1J bus time schedule & line map

1J Jiyaguda KHT to Rathele Bus View In Website Mode Station

The 1J bus line (Jiyaguda KHT to Secunderabad Rathele Bus Station) has 2 routes. For regular weekdays, their operation hours are: (1) Jiyaguda Kht: 6:01 AM - 4:17 PM (2) Secunderabad Bus Stop: 6:21 AM - 4:37 PM Use the Moovit App to nd the closest 1J bus station near you and nd out when is the next 1J bus arriving.

Direction: Jiyaguda Kht 1J bus Time Schedule 20 stops Jiyaguda Kht Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday 6:01 AM - 4:17 PM

Monday 6:01 AM - 4:17 PM Secunderabad Tsrtc Rathile Bus Station Tuesday 6:01 AM - 4:17 PM Gandhi Hospital Bus Stop Wednesday 6:01 AM - 4:17 PM Raja Delux Bus Stop Thursday 6:01 AM - 4:17 PM

Chikkadpally Bus Stop Friday 6:01 AM - 4:17 PM Narayanaguda Road, Hyderābād Saturday 6:01 AM - 4:17 PM Narayanaguda


Kachiguda X Road 1J bus Info Direction: Jiyaguda Kht Koti Maternity Hospital Stops: 20 Trip Duration: 25 min Line Summary: Secunderabad Tsrtc Rathile Bus Koti Womens College Station, Gandhi Hospital Bus Stop, Raja Delux Bus Stop, Chikkadpally Bus Stop, Narayanaguda, Y.M.C.A., X Road, Koti Maternity Hospital, NH65, Hyderābād Koti Womens College, Chaderghat, Central Bus Station (C.B.S.), Afzalgunj Central Library, Osmania Central Bus Station (C.B.S.) Hospital, Osmania Hospital (Ogh), Jumerat Bazar, , Bheem Nagar, Jiyaguda, Cargil Nagar, Afzalgunj Central Library Jiyaguda Kht NH65, Hyderābād

Osmania Hospital

Osmania Hospital (Ogh)

Jumerat Bazar


Bheem Nagar Jiyaguda

Cargil Nagar

Jiyaguda Kht Direction: Secunderabad Bus Stop 1J bus Time Schedule 16 stops Secunderabad Bus Stop Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday 6:21 AM - 4:37 PM

Monday 6:21 AM - 4:37 PM Afzalgunj NH44, Hyderābād Tuesday 6:21 AM - 4:37 PM

Gowliguda Bus Depot Wednesday 6:21 AM - 4:37 PM

Central Bus Station (C.B.S.) Thursday 6:21 AM - 4:37 PM Friday 6:21 AM - 4:37 PM Bank Street Bus Stop Saturday 6:21 AM - 4:37 PM Koti Maternity Hospital

Sultan Bazar Moti Singh Ln, Hyderābād 1J bus Info Ram Koti Bus Stop Direction: Secunderabad Bus Stop Ramkote Rd, Hyderābād Stops: 16 Trip Duration: 21 min Kachiguda X Road Line Summary: Afzalgunj, Gowliguda Bus Depot, Central Bus Station (C.B.S.), Bank Street Bus Stop, Y.M.C.A. Koti Maternity Hospital, , Ram Koti Bus Stop, Kachiguda X Road, Y.M.C.A., Narayanaguda, Narayanaguda Chikkadpally Bus Stop, Golconda X Roads, Raja Delux Bus Stop, Gandhi Hospital Bus Stop, Chikkadpally Bus Stop Secunderabad Tsrtc Rathile Bus Station, Secunderabad Bus Station (Gurudwara) Narayanaguda Road, Hyderābād

Golconda X Roads

Raja Delux Bus Stop

Gandhi Hospital Bus Stop

Secunderabad Tsrtc Rathile Bus Station

Secunderabad Bus Station (Gurudwara) 1J bus time schedules and route maps are available in an oine PDF at moovitapp.com. Use the Moovit App to see live bus times, train schedule or subway schedule, and step-by-step directions for all public transit in . Check Live Arrival Times About Moovit MaaS Solutions Supported Countries Mooviter Community © 2021 Moovit - All Rights Reserved