the DUKE'S DAILY NEWSPAPER chronicle Volume 68, Number 110 Durham, North Carolina Friday, March 9, 1973 Martin, Paletta reach Tuesday run-off Distinguished teacher defeated

By Bob Douglas Little, Jim Morris and 131 votes each. and Julie Garnett Maiylin Endriss. Gary Lachman won 571 The highest turnout in Little's 1,084 vote total votes, while John Snider ASDU election history was the highest of the attracted 566 voters in handed Curt Martin a three three; Morris captured 916 1 osing bids to make the vote victory over Chris votes and Endriss 692 vice-presidential run-off. Paletta and threw both votes. The only other :*< candidates into a runoff In the race for the two candidate for executive next Tuesday. secretary positions there secretary, Grant Wilmer, Despite a mid-afternoon will not be a run-off since polled 954 votes. downpour 2,846 students Scott Echols' 1403 vote Jim Hill and Richard voted to give Paletta and total was a majority in the Miller divided the votes Marlin a combined total of Executive race and remaining in McGraw's nearly 60 percent of the Marsha McGraw's 1460 majority wake for electorate. total was also in the Administrative Secretary. Martin received 791 Administrative election. Hill had 489 votes to votes to Paletta's 788. Miller's 548. The vice-presidential Installing Presidential reaction election was also forced AH new officers will be Martin reacted very Curt Martin Chris Paletta into a runoff between Ann installed at next Tuesday's positively to both his ASDU meeting which will narrow victory and the be held after the run-off. large turnout. "I'm very The one referendum happy with such a large UFC Curriculum Committee question on the ballot was turnout," he said, "and I'm convincingly defeated 1724 delighted with the large votes to 952. Had it passed support for my candidacy." it would have established a Looking ahead to presents recommendations position for a student-hired Tuesday's run-off Martin Distinguished Teacher who said he hoped the turnout By Jay Martin the UFCAS." The students to be teachers. Curriculum report were would have devoted his would be as good then. In Suggesting the deans Committee, however, Said Palmer, "We have recommendations dealing time solely to undergradu­ preparation Martin said he' give a "State of the according to the report, an obligation to help grad with admissions policy. ate teaching. planned to "relax, catch up College" message to the "asserts thyresponsibiiity of students become better One of the recommenda­ In the p residential on some studying"' and Council was one of the the UFCAS to legislate teachers, but we should tions was that "diversified election, Bill Bunn led the campaign heavily. "I'll do recommendations presented matters of curriculum." guard against the expansion talents and accomplsih- remaining candidates the same thing I've done all yesterday at ameeting of The Committee cited of the role of the grad ments not readily measured polling 452 votes. The week. Meet as many people the Undergraduate Faculty 1973-1974 as the earliest student teacher in the by standard prediction only woman candidate, as I can and ask them what Council for Arts and possible date for a total undergrad program." He procedures be given equal Nancy Arvay, won 283 they think ASDU should Sciences (UFCAS). re-evaluation of the mentioned concern that consideration in the process votes, and apathy do next year," he said. This recommendation curriculum. freshmen never see a of admission." proponent Warren faculty member their first Woodward attracted 231 Chris Paletta also plus several others dealing The Committee's The report continued, commenting on the day's with the University position on credit for semester. "Furthermore, the supporters. Steve Rader Planning C ommission house courses was Deleted from the (Continued on page 7) and Neil Newhouse tied at (Continued on page 8) report were presented by summarized by Richard the Curriculum Committee Palmer, chairperson of the Nurmi hospitalized of the UFCAS. Committee and associate Also approved was a professor of chemistry, report from the Committee "We are reluctant to on Courses, and Program endorse recommendation Familiar smile no longer around III plan for Baldwin that full credit should go Federation. to house courses." By Tom Norton general being friendly. doctors suggested that he then they moved him from Broad programs Grad students You may be wondering Mabel Shears, Nurmi's go to Umstead Hospital a nice ward called the The Curriculum In the area of grad why you haven't seen wife, explained why he was and asked him if that was D urham Unit to another Committee felt the "State students as teachers, the Nurmi around the campus taken to Umstead Hospital alright with him. He ward called the Eastern o f the College" message, Committee suggested lately. The reason is that on Friday, February 23. thought they meant Duke Division." would be a way for the "considerable improvement he was recently committed "He has had seven Hospital, so he said yes," "They put him there so deans to "propose broad seems warranted" in to John Umstead Hospital. strokes since last February she continued. it would be harder for him p rograms and courses of implementing programs to in Butner, North Carolina. and he had been going to Worried to escape. But it is terrible; action for consideration by help train the graduate Nurmi (Randolph doctors. With the recent But now Ms. Shears is they don't even have pillow Shears) is known by all on cold weather and ice, I was even more worried about cases on the pillows. He campus. He is the elderly worried about him, because him. doesn't belong there." man who walks around the I had trouble taking care of "I went out to see him The doctors involved Duke campus with a Mm and keeping him out that Sunday, and when I could not be reached for PIRG Elections briefcase talking to of the snow," she said. got there he had just run comment last night. The winners of the election for oficers everyone and just in "Two weeks ago the away. We found him and Ms. Shears is now trying of North Carolina Public Interest Research to contact Nurmi's sister Group (PIRG) are David Paletta, Holly who lives in Connecticut to Hemsworth, Jeff Talmadge, and Finis see if they can get him out Williams. Voting was conducted of Umstead Hospital. simultaneously with the ASDU voting "I'm not trying to say yesterday, and the four elected were picked that anyone railroaded him from a slate of eight. into the hospital," she added, "It's just something The first local board of directors for that built up. But I want PIRG was elected last October. The directors to get him out." elected yesterday replace those original Free as"b7rd directors who have since resigned. *'It wouldn't do any The purpose of PIRG according to a good to put him in a rest supplement printed in this paper is "to home, he would just try to represent the public interest in matters of escape from there too. He's human rights, consumer protection, and been free as a bird and environmental quality." insists on coming to the Duke campus." The organization is funded by a $3 fee which Duke students voted to assess "I'd like to bring him home now, because a themselves in December, 1971. The fee is neighbor said that he refundable on request. Nurmi no longer wanders around Duke (Continued on page 7) Page Two The Chronicle Friday, March 9,1973 Mayor speaks at Lancaster Lee comments on trends By Larry Pless national level: "we must who went the other way, blacks. Howard Lee, first black identify a candidate on the and the lack of Nixon mayor of Chapel Hill, said national level, and address participation on the part of When asked about last' night at the Lancaster ourselves to issues that the black community," Lee national politics, the Mayor biweekly colloquia, "I can't affect the majority of the commented. commented "Nixon could adopt a pessimistic attitude people." Middle class create real chaos for about current political State politics A member of the America, and termed him trends, when the total He indicated a need for audience disagreed at this 'unpredictable and selfish." picture is taken into the party to "support the point, and suggested that Inte re s tingly , he consideration." progressive issues on the co nservative vote of the predicted that a "bill He said "whereas state level." suburban middle class was would be introduced in the isolated instances are fairly Lee emphatically stated responsible. next year and a half to impressive, we must look at "I refuse to be enslaved by Lee responded "If this allow the President to seek the big picture." a party label," and saw this p o i nt is conceded, three a third term." The mayor said "While as a trend which would groups stand to lose: the When asked about his Howard Lee, mayor of Chapel Hill, speaking at there are still problems, apply to the Democratic newly enfranchised black, own political future, he a colloquium last night in Lancaster House. some good things have party as well. the working class, and the offered tenuously such (Photo by Gary Reimer) come of the recent political "Coalition politics come young voters." possibilities as "running for developments," citing his and go, but successful "The South has the re-election as Mayor of own successes as well as politics is a year round greatest potential for Chapel Hill in November, Published every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday of the University year except during those of others in Congress affair," he noted in sending forth people who running for a position in University holidays and exam periods by tbe students of' and lesser offices. response to a question will lead the nation in the state Senate, and Duke University, Durham, N.C. Second class postage paid attempting the 2nd District at Durham, N.C. Delivered by mail at $16.00 per year. When queried by a about his recent solving social problems," he Subscriptions, letters and other inquiries should be mailed member of the audience unsuccessful bid for the said. Congressional seat from to Box 4696, Duke Station, Durham, N.C. 27706. about the state of the Congressional seat from the Lee noted "I am (Continued on page 8) Democratic Party, of which Second District. presently having to fight he is a member, he listed Problems in that the stereotypes that apply two priorities on the election were "moderates to both Southerner and ROCK & ROLL Bernard's Formats by Kerb Risteen UNIVERSITY THE Daily Crossword if f e 125 if f e ACROSS 1 Viny 50 Family 18 Crawly UNDERGROUND LP's by Fashion—Quality—Service 1 agents I Exaggerated favorites creatures outstanding artists. 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c 1973 by Chicago Tribune-N. Y. News Synd. I Mb World RiHhts Reserved MONTGOMERY m . AND — ALDRIDGE * RONEY - OPPOSITE CAROLINA THEATER - CALL 682-0441 Friday, March 9, 1973 The Chronicle Page Three Officials refuse to accede to demands of S.D. Indians (C) 1973 NYT News Service deadline for surrender of special assistant to the demand that Richard WASHINGTON-The the Wounded Knee trading Attorney General, told Wilson be removed as Justice Department said post by nine days, and high newsmen "the Department president of the Oglala , yesterday it would not official sources here said will make every effort to Sioux Tribal Council at the accede to the demands of they had no plans to arrive, at a peaceful Pine Ridge Reservation, of militant Indians encamped remove the militants by conclusion of the tense and which Wounded Knee is a in the troubled hamlet of force. The deadline for dangerous situation, but we part. ' Wounded Knee, S.D., and evacuation, set earlier for must enforce the law and this evening, had never that we will do." Other government * that it plans to prosecute officials have taken the participants where law been intended as an Erickson, who returned "ultimatum" or a threat of position that removal of a violations can be from Wounded Knee duly constituted tribal documented. attack, one senior official Wednesday night, said the said. leader would be illegal At the same time, the government would not interference with the government extended its Ralph E. Erickson, a yield to the Indians* structure of Indian politics and government. New coalition ''Those who have committed violations of law at Wounded Knee," Erickson said, "are now Civil rights leaders meetsubjec t to arrest and arraignment, and our previous willingness to By Paul Delaney Southern Christian prompted by two request only identification 1973 NYT News Service Leadership Conference. Dr. considerations: both and the surrender of WASHINGTON-Two Abemathy succeeded Dr. organizations have suffered weapons is rescinded." prominent civil rights King in 1968, and Rev. staff and financial problems recently and both feel they He said evidence of law leaders, Dr. Ralph D. Jackson eventually broke violations would be Labor leader George Meany listens to newsmen's Abemathy and the Rev. away 15 months ago and should present a united questions with his cigar at the ready. (UPI front to i oppose President presented to a grand jury Jesse Jackson, will meet formed "Operation on Monday. this weekend, in an attempt Push,"—People United to Nixon's domestic policies. photo) to resolve their differences Save Humanity. "We are not really at and possibly merge their R e ti ab le so urces the point of immediate organizations. reported that the two men merger but the fact that Both men were close were ready to forget their we're sitting down talking Real world aides of the late Dr. Martin dispute and form an about it is good for both (C) 1973 NYT News Service village. They also accepted a 15-point Luther King Jr. in the alliance. The action was organizations and for the LONDON—Terrorists struck in mediation proposal by the National movement," a staff London Thursday, setting off two Council of Churches, which' Indian, member of one group sad. large explosions that killed one leaders called a step backward from Preliminary talks person, injured nearly 200 others and their previous demands. But in an Sources close to both created more chaos than London has apparent hardening of the 'Raw material' groups said the two leaders seen since World War II. Authorities government position, officials had already held believe the bombings near Trafalgar withdrew a previous offer to allow, preliminary talks and Square and the old Bailey Court were the militants free passage out of the agreed in principle on the work of the provisional wing of village. causes'concern "closer ties and the Irish Republican Army, which cooperation." Dr. timed them to coincide with the NEW YORK-Mayor John Lindsay Abemathy and Rev. referendum in Northern Ireland. of New York has announced he will By John M. Crewdson Jackson met in Atlanta last not seek re-election for a third term.; (C) 1973 NYT News Service week, where it was WOUNDED KNEE, S.D.-The Lindsay cited "personal WASHINGTON—The White House expressed concluded that "personality militant Indians holding Wounded considerations" for his decision but "concern" yesterday at the release of what it terms and other conflicts would Knee prepared to resist any did not bar the possibility that he "raw, unevaluated material" from files of the Federal be dropped in order to attempted takeover by a force of 200 would run for New York Senator or Bureau of Investigation that linked a former high aide of fight Nixon's budget," one federal officers surrounding the governor in 1974. President Nixon to an alleged political sabotage source said. operation last year. Ronald L. Ziegler, the President's press secretary, refused comment on the substance of a Bureau interview with Herbert W. Kalmbach, a California lawyer who is , U.S. discuss Nixon's attorney. A report of that interview was provided to the Senate Judiciary Committee Wednesday by L. Patrick Gray, acting director of the Bureau. In a written addition to his oral testimony, Gray disclosed Wednesday that Kalmbach had told Bureau future economic relationship agents he paid from $30,000 to $40,000 to Donald H. Segretti for unspecified "service" to the Republican By Edwin L. Dale Jr. Agency for Internationa! Development. party. He said that he had done so at the direction of (C) 1973 NYT News Service Dang Viet Chau, the finance minister, will lead the Dwight L. Chapin, who was the President's WASHINGTON-The and North North Vietnamese team. appointments secretary. Vietnam announced yesterday that the first meeting of Establishment of the Joint" Economic Commission Friends and acquaintances of Segretti have said that the new joint commission to discuss future economic was agreed upon during the visit to last month by he approached them in 1971 and 1972 to do various relations between the two countries, including possible Henry A. Kissinger, President Nixon's National Security types of underground work in behalf of the Republican U.S. reconstruction aid, will take place'in Paris a week Adviser. Party in the presidential primary elections. The offers, in from yesterday. Controversial some cases accepted, involved spying on Democratic The head of the U.S. three-man delegation will be Almost since the day of the Vietnam cease-fire candidates and attempting to disrupt their campaigns, it Maurice J. Williams, who has been in the foreign aid announcement in late January the subject of possible aid was said. program for 15 years and is now deputy director of the to North Vietnam has been intensely controversial in the United States, with eventual Congressional assent far from certain. President Nixon has called such aid "an investment in peace" and has pledged that money for it would not be at the expense of domestic programs,'but rather would come from the combined total of the defense and foreign aid budgets already sent to Congress. Neither the President nor anyone else has yet discussed specific figures. More than a year ago an "illustrative" figure of up to $2.5 billion for North Vietnam spread over five years was used officially, but Kissinger said early this year that that figure is not now "current." The meeting in Paris next Thursday, yesterday's announcement said, will be in the Hotel Majestic, where the Vietnam cease-fire agreement was signed in January. Deputies Williams's deputies on the U.S. side will be John Several wards closed in London's hospital due to striking workers who are demanding a 'living Mossier, formerly head of the U.S. aid mission in South wage'. The hospital cut its number of patients from 660 to 227 and halted all emergency Vietnam, and Donald E. Syvrud, a special assistant to operations. UP\ photo) the secretary of the treasury for international affairs. The solitude of urban life portrayed: By Marc Kaplan realities because of his socialization about male and Film, but this is an exception. "Tango" is as much I saw "Last Tango in Paris" a few days ago. I female roles. Emil Jannings in "Blue Angel" cannot Brando's film as Bertolucci's, and that's not to begrudge actually saw it, there really is such a movie. And I was handle the intense passions Dietrich arouses in him. Bertolucci. Brando amply gives one of the most forced to admit that, beyond all the hype and hysteria, Forty years later, we have Brando in "Tango" who is remarkable performances I've ever seen. the five-buck price tag, the snotty promotion, this is the quite adept at physical passion, but cannot confront the genuine article. To say that I liked it is not quite realization that this is not enough. Just what is enough, The opening shot draws you right in to the correct; I was shaken up by it. It is uneven, at times this film cannot tell us, because no one really knows characterization. Paul (Brando) slouches beneath an tedious; parts are downright stupid. It may be the most yet. elevated train track in a shabby loose brown overcoat. flawed of all great films. But damn it, there's no In a few seconds he manages to evoke the crushed, denying it; something's happening in "Last Tango", Male identity skulking masculinity of every drunk, every ill-tempered something with reverberations on many levels. Both films chronicle the dissolution of a male bum, every wiped out hippie you've ever encountered. Dissolution identity. Not just an individual identity, but one with Prancing past him goes Jeanne (Maria Schneider)decked broad cultural implications. Jannings' repressed out in nouveau fashion, the embodiment of chic As the title implies, "Last Tango in Paris" is about authoritarian professor has been replaced by Brando's eroticism and pop-female superficiality. The sexual the death of romantic love and sexuality as they have aging, self-pitying stud, protecting an intense tenstion of the film is immediately established. been mythologized in our culture. It does not ofer romanticism behind a veneer of violent cynicism. In Within minutes, Brando encounters the girl in an solutions; only the perception that something is bad, both movies, the male protagonists are unable to empty apartment and balls her ("rape" and "make love" bad wrong and that no amount of screwing will set it successfully mature and cast off their cultural chains. seem equally inappropriate terms here) in a brutal right. This film trashes the dangerous notion that sexual Siegfried Kracauer, in his great book From Caligari to fashion. They agree to meet daily for sex, not revealing liberation can be achieved by two bodies in an isolated Hitter, makes an excellent case for "Blue Angel" as one their names or anything about themsleves. The situation. No one has come right out and said it yet, but of a number of films which foreshadow a Nazi takeover. antagonism between the world outside and this insulated the thing that has given this picture its incredible He sees Jannings as representative of the German male world of pure eroticism is the crux of the film. cultural impact is that it does no less than herald the threatened by sexual enlightenment. Just two years after Girl-woman final dissolution of our society's traditions of "The Blue Angel", Hitler came to power to reaffirm the Maria Schneider is excellent as the girl-woman. Some male-female relationships. traditional German male identity. What rough beast have complained that she doesn't measure up to Brando The film with which it bears closest comparison is slouches in the wake of "Last Tango"? (Will it cost us in the screen presence or magnetism. This is true, seems Sternberg's "The Blue Angel". That movie also dealt five bucks a head to see him?) quite appropriate. An obviously strong female presence with the inability of a man to cope with certain sexual I generally hold to the adage that the Director is the (Continued on page 5)

The ASDU elections

will be recycled

next Tuesday.

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Riverview Shopping Center JUiboreRd., 501 North This recording is available at all area Record Bars. BACK BY DEMAND FHday, March 9, 1973 The Chronicle Page Five Bertolucci's 'Last Tango in Paris' (Continued from page 4) same. That would have been something; he could have I have not meant to imply that this movie belongs In : matching Brando would have fogged the point. demonstrated that it is possible to show the entire some transcendental class by Itself, only that it ranks Schneider, mousy, childish, but still intensely sexual physical act without destroying the eroticism (Someone with "Deliverance", "Deep End", "The Godfather", serves initially as the object of Brando's aggression but else will probably do it now, and soon). Then he could "Murmer of the Heart", the really fine films of the last ultimately emerges as the stronger of the two, capable have topped himself when the movie reveals the couple of years. of cruelties of her own. inadequacy of sex as the focus of existence. The .total Critics Not surprisingly, the director whom Bertolucci most de mystification of sex is essential to the survival of our I would suggest that you not pay too much attention resembles is Josef von Sternberg. He shares Sternberg's culture. to the reviews of "Tango". Most of them have been as penchant for eroticism in surroundings of visual Mythology much a reaction to Pauline Kael's ecstatic write-up in opulence. But Sterberg accepts eroticism as an absolute, In this respect, as in others, "Last Tango" seems to the "New Yorker" as to the film itself. Film critics are a whereas Bertolucci is fascinated by it but ultimately have a foot in each camp, one in the veiled eroticism of pretty nasty bunch, and when one of them goes out on questions it. the past, the other in the open sexuality of the future. a limb, as Kael did, you can damn well bet the rest will Bertolucci is a superb stylist, but is has been charged This is one explanation for the ambivalent reaction the try and saw it off. Especially when the person on the that he tends to substitute style for sincerity. I think film has aroused. Periodically it threatens to break limb is No. 1, which is what Kael is to the majority of this is definitely true of "The Conformist", which through into something new, then it slides back into America's middlebrow magazine readers. If they weren't Freewater showed this fall. It had magnificent style and cliche. But after a long, hard struggle it makes it, and in reacting to Kael, they-were reacting to the overwhelming interesting ideas, but finally it was hollow. I could never a big way. In the last twenty minutes, the film takes off publicity the film has received, ~or to the profiteering get any feeling for the central character; he seemed to and soars. Brando is reduced from the domineering stud tactics of its distributor, United Artists. (You can put be the pawn of a director's whims. I remember thinking to the compulsive clowning, pursuing male, a figure total faith in my review though. I'm no film critic. You that it was the best film-that-didn't-quite-make-it I had most men will recognize with instant discomfort. His trust me, don't you?) ever seen. It was like unwrapping a beautifully wrapped eyes convey an incredible disillusionment as he looks The most disturbing of the picture's shortcomings is package to discover an emty cigar box. out over the roofs of Paris in the closing scene; a man in the character of Jeanne's young boyfriend Brando coming face-to-face with the hoax that has been communicates perfectly the hang-ups and illusions of his At times, "Last Tango" suffers from this hollowness. perpetrated on him by the romantic mythology of our Some scenes fall so flat they threaten to wreck the generation; but the Leaud character, though much closer society, the precious dreams he has harbored behind a to Bertolucci's (and my own) age, is just a cipher. I whole film. The worst are the episodes involving the girl wall of cynicism and sexual brutality. . and her boyfriend {Jean-Pierre Leaud), a young film understand what he represnts conceptually, but he has freak who is making a movie' about her. These scenes In "Sternberg's day, sexual love was daring, a risk, a no visceral reality. It's as if Bertolucci understands have a prankish Godardian put-on tone that is totally, challenge to society. Bertolucci is plainly nostalgic for Brando's generation better than his own. Perhaps this is almost fatally at odds with tbe rest of the film. They this time and his stylistics recall the films of that era. the common thing; hence the current nostalgia craze. are photographically great, for even at his worst But in our superficially liberated time, romantic Once again I think of "The Blue Angel" and I am Bertolucci can manage this, but the character, intended sexuality has become the last refuge of bourgeois frightened that Bertolucci seems to be unable to as some kind of counterpoint to Brando, is an obvious selfishness, the final insulation from social committment. envision a positive alternative character or a way out. If contrivance and these sections are just silly. Bertolucci is ostensibly a Marxist, but his nostalgia for Brando's Paul is my heritage, what is my future? Urban life the past usually overshadows, his own committment to the future. This is what made "The Conformist" empty But Bertolucci's handling of the scenes between beneath its beautiful surface. "Last Tango" has the Tryouts Brando and Schneider is superb. He has a sense of body shock of awakening frorp a languid dream of sensuality language, the sexual expressiveness of postures and and decadence. Duke Players is currently casting for several gestures. Perhaps most profoundly, he captures the Awakening productions. Tryouts for "Little Murders," to oppressive solite of modern urban life. The whole film be presented April 19-22 and April 26-28, will seems to take place in the anxious hours of the late The awakening is not Bertolucci's alone. This film afternoon. The colors are lovely, but always muted should move some people around inside. For some be held this Friday, March 9, at 7:30 p.m. in sunset shades. reason, films don't seem to have the power to inspire 209 East Duke, and Saturday, March 10 at 2 The sex scenes, of course, are the most explicit ever mass changes in political sensibility (like Dickens or The p.m. "Water Spiders" and "Type Cast" in a non-porno film, but they aren't nearly as graphic as Grapes of Wrath in literature) or in life style (like Dylan are the winning entries in the Publications "Deep Throat" et al. This has disappointed some people or the Beatles in music). They more often act as a Board's playwrighting contest. Tryouts for and it's true Bertolucci could have gone a lot further. I barometer of what's happening already. This one should these plays will be held Friday, March 9, at wish he had been a little more audacious, had tried to at least cause people to reassess themselves on an 7:30 p.m. in East Duke building, and on make poetry out of the total sexual experience; individual level, providing its effect is not totally Saturday, March 10, at 2 p.m. complete with genitalia instead.of just the suggestion of blunted by the media hysteria surrounding it.

Ku brick's and Clarke' $ '2001' Odysseus reconciled in the stars

Editor's note: Carl Gardner is a senior tools or weapons. This is the first point the bone hurled by the man-ape is in Trinity College. where the star-creatures weigh the transubstantiated into a rocket hurtling By Carl Gardner balance of fate in man's favor. through space is one of the most "2001" will be shown on Saturday Throughout Africa they have scattered powerful of metaphors possible only to and Sunday at 7 and 9:30 in Page black monolithic slabs that probe and the film. In one sequence Kubrick Auditorium. tamper with the minds of the man-apes. communicates directly to our emotions Like Ulysses, Stanley Kubrick and Through this psychological probing, the the co mplex and—when expressed in Arthur C. Clarke's "2001: A Space idea of using rock or bone as a weapon words—clumsy thought that the Odyssey" traces out a Homeric plot in a dawns in the mind of the first great intervening history of man from Eden to modern odyssey. Though the Homeric genius of the human race, Moonwatcher. the moon has been predetermined from analogues are not as definite as Joyce's, The entire history of man from the stone the discovery of the concept of a the film is odyssean rather than Faustian age to the space age lies in this moment. weapon. ort)antean: It is the chronicle of man's • Metaphor of the Film The Lotus-Eaters evolutionary voyage home through the Several sequences in the history of the Richard Strauss's "Also Sprach land of the dead. film have been fundamental in shaping a Zara thus tra" (Nietzsche's Man and The Council of the Gods mode of communication, a metaphor Superman) signals the two great leaps in Just as Olympian gods decree the proper to the film and to no other form man's evolution: from man-ape to man wanderings of Odysseus, beings on a of art. The ending of "Fellini Satyricon" and from man to star-child. It higher evolutionary plane decree man's where the characters merge into figures accompanies the man-ape hurling the wanderings from Eden to star-child. in a fresco, become transmuted from life bone into the air and then shifts to These creatures were once flesh and to art, and the scene patterned after Johann Strauss's "Blue Danube" blood, spawned in the sea of an Through the Looking Glass in Kadar's accompanying the rocket's flight through earth-like planet. As their technology "Adrift" cannot be translated into words, space—from the wild, creative surgings of advanced, they learned to transfer their or sculpture, or painting. Only a "Zarathustra" and the man-ape's brains into bodies of steel and plastic, continuous sequence of images can discovery to the graceful, yet uninspiring then their thoughts only, and finally express the artistic thought. In both "Blue Danube" and a routine space learned to embed their thoughts in the sequences one image is juxtaposed against flight. very structure of space—immortal beings another image—in Fellini the image of of pure energy. These star-creatures have living characters against the image of the Through this shift Kubrick implies, assumed the role of guardians of life in fresco; in Kadar the image of Jan running without use of the spoken word, that the galaxy, trying to help life on myriads against the image of his home receding in man has again reached an impasse in his of other worlds to evolve along the same the distance—to illustrate the connections evolution. Like the lotus-eaters, man has evolutionary path they have followed. between them, as in literary metaphor. lost his creative drive, has become (These details are from Clarke's novel.) entangled in a net of machinery. But the Three million years in the past the But the metaphor of the film involves star-beings have also prepared for this, star-creatures chose man for such an a continuous juxtaposition of images impasse. odyssey. instead of the literary juxtaposition of Aiolos and the Bag of Winds two discrete images: there is no one At the same time the star-beings were Riverrun past Eve and Adams point where the characters become art in tampering with the minds of the The film opens in central Africa where "Satyricon;" there is a rapid alternation man-apes, they also fixed two other the tribes of man-like apes are beginning of Jan running and his home receding in monoliths in the solar system: one buried to die out because they as yet possess no "Adrift." The sequence in "2001" when (Continued on page 9) Page Six The Chronicle Friday, March 9, 1973 Baldwin Program HI approved by UFC By Ann Pelham implemented for the fall of Federation. "These events Tuesday night at 7:30 in part contingent on their English 176, taught by 1 The approval of the 1973. might be colloquia on the President's Club Room willingness to move into Bernard Duffey; Sociology! Baldwin Federation Participation in the topics of special interest on in Baldwin Auditorium, the federation" Strobe! 145, taught by Jam«l Program in on "Twentieth program will be limited to (he twentieth century, talks Applications will be said. House; History 114 taughtJ Century America" by the those living in Baldwin by visiting speakers on available at that time. The schedule of courses by Richard Watson; and a Undergraduate Faculty Federation and any campus, films related to Persons interested in the for Call, 1973, will include political science couise that Council marks the official participant must take the topics being studied, or program who live outside a description of the will be listed as Political | birth of an idea first entire set of four courses other items of interest to the federation and have Baldwin program and will Science 144. developed five years ago. "Twentieth Century the group," the proposal made plans to move into list the course numbers and The description of the In a 1968 report by the America", which include states. the federation are urged to sections. political science .couise and Curriculum Committee, American literature, Applications ' come to the information Courses name of the professor are which was chaired by American history, political Strobel explained that a meeting, Strobel said. Presently the course in not yet available. Robert Krueger, dean of science, and urban general information "However, acceptances the block on twentieth Only those in the Trinity College, a new sociology, meeting will be held on into the program will be in century America include (Continued on page Ifi) curriculum design was Interrelation described that included Because of the Programs I, II, and in. interrelation of the four Since then, Duke perspectives, the Baldwin 1 undergraduates have proposal states, "the fact If your A news analysis transportation is worked w.ithin the that the faculty members framework of the three know that the students will divisions in Program I or share common knowledge have opted for less based on reading in a little out of date conventional Program II. ancillary areas will assist Program IB, which calls professors in relating their for the integration of the courses to one another." NORTH CAROLINA residential and academic Since all the students *+ programs in a special block will be living in one of the of courses, has largely been four dorms in Baldwin forgotten. Federation, the proposal oS^ AUTO EXCHANGE Interdisciplinary raises the expectation that Because of its "people living in dose interdisciplinary nature and proximity with one another LOCATION: Approximately % miles the problems of in the same federation who west of Arlans on th* Hillsborough co-ordinating academic and share a common curriculum residential concerns, with other Federation Road, look for our black an whit* Program IH has remained members will have a ready sign. an undeveloped idea, oasis for car ry ing 3607 Hillsborough Road 383-5734 hidden in the pages of the intellectual and academic VISIT curriculum report, Varieties discussion outside the of Learning Experience. classroom into the However, largely due to dormitories." the efforts of Baldwin The Federation plans to NC AUTO EXCHANGE Dean Howard Strobel and have a related event one . interested students in the evening each week open to federation, a plan has been members of the Program We might be able to help. developed and will be III group and the entire 73 FIAT 128 2-dr. 4,000 71 VW Van am/fin 1 local A O CHEVY NOVA 2-dr.! ^ miles, assume warranty owner s,%r cyl auto, 47,000 miles, ~1 extra clean. This G/endoro Girl 1895 2100 995 7'CHRYSLER Newport TQ CYCLONE GT 2-dr. * custom 4-dr. sedan, £%A%VW Squareback, 4-spd, ht, air, auto, vinyl top. **" radio. denim am/fm, air,' vinyl top. 14,000 miles, list new $5,600, our price. 1995 two-piece £9CHEVY Townsman ^O VOLVO GT Coupe; 3695 wag 9-pass, air, 1 local ' collectors item. j outfit CHEVY Kingswood owner. wagon, am/fm radio, 1195 air, auto, ps, rack, list 1795 A A FORD >/S-ton Pickup new $5,400, our price AQ PONTIAC Firebird WW I is made w 3 50 , V 8 self 3695 * Sprint, 3-spd. 6 cyl. contained camper. | iust for 1695 2100 VEGA 3-spd. radio, 17,000 miles. 69 FIAT 124 Spyder XQ FALCON Wag. 3-spd. \ spring conv. 5 spd. low miles. "** 6 cyl, new tires. 1695 1695 275 j and you!! PINTO Runabout, A ft JAVELIN, Auto, ps, Z/FALCON 3-spd, 6 cyH i radio, 4sd. fac. air. fac. air, 290 V8 "w radio, runs good. 1950 1295 295 i 40JEEP 4-whl. drivei FIREBIRD Espirit, JL0 VW Square Back, ~ »* with '48 Willys rebuilt; am/fm, air, vinyl top, ""47,0000 actuaactual miles, motor. auto local owner, clean jjjouttque j&opj 3295 1195 795 204 Corcoran St., FREE PARKING | Phone 688 -1576 * BankAmericard * Master Charge I P.S. We will trade for bikes Friday, March 9, 1973 The Chronicle Page Seven Decisions made next month Selection of editors in progress

By Joe Wagstaff Publi cations Board accepted until March 1& the board because of Because of a major chairperson Bill Callaway, Election of next year's journalistic experience, not revision of the Publication to "get a broader range of Chronicle editor will be as publications' Board's annual editor ideas for the Chanticleer conducted later this representatives. He added selection process, and to make the yearbook semester. that their opinions are prospective Chanticleer format more flexible." generally given no more editors for next year must The process of selecting Qualifications weight in decisions submit a separate proposal, editors for the Chanticleer, The petitions, which regarding their publications apart from their formal as well as for Archive and primarily involve the than those of other board applications, describing the the Teacher-Course applicant's, objective members. y e arb o o k fo r mat which Evaluation Book, is now in qualifications for the post they intend to employ. its initial stage. and his plans for improving Open process upon the work of his Callaway stressed the Applications, or open nature of the This change, which is a petitions as the predecessors, will be intensely reviewed by the application process, and: product of recent debate Publications Board refers to described the editorship of concerning the fundamental them, are available in Dean members of the Publications Board during a publication as a position role of the Chanticleer, is William Griffith's office in involving "a maximum intended, according to 122 Alien, and will be the 15-day period following the deadline. amount of student input" Board members* into University life. This weekend at the questions concerning the Griffith, dean of applicants wilt be answered Student Affairs, whose' Sportsman's Lounge: in individual interviews office is responsible for the before the entire board, distribution and collection after which the board will of application forms, said discuss the petitioners and yesterday that, although vote upon them. only four applications have been filed, any statement According to Callaway, concerning the amount of the criteria for choosing student interest this year in publication editors vary editorships would be significantly among the premature. board members and among Through the looking glass (Photo by Gary Reimer) the publications in question; he expressed his LAURIE BAIER personal standards of •UFC meeting- judgment as "the Friday & Saturday petitioners' overall skill in (Continued from page 1) "If a house course could were to replace, courses 30 the publication, journalistic committee recommends count like any normal o f f ere d th rough normal Folk 8= -^36 BaIIad ability, and his ideas of the th at the departments be college course toward channels, "fairness would publication's role in the directly involved in the satisfying a regular demand that these courses come, listen & enjoy University community." evaluation of these talented department teaching load, be widely advertised and accomplishments." then the desirable increase open to all students." this fine local talent When questioned as to of contact between a It was revealed there are the degree of influence of faculty member and the approximately 180 courses former publication editors Jurisdiction An amendment to delete students taking his house listed in the Bulletin which who-are Publication Board course would be purchased haven't been offered for Holiday Inn West members on the selection the section was made by Lawrence Evans, professor by an undesirable decrease several years. One Hillsboro Rd. - 15-501 Bypass process, Callaway explained in his general availability," department, it was noted, that former editors are on of physics and was approved overwhelmingly. the report read. had 34 courses in the The rejection was based It was felt the more Bulletin which haven't been on the view that the courses offered to students taught in 2 years. Curriculum Committee was who are members of The Committee while dealing with admission "intellectually enterprising" recognizing some courses qualifications which are residential groups, fewer are taught on a three or Looking for somewhere within the jurisdiction of would be offered to four year basis, suggested the Admissions and students not fortunate the departments drop Financial Aid Committee. enough to belong to such courses from the Bulletin to eat? The Committee on groups. which they know won't be Courses voiced a concern Fairness offered. that house . courses would Therefore, the decrease the availability of Committee felt that if Come down good teachers. residentially based courses -Nurmi- (Continued from page 1) would drive him to East to the Campus every day. Randy used to walk a mile from our house to East Campus while crossing busy streets, nancG but I don't have a car. Taking his freedom away from him was the worse thing we ever did." a Ms. Shears urges o everyone who knew Nurmi to send a card or go visit Family Style Meals him if they wish. Meanwhile, she is worried. "It's like the • house cooked hot meals busdriver said," she remarked. "This campus is • fresh vegetables his whole life and if you _ ^^^^^^^^^^W^^^^^^f take that away from him, • all the tea & bread he'll just die."

you can consume Camping season is coming and Alexander Ford is ready with a large I 10% Discount to Students with ID Card | selection of rugged '73 Ford Vans. Call Andy Shaw now at Monday-Friday 5:004:00 383-4368 to plan the _l camper best suited to your needs. Nance Cafeteria ALEXANDER FORD Blakewell St. (across from American Tobacco Co.) Durham, N.C. • Page Eight The Chronicle Friday, March 9, I9731 /_ ASDU election attracts large turnout- (Continued from page 1) The engineers elected understandable. "We had 53.7 percent of outstanding" and he urging students to vote. Sam Joseph, a junior, as As Henry Beck, ASDU the students voting, in this attributed it to "the On West Schewel tested 1 result said he had president and Don Baldwin vice-president, explained election" Peer said. "Over obvious concern of his memory calling friends! "expected to make the as secretary. "when you put one half of those voted in the students about where and acquaintances by name rim-off." Looking at the There will be a run-off budgetary item on a morning, before lunch, but ASDU is going and also asking them if they hnj campaign so far he Tuesday for both referendum ballot it is very then the rain started and due to a really good voted. For the mobs of emphasized he was glad vice-president and treasurer, difficult to pass it." the numbers went down." election's commission nameless faces scurryingiwl "everyone had to talk Gary McLaughlin and Mike "It is difficult to explain Peer also expressed headed by Gary Peer." the election table he about the issues of the Taylor will compete for the item to people, so surprise at the number of "Every time ASDU blasted "Now is your Union and financial aid" vice-president while Frank often they don't abstentions, which was as elections have turnouts this chance to smash the ASDU since he feels they are so McAlister and Philip Thor understand it," he- said. It high as 15 percent in the high it has to add to the elite; come cm and vote." I important. run for treasurer. is also easier to find fault executive secretary race. government's legitimacy," Tuesday's run-off Paletta plans to meet In class elections in the with one delineated budget Schewel expressed great Schewel said. election will be conductell with his supporters Engineering School, Mike item, he added. satisfaction over the high Smash the elite in basically the same tomorrow "to decide where Helms was elected next Turnout turnout noting it tied the The large turnout must manner as today's-! we go from here." He said year's senior class ASDU Elections highest in ASDU history have been in part due to however, specifics such as "we have to campaign or president, Frank Coulter Commission chairperson established two years ago the efforts of the out-going the time period of voting! Curt will win." the junior class president Gary Peer was very in he presidential election, executive officers who will be decided over tie j Engineering election and John Mcintosh the impressed by the sizable He said the 54 percent stood near polling places weekend by tbe election! Simultaneous but sophomore president. turn-out. voter turnout "was on East and West campuses committee, Peer said. separate elections were held Referendum \'/^W.%V.VAV.V.V.V.V.-.V,VV.-.V.V.V.V...... 7...... W.-.-...-.-.-.-.-.W...... l....•.•.w.-.^v.v.^^•.y.^:.:.»:.^K<^^v*w1iH by the Engineering School Commenting on the yesterday resulting in a 53 referendum results ASDU WING A PARTY TONIGHT? RUN TO percent turnout. Tony president Steve Schewel Rosenthal, ASDU vice said he was "personally president of engineering, disappointed" that the termed the turnout "the Distinguished Teacher JIM'S best in the Engineering proposal was defeated but PARTY STORE INC. student history." he thought it was I 286-4500 |

OPEN 6 DAYS A WEEK: 9:00 a.m. 12:00 a.m. -Mayor speaks- Wt= DELIVER Sun. 1-9 "Lowest prices in town" (Continued from page 2) Lee then cited various North Carolina. reforms that have taken COMPLETE SELECTION In describing his place in Chapel Hill during • DOMESTIC & IMPORTED BEER & WINE political philosophy, Lee his two terms in office, . PARTY SET- UPS & KEG BEER said "I have always run on emphasizing the city's competency rather than social service department. . PARTY SNACKS & SUPPLIES color." He added "I don't He added "The town • ICE - CRUSHED & BLOCK TWO BLOCKS FROM DUKE" AT TRENT & HILLSBOROUGH ROAD | always run to win, but also and UNC have now evolved to raise issues." into a partnership."

AH DUKE UNIVERSITY UNION MAJOR ATTRACTIONS COMMITTEE PRESENTS Technique Kenny Jim Books! I A special feature for the LOGGINS & serious artist — MESSINA sculpture, drawing, watercolor, acrylics, oil c o 1 lage, etching, plus special guest lithography and more! Through March 31. Casey Kelly The Tickets $3.00, $3.50, $4.00 Intimate ON SALE NOW! On the Duke quad. Page Box Office, at all area Record Bars & at the door the night of the Bookshop concert (If they last). Chapel Hill Open 7 days'til 10


FOR SALE YARD SALE Legal, medical abortions Epworth Methodist Need roommate for two! Antiques-sculptured ANNOUNCEMENTS from 1 day to 24 weeks, Weekday School is now bedroom townhouse 1971 Yamaha 200 cycle. terrariums and planters. as low as $125. Free enrolling children for apartment. Call Don Very low mileage F urniture-clothes- pregnancy tests and the 1973-74 school 682-7575 after 11 p.m- excellent condition. Call household items and BUSH BAND ark birth control info. Ms. term. Classes are or Law library Thing 477-2397 after 5 p.m. fine JUNK. Friday- WEEDS ark BUSH Rogers Wash. D.C. available for 2V4—5 years evenings. Saturday and Sunday BAND ark WEEDS ark 20 2-6 28-7656 or old. For more ACC Basketball afternoons—March 9, 10, BUSH BAND ark 301^484-7424. information call Anne ABOR nONS-Forfiee tournament tickets for 11. 1012 Burch Ave, WEEDS ark BUSH Murphy at 489-6209 information and referral. MMIII 8, 9, 10. Regular Durham. BAND ark FRIDAY 8 between 8:30 -and 1 call A.F.P.I.O-jB price, $25.00 Call p.m., 75 cents. non-profit organization ^aAara Wygal, 4043. If For Sale: 1969 FIAT Birthchoice: for at 202-785-1077. • net in, leave a message. 850 Spyder conv. Good Quaint old house, big information and GROOVE TUBE has condition 41,000 miles. rooms, close by, 2 flats counseling on returned. . .250 people LOST Vivitar 135 mm f2, 8 AM-FM stereo. Must sell up 2 flats down.' 2 alternatives to couldn't have bee n telephoto lens—$5 5. soon. Best offer over fireplaces each and a bortion—-M on .-Fri—7-10 wrong two years ago. Lost: Mango, black Vivitar 28mm f2.5 wide $700. Call 688-5921 more. Check it out. Call p.m. Dial 0 and ask for See it again! Tues-Fri., 6-month-oId cat c-H angle lens—$45. Call after 5 p.m. Ask for Syd 489-6112, WX 3030 in Chapel 106 Flowers, 6, 8 and 286-94 56 if you can 682-8349. Bob. 489-9561. Hill—toll free. 10 pan. 50 cents. reunite us. Friday, March 9, 1973 The Chronicle Page Nine •Odysseus of '200V-

(Continued from page 5) As Bowman's space-pod approaches the star-gate, it is sucked through a warp In thirty feet beneath the moon's surface the space-time continuum into a and one floating in orbit around Jupiter nightmare of incomprehensible (in the novel the second monolith stands sensations: stars stretched out of shape, on the surface of Japetus, one of diamond-shaped creatures of light, twists Saturn's moons, but the technical and rents in the fabric of space-time, the problem of reproducing Saturn's rings in general relativistic quantum field the film proved too great). In the theoretic Schroedinger equation—the land star-beings' plans, the lunar monolith was of the dead, of the bodiless star-beings. to serve as a stepping-stone to the Jovian The descent into hell to an audience with monolith. If man reached a technological Teiresias. stage in his evolution when space flight "...guardians of the galaxy" Oh Mama! Can this really be the end? was possible, he would detect the lunar The end of the descent through monolith by virtue of its strong magnetic space-time is an immaculate, simulated field and then unearth it. hotel room, not on earth, but floating Exactly this does happen. When the near a binary star system in the central John Kloss sun's rays shine on the monolith for the regions of the galaxy. Odysseus in the first time in three million years, the land of the Phaiakians tells his name and monolith unleashes an Aiolian blast of his story. Before Bowman stands a radiation across the solar system toward monolith for the last time in human shows you Jupiter. As Aiolos's bag of winds sets off history. Through their instrument the the longest stage of Odysseus's star-beings unravel all the threads of wanderings, the unleashed radiation of Bowman's memory and effect subtle how to dress the lunar monolith sets off the greatest changes in the structure of his brain. stage in man's evolutionary journey. Footfalls echo in the memory Cyclops Down the passage which we did not No Odysseus captains the ship on take for bed which man begins his space odyssey, but Towards the door we never opened rather a computer named HAL (go Into the rose-garden. foward one step in the alphabet for each Teiresias foretells the course of man's letter to get IBM). Ironically, compared future. Bowman dies, a star-child is born. when you're with HAL the men on board the space Like Odysseus's retum to Ithaka in the ship Discovery appear one-dimensional, winged ship of the Phaiakians, the unemotional. It is HAL who nearly star-child's retum to earth is much not the least succeeds in wrecking the star-beings* swifter than his outward journey—this plans by trying to murder the crew of time the star-child moves by his own the Discovery—not out of malice, but mental powers. One fantastic image of because HAL's human creators have the foetal star-child floating beside the bit sleepy! made him neurotic by forcing him to earth heralds man's return home, the conceal the mission's purpose from the death of man and the birth of superman. Images There are several parallels between this In the novel, earth's defense systems part of 2001 and the Cyclops episode in immediately launch a nuclear warhead at the Odyssey: (1) HAL has one red eye, the star-child. With one act of volition (2) HAL murders members of the ship's the star-child disperses the warhead's crew, (3) Commander Bowman must feeble energies and marshalls his thoughts reenter the ship by outwitting HAL toward the future. One of the reasons (blasting himself through the open Kubrick avoids this ending in "2001" is airlock of the Discovery) as similarly that it would be too similar to the Odysseus must outwit the Cyclops to ending of "Dr. Strangelove." escape from the cave (hanging on the The primary reason, though, lies in wool beneath a sheep's belly). Finally the aesthetic theory behind the film. Bowman converses with HAL while "2001" is the most important work in trying to trick him. But unlike Odysseus the film's retreat from the spoken word who identifies himself as 'Noman' to the to a realm disjoint from that of literary Cyclops," our modem Odysseus simply experience. Kubrick conveys all of the unplugs the logic circuits of HAL's brain. central ideas of "2001" through visual images and through music. Clark's novel The Star-Gate and the Descent into Hell is a different, literary work of art. The With all his companions dead and the last image of the luminous foetal ship wrecked, Bowman comes into star-child outshining the earth represents contact with the final monolith in the Kubrick's ultimate statement of the solar system, the stargate circling Jupiter. visual philosophy of the film.


Willow Park Mall 4422 Chapel Hill Blvd.

Durham, N.C. FRIDAY, MARCH NINTH' Monday-Saturday 10-6 Sunday 1-5 .Seven and Nine/Thirty BkySciAuditorium SOneDollat X. the chronicle

Today is Friday, March 9,1973. On this day in 1862, the ironclad warships, the Northern Monitor and the Confederate Merrimac, battled for four hours off Hampton Road, Va. The engagement ended in a draw between the two damaged ships. Noting how the mechanical armies damage only frail bodies while iron stands, this is the fortified Chronicle, Duke's Daily Newspaper, published at Duke in Durham, North Carolina, where we lay down our weapons and say, Come aboard. Volume 68, Number 110. News of Pyrrhic victories, 2663. Business of restoring the peace, 6588.

Night editor for today's issue: Susan Carol Robinson

Assistant night editors: Tommy Keyserling and Steve Dryden Electing a student trustee Two years ago Jeffrey Kurzweil, meetings held each year. 'ARE YOU IOSTT a Duke senior was nominated by Even the 6-member executive ASDU for a position on the Board committee elected by the full The Corporation- of Trustees. His name was placed board meets only once every 6 among the 8 names on the ballot weeks. Although many of the sent to all Duke alumni and in the trustees graduated from Duke, Amnesty: subsequent election, Kurzweil and alumni status is not required of three others were chosen by the those elected to the board. voters to serve on the board. Not too surprisingly, the The fact that there was no function of this rather remote a matter of justice stipulation requiring the alumni to body has become primarily one of vote for Kurzweil demonstrates "approval" rather than of real -Bob Brown that alumni freely voted for him "policy formulation." The important policy formulation takes Editor's note-' The author, Bob international stage is founded upon a I because they wanted a student Brown, is a graduate student in history. refusal to perceive Ihe pressing social ' trustee and considered Kurzweil a place in its committees on which needs of this country. good choice. In a recent Chronicle students, faculty and administrators Last Thursday, according to a small The President's attitude regarding interview, George Marshall, director are represented. notice which appeared on the third page ^domestic problems is symbolized by his of alumni affairs at Duke said there Unless the entire nature of the of Friday's "Durham Morning Herald," stand on amnesty. Once the "was no other more enthusiastic function and constituency of this the North Carolina General Assembly superstructure of specious argument is and hardworking member of the board is changed, student publicly announced its opposition to cut away, the fundamental question i amnesty for draft evaders and deserters. board than Kurzweil." representation on the board by one remaining is that of justice. Those who or even two students would The next day President Nixon, at one of fled to Canada, Sweden, and other Yet despite the alumni's his infrequent news conferences, firmly sanctuaries or went to jail to avoid impressive endorsement of student admittedly be of little value to reiterated his position on the question. service in what they considered an unjust representation on the Board of Duke students hoping to influence Declaring there could be "no greater and immoral war, did so on the basis of Trustees and the obvious success of the board. One or two votes out of insult" to the men who fought or died a conscious and moral choice. .Now the this r epresentation, the election thirty-six become merely a kind of in Southeast Asia, Nixon affirmed his war has been brought to a halt, American process was altered this year in symbolic input into a body which opposition to amnesty. troops are quitting South Viet-Nam, the such a way as to make it very in itself serves for the most part a That the North Carolina bill "may POWs are slowly coming home, and the 5 symbolic function. represent a dangerous trend" was draft has been effectively ended. An 3 doubtful that a student would be auspicious moment has been created for elected. This year the number of But the actual effectiveness of recognized by at least one senator, Alonzo Coleman of Orange County. No an announcement concerning amnesty. student nominees was increased stud ent representation on the Instead of concluding this longest of all board is not as important as what doubt being somewhat cautious in his from one to two, and the alumni remarks, Senator Coleman suggested, in American wars on a note of bitterness 1 voters were permitted to vote for that representation implies. place of a blanket condemnation of all and disharmony, the opportunity is only one of these students. These Placement of students on the board draft resisters, that each case should be present for a binding of wounds with an 1 changes were made by the Board constitutes a philosophical considered on its individual merits. In act of justice. Perhaps this would work i of Trustees in deference to the concession of the legitimacy of the new of the action taken by the General towards convincing the young, the poor, and the dispossessed that justice is more wishes of the Council of Alumni students' demands for a share of Assembly and the considerable impact of the "decision-making" authority. Nixon's public statements, this extremely than a myth, that there is a substance Affairs. It doesn't take a math behind those glib abstractions. genius to figure out that the votes It is puzzling that the alumni moderate position is less than the situation warrants. Moderation of the : will be split between the two were apparently willing to grant There is mom than one precedent for sort recommended by Coleman fails to the granting of amnesty. In several cases students and neither one will be that authority last year, but tried recognize the creation of an atmosphere to rescind it this year. it has been offered following the elected. This is exactly what by Nixon's statements that encourages termination of hostilities. After both the | h ap pened with Susan Tifft and Another abridgement of student just such misguided actions as the recent First and Second World Wars amnesty, if John Snider, ASDU's two student authority took place in this year's one taken by the General Assembly. on a limited scale, was offered to some] nominees this year. (See vote when the Board chose Tifft Moreover, such a perspective does not opponents of war. While certainly not yesterday's page 1 story) Their over Snider to be placed on the place Nixon's position on amnesty in its unconditional, in scope a historical c ombined vote total was higher other ballot after both had been appropriate context. precedent for amnesty can be found in than that of any of those who defeated. ASDU had previously Since his re-election it has become these cases. Furthermore, an even | won, but neither received enough voted to give Snider preference increasingly evident that Nixon, despite stronger precedent has been set by Nixon himself. He has chosen not to prosecute votes alone' to win. Tifft was over Tifft in the event that only his extravagent rhetoric, honestly has but little interest in bringing together the those prisoners who collaborated with subsequently placed on the "rubber one student name would be allowed on the alumni ballot. people of the United States. Unable to their captors while in North Viet-Namese stamp" ballot of another electing content with the complexity of domestic prison camps. Indeed, the escorts of thea body through that process. If students are going to have issues, Nixon expends his energies on returned prisoners have been carefully But the question remains as to representation on governing bodies, foreign policy, hoping in the process to instructed not to discuss collaboration why the Alumni Council seemed to they should be allowed to choose obscure internal discontents. Instead of with their charges. In brief, men wh themselves or lobby for their own interests. When they amputees. filtered back from the Nam, the idea of joining the old Contrary to what has generally been reported, we He's doing his level best to keep the GI Bill line veterans' organizations like the Legion and VFW seem to have about two-and-a-half million men missing educational benefits so low as to be next to useless. In was repellent. They are a diffuse mass whom, you might in action. These MIAs are the men who fought in terms of the dollar's purchasing power the Vietnam vet think remnants of the peace movement would try to Vietnam and the action they were lost in is the political is receiving something like a quarter of the school help. But the old peacenik crowd is too taken up with action coming out of the White House. assistance that his father got when he came back from rescuing their POWs by getting amnesty for them. The Vietnam vet has disappeared, and if you'd the Second World War and Korea. The Vietnam vets are a good group to kick around. believe what the administration wants you to, the war Not only that, but the Vietnam vet is having trouble They lost the war, didn't they? Peace with honor has to was fought alone by the 600 prisoners of war slowly actually getting what little is owed him. A recent article be blamed on somebody and it can't be blamed on coming out of the internment camps. They are the only in the UCLA campus newspaper estimates that 15 per Nixon or the diplomats or the generals or the North guys who're getting a victory parade. The other veterans cent of the vets on campus are finding their payments Vientamese; so who's left? Those guys went over there are getting their benefits cut. blocked or delayed for weeks and months. and smoked dope when they should have been fighting! The political uses to which this small group of Clearly, the Commander-in-Chief likes some of his Forget them and cheer the 600 real Americans who American POWs can be put is next to limitless. For soldiers better than others; and best of all, he likes the won this war. Believe them when they say peaceniks years Nixon offered them as the last excuse for carrying POWs. The POWs bristle at the remark that, while the prolonged it with complaints and Nixon shortened it on the war and now they serve as the focus of a North Vietnamese couldn't brainwash them in years of with his bombing; but when they're aU back and throats patriotic uproar which distracts people from entertaining captivity, their superiors were able to do it in a matter are hoarse, let's scout around and try to find our the thought that in the end the President bugged out of of minutes at Clark Air Force Base in the Philippines. missing in action. .--'•?-£'*?. the war just like he said he'd never do. Even so they do display an admirable unity of All the saluting, gulps and God-bless-Americas fill the enthusiasms for peace with honor and other such air with so much random noise it's hard to consider the slogans. possibility that Kissinger and Nixon may also have The POWs are suited to the Commander-in-Chief's signed a secret agreement or come to a secret tastes, being overwhelmingly white, obedient, understanding with North Vietnam. Perhaps that professional officers. In contrast, most of the much-talked-about two-and-a-half billion dollars in two-and-a-half million missing vets were a racially ' reparations or good-will payments is actually the price polygot hoard of conscripted grunts. to ransom those guys out of there. Many didn't have the money to buy their way out of They're worth the money, to be sura, but this the war into college or the clout to get into the clangourous, red, white and blue fuss almost seems National Guard and sit it out. They aren't Nixon's kind 'designed to make us think that by taking care of them, of people and they made it worse on themselves when a we've discharged our obligations to the two-and-a-half few thousand of them had their march past the Capitol, million who are missing in the Washington action. It's tore their medals of their chests and threw them into fine for these fellows to have their $100,000 in tax-free the street. Even the generals who had phony citations back pay (make it $200,000) and it's nice they were written up for themselves kept the decorations they offered free cars and trips and even that they play along didn't deserve until they were forcibly removed from with the embarrassing tattoo of adulation for "the their heroic bosoms. Commander in Chief," but the Commander in Chief, in The Vietnam vets are ideal for punishment. They're Too few refuse •LNS "Remote-controlled Raphel Littauer and Borne to me. And the case first B-52 pilot to refuse to warfare also reduces the Norman Uphoff, and put of Colonel Herbert—the fly (Time Magazine says need for emotional out by the Air War Study guts he showed in drawing four other pilots have To Richard Oakes conditioning of the armed Group a line over what was refused since the U.S. forces so that they can NEW YORK acceptable and what was started regular bombing across earth mother engage in face-to-face (LNS)-"The massive not." Heck thought it over over Indochina 8 years ago came your thoughts to me killing. With automated bombing of the North during a 28 day leave and although the Pentagon has came the unfurled flag war, ihe combatants are might have been the last when he came back in managed to hush it up) it technicians. Their powers straw and I think the step September "I hung on for does seem strange that so came freedom of destruction are a month or two and then alcatraz that specifically pushed me fe w h ave balked at the enormous, but their over the brink," said came October and 'peace is massive bombing of emotional involvement can Captain Michael Heck. at hand.' But it was the non-military targets. alcatraz denied be small. Heck, a 30-year old B-52 raids up north in According to Heck, "there freedom denied "The use of complex pilot announced to his December, that's what did is a numbness about crews. our people denied gagetry and the acquisition wing commander on it. It was the most massive The place you release the truth denied of the skills to operate it December 26 that he was bombing in the history of bombs is just another point successfully can endow the refusing to fly any more warfare. I couldn't believe I on the mission. 'This point e n tire destructive process bombing missions. was doing it." I level off, this point I with the characteristics of a climb, this point I drop the life Heck had flown 262 Heck, who faced a bombs...."' liberty game. The mere combat missions over possible court martial was manipulation of the Indochina. "I guess I was given a discharge "under According to Heck, the nation machinery is absorbing and the torch always basically against the conditions other than "about half the pilots are pleasurable, like playing a policy of the war but I honorable" instead, no gungho and half don't have super-sophisticated pinball figured, like a lot of pilots, doubt a move by the very much enthusiasm the people machine. that lots of times you have Pentagon to avoid any about flying. It's something will rise because of "The effects or merits to do things you don't adverse publicity. Heck is you do and go back and go violent men whose of the actions are not agree with. currently appealing the to a bar." spirit lives on considered; if such "The Calley case discharge. But whether or not they questions arise at all, they brought a lot of things Though Heck is not the agree with the war, "most ghost shirt are dismissed as matters for pilots like the life, like the ghost dance high-level decision of no pay. Many are planning to legitimate concern to those go into jobs; where the be free who execute the character of the discharge —Columbia commands. may hurt them." (Richard Oakes, a Mohawk widely known from "With calm detachment But what about when the 1969 Indian occupation of Alcatraz Island, and without being aware of they see pictures or are was shot and killed by a white man in California it, persons can participate told of the destruction that in the kind of the bombs cause? "Not last fall.) indiscriminate destruction very .many are bothered by and killing, which, in the it. Most people say 'too . context of conventional bad it happened.* You see ground warfare, iras -so far the flight Is not very been' classified gs . a # different than a training crfiw^f ** mission—there's just a little —from The AM^Sffi^& rumble below when the Indochina, edlred "'By bonib is dropped." appearing in the langauge or coming to some ASDU (yes, my very own an opinion!" Although the desire. In addition, this Library should be altered with the international club functions student government) students definitely need makes more money non-sexist prefix/suffix and acitivities, instead of capable of making financial advice, they, like most available to more students, To the edit council: "person." Therefore, going to obscure comer of aid and other budgetary children, are reluctant to since the Financial Aid All those who intend to "woman" would be the Engineering building. I decision (even with my admit it, and consequently Office pays only half the-3 make use of Perkins "woperson", "man" think, then she should have input)? It couldn't be must be persuaded by student's salary, with the Library facilities during "person," "hymnal" would been able to write because of their method of other means. This is where' employer supplying the Spring- break should be be "personal," "hymn" s o m e t h i ng about foreign budgeting student fees, the Corrupt Journalism remainder. Approximately a informed that library hours "person", "history" would students, instead of filling could it? I mean, but Association feels that half these jobs are funded during that period have be '• persontory" and one precious page of correct me if I'm wrong, slanted news items can be by the Federal been curtailed. The hours "female" would be Chronicle with a bunch of didn't they in their most valuable. College-Work-Study for Spring break as "feperson." baloney. Thank you. proposed budget allot the Program. currently given by the These articles, on all If the new use of Anil Kumar Ohri Pub Board $76,000 and outward appearances, are Another issue which Library Administration "person" caught on, any Grad student WDBS $00,000. What seems to confuse Mr. ' follow. Fri. March 16, 8-6 factual accounts of events. word with the suffix "er" would I do without a But a good biased news Paletta is that of financial p.m. Sat. March 17, 8-1 could also have a "person" 12-page Chronicle daily to aid for minority students^ p.m. Sun. CLOSED. Mon. article goes further. added to keep it neuter. I Careless tell me what to think? I do Through clever and subtle At one point in his March 19-Fri. March 23, mean, "er" sounds like need (and Chris, that's interview he states that 8-5 p.m. Sat. March 24, 8-1 literary rhetoric, the item "her" doesn't it? "need" and not "want") can be made to appear as if financial aid to minority p.m. Sun. March 25, 2 Hence, "Wannamaker" To the edit council: help! I can't really groups should be based on p.m.-Midnight. To avoid appearing as' it weren't expressing an would judiciously become remember (it's difficult opinion at all. This type of need, but that it should It had been our "Wannamakperson." Dean either an ungrateful winner" with such limited also be based "on the fact or a poor loser in the article is the Chronicle's understanding that Perkins Krueger would become intelligence), but I do seem number one weapon against that it is the University's Library would be open till Dean Kruegperson. election for administrative to recall you said commitment and obligation secretary, I am writing this student individualism. After at least 10 p.m. during The new dialectic, addressing the issue of all the Chronicle is only to bring minority students Spring break just as it had letter before the election student input in budgetary to school." Later in the I Chroniclespeak, would ends and the results come trying to help. been during Thanksgiving sound something like this: decisions was very same article he apparently in. There were sixteen and important for deciding, oh, But sometimes, eager and Christmas vacations, The Duke Chorale, both young reporters go a bit contradicts himself. "I and that $1,200 had been a little more candidates for what' was it, "who will best think Duke should be fepersons and persons, ASDU office. Three of too far with slanting the especially appropriated for including many persontory meet the challenges that lie attractive to talented them were running for before us." Gosh! I don't news. When a news article the purpose of keeping the and personthology majors is biased too much, the students in itself and not library open for the extra administrative secretary. To know very much about all give a carrot to the (majors is saved by an feature exclusively pictures students will recognise it as hours. The mystery behind ' ' o ' ' ) , excluding this, but I know you do. prospective student." This of two of these three• So, please, don't let me be such and it will lose its the apparent misunder­ freshpersons, sing personals effect. This is" why the is a problem with which j standing has not yet been candidates on the front fooled. administrators throughout 1 in Chapel. page of Thursday's Association's "jackass" solved as the head librarian Kristine L. Moran '75 award went to Debbie the University have been could not be reached for Pat Gallaher Chronicle was unnecessarily • struggling for eleven years. 1 (Gallaperson) '75 careless journalism. P.S. Did that nice Chris Eichner this month. We comment. Paletta who would have corrupt journalists know If Mr. Paletta has found a If present policy stays in Jim Hill '74 remembered to light Gross she is trying, but we way to reconcile the effect, many students will Chem forget to tell the cannot condone such a conflict, we would aU be greatly inconvenienced. Lacrosse ASDU representative he blatant and obvious welcome his assistance. If past years are any guide wants to subsidize WDBS? mistake, (see page 3 of the Regarding changes in i more students use the Editor's note: The Surprise March 6th Chronicle) Even each individual's aid library during Spring break following is a letter which To the edit council: Duke students are smart package, great than during the other two was sent to the N.C. Shite enough to see through her misunderstanding has been holiday periods put Regarding the feature on thin facade of objective Lacrosse coach. foreign students, I was Corrupt generated by the adoption together. In addition many To the edit council: journalism. In the interest of a new policy this year. more undergraduates will surprised by the many of Duke student On Friday, March 2 a negative comments on their Under the previous director i be using the library as, for report of our game the To the edit council: government, we hope it experiences at Duke. The Corrupt Journalism of financial aid, a student j the first time, the previous day appeared in won't happen again. was expected to assume 1 undergraduate dorms will During the years I have Association exists at Duke Corrupt Journalism the Duke Chronicle. In the lived at Hanes House, I more of the financial remain open. story, a statement I made as an un o r ganiz ation Association have heard many positive dedicated to ideals of the burden with each year, so Hopefully, by mailing to the reporter was taken s t a t e m en t s from his freshman award was out of context and may highest caliber. We feel that Steve Kratyke '73 dear to the administration international students all news articles in the Rosemary Klemfuss '76 reduced annually. Under that a great many people have appeared to some about their life at Duke. I ' the new policy of granting people to be a knock Chronicle should be Steve Shore '75 will be affected by the wonder if the opinions slanted—biased if you Martha Curtis '75 each student a job and a • early closing hours, the against North Carolina expressed in the story are a loan to meet the firsts State's lacrosse team. will—towards the beliefs of John Coan '75 decision will be reversed. representative sample of the edit council be they $1100 of his need, a Petition forms to this Let me apologize if this those of the 217 foreign moral, social, or political. student's award should effect will be available at impression was made, as I remain stable unless drastic students at the university. It is a well known fact Perkins Library and at the certainly had no intent of Jean Ball Defense changes occur in his GSA office (105 Union). putting down the program that Duke students are financial situation. House Counselor unable to make decisions To the edit council: Ronald Bleier you have worked so hard Hanes House Upperclassmen will no to organize and promote. for themselves, and need a As students on financial longer be penalized in GSA Representative to warm, loving, paternal aid who are also employees the Library Council We are all interested in the order to attract freshmen expansion and success of newspaper to look out for of the Financial Aid Office, to Duke. lacrosse in the South, and Anti-anti them at such a difficult we would like to comment the Duke Lacrosse team time in their lives. on the issues which the In conclusion, we would . ASDU candidates have like to state that Mr. Crusade and its coaches wish you To the edit c ouncil: The choice of whom to and the players of North vote for in the present raised. We feel first of all Paletta seems to be very To the edit council: In reference to Scott R. that all the candidates unaware of the' Carolina State the best of Kaneff's letter published in ASDU election is a hard Concerning Fred Klein's luck for the rest of the o ne for most Duke would benefit from a little complexities of financial article. ''Krueger rejects the Chronicle of February factual information. In aid policies. We doubt that 1 season. 27, I would like to call students to make. They are co-ed plans," Wed., Mar. 7. just so busy with tests, particular, Mr. Paletta's he has studied the Bruce Corrie attention to the fact that "thorough investigation" of programs of other In Fred Klein's article the one hundred Arabs who papers, and worrying about the Chronicle's further Lacrosse Coach where their next lid of this subject strikes us as universities, attended local, were killed by Israeli jet extremely superficial. He regional, and national crusade for t.he fighters were alt Semites. In dope is coming from, that desexification of the they hardly have time to has consistently misquoted meetings on the subject of view of this fact, Mr. Mr. Beatty, the Director of financial aid, or even English language continued. Kaneff's observation about consider such trivial By this time, I was already Irresponsible matters as student Financial Aid, most investigated Duke's policy! the Chronicle's headline notably in the area of accurately. He has not used to the use of the To the edit council: being anti-semitic is invalid. government. This is where word "chairperson" but the I read an article in the the Chronicle can help—it student employment. Mr. considered the role of the Perhaps Mr. Kaneff should Paletta refers to "forced federal and state use of "freshperson" was March 2nd, issue of the now substitute another makes the decision for an entirely new phenomena Chronicle, which was even them. labor" on campus, with governments and of the "popular" label for his use even the harassed freshmen various endowment funds in my Duke experience titled wrongly. Instead of of the term anti-semitic. After the Chronicle ("freshman" was also used "Some students at Duke." decides who the next being chained to the in the determination of in the article). Interviewing five people and Fouad Farsy grindstone. This is totally Duke's financial aid policy. ASDU president should be, The program has been Personally, I think the generalizing to 500 people is Grad student it faces an uphill battle. It untrue. As Mr. Beatty a sign of a very cheap piece explained to Mr. Paletta studied, developed, and Chronicle should be more has to convince the re-evaluated by highly consistent in the future, of journalism and a paper. It students that big brother while he was making his was nice of your paper to investigation, a student qualified people. Mr. using "chairperson" and has made the right choice. Beatty spends most of his "freshperson" all the time write something about the Flock This is easier said than may choose to replace his International community at job with a loan or to time talking to individual and just not alternating done. Of course, editorials students and welcomes! them with the more Duke, but the way it was To the edit council: try to explain why the decline it entirely. No done reflected your student is required to questions, comments and conventional terms. In fact, Excuse me, please, Ch rontcie's candidate is suggestions. Mr. Paletta is further purification of the irresponsibility. I wish your editorial council. I know best, but Duke students are work. Mast students are reporter should have gone awarded a job as part of invited to stop by for language should be pursued I'm one of the poor smart—they known an further discussion. by the Chronicle's crusade. through proper channel, like innocent flock, but, oh editorial when they see it their aid package, enabling going to international house please, could you tell me and think: "Ah ha! Ihis is them to reduce their Karen Littlefield '73 1 All forms of any sexual burden of debt if they so notation, especially male, on some Sunday afternoon; why I fail to consider an editorial. This, expresses Cindi Roberts '75 Friday, March 9, 1973 The Chronicle Page Thirteen SPECTRUM The service of HOLY PSYCH MAJORS UNION SENIORS AND COMMUNION will he meets Monday night at 7 in INTENTIONAL COMMUNITY GRADUATE STUDENTS: The THIS WEEKEND celebrated in the University 101 Union Building to will meet Sunday, March 11 at 3 following companies will have AND MONDAY Chapel Service this Sunday at formalize student and faculty in the East Campus Center. All representatives here during the 11 a.m. The Celebrant is the surveys. COME, COME, interested people are more than week of March 12 to March 16 ICHTHUS—This week, FRUSTRATED? Been trying Rev. Elmer O. Hall, acting COME!!! to interview those interested in Wright Doyle manager of Logos to meet some foreign students? University chaplain, and the a permanent job. Register with Bookstore, will speak on "The Come to the International Communion Meditation will be the Placement Office, 214 Holy Spirit in the life of a Open House Sunday at 4 p.m. presented by the Rev. Dr. A CHIRSTIAN SCIENCE Flowers Bldg., if interested. Cushman, research LECTURE entitled "Your Right GENERAL Monday, March 12: Christian." 6:30 until 8:15 in at N.E. corner of Anderson and University of Pennsylvania ' the Chapel basement. Everyone profe Df to be Right" will be held COFFEEHOUSE: Odd Graduate school of Fine Arts welcome. Monday,- March 12, at 8 p.m. in instruments night originally Governor's Office (S.C.) ATTENTION JEWISH 130 Soc-Psy. All are invited to scheduled for Friday, March Tuesday, March 13: STUDENTS: There will be Don't know where you're attend. 16, has been postponed until General Services- Administration services Friday, 6:45 p.m. In tbe living next year? Drop by PGT, ATTENTION: PEOPLE March 30 due to the mass Wednesday, March 14: Hillel Room (013 Old Chem. the unfraternity, Saturday WITH GLASS, Recycling at evacuationscbeduled foz 3-16 No companies Bldg). Join us in wine, chaUah, night, 8-11 for our OPEN Northgate Sat. 3/10 9-12. Take THE DUKE GAY thru 3-25. Thursday, March 15: song, end HAMONTASCHON, HOUSE. House D, caU 5869 somebody's glass with you. ALLIANCE/ORION will meet North Carolina National Bank as our Oneg Shabbat will be a and ask for Bob Yasui or Sunday, March 11, at 7 p.m. in Limited number of the Friday, March 16: celebration in honor of tbeChuc k Niedringhaus. There will be an open house tbe East Campus Center. Please Department of Correction No companies upcoming Jewish festival of Sunday for anyone interested in note the new meeting place. All SUMMER INTERNSHIPS are Purim. Be sociable and come. PRE-LAW STUDENTS: living in Lancaster House next gay available for Juniors, seniors invited. and graduates. Application ch k rill bo! Students planning to take the ELECTIONS far new office IH lo ry. La) ADMISSION TEST for THE CHRISTIAN 7 p.m. this Monday in 139 located in Edens Quad — th INTERNATIONAL CLUB Graduate Study in BUSINESS LIFE—leam it, live it, and share Social Science. All members are new dorms — and has an activ picnic this Saturday March 10th on April 7 must register and it at Leadership Training Class urged to attend. Those social and academic schedul in Duke Forest. Meet at have their registrations received. sponsored by Campus Crusade interested in running, come The open house will be on tb International House at 11:30 The Duke Univ by E.T.S. in Princeton,. New for Christ, Friday night at 6i 30 early." Mr. Fleishman will speak fiat floor, in t a.m. Call 2787 for further OPERA ENSEA I B L i Jersey by M arch 1 5. la room 18* Social Sciences. at 7:30. room, at 2 p.m. information. productions scheduled to be Applications are available in the held in Branson Theatre - on Counseling Center, 309 Flowers Saturday and Sunday, March Bldg. and 11, the Students planning to take the SAM'S QUIK SHOP Students planning to take NATIONAL TEACHER the LAW SCHOOL EXAMINATIONS on April 7 ADMISSION TEST on April 14 must register and have their must register and have their registrations received by E.T.S. is open til registrations received by E.T.S. in. Princeton, New Jersey by tin Princeton, NJ, by March 23. March 15. Applications are Applications are available in available in the Counseling 12:00 midnight the Counseling Center, 309 Center, 309 Flowers Bldg. •"Flowers Bldg. • RUSSIAN 63-64, SUMMER every night. Students planning to take SESSION: Students interested . .the GRADUATE SCHOOL in taking Russian 63-64 in the ^FOREIGN LANGUAGE TEST first summer session should *nn April 14 must register and declare their interest toMrs . have their registrations received Hilda Pavlov, Room 316, Everything You Could Need: by E.T.S. in Princeton, NJ. by Language Building, Ext. 3983. March 21. Applications are The course is contingent on available in the Counseling student Intekest. Russian 63-64 'Center, 309 Flowers Bldg. •Groceries .Wine #o *£f* '%*§ will be offered concurrently. ueer .Tobacco #Party Needs WOMEN'S INTRAMURAL STUDENTS ON VOLLEYBALL. Entries open FINANCIAL AID who havy not ERWIN RD. (next to Gyro Car Wash and Bluelight Restaurant) March 7 and close March 14. yet turned in renewal forms for Open to all female students. For next year: Santa Claus will cross- more information contact the you off his list if you dont stop last Campus Gym or call 3013. by the Financial. Aid Office at 614 Chapel Drive this week!

CO-REC INTRAMURAL TENNIS. Entries open March 7 and close March 14. Open to all male and female students. For more information contact the East Campus Gym or call 3013. (Continued on t>«*e 1ft) AMD WITH THE CHEERLEADERS

FANFARES...SPORTFOOTIN' '73 Two brawny banders take a chunkier sandal approach for Spring. Sting with stacked sole and heel in stitched calf uppers of Tan or Blue, $16.00. A perky piece of platform sets off one super band up top in Peanut or Navy leather uppers, $16.00. i ANI An:*

PAUL GLlCKLER and RICHARD l£RNER Diwaed by WULGUCKLEB -,-i; , I Dfflfraxitadby CINEMAT1PN INDUSTRESl ™usm(X) SHOW TIMES 2:35, 4:14, 5:53. 7:32, 9:11 Page Fourteen The Chronicle Friday, March 9, 1973 Rent discrepancies upset Graduate Center residents By Susan Carol Robinson has as many graduate students in it as undergraduates. The across the board action of raising all dormitory In addition, O'Brien said, the kitchen is kept locked room rents 9.2 percent for 1973-74 has caused the except when someone checks the key out from the controversy over rents in the Graduate Center to counselor. This is inconvenient since the counselor is not resurface. always in the dorm, she remarked. The undergraduate residents of the dorm are "And if someone is using the kitchen, then graduate i disturbed because they will have to pay $630 for a students come up and use it at the same time," O'Brien single and $470 for a double while the graduate said. residents will pay only $497 for a single and $371 for a Setting up double. William Griffith, dean of students, noted in an • In a Feb. 23 letter to the Chronicle, the interview last week that undergraduates have higher undergraduates living on the third floor protested the room rents than graduate students because more money extreme differences between rents for the graduate is spent originally in setting up their dorms. students and the undergraduate students. Griffith commented that there is a distinction Realistic between the furnishings in the areas for graduates and "We encourage a review of the rent evaluation for the those undergraduates. This also has an effect on the third floor, Grad Center, and hope for a roll back of the rents charged, he said. cost to a more realistic level," the letter concluded. With regard to the holes in the walls, Smith admitted,' According to Maureen O'Brien, one of the authors of "If we plaster today, there will be another hole the letter, part of the undergraduates' discontent with tomorrow." the rent discrepancies results from the fact that while . This is due to a problem in the original construction the first and second floors were replastered and of the building, Smith added. Refreshments were served on the quad yesterday repainted earlier this year, "gaping holes and peeling He said, however, "The holes should be repaired," in honor of Internationa! Women's Day. (Photo paint" still greet visitors to the third floor. and went on to indicate they would be. by Scott Flanegin) Larry Smith, director of housing management, pointed out in an interview Monday that the increased grad center rates were part of the 9.2 percent increase in rents for all the dorms. Rents for the two sections of the Grad Center differ You don't have because the third floor is listed in category V of the tent scale and the first and second floors are in category to be a IX, he said. Difference "The reason for different categories is the difference COWBOY in the services and facilities we (the University) have provided," Smith commented. The undergraduate portion of the dorm is equipped to eat at the with a separate counselor, its own commons room and a kitchen, Smith added. O'Brien argued, however, that these extra benefits should not create the projected rent diferences. "The people downstairs use all of our facilities but do not pay extra for them like we do," O'Brien said. "We are paying $90 more this year than they do for a double, and $100 more next year," she added. She pointed out that the third floor lounge normally FRIDAY NIGHT SPECIAL 9 te • fM. Spaghetti Supper for 2 with $3.95 '•Sunday Buffet $2.95 Knt Bottle Vintage Chianti (all you can eat) For a Fasl Snack or Meal - Try Our Hickory Smoked BEEF BARBEQl'E - Cosmopolitan Room Only Also Daily Luncheon Buffet $1.75 fUV 9AABI RESTAURANT Moderate Price — Free Parking III nVVm A DELICATESSEN On Old N.C. 86, Vi mile north COSMOPOLITAN ROOM H*. Mala «. SM. T DaF*-»r» SM. II Il:«l PM. Wa MM of Chapel Hill Town Hall *f« fiW aa Mr 4 w ,imiW. M altar • PM. S, MM ______SOME PEOPLE SAY YOU HAVE TO BE STRANGE TO BE AN EDITOR J| OF A PUBLICATION But Even If You Are Normal Come Fill Out An Application The Publications Board is now taking applications for editors of next year's Archive, Chanticleer and " f j " Teacher-Course Evaluation Book. Applications can be picked upnn Dean Griffith's office, 1i? Allen Building. Deadline for submitting applications is March 16.

553! is., i Friday, March 9, 1973 The Chronicle Page Fifteen (Continued from SPECTRUpage 13) M FUNDAMENTAL PHOTOGRAPHERS: Submit Do you think DUKE IS CLUMPING: Thursday nights in your work to Archive for FUNNY? Why not write about the Ark, 7:30 Principles of inclusion in the third issue. it? The Archive is looking tor music, yoga, avant-garde dance 'Place photographs in marked humor and satire. Please submit combine; brings us together in drawer hi 807 Union Tower. * some to 4665 Duke Station or warm touch. Open to anyone Deadline is March 14. 307 Union Tower before March who can smile like Cheshire eat. 16. Entry blanks for JOE MCAT: Applications for the COLLEGE ART CONTEST CO-REC SLOW FITCH Medical College Admission Test may be picked up in 209 SOFTBALL, Entries open are now available in tbe Flowers. Matted photos and March 7 and close March 14. Counseling Center, 309 Flowers hanging are ready to hang. Open Open to all male and female Bldg. Students planning to take to all members off the Duke students. For more information the MCAT on May 5 must community. Do not submit contact the East Campus Gym works now. Questions ot call 3013. Princeton, N.J. by April 13. 684-2911.

BLIMPIE BASE SANDWICH SHOP IS OPEN. Just walking along.. .(Photo by Gary Reimer) featuring •Baldwin Program III- (Continued from page 6) "After this fall semester we and Alan Kerckhoff, Baldwin program will be are certainly open to chairperson of the allowed to enroll in the change and hope to learn sociology department, the four courses, and thefrom the experience." sections of English 176 and courses must be elected as Evaluation Sociology 145 will be in a block. An evaluation must be addition to those scheduled " If a person has already submitted by February, in the spring. A section of taken one of the tour 1974 to the UFCHistor y 114 will also be courses, he is not eligible Committee on Courses by offered in the spring. for the Baldwin program, "all those participating in As a result those persons Strobel said. the Baldwin program." not in Baldwin program "We're going to try this From discussion with but interested in taking program within the George Williams, director those courses will have the New York Style Hoagies guidelines we have, of undergraduate studies in opportunity to do so in the FEATURING 11 VARITIES OF IMPORTED MEATS AND CHEESES established," Strobel said. the English department, spring. Report The report of the University Planning FREE ; Committee recommends Piano recitals that "the opportunities Tonight at 8:15 in East Duke Music Room, the allowed by Program III for SUDS j Ice Department of Music will present eight students of Dr. students who live together Loren Withers in a recital of piano music. to share in a specially - WITH integrated academic PURCHASE Cream The program is as follows: Prelude & Fugue in b flat minor, WTC I- program be explored by OF -J. S. Bach Nanette Bishopric the undergraduate academic GIANT BLIMPIE Cones Sonata in A flat, Op. 26, /.-Beethoven administration, and a Good 3/9 thru St. Patrick's Day 3/17 ; Tom Coleman report on these possibilities Etude in C, Op. 10, No. 1 be sent to' the RLC and the Etude in c sharp minor, op. 10, no. 4- '*sA&hSpitf«oC Walter SSui"i The Residential Life Sonatine: I. Modere-Ravel Committee (RLC) has $2.95 Ron Rovner proposed to the UFC that Prelude & Fugue in g sharp minor, WTC II a Program III committee be -J. S. Bach Mel Brown established to include The Engulfed Cathedral-Debussy! members of the RLC, the MME Lee Lourdeaux UFC Curriculum committee Bagatelles, op. 5. nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, and 7 and representatives from Parliiii* -Teherepnine Marilyn Biggs Trinity College. The RLC resolution calls for joint Miorlli Fantasie in f minor, op. 49~Chopin OPEN 11 AM 'TIL 2 AM, 7 DAYS A WEEK Karen Vun Kannon planning by the three Hill 138 E. ROSEMARY STREET. . . IN NCNB PLAZA, CHAPEL HILL groups for "development of There will be no admission charge for this evening's viable Program III performance. The public is cordially invited to attend. alternatives. OPEN TRYOUTS FOR DUKE PLAYERS Tff Little Murders DUKE Directed by Mr. Phillip Laurance of New York PI AVFRS Type cast A studio theater production § Friday, March 9 7:30 p.m. 1 Satu Water Spiders jj j rday, March 10 2.00 p.m. j A studio theater production L£Sf^l^^^iW£^J Page Sixteen The Chronicle Friday, March 9,1973

Jim Rowan: Poverty Lawyer in Durham

Jim Rowan (Photo by Linda Hudak)

By Fred Cornnell generate positive feelings of "group solidarity." He sees Driving through the southeast section of town, the this solidarity as an aid in overcoming problems Duke student is soon confronted by a reality he may • associated with poverty. Although the firm will certainly since same basic techniques of teaching exist at all have given little previous thought to: the reality of act to represent a poor individual accused of a crime, schools. Therefore Rowan maintains' that an individual poverty in Durham. Many of the streets are completely Rowan maintains that he would "go out of bis way" to should attend a highly prestigious national law school unpaved, rocky, dusty, wide enough for only one car. represent someone with larger organizational ties—the only if he is uncertain of the state in which he plans to Tbe houses are ancient, ramshackle, unfit to live in, the National Welfare Rights Organization, for practice. Even at a loss of prestige, Rowan recommends landlord having refused to do the necessary repair work example—because he feels more can be accomplished in study in the state in which practice will be set up, for many years. this manner. emphasizing the importance of making contacts with Poverty is indeed widespread in Durham, but there Obstacles individuals in tbe region. are organizations and individuals sincerely interested in Strong obstacles to these goals do exist, however. The Curriculum alleviating the condition of the poor. The law firm of most intimidating obstacle is tbe communication and With respect to curriculum, Rowan is convinced that Paul, Keenan, and Rowan at 811 W. Main Street, a cultural barriers -between the lawyer and his clients. special courses in poverty law are useless, and that more When approaching a lawyer, the poor often feel can be learned by simply taking the fundamental embarrassed by their circumstances and exhibit an courses. He cited a course he took at Duke Law School ingrained sense of inferiority. Poor clients expect the entitled "Law and Poverty", which attempted to include lawyer not to be interested in them,and- they administrative law, constitutional law, and housing and communicate with a lack of clarity. To overcome these urban renewal (usually taught as a property course) aU barriers, Rowan believes that the poverty lawyer must under one heading. The impossibility of compressing not fall into the trap of assuming bis superiority and these three areas into one course of study rendered the treating the individual as someone with an illness who couise useless, he says. Rowan believes it is preferable tl.'- must be cured. Generally the poor client's problems can take the specialized courses in each area. He feels that a be overeat^ J.%t&,by Jjsjeaiftg and waiting them school can make a worthwhile effort to specifically train out"—letting the ^poor aitfeulate their problems in their poverty lawyers only through a massive overhaul of the own fashion and waiting for them to discover a method entire - curriculum, currently this is being done at the of solving them if possible. Setting is important. Rowan Antioch College of Law in Washington, D.C. often interviews his clients at their homes to give them a Another dilemma Rowan sees confronting the greater feeling of confidence and to avoid the imposing prospective poverty lawyer is whether it is better atmosphere of a law office. If the lawyer is successful in preparation to concentrate solely on academic work or not feeling superior and can communicate to his clients to combine this with practical outside experience. The "an attitude that the problem can be alienated," the difficulty is that not much outside experience can be poor individual will avoid becoming dependent on the gained before the end of the second year because lawyer and feel a little more in control of his own life. organizations simply will not give the student the Law schools responsibility. In the end the student must answer the For Duke students interested in poverty law, Rowan question for himself in terms of what will make him a offered advice concerning the choice of a law school. He better advocate than those who go into traditional first denied that significant distinctions can be aa^de practice. He feels that the laws are "heavily slanted between many of the law schools in the country. against the poor" and the poverty lawyer wili have to Differences in the political philosophy and the necessarily be exceptional because the odds will be personalities of law school faculty does exist the bulk of stacked against him. Jim Rowan concluded this final what is learned, however, will be the same at both a point quite bluntly: "The poor don't need any highly prestigious institution and a less prestigious one, second-rate lawyers.*'

East Durham home (Photo by Linda Hudak)

private practice which devotes about half its time to poverty cases is one such organization. Jim Rowan, a 1969 graduate of Duke Law School, offered to explain -his work—his goals and some of the obstacles confronting these goals—and give some helpful advice to i students hoping to pursue a career in poverty law. Goals Since poverty generates a feeling of helplessness and frustration with institutions, Rowan stated that a major goal of the poverty lawyer is helping the poor attain "a little more space to make their own decisions, and a little more control over their own lives." In line with this goal are the cases which he gives first priority to-Hhose which "challenge the control that people exercise over other people." These cases most frequently concern equalization of employment opportunities for blacks and women; specifically hiring and promotion practices. Rowan's other cases involve attempts by those in positions of power to suppress fundamental guarantees in the Bill of Rights. One successful case was against the authorities of a local high school who had tried to eliminate a student newspaper. A similar case involving a North Carolina Central University student newspaper is still pending. Rowan states that an overreaching aim in his firm is to handle cases affecting groups of people, cases which Street scene in East Durham..(Photo by Linda Hudak) Friday, March 9, 1973 The Chronicle Page Seventeen Lacrosse team hosts Terps By Steve Garland The Maryland team is laden with talent. The nation's top-ranked lacrosse team comes Premier among the numerous All-Americans on to Duke tomorrow as the Blue Devils (1-0) take the Terps squad is Doug Schrieber who was a on the Terrapins of Maryland (0-0) at 2 p.m. first team selection last year at midfield. Coach Bruce Corrie acknowledges the Terps .Another strong player is Bill Dempsey who team as "the very best in the country." And he plays in th e crease. The job of handling sees an "uphill battle" for the Blue Devil team Dempsey whom coach Corrie refers to as that apparently lacks Maryland's depth. probably one of best crease men in the nation "They key to the game is the midfield will fall to senior Al Cotrone. position. They (Maryland) can go three or four Three other outstanding performers on the deep at this position and suffer no loss of visiting team are Gary Besos third team All talent. American last year, Mike Thearle, second team "The question is can we keep up with their defense All-American, and Doug Radebaugh who speed and quickness in this department." Corrie refers to as an "outstanding faceoff Mark Sammis who was converted from a midfielder." defenseman to a midfielder last season will "We've been working real hard for seven prob ably be Duke's prime answer to this weeks now for this game. But of course with question. In the State romp earlier this season fourteen games left the season doesn't depend Sammis had four goals. on this game," said Corrie. The softball IM season has been delayed due to the inclement weather. (Photo by Phillip Kridel) VICKERS is having 24-hour a STEREO cash. While we pride ourself on having the largest, finest, and most expensive selection of stereo, hi-fi •® equipment in the Triangle area, we are equally proud to have the largest and finest selection of less expensive equipment also. We have high quality stereo systems to fit every budget from $159 to *$5,000. We have the system that's just right for your budget and needs. Any of our audio consultants . will be happy to help you select the system just right for you. And remember, we have one of the finest and best equipped service departments on the east coast — ready to back up every product sold by Vickers. This-weekend we are featuring the remarkable Superscope stereo components. Come in, look, listen. But hurry — SUPPLY IS LIMITED!

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LOOK! 3-Year Warranty on AH Superscope Products ^C^MBIAPICTUI^Anta^CMLroREIMN^BICHAroATTOgBOnOUaH BOBKBT SHAW -ANNE BANCROFT m SOWN WARD -YOUNG WINSTON I 1 IPO] RIVERVIEW BULLETIN! Due to' the devaluation of the dollar, many imported

items are going up in price. Get the jump on these price Rivetview Shopping Cenltr increases by buying NOW. We ore selling our present RsaWoRd.. SO) North stock at the old price. But hurry—all new stock coming SHOW TIMES MoivFri. 7:00, 9:30 : into our store will reflect the new higher price. Sat. & Sun. 2:00, 4:25 7:00, 9:30 • Page Eighteen The Chronicle Friday, March 9, 1973 Parkhill sparks Cavs in win over Blue Devils By Andy Bumess Duke received almost no contribution GREENSBORO-The long and dreary from big men Alan Shaw and Bob winter finally came to an end. Fleischer who combined for only 10 It only took one and a half hours for points and 11 rebounds. Chris Redding, Duke's faint hopes for an Atlantic Coast who was benched in favor of Pete Conference basketball championship to Kramer at the start of the contest, fall by the wayside, and there was no chipped in with 13 points, but foiled to sympathy from the Wahoos. supply the needed board strength. The Cavaliers from Virginia country, A conspicuous absence in the Duke led by a sparkling Barry Parkhill, held lineup was 6-9 freshman Willie Hodge, and one had to wonder why his talents off a late Duke rally last night, and were not at least exposed during the marched into the semi-finals of this game. classic by a 59-53 count. It was a see-saw first half, in which The win' avenged a previous rout at Parkhill and Walker were able to push the hands of the Blue Devils, and gave Virginia ahead of Duke, 34-29. At that Virginia the dubious honor of having to juncture, the Devils could only manage face undefeated North Carolina State in five rebounds, but a 54% floor accuracy tomorrow night's semi-finals. kept them in the game. For Duke, the season had ended with Virginia began to widen the margin five consecutive losses, and a 12-14 early in the second stanza, utilizing an record, the worst in 34 years for a school effective spread offense that brought Fleischer's three quick fouls turned the tide in last night's ballgame. that has lured so many students with it's Parkhill's one-on-one talents to the fore. (Photo by Burton Scott) basketball tradition. Ahead 45-35 at 13:01, the Cavaliers Spirit ad inspiration appeared ready to sail in. O'Brien scores 21 It was not a poor Blue Devil effort, Duke comeback but one that lacked spirit and inspiration. However,' Billerman, Redding, and Only guard Kevin Billerman was able to Melchionni led a Duke comback that Terps trounce Tigers provide any spark in the Duke attack, evened the score at 4949, with 5:36 to and his teammates seemed to be standing go. It was anybody's game at this point, around, apparently waiting for the game until Fleischer picked up three quick By Mark Denny adequate in themselves to as they managed only a \ to end. fouls, enabling the Cavs to put the game After the Carolina-Wake overcome the listless feeble effort, shooting 3JJ Forest super thriller it was Clemson quintet. percent from the floor on Parkhill received significant help from away at the charity stripe. Six consecutive foul shots by Walker-and a decided come down when O'Brien led all scorers less shots than their 6-7 center Gus Gerrard and freshman the running Terrapins of opponents. forward Wally Walker, but the smooth Parkhill put the game on ice, and vaulted with 21, followed closely them into the second round. the University of Maryland by freshman guard Lucas High scorer for the playmaker from State College, -J*a. was blasted the Tigers of once again the star of the show. Duke coach Bucky Waters was with 20. Tigers was. Mike Browning composed in face of a frustrating evening Clemson in yesterday's with 12. Matched man-to-man against Duke's second game to become the Lucas also racked up For all its lack of Gary Melchionni, the Jrtfue's best in a pressure-packed winter. "We had great practices this week, and I thought betting favorite to be the nine assists for his excitement, the game may defensive guard, Parkhill was able ACCs representative to the afternoon's work. well have been the single nonetheless to score virtually at will, that we would be ready. Our kids (Ud play well, but Virginia was perfect." NCAA toumey. MeMillen ended up with most important in the forcing Duke to fill in with Bill Suk on The final score was tournament. defense. But the Virginian kept firing He thanked seniors Melchionni and 16 points, and Brown, Shaw for three, years of "outstanding 77-61 and it was never filling in for the injured With State ineligible for away, and finished the evening dose. connecting on nine of 16 attempts from service," and looked to the future Elmore had eleven coupled post season competition - optimistically. "We have eight of our top Len Elmore, the Terps with nine rebounds. due to an NCAA reprimand the floor for 22 points, passing off for defensive ace who fractured five assists, and committing only one ten players remaining, and the future The Clemson team just for recruiting violations,] looks bright." xsijjjjs, tj * a bone in his foot against never managed to get off Maryland need only defeat : turnover. This is to say nothing of the B 9r Duke earlier in th^._ season, way he controlled the game's tempo. ...Last year, the team had a 12-3 ' tbe ground. They had come Wake Forest tomorrow to freshman squad coming up, the leading was suited.-^ufl w>r;r|he oiit from .the dressing room be assured of a spot in the Hot first rialf . scorer in Redding, a star performer in contest but his services to get an early start on eastern regionals. The Cavaliers clicked on 70% of their Melchionni, and a second-team were never needed. their warmups only to be A loss to N.C. State in first half shots rebounded evenly with all-conference center in Shaw, all of The foursome of Jim faced with the Carolina the finals on Saturday their much taller counterparts, and made whom were returning. O'Brien, Jim MeMillen, debacle. would constitute a lost only nine turnovers. It had to be one of Speculation about next year seemed John Lucas and Darrell The shock of the battle without affecting the the better performances of the year. premature at this point. Brown proved more than experience never wore off outcome of the war. Deacs surprise UNC, everybody

By Andy Bumess The Deacons- took the buzzer. team's points. ball out two seconds later, Wake had left its The Deacons were GREENSBORO-It was and Foye, a freshman, was supporters speechless, and content to play a a surprise to all 15,182 somehow left unguarded on the partisan Carolina crowd slowdown, deliberate spectators in the Coliseum a court-length pass. To the looked embarrassed. offense and the losenfj yesterday afternoon. But disbelief of everyone and Only sophomore guard could not cope with the we all should have known his mother, he netted a Brad Hoffman had played persistent and controlled I better. baseline jumper at the Well for the favorites, style that sealed their I buzzer, and the game was connecting on six long doom. The fact that lowly to begin anew. jump shots to keep his Wake Forest had defeated team, in contention. The For Carolina coach Dean seventh ranked North But the worst had yet rest of the Tar Heels found Smith, it was a long Carolina, 54-52, had to be to come for the die-hard the middle cluttered up, afternoon. He mumbled, one of the biggest shockers Tar Heels devotees. The and their normally efficient "We feel worse in that we ensuing overtime was to shooters missed seemingly won the game. in ACC tournament rank as the tow point in a history, but previously consistently. The Jones tap-in should glorious Carolina basketball In fact, Carolina had have been it." anonymous people like Lee tradition. Foye, Eddie Payne, Tony entered the game as the Wake's Carl Tacy was a Byers, and Phil Perry nation's most accurate bit more effusive. "We seemed to believe it all Both teams traded shooting club, but the .executed the game plan we i along. baskets, until Carolina went stingy Deacon defense had hoped. We've fought:, to its four comer offense limited the Heels to a cold odds all year. This with 2:41 remaining in the 48.7 percent, while forcing culminates a year we've The crowd had been set extra period. They avoided 17 turnovers. had to work hard. It's a up for a near-miss turnovers, charges, and all great win for us." throughout as Wake would possible mistakes until Wake did not win Someone asked him how build up lead after lead, George Karl missed a short because of a poor Carolina it felt to possibly be only only to see the Tar Heels jump shot with seven performance. This was a one game away from an come back and surge ahead seconds showing on the factor, but the steady play NCAA berth, and b«|a themselves. And when clock. of guards Byers, Payne, replied honestly. "*£'8JH Bobby Jones rammed back Payne grabbed the Perry, and Bobby Dwyer great feeling to be that a Brad Hoffman shot with rebound, fed the ball off to frustrated the normally close, but we'll talk more three seconds to go to give Byers, who passed up a poi; ed Tar Heels all about that tomorrow Tom MeMillen (54) played a big role in Carolina a 48-46 lead, jumper in lieu of an afternoon. The four night." Maryland's trouncing of Clemson. (Photo by Wake's dream seemed uncontested fast break connected on 16 out of 18 No wonder. Marylaiwa Steve Huffman) impossible. layup to Perry at the foul shots for 40 of the was on his mind. Friday, March 9, 1973 The Chronicle Page Nineteen Baseball team has young talent By Steve Garland the 1973 season a i nfielders, and must find Due to the loss of six "building year." new first and third The only infield veteran starters from last season's Hit hardest by the losses basemen as well as a is second baseman Jim team through graduation are the infield and pitching shortstop. Thompson. Thompson is last May, baseball coach departments. The Blue Of these lost players the the third member of the Enos Slaughter has labeled Devils lost three starting two who will be most senior trio and he held sorely missed according to down the second base Slaughter are Danny Phelan position as a junior last last season's hardhitting year. first basemen and "Bo" The remaining two Bochow who was an i n fi e 1 d positions will be outstanding player at short. filled by first year men. At shortstop Chal Nunn will Slaughter sees most of be Thompson's the replacements for these complement in the double lost players coming from play combination. And his younger recruits. Only Wayne Krvisky will fill the three of the starting nine vacancy at third. 1213 E.Franklin St. this year will be seniors Chapel Hill and that is one less than Gordie Jackson a hurier 942-2266 the number of starting from last year's 14-16 team freshman. will anchor a pitching staff that lost two of last year's for a relaxing The three starting strongest performers, Craig seniors are the only Bushman and Al Schwartz. evening returning starters from last Jackson will be joined by year's squad. This trio Stu Meadows and Mickey The baseball team has a scheduled game against of fine dining Includes Steve Warner, at Lazenoff both of whom State this afternoon at 2. (Photo by Steve catcher, and John Poff, in saw action last season. centerfield. These two were Huffman) enjoy the Villa named captain and co-captain by coach Baltimore batsman Slaughter. extensive wine list Flanking Poff in the outfield will be two freshmen, Robby Cox and If this guy hits one . Italian Cuisine Jim Turner. Cox a left because he was newspaperman said. "In handed hitter, has been By Red Smith Friday-Saturday 6:00-10:30 p.m.

The Buffet includes hot Union Bldg., meats, homecooked vegetables, salad selection West Campus assorted desserts. So come on by and bring a friend Holiday Inn-West Hillsboro Rd. 15-501 Bypass ••••••———————-• Page Twenty The Chronicle Friday, March 9,1973

Over spring break SPRING RECESS LIBRARY SCHEDULES ~" Perkins Library

Fri., March 16 8 a.m.-6 p.m Library to close at night Sat., March 17 8 a.m.-l p.m! Sun., March 18 CLOSED Mon., March 19—Fri., March 23 8 a.m.-S p,m. By John Boddie Bleier agreed that the library was used very Sat., March 24 8 a.m.-l p.m. "We grad students couldn't be more upset," little between Christmas and New Year's Day. Sun., March 25 2 p.m.-Midnight Ronald Bleier, Graduate Students Association "It was used a great deal over Thanksgiving, representative on the Library Council, said but they didn't keep a count then," he said. Woman's College Library yesterday about the night-time closing of "Last year the library was packed and then it Fri., March 16 8 a.m.-5 p.m. University libraries during spring break. would close at five and people would be very Sat., March 17 8 a.m.-1 P.m. Bleier added that the Library Council, which upset," Bleier said. "The disgusting thing is that Sun., March 18 CLOSED meets to discuss the appropriation of large sums we went through the whole process of getting Mon., March 19-Fri., March 23 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Sat., March 24 8 a.m.-1 p.m. of money to the libraries for special requests, petitions, getting money, and then without a CLOSED 1 had made a recommendation to increase hours word they go back to the old policy." Sun., March 25 ^r^U^ for holiday periods this year, but that University Librarian Benjamin Powell had apparently not followed through with the recommendation. Associate Librarian John P. Waggoner said yesterday the main problem with leaving the libraries open regular hours during University holidays was getting the staff to work overtime. Our Advent, Pioneer, Garrard Sue McDuffie, chairperson of the Council of Biweekly Library Employes, concurred. Assistants system gives you nothing for free. "Circulation relies heavily on student $ 00 assistants," McDuffie said. "When they're away for spring break regular library employees have But a lot for 400 . to replace them. "If students demand that the library be open, Many stores that se On the other hand, our Advent/ The total of the regular selling then regular employees have to work overtime equipment feature at I Pioneer/Pioneer SX525 system is prices of these components is stereo system that unquestionably a good value. The $448.95. At that price the system to keep it open," she said. "It's just not worth well-known standard brand of re­ smaller Advent loudspeaker has is a good value because it offers it for them." ceiver, record changer, and car­ greater frequency response and sound performance and reliability tridge. The speakers bear a name freedom from distortion than do worth every penny, given what Waggoner said, "Our experience has been that that is less familiar. What you many far more expensive speak­ else you could spend that amount not as many people use the libraries during the usually pay for the package is ers. It provides the final, lowest breaks as some people seem to think. equivalent ta the list price of the oct a be of bass offered by only a ' * During the Christmas break the highest receiver and the changer. You get handful of the most expensive But we want our good value sys­ the speakers essentially for speakers—and by none costing tem lo be a good buy too, so if number of people ever using the library from 5 "free." near its price of $70. you buy the complete system till 10 was only 35," Waggoner said. from us, we'll charge you Difference Does that mean such a package is $400.00. Thafs a savings of He admitted that there may be some a good value? ' The Pioneer SX52S AM/FM re­ $48.95; not a huge saving, but a ceiver deliver* substantially more difference at spring break because some students In mast cases it's not. The reason dean, undistorted power than have papers due after the break and you pay so little for the speakers is most receivers of higher price Se if you have abo $400 to undergraduate dorms are open this time. that usually the stare pays so little were able to offer as little as a spend, we think you __n't get a for the speakers. Not a bad idea, year age: 42 watts RMS across better retum en your, investment "But we found the same thing back when the if It were possible to get good the entire audio range. (RMS is than our Advent/Pioneer/Pioni semester ended in January," Waggoner said. speakers for next to nothing. But the most demanding and least 5X525 system. Please stop by frankly, in our experience, it is not flashy of the various power rating see and hear why. Thank you. "Besides," Waggoner said, "the library will be possible. methods.) open from 8 to 5. That's plenty of time to study." And if feu don't get good speak­ Ta match the value of the Smaller Bleier disagreed and cited the case of "a girl ers, it doesn't much matter how Advents and the Pioneer receiver, The Complete good the other components are. we recommend the 'Garrard 42M who is teaching at a school and who doesn't get automatic turntable with a Pick­ out till 5 o'clock." ering cartridge. The Garrard has a well-balanced platter for good' speed stability and minimal waw Don't relax too much, spring ain't here yet The and flutter. Even through the GARRARD 42M Smaller Advents you won't hear 400 April monsoon is a bit early this year, or it could any rumble. The Pickering car­ be that the February monsoon is staying too long; tridge comes complete with dia­ but a hard rain's a gonna fall today and tomorrow. mond stylus; it tracks a Stereo System If there's a chance youll melt, stay inside; and even saving two grams. with a 15 mph wind, kite-flying is definitely out for the weekend.

Rainbow Soccer Spring, 1973

Rainbow Soccer T00.1

Spring, t973. PIONEER SX52S MW, TTh, and/or Sun. ADVENT LOUDSPEAKERS Prerequisit ee: Smiles 1 ,2. You Saw These Components Individually at the Magic (elementary) Crabtree Valley Audio Show. Love 202.2 (seminar) Hear them as a System at

Rainbow Soccer. A New Name A real cryp. For Troy's Stereo Centers, Inc. SOUNDHAUS 1106 Broad St. Durham, N.C. Phone 286-2221 STORE HOURS: MONDAY-FRIDAY 1.0-9, SATURDAY 10-6