1991 "Impact 91" Senior Yearbook
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The Senior Yearbook Class of 1991 Tulane University New Orleans, Louisiana Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2010 with funding from Lyrasis IVIembers and Sloan Foundation http://www.archive.org/details/jambalayaimpact1991edit Table of Contents Academics 2 Student Activities 4 Athletics 10 Homecoming 16 Greek Activities 18 Year in Review 22 Senior Spotlights 24 TUSAA 28 Alumni Affairs 29 End. Beginning. "The End." "In that world in which we have re- Senior Portraits 30 the beginning..." The English lan- sponsibility both for ourselves and Congratulatory Ads 58 guage contains these descriptive for others in the work place, in the Editor's Note 76 words which serve to enclose home, and in our adult relation- events that make up the stories we ships. A senior is this creature on tell to ourselves about ourselves, the threshold, poised between the creating a conti-iuum of narratives, comfortable world of Saturday IMPACT '91 each with beginning and end. morning cartoons, late night rap Editor-in-Chief: Scott Hetrick But words can fail when de- sessions in dorm rooms. Mom's scribing this, our senior year in home cooking, and the unknown Senior Editor: Elaine Miller college. At the pinnacle of an edu- somewhat frightening yet enticing cational experience shared only by adult world of car phones, busi- Staff: Xiomara Davis a minority of Americans, the sen- ness lunches, red tape, mortgage Dan King ior year represents the end of the payments, and the magic word, Natalie Priebe party, the completion of a serious independence. course of study, the close of an The threshold time is a marve- Contributors: Kelly Bankston era. Time stops for no one, and lous time. As a time of endings Keith Gerchak graduation is imminent. and beginnings, we can look back, Wes Waggoner But, one might say, the senior surveying the ground over which year is a beginning. We have en- we have crossed as well as looking Photo Credits: tered adulthood, begun the search forward, hoping and speculating Chris Carroll for career and profession and are about the road ahead. Xiomara Davis now faced with the "real world." As a record of those times we Elaine Miller Is the senior year an end providing had, this book records the lives of Natalie Priebe closure to an undergraduate expe- a group of very special people at a Wes Waggoner rience or is it the beginning of very special place. We came to Jerry Ward adult life? Tulane as hesitant, bewildered Vanessa Wilburn Both are correct views. The sen- freshmen, unsure of our new . ior year is a threshold, the place world and our place in it. In a very A special thanks to all the staff where the known ends and the un- short time, we have grown in con- at the Hullabaloo and specifi- known begins. What makes the fidence and maturity, secure in cally Don Seymour for the use senior year so special is this curi- ourselves and in our alma mater. of their file photos. ous existence on the verge, the The relationships we have created, brink, the threshold. We seek to the ideas and knowledge we have A special thanks also goes out prolong the joys of youth — our shared, the people we have helped, to Max Burnett of Varden Stu- ability to sleep until noon on Tues- the records we have set, the dios for being not only a great days, to explore the depths of hu- awards we have won — all these portrait photographer, but also a man knowledge, to imagine and serve to show that upon ourselves, great guy. daydream, and to obtain a credit upon our loved ones, and upon Tu- card with no job, credit history, or lane, the Class of 1991 has made a Magnolia Press assets. Yet we are adults, or so we memorable and lasting IMPACT. Collegiate Publications repeatedly claim, yearning to enter -Scott Hetrick p. 0. Box 31 16, Fayetteville, Arkansas 72702 lition, a student-faculty collabora- tive practice, is involved in local and national design projects. The Architecture School prides itself on the diversity and creativi- ty of the student body. The best known tradition of the school which exemplifies these qualities is the annual Beaux Arts Ball. -Keith Gerchak Business The business school of Tulane University has a history almost as long as the university itself. The first professor of commerce in Louisiana began teaching in 1847 in the academic department of the University of Louisiana, forerun- ner of Tulane University. The lat- ter half of the century saw the re- organization of the university with the gift of Paul Tulane and the es- Newcomb Architecture tablishment of a separate College Newcomb College was founded Founded in 1884, the oldest of Commerce. By 1915, the Col- in 1886 by Josephine Louise New- school of architecture in the South lege began its first degree-granting comb in honor of her daughter, is located in the Richardson Me- program, leading to both a Bache- Sophie. The College moved to its morial Hall on the Tulane Univer- lor of Arts and Bachelor of Busi- present location on Broadway in sity campus. The former medical ness Administration and had be- 1918. Until the middle of the school building contains studios, come one of the 17 founding twentieth century, Newcomb func- lecture and seminar rooms, an ex- institutions of the American Asso- tioned as a coordinate division of hibition lobby, a computer-aided ciation of Collegiate Schools of Tulane. In 1945, the women of design facility, a workshop, and an Business (AACSB). Newcomb and the men of Arts & architecture library. The modern A.B. Freeman Sciences were allowed to cross In addition to offering a nation- School of Business continues to register and, by 1967, all classes ally accredited five year degree promote excellence in preparation were co-ed. Newcomb's indepen- program, the school sponsors fall for work in the world of business dence was reaffirmed in 1987. The and spring lecture series, preserva- at both the graduate and under- faculties of the two colleges were tion and architecture symposia, graduate levels, with the Execu- combined, but each retained con- and summer programs in Venice tive MBA program ranked among trol over its own affairs. and Greece. Student-faculty inter- the top 20 in the country. Newcomb College focuses on action is high due to the small -Xiomara Davis offering women the finest oppor- class size. The Architectural Coa- tunities to improve their academic, personal and leadership skills. Newcomb students can share in all the advantages of the diverse Tu- lane community and participate in the many programs offered by the college dedicated to the improve- ment of women, such as the Wom- en's Studies major. " Newcomb maintains its sense of rf identity through various traditions, * [Kill such as the annual Spring Arts Festival, the Mardi Gras Ball pre- sented by the Krewe of Oaks, and Celebrate Newcomb Week. -Elaine Miller Arts and Sciences Enj^inccring The College of Arts and Scienc- Originally part of Tulane Col- es traces its history back to the lege and later named the School of founding of the University of Technology, the College of Engi- Louisiana in 1847 and the estab- neering has long been devoted to lishment of a department for in- providing the best possible educa- struction in arts and letters. De- tion to its students, seeking the spite a seventeen year hiatus due best equipment, faculty and pro- to the Civil War and Reconstruc- grams. The majority of students tion, this academic department re- participate in the four-year under- mained a vital part of the Univer- graduate programs leading to a sity. With Paul Tulane's gift in Bachelor of Science in Engineer- 1884, when the uptown campus ing, choosing one of six possible was purchased, Tulane College concentrations: biomedical, chem- was split into the College of Tech- ical, civil, computer, electrical, or nology and the College of Arts mechanical. In addition, the Col- and Sciences. lege offers a B.S. in Computer Unlike their predecessors who Science and an "Engineering Cur- commuted to the "streetcar" col- riculum" special program which lege in the swamps to the west of enables undergraduates to study University College the city of New Orleans, the mod- such areas as engineering manage- University College was estab- ern students of A&S live on cam- ment, engineering science, applied lished in 1942 as the continuing pus and in the surrounding resi- physics, technical writing, or envi- education division of Tulane. It re- dential neighborhoods. The ronmental engineering. The Col- ceived its name because its offer- College remains dedicated, how- lege remains a vital part of Tulane ings cut across university academ- ever, to providing a challenging by maintaining its strong, separate ic fields. The College offers education to capable, motivated identity while reflecting the over- degree programs, certificate pro- students, continuing the long tradi- all excellence of the University. grams, and non-credit courses to tion of excellence. -Natalie Priebe meet the part-time educational -Scott Hetrick needs of the adults of the New Or- leans community, the demands of international students and the re- quirements of a limited number of full-time students in special degree areas. The College shares in the traditions of Tulane, extending the commitments and resources of the University beyond customary aca- demic boundaries. The programs are designed to answer the chal- lenges of an increasingly technical and specialized society -- one in which continuing personal growth is an important asset. -Kelly Bankston The word "activity" is derived from "active," which is defined as Student Activities "working hard or with energy; busy and energetic" or "in a state of action, not passive or quies- cent." The thousands of Tulane students involved in student activi- ties epitomize these definitions.