building or erect a new building or cut down, lop or Further information and details of policy may be ob- uproot any tree within the conservation, area must (sub- tained from the Chief Planning Office at the Planning ject to certain exemptions) first apply for consent from the Department, Appletree Court, Lyndhurst, . Local Planning Auhoocity, or in the case of trees give 6 weeks' notice of the proposed action. E. W. Hughes, District Secretary Copies of the designation documents can be inspected Appletree Court, at Borough Council's Northern. Area Planning Lyndhurst, Hampshire. (723) Office, Junction Road, Andover, during all reasonable hours. D. M. Cuckson, Borough Secretary and Solicitor Beech Hurst, WeyhiU Road, HIGHWAYS ACT Andover, Hants. SUFFOLK COUNTY COUNCIL SCHEDULE : The designated area extends on both sides HIGHWAYS ACT 1980 of the main village street from School House, Suffolk County Council (Bridleway 1—Parish of Milden- to Mead House, Appleshaw. The area also includes hall) Public Path Extinguishment Order 1986 properties in Privet Lane, Redenham. Suffolk County Council (Footpath—Parish of Mildenhall) : The designated area extends from Porton Public Path Creation Order 1986 Farm and Forton Hill Cottages ait the south-west to Mill House and Meadow Farm Cottage, East Aston, at the Notice is hereby given that the above-named Orders, made north-east. The southern boundary follows the river on 25th March 1986, are about to be submitted to the Test The northern boundary itakes in Middleton House, Secretary of State for the Environment for confirmation, or Greenholme, Greenacre and all buildings adjoining the to be confirmed as unopposed Orders by the Suffolk County main roadi (B3048), as far as Homecroft, Longparish. The Council. area includes Longparish House and meadow to the north The effect of the Extinguishment Order, if confirmed as well as Cowlease Coittage, Garden Cottage and Orchard without modifications, will be to extinguish the public Cottage. bridleway running from the junction of Bargate Road and Pot Hall Road, West Row to its junction with Warail Road 27th March 1986. (783) (unclassified road (number U6027) in the Parish of Milden- hall. The effect of the Creation Order, if confirmed without COUNCIL modifications, will be to create a public footpath from TOWN AND COUNTRY PLANNING ACT 1971, SECTION 277, Wamil Road to its junction with the public footpath AS AMENDED commencing at OS grid reference 69107445 and running in a south-south-westerly direction across a field and then New Forest District Council, The Designation of a Con- along the headland of that field adjacent to King's Staunch servation Area, Hanger Farm, Totton, Hampshire Cottage to join public footpath 30 on the norm bank of Notice is hereby given that in pursuance of their powers the River Lark. under section 277 of the Town and Country Planning Act Copies of the Orders and the maps contained in them 1971, as amended by section 1 of the Town and Country have been deposited and may be inspected free of charge Amenities Act 1974 and section 90 of the Local Govern- at the offices of the County Council at County Hall, St. ment Planning and Land Act 1980, the District Council of Helen's Street, Ipswich between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. on the New Forest have designated as a Conservation Area Mondays to Thursdays and 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. on Fridays an area of land known as Hanger Farm, Totton, Hamp- and at the offices of Forest Heath District Council at shire. College Heath Road, Mildenhall, between the hours of With very few exceptions, buildings within a Conserva- 8.30 a.m. and 5 p.m. on Mondays to Thursdays and 8.30 tion Area may not be demolished except with the consent a.m. to 4.30 p.m. on Fridays. Copies of the Orders and of the Local Planning Authority nor (again with very few maps may be purchased. limited exceptions) may trees be topped, lopped, felled, and Any representation or objection with respect to the Orders rooted or wilfully damaged or destroyed unless notice of may be sent in writing to the County Solicitor, County proposed action has been given to the Local Planning Au- Hall, Ipswich IP4 2JS, before 6th May 1986 and should thority and permission to proceed has been received from state the grounds on which it is made. them or they have failed to take conclusive action regard- If no representations or objections are duly made, or if ing the notice within 6 weeks of the time it was served. any so made are withdrawn, the Suffolk County Council Trees already included in Tree Preservation Orders are may instead of submitting the Orders to the Secretary of not subject to this procedure but are subject instead to the State fo rthe Environment confirm the Orders itself. If the more stringent requirements of the appropriate Order. Orders are submitted to the Secretary of State any repre- A plan showing the precise extent of the Conservation sentations and objections which have been duly made and Area is available for public inspection between the hours not withdrawn will be submitted with the Orders. of 9 a.m. and 4.30 p.m. Monday to Fridays at the Plan- K. W. Stevens, County Solicitor ning Department, Appletree Court, Lyndhurst, and at Tot- ton Town Council Offices. A copy of the plan will also County Hall, Ipswich IP4 2JS. be held by the Clerk to Netley Marsh Parish Council. 2nd April 1986. (726) Legal Notices MARRIAGE ACTS A building certified for worship named ST. JAMES, Bromley was on 17th March 1986 registered for solem- METHODIST CHURCH, Eureka Place, Ebbw Vale in nising marriages therein pursuant to section 41 of the the registration district of Blaenau Gwenit in the Non- Marriage Act 1949 as amended by section 1 (1) of the Metropolitan County of Gwent was on 19th March 1986 Marriage Acts Amendment Act 1958. registered for solemnising marriages there in pursuant to R. A. Woodrow-Clark, Superintendent Registrar section 41 of the Marriage Act 1949 as amended by section 1 (1) of the Marriage Acts Amendment Act 1958. 20th March 1986. (269) M. M. Penny, Superintendent Registrar 24th March 1986. (271) A building certified for worship named CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF THE LATTER DAY SAINTS, Ponty- pridd Chapel, Woodland Terrace, Pontypridd in the regis- A building certified for worship named SWANLEY FULL tration district of Pontypridd in the Non-Metropolitan GOSPEL CHURCH, Hockenden Lane, Swanley in the regis- County of Mid Glamorgan was on 19th March 1985 regis- tration district of Bromley in the London Borough of tered for solmenising marriages therein pursuant to section