“A Dubious Bloodline” Matthew 1:1-17 Dr. Randy Working Christ
1 “A Dubious Bloodline” Matthew 1:1-17 Dr. Randy Working Christ Presbyterian Church November 30, 2008 Have you ever started out to read through the whole Bible, and you do fine until you bog down in the genealogies? They can be pretty boring. But believe it or not, they’re important; that’s why there are so many of them. If you wanted to establish your Jewish identity, your right to the priesthood, or your royal lineage, you had to be a part of the right bloodline, and be able to show it. In the Jewish tradition, the family tree is traced through the male line, so you only see the names of men. The father’s line was the one that preserved identity in the tribe and nation. And ultimately, there’s only one family line in the Bible, from the beginning of the story to the end, and that’s the line of King David. Jesus had to come from this line. The Messiah is the Seed of the first woman, Eve; the Seed of Abraham; the Seed of Judah. He’s the Seed of David, so he’s from the family of David. Therefore, Jesus represents the family of David, the tribe of Judah, the nation of Israel, and humanity as a whole. The Book of “Genesis” The first phrase of Matthew’s book is Biblos geneseos, the “book of the Genesis of Jesus Messiah, Son of David, Son of Abraham.” It’s Matthew’s title, not just for the genealogy that follows, not just of the story of Jesus’ birth in chapters one and two, but of the whole story of Jesus’ earthly career.
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