Event Representations Constrain the Structure of Language: Sign
Correction PSYCHOLOGICAL AND COGNITIVE SCIENCES Correction for “Event representations constrain the structure of language: Sign language as a window into universally accessible linguistic biases,” by Brent Strickland, Carlo Geraci, Emmanuel Chemla, Philippe Schlenker, Meltem Kelepir, and Roland Pfau, which appeared in issue 19, May 12, 2015, of Proc Natl Acad Sci USA (112:5968–5973; first published April 27, 2015; 10.1073/ pnas.1423080112). The authors note that the following statement should be added to the Acknowledgments: “This research received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme (FP/2007-2013)/ERC Grant Agreement 324115–FRONTSEM (principal investi- gator, Philippe Schlenker).” www.pnas.org/cgi/doi/10.1073/pnas.1600619113 E1326 | PNAS | March 1, 2016 | vol. 113 | no. 9 www.pnas.org Downloaded by guest on September 26, 2021 Event representations constrain the structure of language: Sign language as a window into universally accessible linguistic biases Brent Stricklanda,b,1, Carlo Geracia, Emmanuel Chemlac, Philippe Schlenkera, Meltem Kelepird, and Roland Pfaue aInstitut Jean Nicod, CNRS, 75005 Paris, France; bLaboratoire Psychologie de la Perception, CNRS, 75006 Paris, France; cLaboratoire de Sciences Cognitives et Psycholinguistique, CNRS, 75005 Paris, France; dDepartment of Linguistics, Bogaziçi University, Istanbul 34342, Turkey; and eDepartment of Linguistics, University of Amsterdam, 1012VT Amsterdam, Netherlands Edited by Lila R. Gleitman, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, and approved March 3, 2015 (received for review December 3, 2014) According to a theoretical tradition dating back to Aristotle, verbs dynamic events can be classified into two broad grammatical can be classified into two broad categories. Telic verbs (e.g., “decide,” categories: telic and atelic (16–20).
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