Black Lawyer Files (BL) Title Date

1.1 Smith, Ralph, Memorandum - Amendment of Standard 503 Proposed, April 4, 1983. 27 Law Quadrangle Notes (Univ. of Mich. Law School) No. 1., Fall 1982, p. 36. [Roger W. Wilkins][Sally 1.2 Ann Payton]

1.3 27 Law Quadrangle Notes (Univ. of Mich. Law School) No. 1., Fall 1982, p. 31. [Sallyanne Payton]

1.4 27 Law Quadrangle Notes (Univ. of Mich. Law School) No. 1., Fall 1982, p. 10. [Sallyanne Payton]

1.5 27 Law Quadrangle Notes (Univ. of Mich. Law School) No. 1., Fall 1982, p. 57. [Wade McCree Jr.] Applellee's Brief, Borders v. Reagan, No. 81-1998, U.S. Court of Appeals For D.C. Circuit. [William A. 1.6 Borders]

TOLLETT, The Propriety of the Federal Role in Expanding Equal Educational Opportunity, 52 Harvard 1.7 Educational Review No. 4, at p. 431 (1982) [Kenneth S. Tollett] 19 Washington Letter (American Bar Association) No. 5 May 1, 1983, p. 3. [Warren H. Dawson] 1.8 "Legislators wrestle with LSC Reauthorization" 1.9 Who's Who Among Negro Lawyers: National Bar Association, 1945.

1.11 NEMY, Enid, Wives Of Lawyers Aid Harlem Youths, N.Y. Times, May 6, 1983, at A20, col. 2. Harvard Law’s Grading Change Appears Likely To Be Rescinded, Washington Post, Tuesday May 10, 1983, 1.12 at A8, col. 2. Butterfield, Fox, 500 at Protest New Grading Policy, New York Times, May 7, 1983, at 1.13 8, col. 1. MARCUS, Ruth, Harvard Law Protesters Told Rule on Grades May Be Reviewed, Washington Post, May 8, 1.14 1983, at A8, col. 1. Valente, Judith, Hispanics Lack Parity in Court System, Wash. Post, May 5, 1983, at 1, col. 1. (cont. at 1.15 A12, col. 1.) Feinstein, John, Judge Enters Contest for Baltimore Mayor, Wash. Post, May 5, 1983, at C1, col. 2. 1.16 [William H. Murphy Jr.]

1.17 Hatcher claims Victory in Race For Re-election, Wash. Post, May 4, 1983, at A10, col. 1. [Richard Hatcher] 2

1.18 Klose, Kevin, The Mayor Meets The Machine, Momentarily, Wash. Post, May 4, 1983, at A10, col. 3.

1.19 Williams, Juan, Bell Cites Increased Black School Aid, Wash. Post, May 4, 1983, at A9, col. 3. THE THIRD Branch (Bulletin Of The Federal Courts), Judicial Conference Adopts New Procedure For 1.20 Selection of Law Clerks, vol. 15, no. 5, May, 1983, at 2. The Third Branch (Bulletin Of The Federal Courts), Equal Employment Opportunity Director Named, vol. 1.21 15, no. 5, May, 1983, at 7.

1.22 Firm holds street law class for high school students, WASH. AFRO- AMERICAN, April 30, 1983, at 3 col. 6.

1.23 Leslie, Renee T., Students Observe Law Firm at Work, Wash. Post., May 4, 1983, at D.C. 4, col. 2.

1.24 Jet, Black Woman Judge Is Named To Missouri Court, May 2, 1983 at 30, col. 2. [Evelyn Marie Baker] 1.25 Jet, First Black Appointed To Virginia Supreme Court, May 2, 1983 at 30, col. 2. Booker, Simeon, Ticker Tape U.S.A., Jet, May 2, 1983, at 8. [, Anna Diggs-Taylor, and 1.26 Nathaniel R. Jones]. 1.27 Law Student Group Meets In , Changes Name, Jet, May 2, 1983, at 23. 1.28 Kamen, Al; Bruske, Ed., Lawyers, Wash. Post, April 25, 1983, at B2 col. 1.

1.29 Supreme Court Declines to Hear Borders Appeal, Wash. Post., April 26, 1983, at C5, col. 1.

1.30 A Picture of New Justice John Charles Thomas, Wash. Post., April 26, 1983, at C4, col. 2. Model, Peter F., Thomas I. Atkins Esq.,; Close up, Civil Rights Quarterly Perspectives, vol. 14, no. 1., 1.31 Spring 1982. On The Cutting Edge Of The Law.

1.32 Judge Moultrie Wants Media-Judiciary DiaLoque, The Capital Spotlight, April 21, 1983, at 1, col. 4.

1.33 Black Mayors To Examine Plight Of Nations Cities, The Capital Spotlight, April 21, 1983, at 1, col. 1. Schapiro, Jeff E., Appointee Won’t be A ’Figure-head1 Va. Judge, Wash. Afro-American, April 23, 1983 at 1.34 1, col 2.

1.35 Chief Judge Moultrie Urges Media-Judiciary dialoque, Wash. Afro- American, April 23, 1983, at 13, col. 1. 3

Smith, Philip, Lawyer’s Racial Epithet In Speech Causes A Stir, Wash. Post December 17, 1982, at B2, col. 1.36 2.

1.37 Fast Orange, N.J., Gets First Female Chief Judge, Jet, April 18, 1983, at 30. [Evora A. Thomas] Gov. Robb Appoints Black Judge, Wash. Afro-American, April 16, 1983, at 1., col. 1. [John Charles 1.38 Thomas] Bohlen, Celestine, No Figurehead; Black Names to High Court Seeks Answers For Virginia, Wash. Post, 1.39 April 15, 1983, at B2, col. 1. Black Lawyers in Action; Devising Strategies For Parity, (Information Kit) N.B.A. 57th Annual Convention, 1.40 July, 1982. Opening Remarks Of J. Clay Smith, Jr. (Speech) N.B.A. Summit of Black Lawyers in America, March 25, 1.41 1983, Washington, D.C.

Franklin, Ben A., First Black Names To Virginia Court: Gov. Robb Chuses Lawyer, 32, to Fill Vacancy on 1.42 State’s Highest Judicial Panel, N.Y. Times, April 12, 1983, at A21, col. 1.

Focus: Harold Washington, Capstone () Vol. 4, No. 5, Feb. 7, 1983, at 2. [Harold 1.43 Washington's Book "Communication Skills and the Lawyering Process".]

1.44 Koch, Edward I., Affirmative Action At Work for New York City, N.Y. Times, April 11, 1983, at A24, col. 3.

1.45 Judge Alcee Hastings cites black community support. Wash. Afro- American, April 9, 1983, at 5, col. 1. Bohlen, Celstine, Supports of Robb Split Over Filling Va. Court Vacancy, Wash. Post, April 11, 1983, at D1, 1.46 col. 2.

1.47 White, Ronald D., Blacks Here Raise Funds For Out-Of-Towners. Wash. Post, April 12, 1983, at B1, col. 2. Wagner, Joe, Stokes Rejects Police Claim He Failed Three Sobriety Tests, Wash. Post, April 12, 1983, at 1.48 B1, Col. 4. Bohlen, Celestine, Robb Names Black to Va. high Court. Wash. Post, April 12, 1983 at A1, Col. 3. [John 1.49 Charles Thomas] Kluse, Kevin, Peterson, Bill, Chicago Race Ends As It Lived: Oddly, Wash. Post, April 12, 1983, at A1, col. 3. 1.50 [Harold Washington] Pianin, Eric, Barry Uses Chicago Contacts to Help Harold Washington, Wash. Post, April 12, 1983, at A2, 1.51 col. 1. 4

Law Winners, Alum. News (Creighton University) March, 1983 at 3, col. 1. [Anthony W. Bailey] [Alonza 1.52 Whitaker]

1.53 Taylor Jr., Stuart, Court Upholds White Federal Worker's Bias Suit, N.Y. Times, April 2, 1983 at 6, col. 1. Jordan Jr., Vernon E., 15 years later: Black and White - Where The Civil rights Revolution Is Now, Wash. 1.54 Post, April 3, 1983 at D8, col. 1. Fauntroy, Walter E. 15 Years Later; Black And White - What Dr. King Would Do Today, Wash. Post, April 1.55 3, 1983 at D8, col. 3. Hechinger, John W. 15 Years Later; Black And White - My City Was Burning, Wash. Post April 3, 1983 at 1.56 D8, col. 1. Asher, Robert L., 15 Years Later; Black And White - A Walk ALong 7th Street, Wash. Post, April 3, 1983, at 1.57 D8, col 4.

1.58 Barone, Michael, Harold Washington's Gamble, Wash. Post, April 3, 1983, at D.7, Col. 2.

1.59 Broder, David S., The City that Works Is Beginning to Falter, Wash. Post, April 3, 1983, at D7, col. 2. Consortion Announces Expanded Pro Bono Efforts, Bar Report (D.C. Bar) Vol. 11., No. 1., March 1983 at 1.60 6, col. 1. Military Man Power, Focus (Political Studies) vol. 11, No. 3, March, 1983. [Focuses on Blacks in Political 1.61 Positions And in the Military]. Police Probe of Judge Woods Surprises Bar, Wash. Post, April 11, 1983 at B6, col. 1. [District Judge 1.63 Sylvania Woods]

1.64 Taylor Jr., Stuart, Young Lawyers; A Taste of Failure, N.Y. Times, October 21, 1982, at B14, col. 4. Carroll, Maurice, 8 Judges Sworn In by Koch; He Defends Record on Race, N.Y. Times, March 23, 1983, at 1.65 B3, col. 5. The Decade of The Eighties; Minority Business in Transition II, National Bar Association Law Journal, vol. 1.66 XI, No. 2, 1982. [Jerome Shuman] Adams, Wendy L., Making Their Mark - Hart, Carroll & Chavers, P.C., Legal Times, April 4, 1983 at A21, 1.67 col. 1.

Stone, Elizabeth Walker, Communication Skills Offerings in American Law Schools - A Survey by the 1.68 Howard University School of Law, 29 Journal of Legal Education No. 2 at 238, (1978). 5

1.69 Children Learn Law in Court, Syllabus, vol. XIII, No. 4, December, 1982 at p. 4, col. 1. Baltimorean is New SBA Judge, Wash. Afro.-Amer. January 22, 1983, at 3, col. 1. [Judge Claude E. 1.70 Hitchcock] 1.71 Smith Jr., J. Clay, Children’s Books - (scripts). [Children’s Books] 1.71 Smith Jr., J. Clay, Children’s Books - (scripts). [Children’s Books] Address By Herbert O. Reid, S.r, Washington Bar Association, April 27, 1979. [Recipient of the Charles 1.72 Hamilton Houston Medallion of Merit]. Austin, Alexander W., PreLaw Students - A National ProFile, Higher Education Research Institute and 1.73 Univ. of Calif, L.A., ( ).

1.74 Callahan, Kenneth R.; Carl, Earl L., Negroes And The Law, 17 Journal Of Legal Education 250 (1964-65).

1.75 Law Fair Sponsored by W.B.A., Wash Afro-Amer., October 23, 1982, at 10, col. 3.

1.76 Heading For Law School at 14, National Law Journal, vol. no. , January 17, 1983 at 39, col. 2. Smith Jr., J. Clay, My Beloved Carter G. Woodson Center (Speech) 125 Congressional Record 1 (No. 68, 1.77 May 30, 1979). 1.78 Allen, Everett S., Error Not Permanent - January Lets everyone begin again, (?) 1.79 Hyman, Dick, It’s Against The Law, Reader’s Digest; Canada, (1971). Houston, Charles H., Full Employment Practice on the Rails, Crisis Vol. 56, p. 269-71, 284, 285 (1949). [2 1.80 copies] (plus 1.81-89)

1.81 Houston, Charles H., Senator Glass Aided School Inequalities, , Crisis Vol. 43, p. 15, 27 (Jan. 1936). Hastie, William H., Charles HamiltonXHouston 1895-1950, Journal of ! Negro History vol. 35, p. 355-358 ( 1.82 ).

1.83 Houston, Charles H., How to Fight For Better Schools, Crisis vol. 43, p. 20/59 (1936) 1.84 Charles H. Houston Will Join N.A.A.C.P. Staff in July, Crisis, vol.42, p. 208 ( ). ,

1.85 Houston, Charles H., Cracking Closed University Doors, Crisis vol 42 p. 364, 370, 372 ( ). 1.86 Houston, Charles H., Iva; Lily-White, Crisis, Vol. 41, p. 290, 291, 311. ( ). Social UpLift, Crisis vol. 10 p. 8 ( ). Houston Urged For Post on U.S. Supreme Court, Crisis vol. 46, p. 373 1.87 (1939). 6

1.88 Houston, Charles H., Don’t Shout Too Soon, Crisis, vol. 43, p. 7, 91 (Ma. 1936).

1.89 Houston, Charles H., Educational Inegualities Must Gol Crisis, vol 42, p. 300, 301, 316 (1935).

Bennett Jr., Lerone, Chronicles of Black Courage -(Father of Black History changed vision of Black America 1.90 changed vision of Black America Part III) Ebony vol. 38, no. 4, p. 31 (Feb. 1983).

1.91 Flaherty, Francis J., The Verdict; A Minority shortage. National Leader, vol. ( ) p. 8 March 31, 1983. 1.92 Photo's - Feb. 15, 1983 of Luke Moore, Wiley Boanton 1.93 Photo's - Feb. 3, 1983 J. Clay Smith.

1.94 Margolick, David, The Young Get A Look At The Law, N.Y. Times, March 22, 1983 at B3, col. 1.

1.95 Keaton Win Makes History (Editorial) Camden News (Ark.) March 9, 1983 at 4, col. 1.

1.96 Stanford Rights Class Dropped After Black Protest, N.Y. Times March 20, 1983, at 27, col. 1.

1.97 Donegan, Charles Edward, The Black Lawyer in Louisiana, The Public Defender, March 1983 at 2, col. 3. MoonLightinq in Law School Found not Harmful in American Bar Foundation Study, American Bar 1.98 Foundation, March 10, 1983. (Release). Caldwell, A.B. (editor), History of the American Negro, Vol. 7 West Virginia ed., A.B. Caldwell Publishing 1.99 Co., (Atlanta, GA. 1923).

3.1 Taylor Jr., Stuart, 2 Groups Argue in Court Over N.A.A.C.P. Name, N.Y. Times at B7, col. 1. January 28, 1983

3.2 Flyer, Annual International Law Program - Law Day 1983, Panelist - Edward A. Laing. Esq. 1983 Brochure: Law Day 1983 - Justice for the 1980's: Reviving Old Commitments, Washington Bar 3.3 Association. 1983 Brochure - Second Founder's, Lecture Series and Fourth Annual Presentation of the Ollie May Cooper 3.4 Award Oct., 28, 1982 3.5 Kenneth S. Tollett, National Bar Bulletin, vol. 15, no. 3, at 3, col. 2. Mar., 1983

3.6 Alumnus, Stinger, vol. 11, no. 1 Spring 1983 (West Virginia State College), at 4. [James R. Willis, Esq] 1983 7

Ware, Gilbert (Editor), From the Black Bar - Voices for Equal Justice, New Perspectives on Black America. 3.7 [From John C. Sullivan] 3.8 Hon. Fritz W. Alexander, National Bar Bulletin, Vol. 14, No. 9, at 3 Nov. 1982 3.9 Letter from Ronald F. Pollack, Dean of Antioch School of Law Dec. 23, 1982

3.10 Flyer, Section on minority groups program at the 1983 AALS Cincinnati Annual Meeting Jan., 1983 3.11 Flyer, Black Women, Achievements Against the Odds. 3.12 Letter - from Dennis Archer - re: NBA Election 1982 3.13 Judge Hastings Testifies on Wire Tap. Wash. Post, at A4, col. 1. Jan. 29, 1983 Brittain, John C., (book review) Shades of Brown. New Perspectives on School Desegregation, 14 3.14 Connecticut Law Review 457, (no. 2, Winter 1982). 1982

3.15 Steward, Roma J., Subtle Prejudice Still Undermines Black Attorneys, Legal Times (-Wash.), at A4, col. 1. Feb. 1983 3.16 Letter to Judge Higginbotham Re: Mehlinger Feb. 14, 1983 Sellers, Dave, D.C. courts chosen as proving ground for new programs. Wash. Times, at A8, col. 2. [Chief 3.17 Judge H. Carl Moultrie] Feb. 11, 1983 Missing. Two and Two Equal Not Guilty (A Federal judge beats the "day lights" out of a bribery 3.18 prosecution), TIME, at 66, col. 3. Feb. 14, 1983 3.19 Missing. Academic Affairs Bulletin, vol. 6, no. 2 (Howard University). Nov. 1982 3.20 Missing 3.21 Missing

3.22 Donegan, Charles Edward, The Black Lawyer in Louisiana, Baton Rouge, La., 1983. ______" 1983

3.23 Smith, Jr., J. Clay, A Black Republican Responds to the Fairmont Papers, Wash. Times at 1, sec. C. Feb. 10, 1983 3.24 Black Lawyers Plan Mid-Year Confab, Wash. Afro-American at 6, col. 4. Feb. 19, 1983 Manners, Bernadette, Harvard Boycott Turns out to be Referendum on Affirmative Action, Crisis, vol. 89, 3.25 no. 10, at 26. (474). Dec. 1982 3.26 Senate's Top Black. Wash. Afro-American, at__, col. 1. Feb. 26, 1983 Sweeney, Al, Just Thinking - Where Common Sense is Required, Wash. Afro.-American at 4, col. 4. [Judge 3.27 W. Bryant] Feb. 26, 1983

3.28 Memorandum from R.P. Thome 11 to Faculty Re: Analysis of Black Applicant Pool to All Law Schools. Feb. 25, 1983 8

3.29 Shipp, E.R., Blacks Criticize Koch on Court Appointments, N.Y. Times, at 33, col. 1. Feb. 27, 1983 3.30 Flyer, Washington Bar Association EEO Considerations in (Rifs). Feb. 17, 1983

3.31 Graham, Deborah, Minority Attorneys Struggle to Land that first Job., Legal Times, at 32, col. 1. Feb. 7, 1983 Memorandum to Law Faculty from Wiley A. Branton, Subject: 100th Birthday Celebration for Howard 3.32 Law Schools' Oldest Graduate Nov. 16, 1982 Memorandum to Law Faculty from Dean Wiley A. Branton, Subject: Instate Commerce Commission 3.33 Hearing in Moot Court 11/23/82 Hunter, Clarence W., Lawyers to Provide Legal aid to Victims of Racial Hate Group. Wash. Afro-American, 3.34 at 1, col. 4. Dec. 28, 1982

3.35 Cohen, Laurence W.; Cobum, Barry, The Awful Bar Exam, N.Y. Times, at 23, col. 2. Feb. 19, 1983

3.36 Eldge, Frank. Judge Hastings Acquitted of Bribery Charges, National Leader, at 3, col. 1. Feb. 24, 1983 3.37 3 Chicago foes See Minorities as Key to City Hall. N.Y. times, at 6, col. 2. Feb. 19, 1983 3.38 Flyer, Black Law Journal, UCLA School of Law Bemstine, Daniel O., The Political Question Doctrine: A Perspective on Its Procedural Ramifications, 31 3.39 Univ. of Kansas Law Review 115, no. 1. Fall 1982 3.40 Proceedings of the Sixth Annual Convention - National Bar Association Aug. 5, 1930 Gray, Chester J., Job Opportunities for Negro Youth in Columbus, Columbus, Ohio, Division of Vocational 3.41 Guidance June, 1938

3.43 The Integration of the Negro into American Society. Howard University Press, Wash., D.C.

3.43 The Integration of the Negro into American Society. Howard University Press, Wash., D.C. 1951 Weiser, Benjamin; Pichirallo, Joe, Lawyer Accused in Bribe a Man of Different Worlds., Wash. Post, at B1, 3.44 Col. 2. [William A. Borders, Jr.] Oct. 18, 1981

3.45 First Founder s Lecture Series and Third Annual Presentation of the Ollie May Cooper Award Oct. 15, 1981

3.46 Barry Jr., Marion S., Does Journalism have a Place in the Law (address) Washington Bar Association Oct. 15, 1981

3.47 Pichirallo, Joe, U.S. Judge says he is Target of Bribery Probe. Wash. Post, at 1, col. 3. Oct. 13, 1981 9

Invitation, First Founder's Lecture Series and Ollie May Cooper Award Ceremony, Washington Bar 3.48 Association Oct. 15, 1981 3.49 NBA Criticizes Reagan on New Bias Policies, Wash. Afro-American, at 1 col. Oct. 13, 1981 3.50 Lawyer Accused of Effort to Bribe U.S. Judge, N.Y. Times, at 39 col. 1. Oct. 11, 1981

3.51 Pichirallo, Joe, Elaborate Investigation let to Arrest of district Lawyer, Wash. Post, at 1, col 5. Oct. 11, 1981 Weiser, Benjamin, Legal Panel Probes Change Judge Intervened in Arrest, Wash. Post, at B, col 4. [Judge 3.52 Theodore R. Newman, Jr.] Oct. 11, 1981 Kierman, Laura A.; Smith, Philip, FBI Charges District Lawyer in Bribe Case Involving Judge, Wash. Post, at 3.53 1, col. 1. Oct. 10, 1981 Smith, Jr., J. Clay, The First Recipients of the Medallion of Merit, 20 Howard 3.54 Law Journal 10 (no. 1). 1977

3.55 Carter, Art; Still Larry, National Roundup, Dawn Magazine, vol. 8, at 11. [Amette R. Hubbard] Sept. 1981 3.56 James H. Rabv, 78, was noted area Lawyer, Wash. Afro-American, at 14, col. 1. Sept. 12, 1981 3.57 Nation Mourns Pioneer, Wash. Afro-American, at 1, col. 6. [] Sept. 12, 1981

3.58 U.S. Veto of United Nations Resolution blasted by Lawyers, Wash. Afro American, at 1 col. 4. Sept. 12, 1981 William T. Coleman/Sherman Unger, vol. ABAS 1828, Smith, J.Y.; "Sherman Unger, 56, Nominee to U.S. 3.59 Court, dies," Washington Post at B m 1. 12/4/83 3.60 Smith, R.E.; "Flying Solo," Legal Times of Washington, at Al, A30, col. 1. 3/5/84

3.61 Maeroff, Gene I.; "Blacks wary of skill tests for teachers," New York Times at C1, col. 6, 9 n.8.

3.62 Protest at Court, (Black Law Students Association Supreme Court Rally) National Law 1 at 4, col. 4. 10/15/84 3.63 NALP Statistics on firms with a D.C. Presence, Legal Times at A10. 10/1/84 Missing. "Adams in Special Law School Program at SMU," Atlanta Daily would at 3, col. 2, (Herbert 3.64 Adams.) 9-23-84

3.65 Smith Jr., J. Clay, In Memoriam: Professor Frank D. Reeves. August 13, 1973. and Drafts Aug. 13, 1973

3.66 King, Jr., Martin Luther, The Civil Rights Struggle in the United States Today, The Record, vol. 20, no. 5. May 1965

3.67 The Black Judge in America: A Statistical Profile, Judicature vol. 57, no. 1. (2 copies) Jun.-Jul. 1973 10

3.68 Lyons, David, On Formal Justice, 58 Cornell Law Review 833 (no. 5). Jun. 1973

3.69 Adams v. Richardson, no. 73-1273 U.S. Court of Appeals for D.C. Circuit. (Brief) [Herbert O. Reid, Sr.] 3.70 Final Copy of Frank D. Reeves Article by J. Clay Smith, Jr.

3.71 George, Lawrence C., A Theory of Justice (Book Review), 20 U.C.L.A. Law Review 855. 1973

3.72 See Brubacher, The Impact of the Courts on Higher Education 2, J. of Law & Ed. 267, 270-71. Apr. 1973 Brief, Powell v. McCormack, no. 559-67, Ma. 8, 1967.See, note, Exclusion and Expulsion from the House 3.73 of Rep." 14 How. Law J. 162. Brief, Powell v. McCormack, no. 559-67, Ma. 8, 1967.See, note, Exclusion and Expulsion from the House 3.73 of Rep." 14 How. Law J. 162. 1968 Missing. Announcement: Service of Commemoration for Frank A. Reeves and James A. Cobb. Plus. 3.74 Background sketches on both. 3.75 Letter to Hon. Newton D. Baker. Secretary of War., Wash., D.C. 1/9/18 Article: Nat. Bar Assn, in 7th Annual Convention - Judge Cobb, Clarence Darrow and Vice Dean Juston 3.76 among speakers. May 31, 1934 3.77 Article V 10-25-58, Judge Cobb leaves funds for Law Scholarship at Howard. 10-25-58 3.78 Article: House, Toni, Lawyer. Rights Activist, Star-News, Re: Reeves, Frank. Missing. Williams, Juan, Fighting Segregation - Lawyers here Recall Brown Decision Wash. Post, at C9, col. 3.79 1. [James A. Nabrit, Jr.] [William T. Coleman] May 2, 1979 Arvidson, Cheryl, Black Student Lawyers in White Southern Schools Seen Increased Sharply. Daily Record 3.80 (Baltimore) vol. 172, no. 90, at 1, col. 1. April 20, 1974 Schwartz, Bernard (Editor), Statutory History of the United States - Civil Rights Part II., New York, Chelsen 3.81 House Publishers, ( ).

3.82 Meyer, Eugene L.; Whitaker, Joseph D., D.C. Firm A ' School' for Black Jurists, Wash. Post, at A1, col. 5. Apr. 12, 1976 3.83 Houston. Wash. Post; at A-1, Col. 1 [same as 3.82] Apr. 12, 1976

Whitaker, Joseph D., Judge Bryant Struggled to Reach his High Post (Jurist to Become First Black Chief 3.84 Judge of U.S. District Court here), Wash. Post, at A14, col 1. 4-15-76 Whitaker, Joseph D.; Meyer, Eugene L, Moving up to the Bench Wash. Post, at Al, col. 1. [Spottswood 3.85 Robinson, III] 4-15-76 11

Meyer, Eugene L, Free Rides and Hard Work (Black Judge) recalls path to D.C. Superior Court). Wash. 3.86 Post, at A14, col. 1. [Theodore R. Newman] '-----" April 15, 1976 Whitaker, Joseph D.; Meyer, Eugene L., Black Lawyers and Uptown Firms (Crisis of identify; some cite 3.87 difficulties), Wash. Post, at A1, col. 5. 4-14-76 3.88 Dreyfuss, Joel, The National Bar Association. , p. 22. Jan., 1972 Report to NBA Board of Governors from President Robert L. Harris: Report of President, National Bar 3.89 Association. May 1980

Kwitny, Jonatham; Landover, Jerry, Bench Battle (President Carter's Pick of Fred Gray for Judge in Alabama Draws Fired), Wall Street Journal, April 2, 1980; Rowan, Carl T., A Question of Racism; Smardz, Zofia, Va. Black named as U.S. Judge Wash. Star, 4/10/80, p. A-16, col. 1. Kierow, Robert and Leona, .The 3.90 Great Unwanteds Wanted U.S. Viewpoint___. Apr. 1980 Letter and Enclosures 1-8-80. From Linda G. Howard Re: Workshop in Ohio and Information on Black 3.91 Lawyers 1-8-80

Crime and Justice Profile: The Nation's Capital; Gov't of D.C. Marion S. Barry, Jr., Mayor, Oct. 1979; Letter 3.92 From Betsy Reveal - Executive Dir. of Office of Criminal Justice Plans and Analysis. Oct. 1979 Memorandum to Executive Committee from Marshall C. Gardner Re: FBA/BNA Annual Conference, 1/24/80 and Memorandum to Committee from J. Thomas Rouland, CAE Re: Three New Publications, 3.93 1/25/80. 3.94 Missing. Self-Scoring I.Q. Test. Stuart, Reginald, Black Ministers in . Critical of Articles, Urge Boycott of Paper. N.Y. Times, P. 24, 3.95 col. 1. 4-13-80 3.96 Republican Women's Federal Forum - Note on Advisory Council 3.97 The Bicentennial: 200 years of Black Trials and Triumphs. Ebony. Aug., 1975 3.98 Ebony, vol 78, no. 11. Sept., 1963 3.99 Missing. A Powerful New Movie: King - From Montgomery to Memphis, Ebony. Apr. 1970 4.1 Eloquent Testimony of Nebraska Barber at Riot Probe. Ebony. Apr. 1968 4.2 The Search For A Black Past. (Abolitionist Frederick Douglass, Life. Nov. 22, 1968 Martin Luther King Jr. (1929 - 1968) An Ebony Picture Biography, Johnson Publishing, Company, Inc., 4.3 Chicago. 1968

4.4 The New Breed of Street Lawyer, District Lawyer (D.C. Bar), Aug./Sept Vol. 4, No. 1. 1979 12

Humphries, Esq., Derrick A, The Image of Black American Lawyers in The Communications Services, 4.5 Airtime, Vol. 2 No. 6, p. 1. Aug. 1976

4.6 A Decade in Defense of Human Rights, 1968-1978, Nat'l Conference of Black Lawyers - Report. Barbash, Fred, ABA Won't Require Law Schools to Widen Opportunities for Admission of Minorities, 4.7 Wash. Post, p.B7, Col 4. 2-6-80

4.8 Greenhouse, Linda. A.B.A. Defers Action on Minority Admissions Plan, N.Y. Times, A13, Col. 3. 2-6-80 4.9 Whitaker, Joseph D. Amos 'N' Andy Set An Image, Wash. Post, p A-18, Col. l. 4-11-76 4.10 Letter to Commissioner Tyrone Brown F.C.C. Oct. 31st

4.11 Motley, Constance Baker, The Role of Law in Effecting Social Change, Vol. 85, No. 1 Crisis, iX. Jan. 1978 Opportunities for Blacks in Law: Perspective of A Federal Judge, Balsa Reports Vol. 5, No.5. 1-2 4.12 (Fall/Winter 1975). p8. [Judge ] 1975 4.13 Begin "Ollie's Journal" [Ollie May Cooper 4.14 - 4.32] 4.14 Thibou, Arnold L., Problems Defined for Black Lawyers. Wash. Post, p D8, col 1. 8-20-75 4.15 Smardz, Zofia, Black Va. Judge Keeps Low Profile, Local Star, at B1, Col 4. 7-13-80 Trescott, Jacqueline, Firm Acclaim for Women in Law, Wash. Post. C4, Col. 1. [Judge Norma Holloway 4.16 Johnson] 6-24-80 4.17 Check From Louis Mehlinger To: Washington Bar Assoc. Letter to Herbert Nipson from J. Thomas Rouland Re: J. Clay Smith, Jr. President F.B.A. Oct 1980, June 19, 4.18 1980. 1980 Letter to J. Clay Smith, Jr. Commissioner from Howell HeFlin re: Nominees for 4.19 Federal Bench. 4.20 Letter to Hon. Wade H. McCree, Jr. from Derrick A. Hunphries. May 23, 1980 4.21 The Bar Reporter, Vol. 4, No. 1. Spring 1980 4.22 Pictures: Ollie May Cooper Award Ceremony at H.U. School of Law. Oct. 18, 1979

4.23 Call to Commemoration of W.B.A. Inaugural Ceremony for the Ollie May Cooper Award. Oct. 18, 1979 4.24 Pictures, Year book signatures Ollie May Cooper. 4.25 The Bar Reporter, Vol. 3, No. 2. Fall 1979 4.26 Fiver - Reception, Women's Lawyer's Division - National Bar Association. Jun. 23, 1980 4.27 The Inaugural Presentation of The Ollie May Cooper Award, W.B.A. [2 copies] Oct 18, 1979 4.28 Scott, Judge Armond, His Honor The Judge, Wash. Afro-American, p. 5. 10-16-70 13

4.29 Missing 4.30 Notice of Meeting W.B.A. Dec. 1978 4.31 Interview with Ollie May Cooper at her home. 8-31-75 4.32 Other Clippings and Notes with "Ollie May Cooper Journal" 4.33 Miss. Gets Its First Black State Court Judge, Jet, p 22. Nov. 19, 1981 Governor Names 1st Black to N. Carolina High Court, Jet, at 22 Justice Adams sworn in to Alabama high 4.34 court, Ibid. 2-7-83 4.35 Two Blacks Appointed To Harvard Law Review, Jet at 23. 11-1-82 4.36 National Bar Assn. Keeps Lawyer Referral Center, Jet, p. 6. 12-13-82 4.37 Profile of Black America The Crisis. Dec. 1982 4.38 Missing Kiernan, Laura A., "Mensay Photograph in U.S. News Caused Them Public Disgrace, Embarrassment", 4.39 Wash. Post p. B3, Col 1. 1-23-83 4.40 Law Review Plan is Approved, N.Y. Times, p. A10, Col 1. 1-15-82 4.41 Joseph E. Lee Memorial Library and Museum Advisory Committee. 6-14-75

4.42 Joseph A Lee Memorial Library and Museum, Citizens for Community Action District 6 Inc. 7-12-75 4.43 Grant Application The Joseph E. Lee Memorial Library and Museum. 4.44 Address by Spottswood W. Robinson, III to W.B.A. 4-30-76 4.45 Letter to Mr. J. Clay Smith, Jr. from Dean Edgar S. Cahn (Antioch Law School). 9-18-75

4.46 Letter to Mr. J. Clay Smith, Jr. from Yvnne Brathwaite Burke (member of Congress). 4-26-76 Jonathan Jasper Wright, Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of South Carolina, 1870-77 18, J. Negro 4.47 Hist p. 114. 1933 4.48 Jackson, Donald Dale, "Judges", Atheneum, New York. 1974

Charles Hamilton Houston Medallion of Merit -Articles on Dean Clarence Ferguson, Walter E. 4.49 Washington, J. Franklin Wilson, Oliver W. Hill, Joseph C. Waddy, William Henry Hastie, George E.C. Hayes.

4.50 Black Women Lawyers - Ida Platt, 1894 - First Negro Woman admitted to the Chicago bar.

4.51 Fortas, Abe, "Chief Justice Warren; The Enigma of Leadership" 84 Yale L.J. 405 (No. 3) Jan. 1975 4.52 Letter to Attorney Clay Smith from Mary E. Stansel. 6-10-76 4.53 Note: Davis, "The New York Slave Conspiracy of 1741," 56 J. Negro History 17. 1971 14

4.54 District goal 50,000 members, Wash Afro-Am, p.8. [Judge Harry Toussaint Alexander] 6-3-78 McNeil, Genna Rae, "Charles Hamilton Houston (1895-1950) and The Struggle for Civil Rights" (Univ. of 4.55 Chicago). Speech - N.B.A. Convention - fifth annual. Jun. 1975 4.56 Blacks Appointed to High Court by Florida Governor; Wash. Star, p.A5, Col 2. 7-9-75 4.57 Negro History Bulletin, Vol. 38, No. 3. May 1975 4.58 Smith, Jr. J. Clay, "One Lone Kid in Boston, 1849", Wash, Star, p. A12, Col. 3. 9-5-75 4.59 Dr. McNeil To Address Bar Assn., Wash. Afro-American, p.10. 9-15-75 Bell, Jr. Derrick A., "Desegregation and Public Education Since Brown v. Board of Education: History - 4.60 based Prediction on a Landmark Decision."

4.61 Kemp, Mabs, "Coffee with Judge Julia Cooper Mack and friends", Wash, Afro-American, p.9, col. 1. 9-20-75 4.62 Smith, Jr., J. Clay, "Boston - Busing - Type issues in 1849", (Original Draft).

4.63 Wentworth, Eric, "States Urged to End Campus Race Bias", Wash, Post, p. A3, col. 5. 12-28-74 4.64 Sessing, Trevor, "Sister of Price, Idealist of Passion", Wash. Star, p. 14. Aug. 1975 4.65 Bonner, Alice, "700 Attend Rites for Frank D. Reeves", W. Post, p. C-9, Col. 1. 4-13-73 4.66 IRS Files to be kept for Black Panther Suit, Jet, p. 8. 5-29-75 4.67 Analysis of Justice Wright's opinions S.C. Court (1870-1877). 4.68 Blacks Comprise 1% of Elected Officials, w. Post, p.A16, Col. 1. 6-29-75 Note on, Blakely, Richard T., "Greener and the 'Talented Tenth's Dilemma", Journal of Negro History Vol. 4.69 LIX p. 305. 1974 4.70 Were Blacks Here Before Columbus, Wash. Star, p. A-3, Col 5. 2-24-75 Marker approved for Lee Center; Library - Museum Study Funded.:, Financial News and Daily Record, 4.71 (Fla.) [Joseph E. Lee] 3-20-75

4.72 MacKenzie, John P., All Judges said bound by New Ethics Code," W. Post, p. A14, Col. 5. 11-3-72

4.73 4 Ex - Justices Opposed to Junior Court, Evening Star, and Daily News, p. A16, Col. 1. 2-9-73 New Code of Judicial Conduct is Adopted by the American Bar Association, Code of Judicial Conduct, Vol. 4.74 58, p. 1207. Nov. 1972 4.75 Fiver Funeral Services Frank D. Reeves Apr. 12, 1973 Economic Issues in the Joint Ownership of Newspaper and Television Media Rosse, Owen, and Grey, 4.76 Memorandum No. 97. May 1970 15

4.77 Notes "The National Court of Appeals: A Constitutional 'In Ferior Court' "?", 72 Mich L. Rev. 290. 1973 FTC Revises Purposed Rule on Holder - in- Due - Course Doctrine, News & Comment, p. A-6 (No. 595) 4.78 CARR). 1-9-73

4.79 Neverbourg, Hans, "U.S. - Swiss Treaty To Combat Crime Meets Opposition", W. Post, p. A2. Col 7. 7-11-72 Bibliography of Writings About Clinical Legal Education, Council on Legal Education for 1" Professinal 4.80 Responsibility, Inc., (New York) Vol. VI, No. 1. Jul. 1973 4.81 Letter From the Law Clinic by Alfred F. Conand, Univ. of Mich. Law School 4.82 Missing 4.83 Missing 4.84 Missing 4.85 Meyer, Lawrence, Court Overturns Hill Contempt Term," W. Post, p. A17, Col 2. 12/21/72

4.86 Dubrow, Marsha, "Women Organize4d to Combat Rapists and Counsel Victims", W. Post p. 1. 4.87 Boldf, David R., "Flexible Sentencing Urged in Virginia", W. Post p. E4, Col. 2. 12/21/72 4.88 Prince, Richard E. "Open School Learning", W. Post, p. F1, Col. 5. 12/21/72

4.89 Nelson, Harry, "Gross Inaccuracies Charged to Urine Screening for Drugs," Wash. Post, p. 2, Col 1. 12/21/72

4.90 How to Make the Law of Evidence Work for You, C.E.B. ( Calif, continuing education). Apr. 1973 Ehrenhaft, Peter D., "A Rebuttal to Arthur Goldberg's "Case Against a National Court of Appeals", W. 4.91 Post, p. A15, Col. 2. 2-14-73 Smith, Jr., J. Clay, "In Memoriam: Professor Frank D. Reeves: Toward a Houstonian School of 4.92 Jurisprudence and the Study of Pure Legal Experience." Aug. 13, 1973 4.93 Mr. Majo "Jurisprudence" G.W. Univ. Law School. 4.94 Chart on "Concepts of Social Justice; Application and Education" (2 copies). Mann, Jack, "What can you say about a Lawyer who makes $37,000 a year defending poor criminal 4.95 defendants?", W. Post (Potomac), p. 13. 1-14-73 4.96 Chief Justice Scores Constructionist Label, W. Post, p. A14, Col. 1. 1-28-73 4.97 Ungar, Sanford J., "Prisons Seen ' Failure" As Crime Curb", W. Post, p. A1, Col 2. 1-15-73

4.98 Goldberg, Arthur J., "The Case Against a National Court of Appeals," W. Post, p. A14, Col. 3. 1-6-72 4.99 Barnes, Fred, "Warren Opposes New Court Plan," Sunday Star, p A26, Col. 2. 12-10-72 16

6.1 Letter to Members from Thomas A. Duckenfield, WBA 2/10/82

6.2 Miller, M. Sammy, "D.C.'s first Black Judge", W. Post, p. A16, col. 3. [Emanuel Moylneaux Hewlett] 4/24/76

6.3 Some historical errors of James Ford Rhodes, Journal of Negro History, vol. II, Nov. 6, Oct., 1917, p. 345 1917

6.4 The attitude of the free Negro toward African Colonization J. of Negro History, vol. I. p. 276. 1916

6.5 Names of D.C. Schools reflect heritage of Black leadership W. Post, p. AC 5, col 1. 2/31/80

6.6 Clay, Hon. William (Bill), "The game of Black presidential appointments," Congressional Record, p. E 558. 2/12/80

6.7 Howard University School of Law "Administrative Law Examination," Prof. J. Clay Smith, Jr. May 2,1983

6.8 White, Miles, "Henry Kenndy: Law and the human factor." (Youngest Superior Court Judge)

6.9 Kamen, Al; Bruske, Ed, "Lawyers" W. Post, p. A 2, col. 1, [Judge William S. (Turk) Thompson] 5/16/83 6.10 Judges to be honored, W. Afro-American, p. 11, col. 1. 5/14/83

6.11 Barbash, Fred, "Women backed in suits against big legal firms", W. Post, p. A1, col. 6. 5/12/83 6.11 U.S. backs bias suit against Bell's law firm, N.Y. Times, p. A16, col. 1. 5/13/83

6.13 Reichwein, Joe, "The Black lawyer, past and present", (Education), National Leader, p. 10. 2/24/83 Brochure. The fiftieth year commemoration law day dinner and inaugural presentation of the Charles 6.14 Hamilton Houston Medallion of Merit", WBA 4/30/76 Letter to Lennox Hinds from Victor Goode re: Organization of Military Justice Project. National 6.15 Conference of Black Lawyers. (NCBI). Nov. 25, 1975

6.16 Kiernan, Laura A., "Judge wins long battle to return to bench", W. Post, p. B 3, col. 1. 7/29/78 Kiernan, Laura A., "New Rules for Sheet Metal Apprentice Program Ordered", W. Post, p C5, col. 5. [Judge 6.17 William B. Bryant] 3/8/80

6.18 Brockett, Diane, 'Judge' Reid holds out hope for D.C. Schools", Wash. Star, p. A2, col. 2. 10/12/75 6.19 Judge Hastie, Wash. Afro-American, p. 2, col. 3. 4/17/76 17

6.20 Flyer "In memory - Elwood Holmes Chisolm", 1/1/16 until 2/20/79.

6.21 Trescott, Jacqueline, "DeLong Hariss, verbal swash buckler", W. Post, p. F1, col. 3. 9/21/75 6.22 Bunts, Harriet, J. Clay Smith" National Bar Bulletin, p. 2. Aug. 1975

6.23 Alumni Achievement Awards to be presented at Charter Day, March 2, Alumni News (Howard University) Feb. 1980 6.24 In Memoriam - Paul Eugene Miller, Esq., 1935-1974. 7/18/74 6.25 Yearbook 1976, Supreme Court historical society, Editor, William F. Swindler. 6.26 NBA 50th Annual Convention Set, National Bar Bulletin Jun. 1975 6.27 William Orville Douglas, Oct. 16, 1898 - Jan. 19, 1980; Memorial Service - Jan. 6.28 Pictures: 1) Herbert O. Reid, Sr.; 2) James M. Nabrit Jr. 6.29 Alexander, Annie, "Ollie May Cooper - One of the first", Barrister, p. 2. 3/23/78

6.30 Williams, Juan, "Puzzling Legacy of 1954; Historic Decision's effects debated", W. Post, p. A1, col. 5. 5/17/79

6.31 Richbuig, Keith, "Diggs faces first real opposition for house seat", W. Post, p. A7, col. 1. 2/18/80 6.32 50th Annual Convention, NBA. Aug., 1975 6.33 Picture - Wiley P. Branton, Dean -Justice 6.34 Burnett, Arthur Louis, Resume 4/14/75 6.35 NBA Members Receive Federal Appointments, Nat'l Bar Bulletin, p. 1. Dec. 1977 Bar President says, Black Lawyers Regarded as Calhouns' by Delta Foundation, Jackson Advocate, 11-(19- 6.36 25)-81, p. A1, col. 1. Nov. 1981

6.37 CARP- Leona Poupcy Thurman, Kansas City, Missouri 6410& 221-5980, 221-5981. 6.38 Field Notes index, Notice no. N-904, EEOC. May 13, 1981

6.39 Letter to Wiley Y. Daniel, Esq., Pres. Sam Carey Bar Assoc. from: J. Clay Smith, Jr., Pres. FBA. 10/6/81

6.40 Law and Order in Outer Space, Precinct - Reptr, vol. 17, no. 16, (Calif)., p. 9., col. 3. 11/12/81 6.41 Letter from Dwight Tillery, Atty/Ohio. 8/17/81

Letter & Article from: Colin P. Moore re: The plight of the Haitian Refugees, 11/18/81 and Article: "The 6.42 immigration policy of the United States 1776-1981" by Moore. 11/18/81 6.43 Holsendolph, Ernest, "Discord over mobile phones", N.Y. Times, p. 21, col. 5. 12/1/81 18

6.44 Feder, Barnaby J., "Space Law's Business Impact", N.Y. Times, p. A1, col. 12/2/81 Letter to Communications task force members from Patti Grace, Vice Chairperson, Subj: November 6.45 Membership Business Meeting. 10/30/81 6.46 Rucker appointed register of wills, Wash. Afro-Am., p. 1, col. 1. 12/5/81

6.47 Tenessee notes and quotes (Black Republican George Brown), Tennessee Journal, 6. 8-18-80 6.48 White House Record on minority hiring, U.S. News & World Report, p. 84. 5/11/81 6.49 Wiley P. Branton Biographical Data. Wiggins, Lilian; Nakatami, Nikki, "Voting Rights Act clouds air at Bar Assn, meeting" Wash. Afro-Am. p. 7, 6.50 col. 1. 4/11/81 6.51 Flyer - Charles S. Johnson - "For Board of Governors of the NBA" 6.52 Letter To: J. Clay Smith, Jr. from Ronald S. Samuels re: NBA. 6/18/82 6.53 Detroit Atty., Ed Bell, 37 others Injured in Shooting, Bombing Spree, Jet, p. 6. 6/28/82

Constance B. Motley; "Judge Constance B. Motley "Is Promoted in New York", Jet, 6/28/82, p. 30.; 6.54 "Constance B. Motley, Chief Judge, S.P. N.Y, May 31" The Third Branch. Jun. 1982 Isikoff, Michael, "Richmond Power Play, White Group Threatening Black Control", W. Post, p. 1., col. 1. 6.55 [Henry L. Marsh, III] 6/30/82

6.56 Margolick, David, "Women turn to courts to gain rights," N.Y. Times, p. A21, col. 1. 6/29/82

6.57 Letter - Howard Law Alumni Association; - Meeting 1/13/82; - Speaker William B. Bryant, Senior Judge 1/13/82

6.58 National Bar Association Letters - 1) Newsletter Preconvention; 2) Communique Jan, 1982 Lecture flyers Place: Creighton University School of Law Speaker: J. Clay Smith, Jr. Topic: "Civil Rights 6.59 Lecture." 3/5/81 6.60 1980-81 Directory of Commercial Attorneys, NBAJ. 1980-1981 6.61 Brochure - "Law Day 1979", WBA, Herbert O. Reid. Black in Government, Equal under the law - The story of Supreme Court Justice Thurgood 6.62 Marshall Buckingham learning Corp. 1969

6.63 Defendants' Motion denied!, Ebony, Ma '75, P. 124. [U.S. District Judge A. Leon Higginbotham, Jr.] 6.64 A strategy for Black lawyers in the 80's NBA (Press kit). Aug, 1980 6.65 The Bureaucrat, vol. 9, no. 2. Summer 1980 19

6.66 Financial and Estate Planning Seminar, NBA. Stiteler, Betsy, "BAR Chief issues warning - struggle of Blacks must continue, Harris says" Dallas morning 6.67 news, p. 33A, col. 3. [Robert L. Harris] 8/7/80

6.68 Attorney named special Justice, Memphis Press - Scimitar, p. 2, col. 31. (A.C. Wharton) 8/1/80 6.69 Flyer "Keep Justice Brown Committee", Justice George H. Brown, Jr. 6.70 Keep Justice Brown Committee Genna Rae McNeil, "Annual Report," "History of Howard University School of Law Project," Black- 6.71 American Bar Study Project." Genna Rae McNeil. 6.72 Smith, Jr., Dr. J. Clay, "The Afro-American Lawyer: Their Beginning." 6.73 Letter from Victor M. Goode, Associate Director NCBL. 12/18/75

6.74 Judges Williams, Miller, Promoted in New York, National Bar Bulletin, vol. 14, no. Dec. 1981-Jan. 1982

6.75 The Black Woman in the Legal Profession, Balsa Reports, vol. 5 nos. d2, Fall/Winter 1975. 1975 6.76 Flyer "Ollie May Cooper Award Ceremony", President's Legal Brief; WBA.

Letters Reveal Brandeis Political Fund - more than $50,000 was channeled to Frank fueter, Professor says. W. Post, 2/15/82, p. A17, col. 1.; "Lawyers - Wendell W. Webster and Bruce A. Frederickson", W. 6.77 Post, 2/15/82, p. 13, col. 2. 2/15/82

6.79 Margolick, David, "When Judges take a role in politics, secret or not", N.Y Times p 1 A16, col. 3. 2/16/82 6.80 Legal Services, Guidelines, Office of Economic Opportunity. Prosecutor's bench - who are the judges who will pick Genesee County's new prosecutor?, Flint Journal 6.81 Perspective, p. B1, col. 1. 12/2/79

6.82 Jenkins, Timothy L. "Making the Most of Black Politics and Money", W. Post, p. col. 1. 11/24/79

6.83 Carter Nominates Woman for Seat on Superior Court, W. Post, p. C1 1, col. 1. [Iraline Barnes] 11/14/79

Meyer, Eugene L.", 'The only colored man... at Justice - Co-founder of Law School, 93, Recall: struggle in 6.84 legal world." W. Post, p. A18, col. 1. [Louis Rothschild Mehlinger] 4/11/76 6.85 Inside the Burger Court, Newsweek, p. 76 12/10/79 20

Humphrey, Theresa, "Secretary of HEW, she controls: a $200 Billion Budget" Dawn Magazine, p. 4. 6.86 [Patricia Roberts Harris] March 1980 6.87 Lynn Walker (Flyer) Patterson, Gregory, "Law Journal Fails to Publish in '81; Takeover Possible", The Hill top (Howard 6.88 University), p.1, col. 5. 2/12/82 6.89 U.S. Judge Rules Against Hastings on Immunity, W. Post, p. 87, col. 1. 2/18/82 6.90 First Black Chosen - Clay Smith, Jr. Elected Federal Bar President, Jet, P. 6. 10/9/80 Kieman, Laura A.; Kamen, Al, "Jury indicts Judge, Lawyer in bribe case", W. Post, p. L, col. 3. [William A. 6.91 Borders] 12/30/81

6.92 Judges Jones and Howard - Trailblazing jurists set their own modes, Baltimore Sun, p. B1, col. 5. 1/10/82

6.93 Judge Hastings, Ex-Bar President borders indicted in $150,000 bribe case, Jet, p. 6. 1/21/82 People, National Bar Bulletin, vol. 13, no. 6,7,8, 1981. p. 3.; 1) Judge William S. Thompson Judge James 6.94 Sheffield, Raymond A. Jackson 1981

6.95 Johnson, Janis, "Judge Hastings Arraigned on Conspiracy Charges", W. Post, p. C5, col. 1. 1/13/82 6.96 Reid, Sr., Herbert O., Resume. Speech. - Smith, Jr., J. Clay on "My beloved Carter G. Woodson Center", Annual Meeting of the Carter G. 6.97 Woodson Center, Nebraska. 2/11/79

6.98 Letter to Prof. Herbert O. Reid, Sr., Esq.; from Roderic L. Woodson, Howard Law Alumni Assoc. Apr. 19, 1979

6.99 Brochure "Brown W. Payne Fellowship Program", Mountain State Bar Association, Inc. Oct. 1972

7.1 Woodson Center Association 1978 Annual Report A United Way Member Agency

7.2 The Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights Under Law, Fifteenth Anniversary Report. Jul., 1978 Smith, Jr., Clay, "The Future of the Black Lawyer in America", Annual Convention of the Old Dominion Bar 7.3 Assoc. May 26, 1979

7.4 Program: "25 Years Since Brown", 25th Anniversary Dinner Shoreham Americana Hotel. May 17, 1979 Speech: Smith, Jr., J. Clay, "Strategies for Reversing the Growth of the Black Under Class: The Role of Fair 7.5 Employment Law" 21

7.6 Mailing List: W.B.A.; other associations 7.7 Mailing List: "Lawyers Study Group." 7.8 District Lawyer; Vol. 3. Jan., 1978 7.9 Saki, The Interlopers" 7.10 District Lawyer, Vol. 2., No. 3. Feb., 1978 7.11 The District of Columbia Bar Lawyer Directory, 1977 Hooks, Benjamin L., "N.A.A.C.P. Youth Employment Program Presented to the National Alliance of 7.12 Businessmen Executive Board. (Wash, D. C. ). Jun. 6, 1979 7.13 Letter from: Genna Rae, Dept. Hist., N.C. Sept. 8, 1975

7.14 Letter from: Genna Rae McNeil re: Charles Hamilton Houston - "The Need for Negro Lawyers." Jan. 23, 1975 7.15 Smith, Jr., J. Clay, "One Lone Kid in Boston, 1849."

7.16 Note: Curtis, Gould," The Black Experience in America 102-103 (U. of Tex. Press). 1970

Evaluation by J. Clay Smith, Jr. of Article by Robert Mark Scott entitled "Illinois Civil Rights Act and Public 7.17 Accommodation Discrimination - Legislation and Litigation," 1885-1935. 7.18 Funeral Services for A Mercer Daniel Sat, Feb. 21, 1976 Feb. 21, 1976 7.19 Mufflin Wister Gibbs

7.20 Thirteen Annual Dinner of the Howard Law Alumni Assoc., of the Greater Washington Area. Apr., 14, 1976 7.21 Henry Kennedy Named New Magistrate in D.C.", Wash. Star, p. B-6. 3-17-76 7.22 Memorandum from: Derrick A. Humphries. 4-2-76 Letter to Members of the Cleo Family from Alfred A. Slocum, Executive Director re: Cleo's Refunding 7.23 Crisis. March 12, 1976

7.24 Smith, Jr., J. Clay, "In Memoriam: Professor Frank D. Reeves." 18 How. L.J. 1, (no. 1) 1974 7.25 Negro History Bulletin - Special Bicentennial Issue Vol. 38, No. 4, Spring 1975 7.26 William Henry Hastie, W. Post, p. B6, Col.l 4-18-76

7.27 Johnson, James W., "Should the Negro be Given an Educatic Different From That Given to the Whites?" 7.28 Letter from: . 1-23-78 7.29 Schick, Allen, "The Cybernetic State." Feb., 1970 22

7.30 Training Students for Crisis Intervention - Universities as Government Plantations, Learning and the Law, Spring 1977 7.31 W.B.A. Law Day Dinner Seating List. 4-30-76 Groom, Winston, "No Place for Black Judge's Portrait - Smithsonian Official Labels the Painting of 7.32 Armond Scott A 'Monstrosity'," W. Star, p. E1, Col. 2. 5-9-76 Groom, Winston, "No Place for Black Judge's Portrait - Smithsonian Official Labels the Painting of 7.32 Armond Scott A 'Monstrosity'," W. Star, p. E1, Col. 2. 5-9-76

Letter "The Fiftieth Year Commemoration Law Day Dinner and Inaugural Presentation of the Charles 7.33 Hamilton Houston Medallion of Merit," W.B.A. 1925-1976. 1976 To Honorable Ernest Chambers from Jonathan L. Rosner re: State of Nebraska Ex Rel. Nebraska State Bar Ass'n V.S. BradFord Cook, Member of the Nebraska State Bar Ass'n - Supreme Court of Nebraska, No. 7.34 39791. 7.35 Congressional Record, Vol. 121, No. 146, Wash., (House of Representatives). 10-1-75 7.36 Congressional Record., Wash., Vol. 121, No. 157, (Senate) 10-28-75 7.37 Picture: Wm. J. Simmers. Organizing Resistance to the 1970's Depression - Save the Family, 4th Annual Operation PUSH National 7.38 Convention, PA. Aug., 1975

7.39 Rev. Jackson Tells PUSH to Protect Gains, Create New Victories, Philadelphia Tribune, p.7, Col. 1. 8-9-75 7.40 Workers for the Association The Negro History Bulletin, Apr. 1959 Letter to All NCBL Communications Task Force Members from Patti Grace re: Communications Task 7.41 Force Business Meeting. Oct. 15, 1981 Letter to NBA Board of Governors and Affiliate Chapter Presidents from John Crump, Executive Director 7.42 re: Agenda for NBA Board of Governors Meeting. Oct. 10, 1981 7.43 State Bar Admission Rules: Will the Wall Come Down?, Bar Leader. Nov.-Dec. 1981 7.44 Rustini Bayard, "Remembering Roy Wilkins", Nat'l Scene, (Supp)., p.3. Nov. 1981

7.45 Shipp, E.R., "'Family Party' is Staged at N.Y.U. for the Black Judges in New York", N.Y. Times, p. 56, Col. 1. 12-13-81 Letter & News Release to N.B.A. Board of Governors and Affiliate Chapter Presidents from: John Crump, 7.46 Executive Dir. re: Board of Governors Meeting Dec. 11, 1981

7.47 Robbins, William, "Legal Aid Centers for Poor Hampered by Budget Cuts", N.Y. Times, p. A22, Col. 1. 12-14-81 7.48 Letter from: James J. McMahon, Pres. Memphis-Mid South Chapter F.B.A. Dec. 1980 23

7.49 Booklet Law Students Council "LSCRRC its history and programs" 7.50 Dedication by Walter J. Leonard, "To Black Women"

Jones, Louis Clayton, "Black America in 1980 A question of Priorities" Alternatives (N.Y.C.) Nov., 1980. 7.51 cross ref: The EEOC Clipboard, Vol 4, No. 49, 11-(13-19)-80, p. 20. Nov. 1980 Denniston, Lyle, "Supreme Court to Rule on Streets, Segregation," W. Star, 12-4-80, p. A4, Col., 5. 7.52 [accompanying letter] to Alvin O. Chambliss, Jr., Esq. 12-4-80 Institutional Racism, The Cancer Destroying America's Ability to be a Moral Force in the Affairs of 7.53 Mankind," Alumni News (H.U.) Vol. 11, No. 4. Oct. 1980 7.54 Wilkie Ferguson, Jr. Named Judge in Florida, Afro-Am., Col. 7.p. 13. 12-13-80

Speech by Chester J. Gray, State Supervisor, Minority Groups Services. "Needs of Metropolitan Cleveland 7.55 - Next Twenty Years", at Americans for Democratic Action Panel. Jan. 18, 1959

7.56 Smith, Dan, "Urbina for Judgeship" Barrister, Vol. VIII, No. 1, (H.U. School of Law). Nov. 1979 7.57 U.S. Commission on Civil Rights Report to the President and the Congress. Jan., 1981 7.58 Personal Letter to Hon. J. Clay Smith, Esq. Pres. FBA from Prof. Parks Letter & Article to Deborah Dickerson from Herman Morris, Jr., Pres. Ben Jones Chapter NBA re: 7.59 Newspaper Article on J. Clay's visit to Tennessee June 25, 1981 7.60 National Bar Bulletin, (1981), Vol 13, No.'s 3,4,5, Ma, April, NY'81 1981

7.61 Call to OSMA Spurlock to be read at the Funeral of Harriet Bailey Conn. from J. Clay Smith, Jr. 8-24-81

7.62 Friedman, Robert, "Community Full Employment", Policy Working Paper, (Nat'l League of Cities)

7.63 Clarence Cooper "Judge Won't Allow Cameras at Williams Trial", N.Y. Times, p. A15, Col. 1. 8-26-81 Smith, Jr., J. Clay "Gertrude E. Rush: Co-Founder of the NBA,", Nat'l Bar Bulletin, Vol. 13, Nos. 6 and 7, 7.64 p.1. Jun./Jul. 1981 7.65 Mailgram to William Borders, Pres. 7-30-81 7.66 Mailgram to Arnette Hubbard, Pres. 7-30-81

7.67 Kamen, AL, "Job Discrimination Suits, Law Fees Raising the JRE of Federal Judges", W. Post, P. 11, Col. 1. 8-31-81 7.68 Harriette Bailey Conn "State Public Defender Harriette Conn dies" 7.69 Letter to Members NCBL From: Patti Grace re: Communications Task Force, 2-26-82 24

7.70 Letter & Memoranda to Ms. Jacquelyn R. Rucker, re: Gertrude E. Rush Award. 3-24-82 Warren E. Burger, "Isn't There a Better Way", Annual Report on the State of the Judiciary, (ABA), 7.71 (Chicago). 1-24-82

Statement J. Clay Smith, Jr., Bef. the Subcommittee on Employment Education and Labor House of 7.72 Opportunities Committee on Education and Labor House of Representatives. 10-7-81

7.73 Lecture (Flyer) J. Clay Smith, Jr., "Civil Rights Lecture", Creighton Univ. School of Law and B.A.L.S.A. 3-5-81 Jones, Jr., James E., "Reverse Discrimination" in Employment: Judicial Treatment of Affirmative Action Programmes in the United States", Industrial Relations Research Institute. (Univ. of Wise.) Reprint No. 7.74 237, 1981 The Community and the Black Attorney: A Focus on Issues and Strategies in the Eighties, Nat'l Conf. of 7.75 Black Lawyers (Howard Univ.). Oct., 1981 7.76 The District of Columbia Bar Election, 1982, The District of Columbia Bar, 1982 Letter & Enclosures; Howard Law Alumni Assoc.; Sept. Regular Meeting, 8-31-81. – Speakers - Voting 7.77 Rights 8-31-81 7.78 New Directions (H.U. Magazine) Apr. 1982

Glimpses of the ASALH 60th Anniversary Meeting, Negro History Bulletin, Vol. 39, No. 2, 2-76. p. 522, 7.79 "The Continuing American Revolution" by Judge Constance Baker Motley.

7.80 Speech By Clarence Thomas, Bef. The D.C. Chapter of the Industrial Relations Research Assoc. Jun. 3, 1982 7.81 Letter from James L. Hudson May 25, 1982 7.82 Program "On the Occassion of . . . The Retirement of Lisbon C. Berry." Jun. 4, 1982 7.83 National Bar Association 57th Annual Convention . . . , Nat'l Bar Bulletin, p. 5. Apr. 1982

7.84 "28 years Since Brown", NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund, Inc. (New York) 5-20-82

Pictures: Charter May Convocation and Dinner. 1981, H.U. Booklets (of same) - Newspaper Articles 7.85 (same) [*All Featuring J. Clay Smith, from Brenda Lawson Brown 1981

7.86 Food: Some Reasons for High Prices, Northern Miss. Rural Legal Services Notes, p.2. Nov.-Dec. 1982 7.87 Midlands Bar Association Directory, Jan. 1981 7.88 Major's, Gerry, "Society World - Cocktail Chitchat" Jet, p. 18. 3-12-81 25

7.89 Newspaper Clippings of Hostage situation in Iran.

Legal Education Advancement Planning - An Introductory Study of Minority Law Student Development 7.90 potentials, Academy for Educational Development, Inc. (New York). Dec. 1971 Memorandum "LSCRRC Advisory Meeting" (Law Students Civil Rights Research Council), purpose: 7.91 Funding 12-13-80

Laskey, Janet K; Mitchell, Albert A., "The Law Students Civil Rights Research Council 1979-80 Program & 7.92 Financial Report and Request for Support for 1980-81 Programs", LSCRRC

7.93 Weiser, Benjamin, "Officer Says Judge Interfered Poring Arrest at Restaurant", W. Post, p. B1, Col. 4. 7-8-81 7.94 Invitation: NBA - "A Salute to NBA Past Presidents" NBA. 3-28-81 Williams, Juan, "The Black Elite, Why the Ranks of Washington's Well-off and Powerful Blacks are 7.95 Swelling", W. Post Magazine P. 12. 1-4-81 7.96 Articles and Clippings on Gertrude S. Rush, Gertrude S. Rush. 7.97 Benedict College Project - Women Missing. Federal Bar Association; Federal Bar News & Journal, FBA, Sept '81. Topic: Symposium Issue on 7.98 Labor and Employment Laws Sept. 1981 Missing. Waffen, Leslie; Thomas, Charles; Malan, Nancy, "Audiovisual Records in the National Archives 7.99 Relating to Black History", ASNL & H. Jul. 1972 Missing. Smith, Jr., J. Clay,"Apprenticeships and Age Discrimination", 8 J. of Intergroup Relations 52, 8.1 (No.4). Winter 1980-1981

8.2 Missing. The One Hundred Twelfth Anniversary of the Howard University School of Law, H.U. 1-22-1981 Missing. Thomas Dukenfield "Legal Ethics Committee of the District of Columbia Bar", Daily Wash. Law 8.3 Reporter, Vol. 109, no. 94, p. 941 5-15-81 8.4 Missing. Letter from Family of Harriette B. Conn re: Thanks 8.5 Missing. This Week in Black History [Edith Sampson.] Jet, p. 31 8.6 EEOC Organization Chart 8.7 Letter from Dennis W. Archer 8.8 Letter from District of Columbia Bar re 1981 Election 8.9 Minority Lawyers Se$t to Oppose Bias in Hiring", Jet, p. 6. [Ralph R. Smith] 5-21-81 Speech, Hon. Thurgood Marshall, "Speech delivered at the Dedication of the New Law Building" Tex. S. 8.10 Univ. L. Rev. 191 (No. 2) 26

8.11 Symposium issue on Labor and Employment Laws, Federal Bar News & Letter Journal. Sept. 1981 8.12 Letter to Members NBA from Robert L. Archie. 5-19-81 Jenkins, Issie L. Shelton, "The Black Woman: Who Represents Her (some comments on representation of 8.13 black women by black women's organization), Oct., 1980

8.14 8th Annual Convention Souvenir Booklet, the National Association of Black Women Attorneys. 1981

8.15 Cunningham, Constance A. "Homer S. Brown: First Black Political Leader in Pittsburgh"

8.16 Letter & Memorandum from Henry Ramsey, Jr. re: CLEO's Fy 1982 Appropriation

Kamen, Al, "Wilkey's Namibia Trip Raises Eyebrows", Wash. Business, 4-27-81, p. 30, Col. 1. "Lawyers" 8.17 (etc) [U.S. Court of Appeals JUdge Makolm Wilkey][D.C. Superior Court Chief Judge H. Carl Moultrie I.] 4-27-81

8.18 Letter to Members of NBA from Vince Monroe Townsend Jr. re: NBA President Elect. 3-31-81

8.19 Johnson, Jesse J. , "Black Armed Forces Officers - 1736-1971" Missing Pages in U.S. History, pg. 67. 1971

8.20 Hobart T. Taylor, 60 Dies; Was Counsel to Presidents, Wash. Star, pg. G-5. [Hobart T. Taylor] 4-5-81 8.21 Letter from Creighton Univ. L. Rev. 4-14-81 Memorandum to NCBL Board of Directors, etc. from Victor M. Goode, Nat'l. Dir. re: NCBL Leadership 8.22 Retreat 3-16-81 8.23 Smith, Jr., J. Clay, "Gertrude E. Rush. Co-Founder of the NBA" 6-8-81 8.24 Hispanic National Bar Association Newsletter. Jun. 1981 8.25 In Brief - Concerns Aired at First Minority Bar Institute, ABA Journal, p. 840. Jul. 1981

8.26 EEOC head chosen to lead Bar confab, Wash. Afro-Am., p. 7, Col. 6. [J. Clay Smith, Jr.] 8-15-81

8.27 Judicial Panel Member Sues to Block Reagan's Firing Him, W. Post, p. C5, Col. 1. [William A. Borders, Jr.] 6-9-81 8.28 NCBL - Update. May 1981 8.29 National Institute of Minority Lawyers Booklet. May 1981

8.30 Green, Stephen; Meyer Eugene L.; "Appeals Court Gets 1st Black Chief Judge", W. Post, p. 1A, Col. 6. 10-26-76 27

8.31 Claiborne William, "'Scottsboro Boy' Wins Pardon", W. Post, p. 1A, Col. 1. 10-26-76 De Witt, Karen, "Affirmative Voice - The Issue Keeps the Expert on the Go", W. Post, p. B1, Col. 6. [Dr. 8.32 Kenneth Tollett] 1-11-78 8.33 The Barrister, Vol. VII, No. 9. March 1977

The Hill Top Vol. 59, No. 22, Herbert O. Reid, March 1977, National Bar Convention - 1974 plus Proposed 8.34 Amendments to the Constitution of the NBA, Inc. March 1977

8.36 The Bakke Decision - Disadvantaged Graduate Students, Transcript and Statements (Cal. Legislature). 3-2-77 8.37 Letter from Arthur L. re: Bakke Memorandum to Howard Univ. School of Law Bakke Committee from Genna Re McNeil re: Development 8.38 of "Impact" Argument 3-8-77

8.39 Attorneys - Admission to Practice (MD Bar Exam - Rates for Blacks), Law Week, Vol. 45, No. 35, p. 24 21. 3-15-77 8.40 Figures and Tables on Education and Access to Society. 8.41 Legal Status of Black Americans, 1896-1954 8.42 Being Its Beginning But NOt Its Full Recognition in Brown

Letter & Memorandum to Executive Committee Assoc, of American Law Schools from Mi Hand Ruud, re: 8.43 Revised Fall 1976 Minority Group Enrollment Statistics. 4-1-77 Numbers and Proportions of Negro Lawyers to Negro Population by States - Statistics From Census 1920 8.44 and 1910.

8.45 Donegan, Charles Edward, "Howard Law Journal: Years (1955-1971). The First Sixteen."

Note Charles Rice - A black lawyer in Cairo, Illinois, said to have studied law under a white attorney in Mounds, City, Illinois, where lawyer Rice was born. He practiced law in both Cairo and Mounds, Illinois. He is said to have been admitted to practices at the bar circa 1900-1920 but is remembered especially 8.46 during the 1940's, when his practice flourished in Cairo, Illinois.

Miller, Paul E., "Teaching in a Black Law School", Careers in Law p. 77. cross reference Clark, "Minority 8.47 Opportunities in Law for Blacks, Puerto Ricans and Chicanos", Law Journal Press. 1974 Smith, Jr., J. Clay, "Resolution on input of Black Lawyers and other Black Professionals in the Rewrite of 8.48 the Communications Act", NBA, Convention. Aug, 1977 28

Letters from Genna Rae McNeil to J. Clay and others re: Howard Law School "History" and "Black Bar" 8.49 Projects. 1977

8.50 Remarks of Chief Judge William B. Bryant Accepting the Howard Law Alumni Association's Banguet. 4-13-77 8.51 Fourteenth Annual Dinner of the Howard Law Alumni Association. 4-13-77

8.52 Remarks of Commissioner Benjamin L. "The meaning to Black Lawyers", WBA, Hooks. 4-29-77 8.53 Partners in Justice: Benjamin L. Hooks Biographical Sketch

8.54 Card, Leah Brock McCartney I, may be 1st black graduate of G.W. Law School in D.C. 8.55 Card, Larry S. Gibson, Assoc. Deputy Atty. General Note From Charlie Duncan to J. Clay Smith, Jr., during his presentation at 1976 Orientation Session for 8.56 1st Year Law Students.

8.57 Letter to Hon. Richard M. Nixon Leonard Garment, Esq. re: Griffin - type anti-busing legislation 2-28-72 8.58 Nat'l. Conference of Black Lawyers May 18 Fiftieth Year Commemoration and Law Day Dinner; and the Inaugural Presentation of the Houston 8.59 Medallion of Merit W.B. A. 3-20-76

8.60 McNeil, Genna Rae, "Charles Hamilton Houston", Black Law Journal, Vol. 3, No. 2. Spring 1974 8.61 Thurgood Marshall Biographical Data

8.62 McKelway, John," Well Off Cmpared to What," A-2, Col. 1. Wash. Star, [Thurgood Marshall.] 2-16-76 8.63 Risher Speaks on Legal Ethics Calls "Conscience", The Forum, Vol. 15, No. 2. 8.64 Howard University Charter Day Dinner. 1977 8.65 New Direction (H.U. Magazine), Jan. 1977

8.66 I've had all my Flowers While I'm Living., Ms. 0llie cooper, Telecon with Clay Smith. 8.67 Card, Signed by Edgar S. and Jean Camper Cahns.

8.68 D.C. Lawyer, Victim of Fire Mishap at Home, w. Post p. (6, Col. 2.). [Ralph S. Cunningham] 1-7-77

8.69 Hyer, Marjorie, "First Black Women to be Ordained by Episcopal Church," W. Post, p. C4, Col. 1. 1-7-77 8.70 A Look at Chief Judge Newman, District Lawyer, Winter. p. 18. 1976 29

8.71 John Wilkins Dies, Professor of Law, W. Post p B6. , Col. 1. V 12-15-76 8.72 The Barrister, Vol. VIII, No. 12. Nov. 1977

Statement of J. Clay Smith, Jr. on occasion of commemoration of the Honorable James A. Cobb (1876- 8.73 1958) and Professor Frank D. Reeves (1916-1973) at the Howard University School of Law Oct. 10, 1976 Letter to Honorable Gerald R. Ford from Howard Professors and Alumni re: J. Clay Smith, Jr., as candidate 8.74 for Court of Appeals of D.C. Circuit. NAACP Release, "NAACP Board Vote for Transition from Wilkins to Hooks is unanimous; New Director 8.75 takes office August first" Jan 12, 1977

8.76 Jenkins, Ruth "Episcopal church to ordain Dr. Pauli Murray as priest", W. Afro-Am, p. 1, Col. 4. 1-1-77 8.77 Ex-Flintile gets top SM Legal post, Flint Journal, p. 2-2, Col. 3. 8-4-77

8.78 Knauss, Robert L. , "Developing a Representative Legal Professionjk; A.B.A. Journal, Vol. 62, p. 591. May 1976

Book Review - Simple Justice: The History of Brown v. Board of Education and Black America's Struggle 8.79 for Equality. Reviewed by Gilbert Ware, 22 Vill. L. Rev. 527. (1976-77) 8.80 Letter to Alphonso Jackson. Oct. 31, 1977 8.81 Letter to H. Patrick Sywgert from J. Clay Smith, Jr., F.C.C. 11-7-77 Perry, Mary Ellen, "Wiley Branton; Profile of a Rights Wars", Wash. Star, p. A-11, col. 1, Veteran of Civil 8.82 War. 11-7-77 8.83 Ruth W. Whaley, Lawyer in New York, W. Post, p. C9, Col. 1. 12-29-77 Goldstein, Tom, "Judge Wright Sues to be Reassigned to his Seat on Criminal Court Bench", N.Y. Times, 8.84 p.__, 2-11-75 8.85 Ruth Hawkins - Nesbitt in District Lawyer, p. 35. 8.86 Aquilino, John, "A Look at John R. Risher, District Lawyer, p. 30.

8.87 Peterson, Bill, "From Core to U.S. Bench," W. Post, p. A3, Col. 1. [Robert F. Collins] 11-3-77 8.88 Mailgram to Robert Lipsltutz, Counsel to the President re: Judge Lewis Spector 10-21-77

8.89 Auerbach, Stuart, "Black Lawyers in Demand Lobbyists at City Hall", W. Post, A1, Col. 4. 11-20-77 8.90 John Ray Flyer

8.91 Barringer, Felicity, "Black Named to Maryland High Court", W. Post, p. B1., Col. 8. [Herry A. Cole] 12-2-77 30

8.92 Kids Law Books by J. Clay Smith, Jr., original "Law is Pop"

8.93 Smith, Jr., J. Clay, "A Peek at the Study of Law" Remarks at G.W.U., BACSA, to First Year Students, Aug. 18, 1973 8.94 Brief, Clay Smith, Jr., J., Woodridge. Ill v. Laird. CA no., mot summary judgment. 2-17-71

Woodbridqe v. Laird, 1. Plaintiff's Statement of Undisputed Material Facts; 2. Table of Cases and Authorities; 3. Plaintiffs Proposed Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law; 4. Motion for Summary 8.95 Judgment or in the Alternative for a Preliminary Injuction.

8.96 Letter (nomination), to Herbert E. Forrest, from John J. Sirica re: J. Clay Smith, Jr. 2-21-73

8.97 May a State Law School Use Race as One Criterion for Admission? 60 A.B.A. Journal, 429, Apr. 1974

8.98 Mackenzie, John P., "Lobbyist Attacks Judges for Civil Rights Criticism", W. Post, p. C5. 8-7-76

8.99 Burke, Gerarad, "Cleanse Yourself of Lingering Doubts; Graduates", Wash. Afro-Am., McCree Tell. 5-17-77 9.1 Draft-Letter to Andrew Young re: Steven Biko 9.2 Faculty of Howard Law School Minutes 1973 9.3 Biographical Sketch of the Honorable Wade H. McCree

9.4 Statement before District of Columbia Court of Appeals by Theodore H. Newman, Jr. Chief Judge 9.5 A Color-Blind Government?, W. Post, p. A22, Col. 1. 3-4-77 9.6 The Barrister, Vol VII, no. 11, [Herbert O. Reid, Sr.] Sept. 30 1977

Henderson, Alexa B., "FEPC and the Southern Railway Case; An Investigation into the Discriminatory 9.7 Practices of Railroads during World War II", J. of Negro History., Vol. 61, No. 2, p. 173. Apr. 1976

9.8 Being A 'First' Ins't. Anything New for Black Winner in New Orleans, Wash. Star, 11-14-77, p. A-5, Col. 2. 11-14-77 9.9 Letter & Flyer NBA's 50th Convention on "The Emergining Black Lawyer", 1974 9.10 Slip Opinion DeFuni's v. Odeqaard. U.S., No. 73-235. Apr. 23, 1974

9.11 2nd Annual Judicial Conference of the District of Columbia, [Chief Judge Theodore R. Newman, Jr.] Jun. 1977

9.12 Candidates for the 1977 District of Columbia Bar Election, District of Columbia Bar. 31

9.13 ______, Carol, "Lawyer says 'Roots' more than Symbol", World Herald. [J. Clay Smith, Jr.] 2-7-77

Omaha Speech, Tollett, Kenneth S., "The Reversal of Discrimination: the DeFunis Problem in Higher 9.14 Education with Implications for Bar Examinations", Seminar on Legal Education and Bar Examinations. Aug. 2, 1976 (NBA) "Black Journal" Examines Threat to Close Black Colleges, SBA (Howard) "Are Black Colleges 9.15 Finished?"

9.16 Letter from Genna Rae McNeil re: History of Law, Enel: Report of History Committee 9.17 Missing. Benjamin L. Hooks, 'Dinner' Oct. 25 9.18 Missing. In Memoriam - Paul Eugene Miller, Esg. Missing. Legal Education Opportunities", Special Subcommittee on Education, 93rd Congress Second 9.19 Session, H.R. 14673 - House of Representatives. Jun. 5, 1974 9.20 Missing. W.B.A. Law Day 1977 Brochure. 1977 Missing. Reid, George W. , "The Post-Congressional Career of George H. White, 1901-1918, 61 J. of 9.21 Negro. Hist 362 (No. 4). Oct. 1976

9.22 Department of Transportation News., Urban Mass Transportation Administration. [James M. Christian] 9.23 Letter to Hon. Richard M. Nixon re: Griffin - Type Anti-Busing Legislation. Feb. 28, 1972 9.24 Duican Resigns, Wash. Afro-Am., Charles T. Duncan. 8-27-77

9.25 White, Curtis T. "The Proper Role of the Public Interest Lawyer" Fed. Bar News, Vol. 24, no. 4, p. 106. Apr. 1977 Alexander, Harris, Kennedy, Motley and Murray,: Attorneys at-Law, Black Enterprise (New Roles for 9.26 Working Women), p. 21. Aug. 1977 9.27 Reid, S.R., Herbert 0. 9.28 Letter from William B. Bryant re: Biographical Data on Bryant 9.29 Directory of Organizations. Black NBA. Judges - Black Lawyers and Black Bar. "The Bakke Case Primer", institute for the Study of 9.30 Educational Policy, H.U. 9.31 Opinion, Regents v. Bakke U.S., 1977

Smith, Jr., J. Clay,"Comments in opposition to Proposed Resolutions no. 1 and Substitute Proposed 9.32 Resolution no. 1 Re: Reverse Discrimination in Law Schools." Dec. 1, 1976 32

Many Top Names on Speaker Line-Up, Nat'l Bar Bulletin, Vol. 9, no. 7, p. 1. [Hon. A. Leon Higginbotham, 9.33 Jr.] Jul. 1977 9.34 Announcement - New Law Firm Haves & White., Wash. P. 1977 Letter to Hon. Harold R. Tyler, Jr. from William A. Kehoe, Jr. re: J. Clay Smith, Jr. Recommended for 9.35 Appointment to D.C. of Appeals Court

9.36 Letter to Hon. Griffin B. Bell from Melvin J. Washington re: Arthur Louis Burnett 9.37 Military Justice, W. Post, p. A18, [Judge Mathew J. Perry, Jr.] 10-19-76

Note, Leon A. Ransom, "Combatting Discrimination in the Employment of Negroes in War Industries and 9.38 Government Agencies," 1943 J. of Negro Education 405-416.

9.39 Mid Year Meeting Set for January, Bar Report, Vol. 5, No. 1, p. 1. [Chief Judge Theodore R. Newman] Jan. 1977

9.40 Draft to Hon. Harry T. Alexander Assoc. Judge, Sup ct., D.C. re: Judicial Evaluation Wiggins, Lillian, "Fair Treatment for the Accused Despite Backlog, Alexander Says," Wash. Afro-American, 9.41 p. 9. 7-19-75

Pinkston, M.S., "Black S. Africans are in "Solid Opposition to White Minority", Hilltop (Howard U.) Vol. 59, 9.42 no. 15, p. 1., Col. 1. [Congressman Charles C. Diggs] Jan. 28, 1977 Brown, Leila, "SBA President Says Law School Protest was to "Effect Change", Hilltop (Howard U.), Vol. 9.43 59, No. 15, p. 1, Col.7. Jan. 28, 1977

Articles by J. Clay Smith, Jr.; 1) Thurgood Marshall, 2) James Nabrit, Jr., 3) Louis Mehlinger, 4) Franklin Wilson, 5) Spotswood W. Robinson, III, 6) Oliver W. Hill, 7) George Edward Chamei/t. Hayes, Esq., 8) 9.44 William Henry Hastie, 9) Joseph C. Waddy

9.45 The Honorable Thurgood Marshall Associate Justice, United States Supreme Court J. Clay Smith, Jr. 9.46 Louis R. Mehlinger, J. Clay Smith, Jr., Franklin Wilson, Esq.

9.47 The Honorable Spotswood W. Robinson, U.S. Circuit Judge for the District of Columbia J. Clay, Smith, Jr. 9.48 Oliver W. Hill, Esq. J. Clay Smith, Jr. 9.49 James M. Nabrit, Jr. , J. Clay Smith, Jr. 9.50 George Edward Chalmer Hayes, J. Clay Smith, Jr. 33

9.51 The Honorable William Henry Hastie, J. Clay Smith, Jr.

9.52 The Honorable Joseph C. Waddy, U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia J. Clay Smith,

9.53 Harper, Conrad K., "Sorit€ Black Lawyers in the Post Civil War South", (Legal Core), ABA Litigation, p. 41. Spring 1977

9.54 Smith, Jr., J. Clay, "Sketches on the Black Lawyer", Bar Reporter, Vol. 1, no. 1, p. 1. Spring 1976

McNeil on Charles H. Houston, Esq., Congressional Record, 94th Congress, 1st session, Vol. 121, no. 148, 9.55 p. E5 223. (House of Reps) re: "Charles Hamilton Houston" 10-3-75

9.56 Brief, Adams v. Califano, D.C. Circuit. CA no. 3095 70, U.S. District Court for the 1979 World 9.57 NBA is Signatory to Bakke Amicus, Nat'l Bar Bulletin, Vol. 9.; No. 6, Jun. 1977

9.58 Pike, David, "Two Black Judges Cite 'Roots' In Job Discrimination Dissent", W. Star, p. 2. 8-21-77 White, Curtis T., "Africa's Thrust into Twentieth Century Communications and the Significance of the 9.59 Administrative Radio Conference", NCBL. 1977 White, Esq., Curtis T., "W.A.R.C. 1979 and the Silent Issues", House Sub-committee on Communications 9.60 in a Panel Discussion on W.A.R.C. 1977 9.61 Black Lawyers in Rhode Island 9.62 The Access Interview: FCC Commissioner Benjamin L. Hooks, Access. Nov. 1., 1976

9.63 Conaway, Ed. "MCC is Test for Anderson's Skills", Flint Journal, p. B1, Col. 1. f [Edwyna G. Anderson] 8-7-77 9.64 Flyer, ", Jr." Campbell, Crispin Y., "Reminiscences: D.C. Lawyer Turning 100: Recalling Great Minds of the Centry", W. 9.65 Post, p. D.C. 1, Col. 3. 12-8-82 Discussion: Proposed Department of Urban and Metropolitan Law of the Howard University School of 9.66 Law. Jeanus B. Parks

9.67 Jackson, Samuel C. , "Public Meeting Address, Conference", Delta Vol. 53, no. 8, Southern Regional p. 24. Mar. 1967 9.68 Branton, Wiley, "Social Action Address", Delta, Vol. 53, no. 8, Ma '67, p. 31. 1967 Career Patterns of Black Lawyers: A Round Table, 7 Black L. J. 1, (no. 1, 1980) (included: J. Clay Smith, and 9.69 Daniel O. Bernstein, etc.) 9.70 Picture, Fitzhugh Lee Styles, A.A., L.L.B. (Pa.) 34

9.71 Speech by [Louis Rothschild Mehlinger]. 1982

9.72 Hill, Georgia, "Black Women Attorneys Set Goals for the ' 80's.", Wash. North Star, p. 17. June 4-10, 1982 Kamen, Al; Kiernan, Laura A., "Lawyers; Bar Association Expects Convention Fireworks", W. Post. p. B3, 9.73 Col. 1. 8-2-82

9.74 Marcus, Ruth, "Minorty Groups Assjil Course at Harvard Law", p. A-5, col. 1. (W. Post). 7-26-82

9.75 Margolick, David, "Lawyers from the Old School Losing Ground to New Breed.", N.Y. Times, p. 21, Col. 1. 7-17-82

9.76 Court Rules that Federal Judges can be prosecuted, Wash. Afro-Am., p. 1, Col. 1. [Judge Alcee Hastings] 6-20-82

9.77 Kiernam; Laura A.; Johnson, Janis, "Bordeh's Won't Testify, Ordered to Jail", W. Post, p. C3, Col. 5. 7-22-82

9.78 Lewis, Nancy, "HUD Secretary Pierce Raps Harris' Record at Agency", W. Post, p. A27, Col. 6. 7-22-82 Kristof, Nicholas D. "Senate Panel Approves, One Vote Deferred: Eight for Legal Services Agency", W. 9.79 Post, p. A13, Col. 1. 7-16-82 9.80 Professor Reid at the Pinnacle Barrister, Vol. XII, No. 1, [Herbert O. Reid.] May 1982 Gamarckian, Barbara, "Blacks Rate Capital: An Equal Opportunity City?", N.Y. Times, p. __, Col. 3. 9.81 [Williams Fitzgerald][Charles Duncan] 7-21-82

9.82 Hill, Georgia, "Black Women Lawyers Dedicate Conference", Wash. North Star, p. 2 [Rev. ] June 11-17, 1982

9.83 Kamen, Al; Kiernan, Laura A. Lawyers: Survey of Law Firms Tells of Hard Times", W. Post, p. B3, Col. 1. 7-19-1982

9.84 Law Students Plan Ways to Help Blacks in Business, Wash. Afro Am. , p. 6, Col. 1. 7-13-1982

9.85 Halsey, Nancy Ball, "More Judges Asked for Anti-Crime Push", Wash. Times, p. 3B, Col. 2. 7-15-1982

Memorandum & Article, "The Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1982, S.2222, Hr. 5872; The New 9.86 Immigration Bill - One Step Forward and Two Steps Backward." Colin A. Moore, Esq. 9.87 Letter to J. Clay Smith, Jr., NBA from Ronald S. Samuels, re: NBA 7-14-82 9.88 Letter & Flyer from Gloria R. Sulton Re: NBA Elections 7-14-82 35

9.89 Memorandum from Frank Seals, Jr. re: The Reelection of Frank Seals, Jr. as NBA Vice President 7-13-82 9.90 Richmond Project May Heal Black-White Rift, N.Y. Times, p. 25, Col. 1. 10-24-82

9.91 Remnick, David, "Judge Urbina Alerts Hispanics to Power of Voting", W. Post, p. B11, Col. 1. 9-16-82

9.92 Evans, Rowland; Novak Robert, "Atlanta: Back to Segregation?", W. Post, p. A23, Col. 4. 8-25-82 9.93 Rowan, Carl T., "Harvard's Closed Circle", W. Post, p. A. 21, Col. 2. 8-27-82 Kamen, A1; Kiernan, Laura A., "Lawyers: Judge in Hinckley Trial Got Negative Feedback", W. Post, p. B3, 9.94 Col. 1. 8-30-82

9.95 Black Law Students Support Times Boycott of Course at Harvard, N.Y., p. 5, Col. 1. 8-28-82 Marcus, Ruth, "The Lavish Wooing of Legal Whiz Kids, and the Doubts that Arise as They Fact the Rest of 9.96 Their Corporate Lives", W. Post, p. C1, Col.2 2. 8-29-82

9.97 Hunter Clarence W., "Howard Law Students Voice Support of Harvard Boycott", W. Afro-Am., p. 1, Col. 4. 8-31-82

9.98 Grand Jury Discharged, Borders is Released From Florida Jail", W. Post, p. C3, Col. 1. 9-1-82 9.99 National Law Group Supports Harvard Students, National Leader, p. 23, Col. 1. 9-16-82

10.1 Smith, Jr., J. Clay, "The Black Bar Association and Civil Rights", 15 Creighton L. Rev. 651. (no. 3, 1981-82).

10.2 Fiske, Edward B., Education, City University Law School takes a new Approach", N.Y. Times, p. C1, Col. 2. 9-14-82 10.3 Lewin, Tamar, "Growth of a Coast Law Firm", N.Y. Times, p. 21, Col. 2. 9-14-82

Blacks to Press Boycott of Law Course at Harvard, N.Y. Times, 9-15-82, p. A15, Col. 1.Betancourt, Lisa, 10.4 "Balsa - Harvard Controversy Continues", Georgetown Law Weekly (G.U.), 8-30-82, p. 1, Col. i. Florence King named Women Lawyer of the Year, Daily Wash. Law Reporters, p. 2069, Col. 2. [Florence 10.6 R. King] 9-15-82

10.7 Margolick, David, "Law Firms Holding the Line on Entry-level Pav Scale", N.Y. Times, p. 43, Col. l. 9-19-82

10.8 Kamen, Al; Kierman, Laura A. "Lawyers; Law Library looks for a New Home", W. Post, p. B3, Col. 1. 9-20-82 36

Kiernan, Laura A., "I Never Looked Back' New Chief-Judge Here Met Early Obstacles", W. Post; p. 1, 10.9 [Judge Aubrey E. Robinson, Jr.] 9-20-82

10.10 Brown, Tony, "Tony Brown's Comments; Harvard' Black Students Fight Back", Wash. Afro-Am., p. 5, Col. 5 9-25-82 Vaughters Elected NBA Women Division Head, p. 6, Col. 1.' Wash. Afro-Am., 9-28-82 "Clubs: 'the American Bar Association back tracks on a plan to curtail discrimination", Detroit Free Press: In Our 10.11 Opinion, 9-4-82. Sept. 1982

10.13 Moore III, Jerry A., "The Best Investment a Business Can Make", W. Post, p. B8, Col. 1. 9-26-82

10.14 Robinson New Chief Judge, Wash. Afro-Am., p. 1, Col. 3. Honorable Aubrey E. Robinson, Jr. 9-25-82

10.15 Kenyatta, Muhammad, "From Harlem to Harvard and Back Again, " Nat'l Leader, p. 17, Col. 1. 9-23-82

10.16 New Presiding Judges Appointed, Daily Wash. Law Reporter, p. 2125.[Hon. Iraline G. Barnes] 9-22-82

10.17 New Chief Judge U.S/ District Court, Daily Wash. Law Reporter, p. 2109. [Hon. Aubrey E. Robinson, Jr.] 9-20-82 Smith, Philip, "Prosecutor Says Judge Biased Toward Whites, Resigns Post", W. Post, p. C1, Col. 2.[David 10.18 P. Baugh] 9-15-82 10.19 NBA 1982.83 Affiliate Chapter List

10.20 Keith becomes 2nd Chief Judge, Wash. Afro-Am., p. Col. 6. [Judge Damon Keith] 12-23-75

10.21 Lewis, Rochelle D. "Pre-Law Society Keeps Students Informed and Aware", Hilltop (H.U.), p. 3. Col. 4. 10-1-82 10.22 Flyer: Osbequies for Samuel C. Jackson. Oct. 1, 1982 10.23 Edward R. DeVaugh, W. Post, p. C8, Col. 2 8-18-82 Mathews, Jay, 'Black Because He Wanted to Be'; The Determination of PBS Pinchback, our First Black 10.24 Governor", W. Post, p. B5, Col. 5 10-24-82

10.25 Racist Bias in Jail Sentencing Laid to U.S. Judge in Virginia", N.Y. Times, p.A26, Col. 1 10-5-82 "United States Court of International Trade Convened in Special Session to Honor the Memory of Judge 10.26 Scovel Richardson." 9-30-82 10.27 Ware, Gilbert, Incompatible Allies: The NAACP and the Inc. Fund". 10.28 Articles on the Death of Samuel C. Jackson. 37

10.29 Black Lawyers Denounce Israeli invasion of Lebanon, Jackson Advocate (Miss.), p. 1, Col. 4. Sept. 23-29, 1982 10.30 Rites Set for Sam Jackson, ex-HUD Aide, Wash. Afro-Am., p.l, Col. 4. 10-2-82 10.31 Sweeney, Al, "Sam Jackson-Two Party Advocate", Wash. Afro-Am p. 4, Col. 4. Sept. 1982

10.32 Wiggins, Lillian", Reagan joins Leaders praising Sam Jackson", Wash. Afro-Am., p. 1, Col. 1. 10-5-82 Attorney Briefs; Bar Members Appointed to Numerous ABA Posts, (Judge John D. Fauntleroy) District 10.33 Lawyer, Vol. 7, p. 20. 10-1-82 10.34 Articles on the Hispanic Bar Association. 10.35 Law Poll: Well-Trained, but too many, 68 A.B.A.J. 1080, Sept. 1982

10.36 Taylor Stuart, "How Resolute is Reagan on Civil Rights?," N.Y. Times, p. E2, Col. 3. 10-10-82

10.37 Griffin, Ronald C. "Gilder, Wealth and Poverty", 57 Notre Dame Lawyer 741, (no. 4). Apr. 1982 10.38 Harvard Law Review Selects Minority Editors, N.Y. Times, p. 30, Col. 1. 10-10-82 10.39 U.S. Civil Rights Policy Attacked and Defended, 68 A.B.A.J., 1205, Oct. 1982 10.40 The Barrister, Vol. 13, no. 1, (Howard U.)Kenneth S. Tollett Oct. 1982 10.41 Barbash, Fred, "High Court Hears School Tax Dispute", W. Post, p. A1, Col. 2. 10-13-83 Toman, Barbara, "Doctors, Lawyers Feeling the Pinch in the Hard-Hit Industrial Midwest", Wall Street 10.42 Journal, p. 19, Col. 3. 8-5-82

10.43 A.B.A. Closes Door of Opportunity on Minorities, Nat'l. Bar Bulletin, Vol. 14, no. 7, p. 1.J. Clay Smith, Jr. Sept. 1982 10.44 Letter from Leroy Wilson, Jr., Esq. Re: Judge Richardson's Papers 10.45 Lawyers confab set", Wash. Afro-Am., p. 11, Col. 3. 10-16-82 10.46 The Classes of 1981: 90% Found Legal Jobs", Nat'l. L.J., p.2, Col. 2. Flaherty, Francis, J. "The Largest 50: By Firms Prosper in Recession", Nat'l. L.J., p.l, Col 3Wash. Afro-Am., 10.47 p. 11, Col. 10-16-82 10.48 Black Lawyers Give Aid, National Leader, p. 4, Col. 3. 11-18-82 10.49 Inter Alia (William T. Coleman, Jr.), Wash. Legal Times, p. A2, Col. 3. Sept. 1982

10.50 Sullivan, Mike, "Favoritism Changed at Howard U. Legal Office", Wash. Times, p. 3B, Col. 2. 11-9-82 Ollie May Cooper Award 1982 Recipient, Daily Wash. Law Rep., p. 2465, Col. 2.[Clinton W. Chapman, 10.51 Esq.] 11-10-82 10.52 Letter from Curtis T. White, Re: (Brazil), 11-8-82 38

10.53 Words of the Week: Aubrey Robinson, Jr., Jet, p. 38. 11-8-82 10.54 Samuel Jackson Former HUD Official, Dies, Nat'l. Bar Bulletin, p. 1. Oct. 1982

Manna, Sal; Pick Grant; Korn, Peter; Goolrick, Faye," Solo Practice: Part II It's not who you know it's what you know that makes it possible to go it alone - and succeed", student Lawyer (A.B.A.), p. 36. [P. 38, 40: 10.55 Norman Robinson: Criminal Law Practitioner] Apr. 1982 An Oasis of Progress for Minorities, ('from absolute exclusion to meaningful participation'), Nat'l Law J. , 10.56 p. 27, Col. 1. 11-15-82 10.57 Trial of Suit Against Alabama Prayer Law Opens, N.Y. Times, p. 26, Col. 4. 11-16-82 10.58 Hollings Names Black to High Senate Staff Job, W. Post, p. A6, Col. 6. 11-18-82

Speech by James McCollum, "Howard Law Graduate Louis Rothschild Mehlinger Celebrates One 10.59 Hundredth Birthday: Issue of Law Journal to be dedicated in his honor.

10.61 Letter to Louis R. Mehlinger from Howard T. Markey, Chief JUdge U.S. Ct. Apps., 11-12-82

10.62 Bell, Jr., Derrick A, "One Dean's Perspective: the law student as slave", student lawyer (A.B.A.), p. 18. Oct. 1982 Taylor, Jr., Stuart, "U.S. Judge in Texas Draws Widespread Hostility with Liberal Rulings", N.Y. Times, p. 10.63 26, Col. 1.[Judge William Wayne Justice] 11-21-82 10.64 Note from B.A.L.S.A. concerning FYI on Judge Bruce Wright

10.65 Pearson, Les, "Lawyer recalls fight 50 years ago for blacks' health care", St. Louis Globe Democrat, p. 4C. Oct. 16-17, 1982 Lewis to Succeed Frey as Vice President and Director at C&P, Wash. Business, p. 21, Col. 1.[Delano E. 10.66 Lewis]. 11-29-82 10.67 Flyer W.B.A. Monthly Meeting 11-18-82 10.68 Toomey was Dade's First Black Lawyer, Miami Times, p. 17. 11-11-82 10.69 Phil Osso Fer, Miami Times, p. 5. 11-18-82 10.70 [Article] Florida Star, p. 1. [Joseph E. Lee] Nov. 6-12, 1982 10.71 Barry Names Judicial Panel Member, W. Post, p. B3, Col.1.[Wiley A. Branton] 11-24-82 10.72 Lewis Elected Vice President for C&P, The Observer, p. 1, Col. 1. 12-4-82 Bernstine, Daniel O., "Shaffer V. Heitner: A Death Warrant for the Transient ______of in PersOnam 10.73 Jurisdiction?" 25 Vill. L. Rev. 38, (1979-80). Narvaez, Alfonso A., "State Won't Press Last Gibson Count: Prosecutor to Seek Dismissal of Charge of 10.74 Misconduct", N.Y. Times, p. 1, Col. 1. 10-23-82 39

10.75 Judge Margaret Hayward Retires After 70 Years, Wash. Afro-Am., p. 8, Col. 4. 11-27-82

10.76 Howard honors oldest living law graduate, Wash. Afro-Am., p. 1, Col. 2.[Louis Mehlinger] 11-27-82 10.77 Better Days for Gibson, N.Y. Times, p. 6E, Col. 1 [Mayor Kenneth A. Gibson] 10-24-82

10.78 Kamen, Al, "Lawyers; Appointing of Blacks Lags Under Reagan", W. Post, p. D2, Col. 1. 11-29-82

10.79 Margolick, David, "Defendant Acting as Lawyer not Entitled to Extra Counsel", N.Y. Times, p. 44, Col. 1. 10-24-82 Mackenzie, John P., "Friend of the Court; the Justies Needing Straight Talk get it from Coleman", N.Y. 10.80 Times, p. A18, Col. 1. 10-25-82

10.81 Memorandum to Law Faculty From: Wiley A. Branton, Dean Re: Death of William L. Lonesome, Esq., 11-23-82

10.82 Kamen, Al, "Lawyers, Califano Law Firm will be Dissolved", W. Post, p. B5, Col. 1.[William A. Borders, Jr.] 11-22-82 10.83 Harvard Students Call for Affirmative Action, N.Y. Times, p. A17, Col. 1. 11-26-82 10.84 Patricia Roberts Harris 10.84 Patricia Roberts Harris 10.84 Patricia Roberts Harris 10.84 Patricia Roberts Harris 10.84 Patricia Roberts Harris 10.84 Patricia Roberts Harris 10.84 Patricia Roberts Harris 10.85 Inter Alia, William T. Coleman, Jr., Wash. Legal Times, p. A2, Col. 3. Oct. 1982

10.86 Pressley, Sam W. , "Thurgood Marshall Addresses Howard", Nat'l. Leader, p. 23, Col. 1. Nov. 11, 1982

10.87 Richard T. Rives, Judge on Court that Helped Integrate the South, N.Y. Times, p. 35, Col. 5. 10-23-82 10.88 EEOC Commissioner, Wash. Afro-Am. p. 12, Col. 1. [William A. Webb] 10-30-82 10.89 Letter from: Dennis W. Archer Re: NBA 8-28-82

10.90 Memorandum to W.B.A. Bd. of Directors from John A. Turner, Jr. Re: Board Meeting. 10-14-82

Rosenfeld, Megan, "A New National Leader", Claude Lewis & A Tough, Bright Newspaper that Treats 10.91 Blacks as 'People, not Problems'", W. Post, p. C4, Col. 1. 11-3-82 40

10.92 Women as Judges, W. Post, p. A16, Col. 1. [Judge Margaret Haywood] 11-6-82 10.93 Black Law Students Assn. Supports Harvard Boycott:, Jet. p. 23. 9-20-82

10.94 Brown, Tony "An Ignored View on the Harvard Row," Wash. Afro-Am., p.5, Col. 1. 9-18-82 10.95 Edley Jr., Christopher, "Civil Right; Back to Basics," W. Post, p. A19, Col. 3. 10-21-82 10.96 Campus Notes, H. Patrick Swygert, Nat'l Leader, p. 23. 10-28-82

10.97 Bonner, Alice, "City Faces from Poverty to World Peacemaker," W. Post, P.R.C.I., Col. 3. 10-6-82 Reception held in her honor; Judge Haywood retires, 2 blacks picked as pos sible replacement, Wash. 10.98 Afro-Am., Col. 4. 10-23-82 10.99 Rowan, Carl T., "The Law at Harvard," Nat'l Leader, p. 15, Col. 1. 9-16-82 12.1 Missing. Washington, Adrienne T. , "Four Chief Judges Admit Intimate Romance with Law," Wash. North-Star, p. 12.2 32. 11-25-81 12.3 Report of the Dean, National Law Center. (George Wash. Univ), 1980-81. 12.4 Alumnus says Amherst must nurture the black elite, Amherst, p.9. Summer 1981 12.5 Hispanic National Bar Association Newsletter, [Speech by J. Clay Smith, Jr.] Oct. 1981

Schoeman, Stephen, "A Framework for understanding the Role of Statistical Evidence in Equal 12.6 Employment Opportunity Law," (Labor Law), Florida Bar Journal,p.567. Jul./Aug. 1981

12.7 Johnson, Janis, "Trial of U.S. Judge Hastings Delayed as he Seeks Defense, " Wash, Post, p. C12, Col. 1. 1-8-82

12.8 Dullea, Georgia, "Helping Children Deal with Legal System," N.Y. Times, p. B14, Col. 2. 1-4-82 12.9 Duvall, Henry, "Howard Program Helps Nation's Poor," National Scene, p. 7. Dec. 1981

12.10 Powell Anthony," Judge William Bryant, 'Giant on Bench' Retires," Wash. Afro-Am p. 5, Col. 1. 9-26-81 New Chief Judge in District of Columbia Circuit, The Third Branch, p. 1, Col. 1.[Spottswood W. Robinson, 12.11 III] Jun. 1981 12.12 Flyer Institute of International Trade & Development. 12.13 Black Judge named to Head D.C. Circuit Court, Jet, p. 5. 5-28-81 12.14 Program: The Justice Tom C. Association June Letter to John D. Ogletree, Esq. from James Booker Re: NBA Board of Governors Re: NBA Board of 12.15 Governors 10-30-81 41

Judge Nathaniel R in New Orleans, Report, 10-81, p.. Jones delivers keynote speech at Annual Meeting 12.16 Lawyers Committee for Civil rights Under Law -5. 12.17 Flyer 4th Annual Rules of Civil Procedure Conference, Fed. Bar. Association. Dec. 1981 Dedication Ollie May Cooper: The "Real Dean" of Howard University School of Law," How. L. J., Vol. 23, 12.18 No. 3, p. 368. 1980 12.19 Ollie Cooper, 94, Dies; Taught Law at Howard U., Wash. Post, p. B5, Col. 3. 4-17-81 Congressional Record - House, p. H 8652., Col. 1. Remarks on Dr. Donald J. Devine, Director of The Office 12.20 of Personnel Management. Nov. 19, 1981 Grove, Kathleen S, Boyd, Susan K., "Should Firms Conform to White Model?," (New Orleans) Syllabus, 12.21 vol. XIV, No. 2, p. 5. Jun. 1983

12.22 Stuart, Reginald," Judge Cleared of Corruption is Investigated by Colleagues," N.Y. Times, Col. 1., p. A10. 6-6-83

12.23 Winter, Bill, "Moon Lighters Working Students Surveyed," A.B.A.J. Law Scope, vol. 69, p. 721. Jun. 1983

12.24 Tybor, Joseph R., "What Up or Out" means to Women Lawyers," A.B.A. Journal, vol. 69, p. 757. Jun. 1983 12.25 Monk, Linda," no 'silliness' at Harvard Law," W. Post, p. A18, Col. 3. 6-7-83 Speech by J. Clay Smith, Jr., The Marion County Lawyers' Club, Congressional Record-Senate, p.5, 13567 12.26 97th Congress, vol. 127, no. 168. Nov. 17, 1981

12.27 Brochures "TEPOEL Lecture Series" & "Civil Rights Lecture," Creighton University School of Law. 1982 12.28 Information on Attorney A.A. Latting Memphis, TN. Enrollment of Minority Groups Increases in Nationwide Law School Figures, Fla. Bar News, vol. 8, no. 7, p. 12.29 12. 4-15-81 12.30 Service of Triumph Celebrating the Homegoing of Miss Ollie May Cooper, 4-18-81 Washington, Booker T. , "The Story of the Negro the Rise of the Race from Slavery," N.Y. Doubleday, 12.33 Page & Company 1909 12.34 Armies of Lawyers, Wall Street J., p. D1, Col. 5. 5-14-81 12.35 Study Notes Gain in Job Outlook for New Lawyers, N.Y. Times, p. 46., Col. 1. 9-21-80 12.36 Justice Robert Nix Wins Re-Election to Penn. Court, Jet, vol. 61, no. 10., p. 5.

12.37 Taylor, Jr., Stuart," Public Interest Jobs Luring Fewer Law Students" N.Y. Times, p., Col. 3. 11-25-81 12.38 Presentation: H. Patrick Swygert General Counsel CSC. Aug. 15, 1978 42

Kiernan, Laura A. "Judge Rules Reagan Wrong on Patronage says D.C. Appointment Impinges on Home 12.40 Rule," W. Post, p. B1, Col. 1. 7-8-81

12.41 Beck, Jody," Va.'s Women Lawyers seek more clout with own bar," W. Star, p. 12.2, Col. 4. 7-21-81 12.42 Book "Birth of a Salesman: Lawyer Advertising & Solicitation" Andrews, Lori B.

12.43 Women Gain Bar Leadership Roles, Bar Leader, p. 5."Black Professionals Plans Resource Center," p. 31. Jan.-Feb. 1982 12.44 Letter from J. Leonard Hogan, J.D. Jan. 20, 1982

12.45 Letter to Members N.B.A. from Vince Monroe Townsend, Jr. Re: Offer of Leadership Jan. 11, 1982

12.46 Margolizk, David, "2 Blacks Surmount Odds to Attain Elusive Goals," N.Y. Times, p. B4, Col. 3. 2-10-82 12.47 Letter from Geraldine R. Segal Jr. Jan. 27, 1982

12.48 Taylor Jr., Stuart," Bar Unit to Debate Law School Issue," N.Y. Times, p. 26, Col. 1. 1-24-82 Paltrow, Scot Jr.," Cutbacks Force Legal Aid to Reject Cases, Often Leaving Poor Helpless, "W. Street 12.49 Journal, p. 29, Col. 3. 1-28-82 12.50 A.B.A. Journal, "Home Recording & Reproduction of Protected Works. Jan. 1982 Statement Rodriguez, Armando M. , "The Role of the Hispanic Lawyer in the Hispanic Decade" Before 12.51 Hispanic National Bar Association, Denver, Colo. 9-12-81

12.52 Report "Report of the Task Force on The Role of the Lawyer in the 1980's," A.B.A.

12.53 President's Message by Francis P. Rice, Military Law Section, N.B.A. News Letter, vol. 1, no. 1. Spring 1981

12.54 Statement of Senator Howell Heflin "Confirmation Hearings on Behalf of Myron H. Thompson." 9-22-80 12.55 Constitution, F.B.A., D.C. Chapter (as amended 1975). 12.56 By-Law Committee Meeting, W.B.A., 9-6-79. & other W.B.A. Minutes 1979. 9-6-79 12.57 Elections - Proposed draft & other by-laws goals & objectives etc.

12.58 Memorandum to Roderic Woodson from Dana Brewington Stebbins Re: Committee Structure W.B.A. August 13, 1979 12.59 Missing. Adler, Jerry, Smith, Vern E., "The Terror In Atlanta," Newsweek, p. 34. 3-2-81 12.60 Folder John D. & Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation. 43

Price Elmer. "The Apprentice-Training Service Program," National Bar Journal, vol. VI, no. 3., 9, 1948, p. 12.61 209. May 1981 12.62 Letter from Howard Law Alumni Assoc. Re: Wednesday Feb. 10, 1982 Meetings 1-24-82 12.63 Letter from Dean Wiley A. Branton 9-30-81 12.64 Memorandum to Members NBA from John Crump Re: Enclosed Information 9-10-81

12.65 Kieman, Laura A. "Two Surveys Rank Lawyers by Starting Pay Number," W. Post, p. 7, col. 1. 9-21-81 12.66 Letter from Barbara E. Whiting 9-81 Castillo, John Roy," U.S. Needs Hispano Lawyers; Hispanos Need to Know the Law," Denver Post, p. 27, 12.67 Col. 1. 9-10-81

12.68 Lubasch, Arnold H., "Appeals Court Choice - Lawrence Warren Pierce," N.Y. Times, p. B3 Col. 1. 9-9-81

12.69 Kiernan, Laura A., "Bryant Steps Down Today as Chief Judge of U.S. District Court," W. Post, p. B4, Col. 1. 9-18-81

12.70 Memo & Proposed Constitution of W.B.A. To: Members From: Thomas A. Duckenfield August, 1981

12.71 Memorandum & List of National Conference of Black Lawyers Communications Task Force. Aug., 1981 12.72 Letter to Members of N.B.A. from Harrison Gregg, Jr. 10-1-81 12.73 Cover - Louis Mehlinger Negro History Bulletin, vol, 43, no. 4, Oct.-Nov.-Dec., 1980 Weiser, Benjamin, "Controversy at the Courthouse, Reappointment of Chief Judge Splits D.C. Appeals 12.74 Court," W. Post, p. l, Col. 4. 10-26-80 12.75 Weiser, Benjamin, "Appeals Court Split on Issues Personalities Post, p. 1, Col. 1. 10-27-80 12.76 Duckenfield names new court clerk, W. Afro-Am., p. 1, Col. 4. 10-25-80 12.77 Letter from Prince C. Chambliss, Jr. Re: The Pioneer Black Lawyers in the South 10-15-80 12.78 Letters from: John C. Brittain Re: George W. Crawford 1-6-81 Missing. Flyers of Speeches by Harry T. Edwards, A. Leon Higginbotham, Jr. George P. Fletcher, Roger C. 12.79 Crampton, All at Creighton University. 12.80 Current Developments, DLR. (no. 10), p. A-3 1-15-81

12.81 Native Omaha J. Clay Smith Being Touted for Three Top Federal Jobs, Omaha Star, p. 1, Col. 4 12-18-80 EEOC Commissioner Smith Speaks to NMRLS' Staff & Oxford Community, Northern Mississippi Rural 12.82 Legal Service. Notes, vol. 5, no. 1., p. 2 (Oxford MS). Nov./Dec. 1980 44

Beckwith, David, "Title V11: Law Firms need not Worry Atlanta Judge Concludes," Legal Times, vol. 3, no. 12.83 31, p. 24, Col. 1. 1-12-81 H.R. 3333 is Dead the Danger to Community Control of the Media is Over," Northern Mississippi Rural 12.84 Legal Services, vol. 5, no. 1. Nov./Dec. 1980

12.85 Remarks; Hon. Jennings Randolph," 88th Congressional Record," 88th Congress, Senate. 6-2-64 12.86 13th District, W. Post, p. A15, Col. 6.[New Faces in the House]. 11-23-1980 12.87 Case-Order Lewis V. Carter (President) Signed Barrington D. Parker. 8-16-77 12.88 Statement for Completion by Presidential Nominees

12.89 Letter & Picture from L. Donell Blanchard, Picture: - 1st Black Lawyer in Washington, D.C., 1880. 5-28-81 12.90 Memorandum by J. Clay Smith, Jr. Re: Talk with Louis R. Mehlinger. 10-23-80

McCree to Join Faculty at Law School, Jet, 1-22-81, vol. 59, no. 19, p. 30."Wiley W. Manuel, 53, 12.91 Calif. Supreme Court Justice, Dies," Jet, 1-22-81, vol. 59, no. 19, p. 55. 1-22-81

12.92 White, Miles," Judge Campbell's Trial: A Matter of 'Race?" W. Afro-Am, p. 23, Col. 1. 2-7-81 Weiser, Benjamin, "Panel Meets Today on Chief Judge - 4 Colleagues Oppose Reappointment of 12.93 Theodore Newman," W. Post, p. C-1, Col. 5. 10-28-80

12.94 Weiser, Benjamin, "Judge Newman Defends himself against charges," W. Post p. A1, Col. 6. 10-31-80 Kiernan, Laura A. , "The Fire Still Burns - New Chief Judge Robinson has Passion for Work, W. Post, p. 1, 12.95 Col 5. 5-27-81 Hamilton, G.P., "The Colored Lawyers of Memphis," Clark & Bros. Memphis, TN. , (1908). Letter Attached 12.96 from Herman Morris, Jr. to J. Clay Smith, Jr. 1908 12.97 Courts Involved in Law Related Education, The Third Branch, vol. 13, no. 7, p. 1. Jul. 1981 Articles on Samual L. Williams Plus "Black Appointees Gather in D.C. for Rap Session," Jet (includes J. Clay 12.98 Smith, Jr.)

12.99 Articles on Borders Suit Against the President; Letter to N.B.A. Governors from John Crump 7-13-81 Poinsett, Alex, "After 56 Years the President is a Lady: Chicago Atty. Arnette Hubbard Heads National Bar 13.1 Assn. Ebony, Oct., 1981 13.2 Dispute with Lawyer Leads to Gunplay, Fire & Death, N.Y. Times, p. 9, Col. 1. 6-12-82 13.3 Kamen, Al, "D.C.'s Business Slows, W. Post, p. B1, Col. 2. 6-14-82 45

Oswald, Thomas, "38 Injured in Law Office Shootout, No Check Came, Rate Gunman Begins Biasing with 13.4 Revolver & Shotgun," W. Afro-Am., p. 1, Col. 1. 6-15-82 13.5 Letter to NCIL Member from Donlad M. Temple 6-7-82

13.6 National Bar Association Communique, N.B.A. 57th Annual Convention, Vol. 1. No. 5, May 1982 O'Connor, Eileen C., "James R. Williams" 1982 National Membership Campaign, Federal Bar News & 13.7 Journal, 1982, p. 207. May 1982 Black Lawyers at the Crossroads: Advocacy for Social Justice vs. Economic Security, National Bar 13.8 Association, 56th Annual Convention. July-Aug. 1981 13.9 Booklet "The University of Alabama Press," Fall-Winter 1981-1982 Petzinger Jr., Thomas, "Now Lawyers are Getting Excited about the Money in Bankruptcies," Wall Street 13.10 J., p. 31, Col. 1 6-9-82

13.11 A Step Toward Equal Justice Programs to Increase Black Lawyers in the South, 1969-1973.

13.12 Kamen, Al, Kiernan, Laura A., "Legal Service Contributions Wane," W. Post, p. B3, Col. 1. 6-14-82 13.13 Ethics & Elections Bar Report, Vol. 10, No. 5, Jun./Jul. 1982 13.14 Inter Alia, Legal Times, p. 1. Harry T. Edwards, Patricia Roberts Harris, John Ray Jun. 1982

13.15 Gertrude E. Rush Award Dinner May 22 in D.C., National Bar Bulletin, Vol. 14 No. 3, Mar. 1982

13.16 Young, Joseph H., "Affirmative action Plan for United States District Court for the District of Maryland." Sept., 1980

13.17 Letter to NBA Board of Governors from John Crump Re: Board of Governors Meeting May 6-9, 1982 April 22, 1982 Legal Education - Minority Enrollment Rises in the South, American Bar Association Journal, Vol. 68, p. 13.18 409. Apr. 1982 13.19 To Ms. John Guilford Pegg re: Husband. March 17, 1982 13.21 Letter from: Natarlin Best Re: Black American Law Students Association 3-17-82 Code, Rhonda, "D.C. Attorney Accused of Setting up Payoff of a Judge - William Borders Convicted of 13.22 Bribery," p. 1, Col.1 3-30-82 13.23 Itinerary Dr. J. Clay Smith, Jr. 4-24-82 13.24 Mission, Vol. 10, No. 1, 1982.U.S. EEOC. 1982 Wermiel, Stephen, ''Washington, Lawyers Seeing Signs that the Boom Times Have Passed," W. Street 13.25 Journal, p. 29, Col. 4. 3-18-82 46

Huffman, Diana, "K Street v. 5th Street, D.C. - Minority Firms look for Share of 'Uptpwn' Practice," Legal 13.26 Times, p. 7, Col. 1. 1-21-80

13.27 Cannon, Lou, "Smith viewed as Lightweight with Great Staying Power," W. Post, P. 1, Col. 1. 5-21-82

13.28 Margolick, David, "State Judiciaries are Shaping Law the Goes Beyond Supreme Court," p. 1., Col. 1. 5-19-82 13.29 Richardson, T. Carlton, A Lawyer's Journal, W. Afro-Am., p. 5, Col. 4. 5-22-82 Taylor, Jr., Stuart, "No Stranger to the High Court William Thaddeus Coleman, Jr., N.Y. Times, p. 21, Col. 13.30 3. 4-20-82 Missing. Lubasch, Arnold H., "Judge Motley is Names Chief of Court Southern District," N.Y. Times, p. 57, 13.31 Col. 3. 5-16-82

13.32 Missing. Mitchell, Charles L., "The Black "Philadelphia Lawyer", 20 Vill. L.Rev. 371. 1974-1975

13.33 Missing. Fossum, Donna, "Women in the legal Profession: A Progress Report," (vJ) 67 A.B.A. Journal 578, 1981 13.34 Missing. Flyer Renee Jones Weeks -President-Elect Candidate, NBA Missing. Appleson, Gail, "ABA Involvement in Minority Bar Institute draws bouquets, brickbats," Bar 13.35 Leader,p. 4. Jul.-Aug. 1981

Letter & clipping Letter To: J. Clay Smith, Jr. From: Dorothy Graham & Assoc., P.c. Clipping "This Week in 13.36 Black History, Jet, p. 18. (Jack Sission; Violette N. Anderson; Eunice Hunter Carter). 7-6-81 13.37 Letter To: N.B.A. Members From: Willie E. Gary, Esq., President

83- year old Philadelphia lawyer, White House conference advisor -Dr. Sadie T. M. Alexander, Advisory 13.38 Committee, White House conference on Aging," Roanoke Tribune, 7-9-81 13.39 National Bar Bulletin- Voting Rights Act- Minority Enrollment in Law Schools Feb. 1982 13.40 Flyer "President-Elect Warren H. Dawson, YES! A.B.A. Washington Letter - Senate vote to limit court's power p. 1, Senate panel weakens voting rights 13.41 act p. 7. April, 1982

13.42 Letter re: Officers Board N.B.A. From James Booker, Lisison, regarding N.B.A. 57th Annual Convention

13.43 Kiernan, Laura A., "Borders Quits D.C. Panel After Bribe Case Verdict," W. Post, p. A16, Col. 1. 4-2-82 13.44 Scovel Richardson, 70, Dies; Judge on U.S. Trade Court, W. Post, p. C14, Col. 1. 4-1-82 47

13.45 Letter & Memo from: Thomas Rouland, CAE Re: Louis Rothschild Mehlinger 12-12-80. 13.46 Letter from Dr. Marianna W. Davis Contributions of Black Women to America 1-20-82. Law Dean Named, The Capstone, June 17, 1985, at 1, col. l. Re: Howard Law School new Dean John T. 13.47 Baker. June 17, 1985 13.48 Justice Marshall denies he plans retirement, W. Afro-Am., 11-21-81

13.49 Noble, Kenneth B., "Facts & Figures for Law Firms," N.Y. Times p. 21, Col. 1., Sec. 3. 12-13-81 13.50 Judge Green Urges Students to Go Back to the Ghettoes," The Challenger, p. 5. 5-27-81

13.51 Letter from: Herman Morris, Jr.Re: "Bright Side of Memphis" & "Beacon Light of the Race" 5-27-81

Alumni Achievement Awardees Announced for 1981 Charter Day Celebration, Alumni News (H.U.) Jan. 1, 13.52 1981, p.3. Among them: [J. Clay Smith, Jr.], [Judge Julia Cooper Mack] Jan. 1, 1981 Castillo, Angel, "Women at Bar Parley Seek Rise in Status as Lawyers and/Judges", N.Y. Times, p. B9, Col. 13.53 2 2-10-81 Picture & caption Honorable Joyce London Alexander Awarded as one of 1980's "Ten Outstanding Young 13.54 Women of America.

13.55 Tyrone Brown "Brown leaves Commission with Feeling of Accomplishment," Cablevision, p. 40. 1-26-81 Tyrone Brown Remark of Commissioner Tyrone Brown before the National Religious Broadcasters 13.56 Convention - Was., D.C. Jan. 27, 1981

Tyrone Brown Black, Norman, "Religious Broadcasters," FCC News, Vol. XIV. No. 18, 1-29-81.Briggs, Kenneth A. ;Brings, Kenneth A., "Graham Warns on Arms & Dangers in T.V. Evangelism, " N.Y. Times, 1- 29-81, p. A14;"Evangelists' Movement Blasted by FCC Exec., Wall Street Journal, 1-29-81, p. 50.*Atlanta 13.57 Constitution 1-29-81, p. 3A 1-29-81 13.58 Death Sentence Endorsed by Black Alabama Judge, Jet, Vol. 59, No. 19, p. 18. 1-22-81 13.59 Smith, Jr. J. Clay, "Outline History of Howard Law School" (First Draft). Jan. 22, 1981

13.60 Prominent Black Attorney Lands Cabinet Nomination to HUD, The AMC Monitor, Vol. 6, No. 4, p. 1. 1-15-81

13.61 Jones, Vonciel, "born a black bastard Organization of Houston's Black Lawyers, (Rice Univ.). May 1976 Judge T.R. Newman, Jr. Weiser, Benjamin, "4 on Appeals Bench fighting Reappointment of Chief Judge," 13.62 W. Post, p. A1, Col. 2. 10-30-80 48

Robinson, Eugene, "A Tale of Two Cities" Judicial Acrimony - D.C. Court of Appeals Squabble Parallels 13.63 Charges Against Chief Justice in Cal., W. Post, p. 1, Col. 3. 11-30-80 13.64 Bailey, D'Army, "Judicial Back Tracking." 9-22-80 13.65 Turner, Wallace, "Black Voted Speaker in California," N.Y Times p. B16, Col. 3. 12-2-80 13.66 News Makers - Ronald C. Jessamy, W. Post, p. 5.

13.67 Weiser, Benjamin, "D.C. Court Clerk Post is Declined; Bickering is Cited," W. Post, p. B1, Col. 1. 2-22-81

13.68 Kiernan, Laura A. , "Ex-Judge Campbell Acquitted of Bribery, Guilty on Gift Charge," W. Post, p. 1, Col. 5. 3-16-81 Gilliam, Dorothy, " 'Crossover' Ivy Leaguer Shuns White Law Firms," W. Post, C1, Col 1. [Joanne Doddy 13.69 Fort, Esq.] 3-28-81 Hearings held on Equal Employment Opportunity in the Federal Judiciary, The Third Branch, Vol. 13, No. 13.70 2, p. 3. Feb. 1981 13.71 Copy of Letter to Mr. Willard B. Ranson from J. Clay Smith, Jr. July 8, 1981 Barbash, Fred, ABA, a Denominator of the Establishment Only at Pace it Deems Appropriate," W. Post, P. 13.72 A7, Col. 1. 2-11-81 Paltrow, Scot J., "Court Blocks Appointment by Reagan - D.C. Panelist won't be Removed," Local Star, p. 13.73 B1, Col. 1. 7-8-81 Letter to Colleague Atlanta City Council from Marvin S. Arrington, President Re: Fulton County Superior 13.74 Court Judge Clarence Cooper [Election]. 7-1-81

13.75 William A. Borders, Jr. Copy of Borders opinion & order. Resume of Herman Piper. 13.76 Big Law Firms to Pay $43,000," N.Y. Times, P. 25, Col. 5. 8-2-81 13.77 Kamen, Al, "D.C. Lawyers: A. Booming Industry," W. Post, p. B1, Col. 1. 8-30-81 Letter to Members NCBL from Patti Grace, Vice Chairperson Re: Luncheon - "Telecommunications: A 13.78 Shift to the Right. " 8-14-81

13.79 Chapman Elected Head of Trial Lawyers Group, W. Afro-Am., p.3, Col. 3.[Clinton W. Chapman] 8-8-81 13.80 Foot Soldiers of the Law, Time, p. 9. 7-20-81

13.81 Smith, Jr., Wm. Reece, "President's Page - An Unusual Year in A.B.A. History," 67 A.B.A.J. 952, Aug. 1981 13.82 N.B.A. Presidential 1st, W. Afro-Am., p. 16, Col. 1. 8-18-81 49

National Bar Bulletin, - Special Convention Issue. P.I. N.B.A. Black Lawyers at the Crossroads: Advocacy for Social Justice vs. Economic Security," 56th Annual Convention. P.I. "Gertrude E. Rush: Co-Founder of 13.83 the N.B.A." by J. Clay Smith, Jr. Jun./Jul. 1981 Voting Rights, Private Clubs Expected to Spur Debate - Civil Rights, Court Issue Top Delegates' Agenda, 13.84 Washington Letter, A.B.A., p.1. 8-1-81

13.85 Chaplin, Esguire, Ansel, B, "The Structure of Legal Specialization in the 1980's, "Ali-ABA CLE Review, p. 1. 8-7-81 13.86 Vol. 7 No. 1., Black Law Journal Duvall, Henry, "One of Us - Lawrence Benry 'Teacher Now Also Can Give Legal Advice'," National Leader, 13.87 p. 28. 6-9-83

13.88 Barbash, Fred, "Lawsuit Explosion A Healthy Trend, Judge Bazelor Says, "W. Post, p. A1l, Col. 1. 6-12-83

13.89 Tolchin, Martin, "Bazelon Gives Differing View on Court Woes ", N.Y. Times, p 28, Col. 1. 6-12-83

13.90 Meyer, Eugene L., Whitaker, Joseph D., "D.C. Firm a 'school' for Black Jurists, W. Post, 4-12-76 13.91 Shelton Bernice, "Philly Social Notes, W. Afro-Am., p. 13. 4-29-80 13.92 Letter from: Elaine R. Jones Re: Sheffield Nomination 13.93 White, Miles, "Blacks Pushing Major Changes at Justice," W. Afro-Am., 4-20-80 13.94 Legal Services Corporation News March-April, 1980 13.95 Henry Neely, Lawyer, Ex-Deputy U. S. Marshal," W. Post, p. B8, Col. 1. 7-28-79 13.96 Biographical Outline on William Sylvester Thompson 13.97 Leonard, Walter J. , "Readings," Black Lawyers, Semma & (?) Boston, 1977

13.98 Ortique, Jr., Revius O., "The National Bar Association - Not Just an Option!," Judicature vol. 53, No. 9, Apr.-May 1970 13.99 Smith, Jr., J. Clay, "Sketches on the Black Lawyer," 8 N.B.A. Bulletin 13, Aug. 1976 14.1 Views of J. Clay Smith, Jr. 1978 Primary Issues Facing the Bar - Year 2000 14.2 Letter from: Dixon & Turner Re: Judicial Nominations 12-26-79 14.3 Poverty Law Today, Legal Services Corporation, Spring, 1982 Memorandum To: National Bar Association Board of Governors From: Maudine R. Cooper Re: Voting 14.4 Rights Act - Floor Action June 17, 1982 14.5 People 1982, p. [Picture of J. Clay Smith] Nat'l. Bar Bulletin, 3. 14.6 Letter to Dr. Jesse Stone, President Re: Daryl Jenkins 7-12-82 50

14.7 Barbour, Charles M., "LSAC Launches Minority Enrollment Campaign, "Syllabus (A.B.A.), p. 5. March 1982 14.8 Scovel Richardson Howard Trustee Dies Alumni News (H.U.), p.3. Apr. 1982

14.9 Gailey, Phil., "Hickley's Crusty Judge - Barrington Daniels Parker," N.Y. Times, p. 11. 5-1-82 Smith, Jr., J. Clay, "The Broadcast Industry Opportunity," Labor Law Journal, and Equal Employment P- 14.10 659. Nov. 1979

"Dedication Ollie May Cooper: School of Law," 23 The Real Dean of Howard University School of Law," How. L.J. 369; [Authors-Dr. J. Clay Smith, Jr., Thomas A. Duckenfield, Hon. Spottswood Robinson, III, 14.11 Dovey Roundtree, Hon. Julia Cooper Mack, Hon. Wilhelmina Jackson Rolark, Wiley A. Branton.]

14.12 Henderson, Randi "Co-Founder of now has many causes," The SUN, p. El, Col. 1. [Rev. Pauli Murray] 6-27-82 14.13 Charles, Laura, "Eyes Only," The Sun, p. E5, Col. 1. [Judge William Murphy] 6-27-82

14.14 Mathew Tobriner; Justice for 19 years on Coast High Court, N.Y. Times, p. B6, Col. 5. 4-9-82 Kamen, Al, Kiernan, Laura A., Tone Down Politics, Lawyers Told," W. Post, p. 11, Col. 1. [William A. 14.15 Borders, Jr.] 4-12-82

14.16 Greenberg, Bruce D., "The Revolutionary in Every Good Lawyer," W. Post, p. 22, Col. 4. 4-10-82 Letter & Memo to Minority Lawyer Invitee from A.B.A., Re: "Conference on the Practice of Minority 14.17 Lawyers in the Future" 3-24-82

Minority Enrollment in Law Schools slows, recruitment push. "Wall Street Journal (Labor Letter) sparking 14.18 2) Law Group Votes $1.2 Million to Lure Minorities," N.Y. Times, p. B5, Col. 2. 1-8-82 Stuart, Reginald, "Jury Finds a Washington Lawyer Guilty of Bribery," N.Y. Times, p. A16, Col. 1. [William 14.19 A.Borders] 3-30-82 14.20 The Borders Verdict, W. Post, p. A-28 4-2-82 Carnabucci, Karen, "Minor Technicalities - No Obstacle is too Great for Madelyn Nix," Emory Magazine, 14.21 p. 28. Apr. 1982

14.22 Franklin, Ben A., "Virginia Democrats' Senate Bid in Peril, N.Y. Times, p. A-24, Col. 1. 5-22-82

14.23 Lettner, Urban C., U.S. Lawyers Allege Tokyo Barriers," Wall Street Journal, p. 35, Col. 2, 4-20-82 51

14.24 Special Counsel Names in Tax Exemption Case, [William T. Coleman, Jr.]

Wermiel, Stephen, Justices to Rule on Tax Status of Biased Schools - Administration .Won't Defend IRS 14.25 Denial of Exemptions to Bob Jones, Goldsboro," The Wall Street Journal, p. 4, Col. 1. 4-20-82

14.26 Kiernan, Laura A., "Borders Jury Hears Tapes of Phone Calls," W. Post, p. B7, Col. 4. 3-26-82 14.27 Bribery Trial Ordered Split, Moved to Atlanta, W. Post, p. B1, Col. 2. 3-3-82

14.28 Kiernan, Laura A., "The Borders Trial: Tapes of a Con or a Bribe?," W. Post, p. B1., Col. 3. 3-28-82

14.29 Kiernan, Laura A., "Borders Convicted of Bribery, Conspiracy," W. Post, p. 1, Col. 2. 3-30-82 14.30 New Circuit Judge, Wash. Afro-Am., p. 1, Col. 4. [Judge Thomas R. Monroe, Sr.] 3-27-82

14.31 Gile, Lloyd, "An Appeal to the Lawyers," Black Enterprise, p. 14. [Arnette Hubbard] Jan. 1982

14.32 Kiernan, Laura A., "Witnesses Testify to Borders' Honesty, Integrity," W. Post, p. B5, Col. 2. 3-27-82

14.33 Kiernan, Laura A., "Prosecutors Detail Case Against D.C. Attorney," W. Post, p. A12, Col. 1. 3-24-82 Kiernan, Laura A., "Tapes Tell How Lawyer Got $25,000 - Under Cover Agent Testifies He Gave Money to 14.34 Borders," p. C1, Col. 5. 3-25-82

14.35 Keim, Cathy, "D.C. Lawyer gets 5 years for bribery," Wash. Afro-Am., p. 1., Col. 1. 5-11-82 14.36 Harris, Art, "Borders Fined, Gets Five Years in Bribe Case," W. Post, p. 1, Col. 1. 5-8-82 Greenhouse, Linda, "High Court on Rule on Tax Status of Racially Biased Private Schools," N.Y. Times, p. 14.37 1, Col. 5. 4-20-82 14.38 Court Rules for White Juries, N.Y. Times, p. 24, Col. 3. 5-9-82

14.39 Narvaez, Alfonso A., "Its Gibson on Defense this Week," N.Y. Times, p. 6 E, Col. 3 5-9-82

Jordan, Jr. , Vernon E., "Black Lawyers Cannot be Relegated to a Professional Ghetto, The White Legal 14.40 Establishment Must Take its Blinders Off," Barrister,p. 46. Spring 1980

14.41 Cooper, A.J., "Black Lawyers: North or South, Cop-out or Commitment?" Juris Doctor, p. 6. Jan. 1972 52

Anderson, Charles, "Black Lawyers in the 20 Largest Firms: It's better than before & worse than before 14.42 and worse than ever," Juris Doctor, p. 6 Jan. 1973 14.43 Conference "A Decade in Defense of Human Rights," NCBL & BALSA 14.44 Legal Services Corporation Annual Report 1977 Milloy, Courtland, "U.S. Postal Blues Boredom & Holiday Schedules Gripes at Top of Mail Handlers' 14.45 Gripes," W. Post, p.C3, Col. 1. 1-1-80 14.46 Bakke "Brief of Amicus Curiae, Bakke," Notes (NCBL) Fall 1977 14.47 NCBL Director's Report - 1978-1979 Submitted by Victor M. Goode, Esq. Trescott, Jacqueline, "Pros & Cahns - Triumph & Turmoil, the Constant Companions of Antioch's Rebels," 14.48 W. Post, p. 21, Col. 3. 1-19-80

14.49 R.p. Alexander, 76, Dies; PA Judqe, W. Post, Plus Resume Raymond Pace Alexander.

14.50 Letter President Reagan's Acceptance of J. Clay Smith, Jr.'s Resignation from EEOC post. Feb. 24, 1982 Address; Smith, Jr., J. Clay; Before Biennial Conference on Civil Rights of Ohio AFLCIO, "Civil Rights in the 14.51 1980's." 2-6-80 14.52 Letter to Mr. Junius Williams 7-2-79 14.53 Smith, Jr., J. Clay, "One Lone Kid in Boston, 1849," Wash. Star, p. A-12, Col 3. 9-5-75 Congressional Remark Concerning J. Clay Smith, Jr.'s "One Lone Kid in Boston," Congressional Record, p. 14.54 E5143 Oct. 1, 1975 Smith Jr.,John C.," Blood, Cloth: & Document, National High School Oratorical Contest - American Legion 14.55 National Americanism Commission. 1960

Smith, Jr., Dr. J. Clay, "Managing in a Multi-Ethnic, Multi-Racial Work Force in the 1980's: Problems & 14.56 Promises," Executive Development Days Conference Federal Executive Institute. 3-28-80 14.57 Speech by Judge Hatcher (Fla. S. Ct.) at Mid-Year Meeting of the N.B.A, 1-10-76 Address; Reid, Sr., Herbert 0., "Annual Martin Luther King Day Convocation -The Martin Luther King 14.58 Legacy & the Law," Univ. of Calif. 2-4-77 Address; Robinson, III, Spottswood W. , "Sudden Passing is the Irreparable," (To) Washington Bar 14.59 Association 15th Anniversary. 3-30-76 Tollett, Kenneth S., "The Right to Education - Reaganism, Reaganomics, or Human Capital?, " Institute for 14.60 the Study of Educational Policy (H.U.). 1983 14.61 Female Attorneys Convene in June, Wash. Afro-Am., p. 12, Col. 4 6-4-83 53

14.62 Hunter, Clarence W., "H.U. Law School Dean Not Resigning Post," Wash. Afro-Am., p. 8, Col. 1. 5-31-83

14.63 Beasley, Kathy, "Judge Sets Remap Plan Deadline," The Montgomery Advertiser, p. 11, Col. 1. 8-12-72 14.64 Silliness at Harvard Law W. Post, p. A-20, Col. 1. 5-27-83

14.65 Kiernan, Laura A., "Moultrie Won Judgeship on 2nd Ballot," W. Post, p. C-l, Col. 4. 6-9-78

14.66 Duvall, Henry, "47-Year-Old Father's Struggle Ends Joyously with Law Degree," W. Afro-Am., p. 13, Col. 1. 5-28-83

14.67 Margolick, David, "The Trouble with American's Law Schools," New York Times Magazine, p. 20. 5-22-83 14.68 A Move to Impeach, Nat'l. Leader, p. 4, Col. 3. 5-19-83 14.69 Black U.S. Attorney, Nat'l. Leader, p. 4, Col. 3. 5-19-83 DeMille-Wagman, Deborah, Kline, Thomas R., "Regarding Helps Unsuccessful D.C. Bar Applicants," Legal 14.70 Times, p. A4, Col. 1. 5-2-83

14.71 Patricia Roberts Harris to Join G.W. Law Faculty,: The University vV (G.W. Law School), G.W. Times, p. 2. May-Jun. 1983

14.72 Flaherty, Francis J. Bringing Law Into the High Schools," Nat'l. Law Journal, p. 3, Col. 1. 5-3-83 14.73 N.Y. Allows Race Bias In Jury Selection," Nat'l. Law Journal, p. 12, Col. 3. 5-30-83

14.74 Clark, Christine & LeRoy, The Black Lawyer - A New Day, but Slow in Dawning," Black Enterprise, p. 14. Feb. 1973

1973 Survey of Minority Group Students in Legal Education, 3-4-74; Memorandum To: Deans of 14.75 Approved Law Schools From: Millard H. Ruud., A.B.A. 3-4-74 14.76 Steward, Terry, "The Black Legal Practitioner." 1975

14.77 Edwards, Harry T., "A New Role for the Black Law Graduate," Black Law Journal Vol. 2, No. l, Spring 1972 14.78 Shuman, Jerome, "A Black Lawyers Study," 16 How. L. J. 225, Winter 1971 14.79 Wash. Bar Association - No Fault Insurance

14.80 From: Brown & Evans, Tenn. George H. Brown, Jr. Tenn. Supreme Court Justice Election 1980

14.81 Missing. Letter to Members N.B.A. From: Renee Jones weeks Re: Vice-President Election N.B.A. 7-16-80 54

14.82 John M. Langston Day Memorial Exercises, N.B.A. & W.B.A. 4-13-30 Smith, Jr. J. Clay, "The Future of the Black Lawyer in America -Part II: The Career Patterns of Black 14.83 Lawyers in the 80's," NCBL, (G.T. Univ. Law Center). 3-13-80

Statement by J. Clay Smith Jr. Smith, Jr. before the Sub-Committee on Justice, Staff, Commerce & the 14.84 Judiciary & Related Agencies of the House Committee on Appropriations. 2-25-82

14.85 Commission Resolution Signed by Armando M. Rodriguez and Cathie A. Shattuck

14.86 Letter to Presidents of Affiliate Bar Associations - N.B.A. Re: N.B.A. & the Status of the Black Bar 9-8-78

14.87 Weil, Martin, "Diplomat Newsman W. Beverly Carter, Jr., 61, Dies, W. Post, p. B4, Col. 1. 5-10-82

14.88 Who is Guarding the Guardians? (A Report on Police Practices), United States Commission on Civil Rights. October 1981

14.89 Missing. Jacobsen, Bernice, "Agency Representative's Luncheon," The Forum (F.B.A.), p. 1. Spring 1982

14.90 Missing. Invitation to J. Clay Smith, Jr. from the National Women's Political Caucus to the Gala Reception 11-19-81 14.91 Letter To: J. Clay Smith, Jr. From: Warren Hope Dawson Re: N.B.A. 3-19-82

14.92 Letter To: J. Clay Smith, Jr. From: Charles S. Johnson, III Re: N.B.A. Vice President 5-5-82 14.93 Lempert, Larry, "Atlanta Sees Big Boost in Sophistication," Legal Times 4-26-82 Letter & Memorandum To: State & Local Bar Delegates From: Eugene C. Thomas, Chairman of the 14.94 House of Delegates Re: Reports January, 1982 14.95 Washington Bar Hosts Banguet, W. Afro-Am., p. 8, Col. 5. 4-17-82

14.96 Class of 1978 Employment Report, N.A.L.P., National Association for Law Placement. Jun. 1979 Barbash, Fred, "Court Takes School Tax Case; Special Counsel Named to Oppose Exemptions," W. Post, p. 14.97 1, Col. 4. 4-20-82 Richardson, T. Carlton, "A Lawyer's Journal: Why You Should Choose a Family Lawyer," W. Afro-Am., p. 5, 14.98 Col. 4. 5-8-82

14.99 Beverly Carter, 61; Had Held High Posts as a U.S. Diplomat, N.Y. Times, p. B14, Col. 5. 5-11-82 55

Geller, William A., "The Legal & Political Requisites of a Better Key Issues," Research Reporter (A.B.F)., 15.1 p.1 Spring 1982

15.2 Simons, Lewis M., "Sit-In at Antioch Law Continues with no Talks," W. Post, p. B7, Col. 5-13-82 Antiock Students End Sit in at Law School After $2 0,000 Gift from Anonymous Donor, W. Post, p. A8, 15.3 Col. 2. 5-16-82

15.4 Simons, Lewis M. , "Antioch Law Students Sit in Over Fees Rise, C-2, Col. 2. W. Post, p. C-2, Col. 2 5-11-82 15.5 Beverly Carter, U.S. Diplomat Dead at 61, Wash. Afro-Am., p. 1., Col. 5. 5-11-82 15.6 Cohen, Richard, "Neutrality," W. Post, p. B1, Col. 1. [William T. Coleman] 4-22-82 Margolick, David, "Harvard Curriculum Study Adds to Ferment Over Goals of Legal Education," N.Y. 15.7 Times, p. A18, Col. 1. 5-12-82 15.8 Law Day 1982 - Law & Economics & Agenda for Survival Wash. Bar Assoc. 1982 15.9 Invitation Gertrude E. Rush Award Dinner. May 22, 1982

15.10 Steward, Pearl, "Lifestyle: Conference Attacks Crime in Black Communities," Nat'l. Bar Bulletin, p. 1. Mar. 1980

15.11 Smith, Jr., J. Clay, "William 0. Douglas," Federal Bar News [A Tribute to Justice William 0. Douglas], p. 52. Mar. 1980

McNeil, Genns Rae, "Query-'How Far will the Existing System permit the Exercise of Freedom Before it 15.12 Clamps Down?" Charles Hamilton Houston & the Struggle for Civil Rights" Comments of the Washington Bar Associaiton on the report & tenative recommendations of the Committee to consider standards for admission to practice in the Federal Courts to the Judicial 15.13 Conference off the United States. May 10, 1979 Racial Representation at D.C. Bar, Legal times, 7-30-79, p. 8; Letter by J. Clay Smith, Jr. & Thomas A. 15.14 Duckenfield. 7-30-79

Letter from Omaha Public Library 3-29-76; Smith, Jr., J. Clay, "The Citizen's Coordinating Committee for 15.15 Civil Liberties: History, Public Opinion Analysis," Jan., 1964. 3-29-76 Smith, Jr., J. Clay, "Selected Writings by or about Black Lawyers: Towards a Houstonian School of 15.16 Jurisprudence,"

McNeil, Genna Rae, "On the use of Law by an Oppressed Racial Minority in the United States Seeking 15.17 Change in its Status: Houstonian Jurisprudence & Civil Rights, 1929 - 1950. 56

15.18 Justice puts Heats Under Lawyer Ads, Broadcasting, p. 42. Dec. 5, 1977 Kiernan, Laura A., "New Rules Proposed for City's Courts - Moultrie Sets Goals for Administration, Public 15.19 Involvement," W. Post, p. B1. 7-8-78

15.20 Colter, Stephen E. , "New Chief Judge Moultrie Reorganizing the courts," Wash. Afro-Am., p. 24. 8-5-78 Speech by Dr. J. Clay Smith "My Beloved Carter G. Woodson Center," Congressional Record, [House of 15.21 Representatives], p. H. 1620. 5-30-79 15.22 Charles H. Houston Attachment A. 15.23 This Week in Black History (Violette Anderson) Jet, p. 18. 7-17-80

15.24 Program-National Bar Association, Inc. Seventh Annual Convention Cleveland, Ohio, August 6 & 7, 1931 15.25 "John M. Langston Day" Memorial Exercises, N.B.A. & W.B.A. April 13, 1930

15.26 Memorandum to Lee A. Satterfield, Esq. from DeLong Harris Re: Judge Burnita Shelton Matthews 2-29-80 Commerce Official Says U.S. Must Work with Private Sector to Aid Minorities, Wash. Afro-Am., p. 1, Col. 15.27 4. 8-3-82

15.28 Marcus, Ruth, "Court Watch Group Puts Pressure on 'Lenient' Judges," W. Post, p. A8, Col. 1. 8-5-82

15.29 Kiernan, Laura A., "Conviction of Ex-Judge is Upheld, W. Post, p. C1, Col. 5., [Judge Robert H. Campbell] 8-4-82 15.30 Troy, Alexander, Journal, 8-6-82 15.31 Bailey, Dorothy J. Black & Hispanic Federal Judges, 1900 to Present. 7-9-82

15.32 Barbash, Fred, "New Books Offer Inside Look at Earl Warren's Supreme Court," W. Post, p. A16, Col. 1. 6-15-83

15.33 Margolick, David, "Justice Blackmun Tells New Lawyers' Take Risk'," N.Y. Times, p. B2, Col 2. 6-13-83

15.34 Missing. J. Clay Smith, Jr., Defending Servicemen Before a General Court -Martial, Chp 61, Synopsis. 15.35 Announcement-The First Judge Hastie Award - Symposium

15.36 Moore, Acel, "Overdue Honor for Sadie Alexander," Philadelphia Inquirer, p. 3-B. 3-25-79 15.37 Press Release - Law School Enrollments Rise Slightly' A.B.A. 2-19-80

15.38 Henderson, Wade J. , "American Bar Association Membership Report" A.B.A., [C.L.E.O.] Nov. 1979 57

15.39 Daniels, Lee, "The New Professionals," Change, p. 39. Oct. 1979

Tribute to Herbert Order Reid, Sr. on the Occasion of the Presentation of the Charles Hamilton Houston 15.40 Medallion of Merit for 1979 by the Washington Bar Association. Wash., D.C. 4-27-79 15.41 Jewel LaFontant, Black Enterprise. 8-78 15.42 Donegan resigns to enter field of Law, Chicago Defender, p. 21. 7-1-80 Warner, Mary R., "Discrimination in the Criminal Justice System -Harassment of Minority Leadership," 15.43 Unequal Justice Under the Law, p. 7. Alexander, Sadie Tanner Mossell, "Women as Practitioners of Law in the United States," Nation Bar 15.44 Journal, p. 56. Alexander, Raymond Pace "The National Bar Association - Its Aims & Purposes," National Bar Journal, p. 15.45 1. Jul. 41 15.46 Taylor, Euclid Louis, "Unite for Freedom," National Bar Journal, Vol. 1, p. 105, 1942 15.47 Highlights of the 19th Annual Convention, 3 Nat'l. B.J. 80, Chicago.

15.48 Hamilton, Howard D., "The Negro Recovers the Ballot," 7 Nat'l. Bar Journal 422, 1949

15.49 Dickerson, Earl B., "Democracy's Challenge to the Lawyer," 5 Nat'l. Bar Journal 52, 1947 15.50 Harry Capehart 15.51 Nat' 1 Bar Assoc. 53rd Annual Meetings 8-15-78

15.52 Smith, J.Y., "Judge Joseph C. Waddy, 67, of U.S. District Court here, Dies," W. Post, p. B7. 8-29-78 Roman, C.V., "The American Civilization & the Negro - The Afro-American in Relation to National 15.53 Progress, (F.A. Davis Co. Publishers). 1921

15.54 Murray, Pauli "Constitutional Law & Black Women," Afro-American Studies Program. Boston Univ. 15.55 Missing. Bakke Brief-Amici Curial NMA, N.B.A. & N.A.E.O.H.E. 15.56 Toles, "The Negro Lawyer in the U.S." Oct. 20, 1996

15.57 Letter, from Lauren Anderson Re: N.C.B.L. Project to Analyze Career Patterns of Black Atty. 2-18-80 15.58 Arnette R. Hubbard, W. Post, p. 22, Col. 4. 8-18-80 Boodman, Sandra G. "Va. Black Judge Blames an IRS Error for Stalling his Confirmation to Post," W. Post, 15.59 p. B1, Col.3. 10-10-80 15.60 Newsletter-AALS Section on Minority Groups, May 1974 58

15.61 Leventhal, Harold, "Attorney's Fees for Public Interest Representation," 62 A.B.A.J. 1134, Sept. 1976 15.62 The President's Report, the Forum, Vol. 11, No. 4, (Picture of J. Clay Smith, Jr., Apr. 1973 Thompson, Jr., Samuel C. , "A Response to Professor Haskell's *4 Academic Plantation Theory," 60 15.63 A.B.A.J. 1525, Dec. 1974

15.64 Smith, Jr. J. Clay, "Sketches on the Black Lawyer," the Bar Reporter, Vol. 1, No. 1. Spring 1976

15.65 Interview with Solicitor General Wade H. McCree, Jr., The Third fA Branch, Vol. 12, No. 8, p 1. Aug. 1980

15.66 Drowota Beats Brown . . . Eskind Wins in Landslide, The Tennessee Journal, vol. 6, no. 32, Aug. 11, 1980 Winer, Jonathan M. , "It's Harder to Become a Lawyer - Bar Exam Pass Rates Sink; Schools, Testers 15.67 Blaming Each Other," Nat'l. Law Journal, p.1 Aug. 25, 1980 Baker, Donald P., Barker, Karlyn, "Nomination of Richmond Black as7 Federal Judge is in Jeopardy," W. 15.68 Post, p. 1, Col. 1. 9-9-80

15.69 Black Leaders say Cooper's Victory 'Political Breakthrough,' Atlanta Inquirer, p. 1. Sept. 6, 1980

15.70 Barker, Karlyn, Tax Inquiry Snarls Hearings on Carter Nominee to Bench," W. Post, p. 1, Col. 2. 8-27-80 15.71 Draft-Smith, Jr., J. Clay, "Houstonia School of Jurisprudence," 1977 15.72 Memorandum To: All Staff From: Linda D. Thigpen Re: History of the N.B.A. July 1, 1977

15.73 Memphis Attorney takes Oath for Position on State's Bench, Daily News, p. 1, Col. 3. 6-24-80

15.74 Draft -Remarks by Secretary of Transportation William T. Coleman, Jr. to N.B.A. Judicial Luncheon. 1975 Smith, Jr., J. Clay, "The Future of the Black Lawyer in America," Old Dominion Bar Association 15.75 Convention. May 1979 Letter - Note regarding Introduction to Charles Houston & Houstonion jurisprudence which Smith 15.76 provided. 1-3-75 15.77 "The Black Women in the Legal Profession," BALSA Reports, Fall/Winter 1975 Mackey, Garland. Benjamin L. Gaskins to take oath as member of Education Board. -Tribune Attorney appointed to important position in educational system. Appointee is one of most brilliant members of 15.78 Bar & is H.U. Law Grad. 59

Whitaker, Joseph D., "Lawyers for Poor Go on Strike - Attorneys Upset at 'Inadequate' List Superior Court 15.79 Judges Circulated, W. Post, p. C1, Col. 3. 2-5-80

15.80 Kiernan, Laura A., "Public Defender Unit Accused of Bias," W. Post, p. C3, Col. 1. 10-13-78 15.81 Washington, Ba r Assoc. Mailing & Membership List

15.82 The Legal Needs of Black - Owned Businesses in Los Angeles 20 UCLA L. Rev. 827, 1973

15.83 Benton, Mary Lee, "First Hispanic Judge in Pa. Talks Reform," Nat'1 Leader, p. 2. 6-16-83 15.84 Pollack, Ronald F., "Lawyers for the Poor," N.Y Times, A27, Col. 1. 6-17-83 15.85 Federal Judge Appears in Defiance of the Law, N.Y. Times, p. 10, Col. 2. 6-18-83 Leventhal, Me______, 20 Years After Desegregation Summer, New York Times, at 27, col. 1. Blk. Lawyers- 15.86 Bill Robinson and Reuben V. Anderson Jun. 25, 1985

Nowell Heflin. Floor Statement on the Confirmation of Mr. U.W. Clemon as a Federal Judge - U.S.D.C., 15.87 N.D., Ala., 96th Congressional Record (Senate), vol. 126, no. 107 - part II. 6-26-80 15.88 National Bar Association Resolutions Committee Pre-convention Report.

15.89 Program. National Bar Association, Inc. Seventh Annual Convention, Cleveland, Ohio. 1931 15.90 John M. Langston Day Memorial Exercises, N.B.A. & W.B.A. 1930 15.91 Overview, Blacks & the Law, Biography.

15.92 Clement, Alain, "Judges, Lawyers are the Ruling Class in U.S. Society," W. Post, p. A25, Col. 1. 8-22-80 15.93 Madison, Alfreda L., "Racism in the A.B.A.", p. 4, Col. 1. 8-8-80 15.94 Hearing date for Sheffield, Wash. Afro.-Am., p. 2, Col.1. 8-9-80 15.95 Dreyfuss, Joal, "Black Faith in Law Undermined," Forum, p. 15. Jul. 1980 15.96 Inaugural Presentation of the Ollie May Cooper Award, W.B.A., 1979 15.97 WBA File 1979-80-81 15.98 Eugene A. Chase. Graduate, H.U. & Robert Terrell Law School (Died) 15.99 Judge Bryant. Inre Fitzgerald, p. 947, (D.D.C.) by Judge Brvant

Burke, Edward J.; Johnson, Connie, More Women on the Wav Up - NLJ Survey Finds 24.8% Rise in Number of Female Attorneys at 50 Biggest Firms; Minorities Lag - Only 20 Blacks are Parners. The 16.1 National Law Journal 1, (No. 32, April 20, 1981). 1981 60

Weldi: "Black Women on the Bench: Weelding the a Rarity, These Female Judges Rule America", Ebony, 16.2 Vol. 38 No. 4, p. 110, Gavel of Change - No Longer in Courtrooms Throughout (Feb., 1983). Feb. 1983 16.3 Letter from Norma B. Smith, Administrative Office 11/25/77

16.4 Certificate for J. Clay Smith, Jr. "Certificate of Agency Membership" Administrative Conferences. 16.5 Iowa Has Its First Black District Judge (Judge Luther T. Glanton) Note: Rice, "The Negro in Texas - 1874 - 1900," (LSU) Press, Baton Rouge, La, LC # 7 0-13 066V (Lib 16.6 Congress).

Note: Afro-American Studies Program Boston U. - Occassional Paper No. 4 "Proceeding of a Symposium 16.7 on Candidates for Rediscovery," The Boston Version. Apr. 12, 1975 16.8 Butcher, Goler T., "Panel on Law and Development." 16.9 Evans, Mark, "Dick Gregory Endorses Murphy," Wash. Afro-Am. p. 14, Col. 1. 6-25-83 16.10 Faber, J.P., "Judge Alcee Hastings goes on trial." 16.11 Discipling the Deregulators, W. Post, p. A16, Col. 1. 7-1-83 16.12 Murphy Fundraiser, W. Afro-Am., p. 5, Col. 6. 7-2-83

16.13 Kamen, Al, "Judge Newman Reported Seeking Private Position," W. Post, p. A-20, Col. 1.

16.14 Williams, Juan, "Reagan Blames Courts for Education Decline," W. Post, p. A2, Col. 1. 6-30-83 16.15 ABA Seminar on Estate Planning by D.C. Attorney, W. Afro-Am., p. 21, Col. 3. 7-2-83 16.16 Feder, Barnaby J. , "Space Law's Business Impact," N.Y. Times, p. 121, Col. 3. 12-2-81 16.17 First Black Lawyer Honored at Oberlin, W. Afro-Am. p. 12, Col. 4. 7-9-83

16.18 Kamen, AL, "D.C. Court of Appeals - Rogers Nominated to Bench," W. Post, p. A1, Col. 5. 6-30-83 16.19 The Jail and the Judge, W. Post, p. A1, Col. 1. 7-5-83

16.20 For D.C., New Talent on the Bench, W. Post, p. A18, Col. 1., (Judge Judith W. Rogers) 7-5-83

16.21 Colored Elks Endorse Scott - Would Succeed Cobb on Bench Here; Prizes Given Lodges. W. Post. 8-31-3 16.22 Judge Armond Scott, Washington Bee News. 1924 16.23 Murray, Laura, "Herbert Reid, The Mayor's Modest Counsel," The Wash. Star 7-16-79 61

16.24 Current Developmens - A-4 (No. 232) (DLR) Bureau of National Affairs, Inc. Wash., D.C., 11-30-79

16.25 Washington Bar Association - President's Management Plan W.B.A. [J. Clay Smith, Jr.] 7-25-79 16.26 Thomas Queen ex-prosecutor - W. Post, p. A8, Col. 4-13-76 16.27 D.C. Bar Assoc. - Charles S. Rhyne (A.B.A.) 1958

16.28 Morlal to Run for Re-election as New Orleans Mayor in '82, N.Y. Times, p. 32, Col. 1. 12-20-81 16.29 Letter Concerning Francis M. Dent (decease) 16.30 Letter from Harmon E. Dwan 9-26-78 Missing. First Founder's Lecture Series and Third Annual Presentation of the Ollie May Cooper Award - 16.31 W.B.A. Oct. 15, 1981 16.32 Missing. Law and Economics'the Van Guard for Liberty Law Day 1981

16.33 Missing. The Second Annual Presentation of the Ollie May Cooper Award W.B.A.

16.34 Missing. First Founders' Lecture Series and Third Annual Presentation of the Ollie May Cooper Award.

16.35 Missing. The Rule of Law Old Challenges in a New Decade Law Day 1980 -W.B.A. 1980 Smith Jr. , J. Clay, "Strategies for Reversing the Growth of the Black Underclass; The Role of Fair 16.36 Employment Law." 1979 16.37 25 Years Since Brown 1979

Brochure, "The Fiftieth Year Commemoration Law Day Dinner and Inaugural Presentation of the Charles 16.38 Hamilton Houston Medallion of Merit 1925-1976, W.B.A. 1976 Criminal Law Career Dicussed - Leading Specialist in Field Outlines Route to that Status, W. Post, Col. 4, p. 16.39 A8. 4-13-76

16.40 Note from Herbert 0. Reid, Sr., ______- oral argument of Adams v. Richardson 16.41 Picture of William Henry Hastie (1904-1976) 16.42 Fiyer: Warren Hope Dawson, For Vice President W.B.A. Parsons Reports on the State of the District Court, Federal Bar News, Vol. 27, No. 1, (Chief Judge James 16.43 Parsons). Jan. 1980 62

Note: Ferguson, Clarence Clyde, Jr. "Civil Rights Litigation, Resources", Fed. Bar Journal, Study of 16.44 Constitutional; A 24; 102 Winter 1964

16.45 Speech by Herbert 0. Reid, Sr., 1979 Reception of The C. H. Medallion during Annual Law Day Dinner. 4/25/80 Memorandum to Mr. Marion Barry from Arent, Fox, Kintner, Plotkin and Kahn Re: Authority of the Board 16.46 of Education March 20, 1973

16.47 Note: Levy & Jones, "Jim Crow in Boston, (10A CA PO Press, N.Y. In G.W. Law Library Houston) 1974 W.B.A., Black and other Minority Lawyers Located in the Washington, D.C. Metropolitan Area Engaged in 16.48 Public and Private Law Practice. 16.49 Note: Boothe, "Civil Rights in Virginia," 35 V.A. L. Rev. 928, 1949 Hearings. "Black Lawyers in the United States (1840-1900)" (By J. Clay Smith, Jr.) N.B.A. Newsletter, WL 16.50 1, No. 1, Jul. 1975 Wadlow, Emily, "For Black Lawyers, It's Lonely at the Top - Only Four Have Made it to Partnership in the 16.51 Big Washington Firms," W. Post, p. C1, Col. 2. 10-21-79

16.52 Smith, Ralph R., "The Road not Taken: More Reflections on the Bakke Case," 5 So. Cl. L. Rev. 23, Fall 1978

16.53 Smith, Jr., J. Clay," Due Proc, and the Poor in Public Housing," 15 H.U.L. Rev. 422, 1970 Metropolitan. Gray, C. Vernon, "Blacks in The Baltimore City Elections 1970-1980," Metropolitan, p. 34 16.54 vol. 5.', no. 7, Sept. 1979 Hearings Before the Committee on Human Resources United States Senate - 95th Congress Second 16.55 Session - EEOC - J. Clay Smith, Jr. Letter & Senate Remarks from: Howell Heflin Re: Remarks on Senate Floor concerning Judge Myron 16.56 Thompson's "swearing in."

16.57 Address by J. Clay Smith, Jr. printed in House of Representatives "Blacks in Baltimore Elections"

16.58 Sweeney, Al, "Ending on a Happier Note," Wash. Afro-Am., p. 4, Col. 3. (Judge Margaret Hayward). 3-3-80 16.59 The First Annual William H. Hastie Lecture, H.U. Law School. 3-80

16.60 Press Release, "William Coleman Urges Lawyers to (Continue in Pursuit of Equality" N.B.A. Press Release.

16.61 Todd, Thomas N., "From Dred Scott to Bakke and Beyond: Evolution of a Circle," Dollars & Sense, June/July 1979 63

16.62 Mass of Christian Burial for Carl H. McIntyre. 12-19-78 16.63 Some of Cincinnati's Black Lawyers. Motley, Constance Baker, "Opportunities for Blacks in Law, Perspectives of the Only Black Woman Federal Judge on the Increasing Opportunities for Blacks in all Facets of the Legal system," Balsa Reports, 16.64 vol. 5, nos. 1 and 2, p. 8, Fall/Winter, 1975

16.65 Sadie T.M. Alexander - Lawyer - Civil Worker - Club Woman - Wife -Mother (1898 - Present), Afro-Am. Aug. 21-25, 1973 16.66 Women's Day Speaker - Marion Edelman, Asbury's Newsletter, vol. 5, no. 5, Oct. 1979

16.67 Boden, Robert F., "The Colonial Bar and The American Revolution," Callaghan & Company (Chicago, Ill.). 1976 16.68 National Roster of Black Judicial Officers - 1980, N.B.A 1980 16.69 List, "20th Century Negro Literature" (on note cards) 16.70 Brief, Bakke Brief plus signatures of assisting counsel.

16.71 Woodson Center Lauded - Smith: Tell the Young to Push On, World Herald. (J. Clay Smith, Jr.) 2-12-79

16.72 Smith to Kick Off Celebration, The New Voice (Hampton Institute), vol. 3, no. 11, p. 7. 4-20-79 16.73 J. Clay Smith, Jr. Military Defense File, Capt. Smith

16.74 Smith, Jr., J. Clay, "Due Process and the Poor in Public Housing," 15 H.U.L. Rev. 422, 1970 Smith, Jr., J. Clay, "Primer of Claims Under the Federal Torts Claims Act," Kansas Bar Assoc.'' Journal, vol. 16.75 42, no. 1. p. 25. Spring 1973 Review, Donegan, Charles Edward, "Cases and Materials on Contracts, Exchange Transitions and 16.76 Relationships" (Review) 21 Buff L. Rev. 585, 1972

Donegan, Charles Edward, "The Philadelphia Plan: A Viable Means of Achieving Equal Opportunity in the 16.77 Construction Industry or More Pie in the Sky?", 20 K.L. Rev. 195, Winter 1972

16.78 Smith, Jr., J. Clay, "Due Process and the Poor in Public Housing," 15 H.U.L. Rev. 422, Spring 1969 Memorandum to Cable Bureau Attorneys from J. Clay Smith, Jr., Deputy Chief Cable Bureau Subj: Fed. 16.79 Rules of Evidence 10-17-75 Smith, Jr., J. Clay, "How to Perfect a Claim Under that Federal Tort Claims Act," Law Notes, 1/72, vol. 8, 16.80 pg 41. 1/72 64

16.81 Draft, Smith, Jr., J. Clay, " (Claims Act,"How to Perfect a Claim Under The Federal Tort ) 16.82 NCBL National Legal Defense Network, NCBL Dec. 1972 16.83 Smith, Jr., J. Clay, "The Role of the Military Trial Judge," 16.84 The Black Law Journal, Spring 1972 16.85 Letter to Gilbert C. Professor E. Guttman Mar. 1966 16.86 Memorandum to Dahlberg File Re: Notes: Nader Hearing Aid Report October 12, 1973 Statement on H.R. 10439 Before the House Committee on The Judiciary J. Clay Smith, Jr. Chairman, Tort 16.87 Law Committee of the Federal Bar Assoc. 3-27-74 16.88 John Clay Smith, "Maggie Blossomed in a Mud Puddle." Feb. 14, 1961

16.89 Henry, Jr., George A., "The Battle for proper Representation in our State Legislatures." Spring 1963 16.90 By J. Clay Smith, Jr. "Platonism and Shelley's Poetry." May 1, 1963 16.91 By John Clay Smith, Jr. "Negro Leadership: A Comparison." May 8, 1964 16.92 Missing. 16.93 Missing.

16.94 By John Clay Smith, Jr."Harry S. Truman and his Administration's Containment Policy in Europe." 16.95 By George A. Henry, Jr. "A Case for Educational Television." Winter 1962 16.96 Civil War Diplomacy: First Phase 16.97 Prologue, The Chicago Convention 16.98 By John C. Smith "American Bar Eastern Diplomatic Position 1931-1963." 16.99 By Susan West "Judicial Review in American Democracy," May 13, 1964 17.1 Missing. By John Clay Smith, "American Economic Welfare 1807-1812." Dec. 1962

17.2 Missing. In the Light of Contemporary Human Knowledge Robinson v. California. 350 U.S. 660, 666, 1962

17.3 Memorandum to First Year Class from The Organizaiton of Women in the Law Re: Orientation

17.4 Memorandum to J. Clay Smith Joseph E. Preston )maha, Nebtaska Natives Attending H.U. School of Law

Note: Karst, "______Discrimination: Justice Douglas and the Return of the "Natural Law - Due - 17.5 Process Formula", 16 UCLA L. Rev. 716 (1969). and others by Sozer, Tollett 1969 17.6 Article on Frank D. Reeves Boner, Alice," Rights, p. D4, Col. 1. 4-10-7_ 65

17.7 Constitutional Law Due Process Daily Wash. Law Reporter, Vol 100, No. 1, p. 1, Jan. 3, 1972

17.8 Levy, Claudia, "Judge Upholds U.S. AT&T Pact," W. Post, p. D7, Col. 1. [Judge A. Leon Higginbotham, Jr.] 8-27-76 17.9 McNeil, Genna Rae, "Charles Hamilton Houston," 3 Black Law Journal 123 ( )

Tollett, Kenneth S. , "The Future of Negro Higher Education" (Remarks) for the Howard University School 17.10 of Law Symposium on the Role of the Negro Lawyer in the context of Social Change. 1966 17.11 H.U. General Counsel Retires W. Afro-Am., p. 1, Col. 4. 7-9-83 Pinkerton, Jr. , W. Steward, "To Pass Bar Exam, Would be Lawyers Soffer Mr. Pieper" N.Y. Times, p. 1, 17.12 Col. 4 7-11-83

17.13 AKPA, Bennet, "Judge Alcee Hastings being probed for 'Odious' behavior," Wash. Afro-Am., p. 1, Col. 1. 7-12-83

17.14 The First Integrated Jury Impaneled in the United States, May 1867, Negro History Bulletin, V' 33, no. 6, Oct., 1970 17.15 Marshak, Bruce F., "In Praise of Professor Reid," The Wash. Star, p. A16, Col. 4. 10-14-75 17.16 Letter from Judge John D. Fauntleroy 3-9-79

Materia1 from: Citizens for Community Action Jacksonville, FL to J. Clay Smith, Jr. Deputy Chief of the Cable Bureau, Concerning: 1) Prof. W. I. Lewis, 2) D.J. Jordan, L.L.B., 3) Prof. N.B. Young (article), 4) Rev. S. Kerr, 5) Prof. John H. Smyth, 6) Bishop H. M. Turner, D.D., L.L.D., 7) Hon. George H. White, 8) Prof. William S. Scarborough, A.M., L.L.D., 9) Timothy Thomas Fortune, 10) Rev. L.B. Ellerson, 11) James W. 17.17 Johnson, 12) Mrs. M.E.C. Smith, 13) Rev. J.B.L. Williams, D.D., 14) Atty. I.L. Purcell Missing. Thomas, Clarence, "Are the Problems of,, flacks tob Big for CT Government to Solve?", W. Post, 17.18 p. C3, Col. 1. 7-17-83 17.19 Black Judge Enter Mayoral Contest in Baltimore, Md., Jet, p. 5. 5-23-83

17.20 Transportation's Top Black makes Grand Dealr Before Retiring to Law Practice, Jet, p. 16. 5-23-83 17.21 Tribute to Thurgood Marshall, Barrister, 8, no. 2., p2. 1-5-79 17.22 The President's Civil Rights Message. 17.23 The President's Civil Rights Message," Ebony, p. 233 Sept. 1963 17.24 I've Been to the Mountain Top', Ebony, pg. 124. May 1968

17.25 Booth, Alice Lynn, "Why Herbert 0. Reid Doesn't Serve Chitlins," Juris Doctor, p. 30. Jan. 1974 66

17.26 J. Clay Smith, Jr. on Federal Bar Association, Congressional Record - Senate, p. S18758. 10-28-75 17.27 Note on Joseph E. Lee 17.28 First Black Actor to Join Stage Union, W. Post, p. C4, Col. 4., [Leigh Whipper] 7-29-75

17.29 Note on: Charles Albert Chandler, 1st Black to Finish Cum Laude 1923 or 1924 from Yale Law School. Hodge, Paul, "Sizemore Hearing Judge Hailed - Herman T. Benn, Retired U.S. Mediator, Called Firm, Fair," 17.30 W. Post, p. D8, Col. 1. 6-26-75 Brown, Charles Summer, "The Genesis of the Negro Lawyer in New England," The Negro History Bulletin, 17.31 p. 171. May 1979 Freedom from Regulation? New Administration Proposals Heat up the Debate Over Deregulating 17.32 Railroads, Airlines, and Trucklines, Business Week, p. 74. May 12, 1975 17.33 Black lawyer - Articles Index 17.34 NBA Honored on West Coast, The Nation Bar Bulletin, Jul. 1975 Coleman, Jr. , James E. , "To Ignore the Advantages Created for Whites ... is to Ignore Reality." New York 17.35 Times, p.15, Col. 3 3-17-74 17.36 Mollison, Irvin C. , "Negro Lawyers in Mississippi, is J. Negro Hist. 38, 1930

17.37 Attorney Whilhelmina J. Rolack Founding President of N.A.B.W.A., Nat'l. Bar Bulletin, p. 1. Jun. 1975

12.38 Goldman, Marion S. "A Portrait of the Black Attorney in Chicago," American Bar Foundation, Chicago. 1972 12.39 Motion for Declaratory and Injunctive Relief, Richardson v. McFadden. 1973

17.40 West Hollie I., "Supreme Court Seen Waning on Race Issue," W. Post, p. A4, Col. 2. 10-26-74 17.41 The Sorry Saga of Gen. Davison, W. Post, p. B6, Col. 1. 12-29-74 17.42 Officers and Board of Directors of the Washington Bar Association 1977-1978. 17.43 W.B.A. Board of Directors 1980-1981. 17.44 Transcript of Black Lawyers Summit 17.45 Summit of Black Lawyers Nat'l Bar Bulletin, p. 1. April/May, 1983 Memorandum to Faculty and Students from Wiley A Branton re: Birthday of Honorable Thurgood 17.46 Marshall, July 2, 1983

17.47 Connolly, Jr., Walter B., "EEOC Guidelines: Reversing the Supreme Court, " W. Legal Times, p. 12. 2-26-79 67

King, Dr. Ruth E. G. , "The Effect of Stress on Black Women in Administration" for N.B.A. National 17.48 Convention, Calif. 1979 17.49 Letter from T. Carlton Richardson Institutional Development of W.B.A. 4-20-79 17.50 Letter to W.B.A., Pres. J. Clay Smith, from Ruth Harvey Charity 17.51 Letter from Claudia Booker, D.C. Community Law Bar Fair 4-5-79 Statement of T. Carlton Richardson, Esq. Indpendent Candidate for President of the Washington Bar 17.52 Association. Memorandum to All Members W.B.A. from Nominations and Elections Committee Re: Election of 17.53 Officers for 1979-80 17.54 N.B.A. Resolution S. 446, Title VII of the Civil Rights Act. 17.55 Note & Brief Exposite on: The Honorable William Henry Hastie 17.56 Brief Exposite on: George Edward Chalmer Hayes, Esq. 17.57 Brief Exposite on: James M. Nabrit, Jr., Esq. Brief Expose on: The Honorable Spotswood W. Robinson, III, U.S. Circuit Judge for the District of 17.58 Columbia.

17.59 Brief note on: The Honorable Thurgood Marshall, United States Supreme Court Assoc. Justice. 17.60 Brief Notes on: Louis R. Mehlinger, Esq. and J. Franklin Wilson, Esq.

17.61 Brief Note on: The Honorable Joseph C. Waddy, for the District of Columbia. U.S. District Court 17.62 Brief Note on: Oliver W. Hill, Esq. Genna Rae McNeil, "History of Howard University School of Law and Black-American Bar and Bench 17.63 Projects." Annual Report 1977-78 Report of Conference of Minority Administrators and Law Teachers, Northwestern University School of 17.64 Law, Chicago. Nov. 4-5, 1976 Nelson, William E., "The Impact of the Antislavery Movement Upon Styles of Judicial Reasoning in 17.65 Nineteenth Century America," Harvard Law Review. 513, 1974 17.66 McNeil, Genna Rae, "Charles Hamilton Houston, 3 Black Law Journal 123, 1974

17.67 Groom, Winston, "Bar Exam: is the Deck Stacked Against Minorities?," W. Star, p. A1, Col. 1. 2-28-76

17.68 Bryan, J. Steward," Judge Edgecomb: loss to county," Tampa Times, p. A4, Col. _. 1-24-76 17.69 Resume: Genna Rae McNeil 17.70 Biographical Sketch Background: Mercer Daniel 68

Brown, Mary, "Clifford Alexander - Boss! to over a million and a half military and civilian personnel," 17.71 Dawn Magazine, p. 6. May 1978 Book Review, Higginbotham, Jr., A. Leon, "Race, Racism and American Law," (by Derrick A. Bell), Book 17.72 Review. Kelleher, Daniel T., "The Case of Lloyd Lionel Gaines: The Demise of the Separate but Equal Doctrine," 56 17.73 J. Negro Hist. 262, 1971 17.74 In Memoriam of Attorney E. Lewis Ferrell. 12-27-79

17.75 Judges by Robert Sheppard (Washington UPI) Concerning U.W. demon, Fred Gray 17.76 Newman, Jr., Chief Judge, Theodore R., "The Battle is not Won," (Speech). 4-28-79 Kernan, Michael, "The Justice and the Judged - Barrington Parker's Legal Convictions, W. Post, p. K1, Col. 17.77 6. 11-11-79

17.78 Carter, Art, "Clifford L. Alexander begins fourth year as Army Secretary," W. Afro-Am., p. 13, Col. 1. 2-23-80

17.79 Statement by: Herbert O. Reid - Acting Dean to Faculty of the School of Law (Howard U.) July 9, 1973 Reid, Herbert O. "Efforts to Eliminate Legally - Enforced Segreation Through Federal, State and Local 17.80 Legislation" 20 J. Negro Education 436, 1951

17.81 RAAB, Selwyn, "Police Strength and Racial Mix/Await Decisions in Court Battle, "N.Y. Times, 1-30-80 17.82 25 Years Since Brown NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund, Inc. (LDF) 17.83 Marshall Attacks Court on Libel, Jail Rulings, W. Star, p. 1, Col. 5. 5-28-79 17.84 Stratford, Mary E. , "our Lawyers' Court Heritage," W. Afro-Am., p. A4, Col. i. 4-25-64 Note: Hanover County, VA (House of Patrick Henry) Joe Durham - Mullato (Ashland District) 1860 17.85 Records in Census. 1860 Booklet 1978 - 53rd Annual Convention of National Bar Association. Plus Card: Jasper c. Rowe, J.D. U.S. 17.86 Dept, of Health Education and Welfare, TX. 1978 17.87 Black's Nomination as Judge Seen Keying War with Byrd, W. Post, p. B5, Col. 1. 4-11-80 17.88 Worrell, Bill, "Harvey Byrd Vows a Fight," W. Afro-Am., p. 1, Col. 1. 4-19-80 17.89 Letter from: Ohio State University 1-8-80 17.90 Case: In readea 6F. Supp. 467, 1934

17.91 Scott, Austin, "Activist sees Gains, Irony in Fight Against Race Bias in Jobs, " W. Post, p. A3, Col. 1. 12-30-74 17.92 Sketch, "Violette N. Anderson," Jet, p. 22. 69

Memorandum on the legality of certain economic measures against Cuba taken by the United States. To 17.93 Lennox Hinds, from Henry J. Richardson 17.94 Missing. Civil Rights Research Review, vol. 9, no. 1-2, Spring-Summer, 1981

17.95 Brozan, Nadine, "Balancing Children and a Legal Career," N.Y. Times, p. B5, Col. 2. 5-24-82

17.96 Kaplan, Martin, "After 38 Years, Stone Comes Back to the Club," W. Star, C1, Col 2. 6-6-80 17.97 Note: Jackie Shrophire 1st Black Graduate at University of Ark.

17.98 Custom Versus the Ideal, A case study in the evolution of law and mores, J. Clay Smith, Jr., 17.99 National Conference of Black Lawyers. (Folders). Oct. 1974

Wiley A. Branton, Testimony of Wiley A. Branton, Director, Voter Education Project, Southern Regional 20.1 Council, Hearings Before the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights, p. 176-190. 2/16/65 Communication Skills Program, Suggested Readings, Bibliography prepared by the staff, H.U. Law School. 20.2 (Simeon McIntosh, student assistant) May 1974

Hurley, Dan, "Are Black Law Schools Obsolete? Some Observers Say Yes. The Schools Say the Question 20.3 Ignores Reality", Student Lawyer, A.B.A., vol. 12, no. 7, p. 12. Mar. 1984 Watson, Denton L., "Charles H. Houston - Architect of NAACP Legal Strategy," The Crisis, vol. 91, no. 2, p. 20.4 36. Feb. 1984

20.5 Smothers, Ronald, "Texas Caucuses Spotlight Role of Hispanic Voters," N.Y. Times, p. A16, Col 2. 5-4-84 20.6 Note, The Numbers Game in Admissions, 32 J. of legal Ed. 139, 1984 Gaines-Carter, Patrice, "Woman Honored for Pioneer Efforts as a Black Lawyer," W. Post (District 20.7 Weekly), p. D.C. 1., Col. 3. 5-3-84

20.8 Kessler, Ronald, "U.S. Sues Lawyer for Return of Bribe Money," W. Post, p. C3, Col. 2. (William Borders) 5-4-84

20.9 Rust, Mark E., "Why More Black Lawyers Aren't Recruited," Student Lawyer, A.B.A. vol. 12., p. 18. Apr. 1984 Orrick, Judson H., "Black Lawyers - How Integrated is the Integrated Bar?," Florida Bar Journal, vol. 58, p. 20.10 275. May 1984

20.11 Lhamon, Judith A; Tucker, Marilyn, "The Hiring Scorecard," Student Lawyer, A.B.A., vol. 12, p. 23. Apr. 1984 70

Kelly, Judge Clifton M. "Youth and the Law, Law Education and Character Training for Children," Florida 20.12 Bar Journal, vol. 58, p. 305. May 1984

20.13 Allice Gresham Bullock, "Is There Life After Safe Harbor Leasing?", 19 New England L. Rev. 1, 1983-84

20.14 Margolick, David, "Attracting Students to Public Interest Law," N.Y. Times, p. 42, Col. 1. 4-29-84 Bruske, Ed.; Kamen, Al, "Lawyers, Shortage of Black Lawyers," W. Post, p. D2, Col. 2. (Virginia Supreme 20.15 Court Judge John Charles Thomas) 4-30-84 20.16 Johnny Butler Receives the "Arthur S. Flemming Awards, 1983" (plus brochure).

20.17 Confronting the Challenge of the 1980's, Washington Bar Association Law Day 1984. (brochure). 1984

20.18 Flyer: "Vote for Herbert 0. Reid, Chairman of the University Senate," Senate Elections, (Herbert O. Reid) 4-30-84

Pianin, Eric, "Corporation Counsel Defends Actions - Barry Orders Investigation of Reid," W. Post, P 1, 20.19 Col. 2. (investigation of Inez Smith Reid by Herbert 0. Reid). 4-18-84 Wiley A. Branton, Twentieth Annual Dinner of the Howard Law Alumni Association of the Greater 20.27 Washington Area. 4-11-84 Lauter, David, "Law Schools, Enrollment Declines for First Time Since 1968," National Law Journal, p. 4, 20.28 Col. 2. 4-16-84

20.29 Brusle, Ed., Kamen, Al, "100 Seeking 7 New D.C. Judgeships," W. Post, p. C1, Col. 5. 4-9-84 Stanley P. Herbert, 5. Herbert; C. Reischel, "Title VII and the Multiple Appraches to Eliminating 20.30 Employment Discrimination," 46 N.W. Univ. L. Rev. 449. May 1971 20.31 Small Firms Employ More Law Graduates, Syllabus, p.6. Mar. 1984 20.32 Nevins, Barbara, "Up and Coming in Atlanta," 70 A.B.A.J. 87. Apr. 1984 Women Lawyers; Books for Lawyers, For the Practitioner -Perspectives on Success," Edited by Emily 20.33 Couric, 70 A.B.A.J. 96. Apr. 1984

20.34 (J. Harry T. Alexander), "Sanctions Against Former D.C. Judge left in Tact," W. Post 3-27-84 20.35 Minority Judgeships for D.C., W. Post, p. A22, Col. 3. 3-27-84 Smith, Hedrick, "Texas Caucuses: Hispanic Vote Buoyed Mondale and Disappointed Jackson," N.Y. Times, 20.36 p. A27, Col. 1. 5-8-84 71

20.37 Topics, Life in the Law, (Jack Greenberg) (Thurgood Marshall), N.Y. Times, p. A-30, Col. 1. 5-8-84 Margolick, David, "Women's Bar Award to Justice O'Connor Comes Under Attact," N.Y. Times, p. B-5, Col. 20.38 1. 5-9-84 20.39 Letter

20.40 Althea I. L. Simmons (H.U. grad.), "Washington Bureau," The Crisis, vol. 91, no. 1., p. 7. Jan. 1984 National Bar Association "Defendant dared to show judge biased - judges exclusion sought in MS 20.41 segregation case," Afro-am., p. 15, Col. 4. 3-17-84 White Law Firms - Black Lawyer, Karmel, C.A., Why Blacks Still Haven't Made it - White - Shoe New York Seems to be getting Whiter, despite a Decade of Hiring Blacks. Three Huge Firms have no Blacks at All," 20.42 American Lawyer, Ma. , p. 121. 1984

Dyke (H.U. grad, 1968) , "Mondale pledges to restore federal commitment to civil rights enforcement," Presidential Times (Special Edition); Paid for by Mondale for President Committee. Board Members, NBI, 20.43 Inc. Fred Gray, Chairman Fund Raising Activities 11-18-83 Letter from Sallie Farrow Assist Gen. Counsel, Separation of the History of "Black Lawyers" from the 20.44 History of the National Bar Association 11-10-83

20.45 NCBL Notes, A Newsletter of the National Conference of Black Lawyers, vol. 8, no. 1. Feb./Mar. 1984

20.46 William Henry Hastie, Collection: Inventory of William H. Hastie Papers. Received 3-2-84. [Hastie Papers] 3-2-84 (Bar Admissions) Middleton, M. "2 More Federal Districts to Limit Bar Admissions," Nat'1 Law Journal, p. 20.47 4., Col. 2. 3-5-84 20.48 Law Teachers Statistics 1980 Jeanus Parks, Hines, Barbara, Interview with Professor Jeanus Parks," Barrister (H.U. Law School), Beb., p. 20.49 4. 1984

William B. Bryant, Robertson, Julianne M. , "Honorable William B. Bryant's Reflections on the Legal 20.50 Profession over the years," Barrister (H.U. Law School), p. 3. Feb. 1984 Clarence Clyde Ferguson, Jr., "Memorial Services held for Former Dean," Barrister, (H.U. Law School), p. 20.51 1., col. 4. Feb. 1984

20.52 Derrick A. Humphries, "Humphries named head usher at Cathedral," Wash. Afro-Am., p. 13, Col. 3. 2-11-84 72

20.53 Geraldine R. Segal, Blacks in the Law, Univ. of Pennsylvania Press, $25.00. By Barbara L. Bernier.

Goler Butcher, Thomas Karis, "United States Policy toward South Africa," South Africa: The Continuing 20.54 Crisis (Ed. by G.M. Carter and P. O'Meara) Ind. U. Press., B1., p. 313. 1979 Judge John R. Hargrove "Baltimore Judge Tabbed for Federal Bench Post will be Maryland's First," Jet 20.55 (Law & Justice), 2-27-84, p. 36. 2-27-84 20.56(a) Bruske, E.; Kamen; A., "Lawyers," W. Post, p. D2, Col. 1. 2-27-84 Judge Theodore R. Newman, Jr., Bruske, E. ," 'Enough', Newman to step down as Appeals Court Chief," 20.56(b) W. Post (Metro), p. C1, Col. 2. 2-23-84 20.57 Derrick Bell, Gilliam, Dorothy, "Using the Law," W. Post, p. C-l, Col. 1. 2-23-84 Old Dominion Bar Association, Thornton, Mary, "Court Nominee Unfit, Minority Groups Tell A Senate 20.58 Committee," W. Post, p. A-14, Col. 5. 2-23-84 20.59 Md Lawyers' Rule Would Set Trial Experience Minimum, W. Post, p. B6, Col. 1. 2-21-84 20.60 John R. Hargrovere, Sr., Kamen, A., "Lawyers," W. Post, p. B2, Col 2. 2-20-84 Brochure: Memorial Services for Clarence Clyde Ferguson, Jr. Former Dean, H.U. School of Law 1924- 20.61 1983, Houston Hall Chapel West Campus H.U. 2-21-84 Missing. /Charles Houston Release - Remarks of the President at ceremony honoring black 20.62 history month, The White House, East Room. 3-2-84 Arkansas Black Lawyers: Mifflin Gibbst; Scpio Jones Tom W. Dillard, "Perseverance: Black History in 20.63 Pulaski County, Arkansas - An Excerpt," 1983

Opinion J. Thomas (Virginia), Dissenting opinion by J. Thomas of Virginia Supreme Court - Grand Union 20.64 Comp. v. Marian White Vynum, et.al. no. 821420. Feb., 1984 20.65 Higgins, Sr., Chester, "The Longest Struggle," Tony Brown's Journal, p. 4. Jan./Mar., 1984

20.66 Grant Reynolds Letter from Grant Reynolds, Nova Univ. Resume of Grant Reynolds 1-17-84 20.67 Not 'Meese' for the Job, W. Afro-am., p. 4, Col. 1. 2-11-84 Payton, Sallyanne, "Administrative Law: What is it, and What is it doing in our law school?," 28 Law 20.68 Quadrangle Notes 29, 1983

20.69 Davenport Drummer; Rasheed, "Howard University School of Law a Closer Look." 1983

20.70 Memorandum to Law Faculty and Students, Ollie May Cooper Lecturer and Award (Wash. Bar Assoc) 11-15-83 73

20.71 Brookes, Warren T., "Too Many Lawyers Ail U.S. Economy," W. Times. 9-2-83

20.72 J. Clay Smith, Jr., Clarence Clyde Ferguson, Jr., A Memorial Comment to Harvard Law Review. 1-25-84

20.73 Letter to Mr. Robert Riggle re: Book Review - Memorial Comments on Dean C. Clyde Ferguson, Jr. 2-3-84

20.74 Aulana Peters, Ross, Nancy L. , "First Black to be Named SEC Member," W. Post, p. D4, Col. 1. 2-3-84

20.75 Slevin, Peter, "No Bias Against FBI Agent, Hastings Says," National Law Journal, p. 23, Col. 1. 2-6-84 20.76 Wiley A. Branton, Bruske, Ed.; Kamen, Al, "Lawyers," W. Post, p. D2, Col. 1. 1-30-84 Wiley A. Branton, McElwaine, Sandra, "Wiley Branton and the Trials of a Black Lawyer," The Evening Star 20.77 (Baltimore), p. B1, Col. 1. 1-17-84 Wilhelmina J. Rolark, McBride, Nicholas C., "Councilmember proposes pay hike to children's lawyers," W. 20.78 Afro-am., p. 3, Col. 1. 1-21-84 Arthur L. Burnett, Sr., "Constitutionality of Consent Trials before United States Magistrates - Pending cases may be a Potent Dynamic Force for Restructuring the Federal Judiciary," Fed. Bar News & Journal, 20.79 vol. 31, no. 1, p. 27. Jan. 1984

File: Herbert 0. Reid, Law, Memorandum to Sentate Members from Estelle W. Taylor, Secretary Election 20.80 re: Rules of the Senate Meeting, April 30, May 4, 1984 1984

20.81 Frederick D. Dorsey "People's Counsel Designate," Daily Wash., Law Rptr., vol. 112, no. 8, p. 69. 1-12-84 20.82 Biographical of Grant Reynolds Sent to J. Clay Smith, Jr. from Grant Reynolds 1-6-84

20.83 John S. Rock "Black Pride," Afro-am. History: Primary Sources, (ed. Thomas R. Frazier) 1971

Gressin, S.D., "Nation's first black chief justice installed," national leader, 1-19-84, p. 4, Col. 1; C.J. Robert 20.84 N.C. Nix, Jr. (Penn.) "Black elected officials make gains in 1983" National Leader, 1-10-84, p. 3, Col. 1. Jan. 1984 Frederick B. Abramson, "Chairperson Abramson's Term Ends," Daily Washington Law Reporter vol. 112, 20.85 no. 6, p. 53 1-10-84 20.86 Letter to J. Clay Smith, Jr. re: Charles Hamilton Houston, dedication 1-17-84

20.87 Kiska, Tom, "Law Schools - Detroit U. Discrimination Case Appealed," Nat'l Law Journal, p. 4, Col. 3. 1-23-84 74

Daisey Bates, "Little Rock Prepares for Desegregation" Afro-American History: Primary Sources (ed. by 20.88 Thomas R. Frazier). 1971 Pike, David F. "Politicians Gain More Savvy in Selecting U.S. Judges - The Court - Packing Plans," Nat'l. 20.89 Law Journal, p. 1, Col. 1. 8-29-83 Lauter, David, "Law Schools - LDF's Greenbert Moves to Columbia Law Faculty," Nat'l. Law Journal, p. 4, 20.90 Col. 4. 5-14-84 20.91 Lawyer asks wider college desegregation, New York Times, at 29, Col. 4-8-84

20.92 Income of Corporate Counsel, Note, Gazette, Washington Legal Times, at 5, Col. 1, 6-11-84

20.93 Law Schools Not Panicked by Decline in Admissions, Washington Legal Times, at 2, Col. 1, 6-11-84 20.94 Firm Growth, Washington Legal Times, at 3, Col. 3 6-25-84

20.95 Easton, Nina, "Peters Brings her Litigator's Judgment," Washington Legal Times at 2, Col. 1, 6-25-84

20.96 Nelson, Steve; "Period of Significant Growth Returns for D.C. 's Law Frims;" Legal Times, at 1, Col. 2, 6-11-84 Stevens, Charles; "Black Lawyers begin to Enter Mainstream of legal Profession," Wall Street Journal, at 20.97 1, Col. 1 6-25-84 20.98 Letter to Editor of Wall Street Journal by J. Clay Smith, 6-27-84

Hishon v. King & Spalding, 104 S. Ct. 2229 (1984) (where former associate sued law firm alleging Title VII 20.99 Sex-based Discrimination in decision not to grant her partnership status, court held for associate). 1984 21.1 Letter to Gail L. Wright, NAACP Legal Defense Fund 12-7-84 21.2 Bruske, Ed, "Lawyer Walkout Ruling," Washington Post at B2, Col. 1. 11-12-84 21.3 Grad is Appointed Judge, (Janice Spears) Tuskegee Gram at 4, vol. 23, no. 15, 10-25-84 21.4 Memo to NCBL Board Members from Margaret A. Burnham re: Update 11-29-84

21.5 No Place for Race in Picking Juries, New York Times at 30, Col. 1., (Amalya Kearse) 12-7-84 21.6 Race Ruled Out as Challenge to Juror, Washington Post at A14, Col. 2., 12-6-84 21.7 Letter to Joseph E. Ross, President, FBA 12-6-84 21.8 People, (Aulana L. Peters) USA Today at 2B, Col. 3. 1984 Carter, W. Burlette; "William Henry Hastie: Jurist, Scholar, Friend," Harvard Law Record vol. 79, no. 7 at 21.9 3, 11-30-84 75

"The High Mountain at William Hastie as Witnessed from Howard University School of Law", Speech by J. 21.10 Clay Smith, Jr. 11-16-84 21.11 A Look at Chief Judge William C. Pryor, District Lawyer (cover story) at 30, Nov./Dec. 1984 21.12 Letter to Chief Judge William C. Pryor 12-6-84 21.13 Letter to Honorable Theodore Newman 12-6-84 Margolick, David; "U.S. Court Bars Excluding People as Jurors Solely Because of Race," (Judge Amalya L. 21.14 Kearse) New York Times at 1, Col. 5, 12-5-84 Galante, Mary Ann; "Calif. Bar Pass Rate Drops; only 41.8 Percent Succeed," National Law Journal at 4, 21.15 Col. 3, 12-10-84 Pa. Senate OK's First Black Female Judge in Allegheny County, (Doris Smith) Washington Afro-American 21.16 at 3, Col. 4, 12-4-84

21.17 Balz, Dan; "Democrats Search for a Chairman," (Sharon Pratt Dixon) Washington Post at A5, Col. 1, 12-3-84

21.18 Margolick, David; "Cuomo Offered 7 for Chief Judge," New York Times at 1, Col. 1, 12-2-84

21.19 California Hails Upsetting of Law, (Willie Brown, Jr.) New York Times at 24, Col. 1, 12-2-84 21.20 Okay to Limit Number of Tries for Bar Exam, ABA Journal at 126, Dec. 1984 21.21 Lhamon, Judith A.; "Recruiting Lawyers," ABA Journal at 80, vol. 70, Dec. 1984 21.22 Equal Treatment National Law Journal at 12, Col. 1, 12-10-84

21.23 Kaplan, David A.; "Hard Times for Minority Profs," National Law Journal, at 1, Col. 1. 12-10-84 Pioneers in Justice; Honorable Jane Matilda Bolin, Chief Judge Constance Baker Motley, Honorable 21.24 Amayla L. Kearse. 21.25 Bruske, Ed; "Another South Africa Issue" Washington Post at B2, 12-3-84 21.26 NCBL and the Legal Approach to Promoting Peace. 21.27 Letter to Issie L. Jenkins, Esq. Dec. 17, 1984 Letter to the Editor "Doing Justice to Cuomo's Remarks on Judgeship Nominations," New York Times, at 21.28 A22, Col. 4, 12-15-84 21.29 Curriculum Vitae, Lenore Hopewell Cameron.

21.30 Burns, Haywood; "The Activism is not Affirmative," The Nation, at 264, vol. 234, No. 9, 9-29-84 76

Ranii, David, "Technofirm: Charfoos, Christensen [and Archer] has created a niche as a firm ready and 21.31 able for the most complex cases," (Dennis Archer, President, NBA), National Law Journal, at 8, Col. 1. 12-17-84 21.32 National Bar Association Bulletin. Vol. 16, No. 7, p. 21, Nov./Dec. 1984 21.33 Letter to Paul Thornell 12-12-84

21.34 George Boyer Vashon The Black Letter Journal, Spring 1984 (Harvard Law School), 4-19-83 Clarence Clyde Ferguson, Jr., (1924-1985), Highlights of an Impressive Career, The Black Letter Journal at 21.35 17, Spring 1984

21.36 Riley, John; "Minority Jury Exclusions Blocked," (Judge Amalya Kearse) , National Law Journal, 12-17-84

21.37 Lynch, Mitchell; "The Hot flew Areas of Law Practice," ABA Journal, Vol. 70, at 72, Oct. 1984 21.38 Lynch, William F.; "How Law Firms Select Partners," ABA Journal, Vol. 70, at 65, Oct. 1984 21.39 Letter to Gail L. Wright, NAACP Legal 12-7-84

Research Collections: Law, History, Politics. Government, Hishon v. King and Spaulding, no. 82-940, 21.40 Curiae NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Defense Fund 1982. Brief of Amicus Fund, Inc.

21.41 Resume' of Joan C. Davis; see reference to Ralph Adams and John Adams, both Omaha Lawyers at p. 3. 11-14-83

21.42 Tollett, Kenneth S.; "Affirmative Action in Law Schools: The Declining Concern for the Interest of Blacks, Nov. 1983 21.43 Letter to Kenneth E. Swab, Chair FBA Younger Lawyers Division. 12-11-84

21.44 Clubs Leave Harvard: All Male Groups Charged with Sexism, Washington Post at B4, Col. 5., 12-11-84

21.45 Will Remain on the Court, (Judge Theodore R. Newman, Jr.) Washington, Afro-American at 4, Col. 1., 11-10-84 Booker, Simeon; "Ticker Tape U.S.A.: National Headliners, William H. Hastie, Charles H. Houston, Jr.," Jet 21.46 at 11, 12-10-84 21.47 Rites in Chcago for Circuit Court Judge Russell R. DeBow, Jet at 15, 12-10-84 21.48 Stephan P. Mickle Named to Florida Circuit Court, Jet at 38, 12-10-84

21.49 Kaufman, Irving R. ; "Keeping Politics out of Court," New York Times Magazine at 72, 12-9-84 77

21.50 Gorov, Lynda; "The Bottom Line on First Female Harvard MBAs," Chicago Tribune at 1, Sec. 2, 12-9-84 Picking Jurors by Race, (Court Opinion Written by Black Woman Judge, Amalya Kearse) Washington Post 21.51 at A22, Col. 1, 12-10-84

21.52 Pichirallo, Joe; "Grand Jury Focuses on Donaldson," Washington Post at 1. Col. 1, 12-18-84 21.53 Belford Lawson, Retired Lawyer is Dead at 83, Washington Post, at B8, Col. 1. 2-24-85 The Names Behind the Buildings, (Allen M. Daniel, James Adlai Cobb, Charles Hamilton Houston) 2 Res 21.54 Ipsa Loguitur 5, Feb. 19, 1985 21.55 Retired D.C. Judges Still Fill in, Washington Post at E3, Col. 1. 2-25-1985 21.56 1985 Black History Month (no. 4) Altanta Daily World at 4, Col. 1, 2-10-1985 21.57 The Forum Talks with Maceo Hubbard, 7 Civil Rights Forum 1, Summer/Fall 1984

21.58 Leonard, Walter J., "DeFunis v. Odeguard: An Invitation to Look Backward," Black Law Journal at 224.

21.59 Dullea, Georgia; "Women Win the Prize of Law Partnership," New York Times at B5, Col. 2, 2-25-85

21.60 Dewar, Helen; Tofani, Loretta; "Justice Department has been on Hold," Washington Post at A6, Col. 1. 2-23-85 21.61 30 Leaders of the Future, Ebony, No. 5, at 86, Mar. 1985

Betts v. Easley, 161 Kansas 459, 169 p. 2d 831 (1946) (argued by black lawyers - William H. Towers, 21.62 Elmer C. Jackson, Roy C. Garvin, all of Kansas City, Kansas) Noted, 56 Yale Law Journal 731, 1947 Montier, Tea; "Outrage over TV mini-series 'The Atlanta Child Murders' ," (Mary Welcome, former 21.63 Atlanta Attorney) Washington Afro-American at 1, Col. 1. 2-19-85

21.64 West Virginia Bar Wants to Have Black Governor, Washington Afro-American at 8, Col. 5, 2-19-85

Burnett, Arthur L. , Sr. , "Significant Substantive Criminal Law Charges Effected by the Comprehensive 21.65 Crime Control Act of 1984," Federal Bar News and Journal at Al, Col. 1, vol. 3 2 no. 2, February 1985

21.66 ABA Does Little to Combat Bias, Minority Members Say, National Law Journal at 30, Col. 3, 2-25-85 Kaplan, David A.; "Faculty Rejects Minortiy Professor; ______Law Dean Resigns in Protest," (Derrick A. 21.67 Bell, Jr.) National Law Journal, Col. 3, 2-25-85 78

Kamen, AL; "Wealthy, White Males Predominate Among Reagan Judicial Appointees," Washington Post 21.68 at A4, Col. 1, 2-14-85 21.69 Miss. Gets First Black Supreme Court Justice, (Reuben v. Anderson) Jet at 4, 1-28-85 21.70 Fritz Alexander 2d Named to New York's Court of Appeals, Jet at 23, 1-28-85 21.71 Bruske, Ed; "A Total Industice," (H. Carl Moultrie) Washington Post at B1, Col. 2-15-85 21.72 Hammond, Allen S; "The Dearth of Black Lawyers in Communications Law," Feb. 13-14, 1985 21.73 William Coleman to Study Pais Septa Rail System, Jet at 6, Col. 1, 2-18-85 Russell, J. Michael; "Professors speak on South African Struggle," (Prof. Goler Butcher) University of 21.74 Penn. Law School, The Forum, at 2, Col. 1. 2-7-85 Letter to Melvin Washington, SBA President Howard Law School from John C. Smith, 3rd Year Class re: 21.75 Carl O. Callender President, Howard Law School 1967

21.76 Chapter Chairpersosn from Gerald C. Horne re: National Conference of Black Lawyers Chapter Bulletin. 8 Feb., 1985

21.77 D.C. Judge to Jail 4, (Judge Audrey E. Robinson, Jr.) Washington Post at C4, Col. 5, 2-13-85

21.78 Hastie, William H. ; "Appraisal of Smith v. Allwright," 5 Lawyers Guild Review 65, Mar.-Apr. 1945

21.79 Runii, David;" Lifestyle of ABA Governors Prompts Review," National Law Journal at 10, Col. 1, 2-18-85

21.80 Letter to the Editor: Smith, Jr. Clay, Jr.; "Hastie: An Inspiration," The Harvard Law Record at 9, Col. 3, 1-11-85 Bruske, Ed;" D.C. Judge Reveals Murderers Sentence Before its Imposition," (Judge H. Carl Moultrie) 21.81 Washington Post at B5, Col. 1, 2-9-85 Civil Rights Blacks from Group to Monitor Reagan, (William H. Brown III, Samuel C. Jackson, Frankie M. 21.82 Freeman) Jet at 7, 1984 21.83 Black D.C. Judge Rescues GI's with Bad Discharges, Jet at 8, Col. 1. 1984 Freedman, Eric; "A Two-Front Judicial Battle," (Michigan's 1st Black Woman Judge, Lee Vera Loyd) The 21.84 National Law Journal at 6, Col. 1, 10-22-84

21.85 Letter to Enoch Pratt Free Library Directors Re: Charles H. Houston and W.A.C. Hughes 1-24-85 21.86 Full circle at the Pratt, Baltimore Sun at 8N, Col. 1, 12-16-84

21.87 Black Women Appointed Texas Secretary of State, (Myra A. McDaniel), The Crisis, Vol. 91, No. 10, at 10. 1984 79

21.88 Bruske, Ed; "Appeals Choice in Limbo," (Wiley A. Branton) Washington Post at D2, Col. 1, 2-4-85 21.89 FBI Probe of Black Judges in Payoff Scam Backfires, Jet at 5, Col. 1, 8-9-82 21.90 Last Rites Held for Lawyer Jack Atkins, 81, Jet at 14, Col. 2, 8-9-82 21.91 House of Delegates Examining Minority Problems, 71 ABAJ 138. 1985 21.92 Howard Law Deans are Honored, Tuskeegee News, at A2, Col. 3, 11-29-84

21.93 Senate Confirms Judge Alexander, (Fritz W. Alexander II) New York Times at B2, Col. 6, 1-30-85

21.94 Hastings Hits Prosecutors, (Judge Alcee L. Hastings) National Law Journal at 2, Col. 1, 12-26-83 Attorney - New Admissions Director, [Arthur Affleck, III) The Campus Digest, Tuskegee Institute at 3, Col. 21.95 1, 10-4-84

21.96 Address by: Dr. Samuel L. Banks Re: Martin Luther King's Dream in Retreat: An American Tragedy. 1-24-85 Mid-Atlantic Conference Hires Webster, (Joe L. Webster) (Howard Grad) Madison Messenger, Madison, 21.97 N.C., Jul. 1984.

21.98 Former Law Clerk gets legal post, (Reba Robinson) The Commercial Appeal, Memphis, at B3. 8-8-84

Smith, J. Clay, Jr.' "Dr. Charles H. Houston and Dr. Bernard Jefferson: Two Black Legal Pioneers in 21.99 Administrative Law," ABA Task Force on Minorities in the Legal Profession. 1-18-85 Sargent, Edward D.; (Marian Wright Edelman) Report: Budget cuts cheat poor pupils Washington Post at 22.1 A7, Col. 4, 1-29-85 Hinnant, Lee; "Implications of governmental growth debated," (J. Clay Smith, Jr.) The Danville Register at 22.2 IB, Col. 1, 1-25-85

22.3 Richard Native joins top D.C. law firm, Washington Afro-American at 10, Col. 2, (Riley K. Temple) 1-22-85 First Black Justice Named to Mississippi High Court, (Judge Reuben v. Anderson) Washington Post at A7, 22.4 Col. 1, 1-12-85 Kaplan, David A; "School Sued by Expelled Student; Academic, Financial Bias Alleged," National Law 22.5 Journal at 4, Col. 2, 1-27-85 On the move in the corporate world, (Detroit's Clay) National Law Journal at 32, (Otis M. David; White & 22.6 Ranii, Lewis, Smith) 1-28-85 80

22.7 Hornsby, Jack; "Huntley is new D.A.," Tuskegee News at 1, Col. 2, (Willie Huntley). 1-17-85

22.8 Hockstader, Lee; "George Mason Law School Problems Noted," Washington Post at C5, Col. 1, 12-22-84

22.9 Washington, Michell; "Constance Baker Motley: Black Woman, Judge," 1 Black Law Journal 173, 1971

22.10 Williams, Barbara J.; "Black women in law," 1 Black Law Journal 171 (1971) one page only. 1971 Margolick, David; "Republican Judge is Named by Cuomo to Top Court Post," New York Times at 1, Col. 3 22.11 (Judge Fritz W. Alexander, II). 1-3-85 Hunter, Clarence W.; "Five Charge Racial Bias Against Top Law Firm;" Washington Afro-American at 1, 22.12 Col. 4. 12-29-84

22.13 Middleton, Martha; "Complaints Allege Bias at Covington & Burling," National Law Journal, p. 5, Col. 1. 1-14-85 22.14 Bruske, Ed; "Law Firm Bias Alleged," Washington Post at B2, Col. 1, 12-21-84 Margolick, David; "The Making of a Chief Judge," New York Times at 6E, Col. 3, (Judge Fritz W. Alexander, 22.15 II). 1-6-85 22.16 Howard Law Deans are Honored, Tuskegee News, Nov. 1984

22.17 Donegan, Charles; "Segal, Blacks in the Law. Philadelphia and the Nation," Black Law Journal 79, 1984

22.18 Dixon Nominated for D.C. Judgeship, (Herbert B. Dixon) Washington Post at B3, Col. 1, 1-12-85

Banisky, Sandy; "City Votes to restrict TV Dishes;" (Derrick A. Humphries, Baltimore Sun at 1, Col. 2, 12- 22.19 18-84. "No Free Lunch in the New Satellite Dish Law," New York Times at 30, Col. 4, 12-18-84. 12-18-84 Goodin, M. A. ; "Group Waged Behind-Scens Battle in WJR Controversy," The Michigan Chronicle, (Cedric 22.20 Hendricks). 12-15-84 Copy Maxwell Bloomfield, John Mercer Langston & the Rise of Howard University School of Law, 48 22.21 Records of the Columbia Histroical Society 421, 1971-1972 22.22 Survey of Howard University Law Students, by Charles Hamilton Houston. 1927 22.23 The National Bar Bulletin, vol. 15, No. 3, Mar. 1983

22.24 Greene, Marcia Slacum; "Hungry Cabbies Flexible on Fares" Washington Post at B1, Col. 2, 1-8-85 81

22.25 Zarefsky, Paul, How the Hishor Decision Will Affect Your Firm, A.B.A. Journal, at 59. Sept. 1984

Memorandum from David Honig Re: Press accounts of litigation relating to possible discrimination in the legal profession in Washington, 1-8-85. Hunter, Clarence W. ; "Five Charge Racial Bias Against Top Law 22.26 Firm," Washington Afro-American at 1, Col. 1, 12-29-84. 22.27 Smith, Warner; "Loren Miller: Advocate for Blacks," 1 Black Law Journal 7, 1971

22.28 Blacks Who Flunked Out of UM Law School Sues, Contending Aid Was Due, Baltimore Sun at 8B, 1-6-85 Bruske, Ed; "D.C. Shelter Initiative Gets Hearing," (Judge Annice m/ M. Wagner) Washington, Post at B8, 22.29 Col. 4, 1-5-85 22.30 Challenges Law, (Ronnie Williams), Jet at 30, 12-24-84 22.31 Lisle Carter is 1st Black to Chair Kettering Group, Jet at 8, Col. 2, 12-24-84 22.32 Black Councilman, (Arthur D. Shores) The Southern Courier at 1, Col. 4, 12-7-68

22.33 Clemon, U.W.; "Negroes, Whites Make Progress in Birmingham," The Southern Courier at 2, Col. 2, 7-16-65

22.34 Berger, Joseph; "State Judges Unequal Under Retirement Law" New York Times at 24, Col. 1, 12-23-84

22.35 Private Attorneys Defend Indigents During Strike, Washington Post at C9, Col. 1, 9-8-83 22.36 Former Judge Suspended, (Harry T. Alexander) Washington Post at C9, 9-8-83

22.37 Trescott, Jacqueline; "Batting in a New League," (Maudine Cooper) Washington Post at Bl, Col. 1, 8-31-83 22.38 Resume of Ruth Harvey Charity, Howard Law School Graduate. 1949 22.39 Teele on Economic Strategy, Washington Afro-American at 13, Col. 1, 12-22-84 Berger, Joseph; "Court Says the State's Judges Can't be Forced to Quit at 70, "New York Times at 1, Col. 22.40 1, 12-20-84 Banisky, Sandy; "City Votes to Restrict TV Dishes," (Derrick A. Humphries Mentioned) Baltimore Sun at 1, 22.41 Col., 12-18-84 22.42 Clarence Clyde Ferguson Memorial File (Writings) 22.42 Clarence Clyde Ferguson Memorial File (Writings) 22.42 Clarence Clyde Ferguson Memorial File (Writings) 22.42 Clarence Clyde Ferguson Memorial File (Writings) 22.42 Clarence Clyde Ferguson Memorial File (Writings) 82

22.42 Clarence Clyde Ferguson Memorial File (Writings) 22.42 Clarence Clyde Ferguson Memorial File (Writings) Werner, Leslie Maitland; "Delays in Selecting Judges Snarl Federal 7 Courts," (Constance Baker Motley 22.43 Cited) New York Times at A15, Col. 1, 4-1-85

22.44 Kurtz, Howard; "Reagan Transforms the Federal Judiciary," Washington Post at A4, Col. 1, 3-31-85 22.45 Sherwood, Tom; "Robb Names Woman to SCC," Washington Post at Bl, Col. 1, 3-30-85 22.46 Receives Outstanding Alum Award, Jet at 23, 12-24-84 Saperstein, Saundra; "Lawyers: Demonstrator Unfairly Singled Out," (George W. Crockett, Jr. cited) 22.47 Washington Post at D8, Col. 1, 3-29-85

22.48 Marriott, Michel; "C&P's Delano Lewis: Familiar Figure in Halls of Power," Washington Post at D1, Col. 1, 3-28-85 22.49 Pianin, Eric; "Carter O'Neill Eulogize Pat Harris," Washington Post at D1 Col 2, 3-28-85

22.50 National Bar Association Annual Gertrude E. Rush Award Dinner Saturday, Sheraton Washington Hotel. Mar. 23, 1985

22.51 Gilliam, Dorothy; "You Define Yourself," Washington Post at D3, Col. 5, (About Patricia Harris) 3-28-85

22.52 Kemp, ______; "NBA hosts Annual Awards Dinner," Washington Afro-American at 11, Col. 3, 3-30-85 Payton, Randolph R. ; "Blacks and the Right: Black Republicans Assail GOP Strategy," (J. Clay Smith Jr. 22.53 Speaking), Washington Afro-American at 1, Col., 3, 3-30-85 22.54 Funeral Service: Patricia Roberts Harris. 3-27-85 22.55 Dr. Moton Discusses Negro Education, The Negro World at 3, Col. 2, 2-2-29 Verdict for Negro in False Arrest Case Barred by Justice, (John W. Smith, Attorney) The Negro World at 8, 22.56 Col. 2, 6-9-28 22.57 Smith, J. Clay Jr., "Tribute: Louis Rothschild Mehlinger." March, 1985

22.58 Funeral Services for Patricia Harris Wednesday, Washington Afro-American at 1, Col. 4. 3-26-85 Make Attempt to Break Down Texas Primary Color Bar, (Law Firm of Nabrit, Atkins and Wesley) The 22.59 Negro World at 2, Col. 3. 1-24-31

22.60 Hoover Names White Man for Cohen's [Walter L. ] Job, The Negro World at 2, Col. 3. 1-24-31 22.61 Majority of Lawyers Support Capital Punishment, ABA Journal at 44. 1985 22.62 Malone, Patrick; "Prayers for Relief," vol. 71 ABA Journal at 60. April 1985 83

22.63 Res Ipsa Loquitur Vol. 2, No. 13. 3-26-85

22.64 Ranii, David; "Remarks Not Racist, Panel Says of Judge," National Law Journal at 3, Col. 1. 4-1-85

22.65 Minorities in Law: Opportunity Scant, Panel Told, vol. 71 ABA Journal at 32. (Samuel Johnson). April, 1985

22.66 Law Students Form a Governing Guild, The Negro World at 5, Col. 4. (Howard Law School) 4-30-32

22.67 Negroes Everywhere Interested in Delanny-for-Congress Fight, The Negro World at 1, Col. 1. 10-12-29

22.68 Delany [Hubert T. ] Must Win - Must be Made Real, The Negro World at 4, Col. 3. 10-12-29

22.69 Spire, Robert M.; "Unlocking the door for Minority Lawyers," ABA Bar Leader at 18. March - April, 1985

22.70 Silas, Faye A.; "For Minorities, Our Own Bar Remains Important," (Dennis Archer) ABA Bar Leader at 21. March-April 1985

22.71 Jury Bias: Black Exclusion Study Sought, (Judge Amalya Kearse) vol. 71 ABA Journal at 35. March 1985

22.72 Balsa Opens Confab, [BLSA-Black Law Students Association] Washington Afro-American at 2, Col. 1. 3-25-85 Abuse of Law: Lawyers Join Apartheid Foes, ABA Journal, vol. 71, at 19. (Margaret Burnham) Goler Teal 22.73 Butcher, Prof. Howard Law School, Arrested. March 1985 Specter, Michael; "Justice Grinds Slowly in Va. Slaying," (Accused Killer Sits in Pittsburgh Jail 4 Years After 22.74 Crime) Washington Post at 1, Col. 1. 3-24-85 Sargent, Edward D.; "First Convention Inspires Educators," Washington Post at B7, Col. 1. (Patricia A. 22.75 Russell). 3-25-85 Smith, Philip; "Reagan's New Judge Choice: G.U. Professor May not Please Conservatives," Washington 22.76 Post at Dl, Col. 1. (Frederick B. Abramson). 3-24-85 22.77 Patricia Roberts Harris, Washington Post at A18, Col. 1. 3-25-85

22.78 Ward, John William; "Chipping Away at Segregation (William Hastie) New York Times at 37. 3-10-85

22.79 Re: Ware, Gilbert; William Hastie: Grace Under Pressure. Oxford University Press

22.80 Rites for Belford Lawson, 1st Black Atty. In U.S. to Win Supreme Court Case, Jet at 5. 3-11-85 84

22.81 Rare Court Judgment in Love Murder Case Enrages Deceased's Kin, (Carl Moultrie), Jet at 12. 3-11-85 22.82 The Day Race Relations, Ebony at 132. May, 1977 22.83 Brooks, Yvonne; "Farrakhan inspires law school crowd," Hilltop at 1, Col. 1. 3-15-85

22.84 Lauter, David; "For High Court Clerks, Most Traditions Hold Fast," National Law Journal, at 5, Col. 1. 3-25-85

22.85 Dickerson, Brian;" Exclusion of Blacks Spurs Reversal," National Law Journal at 6, Col. 1. 3-25-85 Letter from Rachel Patrick, American Bar Association Re: NBA/ABA Minority Law Professors Conference 22.86 on Public Policy. 3-14-85 22.87 Howard Grad Lands Capitol Hill Post, (William J. Taylor, III) Hilltop at 3, Col. 4. 3-15-85 22.88 Hicks, Desiree F.; "Legal Department Reorganized," Hilltop at 1, Col. 2. 3-15-85

22.89 Clinic Helps Students of Law Obtain Firsthand Experience, New York Times at 30, Col. 3. 3-17-85 Letter to Dr. Paulf Murray 3-14-85, Letter to Dean Erwin Griswold 2-28-85, Letter from Dean Erwin N. 22.90 Griswold 1-3-85 1985 22.91 Letter from Dean Erwin N. Griswold Re: Stephanie Y. Moore (Harvard) 2-13-85 McDowell, Edwin; "From Twain, a Letter on Debt to Blacks," (Warner T. McGuinn) New York Times at 1, 22.92 Col. 1. 3-14-85 22.93 Vol. 2, No. 12 Res Ipsa Loquitur. 3-8-85 Bruske, Ed; "D.C. Defender Quit After Friction with Trustees," (Francis D. Carter; Over the Hiring of 22.94 Minorities) Washington Post at B1, 1985 22.95 Farrakhan to Speak at Law School, Vol. 6, No. 8, Capstone. at 2. 3-4-85 22.96 Memorial Services for Associate Justice Henry Eman Doyle, Tuesday. March 5, 1985 Howard University Charter Day Program, at 4; The Speaker, The Honorable Louis Stokes, U.S. 22.97 Congressman (21st District, Ohio). 3-1-85

22.98 Raspberry, William; "I Don't Want His Money. I Want Justice," Washington Post at A19, Col. 2. 3-1-85 22.99 Cook, Sr., Ted; Warren Robert; "Wanted: Black Attorneys," Hilltop at 2, Col. 1. 3-8-85 23.01 Brooks, Yvonne; "Law School is it for you?" HillTop at 2, col. 1. 3-8-85. Covington, Lanier; "Atty. Belford v. Lawson, Jr. noted Lawyer, Business Leader, "Washington Afro- 23.02 American at 13, col. 1. 3-9-85.

23.03 Sweeny, Al; "Lawson, [Belford v.]: a legal Crusader, "Washington Afro-American at 4, col. 3. 3-9-85. 85

23.04 Gardner [William C.] named presiding Judge, Washington Afro-American at 22, col. 1. 3-9-85.

23.05 Judge [Robert] Benham Greater Travelers Speaker Sunday, Atlanta Daily World at 3, 2-19-85.

23.06 Smith, J. Clay, Jr.; "Law Professor Discusses Case," Tuskegee News at 4, col. 2. 2-28-85. Gamarekian, Barbya; "Black women Emerge From Historyfs Neglect," New York Times at C1, col. 1. 3-7- 23.07 85. Gwertzman, Bernard; "Invitation to a Ticklist Situation," New York Times at A22, col. 4 3-5-85, (George 23.08 W. Crockett, Jr.) Boston, Carole; "Lawyers Against Apartheid Day: NBA Prexy Arrested," NBA Bulletin, vol. 17, nos. 1 & 2 at 23.09 1 January/February 1985.

23.10 Jurist's censure for Racial Remarks upheld, National Law Journal at 6, col. 3. 3-11-85. Robert B. Washing; Jr., Black Lawyer and Howard Law Graduate, Cited, National Law Journal at 2, col. 1. 3- 23.11 11-85. 23.12 Funeral Program; Belford v. Lawson, Esquire, February 1985 23.13 Note from: Joseph DeJean To: J. Clay Smith, Jr. Re: Percival Thoby Date: 3-4-85

23.14 Sweeney, Al; Judge [Luke C.] Moore - a role Model," Washington Afro-American at 4, col. 3 3-2-85.

23.15 Law School News. West Publishing Co., vol. 37, no. 3, February 1985. (Wade H. McCree, Jr.)

23.16 Letter From: Joseph Dejeun To: J. Clay Smith, Jr. Re: J. Lelio Joseph Date: 3-1-85 23.17 Branton, Wiley A.; "A Tribute To Belford v. Lawson, Jr., Esq. 2-27-85.

23.18 Brozan. Nadine; "Parley Addreses Children's Issues," New York Times at B6, col. 5. 3-1-85.

23.19 Alexander, Clifford L.; "Black History Month-Every Month," Washington Post at A19, col. 3. 3-1-85. Alumni Achievement Award Recipients Howard University Charter day Program at 5, 3-1-85 Lawrence 23.20 .

23.21 Gibson [Mayor Kenneth A.] Enters Jersey Race for Governor, New York Times at B4, col. 3. 2-28-85 86

23.22 O'Shea, Margaret N. ; "Justice's Remark Draws Ire in S.C.," National Law Journal at 3, col. 2. 3-4-85. Marshall, Thurgood, (Justice); "Excerpts from Court opinion and dissent on Psychiatrist for Insanity Plea," 23.23 New York Times t A18, col. 1. 2-27-85. Civil Righrts chairman attacks black leaders, (Clarence Pendleton, Jr.) U.S.A. Today, at 2A, col. 3. 11-21- 23.24 84. Sellers, David; Urban Lawyer's Firm Becomes an Institution," (James L. Hudson) Legal Times at A32, col. 23.25 1. 4-1-85. 23.26 Honoring Judge Alexander, New York Times at B3, col. 2 4-5-85. Panel Discussion: Federal Judicial Selection: Past. Present and Future (Elaine R. Jones, Panelist) 4-10-85 23.27 Georgetown Law Center. 23.28 Creighton University Window Spring 1985 Brenda J. Waller, J.D.

23.29 Howard Says Farewell To Patricia Roberts Harris, Capstone vol. 6, no. 11 at 1 4-1-85.

Goldman, Sheldon; "Reagans Judicial Appointments: White, male, and wealthy: The Reagan 23.30 Administration is effectively reshaping the federal bench", vol. 13 Focus no. 3 at 4 March 1985. Covington, Lanier; "3,000 attend rites for Patricia Roberts ^ Harris," Washington Afro-American at 13, 23.31 col. 3 4-6-85. ' Feinberg, Lawrence; "Students, Faculty unite to save law school Antioch fighting to keep accreditation." 23.32 Washington Post at D1, col. 5 4-4-85. 23.33 Murray, Pauli; "The Newer City", (Poem) vol. 12 Opportunity, vJ February 1934. Taylor Jr., Stuart; "2 Civil Rights Lawyers win suit on Background checks", New York Times at A29, col. 5 4- 23.34 4-85. Kaplan, David A.; "Enrollment continues to plunge; why is student interest waning? "National Law 23.35 Journal at 4, col. 3 4-8-85. Greenhouse, Linda; "Justices to hear case on deliberate creation of all-white jury," New York Times at 23.41 A15, 4-23-85.

23.42 Caplan, Marvin: "Integrating D.C. Eating Places, "Washington Post at D.C. 1, col. 3. 4-25-85.

23.43 Lauter, David; "D.C. Defensers in sharp policy Right," National Law _ Journal at 3, col. 1. 4-29-85.

23.44 Saperstein, Saundra; "Public Defenders: Future seen at stake, Washington Post at D1, col. 5 4-22-85. 87

23.45 A Portrait of justice," National Law Journal at 42, 4-29-85 Obbie, Mark; Long-delayed legal fees suit goes to trial," (Judged" Gabrielle McDonald) The Houston Post 23.46 at 16A, col. 1 4-18-85 23.47 Robert L. Brokenburr (Indiana)

Order for suspension from practice; Bruce R. Harrison; Former President of the Washington Bar 23.48 Association, 1970-72, 113 The Daily Washington Law Reporter at 703, 4-10-85.

Suspended for 3 months, Melvin J. Washington; Former President of the Washington Bar Association, 23.49 vol. 113, no. 69, The Daily Washington Law Reporter at 701, col. 3, 4-10-85.

23.50 Recommended for disburment; Robert H. Campbell, vol. 9, District Lawyer, at 8, col. 3 March/April 1985. Tucker, Marna S.; "A Content Man," (Dean Ostrum, William Pryor, Vincent Cohen vol. 9, District Lawyer 23.51 at 6, March/April 1985. Smith, Jr. Clay Jr.; Black Lawyers in the Federal Government: 1844-1940," vol. 32 no. 4, Federal Bar News 23.52 & Journal at 193 April/May 1985. Harmon, Rick; "Justice Hugo Black: Alabama Finally embraces its most famous liberal," The Journal- 23.53 Advertiser at 1, col. 1 4-13-85. 23.54 RE: William Heathman 4-17 & 18-85 Superstein, Saundra; "members of 3 Bar Groups Back choice for D.C. Defender," Washington Post at C2, 23.55 col. 3 4-18-85. Marshall, Thurgood; "The Rise and Collapse of the White Democratice Primary," 26 Journal of Negro 23.56 Education 249, (1957). 23.57 No Race Segregation by Law, 117 The Outlook 548 (12-5-17) 23.58 The Bar Association and the Negro, 102 The Outlook 1 (Sept. 7, 1912). 23.59 Bryant Gumbel, Anchor of 'Today*, Washington Post at B3, col. 6 4-14-85.

23.60 Margolick, David; "Enigma of Justice Black is Examined," New York Times at 24, col. 3 4-14-85.

23.61 Morris, Robert V.; "NBA Honors Founders," vol. 90, no. 3, The Nev. Iowa By Stander at 1; 6-9-83. Wise, Daniel; "[Justice Milton L.] Williams named administrator of courts in New York City," vol. 193 New 23.62 York Law Journal at 1, col. 4, 4-2-85. Twenty-First Annual Dinner of the Howard Law Alumni Association of the Greater Washington Area, 4-10- 23.63 85. 88

23.64 Blacks in Government v. National Association of Blacks within Government. 601 F. Supp. 225 (1983).

23.65 Gibbs, cir.; "Brief Life, Bitter End for Parade," Washington Post at D.C., col. 1. 4-11-85. Madden, Richard L.; "House's Exclusion of Powell is argued in the Supreme Court," New York Times, 4-22- 23.66 69.

23.67 Judges asked to declare District Courts System unconstitutional, The San Juan Star, at 1, 2-10-66.

Quander, Rohulamin; "The Honorable Thurgood Marshall Addresses at Investitute of Dean Branton," vol. 23.68 4, no. 1 graduate, at 1, col. 1., February 1979. RE: John Rock, First Black Laweyer admitted before the U.S. Supreme Court. FROM: Gerald Bruce Lee, 3- 23.69 29-85 Tucker, Elizabeth; "Utility Regulators Feeling Heat of Increased Public Scrutiny," Washington Post at 23.70 Washington Business p. 1, col. 2, 4-8-85. 23.71 Couric, Emily; "Profiles in Power," National Law Journal at 19, 4-15-85.

23.72 DePaul's Griffith is 1st Major Law School Dean, National Law Journal at 10, col. 4, 4-15-85. Kaplan, David A.; "White Student Battles Black Group on Moot Court Competition Policy," National Law 23.73 Journal at 4, col. 4 4-15-85.

23.74 Judge Ernest A Finney Jr. on the Bench, National Law Journal at 2, col. 4, 4-15-85. 23.77 Edith Sampson

23.82 Note cards for article in journal of negro education, 52 J. of Negro Ed. 302 (1983). J. Clay Smith, Jr.

23.82 Note cards for article in journal of negro education, 52 J. of Negro Ed. 302 (1983). J. Clay Smith, Jr. Cawthon, Read; "First Black on Miss, high court reflects on progress," The Altanta Constitution at 21 col. 23.83 1. 4-25-85. Jenkins, Timothy L.;" A Hail and Farewell," vol. 2. Howard Univ. Magazine, at 9 Jenkins, Yale Law Grad. 23.84 1963. 23.85 James M. Stockett, Jr. Sign up for Law Day, U.S.A. May 1, 1985, Liberty and Justice for all, The Daily Washington Law Reporter 23.86 at 833, vol. 113, no. 8, 4-25-85. 89

23.87 Learning the ropes before law school. The Hilltop at 3, 4-26-85 Washington Bar Association Law Day Speaker, (Randall Robinson) vol. 113, no. 78 The Daily Washington 23.88 Law Reporter at 809, col. 2 4-23-85.

23.89 Alexander, R.P., "Blacks and the Law," vol. XIII Penn. Bar Association Law Quarterly 61 (Oct. 1971). Taylor, William W. Ill; "The Public Defender Service on Trial," (Black Lawyers: Carter, Ogletree, Long, 23.90 Cohen) Washington Post 23.91 Tribute to Louis R. Mehlinger, see p. 12, Law Day 1985

Letter To: J. Clay Smith, Jr. FROM: Edgar A. Toppin, Dean, School of Graduate Studies and Professor of 23.92 History, Virginia State University RE: Thomas C. Walker DATE: 4-23-85

23.93 Scott, Charles S. Sr.; Scott, Charles S. Jr.; The myth of Brown," vol. 14 Washburn Law Journal 47 (1975) 23.99 Patricia Harris Dies, vol. 16, no. 2 Howard University Alumni Items, May, 1985. 23.99 Patricia Harris Dies, vol. 16, no. 2 Howard University Alumni Items, May, 1985. 24.4 Resume of Gabrielle K. McDonald

24.5 Top Medical School Dropping Standardized Admission Test, New YorkTimes at All, Col. 3, 5-13-85. 24.6 Note from H. Elsie Austin to J. Clay Smith, Jr., Nov. 1981.

24.7 Letter from: Gerald Bruce Lee Re: Virginia State Bar Council Election, June, 1985 Date: April 18, 1985.

24.8 Invitation to: The Class of 1985 Charles Hamilton Houston Sculpture and the Class Mural Unveiling. 24.9 Bust of Charles H. Houston to be Unveiled at Howard, Capstone at 1, 5-6-85. 24.10 The District of Columbia, 1985 Election

Washington Bar Association Charles Hamilton Houston Medallion of Merit Recipient: Louis Rothschild 24.11 Mehlinger, vol. 113, No. 81, The Daily Washington Law Reporter at 849, 4-26-85.

24.12 Blodgett, Nancy; "Law School Applications Plummet," vol. 71, ABA is Journal at 47, May, 1985. 24.13 Nix [Robert N.C., Jr.] Steps in," vol. 71, ABA Journal, at 20, May, 1985.

24.14 Reskin, Lauren Rubenstein; "A Portrait of America's Law Students, vol. 71 ABA Journal at 43, May 1985. 90

Harper, Conrad K.; "Charles Houston and the Origins of a Master Plan for the School Segregation Cases of 24.15 1954," Delivered April 20, 1985 at a Meeting of Zeta Boule of Sigma Pi Phi Fraternity. Low, Charlotte; "Juror Challenges Removing Blacks Before High Court," The Los Angeles Daily Journal at 24.16 1, Col. 2, 4-23-85.

24.17 Supreme Court Reports Justices' Financial Assets, Washington Post at All, Col. 3 5-20-85.

24.18 Purnick, Joyce; "Swearing in of 3 Judges is pervaded by Emotion," New York Times at B3, Col. 1, 5-21-85. 24.19 Odell Horton - Memphis, Tennessee. 24.20 George Brown - Memphis, Tennessee. Quander, Rohulamin; "The Honorable Thurgood Marshall Addresses at Investiture of Dean Branton," 24.21 Graduate, vol. 4, no. 1, at 1 February, 1979.

Keynote Address, Herbert 0. Reid, Sr. NAACP Emergency Summit Conference "A Call to Halt Rollback in 24.22 Civil Rights Gains," Dupont Plaza Hotel, Washington, D.C., 5-17-85.

24.24 Seminar on the Legal Aspects of Apartheid, July 6-7 1985, Washington, D.C., Sheraton Washington Hotel. Carter, Art; "Unveiling of Bust Recalls Historic Work of Houston," Washington Afro.-Am. at 25, Col. 1, 5- 24.25 18-85. 24.26 Arthur B. McCaw, Washington Post at C6, Col. 1, 5-16-85. Mayor Goode Names Panel to Probe Move Crisis, Washington Post at A20, 5-23-85. (William H. Brown, 24.27 III)

24.28 Edleman, Marian Wright; "Caring for Young Mothers," vol. 13, No. 4 Focus at 4, April, 1985.

24.29 Baltimore Names Circuit Courthouse for Clarence Mitchell, Jr., vol. 13, no. 3 Focus. May, 1985. 24.30 Blacks on the Bench, vol. 13, no. 3 Focus, May, 1985. Brief Biographical Sketch of Charlotte Ray, From: Moorland - Spingarn Research Center Howard 24.31 University, Feb. 22, 1983.

24.32 Howard University School of Law Charles Hamilton Houston Bust Unveiling, May 9, 1985. Kaplan, David A.; "Bar Exam: The Rites of Passage are Getting Tougher," National Law Journal at 1, Col. 2, 24.33 6-3-85. 91

24.34 Chicago Aide Dies, (William F. Ware) Washington Post at A9, Col. 6 5-25-85. 24.35 Materials Concerning: Buck Colbert Franklin. Wade, Chet; "Court Clerk says Firing was Political," National Law Journal at 10, Col. 1 5-27-85. Judge 24.36 Doris A. Smith Fired Clerk. Reid, Alexander; "Cuomo, at Colgate and Vassar, Urges Compassion for the Poor," New York Times at 23, 24.37 Col. 1 5-27-85.

24.38 Kamen, Al; "Fewer Students Apply to Enter Law Schools," Washington Post at 3, Col. 1 6-10-85.

24.39 Sunderland, Edson R., History of The American Bar Association and its Work (1953).

Gilliam (Dorothy), Black Women Organize A Political Coalition, Wash. Post, June 10, 1985, at C3, Col. 5. 24.40 Important Names: Eleanor Holmes Norton, Mary Terrell, Dr. Gloria E.A. Toote.

Miscellaneous Notes, Virginia Law Register (1985). Subject: Belva A. Lockwood, Attorney. Lockwood 24.41 (White) Moved the Admission of Samuel R. Lowre to the U.S. Supreme Court in 1880. Washington Afro.-Am., June 1, 1985, at 17, Col. 5. Subject: Sharon Pratt Dixon, Vice President at PEPCO 24.42 (Potomac Electric Power Company). Wash. Afro.-Amer., June 8, 1985, at 19, Col. 4. Title: 'Black Women Meet in Atlanta to Chart Political Course Important Names: Dr. Mary Francis Berry, Gloria E. A. Toote, Eleanor Holmes Norton. (Blk. 24.43 Women Lawyers).

Wash. Afro-Am., June 8, 1985, at 3, Col. 2. Title: Supreme Court Retains Ban on Prayer. Subject: Ishamel 24.44 Jeffree, who challenged the Alabama law, is a black attorney.

Wash. Post, June 6, 1985, at D.C. 1, Col. 1 Title: Attorney is Likely Donaldson Successor Subject: James 24.45 Christian is being touted as probable successor to Ivan Donaldson (D.C. Dem. State Committee).

N.Y. Times, June 5, 1985, at A1, Col. 6. Title: High Court Upsets Alabama Statute on School Prayer. Subject: Ishmael Jaffree (black attorney) was suit. N.Y. Times, June 5, 1985, at B5, Col. 1. Title: Plaintiff in suit says the Case Hurt his Children. (Ishmal Jaffree) N.Y. Times, June 5, 1985, at B6, Col. 1. Title: Hostile questions Greet Nominee for Justice Dept. Post at Hearing. Subject: William Bradford Reynolds 24.46 nomination hearing to Associate Attorney General Post. 92

Wash. Post, June 5, 1985, at A1, Col 6. Title: Prayer Ban in Schools Reaffirmed. Subject: Attorney Ishmael 24.47 Jaffree, (Alabama). N.Y. Times, June 5, 1985, at 26, Col. 1. Title: Yale Graduates 3,000 Students and Honors 12. Subject: Ties 24.48 with South Africa Protested by Hundreds.

24.49 Donegan, Charles E. for College Trustee Prairie State Colleg (Attorney; former law professor).

News, U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Comission Subject: Eleanor Holmes Norton, in nominating 24.50 Ms. Jenkins for the NCSL Award. (Black Women Attorneys).

24.51 Leadership Conference on Civil Rights (Program), Hubert H. Humphrey Civil Rights Award. June 3-4, 1985. D.C. Superior Court Associate Judge Designate (Herbert B. Dixon, Jr.), vol. 113, The Daily Wash. Law 24.52 Reporter, June 6, 1985. Frank (Cheryl), Judges Wanted, vol. 71 Lawscope pg. 25, (June 1985). Subject: "Who can afford the 24.54 honor" The Black Lawyer in America Today 22 Harv. Law School Bull. 6-68 (Feb., 1971) (Sumposium - several distinguished black speakers with speeches by Leon Higgenbotham, Jr., and Derek C. Bok, Dean of 24.55 Harvard Law School). Reynolds Hearings to Reopen, Wash. Post, June 8, 1985, at 1, Col. 6. Black Women Lawyer: , 25.56 NAACP Legal Defense Fund Attorney. 24.57 NBL picks general counsel, Wash. Afro.-Am., June 11, 1985, at 9, Col. 1.

24.58 Spottswood W. Robinson, Jr. (Virginia) Also; Virginia Union University, Dept, of Law 1921.

Davis Julia, Belva Ann Lockwood: Remover of Mountains, 65 A.B.A.J. 924 (June 1979). Moved for Samuel 24.59 Lowry, a black, to be admitted to practice before the Supreme Court.

Young Monte, Advantage in Age, says Hassell, 29, Richmond times Dispatch, June 16, 1985, at C-2, Col. 1. 24.60 Leroy R. Hassell black attorney on Richmond School Board.

Armstrong, Lee Elected to State Bar Council, Alexandria Bar Association, June 1985. Re: Gerald B. Lee, 26.61 black attorney, elected on the Council of Virginia State Bar.

24.62 Hill, Steven Lawyer's Color Probably Made No Difference, Nat. L. J., June 17, 1985, at 14, Col. 3. 93

New President District of Columbia Bar, 113 Daily Washington Law Reporter 1213, (June 14, 1985). Re: 24.63 Frederick B. Abramson Geske Bob, Lawyer is sentenced to 5 days in jail for contempt, Virginian-Pilot, June 14, 1985, at C-1, Col. 24.64 1. Re: S. Delacey Smith

Henderson, Thomas Jr., Bar Counsel's Page - The Disciplinary Process, vol. 9, no. 5 District Lawyer 8, 24.65 (May/June 1985). Re: Bruce R. Harrison (Howard grad). Melvin J. Washington (Howard grad). Stein, Jacob, Taking the Stand - A tribute to Belford Lawson, vol. 9, no. 4 District Lawyer, at 16, 24.66 (May/June 1985). Re: Belford Lawson (Black Attorney).

Crouch, Nelson F., The Death of Liberatism, vol. 9., no. 5, District Lawyer, at 41, (May/June 1985) Re: 24.67 Emma M. Gillett: graduated from Howard Law School in the 1880's.

24.68 Smith, J. Clay, Voting Rights Sppech before, Howard Law Journal Symposium, Jan. 19, 1985. Virginia State Bar Speech Note. Delivered June 13, 1985. Special Note: (Correspondence from Gerald 24.69 Bruce Lee Included). Pear, Robert, Equal is not needed for jobs of comparable worth, U.S. says, N.Y Times, June 18, 1985, at 24.70 A12, Col. 3. Re: Clarence Thomas. Smith, Jr. Clay, Notes on 30th Anniversary Celebration of Brown v. Board of Education. Topeka, Kansas, 24.71 May 1984. 24.72 Virginia - Early Black Lawyers. Clarence F. Stanback, Jr. Trescott, Jacqueline, The Lawyer's Choice, Wash. Post, June 17, 1985, at D1, Col. 2. Re: Attorney 24.73 Frederick Abramson, the new president of the D.C. Bar.

Remnick, David, Free Money for three in Washington, Wash. Post, at D1, Col. 1. Re: MacArthur Awards: 24.74 Marian Wright Edelman first black women ever admitted to the Mississippi.

24.75 New Dean for Howard Law School, Wash. Post, June 16, 1985, at B7, Col. 2. Re: John T. Baker Photos in ads will force black lawyers to become keen businessmen: Gray, Jet, June 17, 1985, at 38, col. 24.76 2. Re: Fred Gray. Wilbur, George, Va Speaker Assailed as 'Racist', Wash. Post, June 19, 1985, at C3, Col. 1. Re: James Ghee, 24.77 Del. L. Cleaves, Black Lawyers 94

Cappell, Charles L., The status of black lawyers, presented at the^ law and society association meetings, June 6-10, 1985, San Diego, CA. Re: Cappel is with the Dept of Sociology, University of Virginia and 24.78 affiliated scholar American Bar Foundation.

24.79 Kemp, Mabs, Mabs1 Diary - Summertime Picnic Parties, Wash. Afro.- Am., June 22, 1985, at 9, Col. 1.

24.80 City Council Cities Antioch Law School, Wash. Afro.-Am., June 22, 1985, at 3, Col. 1. 24.81 HU appoints new law school dean, Wash. Afro.-Am., June 22, 1985, at 8, col. 4.

24.82 At Wesleyan, A Case for "Law and Morality", N.Y. Times, June 6, 1983, at B4, Col. 3. Re: Terry J. Hatter Affirmative Action in 'precarious position, Wash. Afro.-Am., May 14, 1983, at A5, Col. 1. Minority Lawyer: 24.83 Garland Pinkston, Jr. Feinberg, Lawrence, D.C. Lawyer Withdraws from Plea Bargain, Faces Tax Trail, June 21, 1985, at C1, Col. 24.84 2. Kaplan, David, Number of law school applicants declines for second straight year, National Law Journal, 24.85 June 24, 1985, at 4, Col. 1. 24.86 Alton W. Wiley, Rhode Island 24.87 Marian Wright Edelman 24.88 William Ware File Several articles and in memoriam 24.89 Michael Anthony Harris, Wash. Post, June 26, 1985. Virginia State Bar, Twenty-fifth Annual Report, June 30, 1963. Re: Elizabeth L. Keller, (Director of Bar 24.90 Services). 24.91 Note, The Negro Lawyer in Virginia: A Survey, 51 VA L. Rev. 521 (A65) 24.92 Saperstein, Saundra, D.C. Defender Board Scored, Wash. Post, at C2, Col. 4. 24.93 Thomas C. Walker (Virginia) Hedrick, Peggy, Addressing Bias Issue Could Affect Change, National Law Journal, July 1, 1985, at 12, Col. 24.94 2. 24.95 Frank, Cheryl; law firm sex bias, ABA Journal, July 1, 1985, at 25, Col. 1.

24.96 Barbash, Fred, Justices Making Their Frustrations Public, Wash. Post, Sept. 23, 1983, at A8, Col. 1.

24.97 Barbash, Fred, Marshall Hits High Court Rulings, Wash. Post, Sept. 15, 1984, at 4, Col. 1. 24.98 Hispanic Group Elects a Texan as President, July 1, 1985, at D12. 95

24.99 Butler, Johnny, A Brief Discourse: New Directions at EEOC, Labor Agenda, June 1984, at 4.

25.1 Letter from H. Elsie Austin to Professor Smith, concerning Vicki Gibson (April 30, 1985).

25.2 Wade, Chet, Female Lawyer Loses Appeal on Sex Bias, Nat. Law. Journal, July 8, 1985, at 3, Col. 1.

25.3 Booker Simeon, The Selma Trial that Could Affect Black Voters, Jet, July 8, 1985, at 12, Col. 1. 25.4 Blakemore Appointed 1st. Black 111. Deputy Gov., Jet, July 8, 1985, at 5, Col. 2. 25.6 Wycliff, Don, Blacks Still Need Help, N.Y. Times, July 4, 1985, at A15, Col. 1. 25.7 Dr. Pauli Murray (obituary) (July 3, 1985). Smith, Frederick, Jr., Are, America's Law Firms Willing to Make Blacks Partners?, Black Enterprise, at 63, 25.9 Col. 1. 25.10 Nation's Law Firms Still Segregated: D.C. Bar Head, Jet, July 7, 1985, at 37. 25.11 Fulton, County, Court Gets 1st Black Frnnarl Judge, Jet, July 7, 1985, at 37.

25.12 Historic Panel, Jet July 7, 1985, at 37. Re: Judges: National R. Jones, Damon J. Keith, Anna Diggs Taylor John Conyers, Jr., Ct. of App. Dismisses Conyers v. Reagan Lawsuit Challenging the Constitutionality of 25.14 the Invasion of Grenada. (Newsletter).

25.15 Sherwood, Tom, Wilder Vows to Campaign in Every VA County, Wash. Post., July 9, 1985, at D4, Col. 1. 25.16 Hinds, Lennox, We Are All in Danger, Essence, August 1985, at 118.

25.17 Spencer, Jim, Judge Ann Williams, Breaking Ground, Wash. Post, July 13, 1985, at C9, Col. 1. 25.19 James E. Jones, Jr. (Wisconsin). 25.20 Sidney A - Jones, Jr. Cross-Reference: Federal Bar Association File. S.C Swears in Black Supreme Court Judge, Wash. Afro-Am, July 16, 1985, at 2, Col. 3. Re: Ernest Finney, 25.22 Jr.

Seig, Elva, Think the Bottom Line, Vol. 1, No. 4, Minorities & Women in Business, May/June 1985, at 15. 25.23 Re: Richard C. Erwin, 1st Black Federal Judge in N. Carolina. National Bar Association News Breif, Dr. J. Clay Smith to Receive NBA's C. Frances Stradtord Award, July 25.24 18, 1985. 25.26 South Carolina Bar Group Installs First Black Prexy, Jet, June 22, 1985, at 4. 96

25.27 Military Judge's Admin File, Captain J. Clay Smith, Jr. National Bar Association, Economic Strength through Professional Excellence (Awards Banquet Program), 25.28 July 27, 1985.

Alison, Muscatine and A. Brisban, Expenses for Defending UDC President Green on the Rise, Wash., Aug. 25.29 13, 1985, at B1, Col. 3. Re: Vincent H. Cohen, Herbert O. Reid, Thomas Atkins, Ruthie Taylor. Raspberry, William, Giving A. Bourgeois View to Blak Law Students, Wash. Post, July 10, 1977, at A27, 25.30 Col. 5.

25.31 National Bar Association, Annual Convention (Guide), July 21-27, 1985, Chicago, Illinois. Morgentha Opponent is Critical of Bar Unit, N.Y. Times, July 20, 1985, at 7, Col. 6., C. Vernon Mason: 25.35 Black Lawyer.

25.39 WOW Director Appointed to Montgomery County Posts, Wash. Afro-Am, Aug. 10, 1985, at 6, Col. 1.

25.40 Michael P. Cosgrove, A Voice From the Inside, Wash. Post, Aug. 11, 1985, at L8, Col. 1. 25.41 Sherwood, Tom, Robb Endorses Wabler in VA Race, Wash. Post, at 61, Col. 4.

25.42 Meese Names Black Assistant Attorney General, Wash. Post, Aug. 10, 1985, at A9, Col. 1.

25.43 Father's Day Address by Terry Michael Banks, at St. Luke's Episcopal Church, Wash. D.C., June 16, 1985. Lee, Gerald Bruce, Conflict in the Att.-Client Relationship: Melt, Represent & Fed. Rule of Crim. Pro. 25.44 44(c)., Vol. 1, no. 15 Drug Law Report, May-June 1985. Abramowitz & Vise, Harvard Business Schools Drops, Exam Requirement, Wash. Post, Aug. 13, 1985, at 25.46 E3, Col. 1.

25.47 Letter to Public Pulse;Concerning Violence in Omaha by J. Clay Smith, July 6, 1966.

25.48 C&P Executive Heads Bar Examiners Group, Wash Afro-Am., Aug. 6, 1985, at 9, Col. 1. 25.49 Thomas A. Duckenfield, Wash. Afro.-Am., Aug. 6, 1985, at 9, Col. 1. Lubasch, Arnold, 7 Black Radicals Acquitted of Robbery Plots but Convicted of Other Charges, N.Y. Times, 25.50 Aug. 6, 1985, at B1, Col. 1. Judge Robert L. Carter. Freeman, Rhonda, Fred Gray to become President of National Bar, Tuskegee, News, July 18, 1985, at 1, 25.51 Col. 1. 97

25.52 Warren, James, Study Finds Pattern of Civil Jury Bias, Chicago Tribune, July 24, 1985, at 1, Col. 2.

25.53 City's Law Dept. Utilizes Students, Chicago Defender, July 24, 1985, at 7, Col. 1. '

25.54 Winborne, Racine, Newest Circuit Judge, Wash. Afro-Am., July 30, 1985, at 12, Col. 1.

25.55 Locke, Henry, H. Rap Brown Lawyer Here, Chicago Defender, July 24, 1985, at 3, Col. 2. 25.56 Eisen, Jack, Love & the Campaign, Wash. Post, July 26, 1985, at C2, Col. 2. Muscantine, Alison, Mayor Barry's Lawyer a Key Figure in UDC Pres. Defense, Wash. Post, July 30, 1985, 25.59 at C1, Col. 1. Hedges, Michael, Judge Awards C&P, 13 Million in Paid City Taxes, Wash. Times, July 24, 1985, at 5B, Col. 25.60 1. 25.61 Black Firm Takes Aim at Mainstream, Wash. Post, Feb. 26, 1979, at C1, Col. 1.

25.62 Nash, Nathaniel C., Hutton: Where Things Stand, N. 11, Times, Aug. 14, 1985 at D1, Col. 2. 25.63 Perl, Peter, Comparable-Worth Settlement South, Aug. 14, 1985, at A4, Col. 1. 25.64 Carlin, Jerome E., Lawyers on Their Own. (1962). I'm glad I belong to the ABA, (Advertisment), 71 ABAJ 16 (1985) . Arnett R. Hubbard. 1st. President of 25.65 National Bar Assoc.

25.67 N.B.A. Meet to Discuss Black Belt Vote Fraud Cases, N.Y. Times, July 18, 1985, at 1, Col. 1.

25.69 Locke, Henry, Waters to Speak at NBA Convention, Chicago Defender, July 27, 1985, at 14, Col. 1.

25.70 Browning, Graeme, Reagan Molds the Federal Court in His Own Image, 71 ABA Journal 60 (Aug. 1985). 25.71 Attorney Fined in Vote Fraud Case, Atlanta Const, July 28, 1985 at 20 A, Col. 2. 25.72 Bratcher, Juanita, Chicago Defender, July 25, 1985, at 3, Col. 4.

25.73 Houston, Jack, Thompson Aide to Help Bar Group, Chicago Tribune, July 26, 1985, at 14, Col. 1. Franklin N. Flaschner Award Reception, 113 Daily Washington Law Reporter 1493 (July 25, 1985). Arthur 25.74 L. Burnett, Sr.

25.75 Ranii, David, Black Attorneys Hit Administration, National Law Journal, Aug. 5, 1985, at 5, Col. 1. 98

25.76 N.B.A. Bulletin. May June, July, 1985.

Feinberg, Lawrence Probe of Judge's Conduct Sustained, Wash. Post, Aug. 14, 1985, at A4, Col. 1. Also: 25.77 Federal Judge in Florida Loses Bid to Halt Inquiry, N.Y. Times, Aug. 14, 1985, at A14, Col. 6. Brisbane, Arthur, D.C. Budget Boss Quitteng; Corporation Counsel to Take Leave, Wash. Post, Aug. 19, 25.78 1985, at D1, Col. 1.

25.79 Moore, Molly, Old Adversaries Embrace in Virginia, Wash. Post, Aug. 15, 1985, at D1, Col. 1.

25.80 Carroll, Maurice, City Wins a 1.2 Billion Tax Decision, N.Y. Times, July 10, 1985, at B4, Col. 1. 25.82 Robert Pickett, JET Magazine, Feb. 18, 1985, at 21, Col. 2. Brisbane, Arthur, D.C. Probes Pepco After Outage, Blasts, Wash, Post, Aug. 16, 1985, at D1, Col. 6. Black 25.83 Attorney's, Patricia Worthy, Howard C. Davenport.

25.84 Letter From J. Clay Smith to Arthenea L. Joyner, Concerning Gratitude for Receiving N.B.A. Award. American Law & The Black Community By Black Women Lawyers, Afro-Am. Studies Program, Boston 25.85 University. 25.86 Lawyers' Ranks Swell 50% in Decade, Wash. Post, Aug. 9, 1984, at A4, Col. 1.

Traces History of 20th Centry Struggle for Dignity, Opportunity by Black Men, Wash. Afro-Am., Aug. 21, 25.89 1985, at 5, Col. 1. Earl B. Dickerson - 94 Year Old Attorney.

25.91 Court Removes Hastings From Case Related to Trial, FL. Sentinel-Bul., Aug. 2, 1985, at 8, Col. 1.

25.92 New Bar Prexy Wants More Blacks In Law Firms, FL Sentinel-Bul., Aug. 2, 1985, at 10, Col. 1. Howard Professor Received National Bar Associaiton's Highest Award, FL. Sent.-Bui, August 2, 1985, at 25.93 18, Col. 1.

25.95 Silas, Faye, Civil Rights Slide, 71 A.B.A. Journal, Sept. 1985, at 21, Col. 1. Re: Drew Days 25.96 Faculty Profile, Vol. 6, No. 20, The Capstone, at 3, Col. 3. Re: J. Clay Smith 2d. Vote-Fraud Trial in Alabama Starting as Blacks Protest Rise, N.Y. Times, Aug. 26, 1985, at Dll, Col. 1., 25.97 St. Sen. Hank Sanders of Alabama. 25.98 Gamerekian, Barbara, N.Y. Times, Aug. 26, 1985, at B6, Col. 4. 99

25.99 Brisbane & Muscatine, UDC Starts Search for President, Wash. Post, Aug. 23, 1985, at 1, Col. 6. Muscantine & Brisbane, Green Resigns UDC Presidency Under Pressure, Aug. 24, 1985, at 1, Col. 6. 26.1 Thomas Atkins, Herbert 0. Reid, Sr. 26.3 Holmes & Tucker 26.3 Holmes & Tucker 26.3 Holmes & Tucker 26.7 Resume of Belford V. Lawson, III, Esq.

26.8 Murray, Laura, Herbert Reid, the Mayor's Modest Counsel, Wash. Star, July 16, 1979, at C1, Col. 2. Black Appointed to U.S. Appeals Court Marks New ERA in Deep South, Wash. Post, Aug. 5, 1979, Al, Col. 26.9 2. 26.10 Smith v. District of Columbia 26.11 Tolliver, Smith [Ralph] clinches tenure, 1 The Penn Law Forum 1 (Dec. 4, 1982)

Remarks of Judge Thurgood Marshall, Emancipation Proclamation Ceremonies, Saturday, September 22, 26.12 1962, Lincoln Memorial, Washington, D.C., 108 Cong. Rec. 21580 (Oct. 4, 1962) 26.13 Althea Simmons to head NAACP Wash, bureau, Wash. Afro-Am., Nov. 18, 1978

26.14 The Poet as Lawyer & Priest, Wash. Post, Feb. 14, 1977. Also: Collection of Articles.

26.15 Peggy Griffiths, Wins Fight for CSC Post, Wash. Afro.-Am., Sept. 24, 1977, at 1, Col. 3. Also, other articles.

26.16 Damon Keith becomes 2nd Chief Judge, Wash. Afro-Am., Dec 23, 1975, at 1. Also, Jet article.

26.17 Wyatt Dougherty, 69, Dies; Real Estate Investor Here, Wash. Star, Oct. 19, 1975. 26.18 Eugene Davidson, 79 Dies; was NAACP Chief here, Wash. Star, March 7, 1976. 26.19 Dewey M. Carr Attorney Dies, Wash. Afro.-Am., Dec. 30, 1975. 26.20 Women to D.C. Parole Board, Wash Star, Dec. 31, 1975. 26.21 Judge Keith Excellent Choice, Wash. Afro-Am., Oct. 15, 1977. 26.22 Wilbur W. Sewell, Atty., Wash. Star, Nov. 21, 1979.

26.23 Cotter, Stephen, Carl McIntyre*s death is loss to city hall, public, Wash. Afro.-Am., Dec. 23, 1978. 100

26.24 Cotter, Stephen, Carl McIntyre’s death is loss to city hall, public, Wash. Afro.-Am., Dec. 23, 1978. 26.25 Carl D. Coleman, Wash. Star, Jan 2, 1979. 26.26 Stafford Banks Advertising Aide with the Post, Wash. Post, Jan. 16, 1979. 26.27 House, Judge Joseph Waddy, U.S. District Court dies, Wash. Star, Aug. 1, 1978. 26.28 'Chick' Chisolm, HU Law Professor buried, Wash. Afro.-Am., February 27, 1979.

26.29 James Cobb, Ex-President of Postal, Federal Alliance, Wash. Post, Jan. 11, 1979. 26.30 Memorial services set for Carl D. Coleman, Wash. Afro.-Am., Jan. 6, 1979. 26.31 Pike, David, U.S. Court's new Chief Judge favors, Wash. Star, March 20, 1977. 26.32 Theus, Smith, Jr., Wash. Post, Nov. 18, 1976.

26.33 Judge Atkinson Completes 10-year term; to be , Wash. Afro.-Am., Nov. 13, 1976. 26.34 A First for Richmond, Wash. Star, March 9, 1977. Re: Henry L. Marsh, III.

26.35 George W. Draper 2nd., 55, D.C. Superior Court Judge, Wash. Star, July 18, 1976. 26.37 Law Professor is confirmed for Election Unit Post, Wash. Post, Nov. 2, 1976. 26.38 Rev. Dr. Attorney David King, Wash. Post, Sept. 12, 1977. 26.39 Harvard Administrator Sees One Black Frontier, Jet Mag., June 24, 1976. 26.40 People/Praise, Wash. Star, April 19, 1978, Judge Julia Cooper Mack. 26.41 Judge Hastie dies, Wash. Afro.-Am., April 17, 1976.

26.42 Thurgood Marshall and American Opportunity, 113 Cong. Rec. 16631 (June 21, 1967)

26.43 Rangel, McNeill: On Charles H. Houston, Esq., 121 Cong. Rec. 31742 (Oct. 3, 1975)

26.44 Jordan, A Distinguished Professor of Law, 120 Cong. Rec. 6916 (March 14, 1974) 26.45 Bramwell, Henry, Blacks in the Judiciary, 33 Brooklyn Barrister 8, (Nov. 1981)

26.46 Mann, Jym, R. Alexander dies: Fighter for his Race, Phil. Inquirer, Nov. 25, 1974, at 2A.

26.47 St. Hall, Tommie, Nominee Confident About Job, Phil. Tribune, April 15, 1983, at L3. Jackson, Brooks, Black Lawyer with a Broad Background in Govt, is Named HUD Secretary, Wall Street 26.48 Journal, Dec. 23, 1980, at 4. 101

26.49 Dienhart, Paul, Univ. of Minn. School of Law is Recruiting Minorities, Phil. Tribune, Dec. 2, 1980, at 2.

26.50 Bumpers, Wiley A. Branton Named Dean of Law School, 123 Cong. Rec. 38686 (Dec. 7, 1977).

26.51 Black Law Students Support Boycott of Course at Harvard, N.Y. Times, Aug. 28, 1982, at 5. 26.52 Address by Hon. Juanita Kidd Stout 70 Women Lawyers Journal 5 (1984) . ' Text of Announcement on Judicial Reappointment, Wash. Post, Nov. 30, 1980, at A31. Re: Theodore R. 26.53 Newman, Jr. Taylor, Stuart, Jr., No Stranger to the High Court, N.Y. Times, April 20, 1982, at D21. Re: William 26.54 Thaddeus Coleman, Jr.

26.55 Canellos, Peter, Law Review will no Implement Minority Quota, Daily Penn., April 17, 1981, at 1. Law School Enrollment Down; Women Minority Students Up 56, Ohio State Bar Association Report 393 26.56 (1983). Sadie Alexander to be Recipient of Penn's Distinguished Service Award, Legal Intelligencer, April 15, 26.57 1980, at 1. 26.58 Harvard Law Review Selects Minorty Editors, N.Y. Times, Oct. 10, 1982, at 30. 26.59 New NBA President Wants More Blacks in Law Firms, Jet Sept. 2, 1985, at 9. 26.60 Chicago Lawyer Names State Solicitor General, Jet, Sept. 2, 1985, at 40. 26.61 Mrs. Motley's seat left vacant, Wash. Afro.-Am., April 13, 1965, at 12, Col. 2. Cliff Alexander tells college audience not to let emotions cloud judgement, Wash. Afro.-Am., April 13, 26.62 1965, at 12, Col. 6.

26.63 Horace T. Ward to speak to Voters Association, Wash. Afro.-Am., April 13, 1965, at 7, Col. 3. 26.64 At Lawyers' Dinner, Wash. Afro.-Am., April 13, 1965. Re: Mrs. Ollie Cooper 26.65 Embattled Judge escapes censure, Afro.-Am., April 13, 1965, at 13, Col. 1.

26.66 Supreme Liberty Life has 2 Wash, offices, Wash. Afro.-Am., April 25, 1964, at 86, Col. 7. 26.67 Miss Davis Engaged to Matthew Whitehead, Wash. Afro.-Am., at 7, Col. 1.

26.68 District businesses aided by C. of C. Group, Wash. Afro.-Am., April 25, 1985, at B12, Col. 2. 26.69 President to all Americans, Wash. Afro.-Am., April 25, 1964, at ?, Col. 4. 102

Jenkins, Howard, Jenkins tells of labor's impact on American scene, Wash. Afro.-Am., April 25, 1964, at C- 26.70 12, Col. 1. 26.71 Hastings v. Judicial Conference of U.S., No. 84-5576 (D.C. Car. 1985). Am. Security Council Education Foundation v. Federal Comm. Commission, 607 F. 2d 438 (1979) Smith: 26.72 See p. 441. Friedman, Robert, Landmark School Suit Hasn't Much Helped Lawyers Who Filed It, Wall Street Journal, 26.73 Sept. 3, 1985, at 1, Col. 1.

26.74 Harvard Law Review and J. Clay Smith, Jr. 1983-1985 and Associated Correspondence. 26.75 National Association of Black Women Attorneys, Inc. 26.76 Woman, Black Confirmed for Md. Judgeships, Wash. Post, Oct. 19, 1979, at 15. Galante, Mary Ann, Calif. Voir Dire Rules Broadenei, N.L. Jou., Sept. 9, 1985, at 9, col. 1. Re: Justice Allen 27.01 E. Broussard Strasser, Fred, Judge Nixon indicates on perjury, gift counts, N.L. Jou., Sept. 9, 1985, at 21, col. 1. Re: 27.02 Alcee L. Hastings In re Louis R. Mehlinger, Hearing Before The Loyalty of The Department of Justice, Washington, D.C., 27.04 October 11, 1948.

J. Clay Smith, Jr. at Harvard - William Henry Hastie Day & Associated Correspondence iwth Ericka 27.05 Chadbourn, Manuscript Curator at Harvard Law Library July 1984 - Aug. 1985

Burnett Arthur, An Advisory, Summary "Trial" Procedure as a useful pretrail method to promote 27.10 settlement of civil cases, federal bar news & journal, Sept. 1985, at 290. Re: Vol. 32, no. 7 27.11 Reston, James, Reagan & the courts N.Y. Times, Sept. 18, 1985, at A27, col. 2.

27.12 Trial begins for D.C. Lawyer charged with Tax Evasion, Wash. Post, Sept. 19, 1985, at D4. 27.13 1981 Race Issues at the University of Pennsylvania Law School

27.14 Stille, Alexander, A Practice Flourshes in Harlem. Nat'l L.J Sept. 16, 1985, at 1, col. 1.

27.15 Letter from Wiley Branton to Tony Freyer concerning the book Little Rock Crisis - A Const. Interpretation.

27.16 Middleton, Martha SEC Targets opinion shopping, 8 Nat. L. Jou. No. 2, at 1, col. 2. 103

Muscative, Alison, N. Joyce Payne Named U.D.C. Board Chairman, Wash. Post, Sept. 11, 1985, at A11, 27.19 col. 1.

27.20 Charting UDC1 s Future, Wash. Post, Sept. 12, 1985, at A22, col. 1. RE: Herbert O. Reid Attorney drops lawyers in Tax Evasion Case, Wash. Post, Sept. 21, 1985, at B3, col. 5. Feinberg, Lawrence, compulsive gambling plea rejected in back - tax cases, wash, post., Sept. 14, 1985, at B3, col. 27.21 2. 27.22 Thurgood Marshall raps nation's death row penality, Jet., Sept. 23, 1985, at 4. 27.23 Ticker Tape U.S.A., Jet, Sept. 16, 1985, at 8. 27.24 Blacks now named to ten states’ Supreme court, Jet, Sept. 23, 1985 27.25 Appeals Court, overturns Equal Pay Decison, Jet, Sept. 23, 1985, at 39. 27.26 South Dakota 27.27 Burrows, Frederick 27.28 Atkins, John H. 27.29 Ash, William H. 27.30 Stewart, Robert Adgen 27.31 National Memorial Honoring Black Patriots (Ferdinand D. Lee) 27.32 Bell, Winston 27.33 Fields, George W. 27.34 Davis, Joseph S. 27.35 Ricks, James 27.36 Pryor, George 27.37 Bassette, Andrew W. 27.38 Clark, N.B. 27.39 Hilton, James H. 27.40 Reid, William Micaijah 27.41 Dungee, J. Riley 27.42 Williams, Robert B. 27.43 Ro11ins, Merchant 27.43A Spurgeon, James Robert 27.44 All-white jury in voting case, N.Y. Times, Sept. 27, at B4, col. RE: Lewis Patts. 27.46 Upward moves on the legal front, vol. XL, Ebony, no 12, at 74, (Oct. 1985). Robinson & Kamenar, What is the Justice Department doing in civil rights, vol. 71 A.B.A. Jour, at 37, (Oct. 27.47 1975). 104

27.48 Most influential Blk. Women in Texs, Ebony, Sept. 1985, at 60. Falsgraf, will ABA seeks increased involvement of women and minorities, vol. 71, A.B.A. Jou., Oct. 1985, 27.49 at 8.

27.50 Brisbane, Arthur, UDC Vice President cropp ponders job offers, Wash. Post, Oct. 2, 1985, at B5, col. 3.

27.51 Reagan nominates 3 of Meese's team, Sept. 26, 1985, at A23, col. RE: William Robinson

27.52 Feaver, Douglas, Northwest opposes United, Pan Am Deal, Wash. Post, Sept. 24, 1985, at E3, col. 1. Dow, Lohnes & Albertson, New additions to firm. RE: Frederick D, Cooke, Jr. 1st blk lawyer in Bern 1st blk 27.53 partner in Bern Bar Briefs, Fred Gray becomes president of the National Bar Association, vol. 45, Alabama Lawyer, no. 5, 27.54 Sept. 1985, at 231.

27.55 Archer, Dennis, Hail and Farewell, vol. 64 Mich. Bar Journal no. 9, Sept., 1985, at 890.

27.56 Marcus, Ruth, Jury noted D.C. Lawyer's Tax Evasion Case, Wash. Post, Oct. 4, 1985, at D3, col. 1. 27.57 Parker, Alan A., The Reagan Judicial Legary, Washington Focus, at 11. 27.58 G.W.L. Ass., Pat Roberts Harris dies at 60, News, Sept. 1985, at 7, col. 3. Sugawara, Sandra, Price Edward, Academy regains Tax-exempt status, Wash. Post, Oct. 10, 1985, at 1, 27.59 col. 4. RE: James E. Gilee Pres, of Va. State NAACP.

27.61 A look at Frederick B. Abramson 10, District Lawyer, Sept./Oct. 1985, at 23, col. 1. 27.62 Letter & Remarks of Erwin Griswold before Supreme Court Bar.

27.63 Wash. Bar Ass., Ollie May Cooper Award & Lecture, Oct. 17, 1985, Howard Law Center, Wash. D.C. Stille, Alexander Practicing N.Y. Blk. Attorneys And Blk. Law Students in Job Market, Nat. L. Journal, Oct. 27.64 21, 1985, at 4, col. 3.

27.66 Raspberry, William, Another Trial for Antioch Law, Wahs. Post, Oct. 14, 1985, at 21, col. 1. Baker, Donald, southside racial views Tinge Va., election ; prospects, wash, post, Oct. 26, 1985, at C1, col. 27.70 2. Re: James E. Ghee

27.73 Reeves, Frank, noted lawyer worked to improve community, Wash. Afro-Am. April 14, 1973, at 4, col. 5. 105

27,74 Smith, Dewitt, Not. Pin-Stripe suites for this lady lawyer, wash, star, sept. 17, 1980, at 3, col. 1.

27.75 Hailey, Jean R., Paul Miller dies; Professor of Law, Wash. Post, July 16, 1974, at c4, col. 1. 27.76 Frank D. Reeves, Wash. Afro-Am., April 14, 1973, at 4, col. 1. 27.77 Flaschner award winner, 71 A.B. A. Jou., Nov. 1985, at 150, col. 1.

27.78 Sherwood & Sussman, Democrats still ahead in Virginia, Wash. Post, Nov. 3, 1985, at 1, col. 1.

27.79 Lieutenant Governor, Richmond Times Dispatch, Nov. 3, 1985, at c1. RE: L. Douglas Wilder

27.80 Attorney speaks at TU’s black college day, Tuskeggee Gram, Oct. 10, 1985, at 1. RE: Patricia A. Russell

27.81 Eaton joins Marquette Law School Staff, vol. IV Nat.'l Multicultural Banner no. IV, Oct. 1985, at p7.

Sherwood, Tom, The pluses & problems of L. Douglas Wilder, Wash. Post, Sept. 8, 1985, at B1, col. 2. RE: 27.82 Sa'ad el Amin classmate of J. Clay's old name was Jay Green.

27.84 Feinberg, L., Antioch Law School may close, Wash. Post, Oct. 20, 1985, at D1, col. 6.

27.85 Kamen, Al, Fair death penalty cases are rare, Marshall says, wash. post., Sept. 7, 1985, at A7, col. 1.

27.86 Note to J. Clay Smith from John Torner concerning death of Thurman Dotson (former Wash. Bar. Pres.).

27.87 Marcus, Ruth, lawyer guilty of tax evasion, Wash. Post., Oct. 16, 1983, at c3, col. 1. McGrath & FoxHall absentee voting blocked Houston Chronicle, Oct. 16, 1985, at 1, col. 3. RE: Gabrille 27.88 McDonald Barfield, Washington & Carstarphen, A Brief History outstanding Howard Alumni Law School Faculty, 27.90 (July 27, 1979) 27.91 Letter from J. Clay Smith to John T. Baker concerning historical phogographs.

27.95 Whats entertainment? Singer answers at Yale, N.Y. Times, Nov. 10, 1985, at 56, col. 1.

27.96 Morse, Oliver, Civil Rts. Removal: "The Letter Killeth, but the spirit giveth life", How. L. Jou. p.49 (1965). 106

Clark & Burns, The Realpolilk of racial segregtion in northern public schools: some pragmatic approaches, 27.97 14 How. L. Jour. 217 (Summer 1968).

Boyer, Spencer, Federal injunctice relief; a counterpoise against the use of state of criminal prosecutions 28.03 designed to deter the exercise of preferred const, rts., 13 How. L. Jou. 51 (winter 1967). 28.04 Chavez, Raymond, audit report of Nat. Bar Association, (April 30, 1980). 28.07 Civil Rts. Planning workshop, Res Ipsa Loquitur, Tues. Nov. 12, 1985. 28.08 Warden, Rob, Robert L. Tucker Rising up angry, Chicago Lawyer, at 1, col. 3. 28.09 Althea Simmons, Wash. Afro-Am., Nov. 16, 1985, at 7, col. 2. Feinberg, Lawrence, ABA Panel stands Firms on Antioch Law School, , Wash. Post, Nov. 16, 1985, at B2, 28.10 col. 1. Sapeastein, Saundra, minority D.C. Judicial Picks Brings Praise for Reagan, Wash. Post, Nov. 14, 1985, at 28.11 B4, col. 2.

28.12 Report of Dean 1984-85 Nat. Law Center, Patricia Roberts Harris: In Memoriam. 28.14 Board of Education of the District of Columbia (1973).

28.15 Barnes & Barnes, special education: A New Storm Center, Wash. Post, May 29, 1973, cl, col. 1.

28.16 Feinberg, Lawrence, Judge Parker Plans to take Senior States, Wash. Post, Nov. 8, 185, at B1, col. 6. 28.17 How. U. School of Law, The Barrister, February, 1984. 28.18 Beanier, Bernstein, Nolan, Booklist for Legal Process.

28.19 131 Cong. Rec. Senate (Aug. 1, 1985) (Statement of Sen. Heflan concerning N.B.A. president Fred Gray). Borowski, Neil, 2 radio stations are being sold to area businessmen, Phil, Inquirer, Dec. 30, 1985, at F1, 28.20 col. 5.

28.21 Meyer, Eugene L., City Panel nominates 3 for Appeals Court Post, Wah. Post, Aug. 28, 1976 (?) Allen, Calvin (Fla.) The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission under the guidence of J. Clay Smith 28.22 Jr., As action chairman, April 4, 1983

28.23 Letter from Herald B. Lee, Dir. NOVABAA to J. Clay Smith Jr. 1985 Re: John Rock 28.24 Class of 1973 School of Law 107

Appellant's Brief, Pacific Gas & Electric Co. v. Pub. Utilities Comm of California, no. 84-1044, Supreme 28.25 Court.

28.26 Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals, portrait of Honorable Wade h. McCree, Jr., C & N, Ohio, June 11, 1981

28.27 Spere, Robert M., unlocking the door for minority lawyers, Bar Leader, March/April, 1985, at 18, col. 1. Reagan Adds 2 Blks To D.C. Superior Court Bench, Jet, Dec. 2, 1985, at 6. RE: Harold Cushenberry Michael 28.28 Rankin

28.29 Detroit Lawyer named to Mich. Supreme Court, Jet, Dec. 2, 1985, at 37. Re: Dennis Archer 28.30 Gora, Joel, The Delicate matter of religion, vol. 71 A.B.A. Journal, at 84. 28.31 Attorney Joel Gora Emancipation 28.32 H. C. Peoples

28.34 Bergeson, Patricia, A sampling of different avenues, vol. 69, no. 3, Judicature (Oct./Nov 1985).

28.35 Carroll, Maurice, Top State Court Backs Legislators' Pay Raise, N.Y. Times, Nov. 22, 1985, at B4, col. 1. 28.36 Delong Harris, Wash. Post, Nov. 23, 1985, at BR, col. 3.

28.38 Conversing, with Judge Kearse, 29 Law Quandrangle notes, summer W 1985, at 7.

28.39 McCree honored at 3 spring commencements, 29 Law Quandrangle notes, summer 1985, at 9. 28.41 The Reynaldo G. Garza, Law School Leader, Oct./Nov. 1985. 28.42 Ruud, Millard, steps to assist in Recruiting Minority Faculty, Nov. 7, 1985. White, Frank, Robert Ni^ Jr. heads nation's oldest court: Penn's Supreme Court chief, Ebony, Dc. 1985, at 28.43 101.

28.44 Roberts, Sam, Group examines selection of Minority Judges, N.Y. Times, Dec. 23, 1985, at B7, col. 1.

28.45 Judge Dismisses suite, by white's charging Bias in Birmingham, N.Y. Times, Dec. 23, 1985, at A11, col. 6. Kurtz Howard, Judge Repulses U.S. Attempt to Undo Affirmative Action, Wash. Post, Dec. 22, 1986, at A4, 28.46 col. 1. Warner recommends 3 for U.S. Judgeship, Wash. Post, Dec. 31, 1985, at c2, col. 2. RE: James Spencer 28.47 James Sheffield 108

28.48 Ivy League gets 1st Female Law Dean, Wash. Post, Jan. 13, 1985.

28.49 Margolick, David, Columbia to pick woman as law school dean, N.Y. Times, Jan. 2, 1986, at 1, col. 4 28.50 Nat. Bar Association, vol. 17, nos. 8,9 & 10 Bulletin, (Sept., Oct., Nov., 1985). 28.51 Crockett, Geo. W.m Jr., Report, December, 1985 Invitation to investiture of Dennis W. Archer as Michigan Supreme Court Justice, Mon. Jan. 6, 1986, 28.52 Lansing, Michigan

28.53 Letter of John Crump to Carole Boston concerning articles that appear in the Bulletin (Dec. 11, 1985).

28.54 Letter from Geo. W. Crockett, Jr., concerning apartheid in South Africa, (Dec. 1985) 28.55 Civil Rts. Workshop, Res Ipsa Loquitor, Dec. 11, 1985 28.56 Civil Rts. Workshop, Res Ipsa Loquitor, Dec. 18, 1985 28.57 Jones, Lisa, The Path, vol. 16, no. 9, Essence 111 (Jan. 1986) Tucker, Elizabeth, D.C. phone rates to zoom under PSC-approved plan, Wash. Post, Dec. 20, 1985, at 1, 28.58 col. 5. Best, Lisa, U.S. used slavery to get out historical jamsm judge says, wash-afro-am, Dec. 17, 1985, at 3, 28.59 col. 1. 28.60 Judge Durham named head of Illinois Judicial Group, Jet, Dec. 23, 1985, at 16. Abramson, Frederick B., there aren't enough to go around, vol. 10, no. 2 district lawyer, Nov/Dec 1985, 28.61 at 6, col. 1. Feinburg, Lawrence, Prominent D.C. Lawyer gets three years for tax evasion, Wash. Post, Dec. 13, 1985, 28.63 at c4, col. 1. Keith, Damon J., The Role of the Federal Judiciary, vol. 32, no. 10, Federal Bar News & Journal, Dec. 1985, 28.64 at 409 28.65 Nat. Bar Assoc., vol. 17, nos. 8, 9, 10 Bulletin, Sept/Oct/Nov. 1985

28.66 Vise, David, U.S. Prosecutor defends Huttt-on Plea Bargain, Wash. Post, Dec. 7, 1985, at C1, col. 3.

28.67 Robert N.C., when it's federal courts vs. the state courts, Phil. Inquirer, Dec. 7, 1985, at 7A, col. 1. 28.69 Alumni Spotlight, vol. II, no. 1, Homecoming, Fall 1985, at 7. 28.70 The Howard University Magazine, vol. IV, no. 4, July 1962 28.71 Howard University Magazine, vol. IV, no. 3, April 1962 28.73 Nat. Bar Association, 38th Annual Convention, Aug 7-10, 1963, Chicago, Illinois 109

vol. 3, no. 1, Cook County Bar Assoc. News, Spring 1963 also, vol. 2, no. 1, Cook County Bar Assoc. News, 28.74 Spring 1962 Report of Regional Dir. 1, Joseph C. Morris to National Bar Assoc., Aug., 1963, Chicago, Illinois, 28.75 (Greetings). Aponte, Mari & Tooks, Katherine, Conf. on the practice of minority lawyers in the future, March 24, 28.76 1982.

28.77 31st Annual Meeting of the National Bar Association, Aug 31-Sept 1, 1956, New York, New York 28.78 World Peace through law center, the world jurist, Jan.-Feb., 1976.

Groves, States as "fair" Employers, 7 How. L.J. 1 (1961). Also, Groves, Fundemantal liberties in the const, 28.79 of the Federation of Malaya - A comparative study, 5 How. L.J. 188 (1959)

28.80 Nat. Bar Jou. & News, 36th Annual Convention, Aug. 9-12, 1961, Los Angeles, Calif.

28.81 Whatever happens to equal opportunity?, Blk. Enterprise, Sept. 1977. RE: Eleanor Holmes Norton

28.82 Howard University Law School Alumni Association, (President's Page: James T. Wright). 28.83 Nat. Bar Assoc., Vol. 14, nos. 1, 9, 10 Bullentin, (Jan., Nov., Dec., 1982). 28.84 Bar Assoc, of D.C., The Journal, vol. XXXI, no. 10, Oct. 1964, Wash. D.C. Letter from Juanita Kidd Stout to Charles L. Sanders (Ebony) concerning exclustion of Charles H. Houston 28.85 from Ebony Article, Dec. 6, 1986. 28.86 Brown v. Board of Education 28.92 Lawyer walks out over white jurors, wash. Afro-Am., Jan. 14, A86, at 6, col. 3.

28.93 Sherwood, Tom, Wilder takes up Senate Gavel, Wash. Post, Jan, 14, 1986, at C1, col. 3.

28.94 Hall, Baltimore's Black Leaders-The Next Generation, Sun Magazine, Jan. 19, 1986, at 8, cOl. 1. 28.95 D.C. Supreme Court

28.96 As he takes oath in Va., Wilder becomes a 'first', Baltimore Sun, Jan. 12, 1986, at 1, col. 4. Appeals Court invalidates female preference policy for granting broadcast license applications vol. 8, no. 28.97 3 Civil Rights Forum, 11 (Fall 1985) 110

Butler, Johnny J., A Report on the operations of the office of General Counsel, June 1984 through Sept. 28.98 1985 (EEOC), Nov. 19, 1985 Letter from Marvin S. Arrington to J. Clay Smith (June 12, 1984) (concernng information about blk 28.99 attorneys in Georgia) 29.01 Stout, Hon. Juanita Kidd, Black Portias, The Shingle, Winter 1985, at 42. 29.02 Missing Delgado, Richard, The Imperial Scholar: Reflections on a Review of Civil Rts, Literature, 132 Penn. L. Rev. 29.03 561 (1984)

29.06 Stille, Alex, Little Room at the top for Blks, Hispanics, Nat. Law Jou, Dec. 23, 1985, at 1, col. 3.

29.07 Stille, Alex, Election v. Appointment Who Wins? Nat'l Law Jou, Dec. 30, 1985, at 1, col. 2.

29.08 Kamen, Al, More Women, Minorities Attaining Judgeships, Wash. Post, Dec. 24, 1985, at A12, col. 1. Scales-Trent, Judy, Comparable Worth: Is this a Theory for Black Workers? 8 Women's Rts. Law Reporter 29.09 51 (1984) Metexas, John C., St. John's Taking New Approach To Attracting Minority Students, Nat. Law Jour., 29.10 February 3, 1986, at 4, col 1. 29.11 This week In Black History, Charles W. Anderson, Jet., Jan. 13, 1986, at 19.

29.12 Shipp, Bill, A Politician who doesn't need a job, The Atlanta Journal, Jan. 4, 19986, at 10-A, col. 1.

29.13 Firms suffer from ' syndrome', Nat'l Law Journal, Fe. 3, 1986, at 12, col. 3.

29.14 Faculty Profile: Jerome Shuman, vol. 7, no. 2. The Capstone, (Jan. 27, 1986, at 4, col. 3. 29.15 Missing

29.16 Marcus, Ruth, ABA Against New Federal Court, Wash. Post, Feb. 12, at A12, col. 1. Ifill, Gwen, Howard Professor challenges Marshall, Wash. Post, Feb. 10, 1986, at D3, col. 1. RE: Alex 29.17 Williams Feinberg, Lawrence, U.D.C. officials, citing fund concern, react cautiosuly to Antioch Plan, Wash. Post, 29.18 Feb. 9, 1986, at D3, col. 1. RE: Herbert 0. Reid Taylor, Stuart, Roling on Budget-Balancing Law: A Bittersweet Victory for the President, N.Y. Times, Feb. 29.19 8, 1986, at 9, col. 1. RE: Norma Holloway 111

Cohn, D'Vera, Warner Expects Blk. Prosecutor to get U.S. Judgeship in Va., Wash. Post, Feb. 6, 1986, at 29.20 D1, col. 2, RE: James Spencer 29.21 Resume of Kenneth Scruggs Tollett

29.22 Ochipinti, Laura, Wash.-Area Bar Groups Elect New Officers, Legal Times, July 2, 1984, at A19, col. 1.

29.23 MacPherson, Myra, Douglas Wilder: Winning the waiting game, Wash. Post, Feb. 2, 1986, at G1, col. 1.

29.24 Gruson, Lindsey, Member of Radical Group on Trial, Accrses Police, N.Y. Times, Feb. 8, 1986, at 17, col. 1. McWhoter, Diane, Old Montgomery Enemies Gather to Recall Their Bus Boycott Rolo, N.Y. Times, Feb. 29.25 10, 1986, at B14, col. 1. Re: Fred Gray 29.26 No Antioch Law Action, Wash. Post, Feb. 12, 1986, at c9, col. 5. Chen, Heidi, Law School, award tenure to black scholar for first time, Yale Daily News, Feb. 6, 1986, at 1, 29.27 col. 4.

29.28 Boyd, Malcolm, WHe Is Barbara Jordan Today? Parade Magazine, Feb. 16, 1986, at 12 Busy digesting a Revlon unit, Rorer rearranges managers, Phila, Inquirer, Feb. 10, 1986, at 2D, col. 5. Re: 29.29 Andrew L. Dennis

Jusicious Decision, The Advertiser, Feb. 7, 1986, at 14A, col. 1. RE: Myron Thompson McFadden, Joe, 29.30 Good Judges Reverse Themselves, The Advertiser, Feb. 7, 1986, at 14A, col. 3. RE: Myron Thompson

29.31 Some senior judges still working without pay, Philadlephia Inquirer, Feb. 18, 1986, at 2-B, col. 1. Boudin, Leonard B. , Book Review, There is a Fountain: The Autobiography of a Civil Rights Lawyer, 33 29.35 Vanderbilt L. Rev. 251 (1980).

29.36 Blk. Judge serves on State Supreme Court, Ebony, Feb. 1986, at 37. RE: Justice Reuben Anderson Klebnikov, Peter, Judge Moultqie has bone cancer, plans to remain active, Wash. Times, Feb. 25, 1986,at 29.37 5B, col. 1.

29.38 Lee, Gerald B., who will defend the Poor in Criminal Cases, vol. 34 Virg. Bar News 29 (Dec. 1985). Evangelauf, Jean, Law Schools Boost Recruiting to offset application slump, vol. XXXII The Chronicle, 29.44 March 5, 1986, at 1, col. 2. 112

29.45 Wilder, Doglass Redigging the well of Pride, Wash. Times, Feb. 27, 1986, at 1D, col. 6. 29.46 Dennis Andre L, The Retainer, Feb. 12, 1986, at 4, col. 1. 29.47 Vol. III. no. 6 Rev Loquitur, (Feb. 24, 1986). RE: M.L.K. Jr. edition

29.48 Howard University Charter Day Dinner, Wash. D.C. (1986). RE: Haywood Patrick Swygert

29.49 Fatzgerald, Susan, Equal Rights panel sues hospital, Phil. Inq., Feb. 28, 1986, at 2-B, col. 1. 29.50 Judge Moultrie 111; wins high honor. William, Lena, she whose constituents are 61 million children, N.Y. Times, Feb. 27, 1986, at BIO, col. 3. 29.51 RE: Marian Wright Edelman

29.52 Williams, Franklin, The Quiet Ones, Address at How. School of Law, (Nov. 11, 1966). The Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rts Under Law, A Special Report: Southern Africa, (Jan. 1986). RE: Judge 29.53 Nathaniel R. Jones 29.54 Silas, Faye, Minority Judges, vol. 72 A.B.A. Jou. 19 (March 1, 1986). 29.55 Randolph Baxter Takes Oath As U.S. Bankruptcy Judge, Jet, Feb. 24, 1986, at 44

29.56 Spencer slated for first blk. Va. fed. Judgeship, Jet., Feb. 24, 1986, at 44 RE: James Spencer

29.57 Howard Univeristy announces Symposium, Daily Washington Law Reporter, Jan. 6, 1964, at 1, col. 3. 29.58 Sit-In Memoranda - Public Accomodations 29.61 Howard U. Law School Alumni Association, vol. 1. no. 4 & Newsletter Nat. Bar Association, Vol. 15, nos. 1 & 2 bulletin 1 (Jan/Feb.1983). Also, vol. 12 no. 9 (Oct. 1980). vol. 10 29.62 no. 6 (Dec. 1978).

29.64 Melton, R.H., Democrats High on Leggett, Wash. Post, March 13, 1986, notebook at 1, col. 1.

29.65 Interview with Lani Guinier discussing voting rights, vol. 8, no. 2, Equal Justice 1 (Winter 1985-86.)

UDC/Antioch merger given intial okay, Wash. Afro-Am., March 15, 1986, col. 6. Also, Feinberg, L., UDC 29.66 Trustees Back Takover of Law School, March 12, 1986, at c5, col. 6.

29.67 Madison, Davetta, Leggett kicks off his compaign, Wash. Afro. Am., March 15, 1986, at 9, col. 1. 113

29.68 Elizabeth Denis Pittman 29.68 Elizabeth Denis Pittman

29.70 Nat. Bar Association Annual Gertrode E. Rush Award Dinner, Sat. March 22, 1986, Washington, D.C. Justice Thrugood Marshall, Remarks on the Death Penalty Made at the Judicial Conference of the Second 29.71 Circuit, vol. 86 col. L. Rev. 1 (1986).

29.72 Applebome, Peter, Murdered couple mourned by Dallas Blacks, N.Y Times, March 23, 1986, at 29, col. 1. Evangelauf, Jean, Law Schools Boost Recruiting to offset Application slump, vol. XXXII The Chronicle 1 29.73 (March 3, 1986).

29.74 Interview with Earl Kintneri The Quiet Bumblebee vol. 133 Fed. Bar. New & Jou. 106 (March 1986). 29.75 Missing

29.76 Feinberg, Lawrence, Antioch Hails Action, Wash. Post, March 19, 1986, at A14, col. 1.

29.77 Greer, William, In Professions Women Now the Majority, N.Y. Times, March 19, 1986, at C1, col. 1. 29.78 Diggs Plans To Retire In 1981 for Best Interest, Jet, Mary 29, 1980, at 55 J. Clay Smith Jr., Visions of Economic Liberty, opening remarks at Meeting of the National Bar 29.79 Association, Wash. D.C. March 21, 1986.

29.80 J. Clay Smith, The Pasts Presidents of the Washington Bar Association (March 1986).

29.81 Baker, Donald, Gets involved, Wilder, Tells students, Wash. Post, March 16, 1986, at A10 col. 4. Hunter, Clarence, UDC board to vote on Antioch merger, Wash. Afro- Am. , March 25, 1986, at col. 1., at 29.82 1.

29.83 A.B.A. Section of General Practice, Meeting the needs of Today's Lawyer RE: Dennis W. Archer

29.84 Letter from Lewis Ferrell to Ena M. St. Louis, concerning Audit Committee Report, (May 4, 1961).

29.85 Letter from J. Clay Smith to Natl. Law Jou. concerning Racist remark by Hawaii judge (March 28, 1986)

29.86 Wade, Lawrence, Quotas and the justices, Wash. Times, March 26, 1986, at 1D, col. 1. 114

Nevels, Cynthia, Wilder told lawyers to carry on tradition of going to public, Wash. Afro. Am., March 29, 29.87 1986, at 18, col. 1.

29.88 UF Students win all areas of recent Moot Court competition, Wash. Afro-Am., April 1, 1986, at 15, col. 4.

29.89 Letter to from J. Clay Smith to Honorable Edward Perkins concerning John H. Smythe (March 31, 1986). 29.91 Hollowell Honored Friday, Atlanta Daily World, June 6, at 1, col. 3. Abrahmson & Franklin, where they are now: The story of the women of Harvard Law 1974, vol. 72 A.B.A. 29.92 Jour, 74, (May 1, 1986). Silas, Faye, Lawyer conduct, Vol. 71 A.B.A. Jour. 31 (May 1, 1986) RE: Samuel Johnson, only black lawyer 29.93 in Vermont 29.94 REs Ipsa Loquitor, Vol. Ill no. 7, (April 14, 1986). RE: Alcee Hastings Judith, Cummings, Federal Judiciary Struggles To Make Budget Cutbacks N.Y. Times, April 20, 1986, at 24, 29.95 col. 1. RE: Natheniel Jones

Comments of Prof. J. Clay Smith, Jr. on Draft of American Bar Assoc, of Governors Recommendations on 29.96 the Report of the Task Froce of Minorities in the Legal Profession (April 8, 1986). 132 Cong. Rec., E1095 (daily Ed. April 10, 1986) (Statement of Rep. Montgomery) (Reading letter of J. 29.97 Clay Smith concerning G.I. Bill). 29.98 Honorable H. Carl Moultrie I.

29.99 Letter form Judith L. Lichtman, to J. Clay Smith (April 15, 1986) (Women's Legal Defense Fund).

30.1 Kapland, on and off the record, National Law Journal, at 2, Col. 2, 6-2-84 (Johnny Butler). 30.2 Kapland; "More Law firms," National Law Journal, At 2, Col. 4 6-2-84. Karmen and Bruske; "Howard names Counsel," (Richard P. Thornell), Washington Post, at D1, Col. 1 6-25- 30.3 84. Karmen and Bruske; "End of investigation," Washington Post, at D1, Col. 1 6-25-84 (Inez Reid) also 30.4 mentioned Herbert 0. Reid, Sr.).

30.5 Hispanic Group Commends, Condemns Firms, National Law Journal, at 12, Col. 3, 6-18-84. Sylvester, Kathleen; "Women Gaining, Blacks fall Back," National Law Journal, at 1, Col. 2, 5-21-84. Letter 30.6 to the Editor from J. Clay Smith, 6-5-84. 115

30.7 Turner, Wallace; "For a Politican, Power and Riches go Together," New York Times at 6, Col. 1 6-16-84.

30.8 Info, "Court Affirms Waters Case," National Association of Black Owned Broadcasters, 6-18-84.

30.9 Jordan, Vernon E., "Blacks and Jews; What Went Wrong," Washington Post, at A23, Col. 1, 6-15-84. 30.10 New Haven Attorney Start City's 1st Black Law Firm, Jet at 37, Col. 2, 6-18-84.

30.11 Establishing a Corporate Image for a Small Law Office, Black Enterprise, at 61, 2-84.

30.12 Letter from Dennis Archer, President NBA, in Appreciation of the Waters case, 6-11-84. Smith, Philip; "Judge Candidate Enlisted Student to Lobby for him," Washington Post, at A12 Col. 1 5-27- 30.13 84. Clarence Clyde Ferguson, Jr. 1924-1983: of Compassion and Statesmanship, Harvard Law School Bulletin, 30.14 at 9, Spring 1984.

30.15 Sargent, Edward D.; "Jackson plans to PUSH Corporations," Washington Post, at B3, Col. 1, 6-9-84.

30.16 Black Congress slates meeting in New Orleans, Washington Afro- American, at 3, Col 6, 6-16-84.

30.17 Carroll, Maurice; "Rights unit's New Leader," (Julius L. Chambers), New York Times, at A16 Col. 1 6-13-84.

30.18 H.U. appoints new general counsel, Washington Afro-American, at 1, Col. 1 6-16-84.

30.19 Turner, Jerry; "Judge Sheffield Resigns," Washington Afro-American, at 1, Col. 4, 6-16-84. 30.20 Lauter, David; "Law Schools Pass $10,000 Barrier," at 1, Col. 3, 6-11-84. 30.21 Utah Names Black Judge, Washington Post, at A9, Col. 1, 6-9-84. Abramson will become Bar President in 1985 (Frederick B. Abramson), Bar Report, Vol. 12, No. 4, at 1, 30.22 Col. 3, June/July 1984.

30.23 Green Ya, John; Public Interest Lives: And Here's Who's Doing it," 8 District Lawyer, 31, 1984. Edley, Christopher F. Jr.; "Justice: In the Eye of the Beholder; A hard look at affirmative action quotas," 30.24 35 Harvard Law School Bulletin 6 Spring 1984. 116

30.25 Howard Names New General Counsel (Richard P. Thornell), News: Howard University, June 5, 1984.

Moultrie honored by college of Charleston, (Judge H. Carl Moultrie I), Washington Afro-American, at 3, 30.26 Col. 1, 5-26-84. "On selection of D.C. Judges," Washington Afro-American, at 4, Col. 1, 5-26-84.

Williams, Nancy Anita; "Sorority Members Discuss Problem of Teen-Age Pregnancy," (Marian Wright 30.27 Edelman) Washington Post at D.C. 3, Col. 1., 5-31-84. 30.28 Making Partner in America's Law Firms, New York Times, at F17, Col. 1, 6-3-84. 30.29 Enrollment Decreases, Syllabus, Vol. XV, No. 2, at 2, June 1984. College of Charleston Awards Chief Judge Moultrie Doctor of Letters, The Daily Washington Law 30.30 Reporter, Vol. 112, #100 at 1013, 5-22-84.

30.31 Wald, Patricia M.; "Women in the Law: Stage Two," 52 UMKC L. Rev. 45 (1983). Mintz, John; "George Mason Law Dean sparks student protests (reference to Carl Singley)," Washington 30.32 Post, at B1, Col. 1, 5-29-84. Barbash, Fred; "Law Firms held to Anti-Bias Rule," (Elizabeth Anderson Hishon), Washington Post, at A6, 30.33 Col. 1, 5-23-84. Sun, Lena H.; "Jury Finds Restaurant Discrimination (Roma Stewart- Black Female Lawyer), Washington 30.34 Post, at D2, Col. 5, 5-23-84. Black Alabama Judge withdraws from trials of nine Klansmen, (Judge U.W. Clemon) Washington, Post, at 30.35 A8, Col. 1 5-23-84.

Duncan, Myrl L.; "The Future of Affirmative Action: A Jurisprudential/Legal Critique," 17 Harvard Civil 30.36 Rights - Civil Liberties Law Review (1982, summer) (Role Model - Black Lawyers in Community).

30.37 Taylor, Paul; "U.S. Hispanics 'Melting1 but Hardly Prospering," Washington Post, at A1, Col. 1 5-13-84.

30.38 Margolick, David, "Rejecting Plea for Free Aid of Attorneys," New York Times, at 37, Col. 1, 5-20-84. Lauter, David; "Decision is due on Fate of G.W. Night Programs," National Law Journal at 4, Col. 2, 5-21- 30.39 84. 30.40 Women, Minorities, (editorial), National Law Journal at 12, Col. 1, 5-21-84. Kamen, Al; "Judge's answer to Drug Abuse: Let Addicts Kill Themselves," (Judge William B. Bryant) 30.41 Washington Post, at 131, Col. 1, 6-30-84. 117

Vaughn, Robert; "Our Government Stynies Open Government," (Judge William B. Bryant) Washington 30.42 Post at C1, Col. 4, 7-1-84.

30.43 Armstrong, Anthony; "Commentary: Black Lawyers," Washington Afro- American at 5, Col. 1, 6-30-84. Client's Complaint Leads to Lawyer's Disbarment, Washington Post, 6-2-84. "VA Lawyer Pleads Guilty to 30.44 Embezzlement, Washington Post, 6-3-83. Simmons, Althea T. L.; From Brown to Grove City: Blue Print for Education," The Crisis, Vol. 91 No. 5, May 30.45 1984.

30.46 Kamen, Al, Bruske, Ed.; "Lawyers; low markes for Bar Exam" Washington Post, at B2, Col. 1, 7-2-84.

30.47 Hooks, Benjamin L. "Brown v. Board of Education," The Crisis, Vol. 91, No. 5, May 1984.

30.48 Hooks, Bejamin L.; "Thirty Years After Brown v. Board of Education," The Crisis, Vol. 91, No. 5, May 1984. Reid, Herbert, Foster-Davis, Frankie M.; "Three Decades of 'All Deliberate/Speed,'" The Crisis, Vol 91 No. 30.49 5, May 1984.

30.50 Kamen and Bruske; "Turner is Bar President," (John A. Turner, Sr.) Washington, Post, at 32, Col. 2 7-9-84.

30.51 In Memoriam: C. Clyde Ferguson, Jr., 97 Harvard Law Review, No. 6, at 1253, April, 1984. Barbash, Fred; "Election also could determine future course of Supreme Court," (Harry T. Edwards Thurgood Marshall, Judge Amalya Kearse, Judge A. Leon Higginbotham, Jr.) Washington, Post, at A3, Col. 30.52 1, 7-15-84. New President of the Washington Bar Association, (John A. Turner, Jr.) The Daily Washington Law 30.53 Reporter, Vol. 112, No. 120, pg. 1221, 6-20-84. Matack, Carol; "Charges He Helped Spur Haven't been All Good, A Dismayed Branton Says," (Wiley A. 30.54 Branton) , Arkansas Gazette, At 1, Col. 1, 7-9-84.

30.55 To Lure Law Students to Public Interest Jobs, New York Times, at A26, Col. 3 7-16-84. 30.56 A Prospectus Prepared by NCBL 1973.

30.57 A Proposal for Prisoner's Rights Legal Education Institutes, 1973, Prepared by NCBL. 30.58 A Proposal for an NCBL Legal Resource Library 1973. 30.59 Memo from Hope Mason to NCBL Board, 8-22-73. 118

30.60 Memo to Hope Mason from Lennox Hinds Re: Termination of Employment, 8-15-73. 30.61 Memo to Lennox Hinds from Hope Mason, 8-16-73. Memo: From Haywood Burns to Hope Mason Re: Continued Employment, 8-19-73 Reply Memo from 30.62 Hope Mason to Haywood Burns, 8/22/73. Memorandum to NCBL Staff from Haywood Burns Re: NCBL Organizational Structure and Job 30.63 Descriptions, June 26, 1973.

30.64 Memorandum to Hope Mason from Lennox S. Hinds Re: Termination of Employment 30.65 Memorandum To: NCBL Board Members From: Haywood Burns, 9-10-73

30.66 NCBL Third Quarterly Board Meeting, 10:00 am, 9-22-73. Harlem, New York Agenda. National Conference of Black Lawyers 2nd Quarter 1973 - Board Meeting Saturday, June 23, 1973 30.67 National Headquarters Board Meeting Minutes.

30.68 Oliver W. Hill Fund Receives Payment from Bar Association, Alumni News, Vol. 15, No. 3, at 11, 7-84.

30.69 Thomas A. Harper Law Scholarship Established, Alumni News, Vol. 15, No. 3, at 11, Col. 1, 7-84.

30.70 Study Shows Best Cities for Women Lawyers, Legal Beat, Vol. 8, No. 6, July/August 1984. Benn, Alvin, "Wallace Makes Political Points with Judicial Appointments," (Celeste Pettway) The Alabama 30.71 Journal and Advertiser, at C1, Col. 1, 7-29-84. 30.72 Smith, J. Clay; "Rev. Mann refuted," The Tuskegee News, at A4, Col.1, 7-26-84.

30.73 Displinary Power Upheld, (Judge Alcee L. Hastings) Washington Post at B2, Col. 2, 7-30-84. 30.74 Announcement from, Mayerson, & Smith, P.C. Aug. 1984.

30.75 Judge could be first Gov. State Elected Black, (Robert Benham), Jet June 1984. p. 38.

30.76 Brief Case: National Bar Association Information Kit, National Convention New Orleans 1984.

30.77 Barron, James, "Mondale Endorsed by ,: New York Times at 7, Col. 4, 7-31-84.

30.78 Mississippi Weighs Independant Senate Bid, New York Times at B8, Col. 6, 8-9-84. (Johnnie Walls). 119

30.79 Police link lawyer to PCP lab, (George Gates), Washington Afro- American at 1, Col 3, 8-11-84. Turner, Jerry; "There is life after Judgeships," (Virginia JUdge, James E. Sheffield) Washington Afro- 30.80 American, at 21, Col. 3, 8-11-84. Fundraiser for Probate Judge Candidate, (Michael C. Pratt) Washington Afro-American at 8, Col. 4 8-11- 30.81 84.

Letter to the editor of National Law Journal: From: J. Clay Smith, Re: Ranii, David; "Mich. Judge cleared in 30.82 misconduct probes," 8-6-84/Letter Dated 8-8-84. Baker, James K.; "Civil Rights Attorneys Need New Description," National Law Journal at 12, Col. 3, 8-13- 30.83 84.

30.84 Feeney, Susan; "Black Attorneys Discuss Setbacks," (NBA) National Law Journal at 3, Col. 1, 8-13-84. Landon, Johnnie; "Winds of Labor: An interview with Congressman Bill Clay," The Labor Law Agenda, Vol. 30.85 2, No. 1 at 1, 1984. 30.86 Donegan, Charles Edward; "Winning in Labor Arbitration," New York 30.87 Missing Sylvesteer, Kathleen; "Supreme Court clerks named for next term" (James E. McCollum, H.U.L.S.) 31.01 National Law Journal, at 4, col. 3 7-30-84

31.02 Price, Monroe E. , "As women fight Discrimination," National Law Journal, at 13, col. 1. 7-30-84. Monk, John; "An 'Optimist' Faces New set of challenges," (Judlius L. Chambers) National Law Journal at 31.03 1., 7-30-84. State's Supreme Court Justices have come from all walks of life, (Oscar Adams, H.U.L.S. Grad. 1947), The 31.04 Alabama Journal & Advertiser, at B1, col. 3 7-22-84.

31.05 Local Attorney seeks to make history, (Deborah Hill Biggers) The Tuskegee News at A5, col. 1. 7-19-84.

31.06 Professor denied, visa, (William Gould) Houston chronicle at 6, sec. 1, col. 1 8-3-84 Wilhied, Peggy; "Federal Judge tells state to appoint more black poll workers," The Journal & Advertiser 31.07 at 2A, col: 1; 8-4-84. (Judge Myron Thompson) 31.08 Political Advertisement: Fred D. Gray, candidate for President, NBA. Stancill, Nancy; "Court rules TSU law school not guilty of discrimination," (TSU's Dean James Douglas) 31.09 Houston Chronicle, at 19, col. 1 8-2-84. 120

Feeney, Susan; "Must Fight for your rights, blacks are told", (Thmas N. Todd, Warren E. Mochedoux) The 31.10 Times - Picaynne/The States-item at A21, col. 1. 8-1-84

31.11 Williams, Jwan; "Vernon Jordan tells Leaque Program must Go," Washington Posts at A2 col. 1 7-31-84 Head, John, Nichols, Bill; "More Blacks on the ballot: Jackson, voted drives paved way," (Robert Berham) 31.12 USA Today, at 3A col. 3 8- 15-84

31.13 Participants: Program in commemoration of 25th Anniversary of Brown v. Board of Education.

Facts About the Relationship Between the N.A.A.C.P. Legal Defense and Educational Fund, Inc. (LDF) and 31.14 The National Association for the Advancement of colored People (NAACP) April 1979 Remarks of mayor Henry L. Marsh, III to LDF Luncheion at 25th Anniversary Celebration of Brown v. 31.15 Board of Education Remarks by Drew S. Days, III, Assistant Attorney General, Civil Rights Division, Department of Justice; Before the H.U.L.S. Program in commemoration of 25th Anniversary of Brown v. Board of Education on 31.16 May 17, 1979

Westin, Alan F. ; "Someone Has to Translate Rights into Realities," (conversation with Jack Greenberg, 31.17 Director-counsel, NAACP LDF) Reprinted from, Civil liberties reviw vol. 2, no. 4, 1975

Address by Vernon E. Jordan, President , at Legal Defense Fund commemoration 31.18 of Brown Decision Howard Law School 5-16-29. Clark, Kenneth B. ; "Racial Justice in Education continuing the struggle in a new Eray" Delivered at HULS 5- 31.19 17-79

Brimmer, Andrew F. , "Blacks in the American Economy, status and progress," before the NAACP, LDF 31.20 Commemeration of the 25th Anniversarty of Brown v. Board of Education at H.U.L.S. 5-16-79 31.21 Platform, Johnnie Landon, candidate-SBA President, 4-4-73

31.22 Memorandum from Johnnie Landon SBA President 1973-74; To: GSA RE: Law School Law Project, 5-5-74 31.23 Howard University Law School Bulletin 1978 31.24 Choosing Clubs, National Law Journal at 12, col.l 8-20-84 121

Banzhat, John F. Ill; "some ways to eliminate 'apartheid justice," National Law Journal at 12, col. 3 8-20- 31.25 84

Hagan, David B; "Conferees consider relevance of law to groups, "C. Ronald R. Davenport, Paul Diggs, Walter Leonard, Williams, Elaine Jones, Linda C. Taliaferro, Neil McBride, Henry L. Marsh, Sally Peyton) 31.26 Virginia Law weekly at 1, col. 2 12-18-70 Hiring Discrimination, (discrimination against female law students) Virgnia Law weekley, at 2, col. 1 12-18- 31.27 70 31.28 Minority Conference, Virginia Law Weekly, at 2, col. 1 12-18-70 Burgess, J. Carolyn; "Female students suffer sex bias in job market," Virginia Law Weekley at 2, col. 2, 12- 31.29 18-70 Request to remove judge angers many, (Howard L.S. Grad Gabrielle McDonald) U.S.A. Today at 2A col. 5 31.30 8-14-84

31.31 Taylor named emory student bar association president, (Hurl R. Taylor) Atlanta Daily world, at 5, col. 1 31.32 NLRB member to quit, Washinton Post at A27, col 2 8-14-84 A Tribute to Clarence Clyde Ferguson, Harvard Civil Rights Civil Liberties Law Review, vol. 19, no. 2, at 31.33 271, Summer, 1984 Logan, Joe; "Jury, finds no Bias At Morgan Lewis," (First Trial in wake of Hishon) The National Law 31.34 Journal, at 3, col. 1 8-27-84 Pichiralo, Joe, Kamen, Al; "Ex-city worker is jailed after refusing to testify," Washington Post at 1, col. 4 8- 31.35 10-84

31.38 Black judge wins Georgia Election, (Judge Robert Behmam), New York Times at B28, col. 1 8-16-84

31.39 Jordan, Verson Jr.; "Address: Black Lawyers," at Cincinnati Association Cincinnati Ohio, February 8, 1983 Sweeney; "The confusion of Two Clarences (Postcript) , (Mayor Barry & Herbert O. Reid, Sr.) Washington 31.40 Afro-American at 4, col. 5, 8-18-84

31.41 Until hell freezes over: NAACP, A long wait Washington Afro-American at 1, col. 5 8-18-84

31.42 Across the USA, (Black Judge, Myron Thompson) USA Today at 6A, col. 1 8-16-84 ‘

31.43 First Black wins statewide office in Georgia, (Robert Benham) Washington Post at A8, col. 1 8-16-84 122

31.44 Alabama gets black female judge, Washington Post at A9, col. 3 8-15-84 Interview by J.Clay Smith, of Earl W. Kintner, former President of the Federal Bar Association, presently a partner with Arent, Fox, Kitner, Plotkin & Kahn, RE: Kitner and the Black Admissions Bar Admissions 31.45 issue, Aug. 8, 1984 Hanna, Ronald R. ; "Ex-judge faces suspension: Alexander accused of 12 violations," (Harry T. Alexander) 31.46 Washington Afro-American at 1, col. 4 9-1-84

C. Francis Stradford Award Recipient, (Judge Theodore R. Newman Jr. received the NBA Award) "The 31.47 Daily Washington Law Reporter, vol. 112, no. 166, p. 1693 8-24-84 31.48 Women's Equality Day, 1984, Washington Post at c6, col. 1 8-26-84

31.49 Ala. Judge orders hiring of black poll officials, (Judge Myron Thompson) Jet at 27, col. 1 8-27-84.

31.51 Conservative Lawyer is confirmed as Judge, (Harvie Wilkinson) New York Times at D16, col. 5 8-10-84 31.52 The Reeves Building, Washington Post Metro scene, at B2, col. 2 9-8-84 Sargent, Edward D.; "Up from Georgia Ray sees Council Post as Opportunity to advance Black Race," 31.53 Washington Post at B3, col. 2, 9-8-84 31.54 GOP lists no black judges, Washington Afro-American at 2, col. 4 9-8-84 Stancill, Nancy; "Councilmen surprised by city's legal efforts to disqualify U.S. Judge," Houston Chronicle, 31.55 at 19, col. 1 8-10-84 (Judge Gabrielle McDonald) Obbie, Mark; "Judge says she won't quit case: McDonald calls race insufficient basis, "Houston Post, at 31.56 15A, col. 18-3-84 (Judge Gabrielle McDonald) Obbie, Mark; "Rights Group slaim city in Fray over black judge," (Judge Gabrielle McDonald) Houston 31.57 Post at 14A, col. 1. 8-11-84 Stancill, Nancy; "Judge Miffed by city's demand she step down from case," (Judge Gabrielle McDonald) 31.58 Houston chronicle at 23, col. 1 8-3-84. Stancill, Nancy; "Judge asked by order shw bow out of case," (Judge Gabrielle McDonald) Houston 31.59 Chronicle 31.60 An improper tactic, (Judge Gabrielle McDonald) Houston Post, 8-9-84 Review: Lawson, Warner, Jr.; "Groundwork: Charles Hamilton Houston and the Struggle for Civil Rights, 31.61 "By Genna Rae McNeil, New Directions at 30 July 1984 31.62 Letter to Honorable Lucia T. Thomas From J. Clay Smith, Jr., 9-5-84 31.63 Letter to Judge Juranita Kidd Stout from J. Clay Smith, Jr. 9-4-84 123

31.64 Brazington, John C.; "Thornell (darned counsel," (Richard P. Thornell) The Hilltop, at 1, col. 1 9-31-84

Letter to J. Clay Smith, Jr. from John Crump, Executive Direction, NBA, Re: copy at Black Congress on 31.65 Health, Law and Economics 2nd Quadrennial convention program 8-30-84

31.66 Lawyers on the move, (Nathaniel H. Speights) Washington Post at B2, col. 2. 9-3-84 FuerBringer, Jonathan; "Washington Mayor's counsel asks inquiry into disclosures," New York Times at 31.67 27, col. 1. 9-2-84 Barron, James; "Judge is critical of Detroit Mayor," (Anna Diggs Taylor) New York Times at 19, col. 1. 9-2- 31.68 84

31.69 Barnett, Arthur, L.; "D.C. Chapter to establish aggressive Pro Bono Program;" The Forum at 3, 9-84 Black woman named UDC General Counsel, (Ruthie Louise Taylor, Howard - 1965) Washingtn Afro- 31.70 American at 3, col. 1. 9-22-84 Judges should learn to watch their language, (Letter to editor by J. Clay Smith) The National Law Journal 31.71 at 12, col. 3 9-17-84

31.73 The words of Judges (editorial reply) The National Law Journal at 12, col. 1. 9-17-84 31.74 Attorneys Raps Firms For Not Hiring More Blacks, Jet at 37, col. 1 10-1-84 Booker, Simeon; Ticker Tape USA: Dennis Archer, First Black To Head the Michigan State Bar," Jet at 10 9- 31.76 24-87 31.77 Booker, Simeon; "Ticker Tape USA," Herbert O. Reid, Jet at 10 9-24-84 Austin Lawyer First Black Texas Secretary of State, (Myra A McDaniel, Female Lawyer) Jet at 6, col. 2 9-24- 31.78 84 Henning, Joel F.; "New Approach Needed In Training of Women," National Law Journal 1 at 1, col. 2 10-1- 31.79 84

31.80 Memo from John A. Turner, Jr., President Washington Bar Association: Re: Dues Statement Hunter, Clarence W.; "Leftwich named school board's special counsel for abestos" (Willie Leftwich) 31.81 Washington Afro-American at 1, col. 3 10-6-84

31.82 Lewin, Tamar; "The New National Law Firms" New York Times at D1, col. 1 10-4-1984 124

Bruske, Ed; "Pryor named to top D.C. Appeals post," (Judge William C. Pryor) Washington Post at c9, col. 31.83 1 10-4-84

31.84 Sorenson, Laurel; "Twelve who made it," American Bar Association Journal at 58, vol. 70 August 1984 Reskin, Lauren; "Associates in the legal profession," American Bar Association Journal at 42, vo. 70, 31.85 August 1984 31.86 Conyers, John; What Recovery," Washington Post at A21, col. 3 10-3-84 Even outside of the courtroom law degrees are quite marketable, Washington Afro-American at 12, col. 31.87 1 10-2-84 Bruske, Ed; "Senate vote confirms seven nominess for D.C. Superior Court judgeships," Washington Post 31.89 at c5, col. 2 10-3-84 31.90 Brochure: Howard University School of Law; Issued October, 1984

31.91 Galante, Mary Ann; "Calif. Bar Draws Line on Pro Bono, "The National Law Journal at 3, col. 1 10-8-84

31.92 Schachter, Victor; "Beware the Promise at Partneship," The National Law Journal at 1, col. 1 10-8-84

31.93 Asbury, T. Denise; "Instructors Post to Expire This Year," (Sharon Banks) The Hilltop at 6, col. 1 9-28-84 31.94 Adams clan reassociated with Field of Law, Omaha Star at 1, col. 4 8-23-84

31.95 Law signin, ceremony: Frank D. Reeves Center at Municipal Affairs September 28,1 984

31.96 Former Judge sues over her removal, New York Times at B2, col. 5 9-28-84. (Judge Barbara Sims)

Obbie, Mark; "Rights lenders happy judge upheld McDonald can stay on case involving minorities, "(Judge Gabrielle McDonald); Stancill, Nancy; "Court says black jusge can preside in rights case," Houston 31.97 chronicle; In Re City of Houston, no. 84-2389 (5th cir., 1984) Petition for writ of mandamus. Woman Lawyer: She has not yet Begun to fight, (Rosalind Plummer) Philadelphia Daily News, at 21 9-25- 31.98 84

Lowe, Frederick; "Firm offers few to blacks: Minorities dwindling at largest offices,"Phildelphia Daily 31.99 News at 21, 9-25-84 Law School Law Review, Vol 28, No. 3, 1983, p. 809.

32.1 Beach, Ben & Carol; "The Invisible Partner," (J. Clay Smith) The Washington Weekly at 6. 10-15-84 125

Fourth Founders' Lecture series and sixth annual presentation of the Ollie May Cooper Award, Moot 32.2 Courtroom Howard University Law School. Lecture & Keynote Address: J. Clay Smith, Jr. October 18, 1984 Ollie May Cooper Award Recipient, (Lee A. Satterfiled) The Daily Washington Reporter, vol. 112, No. 200, 32.3 p. 2041. 10-15-84

32.4 Mitchell, Juanita Jackson;" The most dangerous election in history," Washington Post at 5, Col. 1. 10-20-84

32.5 Invitation to Ollie May Cooper Lecture Series: Lecture delivered by J. Clay Smith, Jr. 10-18-84 Letter and copy of Lecture written by Dr. Broadus N. Butler, delivered at 2nd Lecture series (Ollie May 32.6 Cooper). 10-28-82

32.7 Municipal Center Named for Frank Reeves, The Washington New Observer, at 1, Col. 1. 10-13-84

32.8 The NLJ 250; Annual Survey of the Nation's Largest Law Firms, The National Law Journal. 9-24-84 32.9 Ming Advocacy Award won by Herbert Reid, The crisis at 46, vol. 91, no. 7. Aug./Sept. 1984

32.10 Free Market Justice, (Letter to Editor: Steven Karmin) Washington Post at A22 Col. 4. 10-13-84 32.13 An Excellent Tribute, (Frank Reeves) at 4, Col. 1. 10-27-84 D.C. Court of Appeals New Chief Judge Designate, (Honorable William C. Pryor), The Daily Washington 32.15 Law Reporter, vol. 112, No. 204, P. 2077. Oct. 19, 1984 D.C. Superior Court Associate Judge Designate, (Susan R. Holmes) The Daily Washington Law Reporter, 33.16 vol. 112, No. 203 at 2065. 10-18-84 32.18 Black Lawyers meet to Protect Civil Rights, NBA Bulletin, vol. 16 at 4. October 1984 32.20 Appeals Court Affirms Waters Case, NBA Bulletin, vol. 10, Nos. 7- 8, at 6. October, 1984 Memorandum to Voter Education, Voter Registration Get-Out-The Vote Committee; from Fred D. Gray, 32.21 President, NBA. 10-15-84

32.22 Bruske, Ollie Cooper Award goes to Lee A. Satterfield, Washington Post at B2, Col. 2. 10-22-84 126

Judges to be Honored at HU Forum, Washington Afro-American (Chief Judges Day) at 1, Col. 1, 10-30-84.; "Jackson's voter blitz praised by party head," Washington Afro- American (Jesse Jackson) at 2, Col. 1, 10- 30-84.; "D.C. Chief Judges to Speak at Howard Law School," 5 Capstone at 2, No. 28, 10-29-84.; Chief Judges Day Program, 10-30-84.; Memorandum to Law School Faculty from Harry Bowden (SBA 32.23 President); Re: Chief Judges Day, 10-22-84; Flyer Announcement: Chief Judges Day, 10-30-84 Oct. 1984

32.24 Meritorious Awards for Black Judges who seek Retention on November 6, Jet at 10. Nov. 5, 1984 D.C. Superior Court Associate Judge Designate, (Robert Tignor) The Daily Washington Law Reporter, at 32.26 2113, Vol. 112 no. 208, 32.27 Pryor is Names to Top D.C. Appeals Court Post, Jet at 30. 10-29-84 32.29 JudgeAgrees to Hear Sims' Case Arguments, Buffalo News at 3, Col. 3. 10-28-84

Memorandum to Dean, Howard Law School Faculty from Willie E. Cook, Jr. Chairman Reginald Heber 32.30 Smith Fellowship Advisory Board Re: Crisis Involving the Smith Fellowship Program.

Proposed draft of a communication to Dr. Michael Winston, Vice- President for Academic Affairs in 32.31 Response to Faculty Actions, #1 & #4, October, 1984 Minutes: Faculty Meeting, 10-11-84; 9-20-84 1984

32.32 Biographical Sketch: Althea T.L. Simmons, Directior, Washington Bureau, NAACP. January, 1984

32.33 Chief Judges Day Termed an Historical Event, Capstone, Vol. 5, No. 29 at 1, Col. 1. 11-5-84

1 Spire, Robert M. ; "The much needed and long overdue Broadening of the Legal Profession" An Address 32.34 from the Bar," 17 Creighton Law Review 799, No. 3. 1983-84 32.35 Grad is Appointed Judge, Tuskegee Gram at 4, vol. 23, no. 15. (Janice Spears). 10- 25-84 Dorsey, Tim; "Disability benefits restored to many Alabamians," The Journal and Advertiser at 2A, Col. 2. 32.36 (Judge Myron Thompson). 10-14-84 Dorsey, Tim; "Social Security Problems: Some Skeptical about new Law," The Journal and Advertiser, at 32.37 1, Col. 1. (Myron Thompson). 10-14-84 32.38 Pryor to become Chief Judge, D.C. Bar Report at 1, Col. 2, Vol. 13, No. 2. Oct./Nov., 1984

32.39 Nakatani, Nikki; "Tignor sworn in as Associate Judge," Washington Afro-American at 3, Col. 1. 11-3-84 127

Hanna, Ronald R. ; "Judges' Day marks new 'tradition' at Howard," Washington Afro-American at 1, Col. 32.40 4. 11-3-84 32.41 Brazington, John C: "Judges Day at law school, "Hilltop at Al, Col. 3. 11-2-84

32.42 Pichirallo, Joe; "Lawyer Asks Prison Shift," (William A. Borders, Jr.) Washington Post at B5, Col. 1. 11-15-84 32.43 Blind Justice, 70 ABA Journal 31. November, 1984 32.44 Letter to Judge Robert H. Bork. 11-8-84

32.45 New Business League Prexy, (Arthur E. Teele, Jr.) Washington Afro-American at 10, Col. 3. 11-13-84

32.46 Associate General Counsel, Washington Afro-American at 10, Col. 1. (James E. Butler). 11-13-84

32.47 Dr. Khalid Abdullah Tarig A1 Mansour, Flyer, announcing Moot Court Appearance, HUSL. 11-13-84 32.48 Judge Harris was Special, Washington Post at B3, Col. 5. 11-12-84

32.49 From a Eulogy delivered by Verno E. Jordan, "William Beasley pA Harris," Washington Post at A15, Col. 2. 11-13-84 D.C. Superior Court Associate Judge Designate, (Emmet G. Sullivan) The Daily Washington Law Reporter 32.50 vol. 112, no. 218, p. 2217. 11-8-84 32.51 Border's Plea Denied, Washington Post at B3, Col. 6. 11-10-84 32.52 Years Required to Make Partner, National Law Journal at 8, Col. 1. 11-26-84 32.53 Letter to Robert M. Spire, Esq. 11-19-84 32.54 Asbury, T. Denise; "Law Students Demand Apology," Hilltop at 1, Col. 1, Smith, Philip; "Court won't reconsider Navy Homosexual Case" (Spottswood Robinson) Washington Post 32.56 at A3, Col. 1. 11-17-84 32.57 Law and Justice - Retired Jurist Honored (Chief Judges Day, HUSL) Jet at 38. 11-19-84

32.58 Smith, Philip; "D.C. Jail Case Cited in Court," (Judge William B. Bryant) Washington Post at D5, Col. 1. 11-16-84

32.59 Pianin, Eric; "Sharon Pratt Dixon steps up Bid for DNC Post," Washington Post at A17, Col 1. 11-16-84

32.60 Women Pioneers at Harvard found the Road Bumpy, Baltimore Sun at C1, Col. 1. 11-11-84 32.61 Zigli, Barbura; "The Law School Boom is Over," USA Today at D1, Col. 6. Branton [Wiley A.] Elected Chairman of D.C. Judicial Nomination Commission, The Daily Washington Law 32.62 Reporter, Vol. 112, No. 22 - Page 205. 2-1-84 128

Black St. Louis Woman Attorney Named 2ns V.P. of Girl Scouts of American, ( 32.63 HUSL Alumnus) Greater News/National at N-14, Col. 2. 11-10-84

32.64 Sellers, David; "Judge's remarks spur courtroom fight," Washington Times at 7C, Col. 1.

32.65 Services slated for Judge [William B.] Harris, Washington Afro- American at 11, Col. 1. 11-10-84 32.66 Judge William Harris, 70, Dies of stroke in D.C., Jet at 37. 11- 26-84

32.67 Letter to Erika S. Chadbourn, Curator of Manuscripts, Harvard Law School Library. 11-27-84 Turner, Wallace, Employees Win 482 Million in Sex Bias Dispute, N.Y. Times, at 28, Col. 1. Re: Judge Jack 32.71 Tanner April 12, 1986

32.72 Shenon, Philip, Action on Judicial Nominee Stalled by Creditials Report, N.Y. Times, at BIO, Col. 4. April 14, 1986 32.73 Resume of David E. Neely 32.74 120 Cong. Rec. 19799 (daily June 18, 1974)(Statement of Charles B. Rangel). June 18, 1974 32.76 Nat. Bar Association, Vol. 18, nos. 1 & 2, Bulletin. Jan., Feb., 1986

32.77 Letter to H. Carl Moultrie (Concerning Moultrie's Illness & 1st Annual Moultrie, Scholarship). April 8, 1986

32.78 Hutton prosecutor stands his ground, The Orlando Sentinel, at C1, Col. 2, Re: Albert Murray, Jr. Dec. 7, 1985

32.79 Feinberg, Lawrence, Howard Law Dean Quits in Dispute, Washington Post, at 1, Col. 3. May 9, 1986 32.80 Ottenbedrg, Jane, from the editor, Vol. 10 District Lawyer 2. March/April 1986

32.81 Duvall, Henry, HU gets $1 m from retired judge, Wash. Afro-Am., at 2, Col. 1 Re: May 13, 1986 32.82 Racin, John P., Letters, Vol. 10, District Lawyer 60. Mar./April 1986 32.83 Former FCC Official is keynote for Baptist wives, Wash. Afro-Am., at 7, Col. 1. May 6, 1986

32.84 Branton, Wiley A., Judge Moultrie Provided Persuasive Leadership, Legal Times, at 25, Col. 1. May 5, 1986

32.85 Address by John E. Jacob at Law Day Dinner, Wash. Bar Association, Wash. D.C. April 25, 1986 32.86 Exclusion of Blacks from Juries. 32.88 Brisbane, Arthur, D.C. Democrats Clash on Chiefs Style, Wash. Post, at 1, Col. 3. May 1, 1986 129

32.89 Blk. Judge to consider new trial in $2.5 million verdict against U. of Ga., Jet, at 37. May 5, 1986 32.90 Letter to John A. Turner concerning Wash. Bar Assoc. Dinner. April 29, 1986

32.91 Wheeler L. , & Anderson John, Return to Lorton, Wash. Post, at D1, Col 3. Re: John D. Fauntleroy. April 28, 1986 32.92 Thurgood Marshall - confirmation process to U.S. Supreme Court.

32.93 Watts, Robert, Police nets $12,000 in goods, Montgomery Journal, at A3, Col. 1. Re: Bina Avery April 3, 1986

32.94 Walsh, Elsa, Low-Key Campaign waged for Chief Judge, Wash. Post, at S.C.1, Col. 3. May 15, 1986 32.95 Eisler, Kim, from Civil Rights to Civil Practice, The American Lawyer, at 125. April 1986

32.96 Baker, John T. , Regulation of Not-for-Profit Corporations in Indiana, 18 Indiana L. Rev. 777 (A85).

32.97 1 Cong. Rec. E1195 (daily. April 16, 1986) (Statement of Rep. Fauntroy). Re: Donald Temple April 16, 1986 32.98 Judge Fauntleroy's Prison Mission, Wash. Post, at A22, Col. 1. May 3, 1986

32.99 Gilliam, Dorothy, The Show Must Go On, Eash Post, at D3, Col. 5. Re: Amy Goldson April 28, 1986