Davening and Zmanim Guide for Shavuos Compiled by Rabbi Joshua Flug of Yeshiva University’s Center for the Jewish Future Adapted by Rabbi Judah Kerbel

Erev Shavuos ● A Pre-Tikkun Leil Shavuos Shiur and Yizkor will be held on Zoom on Wednesday night, May 27 at 7:30 PM. The topic is: Shavuot’s Middah of Emphasis. Yizkor will begin around 8:15 PM. ● Make an Eruv Tavshilin before candle lighting. One may only cook on Friday of Yom Tov for Shabbos if one does this process. (One may only cook on Yom Tov for the same day). Take 1 baked food (e.g. matzah) & one cooked food (e.g. boiled egg) and recite the Eruv Tavshilin text in the Siddur in the language you understand. One may not rely on the Rabbi doing this for the entire community, unless one forgot or was prevented from doing it. .שהחיינו and להדליק נר של יום טוב – Candle lighting should take place at 8:00 pm ● ● Men who light do not make shehechiyanu at candle lighting. Women who say shehechiyanu at candle lighting should not say it again when making kiddush. First Day of Shavuos Thursday Night ● Ma’ariv for Yom Tov with the proper insertions for Shavuos. Ma’ariv should not begin before tzeis hakochavim, which is at 9:06 pm (one can begin at 8:50 pm if necessary). This is a special requirement for Shavuos. ● Kiddush for Yom Tov with Shehechiyanu. ● Please take advantage of our QJC Shavuos Reader as well as other resources for Torah learning tonight! Daytime (Friday) ● The earliest time for talis is misheyakir, which as at 4:21 am. One who stayed up for the entire night, should try to time davening so that one reaches the at sunrise, which is at 5:27 am. It would, therefore, make sense to begin at around 4:50-4:55 am. ● Berachos for one who stayed up the entire night: ○ If one slept for a half hour at night, even if it was in the course of learning, one may recite all of the berachos. ○ The beracha of netillas yadayim may be recited when washing one’s hands (with a cup) after using the restroom, provided that it is after alos hashachar (3:43 am). ○ The beracha on tallis (gadol) may be recited. If someone doesn’t wear a tallis and wants to fulfill the beracha on tzitzis, one can either hear the beracha from someone who wears a tallis or one can switch to a different pair of tzitzis (either before or after davening) and recite the beracha. ○ Elokai Neshama and Hama’avir Sheina are usually recited by someone who slept that night on behalf of those who didn’t. If nobody is available to recite those berachos, they can be said by the individual (see Aruch Hashulchan OC 46:13). If a member of the household who didn’t stay up wakes up before the learner who stayed up the whole night goes to sleep, that person can recite these two berachos for the learner. ○ If one slept on Thursday afternoon (and certainly if one slept Thursday night), one may recite Birchos HaTorah. If not, one can listen to the berachos from someone who did sleep. If nobody is available to recite the berachos, may still say the berchos him/herself. ● If one does not stay up all night, one should keep in mind that the latest time to say Shema in the morning is 9:10 am. One should begin davening at 8:30 am. .המאיר לארץ Birchos Kerias Sh’ma begin with ● ● Shacharis Amidah for Yom Tov with the proper insertions for Shavuos followed by complete with its berachos. Shemos 19:1-20:23), the maftir is) בחדש השלישי The Torah reading for the first day is ● .Bamidbar 28:26-31) and the haftarah is from Yechezkel 1:1-28, 3:12) וביום הבכורים These passages may be “learned” but do not constitute the practices of Krias Ha- Torah/Haftarah. ● There is no requirement to recite Akdamos when davening at home but one is permitted to do so. ● Kah Keili is omitted. ● Amidah for Yom Tov with the proper insertions for Shavuos. ● Anim Zemiros should not be recited without a minyan. Shir shel yom for Friday. ● Amidah for Yom Tov with the proper insertions for Shavuos. Mincha should be recited before shkiyah (sunset) which is at 8:19 pm. If one is accepting Shabbos early, one should recite Mincha before before plag hamincha which is at 6:45pm. ● If one prepared an eiruv tavshilin before Yom Tov, one may cook on Yom Tov for Shabbos. One should try to ensure that all of the food that is cooked is potentially edible by sundown (8:19 pm). For this reason, some communities have the practice of accepting Shabbos early whenever an eiruv tavshilin is used. This is the recommended practice. One may accept Shabbos as early as plag hamincha (6:45 pm). Friday night candle lighting should take place after plag hamincha and no later than 8:00 pm. Once the candles are lit, all of the stringencies of Shabbos are in effect. .שהחיינו along with ,להדליק נר של שבת ויום טוב The beracha for candle lighting is ●

Second Day of Shavuos (Shabbos) Friday Night We also omit .מזמור שיר ליום השבת is recited that begins with קבלת שבת An abridged ● .במה מדליקין .before the Amidah וידבר and ושמרו We recite both ● ● Ma’ariv Amidah is for Yom Tov with proper insertions for Shavuos and Shabbos. ● Vayechulu is recited after the Amidah followed by Aleinu. According to Tosafos, saying Vayechulu after the Amidah was instituted specifically for a Shabbos that falls on Yom Tov, when it’s not said in the Amidah! .יום הששי Kiddush for Yom Tov with proper Shabbos insertions. Kiddush begins with ● Shehechiyanu is recited.

Shabbos Day ● One should begin davening Shacharit at 8:30 am (or 7:45 am if one davens with the hashkama minyan). The last time to say Shema is 9:10 am. .ק-ל אדון followed by הכל יודוך Birchos Kerias Sh’ma begin with ● ● Shacharis Amidah for Yom Tov with the proper insertions for Shavuos and Shabbos, followed by complete Hallel with its berachos. ● Megillas Rus may be learned at this point. One should be conscious of the fact that such a reading would not constitute a fulfillment of the original minhag. Devarim 14:22-16:17), the maftir is) עשר תעשר The Torah reading for the second day is ● Bamidbar 28:26-31) and the haftarah is from Chabakuk 2:20-3:19. One) וביום הבכורים may recite Yetziv Pisgam (though it is not required). These passages may be “learned” but do not constitute the customs of Krias Ha-Torah/Haftarah. ● Yizkor can be recited without a minyan, if one did not participate before yuntif. One should make sure to pledge money to tzedakah before reciting Yizkor. ● Av HaRachamim should be recited (even if one does not recite Yizkor). ● Mussaf for Yom Tov with proper insertions for Shavuos and Shabbos. ● Anim Zemiros should not be recited without a minyan. Shir shel yom for Shabbos. ● Mincha for Yom Tov with proper insertions for Shavuos and Shabbos. ● Shekiyah (sunset) is at 8:19 PM. Mincha should be completed before shkiyah (ideally at 7:50) and Shalosh Seudos should begin before shekiyah. Motzaei Shabbos ● Shabbos/Yuntif ends at 9:09 PM. ● Weekday Amidah should be recited including Atah Chonantanu. .is recited ויהי נועם ● ● Kiddush Levanah should be recited (weather permitting). ● Havdalah is the standard Havdalah for Motzaei Shabbos.