Fifth Sunday of 5/2/2021 Event (if any): First Communion @ Sts. Mary & Patrick Easter Musicians: All Time: All

Prelude: musicians’ selections

INTRODUCTORY RITES Entrance : Christ, the Lord, Is Risen Today CP285/BB164 Sprinkling Rite: River of Glory CP342/BB643 Gloria: Mass of Spirit & Grace BB932 Dismissal of Children: instrumental

LITURGY OF THE WORD First Reading: Acts 9:26-31 Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 118:2-4, 13-15, 22-24 Psalm Setting: Psalm 118: This Is the Day (Soper) CP75/BB807 Second Reading: 1 John 3:18-24 Gospel Acclamation Setting: Mass of Spirit & Grace (verse packet p. 10) BB933 Acclamation Verse: Remain me as I remain in you, says the Lord. Whoever remains in me will bear much fruit. Gospel Reading: John 15:1-8 Homily/Reflection Proclaimed By: Presider Dismissal of Catechumens & Elect: None General Intercessions: Said (If sung) Setting:

LITURGY OF THE EUCHARIST Preparation of Gifts: instrumental Holy: Recited Acclamation: Recited Great Amen: Recited Lord’s Prayer: Said (If sung) Setting: Lamb of God: Recited Communion: We Have Been Told CP495/BB508 or Now We Remain CP488/BB506 Second Communion: Unless a Grain of Wheat (Farrell) CP489/BB504 Meditational (optional):

CLOSING RITES Blessing: Said (If sung) Setting: Sending Forth: Alleluia! Alleluia CP284/BB172

Postlude: musicians’ selections


Fifth Sunday of Easter 5/2/2021 Event (if any): First Communion @ Sts. Mary & Patrick Easter Musicians: All Mass Time: All

FR. JOHN’S NOTES For Easter, our theme will be “leaving the tomb.”

MR. JOHN’S NOTES Happy Easter! Alleluia! There’s a pandemic, but Jesus has still risen from the dead; all is not lost! Generally, we open up music more at Mass, but we will still use some limitations due to COVID-19.

Please have some prelude music. You might consider Three Days, Roll Away the Stone, and/or Alleluia! Love is Alive, all of which are in the Easter section of Breaking Bread. Each of these speaks to “leaving the tomb,” which is Father’s theme for .

We will continue to sing just the Gloria and the Alleluia because they are so seasonally appropriate but recite the Eucharistic acclamations. If you haven’t already, this is a good time to review the other acclamations in Mass of Spirit and Grace, specifically We Proclaim Your Death and Save Us, Savior, which I think will be new to most.

If you need help finding the Gospel Acclamation verse, let me know. I know the verse is a bit repetitive this week, but c’est la vie. Watch out for the repeat this week, too!

Please practice the Psalm well so the cantor and accompanist hit each measure of syncopation. If you need some help, I’m happy to come visit with you! Here is a recording of the song, but I’m sure it’s not the only version: You’ll have to ignore the key change, but this does exhibit the rhythm in the verses and refrain well.

We’re still not taking a collection, so instrumental music is good during the offertory.

Some postlude music would also be appropriate since it’s Easter.