447 Written Answen AUGUST 12,1991 Written Answlers 448 and Institutions by this Ministry in histotical places of importance under the State. Archaeokgical Survey of in Kerala; and Temples, Masjids, Churches and Monuments in Kerala @) if so, the details thereof, district- wise? 2693. SHRI V.S. VIJAYARAGHAVAN: Will the Minister of HUMAN RESOURCE THE MINISTER OF HUMAN RE- DEVELOPMENT be pleased to state: SOURCE DEVELOPMENT (SHRI ANUN SINGH): (a) and (b). Adistrii-wisedetaikof (a) the number of ancient churches, Centrally protected monuments/ shes in temples, masjids, monuments and other Kerala is given in the Statement aftaehed. STATEMENT

List of CentrallyPrutected Monuments/Sites in Kerala

S.No. Locality Name of monuments/site


,V) Cochin' (Kochi) St. Francis Chruch rn Z Mattancheri Mural Paintings (1 6th-17thcentury) on the E walls of the mattancheriPalace. 2

Kannw District

3. Cannanore St. Angelo

4. Pallikere -fort

5. Tellicherry '(Talaicherry)


6. Kitanganad Jain temple 451 Written Answrs AUGUST 12,1991 S. Na We Name of monuments/site 8

I 2 3 a 3

Chovannur Burial cave


EYY~~ Mural paintings (I7th-18th century) on the walls of the Srikoil of the Siva temple at Chemmanthatta. >c 5 40- Siva temple complex 5 Kandanasseri Burial cave CI Katavallur Twenty-nine wooden bracket images E on the outer wplls of the Sriko'il - of the Vishnu temple and other works of art in the same shrine

20. Kattakampal Burial cave

21. kunnamkular Burial cave of Kakkad

ul 2% Thiruvanchikulam Mural Paintings (I6th-17th century) C on the walls of the Siva temple '6 Nameof monuments/site

1 2 3

23. Thiruvanchikulam Siva temple complex

24. Trichur Mural paintings (16th-17th century) on the walls of the Kailasanatha temple

25. Triprayar Mural paintings on the walls of the Stiramaswami temple

26. Urakam Mural paintings of the 17th-18th century on the walls of the Srikoils of the Siva temple at Peruvanam; and wooden bracket images of a still earlier period on the Srikoils of the same shrine

27. db- Siva temple Complex

28. Vadakkanchery Mural paintings on the walls of the Srikoil of the Pallimanna temple. _t '(Prerent name of the kcali(y) t