| T u T — ' A : ; . ; j : . 1 . a c , !

DAILY LOUISVILLE EYfOCRAT. VOLUME XVI. LOUlSVir.LK, KENTUCKY. TUESDAY MORNING, .lUNE 19, 1860. NUMBEK 28B. dissolution peaceful — dissolution off the'Ke i a Letter from Baltimore From Baltimore. of j All Sorts Paragraphs. Rfion. Report of the Commissioners, then wcsiw*rdiy with the »Aid lino to Union. Such a proposition is , ‘ absurd. This I A I "Vf sTir’L’s:* • 'b* ceuter r-** t-.'at-' • ’ of Sevcuih street, ^PEfiAL 1 It THE ( T.OttlW AT WAiar snuxras,SPlUlffaS, COAL! COAL! Running — fod.u.i thenceiiieuc-e ea.stwardlyca.si.waruiy lucky be willing to hare away krgm oKKit’K-ii.tit.KV i-ev will not l.vst more than two W bile t wiiiie relk- along the ceutercenter of a Canals border I days. rare. OUANOK irder | Douglas’ li>’Iti. on o«i Ti II # COUNTY, 1NL> lfuIareh.Ylareh. IS.^0,ISiiO, ' Indiana and Illinois,1 eks. bit the'be AitingAtting ^ tr^a the ten , be ail the tiohir-v- ea^«l ataiKU Mayor of the UilyCity male High School building, HAKVET, A CO. whether they are admitted into the southeast corner •• haaj the HUGHES (%iuren- i \ ball wnxiKht )ilrturc: in bUpallH batils. of >-4 s( ihp Iwwrat Bare ! Louisville, '“J «® soon at John I, Heming, William I*.1*. ' "'•'t «“••«*. each others ! of Center and Walnut «ireets. throats? If we cannotnnot (By Gar Own ComwiioiiJciii I lion Railftte brnKb, atu clow in^ | or not. and colora ran*! iov««.i* »t^ all time*. j Hooue,Boone, Tb» rvjmtaUM «r tone Gtoc,*— W*U MT"Vt. '» 0»oe..K*.tKia*Tl.ir.iHr«M.t.h.tw«.n AihI be, halt lurneil. llwts to a laUy uir James WW. Henning, Thos. L Jetler-Jeffer- • SK>*a i wwt -ito*. amicably l»iificulfy has arisen • divide the TerritorieTerritories into free about giving out Who Kpeaks M'hUe leannu «m his .'LVEnth- I-Venth wivtRDvrd M tiwir enrauva qualltiea Oto bivB •» w«u eauaiito. Ali4rlc*»t RGria c!, .1 iiir I». oak“n chatr son,son. Ben. J ; I'ttotoo *iha J^a»rwot\. A-Lams,A'l.ams, Thos. HH. HuntHunt, and auu W a.-u!'.,;ao -otMli. .4 . lic'iets Tb* r«>yal hrx)Jatplt3 witU i1^ M'S-r*. Ittr.xET, <’i of iidnii.-i-ion, ('tishing claiming the aud btnl •“b'« and klare whitewhil« Ilccats A : v»a« that I can to the a«mct in iLethe Union.Union, wlwhen it isIS soSO hiHl lUflutaii’l Urink 0. T. May, were appointed < bare diviJclJiviJ.-.l the | ' th«lr lou«l hi ev'rv Commissioner.",Vmmissioner.", Seventh Warl into i righi to do so. word. Nothing about that lie '|Ur*‘nly ' ^ i.ruy's (J'HtUmrn; 1 have will W ith tu«xjk^t mien tl»« ia«l> stH*ak'>. a '’»» '*.‘7 jfvG.VE/fr much desired, it Ju-t returned fr.im ii majority of shall be Urecinoi..Urecinoi.^ : ! jI ttUBMCitirnoN is to be hoped thati suchch a uiaatle whom competent to pui('B-lN advanuk. determined upon till eiglit o'clock to-night, While hohewt blushew oVr her cheeks : «i.act. to t liAlLT thing Capital, lodiy. Wrtshiiijjton Tbe c.ilin hihI itobleieAUturca ot the man, .. dividej„u. the.h, several,„„,i Wardsw.,j, of.( the City The irst Precinct ..f the.i„ Sevenths.,„iu w.HWard xzrsscT row 1? LA DUIOCRAT— 0611 paU inadTSBce. Dally can be done out of the I •Are P''‘P wliea \ all-'indigham will arrive from Wa-h. Hirlt opt i;, trtt>iii ihat rearlctwM>an ot i lac eommar. 01 LouisvilleLouiSvillo (inclu.iing(inolu.liog the town **.-11hall commenceco.n.n.nco at the Ohio river an.i I KXTRRM1.VATE3 to SS. sr to i»«t* par m.ioUi. was Tbf ^p.•aktfr uir. glow with (be .be .o«o of Pon-Port- Obio ri.er ,n.l inm ibathe BKD-nUiKS. nUATUba, TICiLa. the Northwestern States willing to give nuver so ororruu with ofliec-.- ejkinp : inglon piU** h**ai „.a. M, ill. ,iu i., « ia.e«ia,. ! the tan!) into **'*'''*' *’* YDT.'*- WBEK1.V DKMiaiUAT—One copy, S3, Ilia An Ml praised with and air of .'k>er. voting I'recincta, in '^’f^ss -treet, ihcnce south- a!foriB,atij.M <>.\KDK.N I.N.sBl.’TII, At * " ton coplN, $1 conformity | we haw ptent) M ctmtmmu no P HB vaga>miid.s sgJ l.ovpving an.l Hsllett. of y.>ur.v tqutrrrLaa , onilet at as at the present all .11 ot Massa ! *'-Ah me, iny ( ptwuaiid kinxdom would 1 saea; the mouth of the Mississippi to the time—time civo I to the act relating wardly ..lung M twenty eante*. tM ; thereto. the center of Seventh street ehuken.. I to i ehuyelt.s, t'ouM 1 thua riiMkc tbrliitioDcafu.iMhvt; uutk that I caa k.«a it aboat rtatt. I ' will be on here I *>artl to misrepresent 'be Lion’s SKagnetic nils DOLLAR WKKKl.Y—dtode ooptos, or for Southern .'States* at work, in every wayav iniagiiniiL'inn. The royal m epier h aoM 1 Kladiv yield The undersigned having ^ intcrsec:i"U of Walnut -"hurt, no pains any nun- They going * I been .luly .sworn street, thence | wui he were into a J t tneir ibsli'icts on mj part la trader th. i by opj.osing Doiigla.s. Thelat-j Tby luauic |h-ucH I grandly ARK CUTAl.N DK.VTH bar Slty widd. ' TU RAT» MICK. snAir SA> . SI: nS over to oee addivu, Socwiu. now make the following report w,-'tw-ir.|ly .lowu the center of Spnna» a*reeat.> u» vUlior*. I AND ble. to Due, I'' Walnut street filibuster war about it once before. advance the interest" f those w ho ii-r t annot.loso a pour t arihy (tanbl-* and vain. hecaii-o he ! Mr kvaavwHiaa. A4rerctoUa-la Dully resigned, an.l his I apM tea ItoMrrwt. Theoihci Is liniiiMrtal in ii* rulgu! to the inte» secii./n of Icn'h cross .street,! ^^''*'*”berpartltul..r*,T wUHvfrrlo Jaai»»I. Ltnwn have promised to Ihruw alttrnvle, Chaffee, has the ."cut. UR.sr WAUr tee sqasrr Unas or leso) Sist are not a tithe of the ijuestion.s them ai bonehon.. fromIrom lioih of I With lioiiiaf** would 1 tretdy iW lotoitkai. J1 ao that eaunol I«n thence iiOt :l,w-\i.l!y ®- •''‘'‘''oe'Rw. J. ' r. To realm oi along the center of ! Canla. Joan Ktu Anffnst ' be a moitarch in tu** art. We XUection. ^h‘-!.- 1 as have divided the I Mseb additional Ineartloo. * Douglas men, an.l in First Ward of the js be amicably adjusted anywhere but in s oarcas, provided theytliey get to I bough kiiiadoiiiwirumnu'. paL*. esd«^ av. Tenth "tree- :o i!.,- Ohio river, tv the City ot and up the I D H R vDKiLa *N ts a • ilia. a iav Ccowloato to ; opposing him l^etray their Tb\ art Aadll n er Louisville into five "'•whir _ con.stiluents. survives «way— precincts, viz: ' Denowemt. river Kerson-. .- j to “ *’* the br-innu. 1 he i.lm-e i «ui !,»,• Ua tlio .ap„,. UnioB. and they all head of the fea't. lliere isIS Ail elv‘ ni:iy 4 U< tbVKl<»ii««n of voline u, bb.1 Voona Warto arc practical .questions nothing Douglia haiige, * part The First P.ccinot ^ toh toware. Snt tnamion...^ „..ai so mm to-iliglil are in the highest of the First Ward shall ‘rte of the To be iitiuiorial ihrwtiji'i 'niiiurrlai Art. in this Precinct hall be at the Lc*H-m..,N.w a. a lor aa-alc; rbvswo. Jto* teob addlUonal of the **'^•"1? by either spirits he bounded by engine house i J*”"' apl7 InairUui SO deepest import. Dissolution i.s no House bui talkingtall ing for l.un- Monuni“iit Sijuare is crowded with the Ohio river on the north. f | PwOGean., on the ..ih ' ow«to-, *t side -f Market" * ‘ ."treef, between people. Ciuciauaii'RU'ui Wbin the past year the at ten- Ueargrass creek on the «<-' H. T. comhe.combe. an.l ! south, the center • to-J of conckeo IIgKD. th-. prr-.rr.t ChicagoChieago Lan.ls ! of reaJy remedy, but a last resort, Then- is »o little aiiotitionaiio 1 are j w eonvry ,b,B i- .srnsibrst. ta a caiktMM# in which force, pui to ^’eventh-tevenih andan.l Fivhihi l»l li. Slr..f-r" I "0““^ whalers has been especially ‘ or l-Iav ing at each ' .lireefed Hancock street on th»iice CuBstatW In I’.r other ac.oss 1 the west, • tc tk.- Cl^trlct “**the g.iuare in and the city t . , . Scrtnoi.. wti«r» Ibei of Hto TMrd mkI TCB8DAT MOlINTXG JI IS. after many a hard 'hethe iutcrestsinterests of the country, thtint Tn« I nr I ! arrivo^ * NK IM fought field, and much a stranger '>* of the .".eventhI War.l I *iU at 5 o’clock, fare f-" • tin-th.- 'be waters north of Labrador, >*mils tkro^V ts to. Koonk epintspirit ofot generous “"T" i and on the east. The WorUs al Tkr ancolae rivalry,rivalry. no ! voting place of the Ansnaz HoettoBu apAAOto from ftireignfiireign shall c BUARDIN.L devastation and bloodshed, a land naturally ei vessels ***‘<1 i ,Sev- ; _ - at last settles it enough a-:ke 1. CiixhingCii'.hing has cave.i in in the 'welve have already sailed Precinct shall bo at (i.iy’s . matter I lumber office, of is- ; - Wa are antbofr-.t fu aanuaaco filing others will oR Fulton street, wardly ivj w.i,> J L. .STKaTTOM as Political ProdocU. by reducing 'bethe other day, if “tiGig ticketslickeUs so far ns to soon follow. ab-jvc | one or the other parly or j-ar- these two ll.*U'!esII. li-i.l any agree not to give , Cnball street. „ scanAklatr Br saeHf of Aaflkvaoo line .T.’™!" i.t m. OaMv at toa Aw i of We bring forth a great any to .lelog.ites.lelog.it cs whose scatsseats are " buown m be very nburi.lant there, I’he Second Precinct of the First ! J*" many things in lies to subjection, e .Diiectioii with the atlairs of c.ime.“ted,c.ruie."led. Warl Fuor Harks ioat atae ttua a result in itself that is riiv*M KHijun. ineiiCt* wiia idm Dnr* torn . jaa* till the 'b^ frf.iuented shall **tSt- Ulilllrm SI..1 Conimiiiee whaling grouds ; commence at Beargra-ss Srrroiiu. half this country. is on Credentials .leoi.les crcck, .and in iwtcr. Hay, com and oau only the mem I Almost every -.'rdiv to ih.) ihicrsti'ticn **' ’•* Wo arr downfall of Republican Governments. move is ;i party oi.e. in ' '»''‘-p.#. tu n of Tenth street.Street,str ! * C"«oBo>Jaliona (or Uurw^ at uoZarato aotoarts-U to ab-K.narr a iI the vicinity of Behring’s .Straiis.io.Straits, 'be center ' “ J W DAVIA m Ihe.iuesiion to of • reach i Wenzel or Bra.Mock streetstreet, .k., part .k*. ***^*^*’ a Jacks, mules and race horses are a an-J designe.i which .1'®“®® the center Dt- J. A LANR, Fropri«cor. I ^ eaimiy. to I a six months’ voyage effect months .; some objcci. n..t a! all Biyard aii-i Whiiely, of Delaware, will is necessary by when extended,exiende.l, and from thence south-soiitli- CiiAitLRa DiCkxas. There is a rumor cur } mere item. Tobacco is a mere puff of — connected with not be admitted while ."."y Horn, they have been so ran- wardlywar.lly along the center ut bava tba ty the purpose for which tlou Committee on Creden- 1 of said Bra.ldockBraildock a j *© Tbosc wbose BealtJi is Broke* ‘ blly J'niinishing to ' ^ oke. bring ®®“'* Hterary circles, that “B.ti” is en- •'e^R'l’tlion.s as ren.ler the business or Wenzel street to the line of We forth different and supe- will be offered, I taxai gressmen are chosen. President-making is '» 'b® beginning. The place ' irih’ea-,1 rior articles *tpon another novel. If the an- LlOUiSVilleVlllU^^yemOCrai:.DPTTIfV'TfltiUIOOITRI, It !- a **|_ to these. ’ I o-.' He make patriots— the ‘*** : B*«it<-.i "tot'aitcs, ..TaS chief business, but the material fit for •'bull be at John w 're k * « 'r»e. his admirers ^®‘bzm s N<’'>"and- «»r P«MMM Oi* frnia -bear Oe’clily. not Ikat old fogy class. Heaven be good to the world lumber oibce, on the northwest SUBSI'KIPTIOX IU ADYANl-K vithoBt operators ;e down PKICCy IX AOFffXtB. ®®*r nMivtaiaw**>a. Kv»ry -ik- dbraaa a»t»bi iiaizaeayiroa them, that will be delighted, for Dickens is the j were made by years of toil, study havn i half finishe.l D*n.f ba any job they Imveuu- DnocakV IC; M. if r«l.t la BavaDcs.aJvanca. DaUyDaUytrSt My ptrvaiuaj >f nuarr wart nataaaJ to zaUy with place of EtGiirtl | *“®*' of novelists, the the Douglas m.’n ( voting shall he at W.tM.. ibr xtaiitnr and tKoiigbt; but a modern article, most refuse to act with ingrat:- Fred. Webber s. tt. ot Afly roou par Bonlh.Bonlb. , “•H w..30«;.ii .! oil .n> ;*ur.tot». IDarTrTTn'S made by Jeriakcn. The fire-eating ..pp.-siii jn to iii-le toward the Gional ?“ '^® si.le of Main by e .livi le.l th:- U'.f ZTO.MAcII N Democrats of the ' 1®“-^A frightful aca^iJentac.yi.Jent street, between Eighth Ward inl.j DumcakT.-l ,opy. toa RITTKR-A. WSo,, i.a. ffraphic painter of life, most *er occurred at At-.\t- (a aa ooptoa.cwpiaa, tt toaarb ; aam* oi Hfo waaa» the i sorh Mitece The soil for these muM first be irresistibly ’ V m Douglas is not growing -l.e-.uiif.ill les" .'"onlh “uchanan Ive to coptestza v wiio have stood by water,Iter, and Caball streets. preeints. The I irii Prei'iu. i Msl 4Bt>an from FxIisaaUoD, them aiel the pres- I a small town some -'a) miles of the Eighth ..alatiOrr tbU -'atoawa humorists. from this i OMefully prepared in the old manner, with While the worl.l of '^Ard Duixab Ta-torativ*. . (*xt. erv.slion Third WmxLf.-ShMdoWheli.— „.ry His friends are, leiwevn, of the parly. city, Precinct of «haU commence hi sm«l« copiM.coptoa.. or fortor It *m awc* mc-a baco oonli They prefer defeat on the line of the ClevelandClevoliind \.“v lUita-1‘iits- the First Wunl the <>hio river, ami uyuijAiiab*aay aomboaaaiba nia atowJy Ml "»«**" '» waiting for tl.« j ***^^*^****(UAler dar, $1, *^'^**^tkkXj -aiuac- the Oabiijiy vegetnblee. by iLrow.ug filth, rubbish and novel, however, it rather than to show such base ingraiiiu.le. burg Railroad, jestcrdiy commence at the creek, in the inter- ceni. r of T'nih -sireei, ani mU •’•'*•t# um• aMtmsMraaa tocrata.uroiA wbirta foUawa raoaaa fovar. Ut ..o.uiiiation on the second oi forenoon. The ! from 'bence '‘•zrUea dytrntrnr, iwp*„t:i . ^lupialau articles d«s>re with tit bits, choice ®1''®“1‘"®‘1. ‘'‘;-«®large boiler used in Lojmis’ Wenzel or Bra.Mock street, ami souihwai lly ah :.g the center A-ATBS aa4 *.Me.ln such about it Thus the individuil "“T «PP«“*e pottery burst, ! of OK ADTutTisrNU ihirdthird ballot. .-,11 ^ in thkTHK Caleb C.shingC.isl.imr will esi! theL l®t‘'h LODINMLUlodisvilu to* artoar-a ,.,i.a-.|Baai ap.D aatural n th ii 1 resiuout Pierce is killiog '‘‘O"* Jbence southwanlly along the street to the iu'eisecti..n Zauy, ar la- m-yrrtaut, y . — . oppoding Doug* the engiueerengiueer, Ricliar.l .VlexaaJer. center of Walnut bXMot'RAT KuR is by the same inimitable hand. T. ,, , I RKtCLAK ADVKKTiauiLKRTtsflW wko to \tt couvened into a patriot be- < .onveniioii -oiIUb,; Iroai ft** in ' Dzlaii ar ar*r-*v*rtlaa. j order on .Mon. lay. but it i.-: I ts, is totally ^*®®®' ***v®®G 'hence . mA alau hi untrue, and he has uulhorized slightly iqjuring another employe.’, and -'Mrket street, thence west- we.-.iw,rdly along the center ->»• «suar». rti«na.«bi» naanoB,nna«..__ B. Peterson jtoSaaa . ihaMpalulolaail lae coasM rich in obscenity, & Brother, of 1‘biladelpliia, I tuath a»al*-:«aa toa,*Btoto which and luxuriAni in not„ likely he will ''®'-’bire that he is not shattering 'b® center of 'lark, t street si. to Thirteeaih scross st., **" Oa i presid.- longer ihsu an i'* hostile to the buiMing to nieces, .'"ix other to thence unwe p«’ w««a.ach. iwrpar aaaam a are j • oJt«a 'b® center *»c!'x-lv. !y j.-ct. ib* a -.trni ar* proaertbaa raak recklesi^Dess. The next thing Maxwell aV Co., copies, e3orleSort is madeniaJe loto displacetlispluee -'u-lgc Douglas. workmen linjc of Haueock siree', an.l thence norlhwinlly along the ct-nter of Thirteenth •*“ * Uate* oo is | *o him were iu the l-a^-agM the of ta-to MMIXIK : b> maa* oi ear prj. j pl.ft. -jar. an-i a.a*T 'oU Gentlemen, who **'*'^***'*''®'”^' 'b® “tre.-l ... Porbiml ••WltloosJ w turn •“ pamphlet and cloth, The CharIe"*ourharIe”*ou secession firce.al;-.«fire e.ai;. o wilwill have aciu D.>iiglaa in . the explosion, but ihej^-uiroculoiisly es- of Hancock street \\.-nue. wh.-rc t»us Thir- th* «bo»«above otie*prlcB. rl*. him loose upon society, and l>e sssnrs.i of “Dickens’ Short ; iwtmanewl r*6vi. " "•‘'hinglon,•‘‘'bingion, ®®®®.*'’ street Ien*dU.I sty that ‘ '"''b terminates K«UiaMd trraia-A* seats,scats, l.ut although 'he : aUntorzato-D their aJiui-si. u »ill» ill b* . he sayssay.s capeJ unhurt. The engineer s 7® creek eas: wardly : and froia ihenoe forOmihfo* am ta ” head was ta- i AW f.„ *.* by «ra*3;.u tw, tkni he will »borios, a collectioi. of twenty-nine brief aaa , *rr t nIT find his position. He Ukos as ' o}.)>»sed e'n.''l " ‘‘biug. his looksAs helukcuheiukeu ^"®.*’^'®. beginning. laaat oaa. l^i'heto the en.I bv‘'‘r.ougC^^^^^^by Douglas’ fri-..uds. an.l the . oufident as- ken completely offoff' and thKiwnthK.wn .several ' And-'nd the place of voting “"''b®astwar.!!yt..Iligh8:reei,audthecen-,*^*®“'‘®““***®^'*™'*'^“*^“M- •varywbora. a. ; feet. sketches and tales, some of which '**® Aaraliy to have ' p«v what he calls polities as certain been alsosiso by S'l'-anoe »f triumph.inph. i HrecinctPrecinct shall ^bineenth street. w»exKktoraMhaaM.each aatoe. _ - the new delegates It He ' heathe at m is believe ! was a ysungyeung man and had been recently the northwest Thence northeast- _ | in ik ®®®"®® “f Main in the center allothetslaadTaaca inaoeu do to their peculiar food. is • **P“blisbed in magazines in this country, Washington that their only object iu delegaii.iu, whose defec- married. The building was a and '^'""PbeHCampbell streets.streets, of Thirteenth to the cen- OOBainC HdUedaSK Br.J»innw He de- get large frameframe, i, ®®L"®® j Ajvertis«»«ou.erUeamcou. ^^®The ''"® i Ab«rubAtierUb ‘‘“8 »“Hni8sion is to get out again, '['^“by so oftenen been...-en preuiciej.redicte.l,i, ueciaredeclare T’heme boilerooiier na.zha.J beent.een in list ^^'"’'bFourth Precinct of the First War.! of the Canal—and with the __ _ nuBcialory but nearly all are new to the American ami take use for a long lime . Ward same, ’ and wrathful He knows of | Ahauwe SooMan j shall commence ®mi wardly laokrta-w. ThtototcaiThaatolcai BcmMfea,-nn ^ ifginia. 'b®y b.ave lorly-six votes . at the to the . Kentucky and Missouri with to give Doug- and was worn out Cievrln intersection of Mar- b iginuing The place of i ... TI.. la. .;ii <; 1 V. I them. j — 'MWteaad^ baa „ Bade aa more crime, wicxedness. trickery Tbe reader^ w.ll find .ho same .le- ibHshad by the arraaaeaaaot wUh Jaha JtllB and fraud ' ket year Su-pheus. Guthrie.or btM and all the tin.e. In Norfh and Wenzel streets, and from thence 'bw prccinoi shall in Betiison’s Dkk. | U * et •'<«w . lark, toa proprlatota a# “fhtful humor, teuder pxthor, Broad pape southwardly •Uiathwt. fliaOoB^ toli oaUbfaaan strokes * building ^ ihwa UaroliiA.i along •xiMeU in Sodom or msun, a# aa iuducemeiit to Douglas will gain two voles, i .the center ou the west side of Oomomh. Any got th*»-o S!air.« and of Wenzel Eleventh streeG I ^ fch lailam Schaappa. f Th ttofa. aad «ch Uha to >in»Bi toatr l#n, f»rce, close out. li is plain enough he will receive street to the center of Walnut between .Main an-1 Market — - — " * good citizen analywi ions of charauter in to be seen , half street, thence streets. bait prtc«. who hears and belieres them that , "i“® '®Rtbs of the 'be votes of that .lolegation. westwardly down the center 01 The tiecond Precim-t of the ' artlcta. 'b®®« 'bon stories that .lisiinguish Dicken-’ opposition to Douglas i- From Ken- Walnut street Eighth Ward Kdtt<tt*....ai ttoaa. taaertod Ba takaa pliwaara B ttoteB ih« thaaa wiU, whatever •.oj.uioiihis opinions were beforeoei ore, be-oe , he country ta adZrti * , from his ®“"“co7^^ to the -"ball uoi on account ' ‘"eby 9®ven votes .are intersection of ' commence at the of his Territorial counted iipoa for i . Haneook street, thence Inieisectiun cutoMnsaiiu •"•<««««•'*» «ba Baa« luliey. but . , of Walnut latoaitod u pfomuMotouto pflvauiBtor-pfivaM lator- aMaaM phyM*. come at once a ^e^bs, and a more pleasant summer < ompauy. convert to the doctrine and on account of Doughis l.im-elf. ".juglas as a certainty. In .Massachusetts nortbwardly along the center of Tenth street, and from ms M cwu* pw ubb Ui«m *** teaaghoat toa Oaleo to batoa 'There was Hancock thence shall run only imhhartadi maa m.toa otsciw-diaciv- twaaametoaK lh« book we cannot well imagine. Dickens fol- a Houglas g tins one vote, street to the interseutiou ®®“'b'Kar'Ry out “e® »•“ •Jimr*. y w>'h the said line to iBOiiuw. fnll was oa*. a. .a. zTsi z .. R>r upon the earth- the ikies should be [ ^ “Chief A .A. ooa hanL *nal B luteius in a very "®verJy .lohnsin’s large ' few words from a gentle- house on Mouu- Justice Hornb'owcr.’’ M by, M AA, I who^uo have'.sv® desertedaesertea j bless the un rolledMlU up...... as a scroll,.a 11 and4 annihiUtion-u-i freer neldsfields of imwelcomeunwelcome and who once lived in »-'" ’-^luare I Louisville, but who sophisticated heart of the I'Ut, there ar. '"s'*s‘®'“' ‘*'*0'' c"08®n for them by parent* forever the universe, incapable of goodness, ig now a citizen of Baltimore. Ueverdy The capital is seething with excitement. Horn blowers on the Vamper not Bhth Ifatnre | platform at even fri®nds, for the flowery and thorny Johnson has ^^u^ds have been flocking in from the vapors of humanity. Everybody prepared magnifieeni aceomo- since Wednes- i Republican pow-vow. Am toe laws, phrdca and macaL that ratoa bar apata* ‘• psihs letters. for Houglas’ friend." at his own ‘T’,"",! •'"P®'''''’®' '•‘guerreoiype of ttooa. U«r ictn* war* Bad* to etour. aninvt everrtwsH* .1.. Th. /.f of Destined to become sn at- pa- 1 , no aad 9wt Th. Mto ngamt everybody else. The curse of ‘b®the 'bethe pursuit of 'R'efscciion of shall com racuee ..... lacial beUfield mayR*ay I economicaleconomicnl mar- Hancock street, at the Itivthl rrsalts residence: whilst Mr. be already had at this point. . mar thence norrh- central line of the Rack eoatinnanca arl-dad IVob tbc lector are "taglan.— owing up the , Buchanan s Aa musty qmd.lities ot ' *‘‘®*'®'' '^®the wardly Cnia. like the plague, has swept through all “Worrer* "tnJ-zr.T' TbeThe ConventionI ’onvent ion '"‘®Fed C'RC'URAtiCincinnati young people havehavt along the center of Louisville and Portland Wruiea ootica moat ba xivea tft oioac toUtoi habits of to* twtor aart and are preparing to do the promises to be the largest | Hancock street Canal, sud in the UXft ftOd Hop ftd laay ha avarrato. 'b* betaken law, ho became a reporter on the Lon- agreeable to Douglas’ political astoiuMage held themselves to the street railroac T*riMB>*BU of yaariy adrattlans bafota the year expt- >f acarvftU paniaat uf to. work - UUHAN KRAlL-n. hnmnniij . and moral deoth most in the country. walks up and vindictive one- Ju j | raa, oth*rw'je waataall chara* or PaniutobKU. 1 **on Moming Chronicle. nues in other places in the a-Mitiou to the imracme throng Three couples have been marrie-1 it UUdona. Biaiiwat* It wUl *b1 thaaa Aa- down th* Firha-av* •*«'>tiA "‘®ih. h*wa.. »r th. Here be began city. from the i 'b® 'bese No contract uf yaarly advettlMaenta -'<«zaJed victims that havar na brtak Northwest, ' conveyances within a short wtu ba diaoaw- ! tha at .. Ex-OOT. King will offer a resolution as great crowds from New England, time. Thi laad ““ttevtoae. oar ih. pato. ot bapwinaaaaBl vlrtaa. lUaA * ' '* central line wot any cbar«a ’ soon as the meeting is called to N®* ' ork. New Jersev, Pennsylvania, thus made brief and com across to Port laud avenue so a." i.- « 1 . • »•* o I. order to ex. Vir- "‘® bf®- Soon he emerged from P^ratively inexpensive, to -trike the central «»« vaar to toa ytoriy raua, W «onrtoc*d-iha tiato ta ihato. True, the world is bnd, and the political elude hereafter from the Democratic Fini'. ait’J also the border slave Slates, will line of Thirteenth street Con- I ^ ~ which terminate- ‘-be [reporter’s desk and Itecnmo a popular ventioii all delegates who may be iu attendance: it would not be in th.- avenue: ihenceaouih- world juit now especially so. Where we then hold of- an exag- BFli. Dr. Charles W West of Savannah SBCO.ND WARD. \ * wardly out the central line of Thirteenth ^ -^XmeriCan WatchCS, might ""J well paid author. Since that time his ^ Ua.,'a few daysago, was thro’wn anUcipa.eaMi.se of justice, concilia- from hiscar Me hare divided the Second streetfcjtreci Ward into to theibe line of city i i Mauk ET . would elect ^ peoj. e at ixxlion:txaiion- thencethenco THE '’®P“'*''on has grown, until .«tands ^ riage, breaking one of his arms and inflict three Precincts, tiM•M andana forbearanceloiTK-arance, merethere isIS. undoubtedlvunaouittedly, now he .? nrlk r n-j. 7i. J as follows: westwardlyBstwaraiy wuuwith the said Douglas on the first ballot a m Tiie outside7 correni of . line to the inier-inter- by vole : opinion almost I can it , u i ing a serious wound tinon his head At l*«i AMERICAN be Prewerwwd? ®®'»f**-‘'®<*>y *' 'be head of F.ngltsh novelists, Theiuc dustriisi Precinct1 recinci ofOI methe Second^econ.i Wardn aru sectionclion ctot01 duieenihtiueenihFifteenth WATCH vvkkx-aawk,COMPANY will of course , cross streetstreet; poUUcal juggling. But stilL in epiie the unauimous. Tlu-re is a large be overwhelming . thence of paitv of the aud irresisti- accounts it was feared he would ”*‘® not recover shall commence in the center of Hancock northwardlyirthwardly along difficulties “ Bell ble tor Douglas. , the center of AT W .VI.TIIAM. which have lingetatoB*ataBl I .zaUlcaUiiA ib.B. gives his history | a | mieeeseoftheriwhtgn . Throurhoulroufito It thetiie e pleased with the short from the spoils iu order Georgia and .Vr- | j nal, f^eCo“*P®“J»*"®t«««t»edthatrstp»«imaiu-al«:l '“''® '•o“'c«'Ants appear from and thence cast wardly with the canal *0|dy a laBeZy that at«arta the tlaaaaa at oare— ' •'®®'®«. wish ‘®»e 'or the the •nl, are mavin*. MeeUngeAxeeunge are no “d them longer. ..“jfy g^^Mr. Richard H. Dana jr arrived ii "*• KznakUn »!**«- loneerlonger methe a ' le to the Inautnu, Phlladaiphla. ihawalaa •Akw i* ataol* “root all evil.” o'ber seceding beginning. The place ; * dor. Aach hthaadkctaK of Now they ore intriguing States, and their delegates of voting , .. iZ onangnaisi.^hai on th. 1st or r- ^ “ batched np eolUctioni me .April from San thence up the river to the begin- in this Precinct shall ®^**’'* >* of poUtical juggler*. *“ fo"" their W‘" be accordingly issued tickets. The old be tuat the engine-house w .uhea Important Jer ' hava now baea la toe nurket h* «.« 1 Rules Respectinff Preoav- Francisco and HongHour Kong.Konr^ He wass in goodgoc-/* ts( tx' t r Ni 1 of Fit'ieenih goes on M heretofore. There is etill mnrrj - 1 I-’ I? I V 11 Al 'r'l' I-.'IJNiI southwardly ***'*'*• matoemaUcaUy ^1 f .N ..-V along the center of correct la all ii* propactioM. »sd . subjoin r-KollAALIi Al31 1 Hancock street, extended We ha notice issued in regardi to tainted with the infection spoken of by Pey- ‘heir seats, ami the others will be admitted A/1111 LlvS. northwaidly as defined on tag and giving in marriage. ~ „ **'‘®®' '® '*‘® intersection of Madison street, ' the b tt la patoibi. to Busineis theifc* '®®- H seems they have by virtue of their appointment, ^ western boundry of the Third Precinct. GREAT REMEDIES OF THE DAY. prepaymentpre|.aymont of postage stamps,stamps. caught the spoils provided I Civic i and Military Barbecue.—Barbecue Our old thence westwardly down the center of .Madi- thence prtoi^s. the earth bears fruit, and the ttot- distemper somehow. southwardly with the western “i?*’ , , a. . good deal of missapprehensiou exists friend, J. M. Coward, of Jeffersontown, ®®“ ®"-®®‘' ®'' i'ours. A.-. Ky., ; 'h® Third Precinct He feed npon a thousand hilh. in a very or- H\!.L')JN. of this ward regard to this order and the..... 'h® center payment of ot- to the line ' noiie uie .lecisioa ot me Uonvenlton. requests‘o>t«vsis us loto announce matthat nehe ISis now ar- r of cay taxation, thence with the u*tbtob*ennaa uevn that i w« mat laer | tot? h!7txhiMt«Anave exhIMttdextuntteA a rattratoi aqoal is Jinarr wav y*'®'^®Tk.r. “*^* r*i.»d L.'.,. »®»-™ .Vl’I’ROPRIATIOK-1"’*0priatiok . Jli^ TOLU ANODYNE postage, think it Api’liei.Al’I’LtEll ion TOto PriPri: fr®"* lines of ciiy taxation we proper to mhke the fol- -Vlabama, Louisiana and Georgia the ranging for the cItIc and militarv westwardly «K*i*rity to the bat ntorta. chzoooB*tar. and4 during,4 Ute virtues VENT THK OOrNTERFEITING barbecue Indf 7'hencek eastwardly ate cnltivatod .* «'OI CoiXL'.m.n -See.Sc< the National ®‘"®'; up the and northwe.slwardly to the intersection N. B. W.W* hav* ^ N«rv*a« n*adack* Kh*. Democrats will of , hav js*i ftrodacwilotradacod .• „wwtsiw-ervu w.urh, explanation*: be admi.ud on I • **** •®"' * "“‘"‘“'•n'ca'ion “®he Lnounced »“‘“®saT. ’^eehs since, to take center of Jeff^ersonstrwt to the beginning the Ball ‘“•f* ®**ie6y. and tha to I River the | mnch, and religion Sen- : the Road and elaborately Snitoed. is spreading. With all i u n ground that the other dcleeates Portland Avenue, and tblnner than any wa have ‘8 pr®P®'J " must ato m oomplianco with Gie joint ““ Saturday, Theine votingTOting placeplac« of this Precinctrreciact shall beb« theuce wtfc*Tto of these resolution members of a hostile Convention which P'“°® July IMst, 18C9. Mr. I down the avecuo to the center of wita Mverai tnipr*vnMBU cak«- l'al*er»4il Cougril evidence- of prosnerilv we incline hi! at prevent Dr. Cohns" officeoffice, on the south side o, to Insara “To thecottn- a ljourned over, that is ' of Sixth cross-street, iheuce northwardly i. 1 Uwd toa sraatort accuracT oi ixeteraiMit*. and theyXml^^^^^^^^ famous for the management of T’V. fnr ararr tliaf Gpilna nf Inain iTtniiii r — 7 Green^ street, west of, and next door n** “soai to the Ihecectir of said Sixth “*® ocetdaou aad .i*rao«*a«ata i cruss-street to the . uch things, and we know of nothing K*m«B«*, after -ix v*bW dtitsm ml m plea.* corner of Jackson street. **’'*- '^® ««“- ’'"‘•‘“JfL' I ... fotrfy htohra to. pabte K«i»hl.tob rtvtos a IhB ’''"rmf r .w o , tv , * Commissioners ' “‘® zne iniri 1 rectnci of thet be p“ * appointed for the purp-.sc, ® Second WarJn ard ter of High street to lb* ta P*»W»e*<>»«K*U pUa., That poHUc. i. not so bad. at least “ ^ view of the field on thl^priiimtnary the intersection of foUowtiiR from Mr. Porter. lbatraU-knu.o Jto- ! aad taaatBMala which e*. to as they . 4 . , skimti-h P«'0'^'nc®s. and to the countnes of ha.l examined the proewses and the s all commence *'ht me‘*‘® '“'crsccuonintersection of HanHan- Lock street, means and rto* Cbn>Baa>rtar I »»»ry caae ba railed as judged from this i R«n"ine old fashioned Kentucky thence soiithwariJIy along aad Watch Makar: aa, aad U which tha grayrtetora iwwresent h We don’t mb-cribe vet ito point. The National barbecue. ®®“*V®'‘.®® cock and .Madison streets, and thence »»k «h*mo*tri*u £u'N>pe,Uu-op*. except PonugalPortugal and Spain. ^ i'®*' P*"®'®®'- "®'oocratsI'eiiiocrais in south- the center of Lock street Besrov, Abril NLitoti. taaninea win bafoanA with alt daai- With attendance at the Music, and the central j .t.w BaUh^reBaltimore I dancingdancing, public speakiL.speaking and all totalZrr.l.G*depravity, although"l: the aforeflaid wardly along the center '’»*• 10 wit- ,1..^ . 1. * , of Hancock street line of Look -treel, »>«««. Tmumrtr. SMr: iprobWetcra caafttaaoa^k aRuraBl tha .bo.these two exceptions, therefore, continued until it stnkes A-.-Dw Mnea ! , , , letters may L’’, y'r’:'' '”*"****^ *; ,w. ^ ration I .r*** ***^***'’’^* ^°****‘^™’*''** ***'*** to the of aesaes prove It more clearly of cdn. These genlleiueii, ha stated, ,h, ®’’®' Une taxation of the city, thence the central “o'® 'o 5®« «f »«Pt-n>b*r. lats.Huve aoH anoB- ““etk'n*"®* Jaai *v adror. by condnot than . , ,1. . . cal!e-J on .lu ' line of the canal, ' '*®t_ sent lye^ DoiigT*- "tli'is'morniny^i^a aud up this | . to the provinces and count i-ies re- we.stw:irdly ***•'’"“« had been selected for that "hade of the still with the sai.l line to the inter- t.> ** B-fc,na«y. duty from their body, I wood, are but a portion of liue the begiiiniiic- The plac.* I’j argument. and were most cord-'allv izree'e 1 of voting ferred to, paid or unpaid.

•1. In all other cases iprepayment-i-g —of 1(>osl- ue rjpreiiu ' . »re mr lue TheAUC xiuinuuiuuu.Roffiinatiou. *. gn.*l-, aoandl a committeeromoii.i. , OIol muter,».«..»to -a...whom I *nU«ii aa.oca U*t year, ro.lc ti „to aay loot :, I invesli-ralioii T:.,,-T!..v l.«,l I I TV i of Ma.U.an a.r.ai, aoJ .l„nco If M,ii, ...,l I,;.| ^„r,u.l,h,lr 1,1. ..linii.rV.f l“irw,.,‘.h'’,ilTlti^L‘Sl ^Irar.'. J. W. UCNNEWKLL compulsory, except on letters to c-wtwardly along the hUCnroaom*t*r havtjiR bfoken Aowa al era. be tuvl- i A OU, is •tuiries.,uiries'' with ®®®see that all '*is done'I®*'® 0'''^®'’- central lino ot Madi- The Fifth I’r.-. - Lvery eye tamed with 1 diligence and in order, in. interetl to the dispatch, . • i of the Fight and n li:ion '.7^ ' Ward -i:i!n\'^n!arl?7luVVgi-!?-h-!'i're^^nearlv'all are ur!! h-! r7l ^i^n^^hoJ! o k T”'' I 7 4c ! s L uBmerrlai W bBl, PaoMU * ’ •'•KyP'. B®yroutand Smyrna .April lid reported to the Treasury *^®‘“e‘n''ee R®®“*® P*’®P*y"»®n‘pwpnym®®! of post- /“""•‘^''C®conti.lei.ee in Jowudowu M-hemesschemes of the pointed time of city >xaiion,"an.l IIS Watea au«*«, Naw TovR. aelecuonaelccuon of a ,j dUuuiondi.uuion eon-piratorv ! for Coward'H barbecue at good manlyman hy Shat body will be'be "‘^T ing’.s, the southeast Naw Tuxx. January ZS, IftW. the proposed ou corner of Gray aad is do ’'.•ribedo.-i-ibe 1 plan, and asking forf®'' "a s.ifficient as being Lelw-enl,eiw-cn j sSold by all rea|wr--at:s ** sn'lcient the centralecnlral I „ _ , tif dralera av«ryw!wia. *«® |; Soule..Soule. e^inpulsory the Governorl Canal ^ rCTER A CU. Whviesala -Uoato. *'*nips. from L-.iiis- I i<» ’'•nc" ^ Lom»a«x. ' by the members of the Democratic party, THIRD and the Ohio ri-.-er: an.l also .ill that part of “7 ^ A’ao.^ for -.aia by ait dealrra to toa ally aaA | WARD f'W ftUmi ft >v*i fcgpi excp*lknz ftiKl : coofttnr rnother and housekeeper l»/aa.iT%fttcheii.atcIbH. -1\ I II 1 PkRM.lNENT rtTKi: at tola The First Precinct of the Thir.l AVard 4X1 U dto aad eamert wish that this ma. should be *7 4” more detiuilely describe.! in part -lU-A^ ll.Ij a of the ! 1 . lliresutnif Neiilier ‘''‘'*1®®® , Kaapwafuii-Kaapwafuil- yoen.yoan, aiCOKUC P. aamflatol. 7 children ' MiBtRIS.MlBtRIS. uaa Yincey.ncey Rhen.Rheii, or any of their and servants. “For many of these ‘ ' '‘**;;'^®®^‘® ®“ ®dd.tional rate. In all commences at the center of Preston street DougUs. His faithfttl Gomn7 wM^e^n bo‘Sai77'7^ j «^vicm hi. unflinch- ' su|ipuri^r8, avowvuw disunionilisuaiuu ' Z*X2Jff ft FoaiimentsFoaiiiueutH here: cases 1 have used ®® "*e Ohio river, and from thence south- Book Rouii, No. JfXiJfki MuAxaai araxn.araan, N. T..t I IRT’ Davis’ Pain Killer, and I ®®“P**'®®*'y' : xhe pla-e of voiine iu this Precinct shall tag courage, ' ^**'***?7* Kebnur^ A ts*U- { and manly defease ’ informed of the right* 7 . *, A'ankbe E.vteri-rise. — he last ninnbcrof in regard to tht ®'®"g ‘»‘® ®*' ® '“*the loitersletter, not being 1“ » ®» indispensable'®' article in the >>e a"h; F.ngr-hoi se. ' R. R. Kobtoaz, C., . . . : fully paidoaid o7 s7u" h s‘de TrfaHtrrr I ... are detained rue"‘®flueirir'tuSuen^^^^^^^^^ . .L Amfriemn NoIcA ItraHMUR- the constituents %tat homehome. ' street to the ®®.®“'‘V the wRole natioa, European Times giv;; . . intersection of Jefferson street, i ^r meet with the appro- i 1^0 . . \UrW*t i » r- „ „ t i i Drar Sir— I taka sreat plearore -Nada by C. K SKYWOCK A CU, .N and Mnt to the Dead Itoller ' '‘“c®J' te as tnedicme‘neJ'cme box. in diarrhea, it is raiicll used to twins to eerttzy I MS ASKAC .STKKKT, ' an.xioiis Office to be cool specimen 'I®"® anxious to forget that he , hence down the center Jefferson of Yankee enterprise,*or of street i ' bution of all. a | N. T. Many, disagreeing with him Grove s7L is Fortum , ibat lor the lost ton monilu I bava cant*d a Walrb Pnea Si par bax ; aaat ft** by poak. ‘“'vocaiedd the policy of with great | opened and returned to the writers; or, if striking instance of the pursuit precipitating successsuccess. F or cuts and bruises it weslwanlly to Floyd street, thence north- of i knowl- i siend i.v ih. t’ vnm:*..i .t.:. 00.1. r.ora th* mtnniiaclory of tlM> KGK SALE AT.ILL 1 Rl'toil.sTSL ' Amartcaa W.icb Cob- M* ia abatmet propositions, still look to him as '‘‘® cotton Sutesates into I aylt-Mto ®J8e ““der difficulties: ! revolution, as he isi.s is wardly along the center of Floyd street to ” invaluable.’’—invaluable. ”-A'. V. Eranumr. I ' paoy. aad thal | prepayment is optional, they are -eat to day of .May, it baa stv»n parftri aattaTOcUon aa A - “,®'^ '® ®'"^“n®®''“® "'l""*s.on j tbe only man who caa compete successfully A•' fewf®'^ days »g®ago an cfticerofficer .7^'® '"'"“9'9on at Baltimore for _d'Aiw the center of Market street, and thence of tbe i tlinakeepez- ! I ““J «i.;* A-..- . . . •>! , . UuitedUnited JodslaA froB toe oaa I bava. 1 da not ' L* letters, and the .IGIIV I. IIEMINr,.-| I McGill R Scliwing's Cheap PlcturM! States army, ' '^®^“ '**® ®®*“*'' '**'’''®' 8'''®®* with the Black Repiiblicaa caadidaie. The .1!*-'.?.° 7- belonging to the .MiUta f“''P®'‘® ®^ .1. « IILNM.NG, hMltale to predict that too day It not far UtitoM wbaa nartiaJ n.i -y j Ik^ I overs of fine ciwars will h. ol. I to I , '>® ^ ^ -Vca.iemy at AVest r®P''®8euled at Baltimore ' ^ ‘® '*‘® ‘“'®'‘8®®‘‘°“ ®' *'''8' W. I'. BisyNK, jc-toiTii’ni. Watches mail* UNTIL PURTIIKK NtynCR, WK WILL MARK Point, went 1 I »"-®e‘. •nJ f®®*® to the Caltod States will aapavsedasll m^ority down 0 , I believe in the policy he advocatesato! ! r7-l7 7 7 KENJ. J. m 1 IS m a e. '*>»' ">® ADAM.a. I ^ ^ "®“‘^ "“® “*®"' ^pite of al the ef- Garibaldis are for sale by John ANKKoTVPKA. Ac . to eoBl plat. Cwm. for TWKNTT- Woolwich, and calmly thence northwardly along the otoBs. I I center First walked into tlie ar- of THOS*. It. IK .N r. J JAMKA plot D D. as tbe only true way of seuling at once andnn** j which have been ma.le to -PITKCENTS. We wUI alsolarnlab PICTTUKtojftw suppress the D’Urso, i { wo, een-il and onward without next door to the Louisville Hotel, Greet to the Ohio river, and from this point Vnrb r:». iv. . r impediment. He , I Nts**. S- C.. Oat. m, WA Cbatt conceded that | mtd Awawt at pwaKp iWaead mneta. W* ara I the '‘‘''®*' forever the vexed question of slavery. The visited all the esUldishments, ' people '**® '® "*® heginning. voting j strolled xhis "P The ... into is a really . K. Jiabbnu, delicious I K. brand, finely flav- A44.— boat Sir : The torsa Wau-ba* a* v ! 7 , r‘"\’t ' rr . t at oar fl ar ' the ®-'^ -G^kima are pu pa Ua v ta Bab* aU wylas al PIctartB present year presents the following in- the against thc.se men, who de- “*‘8 P®®®'®®' s'**!' l>e eoaiost has narrowed down into the question .Armstrong gun-factory, examined th- P*“® held on the Bancroft’s History. yoar manaracturo which 1 purebatat to b* restteeia a mo..t desirable UMd oa By . itob utb *laa la to. muaiiaat BtoUtaro Oaa Wa bava ****',.''" *®®^ * ’® Gonstxtution ^ ’ west side leresting facts: It mechanism of “"'7? 1 of Brook street, between contains Io0,u03 names-- the piece, leisurely noted Main and \N I ! pUutotloa bava proved to ba toa Boat wmB:! tlB*- ai to whothor aciuien,a citizen, moving I . ‘ N K V O U U M ; datermlasd to Bak« to* cheapest wnMbM ; MM into a Tern-Terri- .. . . . nn.l G.»-lrnv I .f article. il.i. ..ntiat v . work to thactip.aBi y ''®8troy the Luton.ninn Th. article. The pricenric* cf .i... j The this , The spectacle of 1 of capital cigar is «^®'‘y "*»' : Market streets, now occupied by Biker keeper* I information of fir. * tnt.i "*‘®K was worthy of being seen, ".“l’ i kava aver knowa. I sava .y hrod*Mwaiil. j soarautoe tt aoitol la tbe heto. ' ^ tory, huhas the eame rights he had in the ^ ^ ’“®“ ‘®«’ G'® rig'" Rubell, and and then made his exit without any^interl I very moderate, and smokers will certainly owned by Rev. Mr. Holman. I.ITTLE, BUUVI.X’ A. mybe»lc.zp..trran.t my bewteastoeereathOB-a*! CO.* SteBtova vtattto. to. city wIR toad M sroatly ®*P*'* ®‘ 5<0,.8C,0l.j; 18 savings banks; *'**^'* '*‘® tlie ®‘®8-*es of .7 I States or not. It is struggle till . , The Second Precinct of the KiLuv .'•ti:i;kt them: aad dnee they have beeo to tutor rropectlvapoa. a oh the part , rupilou he was just out, Third Ward, . when some one jj. ..Bi.>-TgS •IrMawe to cad oa a*. If ‘^®‘®*‘‘®‘"* ^ daatroaa of saad • ' benevolent P®"?'®- '*® follows: tea loB plo nl a ttoa I societies; ; evemblic aa lb* ^ 11 cemeteries; 244 remonstrated with ! commencing at the inier- ha* Bavad lib* of the him oa finding he id ; . Democratic oartv to miMaiii th. tm* h no , , , . PI BLISHFD THIS DAY, pictavea for lew urtceaL ' L’.uctnaati use. Hotels, bars, merchants * ' delegation among them and section .• clock-work,A;iock-vork, lata coM^oftocfti-aweeqaaiica of tb*tX# oxtzeBc«xU«a»e accorac.v proper authority for his 1 of Market and Floyd sfreets. gccuncy pi*®®® ®f :5ff researchfs. He u7i thence Bro-e«:,] a eaij a. n ^lifi®®* worship, viz: Baptist ' 4oc7iJrTf 7orrrro.«ir«on. n ervenfion, leaving! .7 2the * '="“®r®n- ‘ ^ ftchwillg ft Old StHDd, Rule, Bowm:iti, Wa«h .McLean, dealers generally, would ' souihw-ardly THK" andaoU regularitv with which thesetheae Watch** perfara.petfttB. •'* * P®rfec' knowledge do well to try a wuh tbe central line of Floyd Conizre«raiitWe limits of the city, thence , | \i-m I‘"' and we will guarantee them an Meiiicr s — j •*®»***' Synagogues, 7 Lutheran, l.iad, all well aud iu high westwardly ‘ with own . strong gun, an 1 thinks this line to the center of EnirasriTEs. Cai-'4O0, way. and upon the part of Black he “We’ll improve it IzL, March. IMS, . Re- ;„„easo of custom Air D Urto’a fa -f ' '-"®® -a-A-AXAtJA•\_TTlfarif'*f\TlIt. IhlA “WvV o-M ' ct Lt? ! AA6S ^ “P'"'’’ First street, -terrirua^WSjtAlaarrinia^lKEjA'A " Methodist Episcopal,rspiipcopMi, Go AinoanAfrican Metho-.Yietbo* zery much in the States.” • thence northwardly with the \tiL.VlIl. I fl/OtoBiV, a jear alaoe. aad aaa* ^'®* j j ftHERICAN v*kA ‘’ WATCH COMPw Ak. R Jenisalem, 4o •. ANT Presbyterian, I I , hoBcst but misguided poliiiciani. in the niied > n . igI'-kv «iih thi timiui'M v,arwz". aecaratowarato and *,juahtee-iuahte hava hronheen laIts performaace*pi rfiniiiaai in thatllial

— ' I h*vahava AN ALTII.ANl, NI.ASS. ihoashiIhoashi It would totaraattotar AT Fresbylerian, 1 Associated Reform do., o I wonU aat vow,voa, aad all otoaraothara ta-Ih- Ii SMth, aided by the Admiuistrauon. threat- Till, v..lu!ii.- .•..iii;.rl-t*« Ih-'ih,' p*ri.-lp*rt» I rxteihlias iroiutroiu thath* mUlarlUlarwahhoroiosy.towith horoiccr.horoiacr. to *a***a racard < : ma a of haHa vattothiaa.vattotlowi. : ime% 'I® |j •« Wt -ton'-n . ^ Protestant Episcopal, :12 0 T T PI BatiN- OI Biiiilirr-.s II U i > theGie ; XHH aae an i^nry the party; but the true issue ; It waa SnaUvSnatJvSntoJv mieelaei to Uaatraa UmaUBaUnm after Z l>a*aii*** M had r*sulat-r*si>lat- 1 I* L®*®*® Ualholic, - of tnU- prii l*ii< *. Ih* i-*c,,ii-l of .Aiixaa. iDi i Altentlaw tovlied la thafoUawtos^tatamaat af laet Lnilarian, 4 Universal- and Iu«>'®n Methodist, and ’20 miscel- ' '® "*® Coiiveniion Swam, merchant tailor, Mason- j |I Msme Mr. Flennikea to this I'*®’' excites tin- , the Seuih too well known to the people, for honorable post, by the of KiialaiKl H iih Uii.-iafor iroo|u>, AufuatAuftiat toIA. ....totoSacc.toetAacc. DecrBOciDeceBOci 'to.' whz thev toould he prafvnvd to them koL'rtii ward wiil'*n ft-m i>aB*ia ' |I Saec. *f S>r*tsB moam laneoue; ''®uuled disgust, aud he will ic Temple, C city railroads, get some voles Fourth street. This . 1C clubs, dispeu- Administration, gives great saiisfact'iou gentleman ftoDi th* ari-tiiTr -:f Kii::lan>l aiiil MnrewhkhMnr* which ilBAiaiIb* Ita a**ras*a**r*s* moatoly I foctora: ne to apprehend that this lead fe not Fran**. iiklu,tiua let- I moatolt VBlaUuae hxT* will ®^ AVe have divided the Fourth Ward Into only want of confidence that may compel him tt. i.n;' »» ‘We^rtod tox aeciaito. Thatr eale boa* to his friends, t*MOf lit. an t of lU* K.mpri r.utiartn*; I .NORM .AN haa c -aatoMlj o. saries, fi2 public schools, d4 primary numerous but the Dem-Dent- I has on hand a slockstock of the most beautiful m the WIARD. to« tocreroa rrov any oerione injury. It is folly to at- schools. two Precincts, as follows ocracy generally. Uiv'ft»itin of i aitd'l.i, tr*>iM priv'aii’ I«itd*rM aii'I (*?iperi» •** om-etotod. toa. The gentleman i t a law- | CAUnOK-Aa itor Woito la a*w exto.atv.lv towvtos Chal French, English and Ameiican cloths, ’-i-casst- The First Precinct of the roam ! to Fourth Ward 4«ent?ial Yl'jni^imi-rv l Iti^i ^*’*~ *"*• tempi disguise the strength of Blsck yer of well i. ftu taiiiily; tli« monemcuu of ' ,Tr“{ known a. | *- r ability —calm, careful taririted by ioro« Banatoeluror^ w. hav. to Itoov. 'W IS htiSpUxls, 14 J and Testings, designed ' commence at tbe Ohio river and in v4-ry '~“*r insurance comp&niefl, bay- jusland sludioun. strong against especif lly for ifrancL- iinda<|Gi!u,fr.uu . op»oufi.ioxMin**m'‘ »*biftjo- A* an at hleac* af to* *xum to wWch ills ! iii»i RcpnbUcuai^m. A most wicked and un- character ia such toe pobiicpabitc that aoBu w*tchWatch t»ta af aar prodactom which I. | ®«®'®»' ot bireet, -M®ek, of Alabama, center ®f First blr^t, and fromtrom thence shall *Jin*dln Fraiuear.FraiK-ear..li Midrut;Moirui; th?dWn.-«iiai,'mth?dWn.-«ii.i,on of ***»^'^* 'k* oJormBaat 'h.ai ! the leading : the spring styles. Tnrf..iTnri..i to .Har*on.p.*toi . *a*tio* of toe satoto. w* iRg a cipital of $«;4,34.3,» •“ ‘Ulr nthMua. A ! APPLXTON ’ »«•* WHOLtotALR AORNTs *'»«*zeaa4.iMars,tod1*-mfasa|helr.toaSastoaaa*. •I a vague abstraction to continue this my»aeomr put his feet iu the ®f ®®®' side of Second street, ,between_JelTersou _ goods i routes, 62 fire-engine companies, OI hose Convention, except the for coats, pants and vests, before Ri|$hu >>f Man; til' KaUIo ef ^ui!ivftn'<« InUod, in part J[2^ torots* wtoch to a vary torro *xt*at. Mrov.rtoej.to. irri^ite. ^ “ 'U uf„ nc?*; tUclUc st^ulngat.-uing thoth« betas par-oadad hy toair and , T«mTwin TAlsaWevalaaM* UUtMstUtotoMai ba*. fortor I Jinu price warranted to givesive enureentire satislaosatislao-sktialao- hm. «.veralM^vorml yaara.vftuL hr*akA. ft I * j shall commence al the intersection ' eccurred between Mr. Chat , of First acaotractodoad •eralic phalanx, so firm in many hard- los Korfrcchi ! ^ laated la .llaeaaea of th*Ih* U l»yavfa*» *!•• a j lion. „f tom.Oii. obIand t.to au - b. joaT7«lTrfdoaht oma at i j andund Green streets, G F. Morgan, two well known and from themethemthencee shall go Tiiewu«ofiiiTI.*tau«ofTii* wa«of 111.1na-.11,.;iii.ii,a-.i,,.; mai.-tml-mai.-tmi- .••Ueei. .Ueri -t f„rf..r Ihiathi* th. ^ «»>a f*ar a* toaa « totor ato. A correspondent from mwt Valnata*TiUiutde r*ia*.|le*r*ia*.lle* tor I U h Tishomi ngo , Twra.Twrax. longfoncht fieldeo, so callantlani in inaistrials where 1 f®** |I 99.LT.l, R*araR.rra g BaiumoreBaltimore ConventionGonveniion-Convpntinn ! ^ Mparte.l aaL-••‘‘Ito*. aiKl lawyers, while they southwardly®u‘'»•®'"'»wn'f^lywardly o'",out ‘h®the center of First street to vuIuhi*kVuluin*l-voio..,* 1- v. ryrye.ryc.,i.„.l -t.t. .n.i u,.w • l« th** orit[:u aiMl pru- toe a»pr. iMMlua that \iiroi..in.,i .*1, •.» wera engaged in taking nay ,. *n.luti6.M*G,*orUiuaiHlpr«- B.aaixVB.aaiiKV lr.».lr.-a, «>dand uUold ak-enak-er. a**ra.*r 'i toair ' success of a .t*n*n,U *®""'y» Mississippi, says; We are ®®w liiLTiMoiiE.„ BSL.BgL. The success of a merchant depends Ai"C»v.«vd.d.-«uv.«vd It hrokaa is ^ June ****'* psiaeiple and not inurest at stake, U ^‘—T'*®17.—The ®>‘ycity '«is rapidly ! ***• , -n-K--'Tvk-.'rvik^ofcvtikof ev,i> imizoitinrlii,|*>u tnl ni*a.-nr*,nirtn^nre, tb«* t®»w»Ch depositions iu one of the • thehe line of taxation ofOt theihe oily; thenceiheuce we.H-we.st-we.’^t* ofev.iMm iraciaztnciti'4 th* I.rosrow.}>ru){r<««* ,M«nue«n uar-lIiee-I AOMpeUtoa to numerous law of- . I t by •a namhrrnamher ofoi our Ctototo.ctoroto. Uitouito - filling up. moren*®*"®)re upon buyingbuy mg his goods right than any- (riot*r.*t -u. “*^"*8 copious rains. The prospect of a The Gouglasitouglas and iinti-Uouglas i ..f U"- K*'uimioiKckuililloii ruuipirifly, lu rt icrPiM • lu K-Ttry pftit * **“ *’»h aOtov broken. Its leaders are insulted, iu priu- fices opposite Court Bqu-ire. As we i w.ardly with this Uneline to tbethe center of Third an.1 they ,p**k hi*hly la lu arouadlaro under- pratu . feeliuv is ^^*^**'^r- »nil it, inien.sifieJ ill op|>08itiou *'"®®since (he'**® 'Ringthinging e'se.else. Thousands will this, "ft'e"ftt**?••fiiie '<«*!»*•>1 uu*-iu't*’i cm'-ijt'". lr*-*nllIll; ih* »«W> ct aisoin arl^Mruhmitomfto» am roiuTanal^n^rnctmi laaatTytm^mtrr tiatola ta> I s Mr. felt admit andaud street, andamian*U it!*«wni.ini ®*“**‘^ to / "'ey ®®ncan do belter.better. Ihey will vniitvisit the *<>*•»* ' t^Twa«Utnfofort kave thetfte struggleStruggle ofor IK',18., IH-Vi,IK-Vi, —us ~ be apprehensive of«• ouo.urranother hsions, have already“'''®aJy Lceubeen had between '»'”""<>rTT'** H' U.it* roiuih»nroluilon winwill u»U* cumpirte.Mucumplcte.l lu H kar# wvkm cowWrmtMaofowrmtn^ t#i# k«rfh#r» ikamxnwm^ 2 andamt and the I see him again. Meeting on the street near street to ,hethe beginning. AmiAnd Ih7the _ "*'**‘^*”*‘ to*.l roi*ii i 1 proininout ^»*“»*'* *- jell OcteU NXy-RT-W p>r . **!*«*A ^ky Ae*roe«.«foewtft. w» ar**ro h ro ••to litoL, triumphs? scanty crop. Our close neighbors over in ilie oflice referred to men on the several sides. The same old houses, which are stocked with old place of voting for this Precinct shall be at the IXTBT w hurd won Are we unmindful of about seven o'clock, j ^ “- **^_*****?*** *’**,'*^^ *.** *— ‘to'to«l L Douglas Dob j . , ' men calculated on an increased tei— CRINTADOKO-SCRli*TADomo'S RXCXUIORKXCXLsiOE 'he dispute, or goods, and have grown careless the carpenter's shop of Silas Kvans, tbe 1 DAR"DV*'* pc«mtiwroesi -''•Lama have a very fair prospect of a altercation was renewed. | about on south the fact that we need all tbe aid can — ri irMi we ' a f a lor iiim, :it &11 eventstvciiis tli I I ^ , _ IaIows wore (Struck hv nrw* f»v Iwttli (ha viai* on the third or wheal crops have both the par- -w hoaorably gain and give to Uose gallant 7*’^ f^n^thL?rtt7'’"H®'.ballot,r.j 7auda®'«ad11"it seemss er^^^^^certain theythe I— KOH S.VLi],Li], 7 j friends interveneded to preUntpresent i ttuirif *'niost a total failure,r bold house has come into existence which re- KBCAfSK RMn—the Northern Democrats? hardly enough hostilities. In (heir own ""on the*'*® earliest®'"'''«s‘ ballotsballots. | Airilnh Onw* PattlA Peanar. ^ ^ ^ Who but the melee Mr. Morgan drew i Milch Cows, Stoch Cattle, Beapers, *'It **is ** harvested lor seed. Fruit a pistol now evident that not ’®?;®less ""*n.than 20,188) ceives daily from the Eastern cities and man- I will be abund- which, it is said, was accidentally Threshing Machines, Etc , Raadmen, at the eve of the most important , d'seharged, strangers will be prcK-nt. Ihe trains on AVe have divided the Fifth AVard into two ®nl, Particularlyparticularly peaches. methe nanball entering Mr..Mr. .Morgan'sMorgans j ^ carefully se- I T Tilt: farm nr poUiiealpoUiieul stragglestruggle of«f the ag*age. would turn : The woods and GKRAHD H BArR. H r H't .Mond.iyMnn“f,77nrnintmorning will«[i7i.7;,»bring Precincts as follows : **" "** OOeiity of toe vast accessions , , .-V r.K W KUNL.shaV. .IUNK *•. . .ape-sau^ mEEB n. ,k .w . V ;.wtlcBkv workMU f®“®« are lected Stock ot all sorts of dry goods, no- e€ the asmstauee .f tri*! a^d gallant al- "ws lined with wild grapes. to the number already liere. It is confi- The First Precinct of the Fifth iiatiu>.'i..4*i^ , Ward R^.h p^ies^erreUed"^ a^ppesritef^^Gie com- Thr*-nin* Gons, piece goods, "''’i’- « r£-®L{ >u-.'** toto*roptte«Tc«itoMl««*r.*cr«to.«y«vy There is a heavy oak mast coming on. The dently expected that whatever theIhe pro- etc , etc., which will be mences at the Ohio river in rilIn*;L’"'* «*toto to- HsukiBg R comtoOR otwsc Recorder this . and the central Um with us? morning — .Veiuphia Avatanrf.c. | :o the kkl- totot LfAk* ItotoWtoy to *i«A* *f to* too«» rh«to* gramme n.ay t«e . hlRh*.t «*rf 'unber is loaded acorns. *— by whichhich the result is sold at private sale at auction prices. It line of Third cross street, thence southwardly Brol.Iro twla* frro from tv«ry m. 4 * . J J , with young Much .JTuu^IurumriTr pouoDo*. iagrtolleiiL It The result ef defeat ' i.>mm. Mce *1 nlae •*a«rlii* mto«i*ie,c«*f*Uy s*taa*.lbyto*VMk** roo- and Us attendant , . . t.... d i k- Douglas will be ‘^® ®®ntral line The Emi’eror Lmis «^®«;'';® nominated, .^iU of Third street to the '? <» •»"« • ‘"®rtor * Of “** NAi’OLroNNai’oi-eon —-Thehe | to the interest of each customer, - .a*. croro* to wkak toey «• rol»e,to.l. euu.eque.cey "ndihat Ihe greater portion ami tke. ar* t«. grave for trifling. It of the South . intersecuon of AValnut street; thence west. **>*, to*n oto*r Dy« to lk« w*flA IM'.U I | , 7 year (writes a Paris4 correspoiiJcut)corrpsnnnil..nt . , CASK fimDLKKD HU -NT UMIlKK FOR SAI.RS.(I.K BYR •? S*to*e, i*m*ctod eeveroly ItUwamba purchase ua. I :KK «»1 |«*»*«I by to* keto woia- • countr, and .Marion county, Ala- will put ftii oppo.siiioii ticket ia of Hundreds I toLe only theeL.. I 1 1. , promises to be a the tielJ. wardly along the central line of Walnut 1*17 KDW D W ll.DKR. 14» M*ln it. Mgr Sold •vivywhara *od *nptl*il kF all hBlr-toroasm. u^ election of Lincoln, but * most felicitous <>ue to ihe j ch k** bee* to* e*ro with bama.hae l,eeu.hipp*d trom ibe Northwest.” Kiimor points to ilie lion, vhtoa t’aleb i Emperor Louis Cusliiug as who know us will testify that our a.ssertions street to theintersecti«)n of Fifthcross street, \IULAS.S|LS.- OUSTADOKU. No. S AMor Boom; K. T. to*** vaetMH AMlc*k*ro whole revolniieu to be effected in the Napoleon’s dynasty. Scarce- karo »eftor»«A. ttoto Ml*r Uov- (Ue uominee for the toVi. ^0 bU.M RdwaiM WUdto-. 44S Mton Southeraor's for Presi- I northwardly along the central prim* MuU.'Ma^ aw mnaX. aad Mn. «. ly a shadow of opposition remains at home, are correct. One call will be sufficient to line of to* Utrae Banker of w*k. li*«4*:.|, n*t mow to** * .!•**• i 2^ aIo iIo; ernmen . Priueiplee fixed by time will be •fer A correspondent in Han county. donf. with the Hon. Jeff. Davis for street Nlchotaei S» FMTto Mroat, Ax—to, jelT ASwIa Vico Fifth to the Ohio river, and up the ;»*i or tw* k*T* be** r*t*r*ed t» ili* and abroad his iailuence is such GihI he has convince any one that T iraukr al n/z -c M»i-4 .'*ifffarhon»e 'to; CotoRMF fov *x- President,‘.''®’'“" on the L. KAHN & CO.’S |H ground that the nomina- river to bbi» rk « * ». town aay cato*e proetesl, aad the wisdom of experience Kentucky, says the crops, so far as his oh- been able to add a large slice to his fron- the beginning. The place of voting MIOTirrHE NRA-nuiT s wkaleeer. 1 DEAD AND MOOT RK- j tion for 1*’“ Ihe Presidency is immaterial, but Kv acy waick to y**ran i a*d ky •werthrowB by political servation has Gers, almost without a luuriiiur being raised a 4**raaty tool to s*a4 experimeatalists. extended, and from i informi- - = Ulllt OI BED MEG-H. I mny aiiplled. W retoalaa iroe year a for «roMtol*a. ami - - _ - sxAwtoSntof Si.e. nnt 1 » .• 1 .... I l> ..IM... kr paniea that caa b* '‘K®*®'" th® Daly and Rcine alike Tkc Dred 8coU demaioz, so relied npoa in Gon from others in the Green trop rrody aat tor IImm aoxtoaa MnaaMora *1 aw roackad. Bann.-* R.ver even* of the election going to ibe Senate. . wMcke*, of th* tonaa tutoitav aikuowledge him as the arbiter of their de.s- *mA4iy rvaL Uo*, ara *fteny*K* i Ksate quarters, wiU prove oounUe--, bid fair Tbe commiilee will meet :it 10 y— riili A hjr thair — — a aulUiy. The to be good, with the linies; Austria has lain almo.st prosir.Me al o’clock on Monday muruiug. o*A*,.y Jndieial is not tbe arm of the Ooveroment. exception of wheat, and liiai will be good, his feet; Russia courts allianoe and co.aciyn 1 E.«.I-T%IN« |DTC?y'i!JS'-‘;.7x*r; "rea. EL\ -K1LA.KK. I 40*11. Cutoneace eatlT, a*.! toa whatever 8ha meditates iu the l.uU; Kiig- whwi kmmwiwrnft Wfoimk * « Tht iwnl power is vested in there is of it, but the frost it * Ataatlcto Walekai . Congress and thinned hoaae may ba kapt clear of File* all aaiumev. ame tot T th*tk< rofTllwnMCfnaatoet ink Uud secks by evcrj to Terrific Hail Storm ih« line of city taxation, and with the same • avoid means a 'I'aar* I dk.m r..*.4*.*o‘ro..* «Th. -A • J 1 A _ V ai 1 A *u .*!_ . artlcla* aala ^by tbftvaiio«a«ft;4^ikMftih.i^9uiiirtrfoctth* v*rUi*a axi.*iua* ao-t pr«9u inrtrfoct the Executive. The (.ourts are, indeed, a out w) ba-lly Ust winter that there cannot be Public westwardly, to BMh for ky Dnisslauwrarrwhare Sand tofo i«9wr> with him, and Prus-i i atands in such Alranv, .luue 17 —A lerritic hail storm Speakers and Vocalists. the center of fifth cross for a .Atople toaat. talloh-theluullailo*—lkelo4»l of wkleh,whieh. tactodinstovtodiito roatotaa-haroaUh-cnaaom-ki qualified check, but there is more than a half if that. prts-e I A not* I Clri-Kvinan an I r.iMie -S'reet when extended, or to no maxim more crop— The corn dread of his power and hi.s duiigns that she over this oily this al'leruoon at five l4K-tur.-r .ars of Pope street a.s tfo*- than Js^ L L. DC1CURR a SON. rropilMua. dm- «'*'RMr* to** da*He*<»a*lile, to* ynm*pnia* eroaeo*4 *f tketh* watchw, ha- 's forever planning true than that “there ia no check on power and oala look very promising, an.l they will how she uiiy best I’ortity gL AILaaat Termonl hroUforoU gauMthepatXetfata MthvpatXtt af toeto* *lt,i**i*olt.iaal* owaaowaaa. Leiself agaiiisl lliem. to*a»c*«f U*a:iliaa:i akoiudaholud hut pewer.” Their plan already have a fine crop of vegetables. Fruit, aw Fold by all IMd Bronlafa. ]a*7dl*i dacldad*.-lJa to*th* ^aaaiioa to «*r has been such j Uvor

at as apples peaches in - kefehed out. They laugh tke reliance rr and r are abundant Ihe o.. o a pragto'hca ca thaaa first first floor 2'si bushels a.a .'ouxh r*nir.ly ar* presuiiacbily the U-l. ^ I live aud legislative departmenis The cumber of The World, a of corn an.l l-'.Obimh- i THK oRierrAL and \igrt trk wimilb of the Gov- : m jiUd.rTii.TiiASa and Ihestniit, in Ihe property bcloijinj to . srow-j If .'u watches *ra ho4 A^Zirr for tha toaBar.ihaa' daily «f ®*'s- 1 he tornadotorni lo struck the buillbuil 1 Tha *aly Hanala** *cK HaHahla they “** newspaper in New Fork, has AV. .. •*.!. EUlr-»y, n>4 foreiac. emment, will fix theIhe judiciaryiudiciarv Thev I H. Stokes. -.r- r T*,: ' ' They!**** All I Gas. ' . - *nF>'®8> '®*'8 *'s upper parts to piece*, seiiter- • • .4J ... I, iI . 1 .1.,1. .u L *.i Ill r* -lore anil vale by I To coaei*4*~ww reached us. GIt isi. somewhat larger than the .-IIXTII irARD cUlot Ihm aor waickro are th* k*to ean appemt a*as many judge* as they ('..Muim, II. Bronchitis. •'lAh-HtiHill.i. Ilal.ni.nliiAi.Bi ni i„g ,1,*,,,, timbers in all direclions. tin 1, swept N. .June 17. -Hon. i: imun.I .r.'- A CM..CM., APIsPi vmMainn aUat. AU oth«ra af* mat* lixluiLtofo aad ahitold h* »v*U- »*a mo., me.g.. k^ Tribune and Times, and i*ia to ' prevalent Glaliy lease ia the Kupreme Court, wfio will ba soldtold at half out iboIbo floor upon Hurke wnle* from AVssliinglon to a friend Mast aad teudli.x ill.u>a‘>e. are We have divided the I I liiU p ihethe grain Ward into two .-T'l I f ER.iwn .WDDKAB tog tb* ••ke*D-'*t. »aa W* aa*Ml tkto J i*rfoa af Wau-haa cmnpr*li..n.l*.t iho “ ’ II L-ah.rn.n.1 here : un lrr icnn Uioint.up.. Kin. IU W-:-t I.,III avet^at ®RAT.®RAT, RIO.R.BO. armr is doing it so sii blenly l..lb.wi E very l.ody expects x i lu ail of Precincts. The First m RCOTTRC9TT KAIRKyaA4y«4 tmtoatlyInatetly they wish. D as g«K)d a firsl number as as to let the grain > II .11'- ..I uninjured, d’l'v-s, one of will They r*Mmbte vonsunir-non in aymptoiua in the center IK awliKt.NKS XKVa.\Ki; ri)\.foTANT- toltiTy to ftfttr vr ftkto. and scarcely ! whom be a luau. of F'ifth cross tfttor yman’foftiicft foM toftD a bushel of it mi-i- Koulheru ! street, itatoMftft aud 'from I ' ly ii: I II.-- j »iih vt‘rr txdt jH k. ttiftck. I»r«ba ftOft good selection of news, a variety of sub •n.t laulity. an.l In many canca actually en.I •• poiated by Jackson for the purpose of juali. In puitil- thi-nco I VIFTKId 3UDA1^ ftnd DtPl«OWAfl foftVD to*fcih^ Not a remnznt of ih? floor could be southwardly alnnc Ihe center cf Fifili r hlftvft*!.. I>Thh. U|i»t» Be-AXe' sf|i| toM paaaaDftaftv^I bybv amytoindftDvtoiito newodad to a,*a«rybaftt^ry osni horotav.boroiMft all." The PkRUVIAN sVRL'F i.vixiiaily nt-T ill jects discussed in able editorials, found’ beneQclalln street to the intersection HaiN our mftdufftctarft ovonlod to Wa. . ffotfhotor tine* U*. 4d4 owfll- Ad*«.rlp(tro yotoskt*' '-o*;atalac foil luiorMlIoa , and what fying himself in the removal of the bank de- of AValmit ireet- •#1 OI tt^Olal'llt ftQal fhiy- Ii ii s-iid that Judge RIaok will be suckauck6UCQ c*.u>a. am!fttul ha«hftd anatchediDAtched manylUAHy from l^UlliO'ldUxli* .-IfJv'A. nreioatur.preiuftturf westwardly Oto pT^Hcftttwto bftTo b «i •ad ona*roo* oaasiaaatra IWnw ta*akwow* twdiTktoato to be g*a«iR* European correspuud- along the center of Wall ^ poKits. Tbe truth is, that it is a qiiestioB I a(qioiute.l to the Supreme Heuch by Presi- gravafTftVfti. ol tbti foMOAft . Py«. koHaA aSpU -tototo* aadar-ltanL fff^_ The New A ork Chronicle says (h.it nut street to tbe ioterseoiiou of Seventh row — f s®®*- deni r.iichanan, in place of Ju.lge Daniels. MT For Mlo tn LotUilHe by CA HY A TA LBi >T. Drur WM. A. BATMHMLOR’S HAULDFK A.oar «ra4ok thai will be defer mined by political action. a j M Caezroa— w aow aalaroi vaty oawwsar- , young girl, Street, _ 1« year.-' of age, was slriiok and thence northwardly down the I of A irgiiii’!. «i*ta- Am. u Vu u.il 'nfforti.a-1 ftw **««•. mto la He does not live in the district, Jf«fl!2Aw1i '’Vu* follod ky foaoStotoa no f acT ius n; wo :mv* shemld blind ou the Hist ult. in Ihe city of Dalii- center of Seventh street to the Ohio to Infof to* ftllBiaer qnesiioas be merged lathe i tUf'T. B. Peterson & Brothers; of Phila. river, **_ ^k*W| a cr.aiu\'* doi to * ib iIm i«Mi, fofoe and in other respects is unfitieJ for tbe ttov bbwww n ofty too** paoKc tool BO wuck i* of oar I yrodwcUoa more, under singular and awe-inspiring eir- and *jp the river to the watcklaaa- place of beginnin;r. wt 'iUKR n tton«i, tfo» * ««bcfo w la* Oyos um aU-iaportani necaaaity of dcfaatiag the delphia, are publishing a uniform series of place. If nomiiiAie-l, the Senate ought to \'!<-s-»HKrmNti .\m r<»i; voi .no •crotoS*9l*A by a eortiatalo kt srwwtooaaa*, a*ro^ eumstances. She had been accused by her I l: **OSt. TheTho place otof vetm((voting Inin this TreciactPrecinct shall bau tou *foo*4 y 'ob- b»« only toTto«mto4 for u* by t^ *atob*r of toe ira»ck. Hack kepublican party. If we do aot, the U. W. M. Reynold’s novels. ^ - and **a*d ky aro Tiroaanr We have re- aunt of falsehood, I •Tift. iiETwyEw riRsT JEF- or aoklfoA (to *to* which AND in the Mad*, aold. snvato i a. auBaiM; she p.'SitiyeIy be basement of the Courthouse. X or kg *to ro "d i'f aa «. AuptM-n. ' r r.-r-.aii, a. Tmer •eepler has passed into the baads of our ceived, throngh Maxwell Go., ropy denied, calling upon God to strike her Tho .Second Precinct of I A Ii vr.s.-WK iiAir. yaw fi.nk wmwn* Factory,factory, Mis W»d*>nd mro*.rtroat. Now TortTart. & a of blind Byqn.Rome old MONKY-ab. A. Vbu'" ’’wm'br the(he Sixth Ward pin j barhelor probablvr wrote the® **’ * «®--oa» - ' 1 . Uf. .,*. 1 . I , 1 ^.-1 Ii .1 "7 l*iTiiut It al 1 Bold i*la *ii*11 oumsoitlas o*ao*d towwo *!^’*'* 8v -*ew»laro emtmiM, nad...4 .... 4 .. .. v. if oh* »»»WS.4 notnot. tellingIpllinw theIh* truGi.trill loIn a momentmnmnnl . shall commence at the intersection of Fifth Jew”** Bom towwo atad too DaWod StoMo ks ornaioKj eur day* are numberedliered. We “The Countess and the Pago,” whilom a ‘‘I.’**'** foUowTne; a. craio-il tt^-olto. Ltoro. '*’ru«. * I. ij. over her eves, " thence southward- no longer a uaitod nation. popular novel, ''s n i\ nth v« i "kruu *o ,ii Tbo too For to* AtoavL-** ; Nl « Orl*.iiiii Sugar, Nooca— SMintDO kaa aad adili aaa, o» WoMk Oawikawy. d„,royi„g the sight, and leading • 1 ly along the central (i her to con JMa-j’ii loi H Ml siimrt — line of Fifth » a ato»l olal a «nAr*Tin«. It bi 51 '! au.1 ‘itoed do; oa tk*r ildaa at too kow. al lAOBniMM fo * dot totai<->c. ns talk of a^; boohs. T.vr.v u-liie m.ikcs “ AXUBM1H8 « APPI**TOM. fesa her guilt. 1 hW b*ada.-’ji', In utoTu aii.| street to its intersection with Pope street, T*. A. BAICaKLOR. IS Rood MracLk RowJtow VavlLtodTart, aad All-1 tvoiuttu Ills heert.-' 1*17 -^siarsh ox halbbrt a 00. | W ii2^^^‘*atoif5rt ‘‘lIiswlsvato. Ram- WaotBUAUi AUUniL with Pope street t« the Uae of city tax- J«‘» Curnez ot Fonrtk M>d M* n. SB? Air X*. to* teoodwag, Maw Torq^ H . w W T “! . L 12 , , . , 1 d : Y M , 1 ‘ 1 1 ! l —!! ! 1 " ’ 1 ! ! ! " , ! „ g

Tiu; M M' . ' few se ul.H'h- ointment. Woodlawn Trottine: acd PaHnir ] Rtiilrond TiSattcrF. noiiowav’s AMAMrsi<;Ml'IS KM KM’S. - MISrKLLAM'Ors. )t I 'f .I| ^ I" tit* porsi*»r.«, [SrKM K< I’lth AN rd su anil le Cea.iur:::p; till |•^p•eut svs'eiu iT'tpTioi RacM I. OI' iC \INh, III.I*\IST1 K 1 ijjj I>A»it niigw«r®» i*c4M le'rr aori'^, • aa 4, » *11 of transport *1 inn of the mails from t'iucin- llcmocnit tTu!-*. anlallexf-mallndtuimaUisn, wh»ihrr Ih** rf LouisvilfeijOUlSVlllO TJ Water Pipes, Hydrants, Bath WM IT rlMK.YL • s Theater. MKfT PAY 'I A» sv'viii L- hii. | 1 I !** 1 »N \ ILLh K A AU * J l.t amt. I *I ..nanr the usti, which indiretily Idamed iho l.ouis ^ ^ .IN *p- |X>RTON dc Tubs, Wash-stands, TULAMI'lloru . l.i'Mces. Water Til* ili* finest FK*)\I JEl>'KKh-»> V ILl-K. plicalioxi ol tlili Olotmeuh meeting on* of Title and (’hicago lailioad We Uarii from no JOHN T. Closets, and Oom Hose. i I houif :n 1 In !ldissn*ll/- A n : latiuu .... 6 a m. niAniiCsctoilHa. No. 90 MtliJen LOaTON PRATHER sh>U at tha Lane, .M.vaoaa. I & SIMRALL, *Y«r held in the I'niied Stales. NoIessihAn rei the I W.M C. TKl MFBoLR. tue ords of company that frciu Fel- Kxpit^ii. ^2>) r TxaAscaaa. j OAS PIPES; 1 >*!. nAp.slU an 1 Cl; iiiuat; J''.t>toro M New Yuik, and No. 144 London, anal by til Dtor* ti'.^-hve the vs- CUANLELIEKS. horses ]>r*sent, entered for t;-. ftT.'l Cl?i* Inuatl M»;M p«r Pot j Hilary 14 to Ji I l“'i>!. :JJt trains have 'i. I. In I srlstn. at r<-. and $1 CH.ANGE OF EAB.VET. HUGHES 4 CO. runry June TIMK. — to fuinre the tUeir. win oi.en at i I • ‘t and lh«* iUrtatu a ill ri»*i ^ LRACKETS; aA P M at o’ckick i'r**ctMrty. \ T rious races. So large a meeting ha« seldom, Kspi^-- - 7 GKNKHAL INSURANCE AGENTS. arrired at (hethe .J. There «... t' „„;,ed New Alban;, d.polpol PK.NUA.NTS. V « The United Voice j ^^***“* kBowtt M»uy of the horsefl LJJl 1.-5VU.LK,il.LK, M.W ALL.Al,n \NV.VNUCmCAVN ^ hare Wen delays of ova*r ihirty !uin^te^ nn l The OLA.SS AND PAPER MlABFji; Market ana 0( all ah,. hiVH us.’d R b FAIlNKsTtX^K’S \ ER Hidden Hand ! j figurc^ wtU TCF.. F JEFFUt-JEFFER- *®Hebed over two Lours, eight limes only. t»fth*se, 1, it*t '*l-i l’r,i,r,-piir«-lpare.l I1 e>IJ upontipon theil,e j s .'1 ly Jil, l.-w, train, willfUlliaxiax ,sr., or. . l.-Mix’. Ill srccUlc-sreclllc- an»n «.,M watera.aflerwar.l- an tu-lntu-lr. aaat ul the »n 4 r..l afii rTu. la; . fa-l.a Hid- t BR.Sttil COCKS. HEl.l.ttU.1! VAA.nHJ.'YIES: tsAK *leii > IkaK tVl'VTYtvi-VTY . ting i^ eminently tmeriean. The course Huure), Mrs. K.tle iK-nln Rvan, W’o«.l ^he tJhio and Mi>?i>sippi load caused ibe Whul,--jl. l>ruBKl»U. (a negro, I liAiloWs* I,' 11 . L. Exhn,-st,,ck A Cu., and Stw .V.iiAiiyOR old Hnr-lcjiie’a servant). Mr. .Sauj R.ran; Marali FORCE, U FT AND ALE PUMPS; and Wilurn't No. So, comer Wood j ETNA INSURANCE COMPAHY. Of Hartford. Conn. as racer, * irouer is the roadater os well t,yf times. wa« a failure at hiflae,>ai;i'hi04KoaT;il .<(..si. i«uul/oni?i MMitu*iU .** 7:t«*7:ui A.t. ul I’t.-pri.-tora of Dr. ***.. ^^*'‘ Elmore; .Ma)ur Ira XYarflel,! Cconiniunly LEAD AND IRON PIPFc ^ There . — . .. AV.'W'”,’ A..A-. KI.T.IS. callttl *t*M Hurrl, ane**;. .Mr. 1. .rton; I * 7:5.) I'. MM. Foiirtl. Pitt-harg. OjoaM Bayne •'! is>ais»nUi,ic«:olauuts an. I Exi.rc«Kx|irc!«* at»t... 7:5«) f. and -I t-, _ ia practical, useful bora*, as well as a (or Black Ui.nal,!, the -MIKET LEA^ a Cincinn.ali, in deliv.rinv' the mails at the outlaw), Mr. E'more To I COMMERCIAL c.inuiit.-latl. 11:16Itl6 P.ir. «. Wila ,n. Peter A Co., LouSvlIle. Ky.. and J..lin D. FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, of Hew York. >Hlt|.:-U n au eg- coiumriic,' »ti‘i tlie vi-rv - 1 . WIRE. lauahah:,- Yank, , BKA t.'* . Cum, . uoinstn«\ ll.I.Eii.i.B., IaA.(iay. ( trot . UOl means of plea-ur* and excitement. cars, twii e; and once, at least, the niaibs wholesale aganla. RoM at retail ^ DAY-Naihaii Tucker AI.BANV. Park, niiciimatl, Ohio, Yao- ; AltltlVK.titiiiVE At’Al’ NEU^Ka^\ a k-VaAco'*^* SUKRT BRAS.S AND BRA CSR k Li,.t I -II!;. .S a. .lealera. AMERICAN EXCHANGE ' 1*5 i¥. jels.lSAwl FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, of running «i 'i iun...«. o :*5x4 by all 'huaglKia country New York TlTi t-'4»AY:M:«vMV«i--4>ay:m:«vMv« .U.u \Knkis,I*. ISS-las. ii acarcely less exciting than a )aeen carried past Mitchell on to cV u.ni*vi!>Lon!fiVi 1 !e 'ini111 ! a* N< « a.\ . no - and wayaonhand; • *.4 !| r-t.r** . A' ...... T ...... I, mil i . i .... i*.r -it * lit-'.itif*,. :.2f> y ^ ft":*”****’ ,*S:' soda !*TAND.«. babbitt VIKTAL. FIDDLER’.- PAT- powers and I race. It is a contest between l.ouig, and returned fioiu thence: anil four ’ 75 cent*; Second Tier, .« <»ntH; Third Tier. 15 ceiiU. „-._..c»e., .V-.,....-.... -..V , ti Mdliu'"att I;i'* P. i i i-;,;...e., ’h!i fts;t» au*i*'i’cCnci.inaan m ^ivate li-xea, S5; ColunsJ Boaea. 35 cents; Colored FNT .MKT.VL .VXD BK.S-.- L.S: I INi..- U GIRARD LIFE INSURANCE, ANNUITY AND TRUST COMPANY, o« Takiko rna B*> k Tr.ack. siome time endurance of *|uiie as legitimate a sort as Oallery, j times the delay has been caused by severe 'it. - 7 3UP. I MUSIC. IScenu. ri- el. <, n,,*!,;,Lt.iiS .Matt-Mklla!a; - NEW order, by R. BlOti.', ®t Fifth PhilRdelphia. ike New Vork Chamber of Commerco BO-X-OFFICE open fr..m a. fill I - 9 ». Sr. M., where aeata . af®, rcjuired by racers. There is .just as storms that interrupted the trains on most R. anl-S t-,|weenM :i iiel M CA. i1 sX.st OF OVER emnent le neecdc to the propoaiiion of the • W'lTII A lINt. PII.>T>«iK\PIl OE orciaed to enable horses to trot fast as l,» run thetrain liave arrive,! willi >;reat regularity, '‘»wn"*.r Tr*inTrain No. J at mafatm >' HON .IIIII.N HELL By I'h.srl WoodlawnRace^oodlawn Race Course,Course,; FnUR MI1.LI0N ; ! privateer- '' '"‘n...*.,» traM.»ni.>n Ira'nira.n at j WWALLALL PAPERSPAPERS! DOUARS! See Curopea* powers, to aitoUsh greater, skill is rei|uired j The same, or and as much so a- most of the railroad- of in. JBr XK.IR 1.0Uld\ ILI.E, Kl'. »# L> BR,'MPTLY ADJUSTED AND P.UD HERK 'nONNV EI/iRt MAY. O.ni- of j l.tM 11. K. • lie lly O. P P. -rv ... of 1,01 l.SVILLi: ANl».bNl» NASINASliVll.LK i-e iiMilul iiig. Siace that the Chamber Commerce „poii ex, . e) r. a. auil Paclns , Ai. oc.uiMxttor, iSun.U} ei>ud) • .X l>. Brilliant variations. BrChas \ eaierday was propitious in every re-pect, night no mail w;is delivered by the Ohio and 'Ll. PLAY (iltOI Villi P\PVI1^^ Ur,. I-'. I'KIPP A ntSOii. Kac«M lor iHtiO. If ilLL rillLllOi ^iu^ilkS ASU iiREZy Lf 'ViLl,g A'r be left in the hands of governiiieni to settle, |.> xtr.-ei. goodly . -.jl ilia, foiirlh Lonl.viil,-. K». terribly hot. There was a Mississippi railroad train to il.e Loui-villc The niorniugluuriiiug ti ,iti on ibeihe L.misville,l.,)uisville, New ^KO»M» DAY—Tue- lay, Jun*- I:*. -p UealxTs in Agricnltoral Zr^lementi are invited to call and a report against the policy ot the for- at onr Pactore < !»t Riica-Maltlt lifi. J. ^f spectator-, ih.mgh not as many train, so that the dela.i does u.m nst with W. of i Xetarjxe, rs Albinv.Albinv .iu,l!iu,l Chics-:Chics-:-.. Kailrond will licre.vftei ow and exautins our work. They will find it to their intereat to ao. I do hed and we the Louisville. New Albany and Chicago arrive at New Albany at b:'.'-) instead of MemtHuu Mil** j lUrvt- b**ftt ill Dv«. doubt wise. The government is I . )K 1 HK loet a treat. The track was in were in time, to -i company, as iis trains .}.-, • FRESH 7 I. .uisville at instoh.i of ?4pc. U**m'ubn •'nt**ra J. M W--Motro ti. Kncks'lt. Dri'Ob : 8\LK -YT THE LkW EsT IMU' KS YT ~Blur an>t Blue. al aepecc and in - heir effee: upon the gen- ! 3FL H3 SI -cnerally tn capital condiiilion forgoing. O K. Aikiii'uii «*rii«T» «>. W. Bioiuk':* b. Louisville, New .USany uud Chicago road The Dcluwure. Lvekawanna au.l V.e.slcrn f. Uimkk. WM. AVOOn’S. •ral inieresis, wd not upon particular Dr«- dfi— iMue, Li*:h* 4D«1 BI i« k THIRD -TRKKf. NEYf MYIN j first race was for a purse of S’J'rO for p. *1 The bring all ihe mails and passeiigeis in the Kailr..n,l Company have deciarcl a dividend B. J .\»Unii *‘iiUT< W , III I>oU> l>QDCAn. Dr«*wA— B.ue* apatl Wbity. elasaao. Tha ? niua states will never give f^^ horses that had never gone for the W.-si, aii.l allow the A. Thru. kiii‘*rt*-n .1. niail train from x’,x ,,o. cuu loc ih.- .-ix m nih- ending r-« A. Daiii»»r- b H**'ly Lvwk. Dr.*>< Blii. b:*i. .intnvui'v* •pU#« right of employing pnvaieera. whil® I I'li'fl . COOCH&NOBLE, public, mile heats, U-st three in J u,oney in Jeirersoiuille roa l the same privilege- from ;;ii,),. | jun.. „hich willb.- i..J rsed on the oUiee nation* keep navies on hand sufficient UJ>n.T OK MO NDAY’S RAi b. rses entered. A. J. ». | were ,!,• Kasi. Ea, h road is ih.- shorie-si and o. b.v lo iiie;.ns j rip aheut lo provide M.VM f.\x’ 1 I UKlt-- off all our Ktffil Bac>-*>‘TfX>Utns—* All am*’<. luUa be.ttM, three U biookale all our porU and tut | , gray mare did n-jt start, and TVm .Jirect direr- In for lior-.'. tin never wri tor mcxi route to their >er,uniie uymetit :uc convertlh’.e FI LI. M'I'I’I.V OF FDiliLLS AND DRINKABLES I Ow, t inon-y In piiM p,r , of the iuc Y Fur«’Punt* —- - »-'AIs.'jO system and ivol'cy -V YI.NVAV- O.N H.Y.NU I «v!)i«r..eTce. The whole Woox’s “ Abby.' of Cincinnati, won in three | ,ion-.lion-. i-I’ is died'l.* the bom-villeboui-villeboiti-vilK* andanJ-lad New ). i,on,Li.on.l^ hh. rel..r.rereli.r,ir.’ is-iii' 11. CAWl’IN A U ti. I*, N-m \Voo.1«j, oir n*lnn4 eutf*n Abt> . 1 1 1 isagk m i mF. uttAcbA- 1. pr.va- ! 1 n-l’ia >»oou'i before • •r naval Warfare m...’ eh-anp- ’.‘ .i AH T J«(ii 1. H» x. ?-. >( t'li tiirmu. inT)' t R. Dik hoaf«, in J: ST* and i Albany-Albany ro-tro-i 1 1- -a\-at ilts.llis'IS' ;licir'licit'licit .Mrurari,'inirarlI'.ni ran ,.,o-io- i‘ 0>. i The Supren.t-iiprcr ic i-fi f M .rv'.an.l,,ry!au,l, -ir a*as .1it A i»in «n 2 ? i s u, ihmcsi ntry toeru.J gill ae rendered by A. J. iHuiiel-Y, orrmonn im, rnfon t. in KMe D t!‘ ^ having everything her -wti way We ap viJ-viJv.s.s bb-,t,t vil Ir.-m(rMii ilir | for "n.-n.- m«ilmail p.r d;.y !r:,m !«is rM.,ierii.-ie picpr-ipi’op.eily lili- tiied. theih.> I'oiinI'oitn »1..1 \p- ly \p i CARRIAGES! b.iifull I'l. i-i bi,l.i, .goigv,gv » ET.i-i,t-'. ,h. .-mpnip iiy:iy m^ilgmails vii.it, .\r,., S'yoii'I RiY-tf— TfYvt’ UiMe !» 4. oriour-j* Itia, I „ - . . . n<— fi^Ourfr ..adti Jennings & Howard have I pe .N i,,i,. , . rer.' ly .IccMeJ,lccMeJ an ^ IMMAKY bt-i th^ln tiv** ! .-ka.* every train ihioiigh, v. lit,/till/ n,', n.orr .• -.'la-.la- puresi fl Ike «iYr Gvlb ry on Main, one p.pj,;.,] ah;. ;, i- iikily K. riui*e line Purse YiStt La. n. — Trotting, all ages, mile j | ( ’ - JetterMon Stroet, ;-.' A h. 4 tii. en: b ti. Kiutiuky i per. ,n l,ir ihi : rrylryl inadin-id. ii,«i. f,-,rf,',r aryr t 1 . ’ ;r«.;! ar,4 are dilhciiily in M.: way ,-if finan.'ii ring. fl.e door -l„w oa. prepared h«rae9 that n. vcc evi.f M | PIANOS, - 1 !.•*« i»i-v III. .. ryingbiii .me B .4, «.t 1. . l;^*, A h . lit Faur^lloi-Ne f« lakenll t in-J: iJ3pi.:nre» a, allpriie*, 'b'cisi.in ill fall h , n-:; j.'t been iii-.dv p.;b- Threwher and Cleaner. for lo.mey in riiblic; puree, S-vii. Dr H I ii-l*’: xhiHKi.of I. A * litffs b \it lil'.T. TlllltD k\l> roi KTkl, < ' ' V ))V 'I . XN 1 \ \ U . .. - ... )lr. Mi A YKIKTY or THKE: M Yi L. . ‘ i, i:bMai; il 11 ..' intrinsic case-. -, li' *f e ;intiiiL' ,,nKiiiy an.4 gen- i. ...! I .4u*' i I 1 I The«c ', feacordiBg v; jo Wiv. . < tr»r'.., auti m riir )‘:t C.Miri vva m.'.I. ce-lvye-l.'i-iiy,, •! ly TiiuF-Siw\ r :: :. K III AND lLEv.ne:;.*. * Lv\.tPi • ' , - I- - •: > • he*t »f t .n •Hi) di , DE r. , X • \ fi R,.. , m*-!* O do L '• ' f * ' «!•' :* -''‘ I: c.'-i . ;i., sie-f .c-iu, ,t by fLa*.^ IO C3mmeri^«* precisely 4t c* clOck p I NK I t .V 1 K Itol EL 'I'"' M YB HL C.M TED , •' Mt'-t in r ^ Hsi u . »1,i!'-c Ueanfr* cxperti the luiom * j ; .i« ihe f,ll..»i:-o re. or-ti will -h ,a.* WilliamW.llivii PIANOS, E> ;'Wii ILYIN TIHtt-ilKRA, d„ Caf 4 win leak* th* lor ib«* K« - Courti at ll, ' ‘ | = . t ; -!• * :ai :> raEMiL’M ryILRoaii ;,r f-: :. hx . i ll.e t',-.l,)in ,re .aii,l i)hi,i Bailroa,! i 'en-pany, '* 1 '4 o*cbt:k, rfi.*kUi it »l* ji -t- uiini U.t? ' their patron* may r«ij *ip.,i) ari. -i.t pk- '7-)ni-'"l 2 an z ini C . ' VV Ji.v. : d, rly jouJ.i.iJ.i.l ovoniiiyov.oiiiy lU j i\sou, 7 :i -.X'A xltl.K-: J, : Tllh ItsHitilS lor U. . «Y . rac «*4 S, .'. PUlCr..'4 *'F ADMI?.‘»T0 V 1 I,’- iixsr f, i-it ir. v .rtic.- 1=-,; ISr.^ I'.iiu, h- coliiKtal.i on experience Wc d-j no' ka-.w gailerx we [if. rnderwooJ » .Vlbion did not start, and r.tir vs li.n.11 .Al'ieri.Al'ierl j,"acej,"see «>,u-«,,u- hy j j bv Jno -m x.:'i| ; : I-: E |•|:T^;:.S !«TNAW . -T'’ :K.i LiolU'r. fret* *4 «.hir. Tlrkot- t«j wuirtvr • WY)...- . ,’ • ,.D CIUFa-MIi.L- ; HKR.-'- Wi;„ I '7 '.imi b which to t use m-i'iey '-r p'' '<'ure ! ii ji|*.tfii Hit PnWl* >1 »ji». Hillmd 1 Ti*Weu, -''if.-, VII vrenld !s»«aer trust t« Liun with *'ialune the ra«e was between .A II Hranil'e “Ken. boiiJ rf .-•..•hh in t .)»' ioI.) - peace,j-eacc. \N * « a.. ranl own 2 . raxail i)K t.llJUTII Oi.' . - r. K'. m*l Trl».. vi Tiik* i*. i**r C.sl.tjvj pt*r»on% &o MW A- k T i-'ii-vrciK. k». ” i; than the 8t*r—which is the bright particn- lucky Chief and S. It. Lewis’ bay mare. able lowar,!* each otherr for -dxdx i;i,mth->.i.i.itith*. Wm.AVm. I.ar^'-' loan-, i* —.id, h ive heeii pr.iciired PI A.NOS. O li|4. riclt»ts fst .'ill * al till* Dy'(h.i lit 1 *1 the ••iBce on lar star of all whf.love good picture*. The mare behaved badly, ac,l “Kentucky disorderly condiici‘ondiici and ii.isauliii.isault on,'ti on thc:-'c ccrtificitc-i. lit., ilecisioii revalues lh«* ‘srouii‘1'4. Md'akle, > r .\i i: i!_s 1-: Asti \ Ml.'* M No ’D'OifV r«'o*iV‘* 1 jt nil-**® .MKDirAI.. ii.it ,,iily L'. rlifi'‘aies of the coiiip"ny above *' ChieC’ won easily in tbU*.** and 2:o‘.*l, the I Lina Moore: .*ecuri'y inin f>r ix monthmonths M» 111 ^ T4 »r»* r* |tn-t»*.| n t-* ir.»fi-h*r their B.j Jk ^ We are pleased to cce the bnsiuesa 1 ^ It IS pt *;uvt‘ly \ loiatUe <*f ihi nih'H \*( the .\*.s »cU* INVOICK OK NKW .\XD KLKOAM I. O K. » i i. gy name,!, but similar ksiie- of any other com. PIANOS, mare being dirtanced the first heat. Cros.s bail, .fames Woo lrufl, carrying tlnn. I talus; McIsRAH’a AXAip ohf aIaI friendft Vin4VArd ^ Crivlnr in* Ku rit s j.»r aH P>m. w Will I Jo-ie 11 ihe JiKUen* SUu 1 PUln and double wMthw -j^vaNw, tnrougiiuiit .vi.arybiu !. , oroi corporaiion throughout M.arybiud. I1)11100 p any»«y jfin>l N**u . erMM>«Y. a concealedacealed weapon; bail in 2 to answeranswer, P every ev< oln»f Imm—U.itelv uft*T l'*e lUcet*. l.ineii Cotton Me« |Htio , «**« ereaatng at sue a rapt ^ Consionsign »4>ls t>>r at the is.itf fvery evening N>4 an t 12-4 Linen legal principle P , IM pr, osn R,xrr.—Trotting, mile heats, for .“talsVrrv. alias Mary Wells, drunk The same may likewise ex- Linen-; STREN6THEN1HG Matilda PIANOS. in »-/\ 1 * . 11 ... Whit* and C'dore I I’.ihl'-n MatOiu. 4 years olds, best ., in 5; purse, 2:l-»0. disorderly cou,lucl; S10)> bail for one tend !' other btatf .*, as regards elemelary >\ RDESDAY> KA<’K*f. and iBiOl'AW : 1C IS gua^iee hallh w a FiP«t Ri4'o—TMtilns— uille heits, be^t lhn*e in Choti e deDign-Y In Bruw*». 'n« Carp**i. A. H. Brauj.oi Ux.infuw.-''er. l h KrutuiWy ,Siauley The full opinion of the court is in month“'"“vo. Workhou-e.o.« Josephj- j and apnTtwa» live, fur horses Ih^t utrVer 'thowril under In t’holre d« In Ta|»«**»irT do: reliable busuieas mek. Mr. < h‘-i — it THE CHOICEST and iherouzh public. Ihine Every variety «d lw«* auiuo«kWAi*«.**i eacjlua«i*u,wmv«ii*Lvxiu«i,>u,ftit«n. h« h Alb;a»iv. m ar... well knownkdowd merchantmrrcaifiui iwfor m. R. r <’ • SORTZHSIVTA ^ w* H.li B.I>. CUaOrd.Clifford, a» ti»ri .rc iI r,,.ii w < a- , or l*iirse case J. i W.. »*Naneris — TimeTiuu* . o4.il, husbandhuKliAiul dis-di*»- The of andan O. .^alleris again.st . . , , WorkhouseWorkhouHe for three months^month!>^ ..... >ll»dl Hite & Small, may yearsyear, in I hit city, t.IS in the uUM,uum, a ^ trust that there will be a large attend- l*at Mon,Mon,dian,dian, Jisorilerly conJuoi: the IJal'.iiuoreBiil'.iiu'jie and Ohio Utilroail Company, We charged. «»» AIN H T U i : K T 41>» t»nt,,gnorsWBSignors may re IkW I V’ik IT /k Ik nTH ll M * wasw’as decided at \\A\ heeling, on Widnesday, by I BARNUM race be- (jalla-fialla- III MADAME to-day. The j'liHj mouth; I ance at the course security in for one Wm || l| I II || 11,^ THIilfi DOOR WEfT OF B.ANK OF LjUlSVILLE. ***^*''****'^ * ' **** V^ ^ V 5 THE CELEBRATED tH'A.Niail ^ Clay's Membrino colt and Oeu. au,l dis- a verdict for the plainiitis of SPh'-'OH,:^li),'.*0)J, with I I w II Ik I W % JH7 I.OriwVII.I.K. KV. ^ u tween Mr gher Wail. Win.AVra. Bloomfield, drunk 11^ t ^ the trade.A J to. We commencommend thee houseouse to e - . , , ,,, m k- . , v i i xi intere.st fromfi-,,... thetiio 1stlot of Beceniber,iio...n.t ..o In.):). I Astrologist, Glairvoyante and Fe- Singlelon't coll, from Illinois, will be a orderly; Workhouse one month. Jno. Me- | JiiMxlV M V H I I J tr a depend l)iniii;in .las. The suit was brouglit to recover allege>lbal- male Doctress, CARRIAGES! fi^^We are happy to learn that Mr. smart race. Large sums of money Cune, Samuel Porter. Pal and FROM THE MOST RKNOAVNED MANCF.yCTURFRi* Walker Chambers, the engineer who was BO upon the result, and the friend* of the dif- Purcell, drunkenness and disorderly con- atico due on the original consiriiclion of .'^ec- WOULD REjtPECTFULLY ANNOUNCE TO THE Tbe Great ikoersrior of the Uoasehold! V f cltlicoi of Louisville, that she hi** Ju^t arrived lions l',I and P’-l of the P«!iliimore i »hio ba«Uy scaided, and ofherwUe injured by the ferent slocks «take much upon the exhibit duct: own bail of each to be of g-)oJ beha- and In the cltr, and cau be consulted un all mattern per* F. P. 1 *'' talnlng to Lite, either Pa.‘ive on Hednes'lay made. The second race for a purse of vior six months. .Mr*. Karney, drunk th^ oU STO.NE & FUkI A>i..G Y.XD COMFoRT-PRODCClXO SUM-! eate*Y h event«vvitt tn recaidrrcAi'f t<> RuHlneAS,RuMnumit, f.ov**. MmrrlaEe.MarrlaM#. C«>nrt*C«>nrt- fendaul.* claimed ih.af they ha, 1 U AAb WT.XTER Sa’iirJay, when for all ages, beat three in five, includes disorderly; discharge! l!ri,lge: Nolan, Ji*- overpaid the ishlp.!Yhti>. l^uUxH*,, l«awl,aa’ Matter>,MaU**r>, ani SlckuesaSlckueott of KeUllvesKtrlallvea Bn'ore i/Irr last. WM much improved on AT.yt TRtCE.«I RICE? whichWUICH UTERAI.I.YUTEBAl.I.Y kiKiiu, takiia anij Krleni**Prlend's at a Distance.Distance*. plainlifls, as appeared from final HAVE ON HAND THE wegre lastlost heard from him, an,l his physician «ome<>ome crack hor-es. The entries are as fobfol- orderly conduct, workhouse three months, the esii- The MadameMai«km« wiUwill shownhow h^rher vUtioraYlaliors a Ufe-llkeUfa-ltke repre-rvpre- Air-Tight Cook Stove BLOOD FnB.ZFZBH!! sentaMoo of tht* 1 r uiatcs of the Tlie plaintiffs f f an-ian>i friend*friends nowbow have sir-ngstr TO THE WAHEROOMSW.AHKROOMS ASSORTMENT OF j^riollZS it was f fir«* tnoposoALsuoposed. and,wnd, in otherotL^r re-r^- K „„ j>g, McGuire; bail in slOO to an- '* WM lor t(rowu per*ons male ur f**male, ani chtulr^n. root, WlMWlMCi.Co,T' BarY. Yfl ,« buck. UawMXaac, .Yar ^ ifir*****' jm.ljiU't LUck.Luck. • i»re*fiw' Blue, U^UiU^'Ul • _ i • i at • i . No. 7Ui Market >t., rfoor4 b4*luw r ,w,-r «i p. u -tiyTIy l«in.Inin, enah upon Jinerence ot ' »*t>«rtU»,»*purtU», XX' F: , h -i .-j. pr^oen.; ikc »peci«,•beci«, lii 9 »’rioi;-lr iajurei,ia’ureJ, the wound*wounds bB- j.J. Ai»Ai«n.-n fni**rR w i*. .u*».n*» n. D 8 wer. Jjchlick, a:* 6 xiuh on T. IWuneli ibH opinion the jury Je- '£’l»e v,ai.f.Fr4*Tith. north hMp. LiuticniU': Ky. iuolBli' rs..>. .-r •' ru«urau,-jr. ^ Dreifi B.ge >ki«t uU**. .... moat, e (FkaatmcuM * ‘ I by kDOwn. * -’»- *TUrriiBi“rt!I!i‘l-bielV^^^A •l.lMliWl 't \>g Sl)»i to ai'-wcr. Schlick; ciJc, giving the plaintiffs a verdict for are%Tt nn- ,4 on=iJeredon'id^^r^d nK :i- Aa TUm* own bond in H C. l^ll'|||f! f) cAKiii^vGr^:s la'.i- 4til || || f| »» Nxvrvc’* ;.»» Mmy. autm **«« ky l»: -—B ^ The mtewartStewart .4toie:.Store ; m 1^ ur.. -^W.. VY . '••S'icscu as^suit on "'“O'tieury Comer;x-omer, w;»ran.wiirraiil .lismi-^^^^^ Ihe.... sum name!u.v. .c. rbovc., II If I I II b MY 1 | _^.x_ o ,X 1 . „I We7ru'«^h*f^hl"uL*trust that the ladies Willwill turn out r«cn | ||| ti -iS *vj: . yS ^v. ^nn lsr Philip Bveer was IcdeeJ We J C Xl^ liic T S! Ci.iiiljTT -It hu in me to meny Ikml * U.cal year of the Balitniore 9V* " .r, 11 tr ,' _:e ax jr> J. presence lemls lA- charm to ’ I tneWef lain Itwliku «oa» h. aii,’ i.^chs-g*d with c/mmUitag nr.pe on Their I • Anuther Siippl) Just KeuelTed I eny Uil ox. meUcr itteagtbene ikc t. • xpi ?r VY'okc.— -Wt i-i..’BYarv tiptrwtioiu wtmt - entering the meal store of Kadr. ad Company commenced in October ; MB wh jo..-at.. ,. of burglariously IaOLISVIIaLK! . Wu Hyderman, who reside-II. on such..tch scenesac.ne* that nothingnnthine else will compen-comr-en- pll ;jiim a. HeBrtWirB j H. has been in feeble I* lnw*M Itl?-, A. h'lts m klckue*oot •9- *Y»tmix*, Fu j The husband of Mrs ,i E.. -oB. I* F , .-v.t IU conetnK-MoB. No. 217 FOURTH STREET. .' Antioua*ian Rr«EARCHr«.—We mm- the same month ..f iho previou-- year a* fol ! . ,>- ' I nr-,- ot Bl« --i t., IU« H. j.L bu.: I’un j- ‘n at the next - PRICE i > / 111 w’.o.mlni tku answer the chaige of felouy : MurvfAre- VWY. ll* Itssixj't. F'l;!;,.-^ health for some time, and she was a**istiag , , . . I H-*l. FcielUtloB of i or Wuighi ti. F HAVE SEt ET? XL NEW SETS uF II YND.-OMP ’ » that Wills I)e •Iffiin Si reeff ^, \V « •'* ;•)' ">?* r,. ;* lioned a few days since Dr Circuit Court. ! '.ir- -l.mi, -u, ktu.uoou., •uVoi.lii.O term of the » f Y aii '1 HrUATirjs l«. t*» which wt* re->p4R't- him by selling orange) in the street Bycer, re.:,!ii Uh.ii ;Tim;l,.wn. br- :>e«..r xfLJjs.'WOOo* Iku full\ invite the atti'i.i'Mh pun Ua-ef'*. We hare al-M* r-^ 4n»* •• ar»4t^ew, WlilhYMI. lal Tcf of the .Arch- miwi • :rr?i, Hass, Chairman Committee on H;. , Xuclhl w droai.v, • >r*. iH <4|fl«*». ;u-* J*m*U -X** imR'Ii.CI '-'bi • v vhJpr «4 K A. Aicxan.,eb's .Anni al K S.Yi Bl.TWKEN rurtftln U»»o t-;. I^ce an l Mu*Un riirtalnt' orology and Ethnology of the .American As- Ucol. U-pnr- -i JI-Jm.., F-jl: ; wom.s L>us»0f. ('*urnlce*Y ai> 1 H«ntN Ku.*» aii*i .Mata. Tlie Steiiart »IO«« ; the httstr CAKRIAGE .MAKER, , r- y I HkCitcneayii U*^ CkilW Mfit X4, 0*4 411*1 5-4 r-»« •> A do; 'm7'» l^y - • -Alexander, of Woodi'oi'l county, Kentucky, Nearly Opposite Bank of Kentucky^ •tw ». iirrt-t. F'*v='r). It wl l aLv* .hty Dk,. Lb** BIa.kWf 4Ly4 Yirr,'n Wonx —The Bc'cn -Advertiser And ovY*r> articis* in the lIuQsxe KamUhmg Itm*. for -was on a visit to Kentucky for the purpose ."a* 11 » Al - r tatMa^ Mon *a ovtuiiaoi W- .k&nxTa«o D^vyURkOweC'* vrrv luw M.\li5IlALL A DlrKlNSJN. cAraLK 80DTnWKSTCx)«NHR OREBNQfF^^ . Wonts I Wednesday last. It was - »* 'rit Kfei-ae. Vfine, lUranit larv \m' >r TT» aavs- “A young merchant of this city re- of prosecuting a general and systematic )etO Nu. 217 FonrtU strri-t. b*-t. Main ar>*l .Market. AND Sl.vni sT.-.KEI'S. L. ;. a i j. . : u;i.e Siuuu»a. W, tufc or W i .?!“% a*- TUKK5 IS .NO MISTAKE AHfirT IT. ceived ea the t<;h in-i., by the Grand Trunk survey and exploratixvn of the ancient re- attended by stock breeders from va 'rik-w kktwxw. ak«kbarga rroTicE. Ti:em LC Slew3l0\AaAr%art .Yxtove Tiitji cur>»to4 >v BeTcr tad u- i?v may y4 nhoTo SI’LENDID .-T.R,'K from the LOUZSVZLLS, HIT. of I ni.C'i States, ,v.^ i: ^e*rYBr-. tUxSwYan e».;i Uiu>. Bi Fious the . . line, an invoice ef goods whiofa left Louis- pans SriliHilcS • ^VilhjUuir, Mmoil mains found within the limits of the Slate. 'I'lIK examination of the I'UBLir •'•'a* lost ' and FlTi.^L. • y.»B >*. Ti .. x^mait ami!^* S'^OR »*n. ,.yll. — I w ill t ikf* 1*1 kCf III lliv -uver.il Ward * f**lluvA : ‘ ^ .'uyubU OBW.M ...OB RLi.>LTt>t r- ^ MILLl'iN “r S’lTTLEB ville, Ky., llU:h ul:.. an,1 on the 11th inst. We learn that he has made several pleasant \Vdr*l .*in*l Kuliun KthauM M**n»th, • Uu»o ti -f,.! 'Jw -I’t Ui -nUi.. OBxi ta bb N . I. Orl..i 2 I. r-l. 7 xe»i -M, i., K t'lai-. I 1*1-1 •*! . Tu* «-laV. liHU. VV - lH“*» ia\ . JUfli. aii.i ihU”«l.i>, .... i'w,. P-.sr.rX'v.P-.sr.rX':’. —vt—v.t ftvoftwB DoSrotkMiiDkSratkMi t«to j .. ;.j - ) * *y.D. m it i;iv -.r. i»i Looking-Glasses B*.!). h*. .vi Wlio. ri.uu:- git he returnoJ kit wccouot of wuich will profitable excurftions into UourlH*riu*»uriH.ri ..ufi; . KvK%* * Juit*'. fweltiTiln-.' I'dii iii-t a nil lir.imniar l*>*i*artmeni. ^ localities poa- . * ". =* lurui* 't, M • vi -Y h*H.l. , _ _ .r..-.-0 -s-, »» . -BB j CHICKERING & SONS.S KuU'j'i -in DC vj the Louisville nowee sixteen Anit*rs*on.Ani«*rs.4 .i;. 77 !.*» rtoeiTkd seaeinw inucb interest, tliai he contem- k>K> " *'*' J*“Y '*ii*l W .ii'l .*-* ho4sl 2 **lh. Tu***s)lay, a6ih, ® and Hannibal and Si. Joseph Railroad for the ‘ 44.. Mar>’ .Yu»,-YiiH, t-t*. S*.S'. \V Koltliii II«r?- Pit-lure Frames NN“ W i*3rli .lime. Portraits I .. Wexliif^lxiv. 27lh, .ui lTliMr-* IdV, i;.. h.11. GllESlI.VM,!GIIESII.V.M, , ' bra*utv 8 afi«r the left that city. that , Do >u« wloh to be ,^>1 Tihen «a al daj gcodi platee leaTine in a day or two for the inte- luru.lulM. Coim...... - 156 i-*! It l« a aufflclent t^•^tlInonJ^ to thl« Finn to »*y Tliint Ward >ih.«»l--M--ii'iav. 25lh. Tiividav, 2«f*.h. ^ month of No.N«», 5. I'totnc^, '*AHi****AlIi** it-•iio rtl May: — — . • tu -thiv. .ui.| TInir-Liy. ;NiU Juiif. i a a w « < ^ W.- lin 2711*. *.YV*. vv c->n'.ERU,>n'-F.R;.''URlX;.''URIX ., and (’hestnct('hestnct streets *1. FI ANO-Ft)KTES for _ w'mt unrecorded No. 6a.. h,F* .rM..,Arli*ti**, ;M. t" > ISF' )*•U) l they have toeii miiuifactur:'ig ^ saving 1 I.,— FrtEr. .l.l Ml*-*'4»r- T.., ,l Kuunh W .ir! ?s hi al -Tliur-Mlay. 2l»i. iin«l Kri«lay, 221 c OnnDrD I per cent, is worth by - >• fia-FLfty Ao.7* M irv O.ittif' 2'l. I't Mr. fi ti«-l, ul Ni-w Cl Ol 1) '4l-.v» 72 .... Jiim*. COOren) JcffersonYlIlf,jcffursonYiiif, indiiaa,Indlaua, \s,rk _Lnorsfl2) ..I«ji)Ijil iJrinrtrToLr’cu;^^:;::^^":; ,2 trX t '. ii.^rurii Filth W.ird S* h<»f*: Mond.-vv, iMh. Jun**. I’Xamlnatluii | nttending the great sal, which takes pl.ee '• ID ftvv -iT-^-Uon.^^^ K'l K.fiiiiuu If 1. 1 -- .Mr Sli* Mi*u, «•; N*?*- \ k... :^*t•'*' ul and rv .> ! Tl.lr.l I., .... IU.7’-. i: Male isr.inim.ir l»fi..irlin**nt; Tuf*Uy. I'*fh. exaiulimlh*u No. i*5 Third Street, between Market mxieb ” * 1^^ .s !1 CHILDREN. ’''•*'** «»nno‘ but possess the No. 1010.. FililhTT' *-. lilt, •‘fiUM* r.*-! * 4) t e a V ^ o Fvlii th* Ivparimrni. » « 2UCb, r aii'l Frtmary 1;“'" B«U>, 'e. ... 1 .-..D..-. Male I Y this at L. Co's house. No. y side. parrBto, chu;fjT'n 4lf morn-ng Kahn & - Jefferson, east ^' W« U w«r aro bly. -j! I ‘ r w p«av N\t. II F-aii.i: .3l,l-* Ml I'atin.li;*. . mj . 2 e\ainlMatii*n Mal»* Se«t*n‘lary iVpaiimeni: Thiirslav, -- WW WiUfi vai^nr generally, .M.’i’ii .fi, H Uif V. Ul or aJ!:YUd cuBiiAaiiUa f cbUilren. “» No. I? M Mh. 2XV. noitint only I .<*n-*udHry Df|>artmi‘iit; Fri- ,T tlaV x-.j.oM$sV.-«i x:.T2 i! $l»i,ur» r*» AnAu!! thatlhai they havenavo gainedpaiiiM omy CNI, ^\'UUln*4T|i» K( male 44‘Ji,J4, Main rtreeustreeu The variety of goods is ij”: j 'd . 0. ,111 irl. t.. 51i. ( uMt'*l', ot .Ni >'J 4 N ASSORTMKNT O^N?T.YNTI*Y ON II.AXD N>> 15. 10 w \ ••I'h. l'*> e\aniiimti<*ii liraiiiiuar lh*|iarimefil; bwi'v vihiI'TVHF IMPRi'A'FDA STYLESsn-l . day. 22*1. Krinah' A L.kkOhL.Yk.lK VAKIKTY\ ARIKTY OF IMPROVEDIMPRc ED L» . '* .. the various .l>les lor -yr n . GlIlMuMtna. of PnUn ZS ’Tb*y ‘**ch us something, at least, of I.iil.i Ijll1 4 ,i 1 i. Jfil.tl V, 111 7 wliii* 1 . U Xo.Nu. u.I4. I.,;u .^^^ . .'s Iii\th— ln*»d i .'States r ^ city deal- I'nited imr , great. The benefits to enuntry and The Kcooomisi has the fol- moatcal-t-'e u. aiel v.,a will le I : -1. 1 m m 0 to Mr. ..rjM l», N.ur V..ik V» m* Se vfiilh 'V ,nl ScluHil— Wetinetulay, 20lh, TliumUay, : 'furt i.- gondii.., PartL:* In w»nl o'f such wonU cIj xrrll to call ; CX7TZJSJLV,CUTZJSJLir, it dbliuoi- o> rYtxK. n, progress and destiny So.Nu. ly15. FAf:n»»-.fxo...,. .'r.,!r**«! .u..i.iiiO wl.,.wli'if, I >. ar ui. l. l*s M . HaZtSWARS,Ha.Zl9WAZkl3, 21-1. KrMay, 22 l Juiiv. er- are sure, as L. Kahn 4tk. Co. are author lowing on the past aud future of the rail- ami )ltf Erpry ^ niitry Bercnant m. not e-iw* I 9 >1 fhoefty «»• K. .loiU '.M K-. l»*j i.sr But aVo 20 ‘niar^.lar. purchasina ei *ewhere. Ktirlith M* »rd Sy h*Kil— W* dn«*>*l.tv. th, - - TiMiL:*Tik»Lii ADJUST.ADLlADJL'ST.AELl HANDLE til bo baa L*r>l tu 4*-*Uy,V-Mth Juiif. close the For roads of W f DK.V'VI.Midk.vh'i.\o K.xnu.K.xnBS. Corllal- ft »eIU ropkily. it aloay< entrr-*. A No. 17. YtaikiAi**! AtH-ii. lu i lf.|ii.i*x .st World-Avide Reputation • Mil|ililii»;-I«*il-Mun'l»y. Idlh June. * monumental remains rise up solemn gran- ' A Hbrral Yiioeufiint vlU Oo to (bwoo «bo b*hF mit • 1*1 '*i W m .Y i,‘. 7" Mi«*-un'i.m„'.„,,h.'i'’.',I » ar , . IllK'h-Sirrs Tuf-lay. Ijith June, ticuU:slicuU: see advertisement . 2 Much has bceu said aboiii Ihe comnier- t N hAJol— o.< No. i« l*!:ei Ioto.i.-,.las ». suriMii '-i'.n.1 .n, ..tot . neuir . K i^*«j l*'*rtland Si'huol — W^Hinevniay. snh sluDe. Fire and Burglar Proof Safes; deor in almost every part of the Mississippi cial cuiidiiion of the great .States. Th« whole nnmber of PIANtt-FORTES in vie hy thisthla POMMADE “^Ano.N .Be.uv.o.n^-umu.ieM .k.-., HI U.S Western Tlu* piihiic are r«*H|H-rtfully inv liofi to attend the **t« *iTThed^T'Tbe spacious and hne'.yiin» ',yf.nishe.lfiniahe,! brick .'^peculation has I.een iin'cssaut upon the short of aminatluii. LVWLVTV BELL.*.bell.*. PLYST.YTK-NPLYST.YTK'N BELLS. OILitlL SToNBe.STViNEe: valley. “ i'aali.-hiiii,’ bouse m. tn the pre*<-nt time U I nt a tritte |2t.«ktl2y‘^“M7l'i:«P^ TheTlie imported aged bulls Uvurd*T'*l the Trust» » -4 of ih« -u-veral Want-. _ _ - A y ..n such »«1j. A-m ;• r M a.N - ."TklCM.THlLS- eouJition of busitie.-c there, an,l the pros- ' ^ , boos*ho..se ;xnd:xnd lot on Twelfth street, between It is the intention of Dr. I*e to jeU'li^ Hass “Sirins".xSinns and “El.-Kl llakiiuil ikiiu w*tsere u-.t sqM, _ pects of their fulure nbiliiy to ],urchas<- gli^. ~) 1 ^ cornCOBNCORN huskebSiHUSKEBSiHtlSKERS, -r.-^ Main and Market, advertised by Mr. C. C. measure and ex plore the earth-works gen- pnivTPnMRRr^^ i>eing held l.y “reserved bids." ft ^ IvZ Jj Zl out the Ea-t. There h..s, however, always Sachem’s Head Hotel, 4J w Iw V U Li V • mvfV'xKD’AMt^FFiiKD’:* PAVKNT.PATENT, Whi.whii h «t*are pcrfrcilvp,-rftctl»-ace«*«rfXit-iuceeasftik at b* -Yr l\>w»*r Spencei auotion,auction, will be peremptorally erally; to excavate the more important tu- j.ii i.. s»i krx* U-'t'lu-'c'l I1 .^'r«.-'r,...... l\I' U'TpeU-,r,w -,r Uandliana l-aw-r No. 1 . la.r,i 1 on. i;« be, n ail uusalisl'actory vagiiouess about K I «u:iIjKohi>. conn. -.UNBI - vV .n.xc**.ultaYxrM.'oi C-.ni .V'RREMOVINII FRECKLE.*.TAV KV i.-Y* 2i to Iwhe Ih»lb<* »nan C*m mold, we arc advised, this afiernoou on the ihe-e estimates, arising chiefly from the »r».|i, ,iiou ,.i I’lxil’l.F-: . : , b..!*L..i.ahliU»l»irprtr»..hlalaCsirprtce.i muli; collect their contents, consisting I ri. BiKl lor Hi<- U..,u,U..,t,..i.eru.',ulU.YaWi . . ,L .er lu,luMiii> ni yL0. Uu.k.Hu.ksHu.k.U.,.Hhl*l.Ulrprtc»., often n.V 2ri'«'''i-v bi . 4 Ux *' « ,,f ctiieriou. ^ premises. This ia a good chance for la k a true The best i..eans of aiientxAIIENTS inIN hhEN i Arnt-ciaM fanhloniiblc Summer irm’te wuuM ^9 I some of finely sculptured stone ornaments, fic- ^o^^.''^^i r'lc a! „D. F k CxJ AREj^hl AUs.)A1_H) *)LK*>LK w the besi Inroriu its turner p-itri*njY an 1 the public generallyJKB Grates and Uantels, Hnameled and PrnprlMor of the CDTlla’; alM>, lik Leu's \v4ca^ ! c.sitiuatin: llte commercial activiiy of a com- b.T X-efb. !•' Kx.riliam |j.xfe».-.if ti«at has built on three hundreU f»et thi^ apriux. piairi LlUfittseUL, ou« in want of a fine re-ijeuce to get a goo>l tilia of almost ejery variety of and he *^'*‘^**‘^lY.**i* i'l- -vnutk form .". • I Plain,iOAOis icH-il.u* I.I I.. ih. M' r. I Mtf M !>;•* : iiiiiiiily is un.|'iP.-lioaaldy nff.jr.L J l.j’ tis inaklmt s.'Vomy four new be 1 -ruom.H. new dlalOK-room I Ftdy Depot >n Cvrrrer of THtM tmA Hao K>*iiiu. kv h»l7 C«)mer of Tb.r*l and w ain it street . bargain. finish, copper ornaments and imple- tailw.ay relurns, forty by one burelred. an I new |»ar!ur lurty bv M?veniy. j ; -howiug as-they Jo „ • the _ _ SCALES; A-’ «, j“|,.liUilk’**'^I'l r**i, A’aiA *•*! D* ' im* _ , ATFOR AN'D COUNTER „ Fverv room In the houi»e Is newly tuniishnl wUb PLPLATFORMM AND ^ Trwr le«. U - Ly K)*r«lUaiu l»ik- uu> ui J>«‘ tl*-. j — cunia, etc. An ethnological map of , travel of its people, an, 1 Ilf2 i-ilciil to which Ihrprts and new C.»lta»re Furniture The lloiel 1.4 of bot kC»,uet k i^. KM- E. U Butler a: ( of Phlladslphia, CTI Il \V^ ff ^ Cnaitt Pumps, Iron Pump*. Thimble V, conanodities. mu*lem conHtructlun. built on an extenotve !«rale. with Fourth btreet, bet. Krern and Walnut. “»* ipp» valley .also, forms par) of the QU |1 IDilbl[\ \lII il |1 W0[j OUilUl/ilL'iijt I accommu latluiti* tor four hundmt gu»*aU: beautifully Ski'ins, Rumiog Fluid; j & ms, Lav« issued a third or inlermctiiate book of “li 'w I WMiiunil a viewvit*w to utlor*lw»gutlor*tWig *>uchauob n nicanA of mmm ^ iocate*! on Lodk Utand fbmnY). founeeu miles eau* o( McLean’S Talcaalr VII Llataeat K**t>iu« kv MODSS DS FAB.ZS. I l a TEK* AND i.»TH>.R AURICULTUBAL *yricm of re.search Haven, Ihe I. .iiduu an.i Slonlnutun IUII STRAW The entire result ii New on New gxyography by 11 L fi^wiinialintr. il»*- f'liiiYi iiHi 1<*l fl»A UVut\ va 8 .Augustus MitcLslL L, • v..l‘l|jl.e*r. It . Ii.«t e • >1 Jjl.i -41 b' IIUA e CoUUl lull lue o. l, we X 7. , IMTLEYU-MS; Tha bavi Llumscnt >n tlia v.rr: 1 ibr or boMi. g In^tmintuU have for vear* held rank •e«'unU to roa»l; new blUlard room.wUh three oew uble*9 . two waa V «> «»e«'''b*9 West and South will be pub- Jitli. ( I '.r tiuiiii l^uk -, «. .1 <•! l.fU \ al fromiruin NF.YV IXVESTIDN _ **»o*ukrAiHkibi-r rvmiaraaMv y.u^wufw I'^rfonuol ay MkLaao'* FoL I give thetb«^ lollowiog.lollowiug. showing:tiowing ten-pin aii**y^a!!*'v;) atai a convenientconvenieni •tlsiance.fisiance theute I i-*- in Muaru) fnra, with good maps, and is well the total earn- . ntw ten-pm • ^ j n . < 1 •>! «‘iit 1 a>* 21 :i l* . D III, Ma li*«u ronic' *bl Maoit u r >ur<*«>«\*‘«. Tinware, I UmuraL > « 4 »i: %<• III ings of ten truuk raiiru.'i.J*, ueuiering ai | “ elegantly illustrated volume of UUUtT, r; on the 84iunl. A iiew yacht of fortv-flve Tbaoku F«Mb a bUcknntUi. avu^; aear CMo av«M**, HurpA^s«-d ; adapted lo the purpose fx»r which it is pre- i VALISE . CHAPEAU . LE X* . FUoiti .iu. tu II, In'*!. Mr llvjii '' Y»o fewtb suvet, had a bumt*«r r'luuln.; <«rv y>« bl« lom. Chicago, fui' the years 7 aud : ““ Jar,, Nti. V, i*.ft* ii11 I Sl.n^^ irr, and OIoaa Fnnt proper sire. n,,.v, lUiapiM-.Ualaplfi^*. Mr. .,'i.it,*/.l^tt* o; • . He trbrii varMa 2^vaa» ;, ! Liaincwu, Ac Ad 1 .N ) I . oMd h pared. MiiGhcU a geographies are am-jug I •rnh'J'i:?IVi"?-. ( V A r K N T K n j M llitiUliallltlUilsl IN THE uu axAid. 11« ud rvirr aui«* w«cb at bia ti;..-ij. WORLD m ^ tfoing from New Yuik tu 8acbom’:i Head, taka tba 8 If. * AI’I'LY TO No. lu.lu, M-.n-M.«n-- to r. cbr:*njait.C’lir:«njaii, i KDillT 8ALK. MADAM n e nouce * euggesuou of our colemporft- .. I'.y;-.-;- lyATKNT FOK I trade again breauao be cwaM u -l any wtrMiaa bU the be*t books of the kind published in ibis A. H. train and 3 P. M. train; chfrk ami tirieet to Sacb<'Ui’s Mr M>'L* Tolcaak* Ull Ifiindrcla of them are now In dallv uae In tha Parlor* H«al dln*ct, chai)itin< at N^'w Haven ~tlma I rieflUiai given \'i.\f.. II. - -. i 1 !•»• . tomcencotiragemenibhould be n. /m.'ait/ui.-ai. V'V.i'i io...., . J..’. Walnut, Loul^vllla, i I'Mtntry. Ihrouich, 3^4 huuro. Frum New Haven tu the Head at K Liptiaeai be la now vF^rWetir ’iM. Xu. 12. falx iif-r, t«> Mr. and Munic-Koomw oi our lea Hug t-ltlzens and mu»t ac- Paral>'k;ji, >r!ira*anLar. i . Mr. M»r i. .i on > wehtaiWo Tbrue i 'inpIDhod mnciclans.tu whomw’hum we sreare kindly oenpermitteil 1 the Sachem’.'* H»'ak': M MD . - ».| The .Nashville i ire Department are J . . „r Xo U,li, Ma>Mu*;ul.4;uI. r*^.lr*^«l airil vkUiu-.ifibiif. ..i.. 1 . t>i.luiy NOTICE. #4, rrv'fiX CUL-. ^Y>rea. Warm mu . [. the greate-l amount of commercial m iivily lM*>t fuur-buiae ouwlbuiHia, new and clean, tu cairv you 4 to prk'moie ’ientinc inquiries. Y>eni e i1 v - ,o .-.fjr a* to .11 ih. .lauUn-s Hut .-omhlne to make lx,JUUCiilUX Tinware,XlUFFOaUj • • Sunerior mg i^^.,l-if*. iMkfiMkt 01 wb.wl*. i< IB uL k tllrect tu the hou’**'. hiraWa. Pattw. kc.. yWM IkB mnaruca •< ’ . •• w:t* reached in l* h«id tske >l*k«** la-.CiH ..T 'la/iiik. . I >'.,when the total receipts U a meeting to into eomsideraiion at M. 21 il fe»*t. baa been iii>» «un*l<-nui Ufiimciil- A new bam. one hun. I^•t^•r.t«s D. Mf i-U r x.t T* .t- WRICIIT 4 BHIDilKFfmD. : gostiou may be acted upon. The euterprize - i ^ FSKFECT FZAIVO. Kighi aiT>*a ol laml have l>een Incloaed and tiile'l with ift I 4 J N'< 16, MarKMi, Mr. H*'< 1 mi1 ot li*furbi*n. V,* Ul 06 year toliowing. m which occmu red ’ , tre**A. walk?*. Ac. ' coB.-^’^nt . W-*4. umameutal and irult la thlsilay dH'^olve^l bv mutual -- Du '.’d W. n*r Pt Ai h.v 1 -“Tir.*! la Ihw purchases two steam fire engines and insti ‘ -- '!** 'Ht^ hou-,, win i,a oi»-ii'-i lor ihr reception of com- I • .li Joi'^-rJol. YY -k !.>nv IB Ik* is one of real merit, and it is due to our "'V'..*;’ gre.at financial pressure, showed a de- withdrawin* ttom the com-rm. t-tf ^..,M .11 V.R- u. ' 'J' - ot Jime,Jut..- 1 uud.-ruudv'r the ImtueUiImtne,- quality. on the 2iKh.Yah ,UyU1 be cuuUnue«l by JA.MI.j< UKIDHK* -a tutes .... )„, In sllUh.n to the ,b,.Te. we keep „r, h.nt an a«ort p.nypany ^). TLe bualncoa b.'*« mr.vn-r. IMo !a K'U*irtl Mthe B PEtd depkrtmeBt. We kdvise the , , , j , n’ j,m\T 00 creasesir«. e ofot uxbujnearly omone an.lan i an nanhalt luilliontu ition Jolaoi- ' »teate .Uperinun.lnce ofuf Ih*the owner.uwher. under Ujc wivle of .l.twCifi.twfif . > an enlightened and libera:-liberal- - PUKD, , *“i7iTiwr'',!*l.al • cukraciercharacter as v , . v it \x ,i i _ Voicoxilc Oil Unlmciu. It vr*7i ro^ljly, . • I-., W- uu 4i never s*s,'cnen the Ilea»l.lleotl. “ ' ' Inrs as comi>Hre •e'rba0l wbD b«y ers nre worth n dozen hkbd bker-pumps. . • v w . . « „ * 4 XT vx F kx 1 . j x.- u i'."," V wU OKolli- < AJ. ; W _ erous encouragementencourtgeiuent and means, vhich southsoi ni kohnkuhn shfki’ were still more severely felt, a still turiher BfiSt JURKErS in the Union ! TontineA O H L 1 U 0 Hotel,O L 0 1 j Tartlea lodebiea to the tai« nrm. wh>>«e accoim*s ir»* E»*>ur "ioJe hv J. H. McLE.lT. Prupr*dor, eonwro I uuWYtue, will pleftoe coll on 1 (kellle, aivl the?-* h.tvin : airDato. :>! U>iua, Fifteen hea'Ibe:ir |davm**:.t. SheepSGeep were sold as tollowfollow*; curre.l. The full extent of the prostration 'rilESlrp„KSUit*CRinERH.YSKElURNI*HEDTHlsItr^CRinKRH.YSKElURNIjllEDTHIS DAVID WHDHlf. Rev. Hearj Ward Bceoher, in addition to so ncblyncblv providedDrovided for the nromoiionpromotion of q J AMLA URlDuKFo'.lD. y P P ^^e.^tern commerce was not, howerer, ^I fa>hluiuibiefashliiiiable flrstdrswia-Y#cla-s Huteillixtcl enii^entire ml- ^pnoK,-pnOK. m iiwkt* * I^f \ )el c.tf <-'Ks . . » " LooUvUle, Kv., 3Iay — .. . 4 TWutTTTTE IMPROV I»JilChS. . ^ »*l«led • D *w 2Sth,J^* OVt!»VM.I.M * ArF*k**AlrkviF»a1 cliAiiltl Kd fiirinKhDii i 4 I I a' i N I ^ 1a -a-aiavi. -V Ik?' reinmleW'l the Old dlnltue-ruom. U-JH omriL IqALEN’S head DISFENSART, his duties as preacher, lecturer, and poliii- Arcto»oio|ricEiArchaeological research,rfscarcrf, £Uouiashould beDC lunuhneafurnished yer.r, WaXW \ __ f , .„i., f.„ reab/Kl untillaM when parily owin^ .n.*v ordiii:*ry, aa i put m cumpute ur.ier hw b.Tl lali VoCKV^tCR 4|^!Y»\vl^!Y>\ ::-b::~E SlXi'kaRfek5iIN»’LK.k. Oniao.v.UPTioo:*. M asna ^ , 1*1 1 .., ' BSTABLXrflllD Pgai, ft»C*u.- -r if! •'’^TT•"•T-*r ’-ff ILtthi* ’.;Mr.1tnproTev|*;Mr.itnproT«ft| BnuiUi , Xu. 2 i»t-> ilic audoij'l lathiMth r»Fum?*rtFunis. T Mn Cam, AbDU’ to Msumt ihe editorship of % by our intelligent citizens, asns resources of ii.4iraVr*K*f.‘.ii.Ursu, Ky '.’V!‘r ?-» im to wiiliJruwal of L.istern capit il from . ^ ^ w w ^ -1 Fai»Ul*rHFaiuUltfH cancall havt»havt* suUrHnultcH of ruoma at eithereitUer buuoe o;4 PebbSe SPLrrAt'l E.'i. iWhi all UtKeaul MaihrmaOe*. ^ N'>.Ni> stoK3 to K. uaMndK»*iuHUnJkfs* L:i. .r, .1 a 1 1 . At <(i.'>4» tn liil.‘k4». Kardstonii Railroad - • 1-1 .ex ' At “ to For f«re •! all Frl>a»e 1 1 ’ me " * ^ I* At FCCt ion, aii-l Hot leS'j to t Ui* lirai-cloa.'* lliv - « nf-i Sr»ecT»’. |ea warr*« te» a ti>r iji ./i linilleoex- low ouOl; at any Itrat-ciaos U“UmjU«>u>>« In the counlrv. ! %\ P*: to ifti$ued about the 1st futureflit lire glory,wlur V , and monumentsniun ummt m of en*ightened<*naiDhtFneil- - Xu.Ar*’. a®* BXXBICAX •f August. It is to be an evaugelical ^heet, pstnoti'*mpstr.oti-m TbeThe anti.,anti«{iii(iesuities otol Kentucky no. <. 10 / Want. k> ^ . i — i ece.pts of the nicago road- fell yet a half at either huUM*, without cura t bari;e. !! mm III ~%jt vrt mmd TJ i w r i ;;; | » — E^ f ^ '4 I'urrho.'iv.l aD«a'or- ^^acbeiu'H Heai u ui Much ha.Y already been lotrtlost by neglect and Jq j,.par- of more than five luilltcn •lol- uiabM wlUi meat's, puutire. milk, butter, vegetaUe:i fBa., «• • Wkife -/ HttAtIk mtd ihtmm. I I ^ an'•') I.V INVITIIDTUCALL bT*. )•“! 5' recovery ; Is ii not indeed an impossibility Uo. ZOO rourthSt., No. 100 Jlrct. *vv al n»*s»ty, ImtHiirmet, juT- iiui't''*'•'«. •'!»yi I. ..ve II. I>-not hishia death sudlealy8u,ilealy on ihf evening of the ’ .'^,7 iliat sectit.ii Banl-town, the Rird»tuwu Tr*l't w;ll - FriaaF- Liwom--, ai..l alt aSkctlBaa hope a generous spirit of co-operation will ip/ip. i in l^Od, that should be re-iored 1^. !P. P^aiilds Co., Springs, i 9.1.> dford I '-loa • -"Y 0 a. ( -,-:>rnJ»,'U»c >ri,phVr i & The B pUDctuailv at av. A. u. an arrix- a: n LOUISVILLE, KV. tkc »,«.•„ The bulls . "V 4 M* . putput. hhi-cdi-c.l by Messrs..Messrs. Dunn,Utint of • -, . Tfe 1. , , J , J 1 . , . . ! . ,„ .^p extraordinary prosperity of ltx.7.1.’ X. XI. Hetarnliiy— leavA RAr.lv.onrn al .V-- r. -i.An.l .ar- trava, U.v inC;ia,b«a a* ryaik l.th ins! . from drunkennetn and general beb* manifeste.1manifesiemeihing crediublecreditable be done. A number the pick ofuf the heuJheld, and wi.lwiil be shownshon at Mrs. J. A. BZ3ATTIE Outk ^ BUk a full i KE NOWNDYV OPENnrc.N FORFUKIJIKTHE KEUEITIONKEt Fmu.N OFOE VISIT-t |»i r- A. J.J.FiZin.UeiivialFizie. ti-ii-ial TicketTk'liet .Y*.A*f. nt Irl5Iel5 .I'j-'O.Dj-Ni _ ,.a PEIJf-akr-Bkadsni M m C IIANAN OoroBw. | ~ - - - <*hto<*hio BET. hFX»ND AND THIRD. ,a \ or>«. The propiietura, thankful tor the iu>eral pat- of gentlemen will next fall for sweepstakes. I'he I \ .!M.'4 THK L.YDIfM that 9IIB IS IN Jl*- l.NAL WK.YKNkllA ua JrpYormate intere-fed in the matter j , 1,^ corresponding ftdv.inoe in the w?.steru iioe le*eu the preco*llu;: years, ronaK’e which bektuwed 1 oix...-:»rr»rc. *•** ** ^ III l> 1 .* ..; .ji .. : opon t-w ktia4 iOl ,, . ^*'d *0 have»ave rearealizedize ten In fil , I . 1 , . 1, 1 ^l'L'RI'E.M'l.\E.-.’0 BUL9, I.V UKIYIE UllDER, FOR feeljii**/ ^ LJlii. LIl 4T7L1 C L j I ewre. a* tkawu ky ik> Sebraska and been I 1>RO->M.<-HO PLAIN AND FANCY BROOM i»iui!l.iresiabU>Ument in the We t. t again its commerce is progrp«Hive. ' - ). -xna 'hw*- I > • 1,’ > fkl aJ . -^r to Ik- ma.T .-OBtaniWlBB Lz received per uiailUi (t, aitU tor ^ 4 U• riy Am'uic ihn improvementa ma>ie Ylutiti^ lo.'^t year ore 1 Y I 1 sJ A I T T I I V 1 V 1 visiting #if*See Mr. Spencer’s large sale of choice (OlaM M .>IHKK DS . i! 1 Al'klf' .! ! I.IjI I.Iy. 1 I Durrhor*. who*BYi,fi*xBdoui'i.*i ikolrpkyaaa. .-uBU- our city for several days, hia old AND'W BUOHA.NAN A CO., a row uf new C 1 I! YNhFUUl' U.YII.KD.YI). •0»'f^KI'*l^Dc^*'I^!;I-l^Il kY rni,rri L as.-.>rtmrnt.kS.^.>»TMRXT UWi>w ALLall |f«s,wlp4 DtTE.M i’KNm friokds and former parishoners. He preach- li^uor8 aud grocerie.-, advertised for The pruprietur» have alnu purcha.4e in t*Fli!KT AA.'MN.i! NyI 47*1 .-1 AHTAKTlCi-M: AAi'FEKl X TU TUETKADATUltTKADI. Tboar wbwhavr coii‘ract«*4 a r<*< loD4E*«(Hwr Alf^ ririxTiM.r.vi - oiii. . | ** the Galt House yesterday, between Capt. t. , nni,s BRI.YIiTO.SE F.IR SALE lit Epe»iEepoM '.'pein-.s.>rtiNv*a. ThUTUI* alai lUljtilitluii wUlwill «lv- the vl.ltomviwitora a BARKUK KOBKS. o4 Hunday Borning in Christ Church and gale this morning at his auction rooms. l-r-i I..lll-v:l;. . I *nod, liutlitUv s iucliirtive, will leave ^ - that it u unnec^^iaty to ?*ay more m ihelr fa’.ar. The 1 Louis PLAIN BAKF.UL.S ’ monthlv rbuclaio*. rsxyKP')P.r,VsivKsoRr, ,,i.ii.. t- i T^-nWC) d*. deweet female since, the Mitchell sat in front propri**lor>, howt-ver, will a'csure ths^lr patrons that A Ta Luring a storm a few days .lown of the Galt cto;rto; V viile u. V. a*afoedit.yA'^AFOFDITA F^yr^sm S\LEyle byBY PKIX'TKD REMOVAL! aBJ r»r'.alB ro-.w-iy '„r UkatracDoa^ ftrvaBlar- M , t-.-itig the Uace Course O p ill fii'l»*av.)r to JJl'i l!i**!r Ihev w tiv** atl vsilops full ‘alU* \> ALENCI A L.\4*E SETS;.'^RTS; "pr-v-aav-' ' ^ JW7 LDW D WILDER, 448 ^Mal£^._ It;-*, kc.. aiKt !» tk* ,«./ -f i— store of J'.hn Jennings, at Chalk Level, Hop- House, and was ordered away, lie started Hi »# I*. M therohy CocUud.CoctiuD. aulau 1 W*U1w*Ul nftnrt faitfall to pn»viUi*pn>vtUi* the tablet.ible with alt - ' , giviug ihc patrons of EMBKcUDKlUKSKMbK«»IDKlUKS. *cAc . Ac Jeb* ' -'r r,. .i / -1 ' BancT.** warraolM aa* wkMaroiho Imb:m. OAOrlOnl the uuu-lituo-l thliuathlius wjihw'hh h the HurrouittilimHurro.jii»llu« country arlonisa^^ 1 • ,1 rri i nnus y'^ALK**iALK lUatIUI41 \nnce auudrautpit limetune luiti wiMU‘s -4 iceiho rueen '^1 h LAMPDLUlampblvckK FORfur BVbv kins county, was struck Ly lightning and to comply, but protested against the man- rates Pfrion-*I'.’Pion'* bv I>%n’'4\illeI*f>n '4\ tile aift raiikiurtKraiikh.rt RaMnmaRa’lnma 8. F A: <- raTvford, •)' ^ I B. - O DlWNS Bromlois t Vxv.l !m; ,)U ,..i;i; rDU”DDU’D WILDERWILDER. 44l8i^ Main st^st MARK— _ _ . 1 .j— nu.l*t.l*ilclioroi.v*vam'*luroi.vevance i*» til*the Sprtn*-. ' ' huyI eMirn on ill it iiaiu. will olwayaalways nu*l M.ImIcIiu Hpiina-*. ' ' The time c f ’’ ‘ that ’ 'lO I S.YI.YLL \F.KTY F.KT burce.1 in the re.juest ‘ -=• "i.. ItRCKIVrDKCKlVrD THISTHI.9 DAY, A :^MALL LOTLUT UFOF to the ground. Tbe slock of g ner which was made, and the BBLi KNULIsH VFNITMN RKD FOK SALK BY ' -'‘‘''’ rraiu at &(ni ui i}ie Uai e (aOITso will *> KU d*.Ual.l.Yteolrable D*Dr .v-alTl*.v-aryle j — • f i; LDW D U *KDKJI 4H_>1a1n Jer.dlm Vn.ml.u.n.. was totally destroyed, iipOD which there was affair ended io Miicheil's arrest, after men- , 6BA1N DEALERS* m> . . i.-i Li aLoiir i out -r ,.i Uier than iLe re:;u!ar DRSSS GOODSOOODS! I Oi BBL*'^ a'-l’ANL-U WKoWN KoK 8ALK BY aces of weapons from others than Capt. lime. i no innurance. 'i//'' v. , — ’ I Such ap^renoillne Rubes; | i . .t, M. 17 FDW n WILDER, 444 Majn 6t. ' SPRIN6S, KugiUh Bar***?** Rubes; • , GRAYSON ktix.*j I'' .j.jMU«**Ar.*c *k-'YV pa. »»hi*hM*»ari. MXcB^a:; , . ;-..!^i T,. “ M <43- :. -I IieoJ I k.’Yb'Y'BoarY, J32^'’kfx:. Miller. The affair is to he regretted, as by e I "‘li’.'l'il'v I BKL.' ! Pulhtf; . • .IFANISII \VI1»T1N(1 FUR SALE BV a verves rr.w*nt- T-.e T^iva*!Tbiva*! an FremhFrem h i-nLi* >atoe NS .nir '' ' ‘ \i \ n* Jetf» w'*». ' MirkrC a’i4 Lnwroeme. « a^“W'e haveU%re diseovereldta<»9TerDl a new evievidencelence tzi / ;t »l. kl } jXObN i I *\ Al. Point Ijwre .UA\' lN<4-> , the fc on«an;r»i’ia.*y Japane*eJ»pane'*e OK | of nn*anc-..in:‘y jf the and ,. j _ , ^r*HE INTEREST UF DAVID HERNDON' IN A f**w Orkamlv<>riranilv R<.Ih^Rt.iM= ; of settling fcuch a .Itffioulty. ^ A J|| . V 1.1 L - hliWiVt, UUOAHIiKMS I f'O/B 1 this i>r<>p*Tiy hits been tran«r-rren to manage 1 . 1.4 one Iblnl interefit. we ore pot- Blick UrenotLoe Rareife; Ji^ap oeDii irom fvnw oU Coow dp loA home wander- «t. TIlYtlllFI I 17 WlLDkK. 44>OU‘ii Five Cioar-. e would advise mcr- Hilhl.KV 1.4ITTi:u Oi' ti . m KUW'D tins; the entire e^tablNhuiv-ut in unler tor thw reception Five to ulua TYsiante Baieita Kuteo; — (OMsMJK \ , \ _ of vDitorw by the Ut of June, auU arc reo*ly to Anter- All of which will ba soW price*. *afi'Y»actr.rv to the iug Tycoo* Y»ho visited Ibis country at an |4LU:IV1.D •RM.Vz I*1:K EXI*UKaHS,|9 ehBnts, hotels, Lars, and dealers generally, ('USS June Irth. l-'tiil. this M ta»n Invollla at all time**. borer. Imrl?- M ARK k ISIM NS. iTl Mrtfn •*t. NEW rORK AND IRELAND, I - L. ^ Jv"a. .It- i.iur uT' tli«* flri» -*l a'tyFr H.VTS evi*r broufcbt 10*^1 — - ihall •* 1 The untl*T.'»iaalmpl— ai MmAorXUiJL. urtbuR, w'tAotit opklvg I 42*' ) rL.y.”.'^ ..* 1 - .n hoy*. I'K.VTHKK A SMITH, Main street, - Juiif* L>>i. Urayoon nut only tenvttLlol tu 1n\aIUU.but oitreeatlo >E1.\’.i l.F.'IROl Ot Cl4).'l Vi MY I’ll) ,w >*,* 1.* w.x-ei .a-t»a*» ..tywiz-r* a w i Uo4uctDMiUeiiuctHMi mi•< ¥'mtmS'are ! Threaah Tiekrt*Tickrta ! ! ihe potteui any •;ue'et!una. pri>|M«to this, jmk extant, to call at .Mr. J. Urso’s, -t Jclb 1***tw**wn Fisiirth atul FIDh. THE DLM«AK.AT uFHt K, A I h on «-» > anil plea.'^aiit to lh€***e in oearch Y>f plranure. Mr. Wm. W i,ke* ofievs bis entire 1 > • nl hu^iiM*»«. I ortt'T iny**ri;4’, ;,irtcie r »| J.'i ;i.> -ili } t .(} ii I It 1 1 .'i i I -J i;{ li I . 8^ / 1 ^ LIX. A g»>o*l reward will be niren, an*l nu lUrAit I Tr» reach Urayoou J*in1UK!*. l*a>***A*iuferH will leave Lou* 'HK l.>WKMri:L IRuN STEAM- m .g'. 114.iia.ltui->aw4r«*.ItM'HiW 4r«*. Quf* UAwan*.uAwan*. lUrlwa; ft* eiieii.tt Far X -9 AA. I»I». Ll .I.IS,IIS Ak»*i.IAu»*i.l fur IraniKraui '. Fro.i*lU*i t*. oakiNl, thla oitlo Main street, second door below the Louis- • ‘ a Uy.., Uvtlle laOUUvllie an't Xoahvllle Ilallrctad for u reiuraed to I ITY .If tlYLTIM.YRK, riTY' ’. 1- -• ^ by the <-T-' :! 'iMM stock of China, gla-sware. jueensware and 4lyii.suuy ff..r V* : alw>al«rt !h.-!li»- iiip s|.Irf.l-plr.-.l •. of i ,li iu. Ma:i, - • Ellzibcthtown, wh»'P‘ they w|U tliul hotel accom- u\UY YY A.-HlN.lTiiN,'y:-h'Mn‘; . irx m.Yt.YNy^ w- tU<* lIOMkMAlHt T;'*: .II B. DKAIHLU A S.Mi rirs. >t. _ i *^?tLT7Ti5NsYA>. »LLiAriu.>3 A. u aAAWi. ariuiis rille Hotel, and procure a supply of the 4» MoDi with «ooy1 an*t ' bardware, - ni4Miatl(>: «. and M. Arthur'a conchet*, ;'ltK-r!;H.F.IiINI.rRl)H'IlK-rSH.F.ItlNI.l'RUH KKYYtlYR.at.iftadapjkY MIAR.YD.lAHiiiiBB tbe unexpire Itape, the fixtures, Any !‘8* iy ur pirtl* wInIi^rc to . m^.r-k In a .iii.l ^ , T« f ' j/ V (irlvt ro, will In rca*tlne^s to convey pa^MD- i: l.y.-x.i >Y*‘lYY" Vluii. >. .i.1 fcUlfall tvoi YiiilK'iiii’.K iviir a * • carclDl be Dlssolntion.AJlSSOlIl ULA.-x.llIL-Y.-wI 7w .amiamiaiki Vluo.v luo. from NkaNKA profltah!«* tubhi-*s4i, of lurur ^tali•t)^l( an 1 well f*"! ihJl'!; w a mri? ftf All SBAP GniibaMi brand. From tbe increafing de- r LIVKRI7a>-LIVKKI-".'' ., •”!'ir«"!ii?atat A'iUR'iliS tato land aeiaai rMeivoJlaUrMeivaJlalk. eSe.. ef bis business stsnd, ail tor sale at a rv»uh| t witn* 4 I ,*wi ^*t. nut iih»iii.» ultt. II. ippti'^nulicippti'^nnlic l-.r v»*ar?. I FMfTrNL':* IDID*'*'IK — FI l'‘TH STHKirT lK>x«*s (SfVharl S»aip: ’’I’nr*l’nR tMTARTNEHSlIlHt'or YRTN KH9II1H HHXItCT.iruRE KU. TINU ’'iy iFltEfssfcfc wiUw weeeeNVMiMlABllh iiiao.,ov*rai{.~a caumrx road. andandl-A.-1 > 'i - riii '4) box***« ;.i» •I mitM an.irdC£r.kr4 nmaaa Atef tkcthe TbpiMTbmet mmtaeO IsMoalataua W« W iiiiSi it a- b..b»* t irkc*.rke--. .rhar*v'.Lar. i OnwcjTo Stiirch: BO.AKDINU. * ;.u» X wiU rmtititmty,pmititnty, kf L.»L.i '!ji:4l*» iu ^ _ Off* KKX- N.-wV .W YorVY.i-k toIn f^rva« orar UT»ni»,ol^._.LlTfrmul - W•» « 10 til ' « maz Namratel^ ( aaoMW. Wtptw,.Wtpur,. IjA lai W w| _ rL('K\. rity aihI country |•arthas:«-Iw. take ‘lus* r.G'.he 10 bbb fine T;ible Salt: Per week .M'UILL SCHM INU. 2 I| «. NeeraU^ aMn. DWmmDWMaae ~ wnsa.Vr willI liUlahiHfl I A i2 lV “ ol tl.* ..n:.-. Y • .i.i.- i:i.,n r,v li4t kt*K*« a.^sYuit4-tl Nalls Periiiouth .Y» 00 Lrini-rille, lAtfn -« yS»tse iv. AidS".a»r«ar. «ami i-iomax.«o«* t.tMa«..U'Lta<«a*a..UA voriie with mail, li.-i.rtv.l, ur M ir 11. ell (he lovers l - . , , r of the weed. Mr. Do H iE^.Tbe race bor-e <..,.^dwooJ, by Lex- otli.-ral-r. xx ill rv- * x> att. iitlui. h».N ScoL h Ah*: CliiMren an*! S»n autj* half price. „„ , , , . „ 'I'HI.': Sr Yn.tU-i HOTEL, (*ITU.YTK!> G Frso al*o U. J. M^LK, 10 bbU l^iifhati Puller: Horses per 'lay „ 7 . keeps tbe best and fullest assort- 4* f *••».*; j^ ... .L L 1 . I tJic I4juihv;i1c anti No-wi viI! Kailri.. 4 1. u::»t4- ForFoF Rent.XL r , -Jl*. le F.F..r K*--.;: aonW*m.lT to R. J .4Y1RTI9.4Y7RT19 A Ol> 177 roa.kroa.L. i tngton, wbieb won tbe three mile inee nl »»- *?? ap..i -iit In all I b-r -i|** bv \ . iFV#M€l/^ DiaeaaeMm . ^ Female ... five n»U**i* sriUth of Itou.-rilie, tin** i up iii ih*- York, J. U. LY I “«Dl of confections, foreign .vc., iWo W. * 11. BtJ^H ARDT. 417 M^^kel st._ 'I'HK LAKHK S.iL It-.'TDKV YY AKBH«t 'K> wa*. N*w D.YIK. Rroedw» New York, ! r J - .4 «. > fruits, to inauu*'4', with all nuFicru .mi rt n snicU'*. laihrouu.-. • .. .. — .aij-1 . » e s-e » ^ I. YY or lo YVKBlt A LEvRlU.N«i, Sock es l«aa,rewteaa. Iwwpi lerttie*. Levington. tn fit?*' '.l.„ waspurchnsed v.H)i4.r* now occiiulrd tv John bilv A C" . >n in*' ..^ourrkea m a. l- upri. fur i { >^o*M f | A’^FOpoSaniS lOF teUppiy . now XlOt^CO tOF of 4 BLArTIFlL AHTICIK fl S>ILU AX'D CA>.'-I north ,11* or .Ytain atrrot, btlwi'*n T1tlr-I an.ij No. ni Mae:aiat>M uc- euj ui*.. tu.e ae iis urs ^ F'UrVf.w.rV on. , iy rai road and »la*r- Kecelved, L'I.YI.S,— .-.Tit * lips I*lac*. a l*w hours' irwvvl by runn*ct* B'lth t-«ln: N-tO' and South on th* LouU IIANCY AND YIT'.S TIN ANTI- I j exciting tune on the levee, Fifth»'>«'*• fromtrom LuuNvllLouNvll:«.e A-iuctonau17001011011 ^.xliDtton. ronaKarla and mtm. TL... . -1 ... r x-i, i between V'-tum: L» nKkKt.v .)i yen, that .-.eylku i-i:.) M moi.y, /!u.' aud fl* L-'ml In atrxr* and l.ir'aale low jy"'* utDRY’S LADV HU<>K Ft»R JI LY, P>rTER3UX > Kf UtrniAL THAN VHIMNE. M- 1^. There ISis nA classel MS ‘>f..r men like mulesmules, vii^Tod Ni-i.vW MaysTlIle. havD.« been purchase,! by acompBny ufgeD-^ S .a- , YV. II I!KLKN.YK a <7X. { , Maaaaine lur JuD «n*l a Ur-e a*Lwurtmenl f • ““ Sixth streets, between two gentlemen Ilrm*D U n..w nnd. rr.l.^s th..ron«n r.'Kai™ and I* ’ * . _ ux 1 1 ^ V. M Ad‘dKN'9 itliSalon:. And free fromrom allail it.iia Evil..a.Tiia. TSSTZr;ir:SLFSZ:^Trt*d to rail azu! «U*f* th awiwT,-,. Ai; c-mamatea- n cross between s noble nnimni an SfPEHIoR ARTICLE l.N Thirdniird at.. ..n ao.No sf I **** O-n Me. There wes a huge lo. S «ror** ami titr-'dl** b^ oiH-nopen turlor thvth* r«-*pll..nr«*c**pt 1 «»n of vUtlonvtaliora on th*the PratIlr.t Jayday cf J'** _ — .YviN.i yiadk YRR.YNUEYfKNT-. WITH THR and thu- scorn.thethe latierletter while sffeciisg r3.!S«r.V.:7 ^ Jr' prompt Mtaii Hra effeci.gtbJthe IHIIu. I.r..pr,- tor : r -aie *f - ‘ 1*10 \V Y». .Time, n In* UiN paoalar raiawly, wa B. BF.LKN VP A 1 - “ • *>' — : -i; •*’*“*’>' '“-pulled, an-l blasphemy In the uianaKfiUkrnt «n*l control of the fttahlUhaicnt O* •! I. i-:.- .i in any .luanUIy. an>l warrant .1 . j **» termer, dc.vpise r.\r;Y«r!:Vh — ^^^mTaniL who derpise them as inferior/*adinferiors and 5 5;ti:.?» > IV the nub ern-er wUl be a-xlrttesl several nenUtmen LTS.— A UENKIUL Aa<>*»KlMEXT OF BOILER by ^ ' I STRATTON & OXLEY, 5a^ ’frU-Y^S/l indulged in, ending in tbe incarceration of 1 V Mil 1 C**opr rs Huci tur sale by l^u;; aut! favombly krurwn In the bUHint -s. on*l by a MU Tbr’.*;V'*’'lt*^ londies. ,,,h r.ii..,.i at I l OVisloiiN, &C. * ji'Di l.MM it la itiw^'dAw j'?C*MURRL^ ‘a W U HKl.K.N VP A (^ 1 . corps of and attentive t^rvanlM; ati the saiMilAi^ , ... |. •* -hu.- it ii.- s.'j,. I - pUr*. tha. iray. both I'm* u I - c-.ml.atants in CasH.' homas. .^ ----- u:'xoc- .•!.i.k.'n-. 2 .-ioJ./-ii' puri‘#»'4c ul the •.uuH .xiiy t*» mak** the B.ue Lick J^PTlnip* A > NF.RVOl H DtgrUTT OR iraLM.lTOt wn.lv ILLiE’> FIKE ANP Ll'KiiLVB PKlAvrmaiieut arst-cloK.'* pU' e nf Humiucr rc'wjrt lur la- ‘ the weather is so warm, ladies - illililSTS imilEI'llllE'i. IMr »th.,.i*-ir.' u> i: :':- wtr r.i. i > d. drAn.* ronit,.rt n- Wll w j’-ii.p;. I i haa>t xnj,,,'.! . i riH''y'i -'r.';:' an 1 f'ir sate *U tUv m.titu'it* turer':* prlosM. vsUds an«l uth.-ra M>ekiii< recr«*ath*u for ph anure, nj Barkeepers and Grocers It. ’ D' VV It paliH e.xpeuzH* ftpire*! t*» come gaing X| Ik. HFI.KN .AP Ci>. nor wi.l be iu4ke tn , >cru nia TW**, w na p«t,«a aU**raia< Elrr l's fer pietiiree of their child- "» Saturday last ahvui nocn Mr. i,'.) ' A U up OPPOSITE THE POSTOEPIC'E. -.mi j p ' r.', 'wVirw,i h*. ' i'* n i d'l n'^h d--^ I aUlt'* ap;HtiNimcnt.<« o&J Attractfon., to thehlglu-st marc :»>liY . ^U-T-.-rr. ' a.- . n-n . r.u not ba:IUaa4 tt IV. . iH YM WHvI Mat BK in W.YNI U a* F.rm*r ' I ’ ’ ‘ >**> - iiav.'-- A; LEUKL—X..i.aUKL.-x,..,. I.i. 2 AND 3s YIYCKKKK.L. ul excellence ' am.. -of 'h- jB, noUr** ani tiiauiara, wfeja laew aaSMmr taow. ren abo'Ld go early in the day. R C Hinton, of Ihe firm of Hinton h Co .-..ai r*, r ; VUCKF.KKL. BBf Pbyatrtane* PresoriKlteue .Xoouraieir I'oin. awiu P.emember . i “.'.r’""’''''" ' .. i. thii)ii h'.l re.-«-)ve«l ; t'S- .. .. . „ ...... n • lif.iWKf.ji . .-'irar. 'J-. Y.uv'j.d, ? t .. M bM uror kitt,fcitt. r*,-.dv**l nn 1I f.ir-il*f*)r<**«1e byl*v Uf the hraltUful Utcxtlon of tbu delightful Waterin,- all l.A-l.'ll. ld«t‘l3 VVYV BIKKIIARDT.lUKKIlYKIiT. Market at Pltue, its beautiful Irlves. the h-aitni; and lnvUYtrstm< WoaHdeU al ilaars. the place—former! v Harrii Gallery M yxville, wa« a.'.’i.li ntally shot and kdlfd l lUI 'lll.lij; ahAll 417 H — “ I'l;n K;iu'. - •I*'.*-n, ia«HDct>ul«m.ilttieaof lt»in1neralw*at'ra,arMltbe beauty PURE OLD COPPER WHISKY ^ , . I YI'.BON A 1 D — • W'K MANl'fACriUB -IfERtOR O'b 'KED IU V<3.k<3. Jf'Ji BUXES .N >. I it by a harge of biirksh'-t from a g'lu in the lit ss'iK Dr'i-hifi 't'-r'-b; I BKiBKI B ,^MOKED of IU ruiuaiitK .md tbrleYl scenery, UdeemtSAlunns- St M. ad an.! la YY'atrr . an.1 -* bkK'k tin |dl ' llertinc ti. Ml. l t«*T ’*i . kr r." -Iw.-. 'd ih iell crj.- iry to «iv »... It, rrpnUt.on l.i tho» r«.(HCI» t« - Ml O. 8 . fumiav, the gentleman rtu,lv*|x. wiih fi«h an.1 puri 'rui* hands of his partner, Mr. NatUantel Shafer. CANDY, .1. * t r . i« VVvv k II. BiBI BKHARDT,i;k 417 ket an«i nrioppruMa beit Wa'eilCi^ Mar at world wMc by auy ulber WORM ;»J< I't : • t i-joi*-. M'. | • leLied T W®* OlXC’hVM STOrii, — I Pl;i«e In the t riiuii. X who robbed and ter<, and Faiu . BniwL.-:.. lo w‘ -cti w** compromised Wood, w I Mra M'ltAVKT.TNU and IH.'INE'J.-* IIAT:^.— A UKEAT lonn**vt»*.l with ilie Hotel U a LDi-ry St.’ibia.w where u,,. ; ,^9 (/-. V'.-. -rr< 4*.. 4*9 COST! 4T II I V4r»*iy | AT COST 1*11 l ward, ef corps, J*ckson a. . ..v* U.in ht New tJrleans, has been arrested for That exeel'.ent tbe i • • r r, *,11 : XU nt \TUKli k ,'iMITH H. 4211 Mw ln M. iroiu 0411- L> At, . «an -'.H. imTi, . S^^ A CAai>. ' Vf »;ii »ME ••N«^IICL i;r tiii'.'I: liiZKV.t i.; MiTii'.rT P'S ht .'niiY r‘i'; Iioxf*h V 4 BOOTS, SBOZIS and C4ACTBBS. I 1 , .;.- ’. |tKEN>WAKK AND ULAiJiWALE. ocpY-s(ie Xaii-uiM:. r«*iar: ! l5:''r'Y I 1 [ Main. the ihe ^ III. Ir III!. 11 * Ir.!- IV* A- 13 t)ux* s Turk Cr^aru ChetoY., i) are re<,u«rx.:ed proprieiors (. .:'••* f New 2iiO crate?f yueeu^warr; Ky the in (he man.ial, and will make a creditable , e>«j / on bU ini ft. 'k oi j .!• : ii-l f >r thftr •m.-a> -TV up'r*iU|l'r*l .^aiit'.rilf.^aiit'.v.lf e»• .N ODNBKtt'B'ICB TN l>'»rta, they M Kiwi**rii lulry do. I'i KuhrlUh Chino; OV THI OBANiM rna X. .4 . k iVa. 121 E ; f •f the . ;f.Ti*»- th** latfi'. I'l— uv*-» i.ac?1sy.' 4'’lrM.t|.'i»* >>ft^f the Ku 'ki I fm. w* will cuaainrm'* wnliu all Jwr aatUw -wmE i*ewissille Hotel saL ^' tiuv'* \i.iiii**< d.i; Vti boxes ! rMjrt«Hl Ula^wore; to aay that ihe display anywhere. IlHl'i, 1 Stewart X Harter, VV’r.riii- BM-I-.. rop -ait ur Is^vs’ t a tM4\4*..i 11.4 :on.l yIu, hy m iUMr* and baiMn al viU, A Ms -1' In* w. Id store aU’l fur mUo MK:N ’S and TAO Y S' Puoli adsreriised All t»i** iiidTit wiiMi wr rt.iiia furf'ti' Mm.Ii. t 'fUih^ 15 lo take place at their tlm at ihiA f tu. Luxe- I'ihpai'plc yIu; CRVTCflF.R A .M.; ') ts**iow IvonUhUia I *.-** *fi. . wt.itc'.. m% 2 3 doors MuteL re-iuestedrc*|UC6teil to callcsll thellic alien.!itt€n« 'ju-i! ar.-'r-' -riMi:. ; W i h r«K*‘rsuCs' lu PRODUCE JbPHOYISiON BROKERS. h'Hise,^*>•9^, will n.,t •opW'e are j.ilmannerlnf'll manner In whi h tttl ha*! t*,*»n iMorpirtit. i wuh an«l Aot : transpir*ir&Xmpir*' j «.* :’ lu tubhi Iresri Dairv Butler; CLOTHING U Is BM swljr SB« at I h. I 'll tl 'ordTsi: tk« ssaasS kws Iko bsM wlBclatt •* nutt'h 'r hatss Il bill th«- i ’Is th- IU..A3 . ; B . n.i> I actaiU; re*- •',oslU1e4 and olxra, for Men''*. Vuulh^ > an i ^ ere will be n grand i.'4ivt* o.-i'e-rM, firan WH, Masonb eele- Fre-jh Saluinn, ftrah I lut boxes Cordiis Tobacco, «,u 1 rr.l L-bolerS, MMle Ura t rLBILHER. -Seatb ttJ* MsskaS, ^ej^oes rambling and congregating j,,! vlrvb'a W* xr. tilt Eu'klc'l ^ar•llaca, AucUoUea aii'l I'leserved* ‘“'f' buxen M.uteTle Burrell Tol>auv'* ’ li BB»r • ac:unit assBa Bsbt^ tf IB* anv Ins *!'x*r*d at It,* II.. yil.l ..rr i...|. In 1b* j '*€4111 oikd yet atandsoinc .'isihi tor « ry e 4|f bra!:ona» Sharp-bn- ‘‘"i' a N* *l*sn t'n., '* •li'* r Ky ,en the '23d inst ' - ' ^..1.^ ..f all kin 1-. )nn N.vea 4\ ?» llclUn i Tobacco: k Nrw o . afte*' ten o’clock,clock, rf. ji. lud.- I'; .»;.| V o .,*M ..f gii ;i'x. ’ .‘-is :>o«t tie itireeu Cliciiifrnl ;u. .i.d IBataey B*.aifc«k. I’u. Loul»%ltlo WorUk, *' I* Family l»roc*ry. .si b'jttM inm-Jhp'f* TwUt rub«Y.'C44, Ju^ia^.m k CnCncessti; Wm. ^welL Jr.« a !.i .tr.) ' Ih.- p.a,...wlai l.r « i i* i' l'!.*r*v i-i aiso a social ' i*. r-M .rt,.«.i.nre‘-U ‘li- and party in the crening at ihe sn« f’narth »tr**t. I.*t .Martat and J*Her«on. VI nut In VVanrlik b Scr»w berry TubtaCO. 4*>; J. iUiikBSBil k Co, Xd.«hd'hxtr.e- Moeow 4 8««,llea4‘ srw 8TOCK or Whero tha Rant Tur^ is first t- i*‘d f-.r its i.ur*ty ^nd I lOObntt^.l .M.r«ibbToK»cc'4j STotiee. Piiiai Norv«l. a >ua 4 Cw., Joe Watt* A Brutkw, N*w - - to aame place. IttftAC .lohc^on liring on Ihe pike. i mm cnmi in*^ in tii in -ueb 'sy os reiiio V .k: M'Wxrrwnn.| A C*. ife; Oohk. WwtlB A IV. *>; B. Ml *»« "-“fOrJ »ud Idr «le b> riRM IIER».T..roRK EXISTiVi t Nl ER THE iiv-’iiH.- - CHISA, GLASS a UimmWAAS! vhrtiwub -la-jT..! ( ir fodi ^ .... 'low Nd. .K, WtCK^w,PKa A* Ol.rxY a F. W Ma.w l« lySSw I FleniiOgsburg, sold 65arres I’S the rli;ht to s.'i'cpt the _i !LkL_ _ 1 Myle Ol HUTClllNUS A tu. U ikw day lerailrstr I Wi!i b-r miles from jvn RBCBiTtD ntatrRov gntJPi, iiCre » nice* lag o( the Eorl-Eofl* t oottoesl Either party alU u-H* the uaukc ul Hri 1 Tue^lcloe In a coiivt-nh-iu txixi atfra» il'** funii, prLsr i.s Lt IL** whvic ur ^inv- rur’l .ii* ttu‘ArdiU»» uii.vi.if. wsiuajwai awf la /NiTft r.i'vv'-a* U'PO hvr avnini. by inuioal — . . I known / tUFFF.K.— aS ifx*«krr aae , a* .,1 l!4>R!t AND OHILDKKN S*TR.iW AND LEU- i|km iifm aa ea*# reoalrv^ IIUTCIUNU'^ Red Cedar COests. B*w taafo IMkb ar tneiA 4 ^i-e - n af •*•- CTCuing. i-rice f 100 per To Ihe we umeUyfor LVi iMkirii Hlo do* ore and for sole by . made w*a alaa. MS rrataa smb House ea Wr Ineaiay '0RN'.-S.>inn liDI I'lli-I-, K YVHITK AND Y||\rD h«v, au>l as plt'a^aiil o» .uiiieiiiuncrv, at niiJlrra"* I mr7 OTT FR \T.I htx th a t,, Cutlery ano*t4 waod. Ik* ailBf >4 aka c*wai *apam all iBsrcl*. ' 6 lyy MatB. fi 4 LL AND PEE TUE NEW STYLE RTRAW HAT Hardware and II tu I prlre. l>ri nun In bt< ft- .(U l I*, -a'.* I’ W cl *Be t*iia!,;n- d thai* Lix*«li ar* iwvainatii- -nr packIDa away '4aB- ('0.. L Introduced by T Y.YR ERS’ .Y.\ It ANIOy Tl IOL9 - N.I< M D MET For Bale Lv all repnfotU- Drtibt;l'*l4 th> i;huLt (he unit L> OUtRE k kat-.. n cloUlc-. fa~-. Oraanaa, aBl Hlr *r F uf vvery aoncrtpUuB, Bonders* Har«F n Buutb or W. - I laM* tu b* injiuwd Ly lo

Arrival of the Hammonia. Thirty Sixth Congress—Fir*t Session Weekly Review. .“' lU k* i,iKK. .lull,* li . be fiUf — sli'iiiiisliip Wakiii.miio.n, Juue I'' — .St.N.vi k.— eTer- SKWTXO M Ar'HTNE8. insurancf. lUuiiiii, Ilia arrivrJ to liny, bringing London al prirale bills were paxard. ^^**'^^* Claihj llfniotrat. } p.apers of .June Itb.but notbing later BY C C. SPENCER. from 1 he naval appropriai ion bill was taken li u . icratifyh,* f..rthat l.ivirpool UfKltliill ,IMi lAil. A !!*:.1 .M,V. A LARGE CASH (ban the Niagaras advices, she up, and the amendment providing three >J»vr«»>i,i*. «hii» VtlllsKV, MO- ABATEMENT cnm-ncy i,m .re [Uvniirui than *: ii..- LA.S.SKS. — WIM;. MIU 1 *S, .seNJTi’H KIRBY’S TKu.U REAPER having left .Soiithaniptuu liKKHIyU, KATKs CII.AKUIL 11 . & MOWER. immediately for African JAte of I BY Ml-Tr nnwPa^iea after steamers the snppressiou of the onr last n-vl^w, and an etsy mon*-y market Is .\LM i\D.S, CUKi! A AXV DEXURf n( all kimw ot the nrriv.il ol the early uioruiug train •nunptie.ianticipateil M'. ToBVi'C.i, CIti.Alls. COI- RIVER NEWS. from slave trade, was debated at length. •Inrinaihednrinathe summrr.mimm*r Att, th«,h. Fs i.t.., iLriv.1 U an WILL BK MAI*I T . Tm ASSCKU). Luoduu. Tr.r.. T?;\ hsm, m.y imug HofSE. — The House refused the consider »'*imJancebrrap’,ta].tnil ral.i rule h.w. Th-relta FiLRH MACHIHES. SEEDS, &C., TLIMIAVtc tiP.ix LRit.s, ,\r Aft ri' UOKM.su. NK iw. . 9 I*-. ..iHj ^ \dviees irom JSieily Hutiuiinee ..|.-d |in;.r..Vfiu.‘iit In 4 ilnit the ation of the resolution reported from the raiiruaJrailroad s.ihs.is k.k.,., andaand* ‘h-kp..:.!. •iM d*«lT ...... _ l/»TI»VrLI 4t. IT. Neaj.olilan army ll-ntoliiveKilmlirinaa Baltimore Au/UU ; cnpilulated to (Inrihaldi. Committee on Kleclions, declaring that Mr. a prrnmm-ii. y. it,. May r.o 1 i,\ hxk. will 1 . ••M ^Theilver.ts uJiliv U«i )e,t.^nUr. with l.ur h . t C ConventionV Uli LlUll al tiiii.«oramaJ.>r|iy..f E. HOPE tt,or,.*.Nexl,l!.a ' * i.t ol C The nriielcs, nln ..,t as il„. i,‘.||ow L which were signed larue 1 n« K’S rlri'sw iRcbcft watiAr lijr on neat R board .\nderson I retain tb* niark In thr % Anal U>t was entitled to the be f ^ r-odpuaii Ixtci, A WORD TO FARMERS the IJriii.kb ill with r..naidi-rably -kAIIKn <». lludiieHi a«»oi»m* Loopei DouMeThr«a4«i REASSEMBLY . « OF .. OF THE I .1 . AKT TUI RKAPU NA in I , oiirK'iirral inarkPl has d bt | d l'.,.t W. . i- ». in Ikr ti.neral Lari bren vrry (luil. a* r. ,.; | a„.t Fife X mi arUiriMtAriiBakiiik- airf ^ ^ tWt-UAAAK, Imwi-VcT, wr and Uanb.ildi anl the Kwvo* Fourth Congressional district of Kentucky. lusufaiice Conipaiiv 4 MOWK'. RKAFIK ,vnh re"' B v.. Iv. I i,M la.-’s-vonb'. uUb a t:r<-ati-rr"ibn >yaurv aii.l nnnm-vi In some oiu Ca'aw- ..i Kl. irr'« TIONAL t "^ loailii.a UOWBI. or «h<»» n »«i 4 Poimt oikl brr,-/r DEMOCRACY! luiioiiary oniiniiiee, stipulate that the Nea- Mr. Chrisman, conteslaut, again sp*>ke In Wrourtt-Iro« OHIO M AOHINE, i"t»TO|.irtr «rticies..rtl- nu»bur< politan army, strong, should ijuit support Family Sewing Machine OFFICE, r«rtictil«’ tad rrafo^rt. Prior of bis claim. p.-rniimnpivniluin, .>11 ' andanl' itrleitis at ir..iii par l.» |.re- T<- -s-rt h aM ail o•!^ wr* »4v, Cnll mt tbe SKKl) fe«i w«ter in Uie < hatmel. Falevmo with all '* U.iLTivoRE, .lime l'<. M —The I’emooralio the honors of war and .Mr. .Stevenson spoke for Mr. Stratton mm,„, A\V AiilUfCLTiRAL llAt’>E o. »»' ... TBri^j1V'Utv> 1K««[U>A«U' ttrrl\etl andaisid.'i«Bc.ta1 rm.iu ,Sui». O'a-sw.rV,-sw .rV ,iJl.Ill vutuV.I.. i1 • ; arrUM «'I«c tor Uen.t«.<.n . ’iJkT'loak.- Tr^i';|Trout LaVIRTBODV AND National Convention a.ssenibled at the front ' material, on board sgainst ”-lJ***’ I aiSXTIFK PRO.X'Ul'.VCK ITTII* No. 92 the the contestant. There«oliitionre- Tli?ffn>A‘*ry ' •!. ** * Hi a»\ -I 1I . BKOADWA7. mark. Kmtiukx T »,.. T.r* a. < ^ i hxn aiiinuiH .1 wltli .1 fiirthtr I’narw.uifarw, ci-t*t. r Vln- tu U»# wurUl. Tu«y 2 ***** • ''**ierd«>.wio.apMKt titp boUi wt.v wUl k!Wh llrni. TimX Neapolitan ’ - . HOW 4 KU Ja MIIADLETOV, ttireet Theater, at 111 oclook this iiioruing p.,uadion. The evacuation taining in his .seat 1 .... ir-- «i|.. . l:i,i-. and FaU,Oather aiul was Mr. .\nderson was Advance during .be week of ',c in Kaibnndrr, with priWcttoti, aao TV's" 'r'*'wae « .. B.IHc arri»«lfrum SVm t»rlr«, ..u.r, a,..| cOMeo ' -w^vv w— . «*«• alt. :; 1 ... . Itr and d j ...unlrr .t-al-rj aia^parilcularly adapte.! to Faaliy u.-=. Is^ ifA/.V irifATr. CAT .s:x:n A\D SFrEA nt. commence .me 4 1 h. A terrible cln.lriir VV i f TwT and.des- adopted; I U, comprising all the llepubli- nrni. The xt.-. k uf siivar is errallr > lie. 'ih»»Ihe i-.i-.or-. ” * Tdir Jult^rrrri»,!Il«,7d‘ n.^^ .i(>plete.i au.| .all,., and the will tXew all klwU of Kooda, from the Bacat b '--'AvJV. w LMitviLU »mi. morning penue light, which many hTi>.'*T' K* ‘Toi'v, ar-* ^*'’ * the coanwat, ui m session, but presented a li.mdsome m women panici- cans and ttppositionisis present. Ibe .tM k lscundiler.ibly ’’,*. bvve evrr L.-- bettw thou — Southern iinder .Ci«i bh.|.. aoy otbar Machlttva ToMr.ii.urrM.DouKalTo Mr. I *nry M» Duuual,r 2 Kale. w.*r atom i clerk of thel Jot n R * 1 . . for.fj b ul |..t illII -.t.f Aii 4 Cur vnttiwlvM. mylydd« ” ‘ * -oi. , w.wii- bav^N. n |ii-,t rr-r-lvwl “d n^ bo awfl cxamlDe br with excellvot_ ii: I ' »PPPar"neo. Some place.s are vacant, p;>ied, ha I occurred previously at the reponeil to- !ay of .v • -e«« In aU klBda a-w -• e-w the Sirado against f.l Pemocrais exclusively. hhd.s at S^e'ic. sn.l S hbils re . lit •«.' ~ .a a arein.iebi.sifora at W r arrl*-alit,Hr roilr.i I 'btht lutof i,ereMs.it-. I ; anl«u ( nII' II..Iivkin1 H n;.'ii:.- Kw>i. teath-r worA AnlT'bet’«r ^^rdStoT^* m'te'il ui t *” • i»bi. ‘ ’’ geoe* 7. J|>*esin motion Stratton, it wfli resolve*!resiilve«l I w n-iin.d at inru-iov. Th- ..ie« coiiee have r. .nPk.sciCK. «in ta aiiebnar ti Capital, t. r. » ...lou* r. tmt Tb« jRcotftndfrkthf nu:i bo&t to lUv at noua 10 of Mr. wai f Wn «M> tBm aweeiwafuity $200,000. Jvl ' d d .\ucri«*n*.Aii(,,..n. er.v^r. AlacWne* ara warranto pol't nis. f *r the c<-a»«ii. .-., 1 , , mul prn.ua par Cln« iiiiiAtl. the right of the new delegates to seal.-, :iu*l which re^mlte.l in the repulse of tli.at compensation be allowed to .Mr. Chris- < i..at.> »,.rere-;! My c*n letnm tkrn g. t thetr iB..-iey pof«*-i . . . wM tf not having issued ticket.s to those States uti- laiicT, and the immediaie "f 7» ba_*. Rio at u'/ir ii'.c. Tiie cottee mark.-t • ’’ Pitkin. Wiard &. Co.: river pack**!. Tiui^, ('aptaai JoliQiton, commence, man to the present lime. * "It uOabUteydoBiiisavreatUiactory“^**’'*doBi4 |*p*rvatl.t«aory I N-Sf RK.- Be ILI.!' ;-;. j rn r*t VJ MFP.t H bI-.« • V• - TheTh.Vn.“''V'^ TEuKL*. SSILTIICO .sJS foUbwtng ary anuM I (Sacaw ui Pllitta Brotheva). Uoad.aAUa-therpo-eaaa»u««a uMy*h^ p«»ea»r-raecw I I N I’;>KT .n . Bl H. -V. « ovS'A'tet?^over aU other aachtr.iiT^ 4 L NB***-'- IIKK WHOI.KHAI.K 1>L:aL.KUS IN Iwt- TK*t.v ^ooxw.'.. a . X. Two Days’ Auction Sale SEEDS, ^ «in 1 »Mto. niREf T0 K!4. auocLrciab uipluuktb. MACmiBii A m MB **^*Wf^r «?ul IM>r« tllBcNft to fllh A tn». F..11 U. Line. 11 > irastlc Oement, riaster, Av , I.a GRAUMAN,GRAUMA8M, 3 11 MAIN STUKET. LOCIM'ILLB. KV, LL' C 1 - - CTT oO N i:klaAaAV, rrlebrate.1 druvrr K K A Bakrr’a, ^ with the uerptlMi that W l!.i iixvtit X\ t ’ Ob ectlonable cord on the KlU A..A.- IMtI'lt ...IAM.i.IAM' axsti'•t> .'ftU.XI..'ft, I II. nn.|er»lda m entirely dla- ' t. ’"tnde.l a 'TKMIEX IT. u.-hing Slated that thehoiirof adjourn- guarantee lor the ten iiory of the the Covode Committee. He s person- "'•‘.luote nominal at ibr loiiowinc ratet.- c«i in druiiu penae.l with. an.| leaves a perhH-Uy ary I.eeni- t.- R w.sRD M^^teLiahTinAlwS Vn^Ywi^'’^ nowa' made , , . atrvaa. aiaooih ai*4 7*^,i 7 an!f _ I*. LY PHI SI X IMM. A**ehl H BRlTtliK,^ ytec* ' i-i. 1 i euahoc nor AAwl v ' under.Moou,.Ma. k-reik* IJT-ZN IT B-bertWaiaon wav'atthe lootof Ibe raiuprri!a'rm-io lothethe against Mr. Scranton.Scranton was from a ^ Mb. Tbef tbuir work. hour *ulo0 protest (,(igainiigaiiirgain, t iutcrveiitiou. ''“rr.d. Xo. 2 do. m. at Tkrre I# wo occaikMi •lAfTOB Aa L>i V, IV £l< baoi over. of meeting, some supposing the ad-ad. written Communication,communication, giving the names V Hum *1 KFFSE, Prw« X Xu The ateaniw AsbUnd .ame tn non, *the the threailji At oJthef rod of tho Mwfc. fOe It: -a... I p,.-k.’“reiri-l at *i-s.s**...*s laId. kXifV kV.V i’AM\if< 0, a \ ao-endao-rnd btsberhtsbrr Humtluui bobe discovere.l had liH IN STiM-F.T. power. thuM cnmblolaA Ike odvoiitAgeA of boih mothodA. * »* j SffiU are i xceeiiii*,;Iy duU. VTe qnM«. t:ii»ofliy Rill I C# ***^**W-* WlWW • rWirwT 1- lu there, willl shouts il... ai C.duaiUa.r.JuaaUa WcUV learnIf-u-n that(hat there present,nreuel.l of “Emauuel,”“Emanuel.” ‘•Gari.••(lari. been somewhatsomewl.al deceived,.b.eeive.l and informedinfornia.l the $^5 AGENTS, ’ onimi.l gra.vs yt(al .V*; bal-li, “Sicily.’’ 4(k || $| ju; ( Ta.riur'v bar, aboveCVilambM. In ratber a i«.l a-., oe nbe The roll was then called, and all the .iele- CommitteeComimttee thattliat he wished to prosecute the -Y ittt((^i . tbr fluu!ly u.ve. which 3tM.TU SIDC MAI.X 75; cl^an Mur ;;ra'-s $i: extra i Ifane*! ai.-l ..„iti,ue.iuni.c It... -la-, tt. k U anite .-r . BIT AND S1 du. c..> rr . Ivrd .iiu; mfH .TTH. cooM neither rH up i.nr downdown. TiieTill' A-biandA. fu.-ially informed the I’orte that on the gentlemau's iiaVf Insurance Co. of LoniawiHw j character. |.>ndc«l to keep t. up ihc mark. ^Jupi'iUne I Tll-^, -Tih'KS. si'Al'f-. am, SI 1 'IlhBilNS. .K ' tween Jener»oiia>».lSh'»vc|.ort,funk»b«ut two tulle. AT Afaiita waat—l la -YCTIttyltl/RD C-XP 1 T.AI -IN . their 4 overy coaaiy la tha present, govcruiatuts e Btaio to lironBr but had had DO tickets of a.liiii.a.siou api.rove of its resolution Mr. Campbell said this explanation was quou- At $.» 7.V7f-«, and extra> from p) to AO Ilii'lKRY, WMli I TICKINU. Ctli: wbi.n. ’ XP Xll'-ux. very liberal dlseoauu BaU» l.X , *... beluwJetler»<«ioon.urwUy. wtU bo flven. axD Stt.’faKlt . .. «y 7 lbiiu*..,u.«eIear»fr.m. ,lpli„ra.l In them .,..1 I.» instiliit.* in..nrie« iia..lfinr.i .bn IHt.-'lt *"* '•***• l**’'*vtDo. UNEV. MNS.N TV RLE Ky. , 'I'HIS CftXfpAxY. BKl V • MjXXr OROAXI'BD WIU. Roolua So. ss Vourth itraet. betwran Main ; t l.i.TUS, li VI N T..XX EL.S. aad I make Inaiiraiwo on llrlH of Si-amboata, *a taaot* Jejio .JtnaAw^ I be uaie. by . aj .ow EMBR.iIliKI.lE.-'. *«.l by tbe^^ ioOitTlal! !?'*'* ’raaapirtatioa. ar-l as . »a Be" Ena*, kc.. asarroi i'L'ib k; I Ob n, o.aa u, i uult. r»:L-j S- U am n.r.- 1 -l, a-Lo.

' MEUl.M.ES, SILK Dl K. AtkiuAMU. T*i.e M. 1k£oxi. *alc-*ol ry e fo.in vlur.- STEUJ=. at SS**HV t* bushel were rew-ri - „ „ Wiiftk oU/ut iwu iboanAnd d«>lUm. tl.mr who scrvicewill cuiniiicn. ’Jiitli * had been represcntcl at e on the .V reee.s.s 11 . >- { Charles, froiuUal. was taken from d-l to 7 o'clock. •si. K B.iRASni.-. Al.'.i VI T> •. i oTf-r 'f • )f I>. .-4 B.irleT I. dull Mid u.,miii.l ,u EV UliKEll.y lict A »t' A'-ASu. Feed tnn . Tbt* IiiAUA.i'AptAin K. T EturKeoii, with Xlt»*.iw. Kur tun St the time of the ndjournnieul. way to New Voi k: on the lOih .luly ti'MUiiMHI EAUIKII f.. tXi 1 -Tir; X of lo are arm, but «.le., . Fl f j.lHEREVT an- small. YX'e .(uule brat. .1 il- Franklin Xnsuranco And 8oi Uh , «‘.erks. wlllleAX’e fur ih’teAii'* «iel l’••>-l«Il. 1 Company, New .Mr. I.anesberry an so cu eveiy speond BRXM.a fillM-, I moved that all the nu-m- TuesJay. al.orts»-.i, .hl|.»iuns 22 L-.fil.'. Further by the Bohemian- $ . iui.l.llin«a .t fca,.s 2S. For lat.Tin.aliaie pwu ihueveitl!., at 4 uMuck. Ibe itui.a I .\ or i.otritTiki.B. ber.*.r.*. of thet be Cliarle.-ton ('onvcniion be u.iuiit-a.i,(lit. letter lo liie London Times rays: -ii.all lou '!EIIE<. JKX v<. TXX K! !,-;, rr. Uy an -i.lvunc of SV on lbe,e prices Is and ls.al« • it!, — In the House of (.lommoas t'lEi'E.*' u>u«t ..n tb» rHcr. .1 'he tcims ni’TY ' KICK X t'lin'O.V Ai>hS, / CMt-NkB CM? (cd to the floor b^ the rrc-idcnt.Trc-idcnt. of ihc capitnl.itiou at Palermo, U-iadu* an-l I...W an- very * ETC.. ET<‘ , XmCB— MAIN AND BCLUTt urm, and the bu lne,» of 1.,* .Mr. Uladstona , I v^Mcoad aery.Newcuiab’i ^ * Ui» ACooniiMOdAtiouf . her « Ahiii Urke. h«*r gave notice of another . Tlieab.-.-c«i.n Mtktma. the Ncn| oliiau vote the week h.is • • I- .Hr cl from the Ks.i 'v - The Convention has not been regularly troops were to laud either at be..,, beai y. .M-l bran-ls ,.f Thu coniinoM .„e a„*l,,.^rioaii -1 e-|i.al lo .in..’.i' . .*,.,1 CuBpaay to amke ttamraao# b 1 f i Yititotett, c in t..a,a:.. «.,.-wo..n..u«e.»r..MAleKXHFUJft UfKr, writ wm.u.r,. and.DU luruitdudi..rm»n..i •iii.with , of half a million sterling whol. -ok' i for Itj J* . the China war. belli ,r| ta. porlU of aa> Mcatlua on -ulp*. llc'l to order, Mess;'.::i»r N.ij.l.-s wi'lioiil at Vbitfber. Tni-v’•’•‘v ' ,i| I . -teamhoau aad th and uiution si-i .'•iiiaU *.:ib-s « 1 , no is iu molestation. were luj.le -slay , hole.- ! , .-ti,, n -erve fi..- alien. ,. ^ ouTTrvcTT n**iul»iu-iv>iul>iu. lurlor r*in\tnlir..ii\tnt. n.nx A- Aiidaiid cumi-.ri.comiofi. ll.-rlabu-jll.-rlalor corauo- : aleu, acalnsi loaa by Sro v«a--eia ^ The reform bill was debated, "inI II..I 1 HI i-..uni.-,v ..n- 1 . !i !. .1 ,-r- .- on bad Maaiii The cessation ..f the and courtscourt? i.on.i»»an*l l«M»mi.m at H\. an*l u! lolUTii.in -•a...niy .aii..iio carnage a! .Naples is at 1 #,*. ,rtAl>,q>rr.l »Uhwith aU.11 tU«til. lusnrte..lusiirteii of the M.-siii, and...U her • vi 1 . . , . , 1 ... Lord Kussell , ‘ said there WH 9 (Hiwcrtooiii AbawaoR aec’y. 1 CDliington, of Delaware, said the d-tctotheintcrvcnliou .,f the English and no w. u.itnl at SaIih urilum^ Terui-.-i-b Biuk. HUA J.IA TltABCB, rrawa, < ^ oUi*mou,.er..,e.«>fx,l..kp.r.Are i ArefUl, k|Mri need.,r«1 «ud.ud.l.ver*..nti-n.eu.ile\er getiti.Mueu. truthrriitn intn tlixh v»itnx 4Aa» *»w.* *!.<• I IRAmAiit tll^ the rumor tliftt" th? Oov^miint^nt»?nt .... uiiM'hiu** ru|.i‘ At I. K XIIN A I It. tts I‘ rc-nclt a.lniit tils. in- wore„ IC n*p(*rC*H|.h-h.*.,— .. Th^me •luui.iiuiiHqu«**Uoit> arearv Colleague w:is not properly , 1 a » 7 Wm. Oay. Charlew B. Th. M.Rh, from New <»rbai.-.Orb-.t.-. arrlvea.rrlveJ y> ..t.M.y.M.rUy I. »*ltxl XI.A.s, \.*rrtuiH*er. Jobaatom rxx) pos^po**® - BK MkiRK DTRABLB TIIAN’ ANY UTHU *“« matter for the next ti»n 1 niaten.iK .1 T'aiA:.’,.-. i..w 6’,,-. m.uhin.- Wm.W».Gwrvl®Oarvta ^1 Palc-rn.o had m..i. 1 rm mornlBt;.luftralBo;. anU.lal will UvI.T tiplip t-wt.w the seaioii.sr.ioii. understood. He dc.sirc.l Ine adulis.-ioii of suflcrt-.l severely from Ibe X MAt'HIM MAbFc I JawJm. i^LKI^w.A. Uthnow, Noca. • those delegHfeo l••mlbardI!;.•Ill, nn -1 tiic lot-s 01’ BY S. G. Juu. lb«Ihv trip of tl.rll.e .Anna I1 -,. rretrrt t I. .. Ori.-ai.*. who Were prefeitl at ibea.f- life was KERRY CO. W. Aii^nMtob (U BF AS AAAI' or f>£Arr;//X AS ANY WuOu UU>(3 thp Anna X. o On.-«.«. very **i***^'I'i> , , , & UTBKB ’ *'“ * There l, 'hat the »ery mile do.u? in bides »Uich are * Jaa. **t^J^* t at .'i Govern- quit un- KOKKIliV a •«hil.-hit.- Ihethe p,«tu*.! wa> unJerunSer aa.y,vy. a khorlUiort Ji-tann*Ui-Unce alK.vralK*vr juurnmenl of the 'h'arlcsiuu Couveulicn. ilnr, OU both Ics. 7 AMi D.iME'TK SI MMER IrRY I 10>>I).S. l-iu-ee-l oil WiB. UTI«h«W ment iuteuded to furnish ships to survey the la m y.M,.i Ceuian-i ai m<,v 6b fn.i B-.a.Bai.ut K'.utie. n.u> n.mtyl I*uul« liart oi. EVTBA Kt.VE; lo. 2S XXf) .>» K..^e..n.«,. n.mrd lurt . lun.pMtunipr 1 r Mr. McCook, of Ohio, asked it the C'lmir. Sfltixa •SKIRT'. KM fe £^I0 A?D w“? northern ’"'’'''•‘"“"•e fn-eiy than seas in connection with Ihe project w.neypeciei. xv BRnl HE;RKI) XX bruard. |i:ruu(r to MV. M.bo-i.t dll not .ink u-i,c.tb man of the delegation HITE A.VIi «'.JI.IIKE 1> I 1 KT.AI.X \ had arrived, aiul re- Arrivalj of the quote i.i dealers, xrea-e.1 Steamship Bohemlan- for a telegraph cable via Iceland to .America. .H 2 I 9 AX, piill.-d Ak*.Xi; uaih- O.loD', xHTMirt^-e.lH.iilomaaonthe water, lu h-a, than i..e f EI.VK .'II.K l*Ai..XSiil.S A\|> ; ceived niNllKAM ''si^nxir I nvKTUKOXi.r JHA'myK the number of tickets to XX hid. he .- :i (fl AcrnxEs Was 4 26i- M MADE wmCHCAN an.l from store, FrHTiii;ii Poi.vT, . greoae-l Z'Ktfai. June 17 —The stcam- \ company is sai.I to be pulled Il MBRKLI.AS,MUKKLI.AS^ lAOOA wU-uLa BK ory.n aNIi M<.VKU FHoI! inlnute* be «u pit oq xui.fd an.ln, wbeii lile ».s loun-l eutiiled forming to run n mm:U.NE EV'.IUSII TAl’KrtTRYrAI’ESTKY CAR-C.\H- i4 RK MUCHYICOH ADMIRMD.artMIRsn ANDawn BHOULDan.Mri.n REmm BlK.Nwairv ! AM I, «*/.£ n> F/ALoy Ai AUM- AA tWJfBOA “ per^'fto bef'^rv* C A ll,*a....rpei.ter.aud b*U..l..uboanl I'KT CK.NTV SUMMKR r.4 NT'‘ FINK ^ p«r:bAilog An/ other ^lU toWFtoFFfl -iTTii i.„ Saulsburyi said a uiiy.ilily of ihc K-tfTITCH *ny goO'l« In I MOII \tiL\N': 1*1 »*«l tomlllr* i*.M ia Ai"A*ianfiton Ait hr tu 4 Unit driiikKig bAf>., U \n: K»* . L\DU"LakUiK'x ixLA‘\fKK AND ttiL- BB« toM.reW For uilortTHC ; never com# Anv*hlu< tor rri«ir. aoU wArrAnt- *lx>e.eMk M" 9^ Mlv vto'icuWvbo'icuW AiilAll 1 reifaVireifaVa br delegutiou had remained in ihe ..... j y ^ • »K Kl» L.\>TI Mf G.\! rKK.*N, r»l. Frlc» r AUptwiMMl be uxcTUGATxt wbUr utMler tbr Itimi- I • » ^otn $A'» lo 5 TRi* U )umprU ..i $ . i , $ R’< , Acco^iog to wtyto of Antoh. eomoaay to mw w- ‘ OUVCUtlOn and ICbOlvcd to S'ay Th#ch«»Ap#^t ' Mat'hlnv asi gooU a» fh« hUh«r prloAO— I •rvatuacU au rZTKXXr, em-e of deUrium lirntep-. Ihe body w.e ful on A.orc ! .V f '€ r I 4 I w WXABJ> A6L CO., AT** I I . !UB»e oiAlefUi* loge-aher V. «... -w with .Ol Uu* Ittiorovrm^Dlii. imtapXSdlu ROLKaoLK 1 ifT. at Baiun r.owAe. where the Coroner took charge cl II. .11 10 * AOAtiEKTS.KKTS. IllXI MainMAI K ST. I XK . at lu O'CL E. _ T. JOU.NdTMN, ^ t w«* wU. xh-H, i natexm •ii*rra( f«>r«AHh, .t ' Tlie Capuiu It.- n^ufr.it n^wtortm^iit of the f Patents of the A'lJn^Ubto Hemmerl. Areiit, , _ . Fuubury Journal of Haiurl.y .*ya ! The Chsir said: Gentlemen of the Con- AiMVx' A ;i • •rtlun uf ih* ih t« ‘mv^hI ftinc** our 1 aj»i Fourth wtreMft. ui^er I’ultnl Aiaiv* Hotel. i.'ne. rddi-wbevl boat M..V Duke u .nuoumed lor ventioD, permit me, in the first place, to Con- Maicmeut as to the capitulation is only sparring tour. It is said that o.e.-Mi i., suit quoted Thos. S. (he attend- uew We«.™R^'* *^47 keiincdv Bro., • & NaidiviueonnjaLviU^Cin Wodaewiar.towJDemdnV. CrrDtlllnf* VAII 11 t\:EK^vrA l> i-->„„.ieu . lo wh!.-:i w* w .>ui-t **"«•«» kart**, XV 4 She u luteuied for the Arkansa, river, c.U ili* .iwctat att*ntion of Jyx,b K. .!er. , AI*a.Cratoo»ok« auties in the interest of the Democratic the King cbulce iSi T\ Ttj ny I refuse-i the conditions of capitula- lessly ill. Ai KgK'^ 9(‘il i\*a air buven*.buvrn.. ft "p y at “r» ir>Q 3my*-r. B. T. xiothrfo[> and named JaekMMi. I 7^. Ato b 177 *i iL* if , payiy; and 1 beg leave in the tion, ..Cl)., AuctioAuction***.. *'*• • C- xrtvx. p. Smlib. Insurance second place >n, anw Orleans tost evenl..K a Itb ; to the . Offc Mark t aide of branches of its business, as '*="''‘*r drman-l fur the FAMILY•Olfllfcl ^FRMNfi MAnUlMF newalof.hewal of the bombardment.bombarduietit. Palermo waswas' A manifestosigned sea.-ou for candl.-s ami KNOELLKNTKNOELLK.NT XX OCffinQ mAVlIinC) : - — Juan .WUXXELL-KKPrAND Feoria w« ore Uwk-Med fur a manifest and luriuoraiilmu. . • J de Bour- ELL-KKIT |•.^I:L>B.fARL-iR. DIMXO-DIMN'O- Znsnrance Company. Main street, between Fonrth and Fifth, they «» tip r*""'- ‘i now0 W COmecome up for consi.leiationCOnSl.leiconsi.lei allOnalien XX before huirica.ledhairica'ledirica'led and a part of the royal troops bon is published, laying ROOM and.\N|i niAMBKRCIIAMIIKR * team from the K.-w Albany L-dfer of yrs.erd.v "P claim lo the K’KSITl'KE,K’KNITl'KE. PBJCB . ; 'THIS COMPA.NY ;, ^ throne .'|.LKMill>.'I>LKNDII> SIS 00 DBCL.XRED A DITIDK.ND OB S ’ ^ *‘ 4« lur y®'‘-you. Prior to the adjournmentadjournmeut of the Con-con- surroundedrrounded the Canneltoa amt ' LOUIS YILLE. ICY. . U.sltbrnewUi«(theb«w cUMuertoaaiuerL.C.L-C. KemI'errx' bU nearlvnearly eoi.ipU-irdI'ompU'irtJ ai•( by insurgents. in consequence of the abdication of his OIL PAl.NTIMi.sr.xi.vmti.s ANDand EXCRATIMIS,EXCRATINiIS, XKKYX’ERY SO- A hi. TUllPB DK31 R01 S Uf PC RCUAPl.N'O A -Xpn:. wna a mr- kliift oY palxl. Lo'ts:^ V ">'l f»IUb:a itVliiF taa T(*ac. SaiJJiA Ui** luut uf Luirer BixtU Urt-« t . wnJ will |$rutikMy ntskt* t vention6 DIIOD tWOtwo priDCipalprincipal SubjoctSsubjects of UCtioDaction .V .Neap ditau I.ERIonl*ERII)n BREMII General has g.me over lo brother. He disclaims the idea of gaining PRKMIIMM f.O'KWiSiDr.O'KWlkiD PIA.NOPIA.N’O AND Lwms Atinatr^ I «».| ^ ° hav* b*ci, dull but v*-ry atlff, " odk« »an attsin'^aB Th* Luub Kepubliran ui .vrsit-rday says lit* river doctrinaldoi-trina! resolution coiistituiiiigiheplatformCOiistituI ilig the b.*l.|prs ,h*i hE;.s|l>KNCE. sewing mtsiialr#4 M plat form A l iter A PRIVATE machine { A Hor telegram,..leg*™, ,i,i.ddated Palermo,i-.i.r™., on ,h.the The principal AT AI.CTION. ^ pri.op.i „„u,o,measures p„p„.,iproposed omina forwanl to »*n. an*l x^xG44 rt(4e as/ i.MtA uCimm ' _ n*ar sH<*» hav* ad\anc**l 'a< XX aipItAi i was nsitif slowly on siaturday.-Saturday at .urk-ii.lark— il ptobaM.'ptobabi, of the Conventmn.Convention. The other, voting upon evening :i.l, N XX'ED.NESDAVED.NESDAV tlORMNi]UDItMNil NEXTN EXT. JCNi;JUNE; ®- M-urpIta., No. Xn to thow a bGttor*U)exot ihas wo j of the announces that the bom- for XuXu. XT the emancipation of the serfs have been 'xx* WRS't JBP,ER*»N .STBKBT. j qucJ^^.’^lderTs' O 10ID aVl.oVl* .k.»*willw. k, w* will M ll.stth*r*'l-l*I,cII, at the r*'l-l*iic* f xir q(B*.| for Latlv*. by the majority ..f he deputies aud hams ,. Tnlrfnlr virc-t,vir*«-t. *a-ira-i •nl.-.,„|,.. n*ar„rar Walnm.VX'alnnt a th* Btatr. . meav.wJi s!s M i,rd 7 • .”“rk-*a»k*t. bonnet out lo Cairo. was c’..ntinued. larv--lore-- aiid gru.-raigrui-ral awwsiujri.tawwMIutoi.t oi Ur.t-iU*iiiir.i-tU»i. M.iliogaiivM.iliogaii. and will be fonn.1 rvltahX* an.l a-—foita -lo- la pnaaaUus th aa* Oomy-aale* u the aUeDil-.n of the nobles, and a general franohisement will be of bacon have i«*n in.hlerat*. •»* all kind, of 1 , ,1 Th<»Tnciiinaiii\>ui- ^liiK(tobliiet Eurnlliin- and fa.a'.rs, Kni-M*l.Kni-ai*l. ir* au The I tlliMM rlvrr uU faUtng aiuwly,aluwly, withw ith„hsfS feet IDIn u.eU.e the Car|K-u amtami RETURN PREMIUMS! • aBmantty. A* with every aMaranc* aad toiat ar.- In course of the di-*cussson of the Garibaldi continued muster of the Kiig..Rngs. .Xi.rr..r.. the realized next .Vulumn. m*r>toiuyK LarveLarv* .M.rr.ir., Chl.,iChli.i an-l R..li*mlaii an-|a„-| W,iaMala W A VMT TT.'Nr ’^piRPROKI.XrTRK *** of their aaAuvbted ao.veary amt iwvmpiltude la the • hannel below Peoria and SD liw'hisi aliove. i~a*Aj X SttitoraSTMIlNCB X.XD MARIN K g. . '.las-,war..an.|<«U'x-xW«r**, .ll•Mr.,l.|- h>iQx( 4 . ” » |UCstion on'! utticrolh.-r h-.ns- k«r}»ingk*w|.lng ' iilitniriit of A plttfnrm the Couveution town,wn, but the forts were oeciipied by the Turkey Tbppruvtok>u arficl*- A tiAr. will giianni** of tosm . aud a* U-Lus worthy of enlli* cod- — Disturbances are reporte«l a\t iiiarkel pr*a«Dta iioihlng new In ila a a*,»rw Thell.elpiwrMto.toelM.lUatK.ulMtoetoeiiq.l laaliout etattonary,.tattooary, with (feet Oonnty rtghia for fol* 1 -*. twice In rvery Cptwr iiiov*iu.*nta. Sal.*v oi*!;! AT 12 OVLIS’KO'CLOCK I'EEIri;Ei t'ELY.I'ELY. A for mI* hr mnmiu 410 ail aiuinal toana# 4 teapect. a-loptedidopted a& vote,vole, the effect of which waswhb to NcHpuliiaus.L-Hpuliians. be mad* of Ihh-oii an.l bulk j | Beyrout the Christians and Dniies Jios HU are iu*at al i ile*.^tw-Dly-tt.* real., the epuer and 4 feet OB the lower Rapid.. and ( lo u trltte uud.-r pivacnt alaii-lar.l *a; I..H o-.o s,Ueu>l-l . iwr aad In- NW gW . .u' prl. wrv«d Ui.-.-wo-id I'U.I'l.iM.an-l.. on-l St.K..si.kjI.1 . ThtoThis x..rth »l.l* J*lfor*on »l **t, 2 Joor^JK>?*'^Thjrj. KMawi LAfr Inaai aae* I'oaphhi, of New Y'orw | m.ajority of the The Capitulation was not carried liold.-ra are T*rv I *ar* Hr* Ri-Cu a* k-w aa-- r. out, but tile. r*--n.-.l an-l w.,hi,.,M Ih.-ir -l.ick ,n -ni.i-rmr lii.trum--iil wjt. man irarture.1 Km-rsi.i,, a* .,a,u-dtT., vokw. ^7 w *«kuk. Brby hm-r...,,. of jhi S„l m Shank.* (In* wy, Lonlaviik-. Kv. * r*\ cuiiU.toiic* ol an ulllmal* itonuu.l fo -M J Ik M. ^mmiuee5inmiuee on thetne IMalformrutrorm by BubbtitutineBubstituting that will cerlalnlv B..i*.m. ftn.laii.l nt h-nIff* . a.ili.ii. >ti ILV Xi.N. Xaeat. I he Nc.-ipoliinn armistice and r*.-*iv*.lr*»feivrxl tlwtlu.- Uaati CaUlal.*~^*~*~ . ^ continued. Homb.ay dates are to May Hh. t’alcutta . I Tbr MtoMHiri rirer to rtotiig ill doM-n A"*'*xXsi. tUe way Irom • J. — •. . B. ,u * r . 1. r v 1 report*-!— pr*-niiuu)prvmiutu Alal th«*tb.- .Mechanics M M»i;»a.n A .Saa. .Up*cbAnic^ FainEair.i riir*re huI aib. 4j be a-kia lb*' AflMmi pAnuiMAtc inUie^roniAx. ‘ Ihethe report of the minority of 1 a-bU a» -wk-ki. 1... » .» . . them;them: andan at-ai- Lctli-i s from the French n'v« '“'’k !%»•* JIC Main airr-i, to-.-.w AMii*(»n, and pr>biibljr lung alMive that p'*int. ^ squadron say hth, and Hong K-mg to Ap'ril •J.bhr’The ItutudfNi ii( n.e ftAi** .vTj foUjH rt..f \ ’.•liiH AU'lCAixef, __ ?.-vraib , a mar 1 . 7 *1 *d I ler lie adoption of that motionmot-on andan.l substi-siibstl- the x*o<‘ iii.LdF tv .l•>foe]•' «iux rfieriim* In t?ir-tbc utlirr v-X-Ci-C>» tO »«I lR..raaic* r««|Nii.y, N«. IS Wal ' 1 to ( of ( f**t w..., in th* cltonnel. armistice is to last until the -ili. tiari- cholera was raging in in.lia. It is reported "'; by h«* Ih^y-^anm \ .1 ’'T'’ '^'.V "V.”’' X AMERICAN INSURANCE tu'lOBOflutionof the minority f..r .hethe majority TC.tc. l.al.li ; COMP'T. •xn*!. Nrw Talk. Xlask Ca:>liai Th* w**tl.*T i. dfllghtinL Ku-in*Mon th* landing U was forced ... griuian armistice for that the iiltim-afunf was again sent Jo an( Euplaa.tSto.AOU i iL OfriCB So. 1 port, aA division called fortor ( ( MAIN nRUT. aul'TH 81DB Tb* A-wuied iwrtictiiat* tb* was on the several I In Pr..nu ! dnll. **p«ctolly au wtik NVw Orl««iiii a iiiiiiib*r ..f P®*’'* .he w.int of .imiiuiiio-i. Messina is .,uile Chinese without a S£WL\G demaad for indemnilT. ihi MACHINE. uikrty*."nla ur"Vfro^^^^ . r ... . 7 77 Ue woYii 1 C4 ll the iiUcm.uii wf the Anxl O^mmU Bmk UmuwtiU •md omrrtAt Agnemttmrm whX.a•'*>*'<> ha\e br*n laid up for want of todis .s. resolutionsrefloiutions cousicoiisi itutiDgitutlDg that platform, bein^rbeing dcneried. euiiiud;i.«m ii*** trip »'. AtoaerSraaaertraa Fire lananiBr*lawaniBr* ( •xpRar,waiRRaT, The uf (iaribaldi is It wa.n anticipated that the demand would wa»* v^ry ,ii.etfNi- lununthriypurtKiilhrly ih.-111 *- Ul;x*M,ui;i*'x, i.E thi' -aiv. ThrThe liH cxxoii^fWA $tr§4t^ 6etWffn Thtfd oW^uMTiA. Abmt V' (J. Aba-Xoto lly in« c.ir uti tU«» 1 a;:pnerMl 4 rtiiieinrtiiieiii .* I*.«rb ', lbnli i(*ri>i»u, TheTh« Sam Oaty. Polar Mar. Bra II. Am*ri. u. and Prog- in number. The third, fourth an.l sj.re-x t^Ambcr. 'pin.S LX ling The Neapolitan troops were be- simply embolden the Chinese It is unJer- lUilo aiul .xilsi.l.sippi COMPANY kNt.AtiBD IN A XSrsaailzed Rsllrua. 1 . Tli*> were ili Kllrlicu * * wi th* y. hav* b**ii told ii,->. Tli* fifth of these resolutions l.tion, -iii.l will la*u*anro ... La- Werewere aJoptidaJoptiii by net luo lo »i U.— : li* tesi iua,„i!if.i. toll*! .li] * WI _a eoimug more aud more atlectcl by it. The stood that iu any event a blocka.le will be prim.- .oru f.'L tun- il) )f... .1 or4» r, 4 nd m ill he a*aa lb* iMtirwar* r«aip«ny af the $ alley V|rsla tor I oa moat Hberwi t*rmw. of , 'I*ssrs. Arw*ll A Col.l* l.-is*,! aClriUlar. apt >nF ^H£ia^nc ..-waaraud lianmiMiia ar* In .-nni|toiiy pur. it.*m for Kiii,ii.i*-r I -old w iil.-'iii ni xfii**, .AW ; with ih*ii. ai ih* the the W .iiams \ (lex Mnln^ hoa««- Convention and second was rejected c fcigy in1 “ Sicilyoiciiy are preacumgpreaching a crusadecrusaue JR!vSa K. BRU..p,*,4jrt,t VV'FJ enforcedeniorced southsoulh i iir*. ofot the GulfUulf of Techeele.I'echeele. rur*. and will Imv*imv* ihem ouiu th.-the bbl.wks1 .K.-ks on«.n Ir. Wttochaeuw. Coab Ckptul...._ ASZTjnu lowerfow*r landing. Monday. k*>-plnK. lUsaz DmT. Swreurr. After the Votevote on the adoption of the first,first i>--r h.-a.i for tran-sporiation jI aguiii.st the Neapobtan Government. It is The rebels near Canton were causing oreat was $i «. ',iei $, a. iJ. IIE;NRY a Ca. AocUon*mi. laminui** ( Uav*«. TbPTl.« K^an^tillc Fii.|iiin-r uf yrktenUy hay* DIKBCTiiila. (Bit oatpany, Nvw Ox & I 1 *,:;;’“' GROVER BAKER’S third,thir. , fourth and fifth otOt these resolutions, slriteist lliat(iiat .“^ignor(''lenc I’.arefa. garter*.! ud in a note, de- injury to trade. The tea market was im- { 7 CV^xol •- — l'A,JU08 ii*;hii>,4^;Ui lu. Jraaa K. Bell, Ms*d i^uatiiiiy. Ion stiti-ai.*.in.oi.s*- 8. . I Wm. IL (R.-k Pau la aamotionmotion was made in each caseca*e lo recoc- BY 0 HENRY & CO. aad giianii . 1 Arviv — zxfoOto) manded a guarantee forfgr the Territory’I’ernlory of changed. Toi.ac. o has averagcl rath.-r mo.i*r*i. 1 L. Uuitman. , . The season was expected to be i„ pri.-*..r ii.* ha Baib**, qn*n.wqti^. o, tj*' >|>n.b*r uf iy.au uylnr up. amt ih* XAI.I .XKLE MXIN .ritKEr SEWING nidcriheaider the vote amian«.. i v- »ri foi <4 putting of these motions l«al iua I 10; X7 al A'rti .X Si; :12 Jhr. *tu.-*-ll-.u-w.!-io.-*-ll.rti-*. having pre- at $«.i( SewIngMachlaeOoapaay, I been -enled-rented that an apapplication Sic 7 al a7 USc i I lb*yhav*ov«r 40.t«Hln Jally X''''gi,*n,gt,*n. to Napoleon re- * i...w -. MU I UAL IflwUnAnCCi $-aa n 011 ..;^ b» ih* X Ian.- Eyj.r. ... 1 TaB •xr**i He* York UaaL (toptoal yg p . Arrival of the •.iilk.ri.T, ..n Man. um In manutactorlas. Steamer Ariel- wurk-whu(» and Umlltow. Pabtfo i veniYxl hy the intervention ot iiiieutious at*eai »e lutor*lIKisMtry, an.l laKinI at Xia Tb*Tht om.-*ra ot ceived an immediate negative. .-.ir.-ri. auuth -kl*. b*i« I an-l _ of Ui* Ja- Ob £tra.|«r boJ a braiinc ai loi- .Many of- Tblnl.Thipl. Itoironagw to Xba •v'.Aaaca of mrria Th*« Ma PEOPLE S . ; INSURANCE •aMaaaawt*ai,« iBaaraar* Caaiawap- of the Nkw Yobk, June 18 The steamer Ariel XX'.sln*s.lay- 3 Th* t*. in- of lh- 1 - .,- will to iiia-to COMPANY* | al*sat warrhi.a--.lay nia-to ^ privilege tbe — uf iJOlihJsaa kiv-wu unon the chines, grana*. Kmtai-ky, hrfor* JuJge Rn iman. on Satiir lay, and ultimate Vote competent fleers of the Sardinian army obtained dis- aUko vXctortoaa over prvjBdlco and eompeUtioa. .vovira iw «k-wcnv,D.a •(«*»* of Pwafu-yivaa.*, Pbna.telifoto. fromirom AspinwallAspiuwaii the iiih;iin insiin.st., hasnas arrived.arrivea. *' now Justly *nfov root* nnlvrr^ Ibvor tiua baa aver BUILDING. LOBNBIX j me '* ( ) m r® _ »w hich rtwnitud In ih* dlMharc*diMhargr of CapialnCaptain Diiiinai. au-i in each. charges tolo joinioin Garibaldi. , »' One ;hlr-l;hir*t c-.-.;.Ca.-H.i; bal*1 «Ux.o out- V-* Wain SM BBllitt -tr*rw— oanrter*-! CRulka; IMnilHi U .me m,nn on*odc andar.U*tntl twotu'o years,**»«.v<>arv, been tOkXuwad uaon any Sewing Warwina I watranr* oa Bn.uM Mrw**. .An attempt is *x soi 23*1 4< i 95 15 x‘p)t an>i ' being made to get up an- $ 9 ; at du; 10 at issus S5 Mon Sarploa - tu*Ih* *ogiii«*r,*i Wtnirr, Jriikli.v, oi ; Manufacturing hUi la and SHkoSu Mr Mr. on* th.’ |.llotii_ Mupl.*, Machlaea making lb* vkatU* satch. I iSfPST*'' l^®P****“i- — ...™— »«i.0S4 Mr. Howard, of Tenne-see, moved lo a.l . Man u.—A dispatch of the :id says J*- * 3 . IIV.VRY I'O., a k' *> »i *i, an-i 2 at 5 as. k Auct|ono«*rs. and Family Macbln** making the cetohrate.! llrov*r ;• -—- '.'.OaMB and ^Gaff, tb* mat*. v*r* U*H ovrr to an.wrr In Ihc her revolution in*** Costa Rica, by buying ts X (al*!< at warrhqnkeaQf Mim of 42 .one. le UlilUary. ui hh<1 a as follow-.; from (60 to (ro; -iearriptive *“»*. ° of iatoo-1 rr«n-*burt*atoB( aaoat,K*w Tark. Oanb Ctopital andS[aplaa.BS«kUX) of cannon, attacked BY C. C. SPENCER. clrcntorkof MacWinea and I Y. Ch&rleBton CoDventon. Catania on the 2d, and -,4 ^ , $ •• tv »» ^ tniMtaca Ands**! ktowtocoxAto 1 % lllortratlonatllQfttrfttlonft ol thathe kinOi,f4tUh, cancAn b*be bodhAd on appltcatlon.Application, asnUmagatim toestoet or un^imaga hjby XX’abaahXXa rivar at Laiayatle to fordable. XX'* karn ihal ” “ ** by I i?? repulsed. ® KLEGAXT ANDLV..MX!:...l..l> UI;U K DXVELLIMI- letterl«rtter Sh* Only acthofto* 1 Mr. Kavanaugh, of Minnesota, to I were badly After a combat of 8 or otberwlM.OtberwlM. BAKBKRBAKBKIL AM folTKH.nJlTBR. Ar Agcnti of lit* ab*v*-tiamed i ,h, moved !} _ .. th* OaroUn* to Dli-ely porrhpd on a bar at Horae rhoa fcx -1 resident, at the head of mrll dtf for Kenttix kv. nUilOt rrecinetit. hoarao.* OvOMwiifoa, w* ar* |.r*i«i-d to *Crrt •vary I t bay tbe resolution on tbe table. [Applause] hours the insurgents were dispersed, losing AiOUTiU^wMia •efiFtXur or I'-auraiH-*, atvw Ike tovoraM* BeadBead, where she w ill, hi all probability „ . Fv Yton Praato m»st , sprud th* aum- AFTERN.alN. Jl 19 w \B . AT KOI R ’ > V in' kaaina. oa Property. MerctiaaCI-* and Lti*. lactailtag la- Mr. Chinch asked that the motion might three guns and two flags. The city wo.s de- l'nilA>VH — TnaThl sales At the m’arehou^es * ^ mer „ , 1. , r* 1. i were W hU«ls o cI*k;H, wl'l I*®* iM rriiu*toruy fo.E|*j, on the |)rrml-'e«. aaaaa*-* iipoa th* Hve* of ILav. < *ti,oar-i in ai Bogota advicesces reports that ConfessCongress hadbad j y tiadar I *A 'le-blrfthto lwo-|..ry.two-^(..ry, wi n aul M ISTKLLANKOLS. dared in stale of seige. ^as follows; t ''ffra’.l* B icA Dwelttni; llouAe be withdrawn, (bat he might be enabled to a Tbe Neapolitan at $1 35 : 19 at I2«i,2 SO; 17 at $3U«>u lh<*ih<* w. -l ixi If A. Dnaiona | amnesty ^»w,law, in which l I «•- X a ww . Ol rw-:rth ftlrrct. tie- ,$*• .B'/9 ... . aTtaaSav.-to. Kv offer amendment -1 minister at Rome was summoned to Naples, I , J5®4 5 c 13 at (oga , 5; 7 al tt^u 7 '.; .'.at u .TO: DatMI iL T(>nA oauio* Mdl* ' thothanivcelpU an.1 ahlpnienu an which he would rea $7 3 «7 tw.-*ii Msli,Matii an.lanxJ M.i'k. r,I hAviux ii 4, Br!dAcibe6 _ b*hu senenlly inull. Con- _ . . . . . TI tVGI*( 4 Gal <4 room-. Ur.;*’ hAlU, .MarqueraArf) participated. '*®HellA is*®ta namedna*naa asaa a® and was reportcl to he |1 At $'T 50 Aful 1 At 9l‘. nn|Md wag to refer all the claims of the new dele- bumaiion of a new ministry. •*"•“* T Xlowa. Rr.iwrt MuryaoL^ foia AL k? .’’JSantander. Stg. FOVSTUSTSKKT.Ot'rvSnS MASOXtCTKMFLK *»*X »v*k IXte b*aTl««i ahlbmrnt waaXSO bl.dk toba. .-o gales to the (Committee on Credentials, with iraOUKiLE DEALER A MA.VCFACrL'BXB T * TrkM-. 'PICKETS I.N Till SHELBY OnLI.KUE LnTTRBT- OF VatrM.a 9 at BHq.;’. 9-'.; 8 at 93 —On* .hint cash; bahniv* In **u* aa-l two yrara, COMMERCIALvx/»*Atoa.toAJXX. INAai o3 J JlAJl CO St At ; C at iO-^.X S'.; al 8. iwa-vo y*,TXib iJ-toRgeu I accept ZVotlCe. Che«U uui Water Coolers, morrow will contain follows; j at Judge Bates’ letter in expected to do (I W, 195; 30 at $2(i £2 85: 1 at 3(.(3 THEIRT JANUARY Mo. OFouth Btieet, betweea Italn and tha Slyer, Cu/du.— .Vdvices are to U’Jlh. rhe »•<*»( 90 ;!. at $«.to««: sat (7.47 !-0 fc" -'J® braa.ITlbal*.har,.'g)bbU*gR.. I oll.( May i Aocoant.i, will 2 Lbl. tor.l bl.u V aocount.*, pl*aii*plemee callcAtl andAxtd dntio «uu or I will b* iu>- i .rabid* the Mll!n of the f T. V :Yn t Wii'^ otacr probwrty i »«»•*:»«*» S': i «i -’n*! i »io | disclaiming that he feels the least •’ - . In U’AiH err— >*o. hrmp tier, disni’pcintmentdisaj pointment in not being 'I »i $121 p*r u.n w*r.. ’'’•P-'fi'J.r*p..n*d. .Miry t. T;luy, kc^ } Steam boa* at kaawl Hub* ea hams. ( tiem* lard. IS lard. TO • nominated him- course with Peru, ,- k*g- half bbia and had concentrated 40 ji ^ltanixed ISON sefp.ige;rat*>r. S.,-. -.t, . (nra all was greeted With immense applause, * Uvnea— Norm weal >-*>r"ci --rxiwl-i n*l Wat! *tiw*(R o^ trdgcd. u-sd,borf, 11 bbtoiw.f.bblt SI t.bU port,pr.rk. Jh‘B »clf,self, behe says that it is >emr^AT OUtoUt At Mm. R HamlM^ txUlBA 97An>rk.»(B< mBbrfti.Fx/Mfoda 9^ .... I l>gxrx.al.Ufoga«- .a.a .1 !,*• *Uow 4 «aa.- i kiT i*^-al..g l-«). ats.iil 111 - Imiir tif II P****® - V( parkag** nM-rrIianC.ii*, S3 roop« rt,trl;*ns. 1 .j a. u.. *i-ll. at p unite ‘ *^‘'3 LND CHEJ4Tr.-*T ARTtULK. AND ME I1UI 4 iY\.f,ur mouiLs, ila |»n»iwiry !u _ mmi Pmrrmmg Meats, Milk, hsuUs. Wims, j iis exieteuce iu the one idea of negro within lOodays. F. R Arwaaa, 9-«CTatarv. pU’aUtri. y IllcfiUvIV-i. ‘* Me- bovtne r*r*lv *4 romramdattoiiaaf tuc moM Auitio- STEAMBOAT REGISTER. question. NotNotice to Twine Spinners- slavery; that it is wholly sectional; it has F.cuador advices say that Gen. Garcia Catobad octeattllc m*a, ana tha AkkiWb—T*X**mph. Clnelnnatl; I*-l«nnu, SI L'Silii: LOUISVILLE CATTLE MARKET. A LOT OF .,R It \|>. P*M Nb.-* After a long debate on points of or.ier, OillMUt*>|) 1 MM) CUgICK baling TWINE ifolti. , N*wOrX£aus;Currl.lar, l*om*ror; 'lliq>*r Naah- in varioirs insiances endangered the equal- Moreno — ^ r,v Wrt nFI F 4 challenged the Spanish ftii I 1 Charge In riiT, with th*» tmi-riv.’ iia. nti ihftreon. waot->< . -iuch PEKMILM AT EVERT FAIR on the For w* wilt par the higlw i LK~ Il 1 vlUr; Urey Eagle, UaDdersi,i,; B.iiitl.riii«r, M*ui|>aU. the amendment of Mr. ('Lurch was enter- SA KM—H k G(grta> -r-t eat«^A^ t Motoat Evruso, txnthcu'vt : *f > «ia 1 if-st r«Ahrash price iiy of the CO ordinate branches of govern- with having sent a report to France that Jnn* la. isw. uu* Nirfft.t, _ .10 fifl i*3 )ffoiua( *7 Vbar* II bo* b**c czhtMUaL It for oal* whaloaal* DkrAITci»-T*l*i.-iaph, riminnatl; l.*lHin»a. Cimln- tained, and tbe previous question demanded. Th*Th*rec*tpts,receipt. aal*a,aal*a. Ac,Ac., lor on . 4U-i x’XLru*!it)N hack iftf i.unc J SPXRKF. 1 GALLAGHER. ’ ment, and atlemriallempi to degrade the lor the week, rndUu;*ndUut to-day.to,l*y, aag nUii naltOarridor, PoiueroyiUlpper.OIncInnatiiGre-y Eaglr, xf JudiciaryJudiciixrv Oen.Gen. O’Garza had been floggedfloireed in prisonnrison bvby .viJthla^itoiT. Randall 1 a hav. i.**„ a. follows, A Xare Chance for Xavestment I U-nd.TMi., N>uib*rB«r. Mr of rose to make an .a obtained by our reporter from The parcba.-cr r^'-ioireil K* civf bonrt bbuh M*mi>hi<; Tempest . Nashv m*. by striving to make it the j.assive register his order. The .Spanish Charge excused XEXB Alt. . 0 . lexi’.itiy, ’» •l.fcie XW |A>R THE PURPo-g; K -t\.. .4 Vfxi di Ir-.iu p*u*l, SOir, TBIF EEFRIGEBATOR IK NO EXPERIMENT. amendment, called ” th* «ock yarda: !T« N : QiUU VP P.4 ilT-^A but was to order. .ri v u -. i - - , | r n*r-h:p * n . . -.a. r-. .. Aad A lU’Ua vUl- ... U*.a- re:.un< I ab aMiim’iiaI M:curi*.v. II* 1 . 13.4 LR AND RETAIL GROCERY. FUrca. FoR^C g... <- ' ia 4**4l(y. CtrctoUrs giving fbll .losrflp MEMORANDUM AT BOURBON HOUSE. 4Lb » w-.. ..I V - Aa toaairi wlO j Vt ( l». Milled, M. UUC. an-l Tex Star*. No. 4 ftr**t,lMtw*ra Sec- I..XND, Vaa Weal olclt* ; . W M Markel ™„.r. fo4a,aa*(»nita* ..- Til* supply of all kind, of llv* pa.-il J.XS. (i. tlAl.k.t-', ond and Thlr I. Kr. i* . . — lU -r iw*Hn,-w Uan vtib noiB*a of many tnUUssm a qf lAr laoM Kuttn- ,,, ,, *lork for the w**!; X n,Duil*». D-uisvtIto. my _i» | 18 th. met a-* . ;r.u^ wart of #iiiib«k ocMwIxiir rrpuUstiim, and wrctl known aN1 of I All well. ^ a*a« • ba» b**ii good, and ailea hav* ’ili.;'' to « . \** heru made at fair pru*-*. — tirven aih ;;inii • ix i**,), , leasME la R;4 nger from Mr.t*. Smith, of Monrr.* coumy, I.ellana. au-l L BUI., term$. AiH*hx 4t*u.i fur ’ «>, .• *r i>an u> Stable, ‘ AUCUOR aDtlLiVerV ' MIrifftKLR as wrecked 1-0 of this rlly. brought ^ ' ^ ^ Mt’RHIT. to th|g mark-t lUSh**.' of vri-r r.n* ‘ KG dtf OOce F . h k t. Mto- k«t Ax**i ^ - - - l*ri>prlfttsr, More New Fabrics JeitoyM ina’s Island, on rant*, which w.-r* feit on the wt-»t f..rk ot XVlui. hn*i-. i

-IN- : OPfiF lt.iK K FOR SA.LI1 passengers were M*-srs. lluffmaii A RtbmRfcbm Wftew,-r* thetbe purcha-wraatpurchA^rAcit C^ALK AND v For Sale. ding question had been put. 4 leM everv PACh *B*‘ 1 *y-R ^ 4 a ,34 I 8AL AT THE L | re-pF'vliu. [ we^irpJlim^b'.’"t‘.m-^^^positively. (’u{f*:a,i)mpntw ah M”n*r» Presiilent decided that (his so. ' A.vl Fritnkiort Kattroai, «Ar watmorkK ptXoa. Atou.REECH 9 m. Met John Ralnc al The was mi.e aA(| a BOITQM CGAl., th* fool of 5 Bnlllit —not niAii.v oil HAle ' X ; Fanny the pAftt atHUitr*!. r >mitih<>xioa amfda) at the Union party he considers too weak to week, und no chAime in 1 ft THIS M**RNINO'S fwnrt. BY EXPRESS” from iyEAO‘MM« lV|a»t. This i# am et«eLe»( ' vW fower ratia. by Mr. Howlitt, ,\. left f.ir -.ile price*, (^ai.ihua; G*iM-r*l Plk* of Tcnn., raised the point I B. All llor«-- k*:>f at iw- 'nabl*- al Brooklyn; Sh'.ngiap.tJ. a- towi, elect any camlidate or establish pr:c4 -s to not**. The hoic iu:trkt*t nins J«.w. and but Utile fAnn. coatAintnA thr^e h«*y!r>pd u>4 ^ ^J. ^N KELLOGGKELLOGG. Ag*al any princi- \i\ 1 will abo* at;*-ii-l to the >:utb-> of TowivUrtor, From Boston- j IfD' of order that there was no commiiiee on NEW SUITiTTn ENGLISH B V- Atr«m- uaariy IkToa h.:aar«>l .urrs weU art Is are i 50 M , . ples, and ssys that he has known Lincoln n,,,,. If. «*, V 4 huMmjc 111 >llx-*n *-rii'u lo.4t rliii-n. I with cr ot‘ b^vv*?- r.a^.v, «^ . An AbaodA o,ka? .»RRiva, insurnncc(m.n.ai irurn^ Maiket "l•'i . freuenuMis,tredeniials, exceptingexcepuoir — to-lw,--ii a'l-l Tiiinl, south aU*. ) *"“•tooA **At Iau.-A-isuort.Wl»P«rt. thelue one whichwuicu hadUna fg,.. *Tx#vr* »h...v »«yg..x# rt„iak*v. t..u petier prictN. N-- REGE.H. .\T $ 11 -iO; • • a m A A m i omm of iM* lU>o»l Mpr-iag^ ta th«' :Hoe. DvroRiloce oad ’ ®*'*®®”* many rxicis. Loutotlil*. K.r. luylw been raised loto decide on the rcgttlariiy of wholesale stores are j NEW SUITS I.N ENGLISH B.V. uutrtutinUugs ir(*x>l. Aaso. tU« Fatbuom t'wntoto. , ., i « 0^** 1 bjol. ponuiai'i m furf .V imtl .Jn In* 75 , ‘ anJou. ! : nv-* Royal Havaua Lottery RECEIPTS. “‘o'* f’i’L. closedto-duyintheobservanceofiheanni- rxTrta— Prlv*» ranu* from R; 00 to $2 73 fl 100 B,. and Ac. Apply oo tiM pmunws. ur (hethe original delegatesdelegates, and that **was now REGES, .VT Sli* rsO: tolLLI^t , Mr«. x^TVWaBT, courage, morals '* MKJ.rai^lVrlfouU.*,n*r-»t-to... and amiability, and that Ri 003(3 7 f*ir extra heavy catti*. D. HSATON, box fur, ^ersary of the battle *.» rut defunct of Bunker Hill. I jeidAwtf !>Aua«m'» F'zstRjitoco, Ky. rims KBIT ORDllltoKr DKAWll^O 09 riU BOTAL . 25 NEW SUITS IN CH.VLLV, ALL Cows A.VP ^ Havaua Lwf%m\, c«n4 A(.t«d tb* AptfiUb ttor- Cat-vzs-XV* quot* al (20 uto3 SS0 b*al. Joyt AfooQv ) X br S;r’A"r*C«it *h«= The ITesiJent said that w-ts a questicn of B COLORS; I AKTULX .I.ND 10 MMIS.S 1 «.> MEIit U.AM, MTB— I, mb6m ib« A«|iArvtoloQ of tbe CtopiAlb*4l«o- “ij:-nntage i^ llooa— XX'e quote al (I .Vl®R. OO (X tUO Da groiw for li m CtobA, wOi tAb« ptoc« ai HAVANA. «d BL.\CK L.\CE POINTS, MAN- Wholesale Xctail vomiiroii an*l rougli, ua-l and Orocory good hot at $3 0l)lUE 81 FFICIKNT- ky, li pk, mdac, Ool Fr*4‘iiiaii; lot mo.lfqi plnn*t*r, as :hat now before the house. NTC-NDLYU BUSIN FJQX. I I FINANCE AND TRADE.TRAD] neiMlah*a*l. VX'r>1 e quote tombslAtnlH atAt fl(I 25^(2 25*.5 'll TU CHANGE MT OFTER j,„ j^. f® h*aJ.heAd. V ly1 / larucl'kiioLtru** t'» lio Aa iCvucr.Urfvucr.U A'KIdmi apao I OuiuiulsAlottOoiuiulsAlott »-k*«M:llimaBd towgy. j I U UiUau;>; I Imx. 1 tbe,i. I my WholvMato aou Rettll ^roeerv Moik <4 L MEA'kiPTS. Bn-lneA-'. Will nneWe on ron*x.»nii*t* at f*»r Auctioo or G. T. BiMrIMAN, watt, 4 <-b*.-k Itoe,, 1 box, 3 che«t>. A Milb-t; 2 h^,<-, '*“** *“ ®'*****“ ‘***“' lioods And FiAiarrs, fur Motr. Tbo wAOie hoo a oood nan or lar Lori.svitLi>*’'ct-svn.ti I ' Oyncx Dimocxat,D.»r M HftoMn ; t I>b4i. I kux, 2 t-fo-rt*, R*>--.*r. \ ilemanleman fromirom \ewVol?ki. ew 1 ork loto wituar.iw msull ro^o'rt,.o Tou. number of ca.tto.n market thU week- 1«7 head. ' Mu»ntiayMuiiitay Kwiiiiig. 1 -*, 0 ;o, rt?":;^h:V Evcuia«, 18G . KJiTlOSAL BUILDiyO, seif and aUvauce Ins cause a^ainbt any aJ- JunJum- 7 ^ZlTuw^ii , HOTEL Uogs— 194 . : 1 acqiiauu.-.l Sbrep . utton or the latter portion of it at all events, and tombs- 32 . w ;ib ih, M- ; ...ailto Uuafiicx-, having ha*l my 19 .tin* FOUHTH toTMEET. Th*r.l -lr*4a, B*or the IUv*r. 80ETB0 KUMEBO ORDUiARIO ^RR* Sal*, ar*- r*pok at $132 Mr. Montgomery, of I a callo*! aN!r. Ru^. * E«uh. ClnUi.M.An. Oik .go an*l «.ihtT Ur<*» vIUca , , AT f^UKLBY ilOUi^E. 1 CRPITAI, rM.lZK-«ia».«MI brief, ho considci'* him n sound, safe, na- uuxi Kuriucrs* B;iiik ai Jii*. tsale. ' Qidck eaJ.’I Aiiil |>rf>tO|‘t rtinn..-* an* icuat For •r, 1 * 4 . 4...... X Xanawna Salt Xgenev. sell to order, tNe previous The 4*t last ua*s .,uo 9iiou being mArk week well iupi.ll.*d with h.*g 4 » I Priaaef RiBOJNOJ (a PtXxaa gC IJfo *aui’> oi i»U‘ ex’s i‘ui:r iaiMUacun >o;.viioL ?a7 * For . Eastpon, Tuscunibia jf | 4 RT OF T AUANT l*JTh. *K HOUSE.' 4 and Florence. UIMTNN.XTIUINUINN.XTI xio.nevXIO.NEY MARKETM.4 RKET BARKKUX NO I EA.N.4 WHA SALT; MY |5 SH I Ma*ar. M4W>I « **<-— SoC pen*pen*ling.ing. and shevqt. The auuil.y*r of rattle In nmrk4‘i ikvr(‘ iuaI>. 1(4" l UWA ra^y | 'X.T P audUo*’*, !• on Imm® tSM tried; f.vr all his feelings and interests rrUYO TJrhWr-^rT 1 'X ,14)0 barrel* *xira ito m tkreo Ru— I Mr. Russell —Then,“®“* if VirginiaX irgiuia ISis con nuote*!. . $0 Jkppro«tiaaHa«i_ TIME, (>|.t, J ehnaon. * 1^ RM identified with the great valley of the .Mis- vi..ii<-y*-a-*yaiVl..ii*y *-asy al luiM-rci-at.l*i p*-r i-cat. Kxrb.iog*- »uou tb.- E**t U itore orrlvmr. IloUae* and tWtoAtT I>we iDj;s, la diftt-rmt iocauotA» ^ .J AU have been "Sold, and n**ne pens luile. 4 he<*j> A rtI’t TK»N MKKCIl.\NT.\!KKCII.\NT. No. ito In aad r. W O. 1 will leaVA m* Above on tiiohIa/, Ihe strained to silence, that silence may be In on J twoROCampbed and lavau* urcetft, at iramIftiO »'*'»*ly -s' l-re'i'bim. an*l on OTl.-aii**tull par. mtSdtf TTMr*l dtreet, bet. Main and River. iiiaiAiit. .-.issij'pi, ami that lor the good of Ihe .‘a New at V Itarket for..*: tuUrth anl‘ tirth. oorlb | Itch At 4 o'clock e. M., poAtivel/ whole w*rn In .l. man.l Iho Pear ApproxIniaUco* ta tb* S13Q,m NO A BRO.. Airent-. A lung discussion ensue .1 on various - - - — ^ cylinder, put ap «.« a oa*! ir«*n b^l ft’ame. very able, an*J * has given great sat- New YtiAK, June IS. sniall.sitiAll. nlihnull aboutAtK>ut one Lunhun IrIrk**!4 8 l l 4 ‘fi Al.X luroUlurad hdi overu wn oale Apply lfo>t«eeii I 3 *4*4 7 and 9 o WBGLR TMUTs. BJO-H U. BIO-MU ARTBIB.M unts of order, when .Mr. Sauhbury, ot Del., w me ami k Regalar •* * Monday and Friday U. 8 . Mail i isf,e!ionisfnclion tolo Midim.cI. of his Republican frien*ls StiK'kft at 1 L 4 '•ecoiitl toArd an irrr’iCtilAr, but cKiMini; ali.rvHcntAl |irvHcnt L. 4 U' \OTlVE. a., at tW '‘I 4 rM*--rw* H*.r*»i.** oa toonlR akle oC toaraeg { I moYe 33 JU fORWOO®. ::,’ - - rquoti® niNtfirst 75 ( . BUto oa oU ootvent^Banka takes at par. xhe motion to adjourn was lost by 7 to * Caitli—Cattli— e quoU anaittrqnAittr $3 (a $4 000 ; wcond do _ ^ . Cvnlral bon* new oml vptoixtld paao-nger A 2 75^rd$S 25 thlrddothird do $2 2625 tolo $22 GO60 10UB-*.toi. f l<»i. ‘*. 1321 .32 4 r ; $ 'BYUOU aiii--r. traisr;.tral 81 Erl.-Eric 17 ’„ I'anamaFAQatna ., Cl*v*Cl«*V UndlanJ And*n.t T-»Icxlo j SOLE AOENTS FOR I ato* taatiMiat tatooww. l!7. GRKVorkv*YaoEe!w^KAGLE. W. i^d!^irDunlrto. From Washington. \. mORSHIiAD A DXLZGG8 , k’or UaI*. Oooima.-i I* < C0W5—Wtf 4|iiute niili h cow-i nt $JU 0Oii/:$5O head- Al. ardan tor dclAmaa or Tlckafo to bo addrmaod . Caps, ttoma*! B. Halilday,Holllilay, Ch-rk*>k b-areabar**, In the Vote being taken, a long di.-*cus.sion us. j 0 TVAMii.vi.ros, Juue 18.— .Mr. Hatch’sspe- »'..Ut>*c»«>' «'"i Rovk 1 -ian.i BODKiaUHL taro of iMst. (Btortoatob, <*** U>* ata**v* porta an-i Intormedtot* toiwllnsA. Mon- ,iT >aiihTiRe RaMTOaU 4bp; •a^DOM OMF on arose on a *juestion between the Minnesota Uoo»— We quote «t $4 ut H luu B-; irronN lor sATTOU.V S JL iOl NsKLLOKS LAW Maotk OaroHna ** J«* dRwtoHOgi day, Jan* th* isih iBat., at 4 o'* lock. p. w., poalUvrly gj„jtl reporti-jpj.rt on Ihe uouimercial intercourse THE NEXX VoliK rank sTateme.nt. | Hart County #a« — - „ . - well-fatie. 1 EUGENE CLIQUOT’S ,rnm — fooiu I'oriton*! wharf. . llariiu do; , I delegates as lo the right of a sub-litule lo I,OUIy.VII.I.K, KY. Oouaty j.etween the ihe L. Slates and the British Nkw Vokk, June is. i Jk K Rk TETTITX i Fnr (rvlght(ra4ght 4>r paaaapaaaar*.r*. havingtiavlng flrit-oto*>flrit-cto*> ho4*l accomaccom- KagkP iXD Likbs— rices range ftom (1 75 to (l ifl ( I Clvims b WASRSN. XITAV I — w * cjwi a voie. madaUoiM,modaitona. applyannlv on tMarbuwr.lniorto-1 orar to TlieTi»e bank stAteiik'Dtstateiiieni eliowfteiiow<» an Incrras**incrras** luin fo|>eiief»|.oiie «d'oi MOIIEUEXD A HKIGtlS WILL PRAC provinces has i been communicated to Con- neadneadr..rf*>r Sht*|i,5h.-*i. an*l*n.lI(1131jO!aViil(33 350U forforlwml-Uuulia. | In (Vnr!-* toll M.N. d-M. LUNGU>NU A BRU.,BRO., Ai^n^Agynu. Mr. Howard, of Tennessee, on a *|uesi ion 331 772 incrcAM- in deponio* ii<^i- lb* h*i-l In th* city He made elaborate $ , ; CHAMPAGNE! statemenlMo axcuPT-i. - of la>iik;rlll*. an 1 In Ih* A|>|>-llat* aud Fr*lrrai CtmrU of privilege, desired to present lo the Chair Jvn i** m *-ircuiaii*m »i 77 .ii.2. al*-' • ol ' *'i lb- of oco a iv-auuer Ft For Nrw Orleans. akuw the disastrous effects of the reciprccily Came— Kerlucky—Jrl!*rso*l county, J .*< Sinlib S. S KO- >UM)- L08 j WAM cither will tb* at'--n*;o*i **f tw-th. WALI. STKEKT NO. 4«. ‘ communicimon from a Stale represeDled _ ... . . ! lUE'UE HANKS IN ?-fUTil? fUTil Cargli.VA.( ar*.LIXA. Itoriiar*! II ort curat not Aorm, io OAM5 oooMtAwr formed, Th*m*gniBc*mHi**m*r treaty,*aty, andau-l rayssays the only proper, radical, 3 . XXi-i.-i*nb*rK.-r It PMIIlps 12. A XX .VrTE.NTHj.N Til 4 mo. | aa'I'KuMI’T OIXEN THE OOL this Iloor. 1 1 *-* «n«0 AS MOcO ffrare uxd Alyto at aay horaela tLeatuckp. DIaNA. K. T. sturgeon. taiaiit*r, 00 he State of Mi.ss— Cries of Tlie coniparatlv* vl*w oi the *v*r*g* w*s-kly 111-11 ‘ bKcTlON OF UI.AlM.S. OtBie ou JjU*TMiU itreat t and anfl'icient is,is iiiiestion “ Fariuan 13; Marbm c*>, G XT Mo**r* 2 N. STorse Wanted. d suflicient remedy beyondbevonJ a .lueslion, ; Ison lo A to aomiqiiOAXca of the iatFOeae of OU arrival. Oe mill be ^ < ivavetsar* aa above oa Tu*aday.Ti*.-«toy.u.ethe Juthjuth ’ ifon of th* bank-* lu il.l. .sut* tor th* month ot Juu*. I.VJV - w, Ifodiu IVr»*A*r foii.l K»rth ln.ft dt< of June.aiJuD*,al 3 ’1 7 Rf 9 R* , , ! « “No no Not in order The Presidentrisiueni - “ -I ,* King 13, k hCroau^b 7. -Mr Well« ~ I NUR.wR 10; OUlhaiii C(», J \\'ANTED-A WET WITHOUT fNCU^- oarmluad Od oarre anatm at far ihe aaaaoa. ftoa ookieke.ck r. ma. - V . Us gj.cedyBpceiiy aliiogalion.uliiogation. aasexhlUt**!9 exhUiii*rF*-r iretekin-tctat paaaagr Saiu, Ine COmmaniCRtlon can only i>,»- G*i.*nil. I-Ito pulilUhedpiil.lli-be.1 urtbUllyUilhialty Mil**11 III- lonrtlilunrlli otul ii *f and wed !• ttre ts Um oon of Rue lUack aad wOo daslre to bread to a or applyibply on buanltxMr*l or loto be rc- tb- imeeiwge Fr AH.AlK-ii 2; SyvQcviSpeocei co, CtHCiH hratilirftti 1 W I !’.>r rAntm Jaiups^ \t T«rlnr AnotKor N , A M RicoRice »,». I 9 R Jame-* |{ itr touira,contrn jame. M.u. Tavlortayior, auoinernnniher :>iv la iris * , 1 , 1 „,oi„ing’»inoinituc'n -a. ^ cooatry tht* ^arumeraud A; IharoMbHirod stAlttaa aio lOvRrd to can nd aae him. i toll D. E. BRNRDICTBKNKDICT Ak BON.8oN, Agt iiU . Meicurv.Meieury. Fur lh«ihe KvncfAlgeneral rr<-a-l*r,4 A*lor, thetb* • ^ AfMiU. • I ceivedvw consent. i CO,c*“»«>*"«US cou. eui. TrimbleTrimhle J KaUi 3S.. lii-llana~Clarkeln!9 , _ special cemmissioner,CblumiSSKiDer, says can safely O.lluwlng oon.leiis**l exhibit-htblt *ml>r*c*-srmt>rac*-s all th* Import.nlImpurtaiil j I , PeRWror mt ^faorfto. he j *^ xSlewariaSlewarl WU<*LK?ALE DKALKK I.N I jetdtf No M»«n »%. f>ri Vv»so»l ami 114. Mr. Cavanaugh.— object. i’»i-»rticuior-dutobi-M< 8; Patriot.Patriot, Palel*ate A Gaft 14 oacio was sot br HoraM; bit dam Varla Weal. (aUo Votice.ffttirt*. ^ snvsay that there is an entire sentiment west UilOOtf—00d-Keulucky-AriKentucky— Aiiderfoon4terfoOijc..unrr,Ccounty, The question was then taken. The mo- C 0C Uney&C^UUey 4 Co 216 ! • 4aa al the oetotaralad race bom* ao*l rtaUiMi X4'*gaarf riviiB rWRIVal n> rraali kr pikk of Butl'alo ou the line of the great lakes, lunki*. p,j|,^ BoUrbOU COUIlt}' A'oppCf Distilled Wanted. hogs;iRigs; Liucolu CO, M* 11 tion fur tbe previous question on the anirn*l- W MoumcMouiicc 97; SUrlouMarlou co, au*l that is, hostility to the abrugaliou of U KI. C Snr.XTlON BT I YiH'NU M AN A.S FflRTlR I.N S7 3x1.143 .^l,4 24 .l»l i ulsk}, caiid*n~ 62 2 KN> 2 W.iisettXX ns*tt 102; WashingroiiXX'ashingioiiio, " to, 0G Able 41 . J J lUjtlla.ra 101 . I a -tiw*. or *. Oarroqc* Dvlvrr. Apply ai ment of Mr. Church, to . V thtoufoc*. of New York, the *. Cban*.--iun. 476 »|| HS.76 16 .M 3 76 I | the treaty. If any change ia demanded, it .VW. 7 772. 1 'W . M In*llana—ln! f^.‘y3 l 5 BSMiiac^%, 5'e!ipUi*..**.iS^S?ui7!l, 5,1is in favor of its I Territorisl extension to -vi'*i '.,739 ,‘»»r.l h .y.#i riot, oImn7 6i M 81 330 3 76 Pata Jl Oaif 58; Washiui^lun lO, Ru.luiau k *'*“ { refused to secoml tbe previous I 50 t .I.KI t) 2 IffDOROim :73 08 CO 1 1 8 I 9 W.a kTDD— &Cw2%rKi7t K47^^i.^" , Bro S". 1 1 644 .»iN‘4 4H li5.*42SP *«i la i * th* Pw Ttoak. a question— ayes 107 nays 140 \ ork 72 7 W, 77‘*i l1 I*.IIKirr ( All ontonTtfi at tb* . imhin-, .in*, of R*ni n.,rr... , —New m;,. olumbin, go "oiHisiii*; WE WILL PAT TUB ASH PRl-Mto as lo 78 lOl'.!)!! 7 l 211 4 5 4 t». 6irl4 12 SHEre— Kentucky— Uaidiu county, H ll•••kllJSoIl IJO; | : T( TW*I UU.M)KKD \ c*w»r A\u FIFTY \E- to|, I 72,lii 4.1 24J 1-j i;7 i,ii 7 93,lWl» 71 | Jef1 orD Kl)\v.u:us A B»WnK\, GHi>ES,at oarofoavon Fir-l .'rart.balwa.il '* i. *TL CO, 3 3 »)arr J mtiU t .V 3 3 lUn Marten o, ; LCi,66 l Nfj 41.^ 7 .^ aiVtok;! 1 .S 14 55 | > kai a»*l Jefo-nwax. lamtoanl*. Kr. JiA G Moore 32: Nf-Iwoo Ul*.to , ‘J W co, .5 l ^2 178/44 x»:.yil 57 07 Coouieft 6 Hpv'nter 7 71 4 C C i , ; al'aaya w;aU4 | fhr mle. •’ ./ RR.N aa ! the amendment of Mr Church, instructing 6.'6 »9 — m2 , 78» G’<( lt 4.H.M 4*^.«75 I 61 l 7 37 . c.w. CO, nice ii. 4 - • Executive (’ommittee | A M 4 Iti'iUtta -CUrk ruuiity, J 3 :ew ATTORNEYS AT LAW. mvlv iit4w2 T. k J. .ARTUBr». - C \ RUrCHANfiKOPTI.VIl'I-RR Pl.«iin*rs*. ... 6 8.34 75 -•»3.575 4««y..'W' 3il,DI 8 U7 , | 721 the P.esidei.t to admit the .lelegalioi.s, ' Y p-arly, at'l UKV KlurJ CO, t lleAfcr L'< fl.in ^f the Union of which Hon. \ R iMVtoA .Vlei'. 674 ..‘i6>i W) 23 i. 4t»l .to :':c;. 4»J| 8\-i24 i^on co, J llaio ItHawellil)!*, Ky.. CINCINNATI a. LOUISVIIaLK where IhtTe were no contestantp, from lh< S. ('iirolina. iyto|.:{ 7y ‘I Xm*OB.AKATIOZV WjUVTSDw lay . y ^ ,.oi,ier i- chairman. hoM mccting.s 102 ENTERPRISING Pi:OPRIET*)R »»F \ *Uily, '2 * THE ,'i . i*> Br.siNU.'S W. K. K. 3U,6 L 61 4*-«. 4.f. 25 l•^/0 ^| 1 W'll.l. ATTr.NH ENTRU.STEDTO Stales of , Honda and . liHsissippi , „,gkinjj preparations TuUl nnoiterof cattle In market for thewerk— Uc »» ib*ni In l-'.Mn an*l **lt**inlii< .-onnt i*- inrs Jll for a vigorous Sink si at"; I 2,nii:H*s WHISKY, S. LINE Mr Randall to a.ljo.irn till leu -> OHESNUT GROVE MAIL moved l*«*l. Ilmiich . STEAMERS. i;-i. HraM*i, 7.1 iiogft 714 | prosecution ol the campaign ^. Hheep— 775. XXX Oainxb-n Hr (Tb* Furval M*4klnal A, BT OGNnGNMBNT. „ „,e gUicilaii.m of the Hon. Wm. hu.'“.l M‘u-im2 14 9 3 .6 51 5 475 15 l 07 na* will leava for I l*TIMU- A-A. TtfoOM* Iretoad,Irrtofol, W;Bbi«iW;Bhiai Maaaail. -iloa aCaf JHUMSb -'ui. 1*4 ,t as FURNISHED THE t»M.MUNITY A ( BRTAN. ThoaM* A. RaMvil. -ifoto AfoUVU auMS>auf(i<> fora re.es8 (ill five 6 67J l 1.^5 o .lock, was Tnlon 2 3 95 76. 9 nation | 1 i Farn-worlh, the >*.-I*,flice Department has .1 at llta aame July 3 UTG.lOTG. lant. Pure HeailhfUi an lartR*>ratln«. , R CINCINNATI a*Jopted. HOUSE AND SIGN FAINTERS, H ta *b> ! RRTOIRRT'M-UTION ARY. to tiui* mlkl deilckma beveraga It to caUmialaJ mON AX.EIAXtEt lU-terniincd lo establish a branch posloflice T**t*iU lr.VGS.>'x4i 73 4,6 3,*» 4H U M‘u-18,|OH 2 ,ii7.'U4 24 a FFZTTSBU&a1WEISX7&0 smv MT av U ofCLOCK paaasKLt, _____ MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH. Ju*lJoel Jokn*.**,John*.**, ithartllitbrrtll that to palm**l a# aw i Wn. Ran*l,Roa*l. W Latttn*rLaittnar John M XKKfrr STKKET. RET. SEtMND AND TIlIKD, away with th* vll* JmsK*'-t rtuff 4 iba to Injurloas ta tawly anin*T (iron(irowg.: John TaylCT.Tforlor, JaoaphJa (ta Wato-Walk- , n New NSW Yoas. Jun* F. I iuUhI. ailJIUoato Ih* h* w* an* abt*IM* to ttepoaedi by rallntod from XAucliiiiatl to the North and H. H. I. lAilBaS'S STAtlt, In i •VM Limi lUrrtv Ryaa.Ryan. kog*. or torfor fatally hart. ' F'l.ur r*c*iv*.l a illplmia from iha STkTR .AUHIL’ULTA RAL ar.ar, Wau wu;<.am-»B.wUhamoin. lUma barrato. haW-bartal'kalf-hartal' and boUtod oo*. !| bos iu]\ antf.l 3 0 .> iuo*l*-rat*- Nkw Yoke, June 18 The Japanese yes- Arrival of the ' AI anJ il*iuan*l; tb* 1*14 * 13 L*)UI.'X ll.LK. KT^ .— Pony Express * m SOCtETt anJ a.l*HU*>iial laalUBoay from DK. J.ACK- HALF-PATHALF-P.AT URNSMNRrRNSItXNR TMto AJ*. to hlfhlvhlfltlv r*rom>.iiaa;llanr* ; KUenKllan Oav«r,Oavar, wtdaim Mafotdua'*' parp****.parpawa*. B*lnaB*ln« Ik*lb* aoX***X* oR<-nuoB*-nu la LoatorlU* JilBltl'Il CAMPION. Agent terday were wholly free from disiurbnnce. Jnsti-ii,JnsEi-ii, IS18 i.ra>414 i R*« They have passed no other day so quietly from Camp Floy*l hi rived lo il.qy at noon on niyob****'**! Flora, tocn*rlyfomkerly wkfow u;u: XVm.XVa. Ballaf^Ballat^ Lo^Lo*y For^Foir^ o:«J i*3 < tjg,ui (> 10 w-*j;. x.t,»ii^.\iCERTIFICVTESta. 1 3 7 0 |inio from bduk4 l, 3 7 for sn|.*r rn. an*l C* I 5(.'i :i} for AtiaAe* Sr Veraar asA A. WaaA, af Pttlabarw. since iheir arrival in this country. The c*'nini*m lo whlow ^at Jam*-* Kar*n Ho-»i. ...toVrww!.tow ar N. BaIt. ebUfoeta Iks . Via 4 .\ND gi 6'.6 CHEMIST, ' time. have no particuhirs as lo Ue|H>-*it»..'!.::::: 4 6o:\04 ? Di!K’omtt -. ,ft->. DKUGGl.ST the 13 73 PVnJilLfRifta 91b, laB. • Imn.* tf iIt XX'bJ'ky lu fair .l.-nun.l; Kale* of 750 ; ranrwn afnf J*m*aJnm. s. Frwiiirrw:*;fuiAl 'irr Jane S.A K-nndy,imj wi.fowVLksw ^w4 oan rtwiRdeo'ly rBoomataod onr atoefe of ALE and 3 2 P).26 i 4 R l>*im. K.\« li •it ('.ll.IlSbiWlir*53u,9Jl U2 Grove W« arrangements of the hotel forh;ide iniru State of iLc Indians uiul , 4 W« hav* caretXillT t**t*J tha -lampiaof Cbaonut wo’low al .Jlaa: — troubles in Western at 21 ‘,(rf 21 *3 lRfn Hirerl* Htttrbert«fr». Thowme Harr L«,.n W Naaev imitflc tiatmuav*- l.laJ «ftr*For. 1 44:1 XVh*»t I' b/t2* l»-tl*r; .1 (X)PARTNKRSHIPS. Kxi-httiirfc... 141 I FXMCTEB tj th* , . . 75 V- rhlca.;« WhWiT whl^ you -nt,uv.«p| nu that H contain- sious, and no business of any kind wa.« j2!Tu< iJl:. ! Hon lix A S'oi'krt . .«ai:i i LUPE A IX AbE.CrvaUI PA*w, Utah. 3 .733 75 _ P*itoon*>uv Suhrtanee known aa F^l OH, »* *>• -Xlilwailk** club (I 26. tVOri.PM. KJ-SPErm'Ll Y inform none ot th* 3 W-J--Ww‘rt--w *>f*if WIlSwu;WliriMu: rbiklranrbiklian *•ai UarTtoatoUarrXaato I ! Pb*h* ^wraa.|,wran. 1 toilhp 301 li-,f *11 and JefSerann atrerfo, IDlriJ lK*tJt 1 . 340.166 ill earner at FVtb brought before Ihem. The embassadors and .1 niv iricn-'w «u -1 tha' i*ut«lc that 1 have re- ! -F I which to tb* charaetaitotlc and InJurton* InsnwtIeDtol The express left here Saturday night and Hyo 55**4* 86.-. Barley tlnll K. RuMn**om tblklof Zac:ia oh Suiith; Zarlkta WuMa^ lawViwflt*. Kv. XrOTZCB. tti.UicU«!i». 4 l/i anj nominal. Corn in b*iti-r wall AAwly l,H 24 7 - ^ ’ naa. moveil my .-r** ftmm tha C’ITi* of Fl?lb 1. '1 tb* WhUkleatn seneral ’ af S.irah Woril, whkow e4 J*>na 4 | officials A I _ „ _ whlaw Juah**a; hanr. some of the higher will, al noon to- will cuniiuiie to leave every \Ve*inesday 4 te 3lft»,76J 6 *'*un»o*l **nj Ic biglo-r (**'. i TIIGMASM. FI.»7r(;iIKR. who Ihe un*l M . *1 62 63 for mi.\*J wert»rn; 69* Market wtr^l*. f'» Bi*ivh**rt wn. ah. re 1 wt*l BO*/IU. GARRET A CAM.AC, has b**n In | w.w-.-l- Jam.-a;Jam.-A; iv«v Antonon,A»5ermi, wmiwwwlilavr MfR A I burnKorn Meek,Mw. heretofore, krep a een« r •! «t M-k of Drucs, Patuts I a | Saiiirdiy. The Tike’s Teik Express from oaU 3b. dat« from Januarr Im i> Denver of the furnishes the hnnerUniier at .l*-aj1 I<-.S6 ati'l ho|H* to iiiei il a<*toNt -hare uf patrouake. K, 6 ^ etc . tavuiui ^Xia^Wll^rGrov* Wriaky at ghrlbrvUle. Ky. .kHrc<* lU) U.IMO.-mylldlf visit to Boston is *loul)tful. in:i*le, C’""*'*’ ®r«»: KU> >-3 *.^' 14 BROADWAY. YORK. SAMUEL L. LEE a yet If following news, eic, ; Java IS\; Uguyr* I 4c. ™«l»W trofo Mr t-harl ^Wharwu.joa,Jr..af7,ofPhibal*lphl^Phlladrtpbto. C. H. BaRKLIT. NKW | | 2 Bvcmiparlng thto will. KUt*n.*nl for Ih* ...onlh of | ‘lY’ * .v. r i 0*4011 Mola-J< k '. imnan.i-*U; Cuba S*-. ”' *u.l having taiwInUy ta»l*J It. I pWaaeJpWooeil totoatoto out* thollhalilit Bonnty Loo-> oc 1 T*n-k>a Ctoim .\gaaA M«»cuva.lo 1 amn brief aud hurried, uiik-ss Guleii milling ill tiregtiry nnd vicinity is April,pril. w* not* th*the f*ino»iiuf.illnwIiK ebang*-:rbang*-: An iiu-r*-.i-*liu-r*-.i-* inIn 2 Sugar .iiii. t . HEN OWPLKTKD.EIX YEAR.S AGa the I s|| DissolutionDiSSOlutlOU. 1 . . to *niIr*iiE’fr*e front polvoiom* *w«l<-lctc*loaa«ibotanc«», Weal okf* FlovU, Iv-* w -va M .rkrt owJ J*lforw)a lUav^ an.l } A( Mlataotoa wa> uulvrmlly pr'-noai-owl tta* ' unchange*'; Porto Rico 7 ’, l*f *;'.*; Mrlail*) '•-,c. W . „ SODIP uneXDPCtcd®®‘®'1 ohObstacles oppose. The Afiively prosecuted, hut few are realizing It to au uunsuoliy pur* amt an* rtavoro.! qqviliy ol lautov'.n*. Kv.. iBoxRtoui F. «A.) wba earn fUiatoh ““®*P R-I.^vn-" a -u *ach raae. mrO P*^*.^*?^®?**i’JJ, 2*!;i**'T'^****^ |'m|,,u.« toill *.ri.;„l ti.' .;i •in-sii* oi an.l Whl-ky. JAMLSIR. CHILTON. Important iI undertanjer theth* etyleriyl* *) l.rolmssy Will CertainlyCCTIHiul Het sail tor Lome in aniicipalinus. 4t 5 77 . in D E\*-ii»ns* (-v.mu 3S, in C3SCI.VSATI. Juno IH, F. VI. - of 88 I 1 1 (heir The mining aan l**J -v1 ****'-t***irfS of U*c aluJ oo fliW rout...**.; CACARSEDAYKPAY kA ll<>PKlN*K 1 NS8 1|.« tbl**tMft I season, (sccaiaiOB TO wv. aivontMX, maaolved Aaai.vtlcal Otaamlito. rival in I iit * party I* ihe first wesk in July w.'is not expecie*! till n.iur iinscill**! an*t v*ry .lull; no *l*-uiaii.l, an.l IU* r*. authorlxo*! to aetti* ^ which the uiiddle of rA.irfr.'p.,» .wu*f * tbe buatncj* of th* oM Arm. fGrwanlln.2;i(ntl (’Dniiai*i.3ion Mprebaat March cc Ipts Icing UkIi', ihei* to not mnik"- *»- 13 1 BRANDlku- much on th* : R LM H oonfoart aoT eafovaaeut. Tli- IIo'*l hva ar-oommnda- &AMULL CAt-SEDAY, The proCCbblOUn startedStar from the Metropol- .luly, has ulrca.ly set in the mines are poor- 1 hav* mod* a ch*mlcal oanlyafo o*T commercial *am- 1 Ml** HIT A.NT BANK DFA'I.«II>N. NV. vkv Plaiiou a Ca. 1*81 OncTdar; huadred B. Uui'Ki.Na. per cann**l b* be ughi b*'».w 15 f*»r fr*:- gruunj. If* of OiFvnul Ur*>v« Whiakv, which prove* lo be Wc* r M for ofo* Vtaoa-onA K*i*-t'. InrIuJIng on* jioQ Hotel at 1;30 i*. m. precisely, e--corlcd it. h while ly |irc|)iirp.l f.»r -. c«.m f - JoT...-ua BraaRy; I IS I Six bua- Lo|^t11I*, Ky„ January I, ISSO. All lmp*irl*iit d*3-lHl*>n was ieiirt*r*.l In tb* court thto Rvim Ih* h*avT Fn-lt mu, an.l pertoctiy T*ur* on«l uaa- •• S n-i* unitito of o|.aatmeu'd Savlua» ngitUiMt !ho 8Mtc H'lik chmiK^ In provision*.; hoM* rd »ry ilrm nti.l awk rnl**!« th* Grain noi-d m mnnuCo. iur;:'i:. R- -iwctfriUv, Copartnership XVotice. titily the high olliciiils aud :i few bul.orJi- Largo uiiiubcrs were also Fli'.ii viroei. S*k.w Mata. leaving for Ihc i D.. rtau- a-lS <-o«vatit*ac* aarinl *:ri I »*f Mln.*;o *ri. Thecourt l..!d th»t thf State Hank ha above the vUh* of ImUftw, A A. IIAVKS M. A«ay*r, •ti tan* AavtoaO for Ut* and ihal Hu t* or uoihlnx ';~'- Stale**. bill'* lu ftilver. tm»itii I No 1 * B.>v!-rton rtrv—L - th*' nebt to pay the ftve ftollar 4 _ CUiRT:* 'aitii(.i 3 7uKf?.; ; -k'o i.mfucTb a»- pork at $l.’4out 50 I / wbnl^.*. at tow ;>r1 .»». 'AiCc.try M**iJtoata wnaM aa iOl Loui-*tUK% Kt.> j l \Oi CftirviiP’D.) No. t.. From York cr.’.!gr.’ta *if is53 ,lli* .U|*t* Hank couM in.t I n.l*r silver coin mvSJaixU tl( Walnut a l*bUtotaU'-«r*. -t wk boAua cmkinglbafo New htuU tiarun fold at 8r for •hoal lcn. tOftblO^.A for w*llMca;iaBj vaamiuati.a I 51 himI fti’t opliiiftly •li'vliled tor lh<* plalnUlV. . W YAllK tV.f Wir-L O.) parettotao. eUKK.MAN I*. WltALXt. Nixv i.iHK, .luiie 1 !S. —-.V full »n*l Il'*c for c;c N*)tblp*r ' .Ion*. - Buinniary of 'I jirciicnlc.l i.ir r.'J*-n.|.tl*mr.'J*‘n*i*tl*jii v 34 .?e*. ot I In bulk n;.--iiii, M.-v-t vn.* TV»n* tan y«ftf hr MLweaflM ejrwft» • of *''i\b* am. Hint wm ( SADSI.XSIt'S’. m*II V**,»w»«» praiecaaworv prart. ’. rr. s. di. co., WHTTt^fi 4 on ;or Uttrtpjioe [r. wbicb*•*' sum SI.I 9U WHS In .l.Jbir I.IIU. Tn* r.'lnaltiiin; I |ar*l unves .*- ozioxus mAm rw.wA^wrf.i Mr. Winsloxv's reports from the minurilTminurily of or puik I.luu *>il >li'U al (.% . Gt.*.. rl* I'wir r . i! -.C* Uav A vaTuFFR*'* hA.Mt'EL CA.usr.JiAY. (5 I,*l.Xu w*. In laiscr nil s. Tb* emit .|*ciilc-l that In . | 3 ' l-.w *' '*‘® Uovo-le iu * .Her hints Ksrlusivelj, to on-.* .r -to*- BEN CASHF.Ii Uommiitee publishe*!.d. It |•.•t t(U fop biiln in cukl thr 1 f fault \% 5 ’«mftxie rorombxiGM AY. ArrivaI*of tbe UuRker City. ridecmltift •*7 1 SH\';K*: . or Mata «*-_ S ADDISON lUitJii iw. nry per cont iki NkM OaU\75 . June ?. p. M. O tu tuU^ CAS.-EDAY. that the ol.jecis nt* t\\A Bif! i thf pi t» uu- No. 23 F. r.rth i. V- t-fcn Vi':, aui l*i* Rlv*r. 8 \DDLF.:->. HARNasS. BRIDLES, and infenlv of the i A LoKtovlU*, January 1 18(0 Xrw YoFK.June 18 . —Thesteamev (Quaker rfius*l lo 1 -^y. llio cufoe *4‘4 . 1*7 liuia tm i»uM. iwr It' Sft!SftI oof kOllOu .'aO aud :uar.k' t unx'hftD* a* 4 i Su Lars, Ac.. wboWvalc *:. 1 nrtou. Ul.l 3 \D llwRi.l. .-fo W. .S iRJLJH A.S» WESTLKJ^ IIUTEL, r. I of ibe ( oinmiitee t-0 bi toj Unyi rft in >lt •-oiirl It I.O*.. jSA ll.l K Y. *•.»'-* riiy, frotii H^tvana Ih? 14 ih in.“( were not t.o aa-as- w w al ly Ar,;uvd Ny Uu* U ri«riirn» fTTfiB - ami ra.-MtT— H IMT tnpar'iur. -art r*v. ST -ui* on , arrived garUtm. LuM t..<*y 4 nt at n^lS'^* ToUrccu u ftrni late VAOARO HtH.SE, -bIeal. t'F wLirh tbx H*'ttt- II kV, III AiN .'.ND Al.i. K 17;DS ui DRODUCE 'liNIR (IM A-NDMAKKrt ,.;nSNDRN A OO. 4 (rnrh. I)**! -kn. 7 I “-C i mere (rick and(ncon- j i * f>Hv*i-l, ItLeuncittx e unctiantx^d. e* ibiH uooii. davs ICj bour.-^ to (he luen’i v'^ttVliiKs IntotitiuttFU will not the iiive»t' Ie 19 Itf 1.01 KV, mrSV .0*- --..I , t Mwin m-t M-cx aiicc * nbiain pvi.ience lo e-i iijriii bviri.{ ft Uftot « lw.-s ' tit* for dull I j n'llng or-bra side be \w\ torlor i bR-far;. foatb Market, bet. Fifth, 1 Fourth t i light snip L’tr-ti.- . AiTkl*..,Al l.k I*..* -^^t- t- IHt Rk H*f4 Af >/. I. ‘UU /f^pttWiVurt, l 7 iA. il.‘ Kvir Whl-’xy, Vo"*’'. A -P.-V partisan purposes. mriR* ac'At-bl.i l. rt'.*' ct .A. -f ^ I Major Heine, United Slates Ctinsul.iien- ' iw 13 i!tf I 1 ilii J, ^ JACOB fkIkAii a LU., freprlctoiT. ij Tue oM hop' ftre nx ally all ^»l-( uu.i out of TIW ROOFING k GUTTERING 1 AVI ) ^ Thu •‘ir-anier Ariel, from .Aupinxrall,I, ftau >i*i.RIP*'v tU.-:vV.-|.. ’tLI Bv'tKBON OGVJto pral, hs« leave of absence and contemplates and tti*'(iop di'itrict “f ihlH Suie. Tn** vlni* u growlua liiic- DAILY RECEIVING ; 1 » tv,*a*n;i to V.*.-c-w v). 'RWOULDRRAPEr’TTULl.VINFORMTUKPl.'B- AT th? D'laker t'i;y, frem ly ifi iiMHt IfHMlUlAft. ftnxi wf ht*ftr of v«*rv Ut !• Havana, are below *.<*< rtta. Oto. oltVwA to V- -- sailing for the United Siatos June JUth. W M. kh:-< that air*.-* Ill* at*. 1 r. i- --aw**-l tr*vm i f!*ptiUiCttn. H Hc Ito* 1 I.ift*' aiuvjiifo' III*- |{r«*w er*i —Otaetftf S..T.H.VREx&CO., 4 If srAXtso tkC4AX>r Aaixxi&, hfokA* ol lira Va>-aro Wfo. b**« rnitr iv raStted iu *F- Ii i Among the passeners are Count Do Ga- tor OWKX 6i WOOD’S. again oiyto anJ U now open Ui* r*c*ptiaa.a guaatt st., RETAIL ; Dispatches from Utah. Main bet. Seventh and Eighth. WHOI.ESAEK AND ta iha oraumi oi*! bualMoa* part of iti* city. If > hreae, Erencli Minister to .Mexico, ami Eirlukiu'ly u.iiiiniNiiloa .Mcrchauts, CacMed I I I raiaod'antagea forth* UaveUar puUIr Tha pro- 1 6 ) (ilidft N. O. Snirtr; baa AUNO PChCUA.utD THE EXCLUSIVE RIGHT Jun *r-IVv I j>*r F i’ i‘‘ ;? nr*"! f wia’c* no i.ain* ta UMarrvv*rta fori I 70 6 hls CrUNlied ftud I'ovr liTcd 4 iiKMu V..R . y iabels «tar artaior- will at*wr* maa* n of tuittUty ftod couutv, of run AiroF .V.MH..NY At.N-AbBa . Harness Trunk »att«Sad la *v*ry la-pvoi. TT -It larder 85 (>M 4 I'lftnlfttlon MolasNeft; i. Mil ll- ..p Ml. i I..I- *JlJ. SibWle, & asfoaartaM* aad I r.ih . 1-1 i-fo jf-.rt *' ^ wVl alwavK be supplied aiibtl**tw«t the merkrt and 4 tPU Hiitrur l(**U 4o M(jlti***ft; _ { FAYS PATKNT TIM KOOFINU MACIUNKS 'I ..;i v:r--- :w. i-n ttocor. 1 *j..t Th i t. aM*ufi* oh.ird, aod tta* tar wtta b* atuukicd wtl*. aa.y G.c . 40 I'bift }*ugftr Hoii*;? i'ynjir, .M A N U K A C T t> R Y *lc. 40 *5 liftitit*'i»rw *nf Bart *r Win***, L uuw pafeouaBt af lb* oi4 1 JU AL k 4 Kto Oiileo; ftUilfttarHte tUftt hau*l ljU>rc«nuot comoev^ wUh Wft Na h crjn I

' tag*a*ra*. (OU pocketf JftVftt'oifcr; 1 30rv ft* P».i; 4 of ib* puttoc warrant any work Joiift tis «>i) theiie . Ulrea (o l>«i patowK an by Ma B*tw**T> a*c<.n*l gad Tbl-d. iprl • vrnr* aad 17 r xals hi MaLkfrvI, 3 Or bMfo I foyS 4tr 6u bbh Nuft l,t&n( ; bUperlof lo ftuy done by hand We would rk,*er lo Ku<»U Ms S)AVIB~ * L A S.3N- Vrt tivexagot. 15U half bbl 4 ftu l kit 5 Mft* Kurrl, completed by Q«for ihe toilo«tna c*«iitleiu* n. III Bir; Vb M Fif:fi i: . Jtorr).- : ani Oretn, nmsrxBxzuro. to M«r ('ftnOlfft; StanrMft a ><»g'le'i, Wm. Kendrick, A.C Bvi^fsor, R R. aZO. XL PATTOXf, acxiiii j 'ieriitery lo / VALUIWAY TOBAUXV).— ijuiet, from the aaroo reason. Uxoh-uiee remove lo some point on 80 8 uumi»T rrtf!«'4e<1 H. rr, H ^tokus. lieory V^hiic- toue, W. K;ch* IS Third SL Wm A . X G.iHRIxNa. ' Re.il L.t.ite Brt-ker und .\e tui«>r. «rRRv-ALL?i 7.EF AND KINDS -BGLT / rn'-i-ia Py;j «i6 m « 1 c;NT I*)R the sale and I’ntUHAUE OF COMMISSION MERCHANT ttb ;f*i l;j. . ri3 iiii«h i.ov 3e"-»ionv l»ox *»5 _ ngltOTED IMKTAIiLE .MUXS—W ooBd Fmch 75 bux*« JrDuy Uud Ib*. Tabacvo, on New York Ky. T'’l*acLv»: \ b>fo.l N* K.’»i».Sfo, LaivI W'diraiai '' WfoLaBd tmm pfou. ii UU box^Aii 1 hdlf >xei* K.'kklS'** 1 Ueaier, am - kaawn I 5 toixe.* B*ii Burtoti Ibi. b . a jOStam Huu.-H-a ui. I«iu:-* for L a*- oi N*kt.*-» for And Feed it Pifodnce JOsvT j . ; N ilBtari iH ktaito. " b*4A«ii M AL rtx—brrarai sou box*- Mar 11 . to .s'* Wludow tilfti**; Sal* or Itlpi-: H.'ipoi *!i kln.to |H--..-**r*.| on ,h*.rt nntlca. Wp Imm*. bcr*w«, Hl-***!.!;, B*ltuig. Plartar Forto, in 150 doi«n BackHtu; Jl* ft r*colv*KA JalT rXXfXSBOUMBOir WBXSSXBS SAi.i: k CO., h*L -fovwtab md loebob ; NfICK, British bark myls NOCK, WWILKSILKS Aa 00OO.. sion movement of the Boiiihern delegations; Woodcock, Capt. Jame**on, *^ MA.Nih TBTBR^ rMLULhTS.-lV HAIM FREi*H f II.BKim IS STt^RK I and SARIMbBb— Carenavon, Wale.s, FACTURKO ARTICLES xoUefted aad mad aatba moat 'T-'lliK-i niNk; A'>1! Mcali- ^lua’-*'r.\.TiLAOT Wca**a fraoh 4X.vo declaring Lis couvlction (hat Douglas can for Doaton, in a 1 au I f*»r Kale kiw to ckom* cooftt/nmvot by SECOND O Uyaim: KOK 10 TU (0 TiKRcEo Ot I STREET (ieiieral ('oiiiiiiis.sioii tovoroM* lanaw. •ilNuKK- 'A- *rs Drj.w't»aoa *8 tb**a (vapa. _le7 8 1(KR A Gj^IrAGHRR. Aifonts, n kaM qaar buxaa sinking condition. Took off PA 4 *• coatoonMnU .1 carry Ibe Stale of New York, and favoring Ihe Captain BETWEEN MAIN AND MARKET, Ubacal 'toah A*lv*Bc*^ma^ ratloaa, an will rtippi' llta uwJc ar hanfofom ha I Maarw. Satcli'fo b llax'-icv- Jda_jaafoiaRijflB. i and crew and brought (hem here. 9 l>CARb. f^iOA-tuu aNRUCAsiri.K. VOK No. 34 w*M aid* Tolr.i Str**t, tet M-Un and U>* River, FI KR F*»R *ALR T | KMl I riRE.iMY'ARTARi-i,jw LW. ' laMdRvrtt bODIBVILLB i *8 *IBw A. A •GBINBMI « W, I> ftalft by |[myt9 (Uw] fi. 3* MOHiUi A Ivt NR T T - ! I I . i1 ! . ( , ,• i 1. ; ! ’ ^ : . L w i ' . ' ; © I ! A


* (TI V AN'l'S. KAIU>*OAI>S. ^ ^ i OUUlNANCkS. UFSTAFR misckllankous. MKHKAl*. MAMFAnUKKKg. BOOKS~Mi:si('. - I.UUXSVXIiZi£ dkrifAidK VlXiI.ll Qaili) lirmocrat l‘HILirS BLOOD PURIFIER ft BLOOD PILLS '' KVniAMiK, ~y VINEYARD CRIDER, - ."i & — F'l' d^i-irq U'ATKIi, — IX AID O* THK COKSTKICTIOX UK A KAII.KUAD Cti W.lTEK.lrtlJ^ ... TUIKD .'r. Utr. .Wt/.'Af7 IV/* J/>>A/.-Sf/A, IKOJI UoBHf- DK.IVn.ON THK Lon!C KKAXEKvihT ItAll.RUAD. TU MIKLBA MLl.K, IN \»'iiK.i:i. u 11,1. AHV tv.- lij; KoiM. iiir r.ciT \. ^ IIjVX liOxVU)! vv I,*.;, . . t b' ai;l 111 liri -I I. .lU . . 4 I j rSLiA Ia .JXO AFFAIRS.Arr AIKo. . —AND DEAl.KUS «HlU.UVCVKNT\.AND?^TATlSOKKfcXTtCK\. .<» IN— Ips fiHinil In ths .’n n| I V* - N \\\> AFII U M)^V. M.^V cli' A 1 II nul'p i TRAINS l.OL ISV at III O'l I|>. wli: hUM I. II‘ =U . I.tllow ; ILLK luolcInR t. ,M« I.I111.I, v.'li Ink,' Uo O AXiXi iixNDS or 'i C<>uh- \ •U'iy ai lu % M., Ciri uBAK .1 liituk. — TLu*e in «anl uf Ucs aii-l aij\firn 'in in-«*lv«-- a, ..r Mnrii' M\1L JKA1> -iior'i itiK at all iv^n. i-tatlio*'- ; ;.!h -1 it.. I.« 1 .in- -v i-n . 'J’liAi 1*1HU1‘ nUAi KllK.I.\:i;il, I•r.|.•r lar r1acKe above, and arriving I FK0nS« house anil Southern la I. 1 “Ollie j»f -.PM. examine their ehoice atylea small graded, bridged and pul «lowu all limbers, Saloon and Restaurant, Hito. a.’i Foiirlli Street, bettveeu THU*' ’'.ilv (Sun’av- oTcj-ttsl) at C X Main aud Ihe River, ' i.-* in every other respeci prepared the con . 'I *i> rtrrlv- . figured organdies and lawns, which they and y w 'lall ratn. I in NanlivlMe I.OL'I.SVir.I.K, KY. w r* \o. :13 1 Third at., ^ear JeflTerwon. t.2>1 A M. K> UlfiiiMO. I> t\< s NaaltkiU.* at PIANOS I'epot at 4.-4U y. M., ,g-Hp.'cltl .tlrntli'n viv.n to th» *alc of .vrry ilricrtpiton ^ to uf t*roduc«. Orl.ra prumptljr fllluJ at the lowaat poa are .ailing at the lowest prices Kobes in ati’l arrive: |n i.^ .. ..vJM.- a*. 2t»! 4 m. ; rulr-. l.llH-ial ca..h a Iv.Tu tM iiMile oil coiisizmuca’.. ' .lli'c PHARMACV.^ * free of ilebi, lor ihe reoeiition ' I .lal.v lav^ eare|)fZltU, >l ‘*» • •••»•» t Ri m 1 U hru h wh n .ui'l arrivtmln ML'SSLLMA.N DDIH,. iROB.A.CIC’S Bose, die. OK COrUT ri.AI K • ND SIXTH KTRKtT. ; »\U J. MUSMEIMAN WaterPipcs, Hydrants, guodaeaihroiderics.anddoniestioaofthebest of the City of Louisville shall direct the' ORNEK !••• m.'M at y. !: • jf.i';.-. j, «ri«in a! 1-tt ; lsOuI«v*il(‘« K > pti:.: tUiVt*. an t a:n>e.. ut Ltm: I Mayor of said city, upon the receipt y M.. Bl«>i a« viJe at 4Aii .VHIS makes, lourth st i of the 8 KI..V1 P I S JV REMEDIES ! I* M. AX SO.V. SCANDINAVIAN ^ ^ N O I A l.KltAV**': .4(V"»VVfl»Alf-‘N* 1i*;it iSu!.'«avf:t <-wom testimony of the President and L»i- I x.'.*i.l- \1'HKN DIL KOBACK. THi: CKL»>hKArKD olVKl*- I Vi e hftx T a full alia k ol j «*t «1 a'i'1 nuUt m liph nil: j l.ntiih. lmmt‘r« e«l) at :: 40 H. >t.. M ft* f.fbant'ii Ftiir* iw. firnl ar hl« »f »»>d road, that all the re4uire- hour» tUe av i n » IMl Fby»UU*Miitravi*8 ) ) Building Lot for 1 •IwAVii kUl: n nn*! r«». la-ban 'K B.V CC( xM A N FACTU RE RS, BUmmJ Pills Id tne tnit- d Btatee, he m-t h>rib In (tUlv TiibM« Mater CJofietM, U | * . - “***‘"* “‘‘=* section have been complied lU-cnlAT ln .net I'rom i to 3 uVi«*( k; al‘ oiticr meai> -» t f.n M i; .. I in . . . In : ui hi 26 a. m. Uiwuaae their Uaualve brupvrtlv- w«» yea:sa«L • 1 otter for sale one the beautiful I 1’ of most RanS'-*.* II Tra M Ua’tw .!ailv .'Mti.Uyi) exc.-pte!), i 11 1 L) K It F. I-, j at houm •r u F B K \V ta.-sk of rervuimeudtng them hae eline b<-en ftUFt- WHO, to iwue and deliver lo said Shelby aU K K N MAIN AND W A I’ K K, The Kliosst-r UalhM, Wa«l< . . Ba- : ihr 1 uKo all klinU of rat* huu-s, fmn. R;ii '.a;. Jmtctt.jn. imi arm tl ot l.bui ui out hii hiuiflt. Enlt(rht«>tu‘d m» n who«e t-tarac«er fo* TRIFF & CRAaC'S. building lots in the city, fifiy feet front 7 '”1 . i: !• I. .ill- !1 A M. l.»l'l>L: •••’ • ' |i, -• :» Jt' I 1»* ^ l.r’ " ‘ -V . I1.it M - the Nfw ih'lema ei.' h*. > ,i- •" «ti . i rik. uia M Ml (oa n at IIKI-.E WK W ILL A1 ALI.TIMK.>I KKEl* weight In the couimuTiUy, m» n wh«i -/b -rve, aiuv, lljdranlH Ho»t«> on a bowldered and lighted street, and run> bonds of the city of Louisville, h.iving xa' A «OOD AUTIOI.K OK OUR OWN MANUFArTURK, FROM VIR- when oi Urcd. .d K. 11. 1 l;3i.' V. V. -M l aTiv*. at Bit Bbiw ii Ju?-. '‘.'.ii al 3 P it utiM.Wv^Jd‘>a.Hourl ai.d l<»i»b;y taine" t*et«/f - tbr> «b a •!. fn* n , K*' l4, K lViiue».--ee Leaf, to which we respeclli My tall the atrentlon #»? the and nuke ^w-»uran«.F* i .till - . Irt- V it ^ ia-L ii.o'i at..i 1 1\< -.1 = twenty years to run from the dale thereof,] ai ^ lU l.-.uift- F.\I*F. TKADF Ttaws LiMrral- ImvHiUii Mt-i^gKLMAN A 8t>N. —are »*k rywL*-.e ai-;*i-jviia;{ a;.d Qi'aliji; ’h*- u- tl-> and IKcxe>«. nmg back 2t«) feet to a :Jii-foot alley. The ' \ ; . t 4 6o P. V won1**r!ul Pt- iiaruilun-i. All who ci*. n !•* If, u SEASON. ‘ ‘ • patable at the Bank of America, in city FIRST CLAMS OF THE * the I . It 1 I II , , e»0wvi*(\»i -t r* ' M.til 1 with f'*r a--*, c-r . i.» -tir-»»w Vs«“ ! aitu h‘»fj4*siy of this h* .b- Hi -n^trxiM' --m iu the buftlne^a, we fna:a.. Loiilnxllle. Ky. neighborhood ,s improving very rap.dly.and » { Fourtli Street, • -AT- k'ovv; Ml Fiatikilii at.iKt’'* ioi Ki>w»otlwHe, 11 ’ v lliAiz- rt.aLl - ^ork, and bearing >ix cent, in- Wlla •i.Wiri'a fi»r th.-IUaeiVeS DIk- Dow of .v*i :‘>r •:! w-rk •nfM-wi„| ,-| dtf fcr 1 BULLOCK db ., v;!h*. t- C 6 1.N.4LY to sublet. D 4 SIBADXK. any one who wishes to build an elegant ,erest, payable semi-annnally. ' The bonds M/ill aJ"1 rxpr.'-' Tiain* i .‘nnee! at Nx-'litlMe with Dr. Koback Invites the fttt4-titb.& of the :>Kk to Ibt Ii F -iiiiber, Ofts ftfwl itrra. j T. HESTAUHANT, Meam F 8 CHARLES - residence this lot preeenis a line opportuni- herein authorized shall be of the denomiua- T.'Ui.— -• fttid ^'ikbtiua ai.-t 4 h tttftriiMi-a Kat!r..ft.js, ontfinal lelteni ir**m ui-uibers or la.- Mt aa »*r'»ft-^^! i. Too Hot! Too Hot! i f ftT. r.!'i :.i .* to r.ip: N» (Jtlt-ai ?*. (.'Iw public well knuwu - r. -.i:. . in riKTH STREET. HI IWEEN MAIN AND MAERKT omir.-. M> w t- Greneval Ldltors of luunub, Mr Tnsura l «ion ,iV. nee Ap^ents. of one thousand dollars each, :...\ •: 111.*, - LIP FALLA TUE EY. TOOITOT'- ly for locaiion. For icrms, ic., apply to liTi F I.vn u:^, liant'^\ M«*ij*-,oia- Fftrinoiw. anil tdidles of the iw JAMES BRIOGEFORD &, CO., L'RoM EVERY eiv, Maroii, eav iiiuah. Allaiita. Aui(u*.u. ftirount-* of eitrwordll ary « ur.-t; wr-j’.^Li r ^ tvct r Th- lam 11*111 eric "Tuo boi.' m M * i« la ai* ‘ bonds authorized under the ike undersigned. •. Aiui»iine**c<«ai. perfopirartA>n lawyer re- C-.arie?>lLi-, 4v. tIteM, of which curei they th'-ni- s w. rc .^ye w . v «»rlntftd w*Ui 1- filKU C'*«*4ea« oi WM W -"ARREI.I,, provisions td' the first section of this ordi- K\;*rL»- conm-.l^at I.-bau*»n with Sianeft es. Theae parties may bo coit(inU«- i y- --t4.ih-' or by i.-lCCE-.-wU.- TiiWRIUUTA BRID>/Kr.>l:b.. a oMaiorlabie puAtllon a the ctrner hla | * - • . '»it : Ace.aml iwav doctor ad ^aree for I»ar vlM»’, tj'rrn.;MrM. iVrr.vilUi, Harr'-«1 Crab Fire Bisks ! ter, by thos- who have any wM . 11.. .^. All. \r, >t jrR, r«.Ti St. bauce shall not be issued until the follow- i Ibibnck, wln-i •; ty drive hu pantlrig hocar Wyo«»i wrapirew—aa hf — . .. • inr reiiuisiiions are fully comi'led with: Isi. l.la.U'iTkaNilU-. A... A'-. limes arcrsmlUe to th^ public, ;nr lo the ~ v ::*•* , 1 I 1 I - I tM* .lav J I’M !. lli.f r^urll i^All those with impaired vision, who wjrka ko tha woo. lur br«*«ln. Th- ahA>rer inva - In.: Thi' -.i.:! Ti- *.ft< fijT -ri;- at the ctirTtcr fkcU: That the Bloo-1 i^uiiderand F’! bavebrt aa*p« Company shall depo.-it «h’H«TN mill IVt.'iDMO >hk l.Ja M-.i- . Rlu.* Hticks 1 town hkiUioU, ot tit ftll'l iR.-a iw av, *fi«i ai the « Ltl. i»i analyftU to contelQ no Mlner-d; U*At they • urt and,liae the Oabonof the Icdiex, e«)a>y« iiU keu,>nUi4L- -iii!.v.lotln*r'1 hcHt i»- .n th- ('v.>t)pa- proved by doubt the sincerity of Mr. Sincere as an Op- Life hift jwah* whrrer«r wireer*. the with the Treasurer of the city iiy, N*». Tf F ‘Lrlh . llr lh<- Na(i -i:al Risks aulversal complaint. In 'i-ep &, w ith he can find d- Th- of Louisville wui 4.U aI i.iy Kr'.tuurtUit ;'b«> Hoirl, the aimost ] 4*’ wnarvei. the phMic e«k-4. a*, are • lur N. W’ .-alts Mi*ln;.;il-, V.OIi'*:..iU4Ti, rina CcrtofitfF. ai.-t in ft xerv sh:>rt tlma-. 'nutft;*.tftl. the promenai1e«— liciaa, we sincerely urge to visit Optical a sufticient sum of money to pay (he interest an>t will t>€ sprvf.l m i:.i .. -ij.ara! i •‘tyUv Stovi- and (irate Fouiidery, hU : • .% SaWJ i.ah. "ii, l a*1 t?...... ;a. IliiiiIkVMl:., A-Ik.iIhU, otbt.r znedlctiiA'4 bftve provt-d u.4**lfjk-. thev rvlu-. c L..*et »«hieaO fitarrelv usrre '.f- rn*>uaa ofttix w rv-d-ent au«l 1 amillv'o can be with the Ma cliy ai.ta, Chaii.-'toti, l.> ii: Spnii 4rl**l.l, l’» i rentore htrftith .via ot the fios th- appearaacea fOlUainnc a And ®“ for one year k’d. The Shelby iVc tJi<* (iLuilt noiii At ‘.(•‘int, ry.'lile, ComplftlLt. fttid the ana pMMh. Institnte. | ab at m consult him, and procure a pair of Wi wemlrr Ne aeo'^lhle wooh* rhv of O. V. KKI FKR. i*r./prle!.ir, Hum- Bbur-*, I'anv UI.-, IjU -li>!.ur-. ( a;ii* bclU\ i;l0. Col •utTerer. Thftt shk tentftlca who ham lanznlDht-d tt>r mao ura« heel Railroad Company shall give a first mort- I r»( ' Hull Bisks the noon*iay at ihU t*ui» Steamboat «Oh he cwttWl his glasses. tf uLr-. -»rH uiiibtaa'i.l ll.;rk->\ iFx*. years In helple«*4 wx-aknesK and d« siiviKv. recap !.*tt the year d | N. B.— -A tino kttf Win. .a>..| ricar^ fil* TIN ' COPPER, .i\o. himaelf—mnd the lw1*ea gage to city Louisville .a 4*. H. \M>Kh.S4iN, gupt. with areat raiddlty uruior their InvlKtirailiift oiH^raii«»t hHp uanool be ea(>«cted te do the of as guarantee « a>'N oii bauti. Newark Ifi aiti C> u#4r» -k W .tl.-r I A. J. Fitl.b H-ri. ta) Tickel Jlf That all sexual dl-aftblllties are remove.^ by their c.»r>n.^i it either But whea the 4u:i haw c>*ae fit. and th- Messrs. I. have reivlve*!. hur'itj C. O. K. wx James Lemon & Co. that said company will pay in full the prin- !-* c«*oi. btlmv ami '^ykr.r.i. tak>' *t i aud kently stimulatluK oropertVs. Ttial tuer rt «rut: ur men aU^ entaae Ih dvtiMt hnur4 a:.d lay in a »tock ef mtere*Uaa snh- interest of the bonds as herein pro- ClIANtii; UK I I shattered conatUuHous, ti ^1tle«l with and sbused: UuU thetr direct te-d**nj^ Ireta lo occapy \<*u during the heat uf fallow og davw be taken upon to 8utdeei»f the and exi«llmf,the OBSl- found one of the best assortment of watches, be ha«i |uat ofHtneti i/ii the uK. llh Weat JeCermn mre.-4. five j every taint ol gcrofma. whether herrditark r olherw’.t TRAL .MtSIl* dcKirH U'low Fourth. al'<.iifcctt(>iierT KHtaMI.-thineitt followloe RELIABLE INSURANCE COMPANIES. * M> DKALEK.-i IN -PN PLATE. COPPER, jewelry and silver in the city. a few of Third. Bear auhu. aim. that hi-* tf the ware I That they rei mit the deblllute«l. and leal there do mor« nrei m ing ihe road l>ed, right of way, bridges, where a coni)iUttf a^.rtiiifiit ni all th« mriit'lr^ in hiK U .V I'.UilK TIN. /INC. MIHR. acVriNMBKS' .2a m.iSiiini dlfteaiM* ofihe gtomaeh a.nd Bowei.s. the Uver. the m-r /mi^ atfeecv fhr the Brard Plaho ta toe Cnilei ^Uoftev. — i.» - will at haiol. t; -bti ot tiu* b*-kt ora .M.%4 wc«t »ide Sixiks' masonry, iron rails, spikes, enuipmenis and Une beconttuuMlly anU exi-pt tn New Yack and New i^leahe. Ur keef*^ agea quality. ST. LOUIS, •OF Ma D. FOR CHICAGO, DETROIT, BY AUTHORITY OF THE AUDITOR OF KENTUCKY tIU hi o’clcK 4 at htght Caii and see hufftOi k lathe eaut Tboee afflicted with any disease of all other properly then belonging to or that W’ed.Unjj an*! Fai.i'Iy VartW ran »‘e *uin i;**tl ei .n: LOUISVILLR, KY Dinner. AND OF illK BIaMjD or .'«»X*KkmuNg. ''*“1 company may be possessed prior with all kin ia of AMUUCAN antf FKFNCH FASTKY. NIAGARA FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, of N. Y.-Cash Assets $320,000 a delicate nature may obtain the best of to In which they do not give prampi relit f, and (if a*i> an»! *verr article !n ihv <\*i-;fct! .ii- ry Mi:'-. efore the very citadel of life tud betu In* riBLisaita: • of JIST , J- 1 1 . 1. ' II 1 i»:„ the bonds placed by ekt notice ami at very iiii. U iait* i riic*i. MeaU pervi*.! of medical ail at Galen . Head Dis- Vailed,) a painUu and ptr/f'i cure. H. G. VAN SE88ERN, Q|i at all hours in the M-«y. Tht GroJ H' :t and SunJ SSort-Lin: CO., do do 400,000 Louisv.Ue under the j.rovisions tiuuU. METROPOLITAN FIRE INSURANCE B4-ar in mtml that the SCANDINAVIAN VFOKTA TIIK HISTOKY OK 1;:- ( flAKI i:s \ KRtiOTR. peilsary, f ifth -treet. \ MriLraJ do 250,000 ELIC BLOOD PILLS are lndi>i> -d by the fxper'nice ol of this ordinance at their disposal. :;d The Nortli Hiiif oi J«.f1i*rsui] *t!fs l.e;ow o*‘rth. S CO., do do 170,000 Fninkliii Plauing Etfurt on these diseases, with twenty- Louisville and Frankfort Railroad Company / .r. /GUV tD U o*K.v.riranJ ^lU^^^N FUND INSURANCE meulcal worka,ao«l by wor-1 of kii«*uUi, pr-acUuutuv ui tu FEFORMAT'Ob I PROTESTANT

t 1 of l}*« kind :>iu 1“'® •Feem.-nt with tiPo/,r HOPE FIRE INSURANCE CO., do do 175,000 be the very beat prepiratiun ev r re.l ai. illustrations, may be had gra.ison.p- ' t<> the brokendown vlctfma i»f 111 hraiin. They hn^f a iilnnt ktreet, between Clny and Shelby IN GERM.A.NY .\ND SWlTZKai- an of obligating themselves - UNITED STATES LIFE INSURANCE CO., do do 525,000 ““‘/“y / IN AND ArrEK Ti t'iTiTTv Mtv 1 dtik-ftae throutch every avenue and oraan of the aytrm. plication. Address box TJh, Louisville. Ky. COAI — LLMliHR. w. M 8 W.VHKKOOMS: ( 1 K. iiSHf Tral .« will Vi Ail'iiiiv and to expel It thoroo^hly and kt«*n.t.aaeuUy. to all w an’fiillows : (Fire Cargo),’ do 1 , 500,000 _ _ furnish the necessary rolling stock and HOME INSURANCE CO. and do ThIrJ b*L J«il«rtaa aud Or**o. la oU Jooraal Of’ No one can doubt tlielr ftapenofitv alter one ulnx'.e SlrML Kagland, Ireland, Scotlaitd. the Nether- run said Fhelby Railroad from llobb's depot MERCHANTS’ INSURANCE CO., of Hanford, Conn., do 230 000 are utti only better, but in fact, cheaLftr t' H E A P ' trial— they than flUr* Balldlnc. landa, France and Northern Europe, ' , 1 . N. ('OUiINS, V ..n.i( M.a--..«iMii PiUft. for It takes leae namber of them to Shelbyville, for the term of twenty years i.i PROVIDENCE WASHINGTON INS. CO., of Providence. R. I., do 375,000 any other a pro* K 1' better effKt. LOUISVILLE. KY. N A SEK I K.S UF >:sSA VS. REV I EM 1 NO D A U RION ( 11It VL AA i dace a , Goal of I Uatrun. BMto* Sli«n, Mi> r**. Pi' ANUFAiTt nEU aifcl ««h*r». lu t«« .m*U ot- i. :sp V vhuu. ii A per ba*Ule, or $*' per bajf doten. the ScaudlnavUn H*nke. Kr>x*U BAKQAINK, the track for business purposes, to iitrift, Market »t#fe Philadelphia -Cash Capital Surplus 300,000 ai.N 1<>U and Imn-R KRAHK.X. MoLDlNOS. and keep Third ahd W'ti M Ji. J. .'*r*L»*»a. P veeetatle Blo>Ni IMIN, 35 -.'-niu per box. ur 5 buxea lor $1. t**o, it miMUi a*» p«*-* *«ch. By M VNTI.E.', k--. -lub Prltiird u>d UlaMd. K«cp« ' L'liuvUia IsOulMTlIlOf p Mill , nil,- 1 -- . Kuback’s St-eci-U Noticei aii l wcriitlL at«-a. D.. HUbopo/ BAKUAINR, '-aid road and bed, bridges and rolling .vtock Ky. u ,1 a Ma. tii l w.ih tmlti. 8i uil>. MAK.LNU AN AOUREQATC FU.VD TO MEET LOSSES OF OVER Rea«i Dr. Dresae-1 Lumber, Flooring, Sheivlnjc. fttway^ on ha.-i i p.«d. pubdahed lo a cooaplcuoua part uf luls paper from time »s_ Prli-* td W ;.-r c>p*. Seal b, i*U fr*» *1 in good repair for said term of twenty years, T>ERs^»NS DKSlKINflOiAM AN DKSrPPUKDAT M L «tb(n’l*'«ardln<. rlc. A:i kinda uf RtppUhe. fiplutm*^ - to time. «*r racelpl ul tb* ivt.ul prA. CLOTHING I I i ** Mold* MEN’S kh'>rt fftlce y r4lUuir at th«' L-acp. ainl with Scroll Sa'* ; t*.ul4r and IrrerfaUr Sa*h, Doora, Roback*ft Me*llcai Almanac and Farndy AdvUer. VAkldl A LBVSRISO. of the city ot the la*i4 article in the iiiarket. at the lywe.-t t-rne. Dr. In.’H. duT!c to order with ae.ttne-se and dUpxUh. ’ va^h DOLLARS. X .. X.. JCI M .la 'tiT)/Avv .11 .r - on ban t a : b.. taa>. . A«4t,4.'ll Livr. ' gross receipts said mr bft ut oIiT olUk f. Ageuta throughoat toe counirv Planew. CLClTHINO, of the of Shelby Railroad, , mM M«iu«aa) 5^aa* BOVS' j All LG'..b4-r Used in maaufattare u kllu dried. a tv promMly atUnaeJ to. in dimcall oro.iopttLaievl ca'e>»,Dr. Ri l uck k . rh« which sum thus received shall l>e Coal. Coal. All rrilT- coii,i-tl !v will, ail ra.-.si-iic tor 'TBIlY DE-CUIPTl>N uF TliR^^ee^^H CHILDREN'S - t; f the 4.Mi*o HT|] 1 i, on Mi ilj.'fM «n.t watt SvXiIiOCjS COa* 1 .bu.« -n—t pr . c ®'*y paymeni ot the interest anil FITTSBirHO, the reply. * U at I:. forO. A .M. Trains v ; :n th-y ar.- .uuyed, ilurvbv r»ToRIC. JZJ30Dc3k A.; -it~ Ulille No. va MAIN 5TRKKT. OVaH 'V. H s*ToKR.v Mc.Mt’UJCf. Ta-dor of RfberL** (7hci*el ® or. fxCLl>' A tu. li.i inim to j-i-oiiinr. iriiuLIt- fiuits'.lnaj — — — From Rev. Mr. commissions on the bonds of the city p o x: a o IT at Mitili-U- J..- AArliU. m M,d« -L AHMS'l KON< ’ If. .-il. J M ..rfroTM l-.iii-i.r tilKiiiu.all. , \SkM Si "» tF t!T l!OUaMaPoux.UctoKrC. l&'J. D joHivrx.scK, U.^tei. issued to said Shelby K.silroad Company, and BYRACUSB. Q ai.!i lliiiiw., ui.f,'n---.r Natiotial aii't Il.i.4J-'v t.nl-ii to a-.it iruiu uuy -’ W E*l I IX Im Dr. 0. W. Bootrg— Dear IMr I have ust-d your b f rt.ir.D Oil J.V/> MnLlt ' .I.YD/.A Jt.4.V »€ should it he more than enough fur that pur- (ftCCClSAOE TO B* a H. RTOBE.8), Purifier for a nervon-; ailectWn, ffm which I have M rt'-n:.F.R. .Vla.'ion if Hanilla'N .vielo«le«»aM. Coal. Coal. ILaU throUeh ViaitiM roui.ii-t t iosc-ly at 4lrf*en»'a.stle hose who would save money lie set ftutler^ much at times. While It ts plca-ar.t to the y Tbi'kks. — pose, the excess shall apart as a fund : W‘.tn the T.m Haul.- -U.1 HUUm-ui K..r.ioft.i, n No. *:'4 :l .t., L'lnh :»*d .Ni». 7 tw.* ^d H 1,’VERY DE-. KiPTtOX i U T K K OF AND 1> K A L. K H IN taxU. U certainly hae a happy eiTkci upon the uervea i*r rerTv MU. and S». ai.! ‘-a.-i 'xr * «aie 7.A,:a htw >> ilhl. t« liijuidate the princijial st Priceft for kale by H lii'hanarif :u i i.i.-*. -I. -ft. irt : *.,"rn Maiu an*l l*«irr. W 1 ftnilHeaift lor »t will study their own interest when they of said bonds U ^ ^ ^ n Pleofte accept my thanka lor your km 1 re.'ar*U ^ T D. F l> At'Llh4 h Co.* !k.le .%-. le iv jell Main Bank o# Kewam trunks of any kind, valises, carpet- M^Primlpal Office anm:t. No. e Radt F mrth 11 PI ;.E OIL, ^ want i .i. 2 LARD O * S«<’- d. to ^ .... The bonds be issued under the {OLP-rSTABUSHED SADPLEBT WAIIEHOESE), fttreef, third MiUdlrig from Main street, Clnd:;uaU Ohio n N • i L.AKD oil.; n ladies COAL! •»iS,'.“r,'5V:.S^ caickerinx ft iioai*' PliUMw. bags. traveUng trunks, or bonneU provisions of this ordinance, or any money COAL COAL!!! Laboratory In Hammond street. n I•KAD-L1<..1T olu a Aii.invrii.wraL Alao. f.r Tyler, LoniftvUle: OotUcha'k A \\r.M. L MURI’IIV KKKfS OiiN.-n'.VNTl.V DN HAND , 435 >IAI\ STREET, BETWEE!!! FIFTH AX 1> SIXTH, For Mde by Raymond A f.',..,\KoIU rt very description of thr aruvr a* u>w. boxes, to call at the Trunk Emporium of obtained from the sale thereof, shall not be ' Oo., Loubville; hcearce A W'alktr. Fld.rrsville: J. U. K.ULKoado'U V * ft IftTtte liupply 4>t lb«* br«i l uikburK ftllM Youxh' a ct prtcc. D. P. FAULD> A CO . »#-T.i*.Hiim TliKrT. i.rl fnrILrr Inr. rniatlon ran T i 11 M E Jedt-raontown ; A. 8. ShIvHr, La*' >na. and by loKbeuy Coal. A\t^\ tte ‘*HnptL»ril City Coftl,” n**n«f Newkirk, M MA'IIlNKoil: M 2 M*.b Mnwr. street, expendeil for any other purpose than in the beobUliiM-d til Ihe I Hum Ji»ntlr-Mui J ickrt 0^ic4, Ho. 'STD -LiOTllS v XllG^ >*U B Stewart, No. T2o Market j the _ Edward bftUer tor »toatu or cooklm: puri>o»pf«; ufKM lunnv Dmgi.'ltiU and Merchante generaiiy thronghout Ht.>rIN Ol L I lire* xraiiaa U by K.»uiU» A.'t corm-r ot Main and TUlr l street.-*, Loutavlile. !J "*!* t»*em on UuioD. Dt. R oIL: fumilieit lu the city, who pronoatice U nvurly rqiul to K”. WOULD FIND IT TO THKIK INTKRRgT TO KXAMINK 8T UK ^ i.4 south Side, between Second and Third "“‘I \f KUCIIANTg AND MANUFAmjRKRS nol7 dAwlyeomlnaAeooioe MltfcKi, OKEA.AR: CkeiRp Piaao.«. the road; ahould said Pituburit. fta.M ftnp«*i1orto imy other now Inuhcfor NirAin Trains are run by L<*uUvllle time iVl th**|r utiro and ordem from a dUtanre will be attended to as If made tu person, lead f n Q purchase be made and i bv-fuie meklnR ___ _„„1J - . ,, k.._ . . — _ .n-Kxpl--!-« RL^NI.NU FLUID. i Wweta. If you would buy a fe.A. All 1 ask Ua tu*r trUi ot It, uii-J i K. K. KlCKLii, gupeiiiitendeDt. — y H :«T*»RB A rails i ,he not put down to form the (rack, wBrrant tt will c.ve Malefaction. 8oU wboleftwio kk aft*4>nmenc Planoft. tnttt varkou- New Albany. May 24. tH3i. my£ J. 8. MINOTT H. J. USWIg J. W. FRII'DLK n niris J‘>U> Kl.i:i K. Laalaxill*, Kp. Q city Louisville retftll ftt tbelowcftt eft'll! piiree. v>mtn*'ni maoufactareta. .airaalv at the v v ^ of reserves the right to S'YRbT. * ^ _ _ _ - mUVlAW J a ^ ftMce, eftbt kUe lalo pneea. Call and w f d*'® ««»> take possession of said rails as _!i.yl»iti D. P. P.kii-M * Watcuesaxd JxwxLBr AT Cost—P. W. 1860 . EAST. 1860 . MINOTT, LEWIS 6l CO., OK PKUTEITBU .Mala fttraac, WU Aeo >; ami rhn-- • her property, and to sell the same and appro- . ». J JOHN LAWSON, Ramscy, on Third street, between Mam and BOLmo.v or puotoiids or ifto?, proceed- thereof in payment of COAL! COAL! COAL! COAL! «ODRi fi LADT^ BNUK FOR fKBRc ARV. iwA AGENT FALLS CITY ^Ej*17_i iLaIuI> Market, is selling out at cost, for cash only, the bondsherein specified. gt BSCKIBKH THANKFUL FoRTHKPATliON- TY* Onlr Reliable an'l I’eraiaocct Cnr* for _ _ X ext**ti him by t.;e frleti-U no the pijblU- Se'’- * To pay the principal and interest RRC.S.S FOl.XDERV 4\0 .VI.4* |un* jpsiSsSi Planing ~ *1 v*r» tow *ftcw IJrl.'i <:LtEK» • Union Works, •jpeoeii ft 04 )AL yard ftiul FFJt K, >!i the C'HI.'VI:: 8HOP, gold .““J" DYSPEPSIA, city, silver ware, clocks, spectacles, ^ fl- sums of this ordinance,‘'f. in the event of a , ('•rnrr of >inib nml .T.< - EBai TIFU LLY Louisville and Frankfort OffioeH ftlvi on the wi-si ut ^I te liilr'l Mreet. T>LCK LETTER is great fear that , ANUKAL-T.IRY OK IXJOH.-*. BLINDS. SA.-II. WINDOW AND DOOR FRAMES, MOI.DIN08, MANTLES. *c.. .. u a., bia^o, /iTV anil AnU-Frlctloik Facklog. aad a time when there "XJ 1 A, FAILURB OF IRON A^ M IJ l)iiir»i iA Bi.ok L*u*r.*i . -d"' CL\R&**3. between Marki't ainl *I*-Tli»rkf>n; and Folion lietwi-en V'\ VJA IV, J. TUE LAJI I’rliiKtl (Ilaji 'l. Alwuyi lt,-p on hairl Drps.-pu alwu, htop Coclu* a .. i a x^ a .1 a.1- .1 Pre*ton fttiii (>tri*et:v, 1, a Rt^ni^-ly for d:*>rz*ij!^eo«: t.oyd on Mark* t. be»w«H;n au'l 8,-roll Ike stock of dry lumber, sash, doors, blinds, JVZi iri riCTfiAK' i>nr\-To t< .ircllne, Ac. All klml* */ Dr->.Uiii. Klpplnit. Km Sawlnu. Sasn. Dcors. .MoUllnua, Ac., Uoii. to onl.r H'tb de. V.I e Haa«e do, OQ «lo, Gk>l^, CmpUdcn. • .tMl.s.-CnUSS. CHRCSERS. IKIMINOES. IM'R- gp-eemcnl, th. re i.- hendiy set apart and JaA-W<«on and liauccKk. AJ.J. lUlATS; J Mint .^luitrlt > ] will, ucal^r-t. lyji.dly H<--« Joints. \V b. U*w, Sp«‘lUT, TVODm*' an-l X* umnuMi. A.' At '-i7. CL.tRKK'3. J*^3.isnji jiiSKPi , Ao.,willfa1l short, owing to the vast amount Bonn t.i’.iiT, 4.o^|.*.r Rive- WrE-achow. appropriated out oftlio revenues ofihe sink- i C.iKKYTNO Tin: Oni AT WKVrKKN AND SjUTH I' 14, UoUhei ;Vi:.-*TKU.V l.MiKi S^TM!..'4 .MAII>. Jm- k : V. tt tr-i <'•.1^4, Stucki and Idea* lloUting ew bdoks.-tub lyte-st PCBLic.tnuN^ o# ing fund, as provide.1 for by the eighth s»-c- i •f improTcmrnTs in Louisville, it will I.e in- Knein*--. e:ram Fuif. ateam-Flra Fitting kiro Rtr N th* >U>' *. iuua w st ' lUAINs; I r.AVK DLNKIKK DAILY, uN E. gi!>« ft repaii- iel7 ‘ton of the sixth article of the city charter, BARBAROUX, t>- l*-.u«p-. ac . lui aD«i Hater Gauges JNU.W.t:LAKRrS. M .iyt HsIU | HAKDWAUF. I ' Jd rival ot uii liv leresting to the puhlic to (hat Alex- a>l Traiizw Lif***-* horc Hat ro««l irotu ' t' know - ^ * ihf a i St> am ami WaterGan^'ft ' _ euUT thft cSuniitilon. F r a somcient sum for that (Mirpos^^. lz*'U»'V '1 -la.'lih, N.t*h\ V* land, Ac., mi't’t-K.SSOU TO HARltAKOUX ft HNOWL7KN), y ruumiiti • o* tii.s4aan a. A a' htuvl; L’uck T.9, Zloc, Aut.BMtty Ac., for NOW EE.tDt. A NEW ED1TU>N U« Ellis their fac- (itr>ctly thruudi vtithoui ci:xnc«^ot f fttaiiift rea-'uit. the clast* aader, i. Co., have enlarged car*. t. s,.. 5 This ordinance stall not take i ra*llc.illy rarao iu a.*T L.Mi: j. Tfilfo l*cruvlan Sinip U lUt only ronri* luauliig Can. iUr**uah frou the • Jacob Schmitt, are prectaely thR OLD EK.iSR AND OOPPWt ' aana* remadha aierciy relieve ll•tid vent laud BY HON. KICIl D II. ST.VNTON. ’1 (-«'•* of qualified voter- of the city of WIIUl.StiSAt.K AND KE I'- amona which ara: I •*!: ly rctnm than^a to the public for their extew- of drv lumber. Call at their office on Main «y ! 8LKKIM.MJ CAUH TU \ ON I TAIL DEALER IN MOHTTRAIN?. y\> lm:i ..i* - tor thr .o-^t At years ila coatwctlua with W'lTII .'.I'PPLXMENT. E.Mir.ACX.VU THE ACTS OF Louisville voting thereon, in accordance j OyoDeDfttAs UroDwIefts Neurwl^tas llrDBchlltat street, nearly opposite the Galt House, or at the Ki-ii'Uik: Ir im* Dro»--> «*ry .Machiae • n Found oAd iftvneral Nature, paftNCd In iulrc'fur TickrU vw Dunkltk and the New York I'dNMiwniDflttB Teii^**nrlww* t'wlwrl^vwi a by Ihe Legteiwiare af SS: ' •wi.i. 5^ kvf*. eleventh section of the sixth article at;d ! act. wa>-R). Twv* vuiuuMw, ruvm Price $ia theirfaclory on Fuhon.ahove Preston street. Kii*-r.a;I: -aJ' »r >a t- at Mil «,! the ttriUiipal K.iii- BwlU* UlwenaeMs llMcreg ' Nkin M* r* otl Oilii-i*'. lu ih*‘ VViM^t. iar. »;»r ait-n”' r.vm to repairtM Maehtoery tor Keotuckr rode of Practice. PtIcf- |3t .— — 01 the city charter. HARDWARE AND l•c•rrhelfe• or Whiirw* (letieml lie* CUTLERY, .\n I’lv-'.ihl Renimk^ Di*:«K— 2 vuia. Price Ih*. KNpri"* Train li-avfr. N».*w Y« rk n*dlow», • A*iVlU, Mtpf, l-ilfb, LoiiNvdh*, and k. r ilni it.jtn • \ er u-t«»rf nul» iitad**. i It ^aT that FeTuvUi TKABL’E. P. B. A. thelruwn experience, U vDwngh to vinitor* to Louisville at the Hutv FpIIuad and ^^Uafu, C!ar(M‘nit*ni', Cftblactmakf.|'* I Attention of ihe CHA."* MIN’ttT, ti**!!*) MJp’t. 8ymt) la DOW regnUerty preas r1hsr«l by **vifT ;h'blctan oi j j, ^ and 0*01 Tot»S; I KuildcV anATM .iN. Kvi>rei>' Kii-ishl Ai*Hit,^4l Dn>adway, ral ILikTrlsai? 21 dly 0 Ice .COPY Of A LriTKR FRoM DR. WM. CHlJiHOl-M. and Steam Fittem. A. MrUimiK, .vuci h iaAa. nortLe&fil comer of FuurtL and Main fiireeU. LOUISVILLE Na« Bai tuxis 5, "'3 * Sealed proposala* Will be at the & FHANKEOIIT AND ; I have naed the Pvruvlaii iVyrup tor th< » „. - Rv ... A received WHOLR8ALI; AND KKT.AIL DKALKU IN fliK large manufactory enable* him to sup- pa-^t three yeara with the m -xi grailtylDg »uc4 a s -Vx till ••• un-lersignel .Monday, .July LEXINGTON & ol -i i"' FRANKFORT ; CAf*ht DWi** L3la, tvarlon** furn ->2 ll4Rl»V4Rr 4M> CITiaERY, - 3*vl •#«-* Hxiur-N Ol evfTy 1 ? W"5 ply trunk^ Tali«e«, br»nnet ! Owueral N»*nroUft LN-iiMfv, Nenraoi’a* Krr.' re«4F. and hat boxes, d, l8>'.o, to l:i o’cl->ck j*., to erect a market- ano .'4p .-vr 'V I i£ . :<>r Gaa. aai and WV KiVrrArTCRtR oI.-mj, i*lilur«j9>. r- and varluua 'lIseaM’H ul the 8kin; L • carpet ba^, bureau trunks, etc., of the very V».- u. ,;i -4 L.H 4 *.J ft Ttv P iid>s bouse on Market street, between Sixteenth hea, rrolaiMiDp Llerl, anppfV'*foed conr-ie^ ai.d i*-uiaJ» . •• .'4, PLAXrS AXD MHC/fAXICAL 'If kj-, ^-.r W . Ac., TOOLS I best quality, at unprecedented low prices, cuiaplaliita generaily In the it»t « i cs-p ’-i »uiP Q \ and Seventeenth streeix, in accordance with ' ^ . . • »tii- -jf th# lap-^t -vr A; *a ; “ J y ; h..-* 3 b Noo Third l*uiiiNvll|p H^V particular!: . I liavc fu’irid thr nit?dl*..: H5 Klrpptt •' Ii L - y.« UO^VDS. -\ fo-1. wait wewu; . th-cf Cot a All of Mr. McCleary's work is beautiful as plan and -pecifieations as filed '. F in llngiueer's power. an«i l*»T Ik.l't* I C'>naid-*r M -c' tu:«.l:r . *.,Ndy. - 2 ' I X * '.T *.> 4iv. Ai.'4>, Least ft^pe, bhev-t well as durable goods. Give him a call. office. The Peruvian Hyrun cuuibiues valuaue alixraiive on- J'-'v ’T'. t'mlih:., !.• S, A. 3 K tcDlc proi>«*rtie!4, and !• of r«*marka' .j c*:7.cacy lu W work == 3 i U. CltAAAKJliD. Sljvor b'Mitg , rw tU-aJ workma n, we caa warrant our r f T Q'-iani* T', lLMlr».ad dfftewaee bv want of vita?'* a chioDic characterised :-*• -< . Is* i*:*' . ;.:lve 2 Cun't. .Timi* I860. .It’l Duil'icrs mimI .*mi oathifacUuti. T.n/tir Vnnr TntorMt*. aii Who want HM. B. ( Hl*ft|!DljL M. D Look to Your Interests- AA'I^o-'ll-hUi: alt. Mu*u ^aid lu Jobbing In the above ~ ‘ ' The arc aware that 1>. I*uiiT AL'LK ^ MI r U*- HOP. ST. L. CLaJLl^fti CO., Proprietcra people U'Hare, No. W Si 3 i No. I WATER STREET. BOSD.'.'i. g r'*t5*ra; ftt^-i -rlinvrt 427 Main street, is the oldest, largest and ' (J^ B, EVARTS. ir Ji WORKS ‘ MWHINE meet axpericnoed manufacturer of trunks / || o'r.ha *1. Sa-ui.*rl* t. KhlCThMi.^ uU tlilr- RETAILErBY TlT DSukiSTS [ J O. l AMPBKLL PHIUP SKEEI' r and AimioiE articiee in the city. Th«y should VV liizltjfftle an-l ft I. ill at f importer of and wiioLk:sale a d iia'r.Aii, Q'M E io i ^ »• ^ Uie low v.’^t cofti rr.t i*s DXALt.H in I'ountleru ,llacMnelShOH. - avail J. 0 . ft CO., ihemselves of the rare opportunities % Aienl*— ouUtUI*. CAREY A T.ALB*IT. )<-S’.Awl» CAMPBELL -9U\5/- Corner of Floyd and Washington Streets, Louisville, Ky., ...... -Rf ANUFACTURER OF ST.ATTONAKY AND PORTABLE STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS: CIRCULAR i-ATHisa ast puAWBAft, Wall paper aI Decorations S»v-'ltil.; .MiKliliirrv; THE GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY! O- :-•*. t..*-!:'. MU) Sh.'Tl-Iron. Col lar «„l Braw Work; CiL-t«Hl Wronght-IronScrvw tip**, lor 0»* /-r\a ( ' TTEP.?-. DRILL VNDSCKEW MVCHl.NES. Force and Idll Ihiiups• oiui-. ufui >vartouaar.oiw Lard.i-«ro 1HIKDLU TK.AIN—TK.AI.N— .Ycrcr*oi).Ti"S—.\crr r^oncTtMX— lo-rtveftIrf-Iivioi atUt 4;4.'i4:4‘» p.T. Z"*!"It****”* ' klndaKinjs and«iia Hie4-6\tCrL Also,AlftO, Tobaccoloomto 8cr«w?iBcrew-t and«na l*re»a*s ir«* in his wholesale department, while in R. W. MARRINER Si SON, , Sr,,,u IV. THnR.N'.C(1 t,Ut.>JruW,AUrOMPIllI.Nn E>.\1H.YC1WTRAI'T AP \ t liaiH**:-)' A0<1 H'ondworth'rt Plauert. Oror Cuttirig ri'ol"''' t'xJ "HI Scrowa. nn or .Mo* blue Jub'>ii*g atUMMlcd to with II tv hulr-saV a(.-l K< ta.' Il-m!. r_ -u K!i.T»*lii*b tu«U FRK\4 A\D AMEItIC A\ .-.LMOA -t:;U.-Utloi;..Hi>.iwTlveat I wnlty when a.*lro.Lro-L —-ALSO-ALSO— the retail line he cannot l>e equaled. Who r*«.ww«;'U-...... ^71 Y pT *m:.tne-^ .*!; 1 .l’ -;fo*ti h. "• " C ^ t> .itKvrj* ‘1at *4. ManofacturerttuiQlactarer of and*iul AgentA*ent for theU>* BaleSale of wOpftiDft AUCX OSXSAp&lTXald '‘i .. ;' ni:ST bTKKlCT, BhTWKKN M.IIN AND MARKIT ever wania to travel, wbeiber with a small |tl g* Hardware and Cutlfi-y '•'f-'i,* 5u l>>ti1 .\ li.f aa !*«'lluwst Klr»t train ut fX f\\lkJ I ik lOr* A. a, *r*iu At y u la,;raa«e A.iOin* " | McOEOROES l.eiiftavlllrv Ky. oarpet-bag or ** I stI I— Va ! r\ fil •nrth iu'»-irt n »t ftir. A. M. I ..Other niedlcliift for the cure of Sexual D.^^-XAe- a mammoth trunk, need go W y Sv. 4i- *' P P. l.atL« Sart'ii, 3Lu^d.eU, A*.., 4*'.. on hand ood m I5 i»f tmiiiK ieavt‘ 1/jiilHVirie (lady (SuntUv^ except ami which mast, with an en!!*;hter:e4| ano Fifth far notl no further Looking-Glass Plates, •J Hi • 1 .if. ia I.' GREAT EXCELSIOR SHINGLE MACHINE oftsureilly popular, de'^l'lerai dly than lothe Great Western Trunk Looklng-Vlassfs A V y . \ ,:uiuii Ai 4 IU p. M. blKhly and a im k»ii< of niuklng .VunyuJ i*rr 1 Cai trum ttxiy to •! -, -! ' ^Ue Kl- !kLI la r* V ,VC I Ui.d fd tf..|a T.Jij x. M t * fur In the medUal wor.d. U nerd* no i initiivn -!:t o? making Stavea, Barrel Heaillng, idl kind’* of fihort Lum Factory of Mr. O'Hare. P. w. and chaiifie of dirt In Ita approved fnrm (that oi ;.••!«) It I^TOliFiS ! PATENT EDWAEtn • her. with equal fat lilt PLATJi ANDUTAINED GLASS, • «"’ni'’4»u ,:i -•?« fc.r T».:ti\‘*ie, H irp-Nbnrv. ('rail U entlralv taataleaa, and vauaea oo anp>aaa:it fteti^zvaur His manufactory i* a cre-lit lo Lou'isville, inerwvi, Vvi-ftuu:»N, 44.^>, , UrcUattl, e 4fv«irKuluwii. ai..i ,^hfl to the patient. CANE AND DOUBLE SEAT hyvin.-, I and Oil Paintings and fingravingt, and a*l f»'r»h«T iuf''rmat1<*n •_ i*» he 1..id a: the de- DRAINING MACHINES. It hart avtjulr«**l the otmv*t tame In almost every par ” should meet with extensive patronage. (tjllNKR .lI4fN AMI MFTII <«tTlt KICT*-, hi# « r. Of W*. piiiln l^zul'ViUf, coro* r Jrtur'-''M t B«iathem« ri and other* wantlnx the most e0e workmen employed and I. !*. ft. It. laortf of profe^rtpm. dS-Uf * ,:ud L. a ft*, li. l»e AUiipiltd with Mac ninea of any stxe or caiMnlty at the Ily the eminent the Prrpar»d by J. thoueand, of dollar* weekly As IMPOTITFROF ANDDKALKi: IN .-ADDI.KRY !MPD I draullc Founden and .Machine ^hop, where a Wurklna Model M. TlloKN, Clieniisi, Lundoii, and for oale, wboh'^att JOHN E. CANNON 4 CO., 2 L ware, Harn**(iA .Mouittir*^ Triitik.'i, t reta‘1, L\ft., •, and i h ’Irim and bj J«>HN A. T.iRRANT A .went, i n matter of can alw-ty* lie eceu in oporatton. l.ouinTUIr, ll4 .New .4lbiuiT. ImI. pride, ' (home and to subserve minjtft. for the Vnlted 8iateft, 27:< Hreenwich >Lreet. N rr \*.i\ Kv-. , ,, , v,, . JEFFEHSONVILLE RAILROAD!!! )y27dAw8m R* RAKII.kUOrX* ^ gf I am now rood-, in? inv K.ill St**rk, wl.lrh wl!I U* Aft tb« above Toiuabto preparatlou han t• h hi hiv ftlvoly countorfelied bv no|^nc1p'.ed paitiert m th. interesie in parehnsjng of Mr. O'Hare. etot'kot»to. koitb*»iKiveflooa«,the abuveOoodit, which»lic 1i ^ line that haw ever liei-.r.- tinpoi:** I in tt, ijia»k-t. Doited 8tat«rt aa a protortiou avatmt totpY- -itluo pur Flat-Split Chalrt* a Tla Safes. hc U ifflenxii; aljfrvaUy reduced I w-f.uld Invite iu,r old riifoi-.iii* amt thr trad.’ »T- IS . crn JUiVANT, cKmktrt % HARR & BARBEE, laiA 4 (Mtmdr ViUl honaou in Utd -'• 4 \N AftT I.K .'ltt.SDA\, MT»i, at1r,lo call and pxaiiilna mv •k. whur. ! am *.t*?»T* AND M.\^ }%), trains wiltilKSAIK DKAIft'Rit IN loitom qfsAskpot^ftke nitini.\^wMck ooKi PATENT Mr. Bvart'* la Uryelv rufaged K ^ UOLIbi^ALB DKALfc^ u 1>B, Suallenberoer's Pill«. — he almost hitiic^ to *rU at prit rfo that iaiuiui u.l fot-cii'r n.r tlie t wm ;cai e Jt tlv^rauLV liic, ui pu3:le l*uUUi iUe. a- UaI- _ saub: Id mamitainurlDs? GILT WOKK of a!ldmcri|>t»on5*, and u oAk hr*4l trade that c*»u»e.. l.t inr markei, M. Pag i-ai' * compa'^ieon of hh* wrorknianKtiip and f>tyle DiKClCKl effi»CtA4>f tUia mediciD^ KS KH Anti* hraces ibr following aitlciea: ^;iAM.A*.rM.,ni7nsp V J^oiNcstte and StaiPfe i^ry Goods* BRASS FOUNDERY, with auyother manutacturer tn the c«iUiilr>*. SaiMir Trees.; Pklr'li;.-: toil*.* Tram. S, L-itiN. Oiiu iiinAll anj (TiU'Sso K\ Aiwaya B«ing the imnwt materiala and to MalDrin are as fully^ exhibited in its employing Brid!r l>'Atheni; Morot co^Aina; Sixth *t., between Market and Jeffervoa. the moot expeneooed workmen, he alwave cab war- Harn«-<«i cio; Dateiit do; JSi o. 4123 ^'^E.A-IiSJ' Smt^EDE^r, hi$ r«ftom<*ri« p^ffect MUafaction. |K/irerof prerfntmg^ as of curing disease.— Hug Sktua; fiurrupa; LOl'L-^VILLI. RY. Grai«fui fur paal tavora. he a»kft a contlosanca of - , - , - , MftUUo Iron. Ac. ';VlV,fi.' ‘ruuriLuIic^ Ex,.r,-.-s coutHcim* »t LOriSVILI.E, KY. botlle the ^ama. llK SI BSL'RIRKK RF-'FliL IKl'LLY AXXUL'NCU Omt of the i ills* will* if taken pro- mr? dla.Htjy7 Alao, keen!* S.>iuuur wllliTia. ,ur tl..-.«liluai"l .Mi M-.-ii.,,l K4II- contdamly <»n ha»i I a vmrral aaftortmeot ^RK NOW RKCEIVINO DAILY ADUJTI0N8 FROM EUROPEAN AND EASTERN MAN0FACTD CHEMIST.rX r lu the piiMw KvnrraLy. and ihr clllaans af Lu*l». ol 8a*1dJe<. BiMIrs. llari-r*... and Ttiiuk-s. »Alrn*lv. v«iety of choice «id telectea »tyl« of t .lie, 'hal 111* Iia.4 'i^ocd a Mew Braaa Foan.lary, where ut.e rli.i.iir " / N 8 All orlera promptly attrii led to at the Khortrfoi Dt. y of c»r, LuuUviUe .o.t Clil- u. U now i»reparvil to boots, shoes and gaiters notice. or21 dll LONDON A // M.AM K.YCTVRE BR.VSS CA.snSOS of all RiaDS. Ague localities, and thus elTectualty prevent STAPLE AND FANCY GOODS, :~iSi:SuS^ DRY H.VND BKLL8. .-KKLrKR. SOLDRK. COrVKR And to which wr rrft|>rrtfoliy In vUe the attention of .i. B. on attack • of the dieraee. Sold by Druggist* AT PRICES ' if*’ mrnh*B [fe22dA«tfI B-, H. * W (;l()Thl\(j. 1 r^' r* iTi' p 1*' CT* V t'W' *u**'*r*'M I*' JOHN.A.TARRANT RiVKTS. Ac. and Dealenrs excry where. (I ;] TlBBlBf Watche* jvSdImfiw’atwrow A.w.n aa CliPKKR AMD BRA.SS WORK JOBS, with m* • Iron tiiiiliiL^ iiiid NEW SL'PUUOR ARTICLB JEST Uk- GRi:.\T i.v Housc-Sinltliin^* Works* YORK. // Item ii.» and Ul.iHMlch. Urlrta Mllcttad and peutupUy VnT T4 ) Suit fr.it liidbeet price for*lil \ e*«v*da4 WM. RILMURtCK B. the Hard Times! 1 l..iU!.4.II|.. tu till II... i.r.iidi.»i atleiaio.1 tu. The market paid Oop-

Fine Clothing & Furnishing Goods! I |.*r . A RRKLLIR. He would cxll the pxrticuUr atten- vi-k have o\ fiaM) a I.AP.tiK stock ok .-Ka Vc^SOLE AGENT. MEAIft & UROTIIEU* 7 mvic . fcu Sixth M., b*'we*n Mtfket an 1 JvCenun. ftnd Gaiter:*, li/tn /kf Avr.v'w I AW tl*A ./4 «aw ;hH>u*Lk Mioea and which lion or PTepj renaer to thp xaTortiepmpnt ox i aii.l i.iiM .i.i.aii .Nial.l E \| r> -- at 17: *i 1' K. have determined tu §* d at aucb luw p»*c»^ aa to V^v FOR THE gr^'/ ‘ “t ftavlM haaft tiff lancffU ttDrli of phue them In the reach of evenr«.|»e. Anit»ua the At* GREEN STREET, OPPOSITE T II S HO DSE, .AK.LEANVi l FAv'as ^rBKxaTlIEXlxaftimB'Y/^etirviv/i Cordial anaon.l M J. C. MANDEVILLE Sc CO. CUSTOM ,1,, loiiowii.t*: L».Ur»' u)Kii-h.M.i...i Ki i ium.t:ati..nal li :>) p. M. I.< >UISVILL.K, KENTUCKY, WftteiiM. JewtlTj, Silver and PUted VOL. AX.O Oil Liximekt. Th-y ar. too ANUKACTUUKR? T. a R. SLEVIN a CAIN, ware ! OF BUROLAR PROOF SAFES, IRON RAILINUS, JAILS. VERANDAS, STAIR- r..n i..'' l.j'1a'‘niI\‘'i‘i^)iV‘Kui'lE^ ^ ra-r*. R->lfOc recommendatiows. ••‘f’"—ver;. siili.tai.tUl timl ch»ap. Al>.i, all work In IlOf.-ttSMlTIIlNU line ilooe at shurteat no- The ftt amp around each pot will aI.«o bear the uxae variety In dep*»e-t. IVrsuiu will UnJ It to their advetiinau to ns call before -* (rcaleet part I* uf unr uw.i nii-M A. KiiTItt’.:;.'. .-.uii. rlnt. ii.lnit. alve a Dry Goods Dealers* th* toar- mc- »n4 cok.r<.j u»it..r-, v»r> lio.- •wr readers who are suffering from a de. Kui hr.-w smp- puriT'a'.li'* ei.ewiisro. Ot.leis lioiu abroail nruiiiptlv alleiideU tu. A BOOK Or PLANS aetU on application by DRDOO!8Ti AND DBALft:R;» Wn-.-^g mte. end which w* kilmd I* ® |H*r*, v.'i^ cli*-Ep: t'lgeUicr w'lui ax aliu'e>.t eo valuable medicine. Veudem are {MirtK-QUrfy wameil oi Jcw«ii7 reiMlradat alMM-tret nu«lc* *1’ ’ Mn*rt, U'tvNffii Market t an i .L’:**:*** !]. t n*» - I a Ott«* onplcApaut Icelinir. indecision, lack of l^-uinviiie. ft!ver>i».;lc i* i to call and f.ir . IhVKKU KUBlhL,KUlUhL, thl8 foci, that they may be upon their gtianl. and not 8lKKV.ULUVEn^. VARIICT1E5 -\ND NOTlONa, ?4*v k LliiiweK. and be i'ou\ Lnct*)! that fit* eht*** eU*!** w ht-rr hr wuul I l*r pi* t in ti.- iy .-i in. :u GREAT RATIONAL ROUTE. dlftpo^e id any Impure article, calculate*! to injure their rut-rftclr-: Um.r*! e\erv article In oar Une. WeoHhrex- SpectaelM ! I f pit aN4-,| !w Ub.ii !*•* energy, making exi-tence all in ii.e ci’ v mkruin a wuui hii*. WUU a ca a.- wilt tl > Nu3.0)c AND (»0.MAIN 8TUEET, NOhlil SIDE, NEAR BUUI>K. TWO SMUAR|.:S ABOVE TUE QALT UOUSB, a burden. To )<_ reputation and deftCro.r the uieiiU of the original pre- tra> raiDarv Imtotv mania to parrhanera* and veape* tfhlYv hW fitir.'tbt tit plf.u^r th' LI. For an le*crIprlB*e and an d«ku kept on Wnd who may be eo afflicied, iLi* Cord.al l.oriSVlI.I.K, KV. paration: to obviate which, the eubocrltier (ftUceeNwo* Invite tbi* attriiiu>u of >ur cufttonK-rft aiad the etty and try iFw'* Gainirnfs riu to •tilt tin* ni'^f^Pirr. in«1 ft fit I'tiar- Vth' • fti«*hW'iAj aud ; to Jaiuert Tarrant. b5 whom tt waa rtr*i lntro>!'iced tatr Xtt. j ASrFArTL'UK.P..S coaatry trjJe avourolly. M. MAIN «T1LRXX. ONX UUUK AINzVX JUVUt ~ anteeA*s. Thaiikltil n.r p:l^t fa^orw, woi.l-t : »• ;• !i pUvv.'i it un!**-^ \T OK ALL KINDS OK LKIIIT CAP.Kl.AGKS. ROCKAWAYS. BUOHIKS. Ac. PERSONS twill give immediate relief. To all who ' rr* the t'nlCe*l State!*>har attached hN ftignatnru tu Ihlft cau •Ula •; i*L *rre ^24 It I .4 T. A A CAIN. --,--,0 t ftpf'Ctialiy A ;i Kvlr«'nd-, Idr fth I li'HM hM iKdliUy lu lu Want ot Auch artlchi* r« lnvU**l lu call and exaiuliia oumtuck betura puri no.'urig. All work hohcit a conUuuaiKr ol the natiie. . tlon* tu countex.elt wblcLU forgerr. ^ may be afflicted with tAXJIES, AXTEZrXIOSJ . •I r.o I7 Uft warran*>‘d to Aatiit«hCt1ou. All onlem pr';in;jU)r atteodeU to. Repairing ot all kluda dona with Sores or Fains of any | A. vv POATH. JOHN A. TARRANT. nU'l dl-pat^h. feSitltnAwCm HIEftCHBUHI kind, try 1a28 dlv No. lOS ft'oerth b^r.-rt ftilH 4 UOLJINOSE. (be I Lininienl. See ihe ailvcriiee- JilKt ItPC^lSgd: WEST, TIIV. I>T AsNil NOHTinVft>TI Observe tha above precaallomc, and nddrefta or ift. WM I'lAlT... JO. .\LirEN . WtiLgLAB , inent in der» to JOHN A. TAKKANT k OU., DwDoamrft. V enitian Bliml Factory. another column. je2dAwIm Till; CIlEAl’l'.ST G.^ I'.VKR SOLll, J. r. TlIKKi: TRAINS I'AILV New Importations ofFine Jewelry. | snccniLLR No. •79 0reei*wlch Street, r II dly fbm^ WUrr^ Sheet, Tf*rk r K ; I teW »t/ A FiMt \Ma Tin: i:.\ *Ti:i!N ITII S. PIATT, ALLEN &. CO., |g\ilX" K' II kiyX''l*'V HOISX aSAIIYrACTYEXai o r c li a t .a i 1 o i' .ftail’X r. IIAKftPdlD n 1.-^ CoMPLiME.NTAEV. —The T roy Times, speak- Tul.' th*’ ;.!>• r''’.4l.- t‘) U Cllv. TOOT ^ I.ATi: it OCX MX HAS reST RX-^ ’ITKAl* STUKK. i U C H H S \V. & L>. S. ^ l*a**»*ii/4-i "• hv thin r4M‘‘«* enn ttuliinioro. MiIIa- TO PIATT), THE ALL-SUFFICIENT THREE No. 4DH4De» y^tKiwdlPom theX*rtwnh«v„T..a^';v>' No. 72 FOURTH STREET, MAKKKTMAKKKTSTKKET.STKKET. ; fng of . . says; ^ Mpmrf E. Htg^n & MM KTll O thr pu!t*ic In i.tia* uft‘ir i atul b* si. ' 4 T'.r Yiuh 1-. f-« l*» ii 11 m cDV^ <“tn T an. J-wrlr* maaiiK. .v.^ ky Mn*l«ca. reuXara uot ^ I i rptAH's*; ft*inbro|itt r*-d Dinntry llsnla at 2S r«*uih- j*rl4.ri«d lyr-n LSXUyiUI, lUTNBT ^l>K-ks ofGiMHifot vrr br"ij*il(t this t«» ii'.irh. i, *ta \Va-*!.ii» liui. ‘-.ity :.t a:i j-llUi- i.t: charger*: Si. Much e^a*! I* ka city. 'UMil.Ul.aiil*; f^Tnl njItivry*! HantHt»*ri ! :oooa?s *ay Ih* French hlc& at M) Ibia# frOM tiieill lie relied UDuD. And ut ^.•‘l.•han•l Kj- *;.- 1i (•& shoes IURV CI**»hf., Ca--imf •- I* I ^ r » Tlnit* h k Aud la ft* « .v a*, hy anv ..th« r r »ntf>. |»XSPl!i-r>TLLTIt XSPih'rKTLLT INFORMSIMFOR.MS UIB FXIXMDS AMD Th* »tdl*.)*M Xom Ihe *rs JIrwl horn Ih* ® ( .»! all .4\l»s> uii'l y'4'lt*'*. Al*^t, a ^utH*rl«'r ' tne puM.. tuat hebe imv be hMadHmiid alat UMUm abwv*abowa ptoo, Pronch vnibnd'it^d intaniH’ irt»m a^tjum ftiut4>; IV me puNo mat pKcfo Kemmra, ahd coaaiitkia oaly «ch acUciaa a* •• A* *( RQTthlRc bcRring their name mav be i»tir- Httfokof Giijth'nii'ii'* liii** MtlriM, i'oi;-fow w. Wai!»>a SiuoHrr-»Stuurter's Fumitur*Fumiturw Wororwoflfek,i*hi, * :“‘ th- lutiilmor*- Ohio iv.f M~- Waiva Ak »arer»i yroJa te «« c *1 *wb wlae l l ah t. WeMh ft!ml 1^r«‘d iUIrtp at bl lliork la**- NaU'. 4U I aw funiDhtug K'M>t1.s u**?Y»*r..Mv, rqual t * ai«yiliitig ever ^iail • 14*1.1, at ujy Ol ih j i'.’i lpal Op;- la tlio wherew here hrhe laIft prepare-lprepare*! tolu mokouiak* I*to onha.ordof, Mdaad will keevkoop *oa A* CHXAP AS K.4STXRN BuCSaX, r#-M- I*r uu*! JlaiKik* i- • at i c**iit*: to Hlack I chaeed with conGfienee and pafely.** They iNtm: oiL'n-tj In tlit.<« ijurkt'l iu M\ an-l t;rul:t«'. ‘ ' heni u.-v« Ahd weald b* fowl Ih h**« aH ml wfol* >h* Ih* i-n.:.. Havlr.afn,'ag*“l thA' .4 ivlt f . t.f .Mr. \V are the manufacturers air,R«»t*air, MepatutK*|i*liit aadamd moirlmR*«rlai itte* who daatiw Ih exatmn* e* hrvhaae'^ne th—d*. W. vvj;l 1>. ou«* uf tht* (!uu> r* ’ j L. '1. V'»I,K, Tickvt A ;/ut. DI A S S E R'^' S ublul<1 Bim-UHiin-U at-a.urtauUc*.at -diurt muOco. FromKruni a practical knowledgekauwiedgo *I l.ftvajurtl avojurt rytnrnsdrytiirnid from New York withwiGi m heavyheftvj IMfORIATir-NS! } NEW Eeatorative, advertised in another column. thr \Vi -.t, bo rirti iniarintr** a l nt in ^^^5 •• *w WHoLXhAL** tWlLtAUh AMD*Nn **TalL-w» W. V. ?M li H. , r 01 Tran. : • ruvon. aplT ofuf Ih.*th«- ui-lnesa.Uirtiu*-sa, aJKlarwl hrby etrictitrlct aUentlouaUeotluu to It, hebe hope*bopea Mu-kM/t-k of wD4*4i».wD4*4i», w'hkii I Lonkiht at lr>-.lr>'. than fin|x*nalloifiii|K*nalloii to nvifi j every In^tauie. UrJ* r« l'»i ur.int.s will i r ]>roii»p^‘ at- nyie iii «lve€lve »atlareci:aa»allftfae<:oo tolo alloil whowbo mnjnaay dMd*h withwltb hiai.biai, andoial _ v^*7 iatkvja.i*rk-e«A. I can ahordafiordt<>tc!lt<> tc!l lowarlow «r than aii> oiharolhar Uouat*Uouoi 1 te*>'|fi1 FIVE e.oa,_. In. a’»‘l ? WmVUTB at nrlf**- a tiDt Inwr than htr tic aame -o-rlt . Ilheral nalruiuiee 7J Thlld rtreCt. Wtar Market. mib»* rtly. FAST TI.TIE TO SP'-W \OKSi! CRUTCHER & McCREADY, 1 'turU ft liberal patrunuce. tliia Oui-euswaie. On btui'l a*td Fllo;.I CI.NGlNiN.vl 1 j\ and .V* Impcved for tWO-HO. .ftDUUS t>RiiE.\TleKME5 Detu&r: For the past several mon'h* I < VIA (."LUMBU.S. RRQClRI.Na LOA.NS O* , CffE-Ty.V EEiElU.D IHE !'l arrivUi;; a and bamUoine a.^surtment ul ft I J aHyGnfunLnn DUmunfirt, Plata, be., can b* a coto LOUISVILLE JOB BINDBET 1 ^ n— rn,»,*h. s , .1 V have been laboring under great weakne.« W ITH STAMKKD IRON COVKRS AND BOTTOMS tt C® nifSAVP CJ J Lt' S' lalfl by log at tb«» Ktehangv OOIca,511 Haikcl bamii;i> ii.ne id extra kami- tu.-t tu.Mkft. itid if hy I'.f Hi .. A.Uuii VM -ath- aiii9v33WAB.23, •treet, N twvrn .'HC4*iid aivl Third, toifda^ prompft (OYRR WU.ftLBT'S ClxJTHf.HtJ rmUft, 9f)| nv.,i tl.**, if lilha; n. nf ftln i t fi- ' u.y all AT mil j aad general debility, the time con- %'/• i honurabi** axid strictly coufiflenttal. much of n;.' -*t • Prltannl.1 and IMated ('.sstom, l/iokliix tila.-VV S my and which I . 1 1 rttructedrd onUK tnietrue mM IcuiIIUlcuilllc i'riiK'lplcft. V “t. U . ill b>‘ oii'.-red aft luw ilKnrvft as cau Lc found prlDcIpIca. rr, ,iiiiicn tea.- -We 1 .\Vite aite.ntion,.^,^ It”/. LS.m tnchw at "— .NRAW m Tlui clH*aiM-',i, ik'Ht an*!en*I mu.,cmo.-*t • • evonumloftl;ecuuuiulc*!; requlrliurequlrlitd Wep-wri*^* r I LOUISVILLK. KY. r. -W .t A J43IEft E. ft.WlTII, ne benefit uring No : '^ from my physician. After le<» ice andi.| Irmlc>ft laN*rlah'r other, lieln^tte1n>< '7 A-Jis ftt'.. kn-.'av . than anyluy at the hnuir.euir Ht',:v. i u.l I'l.-N 'virt dmcripttvn or buok- COLUMBUS A'iD XENLA RAiLROAO. time tiic mufttHurt duratiedurable luit* ^mlm^ J'iliip it«, 1 niructuruKlruclure and*uJ uio*lluufti tcrUiQcertain In W ICS I ICS! ! ICS! Fi Bl.NDlNOoaecute'l oft uut.A'- some of your blood pills and blo.>d j.uri- Itf* 0|HTattorur-; Ne Y I In .M lionr>; Ac. new 1 i 1 j lirthd 4.1 Uh I»rr*' ah aiti« ]v uf tb.il kouliii^ tllMeilol <«4 i*hiUa«-ln’inktrk In i r* iM*itjrt; I 389289 PearlPeArl St.,St*"** York.Vork*waaft. 1, 2, 3, I New tre 1 to lumi'ti all who iavor Ill'l* • ue humt'i* may m* BMDd your medicines to aii are in ii.ijir t-EED.-rro nt.-iiEt). i-itfiE t'lik' .- ai.i: C. BIlAM.l.l'. i*. ’---.r- III !.'•!. r*; t .. -•* b mrid.txm Rifuat Lettrrt F-^pfinJ.9rui$rcitrFd who need | wltii M iill, U'l ftbuit liutu;e, by leaving yviuf opl.t-rn at Protected ty nf Meut'i'ttMii** th Ii4 Ikwiir**; (. r.-vtlii; wiAUD* * tti hour^; I EciiU *'>. 'ITKIN, HiMiik- a C.4.'-, c«»rner 4*i Thlnl and Jt-UtTHuu rtU. ty the Se^ufUu de J*hmnmac%4 de iUru i*o4 'Jm of so invaluable reme-lies. Wt.i * Iitu Itoui.-. t' In ' lu iiviikft* U J 4 4 impenai Ufibyr <(/ Mnh.tne, Filmno. (HHINTftr HOLLOW £i j U|»on the Ki* lellv*TtNl WAK, Yours tnilv CAl, soDA.—*5 CArKS »AI. saDA Eou “ALE BY NOCK, WICKS CO., N. K.— Yi.u in.ty dtriwnd having ratHOU H CoUIDCIIsailllSr hask BtolaiUe! ' R A. unUlN.Hi.N * yj. Tlu'oiiH:ti E'nv>s'<'ni4 ain.4)! will. ill a ball b'>ur of the Uoual Diu** tin the nnntuiig 1 INVALDABLB FOR KMlAC8TlOaN, AYKh afOOdAalr MABT y.nomiAN. (/roters Tt AKKA.NOK31KN CXJNSISTS WliolcKale d:< otii'oii Mcn iiants, t4j?nUr1y. Ul‘l -UmJ t*4iSN>:LL A SCOTT. T OF CORD ANO i. V m4t<«rrbi»a and all Pki>ftlval Inaabllltlcs. CHANCE FOR A FORTUNE — ^ L pullleii RARE A new featur**, and perti.'.ar tn the l.Ulle M-aiul )la:l i only, oinl dlftp«*nfteft entirely with weighta. See advertisement in another col- AEEM8 Kc’’^-^iVrlno'7.w^«^l'Vw*^lV' r('a; il.oj i*. flprlnjjftand IXXx n. M. boxlinc 01 th« frame. afrang**inrnt la 4>WogykREDFi>R8ALK. OR foR IRONS, ' Thm been TRAD! LAND • I 11 v4ln nfo 1 lO^fl ih*l tMv# htth«rv» treated by the aaafteou»«ud pcp lelTTI.I-! n • Mi|H-rlt>r li tw Hr T«II4C'4 Tno MlA.Ml 1 ih o:;lv K;:!in*t*1 to the I to all oiherx f«>r heavy Sa^b, eftpecially In Fruperiv. UMr^itaoswCstoA WsU'scele ha , 0& f fi. IL UATRS, pft.lAw H. A. LOmSFON A CO Great Carpet Sale! pemlog oil ImpuflUcft and routing out the \ cimni uf dto* rt _ ru'y rj ,0l Ki h-.-h ('Itlr^ -fr-mCIn* U protiuceil hy taklni: huM uf the lower Safth only; la the ease. ftk;7>Jtf .ftl G. IF BoKhaw'ft iWd Score. Slfi Main sA and cheapest article fur drchsing, beautify ll .'Ieui’.- hhi.Biiij- 'M.T^iJioa oolde.s < • moftt ,~.i.u>e'n4'4‘>ijh.n f'titri^tl via ututiibu.rt, i^'i^.dr t \Mi> Id:*.’) an 1 Daititiiure cunvenlent a» it U th** musi healthful and )>eauUtul Noo. f " TR1R8KMAR, 1, 1, an>l 3 «rv prepared In the irm . «• ,'*trup»'*trup tfi1f1 ftt4»Twftt4»TW a^Ua»»4 r*r oai**oal** t.y BY EMsNufcL >fth1» ; th.a I 1 y LEWIS. an*i >U v i..ik M*'i.b*-m alt* ‘-r i reft* has ever been attained In w tndow-foaab. aud placvs 0( alotenge,devoMoftaftt-. iorr1r«1 l re- 4 7 0 M .M N S T B E E T aiad spielUaiid coob«' Mxon’s Tetter Oiatment cleacfiinf, curling, preserving an * uif* lirnKHAiaiT. i: :> WH k H f 'LAZtMi nr EVr.I’.Y UE.-U ue, lltrsl Jr: r.M'l I ••hi-j*' .^'Jh I! iMr* . m;i (***4l‘;m tbe upper Sarth vrUalc the cuntrul of women a r d cbthl- lUlTInv. iNfl.i i,i.V(i lothe wa*fttcoat pocket. Aou> » nv « vsEO^A.yr - l.oiiisvillc . .Mill, b.i-. r: l, ldi!»: l eN. -.v reu, withouthoui thethc luvoD1nvon«etilence' eiileiice climbing or reachlug Bone "ft lU-littiOvT *»l <»M .jk r* ruda. ^n Vo.k kd I » of cUm blog r**achlng * izalvin.— Ui-j l. Kh-rtTii A vii.'kv xkU f'ii4v/-Tv.j VIV' n t ' c f - vuft I!VTO ftftfqaaVk POeKS. a. ft.* MTnDlEO by >a*p*-rta, Lc fo>K lULX BY storinrthe hiiir. Lmlics, try it. Sold by all Cl- * l-'l*'" !'*».* ;tt KrleuraNM’A »ura( \ i a.Ir t • to take b«*ldofbi4]dof it. It aiftu odmltn of either siuiiSoftii ral-MraJ'-M ^ J.SOI r»nva»fH ll«in*; I r.4t. I:, ti..* |,.> , i ijihh*, Ivmond, Rom. Ricor' A. Iikc each, or f 'Or c«ue« I, . A t, r . 1.- i.-_ I* Wf f I w 111 oner. utUll the U'.h Ol ccpteiittwr. my aUiC^ (orner Twenty-rint aad Cray»«a St*s. '.«li|i and loweied »ei»arftt*'ly* or t-othl-olh 8aah ulmulianeoaely. I Uraggiets and I’erfumers. iiirlo dom Mel .\|..-.|.;i.,ii. i.ii..;, j.ji.i for $6. which sav»w AT; there t zj»i I'lrv si'tw I ure i)« l*o«v 111 (be i.oweath coiulrtllii^* ofttfull lin*» of ew*ry kind -d and to $37 esMo, whereby 1 advantagert over tU« box frame are aft folluwa: lu GARY fie TALBOT. 2>IU hUouklufK; In and for aalv by asavlngof Ifi BLGLEA\R TOINFMKM ALLTHiWR RNGAGRO fttiG.ftHi; i’llKi'KlJ) irtiu i'!ii 4 innatf lu Ni York, •**?** I All I-," 1*1 1.. I, P w ^ coNtU lcrt8 ihon one half aft much; mower?* on*! raifteft the B h, I Ic-aii ,t E-' .it iN I'l r* tv.- -rti.,r v^B^oik I* tt . .4* * . *V' /* V I be L«n, wbul**ftole I tn furmip.: and lianl** that 1 keep conoCanilv CRITTKNDKN * Bcat*L j O'lr.ktr'i', r tt-1«.'-.r, U li<-4'Hhi». 'U‘\ ••law*!. r. *'/»“* I'vr ut. bm* * j;n aler -treni;tb, and, coii»e*|deutly, aaThty In remittance. Dr. Tile'temAff •vd w «»uld rrtoex tluttv -«o4irlft tbetr •- a Barpiw will forwarl the potruihure. IiTltaD**. Ac for kv. •. M»n^rir»; Inev w«-re ever Ix'loro ja»ld lu KenwUCxy. . Ml* I'iu-.v ,.t 11,1 H, ii-d \\ wiiiwiNli banslQi: of heavr Sa^b; It can lie applied to auy old **Vt,!<\*** of to anv port of the worbt, !«ecorvly pocke*]. o.nd s*t*Irv»iied Ill Augiami, iHfriuouy oi*d Ui Ihe KosCern SColsn oi «*»» CAXT a TALXrtlT. -sla |.\ 8tiaw Cloods. .*' f ft' n»u>i ni>* iMf'r tii-k- My Jh urr the latest ul the mo't ce.e- in »U'ri* aiir y ajnuow. In Ih»x frames, wherv only iIia' lower Saeb can occorfilnc to tbe lofttructlons uf the writer. 8uUl ob-u tM«* cuU'.tr^, tUw kiud of 3Cazmre has been used tor _ I.ARIiE A.'.«'UI'l braidl hu-. i;b, Herman .ftmericau niai:uiactur**.s iiK'.'' 8 iiAt .M«in >i. MENT (>* i.ALtl.ES'. '•US-ir.'S el- ViuClN: INN ATl «i I lii. «*id f*.. '.1.44ft LllTI.L .MI- and Ik* ixxovetl, desirable parlor, offi<•* D.>\, movctj, hyl>y lUla arraiiKOnn'iit theIhe ui'pcr Safth can be by JOHN D PARK, iltorloofttl, Ohio, bole Agent. The iiatiy ji-ani with tbe greatest ftncco»a. The beet wot iitj 1 liil’lr. II 1. a':d :4eli 4 ted w d .i view lu \ 1 ir. ,'Iiaw IU 1 1.3.1 , 1,. 3i AMI ll.UUJMAIi V..4I *.;.:ii/*..-. w*Tv a hnn>; .-l.iCK '|V,!lV‘A*?j j hnn^ wKlenit auv ebanee lu the framed aud mure cou- trade (MippHed at pp.F|>rletA/r*s i>ru'e«. d* dH to «»>e It is ;•» Urew 4 to 30u pounds per oerw In • t.AhGE uECAUT ri.OTEIl. l,A.M> I i*. M , ... M.D i fmrdrvivrtle >1 .ft i -r .11 tl.J. A nivlS I. tl.il * \V .M.. .: <*. !*(M; I’tiM KI.T.'^. :n 1 all Uif‘»r.n:iMi»n n»- iilyan *1. H hHS. I nitisre, of a.l Rind* and patterns MT- . fifi* THU' TM veuirnt than wlinwltn wivi Ightft. loll, *ft !e« which j the oml ;4uw os practicable; for Trees^ tt y\ |.i..ii-r. u li'i** 8«m.i, aii.i ii-urai: i. Ci-nj-iii, ju.t p REMOVAL! 4 l4-7t-- ft' oitD**. 1 ' ircliif'atl, '|'U..Ml* - ft* j .'|d»y I woul'l invite iwlp4/r2k«4Uft wUhlng to dtapenae rvUh V* pr.iritabj* Qve*wo paounls In tbe •'•‘f "‘‘t M.ED j b n W bt^UuS of ’ I l llu I-*-, f T r ‘d T !Hi uiiJ Sto'el props, biittonfl ' they eell at iheir wareroom at i i"! andtoprim^. which are ao Inouuvenieut the I lowest 1 i.'4l e . \t 111, f .1 I-uti -i; «*sch hole ; .r C >m oiwl rubsw'vts pul a boAiiiwl in each • -• ..... < i-l 11. i.i Old = Mb f r P: TvUav r.nd WORirS. , WATER ami UoiiKeruus In raiftiu^ and lowering wmd Mllalrt hiU; tor !*-•:•; Celery, Ac .strew tbtnly tn drllbi or prices. Their store i* Nos. 602 and 604 Wnq. rn ARr'< viiur*i>..'t 8 m..i Wur-iioi.i-, a:.d a* lie* lafttvrn tH«>S. \VI DM AV .8 4)P!4). KlblDSTi^N “V h- Mcllnde’.'i Haplware Store, on TMM 'street, AND u.ow». «toe ul the primly sovinim with tbis Mnanre *’'* i-'Z w.-.:t M.iiu nir..«i. j J.1 ME8 I.LE.M0 street, - Iwluy’s L*K k Manufoctory* ooJeil»r*ro 'ft .\&tU, Market between Second and Third. .... a a a .aa X a z. fo In th** banh.rg of tt^lhe former enabled to t**2 'U wt '' AJtp * <'<* X X « • m om ^ A OK b^t take I.AIK WUIIKINO IV>IiX-TllE I.t>T A-'oItTME.VT j '*Hei't, ftbeftv Third, w here mudeluf wiuduw*‘“*’'* bung Jff f Wii I i rJiV Pkl a ‘a I) at one loaa, lit a iwo-horee wegea. tbe equivalent ot K.ALXK.*I IM WATCHK8ANDJKWXIXT. 8ILVXB i • K* I luiirlriuriiU l.ir Ii:i4 III ihc i.ily, ol WILLl.^fVJS7Y}Lt»I.HifiO HiU be veeti. O of ever I.liJi UUl| ;I methud H . CO., y E -five stable etifi-w i:.\Lr 1.» HOS. K lu twcut) loads uf burse or pjIX-2*i'> Tm M»t; M &W cm twenty emutoou ^AI K |;Y n aaJ Plata*! Wjjrv. Fevsna *\nrt, tiii ..,t " Na(l<^al kiivl. In uor.. uiil fur =n!.. at lli» Wul.Tii A.-rli illt.>i:tl U DO. W. DOAN6!, Agent for Kv. 1 .1 fti'4iiKl.;A . • IS ! .Ma z^re. y s’.i\9 r \f tall T 1 c ,u wr llutrL Wrb.v. .-rctuvrrt to ,>ar aaw rtur& mu a.». Nnnh side of aMurket*.Market, bel.net. ThirdThiril &Si tourtn,Fourth, N. b Cuuutv Rights mr haIc. apu i3m R. D. B. XISZI.Z.BR, 1 ftia prepared tu fbrnUh oay ikeslred qnantity at tOfl' K- Collins tteils the best of coal at ^ i*‘lPj»WTK ttMP H476R01Q j “ b**D vpmuiax toma urw ami vi-tt kraut hal Ilomja. IrDlea-i •vASrifM 1 ^ O I'J^vPAKKIiTO n*«Ure. haw M'AK.-40 AND liAU Ilhli' I oK AVK aVftKKIiTO INTHoDl’t’KINTHttDl’flC WATURwatur INin ro the fthoru^t M1.K JiV II , •Main Ja8 I. LX.WON A OO, i SirMi, b«tws«n Eighth and Ninth. bit Third gfrty^t, Lptwern I 1^2 imti in »a ,, ** D'vt'iMn..** s^DroH, Fftctorb?*, ou., in >miecilun GUsT. AD. RKLTUL. 4» Jeibrvon street, Market and wt>M>KiKS.— * Kentucky Lock, Safe and Silver- BjU.nr Donrta rtrart. *:.Aar MxUuxal UuWi 1 ’.irtvi:!**’u'*'ftft p’. .*i*»iiftal** t*niirt. j (V.ft dtf betw«4ea Fuurtb Fvflb. S IT \\' I \ l 4^ I-* a .th thv I. m ul* rO.'.. on 4 Ky. su*l ••' *^* ***'^' ‘ ••' i/AHNKMtK’K - rrn; uiptc i.k.mi i •u .-.fti.K * *' H.ivUi.' ‘•.I •» lo:i< • Ki***rit*rio* »n tbe Pu-'H'''?*. w- J»>ff*-**7B. Give fain gour orJare. dtf i.x If I J I V 7 V k ^ IL • ware Manufactory. IIAVK IN »ra:i*a.*'Ki L oi*kr.atiom onk of 1 hr |!nvl!f our *.\*.rK to be dime Pi a piup t luan- ** i'Ki M: X 1 I'KI.TON S I-OIITaBLK. ORIST MII.U'*, r.*. I am - ~ fi^i**!! Tomator.;; aSc of ftleai, PFIXtiST llUCKrt 1.' I y. Hft\r 4>N HftM) ft n‘M. f*K i>r- preparCit Vi Urlb ! aU klnJs k«‘v*l Stud, r^Mi '*IMI DKN’s“i..Vl K ft* ft t.'S lit.F ft \\ .-M’H uK iMofit-*,iMofitrt, \Ya-hftYa-h IU-4li4rt,lla.'diirt, lt.»t!.ln»I1.»t!.ln» AppaniturtApparattirt. \V»t‘T Harig ' > Doot», BlIKP*, • ' *1^! & Hudson* ' FoXFS, I LiXBXB 'rt |.•M ii.l Ii l.'U Kll U t rr.\.^ri*V11 •ft.'-TIN and Cub Meal. Cum and i>»h with H orst. 8ye. i.ioti •* IJ »«aa» a. raamaj Sta. I nl'IetiV KiUi'l J. .* f *r i!" ». IJ m ; WMTpra amt Cak> rx.rtafr.lua akau. *n Dm Sltj»;H »n.i J TcO thing lu Ih* PlumbPik lill**, Im’tDh. d vj_ pM’.ft I*!'!., vv - • I. *^r I*. r'*ll SM» l-iWiMliUi- iiftfin r baru lAv U ft fjiir.TVa.iV t f*n o . j ry LUhrai rtrle at 'Xr .*n M aoi iiaUac; «i KaJw ia So. 100 ThirdJ st., bet, Market and Jefi'erson, AMD SfaiKCLCR. Mc^wi. Hrecdca k Drad- ' ij^ j Ut UP mvfi'i.H — _ I will aUo keep llav. (ftats oii*! Fuor for '4le »*i r**t. DMw*.k FourtL au 1 fitui. M(IShV>- supriloipy t f i.i.r will («rt?)illnr for iJtt* r putotion and wtil-kn'-wn LOUIillLLE, KV. ; do rhoHih f*Ofth U2Ail»^ DUniCISTS WKBSTBX ABBO. UykAW**n ' ' 4 . • . b*ad a large lot dur.rs, .’iu u».1rt oj.j r 5 j of .lS»‘;}fd TM ? 1 I C 'I t' lo U , 1; l^.•v pt ‘\i.r- ihc M 'iiy cl onr oivi.x j par t.y \ • ANUF.YCTTnKK.*'a^-uf. 4f< hr ;a I.v Always Living and yet Dying ! OF P.ATKXT COMBINATION ^ ^ 11. !*i >b*3hi lU 'ir 4 *-rldlr*l"». -fti Ash, Wind*, ft*.;., pj.i.rlion i|... M and Pat'-nt i'niubitieti Oyliud**r and ^llde luuk- bor-, fit., ai |.«i (heir , warcro.inm, ftV, I,. »‘.4'V'l r*' ‘•H'l .b'ft PFRiait Dress Trimmings Aim ArOTnXCAAZXB, i n.K\N-l.ll AND RK.*TOR. In*Inc Bunkbatik U'-k**.1 burglar ain l Fire Pruot :4afrft, Kollroo*! j %tt tl y U' -TV .It., *-»tr.l; 'DlTHINO liOM.AUS ft, | t' .* ci.i . . .i.ti'.i. uf . I ill Hu L'lid* 1 StrtU FLi»t n. «r ft' .1 >wltih.'wliili an.1atul Luckrt ,N Mark.! rtwa. Traia aa l Efoxeaia >- • strexi. i Our ox between Ma.a an-d the rirer, Mad*. ..i'i'V lUU IK.. .f| *! t X ' LK ON CliKMlCAL I'lU.NarLLS : I aud Huuse Lucka of every dtscrlp* - >'l I > H;il.' ^I^^.A|•I|.1..- .HVT «p?fi 4» »OU4*t Hl.T.PV ft«4.fty.!NK, I.aaUxlIlp, , .-H rI.'K4l *irv P’lftVI'KR I Kt.i . I 'iU Or’!’D’K‘»1 M e UlaxM Fruit reuxrut! ana tney la«t : •.vho hi y*im«*nt.i fu'llni n{rt.ue.i,I, *i* I. ^t.'amhoat Jarw-.V* are prepared lo .ecitle »u*i t.ir.«ii* t.y • th* 1y I H and H«>U5e D*Hs hong In the best t aU order* I' rrr tv-ru iwr .i.»nu-r i.uny li.iuni - S-.K 4.4 .Mvn j -*r ; *f, K.\l*IW IN r.iU !.^ Wnil-INV. MM By ft.n N made ^i.' .|, or othei wr!*r outu'd. nui.uiT. afI the llbx-rol pxtP^naite b^t'iwed wpoQ h«'r.t.«N4 pi-i- CBEMICAUA • 1|k|Y OOZB.M ttLAXS FKCIT JAKzLODITXXY DK -t » i;:ii.4k r. ft ft' I M*l!V .nA IS ILKT NKTIOlkS. for U V y A rti . n P.AINTS. wu«d nect m .w 11 ... lo ii-tr**n< tim< nt, aside Sllv«TW8r<* work -ntj for (he inside finish 1 ^ ftrar 1 our throw themI mancfiutiired toorder. Tbetrode am! Agrl* sure In aum uuclng that fttu Los p**!*^*! within t; c AliNF ,,,2, ftii .Me., i ar rt Uoai ami -Ja.; i>-aur li. 1 1 , k tin.:*, hi.; . M f Art '.'lvai*ai.d Wv-UII cultural Societies iiirnUhet! rt. UK;.. LMaiW -ULAsS. PLKii MKDICl- U'H.'tF'-t.'*, bUlh*tVe them Well aud dyed on the moftl liberal teroio. U»t elirht larea aneaK.*urtni«ut of IVr.utii.t . A< - .. { owafT Xam-r.' of frame or brick iioii.es of fin i.vvt' A r ,. MrteaM Chloa Fifoa Jan, W e»ery deserip- iVTlho.v.^- M hllver itlng dune In the U*si style. whlih mokes her stock coiiiuh*te. NA; HlNKil a., I l.litl.iRS. rtcm*. UFA^OXVABLC UOODS AT n Dress Tnimmoutftut i ami aU*. For aai* -t*.lp n-.unM Il|hb«.n-; 64) i-xirtO*'rtri - r.M'rt or gresrtu rtpul^, rtuch thing, P*^- . kw < f/inry u.w . From palo: or any rh. =1p»1un Ifop«rtmrnt win ncatr* parttc- lion, as heretofore. I hey inviteinvi'e **• sou »n*K.-. I Ur, fifi*All work warranted. every deHcnptlou, rnncen. Cords on*! Tofte* I', tir awr •.necial. prriai aiat- Kust JkXUBB 7 l Ml |4-.M**- iktiii Citavi l.i: A A OOl • , I *ri. 1 1 I;il.'-*i. «H »u 'i'" ft .Ntate of pure Cieafillii*'4^ eoi.h gariu*-iit I bilng;I Ilia; Qlar a.L* >11 at all U::i«a. , . .1, 1 . ji., .nouiii I "-ii,:!,'!"* Go!. H^mii tU-Oi^N Buttons, I end Hdver riitigee, .MKltory !.a> *'«, Gi*4a miM.. Wamot lention to the large el<.<;k • *• <«'•. Stti \t •> a>4-» D ta Powah br/.t.d-, I of wrIl-seasoneo"i. 1*. ! Th< II, O'ldliig b« w IiiattT t<* the prlnie\a* shade Uii* IW PHNUST a BXOTHBL Irii.v’mr.iJ) cV ipiors and Fllver Burs and every €»tb**r article genertUv ! '* k^pt 2 l**iY' ri ll‘l'Js*4r:4ti W im ; i I» coiisUler my bUalucKft ozid tro*le. pine lumbt-r and bhingle* at th.*tr ard J°rt r.*c*l.~l ...l what 1 In a foehionabiff' Trimmhig 8t*>re. hvery arikh lnbri XBTBIYKD on rt .'-••• HATX JCST j ^ J‘. ls<4\4 tlii«t ul 1 iry; ABlSTEf^ \VB coor^ER, loe > manutoi'tured to ord^r a: fthoit notice an-l ailart >>. r Kwaun* Zee! Zee!! Zee!!! kv .*TV ale* t-rOJna akrt Xnl Il WaiLiit ririei, lietween Lastaud Flojd. Ifi b4iXcs tlue id 1 •„ t. ! Mv niRimcr of elranliig r/i I dydi;? Ik both Tiieg (I..\TE sbls prtceo, and warrant*'4| to {tive Motis^tion. T i]77% u b.ii.** — flfn* ol 1*1 VAifliTT t'> with JOHN A. SKIFF. Cl.NCTMM ATI). araami Xaalr aw Kkl SX,p ara wuk wa,K'a4 Urvia. 16 Dix**- ! . -t'lre uii l for GREAT SlOiiE, liii'iruft teftture lu«ter uf 1k> nsle b* All cni sd and clcdh ; I IIWK Afl-'INTT.D MR F M ARCHAMD AT ‘ 1 bill* of price* i Ri'galtjs annrt OM ^“kj. LokXfkaa Wailark L mv:!»» H HKOl'.Dril A :'4|N. ."1 Wall Nt. ! It t>etiig the fruit «d much UL >r and toll, 1 tri>*l to Ihr Mi* ui aav Iri*. I warraal oiy lc* aaaaad ' Fhe r«a|>e€tfUUy solldta > a I|Mh*.| <<•-»•r it at ih* fottowtuf plac*. Ue ’ I/UKNCH hKANDi.— ngg4. opl7 Skrva. «* .. I «ka wfok kkrfalmard X HU wfi I'l.—t With r—tnM .u. n'inn: OOBper Ybrd aaom 26 0**gi'1sr fl-ardy, _ ' 2 iMM— Bley Ltr.en ihlll; X be«* brandiv S I’.tnRIA(iK.s, TWO. ther« N nothing luor* ones -’*. LKX A FUrPClljOLmaiMUa Waik*C^ / iHILIlKKN WITH THUr.E Ami truly worthy ncU Krill i A Max. TUiS rtxr.1. betwM*Wtwraa .Wal*.Walk amiaaal _ I t:i,i*i k: lu UiM to t’l* do, t!o, PRODUCE & COMMISSION I aae lAiK-n ^ -1 value MER- an*! fuur u 1 i«n U, h.r oxu' au ttvn (htldPti, tfi*> Than ad'iifw new lu vest, pants ur lost Ih* rtvrr. 20 fta-coitiaN .New ft of k do: for Ml»* low bv I ..au* lain I’:. : 1 I.^U' nt ever *1 Pi IhD k Itv. hlfu the anitlra onomy*» nelf. ZXWPORTAXrT y Inrkvrtt H»-oTimi ’T « in cam of IV COMP. FLUID EXT. BURDOCK. K. M.1. Iian*I.Mark*t atrrrt, brtwrra Townkaml fIXK TO AZ.L Jn.t re, Hved and for cW* t an lucrcase of pell. I'u iiiix, rwr l -fr**.'t, krtumi .tlarkpl aod Jriforaurt. J \VII^ M.UU.I HF. ABONR ELKOANT KREPARATION is PKR- jel UPV 4 I K.'* l*i »l.lv I lb » iK.rt. l'*>.''. St h*, Jartotaart. -A irteod In need ii * IH*itd Indeed. A1SI.NS.*-S>in l*Ku.' D.ftft t.lt ANli >1K, IN ftft liol.ri, NA and K - 'A7 T. Haiman A rorwrr Sreoart aaU _ i No, WAI.I. gannent, though faded rolled Its fora, HTKKKT. T Irtrtnl wUIi arrM can, ami la aal« bnl — hftlvea simI (jUartera tor xah* by DT l-.ftN: r in I’* jr\ Ibm** and Sandal Nu and be J»im l>>' > < narr Fifth ami Orrm alracta. ITALIAN CLiVlHr. A. K , LMItVIlll, AIil' - AM.fir.MI.LMI-.N WHKX ttivAi U' M*Mfl4lift INTKRN KF.SKRTK BLTTFR AND 11 - hl*:.— ICO l ACKAUKS -IthbSKK S t KI.KBItA Tl.H. ^VLTKR x ATI V |.> K e or ii* :.-.v.r». .an ipiily Uie COMHS, hiil.Nlll.' and LoMhS. PDHUMkKY.ftt. j Kx- AU pb-« < ft Bufubftftine; 1 ih*s*s, 8tarch. Fear! Harley, Gatee* Matche**. V « hulr, hall, Nbd 'jiurtiT bid*.. Ma>1 s *ii Ab- b*r NaU* Wro^ L/uai 'Mine, . 7H ! Ih S X ras*** p!olo **n. > ’RL'IT JaR.1. Jii«t rer«dvod aud loi by y, I White B*»ans, Clover and Grose Heeds, Fmtto, aNu *jM Wall ' Ki *0' '*t‘ Ifttuht P D^t Ta.^_i;« d«*puftlUa k Ctl„ 418 M^tn «t l<-2 ^Vfc* t. HD.MPHRKft''H lUlPATIf IC KRM!CI>1^:8. An he fttiakes her obi eMe, h Mrt tnzru M.arman'i Patent (Waax Dust- \f\ JAMt..' U>W IMM I Older Vinegar, etc., alwavs on band. FOR BALE IN QUANTITIES, BV n 11. ^glra izr ^ .d be the clrcumfttam a | tui da W Ufoa.kay'a Pai*kt iHaat; /* IzKANDI*iiKTKK~ PA'lDNrOlM MA- ri(\ tor riit winx. KiPBEBNCCii.^J. A. Hklfi, D. A J. W. Banmlng Clncta- IHAAC A r*Fl»PI.Ysr’lM'I.Y oFOK lik.NT s" WIIHwTin K.h. /'ja If A> »»i. rtMeiWt Til me pal'l in advance. I Tr Ivw GOLD-TMV 26 cartk- I. iti'iun l*ort''r. In on and pint'*; rillNA M MHH VAK.VD<«H. far uinovlng MalD8 and QAtl; W. A. Work A Sou. New Yurk; A. D. Gnl^ Oo^ M EarUMUWara; A I A o. i - A iVarlaiidI Browullrowu IbiP'.iVtTiv.r V-ltV»*1t H«t*,H«tn, JukiJufot p-^p- sARomrr, IU ca.»:.*< Ti‘UtiaMt'8 Ab', do do; S' r.kicbt-.i rr>'t:i (iiid i>-M hlh< turndii.** Ur'eaiiO; 1.'• Clianipiun, laal irvauUfoi Mia kr c'dve*! ly direct from th** TnantifKOttip'r'ft at fiH i.l. to New Mor,M.5lurgou, ^to*Ghlu: Nuck, WicksWlca* |/XT1 • V— ihU day 8!*ADDlaNU l.*CI. an«>.lor Color- Comer Elevenlh and Market. CKL'TCIIKK A WoCKlADT. £^ »»»•'* I.AlJlI A A’lTS’ M«t»i In store and lur Kaab* by a'^i'KDkDUArr.L I'KDrAKKDHDDR. *^*. " »lUi.e. Llih«ow A Oo.. LuuUtUI*. Xy4 T. L. tgyrj Ore-ri.r. and«fw4 IUa<«Uzlt Tesft;T.fo«. W M INTHOMKRY’S JelforuHi ? ^^;u,^Ta'g k mv«i 44K 4. W'. MitltHIS. M 40Ttilrd«t tnrM Mlnlw, 0>.IU..T hank turn S Auon krfow Luki-riHa Uuaa ; ju'rth. iorttj rt.lo! Cfolh^ to liOgt'g tir**«ii du; lAKKCha l.N hTni^AXD j^AKLKV MAU\- tftJU HtaHlaU** i Ui)K K i ‘AtKAG Aa GyU^hN IN l'ft*farfti:i*by** j