'ISBTT rsrmrmzm "all jzjjamm it LBfKSKKBKWKKBUmKi as well as foreign descended is claimed that tho influence referred to is themselves hoarse, bccoinui Cnllv u.cnpciu.ted Ilawaiians from further effort Ml guflwrifn. "Hawaiians theso taken togetlier consti legitimately used, and that their oppo- in this lini Oia prominent wjng QpJldcirllstmtnL cw JkV(fafwrV. "W M gjt gatuamm supporter of the independent , a middle &mft$ tute tho National Party, justly nents nro tmitors, "and ''tholung's ene aged nativo Outdid himself in his oratorical wrest- The opposition opposes wrong doing what mies, are acinauxi in weir uppusiuon so- lings, Lo rhoutcd and jelled, Le fiercely gesticu- Cut, rnTscm. 1ST SIODI7S IS ItEBUS. ever may bo the parentage of tho wrong lely by selfish and sordid considerations Jib lated In avtyle only possible to an nthicte, ho "MiMEIi'S 1 Best enaeri of Bantu ... too fierce, no doubled himself up like a shut jack-knif- in his 3- - unreat eoireeuea or .rWMtoltirtMtr.er lsassaW FEBItrAUY 13. 1E3I. doer. Theyopposo invective ias been calumnies exalted fnniy and Ttt Oranges Ban WEDNESDAY, till at last the Coceannta and of tho country, who- too virulent or personal to bo hurled willing jstint could bo longer to ex- t WTk dictate the (trapes T1 --. ' . Attwg-iv- annivpn-ar- hausted lungs, and mTTTl IT finrtTTIRr I i if i col YusTEiaiAT vas Uio tenth r of ever the one man may be, they opposethe against this opposition, both in the his most violent contortions Steamship Company II HI - - Pine Apples . Sfc 91 Uio J!KrtYrr and EUU when could only elicit a faint squeak, lint ho had done irill'l i it-- Atlrstor reara acccson of King Kalatana to tho accumulation of two or even three cabinet umns of un his work nataiii ii. iinni. Miiinii - -- lbt nnd the results fully vindicated his ex- aaMWWaal A UawlJJ UUU1U. Aa 1 - February 1884. throne of Ifevaii. The day vras ofBcially offices in ono man's hands. Thoy oppose der tio Premier, and in social circles. If ertions. 9- -- reaeaet licenses Expiring in IjIMITED W- -- rrcosnizeth but ivas not kept as a general tho sudden and capricious iTJamissals of tho opposition, believing as it does that it It shouKl not be understood that tho govern TREaiDEST. ment candidato depended JI - Greadfnlt nrrAit-oAii- D. holiday Cabinets, of Ministers, of Trivy Council- is contending for great principles, for pure wholly upon the spirit- tltiavaa llsasduls ual aid ot bis priestly father It lsneverthe-les- s IIIS MAJEbTT THE KISO. wtaX 1 Quern street lors, of Boards, of oven individual officials government and for its rights, has been Citron. MIJtfoWllrfaras ArCo, Fort street true that his main reliance was npon tho I- 1 J J Ovt! ureal- lesson mnst bo taken fiom tho and fall- Huf BOARD Ol MANAOKilENT, I- 1 Wlnr Lee Un Jt Alsleheo without any sort of reference to public human in sometimes retorting, in ajiirif powers; for tho steamer hralam, which i-s- " Unrm C elpctions, the Independent - I- " 1 1 M IHtte. Bethel street and that is that wishes and public welfare, and they op ing short of that "conciliatory" attitude arrived early on. the morning of election day Ills Mijeaty rreaMcnt - Lwtsal. s S M Carter Jt KlnEMrret bnt brought a powerful C- - " Tl, V. is no socalled Toreign Party, reinforcement to hisstruggling imi'oncrA.rWadd t- T team Navtretrea to EerdsnaSe I'artv poso tho reckless wasto of public funds. which our now contemporary counsels, it YteermMeftt - - CbreaMyaf i who battalions in the shape of numerous cases of 'kin Hon. nnann street have A. S. ....L " T Unday. "it is formed of Ifcrtnuians mmm Clrzhoro. Hit Honor Mct'aity, TM Thomas that is not a remarkable result moro "con- d ait lln. - street That the King can do no wrong is a very If liquor; sinews of war. althouRu J- - in L AVsn. Jta.nal.ca true lovo of their conntry at heart. iut UI.M-;- s COJIMAMlEn, ClialI.Jodd,DT7n.reKII.3:r M.D - Water Mt!-- 19 r 7saana street tie convenient maybo worked ciliation" would havo accomplished tho a few .voters were incapacitated thereby frum in- i 9an - - the. platitude, bnt it won, 34 r. Chft. Laea. tl link tr IF paldinr. Nunanu etreet Tho Independent Party in these Islands n to telligent Toting, were insufficient to turn tbe tide "Win nave llonointa 2J - Baak.t iiMrtnl Fkffl to death. objects sought is P''3" bo suro that each Tuesday at 4 T 3t.,forta- - 1 13MrakMnm.cvirlueenirdRIeerdslreele i' was a. Mr. - -- Aw! any is tho Patriotic Hawaiian Party and our It clear that tho district was determined to .ua, Muln-- Makcna, MAhutoii Kawt.hir.Laop-IiocIh- X Jarrr TrwMrtr ether WM et Oeonr Tin A On. Hotel street it was not used; but the courso pursued S II tin: send to tho coming legialattiroan Independent can and II tio, Armiii at llllo eirly TborsJty Mr. J Wtbb . - semtery ssi IS Merchant. Fort street friends abroad nmst understand this. The As Act of tho Legislature of 1S7S Will Kate Cum Louie Adlrr.Nnuanu street has succeeded in obtaining a larger nativo dilate, and the government controlled no influ- l'nru.n. llllo each Thursday at noon: t GeMAtpanen It foreign votes cast amonnt to a mero baga business ences Xa'iukon Friday al 4 M.; Kawaihae at 1 A. SI. It Kirone Trt Una: A Howl street foreign corporations doing vote for a foreign candidato in llonolura sufficient!; strong to distract this resolve. fhilafepoaaG I. - " raa IT C streett. Koloa thi3 oNiubcUt A. M., Mcaliraal 7i3A. M - UarroU E WtlHems.loTt telle, it was the solid native vote that put file At sentiment was even sirougi r than at TO in this Kingdom, to in tho Interior than was ever polled before, and in obtain- nnd Labsfaa at 'J A. M., reachlo; each TIIK feOCIETVS SSCUN'l) 4 I .hO.al.htn; street Lihue. and soon after the ballotrag begun it waa Saturday a fir raoon. A95VAf. Tarnlp, 1 tho Independents in. ofEco a designation of some person upon repre- - kiri Ylnc. VUVI ing a moro nolo and independent Tjucut uuw mo uav was PAShEUEU TIM IN from Xlnll. will Imy. Cabbaat 1 Geotoct, Hotel street coins. ..h 1 " CMKBffW.r whom legal notices and processes of court Friday 1 Jiho-bon- a N unarm street, sentation of tho country at largo than lias i iimuini .iut iiuiiiu jar. y. iwwiil was at P,ai to connect wlih the Kino at 7- - " rnjapkftn SI Tre Chas. The conntry districts have fcjxjken ont elected by a grand majoritr. c tl III7TAII- .- can be served,, and that any snei corpora been in tho Assembly sineo low. At Hanalei and Ka AGRICULTURAL s stsaah a Halt .ill. The elections there waihauMr. I'alohau, government a Tbtivlaoa WILI,TUlCH at llonulala and. raaahaa and HORTICULTURE m in'no donbttnl way. oo candidate, had (in raWM-jctT- 1 T w tvva. Makspale.? KtdssVs tion tailing to uo tins slionla uenica forty-fiv- tript for if a t liziul made from majority of e votes over Mr. Kaapena. tbe topuio - " BscKralt Con Hinr, Wnlmea have returned more opposition members the rights of tho laws of this Kingdom." shore I-I- " RaiHaoe. Xlh LESSOX OF THE ELECTION. next strongest candidate. Mtaa-tx- It Asesn, kailes, Kena to tho Legislature than has been elected 1SS0 TJIK jy Ktftfa will Dot Uko heary frefcht for H- - KsMraM An Act passed in mjuiring that -- w It Ah list, l.aurboreM. Hire was Laopahoebo Lljbr. frf .got and packa-- only. All CIttv It ( .wal. Malapela. X Kohets within tip last twenty years. No such body every foreign corporation which may de- Honolulu Election. A Letter From Kan, Tyfreirht rarMhc abore port will bo UTtenby tte nuswa Tkebewa, alines, KiMk The Like lit r SHOW h of intelligent representatives has been I-S- lUtl?o C S Kittrrtfcr, Hlle sire to carry on business, and to hold, take, Enrron Gazette: KauBane was elected by a VTlHlmheM.1 -- Ir The result of the election in this city surprised - 1 HIV) seen since the old days when tho Assembly All jl. and convey" re.nl estate here? should nlo in some disappointed many. was hopcu clear majority of SO over the government candi- IT ItafcH aMottod VantAbtM Sunr fcee. KarnpiM. Kefcela and It that And any other , " was composed of two separate Houses. bo hope eihtbU of merrt net meaHeaed lattae J White Malal-asa- koiaea the Interior offico in addition to tho re- ilr. Carter at least weald returned. The date, Kauhane had 193, Knpahn 1S9 KeooJi 7, mak- Steamer Tho issues of this election were fairly made was on many of both par- '' quirement of tho law of 1S7S, a certified founded the belief that ing a total of 3tt votes east. A large lttjsober of trtr.r-r- . lunAMnii and folly discussed tho hustings ties wonld vote for him. His voto was 829, exact- VHV J : l().HMA.M)EK. KAPIOIatAIffI PARK Assee.WaU.lu nit at of charter, tho names of its offi- Kanhano's voters did not come to potto from MACIIIXERV. It copy its ly 300 behind Mr. Kaulnkon who headed the list the Will Lfian; Honolulu upon following S It Ah Pan. rale, Malawae They were confined to the merits and de- somo cause or other. is reported they were the ditrs at T C hnosea cers, and an annual statement of its assets with 1U3. It U worth considerinc whether the It that Maw will b, grit n far lbs bwt ublblu or Impkr. Alans, kcsnae, of paid to stay away. It R 1' Kabootele. Msksalea. Haas ments the Minisby which has ruled this Kingdom, and result is one which the cabinet can be procd, or at This is quite a victory consid- Thnrdar lice JlTharvlay. mralSMlMMa4anx'aHyaIaptnltlbr antral - and liabilities in that we Jan.... .'.....31 Mral nkAtMrft. . 21 Cm- U alMka bo disheart- ering the odds bad to pall against, as both Monday. -- .t tfta., Xalalf arrd to tbe prtvara. Atasc the country during the past two years. which the independent electors need .. .S.iMondJT,Fb II tKB.fara(anlMrtl prodoMs 27 John GrandwaM. I'ala. Makane. upon complying with these requirements ened. It is the first election in Honolulu, at least and llilea plantation worked strongW Thtnxlay IcJan !O.TT.rtr,i!W V.I. -- FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, r.r eiportatMn.aKt Tho fact that tho independent members l tpectolly for ttm sf .ante la th! iti.rAii.- - ai. it has the same powers and privileges as a since tho constitution of 1B6I. when thero was n us and both money sad whiskey vnrubably Monday. Jan... Monday, Mareh 3 ki were elected outside of Honolulu, in almcr-- t i v as freely gin csed was Al 1 Aewe.kav.al.an domestic corporation, and for tho purposes square contest between two parties. The result is and no stone loft unturn- TakiD" freight for Lahaina. Miiliea. at.,. MiTtn. ever- - ed to defeat us. Wo fcsl untold kona. Kswaihae, Vaaahan, 21 kepata. Liber district where they ran for election, was constituted, may.takc, remarkable in that there was bat one Tote cist satisfaction llonokaia. Kobolalelr. Tb. Mtavbac ntrarta from lb. Rata. r tkaSorfAr for which it in having beaten tbtra. W e had to work both Ookala, I.Btnahoehor llakaian, Utiomea. Pankaa, ar- is full proof this Ministry con- mort-gag- which was not for candidates of either of the two - Bobmthf.1 tar lb. Informatlm sf wlm tiert line. that is hold and convey real estate by sale, o bard and sharply when we saw tbe steps taken by rapnibuu. Wain a to and HU" llctornli)" will tonch at The 13th and 14th of June. nn bar. 2 Ylm Yea. IIcta. koola.tV, Oaho demned by the conntry at large. tickets. It was a straight combat, with Tery little all the abov port. ftt jri Bttvmt ma&ef. s Hart Nsftans street. lleeM'olu otherwise scratching. Tho total number of Toters on the tho Government crowd to defeat us. It has been a V. lire or hard an nre irora iatrauia? nin( beihipprd by the ltl Ay pYr.n may DrttMn . BvsiD.r.f rs. IT J h kelaala WiMihu. Kim. Ha.All These elections aro bicnificant also in The Act of 18S0 was probably mado in qualified liit was about 2710 of whom 1912 came earned victor? acuiimt tlm tnveninint Likrlikc Set4y b. a. isaaal paymrat of sreilortara, 17 In: Fete. Hotel street. Ilenotel. showing that there is not tlie antagonism to the polls, or 800 short. Thiscreat falling off is crowd combined and no hope to hear that RafcXIII. Th. Bajmrnt ot aire karxtml itoKir. Is 2 Tan order to satisfy doubts entertained by wo havo well 9M th yoeieiy tttalt eonalHat. rs Ion. Matewa.Meai between the aboriginal race and the whito partly accounted for by the unusually larco ab- done as in other districts. Ihe tw t. flffl lilt I UN. counsel of California incorporated compa sence of schooner and steatucr crews who arc near- Sprcckles crowd marched their names to the polls The Eoant uf ManaTrawat barlai bm pfmiiatJ which some feared, and which a soluble die fur parpwsnlll atKS amnoHaaM 1 Palmer A.Thaclier, street, llosndul!) race their to enforce real cstato ly all registered in Honolulu, and becufeo many under tho American flag, lhere was intense ex STEAMER 'liEHUA' th. Itak XIV. Life iball be uaatpt fmn pay. lrt lo nies, of right citcmeut at more saw andanbslantUlbnlldlnttat th, Part fn lira nmp-tlo- SHSit aoo.al ihra. and aball bave all tbe few hao apparently sought to make. It old men who wero registered this year through the the polls, than I over at the : : or t pritSMn urciivsTAiiLi: securities in this country. Islands before, but I glad say i.oi;i:7.i:, toMjiaiKiiEn, (tek and oth.r ablbtta. and "IB pravW rftmfhMffy members. 7 Italian Livery MaWe Ua, lleresiala is by Hawaiian voters that Messrs. Dole, zeal of runners for both sides, failed to appear am to that there every nrcefrary convrnlence as4 far III of the Heeia Plantation, on wero no rows I believe no were made. WW k'ave llonolnln each JIomLtT at 5 1 M for fr rahlMtt. AV. The owners and add their votes to those polled. Besides the and arrests DepnDiic run tieiatla ot tun. mil Imwa 11IKII.I.XI.IU IJoweH, 13rown, O Smith andD H. KauhaEo'fi men came to polls I'nkoo, Undo, liana. MaLaalae,KIiiahnlaand tbron-- h aa nn r of tke the Island of , which was incorpo- addition of old men to the list, there has been an the with banners Nun, th. pre, lb. arranraamtt. Bari s Itteisashaai A Co, Fort street. Honolulu elected. some in nnd mottoes flying In bodies to aud at Kaanie every othrr week. Ample room will, throszrt tbe Irbmltly tl2TTE2: J'Xlc,-- Hitchcock havo been In actual increase in the Toting population of Hon- and marched solid of 12T ni. r Kins see. lleaedeiu rated in 18S2, under tho laws of California, whifo lit? turning will touch at Lahalna, I'nkoo and Kanna tors of Ihe Kaplol.nl AaftxJatlwi. b avaltsM. stances, at A ailnku, white and olulu during the last two years. In spito tho polls, the opposition tried to "yank' 1 J. S. WEBB, 21 M rMWW A Co KiiIhhmvi ltm. Ilmolata as uatne our Courts last year, against of this, kakal. fcaefilnr llonolnla Irldav M. for the display of all nK of nklbttf, aod slaonar , lost a case in tho nartT fell short of tho Totn nulled them from tho ranks, it was a subject of remark n- claes SrcrWnry. ISOM. candidate-- were on tho same ticket and br that ahowl- stock ti advartt,. oatald. I brtr aullm 10 ' ono of its laborers,f or its failuro to comply them at tho election of 1SSJ. 1 vu years ago it the Hawaiian flag was not seen in tho ranks rumiiti, IlnnohHa elected, others, not- - KU 17 kHo, Ilonnlahi both were in laws. case by the was generally surmised that tbe King and thegor pf the government crowd. Their American colors Jrba with tho above Another camo The country has reason to congratulato de-- eminent did not work together at tho election. from Naalehn. 'lhere were fivo candidates STBmBB. 'MGKOLIT TIIK same corporation has recently been iu tLe field rOLLOWtl MltR ATH. itself upon the of four sturdy When this is bo the number of Totei commanded but as tho day came oa they withdrew 2icu:ti:.u!;, s iojimamiek. Jt;fa gdrtrtistmenfi. 11 "m HxeLnuial. IIimLu, Ilmll claretl by tuooupremo tjonrt touo ueiec by the goTcrnment is much reduced below the full iufitvorof tho two leaders. Their names wore Have been laid dovtt the ot exlilMtorf, II O W C . Hawaiian independent members. Messrs. Will leave ltonolnla rath Moada P. M for the wind- fr Jmf kit. tivo for want of an averment in its com- strength of the King and Ministry combined, and J. Kauhane, J. X. Kapaha, Keoli, Kekaula and whoe atiratlob to ihe Mime N reapectfally re HAIJIOX. Geo. Glendon. ward aide of Uaha Will pi by way of Vvalulna, when- COUKT OF 1'ilipo, Kalua, Xawahi and Kauhane. regis- the largo majority commanded by Mr. Gibson at aatQclent qnwted by MetMa;ciitent SUIMIBHK Tlfn II JfolalKnia. North Xaaat. Ilanall plaint that it had complied with tho ever Inducement oflVr, retarninz every ibnltoard nl In the matter nf tbe Xaltta( These men will lie true to their former that election is to be accounted for by the fact Friday I". M A. n. KERR, a voluntary bankrupt. Notre. If brreb, 29 J B kaaoao. Okraata, Jlaat tration laws. ho Treaty Talk- - 1. IVnrtotkDhnll boalloweillobv fxhlblted nnlesa record. that nroclaimed himself tho DconleitMn.Rnnd It shall have been dnly enterctl alveBtbalSMeetlnrfof tbeimltlfr.wb.lurre prorra roBU nirrnni;. In neither case was tho question raised was coin" to lead them straight to health, that bo - dtJUe aitinil U. above aamed ettate tu tb. amo.ntot Tho following reports of the Senate Committee oa- The Company will not be for . b- I Akkra. hohahu llairall received largo majority mrnmttble any In csf there hallbc nocomprtltloii In any cat $KW mere, will - beM at tbe sOre of tbe sink of Washington about our as to tho validity of the registration laws a usually cast for tho on Foreign Iterations, takea from ihe Alfa Califor- ot pacjeorre nnicH rcreipieti lor, nor lor per- aprixewlll not be anardrd nnlevs Hale, fra, Makairal. Xaal The news from Ministerial ticket and that reg- gonalirapi th nplc exhibit n A!"to, Kwea.e. a In: under tho treaties, as for instance Article there was no nia gpuak for themselves. Xbo majority report baggage nans, plalulv marled. Not reapontlble be. In Ihe opinion of the lady- - lently meri WEDSE3DAV.K&Vf Sl'tb. Cthclay of Febnary. B. KHI. ka. Hawaii treaty is excellent. An observant friend arranged eQort to election for rnnnry or Jewelry placed fl , A. 37 AlBlyilam.ka,laiTMI ularly secure the of states that objections to the treaty are arettly unlera In charge of the torloai. rannncln at o .leek .m for tbe pwrpoM ef efeat-Ir- 8 of tho British Treaty, reqniring that ''the I'arwr. or -- in the Kast writes: "The chances of con candidates representing the constitutional princi- overbalanced by advantages, which even the hostile 3. Ttrpeenre in the r oflcfail Amltmera all baaknpt'a Mate, pwresanl I nil". AHJ1V Hut Ml ore will be taken of Live Stock., bat the pte Hle-- eala the t. tinuanco aro in our favor, dead low water suujectsotciuier ot tue contracting panics ples. whcneTer it so happens that the King minority vash to terminate tho treaty with n Yiw "lblu hine, exhib4L mni he tittemt .trinrr ft p m on atatste li,K llauhhuaa, Kwn, Oaaa and the Ministry aro Lomuuny will nols"aineany rlk of accident Wednesday, Oster) 13 in the territories of the other shall receiv e in accord as at the recent to entering into other commercial relation with S.VHT ). VV1LUEI!, itth Jnne. UoMlala. Frb. Illb. 1SI. lVnl'uwataai. Kam,lh happened last winter, the tide has been eay COO and perfect protection for election, it is safe to that nt tho Toy least the Sandwich Island, cioro uoarlr reciprocal, in S B HOSE, Secretary. 4. . here the word native apNan In IlritioM I. ItESKT SMITH. Dep--y CWtk '.Alii. As Judgo S. remarked and enjoy full OFFlUE-LM- or rKiiiii.nu rising ever since. Toterscan be absolutely depended upon to vote other vrords tho majority recommend npholding iitr Fort and Uucen Streets. to IV.. the tfodety'e eehednle of lrtae. It ftbalie Mltacfc. kiaeaVaai their persons and property, and shall havo for whatever candidate or dummy they choose to Jlonulnln. live 1U, ISM. as7 contrnt-i- t to mean aa animal bum la thl Kltsmm, to me this evening: 'I sec a wonderful tho treaty as it is; tho minority are fur a new nnd irrespective if access to tho courts of jus- put forward. Honolulu is and will probably con-tin- uf jtetHjrrw. couirr ok I't.llltl.l.tt. chango in the temper of Congress from free and open modified treaty. .7?.".?. ,"S,,a!I, i4 tiik ha. 27 T k McDmuM, klaHaaa for tho prosecu- to be the stronghold of the palace party. Here It seems probable that the majurity report will In order l compete for prlar in t lata VII . ELISHAC MK.SULKSS, "'""s rohwUry' sx ' that of last winter. The outlook is hope- tice in tho said countries VIII. Pair Trwlnce. tin- - k.skrsM. III II aro the recipients of the larger share of govern- LonccenteU. WohatOROodniun in Washington, rUh.H'ro Domestic Notice t. hereby riven that s meetlns ef eredtter. wV. tion and defence of their just rights; and vol- Mannfjieintw; CU X, Agrtcaltural Trodttce,I. and have proved It ful.' Two days since the Mexican treaty ment patronage. Here nre those such as tho lions. Carter, Smith, Cul. Spalding and oth-er- a deku azalsst the above named rsiat.M 6 ClwnxLaaAO-.l'rt-ri.- wi. Ililo ilott Clai XI. HorUenlrnre. the exhibit a binm haTe been the of $1M) or mere. wtH enjoy in this respect tho same rights and unteers and others of that class, who are not likely raited, ue mA . saao.nl heMat tke .(Be. ef failed by ono Its friends expect to have duco Rood sen ice hitherto and are nut mantifaelnred. tmmn in thu trr the of the M.preme Coart. In ARMasj lote according to havo any very strong or intelligent principles relax the An eacepttoa (hit will lletk Itase. GOVERNMENT LOAM! privileges as nativo subjects. If nowhLcly to their exertions. Altogether riblbllor to rnle be made no.arase.on loeSttn oy arrebemare bring it up again and then succeed: possi regarding government and who will vote as a rulo In the case of Rural the . .V. 1) UEI'AMTMfrvr KK 17 Civil Code, the word the outlook ia hopeful. Follow ing is tho extract; dehra', etc ned In lJl.cosaatenloato'ek)eka.in.. foe e lAtE. to Section of the with the government or King, because thenco which need not be the wth of theaoff the Iff-- . bly they may, that is not our affair; but that "Tho reports of tho majority and minority of erhtbitor of elMtlat assllaee. of the saM bankteM'a llnHAlt Aa; SMI rDTTER-ISLAN- D Mteie "corporation" when used in tho treaties or aro they most likely to receive pecuniary or other Uio Committee on Foreign Relations on 0. No one Kxhlbtt ihali be awarded 4 prlar in more psarsaant lo ibe statnle. NMlcr l ImiH that a)ilHliitii Utt what i our affair is. that tho Senators who Senate fl'r uf laws has the same meaning as tho word benefit. There are also the host of bangers on tho joint resolution to give notice tu the Hawaiian than one chut. Dated Ilonolnln It I , Feb lh. Bsl IKjrtkm ol lli E hatu loted for tho Mexican Treaty enrolled ltoyalty and thoso whoso there, T MrtlluWIM UPAo.lo "person," or anv word importing person, of interests aro all Government of the termination of the Reciprocity Animal which took prtaea at Jan year thow Jt 11ENIIY SJimi. PeMr.lert. 300,119(1- - will ira W infirrj al Ihc Trranuj, Ibe themsehes as believers m reciprocities. of whom make a considerable army and who aro Convention of IS75, were submitted to the Senfttu STEASVi NAVIGATION will be admitted to compete again it is a fair question wliethcr a corporation as certainly depended on as This CO. 8. rale latrf eat la Bxt at I II Ml Ik rait nrr aQtiani Among them are many who were bitter the sunrise. Senator Morgan makes the report on The right to alter or amend the mtblfehed ache COl'irr OF TIIK HA )traVIanil aflnnaltj. and the IloMa arc Xrottt of ono of the treaty powers can lawfully year no doubt that number was increased to at of the majority adversely to the resolution. dnle of prizes, at any time before the entries are walUn Islands In Trbate la the matter eaBtt against us la't winter. With this commit TOO. Is f naiHpTT be denied tho benefit of tho laws of the least Take this number or even 00 from tho Tlie report siys the committee has failed to dis- cloaed. reerTed by the Itatrd et Management SAMLEL II. HALsEY.af WaHaka. IrUiJ .( Mast, r , JNO JI. KAIXNA incut, they cannot go back on us. Sena 112J giv en to Kanlukon and whero would that tick-c- t revenues deceased Order appoinltor lime for probata ef will - country for failuro to comply with tho pro- cover that the commerce or of tbe United and to .Visiter rt UnaDc. tor Logan, last winter, was implacable. have been? That is, take from tho government been compensated by dlrectlns pnbllcatlon of notice of same. State have not adequately Njte. Kxhftr.tera of tockara reqaeated to A document, parportisr. to be wrH visions of the alwve Acts. ticket, tho voto of thoso who represent no intelli- Sandwich farab the Usl aid leshv This winter ho has lotod for Mexican and tbe ndY.mt.ines of trade with the Islands. whenever practicable, (he pedigrees of their Kxhtbtti ment of Samael 11. Ilalser. deeeaaed. havrnr th of gent support and that ticket would bavo been n c NOTES. buccumbs to argnmeuts for tho Hawaiian There is no doubt that in tho absence in Iho rate of transportation leauingtrom tne Wh ilar of rennury. A. I. Issi, been preernted hn aaM any constitutional prohibition or treaty pitifol minority. Ocean lu Knropo will, the committee Ihin&s, SfcmiPL.AJSrTE:R rrobate t oarr, and . petition for th, erekslr tsrresat. Attrnltbe wvnwit lpirwiifju exiUm iu trade Treaty And so of other Senators They On tho other baud who comprised tho SJ9 votes pot in jeopardy the trade of tbe and ror the tMnanee of tetter, testamentary t WV stipulation, the Legislature may restrict O. ctrclw m Cftiuult, n late ittper says: "TlieHJcnr see riciprocity in connection with enlarged for Mr. Carter and tho others on the independent with tho Hawaiian Islands tmlcij tho present 1ATE8, Commander, Item Saslth tuvlst eea lied by tTHflaai b rasbj. oxer-pro- la berebeJerdstrd tnompaijM noi iuo lenst to snucr I rum d ticket? It is not too much to assume that not ono per- It that WKDNKSUAT. foreign trade, opecially if cnlarged.trade. ioreign corporations in uieiriiiouo oi uuiug treaty agreements are continued and nude Schedule of Prizes: day of M ARCff, A. D W action, herernl bare malted vu of them voted that way tho hopo of oHic or na- Will Kim Ki'gulur for Komi and Ksnt 11. at SMS dvltntions business in the State,or exclude them alto- in manent. It expresses the opinion that other day. at the cejtrt rom of sard Itraeiete. ra new as in our case,is supplemented with t eighty caso success. were Dmrrai XR.VT U.VTTLE -. eoarusl the coTtnuuent with a to a tlra other emolument in of They tions will bo found eager to seize the advantage th. Islsad of Oahn. b- and the sun. hereby as Irtck on all ncor irfined in Canada for exporta- gether It is also true that by the law of most emphatically free and independent Toters. Lc.nes Honolulu ;it 1 p.m. on Imported poisled ror I. iwlitical considerations. 1'ortunatelj for courts this country rthnqaishcs by tha abrogation of the Ball. Dsrhssi the ttrne prevlnr saw wUI and hrtrlsz sail tion. Tbefonr refinmw in operation in Canada us, Scarles, Gibson, Hardy and others of comity between nations, tho are whoso numbers have doubled since the election of treaty. and tho of Cuuad i, Imported Bnll, Ilmferd applreatlort, when and where any person tstevrtrd are nmdaciiic far niurv than is rt'oam-- to fctiiuJv always to corporations as 1S82, whoso vote means nn awakening of tho peo- must fav- TritUv, JaV ..UFr!diy,ll 3 Heat Imported Ball, Anf ever appear and eealeel the said wttf. and the etantt. ojien foreign it thinks, would be willing to make the ITne-iIa- local Ofnmnd. Hie pnriltt cniinot Ijo Uirowu into our enemies outdid themsehes last winter, ple to the fact of bad and unconstitutional govern- Tuesday Jan Marcb 4 Best Imported Bnll, Jeraey of letters teaumentary And It I. farther ordered that sureties, whether in tho capacity of plain orable terms with, the Hawaiian Go. eminent for 1 Krld.iT,.M-r- Best Imported Boll, llolatcln cnropeuitoD nmrketn nnieM n or rather tho winter before, when Judgo ment. Tho count shows an- Friday. Feb J nolle. Ihrrcf be riven by poMteill.n h threi in iortin bounty of tho ballots, also the trade of tho Islands and for opening a canal Toe-da- Tub . March s Bert lmpirted Bnll, Ayrftelre weeks, the tiff and in tho United utter-ance- is lUwttue Oalsm ted KsAea or aorawitackonraw auowiiU" or defendant that other fact, the utter untruth of tho friendly s T .1 inaienutf Allen alono and poorly supported, like a across the Isthmns of 1 arten, aid cause Hawaii to Beat nattre Ball, llnrnam, orer yean okt ofTgfVtfl, abated ssd pabruhed la the city ,f Hen tllo States foreign corporations may take a of the Athertiftr: Mr. Carter can congrat- seek better market in Europe than tuo United Arrives Honolulu uu 8 Best &allT,BulI, llnrbam. nnder Syesra old Mrwiw Din Tahmu.gta Soiib A. Co in revicw-inctf- shorn lamb, had to endure blast. Tho al Best Bnll. Hereford mortgage on tieir debtors' real estate with ulate himself that his defeat was caused by a solid btates offer. Alluding lo the loss of revenue here 9 natlre Dated llomdnla. 11 I . Vebraary ,. I"St Inistana rice coHurr, nay that tlie crop reaction has taken place. This year Searles voto of the Adrtrlleer and its friends against him. by tho treaty, says: Fiuliy Ja IS.Frlday, Frb. ... 10 Best natlre Bnll, A nans wa Rrently dainnccil overflow, the same rights as other mortgagees. Alion the operation of the committee Tut day, ir(Tiie.day. I- I- Best natlre null, l.WRE"!CB MeCCUT. for Iif-- by the and others have had to acknowledge the Ho owes nothing to any of them. Tho worthless-nes- s country represents on- l,..i.Jan March. llol.teln worms niid was 'lhe balance nrimst this ... Frldiy, March.... 1 z Bet nallre Low. llnrbam kAltc Justice of SepitiraCeaMf raltw. Hie lutal crop iilflO bar- corporations as well as individuals were of such friendship as theirs is demonstrated ly our own people employ- rels, abotit KW1 Iwrul less than "com" of facts, and of mislead tho prohts and gains of Taraoay, l en.. .llfj 11 Bsst native Cow, Jersey tm II Itsenr Snrrn. 1'w.v Is the prcriou held long 1814, to bo within tho more clearly by tho count than it ever could have financial 1 1 Cow, any DM.- year. Jn inglJelmont and 'other patriots. The usual as ago as ed in agricultural and dealings with the Best native of other breed tit? crtp vm it little btuiod tlint purview of tho British Treaty of 171)1 with been otherwise. Hawaiian people.1' Tho report closes with this 15Best Imported Cow of anr breed SI of the pmjedmjjjear. llir price reacbed result has lpponed, and the patriots wero 210 for- "Mr IS Beet of native ountraiij coirjiT op - h hate There about voters on tho list of statement: hatotr objections have so far been 7oke woexlna Oxen vrsllan ran: ha- was Deoetnutr, bei. it Ha- - .',sit5iC. ITie fcpecu-lator- tho United States, which required that K-- Bet nallra rat bleer 1J lahnd. InFmhl-- l the ssaUer sf sVe gone back upon tlib refiners." eigners or those of foreign blood of whom about found to the workings or results uf tho treaty aro Kaute of HOLMS A MOTT. iunorins tUt cuuditioii of foreign 130 IS Second beet natlre fat Steer .f HMesaesaed. cotmttin "British subjects who then held lands in voted. Many of these wero brought out only greatly by tho advantages wo have Stmr WA.LA.3STI Order apeI.MnsllieTrr-rot..- f WIH 5 ear. Tho Senate Committees havo agreed to overbalanced I 19 Best native Heifer. undr3ytaje oM aed dareet-ln-r marLrU al the Ixfnatun? uf tbe nid the am by strenuous exertions, and nineteen out of twenty MbUcsthm of sub-Cor- the territories of tho United States and acquired national senxj and b tho benefits a) Best native llelfer, under 3 notice ot the mine ple anpplies at botne centers, )ort very bMTiIy. 1 be the opinions and reports of their n iJh LAMEKUN, Commander. vests ekl A Toted the independent ticket without scratching; to our people of n profit tblo t r id' ith the Haw- 21 Best JlllrltCow, Impotletl or sstlve sxmmeal. parportlst; be Ue tan wm sad tsels outlook iuo crop 01 irvs-- 4 is nut at, ungbt as nt American citizens who then hold lands in y ment of llollls A Scott, lor mittco in faor of tlie treaty. Senator a few ballots only were changed. Thercwasprac-ticall- aiian bivisw-- t deread. rtavlncsw, teHei first, on account of the drouth, lliu eron i uti-- tho of His Majesty shall con no swapping. Leaves Huiiolala every Tuesday, at 5 p. m., dar of January. A D lH, been prewntedtnaaM ar however, Sherman presented a minority adverse re Senator Sherman ronkts the minority report. 1 Beat Importeil SlalNon f mtt bate toart and a ror mated to be nIioat210,IX31tarrtlaKlisbt Kolda,-Elccl- csrrvafe prtlttm the lfobat thareW, aaat tinno to hold them according to tho tcnuro fho election means that Honolulu, as well as tho The bodv of tho report is identical with sob- - for NavnlFwili, e 3 Second beat imported increase oTcr last year. The crop is an id to be of port, and both rejwrts are now creating country opened that and Waimea, bullion for earriav; ac lor the lasaasee of hitters teeUsveatary t Nratt B. of their respective estates and titles tiero-i- districts, has its eves and deter mi I ted by tho Fmar.oa Cotnmutco in respect to n 5 Best Imported blallton for draft ne, Meott asvlnr been sled by John . tctj cue ui...y. open discussion in the Senate All things to done tLe ODd thoso . Retiming, leaves Kawiliwili every lmportnl " Undoubtedly mines have with l'icmicr similar proposition iu the Forty seventh Congress. t Best bullion for saddle ose It Is hereby ordered, that FRIDAr, Ibe Mi dar as! 1'roTLr iMcLacea through considered the the treaty is cer an American or British who with him would undermino and destroy tho minority loss revenuo Saturday Evening. , 3 Second beat Imported SUUIos for saddle use Frbraary. A b. 1M. at W.'eleek A afraid shy. at wndinn the mails to prepect The consider Jhat the of to s Bullion, over 4 year, C'essrt rtuusii X. tbe United tStatea or Kurop? should firft inquire of tainly hopeful corporation is regarded by tho courts Constitution, who would forco upon us an abso- tho United States overbalances the benefits deriv- llest natlre old the of wH roert, at Chambers. lutism equalled only by the oriental chiefs. 7 Best nallvc Stallion, nnder I and over 2 years o d Hi.HSlala be. and the .ens... t. hereby appeewtsM I ine J'onmasicr wueuicrRucunckacetinxe maila of their respective countries as entitled to ed from the treaty, and they think tLe best thing S Best native Slallien.3 veara old and oudrr the tlase for seeelaff aaid Will and office t The election means that the "missionary part" a bevtBa.u ..ia. bt bc dead letter at ahiitton tv It is well known in planting circles that tho rights of an American citizen or Brit- to do is to tenmwtte the treaty, with view of en tf Best nativo Filly over Syesra old ealloa, whea sad where aay perse. Inters-sar- sue a, ceiVMrrvrydajr pnclagea from Stv York, the few "sore heads" tho "small and discontented term; into other commercial relation with the Stmr. MAKEE, IU llest native Filly under .1 years obi pear and cnle.1 the said will, and the ayaaeWer Is, and lMlliniore. which are held up Col. Spreckels with his plantations with ish subject miuontv" nrated of bv tho covcrnmentn.trjer.nud Sandwich Islands, more ne.ul reciprocal than the JAS. 11 Best native Mare 3 years ufcl or over ten testaaieatSTT. Uie contents are llaule to dot. hen tho drew from tho l'lauters' Company last Oc On th(! other hand, a corporation is an so constantly sneered at, is no sect, no chnuc, no' provisions of the present tre vty. FREEMAN, Comnumlcr, 1J Best native Mare and foal It la farther ordered, that settee there.' be arena tre wrttmare Vinfwn IbefwpacVacesare returned to uissausueu party ot "ouis," it is mo coumrv un- 15 Second best native Mare and foal pablkwtloa, roe three saceeaelve weeks, la the Haw. tober. and may be regarded as opposed to artificial body, tio crcaturo of municipal Best Dative saddle animal, - r - iting against usurpation and corruption. means leaves Honolulu every Thursday, at 3 p. m, II horse or man J.4" """Pr-e- prlated and assMMved ka tbem. Irtit If not. the turtles to whom UieT nre ad- It An .Entertainment and Invitation 15 Second best "V"- that Company and to its methods of doing law, a law which has no forco proprio that if possible Hawaii shall yet stand in tho lino & natlre .addle animal, horse or mare Iloacdala. drewtl are niti!iul that such are htOd for Kapaa Kilauea. Returning', Leaves ii - iiev native carriage anlsaai, Irorse nt aiare Dated Uonolalu, II I January Ssih. t Veil. business, osecially to its advocacy of tho n'jore outsido of tho State in which it is of nations able to govern herself and to securo up- fho of free liter J musioal enter- 17 t nod only lie acnt by exprww. Man of theM; sines iry in Kauai every Monday, at 4 p. m, and touch- Best imported Mare v. r jid, rwckHcetharc at tonch aa ftj ctots worth of Treaty at A ashington. On some accounts enacted. It may bo said that laws requir- rightness and justice to all. tainment given nadir the auapioesof the Y.JI.0.A. H BMt pair of native carriage Horses tllesl t hlef Jaetlee .4 Ihe snratae Caws. , by imported wuicuareoi course losu 1'er-m- in thtir hall, which was luterrrpted the ing at VTaianae both ways. Jack ltsiav Serra. Depaly llerk. 9 m this divergence of views may bo matter of ing a foreign corporation to comply with Tho , est native Mnle ivndinc uarccU through the mails fibould al- - Election nt WnUulm. "holiday-- and the subsequent lUuedttuf Mr. Cruzau, vrnya write regret, but on other grounds, not. Tho certain formalities as a condition of their who had them chtrge, will be resumed 21 Best Imported carriage ardaaal. horse or raarr tbeirnatoe and addre$ npontbem wi Eprron Election day at was in SI Imported racing Stalllois, trmvsnrhBrcd S TIIK SUrUKJIK if from any up, can planters, while satisfied with doing business and enjoying privileges Giieite: Wailuku (Thnrdiy) evening. Alfterobi Lodge uf Bcl the couirr of that eane thev are held they perfectly tho tie notable occasion. Tho N B --The places or llaeallaa Nlsrewas be rrlnrtml the 'ITjis would a interest manifested for Good iemplars,un the solicit of Mr. Gruzan ihe animals marked with a KAL.IK.L1A. br the Ste.ee mt Umtkmt SSm " lo wndcr. eusure representation in Washington, which is of citizenship aro necessary for tho protec- weeks before the work during itui mnst be exhibited when by tbe tbetr dvlirery turn. H.mUt election, tho earnest hr.fi prepared an entertainment, which will un- Stair. C. R. BISHOP, rerinireil mlsaer. lahwde, orrt If exerclw np-o- u tei.i . made by tho Hawaiian Minister, MrJLA.P. tion of the community and aro not an un that day: and the enthusiastic demonstrations .VHKE.gXsr-ahb.W- .. more care in lunilun: iKttr ud jnrLsi-- the doubtedly bo both entertaining and instructive UAY13, Commander. Division in S11BB1" T.WitI;MJlt; Carter, the announcement of tho result of the voto told 1 Best Imported (for wool) ex fsy-Gaar- nja: dead I tter t(5ce wuld not bare to Ifitdbick k and his able coadjnter, Dr.J.Mott roasonablo restriction upon their treaty Among other numbers un the programme there Itim are aeeeay plainly lhat tho issue was of more than ordinary nro readings by Mrs. II. F. l)i!Iingham, Miss J Second best Importeil lUin (for wool lea cos much matter. Smith, desired, fcr this w inter at least to rights. Leaves Honolulu Every Tuesday, at 4 p. m., 3 Best imported WISEMAN, Defradan import. Jano Hare, and Air. Carpenter. Charles Dad lev lUm (terniHtle) saswer wtthla twe secure the services there of one of their It is noticablo that our Act oMSSO docs 'I bo parties wero clearly defined as "Government" for best Imported lUn (For mstlou t Tm deciionof lb luitedLMalcs that Warner's 'At tbe Kcgistcr," will Kukuihaele, Honouaa and Paauhau. 5 Importeil sad Bsnvear befaee tl own ex- and "Independent;'' the one favorof tbeGibsou Bel two Ewes far leave the constrncl ion of xlie act excladinz number, to watch and leport the not declare taht an alien corporation failing in be given by Mrs. A Jams, assisted by three other arrives at Honolulu every Sunday Second beat two Imported Ewes aryrera. Inereof. to be IseWe. MtfteCrrt administration, the other opposed to it and all its Coart Uessje. llevMshsle, ha the 1 stand ,.Xoei-- Chines laborers from tin United btnlottwimewlMt act condition of things. It was thought to register cannot do business or hold real renders; Mr?. Simmon and Messrs. Rona nnd "Best natlre Ram of Ouha... supporters. B bara In doubt. Svme time bcj tbe nrnttt-- r btlore Patterson nre to siig solos; and ltev. W. C. M ar- Mornin?. Second best native Ham wj. w imj oi mmwmj aeas. at r. .asMS a. as. that public men would often talk more cstato here. That question may therefore Early in tho campaign the government ticket Is Best lo native Ewea lo show case, why th. claim rt J.ssph K. Wbeasea the United IStatas Circuit Coutt m Itoton ret t is billed for "A Snort lalk," This entertain- ssMsdd nea freely with one who is not a government bo regarded as still open for investigation. was G. E. llichardson and Kakookoo, but later IV three Fleece, native nslatht be awarded Mas psreeaaaSl. she raw person of Chineae nareaUct. vbo .rag ment given especially for young men, "hough - Bct J of aim la withdrew, and tho whole energies of tho is cs- OFFICE of ihe Company, foot of Kl lanes Slreet tease aaaexed peUtiea. bora in Hone KoucafOr Uceon by China to official. For this end, Col. Spalding who all will be cordially welcomed. UiritHw iv SWISEf Aad asra yea the there thla Writ, wslh Mi party centered on llichardson, although tho in ar th- - Wharf OTT setae. Great ItnUiti. JuJcw lvwellaml N"(Uimdfcidtl was understood to bo on the evo of visiting We desire to meet our neighbor of Uio I'JISfl tf o 1 Bet imiMirted Boar of year proceedings thereea. thnt lbelaiidiui;of ihuindiTidual wbr not n viola Keanu attached himself to ltlchardson's 2 Second best Imported bwinc Wrrasee, lt.w .V. FR.VSVW JClrt) the au- two-fol-d for January t tion of the act of Cunirtv , whiob was directed United States with his family, was Ailtertuer fairly and fully on its position ticket, for tho purpose of helping him Rainfall FOR EUROPE VIA NEW YORK 3 Best Importeil Sow seals. the and himself also. 4 Second best Imported bow t tspveaie ef December, A. &. acatnt tbe OifneRC not at a race but as a nation thorized by tho Planters' Company to re- that the fact tho white population of Mr. J. II. Wood has kindly supplied the follow- fcrt M A jrardi that 'the Independent ticket was W. O. Smith and 3 Beat native Sow Wnaxax FWeraa, Clerk. alitr. fhatt tltixf after nrocielv the kaidp main in Washington during tho present ing figures relative to the rainfall for tho month ft Second beat Sow rcpresnta-tio- n L. W. V. Kancalit, besides whom other independ- natlre late of facts waa prwentwl in ac.i! Judce this city havo failed to obtain a of January, as noted by him at his remdenee in 7 Best litter ot Dst nnder ten mowlhs ohl native Ilavtaar made dllireal seatresi fee Iks wltM. aseatams Field of the United htalea irapmne session. It was believed that this open ent men attempted to run on their individual ac- Court, aitli&f; advocacy of in tho Legislature is due to the injn count. Knuann valley. Also a comparative statement of fat I'U. naflte f?. Vf"; m ,'" sssaet heleawd fa in anu ue rtjaciicu a the treaty against the attacks the greatest, average raiDf.Ufxtnrinff best fat lljf, nstlee this t?!Klaidem I aerehe rerara Use aasameM net served aiircuHtfoae uaIlIon1. dicious manner in which tho opposition to Messrs. least nnd the '"r-ae-dl different concloBion. holding that the lanenftco uf made upon it by interested or misinformed Smith and Kancalii had to contend with seventeen, Mr. Divisrot W c PARKE. tho govemment all tho infiuenco that tho government could bring samo month for tbe just jrwtrs. w...i, ., tbe act wasasufncieutlv broad and cumprrhendYo has been carried on. Our GUIAEB LINE 1 persons, was more honorable, and in all to bear against them. Means and wero Wood states that the number uf Uayp without rain Best white Leshern; ISoortex sntt 3 heal Ilonoluln, Der Ma, lam to embrace tniinese laborers without reenrd to the contemporary claims that he, as a looker material was 1?, number with hsritt spnntre 11, number 2 Best brown Inchon; uWsder ssmUZ ham. country which .night aubjecta. resiiects better than what is usually termed supplied from Honolulu. Mr. Spreckels' inllucnco Spanish ; sant X of they be and that on at the game, can seo moro than tho recorded 8, on wluchiUS! inches fell. From Dec established 1840. bUdt Jlenaler hens IIAWAILVN ISLAarsH, Lleed f Oaha.-sv- a. was also with the government ticket, and tho 4 Host trans I any other construction of the law would holly lobbying; by professional lobbyists. The 2Sth,1883, to January 21th, bat S inches fell. llomlnict Renter and heeebTCj.lly that the wltbla sad h. iui purpuric result lirmly will players, and that ho has discovered that a of ltichardsou'a election was believed iu 5 Best name fowl ; Rooster and t ben HSSeJab.esl uurni it is believed justify this be Among agencies The average fall of rain during the mouth of Two failings Every Weok S Best three domestle (Jeese ?ki!5,J,,'"i0' i courso moro "conciliatory" to tho throno Honolulu to assured. other years was liLSb la dsroree. JoaerdtJ"""WWerean re. EssesW Mo. course. employed, Janunry in the last seventeen 7 Best pair natlre Ueeae ami cd Thk lirnnim MttMif 2 came out in ood and to tho F. H. Uavscldeii, during snrao any JVIaemsa, ale. th. Marshar. rttarar sadtsal The argument has tho Hawaiian people would havo came to Wailuku before the election and endeav- indie, the greatest fall tho time io:t 2.ii:i:i'oii.: Best pair other breed Saseeas. Coart M the Juusary Tenja , B. pmt. lira e and with a fair at lection of been freely used by 51.28 .80 jVrir Vork every i'eJnetdoy, V Mnccovy article. lis fr. secured a better result ored to Hot hi3 efforts being lacho. the lenst inches hnn Three Usclu ial "The ar Gold X'lece' ia continued themiponents of tho treaty, that it serves assist. did more harm than itt ' Three Aylesbery llseka Kgt, la -- to its good From Boston every StilnnLnj aad lint the saeaaSa,aa iteserdtopyer eaett dCUin canpter. un Let us first turn back tho pago of Ha- to their party. II ' Three Canton Ilscs, oute rxlucation is a useful mainly to create an overweening monopoly, polls were whole Ilonolnln Athlatic Anociatiou sweecrroea oy tsesuiete. re contnboUontothe study of tbe tmbjrct wlncli, waiian history from the linio when this The surrounded tho day with a 13 Three Tarkeys qalrlns said BsaettanUesnMt.F!. .S aaewer at eaMA,etl which, besides, 11 however, i one of which must said controlling tho entire su crowd of wide awake men. Iho voting was con- TUo annnil meeting uf tuu n&fociation, wnioh RATES OF PASSAGE: " Three Varieties of rigeona Term. it lo mtny country began to exist under laws snch as faiily well, although IIOOM lis wrenasa wlbM.f I men, no many minds." gar crop and carrying trade of tho Ha ducted the appointment of Oivisws vr B . ke. - head aad rbe not imcrUnt Nakookoo was Rillnl liv Secretary Wetli fur the evening of tkiii sso, mill jnm il,i IM of tsy: kw.. wrn. rLci-pltn- prevail in civilized countries. Human lifo as chairman of the Hoard of Inspectors Setter ty.1 rsaisresa. t'eaut at II IMS no doubt is that on Prison e waiian Islands, was supposed Rcotrniplisheil HIS Iriouind to havo a was looked mem- tlio 7tli inu, did not become un AfCCQfdliis to Accommodation. 3 Second Best k dayof Janaery. A. 6 ML WILLIAM bj Mr. O. Ktnith, which was read before up to a comparatively recent date was of on with suspicion, and another ilktu largo influence on tho Hawaiian Govern- ber of tbe Hoard, Mr. L. Hal, was an employee of fact, on tho mentioned, owing to tbe absence RKTUBX TlJCBTS Oft PAV01Unt.E TERMS. 3 Best Pointer f "' Oik Seyreme Cssert. (he Honolulu Social hcience Awociation. 1 hougb slight value com- tttenty-fiv- e ( oouni-tut- e I Spaniel ment and Legislature. here. It was death to a ltlchardson's and the third was choice of the nocessary persons, to rueontjre. far from exliaostlve, it contains much that is well In reply to this the of the A meeting .. .HJS Ciirreney 5 lletrlevtr (water ipsalrl mon native to allow his shadow to fall up- n qnornm. pro fonmt was held at Uootl T" TIIK StTUbJIK OF worthj of consideration. It would be well if Mr. argument there is now much to be said. wlilcli Wandenborjf presided,' ami ccommodatliMia can alwnya be nn an. sheep Hoi X the HsweAUa Khvedena. would follow on a chief. Thero was no such notion and There was but little drnnkenuess, tho Independ- plleatln tir WII LIAMS DIMONI) .1 CO . 7 Orejnonnd , Smith op tho subject, aided lij the Twelvo thousand tons of Hnwaiian , on mutton Uio Secretary was instructed to alaaia1 K117' J ' "" " light which been lib- ent party supplying no liqnor at all, and tho gov- bk.hu 3an rranclsco, s SkreTerxIrr f "" B,',, has thrown on the discipline in Hack-fel- no such thing as the right of personal meeting Thnraday ovenniR, JAM through the agency of Messrs. IL d ernment party having reserved tho greater part of call a for ALEXANDER, 3 insn Trnn T. WlLLUMC PAHKB. Bee, tlie Uonolalu JaiL in the coarse of the inquiry held Coped will be sufficient nam SM - the Ac. Co erty or as a right to any property, real or no mu nt which it Is there h state Slreet, llotton, 10 StotcllTI dnat, or his Deaaty Oasms. Jl.r.. Kr At the death of its late povcrnor Uin. IJackli. are this year sold to new pur- Buiiinv iur luu gioiiucaiiuu mier uecuou.. j c per- - personal, Tho polls wero closed exactly bcr lo constitute a qnornm nnd ruble the VERNON II. BROWS X CO . II EnsllshTerrl ITie Fneml for Febttwry. conUlns fttuon oilier chasers. Tho withdrawal of Mr. excepting lhat right which might at fivo o'clock, and It- " Terrier Spreckels tho counting began. As tba independent ticket formance of busme&i connected with the annual I ilawllrt Green, New York - roi HLUtTTT Defendant, la case he shall 3c rrtetea Tkv wninouuous, an insuimeni 01 anoliier 01 makes, and tho might lay exclusively in meeting, i and election of 11 " Ball Terrier eveei wtthla twenty daya after aeressa hereof, W. ilr, from tho Planters' Company shows that ho began to gain in number ufj'votca counted, tho viz:, receivinr' of - tee.,. F. Damon's iutcreM in lettercthis frnm lliinn. tho hands of the chiefs. ofliccra. There will probably bo nn exhibition of I-I- Masllrri smear before the SueeemeCenutatrheJaaaary Teem konc, 1st, together HnancMl no longer controls, or seeks to control that cheering increased, and vvhenHharcjult was an- Vutici to raeeenajer. from Anrtralla, New Zealand 13 " Best Newfoundland thereof, u be hofctea at Ibe Boom Iec with the tho tug Tho Missionaries, gymnastics at Iho close of the business meeting end Uonfdnlie Tbe CnnardLlueaflonla more than nvual other merlleerovn Co.it .r ta.CoM 01 me Association, influential body.That gentleman's es- American whom it is nounced tho Bhout was dcafeniugJThe votes cist Also for exhlbiu at the dlcrelon IIo.ee. Itnoraln la Ihe Island of Mhu.e Hawaiian irancelical open fadiUIea t, tbroqgli juaMeruccra from Tranf-l'aclf- l, oftbcjsdze the day Jawaary br Mr. W YV. Hall Ircas and of the V. M. A. pousal of the the now Uio fashion in some circles, to con wero as follows: 5 sevenU nest, al a. m' a cause of Ministry, and his W.O.Smith 317 500 will bo paid for any caso that Hop IilU ra pon,wBirsacTaijsllllni;a lirecinllni;aIlpoM Urmnm SIl ,o shew caaae the claim ef by Mr. U. C. Jones, Jr., the latter is a final rt TKrt demn, assisted tho chiefs to establish a ..'. l.lllty of delay In Sew 1 oil. mrt'be avowed opposition to tho election of nt X. W. 1'. Kancalii 32.1 will no. cure or help. Doubt not. Seo advertise- PlalalhT.slwe.ld awarded hee mret!rtl.'W Hrnlhbows a balance in hand of 'rr,r,7. basis of popular rights as well .is of indi- CsT Good sccommwlstlona always reserved 1 Best specimen fresh water Fish I not native to lcaia of aaaesed beUtiew M$t'ht,Irttrter JiWAiy as usual full matter member of tho Legislature for G. E. llichardson ,. ....(.,!! ment. VBRNOS II. lUlOW N 1 O . " - f the conntry u of vidual system VV.H.Keanu 915 t ' unrreKiinR and instructive, air. Jaeger coutrib- - tho coming session, is outsido Ho- rights, upon a of laws taken Jit,l!2 lj (BowllnzOreen. New York Hrvm.m FltODUCR. of'JelesmlCthVeeer "" met of Scattering- WttuSM, II01S. A UkGn uuu way ue mainly from tho laws of their nativo land. - t.123 10 rRAStlS tD Cam, Jssscsr. iiuuus uskui uuicu croau nolulu by the election of all the iudepend ytM Hofi(M Firkin of Batter, ta or stare of oar Supreusti Ihls Jt umbuus, flou mo innunieralilo u Hut the vote from Ulopalakna (samo district) PACIFIC MAIL best Firkin of a or aaeee tonrl Uttt d.s mt Oct,.""A. Bl eSss udiosi Liko their Puritan ancestors who carried STEAMSHIP COHPAHY Batter. If ' Itowrhich their r.nducta inar 1m imiL Snmtrwt.iifa. cat candidates. This does not show that changed the totals somewhat so that tho final re- 3 Best ponad of Batter, the exhlMteea belas; house- "snt Htm. Density lliolL Itica by S. N. into tho American colonies tho spirit of ROOMS Neat and coolly Fur keepers and making t&elr ewa hatter Hon. Castle, ojnUins very tho danger is to bo apprehended sult stood: FURNISHED Haeiaa; sasde dIHieat search Iur the wMJthi DaucT, juki ajwaTB ue Englisi liberty and law. so did these men Ii. YV. Kanualii , Rooms can be had by i early application nt For San Francisco. 4 tfeend bestdw siiallaaid buoatu ai uana tor reference which has been declared to lie looming up P. ,..3.3 nlthed Cheese wisu 10 keep Uicmseirea well W.O. Smith KB NO 1 OATIDEN riajwiuo Jafunn over Hawaii seek, according to their light to establish (B) LWE. 0 Second bet lies tin tbe rabjects of which it treats. as tho direct result of tho G. E. llichardson 335 ritr, srr.viiMiiii' treaty. in Hawaii a system of freo popular gov- Divi'irls MASfFACTCKE? W.ll.Keanu ltd BASKET TRUNKS I ban Francisco Alta sars: I!xiNnmtuiT ernment with equal rights secured to all. Scattering 183 Msls lnc t. Uu Iut rtctired a few of these FINK TKLMtH 2 Hats HAWA1US ISLANDS, WOsIm...... voruhum. ihenvAtmrnrtnrf. attempt It is not strange that they erred in Itn. tsaittvallfmoi for The of the lifrrrtiVr to define tho Immediately after the final result was announced which arc oJrable for traveler 3 " haps "tif vsvrnn. hava been meiiitlr ntiil in tho of Hawaiians tho representatives appeared at I ' Calabashes riif...u Guv cnnuent Party as the capacity for tho door of the arc Loit&tr bound and Cloth lined, in llftoer county elucwhtre, Xational,aud tho were mulli-tud- o Tlitr Rk.BR tn.l the .ilenninlili 3 " Bowla of Wood and cd Casasrsntt and with roralu that self government and failed to forseo Uiat court house, and met by tho expectant BtHaU. are quit Kratifjing. 1 bis gives us lucal who seized Mr. YV. Ibctulfot only half tbe weight- - bnt more durable tlian Ornamental Kakal aikajl aad ethoss ad that SB. a interest opposition as tho Foreigners' Partv, them, and H. ilailey also, 7- sapsease Cesart, Use problem fails tho raco of powerful chiefs who then ordinary and arc thoroughly water prtfof - Artisciat Ftvtrerf an irreaflbs at Jasmary Teim ,.. U. M.er in tbe ctrat of the mannfactureof roar raised them upon their fdiouldcrs and amid con- lb trunk Voed or Siowe MS. . ihe iwTKhnm signally. H by "National" Uie wrilormeant aliv u Carvlne on eesllneed t. aext AprUTerra. A4J from Prrup, which after lone delays and were and ablo to hold easy sway over tinuous cheering bore them up the bill to Mr. 's Call and examine them. AUSTEALIA(iiiuvr. ojfiA.ifm.i( thai la the meantime aa alteslrsl many lUsappoIntweuta, alioriginal Hawaiians. and by t& Ssddlt eeeyef sardf seems at Ist to have been foreigners tho ignorance and passions of tho populnce, residence. The crowd with drums and Hags OTIlm T1IEO. U. DVylK-- j S. IU WILL LEAVE HONOLULU FOR SIN FR1HCISC0 HarnM assTie he Misled se aeeeennea ay the 3lacae laauf practically aotved Even if the sorshnm vroduc-in- c ho meant those of foreign birth or descent would so die and demonstrations of tho wildest enthusiasm Horse Sheea aaM .trthae A. B. ElUett s. aaewer at tfc sMJ capabilities of this are ques- soon out leaving nothing completely blocked way IT. or about Monday Feb. 18. farrlaee Teem hute out of tbe he must now, if ho did not earlier, know tho from tho court bouse NOTICE. In I tion, there would befeufScimt reason for taking behind them to take tio placo of tieir own to Mr. Bailey's bouse. Thero hand shaking and BANKING Wagon wrrsn. whereat hw heresat. set my bsad liveliest lhat these aro not tho dividing lines of tho The nnderslffiicU have formed a FOR SYDNEY VIA AUCKLAND! Piece of Faraltere of llawaitaa Wood, and (seaiJ sad Seal ef the tfspresne Cert at ItmvsT the lnttretvt in the dtTiInntiipnii.nr ti.n Xersonal influence. Thoy may have congratulations wero lollowed by brief but earnest SM. u tn1( of for best or any other ssaaesaade exblatl r nseril thla IHh day .f J..Ure.A. B. iwrchum business: in its natioual anpcts two parties. Of tho leaders of tho self too rigid a morality, very likely addresses from the miinbers elect, and the crud r tbe fim name Sprockols A. Co., m. is of the first tin. of carrying on a lisukiuj and Ex M'l.irVDIlt STKAJtSllIf Dmsrol I'RUDICTI) it importance. Tlie United bUu is styled Nationals, who are they who conic they ought not to havo withdrew. j purjiose Ointral 4 rilr. s ClwkerereCssrft. an importer of sugar to the valne of $100,UOO,0 extended tho suf Iho triumph of the Independent lKtrty was most change Dustnra at Itonolala and each oih r places In Cutss i rnoDScrs aa MAatracTVinro rai Exwarr Annually, of pure Hawaiian raco Ot what nation frage, and the amount of revenue collected but relied rather upon tie aristo- complete. Of their two candidates, Mr. Kane-al- ii tlie Hawaiian Kingdom a may be deemed ad, Ualih CST OFSYDNKY! 1 Best washed Ssxar CUIMEK3IK IIA-k- imports by ality is tho Premier, the man who COUltT OF TJIK J from ncar tue Govemment has boen has been cratic government to which Uicruloof Uio is will known as a moit decided opponent uf (Mffocd) CLAl'ri HriJhOKKI-- . ikaiiikii:.. 3 " unwished SSfar wsllaa lalaade. Ia Prahau la the matter or the from firatyjCM to $.V)JtXUiO0 every year. Xow, allowed to appropriate to himself moro tho present administration, and Mr. Smith was - 3 M Itlee, IB I,, or ssare chiefs conformed. Bnt they sought to do vm o. t I " Coff--e. & shoold the United States become producer of sugar most bitterly opposed by government. mwiv 0 .a about February 26, 1884, t er mere "! l7,H??ll sweeaeed. Al Chsabera kerar. tStef offices, more functions than were ever at tho Moie F F. I UW Exhibit or Fibre or - the extent of its own needs, what was best for tho naUve race, and Mr. tsmilh Vet. ghi Pasnag, nndjr to 3 " froai say native latrs- Jadd. O the retention ot the than that is a whito man. a Honolulu, January .Hth, IHM fjr antl daced plant srnwa hare tlQ0,n0uVOXk which tempted by any ono individual a more yyO-- C . " bepetlttTOHlaeea.al. is annually sent out of the sought tiaf object with all earnestness and of the district and is identified with the plant, II. IIA.KrKI.A to ..tsenl. Best sxhIMlof any kind of dried or preserved country, would change whole naturalized alien; tho of tt trait i?."l? ,iSi "I-- llimTtsreisH the course of com- - Minister Interior, sincerity. That Hawaiians did not moro ing interests. Every argument was used to defeat KcfrrrittS (o the above wc bc tu mforai ilu huaincs tlotHKforMiliMit-i- iiriSteniiier ran nnir la this ceanffy taw. Will of Her lllsajsess BUk Keesriataat. merer, and be an industrial him; the old worn In Ihe f 1st, .1 revolution of such a Hawaiian without a drop of Hawaiian generally out attempt io creato race public that we are prenBred to raakt, Lnan, THafrennt bcMnntl, l'rrrul lliarcr. flreitraif Cuisa it Srstn Cava, oa crass PaooocTa whereta tkey ask tab. aferaed magnitude, that it is impossible to forsci. more developo under tieir brief train- was ruiortcd to; tho employers nnrv um nenr uic nicnmrr t. iinri. IOTJW.-- and eharae tkemserre. wrttt blood, no moro and no less of relation to Approved Note and I'nrthjw Exchange at the betl I Best bnndteof ,', lrSSJ9t.n, Hawaiian Sawart'sse ,fc than a small portion of the consequence. Hut ing into great statesmen, lawyers and and planters was urged, and every kind of reason-in- ThAicniU hare are now rcparetl to ""? m1 w eaamlned iWisanni Nationality than Cnrreat IUte. Oar am Bremen if for s.llln Sx 2 Second best beadie eJ. d. 'it i& s Sn.1 orderamy' he made one of the consequence would dearly be the solu- are tho candidates financiers, a result which would have (air and unfair was brought to bear. IHtieTUkp.tliS.i FranclUco ami 3 Lareeit toneetlo clWerent dltcaasraW tnem is change on the principal point n In 1 niti-- States llclnrn, of varieties .f Kasar their aarelle. from all funher ses.seiretJa,. tion of tho surplus revenue nrobleu, without the lately representatives today, the complete triumph was tho result mainly of iltr Cane sack a. the followed any other conceivablo training. - cxecutoes intervention of Congress, fcorghuni u hearty Europe, China, , and Australia bun;; made rUK8lS3 THE KOUMI TJHI', 4 for the miu-- The Attorney General ono of tho a disapproval of tho present tendency of Best ainsie stick of Sezar Cane It is ordered thai Tl ESDAT Ike SIS da; - March. syrup, grown It is not at tho door of Uio Missionaries Iven Wc 3 Best Kalo A facta re of has been in the United most recently naturalizeJTorcigners. the government, and of deep rooted fear of threat- and when iCTfecleddne notler m.I be D. IWI. al w ockiek A. St tem fteT Mates a creat tnanv vlotk. and the nrndnrtinti r Tho that tho fault can bo laid, that no Hawai ening dangers. hall aIo beprrparen to recerre Deposits on open CEAliTc "STEARISHIP COi thl.fJn.llee. ai tkambera. la the I earn Ueeee. ac syrup increased CtOMj0U0 gallons INK) Minister of Finance? BaUcy, 0 7 tlreatcst number of varieties of Kalo Heaolara, be ami tke same hereby le irom in to n mero ians at this day aro merchants or shop- Tho carrying of Mr. as well as tbe repre- mike CollecticB0, and conduct a General Bank like la ear, ot Faddy aatwhssed she 16AWJ0cHcms in 1S70. Though fig. sentatives elect, through tho elec- '"' eZsMate. the census dummy whatever niay bo his nationality. keepers, streets after the and Exchange X,Qit.e. SPItJtCKELfe A CO 9 Sweet I'oUtoea Xl2?.? I?"pereaaa.'T"1" "may ares for 1M) liavc not yvt been be- while every nationality that comes was significant aa ins leteresled elwdthem aad there ai published, it is So too tho electors of tion bearing on the question of 10 " Irish Totatoe. asdaharw came. If aay thee way lieved tbey will show tho capital city of hero succeeds business. race prejudice. tH) 11 am. the sans. that the production of fyrup in farEcriTon. Teanats sbvald nea be greeted sad that, ardeT the kingdom havo just returned, at tho Or bestof say other prodsct of saerit this hi wu uv hican j iiiunwu. In 1661, upon tho accession of Kameha American Width am Watches he Eeirtsh aad llawaitaa Uaeaaxre, U rMtshed Is head of tho poll, a who meha V, came Uio first serious break with Kanai The Election at X.lhuo aoid Koloa Cuua risrvtw sua Dime Puvts IUT.V,.".,J4,.l!rr! 4 osam sewspepes, ntsled Th. Kohftla ControTezii)-Cloaiu(- ; Cor only recently Awarded TWi Gold iledal Ttt. only medale award 1 For the greatest rarlety cd Fariae Plssti aad published la lloaadala. fee three encsas.es, wee. declared himself mcapablo Uio Missionaries, although they were not Tbe election at Lihue and Koloa was n pleasant prevroae to the time Iherela Ttiliilfir cd for WaehCTaj Malbonre Internatioaal Rzaihition THE MAUMFH ENT SEW IIIOS bTEUISHIPS sentln; J elds of net lee. lasa ost iere irr sslilkrsrlai of holding high professional position by success. was v For the latrodactlva r any Datedatllonorata.il I , tklaSKayJaa. A. Mot the only, if they were indeed the principal The weather fine. Two hundred nnd I5S1. aeeral forelsn forsce l. liniTOt , - Plantpruvedtaasccesd In aay part A. lt JVDO' Gumt-- u llr. K. C Uoad "itinJmt- - reason of defective education, tliongh ho twenty-tw- o of this Klaidosa opponents of his courso in setting aside Totes were polled nt Lihue, and two The only Goldteda!, alto, lbree pvciFWaMi four -- ror the aTeaUst Tarfety of SaiM, ptssta proved thief JsiIms sepma, sSeert. icnlly jtuics;" am! it is not lo Ik won Jircd nt Lhat sought to lay tho blame of the defect on hundred and twenty ono at jS'oloi. At t llest Depniy Clerk. VMM tho Constitution of 1852. From that day, the former first pnzea, fcydnej, 1S7J ..luripsn and Alamcdii to soccesd In anr nan of thla Iflnednm llssar Ssrra. when place Mr. Dole received one hundred tiglity-thre- e the best lleatsa Plant inion fur a man sUrts In by UkiDR a hh the wrong, that is on other shoulders than however, unUl rccenUy, there havo been and The Oold Medal, I'rIa,l?7B tour Firtt T Med small, thrive la this votes, and Mr. Kalaeonc thirty-eig- At rir conntry, Hcdr. mast be at least VU feat keae, TXCJIAJIJIKItS. poeitioxifaei8TrrT.pt tuoanbnDc deeper his own. Again, look round the IsTO. sad CJRCUlTJrilGJ ctUn!: tio various few successful attempts on for- Mr. Dole forty-eig- a la. Philadelphia, the plant mast act bare the eAjecttMsala charac- A District, Ishusds. PrvdMie antl deeper jti. qaestion the part of latter received ono hundred and .WHILoavo Honolulu tSan Francisco Jadklal lUnetaa la lue ivardias tue truth heads of departments under the Ministers, eigners residing in this country, to and Mr. Kalaeone seventy four; which ThentjeqnalcdaacecMof theirt ''clebcatrd Wale hi- teristics as the tastassandMntrSee. IHpeclrsaiel Ia the matter of the EsUte af JOHX BOARJBXAS of tbe item vbicb appeared in Tour oulDtnns. is obtain give I plants of Ihe above lo tx exhlbfted at shorn ) or Maul deeeaard Dole thirty-on- e produced a t.Mt of imitations On tho Each Month. Kahalai. was of wiat nationality aro they? thoy aro in reprcscntaUon Uio Assembly. Mr a total of three hundred and ba wnrtblrn lnera standlSthof Mbsc the petHsew, Amy whether the ilrm a trntliora falsehood. Xow m Tie old Mr. wlUobscrre the Trade Mark. Hal I bant. M-a- tu Diviaiox Oa readlas; sad ef Laau pro-r-e. by virtue of Totes,and Kalaeonea totalofonohnndredand FASiiENOEia nuy hare their namea ljooke4 in Klac, praylnajihUtoaitl.seeVe thai atlas) -- IUAt rimer (bo writer told the tieir posts snprcnie necessity, fen-- plate all Wattaam Us alin Iran eiact Missionaries meanwhile have with twelve. The balloting was lively in craved on the of Oeauiic Wtrhrr office Cuss i nt. a a -- f ami personal. aome luihaja'a the early part W 14k. or , bj appllDjs at the of tbe Axtnls OiuuiuL This rum made tk. psteTtT.ral el IkeUle trnth or of best men arc fAUifiera, not by virtue of any sentunpntal raco ideas. of tho day and amusing. (rtild case are ttaiaped A. Co, Hk. and collectloit of ef Kahatnl. Xaet. aa bare beard br word of month from a number exceptions passed away, but tho term often Mr, Kalacono is Silrerca are atauped Acicrtcaa Watch Cowyaui 1'aacsmtRra bj thla Ll&c are hereby notlilnt that ferelcs Ferret Trees uluble Joha Doardmaa deccaexi. tar the I Then whete is this National something was thfj-wil-rTl fjt this country rfl.Uu.nutaetJuiWUIeflhaaaldaVenurf Party which "Missionary is used oppro-brion- s of a and backed by his bLerllna; Igl ly bealkJwed3V wod1 of FUZZ bj that Ur. llotid itd base his petition on ay resigna- Party" as an father-in-la- Wajthainila8. baae 3 Best eestarmt -- s prominent Lahana. Tho nightbe-for- e Orertaat! JUllwaj when trsTeMn; cast. clW.len ef natlre Forest Trees It Is M the Idwrtiarr strives to evolve from no ono ilc 3- - - - iuinau.viauAi.iasI p sie f tion, and if lhat Kentlnoa.n trill call on mo I will epithet to characterize all who have tbe election wat sleepless - Palms Fery, fftl. st tawJsr him the names of tboe that so stated. be knows where, and who aro its leaders! a one for him and BxcttraloB Ticket for the roond trip, $123, rood to - " " lllMfci ka. Msat ss the time aad alee, far IsenrlarUV Kin If In set themselves in opposition to what they his bouse, being spent deertistments. aay -- maul ia 1 hi proyrn for his success in- efr ntara by of the Company Steamrra wlthiaW 3 " " " Draeaevas .U pearttem aay obiecUoa. Ih.f mar thinks bis pontiou not a false one adrise him what sense are the opposition foreigners, termixed with varMii onco donned encroachments by tho government appropriate uicantaUons. On the " " " K!or"' sf Bisonia. theeet.: ad ft E. Boardmaa and ft W to take bis petition wort tu tbe prerioas sisn. Nationals tho morn of the decisive day this pious MSUCIIANUI'-- intended tor ehipmeat by thU i, - Croton dele ojeented the Win sa ers and he vill no longer be in doubt. and not? position is untcn or by tio King against popular rights. government ! Iloe eiecauar. at r able, there is no party or (of candidate appeared at the polls at Lihuo carefally Fine Front Office to Let will be received free of cfaajveln the Company' w o3 ' " Ferns Itaerdmaa. dereseed. asd sny ether perse, hsvvstrssi ' Voors Ucspcctfollj, group of men Entertaining, as recefpt a (s dozen " lalerest la said esUle arc hereby fat those do who havo arrayed in a snit of spotless white, this being, un-B- rcMii: ornrc ronsiKBi.y icfixxajirr Haixebnute. and lfoed for atme. Icanrance aeatf ed ataeskd. C, 1851. Tnoxrsos; capable mlinp- - BL, Esq , adjoioic the Oazeue will b WV ABK. FOtUIASDEB. . Sobala, Feb. L. 8. aboritrinal descent of this allied themselves the instructions of his prophctio father-in-la- Joseph . Wieman, im 3sTerchsad!e is the Warchoote at owner .IniLFern with this opposition, the i II a Ml twenty-fou- necessary Oftico. Term mat favorable. it. litis " collection of Caasdianta H. t, Kingdom, as it now is, for r belief that foreign residents coun- n condition to hu success, a the (MZKITE OFKICH, 3I. 13 " Lahalna, Jan. 1Mb, ;r)t. " K .JCBHOAOirrox: A fnend baa just Kent me a m this old man had ascertained through 3Ji a.THWISACC, ceneral cellectloa of PUats. and anr other ' m Inst, hours. They havo still under tio consti- try havo rights to be fairly the medium of i3 A&nf O. . V. Co. mrritoTiosi exhibit of plsnts not menHoled in the am ot Ihe Ailrtrtiur vf the 2nd together represented in his incantations, that only by wearing white could above Hit jfttfi (be repated writer uf a brief com- - tution, power !o exclude from tho Legis- Legislative ... In the Sapreae Court of the mine of tio Assemblv as well as the Ins filial iriumnh over tha General Insurance Com'py. n --Ctrr Ftowss. EtitiA UiwM. senicatian therein in which a apecihe charce is lature all merchant?, shipowners, pro The failure of bis iirognostigations .; iJusf tio Cabinet, and that all undue influence over has not as yet Sea, Notice tosCreditors. I Best Botninrtof Flowers TIIK M ATTEIi OF TItK BSTATK Wiade rojaclf. That charge I will here ukujuuMx ijfuuauij tie Kjui Dy Tor River antl Z.aaliltranspart UAT1XG ItEEX asinrf - ducers, professional men, and these latter tho popular elections or over the members whi iui, misieu tue JMSK rNHtlLSniXEU best d. . rs' --r ami ajid a a f and luiple. MoreoTer, accord- obscurity of some of bis testa. Between B duly appelated Admblitratof aodAdjalnlitratrU -- of. oHhe 5BD.SELlT'Y gM rare for another biennial period must go un of mystic of BRESBEN. Best llonijnel Raees MAK gttrTT ssd the sVsaeCM At. ins to the best of my iuowlnlce and bebef the the Legislative Assembly, is against the nine and ten o'clock at Iahno an interesting caval- "t Ui44ar lloauaall, Utoof Honotaln, IiUnd 4 Second heal pattus miaky nross falBeboods into his cum. represented as far as tie capital city is of this cade proceeded down the road toward the TTAA'IJNG ESTAJILTbUKl) AN vf Oaha deccae4 aotfer l Leretiy riren to all per 3 Best slnslelRoss Hr order of tkle IloooraM. (. oast the setts ef wrier spirit or any oticr constitution court J-- Jd.ail are Uteinro: and implica- - housz. With warbke music L Arrney at Jienolnm far the Ifawafiaaj wbj ta.CTftti tbrtrcUlmaajulsfl tbeEtUta of atd C " tleraalame KeBy. late of Xeaaima Brills CatamMa. asm WfiHimtion us there concerned, but what really National of fife and drum, the JlaMjimili 7- tie which professes to secure tio rights of all see nnaertianiea ue&erai Aarn.art.avi&otii J d!y aatbenilcated, whetaer aecarrd by - " Carnatious sbeat the 12th djyof Aprlt. fast, arc Mr seed hi meal, tMpt tbereftt. - in- Hawaiian colors flyuig in tho breeze, some on raortjiwe ntbenriaeto Daild HanaTcn and Mohtlt (lltdeoll eUlmstoJaswi. E.Bosd, Party can do when removed from the peopleoy a representative form of govern horseback and some in wagons, this heterogeneous ' Lkars.slVveet.lht. Msafalrar t m Kort6KoB4U,Fcb.7,lS8t. fluences of Court and officialism, is shown Risks ag&lsLst Uio Baager of tlie SoatifiUiio afoaiiaalf attkanffecof Cecil Itrown. en Kaafcomaaa s ' Pausles t?Mea Davie . Wlleaa. nJTssjtCT saraes. '" i 'i ment a line of separation was at once company of voters marched to) tho polls. Beforo ctrret, wltbla rix month from th dat hereof or taer-H-I Id Fnchsfa T'e,Ul-AHor,-"!." ' petlesa.aSm Iwfo-vrL- - ? ' thsw OateaBBBjberoMtie newly eiccicd ImJepeD- - by tie returns from tie country districts marked out which could not bo ignored voting they were briefly and enthusiastically ad- XTost ReasonaMa Ratea. and on tie barred. aodaJlpertosf Indebted W laid II Dahlias meatb, u tUta heteor. eeherwtee the ailsla w,n dressed by orators in behalf of both candidates, 9u;e are arreDy rrnscatca to mass laimediata pay It " BtmUs v!'!- - dMit from Itw other i&Unds, arnTed of Oahu, as well as from Kauai, and by fi Most Eavoralilo Tornu. thereof (fclsoe-l- ) DAVID l- Pinks SKIMHaf cmdiiiateB either side. On the side of those who the abitr-robe- d govemment candidate joining cent MANAKA. - tiHawndDrjngthe week ere able to in (Mimeili H0I10LK MOAUACXt, 1 1 Any other exhibit Flower, of taecbV fe and Hawaii: these have all sent representatives 1 of Ss?1 cioso to call themselves "tho lung's Par- these appeals to ho free and independent A.SCJ1AKFHR est in this voters r fc0 AdolaUtratrli of tha .tat ot exhibit ot ptMied 3i.Hses.rtim aat other I Y IrtiiKle tbrfr rejofciofiPtwith srujpathuer to the ranks opposition, pure blooded.1 the district. Some ot the speakera tEirOarT- f of tio ty," more lately nationals, it was and ot shouted 9Xi ly ti AgiM for the llaai:aa iaUndi 4. JJwTnall decuKd, plants sad fldwers SsseerM CsuUB ,Jrr. " MtS nivii-lt- jKrtvnfif, tie astfettK Cjt, fcltlsh iU

jyawafl "-- mr 4iel tl "Mac mbissar arir . jft