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Hello parents,

This year we find ourselves celebrating Holy Week in a much different way than we are used to. It’s strange to not be able to gather in worship! The good news is that faith development happens primarily within the family setting. You, as parents, can use this time to help your kids grow in their faith in some new and different ways! My hope is that these resources will help you do that.

To kick off your week, I suggest showing your kids this video. It’s a short LEGO video that gives an overview of Holy Week. Then, I have provided a daily reading and activity, which will hopefully work with a wide range of ages. Feel free to adjust as needed for your family’s ages, attention spans, and available time.

Finally, if you are looking for more ways to celebrate, I have provided a variety of additional resources for you. One blessing of this time is that there are MANY resources available online for free, which normally cost money or are not available at all. If you have the opportunity to use some of these, I would strongly encourage that!

I will still send out some materials next weekend that are specific to (beyond what is listed here). We were not scheduled to have Sunday School that day due to our normally scheduled services, but since that is not happening this year, we have the opportunity to add in some activities.

May God bless your family as you celebrate ’ death and resurrection!

In Christ,

Karin Meissner Kids’ Ministry Coordinator

Holy Monday

Bible Reading: Mark 11:15-19 (Jesus cleanses the temple)

Talk about it: - This area of the temple was a place where non-Jews could come and worship, but it had become a dirty, unworshipful place. Some of the people there were more focused on making money than on God. - Our church is a place of worship and prayer. What things do you see at church that help you think about Jesus? - We can’t be at church right now. What do you see around our house that helps you think about Jesus? - How can we make our house a place of prayer and worship?

Activity: Create a worshipful space in your home that helps your family focus on Jesus for Holy Week. Some things you can include: - Bible and a kids Bible (or a couple, if you have a large age span) - Candles or lights - Coloring sheets with Bible scenes or Holy Week themes You can use this space for these Holy Week devotions – light your candles or turn on your Christmas lights and set the tone!

Prayer: Dear God, thank you that we can pray to You anytime, anywhere. Be with us this week as we get ready to celebrate Jesus’ death and resurrection. Amen.

Holy Tuesday

Bible Reading: :3-9 (Jesus anointed at )

Talk about it: - How do you think Jesus felt when the woman poured the perfume on him? - Why were some of Jesus’ friends upset about what she did? - What this woman did is a type of . In the Bible, being anointed means being set apart for God’s use.

Activity: In Bible times, when someone invited a guest to their house, they would anoint them with oil. They would put olive oil on their forehead to show them that they cared about them and they were very important. You can do this in your family today. Pour a little olive oil into a bowl, and use it to make a cross on the forehead of each member of your family. As you make sign of the cross, you can say, “Jesus died for your sins so that you can be a part of His family forever.”

Prayer: Dear Jesus, thank you for setting us apart as your sons and daughters and for forgiving our sins. Help us to live our lives for You every day. Amen.


Bible Reading: Matthew 26:14-16 (Judas’ betrayal for 30 silver coins)

Talk about it: - 30 silver coins was about 4 months of pay. - Why do you think Judas betrayed Jesus? - How would you have reacted to Judas’ betrayal if you were in Jesus’ shoes? - When has someone broken your trust? When have you broken someone’s trust? How does it feel?

Activity: Take 30 coins and hide them around the house for the kids to find. Once all of the coins are found, you can figure out how much they are worth all together. Do you think that’s what Jesus’ life was worth? Would any amount of money be enough to betray a friend, or even Jesus? We all do things that hurt other people because of our sin. Put the coins in your worshipful space to remind yourselves of your sin and your need for Jesus.

Prayer: Dear God, thank you for loving us no matter what. Helps us to trust you always, no matter what happens. Amen.

Maundy Thursday

Bible Reading: John 13:1-5 & 12-16 (/Jesus washes the disciples’ feet)

Talk about it: - The was a big family meal that happened every year. This meal helped the Jews remember how God had saved them from the plagues in Egypt and freed them from their slavery. - Washing everyone’s gross, dirty feet was the job of a servant – not a teacher! Jesus was setting an example for us – showing us that he wants us to serve others. - What are some traditions we have (or could start) that help us remember how God has been good to us? - God saved the Jews from slavery. He has also saved us from slavery – to sin! How did he do that? - This was Jesus’ last meal with his disciples. Why do you think he wanted to give them an example of serving others before he died?

Activity: Pick a favorite family meal and cook it together. Let the kids help as much as possible! Sit down as a family to eat and enjoy your time together. As you eat, you can talk about ways that your family can serve others, as Jesus talked about when he washed his disciples’ feet. There are many needs in our community right now! What are some ways we can use this time at home to serve our neighbors?

Prayer: Thank you Jesus for giving us our family, our home, our food, and everything we need. Help us to live out your love by serving our neighbors. Amen.

Good Friday

Bible Reading: Luke 23:33-38 & 44-47 (Jesus’ death on the cross)

Talk about it: - What hard things did Jesus have to do because he was the Son of God? - Why did Jesus have to die for our sins? - It was pretty sad when Jesus died on the cross. Why do you think we call it “Good” Friday?

Activity: Make a cross with materials you have in your house – wood & nails are great because of their symbolism, but anything you can find will work. As a family, write down a list of sins that Jesus died for. Place the cross and your list of sins in your worshipful space as a reminder of WHY Jesus had to die on the cross.

Take some time today to watch the worship video as a family as well.

Prayer: Thank you Jesus for dying on the cross to save us from our sins. Amen.

Holy Saturday

Bible Reading: Mark 15:42-47 (Jesus laid in the tomb)

Talk about it: - Jews were not allowed to work on the Sabbath (Saturday), so Jesus needed to be put into the tomb right away after he died on Friday. - After Jesus died, Jesus’ friends were sad, afraid, and unsure of what would happen next. They didn’t understand (yet) why Jesus had died, and they were afraid that the Romans would come after them too! - If you were one of them, how would you have felt on that Saturday? - Jesus’ death wasn’t the end of the story. Which part of the story is still coming?

Activity: Jesus’ friends spend that Saturday waiting to see what would happen next. We are in a time of waiting right now too – but now, we know that Easter is coming! We can use this day of waiting as a day of praying. Make a paper chain of prayers – both requests and things you want to thank Jesus for. Light a candle and pray for all of your requests as a family. You can leave your paper chain in your worshipful space as a reminder to pray as we wait.

Prayer: Dear God, we know that you are with us while we wait. Help us to keep our eyes looking ahead to Easter! Amen.

Easter Sunday

Bible Reading: Matthew 28:1-8 (Jesus’ resurrection)

Talk about it: - Why do we celebrate Easter? - How do you think Jesus’ friends felt when they saw Jesus alive again? - What’s your favorite Easter tradition? - How can we celebrate Easter all year long?

Activity: Sit down as a family to watch the Easter worship video. Share the Easter message with your neighbors! You can use chalk on a sidewalk outside your house, or decorate your doors and windows. You can also make some resurrection rolls with this recipe: https://www.allrecipes.com/recipe/84289/resurrection-rolls/

He is risen! He is risen indeed! Alleluia!

Prayer: Dear God, thank you that Jesus died on the cross to forgive our sins. Thank you that he rose from the dead so that we can live with you forever! Amen.

Additional Resources

Crafts, Cooking, and Snacks: 9 Easy Easter Crafts and Decorations 10 Easter Crafts M&M Easter Poem 3 Easter Snacks Creative Easter Snacks

Coloring: Holy Week daily coloring pages (costs $10 & supports a missionary) 15 Easter Coloring Pages The Lord’s Prayer Coloring Book (free with code HOME20) Ways to Share Easter Joy with Chalk Coloring page Palm Sunday Coloring page 2 Coloring page Maundy Thursday Coloring page 2 Good Friday Coloring page Easter Coloring page Easter Coloring page 2

Activities: Resurrection Eggs (purchase) DIY Resurrection Eggs DIY Resurrection Eggs, toddler version Good Friday & Easter Worksheets Easter Bingo Faith Seedlings activity The 1st Easter Printable Storybook Object Lessons Jellybean Games Simple Activities to Teach the Easter Story Easter Ideas (originally for use at church, but doable at home!) Easter Songs for Kids (includes some music videos) 7 Quarantine-Friendly Easter Activities for Families