaker, and positive. A similar tionship dominant earlier in the 20th century. thank Dr..Zheng-Hua Li for analytical sup- comparison of latewood isotope compositions We suggest that the AMO was less influential port and expertise.

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Start Planning for the 2007 Conference Season! SEPM Research Conference Ichnological Applications to Sedimentological and Sequence Stratigraphic Problems, May 20-26, 2007 in Price, Utah.

SEPM & GSL Research Conference Palaeogeography:The Spatial Context For Understanding the Earth System, September 3-4, 2007 in Cambridge, U.K.

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