TURKEY Fruity reds and off dry whites are the best wine pairings for turkey. Whites German ( from France) Oregon (if you want a drier style) Pinot Grigio from Reds from the Loire region of France (Chinon) and Cru Beaujolais Fruity California (with less than 13.5% alcohol) PAIRIFood & NGS Wine

STANDING RIB ROAST The tannins in red are neutralized by the proteins in the beef and will pair beautifully together. does not usually go well with beef. Reds Bordeaux California Meritage Brunello di Montalcino (Italy) (Spain) PAIRIFood & NGS Wine

GLAZED HAM Off dry whites are your best bets here to counter the sweet glazes traditionally found on ham. Lighter bodied, fruit forward reds such as the styles listed below will also work nicely. Whites German Riesling (Spätlese or Auslese) Vouvray (France) American Riesling or Gewürztraminer Reds (Italy) Montepulciano d’ (Italy) California Pinot Noir & Sparkling Wines

Brut Dry.Dry. TheThe mostmost commoncommon aandnd popularpopular ooff styles.styles. GGreatreat wwithith caviar,caviar, shrimp,shrimp, lobster,lobster, pâté,pâté, prosciutto,prosciutto, ssoprasatta,oprasatta, drieddried ffruits,ruits, ssoupsoups wwithith crèmecrème basesbases likelike lobsterlobster bisque.bisque. AlsoAlso goesgoes withwith hhardard ccheesesheeses llikeike PParmigianoarmigiano RReggiano.eggiano. Extra Dry UnlikeUnlike thethe namename implies,implies, thisthis winewine isis actuallyactually llessess ddryry tthanhan BBrut.rut. IItt iiss mmildlyildly ssweetweet oror “off“off dry.”dry.” A greatgreat aperitifaperitif toto whetwhet youryour aappetiteppetite onon a hothot summersummer dday.ay. Extra Brut, Natural TheThe ddriestriest ofof CChampagnes.hampagnes. VVirtuallyirtually bboneone ddry.ry. Blanc de Blancs MadeMade exclusivelyexclusively fromfrom CChardonnayhardonnay .grapes. Blanc de Noirs MadeMade withwith redred ggrapesrapes – PinotPinot NoirNoir andand PPinotinot MMeunier.eunier. Non- Cuvée BlendedBlended wwithith ootherther yyearsears toto keepkeep a consistentconsistent Vintage MadeMade fromfrom a specificspecific vintage.vintage. OnlyOnly mademade duringduring goodgood vintagevintage years.years. RoséRosé ChampagnesChampagnes areare mostlymostly mademade byby blendingblending rreded wwinesines intointo a blendblend ofof whitewhite wines.wines. TheyThey areare fullfull bodiedbodied andand areare tthehe bestbest matchesmatches fforor hheavyeavy dishes.dishes. Tête de Cuvée or Cuvée Prestige TheThe mostmost eexpensivexpensive aandnd rrareare ooff ChampagnesChampagnes forfor eacheach househouse thatthat areare mademade withwith ChardonnayChardonnay and/orand/or PinotPinot NNoiroir only.only. PProducedroduced onlyonly inin exceptionalexceptional years.years. MMayay oror maymay nnotot iincludenclude a vintagevintage ddate.ate.

PRIMARY GROWING AREAS Washington State and California ElegantElegant inin style,style, ddry,ry, fruityfruity andand veryvery fflavorful.lavorful. CCanan aalsolso mmatchatch uupp toto fairlyfairly heartyhearty foodsfoods likelike chicken,chicken, pastapasta withwith whitewhite ssauceauce aandnd sseafoodeafood salads.salads. Bordeaux and Loire, France Clean,Clean, crispcrisp andand well-balanced.well-balanced. MoreMore mmineralineral nnuancesuances thanthan CaliforniaCalifornia inin InIn Bordeaux,Bordeaux, itit isis generallygenerally ccalledalled WWhitehite Bordeaux.Bordeaux. InIn Loire,Loire, iitt iiss eeitherither SSancerreancerre oror PouillyPouilly Fume.Fume. Marlborough in New Zealand VeryVery distinctivedistinctive fflavorlavor pprofiles.rofiles. VVeryery ggrassyrassy withwith well-definedwell-defined greengreen bean/asparagus/celerybean/asparagus/celery flavors.flavors. BBecauseecause ooff tthesehese sstrongtrong fflavors,lavors, it’sit’s notnot tthehe bbestest foodfood winewine butbut wwillill usuallyusually holdhold upup withwith saladssalads wwell.ell. IIt’st’s alsoalso nniceice onon itsits own.own. Stellenbosch in South Africa HerbaceousHerbaceous andand somewhatsomewhat sspicy.picy. PPairair wwithith salads,salads, lightlight farefare aandnd asas anan aperitif.aperitif. Maipo Valley in Chile FruitFruit driven,driven, lightlight bodiedbodied andand veryvery fresh.fresh. ExcellentExcellent vvaluesalues ffromrom tthishis region.region. PairsPairs wellwell wwithith sshellfishhellfish andand lightlight ffare.are.