~ 4ELECTIONS 3- SPECIFIED FUNDRAISING Spec-FF (17/1 1) • A non-partisan Office or the Legislature FUNCTION THIS IS AN AMENDED FORM PAGE ~ OF L 3 7 '-,. .. ~- " POLITICAL ENTITY EVENT DATE (YYYYIMM/DD) IEV ENT TIME (HH : MM) BC NOP 201 9/06/24 18:00 EVENT DESCRIPTION LOCATION NAME (OR ADDRESS' IF HELD AT PRIVATE RESIDENCE) C086-An Evening in Osoyoos with Premier John Horgan Walnut Beach Resort, Osoyoos NAME OF RESIDENT" (IF HELD AT PRIVATE RESIDENCE) TICK IF EVENT HELD AT PRIVATE RESIDENCE D . .. 'TJLI: ,. ·, .:.::11 ,.. 'J.el, C,! w ''.'.i -., ~.LI.•,.< • ;,J"j,- ',:• ~, ~ he •• 0'. ,c l - . "~- 'WII. ..'"""''"'""""' publle lntpl(llon. PART A PARTB THIS PART MUST BE SUBMITTED AT THIS PART MUST BE SUBMITTED WITHIN LEAST 7 DAYS BEFORE ifHE EVENT 60 DAYS AFTER THE EVENT e TICKET PRICE(S) $50.00 # OF TICKETS SOLD 110 $ 100.00 $ 250.00 CONTRIBUTIONS RAISED $ 9,100.00 Names of the political party leader, parliamentary secretaries or Check if the political party leader, parliamentary secretary or members of the Executive Council scheduled to attend: member of the Executive Council attended the event: John Horgan ATTENDED EVENT? 0 Carole James ATTENDED EVENT? 0 Melanie Mark ATTENDED EVENT? 0 Katrine Conroy ATTENDED EVENT? 0 Katrina Chen ATTENDED EVENT? 0 Jinny Sims ATTENDED EVENT? 0 Rob Fleming ATTENDED EVENT? 0 H Michelle Mungall ATTENDED EVENT? 0 George Heyman ATTENDED EVENT? 0 Doug Donaldson ATTENDED EVENT? 0 I; Adrian Dix ATTENDED EVENT? 0 ' ... ·:;~ -~ ,. , ' ., ., :,- Add more fonns if needed. ' SUBMITTED BY SUBMITTED BY Rowyn DeVito Jaime Matten EMAIL PHONE PHONE
[email protected] 604-430-8600 cndp.ca 604-430-8600 DATE (YYYY/MM/DD) DATE (YYYY/MM/DD) 2019/06/1 4 '2.020 /01/2 q This form will bo published on Eloctlons BC's wobsito.