USAGO: USA Magazine Online: Straight Arm Giant on Rings Page 1 of 2

Straight Arm Giant on Rings

By Wayne Kerr Coach at Cascade Elite Gymnastics in Lynnwood, Washington

Basic swing for dislocate direction:

1. Tight arch in back with extended body and arms forward. 2. Swing tight arch through bottom. 3. Quickly snap body to a tight hollow while pushing back on rings palms of hands facing away from you.

Note: common mistake is being loose in hips and throwing head back as gymnast kicks.

Rising above the rings:

1. Roll down incline to hollow wide arm back extension roll to an extended body position on stomach. (tight) 2. Do same drill with spot from basic swing above. Build to no spot with shoulders at top of rings.

Note: to get the best rise the swing must accelerate in the second half going into the dislocate.

Spot entire giant motion on competition rings: USAGO: USA Gymnastics Magazine Online: Straight Arm Giant on Rings Page 2 of 2

1. Be ready to assist on down phase of bail. 2. Place hands by shoulder and back on the turn over. 3. Follow shoulder with assistance through handstand.

Note: The main emphasis on these drills is tight body and straight arms - then the drills can be easily executed and spotted.

Drills for bail and shoot on ring giant:

1. Bail from handstand on low rings to , land on tight body all parts simultaneously. 2. Can also carry through slowly on medium height rings. 3. Lift through hollow back extension with arms parallel. 4. Can also do extension from roll on with palms back on low rings. 5. Can also do back drop to extension on tramp.

COACHES: Please submit your conditioning ideas to the Reebok Coaching Corner, c/o USA Gymnastics, Pan American Plaza, 201 S. Capitol Ave., Suite 300, Indianapolis, IN 46225.

This article is reprinted from the November/December 1996 USA Gymnastics magazine.