House Committee on Transportation, Highways and Public Works and Senate Committee on Transportation, Highways and Public Works
House Committee on Transportation, Highways and Public Works and Senate Committee on Transportation, Highways and Public Works Minutes of Meeting 2016 Interim December 15, 2016 I. CALL TO ORDER On behalf of Representative Kenneth Havard, Senator Page Cortez, chairman of the Senate Committee on Transportation, Highways and Public Works, called the meeting to order at 1:59 p.m. in Room 3, in the state capitol in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. The secretary called the roll. II. ROLL CALL HOUSE MEMBERS PRESENT: HOUSE MEMBERS ABSENT: Representative Kenneth Havard, chairman Representative A.B. Franklin Representative Terry Brown Representative Barbara Norton Representative Barbara Carpenter Representative Steve Carter Representative Jerry Gisclair Representative John Guinn Representative Jeffery Hall Representative Dorothy Sue Hill Representative Frank Howard Representative Terry Landry, vice chairman Representative H. Bernard LeBas Representative Denise Marcelle Representative Jack Montoucet Representative Vincent Pierre Representative J. Rogers Pope Representative Malinda White SENATE MEMBERS PRESENT: SENATE MEMBERS ABSENT: Senator Page Cortez, chairman Senator Sharon Hewitt, vice chairman Senator Dale Erdey Senator Bodi White Senator James R. "Jim" Fannin Senator Gerald Long Senator Gary Smith Page 1 Joint Transportation, Highways and Public Works December 15, 2016 HOUSE STAFF PRESENT: SENATE STAFF PRESENT: Ashleigh Clare-Kearney, attorney Sharon Lyles, attorney Craig Cassagne, attorney Miles Hesterly, intern Angelique R. Mozee, secretary Danny Leming, sergeant at arms III. OPENING REMARKS Senator Cortez stated that Senator Gary Smith passed a bill in the 2015 legislative session that allowed for a pilot program using Construction Management at Risk Program (CMAR) for projects that were less than the $25 million that are in statutes above the 3-miles mark.
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